Cromar Pu Icne

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  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    Mirjana Babi, Ph. D.

    KD Autotrolej d.o.o.kolji 15, 51000 Rijeka, HrvatskaPhone: +!5 51 11 505" #a$: +!5 51 0 0%&'ail adress: 'irjana.(a(i)*

    Maja Babi, MA

    uii -, 51-1/ ikovoPhone: +!5 51 50 20 -0%&'ail adress: (iene-2*3'ail.)o'





    Economic prosperity of a country depends on its competitiveness.

    Business globalization and new economy significantly affect the structure

    and main features of competitors competition. Natural resources are no

    longer important factor in the success or failure of the country. More

    imortant economic operators are human and social factors such as

    knowledge quantity, competitive spirit, longterm planning, social discipline

    and the right combination of these factors. !n this regard, the importance and

    combination of the competition elements have chganged. "o, generation of

    added value is becoming the main source of competitive advantage, which

    relies on intellectual capital.

    "ociety has been transformated from industrial to information, i.e.

    knowledgebased society, by overall changes in the last fifteen years of the

    last century. "o, the role of traditional production factors has been changed

    and knowledge, with referenses to its economic form, intellectual capital, is

    becoming the fundamental economic resource. #ey factors of national

    intellectual capital are$ human capital, consumer capital, process capital

    and renewal and development capital.%he analysis of the intellectual capital

    of various nations, instead of standard national competitiveness value, gains


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    )on)luded that the 7ro(le' o4 lo; )o'7etitiveness o4 6roatian e)ono' islar3el a )onseEuen)e o4 not a))e7tin3 the )on)e7t o4 intelle)tual )a7ital'ana3e'ent o4 the national e)ono'. Cntelle)tual )a7ital is a ke 4a)tor inin)reasin3 the )o'7etitiveness o4 national e)ono'. Fo 7rove this )lai',various s)ienti4i) 'ethods have (een used in di44erent )o'(inations,in)ludin3 'ethods o4 analsis and snthesis, )o'7arative 'ethod and'odelin3.



    Fhe todaGs 3lo(al (usiness ;orld is o7erated ( a Be; %)ono', and it is(ased on a 4unda'ental )han3e in the stru)ture o4 the e)ono', ;hi)h istrans4or'ed 4ro' an industrial to an in4or'ation, in ;hi)h the 7o;er o4 theintan3i(le is )ontinuousl 3ro;in3. At the end o4 1?0 'arket anda))ountin3 value o4 the )o'7an ;ere lar3el identi)al. Cn the nineties theavera3e ratio o4 'arket value to a))ountin3 value o4 the )o'7an ra7idle$7anded and is )urrentl three ti'es hi3her. #or te)hnolo3 and so4t;aresto)ks, this di44eren)e )an (e even 4ive or 'ore ti'es hi3her. Cn addition, thestru)ture o4 7ro7ert invest'ent is )han3in3 in 4avor o4 intan3i(le assets.

    Fhe )han3e in share o4 invest'ent in tan3i(le and intan3i(le assets in the.I. e)ono' )an (e seen on #i3ure 1.

    #i3ure 1: 6han3e in share o4 invest'ent in tan3i(le and intan3i(le assets9Data 4or the .I. e)ono', a )o'7arison o4 1?! and 1!


  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    Iour)e: =%6D Re7ort 9-00-, ;;;.oe)d.or3J-J1e.7d4 9a))esed 2 =)to(er -00

    Io, the share o4 invest'ent in intan3i(le assets in the .I. in)reased sin)e1?! untill 1! 4our ti'es.

    =4 the total invest'ent in %uro7e, 2/- re4ers to the so4t;are industr andCnternet te)hnolo3, ie to the se)tors that 3enerate hi3h added value.

