CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS AGAINST JUDGE MICHAEL P. KENNY HISTORY OF GRIEVANCES TOWARDS JUDGE MICHAEL P. KENNY On January 6, 2012, seven California electors submitted a petition to the Court for redress of grievances.This right is authorized by both the U.S. Constitution and the California Constitution. (Art 1 Declaration of Rights - SECTION 3. The people have the right to instruct their representatives, petition government for redress of grievances, and assemble freely to consult for the common good.) The case that was filed first before Judge Kenny was labeled Case No. 34-2012-00117165. It was a Petition for a Prerogative Writ of Mandate and Restraint of Fund Raising to remove the candidate, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama from the 2012 California Primary Ballot, until he produced evidence that he was a U.S. Citizen. This is the history of our complaint: HISTORY #2: On April 27, 2011 (last year) Mr. Soetoro produced a birth certificate, and claimed he had sent his attorney all the way to Hawaii to obtain this certified copy from the Hawaiian Department of Health. Mr. Soetoro placed this birth certificate on the White House webpage for the entire world to see. However, within 24 hours, computer experts throughout the land were claiming that the Birth Certificate offered by the White House was bogus and photo-shopped. HISTORY #1: The problem of Mr. Soetoros eligibility has several problems. First of all, he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN (NBC). The definition of NBC has been clearly defined in the Minor v. Happersett case (1875) and the Fullers (Dissent) US v Wong Kim Ark (1897). Prior to this , America used the definition of Natural Born Citizentaken by the founding fathers from the legal treatise called “the Law of Nations,” written by Emerich de Vattel in 1758. In Vattels Book One, Chapter 19, § 212. Of the citizens and natives: “The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. There has been an uproar concerning the eligibility of Mr. Soetoro for the Office of POTUS ever since he won the 2008 Presidential nomination of the Democratic Party. Mr. Soetoro has/had an alien father NOT A US CITIZEN which disqualified him from the White House and the rank of Commander in Chief. The matter continued to fester and nearly 200 lawsuits were filed all throughout the United States from 2008-2012. In each case the courts refused to hear the case on the merits and in each instance, the case was dismissed without a fair hearing. Each denial of justice became new case lawand every single plaintiff was sent packing by the corrupt judges who ruled as tyrants and as courtroom-thugs. There are currently one or more OBAMA BALLOT CHALLENGES objecting to Mr. Soetoro being placed on the 2012 ballot in 26 different states.


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HISTORY OF GRIEVANCES TOWARDS JUDGE MICHAEL P. KENNY On January 6, 2012, seven California electors submitted a petition to the Court for “redress of

grievances.” This right is authorized by both the U.S. Constitution and the California

Constitution. (Art 1 – Declaration of Rights - SECTION 3. “The people have the right to

instruct their representatives, petition government for redress of grievances, and assemble

freely to consult for the common good.”)

The case that was filed first before Judge Kenny was labeled Case No. 34-2012-00117165. It was a Petition for a Prerogative Writ of Mandate and Restraint of Fund Raising to remove the candidate, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama from the 2012 California Primary Ballot, until he produced evidence that he was a U.S. Citizen. This is the history of our complaint: HISTORY #2: On April 27, 2011 (last year) Mr. Soetoro produced a birth certificate, and claimed he had sent his attorney all the way to Hawaii to obtain this certified copy from the Hawaiian Department of Health. Mr. Soetoro placed this birth certificate on the White House webpage for the entire world to see. However, within 24 hours, computer experts throughout the land were claiming that the Birth Certificate offered by the White House was bogus and photo-shopped. HISTORY #1: The problem of Mr. Soetoro’s eligibility has several problems. First of all, he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN (NBC). The definition of NBC has been clearly defined in the Minor v. Happersett case (1875) and the Fuller’s (Dissent) US v Wong Kim Ark (1897). Prior to this , America used the definition of “Natural Born Citizen” taken by the founding fathers from the legal treatise called “the Law of Nations,” written by Emerich de Vattel in 1758. In Vattel’s Book One, Chapter 19, § 212. Of the citizens and natives:

“The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.

