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Crian~abvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/folder/10006002882.pdfleN~osde refer~nCla e fOruns de discuss3b .() Portal ecoordenado pelo Ciet que moblloza uma equlpe multldlSCipionar com a I'1!SpQn5:lbilidade

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technologyThe VideoSaude Distribuidora (HealthVideo Distributor) of Fiocruzproduces and distributes a collectionon health. SCience, education andcitizenship With over four thousandtitles produced by governmental andnon-governmental institutions andIndependent producers.Aiming to increase the access tohealth audiOVISual productIons, ,tpromotes the National Health VideoShow, stimulates the creation of adecentraltzed network of videothecsanll coordinates Fiocruzprogramming on Canal UniverSltAriodo Rio de Janeiro - UTV (UniversityChannel) and on Radlobras ChannelNBR. on TV Floripa and other cablechannels.

Technical CooperationCooperative work, which IS thestructuring principle of informationand communication, is thefundamental strategy in all areas ofthe Cict. The confirmation of thispotential ity is reflected on theincrease of intra and inter·institutional partnerships in Braziland in other countries. This widenetwork includes governmental andnon-governmental institutions suchas the World Health Organization,the Pan American HealthOrganization, the Bireme, theMinistry of Health of Angola; theMinistry of Health of Brazil and itsseveral Secretariats and Projects, suchas the National STD/Aids. theNat'onal Sanitary Vigilance AgencyAnvlsa; research centers anduniverSities, such as USP, UERJ andUFRJ, health coun rums andsoc,al partlClpatiFor further mfo5C1ent,flC andInformationWWW.Clct f,o

Coopera~aoTecnicao trabalho colaboratlvo, prlncfpio

estruturante dos campos dainforma~ao e comunica~ao, e a

estratl!gia fundamental em todas asareas de atua~ao do (ict. A

afirma~ao dessa potencialidade ternse refletido na amplia~ao das

parcerias intra e interinstitucionais,no Brasil e em outros paises. Nessa

ampla rede estao presentesinstitui~Oes e entidadesgovernamentais e nao

governamentais como a Organiza~ao

Mundial de Saude. a Organiza~ao

Pan-Americana de Saude, a Bireme,o Ministerio da Saude Angolano; 0

Mlnisterio da Saude - e suas diversassecretarias e projetos, como 0

Programa Nacional de DST/A,ds, aAgenCia Nacional de Vigil3nCla

Sanitaria - Anvisa; centros depesqutsa e unlversidades como a

USP, UERJ e UFRJ, co el dsaude foruns e In an de

Ili'rtCipa aoMats mforma~Oes s .ceritr·&Informa~ao Cie flCa,..··r"':nc,I6<'i

a.c se: WVVW.c,cu.ocr

tecnologiaA Vide05aude - Distribuidora da

Fiocruz atua na produ~ao edistnbui~ao de urn acervo

d,versiflCado sobre saude, c1encla,educa~ao e ,idadanla, com mats de 4

mil tltulos produzldos POI',nst'tul~Oes governamentats. nao­

governamentats e produtoresmdependentes. Para ampl,ar 0

acesso as produ~Oes audiOVISualS emsaude, promove a Mostra Nacionalde Videos sabre Saude, estlmula a

forma~o de uma rededescentralizada de vldeotecas e

coordena a programa~ao da F,ocruzno Canal Unlversltano do R,o de

Janeiro - UTV e nO canal daRadiobras. NBR, na Tv Flortpa e

outros canais a cabo

Located at the Fernandes FilgueirasInstitute (IFF). it gathers publicationsin the thematic areas of breathfeeding. surgery, genetics.gynecology, obstetrics, pathologypediatrics (cardiology. cioOical.infectiOUS dISeases, gastroenterology.hematology, neurology, pathology,pneumology. radiology, mtensivetreatment). mental health, women,chIld and adolescent healthContact: blbiff@Clctf,ocruz brPhone' 55-2'-2S54 1749