    Cn the ne; e)ono', 7rodu)ts o4 su))ess4ul )o'7anies are 'ore and 'oreri)h o4 Lintelli3ent value&addedL, and 7oorer o4 ra; 'aterial and so the

    'ajorit o4 the )osts relates to 7rodu)t develo7'ent, and the 'ajorit o4 jo(sis not in 'anu4a)turin3 (ut in the sta3e o4 )reatin3 the 7rodu)t. Produ)tion isin the 7ri)e stru)ture o4 7rodu)ts or servi)es less i'7ortant. ore i'7ortantare the intan3i(le 4a)tors su)h as the a(ilit o4 e'7loees to desi3n a 7rodu)t,'ake it attra)tive to )usto'ers and 7resent it in an a))e7ta(le 'anner. Cn thisre3ard, the 'ost e$7ensive 7rodu)ts are ideas and ne; )on)e7ts o4 a solution,ie, innovations, and the are (ased on di44erent kinds o4 kno;led3e.

    Fhe use o4 intan3i(le assets in the 'odern 7rodu)tion 7ro)esses not onl has7roven 'ore e44e)tive than tan3i(le assets, (ut has another advanta3e. Cn 4a)t,a))ordin3 to neo)lassi)al 3ro;th theor, e)ono'i) 3ro;th ;ill (e3in to slo;do;n and ;ill 4inall sto7 ;hen the )o'(ination o4 all 'aterial resour)esa77roa)hes to its 'ost e44i)ient )o'(ination. #or intan3i(le assets, iekno;led3e, the 'ost e44e)tive )o'(ination o4 resour)es 7ra)ti)all doesnGte$ist (e)ause kno;led3e is an unli'ited resour)e. Io the 'ost e44i)ient)o'(ination o4 7rodu)tion is )ontinuousl a))o'7lished in the (usiness(ased on kno;led3e and is 3ro;in3 ea)h da 9Iunda, -00. Io, unlike thenatural 7rodu)tion resour)es, kno;led3e, instead o4 de)reasin3, is26or7orate enturin3 %uro7ean A)tivit Re7ort 9-00/,htt7:>>;;;.ev)a.)o'>t'7lJJartJ!JattJ/5!.7d4 , 9accesed2 =)to(er -00


  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne



  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    4a)tors in the su))ess or 4ailure o4 the state,(ut these are: the a'ount o4kno;led3e, )ulture o4 innovation and li4elon3 learnin3, )o'7etitiveness,lon3&ter' 7lannin3, so)ial dis)i7line, a )reative 'arketin3 a77roa)h and(usiness ethi)s. Cn this re3ard, lon3 ter' (ene4it ;ill 3ain those nations ;ho;ill 7er'anentl (ase and develo7 their )o'7etitiveness on these 4a)tors.

    Fhe develo7'ent and 7ro3ress o4 individual )ountr ;ill de7end on ho; itdevelo7es a kno;led3e (ased e)ono' as a kno;led3e&(ased e)ono''odel 7rovides the (est o7tions 4or )on4rontin3 ;ith ne; 3lo(alenviron'ent. Cn these )onditions, invest'ent in intan3i(le 3oods (e)o'es anindi)ator o4 develo7'ent o4 the kno;led3e&(ased e)ono' 9%dvinsson,-00, //, -/-,2and intelle)tual )a7ital o4 a nation (e)o'es their ne; ;ealth9I)h;ar

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    narro; sense 9;hi)h in)ludes hi3her edu)ation, 7rivate and 7u(li)invest'ents in resear)h and develo7'ent and so4t;are are the hi3hest andsu's (et;een 5.- and /.5 o4 NDP. Fheir develo7'ent is (est 4ollo;ed (Bor;a, Creland and Australia, ;hose invest'ents in kno;led3e 3re; at anannual rate o4 .2 9I)h;ar

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    Cntelle)tual )a7ital, as an ele'ent o4 the (usiness is kno;n 4or 'anears. Fra)es o4 theories a(out the i'7a)t o4 kno;led3e on e)ono'i) 3ro;th)an (e 4ound even in the 7eriod o4 'er)antilis' and )lassi)al 7oliti)ale)ono'. Ho;ever, the )on)e7t o4 (usiness 'onitorin3 (ased on intelle)tual)a7ital is relativel ne; O it ;as develo7ed in the 0&s o4 the last )entur, andrelies on a 'a)roe)ono'i) (asis, ie the Iolo; 'odel o4 neo)lassi)al 3ro;ththeor 9Kolakovi, -00-, 1-/. =ne o4 the 'ain Iolo;Gs assu'7tion ;as thatthe 3ro;th starts to slo; do;n and 4inall sto7s ;hen the )o'(ination o47rodu)tion 4a)tors, ie land, la(or and )a7ital, a77roa)hes to the 'ost e44i)ient)o'(ination. Cn this re3ard, Iolo; has 7redi)ted that all )ountries ;ill on)erea)h a 7oint o4 )onver3en)e, ie that 3ro;th ;ill de)line in industriali

