Crim Transcript Book 2

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  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 1J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    CRI% LCTR '*+T 2,

    B## II

    .ow/ we can alrea! start wit Book II o te R$C Book II is &st mainl

    crimes/ tis is were o can in! te !ierent crimes n!er te R$C/ teir

    elements an! te penalties tat te law provi!es or teir violation Te irstarticle in Book II is art 114/ wen te R$C was aliie!/ it is te impression o

    tose wo aliie! tat treason is te most einos amon" all te crimes in te

    R$C/ as it involves te loalt o a citi5en o te contr an! ten e will wa"e

    or levies war a"ainst is own contr to wic e owes alle"iance to te same

    #r even i e is an alien or a orei"ner/ o wic e owes temporar alle"iance to

    te $ilippines/ e levies war a"ainst te $ilippines or a!eres to its enemies 6

    "ivin" its enemies ai! an! comort/ an! it ma 6e committe! not onl witin te

    territorial &ris!iction o te $ilippines 6t even elsewere +o/ te law sas an

    person owin" alle"iance to te $ilippines wo levies war a"ainst te $ilippines

    an! wo a!eres to te enem 6 "ivin" te enem ai! an! comort sall 6e

    "ilt o treason

    Te ne7t para"rap involves a proce!ral provision/ wic is tat 8noconviction can 6e a! in te crime o treason nless on te testimon o te 2

    witnesses to te same overt act or 6 volntar conession o te accse! "iven

    in open cort .ow/ rom te ver provision o te law o will know tat te

    law speaks o 9ilipino citi5ens an! orei"ners as oen!ers I e is a 9ilipino

    Citi5en/ tere is no estion o is owin" alle"iance to te $ilippines/ te onl

    pro6lem tat we will enconter in tis aspect is te new law tat will "rant !al

    citi5ensip to a 9ilipino at one "iven point in time an! o corse it will onl 6e a

    matter o concern i te contr to wic e is also a citi5en 6ecame an enem

    contr tat tere is war 6etween te 2 nations :ow will o treat tereore tat

    9ilipino/ or tat person wo as alrea! o6taine! citi5ensip rom anoter

    contr o wic e also owes permanent alle"iance in cases were tat person

    a!eres to its enemies/ an! never min! levin" war or "rantin" or te sake oar"ment tat e levies war an! tat e loves more te oter contr/ were e

    was 6orn/ tat wol! 6e a 6i" pro6lem in re"ar! to te crime o treason 'n! I

    ope tere are certain para"raps ; provisions in te new law treatin" sc

    pro6lem Bt te wa ow I perceive! te present Con"ress o te $il/ te will

    never ave to"t o tat wen te crate! te law/ not even I 6elieve in te

    oice o te $resi!ent

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 2J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    to treason/ in levin" war tere mst 6e at least two witnesses :ow a6ot i it is

    a!erin" to te enem 6 "ivin" te enem ai! an! comort Is tere a nee! or

    te two-witness rle= t want to trow imsel at te merc o te cort

    In or!er to avoi! te penalt o !eat consi!erin" tat te law provi!es or apenalt o reclsion perpeta to !eat/ e plea!s "ilt 'n! ask merc rom te

    cort @espite te act tat te two witnesses are not witnesses to te same overt

    act/ can te accse! 6e convicte! o te crime o treason= s like a man cortin" a "irl/ te moment tat a man likes a

    woman/ e will propose/ e will tell te "irl o is eelin"s 'n! te moment te

    "irl accepts is proposal ten tere is alrea! conspirac Co5 tere is alrea! an

    a"reement 6etween two parties Bt 6e carel a6ot te proposal/ 6ecase in

    treason it is !ierent Tat te one proposin" mst alrea! ave !eci!e! to

    commit te crime nlike in or!inar proposal/ we !o not know weter e is

    serios or not o !o not know weter e as !eci!e! alrea! to 6e tre to iswor!s +o 6e carel? In treason/ a/ no?i6a? :e as !eci!e! tat e is

    "oin" to commit treason an! e proposes it to anoter 'n! tat consmmates

    te crime 'n! in conspirac/ tat cannot 6e I tere is alrea! an a"reement

    6etween two persons wo ave alrea! committe! temselves to commit an act

    o treason an! te ave !eci!e! to commit it/ ten tere is alrea! conspirac

    'n! in relation to tis/ o ave te misprision o treason Bt 6eore

    !iscssin" misprision o treason/ o ave to remem6er tat te proposal/ te

    conspirac/ are separate an! !istinct crimes rom treason in itsel Te ave

    separate an! !istinct elements In oter wor!s/ i or e7ample o were not a6le

    to prove te crime o treason itsel 6t o were a6le to prove conspirac/ wic

    is necessaril incl!e! in te crime o treason/ o can convict te person o

    conspirac to commit treason instea! o treason itsel #r even proposal/alto" te are separate crimes 6t te are also consi!ere! as sta"es o te

    commission o te crime o treason

    o ave a misprision o treason wen a person owin" alle"iance to te

    "overnment o te $ilippines/ wo is .#T a orei"ner/ come into personal

    knowle!"e o an conspirac to commit treason an! e aile! to report te same

    witin a reasona6le perio! o time/ to te "overnor o te province/ to te cit

    maor o te cit/ or to te provincial iscal now provincial prosector or te cit

    iscal;prosector Tis is tereore/ a crime 6 omission Bt a orei"ner is

    e7empte! rom tis even i te owe temporar alle"iance to te "overnment It

    is ver clear rom te law Bt were sol! te person owin" permanent

    alle"iance to te "overnment o te $ilippines report= Becase e sol! report

    it to te "overnor/ or maor o is resi!ence +pposin" e is rom +l

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 3J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    province/ wile in manila e witnesse! an! as personal knowle!"e o te

    conspirac to commit treason @rin" times o war/ sol! e "o to sl an!

    report to er "overnor or te provincial prosector tere= es Reportin" to te

    cit maor o manila is not a compliance to te provision o te law re &st plain" teir lines tree times

    Te will not even ask or or i!entiication Tat means to sa o are a plentorce I sol! know 6ecase I know so man tin"s Tr +i"ra!o an

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 4J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    we "ive o a clearance +o/ 's I was sain"/ Commissioner +antia"o was

    car"e! o tirt or conts o violatin" section 3e o rep6licact301 Beore

    se col! 6e arrai"ne!/ se went to te +preme Cort an! callen"e! te ilin"

    o 34 inormations a"ainst er conten!in" tat te act i ever tat se committe!

    is continin" crime 'n! tere is onl one criminal intent tat will 6e

    impte! a"ainst er in te event tat in!ee! se case! !e in&r to te

    "overnment Te spreme a"ree! wit er an! oer te prosector to !ismiss allte cases an! reile onl one inormation s alrea! te !ecision o te

    +preme Cort Bt I was tinkin"/ alon" te line o rep6lic act 301 6ein" a

    special law/ a law tat is alm proi6ite! I te law is mala proi6ita/ !oes

    criminal intent a! an 6siness in -te !etermination o weter it as

    criminal intent or not I it is mala proi6ita criminal intent is not sppose to enter

    into te pictre tereore te ilin" o 34 inormations are correct Bt te

    +preme Cort sai!/ tere 6ein" onl one criminal intent etcetera onl one

    inormation sol! 6e ile! a"ainst er .ow/ as I a! 6een sain" alrea! tat

    wat appene! sometimes tat it is !e6ata6le tat certain special case ma

    reire criminal intent an! some are not 6t 6asicall all oenses in violation o

    special laws !o not reire criminal intent Tat is a "eneral "oal e7cept wen te

    special law ses te wor!s knowin"l 6ecase i tere is a wor! tat te oen!erknowin"l cases !e in&r ten tere mst 6e a ten a criminal intent tat i

    tere is no sc wa simpl pt tat it was a case a !e in&r to anoter tat is

    !ierent?neverteless we ave onor in watever !ecision tat is tat will sall

    we sa tat was proml"ate! 6 te spreme cort tere will 6e onor te

    !ecision o te spreme cort

    * Im not so sure whether this is still included in judge P.s

    discussion as regards Book 2 of RPC, parang Book !ut then I couldnt

    distinguish sa tape kasi dire"direcho naman so I just transcri!ed it.. if #ou

    think, we co$ered this in Book then disregard na lang *

    Continos crime reers to crime tat sall we call it tat was proml"ate!6 te +preme Cort 6ecase tere wol! 6e caos an! orror nless we

    onor te !ecision o te +preme Cort #k continos crime reers to

    crime tat sall we call it at even committe! onl or te irst time 6t te

    oen!er contines to commit nless e as alrea! serve! te sentence/

    nless e as alrea! 6een ile! p/ e as alrea! lanc is 6elie/

    alle"iance to a particlar association or p6lic watever Jst like in te case

    o 'ctall re6ellion is not wat o call in a continin" crime

    It is a continin" crime in te sense tat o committe! te same an! o

    contine! even i o ave not actall in te active participation o te act

    6ein" committe! 6 or rien!s Bt it is a continos crime Te moment

    o committe! o call te state ntil te continos crime in sc a

    str""le Remem6er te case o an! companion cases

    Tese people an! oters are actall .$' re"lars an! te

    appear n!er te i"t o te arm as .$' re"lars 6t te !eci!e! not to

    en"a"e anmore in arme! str""le somewere in te sotern part o L5on

    Instea! te !eci!e! to 6ecome sall we call in en"a"e in certain activities or

    well-emploe! as la6orers or as workers in !ierent esta6lisment sc as

    tose wo were arreste! wo are workin" in te actories +ome are workin"

    in certain constrction si"ts in Las $inas an! oter places in %etro %anila#ters are arreste! witot a warrant te claim tat te arrest is ille"al 6t

    as te +preme Cort state! tat case It sai! tat o contine to commit te

    crime tat o ave previosl committe! orsel to commit ntil sc

    time as o ave renonce to live in tat particlar s tr""le +o it is a

    continos crime/ a transitor crime ' transitor crime is a crime were an

    o its elements or an o its in"re!ients will 6e committe! in anoter place

    an! tere o can ile te case o an places o can pt its elements or in

    an o its in"re!ients o te one committe! 'n e7ample o wic is o

    corse te violation o B$ 22/ ille"al rles an! ille"al recritment/

    sn!icate! estaa/ etc ven te sn!icate! estaa wo is onl one criminal

    intent tere so o ave te pro6lem o wic to 6e "iven estaa o tis time

    6ecase te little en"a"e in a estaa alrea! covere! almost all parts o tecontr 'n! teir victims are comin" rom te !ierent parts o te

    $ilippines Tere are alrea! ile! cases a"ainst tese people +ome ave

    onl inten!in" to ile te places were te ave 6een victimi5e! Te

    pro6lem tere is ow to "o a6ot in trin" te cases 6ecase i it is

    sn!icate! estaa/ tere is onl one sin"le criminal intent especiall in tat

    person 6 te se o !irect contri6tion rom te "eneral p6lic an! te

    prpose to wom te people te collect te mone or watever o ave

    now several sn!icate! estaa cases :owever tere are tose wo ile

    separate cases an! i te are "oin" or e7ample/ ave tem cost relate!

