Critical Study

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A critical study of my own work produced over the past few months.

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I am Remy. I like to think of myself as a multi diciplined designer - a jack of all trades. I enjoy most areas of graphical design and would consider it a hinderence

to focus in on one area of design. Recently I have become involved in making various kinds of zines and publications. This is where my real interest lies. I like how free this work can be and how it can involve photography, illustration, typography. The real chal-

lenge is fitting these areas together coherently and this is what exites me.


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Life has improved immeasurably since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.

—Hunter S. Thompson“ ”

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the pitchitch








here’s some work i made eariler

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here’s some work i made eariler i made earlierWhilste good, this work needed more substance. More of an angle. Articles and text would bring my books forward. This is what I intended to

focus on. Screen printed material and book making skills intended to be utilised and improved over the last part of the second year.

inspiring working work


colors magzine

Through zine and book making, I would like to convey a more meaningful message than I have been in previous work. I want to focus on topics that are obscure and interesting and then provoke questions through the means of zine and book making. Potentially making several issues of work .

Magazines and publications like colors and baseline - also collaboratives such as emigre have

been invaluable to my practice. The way they structure their publications are inspirational and unique.

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External: A collaborative project designing and creating a publication over two weeks. The content is to be determined by the group and depending on that content, appropriate roles will be allocated. Support will be given by tutors but only to give direction, students invloved will have to keep on top of things to keep to th deadline.

Time: Spread out over seven days, I will make seven poster stlye illustrations that could be developed into a book. These will be timed drawings so I will drop some ink on a page and give myself two minuites to make a piece of work out of the random marks. This brief is heavily inspired by the daily monsters blog.





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Personal:I plan to make a book or a zine every two weeks. These want to be done quite quickly and playfully. The main idea of this brief is to practice and improve my knowlege of programs needed to create such work but also to gain experience with layouts, type faces, image placement. I want to incorporate

text and information within these pieces of work, an element my previous work was missing. Depending on how the publication brief goes, this project and the external one may become joint as the subject covered in the publication project is similar to what I want to get more experienced in.




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My work so far has been a mixture of illustrative work and photographical work that has been either screen printed or digitally printed. This has then been turned into small booklets and or zines. These are skills that I want to maintain and utilise, yet expand and refine. What is important for me now is to start making work that is linked together either through issues (publication style) or a series of work that can be joined together.


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to be used include screen printing, digital printing, collaboration, book making, zine making.

The publication brief is an ideal external brief to help take these ideas forward. The end product from that brief could be expanded into further issues. If this becomes the case then the external brief could become my main project. Layout and form is a main issue and I want to experiment with this through quick zines filled with various media.


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orkthe work?

The time brief was made into a small zine covering 7 days of illustrations.


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Hand made techniques were important as well as digital and technological processes.


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The publication brief became more important than my other briefs. This then became my main project in the end. My other


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collaborative books and zines had to be put on hold until this brief was finished. Issue #2 is currently being made on a smaller scale.

Hand made book covers ~ turned out to be a bit bulky.


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Taking part in events such as Chrish’s bad books zine fair helped me to see how my work was percieved by the general public.


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Zine making was important to experiment with differernt layouts.


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These were zines made over a short period of time experimenting with photography and layouts. They fold out into a

I focused on black and white photog-raphy which I feel gives a certian

atmosphere. I will experiment with colour photography in future.



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poster on the back. They could potentially form smaller booklets that fit into larger publications.

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The Leeds University’s annual Zine fair brings together a variety of artists and individuals together to show off their book making skills. To aid my interest in zine making I felt that it was inoirtant to attend this fair to see what kind of work had been produced. A particular favourite book of mine was a book about spitfires and the second world war. Each page illustrated (in unique and interesting ways) what the content was about. For example: The fair had a real mixture of work, from very illustrative, to very contextual and almost fine art like. There were some

beautiful photographical books and some real time and thought had obviously gone into alot of the work at the stalls. One particular gentleman had layed out his table using a grid system from swiss modernism-so time and effort was apparent in various ways. It would be really good having a table there next year, perhaps its something that I will look into with some other people on the course who would be interested, its a really good way of getting feedback on work that has been made and perhaps a good way of meeting people that could help with a career path.

critical reviewview

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“Ambition/FearBy Zuzana Licko and Rudy VanderLans

This article was first published in 1989 in Emigre 11.

emigre essays:says

~Technology vs. Anologue, or how they can be used together.~This article was written in 1989 so this was when technology was much less widely used and more of a mystery.~In that era there was a clear devide between designers who found salvation in technology and those who found it difficult to leave traditional techniques behind.

