Crime of Our Age Ludwig Adolphus Fritsch

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  • 8/2/2019 Crime of Our Age Ludwig Adolphus Fritsch







    In the firm beliefthat the truth

    will arouse themto ac tion.

    Published by the Author


    5121 N. NEW ENGLAND AVE.



    $ 1.50

  • 8/2/2019 Crime of Our Age Ludwig Adolphus Fritsch


    Third Edition ForewordIn the short time of a year this appeal, directed at the conscience of Christians in this country, experienced the

    third edition. Trusting in the honesty of the seekers of truth, the second edition was mailed out in good faith. The

    President, the Government Officials, all Congressmen and other key personalities received their free copy.

    "THE CRIME OF OUR AGE" brought forth divided opinions. The reaction equaled the expectation. On one

    side are historians, church and civic Leaders, and the mass of the righteous, who mean to do well to both our

    fatherland America as well as the raped motherland Germany. They praise the book as courageous, truthful, end

    honest. On The other side are the unscrupulous war mongers and hypocrites, who lambasted the author with all

    sorts of names, without being able to refute the historical facts.

    The most bitter disappointment so far experienced, was from the renegade Germans and the Protestant clergy.

    While a prince of the Catholic Church frankly admitted: "lt. hurts terribly to read your book, but it is the truth,

    and all truth hurts," a number of Protestant pastors, unfortunately Lutherans among them, condemned the book

    as "unpatriotic" and "whitewash Germany." They continually emphasize how much charity they do for

    Germany, but they do not have the moral courage to admit who planned end executed the single crime of

    "unconditional surrender," the "Morgenthau plan," the "Planned Famine," etc., through which Germany and the

    whole world were thrust into chaos and misery. I do not know ii it is the depth of stupidity, the conspiracy of

    silence, or a deliberate criminality that they will not grasp the coherence of world events.

    I have nothing to change or revoke from the contents of the book. In the contrary, the slow filtration of the truth

    and the preparation for World War III prove all too well my prediction. We will have to pay very dearly for the

    sins of our misleaders.

    I have added a supplement, "GERMAN-AMERICANS GUILT IN THE MISERY OF THE WORLD," to the

    original text. Herein proof is given that the misery of the motherland lies on the conscience of disloyal German-

    Americans. Whoever can refute this fact is welcome to do so.

    In my single handed crusade I wish to mention these hundreds of letters of thanks and appreciation that I have

    received, I think of one particular Christian group from New Jersey who brought my personal self and causebefore Gods Throne of Grace at a prayer meeting. To them and the many other inspiring well-wishers from

    coast to coast, I would like to express my heart felt appreciation.

    And so I send out the Third Edition of this message of truth into the homes and hearts of America. May it stir the

    conscience! It is my deep-rooted conviction that a rescue of Christian culture and civilization is only possible

    through the union of Germany and America into a brotherly alliance. However, this is only possible after we

    repair the tremendous injustice and the unimaginable damage done to Germany and the millions of the expelled

    East Germans (Volksdeutsche). That is our Christian duty.

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    The Author



    IMMANUEL KANT: Perpetua l Peac e, 1795

    Knigsberg, East Prussia




    The "leitmotiv" for writing this book will be clear to every one who takes time out to read it thoughtfully and

    prayerfully. As a historian I saw quite clearly WHAT the consequences of our interference with the European

    conflict will be. I saw clearly that one of the two totalitarian powers, fascism or bolshevism, must be victorious,

    according to which side we Americans with our inexhaustible resources and unequaled mass production will

    take. Our leaders decided for the sinister powers of communism and atheism and helped them to victory. Our

    forces made a heap of ruins of the bulwark of Christianity and the white race, Germany. Now we find ourselves

    forced to take over all the duties which the Germans fulfilled FOR a thousand years, if we feel the responsibility

    of rescuing the most precious treasures of mankind, Christian culture and civilization.

    As a theologian I am familiar with the Old Testament and the Talmud and know what things men are able to do

    who draw the nourishment of their souls only from those sources. Since the physically and mentally sick late

    President surrounded himself with advisers who, according to their spiritual background, reject the Savior and

    Prince of Peace, it was evident to me that the end of the war could not bring peace but chaos and unspeakable

    misery for all mankind. Bernhard Baruch from Knigsberg, the so-called "elder statesman", Henry Morgenthau

    from Mannheim, Felix Frankfurter from Vienna, Albert Einstein from Berlin, Mrs. Rosenberg from Budapest,

    Sam Rosenmann, Roosevelts ghost writer, Sidney Hillman, the labor leader, and many others who advised the

    President, had but one thought in mind, that of revenge as we read in Joshua 6, 21-25 at the capture of Jericho.

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    "And Joshua took the city and they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both men and women, young and

    old . . And Joshua saved only Rahab the harlot . . ." Since the Germans never did any harm to America like the

    English and French did, but on the contrary, they were our greatest benefactors through our history, the

    Christians of America had no reason whatsoever to be cruel and revengeful but had all reason to be graceful

    towards them. On the other hand Roosevelts advisers had reason to hate the Nazis for their cruelty against their

    race. So they used the might and power of America for revenge. Only thus is understandable Roosevelts

    demand of "unconditional surrender" and the most inhuman "Morgenthau Plan," starving to death a great nation.

    because in the heads and hearts of our leading men all vestige of Christianity disappeared and Judaism and

    Paganism prevailed.

    Since, according to statistics only approximately 8% of our nation is thoroughly informed about world events, I

    consider it my duty as a Christian and American to contribute my part to its enlightenment. I follow the

    Christian doctrine: "We ought to obey God rather than man" and say with father Luther; "Here I stand; I cannot

    do otherwise. God help me. Amen." As a citizen of this blessed land I confess with the great statesman and wise

    counselor of President Lincoln, Carl Schurz: "I love the land of my forefathers as a child loves his mother, and I

    love America as a bridegroom loves his bride."

    This book was ready for publication on Good Friday 1947. My endeavors to publish it failed. With the help of

    Christian men and women, strivers for truth and justice, I finally succeeded in presenting it to the public. I wishto express my deep gratitude to all my fellow-combatants who struggle for the same Christian principles.

    May this book help to open the eyes of many to see the facts in the light of truth and justice. May the Lord

    strengthen them in fulfilling their Christian duties fearlessly and faithfully.



    "He that is without sin among youlet him first cast a stone at her!"

    St. John 8, 7

    In his monthly letter, "The Bishop writes from Europe", appearing in the November issue of "Catholic ActionNews" in Fargo, North Dakota, the Most Reverend Bishop Aloisius J. Muench writes: "The forced migration of

    millions of peoples is the greatest of crime of this age. There is nothing in all history to equal it except perhaps

    the fact that there is neither an outcry against these atrocities by the people of other nations nor any action or

    governments with power to lake it!" Bishop Muench is the American liaison official between the German

    hierarchy and the U.S. military government.

    Through this statement given from the historical and moral point of view, the courageous man of God passes

    judgment on the brutality and revenge of the victorious allied powers. At some not too distant time, history will

    confirm this judgment.

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    The "illustrious" judges of the Allies, headed by Jackson and Biddle of the Supreme Court of the U.S.. condemn

    in Nrnberg and Tokyo generals and held marshals to die the disgraceful death by hanging for their crimes such

    as the "Death March of Bataan." The victims of (he above were strong, young trained soldiers in wartime. Whatthe bishop is speaking of is happening in peacetime, and there are not a few thousand young men in question but

    about 20 million women, children and aged, i.e., defenseless, helpless innocent people, because the once strong

    German soldiers, who would protect their parents wives and children, are still the slave workers of the victorious

    powers after two years of "unconditional surrender."


    In contrast to the ascertainment of the Catholic prelate, I read in the report of a prominent Protestant church

    leader, who himself saw the land of the Reformation in its ruin and powerless misery, this statement: "I am an

    American. I am flesh of the flesh of this nation and blood of its blood, and as a patriotic citizen I rejoice in the

    announced policy of my land towards our beaten foe." This conception is a perverse interpretation of true

    Christianity, which teaches: "We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5, 29. We condemn millions of

    German human beings to death and slavery for the very same reason that they, too, obeyed the state, i e., men

    more than God and their conscience.