    :ow a6ot tose oters wo !i! not ile

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) ,J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    remem6er te simple rle o ave tere a principal/ te eivalent o te

    principal is alrea! consmmate! o ave accomplice/ o ave accessor/

    o ave rstrate! an! o ave attempte! 'lri"t/ in te comptation o te

    penalties/ natrall i te crime tat a penalt is reclsion temporal sall 6e eal

    or te person pon committin" te crime o omici!e/ te law speaks o

    omici!e 6ein" consmmate! In tat te person wo will 6e sentence! to

    reclsion temporal will 6e sentence! to reclsion temporal is te minimal/ tat is"iven/ tat is wat te law sall we call it make an arran"ement in te provision

    o te law 6ein" interprete! .ow/ so/ let s sa in te crime o omici!e Te

    principal committe! te same an! it is consmmate!/ no pro6lem Te penalt is

    reclsion temporal Bt spposin" te crime committe! is a rstrate! omici!e

    wat ten are te initial an! te principal/ te mete! ot or wat is te penalt or

    te principal in a rstrate! omici!e=

    Te $enalt sall 6e one !e"ree lower/ so one !e"ree lower wol! 6e reclsion

    maor +pposin" tat te oen!er is a principal in an attempte! omici!e/ te

    penalt sall 6e 2 !e"rees lower wic is reclsion correctional #k/ ver simple

    6ecase all tat o ave to !o is i it is a crime 6ein" consmmate! also one

    !e"ree lower/ one !e"ree lower .ow i it is attempte! 2 !e"rees lower in aprincipal Te principal natrall is a wole penalt I it is an accomplice/ 1

    !e"ree lower i e is an accessor 2 !e"ree lower tat is ver simple 'lri"t/ so

    in te previos !iscssion I sai! te principal an! te crime committe! is in te

    attempte! state/ te penalt tat sol! 6e impose! to im is 2 !e"ree lower rom

    te penalt imposa6le or a principal in a consmmate! In te case o te

    omici!e/ natrall/ te penalt is psical reclsion 6ecase it is consmmate!

    .ow/ let s sa tat te oen!er is an accomplice/ e committe! te crime o

    omici!e consmmate! so te penalt is 1 !e"ree lower rom te penalt

    imposa6le in te crime o omici!e tat in reclsion maor an! tat i e is an

    accomplice an! committe! at e same time a rstrate! omici!e te penalt is 2

    !e"ree lower rom te penalt imposa6le 6 te law

    #ne an! one is natrall 2 an! so it is lower rom te reclsion temporal tat

    wol! 6e reclsion correctional .ow/ i were te accomplice is also in te crime

    o te attempte! omici!e/ te penalt 3 !e"ree lower +o i e is an accomplice

    to te attempte! omici!e/ te penalt sall 6e (ow man !e"ree lower=) it is 3

    !e"ree lowere! or reclsion temporal is reclsion maor In te accessor/ I te

    accessor commits consmmate! pro6lem/ let>s sa omici!e/ te penalt o te

    accessor is two !e"rees alrea! onl or te accessor i it is consmmate! rom

    a reclsion temporal it wol! 6e reclsion correction ."aon kn" papasok sia

    !oon/ one/ two at "inawa na .ow/ spposin" tat an accessor committe! onl

    a rstrate! omici!e/ te penalt sall 6e 2 !e"rees lower rom an! wat is 3

    !e"rees lower 'n! wat is 2 !e"rees lower to reclsion temporal= It is reclsion

    maor .ow/ spposin" it is an accessor o attempte! elon?te penalt is

    arresto menor ' person wo mi"t ave committe! an attempte! omici!e 6t

    e is an accessor e can 6e penali5e! wit one to tirt !as :e ma 6e

    pnise! in 1 !a i e plea!e! "ilt it is to 6e penali5e! wit arresto menor

    In knowin" te simple comptation o penalties an! i o know tis simple

    comptation it will elp o ot 7ample/ nali po ako n" plis attorne !ail

    napasama lan" po ako sa crime scene ai6i"an ko an" pmata at na"ta"o siasa amin 'no po 6a an" sentensa ko kn" mapatnaan na ako a na"kasala=

    .atrall te man is worrie! wo co-accse! an! e even !o not know tat e>s

    an accessor/ 6t 6ecase o are amiliar wit te participation o te oen!er/

    o will &st tell im !on>t worr/ I will take care o or case 're o irin"

    me= 'lri"t si"n tat I am or lawer +o kn" maaman smin"il kana 'n!

    o will tell im e will &st 6e sentence! or onl 10 !as &st plea! "ilt

    .ow/ i e>s a minor/ pata---li6re Becase minorit is a privile"e miti"atin"

    circmstance o wic e is entitle! o one !e"ree lower rom arresto menor

    'n! tere is no lower like 1 !e"ree +o tis simple comptation/ I know tat most

    o o ere are tose m ormer st!ents Tis is ver simple tat i o rea! te

    law in a week o will know ow

    @o o ave an estions= # corse/ we are alrea! in te penalties an! we

    sol! know wat col! pro6a6l aect penalties Tere are te mo!iin"

    circmstances an! o know we ave !iscsse! a""ravatin"/ miti"atin"/ te

    speciic/ te special/ te or!inar o know tat tere is an a""ravatin"

    circmstance tat is 6 itsel is inerent

    Say for example, what is inherent in certain crimes? Well, naturally in cases of

    estafa there is evident of pre meditation. In rape there is always present most of

    the time even if they are inherent in the commission of the crime it cannot be

    considered as aggravating even in a mitigating circumstance. There is in some

    cases that we have discovered that in inherent mitigating circumstances,

    although they are inherent mitigating circumstances. They are not considered asmodifying circumstances. In a case of rape but the offender shall we call it a or

    he has a physical defect is inherent and is mitigating but would it be a modifying

    or mitigating circumstance in the crime of rape? If he is not. Naturally, it is not

    but it is aggravating if the person committing this is the crime committed during

    the time..

    '"st 2E/ 2003

    (Te !a wen its ree ct in civ)

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) DJ!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    alri"t? an person or an p6lic oicer or emploee 6t tat term is ver

    "eneric? it sol! 6e an p6lic oicer or emploee in car"e o te

    enorcement o te law wo !etains anoter witot an le"al "ron! will 6e

    criminall lia6le or 'RBITR'R @T.TI#. ere/ to !ierentiate it rom


    / in ki!nappin" te oen!er ma also 6e a p6lic oicer or emploee

    6t e is actin" in is private capacit 'n! is prpose is to !eprive te person

    o is li6ert an! tat te person is 6ein" !etaine! in a place not !evote! or!etention o persons wo ave 6een arreste! eiter lawll or nlawll #n te

    oter an!/ in ar6itrar !etention/ a person is !eprive! o is li6ert witot an

    le"al "ron! an! e is 6ein" !etaine! on a place or !etention o persons wo

    ave 6een lawll arreste! in oter wor!s/ te p6lic oicer or emploee arrest

    a person or !etains a person onl witot an &stiia6le case or witot an

    le"al "ron! an! te !etention o tat person is in a place o proper !etention or

    tose wo violates te law K in &ail/ in oter wor!s I it is otsi!e te &ail or it is

    not in a !etention cell/ ten tat wol! not 6e ar6itrar !etention 6t tat wol!

    6e ki!nappin" or a serios ille"al !etention or ille"al !etention Tere are times

    wen a p6lic oicer ma 6e te oen!er in ki!nappin" alto" in art 2DE/

    ki!nappin" ma 6e committe! onl 6 a p6lic in!ivi!al/ not 6 a p6lic oicer

    or emploee Bt a p6lic oicer or emploee ma 6e car"e! an! on! "ilto ki!nappin" i e acte! in is personal capacit an! not on is oicial capacit

    .ow in ar6itrar !etention/ te !etention ma ave 6een case! 6 ille"al arrest

    or nlawl arrest or 6 simple !etention witot a le"al "ron! Te two are

    !ierent rom eac oter t sa

    tat e is placin" %r *o n!er arrest 6t e &st or!ere! %r *o to "o insi!e te

    &ail? tat is a classic e7ample o a person 6ein" !etaine! witot avin" 6een

    arreste! 6t tere is ar6itrar !etention Becase e presente! imsel to te

    atorities It &st appene! tat te are "oin" to pt im in &ail !espite te act

    tat e presente! imsel to te atorities Bt a twist o ate

    .ow in ar6itrar !etention/ o mst ave to remem6er tat wen te penalt

    wol! !epen! pon te perio! o wic te person as 6een !etaine!/ it wol!

    6ecome a serios one i te perio! is more tan a certain perio! o time nlike in

    ki!nappin"/ i te !etention laste! or more tan 3 !as/ it 6ecomes or i in

    serios ille"al !etention i it is more tan i te !etention is more tan 3 !as/

    ten it is serios ille"al !etention wile in ar6itrar !etention/ .# ow man

    !as 6eore it 6ecome serios ar6itrar !etention= %ore tan D monts +o itcol! even 6e te alt o te 7ective J!"e o are not amiliar wit te

    workin"s i te corts pro6a6l 6t an 7ective J!"e o te RTC as control

    an! spervision over all &ails witin is territorial &ris!iction :e as te power

    over visitation an! or!erin" te release o te prisoners wo ave serve! te

    ma7imm o teir sentence or wo is 6ein" !etaine! witot an lawl "ron!

    an! te !esira6le perio! o time werein te e7ective time sol! visit te &ails

    is weekl In %akati/ o onl ave one &ail 6t tere are oter satellite &ails I

    call it satellite 6ecase te ave a ol!in" center in te station in te %akati

    police station asi!e rom te ol!in" center tere o ave te %akati Cit Jail

    'n! o even ave to conten! wit te temporar !etention cells in 6aran"as/

    etc so it is a pro6lem o wol! not know i a person is ar6itraril !etaine! in a

    ol!in" center o a 6aran"a in tat particlar 6aran"a +o te 7ective J!"emst ever 6e vi"ilant wit te !etention o prisoners wo ave 6een nlawll


    I te were lawll arreste! tere wol! 6e no pro6lem 6ecase tere wol!

    onl 6e a !ela o te !eliver o !etaine! persons to te proper atorities

    %eanin"/ a person as 6een nlawll !etaine! or nlawll arreste! an!