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    Iour)e: %dvinsson, . 9-00: 6or7orate on3itude, Di44ero, a3re( 77. -/1

    Fhere4ore, a'on3 the 4ive areas that )reate value, one area is related to4inan)ial )a7ital, and 4our to intelle)tual )a7ital.

    As it )an (e seen on s)he'e 1, the ke 4a)tors o4 national intelle)tual )a7italare 9%dvinsson, -00, -/1:?

    hu'an )a7ital, ;hi)h in)ludes the Eualit o4 li4e, li4e e$7e)tan),level o4 health, edu)ation 97ri'ar and se)ondar: the e$7erts ands)ientists and )reativit, the statisti)s re3ardin3 a3e, the )ri'e rate"

    user eEuit, ;hi)h in)ludes tourist statisti)s, (alan)e o4 servi)es, trade(alan)e, trade (alan)e and intelle)tual 7ro7ert trade (alan)e,relations in value )reation )hain 9su77liers, )o'7anies, s)ienti4i)institutions, the 'arket, relations ;ith )o'7etitors 9relational

    )a7ital, resear)h o4 international 'arkets ;ith ai' to 'eet the needsand desires o4 the 3lo(al )onsu'er, international 'arketin3 ;ith ai'to in)rease e$7orts and attra)t 4orei3n investors"

    7ro)edural eEuit, ;hi)h in)ludes servi)e )o'7anies, 7u(li) s7endin3in the 4or' o4 NDP, le3islation and 7oli), vision and e)ono'i)strate3, (usiness leadershi7, kno;&ho;, data(ases, kno;led3e (aseand e$7erien)e (ase, ;hi)h are trans4or'ed into )olle)tive kno;led3e;ith the hel7 o4 CF sste' , s)ienti4i) and edu)ational sste' 9the)ohesion o4 s)ien)e and edu)ation ;ith e)ono', the involve'ent in

    international e$7ert net;orks, )han3es 'ana3e'ent,!

    e)ono'i))ulture 94o)us on value )reation, develo7'ent and international)oo7eration and ethi)s 9an e44e)tive sste' to 7revent )orru7tion andun4air )o'7etition , i'a3e, in4or'ation te)hnolo3, e'7lo'ent"

    rene;al and develo7'ent )a7ital, ;hi)h in)ludes e$7enses on s)ien)eand edu)ation and resear)h and develo7'ent as a 7er)enta3e o4 NDP9Bordstro' and Ridderstrale, -00-, 1--, the e)ono'Gs a(ilit to

    7odi4ied ( the authors.8Cn ter's o4 )onstant )han3es and un)ertaint, )han3es 'ana3e'ent is )ru)ial and )riti)al

    4a)tor on the ;a to hi3hl develo7ed e)ono'.9Iin3a7ore s7ends -5 o4 NDP on edu)ation, s)ien)e and develo7'ent.9


  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    )ontinuousl rede4ine the su77l o4 7rodu)ts or servi)es, anti)i7atin3'arket de'ands, the ori3inal nu'(er o4 (usiness ventures ,intelle)tual 7ro7ert 97rote)ted ( trade'arks, 7atents and li)enses.

    Hu'an 6a7ital is 7resented ( 'otivated ;orkin3 7o7ulation ;hi)hsu))ess4ull a77l their kno;led3e, a(ilities, so)ial )o'7eten)e, skills ande$7erien)e in e)ono'i) 7ra)ti)e, )reatin3 the value 4or )o'7anies, nationale)ono' and so)iet as a ;hole. Fhe are a ke resour)e o4 this )entur.