    If Bishop Muench stipulates that the crime of the Allies on defenseless people is increased by the fact that "there

    is neither an outcry against these atrocities by the people of other nations nor any action or government withpower to take it", he declares that something like a "world conscience" has ceased to exist. Naked greed,

    selfishness, and revenge dominate those who hypocritically claimed that they waged a "Crusade" against the

    Germans in the name of "humanity."


    Cruel politicians, foxy diplomats, hard-hearted soldiers can act according to the motto: "My country, right or

    wrong". True Christians act otherwise. They know that they are mere pilgrims and guests on this earth and that

    the true homeland of the soul is above in the light. Therefore, a Christian says "yes" to Right and "no" to Wrong,

    and he is ready to endure sufferings for the truth for Christs sake rather than to do wrong in the name of

    patriotism. Christians act like Luther and Niemoeller and thousands of German faithful who preferred the

    concentration camp or even the firing squad to betraying the truth. "Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. God

    help me. Amen." Where are these heroes of faith among the Allies, among us Americans, who help to commit

    "the greatest crime of the age?" Do we, the clergy of America, want to be patriots first and then Christians, i e.,

    to obey men more than God? Do we want to humiliate the church in America to that level as the Orthodox

    Church in Russia is servile to the state?

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    If somebody has a right to stand up against the post-war crimes of the Allies, this right belongs to the Christians

    of all nations. They who overcame the "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" Old Testament spirit of

    revenge of Henry Morgenthau Jr., and General Eisenhower (whose grandparents are buried on German soil) canand must, in the name of the Savior of the world, stand up for truth and right, for humanity and mercy against

    lies and deceit, robbery and rape, hypocrisy and cruelty. If our church in America was not able to avoid our

    country which was 86% against our entrance into the war, from being lured into the war, then she must at least

    awaken now and stop the crimes and help to heal the wounds which we have inflicted on the heart of Europe.

    The Church of America dares not be silent if it wants to obey God more than murderous and Godless men!

    In order that the Church may be enabled to speak up, it must be informed. It must know the Bible, history,

    geography, ethnology, cultural history and church history in order to apply the utterance of our Lord: "He that is

    without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her."


    The two nations, the German and Italian, who created the European, and through that the Christian, conception

    of culture for mankind, were accused, condemned and almost brought to the abyss by an unholy combination of

    superior forces as aggressor nations. Now, who in truth are the real aggressors? Let us consider this in the light

    of the historical and geographical facts, for only from the knowledge of the past can the present be understood.

    Just take a look at the map of our globe. What do you see? You see in red a giant territory from the Baltic Sea,

    the Elbe River and the Black Sea, extending over two Continents as far as Alaska, under the name Union of

    Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R) Then, in pink, you see all the most important bases on all the continents

    collected under a second giant territory, the English World Empire. finally, you see in green the United States of

    America, territorially the smallest of the three, but on achievement and success, by far the mightiest of the

    present time dominating World Powers.

    The question for the thinking man is How did these three World Powers collect those huge lands and accumulate

    those immense treasures of the earth? The historical and true answer is: By aggression, by brutality, by greed

    and power politics!


    Russia. in the 16th Century was a comparatively small country with a wild nomad population. The cruel czar,

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    Ivan the Terrible, set out in savage aggressive wars in all directions, and thus he founded the Moskowite Empire

    Peter the Great, who wanted to plant European culture in his country, traveled through Germany and Holland

    and called thousands of Germans into his country as teachers and masters of his people. Germans built him a

    new capital, St. Petersburg (now Leningrad) a port City, Kronstadt, which bore their German names till our

    times. Under Peters rule, dozens of nationalities of the East were brought under the Russian yoke. Russia

    experienced her tremendous expansion under the unscrupulous Czarina Catharine II. Under her rule, Poland was

    divided, the Baltic sates, the Ukraine, the Crimea and gigantic Siberia were brought under the crown of all

    Russians permanently. Since her very existence, Russia was ruled by the knout as well under the absolutist czars

    as under the cynic dictators of the Bolshevik period. The Russian colossus was kept uneducated so that it couldbe ruled more easily. Until our century, there were more than 70% illiterates. The extension of the gigantic

    empire took place in an uninterrupted series of cruel aggressive wars. The subjugated nations were pushed in all

    directions and so weakened that they never became able to regain their independence. The huge wood and

    Iceland Siberia, became a penal colony settled by millions of convicted and condemned who lead a miserable

    life as slave workers. By force and brutality that colossus came into existence and is today the greatest danger

    and menace to mankind. Through the murder of the czar and his family and over countless corpses, Stalin,

    whom Roosevelt called his "personal friend", succeeded to power. And these greatest and most cruel

    .aggressors. The Roosevelt administration called "peace-loving democracies" and our "noble Allies"!

    England at the time of Queen Elizabeth, about 400 years ago, was only the southern part of the British Islandand had about 3 million inhabitants. By cruel murder and long aggressive wars, Ireland and Scotland were

    forced under the English rule, and thus the United Kingdom of about 7 million inhabitants was founded. (At the

    same time, the Holy Roman Empire of the noble German Nation had a population of 18 million). After the

    consolidation of the United Kingdom, the English set out to conquer in all parts of the globe. The history of

    England has been an uninterrupted chain of aggressions from that time until our day. She built the mightiest

    navy and merchant marine and was until World War II by far the greatest sea-power of the world, i e., the real

    Militarist and Maritimist. The "Perfide Albion" played the European powers against each other with intrigue and

    hypocritical diplomacy under the self-invented motto of the "Balance of Power". If a nation on the continent

    became too powerful, she was destroyed by England. This happened to Spain and Holland the Danish navy was

    attacked by surprise and robbed in the midst of peace; Napoleon Boneparte was forced to his knees; she

    (England) mobilized, during World Wars I and II, the whole world against Germany, her greatest rival, in orderto destroy her. (Winston Churchill declared that he was ready to ally himself even to the "son of hell" in order to

    reach his goal!) The brutality and cruelty with which England conducted her aggressive wars knew no limits. I

    remind you of the concentration camps in Boerland where women, old people and children were tormented to

    death in order to force these brave men, fighting for their freedom, into submission. Every schoolchild knows

    how thousands of rebellious Indians were put in front of cannons and torn to pieces, how millions of them were

    starved to death. After World War 1, England continued the hunger blockade over Germany and Austria for a

    whole year and thus killed by starvation more than one million German children, women and aged. Those were

    some of the means through which England founded her world empire so that today she rules over one-sixth of

    the globe and more than 550 million subjects. These people have the arrogance to call themselves a "peace-

    loving nation." In the presence of God, I ask every Christian: How can mankind in the light of the historicalgeographical and ethnographical facts take this great lie silently?

    America, the youngest and mightiest among the great powers of our day, was unknown to the white man at the

    time when the first German emperor Charles the Great, was crowned at Rome as the Protector of Christianity.

    When Dr. Martin Luther was born, Columbus had not yet seen the shores of the New World. How did she

    become so great, so rich and so mighty in such a short time? Through our school text books, we are accustomed

    to looking at our history since the time of the Pilgrim Fathers in a halo light. In reality our short national history

    is an uninterrupted chain of cruel and bloody conquering wars.

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    Or can an honest and thinking man believe that the original inhabitants of our country just waited for the white

    man to present him with their beautiful land and rich treasures? NO! Spaniards Portuguese Frenchmen, Dutch

    and Swedes waged the bloodiest aggressive wars on the whole Western Hemisphere, robbing and destroying the

    once flourishing empires of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayas. The aggressors saying was: "Only a dead Indian is a

    good Indian." Finally the English came and robbed the whole then known North American Continent from the

    other conquerors. The once free lords of the country, the Indians, were liquidated in the most cruel way and their

    land was robbed. With their bows and arrows, the brave Indians were powerless against the mightier deadly

    weapons of the white man. The craft, perfidy and brutality with which the white man acted in the New World

    ridicules all description. It is reported from the early history of our country that the white man roasted alivecaptured Indians in order to intimidate the natives. Being unable, even with their superior weapons, to finish the

    courageous defenders of their homeland, the white man used firewater and venereal diseases, and thus he

    exterminated whole tribes with cold-blooded brutality.