    !etaine! an! te onl pro6lem is te perio!s wic te case sol! ave 6een

    presente! to te proper &!icial atorit as not 6een presente! witin te ors

    speciie! 6 law sc asA 12 ors or li"t oenses/ 1 ors or oenses wic

    are pnisa6le wit correccional penalties an! or alictive an! capital

    pnisment/ 3D ors

    Te &!icial atorities mentione! are tis article is actall not alwas te

    &!"es Te ori"inal concept o te rle is sorce! rom te provisions n!er te

    ol! rles o cort re"ar!in" preliminar e7aminations 6 mnicipal &!"es ten

    6 &!"es o te peace or &stices o te peace corts o know tat tere are

    two sta"es o preliminar investi"ations in te mnicipal corts ten &stice o

    te peace corts 9irst is preliminar e7amination wic wol! !etermine te

    e7istence o pro6a6le case or te issance o te warrant o arrest Bt o

    corse ater !eterminin" weter a crime as 6een committe! or not It is more

    e7pe!itios !rin" tose times to ile a case wit te mnicipal cort or te

    &stice o te peace cort or prposes o issance o te warrant o arrest It is

    more e7pe!itios e o !on>t ave to wait or 10 !as/ o !on>t ave to wait

    or a resoltion/ o !on>t ave to wait or te ilin" o te inormation in te

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) EJ!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    proper cort 6eore a warrant o arrest sall 6e isse! +ometimes it takes

    monts/ !i 6a=

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    waive! article 12, 6t te preliminar investi"ation will take little time 6t o

    want or client to 6e ot rom &ail t know is Rles/

    approac im @o not imme!iatel 6a! mot im Jst ask or an a!ience wit

    im an! ask tat te clerk o cort 6e present an! ask or a steno"raper so te

    wol! not sspect tat o are trin" to inlence te J!"e @rin" or

    meetin" o tell te J!"e/ o sa 8or :onor/ wit !e respect/ te or!er tat

    o isse! is estiona6le # corse e wol! 6e taken a6ack o sa or:onor/ wit !e respect tat is w I !i! not ask tat it 6e set or a earin" et or

    I am not et ilin" a %otion or Reconsi!eration o can recall te or!er

    6ecase o sol! irst "ive an opportnit to te accse! to ile an a!!itional

    6ail #terwise it will 6e tantamont to oppression or :onor Te J!"e will

    appreciate tat an! e will recall te or!er In tat wa o will 6e maintainin" a

    "oo! relationsip wit te Cort Te J!"e will remem6er oA %arnon" Mton"

    6atan" to a .ot onl wit te Rles 6t e knows ow to approac a pro6lem

    @o not 6e a""ressive 9ile ka a"a!/ an! ask tat it 6e ear! witin tree !as 6t

    not more tan 10 !as rom te ilin" o te motion an! imme!iatel o will

    annonce to te "eneral p6lic wile all lawers are present te i"norance o te

    J!"e $ata ka :e will reconsi!er is or!er 6t marka!o ka na t 6rin" a person ere i te prisoner as not taken is

    6at 'n! tat o are not sppose! to "ive im tat ellow niorm 'llow im

    to se te 6est clotes or is +n!a clotes :e can pone is ose an! let is

    relatives 6rin" te 6est !ress tat e as or te 6est sirt an! pants tat e as an!

    soes Bt te &ailers will not allow tat +a6i !in n" prisoners/ 8+ir mairap

    nN Bakit= pa"ka na"!amit kami !n/ ma"an!a/ naka lacoste kamipa"pasok namin" !n wala na on +ome6o! will ask or tat alrea! Tere

    will 6e asportation o or clotes 6 tis people

    7plsion Te irst kin! o e7plsion is wen a person wo is resi!in" in te

    $ilippines or an person wo is a resi!ent o tis contr is e7pelle! rom te

    $ilippines not rom is !omicile or resi!ence/ a 9rom te $ilippines

    %eanin" to sa/ e was kicke! ot rom te $ilippine territor

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    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    o remem6er tat case wic as reace! te +C= o !o not recall= Her an!

    is amil to"eter wit rwin an! te oter one wo were ten Colonels in te

    '9$ were !enie! entr were askin" to 6e allowe! to enter te $ilippines ater

    te ave 6een e7pelle! rom te $ilippines to"eter wit %arcos Te reason

    "iven 6 te +C in !isallowin" teir entr in te $ilippines is to avoi! te

    6reac o national secrit as e7pon!e! 6 te #+* an! te @#J Bt tose are

    !ierent times I cannot still accept tat as a vali! reason 6ecase i tat is !e tote "ron!s o national secrit wat are te '9$ !oin"= o can assi"n even

    pro6a6l a Battalion to "ar! tis people/ to "ar! teir movements etc an! ow

    can te create !istr6ances in te contr= 'n! i te are creatin" !istr6ances/

    arrest tem/ pt tem in &ail etat is still a continin" oense Bt it

    wol! 6e !e6ata6le as te elements o cop !Metat an! te elements o re6ellion

    are two !ierent tin"s Te !o not ave te same elements 'ctall 6eore I

    sai! tat te ma 6e !ierent/ I alrea! ave some !o6ts tat cop !Metat is a

    continin" oense it mi"t not 6e a continin" oense 6ecase it is a swit

    attack accompanie! 6 wat= violence/ intimi!ation/ strate" or stealt or te

    prposes as enmerate! an! tat te initiators are mem6ers o te '9$ or te

    police or an persons emploe! in te "overnment eiter wit or witot te

    assistance o te civilians It is consi!ere! as cop !>etatit is !ierent rom


  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 10J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    ven tis prami!in" scemes a= an" m"a mltitel/ mm"/ isan" kaso lan" an

    e Tat is sn!icate! estaa 6iniak-6iak @i mo na tlo malaman kn"

    ano "a"awin mo? all te corts a ave te cases o Bala!&a/ %ateo/ etc rom

    'n"eles Cit to somewere else/ rom %ntinlpa even la"na/ te ave cases

    I tink te 6etter approac tere is or te !epartment o &stice to irst ree7amine

    all tis cases an! ater ree7amination "ive tem 1, !as an! ten create a taskorce an! ten i tere is onl one case/ ile onl one case wit several victims

    Becase sin" te case o +antia"o v +an!i"an6aan/ i tere is onl one intent/

    tere is onl one crime even i tere are several victims +o tat is violation o


    'ter violation o !omicile it is actall te malicios o6tention o a searc

    warrant an! te a6se in its implementation ' searc warrant is a writ isse! 6

    a competent cort !irectin" or a!!resse! to an peace oicer comman!in" te

    peace oicer to searc a particlarl !escri6e! premises an! to sei5e tose tat

    are particlarl !escri6e! in te warrant an! to 6rin" tem to te cort pon te

    e7ection o te searc warrant an! a searc warrant as a lietime onl o 10

    !as nlike a warrant o arrest/ wic as no lietime nless te crime asalrea! prescri6e! wen te warrant o arrest was isse! t like or nei"6or an! o ave a policeman wo is anoicer or a rien! o ave some rien!s rom te n!erworl! (+i %il!5 on

    aka *ran! %a!ame/ %aster Initiator/ an! accor!in" to Ran/ Bipolar Feen)

    8pare/ e7ecte ka n"a n" ai!avit Bakit= +a6iin mo ma 3 kilo n" sa6 !on

    nakita mo i!ineliver sa 6aa nila N even i te metampetamine !roclori!e

    cannot 6e on! insi!e tat ose/ i te searc warrant is implemente! !rin"

    te !a or te ni"t/ tis people will 6e em6arrasse!? (:mmmm? wic "ives

    me an i!ea?) sir/ ano 6a an= :in!i e/ meron !aw 3 kilon" sa6 !ito sa

    6aa na ito/ !ala-!ala !aw n" ma-ari n" 6aa na ito/ nak kakalat na sa

    s6!ivision on kapit6aa ko pala pser e? wala n"a naka 6t te

    impression tat e is a pser will alwas 6e tere? o ave alrea! !estroe!

    is name +o tere is tis provision n!er te R$C wic pnises a person or

    maliciosl o6tainin" a searc warrant ven te a6se o te implementation o

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 12J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    a6ot Broter %ike= Can we call l +a!!ai a reli"ion= :in!i e :ow a6ot

    n" ka cleo/ etc? can we call tem a reli"ion= Tere is a !einition o

    reli"ion wic te ave not met I"lesia .i Cristo an! '"lipaans/ te ave

    6een reco"ni5e! 6 te +preme Cort as a reli"ion Jeova>s etat/ te commission o te crime is

    accompanie! wit violence/ stealt/ strate" etc committe! 6 mem6ers o te

    '9$ or te militar or te police or an p6lic oicer or emploee an! teir

    prpose is to take over te "ov>t itsel or an o its militar or naval installations

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 13J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    or an means o telecommnications wit or witot te participation o te

    civilian poplation It can 6e committe! sin"l or collectivel o ave a!

    or own e7perience as an a!lt 6ecase in 1?ow man ears a"o= '/

    o are not et a!lts +o/ tis is or irst time to enconter sc a torist

    attraction Bt ten tere is a lot o estion tat even te @#J cannot make ea!

    or tails/ te cannot !etermine weter it is cop !>etat or it is re6ellion #

    corse/ I ave personal knowle!"e tat te 1st

    case tat te ile! is a"ainstCar!enas an! it is or re6ellion 9or te same inci!ent/ te ile! a"ainst te

    %a"!alo "rop a case o cop !> etat Te two are !ierent rom eac oter

    arisin" rom te same inci!ent I tink tat te ave a lot o e7plainin" to !o an!

    te ave a lot o pro6lem It cannot 6e !one 6ecase it wol! constitte as

    orm soppin" It wol! reslt to 2 &!"ments or or!ers to 6e isse! 6 te

    corts wic ma 6e in conlict or contrar to eac oter +o/ te ave to pt

    teir act to"eter an! car"e onl tese people o one crime an! te sol! not

    ile so man cases/ onl one case 6ec it arise ot o one criminal intent Tis is a

    elon or a crime covere! 6 te R$C an! it reires a criminal intent an! te

    case tat sol! 6e ile! sol! ave onl one criminal intent Tere col! 6e no

    mltiple criminal intents ere Te pro6lem ere tat I can see is te participation

    o eac an! ever oen!er?tere are tose wo were not "rante! 6ail wen teare mere ollowers etat= Reclsion Temporal nless m recollection is not anmore to 6e trste!

    'n! i its reclsion temporal/ 6ail is a matter o ri"t It is onl tose wo are

    consi!ere! lea!ers/ inanciers/ or"ani5ers/ to" in case te lea!ers are

    nknownQtose wo speaks or te "rop/ sall 6e consi!ere! as lea!ers Te

    pro6lem o tese people in te %a"!alo "rop/ i!inawit n" i!inawit an" m"a

    kasama 6ec ever6o! wants to talk Te moment tat o speak or te "rop/

    pata kaQno 6ail 6ec te penalt is reclsion perpeta I tink it is not planne!

    so well 6t it ma ave 6een planne! in or!er to !ivert te attention o te

    atorities into wat crime reall was committe! 6 tem Te oter pro6lem

    tat I can see is weter te act o askin" te $resi!ent to step !own is an act to

    !eprive to !eprive er or er powers .ow/ let>s tr to anal5e onl or teprposes o aca!emic !iscssions 6ec we !o not know all te acts Let s

    sppose tat it is tre tat tese people srreptitiosl entere! te #akwoo! I it

    is a cop !> etat/ is it a swit attack on an o te "ov>t installations= etat= s a part o te territor %e!o we

    ave to anal5e Te place were #akwoo! is is a part o te territor o te

    contr so papasok !n n 'noter prpose ma6e is to !eprive te $resi!ent

    o er powers an! prero"atives so ma6e it will 6e alon" te line o re6ellion

    Bt ten tink a6ot se!ition Becase ere te oen!ers are militar oicers so

    i te militar oicers are not perormin" teir !ties an! te are actin" in teir

    civilian capacit/ we can>t consi!er tat as witin te am6it o re6ellion Bt te

    are militar oicers Col! te 6e in te actal perormance o teir !ties=

    Te are sain" es 6ec te are !oin" it in or!er to save te nation rom tese

    people Tere are a lot o pro6lem tat we ave to solve in tis case

    FA In cop !> etat/ wat !oes te term 8!irecte! a"ainst !l constitte!

    atorities o te Rep6lic o te $ilippinesN entail=

    J!"eA Te act o takin" over installations/ means o commnications etc is

    !irecte! towar!s te atorities Is tere an provision a6ot cop !> etat tat a

    part o te territor o te $ilippines is sppose! to ave 6een taken over 6

    tem an! tat it is !irecte! towar!s te "ov>t atorities= Te prpose o cop !>

    etat is ver !einite

    's o te moment/ te atorities cannot make p teir min! Car!enas was

    car"e! o re6ellion Ten te car"e! Trillanes an! co wit cop !> etat Bt

    tere is onl one inci!ent Can o !ivi!e a sin"le inci!ent to two or morecrimes/ o cannot/ o ave to coose wic o te crimes te ave

    committe!/ oterwise/ i te are not inorme! o te natre an! case o te

    accsation a"ainst tem/ o violate teir constittional ri"t to 6e inorme!