There has been an uproar concerning the eligibility of Mr. Soetoro for the Office of POTUS ever since he won the 2008 Presidential nomination of the Democratic Party. Mr. Soetoro has/had an alien father NOT A US CITIZEN which disqualified him from the White House and the rank of Commander in Chief. The matter continued to fester and nearly 200 lawsuits were filed all throughout the United States from 2008-2012. In each case the courts refused to hear the case on the merits and in each instance, the case was dismissed without a fair hearing. Each denial of justice became new “case law” and every single plaintiff was sent packing by the corrupt judges who ruled as tyrants and as courtroom-thugs. There are currently one or more OBAMA BALLOT CHALLENGES objecting to Mr. Soetoro being placed on the 2012 ballot in 26 different states.

And then there is the issue of Mr. Soetoro being a Kenya citizen via his father. Since Obama Senior was born in Kenya, he is also a British subject. And the children of British subject are ALSO BRITISH SUBJECTS… Hence, Mr. Soetoro (aka BHO) is/was a British subject at one time. He also seems to be a Kenyan citizen at one time. And he also seems to have been a citizen of Indonesia during his childhood years. There is a Kenyan birth certificate that has never been addressed by Mr. Soetoro, nor the school record showing him to have been a citizen of Indonesia. In 1981 Mr. Soetoro traveled to India, Pakistan and Russia (and back and forth to Indonesia and the U.S.) but no U.S. Passport can be found for him in the archives. Did he travel as an Indonesia citizen? When did he become repatriated to the United States? When did he legally change his adopted name from Barry Soetoro back to Barack Hussein Obama? What is his name? What country is he a citizen of? Why does he have so many aliases? Why does he have so many Social Security numbers? So the question still remains… what country is Mr. Soetoro a natural born citizen of? It certainly is not the United States. The current challenge to Mr. Soetoro’s eligibility is not just about a birth certificate. It is also about his qualifications via the U.S. Constitution and most importantly, is he a U.S. Citizen? There has been much controversy over the birth certificate matter and it came to a head on March 1, 2012. This was the day Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a news conference and reported that after six months of criminal investigation his cold case posse had determined that the birth certificate that Mr. Soetoro placed on the White House was/is a photo-shopped fraudulent document. On that date, Judge Michael P. Kenny became a felon and liable for impeachable criminal charges. Kenny is guilty of the following indiscretions:

1. Ridicule and disrespect towards plaintiffs.

Judge Kenny has allowed disrespect to the plaintiffs in his court from the Respondents. He allowed the Respondents to sneer in their Demurrer, “This lawsuit is only the latest in a never-ending parade of frivolous “birther” actions challenging President Obama’s eligibility for office, all of which have been swiftly and decisively rejected by the courts.” This language was allowed by the Judge from the first demurrer and again in the demurrer for the First Amended filing. He allowed it from Mr. Soetoro’s (aka BHO) attorney as well as from the California Attorney General’s DOJ employees. As one of the Plaintiffs of Case No. 34-2012-80001048 I find this sort of insulting and flippant verbal assault to be discriminatory. Allowing such language in the Kenny court is an attack on my civil rights and my dignity as an American citizen. The matter before Judge Kenny is/was hardly “frivolous” (and as stated above) and Kenny has a history going back to 2008 of protecting and hiding the crimes of Mr. Soetoro. This, by law, defines Judge Michael P. Kenny as a felon.

2. Judge Michael P. Kenny is guilty of Felony #1

18500. Any person who commits fraud or attempts to commit fraud, and any person who aids or abets fraud or attempts to aid or abet fraud, in connection with any vote cast, to be cast, or attempted to be cast, is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for 16 months or two or three years.

18501. Any public official who knowingly violates any of the provisions of this chapter, and thereby aids in any way the illegal casting or attempting to cast a vote, or who connives to nullify any of the provisions of this chapter in order that fraud may be perpetrated, shall forever be disqualified from holding office in this state and upon conviction shall be sentenced to a state prison for 16 months or two or three years.

