Critically Consider How the Social Environment and Culture Affect Consumer Behavior

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  • 8/2/2019 Critically Consider How the Social Environment and Culture Affect Consumer Behavior



    Social Environment and

    Cultural Influences onConsumer Behavior


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    Critically consider how the social environment and culture affect consumer behavior. Draw on the

    module readings and class discussions to support your answer.

  • 8/2/2019 Critically Consider How the Social Environment and Culture Affect Consumer Behavior


    Social Environment and Cultural effects on Consumer Behavior


    Table of Contents

    1. Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ 1

    2. Introduction to the study conducted:.................................................................. 2

    3. Consumer Behavior: ................................................................................................ 2

    4. Understanding Consumer Behavior:................................................................... 2

    5. Fundamentals of Social Environment and Culture: ........................................ 3

    6. Consumer Behavior Model By Hawkins: ............................................................ 4

    7. Social Environment & Culture With Respect to Consumer Behavior: ....... 5

    8. The U.S Cultural and Social Values and influences on the Consumer

    Behavior: ..................................................................................................................... 6

    9. Individualism:............................................................................................................. 6

    10.Equality:....................................................................................................................... 6

    11.Activity:........................................................................................................................ 7

    12.Progress and Achievement:................................................................................... 7

    13.Efficiency and Practicality:..................................................................................... 8

    14.Religious and Moral Orientation:.......................................................................... 8

    15.Conclusion: ................................................................................................................ 9

    16.Bibliography:............................................................................................................ 10

  • 8/2/2019 Critically Consider How the Social Environment and Culture Affect Consumer Behavior


    Social Environment and Cultural effects on Consumer Behavior


    Introduction to the study conducted:

    The paper is an in depth research and analysis of the factors that affects

    consumer behavior. In this paper we will be critically considering what are the

    environmental and cultural variables and factors and their effects on consumers

    behavior. The paper is a reflection on the argument made as we already know that

    culture is a very important factor which affects every aspect of life and so it affects

    consumers behavior too. In the following research conducted we will be putting an in

    depth light on the environmental and cultural factors responsible in the development

    of change or decision within the context of consumer behavior.

    Consumer Behavior:

    First of all let us define what consumer behavior is in a very simple manner;

    The term consumer behavior can be easily understood as the behavior of an

    individual or consumer towards a product or service where the key contexts are of

    making a purchase, utilizing the product or service, generating an evaluation and

    finally disposing it and more significantly their expectation towards it that their need

    will be satisfied (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2009, p. 23).

    Understanding Consumer Behavior:

    So far the study of consumer behavior comprises of two aspects or two

    categories of consumers namely the personal consumers and the organizational

    consumers but within this paper our core focus would be towards the personal

    consumers who are actually individuals who purchase products or services for their

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    Social Environment and Cultural effects on Consumer Behavior


    own use like house hold usage or as a gift for someone etc. and these consumers

    are referred as being the end users of products or services (Schiffman & Kanuk,

    2009, p. 24).

    It is a fact that the study or field of consumer behavior fully base upon a term

    named as The Marketing Concept coined in the late 1950s which explains that there

    is another door awaiting for marketers where marketing does not only mean

    producing and selling only those products or services that are needed or demanded

    by customers but moreover it is an open opportunity to make customers buy those

    products or services also the company has produced or manufactured for the same

    consumers in anticipation while deeply analyzing their life styles and day to day

    needs resulting in an unintentional demand of easiness in products or services

    (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2009, p. 25).

    Fundamentals of Social Environment and Culture:

    One could easily understand the social environment and culture very easily by

    putting light on the surrounding. Social environment and culture are correlated terms

    as it should be noticed that culture is the most important part of the society.

    Consumers are always changing with respect to their personalities and values

    and it is quite obvious that an individuals personality is socialized by the society

    more specifically by the social environment in which one is living and values are also

    extracted from the same environment or the society and integrated in ones mind

    (Roberts & Lilien, 1993, p. 28).