    FA Can te civilian 6e car"e! wit cop !> etat even i it is sai! tat it can onl

    6e committe! 6 te militar oicers or emploees=

    J!"eA es/ i e assiste! Look at a certain portion o te law on cop !> etat?

    8wit or witot te assistance o civiliansN +o/ te civilians tere can 6e

    car"e! even as a inancier/ as an or"ani5er 6t actall te civilian can onl 6e a

    co-or"ani5er to"eter wit a man in niorm or a "ov>t oicer or emploee Tat

    is te wole pro6lem a6ot it e Reall/ I am still at a an!ar at tis point

    Look at te penalt or re6ellion an! cop !> etat Its onl te lea!ers/ te

    or"ani5ers/ te inanciers an! tose wo speaks or tem tat are consi!ere! as

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 14J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    lea!ers are pnisa6le wit reclsion perpeta Tose wo are merel ollowers

    wol! ser onl a penalt o reclsion temporal an! tereore te are entitle!

    as a matter o ri"t to 6ail Tis is not a crime were te penalt is reclsion

    perpeta to !eat Te most severe penalt tat col! 6e impose! is reclsion

    perpeta I te lea!ers etc are sppose! to 6e pnise! 6 tat penalt/ te

    ollowers are sppose! to 6e sentence! onl or a penalt o reclsion temporal

    o !on>t ave to ile a motion or tem to 6e a!mitte! to 6ail/ no more Teare entitle! to 6ail as a matter o ri"t It is te cort tat sol! i7 te 6ail o

    cannot !en tem to teir constittional ri"t to 6ail

    .ow/ let>s "o to (edition Tere mst 6e a tmltos prisin" an! te prpose

    are ver !einite K 1) to prevent te proclamation o an law or ol!in" o a

    poplar election it>s not tat 6ecase tere is no law tat is 6ein" prevente!

    rom 6ein" proclaime! an! tere is no poplar election tat is so"t to 6e

    prevente! $ro6a6l 2004/ i te onl sai! tat teir intention is to prevent te

    ol!in" o a poplar election/ it mi"t all n!er se!ition Becase wen o sa

    tmltos prisin"/ it mst 6e !one 6 at least 4 persons wo are provi!e! wit

    means o violence/ tat is te meanin" o tmltos n!er te law/ owever/

    on !eat !e to tmltos ara or psical in&ries !e to tmltos ara/te movements o te oen!ers an! te oen!e! parties tere are in a conse!

    an! !isoriente! manner/ &st like tese instances were tere are rm6les etc tat

    is were o consi!er it tmltos Jst like te @+' 3/ it was tmltos/

    tere was no !irection ver6o! comes rom an alle/ o !on>t know weter

    te take a 6at or not t

    to reel e7ercise its nction so wen o ask te presi!ent to step !own or to

    leave te #ice o te $resi!enc/ tat wol! mean tat o are askin" te

    $resi!ent to a6!icate an! prevent te $resi!ent rom e7ercisin" er !ties Te

    tir! is !ierent?3) to inlict an act o ate or reven"e a"ainst an p6lic

    oicer or emploee 'n! te ort an! te it/ tese are all or political an!

    social en!s

    s w all teir

    acts are le"al incl!in" te mass resi"nations o p6lic oicers an! emploees/

    te s6stittion o ol! mem6ers o te +C/ etc ll point to o te e7act provision o te law?its I tink?in 'rtD :ere it is 8'n oicer or sol!ier/ wo 6ein" present at an mtin or

    se!ition?N te wor! mtin ere is actall cop !> etat Beore te law on cop

    !>etat was passe!/ it is actall a mtin

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 1,J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    8cowar!iceN in militar parlance tinak6an mo e/ alam mo Tis law is

    important I>ll "ive o a cop o tis incl!in" te 8'rticles o etat

    FA t to tem +o/ its in

    rterance o te?J!"eA ?actall/ tat was a estion tat I propon!e! a6ot , ears a"o in an

    e7am %a6e o "ot ol! o m e7ams estion (TonA &!"e/ I &st to"t

    o it now )

    J!"eA Tere were so man answers !ierent rom eac oter Te rape tere is

    .#T actall one tat satisies te lst o te oen!er Te prpose tere is an

    assalt pon te womanoo! o te "irl in or!er to acieve te prpose o te

    re6els I tink it is a6sor6e! Tat>s te answer tat I "ave/ 6ec I sall answer

    m e7am estions 6t its &st onl in m !ata6ank wic I am keepin" in m

    compter 're tere an more estions=

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 1DJ!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    6oar! itsel or te 6o! to interrpt its procee!in"s Tere are instances were we

    6elieve tat te act o certain in!ivi!als 6 reason o te 6eavior o tose

    atten!in" te same/ even i it cases !isrption as lon" as tere is no criminal

    intent to !isrpt te same wol! not 6e a violation o tis article nor sc acts

    tat wol! impair te respect !e to sc 6o!/ it is not consi!ere! a violation o

    te law o know ow it is in te contr/ o ave seen te tantrms o tose

    in te Con"ress an! tose people in te "aller Tere was a time wen aCon"ressman rom !own in %in!anao/ I tink is name is @elan"alen/ e is

    actall a ver articlate person 6t te pro6lem is e is sall at te opposin"

    si!e o wat is poplar tat is w e is receivin" all te interrptions/ te

    impairment o is speeces Bt ten e !oes not react/ e took tem in stri!e

    #ne wo was not a6le to control er temper was +enator +antia"o wen se saw

    2 women rom te ric commnities ere/ I tink se reco"ni5es tem +e

    claime! tat te are impairin" te respect !e to er .o?it mst 6e !e to te

    committee or te 6o! itsel?not to a particlar Con"ressman or mem6er o te

    committee or s6committee

    Ten we ave $iolation of parliamentar# immunit#. 'n person wo violates

    te parliamentar immnit o an mem6er o Con"ress weter te same wascommitte! !rin" a special or re"lar session an! te mem6er o Con"ress is

    "oin" to an! rom atten!in" te meetin" in Con"ress 6 orcin" im or

    treatenin" im not to atten! te session or rom te meetin" o te 'ssem6l or

    even preventin" im rom e7pressin" is opinion or castin" is votes or

    searcin" im or arrestin" im or an crime te penalt o wic is D ears or

    less sall 6e el! criminall lia6le n!er tis article o ave to can"e te last

    wor! in 'rticle 14,/ instea! o prision maor/ its sppose! to 6e prision

    correccional Tere is no pro6lem in te prevention o te mem6ers o Con"ress

    rom atten!in" or rom e7pressin" is opinion or rom castin" is vote Te

    pro6lem is arrestin" im or searcin" im Te wor! 8searcN is actall a wor!

    tat is ver important to Con"ressman

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    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 1EJ!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    Commnist $art o te $ils an ille"al association= I it is tre tat teir prpose

    is to collect revoltionar ta7es witot trial or !e process n!er or e7istin"

    laws/ it is an ille"al association Bt !einitel te .$' at present is consi!ere!

    as an association tat is ille"al It is actall te C$$ tat ma 6e at one point a

    le"al assoc 6ec we alrea! !ecriminali5e! R' 1E00 tat is otlawin"

    mem6ersip in te C$$

    )irect %ssault. Tere are two kin!s o !irect assalt

    1) !irect assalt wen an person emplos orce or violence pon a person in

    atorit or teir a"ents wen tere is no p6lic prisin" 6t teir prpose is

    to acieve te prposes o re6ellion or se!ition asama 6a an" cop !>etat=

    #/ aan !i na naman kasama an" cop !> etat

    2) an person wo sall attack an! emplo orce/ violence or intimi!ation sall

    seriosl !iso6e/ resist an person in atorit or teir a"ents an! it sall

    6ecome aliie! wen te assalt is wit a weapon or wen tere is a lain"

    o an!s a"ainst a person in atorit or wen te oen!er is a p6lic oicer

    or emploee

    Bt o ave to irst !etermine wo are te persons in atorit or teir a"ents

    .atrall/ a person in authorit# is an person wo 6 reason o appointment orelection is in car"e o te e7ection o te laws or e is veste! wit &ris!iction

    n!er tose wo are 8appointe!N persons in atorit are te &!"es/ &stices/

    prosectors Te are te irst kin!s o person in atorit Te p6lic oicers

    wo are electe! an! in car"e o te e7ection o te laws an! some o tem are

    veste! wit &ris!ictions are te maors/ "overnors/ con"ressmen an! oter

    persons wo 6 reason o teir 6ein" electe! are car"e! wit te e7ection o

    te law Tere are/ 6 special provisions o law/ persons in atorit ' teacer

    in te p6lic scools or tose wo are principals/ !irectress/ even te ea! o a

    !epartment in te Breas are consi!ere! as persons in atorit/ #.L/

    owever/ incl!in" tose teacers in te private scools as lon" as te scools

    are reco"ni5e! 6 te "overnment te are consi!ere! as persons in atorit/ 6t

    onl !rin" te perormance o teir oicial !ties?onl in te perormance oteir oicial nctions Te cannot 6e consi!ere! as persons in atorit 6

    reason or on occasion o te perormance o teir oicial nctions 6t tere is an

    e7ception to te e7ception n!er R' 1D, or te Compreensive @an"eros

    @r"s 'ct o 2002/ i it is in connection wit te enorcement o R' 1D,/ a

    teacer or an mem6er o te aca!eme sall 6e consi!ere! a person in atorit

    witin 100-meter ra!is o te scool (rom te ence) were e is teacin" :e

    can call te assistance o an person in or!er to enorce R' 1D, Tat is te

    onl e7ception to te rle Tis is te onl time tat teacers are consi!ere! as

    person in atorit Ten o ave lawers wo are consi!ere! as persons in

    atorit 6t onl in te actal perormance o teir oicial nctions +o/ in!i

    mo pwe!en" 6atk-6atkan n" a6"a!o !n esp i e is conerrin" wit is


    FA +ir/ wat i te teacers are enorcin" te R' 1D, an! or e7ample/ tese

    st!ents ave a "r!"e a"ainst te teacer an! e psicall assalte! te teacer

    witin te scool/ wol! tat 6e also !irect assalt=

    J!"eA .# Becase te teacer mst 6e 'CT'LL enorcin" R' 1D,/ te

    reason tat e mst 6e assalte! is tat e is enorcin" 1D, or e as enorce!