    Fhe state'ent that kno;led3e is the 'ost i'7ortant 4a)tor o4 so)io&e)ono'i)develo7'ent in 'odern (usiness )onditions, is 7roven ( the 4a)t that)ountries ;ith even 7oor natural resour)es, ;ith a hi3h level o4 edu)ation o4the 7o7ulation, a)hieved a hi3her 3ross national 7rodu)t 7er

    )a7ita. Fhere4ore, the edu)ational level o4 the 7o7ulation is 'ost 3eneralindi)ation o4 the level o4 e)ono'i) develo7'ent (e)ause onl an edu)ated7erson is a(le to 7er4or' his jo( ;ell. Cn this re3ard, B%I6= (elieves thatedu)ation is Lthe lar3est and 'ost use4ul industr o4 the ;orld.LNiven that 7eo7le hold kno;led3e, the are )onsidered as an invest'ent that,;ith o7ti'al use o4 other resour)es, )reates ne; value. Cn the ne;,kno;led3e&(ased e)ono', invest'ent in hu'an )a7ital is )onsidered to (ean invest'ent 4ro' ;hi)h itGs e$7e)ted to 3ive hi3her return than 4ro' the

    7hsi)al and 4inan)ial )a7ital. Mut kno;led3e and skills are notenou3h. Cntelle)tual )a7ital, and the related develo7'ent o4 a su))ess4ule)ono', is also (ased on initiative and 'otivation o4 e'7loees. Fhe needto 4o)us their kno;led3e and a)tivities on )reatin3 values and in)reasin3(usiness e44i)ien). De'otivated 7eo7le are not a)tive )reators o4 values (utdead )a7ital. Ct is there4ore ne)essar to )onstantl ;ork on i'7rovin3 andi'7le'entin3 'otivation sste' to to 7revent the out4lo; o4 hu'an )a7italand in)rease the e44i)ien) o4 value )reation.

    Fhe analsis o4 the intelle)tual )a7ital o4 nations, instead o4 the standardvalue o4 national )o'7etitiveness, 3ains a ne; 7ers7e)tive o4 the stren3thsand ;eaknesses, and in this re3ard also the 3ro;th and develo7'ent o4national e)ono'.

    $.#. K%& in1i(a)*r+ *' 2n*3%14%5ba+%1 %(*n*/& 1%6%*/%n)

    6ountries that ;ere read to orientate to the ne; e)ono' re)orded ra7ide)ono'i) 3ro;th and earn 4inan)ial 3ains. Cn this re3ard, there is a need toassess develo7'ent o4 kno;led3e&(ased e)ono'. %urostat 7ro7oses several

    areas to assess develo7'ent o4 kno;led3e&(ased e)ono' 9Fa(le 1.10

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    Fa(le 1:Ke indi)ators o4 kno;led3e&(ased e)ono' develo7'ent


    T%(hn**4i(a 1*/ain

    Cn4or'ation and 6o''uni)ation Cn4rastru)tureCnternet Cn4rastru)tureDi3italisationirtuali

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    Musiness indi)atorsCndi)ators o4 dere3ulationCndi)ators o4 7rodu)tion and di44usion o4 in4or'ationCndi)ators o4 ;a3es and salaries

    S*(ia 1*/ain

    %)ono'i) and so)io&de'o3ra7hi) indi)atorsCndi)ators o4 li4e edu)ation>trainin3Cndi)ators o4 livin3 standards and li4estles6ultural Cndi)atorsCndi)ators o4 so)ial ineEualitCndi)ators o4 te)hnolo3i)al 7enetrationCndi)ators o4 Cnternet 7enetrationse o4 ti'e

    Iour)e: %dvinsson, . 9-00, 6or7orate on3itude, Di44ero, a3re(, 77. -/2

    Fhere4ore, to assess the develo7'ent o4 kno;led3e e)ono' in )ountr theke indi)ators in 4our do'ains )an (e used: te)hnolo3i)al, industrial,e)ono'i) and so)ial.