3. Judge Michael P. Kenny is guilty of Felony #2 (Perjury) On March 16, 2012 a hearing was held before Judge Kenny (Dept 31). A transcript of that hearing was obtained and Judge Kenny committed perjury by stating:

THE COURT: Here is the difficulty there: Court's are

neutral. What Court's do is basically hear the party's

challenges, and the Court's then rule upon the facts and the

law that is provided to the Court. The Court generally does

not take a side. No “birther” in America can agree that ANY court in America has been NEUTRAL on the “eligibility” question. This is a pure and simple falsehood. I defy any court in America to find a single “birther litigant” that thinks the court has EVER, EVER, EVER been neutral (or fair). And the second falsehood was that “the court generally does not take a side.’ Again, this is pure bunk and pure lies. Not a single one of the 30+ million “birthers” in America believe that the Courts of America have NOT taken Mr. Soetoro’s side. This includes the kangaroo military court of LTC Terry Lakin, and the kangaroo civilian courts thereafter… Justice in this matter is dead! And Judge Kenny is one of the ringleaders of this lawless judicial system.

4. Judge Michael P. Kenny is guilty of Libel Although Judge Kenny did not actually “say the words,” printed court document showing allowable libelous words have been copied and reproduced onto various internet sites. The following Kenny Court allowable words have gone viral:

“This lawsuit is only the latest in a never-ending parade of frivolous “birther” actions challenging President Obama’s eligibility for office, all of which have been swiftly and decisively rejected by the courts.”

This statement can be viewed online at the COURT DOCUMENTS AND CASES posted by the Sacramento Superior Court. And since Judge Kenny was the JUDGE of this case, every word was uttered and printed under his control and direction. There has been no refutation of the words of Soetoro’s attorney nor of Debra Bowen’s (SoS) attorney the ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CALIFORNIA so there can be no error or pleading it was just sloppy courtroom etiquette.

The four parts of Libel need: 1. Did the Judge convey a defamatory message? 2. Did the material that he published, have meaning that it was conveyed to someone other than the plaintiff? 3. Can the plaintiff be identified as the person referred to in the defamatory material? 4. And did the plaintiff suffer some injury to his or her reputation as a result of the communication?

Judge Kenny most certainly “transferred and delivered” his agreement with the theory produced by Soetoro’s attorney that “This lawsuit is only the latest in a never-ending parade of frivolous “birther” actions challenging President Obama’s eligibility for office…” Kenny’s actions of failing to immediately allow “discovery” by giving the Plaintiffs subpoena power shows that he was in league with the cover-up of the crimes of Soetoro. Judge Kenny was willing to stall and hinder the case against the current illegal alien acting as President and Commander in Chief. Kenny owns this libelous statement as much as Soetoro’s attorneys own it for writing it in their Demurrer. To answer #2, #3 and #4 above, Judge Kenny’s courtroom documents are all over the internet. You can see for yourself. Here are some of the internet comments regarding the Noonan v Bowen et al case in the Kenny court (PAGE 1 OF 10 PAGES ONLY): See: http://www.thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=7146 CA Ballot Challenge by Pambly, Gary Wilmott and others...but not Orly Taitz. Quote: A legal complaint was served on Obama for America (California) and the California Secretary of State Debra Bowen late Tuesday to keep British-born Barack Obama off the ballot for the Office of the President, because he does not meet the Constitutional requirement of being a U.S. Natural Born citizen according to the Supreme Court precedent Minor v. Happersett. The legal action was filed Jan. 6 in Sacramento Superior Court by a group of 7 ad hoc registered voters including an American Independent Party candidate for President. The Writ requests a temporary restraining order of Respondent Debra Bowen (SOS) to bar Obama on the Democratic Party ballot in the primary and/or General Election until the matter of eligibility and ballot access for Respondent Obama is heard. The Writ also requested a temporary restraining order against Respondent Obama and or his agents associated with the Obama for America California from further fundraising in California until further notice by the court. A final demand was for a permanent Injunction against Respondent Obama and Respondent SOS as to Respondent Obama’s ineligibility, barring him from ballot access. One of the seven California Petitioners is Edward C. Noonan of Olivehurst, Yuba County, CA. He is currently a 2012 Presidential candidate for the American Independent Party. The other six California petitioners are Pamela Barnett (Director of ObamaBallotChallenge.com), Sharon Chickering, George Miller, Tony Dolz, Neil Turner, and Gary Wilmott. All seven petitioners are affirmed as Ad Hoc registered voters of California, each self represented without an attorney. http://obamaballotchallenge.com/breaking-ca-voters-including-presidential-candidate-challenge-obama-on-california-ballot Complaint: http://www.scribd.com/doc/78739896/California-Writ-to-Keep-Obama-Off-Ballot-Stop-Fund-Raising _________________ “Mr. Arpaio now stands…alongside a gallery of fools that includes Donald Trump who cannot accept reality when it is staring them in the face.” Martin Bashir, MSNBC vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Foggy Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:01 pm Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:53 pm Posts: 9173 Location: Theater of the Absurd _________________