    Another outrage of our history dating back to colonial times is Slavery. In far-off Africa, the poor Negroes were

    hunted like game and were brought to the human-market of America in chains. How much human misery and

    distress was caused by such cruel greed, one cannot describe. This national crime was abolished only about 80

    years ago Even today, thousands of Negroes live who were born as children of slaves. After these English

    colonies had achieved their so-called "independence" from the motherland (with German help), the aggressive

    War of the States was continued. The Indians were decimated. In their inhuman greed, our forefathersexterminated the natives by every possible means. In their avarice, they annihilated the buffalo on wide tracts of

    the country which was the chief means of subsistence of the Indians. By starvation, they forced them to wander

    farther and farther until they gained possession of this entire great rich and blessed country. The survivors of the

    true lords of this country live today on the "Reservations", i e. concentration camps. They have nothing to say in

    matters of government in their fathers land and are kept in ignorance.

    We continued with our aggressive wars against Spain, Mexico and Central America and took what we wanted.

    No Germany, Italy or Japan mixed in our affairs. Thus we became the mightiest, richest and most peace loving

    nation. We intentionally conceal that we became that nation after we achieved all of this by aggressive wars, by

    slave labor and by starvation. At that time, there were no radios, motion pictures and news correspondents topreserve the cruelties of those times.

    It is only natural that, after we snatched up everything we wanted, we now want to be left alone in order

    that we can enjoy our riches in peace.



    Those are the naked historical facts of how the three great powers came into existence. There was always might

    before right. They willfully disregarded the existence of other nations on earth which had achieved much greater

    things for mankind than the present great powers combined. What, for example, did the Germans do while the

    three waged their aggressive wars?. They fought defensive wars for the highest treasures of mankind.

    On Christmas Eve of the year 800 A. D. the Pope crowned Karl, king of the German tribe of the Franks, known

    in world history Charlemagne or Karl the Great, as Emperor and bestowed upon his kingdom the title "THE

    HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE OF THE NOBLE GERMAN NATION." No other nation on earth had ever such an

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    illustrious name because none had such a high mission as the German. The history of Christendom knows only

    one Holy Land, where our Lord was born, lived, worked, suffered, died, arose, who brought about redemption of

    mankind. and one Holy Reich which was predestined to be the defender, guardian, and protector of Christianity

    and of the white race.

    For a thousand years there were only two decisive powers of Christendom, the spiritual power culminating in the

    Pope in Rome, and the secular power of the Ho(y Roman Empire of the Noble German Nation culminating in

    the Kaiser, who was on guard with drawn sword for the highest treasures of mankind. What we call today theEuropean or Western culture and civilization could develop to its peak of perfection only under the protection of

    the Holy Reich. Germandom was for more than a thousand years the bulwark against the Asiatics. German

    blood ran in streams through the centuries in order to defend the West against the East. After crushing the Huns

    at the beginning of the fifth century, the Avares and Magyars stormed against that bulwark at the end of the first

    millennium. On German soil they were stopped and defeated by the Kaisers Karl the Great and Otto the Great

    The storm of the mighty Mongols under Chengis Khan was broken at Liegnitz in Silesia. No other people on

    earth went through those sacrifices to save, preserve and develop European culture and to spread Christianity.

    For more than 300 years, Germany and Hungary, together with Poland, defended Europe and Christianity

    against the Asiatics and the Mohammedans. On German soil, in the land of the Reformation, they fought the 30-

    Years War for the freedom of religion and freedom of conscience for all mankind, and thus the new era ofmodern civilization began. While Germany, as the protector of Christianity and defender of the white race,

    almost bled to death, the others took everything they could lay their hands on. Their leaders were not hanged as

    criminals but are highly honored as heroes. Then when the Germans recovered from their gigantic rescue work,

    the world was divided among the conquerors so that the Germans were forced to live in bard labor in a small,

    infertile space and to give their surplus population to the present great powers as culture-dung." So it happened

    that every third American is of German origin and that millions of Germans live in Russia and the English

    World Empire. Not one of the great powers considered giving them in a peaceable way a place to live from their

    abundance of unpopulated territories! Just compare the density of the population per square mile of these

    countries: America - 43: Russia - 37; France - 179; Italy - 405; Germany - 502; and then let your Christian

    conscience pass judgment!


    After this historical and geographical review, let us give a thought to the language question. At the time of

    Queen Elizabeth, there were about 7 million English speaking people in the world. Today more than 250 million

    speak this distorted old German dialect. How did it happen that this language expanded so immensely? The

    answer is very simple: by power expansion! Wherever the English penetrated by conquering they brought their

    language along and forced it on the subjugated nations. Why, for instance, is the language of our country not

    Spanish, French, Swedish or Dutch, since they all were here before the English? Because England conquered all

    these colonists! Now in our country, the white man and the Negro, the Redskin and the Yellow, Christians, Jews

    and heathens speak English. In our schools English history and literature are taught as if other nations with a

    much greater past and record of achievement had not existed! How much more tolerant were the Germans in the

    language question also! For centuries the Czechs, Hungarians, North Italians, Belgians Flemings, and Dutch

    were part of the Holy Roman Empire of the Noble German Nation, but they still speak their mother tongue. In

    gratitude for such tolerance, the Czechs drove out more than 3,000,000 Germans and Hungarians from their

    Wilson-created state. This brutality the scarcely 7 million Slavic people could afford to commit because they

    had the consent and assistance of the great powers in this crime. The great "Liberators" and "Humanitarians",

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    Churchill, Stalin and Truman, gave orders for this unique barbarism at Potsdam. How would we feel if by a

    miracle the Indians of our country suddenly became so powerful that they would cast all of us out of our land

    with only a bundle?

    The white man has occupied this country for only about 300 years, while the Germans lived in Sudetenland

    since the time of Charles the Great for more than 1100 years they colonized in the Ostmark as a bulwark

    against the Asiatics.

    True language tolerance is proven by the German Swiss, the oldest real democracy of the world The Swiss

    population is three-quarters German, while the other fourth is composed of French, Italians and Rhato-Romans.

    They all are entitled to the same privileges. The German Swiss never tried to enforce their language upon their

    fellow citizens. The Anglo-Saxons would have denationalized them long ago, as they so thoroughly did in

    Ireland, where in that really "liberated country" the people can no longer speak their native language.


    What is true of the Anglo-Saxons can be said of the Russians. In number, their Slavic mother tongue compares

    with the English, but they keep 152 nations of all races under their yoke and Russianize them in every way. Like

    the Anglo-Saxons, they make Slavs out of Tartars and Kirgises, Mongols and Wotjaks, Buddhists and

    Mohammedans. How is that possible? Simply by subjugating of the weaker nations and forcing the Russian

    language upon them. In other words, the real aggressor nations are allowed to subjugate other peoples and

    combine them in the melting pot through the language of the "superrace", while the Germans had in this matter

    also to suffer the bitterest injustice. The Austrians, Sudetenlanders, Elsassians and Tyrolians are as German as

    the Bavarians, Saxons and Suavians, but they were not allowed to be united with their motherland. In the

    plebiscite of 1919, the then Austrian Republic was eager, with 89% majority, to join the German Weimar

    Republic. England, France, and Italy threatened with occupation if Austria would dare to do so. Later on, whenthe "Anschluss" was accomplished, that will of the people was condemned as a crime by the hypocritical authors

    of the "Self-determination of Nations." Was it a crime that our martyr President Lincoln conducted the bloodiest

    Civil War for four long years in order to keep the southern states ~n the Union? Germany has more right to

    Austria, Sudetenland, Elsass and all the other German settlements in Europe than the Northern States had to the

    Confederation, because in the former- it is a case of the same race with the same language history and culture.

    Vienna and Prague were the capital cities of the Reich centuries ago, when Berlin was a mere fishing village.

    Now the victorious powers claim hypocritically that they "liberated" Austria and want to form a new

    "independent" German state. From whom did they liberate her? From her art treasures and cultural goods, from

    her factories and technicians, from her clothing and food. The real cause for the creation of an independent

    Austria is the satanic intention of the great powers to keep Germandom in the heart of Europe further disunited

    and thus for all future times powerless! It is just another crime of the victorious! The union of Austria and all the

    other Germanic nations of Europe with the Reich is as natural and just, as of children returning home to mother.