~Technology now days has made deisgn accesible to nearly everyone. This makes hand made techniques more valuable. Skill labour perhaps becoming more in demand. ~I feel that there is a need for balance. Understanding hand made, anologue design techniques can only inform digital practice. Mixing the two together can make some really interesting and exciting hybrids.

With computers-type combinations, sizes, spacing can all be quickly & economically reviewed. The time saved in the production stage is often spent viewing more design solutiuons. Todays designers must learn to discriminate intelligently.”

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Magazines/PublicationsCappella JC. 2010. Colors. Issue #79. Carter, MC. 2013. Baseline. Issue #61. Zammit, DZ. 2013. Loud and Quiet. Vol 03, Issue #46.Landschaften PL. 2008. Panoramas and Fragments. Issue #9Vanderlans, RV, and Licko ZL. 1989. Emigre {online}. Various Articles and Volumes, {Accessed March 28th 2013}.

Available from: http://www.emigre.com/EmigreCatalog.php?cid=25

WebsitesEmily. 2010. Nike Make Something {online}. {Accessed March 3rd}. Available From: http://www.freshnessmag.com/2010/08/24/nike-make-something-photography-zine-with-ari-marcopoulos/Vasquez, BVV. 2012. Brevario Magazine. {online} {Accessed March 6th}. Available From: http://www.behance.net/gallery/Breviario-Magazine-Editorial-Design/6279463Pesce, FP. 2012. Ilas. {online} {Accessed April 3rd}. Available From: http://www.ilas.com/ilas2012/gallerySingolo.php?lavoro=6372&allievo=Francesco%20Pesce&elenco=altri&azzera=1 - 2012Fernandes FF. 2010. 70 Exemplos de Design. {online} {Accessed April 30th}. Available From: 70 Exemplos de design: editorial http://chocoladesign.com/70-exemplos-de-design-editorial

BooksLeonard, HM. 2010. Jazz. Los Angeles. Bloomsbury USA.Hall, SH. 2007. This Means This, This Means That. London: Laurence King Publishing.Newark, QN. 2007. What is Graphic Design. London: Rotovision.Spiro, AS. 2010. A Graphic Cosmogony. London: NOBROW.

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this is where i work i work

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What got you into Graphic Design?

I was originally a fine artist, and I took an AS level in graphic design, and decided that the style of working suited me better, and the prospect for future employment was far greater than that of fine art.

What do you specialise in?

I like to think that I work best when I mix illustration and design, using my background in fine art alongside my newer understanding of graphic designto create work. I also have a huge interest in typography, and have spent the majority of my third year working in typography.

Have you had the chance to work commercially whilst studying?

Not yet…

Who is your favourite Graphic Designer/ Who influences your work?

My favourite designer is Jonathon Barnbrook, who works mainly in typography, his work has influenced me a lot in the past year particularly.

With Alex Bird:


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Where do you see yourself in 5 years within the design world?

Hopefully with a job in design.

How has your style developed over 3 years on this course?

It has developed from a more hand drawn illustrative style to more of a digital, considered approach to working.

Do you think that digital technology has become too prominent in design? Are playful handmade quality’s being lost? Or do you think technology purely enhances work?

I think that working digitally definitely enhances work, but only when used correctly. Some emerging designers I have met deem in impractical to work in any other way. Which I think is ridiculous. I think every designer should be able to create work both digitally, and by hand; basic skill in drawing should be a necessity, for creating work, and for skimpily just explaining and expanding ideas. You can create such variation when working by hand, thatyou may not be able to achieve digitally, but I think a designer leaving education looking for a job would be at a huge disadvantage if they were unable to work digitally.

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Over summer I will continue making publications. These will be continuations from the Junk publication that was made this semester. I also want to purchase some screen printing equiptment and start up my own littlle screen

printing studio. I will do this in collaboration with Lyndon and we will see if we can start making work for exhibitions and competitions as well as more zine fairs. Its an exciting time and getting prepared for 3rd year is important.

the futurefuture