I'm an agnostic on a mission from God. If you're new, please read the Rules, the Guidelines, and the info For new members. For more debunking info and to learn about our community, be sure to visit our Home page, our blogs and other resources. Links at the bottom of every page. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv much ado Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:03 pm Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:56 am Posts: 263 Location: The Left Coast OMG! They're shutting out Our Lady of Lunacy in her home state! Unfortunately, she seems distracted at the moment. _________________ There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other. - Erasmus (1466-1536) vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Litlebritdifrnt2 Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:05 pm Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:36 pm Posts: 2338 Location: Behind a bathroom door with Cueball Quote: British-born Barack Obama off the ballot for the Office of the President Yet again these so called fucking "patriots" seem to think that another country can dictate the citizenship of children born in their country. How about I, as a British citizen, hereby declare that everyone born in the US is hereby a British Citizen, is that okay? Fucking morons. _________________ I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country. - Thomas Jefferson http://crittersbybritty.com vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Piffle Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:10 pm Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:39 pm Posts: 1852 Location: Southwest of down east Quote: The Writ requests a temporary restraining order of Respondent Debra Bowen (SOS) to bar Obama on the Democratic Party ballot in the primary and/or General Election until the matter of eligibility and ballot access for Respondent Obama is heard. The Writ also requested a temporary restraining order against Respondent Obama and or his agents associated with the Obama for America California from further fundraising in California until further notice by the court. A final demand was for a permanent Injunction against Respondent Obama and Respondent SOS as to Respondent Obama’s ineligibility, barring him from ballot access. I'll take "Preposition Potpourri" for five hundred, Alex. Quote: The other six California petitioners are Pamela Barnett (Director of ObamaBallotChallenge.com), Sharon Chickering, George Miller, Tony Dolz, Neil Turner, and Gary Wilmott. All seven petitioners are affirmed as Ad Hoc

registered voters wanabe vexatious litigators of California, each self-represented pro se in pro per without an attorney and without counsel. FIFT ________________ Hope springs eternal within the human uniboob. -Thomas Jefferson vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv jtmunkus Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:13 pm Joined: Mon May 23, 2011 7:33 pm Posts: 2047 Evidently, the birthers have conspired to shun Mrs. Taitz. _________________

"If you're disrespectful like that one more time, your butt's gonna be gone! YOU GOT THAT?" Indiana Election Commissioner Daniel Dumezich to Orly Taitz vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv BillTheCat Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:15 pm Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:25 pm Posts: 599 Hoo boy, in my state - finally. Knew it would come. Fortunately, we don't take kindly to birther types in our neck o' the woods vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv bob Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:16 pm Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:22 pm Posts: 6289 Location: 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste. 101 1. Cal. Election Code § 13314 allows an elector to file a writ of mandate to correct a ballot error. 2. Bowen failed to use her discretionary authority to vet Obama (see Eldridge Cleaver). Cites Minor, two parent, etc. Accuses Obama of commiting ballot (nomination) fraud; Bowen is, of course, complicit. I sense in the future a citation to Keyes v. Bowen. (Thanks, Taitz and Kreep!) _________________ ASSUME ANYTHING WRITTEN HERE WILL END UP ON TAITZ'S SITE AND FACEBOOK. AND JEROME CORSI WILL POST SCREENSHOTS TO WND. AND WILL BE FILED BY A BIRTHER AS AN EXHIBIT IN FEDERAL COURT. NOW HAVE FUN! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Piffle Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:18 pm Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:39 pm Posts: 1852 Location: Southwest of down east bob wrote: 1. Cal. Election Code § 13314 allows an elector to file a writ of mandate to correct a ballot error. 2. Bowen failed to use her discretionary authority to vet Obama (see Eldridge Cleaver). I sense in the future a citation to Keyes v. Bowen. (Thanks, Taitz and Kreep!) The Cleaver decision is right here in this fat law book. Oh wait...

