Needle Cricothyrotomy Sharon Elizabeth Mace, MD, FACEP, FAAP a,b,c,d, *, Nazeema Khan, MD e DEFINITIONS With cricothyrotomy, an opening is made in the cricothyroid membrane to establish an airway (Fig. 1). 1,2 Other terms for cricothyrotomy are cricothyrostomy, coniotomy, laryngotomy, and laryngostomy. 1 With needle cricothyrotomy, a needle or small cannula is passed percutaneously through the cricothyroid membrane to permit translaryngeal jet ventilation (TLJV), 1–3 whereas an open, or surgical, cricothyrotomy is the use of surgical means (eg, scalpel) to create the opening in the cricothyroid membrane, 1–4 and a cricothyrotome is a device or kit used to create a surgical airway without resorting to a formal open cricothyrotomy (Figs. 2 and 3). Transtracheal jet ventilation (TTJV) or percutaneous transtracheal jet ventilation (PTJV) is the delivery of oxygen by way of a catheter inserted through the cricothyroid membrane using a needle cricothyrotomy. 2,3 In reality, the cricothyroid membrane is actually part of the larynx, whereas the trachea begins inferior to the cricoid cartilage; therefore TTJV or PTJV is actually a misnomer and TLJV, or percutaneous translaryng- eal ventilation (PTLV), would be a more anatomically correct term. 2 Unfortunately, the term TTJV is widely used, but TLJV or PTLV are used in this article. Surgical airway management according to some authors includes surgical (or open) cricothyrotomy, 4 use of a cricothyrotome, and needle cricothyrotomy with PTLV. Other textbooks consider surgical airway management to include a formal open crico- thyrotomy, or a cricothyrotome, with needle cricothyrotomy considered another airway technique. 4 However, in this article, this definition of needle cricothyrotomy with PTLV is used as a unique procedure distinct from cricothyrotome or open crico- thyrotomy, because the technique, contraindications, and complications differ a Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA b Observation Unit, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA c Emergency Services Institute, E19, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA d Case Western Reserve University, Metro Health Medical Center, 8500 Metro Health Drive, Cleveland, OH 44109, USA e Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, Hollywood, FL, USA * Corresponding author. Emergency Services Institute, E19, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195. E-mail address: [email protected] (S.E. Mace). KEYWORDS Percutaneous translaryngeal jet ventilation Transtracheal jet ventilation Complications Controversy Benefits Emerg Med Clin N Am 26 (2008) 1085–1101 doi:10.1016/j.emc.2008.09.004 emed.theclinics.com 0733-8627/08/$ – see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Cricotiroidotomia Con Aguja

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Cricotiroidotomia Con Aguja

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  • Needle CricothyrotomySharon Elizabeth Mace, MD, FACEP, FAAPa,b,c,d,*, Nazeema Khan, MDe

    a Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH 44195,USAb Observation Unit, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, USAc Emergency Services Institute, E19, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195,USAd Case Western Reserve University, Metro Health Medical Center, 8500 Metro Health Drive,Cleveland, OH 44109, USA

    linic, 9500 EuclidAvenue, Cleveland, OH 44195.

    KEYWORDS Percutaneous translaryngeal jet ventilation Transtracheal jet ventilation Complications Controversy BenefitsEmerg Med Clin N Am 26 (2008) 10851101E-mail address: [email protected] (S.E. Mace).e Joe DiMaggio Childrens Hospital, Hollywood, FL, USA* Corresponding author. Emergency Services Institute, E19, Cleveland CDEFINITIONSWith cricothyrotomy, an opening is made in the cricothyroid membrane to establish anairway (Fig. 1).1,2 Other terms for cricothyrotomy are cricothyrostomy, coniotomy,laryngotomy, and laryngostomy.1 With needle cricothyrotomy, a needle or small cannulais passed percutaneously through the cricothyroid membrane to permit translaryngealjet ventilation (TLJV),13 whereas an open, or surgical, cricothyrotomy is the use ofsurgical means (eg, scalpel) to create the opening in the cricothyroid membrane,14

    and a cricothyrotome is a device or kit used to create a surgical airway withoutresorting to a formal open cricothyrotomy (Figs. 2 and 3).