    All other nationalities took it for granted that it was their right, on the ground of self-determination, to be united

    with their mother nation. Only to the Germans was this natural right denied by envious and vicious enemies.

    Other nations have subjugated and assimilated foreign people. Thus the Anglo-Saxons, French and Russians

    founded mighty empires. How is this injustice and rape of historical right to be reconciled with American sense

    of fairness and Christian ethics?

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    One of the most important problems of our time is the Jewish problem In order to win the favor of world Jewry

    during World War 1, England promised them the land of their forefathers as a homeland, to which they

    undoubtedly have a historical right. If the Jews have a right to claim Palestine, which they did not own for the

    last 2000 years, how much more right, for instance, has Italy to claim the old Roman Empire or Germany toclaim the Holy Roman Empire of the Noble German Nation? All the Mediterranean countries were cultivated by

    Rome. Now England with her maritime power dominates all of this most important territory from Gibraltar over

    Malta to the Suez Canal. The whole of Central Europe, the heart of Christian culture, from the Atlantic to the

    Memel River and from the North and Baltic Seas to the Adriatic was embraced in the Holy Roman Empire

    during the years from 800 to 1806 Only thus, for a thousand years, were the Germans able to be the defenders of

    Christianity and of the white race against the Asiatics. Now, if the Jews have a right to claim the land of their

    forefathers, the English to claim Scotland, Wales and the worldwide Empire, the Russians to claim that colossus

    of land and we Americans to claim this blessed country of the exterminated Indians, then the Germans have a

    thousandfold more right to claim the Reich in the heart of Europe where every little spot was purchased with

    precious blood and sweat. It was this Reich which the Germans wanted to restore as the nucleus of the future

    United States of Europe. The Germans knew what the others, too, are now beginning to see after it is too late,namely, that the individual nations of Europe cannot exist separately. They all depend on each other and all

    together on Germany, the industrial, spiritual and cultural heart of Europe. United, they would represent an

    economical, political and cultural power of the first importance as is right for the mother of our Christian



    Thats what Lincoln did for America by keeping the Union together! Just let us imagine, for a moment, to what

    helplessness and powerlessness we would be condemned if each of the 48 states were independently

    circumvented with high tariff walls. What Lincoln did for us, is just exactly that which the Germans intended to

    create in Europe. That was their proposition in 1936. Because the world of our time has shrunk, the Germans

    learned not to think in terms of narrow borders of small countries, but in terms of economic and cultural

    continents. According to that, the Western Hemisphere should have been under the leadership of the U. S. A. the

    British Empire should have existed further, Russia should have kept her borders with the exception of a bread

    basket for Europe, the yellow race should have constituted the Far Fast under Japanese leadership and Europe

    the cradle of the white race and mother of Christian culture, should have flourished as the United States of

    Europe under German leadership.


    When this German plan was presented to President Roosevelt. he laughed ironically. As England wanted

    unsuccessfully to frustrate Lincolns great work of the unification of the states, so Roosevelt succeeded in

    frustrating the German Plan of unification of Europe, because he sensed in a recovered and united Europe under

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    the leadership of the efficient Germans a dangerous rivalry. Just remember that Roosevelt was not able to solve

    the unemployment problem in the richest country in the world!



    The Germans never thought of conquering the world. No less an authority than General G. C Marshall, our

    Chief of Staff, after crushing the Reich, reported to the President, that the Germans never had a plan to conquer

    the world. The same fact was proven through the Nrnberg trials. Everything else was criminal lies and war

    propaganda by conscienceless commentators in order to stir fear and hatred against the Germans. In other

    words, by interfering in an entirely internal European affair, it was Roosevelt and his gangs greediness and

    selfishness, their ill- will and megalomania, which caused World War.

    II. Did Germany interfere in Lincolns war? Yes, by helping him out with $250,000,000 in his great struggle.

    Now we show our gratitude by destroying Germany and by killing and starving millions of German people.Under Anglo-Saxon leadership, the whole world, with all its resources, was mobilized to destroy Germany. The

    allies succeeded, through their tremendous superiority of men and materials, in extorting Roosevelts

    "unconditional surrender". Had the Germans remained victorious in their gigantic struggle against the whole

    world, then they would really have been supermen!


    We emerged as victors not because we are better or more ingenious people than the Germans, but because here

    the Lord God has spoken. Adolf von Versailles, in his impudence, considered himself a kind of Savior, and in

    his madness opposed the Redeemer. But the Lord said:

    "All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth" (Matth. 28, 18.) Whosoever rushes against this power must

    be shattered, whether his name is Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Benesh or Tito. Now we sit in judgment of

    the beaten "foe" who never was our enemy, but Roosevelt and his gang decided that we should be enemies of the



    The great and, for a Christian, decisive question for future times is: From where do the victor nations take the

    right to condemn and to treat a whole nation in this most inhuman way? They do not have a moral right. They

    can only justify their brutality through their cruel might for the victorious nations have committed a hundredfold

    more crimes than the war crimes of the Germans, and they commit them unpunished even today!

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    Let us compare some of these crimes:

    1. The Germans are accused of having started an aggressive war. For that crime their leaders werehanged.

    Every historian knows that this accusation is a great he. The Germans wanted to reach their rightful goal in

    rescuing Europe by peaceful means. In the case of Austria and the Sudetenland, they succeeded. A peaceful

    agreement with Poland also would have been possible> had not Churchill, encouraged by Roosevelt, instigated

    the leaders of that unfortunate people. Now, after the Poles were betrayed and sold out by the same Churchill

    and Roosevelt, they regret bitterly that they had not listened to the Germans. But it is too late. Polands

    independence is gone for good under the dictatorship of the Asiatic Bolsheviks. And Churchi1ls day will come.

    He made that agreement with the devil of Kremlin and Satan does not let his victim loose were he sells his soul,i e., in this case, the English Empire. Now the real aggressors through the centuries up to the present time are the

    victorious nations. A glance at the map and into the history of the last four centuries

    proves the truth of this statement. The Germans did not want to make war against England and America. They

    always considered these two nations as their kinsmen and spiritual children. Remember, every third American is

    of German origin and every second Englishman is of German blood! It was England and France who declared

    war on Germany in World Wars I and II, not the other way around, as we are constantly told. The Harbor

    investigation has clearly proven that Roosevelt waged an undeclared, cowardly aggressive war against Germany

    and Italy for more than six months.

    After he found out that he was not able, with all his arrogant provocations, to break the patience of the Germans,

    he, according to the sworn testimony of Secretary of State Stimson, looked for war with Germany via Japan So

    he succeeded to lie this nation into the so-called "defensive" war. Every honest American may ask himself:

    Would we have had so much patience to resist all the insults and provocations of a foreign head of a state? Now

    the Nazi leaders were hanged for their crimes, attacking Poland But at that time Stalin was Hitlers ally and

    attacked Poland from the east. And Roosevelt and his gang waged an undeclared aggressive war in the Atlantic.

    Only when all the aggressors and their henchmen are brought before the bar and are convicted for their crimes

    can one say, that justice is done. It is evident that our leaders acted according to a "double standard". Can you

    Christian ministers accept this crime silently?


    2. The Germans were accused of having burned 5 million Jews in their gas chambers. For this terriblecrime their leaders and many thousand accomplices were hanged.

    The victorious nations have shown the world how this crime is to be done in much greater dimensions and

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    unpunished also. The Russians alone, have slaughtered 18 million Christian: in the Bolsheviki Revolution, The

    English destroyed millions of human lives in Ireland, India, South Africa and the other vast colonies. And we

    Americans exterminated the aborigines of our country to a few powerless remnants.

    If we compare the density of the World-population at the time of our crimes and the then used murder weapons

    then Himmlers gas chambers, were, with all their dreadfulness and reprobation, rather humane and for the

    survivors even sanitary! As it is well known, in Russia in the 20s the most terrible epidemics broke out as

    consequences of the manslaughter of the Bolsheviki.

    The perpetrators of those crimes were never tried and hanged. Again a "double standard!"


    3. The Germans were accused of having introduced the concentration camps as a new means of war. Forthis crime their leaders and helpers were hanged.