_________________ Hope springs eternal within the human uniboob. -Thomas Jefferson vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv bob Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:21 pm Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:22 pm Posts: 6289 Location: 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste. 101 Piffle wrote: The Cleaver decision is right here in this fat law book. "For the record," SCOCA and SCOTUS did (silently) deny Cleaver's petitions (for mandate and cert., respectively). _________________ ASSUME ANYTHING WRITTEN HERE WILL END UP ON TAITZ'S SITE AND FACEBOOK. AND JEROME CORSI WILL POST SCREENSHOTS TO WND. AND WILL BE FILED BY A BIRTHER AS AN EXHIBIT IN FEDERAL COURT. NOW HAVE FUN! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv realist Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:22 pm Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:33 pm Posts: 18504 bob wrote: I sense in the future a citation to Keyes v. Bowen. (Thanks, Taitz and Kreep!) ^^^^THIS Thanks for the precedent Sung to the tune of Thanks for the Memories _________________ "People place their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution; they don't put their hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible." - Jamie Raskin vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv A Legal Lohengrin Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:25 pm Joined: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:56 pm Posts: 5039 Piffle wrote: Quote: The other six California petitioners are Pamela Barnett (Director of ObamaBallotChallenge.com), Sharon Chickering, George Miller, Tony Dolz, Neil Turner, and Gary Wilmott. All seven petitioners are affirmed as Ad Hoc registered voters wanabe vexatious litigators of California, each self-represented pro se in pro per without an attorney and without counsel. FIFT California has a sweet vexlit statute, too. _________________ "From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend on reading it." - Groucho Marx vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Welsh Dragon Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:27 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:29 pm Posts: 2154 Location: In exile in NOVA Don't think I've come across Sharon Chickering before. I'm pretty certain this is her: http://twitter.com/L8terGa8ter Quote: Sharon Chickering @L8terGa8ter San Diego, California USA Wife, mother, grandmother, patriot, conservative, retired. Working on voter integrity. Likes Amazing Race, dogs, Texas holdem, Maine lobster, travel, Google Nothing exciting in her tweets. Edit: Now I'm certain it's her - been able to match telephone nos. _________________ They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. – Carl Sagan vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv bob Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:34 pm Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:22 pm Posts: 6289 Location: 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste. 101 According to the notorized statments ( ), all of the plaintiffs may be served at this fine property near the Yuba County airport. _________________ ASSUME ANYTHING WRITTEN HERE WILL END UP ON TAITZ'S SITE AND FACEBOOK. AND JEROME CORSI WILL POST SCREENSHOTS TO WND. AND WILL BE FILED BY A BIRTHER AS AN EXHIBIT IN FEDERAL COURT. NOW HAVE FUN! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Piffle Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:38 pm Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:39 pm Posts: 1852 Location: Southwest of down east bob wrote: Piffle wrote: The Cleaver decision is right here in this fat law book. "For the record," SCOCA and SCOTUS did (silently) deny Cleaver's petitions (for mandate and cert., respectively). Uh huh. And with no trace of the ratio decidendi. For all I know, it might have been for failure to fill out the back side one of those omnipresent California forms. I like how these stooges are demanding that Bowen be mandated to exercize her discretionary authority in the way they want it exercized. Is there something about the word "discretionary" that is hard to understand? They parrot a great deal of Paraclete in this pleading. Does that make them parrotcletes? Just wondering. _________________ Hope springs eternal within the human uniboob. -Thomas Jefferson vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv mimi Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:45 pm

Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:01 am Posts: 15302 Location: Planet Earth (most the time) so they say they want to stop Obama from fund raising in California as well? Quote: The Writ requests a temporary restraining order of Respondent Debra Bowen (SOS) to bar Obama on the Democratic Party ballot in the primary and/or General Election until the matter of eligibility and ballot access for Respondent Obama is heard. The Writ also requested a temporary restraining order against Respondent Obama and or his agents associated with the Obama for America California from further fundraising in California until further notice by the court. A final demand was for a permanent Injunction against Respondent Obama and Respondent SOS as to Respondent Obama’s ineligibility, barring him from ballot access. Regarding that property above, I think it may belong to Perennial Presidential Candidate Ed Noonan. Quote: One of the seven California Petitioners is Edward C. Noonan of Olivehurst, Yuba County, CA. He is currently a 2012 Presidential candidate. He is a member of the American Independent Party. ed's place: http://noonan4president.blogspot.com/20 ... nd_19.html _________________ Yes We Can! ~ Thomas Jefferson vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv bob Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:46 pm Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:22 pm Posts: 6289 Location: 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste. 101 Piffle wrote: Uh huh. And with no trace of the ratio decidendi. Exactly. Both SCOCA and SCOTUS were presented with discretionary (there's that word again!) writs. That courts would not excercise their discretion to take the case of a facially invalid candidate does not mean the court approved of the Secretary of State's actions (or that they were even legal actions). Courts decline to exercise discretion for all kinds of reasons. _________________ ASSUME ANYTHING WRITTEN HERE WILL END UP ON TAITZ'S SITE AND FACEBOOK. AND JEROME CORSI WILL POST SCREENSHOTS TO WND. AND WILL BE FILED BY A BIRTHER AS AN EXHIBIT IN FEDERAL COURT. NOW HAVE FUN! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv realist Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:47 pm Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:33 pm Posts: 18504 Just FYI... also at Jack's. Noonan, et al. v Bowen, et al. - Petition for a Prerogative Writ of Mandate and Restraint of Fund Raising _________________ "People place their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution; they don't put their hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible." - Jamie Raskin vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv majorbabs Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:58 pm

Joined: Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:13 pm Posts: 1874 Location: Unfortunately, deep in the Bible Belt bob wrote: According to the notorized statments ( ), all of the plaintiffs may be served at this fine property near the Yuba County airport. To quote my favorite actress "what a dump." _________________ One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv kate520 Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:21 pm Joined: Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:02 pm Posts: 4503 Location: Moonbat cave I vaguely remember the bad George Miller from California politics. The good George Miller is a D congressman, a fine human being. The bad one is a gadfly in the ointment. _________________ “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounding yourself with assholes.” ― William Gibson vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv PatGund Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:37 pm Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:41 pm Posts: 4693 Location: Mountlake Terrace, WA Litlebritdifrnt2 wrote: Yet again these so called fucking "patriots" seem to think that another country can dictate the citizenship of children born in their country. How about I, as a British citizen, hereby declare that everyone born in the US is hereby a British Citizen, is that okay? Fucking morons. Well, that just met with my wife's approval. _________________ Bad Fiction - The Intersection of Bad Movies and Worse Politics vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv raicha Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:07 pm Joined: Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:10 pm Posts: 4397 Location: My business address is in Pennsylvania This is such a mixed bowl of nuts that it will take me some time to track through the diverse statutes they have tossed in. But for starters, they are quoting the same CCP section - 44 - as Orly did in Taitz v. Dunn. Taitz thought, and these loons do too, that it is a section that expedites hearing of election cases in the trial court. It is not. It applies, as it says in black and white, to appeals. Judge Glass told Orly that. She might remember it. But I guess no one is asking Orly for help these days. As for the rest... I'll be back.