    1D,/ tat is wen tere is a !irect assalt

    In connection wit persons in atorit/ te !e"ree o assalt is rater li"ter tan

    te !e"ree o assalt in a"ents o persons in atorit or prposes o !irect

    assalt In person in atorit/ te mere lain" o an!s on a person in atorit

    wit intention to !e te atorit o tat person in atorit/ it is alrea! !irect

    assalt 'n a"ent o a person in atorit/ te assalt mst 6e serios tat te

    a"ent o a person in atorit ma sstain even psical in&ries in connection

    wit te assalt an! tat is te onl time wen tere col! 6e a possi6ilit tat

    tere is a !irect assalt/ not serios resistance or !iso6e!ience 6ec te are

    !ierent rom eac oter @o o remem6er te case o a policeman wo was

    servin" a warrant o arrest a"ainst an accse! an! instea! o srren!erin" imsel

    to te police/ te accse! !elivere! a 6low to te 6reast o te policeman +an"aon/ pata n Bt te policeman car"e! im onl o !irect assalt/ te +C

    sai! .#/ te assalt is not so serios as to consi!er it witin te prview o !irect

    assalt It is onl serios resistance or !iso6e!ience aa pa" nanntok ka n"

    police/wa" mo lan" ""lpiin n" masa!o serios resistance lan"?6aka sli"t

    resistance pa n"a e Bt te moment o !o it to a person in atorit sc as

    6r" cairman/ teacers etc te mere lain" o an!s to tese people wit intent

    to !e teir atorit is alrea! !irect assalt 'n" &!"e or maor 6 reason o

    te perormance o teir oicial nctions a/?nakita mo sa Ba"io o are

    rom +l 8Ito n" walan"ian" &!"e na na"sentensa sa akin e %a"lpi

    n"aN @irect 'ssalt pa n 6ec it was 6 reason o te perormance o te

    oicial nction o te &!"e +ame is tre wit te maor

    %n agent of a person in authorit# is a person wo is onl in car"e o te

    enorcement o te laws n n" m"a police/ 6r" 8ta"aN/ !i mo na kasi alam

    n"aon e%'$+'/ Br" Tano!/ Banta Baan I tink Con"ress sol! a!opt

    a law creatin" positions or tese people so tat it wol! 6e niorm

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 1J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    +$T 3/ 2003

    I tink I ave partiall !iscsse! @irect 'ssalt alrea! Remem6er te

    importance 6etween persons in atorit an! a"ents o a person in atorit Te

    persons in atorit wo are assalte! wile I. T: 'CT #9 te perormance

    o teir !ties/ !irect assalt o assalt tem #. #CC'+I#. tereo/ !irect

    assalt o assalt tem B R'+#. o te perormance o teir !ties/ tat is!irect assalt Bt o ave still to ali !irect assalt in tis respect 6ec one o

    te important elements o !irect assalt asi!e rom te assalt etc/ tis is te

    secon! orm o !irect assalt 6ec te 1stone is te prpose o tese people are to

    acieve te prposes o te crime o se!ition or re6ellion Cop !>etat is not

    incl!e! a so i a estion is posite! in a wa tat !irect assalt was committe!

    a"ainst a person in atorit to acieve te prpose o cop !> etat/ tat is not

    !irect assalt 6ec te law was not amen!e! 6 'rt 134-' Be carel wen te

    ask o a trick estion like tat In te 2n!kin! o !irect assalt/ tat is wen

    tere is assalt/ attack/ etc pon a person in atorit/ tere mst 6e an intention

    to !e te atorit o a person in atorit witot sc an intention it will not

    6e a !irect assalt Let s sppose/ in 6r"s te sal paciiers o tro6les

    weter it 6e serios or sli"t or an commotion in te commnit is alwas te6r" captain Te will alwas ask or te 6r" captain/ pntaan mo si kapitan

    I o ave live! in a place were tere are so man people in te commnit esp

    in con"este! areas -- ma6e o are an apartment !weller/ o will not

    e7perience tis i o are rentin" a con!ominim nit or in a s6!ivision/-- tere

    are sal riction amon" people wo live! in con"este! areas Let s sppose tat

    2 women arrel an! te are !istr6in" te tranilit o te commnit so

    people sen! some6o! to look or te 6r" cairman ten te 6r" cairman

    came Te 6r" cairman as 6een trin" to paci 6ot an! convincin" tem to

    enter teir respective resi!ences t even nee! to la or an!s on te person in atorit Intimi!atin"/or e7ample/ "oin" to te maor an! tellin" im tat 8o ave to !o tis/

    oterwise?N/ tis is !irect assalt

    ' &!"e wo sentence! a person/ te saw eac oter in Batanes/ 6t te person

    was sentence! in %akati/ te met eac oter tere/ ten te person wo was

    sentence! assalte! te &!"e ater avin" serve! is sentence/ tat is !irect

    assalt Tere is no prescriptive perio! rom te time o sentencin" or rom te

    time tat te &!"e as committe! an act tat wol! case an reprisal a"ainst


    Indirect assaults Te onl person or persons wo ma 6e a victim o in!irect

    assalt is a civilian 6t i e is an a"ent o a person in atorit e mst not 6e inte perormance o is !ties oterwise/ i e is in te perormance o is !ties/

    it wol! still 6e !irect assalt an! not in!irect assalt +o/ I !on>t know i tere is

    a case cite! in or 6ook tat te oen!e! part mst 6e an a"ent o a person in

    atorit/ tat is not correct 'n person wo comes to te ai! o a person in

    atorit or is a"ent an! e imsel was assalte! an! te person wo was

    assalte! as 6een known to te person wo assalte! im as a person assistin" a

    person in atorit or "ivin" an ai! to a person in atorit/ tere is an in!irect


  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 1J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    smmon a person is in connection wit an inir in ai! o le"islation Te

    !on>t ave an atorit to in! te "ilt or innocence o an part 6t tat is

    wat is appenin" now Te trst o teir estions most o te time is to in!

    ot weter te " is "ilt or not "ilt 'n! weter te " is tellin" a "

    or not @o te ave tat power to !etermine weter te person is tellin" a lie or

    not Te are onl 6ein" aske! to 6ecome resorce persons Te are not 6ein"

    calle! as witnesses It is not an impeacment procee!in"s +o/ wen o 6ecomeCon"ressman or +enators/ please ask estions onl in or!er to "et tin"s ot o

    te witness or te prpose o amen!in" a law/ passin" a law or repealin" a law

    @o not tell a person wo is testiin" tat 8o are lin"N @oes e ave tat

    power Tat is an a6se o or parliamentar immnit I o on! im lin"/

    wol! it ai! o in passin" a le"islation= :in!i e Its &st so rstratin" to s

    wo ave st!ie! te law on ow tese people can actall violate te law itsel

    tat te ave sworn to protect Like tis/ i o !o not o6e te smmons o

    tese people o ma 6e sent to &ail .atrall/ tat is sowin" !isrespect to a

    Constittional 6o! so o will 6e sent to &ail It is a crime asi!e rom it is

    contemptos to te !i"nit o te +enate an! an o te 6o! tat is convene!

    or tat prpose Te +enate or .at>l 'ssem6l can sen! two kin!s o reests

    or a person to appear #ne is an invitation I it is an invitation/ o ma or manot appear an! o !on>t incr an criminal lia6ilit Bt i it is alrea! a

    smmon/ tat is !ierent alrea!/ o ave to appear .ow/ wen o are

    smmone! an! o appear/ o still ave an o6li"ation i o are calle! to testi

    not as a witness 6t as a resorce person :e as to 6e place! n!er oat #at

    means tat e will ave to take is oat 6 raisin" is ri"t an!?ri"t an!/ not

    let an! 'n! I tol! o at one point tat $res R'$ wen e took is oat/

    kaa na"kalokoloko si"ro/ e raise! is let an! 6eore Cie Jstice .arvasa

    an! no6o! ave te "ts to tell rap tat tat is wron" %insan natatawa ako sa

    s"a!o n"a e tinataas an" kaliwan" kama e +inasa6i ko/ 8mka atan" s i

    +atanas an" ion" @ios aN (:eee ) kasi kaliwa e It mst 6e te ri"t

    an! 6ec o are "oin" to swear 6eore *o! Tat is w wen a person

    a!minister an oat to anoter o mst tell im 8@o o swear to tell te trtte wole trt in tis procee!in"s an! wateverN 'n! tat tere mst 6e an

    accompanin" prase o 8so elp o *o!N tat is w it is consi!ere! as an

    oat t 6elieve in *o! or an oat +o wat o are "oin" to !o is ask

    im to stan! properl/ i e can stan!/ an! ask im weter e solemnl airms

    tat wat e is "oin" to tell is te trt an! notin" 6t te trt/ no oter Tat is

    a solemn airmation o cannot sa tat 8I !on>t 6elieve in *o!Qno oatN B

    ten tere is a s6stitte/ o will 6e aske! to take a solemn airmation an! i

    o rese tat is wen it 6ecomes a crime witot an &stiia6le reason Bt

    ow can o &sti anmore not takin" eiter an oat or airmation o can

    coose an one o te two I o ave 6een sworn an! o are to testi/ o

    ave to answer te estions 6t natrall/ tere is a law tat sas tat i te

    answer to te estion wol! incriminate o an! ma 6e se! a"ainst o in

    an cort o law or in an oter procee!in" tat is a "ron! or o to invoke

    or ri"t to sel-incrimination an! tat is a le"al e7cse or a le"al an! vali!

    reason .ow/ i o answer all te estions/ o ma 6e aske! also to pro!ce

    papers/ !ocments/ 6ooks/ an! oter written materials 6t never an article or

    "oo!s Tese ma 6e s6&ects o a smmon wic tantamont to a s6poenaducestecm +o/ in te event tat o violate all tese/ ten o ave a pro6lem

    Tat s wen o are sppose! to 6e pnise! or violatin" te law

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    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 20J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    p6lise! 6ec some enterprisin" reporters are alrea! eippe! wit a

    cop o te or!er Its common to corts an! even te #ice o te

    $resi!ent Tere was one time/ a !ecision o te +C wic was not et

    6een sppose! to 6e release! 6t te same was release! prematrel

    .ow/ I !on>t know i te case o te raton" Balelen" will 6e

    prematrel release! Tere are so man enterprisin" people tere e

    *one were te !as wen o can trst or emploees ven in te +CLook wat appene!/ sa 6a"a ma 94 naman e/ n"aon %4 (+ir/

    sinon" %4=) +i %awana/ %asa/ %ateo/ %ike?apat n na 8%N?