    Transtracheal jet ventilation (TTJV) or percutaneous transtracheal jet ventilation(PTJV) is the delivery of oxygen by way of a catheter inserted through the cricothyroidmembrane using a needle cricothyrotomy.2,3 In reality, the cricothyroid membrane isactually part of the larynx, whereas the trachea begins inferior to the cricoid cartilage;therefore TTJV or PTJV is actually a misnomer and TLJV, or percutaneous translaryng-eal ventilation (PTLV), would be a more anatomically correct term.2 Unfortunately, theterm TTJV is widely used, but TLJV or PTLV are used in this article.Surgical airway management according to some authors includes surgical (or open)

    cricothyrotomy,4 use of a cricothyrotome, and needle cricothyrotomy with PTLV.Other textbooks consider surgical airway management to include a formal open crico-thyrotomy, or a cricothyrotome, with needle cricothyrotomy considered anotherairway technique.4 However, in this article, this definition of needle cricothyrotomywith PTLV is used as a unique procedure distinct from cricothyrotome or open crico-thyrotomy, because the technique, contraindications, and complications differdoi:10.1016/j.emc.2008.09.004 emed.theclinics.com0733-8627/08/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Fig.1. Anatomy. (A) Side view. (B) Anterior view. (Courtesy of S.E. Mace, MD, and J. Loerch,Clinic Cleveland Center for Medical Art and Photography, Cleveland, OH; with permission.)

    Fig. 2. Needle cricothyrotomy procedure. (A) Positioning (assuming no contraindications) toexpose the external anatomy (eg, laryngeal prominence). (B) Locating the cricothyroidmembrane (palpation of the cricothyroid membrane). (C) Needle puncture of the cricothy-roid membrane (anterior and side views). (D) Seldinger (guidewire) technique for cricothyr-otomy (cutaway of side view and side view) (E) Catheter secured and ventilationwith bag-valvemask. (Courtesy of S.E. Mace, MD, and J. Loerch, Clinic Cleveland Centerfor Medical Art and Photography, Cleveland, OH; with permission.)

    Mace & Khan1086

  • Needle Cricothyrotomy 1087somewhat between a surgical cricothyrotomy (through a cricothyrotome or open) anda needle cricothyrotomy.

    Fig. 2. (continued)Jet ventilation implies that oxygen is administered through a small-caliber catheterrather than a larger tracheostomy tube as with open cricothyrotomy or a cricothyro-tome.2,3 Initially, continuous flow oxygen was delivered through the needle cricothyr-otomy, which allowed adequate oxygenation but not ventilation. More recently, thetechnique involves supplying short bursts of oxygen followed by a longer passiveexhalation phase to allow ventilation with both inhalation of oxygen and exhalationof carbon dioxide.2

    INDICATIONSThe primary indication for needle cricothyrotomy is inability to secure the airwaythrough other noninvasive methods (Box 1).13 This inability usually signifies a failedairway as defined by any of the following: inability to maintain an oxygen saturationgreater than 90%, inadequate ventilation (cyanosis, inadequate or absent breathsounds, hemodynamic instability) with bag-valve mask ventilation, and failed intuba-tion.5 Needle cricothyrotomy (unlike surgical cricothyrotomy) can be performed inpatients of any age.2,3

    CONTRAINDICATIONSAn absolute contraindication to cricothyrotomy (surgical or needle) is when endotra-cheal intubation can be accomplished easily and quickly with no contraindications.Two trauma scenarios also present contraindications: tracheal transaction with thedistal end retracting into the mediastinum and significant cricoid cartilage/laryngealinjury (eg, a fractured larynx), because the airway must be secured below the injury.1,2

    Other conditions that make cricothyrotomy (surgical or needle) more difficult (thus, are

  • Mace & Khan1088Fig. 3. Surgical cricothyrotomy. Use of a scalpel for the skin incision versus a needle puncturewith needle cricothyrotomy. (Courtesy of S.E. Mace, MD, and J. Loerch, Clinic ClevelandCenter for Medical Art and Photography, Cleveland, OH; with permission.)relative conditions) are massive neck edema/anatomic distortion and acute laryngealdisease.1,2 A modified technique for locating the cricothyroid membrane has beensuggested in patients who have massive neck edema.6,7 Another relative contraindi-cation is a bleeding diathesis, which can be treated and is probably less concerning fora needle cricothyrotomy than for a surgical cricothyrotomy (see Box 1).Complete upper airway obstruction has been listed as a contraindication to needle