    This accusation is again a great lie. The Germans, in their 2000 years of glorious history, never used this

    objectionable means. They have learned this, too, from the victorious nations. Russias Siberia was a unique,

    gigantic concentration camp under the czars and is much more so under the Bolshevik dictators. England used

    the concentration camps as a most cruel war device during the Boer War against white people and in countless

    places in he: vast colonies against the natives. And what are in our country the "Indian Reservation:," where the

    real lords of our land are kept without civil rights and in ignorance? In addition to this the. Roosevelt

    administration created during the war a special concentration camp connected with kidnapping, which crime is

    according to the Lindbergh-Law punishable by death.

    Under the command of Roosevelt in Central- and South America, in violation of the sovereignty of those states,

    many thousands of intelligentsia, industrialists, scientists, and men of finance of German origin, mostly born in,

    or citizens of those countries, were kidnapped by our American flyers. They were kept in Fargo, N. D., and in

    other concentration camps behind barbed wire for years. Their families in many cases did not know where the

    father, the husband, the brother had disappeared. This cruel crime originated by the late President was

    committed in contradiction to all human and international laws. How would we feel if our German descendants

    like the Rockefellers, Westinghausens, Roeblings, Kaisers, Fleischmanns, Heinzes and many other thousands of

    German-American leading personalities would have been treated in this way?


    4. The Germans were accused of having used during the war slave laborers. For this crime their leaderswere hanged.

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    As a matter of fact, the majority of those "slaves" were voluntary workers who wanted to earn good money and

    who went to Germany to help create the United States of Europe. That is what, the so-called "Quislings" and

    collaborators in all the European countries did by many thousands. The best proof of this truth is the fact that

    many hundreds of thousands of those "slave-laborers" did not want to be "liberated" but preferred to stay in the

    Reich and starve with the Germans than to go "home"! -On the other hand the victorious nation were and still

    are the greatest slave traders and tormentors! Russia always misused her millions of banished as slaves. The

    present slave laborers of the soviet Union are estimated between 15-20 million. England and France exploited

    the nations of their colonies as slave laborers for centuries. And here in our America slavery was officially

    abolished only 80 years ago while the Negroes in the South are still treated as third rate citizens. We still do nothave an anti-lynch law. And in which ignominious way have we traded our German war prisoners as slave

    workers to England and France in violation of all international laws! The Germans never committed such crimes

    but they were hanged. The criminals of the victorious nations are still free!


    5. The Germans were accused of destroying the village of Lidice and of executing about 200 British-sent

    murderers of a German governor, Heydrich. The perpetrators of this crime were hanged. On the other hand the

    victorious nations committed thousandfold greater crimes.

    The English were the first ones who bombed the magnificent German cities - In Freiburg, the first of those

    cities, English flyers killed 40 kindergarten children. That was the beginning. The bombing of the old historical

    city of Coventry by the Germans was mere retaliation for bombing out of the Goethe and Schiller city Weimar,

    the German cultural shrine, by the English. Dresden, the magnificent capitol of Saxony with her inestimable art

    treasures, was so thoroughly bombed by our flyers that in one night alone 400,000 civilians were killed. Every

    great city of Germany was destroyed up to 85 % whether there were war plants or not, just to terrorize thepopulation and to kill guilty and innocent alike. Against the outspoken protest of our scientists we used the atom

    bomb to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki and thus cold-bloodedly killed tens of thousands of civilians. It was

    proven that this unique crime of the age was unnecessary since the Japanese considered themselves already

    beaten and had asked the Russians to mediate, but Stalin suppressed that all-important document at Potsdam.

    Of course now we want to see the atom bomb outlawed after we have used it, and we feel uneasy about the

    Russians that they do not trust us. We have good reason to fear our self-created "Frankenstein" after we have

    made a precedent in this crime also!


    6. The Germans were accused of having starved hundreds of thousands of helpless people. For this crime the

    guilty men and women were hanged. - This cruel means of war the Germans also learned from the victorious

    powers. England maintained after World War I for a whole year the hunger blockade over Austria and Germany

    and thus caused the painful death by starvation of more than a million children, women and aged people. The

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    Nazis tortured in their concentration camps, thousands, mostly their own countrymen, by starvation to death,

    giving the deplorable victims 900-1000 calories of food out of the limited supplies of an overpopulated infertile

    country. The victorious nations commit a thousandfold greater crime than the most brutal Nazis did. They let

    tens of millions starve and freeze by 700-800 calories, although they have an abundance of food and clothing.

    Hitler had his infamous concentration camps in Dachau, Buchenwald, Belsen, Sachsenhausen etc. The

    victorious nations made a gigantic concentration camp out of the entire Central Europe with about 150 million

    population, and deliberately exterminate guilty and innocent alike.


    7. German physicians and scientists are accused of having used living human being as guinea pigs. For this

    crime they are tried by the victor powers. According to the heretofore made experiences they will surely be


    -At the same time the Allies take the privilege of applying the results of those scientific experiments as they use

    the knowledge and ingenuity of thousands of Nazi scientists for their own purposes. Now there is a German


    "The receiver of stolen goods is not better than the thief himself!" And how shall we classify General Marshalls

    act? On order of the "Commander-in-Chief" he ordered the bombing of the great City of Oranienburg after their

    spies had found out that highly important experiments with atomic energy were made there. According to a

    reporter of the Chicago Tribune 1200 German scientists and skilled men were killed by our flyers at one blow!

    How about the thousands of human guinea pigs which we used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to find out the effectsof the atomic bomb? I have read nothing about sentences and executions of the criminals who ordered and those

    who carried out the orders for dropping the atomic bomb on defenseless civilians. In July, 1945. a poll was taken

    of the atomic scientists at the University of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory. . . Thus 85 per cent of all the

    scientists opposed a holocaust such as that at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, directed more against civilians than

    against military targets. . . . The poll was brought directly to the attention of Secretary of War Stimson and

    President Truman. Hiroshima was still a couple of weeks in the future. Truman and Stimson declined the

    humanitarian counsels of the men who had perfected the bomb. They went ahead and dropped it. There had

    better not be any slip-up, real or pretended. when the next Pear Harbor is in the making. By the example of our

    leaders we have taught mercilessness to our enemies. We can expect nothing else in return." Col. McCormick.


    8. The Germans were accused of having looted art treasures, precious articles, and also livestock and food. For

    this crime they were hanged.

    The truth is that museum directors of countries occupied by the Germans reported that their art treasures were

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    intact and not missing. They were an the contrary, protected by the Germans as real appreciates of art and

    science against our flyers, who without any consideration mercilessly destroyed everything. (Just think of the

    greatest and oldest charity and mercy institutions of the world in Bethel and Barmen, in Halle and Kaiserswerth,

    the deaconess motherbouses, hospitals, libraries and thousands of churches and schools!) And how could

    Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Norway, Czechoslovakia have recovered in such short a time, that they

    have an abundance of dairy products and food, if the Germans had exploited them so cruelly as our preachers of

    hatred wanted us to believe? The facts are, that even the nations once occupied by the Germans, openly and

    publicly stated that there were no better disciplined soldiers in the whole world than the Germans. On the other

    hand the victorious armies, including our own troops, played havoc in the "unconditionally surrendered" Reichand behaved like real gangsters and robbers according to our own reporters! They did all this disregarding all

    international law according to which private property is to be respected.


    The robbery of the Hessian royal jewelry is just one case among millions. The defending lawyer of the WAC

    captain Mrs. Durant certainly knew what he said when pleading for his client, that if his client would beconvicted, then 90 per cent of our occupation forces must be punished because they all have stolen. Millions of

    tons of stolen goods were sent and brought to America as "souvenirs" an our transportation facilities through our

    U. S. Post Offices and custom officers. The silver ware of the late Kaiser, a gift of the German cities at his 25th

    ruling anniversary alone weighs seven tons, and the colonel who stole this magnificent artwork and considers it

    a trophy, is in his civilian life a lawyer! I thank the Lord for my son who came home with clean hands and a

    clean conscience. As an army officer he had the same opportunity as all the others to loot and to steal. "Dad, I

    kept the VII, Commandment We left that poor conquered people back in their misery and starvation. I had not

    the heart to take one pennys worth." I trust that my son is not the only one out of our ten million armed forces

    who did not sent or bring home "souvenirs!", who know something about the Commandments of our Lord!