    nareceive ko lan" sa te7t n a

    3) Tose wo 6 means o wor!s or tterances sall encora"e people to

    !iso6e te law an! tose wo actall e7orts te commission o an

    violation o an act

    4) '6ot p6lication o articles/ news etc tat are atore! 6 an

    anonmos persons or wo pt teir name as anonmos

    Tat is alrea! or 8@on>t pa or ta7es etc I will not 9ollow meN 'n! tat

    is alrea! a violation o tis article Bec tat encora"es oter people to !iso6e

    te law I. te +/ o !on>t pa or ta7es/ o "o to &ail/ !ito I>ve 6een

    tellin" o/ look at te income ta7es o te millionaires compare! to i7 earnerswose income are recor!e! Te p6lication o tese articles in connection wit

    tese crimes are consi!ere! as nlawl se o p6lication

    %larms and (candals.Te irst kin! is 6 !iscar"in" a irearm in a town or a

    p6lic place or 6 e7plo!in" an e7plosive !evice in a town or in a p6lic place

    Te wor! 8townN ere is mislea!in" .atrall/ a town is p to its 6on!ar

    spposin" a town is compose! o lat lan!s an! montainos ran"es/ e o

    !iscar"e! or irearms on top o a montain/ its witin a town Te town ere

    is actall a translation o te wor! 8po6lacionN were people actall in tat

    town resi!es/ it>s te center o te town/ tat>s w te sai! 8or in an oter

    p6lic placeN I it is in an town e !i laat na an/ anwere It wol! 6e

    anwere in a town 6t te accompanie! 8or in a p6lic placeN Tat means tosa tat te town is te po6lacion or te center o te town/ te place were te

    crc/ mnicipal all/ commercial an! resi!ential areas I o will notice/ te

    car"e is alwas in ront o te mnicipal all in te ol! towns 6ec te

    $resi!ente o te town at te time is alwas n!er te priest @rin" te +panis

    times/ te call te maor/ $resi!ente

    'larm an! scan!al wit te se o a irearm/ !ierentiate it wit ille"al !iscar"e

    o irearm an! attempte! omici!e o sol! know te !ierences 6 now 's

    I sai!/ alarm an! scan!al is committe! wen te prpose o te oen!er is to

    case alarm/ scan!al or ear wen a person !iscar"es a irearm in a town or a

    p6lic place :owever/ it is a !iscar"e o a irearm wen a irearm is pointe! to

    anoter witot an intention to kill tat person an! ten tat irearm was

    !iscar"e! an! it !i! not it te person to wom it was pointe! to o mst

    ave to remem6er tat tis as 6een aske! more tan 10 times in te 6ar e7ams

    'n! attempte! omici!e/ o point te "n at te !irection o te person wit

    intent to kill eiter o it im or !i! not it im I o it im an! te won!

    will not case is !eat tat is attempte! omici!e +o/ wen o are a poor sot/

    o can alwas sa tat is onl ille"al !iscar"e I !on>t ave an intention tokill n" papatain kita e !apat tm6a ka na !an $alsot n a Tat is 1 o

    te !eenses tat o ave in attempte! omici!e o wic te 6llet !i! not it

    te victim Bt o cannot take te !eense o alarm an! scan!al 6ec in te latter

    o !i! not point te "n at te !irection o anoter person

    Lets take a 6reak (# no/ 6lank na oter si!e o tape)

    %a&a>s notesA

    'rticle 1,E vasion o +ervice o +entence

    1) #r!inarprisoner escapes rom &ail wile servin" sentence

    '""ravatin" circmstancesQwen te escape sall ave taken place 6

    means o nlawl entr/ 6reakin" !oors/ win!ows/ "ates/ walls/ roos or

    loors or 6 sin" picklocks/ alse kes/ !is"ise/ !eceit/ violence or

    intimi!ation or tro" connivance wit oter convicts or emploees o tepenal instittion

    2) @rin" calamities or !isor!er

    %tin ere means 8riotN I convict wo eva!e service o sentence "ives

    imsel p witin 4 ors ollowin" te issance o a proclamation 6 te

    Cie 7ective annoncin" te passin" awa o sc calamit/ e sall 6e

    awar!e! wit 1;, re!ction o te penalt I%$#+@ pon im Tis awar!

    is not "iven to prisoners wo participate! in te mtin or riot

    3) Hiolation o Con!itional $ar!on

    4) Hiolation o Con!itions in @estierro (&!"e>s a!!ition to te list o kin!s

    o evasion)now/ reire! to post a 6on! to keep te peace or a

    perio! not e7cee!in" D ears I e reses/ e will 6e sentence! to

    imprisonment not e7cee!in" D monts

    +eptem6er / 2003

    'rticle 1D0 'n person wo sall commit a elon ater avin" 6een convicte!

    6 inal &!"ment/ 6eore 6e"innin" to serve sc sentence/ or wile servin" te

    same is consi!ere! a -%(I"R/CI)I0I( It mst 6e a elon a/ so e mst

    6e a asi reci!ivist i e commits te secon! crime wile 6ein" trie! or wile

    servin" sentence Tat is w e is calle! a asi-reci!ivist To !istin"is it

    rom reci!ivism/ a6ital !elinenc an! reiteracion Reiteracion/ tere mst 6e

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 21J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    at least 3 convictions an! or wat= #nl two o te same or eal penalt 'n!

    i it is or a li"t penalt/ tere mst 6e at least 2 convictions in or!er tat e ma

    ser reiteracion Bt all mst 6e elonies In reci!ivism/ 6elon"in" to te same

    title o te Co!e In a6ital !elinenc/ o ave ro6o/ rto/ alsiicacion/

    estaa/ less serios or serios psical in&ries witin 10 ears rom is last

    release or !ate o is las t conviction Her eas to memori5e tem a 6t a lmost

    ever ear te are 6ein" aske! in te 6ar e7ams iter an o te 4 or ,

    1orgeries %a I ask o?can o !escri6e to me te *reat +eal o te

    Rep6lic o te $ilippines= Becase forging the reat (eal of the Repu!lic of

    the Philippines or te stamp o te Cie 7ective or te si"natre o te

    $resi!ent is a crime tat entails a penalt o reclsion temporal Bt ten we

    !on>t know te *reat +eal o te $ils I o will look at or 6ook/ I 6elieve

    tat o will not a"ree to te !escription o te *reat +eal o te Rep o te $ils

    6ec it even incl!es a lion an! an 'merican ea"le an! we are not actall in

    'merica/ we !on>t ave an lion in te $ils e7cept onl in te 5oos #r an

    'merican ea"le?I ave not even seen an 'merican ea"le even in te 5oo #/

    ow col! it 6e tat it is incl!e! in te !escription o te *reat +eal o te

    Rep6lic o te $ils .o wa Tis is a !escription o te *reat +eal o teCommonwealt o te $ils ven in or mone/ te ma!e a mistake in

    printin" it tere In $20/ I 6elieve it is tere Tere appears to 6e a +eal tere/ o

    can in! an ea"le an! a lion Bt tat is not te *reat seal?tat is or te

    Commonwealt 'n! we are not anmore n!er 'merica +o/ te ave to

    !escri6e te *reat +eal o te Rep6lic o te $ils or as te istorians to

    !escri6e it 6ec p to now we still !on>t know Te stamp/ tere is no pro6lem/ it

    is te one 6ein" se! 6 te person wo are actall :ea!s o +tates It is

    compose! o a woo!en an!le o a6ot more tan D inces wit a stamp 6eneat

    an! it is alwas 6ein" place! in an commnications wic te $resi!ent o te

    Rep6lic o te $ilippines is sen!in" to oter :ea!s o +tates or ministers or

    oter !i"nitaries Tat is te stamp :is si"natre/ no pro6lem Bt it is not Jose

    Helar!e?noIt mst 6e te real name o te $resi!ent Tat is w?o/ tisis &st makin" it a li"t moment a stra!a was electe! in a ictitios name .ot

    is real name +o/ e as te ri"t to se a ictitios name/ e as 6een sin" a

    ictitios name/ so e can se anoter ictitios name 'inUt it so= :e se! te

    name o Josep stra!a wen is real name is &ercito s more e7pensive to contereit

    or coins tan to ave it minte! in anoter contr ten ave it em6osse! in te

    mintin" sop o te Central Bank .everteless/ o ave to remem6er tat in

    contereitin" o coins weter te coin is in circlation or not/ i o contereit

    te same/ it is pnisa6le Te reason 6ein" tat te !an"er tat tis contereiter

    cases to te econom o te nation is tere 's i e can contereit a coin not in

    circlation ow mc more tat e cannot contereit te ones in circlation :e

    can alwas contereit tem :e knows tat e as te e7pertise

    #n te oter an!/ i it is a mutilation of coins/ te coin tat mst ave 6een

    mtilate! mst 6e o circlation/ it mst 6e crrent Te act o importing alltese/ uttering tem is pnisa6le Bt !o o know wat is actal mtilation o

    coins= %tilation o coins is te e7traction o te precios metal rom te coin

    itsel Te mere pncin" o a ole/ te mere !eacin" o a coin/ te 6rnin" o a

    coin is not pnisa6le n!er 'rticle 1D4 o te R$C Tese 6rnin"/ pncin"

    an! !eacin" o coins are pnisa6le n!er $@ 24E wic was !ecree! 6

    %arcos !rin" %artial Law It se! to 6e tat ma6e o are ri!in" on &eepnes

    an! o ave seen some !rivers !ecoratin" teir container o coins an! 6ills wit

    coins naile! to te woo!en containers Tis is ten wat is proi6ite! 6 %arcos

    even te makin" o pen!ants ot o coins Te are proi6ite!/ ten/ !rin" te

    %artial Law/ even p to to!a 6ec tis as not 6een amen!e! an! tis is a "oo!

    law Bec mtilation is not covere! 6 24E neiter !oes 24E covers mtilation o

    coins as mtilation o coins is te e7traction o te precios metals rom te coinitsel 's I sai! te coin tat mst 6e mtilate! mst 6e a crrenc tat is

    circlatin" at te time wen it was mtilate! .ow/ te selling of false or

    mutilated coins without conni$ance/ wic coins are o $il crrencies/ te

    are consi!ere! as in violation o 'rt 1D, o te R$C

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 22J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    sperimposin"/ etc/ tat is wat is known as or"er :owever/ te are 6ein"

    intercan"e! 6 te law an! we sol! not !istin"is wen te law !on>t


    %rticle 33 is te or"in" o treasr or 6ank notes tat are paa6le to 6earer or

    te importation or tterin" o sc alse or or"e! notes an! !ocments t ave to e7cept wen te

    amont is so 6i" tat o ave to i!enti orsel

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 23J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    Remem6er in altering true dates,6ec te oters are ver eas to interpret no/ i

    one actall altere! a !ocment to relect te tre !ate/ it is not alsiication Tat

    is te case o a priest o 'lla"an/ .eva ci&a wo o6taine! is ce!la;CTC an!

    wen e was alrea! in is paris/ notice! tat is !ate o 6irt is erroneos

    t know i te are still en"a"e! wit tele"raps

    kasi iton" cell pone e/ !i mo na kailan"an" tmele"rama/ I-!ial mo lan" ok nai tere is a cell site :ow a6ot alsiication o telepone messa"es= I o sent

    in or cell pone/ a alse messa"e or one tat is (wit a weir! seakin"


    Te alsiication tat is 6ein" contemplate! in tis case is te one tat was

    committe! a lon" time a"o (seaks pa rin) I te telepone operator

    can"e! te !ate or te or tat is te alsiication o a telepone messa"e Bt

    o ave to pa or te !eliver o te messa"e tr a messen"er per kilometer It

    se! to 6e $2;km/ now/ I tink its $10 or $, or even more tan tat/ it !epen!s

    esp in tose areas were tere are no cell sites / eto naman" atin" m"a

    kapati!/ 6roters or rien!s wo are in te 6n!oks/ te !on>t like te cell sites

    so te !estro tem Tat is wron"/ e sila !in/ te are actall sin" tat tocontact teir speriors an! rien!s so w !o te ave to !estro tem?&st to

    make a statement= I !on>t 6elieve so I its to make a statement/ tat is


    'lmost ever6o! ave in one wa or te oter 6een in !an"er o or as actall

    as committe! 1alsification of 4edical Certificates as a principal 6

    in!cement or 1alsification of certificate of 4erit or Certificate of (er$ice.