    cricothyrotomy,2,3 because of a concern for increased lung volumes with possible bar-otrauma if gases in the lung cannot escape.811 Increased intrathoracic pressure andhypoxemia can also lead to ventricular dysfunction and decreased cardiac output withcardiovascular collapse. The tenet that complete upper airway obstruction is an abso-lute contraindication to PTLV has been questioned recently based on its successfuluse in multiple animal studies1216 and several case reports.17,18 Some clinicianshave suggested that altering the mode of oxygen delivery and allowing time for expi-ration may decrease the incidence of barotrauma, and that in an emergency PTLVcould be used if other airway techniques have been unsuccessful if lower oxygendelivery pressure, large-than-usual catheters, and longer exhalation times are used.3

    Because of anatomic differences between pediatric and adult patients, young age isa contraindication for surgical cricothyrotomy but not needle cricothyrotomy. In fact,needle cricothyrotomy is preferred, and surgical cricothyrotomy (open or with a crico-thyrotome) is contraindicated in infants and young children because the cricothyroidmembrane is too small to insert a tracheostomy tube and there is a greater risk fordamage to surrounding structures. However, the exact age at which a needlecricothyrotomy rather than a surgical cricothyrotomy is indicated is a matter of debate.Experience with pediatric cricothyrotomy is limited,3 although two small series haveshown successful use of needle cricothyrostomy with PTLV in infants and childrenfrom aged 4 months to 11 years.19,20 In view of the limited data on pediatric

  • Inadequate ventilation: cyanosis, absent breath sounds, hemodynamic instability with

    Needle Cricothyrotomy 1089bag-valvemask ventilationa

    Failed intubation: three or more failed intubation attempts, failure to intubate after10 minutesa

    Aid to intubation in the difficult airwayb,c

    Absolute contraindicationsBox1Indications and contraindications for cricothyrotomyIndications

    Inability to secure the airway by other noninvasive meansa

    Failed airwaya

    Inability to maintain oxygen saturation greater than 90%with bag-valvemask ventilationacricothyrotomy, the marked individual variation for a given age, and the many factorsinvolved (eg, size/weight, clinical state, comorbidity, acute illness/injury, anatomic var-iables, practitioner experience),2,3 a precise evidence-based age cutoff may not bepossible. Thus, depending on the author, the lower age limit (ranging from 5 to 10to 12 years) at which surgical cricothyrotomy is contraindicated is somewhat arbi-trary.2123

    ANATOMYOF THE LARYNX: PEDIATRIC VERSUS ADULTCompared with the adult anatomy, the pediatric airway has a smaller (in absolute sizeand proportionally) cricothyroid membrane, greater overlap between the thyroid car-tilage and cricoid cartilage with less accessibility to the narrower slit-like cricothyroidmembrane, and smaller comparatively underdeveloped funnel or conical-shapedairway (verses the larger, more cylindric-shaped adult airway). Furthermore, in thepediatric larynx, the narrowest part of the airway is the cricoid cartilage (versus thevocal cords in the adult airway). The pediatric larynx also has a comparatively flat

    When endotracheal intubation can be accomplished easily and quickly with nocontraindicationsa

    Tracheal transaction with the distal end retracting into the mediastinuma

    Significant cricoid cartilage/laryngeal injury, such as fractured larynxa

    Complete upper-airway obstructionb,d

    Relative contraindications

    Bleeding diathesisa

    Massive neck edema/anatomic distortiona

    a Needle or surgical cricothyrotomy (open or cricothyrotome).b Needle cricothyrotomy only.c Several reports suggest that PTLV may help in intubating patients who have a difficult/failedairway by lifting up the epiglottis and improving visualization of the glottis.d Initially considered an absolute contraindication to needle cricothyrotomy; however, recentdata suggest needle cricothyrotomy with PTLV can be performed with complete airwayobstruction if lower oxygen delivery pressures are present, a larger cannula is used, and longerexhalation times are used, and therefore may be a relative contraindication.