_________________ "It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye." T. Jefferson vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Welsh Dragon Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:09 pm Joined: Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:29 pm Posts: 2154 Location: In exile in NOVA mimi wrote: Regarding that property above, I think it may belong to Perennial Presidential Candidate Ed Noonan. Almost certainly - he definately lives in that street: Quote: I am a registered voter of Yuba County at my new address, 11th Ave, Olivehurst, CA 95961 http://noonan4president.blogspot.com/2012/01/letter-to-my-state-party-chairman.html _________________ They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. – Carl Sagan vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Taverl Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:11 pm Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:41 pm Posts: 554 Location: Baghdad by the Bay (tm Herb Caen) As someone who grew up in Sacramento, if I was lookin' to meet a single guy with a thing for white hoods and burning things, I'd head up Yuba way.... _________________ "Me, Me, Me, Me. I, I, I, I. People love me, People love me. People are sooooo jealous of me. I will to show that nasty Dean Haskins. I am at last to have been finding a judge who will expose usurper. The dominos will to be falling. $, $, $, $. Fame, Fame, Fame, Fame. /s/ and /s/, get ready for your close up. Oh, MeMeMeMeMe! Yay, Me!" ~ Kimba, channeling Orly's private thoughts Sterngard Friegen Post subject: CA Ballot ChallengePosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:13 pm Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:32 am Posts: 15877 Location: FEMA Camp 17, Malibu, California (Hey! You! Get off the lawn!) Prediction: Demurrer. Incoherent opposition. Ruling: Sustained without leave to amend. Appeal. [2014] Affirmed. Petition to SCOCA.

[2014] Denied. Petition to SCOTUS [2015] Denied. _________________ If there are a finite number of ways to screw it up, Orly Taitz finds an infinite number of ways to do it.



5. Judge Kenny has failed to uphold the FALSE BIRTH CERTIFICATE section of the California Penal Code.

Charges of a “manufactured” Birth Certificate was levied at Mr. Soetoro (aka BHO) in the court room of Judge Michael P. Kenny. Kenny did not care that a Penal Code violation was being reported to him… Although Kenny did not “manufacture” a false birth certificate… he now is an accomplice. He became an accomplice as soon as he turned his back on the reporting of a crime.

False Birth Certificate – CA Penal Code 529a. Every person who manufactures, produces, sells, offers, or transfers to another any document purporting to be either a certificate of birth or certificate of baptism, knowing such document to be false or counterfeit and with the intent to deceive, is guilty of a crime, and upon conviction therefor, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, or by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170. Every person who offers, displays, or has in his or her possession any false or counterfeit certificate of birth or certificate of baptism, or any genuine certificate of birth which describes a person then living or deceased, with intent to represent himself or herself as another or to conceal his or her true identity, is guilty of a crime, and upon conviction therefor, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one year.

In addition, Judge Kenny was presented with our criminal complaint that Mr. Soetoro was guilty of manufacturing a false Selective Service Registration Card. This card “identifies” young men who have registered with the Selective Service. No male can obtain a FEDERAL JOB unless he has registered by his 18th birthday. Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona has declared the Selective Service card that Mr. Soetoro (aka BHO) carries is fraudulent and fake. This is another crime Judge Kenny allowed to go unchallenged.

Manufactured False Government-issued ID card 529.5. (a) Every person who manufactures, sells, offers for sale, or transfers any document, not amounting to counterfeit, purporting to be a government-issued identification card or driver's license, which by virtue of the wording or appearance thereon could reasonably deceive an ordinary person into believing that it is issued by a government agency, and who knows that the document is not a government-issued document, is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both the fine and imprisonment.

Judge Kenny is as much a part of the crime of falsifying a government document now, as is Mr. Soetoro and all of his staff that conspired to produce such a false document. It was the duty of the Judge to turn this question over to the appropriate law enforcement agency. HE DID NOT! To the all the members on the Commission on Judicial Performance:

I am presenting some extremely serious charges of crimes against Judge Michael P. Kenny. He neglected to take our report, and then turn it over to the proper agency to begin an investigation. Originally it was the Secretary of State’s duty to insure the election laws were enforced. And it is her duty to enforce ALL STATE ELECTIONS LAWS and report any violations of Federal crimes to the proper authority. Likewise, Judge Kenny has failed to obey and sustain the law. See: Election Code §18002.

“Every person charged with the performance of any duty under any law of this state relating to elections, who willfully neglects or refuses to perform it, or who, in his or her official capacity, knowingly and fraudulently acts in contravention or violation of any of those laws, is, unless a different punishment is prescribed by this code, punishable by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 of the Penal Code for 16 months or two or three years, or by both that fine and imprisonment.”

Bowen the Secretary of State, Harris the Attorney General of California and Judge Kenny have determined that it is not their duty to prosecute crime. Judge Kenny needs to be removed from office ASAP. Respectfully, Edward C. Noonan President 2012 Plaintiff: Noonan v. Bowen et al