    %e!ical certiicate are sall 6ein" aske! 6 st!ents/ lawers rom teir

    !octors/ etc/ &st to e7cse temselves rom appearin" in a certain case or i te

    were not a6le to appear esp te lawers/ to 6e e7cse! orm appearin" an! to

    satis te corts or!er in askin" tem to e7plain 'ctall/ I ave a! te

    occasion o avin" to ine a lawer an! a !octor re"ar!in" tis #ne time/ wen I

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 24J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    came rom te airport an! sent o m sister ver earl in te mornin"/ I was

    alrea! in te airport an! I let te airport a t DA30aman! wile passin" 6 at te

    %a7>s restarant alon" Baclaran near Ro7as Blv!

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 2,J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    !istin"is tese people orm te real arm is tat te are not wearin" 6oots 6t

    +partan slippers +o/ tat is wat o ma 6e a6le to in! rom tese people

    .ow/ wen o are -sing a 1ictitious 5ame/ tere mst 6e at least 3 intentions

    1) Intention to conceal a crime or 2) Intention o eva!in" a &!"ment an! te

    oter one is 3) to case !ama"e to anoter triccle orm %anila or FC It took tem?4 monts

    $a"katapos nn/ te eatre! Jose $i!al on te oter si!e (aaa ) Twan"

    twa ako e I was la"in" ar! wen I was rea!in" te stor Loko tala"a an"

    InirerBt well/ it is !ierent rom ille"al se o alias o can se an alias

    so lon" as it is in connection wit te e7ercise o or proession sc as actin"/

    sin"in" or even as a sportsman Bt i o are an or!inar person/ all o ave to

    !o is se or nickname or te name tat o are known in or localit

    '6ot 1alse estimonies s as i o are con!onin" te

    act tat e as prevaricate! in cort +o/ e sol! 6e lia6le

    :ow a6ot 1alse testimon# in 'ther Casesand Perjur# in (olemn

    %ffirmation 9alse testimon in oter cases/ tese are a!ministrative/ asi-

    &!icial or oter procee!in" sc as in Con"ress an! it is not anmore consi!ere!

    as alse testimon in oter cases 6t s impl per&r Jst te same as wen o

    make a alse narration o acts in a sworn statement wic acts are material an!

    reire! in te statement +o/ i o ma!e a alse narration o acts in a statement

    6t sc alse narration o acts is not material to wat is 6ein" aske! o o/ ten

    is it per&r= .# :ow a6ot in or 6io-!ata= Lets "o into alsiication an! into

    per&r I in or 6io-!ate/ o ma!e a alse statement/ col! tat 6e a

    alsiication o private !ocment= I it is oiciall reire!/ + I simpl o

    s6mit tat or prposes o prisin" some6o! o or aliications/ an! te

    !i! not 6elieve it/ o are not lia6le s

    oere! as an evi!ence ten/ oerin" alse testimon in an evi!ence or i not/ te

    are lia6le or per&r

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    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 2DJ!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    6ec o is misinterpretation o te acts o te case an! an in&stice wol! 6e

    committe! to an accse! Tere are times wen o sol! onor ai!avits o

    !esistance 6t most o te time/ "ina"awa ka lan" collection a"enc

    .ow/ ow a6ot 'ffering 1alse estimonies It is te part wo is involve!

    %a6e te !een!ant or te plainti wo entices oters to oer a alse testimon

    or to oer a testimon o a alse witness It is !ierent rom s6ornation oper&r o tell te prospective witness to 6ecome or witness an! to testi

    alsel In oerin" alse testimon/ o know tat tis " is not tellin" te trt

    alto" o are not te one wo tol! im not to tell te trt/ 6t o still

    oere! is testimon in evi!ence/ tat is wen it is a crime o oerin" alse

    testimon @o not se te lawer or oerin" alse testimon nless o know

    tat e consente! to it an! e is a part to it 6ec it is te lawer wo alwas oer

    not onl te oral testimon o te witness 6t also te !ocmentar evi!ence/ it is

    is &o6 +o/ o alwas sa an! I ope tat o won>t min! %ost o o are

    committin" a mistake wenever o ormall oer te testimon o te witness

    6ec o are onl sain"/ 8I or onor please/ te witness will testi etcN Tat

    is not a ormal oer I am onl actall trin" to "o on6ec I will 6e

    commentin" later?6t te wa ow to ormall oer te testimon o tewitness is 6 sain" 8I or onor please/ we are ormall oerin" te

    testimon o %r Jan @ela Cr5 to prove te ?777N Bt !o not enmerate to

    te smallest !etail te testimon tat e is "oin" to "ive #nl in "eneral I it>s

    onl to esta6lis te alle"ation in or inormationQ8to esta6lis or onor te

    alle"ation in te inormationN Tat is all Bt i o sa/ we are oerin" tis

    witness or onor I will tell o/ I will not accept te witness esp i se is a

    woman?e/ ma"alit pa an" asawa ko sa akin (eee ) +o/ 6e carel in or

    ormal oer

    4achinations, 4onopolies and Com!inations %acinations in p6lic action/

    well/ i o ask an "it or consi!eration so tat o will sta awa rom a p6lic

    action/ o emplo orce/ violence or intimi!ation so tat oters will not atten!etc/ ten tere is a macination o a p6lic action Te p6lic action ere is

    eiter te sale o properties 6 an actioneer wo ma eiter 6e a p6lic oicer

    or emploee or a private person #r in p6lic 6i!!in"s Te !ierence in action

    an! in 6i!!in" is tat in action wat is sall 6ein" sol! are tose tat are

    sppose! to 6e sol! wit te consent o te or witot te consent (i it is an

    or!er o a cort or an or!er o a asi-&!icial 6o!) t know i we

    ave in te $ils a private actioneer license! 6 te "ov>t .one no nlike

    rist>s o .ew ork In te $ils/ o ave actions 6ein" con!cte! 6 te

    cstoms re"ar!in" coniscate! articles or @.R or oter actions !one 6

    seris on properties tat are levie! on e7ection 'll tese are consi!ere! as

    actions 6ec it is

    actall known all over te worl! since time immemorial tat an concoction

    wic involve malt is consi!ere! a 6eerQit>s a common name :ow a6ot te

    case o Bali a6ot an In!ian wo is manactrin" Bali socks?e was se! 6

    Bali corporation o +wit5erlan! an! te corts are 6ein" aske! to isse an

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 2EJ!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    in&nction Te +C sai! .# I.J.CTI#. s a well-known name so te cannot se or te cannot tili5e te same%an" @onal!>s an! %c@onal!>s/ 6iro mo 6a naman" talin pa n" %c@onal!s si

    %an" @onal!/ ceap naman Iton" isa e arro5cal!o lan" / @onal!o an"

    pan"alan kaa %an" @onal! naman Bakit ikaw na lan" 6a an" @onal!=

    +ept 10/ 2003

    Te law on opim is now R' 1D, Tis will 6e more len"til !iscsse! in

    +pecial $enal Laws class 6ec it will take s at least 2 !as e/ 4 ors or more It

    is a matter o "reat concern or s esp in or class 6ec I am sre tat in criminal

    law R' 1D, will 6e incl!e! in te 6ar e7ams s te p6lic tat are

    oen!e! not a simple pr!e or woever e is 6t it is te "eneral p6lic wo is

    aecte! I te p6lic will accept it/ tere is no "rave scan!al 'n! remem6er tat

    wat ma 6e moral to!a/ ma 6e immoral tomorrow !epen!in" pon times It>s

    te time/ te "eneration an! te people tat !ictates wat is !ecent an! not to

    tem an! wat is i"l scan!alos an! wat is not Bt in "eneral terms/ tere

    are acts tat are reall i"l scan!alos Tose tat sol! 6e !one in private/

    sol! 6e !one in private an! i !one in p6lic tat wol! 6e i"l scan!alos

    '6ot Immoral )octrines, '!scene Pu!lications and /:hi!itions, and

    Indecent (hows It is not onl p6lications in ma"a5ines an! in oter orms o

    literatres tat tis article covers It involves also tose tat are 6ein" sown in

    cinemas/ teaters or in some oter p6lic places tat people are allowe! to enter

    o !on>t ave to look or o6scene ma"a5ines or literatres/ o can see tem

    even in 6ookstores/ in te streetsQat te si!ewalks or at te newsstan!Qan! te

    "ov>t is actall not !oin" antin" a6ot it Its onl nin"as k"on esp wen te

    wol! like to catc te attention o te people as it is nearin" election time Bt

    ater tat/ no more +ows?tat wol! even incl!e te C@s or antin" tat

    wol! 6e an instrment in te e7i6ition o lew! sows or sows tat are

    o6scene/ te are consi!ere! as in violation o tis article Tat is w in someteaters/ te ave 6een closin" tem !own 6ec te e7i6its lew! sows Tis

    as a conterpart in a law or !ecree passe! 6 %arcos wic is $@ D in

    relation to sellin" o6scene literatres/ !istri6tin"/ an!lin" ot/ tat is covere!

    6 $@ D In immoral !octrines a/ p6lications lan" ito wile in $@ D/ it>s

    te sellin" or !istri6tin"

    Ten o ave 0agrants and Prostitutes Ha"rants?well/ an person wo is

    a6le 6o!ie! wo ails to 6rin" imsel to a lawl callin" an! e as no means o

    s6sistence sall 6e consi!ere! as a va"rant 'n person wo loiters or reents

    oses o ill-repte as a pimp or oterwise/ an! even i e as a means o

    s6sistence/ e is also consi!ere! as a va"rant Ten/ tose wo loiters or

    ina6its nina6ite! 6il!in"s witot an means o s6sistence or tose wo are

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    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 2J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    wan!erin" a6ot te contr witot an means o s6sistence/ te are

    consi!ere! as va"rants o sol! !istin"is va"rants rom men!icants Bec

    men!icants are not necessaril va"rants 6t te are tose wo are askin" or

    alms s $oint an! pa

    or teir !rinks an! oo!/ ten te ave a means o s6sistence an! te are

    tereore/ not va"rants

    .ow/ Prostitutesonl reers to women wo a6itall en"a"e in se7al

    intercorse or in lascivios con!ct or proit or "ain

    Tere is no law wic makes it ille"al or a male to en"a"e a6itall in a se7al

    intercorse or in lascivios con!ct or proit or "ain?.#. o cannot

    car"e im also o va"ranc 6ec ma6e e as also a means o s6sistence Te

    sal scenario tat o will see in te streets wenever o will see a policeman

    arrestin" a person wo mi"t 6e lookin" sspiciosQ6a"ancia (I !on>t know te

    spellin") 'non" 6a"ancia= o look onl sspicios/ 6a"ancia na ven i o

    !o not ave an mone in or pocket/ o cannot 6e consi!ere! a va"rant /

    spposin" o ave plent o mone at ome wic is eno" to spport or

    s6sistence or 2 or 3 !as/ o are not a va"rant #r even or te !a +o/ it is

    wron" or te police to &st arrest people let an! ri"t 6ec te sa tat tis man!oes not ave an mone an! e looks like a poor manQa/ .# Te sol!

    rn ater te 6i" ones/ not ater te small price

    In prostittions/ te onl prostittes now tat can 6e pnise! n!er te law are

    tose wo are alrea! 1 ears an! a6ove $rostittes wo are less tan 1 ears

    o a"e are consi!ere! as victims rater tan oen!ers n!er R' ED10/ te Cil!