  • thyroid cartilage without a vertical midline prominence (compared with the adultsprominent Adams [or Eves] apple where the two quadrilateral lamina of the thyroidcartilage meet), resulting in the standard landmarks for cricothyrotomy being difficultto show and not very prominent. In children, the larynx is located more rostral, orsuperior (opposite C2C3 interspace in a young infant and C3C4 interspace in anolder infant, versus C4C5 in an adult), making the cricothyroid membrane more dif-ficult to access, and children have a more compliant (collapsible) airway. Becausethe laryngeal prominence is not fully developed until adolescence, other useful land-marks are the cricoid cartilage and the hyoid bone. The pediatric airway has a smallerdiameter with greater resistance to gas flow according to the formula RN 1O (lumenradius),4 where R is airway resistance. Resistance to gas flow is inversely proportionalto the fourth power of the radius of the airway lumen, meaning that small decreases inthe luminal diameter cause large increases in the airway resistance (Box 2; Fig. 4).

    COMPLICATIONSMost cricothyrotomy series report on surgical cricothyrotomies2428 and not needlecricothyrotomies with PTLV. For surgical cricothyrotomy in the emergency depart-ment, acute complication rates from 8.7% to 40% have been reported, with bleeding

    Slit-like shape of cricothyroid membrane (versus rectangular shape in adults)

    Mace & Khan1090Overlapping thyroid cartilage and cricoid cartilage

    Rostrally located cricothyroid membrane (opposite C3/C4 in infant, opposite C4/C5 in adult)

    Less accessibility to cricothyroid membrane because of greater overlap of thyroid cartilage andcricothyroid cartilage and more rostral (superior) location of larynx

    Small funnel (conical)-shaped airway (large cylindric-shaped adult airway)

    Landmarks are not prominent and are difficult to see because of flat thyroid cartilage withoutvertical midline prominence (adults have a prominent Adams/Eves apple)

    More compliant collapsible airway

    Cricoid cartilage is narrowest part of airway (vocal cords are narrowest part of airway in adult)

    Smaller diameter airway with increased resistance to flow

    Airway resistance (R) is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the radius of the airway4and misplacement of the tube the most common complications. Acute complicationswith either surgical or needle cricothyrotomy include incorrect or unsuccessful place-ment, subcutaneous emphysema, barotrauma with pneumothorax/pneumomediasti-num, obstruction, prolonged procedure time, and injury to surrounding structures,including vocal cord injury and damage to the laryngeal cartilages (eg, thyroid cartilageand cricoid cartilage). Possible late complications are infection, voice changes, anddysphasia/swallowing difficulty (Box 3).Some complications noted with surgical cricothyrotomy (eg, barotrauma, infec-

    tion, perforation of the trachea) may also occur with needle cricothyrotomy withPTLV. However, other complications may be less frequent. Theoretically, somecomplications, such as damage to the laryngeal cartilage and subglottic stenosis,

    Box 2Pediatric larynx anatomy versus adultSmaller size of cricothyroid membrane (absolute size and proportional)lumen (RN 1O [lumen radius] )

  • Needle Cricothyrotomy 1091would seem less likely to occur with a smaller cannula than the larger tracheostomytube.Subcutaneous emphysema and barotrauma (eg, pneumothorax, pneumomediasti-

    num) and catheter-related problems (eg, obstruction/blockage of the catheter, kinking

    Fig. 4. Comparison of the pediatric and adult airway anatomy. (A) Lateral view. (B) Shape ofthe pediatric and adult larynx. (C) Airway diameter. (D) Airway resistance as affected by theradius of the airway. (Courtesy of S.E. Mace, MD, and J Loerch, Clinic Cleveland Center forMedical Art and Photography, Cleveland, OH; with permission.)

  • Mace & Khan1092Box 3Complications of needle cricothyrotomywith percutaneous translaryngeal ventilationCatheter-related

    Catheter misplacement (unsuccessful or incorrect placement)

    Blockage/obstruction of catheter

    Kinking of the catheter

    Dislodgement of catheterof the catheter, catheter displacement, misplaced or unsuccessful needle or catheterplacement) seem to be the most common complications of needle cricothyrotomywith PTLV (Box 3).10,11,2933

    In a series of emergency PTLV for acute respiratory failure, successful cannulationof the cricothyroid membrane occurred in 79.3% (23/29 patients) and no immediatefatalities occurred from PTLV.30 Reasons for unsuccessful cannulation were poorlandmarks, catheter kinking, and catheter misplacement. Reported complicationsincluded subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum requiring chest tubeplacement.30 No major bleeding episodes or infections occurred at the puncturesite and the subcutaneous emphysema resolved without intervention.30


    Subcutaneous emphysema




    Stimulation of airway reflexes



    Damage to surrounding structures

    Tracheal perforation

    Esophageal perforation

    Mediastinal perforation

    Dysphonia/voices changes (caused by vocal cord injury, laryngeal fracture, or damageto laryngeal cartilage)

    Persistent stoma

    Feeling of a lump in the throat


    Bleeding, hematoma



    a Some data suggest that TTJV may decrease the frequency of aspiration.