    Culture is a very important factor that plays a vital role in the consumer

    behavior towards a product or service. Culture includes all the norms and values of a

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    Social Environment and Cultural effects on Consumer Behavior


    society and a marketer should market such a product that fully complies to the

    cultural norms and values of the respective society because a consumer always

    makes his/her mind towards a product just according to what his/her culture

    addresses oneself about the utilization or consumption of that product or service. In

    other words we can understand that an individuals perceptions are mostly

    developed on the basis of the culture in which one is surviving ultimately varying

    ones purchasing decision in according to the values one owns (Slater, 2003).

    Following is basic consumer behavior model which is elaborating some of the

    very fundamental influential variables regarding consumer behavior. The given

    model clearly explains the importance of social environment and culture in the

    process of consumer behavior. The part related to our concern is of external

    influences. In the field of business external influences always refer towards all those

    factors that are externally impacting an individual or an organization which comprises

    of the largest portion of the environment.

    Consumer Behavior Model By Hawkins:

    The consumer behavior model given by Hawkins comprises of two important

    influencing sources the external and the internal influences. Our course of interest

    lies in the external influences where the factors of culture and social environment lies

    (Hawkins et al., 1998). When considering social environment it relates to the social

    class which defines itself as a big population of individuals who share similar life-

    styles and interests (Yakup, et al., 2011, p. 110). After understanding what is social

    class one could easily conclude that when people of same interests are there then a

    factor of social status also arises and these people will try to buy those products only

    that are easily accepted by the people of same interests or life-styles always present

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    around them just like the hierarchical levels of the society for example a member

    from the upper middle class will always try to maintain remain in the same level and

    thus a marketer should know the fact that they demand similarly before addressing

    them and more importantly the sub cultures where small groups having resemblance

    among them are formed having a very strong bond within a culture (Williams, 2002,

    p. 250) .

    Social Environment & Culture With Respect to Consumer Behavior:

    It comprises of Culture and Subculture, Social Classes and Groups, Family

    and Personal Influence and the diffusion of Innovations. Culture is defined as;

    That complex whole that includes Knowledge, Belief, art, morals, law, custom and

    any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society (taylor,

    1924) again The distinctive way of life of a group of people, their complete design

    for living (Stull & Von Till, 1994)

    Rockeach believed that analyzing values of consumers is very important as

    they play the most important role and for that he developed a survey that analyzes

    values on the basis of two categories the terminal and instrumental values contained

    with eighteen sub values and named his survey as Rockeach Value Survey (RVS)

    (Loudon & Bitta, 2008, p. 99). It is also proven that during the decision making

    process of market segmentation the role of analysis of these terminal and

    instrumental values is very important in understanding the demographic aspects of

    the targeted audience and these demographics helps a lot while conducting the

    product promotions, positioning, pricing and distribution activities (Loudon & Bitta,

    2008, p. 103). It is also important that culture never remains the same sometimes

    changes occur very slowly and sometime very rapidly so a continuous analysis of

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    cultural values for a marketer is very important. According to VALS 2 there are eight

    significant categories of individuals in a society namely Actualizers, Fulfillers,

    Achievers, Experiencers, Believers, Strivers, Makers and Strugglers. And all of them

    have their own respective perceptions, norms, values, attitudes and behaviors and

    so the purchasing decision dependency is (Loudon & Bitta, 2008, p. 104).

    The U.S Cultural and Social Values and influences on the Consumer Behavior:

    Let us take an in depth insight of U.S.A social and cultural aspects to

    understand the various influences.


    It is a very complicated and extensive variable in the culture of U.S.A basically

    regarding to matters such as independence, patriotism and liberalism. This is a fact

    that via this characteristic people are addressing that they have the dignity and right

    of being free not in all aspects of the culture but much as far as their external

    environment is concerned. It has been significantly observed that if advertisers

    include a patriotic aspect in their advertising and promotional campaigns then the

    success rate of their activity increases to almost a greater limit that clearly means

    that the individuals are highly attracted through this factor of their culture (Loudon &

    Bitta, 2008, p. 89). It is fact that while saying or expressing this characteristic in ads

    people are most attracted as the feature of patriotism appears in this attempt to

    address the target audience (Perner, 2010).