    As alread 'entioned, in ter's o4 the ne; ;orld e)ono' )o'7etitiveness isa)hieved ( innovations. Ho;ever, innovation in)rease'ent does not ha77enoverni3ht and does not de7end on onl a 4e; outstandin3 individuals. FhisreEuires lon3&ter', hi3hl 4o)used, )onsistent and sti'ulatin3 7oli) and the)onstru)tion o4 national innovation sste's 9Iala'on, -00-, 1.10

    Cnnovation stren3thenin3 in the %uro7ean nion has the status o4 a 7rioritsin)e 1/ ;ith the ai' o4 rea)hin3 and overtakin3 .I. levels o4)o'7etitiveness. #or insi3hts into a)hievin3 these o(je)tives, the % hasdevelo7ed a 'ethodolo3 4or 'onitorin3 innovation throu3h %uro7eanCnnovation I)ore(oard 9%CI, and sin)e the ear -000 it 'onitors ;hat isha77enin3 in ea)h % )ountr and 'akes re)o''endations to 3overn'ents;hat to do level u7 innovation. %CI )ontains 1 indi)ators, ;hi)h sele)tion is(ased on detailed analsis o4 ;hi)h de7ends innovation, ie ;hi)h are the'ain initiators o4 innovation. Fhese indi)ators are divided into 4our 3rou7s:

    hu'an resour)es 4or innovation 9tra)ks the nu'(er o4 3raduates11

    4ro' te)hni)al and natural s)ien)es, the 7er)enta3e o4 7o7ulation ;ithuniversit edu)ation, 7er)enta3e o4 7o7ulation that 7arti)i7ates in7ro3ra's o4 )ontinuin3 edu)ation,1- e'7lo'ent in 4ir's that use

    10 Bational innovation sste' is the 7ivotal 7oint o4 inte3ration o4 national develo7'entresour)es in the 7ro)ess o4 3eneratin3 and stren3thenin3 )o'7etitive advanta3es on 3lo(al,national, re3ional, se)toral and )o'7anGs level.11Nro;th in the nu'(er o4 students has (e)o'e an indi)ator o4 the intensit o4 develo7'ento4 so)iet. Ct sho;s a )ontinuous tenden) o4 e$7ansion in al'ost all )ountries.12

    6ontinuin3 edu)ation in ter's o4 s)ienti4i) and te)hni)al 7ro)ess is in)reasin3l (e)o'in3an i''ediate 4or)e o4 so)iet and a de)isive 4a)tor o4 e)ono'i) and so)ial 7ro)ess. IA is a12

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    'ediu' and hi3h te)hnolo3, e'7lo'ent in 4ir's that 7rodu)e hi3h&te)h servi)es, the nu'(er o4 resear)hers in total la(or 4or)e"

    )reation o4 ne; kno;led3e 9in)ludin3 indi)ators o4 7u(li) and(usiness e$7enditure on resear)h and develo7'ent, and the nu'(er o47atents"

    trans4er and a77li)ation o4 kno;led3e es7e)iall 'onitors ho; 'u)hinnovative a)tivit o))urs in s'all and 'ediu' enter7rises 9ne;7rodu)ts, ne; 7ro)esses ... and ho; s'all and 'ediu' enter7risesset aside 4or innovation, and

    innovative 4inan)in3 and 'arket 9in)ludin3 indi)ators related to theavaila(ilit o4 4inan)in3 ne; ventures and innovation 7roje)ts" ho;'an ne; 7rodu)ts do s'all and 'ediu'&si

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


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    develo7 o4 'ore e44i)ient e)ono', )o'7etitive in the 3lo(al 'arket,i'7rove'ent o4 national e)ono' i'a3e and a)hieve'ent o4 e)ono'i) andoverall ;ell&(ein3.Fhere4ore, the o(je)tives o4 'ana3in3 intelle)tual )a7ital o4 the nationale)ono' are 'ani4old and )an (e su''ari

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    I)he'e -: =(je)tives o4 intelle)tual )a7ital 'ana3e'ent at the 'a)ro levelIour)e: authors








    intelle)tual )a7ital'ana3e


    intelle)tual )a7ital'ana3e


    9 *i)i(a r%+)i4%

    an1 *3%r

    9+*(ia 3%'ar%9 /a(r*%(*n*/i(




    in 4*ba /ar2%)

    9 *i)i(a r%+)i4%

    an1 *3%r

    9+*(ia 3%'ar%9 /a(r*%(*n*/i(




    in 4*ba /ar2%)





    sendin3 7ositive 'essa3esa(out the state

    in)rease o4 standards andEualit o4 li4e, in)rease o4national C6

    e)ono'i) 3ro;th anddevelo7'ent

    stron3 3lo(al i'a3e ands'7atho4 the 7u(li)