  • A series of patients undergoing PTLV for elective endoscopic laryngeal surgeryreported a 7.5% (20/265) incidence of complications.31 Minor complications (6.4%)included hemodynamic instability (which resolved spontaneously), cervical emphy-sema, failure of cannula insertion/ventilation, hypoxemia, laryngospasm, mucosaldamage, andmyocardial ischemia. Major complications (1.1%) were tension pneumo-thorax, pneumothorax, and cervicomediastinal emphysema.31

    Theoretically, needle cricothyrotomy should create less trauma to the skin, cricothy-roid membrane, and contiguous structures. However, some force is necessary topuncture the cricothyroid membrane, and therefore a risk for perforating the posteriortrachea and esophagus still exists, and use of larger needles is associated witha greater risk for perforating the esophagus.34

    NEEDLE CRICOTHYROTOMYWITH TRANSLARYNGEAL JET VENTILATION: EQUIPMENTEquipment that should be immediately available before performing the needlecricothyrotomy with PTLV include large-bore needle with an overlying catheter,syringe, local anesthetic, standard prep and drape (eg, sterile drapes, gloves),antiseptic solution, trach tape or suture material to secure the catheter, oxygensource, high-pressure oxygen tubing, jet ventilator device, and three-way stopcockor Luer lock (Box 4).

    Box 4Equipment for needle cricothyrotomy and translaryngeal jet ventilationNeedle cricothyrotomy

    Standard preparation and draping: sterile drapes/gloves/other setup, antiseptic solution

    Needle with overlying cannulaa

    Adult 12 or 14 g

    Child 16 or 18 g

    Needle Cricothyrotomy 10933- or 5-mL syringe containing local anesthetic (eg, lidocaine with epinephrine)

    Luer lock or three-way stopcock to attach the catheter to the distal end of the high-pressureoxygen tubing

    Trach tape or suture material to secure catheter



    Deliver 100% oxygen

    High-pressure oxygen source

    50 psi for adults and adolescents (directly from oxygen wall outlet)

    25 to 35 psi for children (from a standard regulator set at 1012 L/min)b

    Manual jet ventilator device

    Push button device, Y connector, or three-way stopcock or Luer lock to allow for inhalationand exhalation (usual I:E is 1:4 or 1:5)

    High-pressure tubing, attached to oxygen at one end and cannula/catheter at other withmanual jet ventilator device in middle

    a Alternatively, a commercially available kit can be used.b See text for additional settings.

  • Originally, a 12- or 14-gauge angiocatheter was used. Commercial PTLV cathetershave recently become available, which are designed to result in less kinking (stiffermaterial), are curved for easier placement and less chance (at least theoretically) ofperforating the posterior wall, and have distal side holes and at the tip to allow a widerdispersion of the delivered gas (eg, oxygen). Most reports have used 12- to 16-gaugecatheters (2.52.8 mm internal diameter) in adults and 16- to 18-gauge in children.Oxygen flow is a function of the catheter size, and therefore larger catheter diameterallows greater oxygen flow.35 Various commercial kits are now available, with someusing a Seldinger technique to gain access to the larynx or trachea.The needle/catheter should be attached to a 3- or 5-mL syringe that contains

    several milliliters of sterile normal saline or, preferably, local anesthetic (eg, lidocainewith epinephrine). A Luer lock or three-way stopcock is used to attach the catheter tothe distal end of the high-pressure oxygen tubing.The high-pressure oxygen tubing is connected to the oxygen source at one end and

    the Luer lock or three-way stopcock at the other, with a manual on/off device (valve,tubing with a hole in the side, or other setup) that allows for exhalation and inhalation(Fig. 5). Commercial devices are available, such as the Enk oxygen flow modulator setby Cook Critical Care (Bloomington, Indiana). Other devices have a pressure gaugeconnected to a hand-triggered push buttontype jet injector, which can control theamount of air pressure reaching the catheter.36 There are commercially prepared