    What the Russians have stolen of treasures and goods of all kind, and have sent in thousands of trains to the

    Bast, is a special chapter. But they are even more honest than we are, for they do not play the hypocrite saying

    that they are the "highest civilized nation an earth," nor do they claim that they are a "Christian nation" as we


    What abundance of art and treasures was accumulated in that first land of culture, of that creative nation in

    museums, castles, manors, and in private collections as the property of those great historical families through the

    centuries Each greater city in Germany had as many art treasures of all kind as otherwise a whole country has.

    There was something to loot and to steal! According to our own news reporters, the English alone were the ones

    who lived up to the rules of international law and kept themselves within the framework of decency In the

    presence of God and in the light of history we are guilty of looting and destroying irreparable cultural values of


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    Roosevelt knew exactly what he meant when be demanded "unconditional surrender!" According to his barbaric

    interpretation that term included the right of the victor to dispose of everything, man and material, property and

    spiritual goods. The patents and secrets alone, which our troops have stolen and brought over here,

    counterbalance the billions we spent for waging war. The kidnapping and forced importation of German

    scientists and technicians to the East and West is taken for granted. -In the presence of God I ask our nation, Iask you, ministers of the Gospel: Did the Germans in all our histories ever inflict such injuries on us as we did in

    the two World Wars sent still do inflict on them? What wrong did the German nation do to us Americans that we

    punished them twice in a generation in the most cruel and inhuman way such as history never saw before? Do

    you call that American gratitude for all the hard work sent faithfulness by which German people here built up

    our country and won our victories?


    9. The Germans were accused of having suppressed the freedom of press and speech whereby they misled the

    masses. For this crime their leaders were hanged.

    - Did the Russians in all their history till the present day ever have freedom of press and speech? Let us not

    forget this treasure of the free man was gained for us in bard fight by the German-American Johann Peter

    Zenger! But, did we enjoy this freedom during the Roosevelt administration? If one did not yell with him and

    other warmongers, the F.B. I. made life miserable and a hell an earth. Such freedom of press and speech was in

    Germany and Russia, too Whoever agreed with Hitler and Stalin could speak and write as much as he wanted.

    Far-sighted and honest men, true American patriots like Senators Taft, Wheeler, Nye, General R. E. Wood, Col.

    Lindbergh, Father Coughlin and many others who had a conscience and historical knowledge, were smeared andeventually silenced. If the Germans-Americans would not be so law-abiding, self-disciplined and duty-bound,

    the F. B. 1. would have had a big job to put about one third of our entire population behind barbed wires!


    Did our nation with her "free" press know, that Roosevelt conducted against the Germans and Italians a

    provocative undeclared, aggressive war for more than six months, whereby the patience and the honor of thosenations were put to the hardest trial? - Did our nation know that Roosevelt and his henchmen prepared the Pearl

    Harbor catastrophe deliberately and purposely in order to be enabled to stand before the nation and ask for

    revenge for that so-called "sneak attack?" - Was the nation properly informed that it was not an "ideological"

    war but the naked selfishness, greediness and powerpolitics of the Roosevelt administration? - Was our nation

    informed that Roosevelt on the advice of the German-Jew Einstein risked two billion dollars to create the atom

    bomb, our "Frankenstein," for which task he "imported" scientists from all over the world? - Did our nation

    know that on orders of Roosevelt many thousands of scientists, industrialists, and men of finance of German

    origin, citizens of Central and South America, were kidnapped in their homes and offices and were kept for

    years in our concentration camps under violation of the sovereignty of those states? - Did our nation know that

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    tens of thousands of "conscientious objectors" were cast in jail because they obeyed God rather than

    powerdrunken and greedy men?

    Did Governor Dewey tell the truth when he in all his campaign speeches reiterated: "Roosevelt had to make war

    to solve the unemployment problem?" - Did our nation know what an unconscientious leader she had, who in

    those secret meetings in Teheran and Yalta gave everything to cruel extortor Stalin, his ,personal friend", who

    threatened again and again with a separate peace with Hitler? - Did our nation know that Roosevelt forced

    Churchill to accept the diabolic "Morgenthau Plan" i e, to murder 40 to 50 per cent of the German population bystarvation and deportation by sub-zero weather in order to solve the "Lebensraum problem" for that nation? -Did

    our nation know that Roosevelt in his ambition and megalomania was ready to level Europe, the mother of the

    Christian civilization, to the ground, like Attila the Hun and Ghengis Khan the Mongol did, in order to put his

    name on the pages of history? It will be a gloomy nook - Our nation learned all these incredible facts with horror

    and terror after the conquest of our supposed enemies, after we were deceived and belied, and after we brought

    chaos and unspeakable misery to mankind. If we had had a really free press, our nation would have not

    committed the "greatest crime of the age!"


    Now the victorious nations have the arrogance and the hypocritical "courage" to try the whole of the German

    nation and to pass judgment on her as a people of criminals. The good-natured Germans were belied by their

    leaders the same way as we were betrayed by our leaders. The Germans as a nation knew as little about what

    happened in Dachau and the other murder camps as we knew about what happened in our name in Oak Ridge, in

    New Mexico, in Fargo, in Teheran, in Yalta, in Potsdam etc. The only difference is that we with our superiority

    of resources of the whole world have won the war and can sun ourselves in triumph, while the others lost the

    war and now they have to suffer ignominy and torment from the hands of the most cruel conquerors.-The massesof the German people trusted their Fhrer because he gave them work and bread and showed the world how be

    united most of the Germans of Europe in a peaceful way. The people did not know what means he used to reach

    his goal. The masses of our American nation trusted Roosevelt and many still worship him because be gave

    them through the WPA jobs and bread and later the record wages of the "war prosperity. For this the people

    elected him President four times, the last two times with the wholehearted support of the Communists. Ourgoodhearted nation was not aware which satanic plans he had made to throw us into the war since thenation was 86 per cent against it!


    As Christians we ought to ask ourselves in the presence of God and before history: What was the real cause that

    threw us through Roosevelt into the war? One thing is clear by now it was not an "ideological" war to destroy

    Nazism because we were allied with the more dangerous Bolshevism; it was not to save Poland because we

    betrayed and sold her out to the Russians; the old Indians, the Mexicans, the Spaniards were not Nazis or

    Bolsheviks and still we waged aggressive wars against them. The true and only answer is. The old capital sins of

    mankind, selfishness, greediness, covetousness led our nation into the war! Under the Roosevelt administration

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    we did not want to permit that history should once be reverted, that we should be the "have-nots" and the others

    the "have-nations." We wanted to live continually in abundance and to keep the others in their want forever. We

    wanted to be continually the rich and to keep the others poor forever. We wanted to enjoy unmolested what we

    snatched up an earthly goods by aggression, extermination and slave-labor. We wanted to live continually an the

    sunny side of life and to keep the others in the shadow forever. We wanted to be always an top and to keep the

    others at the bottom. We wanted to continue our "American way of life" with the highest standard of living and

    to let the others starve. Most of all, we wanted to get rid of our greatest and most successful rival an the world

    market! -All these ,virtues" are diametrically contrary to Christianity with the doctrine "Love they neighbor as

    thyself" and the Golden Rule: "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so tothem!" Matth. 7,12.


