Creativity & Change Leadership

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  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 1

    Leadership responsibilities for the

    innovation process:

     – Imagining.

     – Designing.

     – Eperimenting.

     – !ssessing.

     – "caling.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 #

    $o%r steps of the prod%ct innovation


     – Idea creation.

     – Initial eperimentation.

     – $easibilit& determination. – $inal application.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 '

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 (

    Change leader.

     – ! change agent )ho ta*es leadership

    responsibilit& for changing the eisting pattern

    of behavior of another person or social s&stem.

    Change leadership. – $or)ard-loo*ing.

     – +roactive.

     – Embraces ne) ideas.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 ,

    $ig%re: Change leaders vers%s stat%s %o


  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18

    /op-do)n change.

     – "trategic and comprehensive change that isinitiated )ith the goals of comprehensiveimpact on the organi0ation and its performancecapabilities.

     – Driven b& the organi0ations top leadership.

     – "%ccess depends on s%pport of middle-leveland lo)er-level )or*ers.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 2

    3ottom-%p change. – /he initiatives for change come from an& and

    all parts of the organi0ation4 not 5%st topmanagement.

     – Cr%cial for organi0ational innovation.

     – Made possible b&:

    6 Emplo&ee empo)erment.6 Emplo&ee involvement.

    6 Emplo&ee participation.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 8

    Integrated change leadership.

     –  "%ccessf%l and end%ring change combines advantages

    of top-do)n and bottom-%p approaches.

     –  /op-do)n:

    6 3rea*s %p traditional patterns.

    6 Implements diffic%lt economic ad5%stments.

     –  3ottom-%p:6 3%ilds capabilit& for s%stainable change.

    6 3%ilds capabilit& for organi0ational learning.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 7

    /ransformational and incremental change. –  nplanned change.

    6 9esponse to %nanticipated events.

    6 ood leaders act on opport%nities for reactive change. –  +lanned change

    6 !ligning the organi0ation )ith anticipated f%t%re challenges.

    6 !ctivated b& proactive leaders )ho are sensitive to performancegaps.

    6 /ransformational change  

     ma5or and comprehensiveredirection.

    6 Incremental change    ad5%sting eisting s&stems and practices.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 1;

    and recogni0e those )ho help.

     –  3%ild on s%ccess? align people and s&stems )ith ne) )a&s.

     –  "ta& )ith it? *eep the message consistent? champion thevision.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 11

    Eternal forces for change: –  lobali0ation.

     –  Mar*et competition.

     –  Local economic conditions. –  overnment la)s and reg%lations.

     –  /echnological developments.

     –  Mar*et trends.

     –  "ocial forces and val%es.

    Internal forces for change: –  !rise )hen change in one part of the s&stem creates the need for

    change in another part of the s&stem.

     –  Ma& be in response to one or more eternal forces.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 1#

    @rgani0ational targets for change:

     – /as*s

     – +eople

     – C%lt%re

     – /echnolog&

     – "tr%ct%re

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 1'

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 1(

    $ig%re 18.' Le)ins three phases of

     planned organi0ational change.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 1,

    "trategies of ChangeA

    $orce-coercion strateg& of change.

     –  ses po)er bases of legitimac&4 re)ards4 and

     p%nishments to ind%ce change.

     –  9elies on belief that people are motivated b& self-


     –  Direct forcing and political mane%vering.

     –  +rod%ces limited and temporar& res%lts.

     –  Most %sef%l in the %nfree0ing phase.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 1

    9ational pers%asion strateg& of change.

     –  3ringing abo%t change thro%gh pers%asion bac*ed b&

    special *no)ledge4 empirical data4 and rational


     –  9elies on epert po)er.

     –  9elies on belief that reason g%ides peoples decisions

    and actions. –  sef%l in the %nfree0ing and refree0ing phases.

     –  +rod%ces longer-lasting and internali0ed change.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 12

    "hared po)er strateg& of change. –  Engages people in a collaborative process of identif&ing

    val%es4 ass%mptions4 and goals from )hich s%pport for

    change )ill nat%rall& emerge. –  /ime cons%ming b%t li*el& to &ield high commitment.

     –  Involves others in eamining socioc%lt%ral factors relatedto the iss%e at hand.

     –  9elies on referent po)er and strong interpersonal s*illsin team sit%ations.

     –  9elies on belief that people respond to socioc%lt%ralnorms and epectations of others.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 18

    $ig%re: !lternative change strategies and

    their leadership implications.

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 17

    Reasons for people resisting change:

     –  $ear of the %n*no)n

     –  Disr%pted habits

     –  Loss of confidence

     –  Loss of control

     –  +oor timing

     –  Bor* overload –  Loss of face

     –  Lac* of p%rpose

  • 8/18/2019 Creativity & Change Leadership


    Management - Chapter 18 #;

    Methods for dealing )ith resistance tochange: – 

    Ed%cation and comm%nication –  +articipation and involvement

     –  Eplicit and implicit coercion