    Mace & Khan1094kits that are preassembled for use, containing a manual jet ventilator, pressure gauge,adapter, 14-gauge angiocatheter, and trach tie (eg, PTLV kits can be obtained fromLife-Assist, Inc., Rancho Cordova, California, or from Instrumentation Industries,Inc, Bethel, Pennsylvania). This equipment should be setup in advance of any airwayemergency and placed in an emergency airway cart or box in the emergency depart-ment for easy and immediate access.Two early methods for delivering oxygen use a standard ventilation bag attached to

    the catheter with a 3.5-mm pediatric endotracheal (ET) tube adapter (Fig. 6A) or7.0-mm adult ET tube adapter connected to the back of a plungerless 3-mL syringe37

    Fig. 5. Manual on-off device for transtracheal jet ventilation. (Courtesy of S.E. Mace, MD,

    and J. Loerch, Clinic Cleveland Center for Medical Art and Photography, Cleveland, OH;with permission.)

  • Needle Cricothyrotomy 1095(Fig. 6B,C). Because this setup using a standard ventilation bag is rigid, and thereforeslight movements of the bag may dislodge the catheter, it has been modified byconnecting one end of standard intravenous tubing to the PTLV catheter and the otherdistal cut end to a 2.5-mm ET tube, which is then attached to the bag.A ventilation bag setup is not recommended for adults because of difficulty in

    technically providing an adequate tidal volume while allowing sufficient time for exha-lation.38,39 A recent study measuring flow rates found that resuscitation bags (whetherpediatric or adult) do not provide adequate ventilation in adults.40 The investigators

    Fig. 6. Ventilation using a standard ventilation bag (A) using a 3.5-mm pediatric endotra-cheal tube (ET) adapter; (B) using a 7.0-mm adult ET adapter connected to a plungerless3 mm syringe without a bag-valvemask attached; and (C) using a 7.0-mm adult ET adapterconnected to a plungerless 3-mm syringe with a bag-valvemask attached. (Courtesy of S.E.Mace, MD, and J. Loerch, Clinic Cleveland Center for Medical Art and Photography, Cleve-land, OH; with permission.)

  • intubation) may help expose the laryngeal prominence (superior notch of the thyroid

    Mace & Khan1096cartilage) if no contraindication is present, such as cervical spine injury see Fig. 2A.Clinicians should move their finger down the thyroid cartilage in the midline into a smalldepression above the cricoid cartilage to locate the cricothyroid membrane (see Fig.2B). In adults, four fingerbreadths above the sternal notch or 2 to 3 cm below the la-ryngeal prominence is the approximate location of the cricothyroid membrane (Box 5).The individual performing the procedure, if right-handed, should be positioned to

    the patients left toward the head of the bed. If time allows, the anterior neck shouldbe sterilely prepared and draped. A syringe containing several 3 to 5 mL of lidocaine,with epinephrine or lidocaine on the needle, should be placed. Some clinicians preferlidocaine with epinephrine because it may decrease bleeding and results in higherlevels of lidocaine (and presumably provides better anesthesia) with the same volume(mL) of local anesthetic. Again, if time allows and the patient is awake or responsive,the site should be infiltrated with local anesthetic. Some lidocaine should be left in thesyringe for two purposes: (1) it can be injected into the airway for a local anesthetic andmay decrease or avoid unwanted airway reflexes, including coughing and laryngo-spasm, and (2) the needle can be confirmed to be in the airway by having the clinicianwithdraw on the syringe to determine if air bubbles enter the fluid in the syringe. Iflidocaine cannot be used (eg, because of allergy), then normal saline can be usedto show bubbles in the syringe.After locating the cricothyroid membrane (the small depression between the cricoid

    cartilage inferiorly and the thyroid cartilage superiorly) with the nondominant hand (seeFig. 2B), the clinician should insert the needle (with the syringe containing lidocainerecommendation was, instead of using resuscitation bags for adults needing PTTV,use an unregulated oxygen source of at least 50 psi.40 Thus, the preferred methodfor adults and older adolescents is to supply oxygen through a standard 50-psi wallsource rather than with a resuscitation bag.Unfortunately, similar studies applicable to pediatric patients are unavailable. For