    We have same institutions which characterize the hypocrisy and injustice of our policy toward mankind. Among

    them is our Immigration Law, the supreme form of selfishness. There was a time when people were lured to this

    country and because there were not enough willing to immigrate, the greedy conquerors resorted to slavery. Butnow, after we became rich and self-sustaining, we closed our borders. If we keep in mind that in Germany

    before the war 306 people had to live an a square mile of infertile and penurious land, now after the landrobbery

    of the Allies even 502! in Italy 298 and now aver 400, and in that volcanic Japan even 410, now aver 600, while

    we here on this virgin ground live only 43 an a square mile, then we may understand what injustice we commit

    by closing our borders against our starving fellowmen! It is true, England, Belgium and Holland are densely

    populated, too, but they have vast colonies for both raw material and settlements. In contrast to that, Germany

    had to import about one half of all her food and the greatest part of her raw materials from which she produced

    rnanufactured goods sold to foreign countries and so after hard labor made a decent living. Would the German

    people not possess these characteristic virtues of diligence. thriftiness, inventive faculty, and mutual assistance,

    they would starve even in peace time. Just think of this. the Germans made in their need out of coal butter, and

    for scores of foodstuffs they invented artificial "Ersatz", Most of us Americans because of the abundance of our

    resources and the productiveness of our virgin land, have no idea how easy we can take life, while the Germans

    with all their diligence and sweat after hard labor cannot afford the tenth part of that which we Americans take

    for granted. Do we as Christians have a moral right to close our borders against bread-seeking people? No, we

    have no moral right, but we have the power to keep them out even if they starve and we choke on our fat. - Had

    the Indians of old had the power to defend their homeland, we certainly would not be here as masters of this

    blessed country. Our forefathers did not ask permission from the natives to enter this country. They just came

    and took it by force. Since we are now owners of this rich and blessed country and here as in the whole of the

    New World there is room and living possibility for hundreds of millions of people, it is our Christian duty to

    share our riches with the "have-nots." Or can a Christian believe that God has created this world only for the

    Anglo-Saxons and the Russians?

    - Many unthinking people among us judge about mother Europe that her nations live in constant quarreling and

    cannot live peacefully and content together as we do. Let them have the United States of Europe, or let them

    have living space and conditions as we have, or let them have our riches - and you will he amazed how high

    their standard of living would be, how peacefully and contentedly they would live together and what a dignity

    and greatness they would exercise.

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    Another hypocrisy that characterizes our political life is our Monroe Doctrine. We lead the 21 states of the

    Western Hemisphere with the fixed idea that no non-American dare interfere unpunished in our affairs. But at

    the same time we take the liberty to mingle at every opportunity in the affairs of other nations and even

    continents. Who gives us the right to such actions? Nobody. but our might and our power! Where is the so muchmisused decency, much less Christian morality? We do not act according to the pattern: "What is right for the

    one, should be fair for the other," but according to the old Roman saying: "Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi" (what

    is allowed for Jupiter, is not allowed to an ox.) Is that not plain hypocrisy and arrogance?


    Considered from the point of view of world history we have, in our short national history, only brought calamity

    and unspeakable misery to mankind as often as we interfered in foreign affairs. At the same time we were

    always the gainers. The Far-East nations lived for thousands of years, the Chinese behind their walls and the

    Japanese on their islands, entirely isolated from the white man and developed wonderful cultures. We forced

    them to step out of their isolation. We lent our assistance to overthrow the two thousand year old dynasty of the

    ruling house in China and to create a "democracy." Since that time that giant country has not seen tranquillity.

    The chaotic conditions still continue We bear a great part of responsibility for the millions of killed and starved!

    Overpopulated Japan had learned through many centuries by sobriety, diligence and discipline. to feed itself

    from penurious land. (Would we Americans be satisfied with a handful of rice as daily ration? !) Our admiral

    Perry forced them out of their isolation. They learned covetousness and greediness from the white man very

    quickly and started to imitate him. They followed exactly our example by creating for themselves their own"Monroe Doctrine" declaring: "If it is America for the Americans then it is Asia for the Asiatics!" But we did

    not grant them what we claim for ourselves as self-evident. Now we crushed them by our superiority.

    Fortunately for our country we have this time in our General McArthur a man who is not only a soldier, but also

    a judge of human nature and a psychologist. Under his wise leadership the ruling dynasty was not overthrown

    and through that fact alone he contributed immensely to the satisfaction of that proud, defeated nation!


    Special harm caused our meddling in the European affairs. In both World Wars our leaders were looking

    unprovoked for trouble and we decided both World Wars. Therefore, we are responsible for the consequences

    and the conditions.. Both times we brought the Europeans more misery and pain than they had before After the

    Armistice with the Germans in 1918 all solemn promises of Wilson, which he made in the name of the people of

    the United States. were broken. If we want to excuse ourselves that the intentions of Wilson were good but that

    he was not capable of coping with the English and French diplomats. then there is only one answer: Do not

    interfere in matters which you are not able to master and make no promise which you cannot keep! The

    catchword at that time was: "We must make the world safe for democracy!" The historical fact is that, with the

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    exception of England and Scandinavia, all the European countries became dictatorships. We created them

    through our childish and inexperienced policy in world affairs. The self-determination of nations was granted to

    each small Balkan people. But the tens of millions of Germans in Austria. Sudetenland, Elsass-Lothringen, West

    Prussia, Danzig etc. were forbidden to reunite with the motherland. The promises that every belligerent nation

    should care for her own war debts was disdainfully broken. Germany was robbed of all her colonies, large

    territories were broken lose from the Reich and given as Danaiden gifts to the neighbor Countries, and

    impossible billions were dictated as reparations. The Versailles outrage weight heavily on the heart of Europe.


    We comrnitted a particular sin by overthrowing the two illustrious ruling houses of the Habsburgs and

    Hohenzollern whereby we destroyed oeld through history and tradition consecrated institutions. not being able

    to substitute something better instead. The arch-house of the Habsburgers had ruled over the Holy Roman

    Empire of the Noble German Nation and since l 806 over the Austria Hungarian Empire for 800 years while the

    Hohenzollerns could look back on 600 years as Electors from Brandenburg Kings of Prussia and Emperors of

    the Second Reich.


    It is characteristic for the Germanics that they want to have an authority over them to whom they can look up.

    That is not a kind of servility but human dignity and human nobility. The Teutons want to see the might, honor

    and dignity of their nation personified in a Landesvater (father of the country) whom Lord God has given them

    by the right of birth and succession and who is independent of the wavering favor of the masses. It is that anrientfamily-bound deeply rooted in the Teuton soul which only people with a Christian education can fully

    understand. As the father is that by God instituted head of the family so is the King or Kaiser, by the grace of

    God and not by the grace of man, leader leader and ruler of his people. It is that ancient teutonic conception of

    honor and respect: "Only he who posesses honor can render honor." All the Germanic nations have their Kings

    even in our present time, even in those socialist-ruled countries like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland,

    Belgium, England. Who would deny that these nations make progress on all lines and in many things are far

    ahead of us? Now Wilson, in his ignorance of historical and psychological facts or in his determination to

    destroy time-honored institutions, demanded in his 14 points as condition to the peace treaties that the

    Habsburgers and Hohenzollern must be overthrown whereby those nations in the heart of Europe were robbed of

    their moral support. Today every child can see the terrible blunder Wilson made. The constitutional monarchy of

    the noble Hohenzollerns and Habsburgers was a thousand times better than the Hitler dictatorship. Can anhonest man in view of the historical facts deny the tremendous responsibility of the American policy which

    eventually brought Hitler to power? That is the reason I call him Adolf von Versailles!


    But not enough with this great blunder. Wilson, i e. the official American policy of the Democrats, contributed

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    the most to Europes economical ruin also. He destroyed that economic unity of the Danube monarchy, Austria-

    Hungary, which was created through the centuries. In addition to that Wilson formed as the brother-in law of her

    first president Thomas Masarik, the impossible state of Czechoslovakia. In the South we donated the murderous

    Serbs as reward a territory twice as great as they had before the murder of Sarajevo and thus we created Titos

    Yugoslavia. He took away the thousand year old Hungarian province the rich Transilvania, and gave it to

    Romania. Now our government fights for the Danube River, that life-line of Central Europe, against the

    Russians. We acknowledged too late the consequences of the sins of our representative at Versailles and we try

    to make it good this time. - Then when our soldiers returned home and after they had seen the sad consequences

    of our intervention in the European quarrel they cried out: "We fought on the wrong side!" and , "Never again

    against the Germans, the most decent people in the world!" We left Europe behind in an ocean of blood and

    tears and retired in isolation after we caused the calamity deciding the victory for the wrong side. We were the

    only gainers in the first World War. The English and French made this fact very clear to us, honoring us, as

    thanks for our rescuing help, with the name, "Shylock" and by simply refusing to pay us back the lent billions.

    Few of us Americans know that we gained billions for our economy by confiscating more than 2,500 German

    patents. Through these patents we became independent permanently in many ways, especially in the realm of

    chemistry, dyeing, and medicine!