Fiocruz WebsiteAiming to increase the dialogue withsociety and intensify scientificinterchange, Fiocruz Website offers awide range of health information:technological researches anddevelopment, courses, referenceservICes and discussion forums. ThewebSIte ts coordinated by the Ciet,mobll,zmg a multldisClplmary teamresponSIble for transporting to theVirtual environment the Inst,tutlo~IQ s. experiences and practlCWe~ . vvww f,ocruz br

Biomedicine LibraryLocated at the (ict, ItS collectioncovers the following thematIC areas:bacteriology, biology, molecularbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology,entomology, pharmacology. genetics,natural history, Immunology. tropICalmediCine, mycology, microbiology,microscopy, parasitology. pathology,Virology. zoology, and a RarePublications Section with overseventy thousand volumes.Contact: [email protected]: 5S-2'-3865 320'

acContact multiml.ios@c:ict.fi()(r1m~1i"

Phone 55-2'-25984V,deos on health. science and

Biblioteca em Saude da Mulhere da Crian~a

Situada no Instituto FernandesFlguetra (IFF), reune publica~Oes nas

areas tematicas de aleitamentomaterno. ctrurg,a, genet,ca,

gmecologla, obstetrlCla, patologla,pediatna (cardiolog,a, c11n1Ca,

doen~as InfecCiosas,gastroentereologla, hematologla,

neurologla, patologla, pneumolog,a,radiologia. tratamento mtenslvo),

saude mental, saude da mulher, dacnan~a e do adolescente.

Contato:bib,ffOcict. f,ocruz. br(21) 2SS4 1749

Portal FiocruzCom 0 objetivo de ampliar 0 dialogo

com a sOCiedade e intensificar 0intercambio cientlflCo, 0 Portal

Fiocruz disponibiliza ampla gama deinforma~Oes em saude' pesquisas e

d senvolvimento tecnolOglco, cursos,leN ~os de refer~nCla e fOruns dediscuss3b .() Portal e coordenado

pelo Ciet que moblloza uma equlpemultldlSCipionar com a

I'1!SpQn5:lbilidade de traMsportar pa "o amblen rtual as a~Oes

xperl~nCJas e p'r a Inst tuA f,ocruz

Biblioteca de BiomedicinaLocalizada na sede do Oet, possui

acervo nas areas tematlCas:bacteriologia, b,ologia, b,olog,a

molecular, bioquimlCa, biotecnologla.entomologla, farmacologia, genetlCa,

hist6ria natural, imunologla.medicina tropical, mlCologia.

microbiologia, microscopia,parasitologia, patologia, virologla,

zoologia e uma Se~ao de ObrasRaras com rnais de 70 mil volumes.

Contato: [email protected](2') 386S-3201

Cict's LibrariesThey cover the areas of public health.women and child health, biomedicine,and integrate the Fiocruz LibraryNetwork.

Public Health LibraryLocated at the Sergio AroucaNational School of Public Health(Ensp), its collection is specialized inthe following thematic areas' healthplannmg and management, SOCIalsCiences in the field of health,ecology, epidemiolqgy, preventivemedIcine. social medicine, sanitationand environmental health, mentalhealth, publoc health and labor healthContact. [email protected]: SS-21-2S98 2S0'Women and Child Health Library

VHL Public Healthwww.saudepublica.bvs.brVHL Infectious and ParasiticalDiseases - www.bvsdip.Clct.fiocruz.brVHL Breast Feedingwww.bvsam.cict.fiocruz.brVLS Aroucawww.bvsarouca.det.fiocruz.br

Virtual Health Library (VHL)The Virtual Health Library developsand artIculates various sClentifl(,nformation sources. VHL ts a result ofa Wide network of cooperativepartICipation that includesgovernmental institutions,researchers, students. managers andpersonnel related to health, underthe leadership of the Latin Americanand Caribbean Center on HealthSciences Information (BiremelPaho).The Cict coordinates the followingprojects:

Biblioteca Virtual em Saude (BVS)A B'blloteca Virtual em Saude

desenvolve e art cula d ve"a< fon e<de nforma~o Clent,f,ca A 8VS eresultado de uma ampla rede deparcenas que envolve governos e

InstltlJl~Oes, pesqutsadores,estudantes, gestores e proflss'onats

de saude, liderada pelo CentrolatinO Amencano e do Canbe deInforma~aoem CI~nclas da Saude

(StremelOpas)o C ct coordena os segulntes


Bibliotecas do CictAtuam nas areas de saude publica,

saude da mulher e da crian~a,

biomedicina e integram a Rede deBibliotecas da Fiocruz.