    children, some experts have suggested using 25 to 35 psi.3 Another author lists thefollowing PSI and estimated tidal volume (TV) parameters for PTLV: 30 to 50 psiwith TV of 700 to 1000 cm3 for adults; 10 to 25 psi with TV of 340 to 625 for children8 years of age or older (older school-aged children and adolescents); 5 to 10 psi withTV of 240340 for children aged 5 to 8 years; and 5 psi with TV of 100 for childrenyounger than 5 years.41 Others suggest that in young children, particularly thoseyounger than 5 years, a resuscitation bag can be used because of their smallerlung capacities, and therefore smaller tidal volumes.3 Using a 50-psi oxygen source,flow rates based on catheter size are 1300 mL/s for 13-gauge and 1200 mL/s for14-gauge,42 although another source gives a flow rate of 1600 mL/s for a 14-gauge.2

    Clinical experience with PTJV is limited, which may explain the variation in recom-mended settings.A technologic advancement with PTLV is the use of pressure monitoring during jet

    ventilation.9 However, this technique requires special equipment.9 Using pressuremonitoring during PTLV has been suggested as a way to decrease the incidence ofbarotrauma with PTLV.9

    NEEDLE CRICOTHYROTOMYWITH PERCUTANEOUS TRANSLARYNGEALVENTILATION:THE PROCEDURE ITSELFThe patient should be positioned supine with the neck exposed. Hyperextension of theneck (eg, with a sniffing the morning air or sipping English tea positioning forwith epinephrine attached) at a 30 to 45 angle caudally through the skin,

  • Needle Cricothyrotomy 1097Box 5Needle cricothyrotomy with percutaneous translaryngeal ventilationPositioning

    Position the patient so that the neck is hyperextended to expose the laryngeal prominence

    The practitioner, if right-handed, stands to the patients left toward the head of the bed


    All equipment available and assembled

    Sterile preparation and draping

    Anesthetize the area with lidocaine with epinephrine if time permits

    Syringe containing lidocaine with epinephrine attached to needle/catheter

    Procedure: placement of catheter

    Locate cricothyroid membrane

    Hold trachea in place while providing tension on the skin with the thumb andmiddle fingersubcutaneous tissue, and cricothyroid membrane. A small nick in the skin surface maybe made with a scalpel before the needle insertion to help puncture the skin if muchskin resistance is anticipated. Ideally, the needle puncture should be in the lower (in-ferior) part the cricothyroid membrane to avoid the cricothyroid artery and vein thatcourse across the upper part of the cricothyroid membrane. The syringe should be as-pirated when the needle is advanced. Bubbles in the fluid or increased ease of aspiringair signifies that the needle has traversed the cricothyroid membrane and is now in theairway (see Fig. 2C).While holding the needle in place, the clinician should advance the catheter to the

    hub and then remove the needle (see Fig. 2D). The catheter should be held in placeby hand until its placement is confirmed and it is connected to the oxygen source.One person should be designated to hold the hub of the catheter in place until it is se-cured with suturing or a trach tie to prevent dislodgement or subcutaneous emphy-sema (see Fig. 2E). Before the catheter is secured, the hub should be held flushagainst the skin to avoid any air leaks.The usual inhalationexhalation ratio (I:E ratio) is 1:4 or 1:5, or 1 second for inhalation

    of oxygen and 4 or 5 seconds for passive exhalation, to provide for ventilation.3 Inpatients who have a partial upper-airway obstruction, an I:E of 1:9 has been

    of nondominant hand

    Direct needle caudally at 30 to 45 while pulling back on syringe; the presence of airbubbles signifies entry into the trachea

    Slide catheter over needle until the catheter hub fits securely (snugly) on the skin surface

    Remove needle and syringe as a unit

    Postprocedure management

    Connect catheter to high-pressure oxygen tubing with other end of tubing attached to walloxygen (with manual jet ventilator device in between both ends of the high-pressuretubing)

    Give a gentle burst of oxygen (test dose) to check for correct placement

    Secure catheter with trach tie or suture in place

    Ventilate (usual I:E is 1:4 or 1:5)

  • cricothyroid membrane (eg, because of injury to the cricoid cartilage), then the cath-eter may be inserted between two adjacent tracheal rings. However, the clinician

    more, transtracheal or transglottal jet ventilation is commonly used for anesthesiaduring laryngeal surgeries for controlled mechanical ventilation.3133,51,52 Allowing

    Mace & Khan1098for ventilation, not just oxygenation, with adequate expiratory time and using a high-flow oxygen source are variables shown to improve PTLV, and is a practice that chal-lenges the previously held maxim.12,16 However, further studies evaluating moreprolonged ventilatory times with PTLV are needed.