    A third sin committed against mankind rests heavily on the conscience of the leaders and warmakers of our

    country. It is the inexperienced, yes, childish intervention in the course of history by decisively helping to

    destroy Pan-Germanism and by elevating Pan-Slavism to the dominant power in Europe and Asia. One ought to

    know the history of the white race and of the development of the Christian culture in its deepest meaning in

    order to be able to grasp the range of this great crime against mankind.

    Here is a short explanation. Since there is a recorded history of mankind we find that nations come and go, thattribes develop to nations, rise to power and might, remain there for a time, and then collapse. The archaeologists

    inform us about the might and greatness of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. All the

    glory and power of these once mighty world empires disappeared. They had to make room for other nations.


    Since the beginning of the Christian era the Indo-Gerrnanic or Aryan or Caucasian race, generally called theWhite race developed in three great families of nations: the Romance, the Germanic and the Slav families. The

    Romance nations are the South-Europeans of the Mediterranean Sea whose common original language is Latin;

    the Italians, French, Spaniards Portuguese and partly the Romanians. The West and North-Europeans on the

    Atlantic, the North and Baltic Seas are the Germanics. This family consists of the Germans, Austrians,

    Sudetenlanders, Swiss, Elsass-Lothringers Flanders, Luxemburgers Nederlanders Danes, Norwegians Swedes

    and English. The giant territory of East Europe is inhabited by the Slavs. To this family belong the Russians,

    Poles Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Croatians and Serbs. A fourth family of nations, small in number, is the

    Finnish-Ugrish family whose larger part the Voguls Ostjaks. Votjaks, Zyrmjenes, Czeremisses live on the wide

    steppes of Russia and belong to the 152 nationalities subjugated by Moscow. In Europe this family is

    represented by the gallant Magyars, the brave Bulgarians and the honest Finns, Lapps and the Baltic nations.

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    Likewise we have in Western Europe the remnants of the old Gauls.


    The history of nations develops like that of nature, according to irrevocable laws. In that cycle the Romancefamily was the first one capacitated politically and culturally to lead the White race The Italian sea powers of

    Genoa and Venice, the mighty spiritual upheaval of humanism and renaissance and the papacy in Rome had the

    leadership at the end of the Middle Ages. From the Apennine peninsula the power was transferred to the Pyrenee

    peninsula. The might and greatness of Spain, which waged the most wars of all the European nations, was so

    gigantic that King Philip II, who at the same time was Kaiser of the Holy Roman Empire, could boast that in his

    empire the sun never sets From Spain the political and cultural leadership passed to the French who created the

    first standing army in Europe (hence French expressions of all military rank and designation), and was kept for

    many decades. By defeating the great Corsican at Waterloo and later by capturing Emperor Napoleon III at

    Sedan, Frances might collapsed. So the leadership of the three great Romance nations came to an end.


    According to historical law the leading power passed to the Germanic family of nations. As in the Romance

    family the seafaring Italians were the first, so in the Germanic family the seafaring English were the first This

    aggressive and belligerent island nation not only dominated Europe from her ,splendid isolation" but also

    conquered and subjugated about one sixth of the globe and occupied all the important bases and trade-routes of

    the seven seas. A tremendous achievement for a numerically small nation But the more the Gospel of the

    "freedom of a Christian" was carried into the far-away countries the louder the subjugated nations cried out toshake off the English fetters.


    As in the Romance family the dominating power passed from Italy to Spain and then to France, in the Germanic

    family the leadership of Europe should have passed from England to Germany according to historic and divine

    law, because that nation was best prepared for that high task. Her commanding achievements in all fields ofscience, technology and arts her industrious and highly educated population, her central location in the heart of

    Europe seemed to have predestined the 100 million strong Germandom to take over the leadership of the old

    world. As in the great crisis at the turning point of the first millennium the mighty emperors of the Old Roman

    Empire of the Noble German Nation, the Carolingians, Saxons and Hohenstaufens rescued Christendom and the

    white race so this great nation was called to fulfill her highest duties towards mankind at the turning point of the

    second millennium In order to be enabled to solve this gigantic problem it was necessary to unify the whole of

    Germandom of Europe as it was a thousand years ago. Then the 78 million population of the Reich would have

    grown through the "Anschluss" of all the Germans of the continent to the over 100 millions strong of the most

    efficient, intelligent and industrious population of Christendom and the White race of the greater Reich. That

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    was the plan and the goal of the Pan-Germans. Is it a crime to gather together the children of the same family in

    one common home? The envious and greedy enemies discredited and attacked this natural and, in the end for all

    mankind, beneficial strife of Pan-Germanism.


    Did we Americans have any historical or moral right to work in all the actions of our leaders against this

    justified strife of Germandom? Is it not a fact that we melt scores of different nationalities and races into one

    nation in our states? The Germans wanted to unite only their kinsmen of the same race, blood, language and

    culture! Just think of our Pan-Americanism uniting the whole of the Western Hemisphere on solely selfish

    interests without any racial, linguistic, cultural, religious or moral foundation! Is it not a historical fact that our

    Lincoln waged the bloodiest Civil War to prevent the secession of the southern sates? Did Germany at that time

    even try to hinder that great undertaking? The fact is that the Germans helped Lincoln to achieve his goal against

    the English intrigues.

    How did we pay our gratitude to the Germans for their help to our greatness and might? We set out twice

    without any provocation to annihilate Germany. We succeeded in destroying Pan-Germanism and in altering the

    course of history. What are now the consequences of our willful interference?. We created instead of Pan-

    Germanism the terrible realization of Pan-Slavism. As the Germans strove towards unification of all Germanics

    in one great Reich so the Russians worked for more than a century for the unification of all Slavs. This old

    dream of the Czars became a reality in our days through the active and decisive help of America. It is our crime

    or our merit, from whichever point of view we look at it, that today all of Eastern Europe is a gigantic Slav


    It remains for the honest historians of the nations, of which we have very few in our midst, to judge whither Pan-

    Germanism would have led mankind and whither Pan-Slavism will lead it!


    In my opinion the Germans would have broken the eccentricities of Hitlerism after they had reached their goal -

    unification of all Germans. The best proof for this statement is the fact that responsible Germans tried to get rid

    of Hitler seven times. After consolidation of the greater Reich the 100 million Germans would have gone towork in holy enthusiasm. Their God-given noble characteristics would have been revealed. Their unique ability

    to organize would have created order and tranquillity in Europe and in the World in the shortest possible time.

    They would have created the United States of Europe without bloodshed. They would have placed their great

    capabilities in the fields of science, and and technology to the disposition of the whole world as they did before.

    Their deep spiritual life would have enriched and ennobled mankind, as for example the unique German music

    and hymns heretofore did. Christianity; would have received new impetus and a new life as it happened at the

    epoch making era of the great Reformation. Let us not forget that no other great nation under the sun conducted

    a more intensive inner and foreign mission, had more deacons and deaconess, monks and nuns, greater and

    better Christian institutions of charity and mercy for the sick, the poor, and the old aged. Even under the Nazi

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    rule over 620 new churches were built in Germany and not a single one was ever closed or desecrated byusing them for dance halls, movie theatres or museums as elsewhere! They had the best social securityorganizations for the nation. In short, Pan-Germanism would have brought to mankind spiritual and material

    blessings. The West-European culture and civilization would have been rescued once more by the Germans, the

    old experienced defenders of the most precious treasures of mankind. The American leaders prevented this

    development and destroyed that great nation against the will of 88% of our population.



    According to the law of history the greater Reich was called to take over the leadership for the next generations

    as in the past centuries the Italians, Spaniards, French and English did. It was Germanys turn this time. Ourunprovoked entrance in World Wars I and II decided against Germandom. But we did not solve the problems.

    On the contrary, we created only chaos and misery with our inexperience in world affairs and with our

    determined and premeditated will to destroy and exterminate material and human lives by the millions. As the

    trespassing of the laws of nature brings destruction, so the transgression of the laws of history bring punishment

    in itself. By our hostile and cruel acts the German leadership of Christianity and of the White race was

    eliminated and the Slav leadership was brought forth. According to my judgment this occurred 100-150 years

    too soon. The structure of world history received through our fault a gigantic hole. Pan-Slavism is not yet mature

    enough to take the. leadership just as we Americans did not yet reach the manhood of responsibility. Great

    factories, mass production, and rich cornfields are certainly blessings of h