BVS Saude Publicawww saudepubltca.bvs br

BVS Doen~as Infecclosas eParasitarias ww.bvsdip.c,ct.flocruz br

BVS Aleitamento Maternowww bvsam.oct f,ocruz br

BV Aroucawww.bvsarouca.Clctflocruz.br

Biblioteca de Saude PublicaLocalizada na Escola Nacional de

Saude Publica Sergio Arouca (Enspsa),tern 0 acervo espeClallzado nas

segulntes areas tematicas'admintstra~ao e planejamento em

saude. C1~ncias sOCiats em saude,ecologia. ep,demlolog,a, medicina

prevent,va, medlClna SOCIal,saneamento e saude amb,entalsaude mental, saude publica, e

saude do trabalhadorContato. bvsenspOCIct. f,ocruz br

(2') 2598-2S01

Health information:Researches on Infant mortaltty andbasic health care, Aids, environmentand sanitation, poisoning andintoxication, production and use ofhealth services. development ofmethodologies for monitoring theresults of the Unified Health System(SUS), spatial analySIS andgeoprocessing with analysis thatrelate health conditions to thegeographic space and to the sOCIal·economic profile of the population.

Science & Technology Information:evaluation of the national scientificoutput, development of virtuallibraries, systems and otherinformation resources.

The projects in this area arestructured in three axes:

Communication and Health:analysis of communication policiesand practices of institutions,organizations and social movements,besides the development ofstrategies and products in differentmedium.

The CictPostgraduate Programcombines research and education,aiming at the qualification ofprofessionals technically competentand ethically committed with theovercoming of social inequities. Theprogram offers specialization courseson communication and ontechnolog I'd scientificinformatl shment courses onspatial d geoprocesslngtrainin s to inform tonsources a k hops on ana ysand presentation of audlovprojects all related to healtThe courses are availablJane 1'0 I'd other Cities Inmodule structure that offersfleXibility to SUit local realities.Contact seca@cictf .bPhone: 55-2'-38653>08

o Programa de POs gradlJa~ao do Cictalta a pesqUisa ao enslnO. Vlsando a

quallfoca~ao de proflSSlonalStecrllcamente competentes e

etlCamente compromet,dos com asupera~o das deslgualdades SOCialS.

o programa oferece cursos deespeClallza~ao em comunlca~ao e em,nforma~ao C1entlf,ca e tecnol6glca,

atual za~ao em analise espaoal egeoprocessamento e trelnamentos

para acesso as fontes de Informa(.io eofiClnas de anal se e formata~ao de

proJetos audlov ua todosrelac onados a saude

Os cursos sao ofereCidos nO RIO deJanell'o e em outros estados com

~riJturas modulares que garantemflexlb,l,dade para atender as

rea'dades localSContato seca@Clct f,ocruz br

(21) 38653208

Os projetos nessa area estaoestruturados em tr elxos.

Comunica~ao e Saude:analise de pollticas e pratlCas de

comunica~aode Inst'tui~Oes,

entidades e movimentos socia is, ahimdo desenvolvimento de e'trategias e

produtos em diferentes midias.



Informa~o em Ciencla &Tecnologia:avalia~ao da produ~ao Clent,flCa

nacional, desenvolv,mento debibliotecas virtuais. SIstemas e outros

recursos de nforma~ao.

Informa~o em Saude:pesqlJlsas sobre mortalldade 'nfanN

e aten~iio baslCa em saude, aids,amb'ente e saneamento

envenenamento e mtoxlca~aO,

produ~ao e ut,lIza~ao dos servl~os desaude. e desenvolv,mento de

metodologlas para 0 mOnltoramentodo desempenho do Sistema UnlCO de

Saude (SUS). analise espaCial e• geoprocessamento, com anal,ses que

relacionam as condl~oes de saudecom 0 espa~o geograflCo e com 0

perfil sOcio econOmlCo da popula~ao.