    ADDITIONAL BENEFITS OF PERCUTANEOUS TRANSLARYNGEALVENTILATIONSeveral case reports suggest that PTLV may help in difficult or failed intubations. Inpatients for whom intubation failed, PTLV was performed to obtain an airway. How-ever, once PTLV was used, intubating patients became easier. The high intratrachealpressure from PTLV seemed to lift the epiglottis and open the glottis, allowing visual-ization of the vocal cords and making intubation easier. The escape of gas under highpressure caused the edges of the glottis to flutter, allowing recognition of the glottisand thereby assisting in intubation.17,18

    PTLV may also have a benefit in preventing aspiration. Several animal studies haveshown that PTLV may prevent aspiration.5355 Whether this capability is secondary tothe escaping pressure forcing secretions out of the airway or another mechanismremains to be determined. Similarly, experts have also suggested that the escapingshould try to avoid the region of tracheal rings two to four, because the isthmus ofthe thyroid gland usually lies anterior to these rings. During PTLV, oropharyngealsecretions may be expelled through the patients nose and mouth, and thereforeproper barrier precautions (eg, gown, gloves, masks) should be taken.

    CONTROVERSYASSOCIATEDWITH PERCUTANEOUS TRANSLARYNGEALVENTILATIONThe long-standing tenet has been that PTLV is only a temporizing measure and cannotprovide ventilation for an extended period. Previous teaching has been that oxygena-tion is adequate with PTLV, but hypercarbia and respiratory acidosis occur because ofinadequate ventilation, and therefore PTLV can only be used for approximately 30 to45 minutes in an adult.43 Early methods of PTLV used continuous low-flow oxygen(apneic oxygenation) without allowing for exhalation.44

    However, numerous studies have documented adequate ventilation with a normalarterial pCO2 and pH with PTLV for periods longer than 20 minutes.

    42,4550 Further-recommended to decrease risk for barotrauma.3 As with endotracheal intubation,placement should be verified using the usual means, including end tidal carbon diox-ide changes, chest rise, and oxygenation improvement. Placing the catheter in thesubcutaneous tissue can cause massive subcutaneous emphysema, and thereforesome clinicians suggest performing a test of oxygen with a resuscitation bag ora low psi before administering the full 50 psi (in an adult) or 25 to 35 psi (in a pediatricpatient) to determine if the catheter is incorrectly placed and limit the amount of sub-cutaneous emphysema.The catheter can also bemisplaced into the airway in the trachea or larynx in an area

    other than through the cricothyroid membrane. In this case, if the oxygenation andclinical condition improves, leaving the misplaced tube temporarily in the airway untilanother airway can be secured may be best. If the catheter cannot be placed in thepressure from PTLV may help expel a foreign body in the upper airway.

  • Needle Cricothyrotomy 1099SUMMARYNeedle cricothyrotomy with PTLV can be a life-saving procedure when an emergencyairway is needed. Needle cricothyrotomy is preferred over surgical cricothyrotomy ininfants and young children. Appropriate ventilatory parameters using a high-flowoxygen source and an adequate expiratory time (I:E ratio) may limit the complicationsof barotrauma and allow for a more extended time of ventilation. Preliminary reportssuggest that PTLV may be also useful in the endotracheal intubation of patientswho have a difficult or failed airway and may help prevent aspiration, although furtherstudies are needed. Emergency physicians should be familiar with the indications,contraindications, complications, and procedure of this type of rescue airway, whichis also used to ventilate patients during elective laryngeal surgery.

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    Needle CricothyrotomyDefinitionsIndicationsContraindicationsAnatomy of the larynx: pediatric versus adultComplicationsNeedle cricothyrotomy with translaryngeal jet ventilation: equipmentNeedle cricothyrotomy with percutaneous translaryngeal ventilation: the procedure itselfControversy associated with percutaneous translaryngeal ventilationAdditional benefits of percutaneous translaryngeal ventilationSummaryReferences