    People of U.S.A believe intensely in the internal equality of the individuals.

    Within this context they directly address that every individual in the society is equal

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    to anyone else in the society and they all have equal rights of freedom, speech, job,

    social life and striving towards the economic prizes. Moreover in the most recent

    couple of decades it has been observed that a vigorous push of social and economic

    equality has been found in the U.S.A culture (Loudon & Bitta, 2008, p. 90).

    Especially significant claims were made regarding rights of women in the society and

    even it brought a vivid change in the manner of society and thinking of the individuals

    (Anon., 2011).


    Another most important feature of the culture of U.S.A is that they believe in

    activity just like the concept found in the protestants context where it is assumed to

    be idle is to be evil. They believe in continuous hardworking and positive efforts of an

    individual ultimately contributing to the society and again to the country in a much

    broader perspective (Loudon & Bitta, 2008, p. 90).

    Progress and Achievement:

    It is also an important factor of the culture of U.S.A that individuals are much

    more concerned to the variables of progress which directs towards progress of the

    society and achievement towards individuals achievements of goals or objectives

    that are related to the self-interest of individual professionally or in the family or

    personal life (Loudon & Bitta, 2008, p. 92).

    According to research findings it has been found that the people of U.S.A

    believe in collective action which expresses the progress of society, They believe in

    doing any group activity so as to ensure that some progress has been accomplished

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    by every individual in the progress of society or meaning that every individual has

    played their part in this progress (Bagozzi, 2006, p. 129).

    Efficiency and Practicality:Americans always motivate and appreciate the efficiency and implementation

    of things. They always strive towards innovation and creativity. They are highly

    admired by knowing the fact that the nation is working continuously towards progress

    by bringing through efficiency and practicality in their work (Kotler, 2008). Gillette

    always addresses an appeal of technological dominance in their ads which is an

    evidence of the fact that how much individuals of U.S.A are concerned with this

    variable (Loudon & Bitta, 2008, p. 93).

    The research shows that the factor of efficiency and practicality is received by

    a children even in the very initial socialization process and the other above given

    values of culture too (Tamminga, 2009).

    Religious and Moral Orientation:

    It has been found that the individuals of U.S.A are much more religious as

    compared to any other industrialized and modern country. Being dominant in the

    world the adults of U.S.A also think that being religious is also very important for

    them. Some significant researches show that there is a very intense impact of

    religious and moral orientation on the behavior of individuals of U.S.A (Loudon &

    Bitta, 2008, p. 96).

    Researchers have found that ethics and religious and moral orientation are

    fully correlated. Ethics run side by side in any society along with the religious

    aspects infused in the minds of individuals of the society and this a big impact of

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    ones mind to hit him directly through the religious cum ethical attempt and it works

    efficiently (Vitell, et al., 2007).

    Conclusion:While concluding the research done and a very critical insight on the social

    and cultural values and their impacts on the consumer behavior we have learned

    that no matter what are the circumstances and market situations it is really important

    for a marketer to better understand the social and cultural factors which really

    impacts the whole advertising and promotions in fact the whole marketing process

    as the featured product or service is correlated to the end user or consumers norms,

    values, social instances and in a bigger perspective the culture.

    It is an advertisers utter most responsibility to first understand all the ins and

    outs of a consumer with respect to his/her environmental and cultural variables and

    values before featuring or offering any product or service. It is really important

    because an individual will always make decisions just according not only to his/her

    mind but also according to the social class he/she belongs and the environment

    which includes the social as well as personal influencers; the social networked group

    of people among which the targeted consumer dwells and the family he/she has

    because there is a very different influence of the social exposure of an individual with

    respect to ones friend, workplace, surrounding people and then equally there is an

    influence from the family so an individual no matter to which age segment one

    belongs but decisions made by the consumer are fully based on these influential

    forces of the social environment as well as the culture where religion has the

    greatest importance.

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