    '6se Law I tese people are 6ein" e7ploite! an! te are still less tan 1/

    te are victims 'n! remem6er tat an person wo will ave se7al intercorse

    even wit tese on" prostittes are criminall lia6le n!er R' ED10 aa

    wala na" 8!aisN n"aonQ!ais sais/ !ais siete

    TonA s a

    car"e n!er ED10/ weter se consente! or not/ se will 6e consi!ere! as a

    victim an! it will 6e a violation o R' ED10 an! o are lia6le Bt te pro6lem

    is/ o corse I n!erstan! te position tat is 6ein" taken 6 %r T/ are o

    "oin" to ask te 6irt certiicate o te "irl= 're o "oin" to ask te mana"er or

    promoter a6ot te 6irt certiicate=

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    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 2J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    It is onl te perception o te cort wic will natrall !etermine i te accse!

    is "ilt or not 6ec pro6a6l se looks ol!er tan er a"e Te cort acitte! te

    accse! .ot 6ec o onest 6elie tat se is more tan 1 ears ol!/ te are

    claimin" it to 6e a mistake o act wic I sai!/ mistake o act is not availa6le

    ere .everteless/ te acitte! te accse! 6t tere is no complaint to te

    &!"ment o te cort

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 30J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    Te people wo tolerate or rese to prosecte cases are also lia6le/ te

    prosector or an p6lic oicer or emploee in car"e wit te enorcement o

    te laws I e is a prosector an! e reses to ile an case a"ainst an oen!er/

    e is lia6le n!er %rt. 2;> of the RPC 'n! tose wo are toleratin" te

    commission o crimes in teir area o &ris!iction particlarl law enorcement

    a"ents can 6e lia6le or olerance I it can 6e sown tat o ave 6een

    toleratin" te e7istence o "am6lin" !en etc o can 6e el! criminall lia6lealto" te penalt is not so mc et it is still in violation o te law

    Betra#al of rust !# an %ttorne# or (olicitor #/ o know all tese o

    ave taken or le"al etics Bt te +olicitor ere is actall te*udiciaries

    procuradoreso ol! times/ now we ave s6stitte or tem tose wo are 6ein"

    allowe! st!ent practice o law n!er te control an! spervision o te ea! o

    te le"al ai! nit or !epartment o a scool o law +o/ te aliication in or!er

    to 6e allowe! to appear in cort is to ave inise! or 2n!ear even in te RTC

    as lon" as o are wit te ea! o te le"al ai! nit o te law scool @o we

    ave ere a le"al ai! !ept= es= t is encora"in" corrption e o remem6er a person

    wo retrne! a6ot $3% pls mone to a passen"er o an airline :e was lavisl

    "iven "its/ "iven a lot an! ose/ e was "iven a ta7ica6?wen it is is !t to

    retrn tat/ oterwise/ e is a tie (eee) Is tat not corrption= Its is

    !t/ w "ive im a lot an! ose +o/ la!ies an! "entlemen/ o will 6e te

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    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 31J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    ones rnnin" te "ov>t ma6e ten ears rom to!a or in some tre !ates/ te

    e!cation in re"ar! to corrption starts at ome/ in scool 6ec i o can start it

    tere natrall it will 6ecome a a6it or tese people alrea! to !o te ri"t


    1rauds and Illegal /:actions and ransactions 9ra!s a"ainst p6lic treasr/

    tere are 2 6ec te 1


    one is in connection wit an ra! tat actall are 6ein"committe! 6 tose wo are en"a"e! in te !eliverin" o spplies or in e7ectin"

    contracts or in te a!&stments or settlements o ta7es or n!s or acconts .ow/

    tis involves onl wen tat person in is oicial capacit an! e !eals wit

    oter person re"ar!in" all tis an! e actall 6ecome intereste! eiter in an

    investment or speclation or prposes o !era!in" te "ov>t Tere are

    instances werein te rnisin" o spplies or in te e7ection o contracts or

    a"reements/ a p6lic oicer or emploee ma enter into sc a"reement 6t ten

    te ave alrea! mastere! te sceme in or!er to !era! te "ov>t sc as in

    p6lic scoolsQrnisin" o 6ooks/ wat wol! 6e te sceme in or!er to

    !era! te "ovt= Te papers tat are se! in te p6lisin" o 6ooks are te 4t

    class papers wen in act it is sppose! to 6e a 1 stclass or a 2n!class paper/ tat

    wol! 6e !era!in" te "ovt 6ec te price tere col! 6e a!&ste! or te ink tatwere se! is o inerior alit

    Te secon! one is tose in car"e o te collection o ta7es t isse an receipt

    wen it is reire! or wen o collecte! oter tin"s wic is not te one

    speciie! n!er te law/ ten o are "ilt o ra!s a"ainst p6lic treasr

    ven i tere is no !ama"e a o elt pit to a person wo is pain" is ta7es/

    so o a!&st/ tat is ra!s a"ainst p6lic treasr Bt it is not applica6le to

    tose in te Brea i Internal revene an! te Brea o Cstoms 6ec te ave

    teir own laws Te ave te Internal Revene Co!e an! te Cstoms Co!e

    Te are not incl!e! ere to n" m"a mnicipal or provincial treasrer/

    assessors to pro6lema/ n"aon/ 6il!in" permit lan"?"a"apan" ka paramakaka / ow a6ot occpanc permit ee?!n pata ka lalo na kn" m"a

    con!ominim nit

    #k/ 1ailing to Issue Receipts It is not te mere act tat o aile! to isse a

    reciept tat is pnisa6le I o volntaril aile! to isse a receipt as lon" as

    o ave a le"al e7cse/ ten o cannot 6e el! criminall lia6le 7ample/ i

    o ave live! in some provinces werein at times/ even te treasrer or tose

    wo ave to collect ees ave to "o to ar-ln" 6r"s in or!er to serve te people

    tere to pa teir real propert ta7es/ teir licenses an! evertin" 6ec te !on>t

    ave te time an! sometimes te or"et also to "o to teir mnicipal all/ ten it

    is te oicers wo "oes to tem +ometimes tere are miscalclations as to te

    nm6er o tose wo are "oin" to pa teir ta7es so tere will 6e lack o receipts

    Tere was actall a case werein te person car"e! isse! onl a temporar

    receipt in a piece o paper Bt te ne7t !a/ ater arrival rom teir oice/ e

    actall isse! a receipt an! sent it 6 mail et some6o! learne! a6ot it an!

    car"e! im Bt it as 6een sai! tat tat is s6stantial compliance Tere col!

    6e no crime n!er tis article a"ainst ra! a"ainst te p6lic treasr

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    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 32J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    it is treasonQtat is .#T treason/ tat is %'LHR+'TI#. Bt it is also a

    violation o C' 40 or te 'rticles o

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Transcript Book 2


    Criminal Law Review Transcript 2003-2004 (Book II) 33J!"e #scar $imentel %a&'rvin

    money but it is not his duty to deliver that money, he is not criminally liable if he

    refuses. -ut if he is an inferior officer, he was as!ed by a superior officer to

    deliver a property which is under his administration, or under his custody, that is

    when he violates this particular article.

    +lright, even private individuals who in their capacity whatever have

    charged of any national or provincial property are also included in this article.

    We go to infidelity in the custody of prisoners. +ctually the first articlein relation to this is conniving or consenting to evasion. There are 1 !inds of

    prisoners. 6ne prisoner is actually a convicted prisoner by virtue of a final

    *udgment and he is serving sentence. Now if any public officer or employee

    connives or consents with the escape of the prisoner who is in his custody or

    charge and that prisoner is a convicted prisoner, the penalty is actually higher

    which is prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods. -ut when the

    prisoner is simply a detention prisoner, the penalty is lower. The penalty shall be

    prision correccional in its minimum period and only temporary special

    disualification in case the offender is simply a detention prisoner. The detention

    of the accused need not be for any violation of a penal law, it may even be a

    violation of an ordinance, violation of an ordinance is included.

    Now, evasion through negligence, if the evasion ta!es place through thenegligence of a public officer or employee who is charged with the conveyance of

    the custody of the prisoner and that said officer actually has been established to

    have been negligent in the performance of his duties then such person in;charged

    of the prisoner shall be held criminally liable for evasion through negligence.

    The negligence here must be inexcusable. Not necessarily gross but inexcusable.

    (ven private persons may be held criminally liable for the escape of prisoners if

    such private person has been entrusted with the custody of a prisoner. :e may

    either have actually connived with others or with the prisoner in order that the

    prisoner may escape or he is guilty of negligence, therefore he is actually

    covered by +rticle 11< and 11= of 89'. Well the penalty shall only be the

    penalty which is next lower in degree than that which is prescribed by the law.

    In infidelity in the custody of documents, the mere removal,concealment or destruction of documents by any public officer or employee

    which documents were officially entrusted to him is already in violation of +rt.

    11/. The penalty would depend upon whether there is a serious damage that has

    been caused to a third party or to public interest. If there is a serious damage,

    the penalty is afflictive, prision mayor and a fine not exceeding 2,000. If the

    removal, destruction or concealment of those documents has caused only

    damages which are not serious in nature either to a private person or to public

    interest, then the penalty actually is prision correccional in its min. and med.

    9eriods. >ou will note that there is malice on the part of the offender to cause

    damage to another or to public interest that is why the word remove, destroy or

    conceal, it must be maliciously remove or maliciously destroy or conceal the

    documents. If such concealment, destruction or removal is without any malice or

    without any evil purpose, no such crime has been committed.

    6fficial brea!ing seal, well, what are those documents or things that are

    supposed to be sealed? -allot boxes, aside from the violation of election laws,

    they may violate also the provisions of +rt. 11. There are instances where

    certain documents have to be sealed on orders of the court. These are the

    documents that should not be revealed etc when the same is in the possession ofthe court. In probation law, there is such a provision there about confidentiality

    of the post;sentence investigation report. What is actually being done is to close

    the document involving the post investigation report. We seal them but it simply

    be closed. The seal that we are tal!ing about here are official seals, li!e the seal

    of 'omelec, li!e other seals of different departments either paper or seals

    consisting of metals or other ob*ects, they are called official seals. When you

    brea! that without any authority from the law or public authority or proper

    authority, then you violate +rt. 11. Now, opening of closed documents, naturally

    if documents are sent to your office, you open them. -ut there are instances when

    you cannot open a closed document even if it is sent to your office. 7i!e

    deposition of witnesses which came from a notary public in another province or

    a deposition coming from a municipal *udge or deposition coming from a consulof the 9hilippines assigned in another country. >ou cannot *ust open the

    deposition, even the *udge cannot open that. If the *udge or the cler! of court

    opens the envelope containing the deposition, he violates +rt. 113 of 89'. Why?

    nder the rules, the court should schedule the opening of those documents in the

    presence of both parties and their counsels or in the presence of their counsels

    on a particular date and hour. If you do not appear, you waive. -ut then there

    shall be an actual day for the opening of the same and a particular hour fixed by

    the court. If not, you violate this particular provision of the law. So be careful

    about oral depositions. >ou can open your copy because you will be furnished a

    copy but then the official copy of the court cannot be opened without the same

    having been scheduled for opening in the presence of the parties and their

    counsels. Ther