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    Io, ;ith the intelle)tual )a7ital 'ana3e'ent o4 national e)ono' the4ollo;in3 )an (e a)hieved:

    7ositive i'a3e o4 the )ountr, and in that res7e)t also a stron3re7utation and 7o;er o4 the state 97oliti)al 3oals,

    hi3h standard and in)rease o4 Eualit o4 li4e o4 )iti

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    )han3e o4 (usiness 'odels and )or7orate 'ana3e'ent and or3ani

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    ;ealth. Kno;led3e has (e)o'e the drivin3 4or)e o4 develo7'ent o4 ea)hso)iet, ;hose 7rin)i7al ai' is to in)rease the ;el4are o4 its )iti

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    hi3h standard and in)rease o4 Eualit o4 li4e o4 )iti

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    Borth, D. 910: Institutions# Institutional C"ange# and &conoic'erforance, niversit Press, 6a'(rid3e

    Puli, A., Iunda, D. 9-001:Intelektualni kapital#C.M.6.6., Rijeka

    Iala'on, D. 9-00-:(acionalni inovacijski sustav kao i)vor generiranja#akuulacije, difu)ije i kapitali)acije )nanja# Poslovno&inova)ijski )entarHrvatske O MC6R=, a3re(

    Iria, ., I7re'i, . 9-000:Inforacijsko te"nologijo do poslovnoguspje"a, Iiner3ija, a3re(

    &ere is the reference for an Edited Book$

    Ma(i, . 9-00!: *pravljanje intelektualni kapitalo + klju,na funkcijaunapreenja iid!a uslu!ni" kopanija, in Nr(a), M., eler, ., ed.:arketin3 u drutvu

  • 8/13/2019 Cromar Pu Icne


    &ere is the reference for an !nternet )esource$

    Iala'on, D. 9-00-:(acionalni inovacijski sustav kao i)vor generiranja#akuulacije# difu)ije i kapitali)acije )nanja,htt7:>>;;;.hdi.'>'aterijali>-00-J0/J1-&Hrvatski&dani&Cnterneta&Rijeka.77t,9a))essed 12 ul -00

    Iunda, D. 9-00: 8italna to,ka ekonoije je )nanje# a ne postrojenje,htt7:>>;;;, 9a))essed 5 A7ril -00.

    onje, . 9-001: I)a)ov 9nove ekonoije: ;d ra,unala i Interneta do

    elektronskog novca, htt7:>>;;;.ekono'ija', 9a))essed 15Bove'(er -00

    var), . 9-005: >;;;.3os7odarstvo'edia>do)>;;;.4th'>inde$.7h7Q

    o7tion)o'J)ontentSvie;arti)leSid0?SCte'id-5? 9a))esed 1! a-00/

    Corporate 8enturing &uropean Activity Report9-00/,htt7:>>;;;.ev)a.)o'>t'7lJJartJ!JattJ/5!.7d4 , 9a))esed 2 =)to(er -00

    4rvatska >?1 na glo%alnoj ljestvici konkurentnosti9-011,htt7:>>;;;.;e4oru'.or3>issues>3lo(al&in4or'ation&te)hnolo3>inde$.ht'l,9a))esed a -011

    ;&C@ Report9-00-, htt7:>>;;;.oe)d.or3J-J1e.7d4,9accesed2 =)to(er -00

    Towards a Knowledge Based &conoy9-00-,htt7:>>;;;.oe)d.or3>7u(li)ations,9a))esed -0 =)to(er -00

    *(CTA@# $@I and International 7onetary $und# 8orld %)ono'i)=utlook Data(ase 9-005, htt7:>>;;;.un)tad.or3>4distatisti)s, 9a))esed -0A7ril -00

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    8ara!din ispred -agre%a9-011,htt7:>>;;;.(anka'a3aBaslovni)a>Hrvatska>ta(id>10->ie;>Details>Cte'CD>/1?>ttl>araDe4ault.as7$,(accesed 17 May 2011).

    -nanje je otor ra)voja9-005., ;;;, 9a))esed 1- De)e'(er -005

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