Year 6x Primary Luqa

Creative Writing Booklet

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The booklet includes various creative writings written by the students in my class.

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Page 1: Creative Writing Booklet

Year 6x

Primary Luqa

Page 2: Creative Writing Booklet

Last Wednesday it was the 20th October and we

went to Valletta for a scholastic outing. We were going

to see the armoury, archeolgical Museum and the state

room. Everybody was looking forward to go to this out-


The teachers thought that the weather will be

rainy and we will be soaked to the bones but they were

wrong. Incidently we met the priest of Luqa in Valletta.

First we went to the archeolgical Museum. We

saw some things that are in the temples like Ghar

Dalam, Tarxien Temples and more. She told us which

temple is the oldest one and the newest one. I really

liked how she described the ceme-


Next we went to the armoury.

We have talked about the Kavalliers

and the war. I hope that we have

another interesting, beautiful and

educational outing like this.

Written by Shania Galea

Il-gimgha l-ohra rajna film sabih

hafna. Dan kien jismu Dr Do Little.

Dr Do Little kien tabib tal-annimali.

Darba wahda nduna li kien jifhem dak kollu li jghidu

l-annimali izda hadd m’ emmnu. Ma’ dan kollu hu

xorta baqa’ jghin u jsalva l-annimali. Darba wahda

t-tifla l-kbira ta’ Dr Do Little wkoll bdiet tifhem

il-lingwa tal-annimali ghall-ewwel ma qalet lil hadd.

Izda darba kienet hdejn missierha u meta tkellem

annimal wigbietu. Missierha x’hin ra hekk ferah u


Minn hemm il-quddiem bdew jahdmu flimkien. Dan

kien film sabih mimli b’avventuri.

Miktuba minn Monique Attard

Page 3: Creative Writing Booklet

Post specjali hu wiehed. Dan dejjem

hemm ghalija. Qatt ma jibdilni.

Dejjem jurini t-triq it-tajba. Meta

nkun imdejqa hi tkun mieghi u meta

nkun ferhana hi tkun kuntenta,

allura jien insejhilha


Miktuba minn Claire

When I was only seven years I went to

Egypt. We went next to the pyramids and

there was a lot sand. We put on a camp were

we was going to live for that week in Egypt. In

Egypt were very old things, more popularly the

steep pyramids.

In Egypt I went with my family. First my

nephew Zack and me went for a walk round the pyramid. We

knew that there was very expensive to go inside and into the


For the first time and the second time that we walk

around the same pyramid everything was right but at the

third time something was different. There was a small tiny

hole were that was a mystery. We ask the soldier that he was

looking at us. He said that it wasn’t there before we went to

ask him. The soldier told us if we like to go inside by cloring.

In the hole we found ourselves in a pyramid. Zack began

to cry to go out but I didn’t find where the small hole was.

After five minutes we heard my sister and my mum calling my

dad and Mark Zack’s father if we were with them. Zack be-

gan to shout so that his mum will come and help us to go out.

An Egyptian man told him to shut up because we were under

his control.

We knew that in the same place there was the hole. We

go back in the camp to eat because we spent an hour in that

pyramid. All my family came to hug us because they thought

that we were in a cage in the middle of the Egypt desert. But

we came well as we were. Written by Noeleen Cassar

Page 4: Creative Writing Booklet

It was 29th March 2011 and I was flying my only plane. It was

a lovely sunny and I was flying over an island called Karuba.

Suddenly I saw fire coming out from the engine, I had nothing

to do and I ejected out from the plane and landed on a spooky

desert island. I was scared because I was alone. Then I sat

down on a red sandy beach and then I felt that a poisonous

scorpion was coming behind my back. In a rush I stood up and

squashed it. In the scorpion there was a treasure map. I saw

that behind the errupted volcano there was a treasure. When

I was walking on a hill there was a master piece. There was a

green land with shiny sandy beach. I fianted. I ran to the

shiny beach and there was a red cross mark. I tought that it

was the treasure. I began to dig with my pair of hands and

there was a treasure. I opened it and there was fruit,

branches and everything I needed. First I built a hut and a

boat with the branches and ate the whole fruit. Finally I lived

happily ever after.

Written by Nicholas Attard

Jien tghidx kemm niehu gost fil-grupp tal-klassi

tieghi. L-ewwel li naghmlu kull nhar ta’ Tnejn huwa

r-Religjon. X’hin inlestu naghmlu il-matematika.

Tghidx kemm niehu gost naghmlu l-matematika.

Wara jdoqq il-brejk indahlu kollox u nohorgu l-lanc.

Imbaghad jigi s-ser u nghidu t-talba. Wara l-brejk

jigi s-ser tal- PE. Tghidx kemm domna. X’hin daqq

it-tieni brejk tlajna biex nieklu u wara ninzlu


X’hin spicca l-brejk tlajna naghmlu l-iStudju Socjali.

Wara jghidilna biex nohorgu n-

notebooks taghna.

Wara erfajna kollox u morna

lura d-dar.

Miktuba minn Rachel Busuttil

Page 5: Creative Writing Booklet

Pustier: Bongu Sinjura Farrugia. Hawn-

hekk qedgha jekk joghgbok.?

Klijent: Iva hawnhekk qedgha, minuta ha nara jekk

qeghdiex tinhasel.

Pustier: Tajjeb, mela nistenna ftit.

Klijent: Bongu pustier ghandek bzonn xi haga?

Pustier: Iva sinjura, gibtlek dan il-pakkett. Jidher li

qieghed indirizzat f ismek. Huwa mibghut mill-


Klijent: Imma jien ma naf lil hadd mill-Ingilterra.

Dak hemm zball, mhux lili kellhom jibghatuh.

Pustier: Imma sinjura dan huwa l-indirizz tieghek

hux hekk?

Klijent: Iva,kollu kemm hu!

Pustier: Allura ma tistax tirrifjutah. Dan tieghek!

Klijent: Imma pustier jahasra mhux tieghi.

Pustier: Ha nghidlek sinjura, ma’tafx li illum l-ewwel

ta’ April, din cajta kienet!!

Klijent: Hsibtu jiena ghax kultant bdejt tidhaq inti.

Pustier: Sahha sinjura mhux ahjar nidhqu ftit.

Klijent: Iva pustier sahha lilek sinjur.

Miktuba minn Ryan Baldacchino

Today is the 20th of February and it is my first day that

I am going to fly on a plane. This is morning I woke at

5:00 o`clock so we can go to Holland. I woke up my

parents and my sister`s .When my parents and my

sister`s got up dressed up and we were ready to go to

the airport because are suitcase was already packed

yesterday. When we went up we waited for the plane to

come. After a while the plane arrived gave the tickets to

the man and got on the bus to take us near the plane.

The plane that we took was Airmalta.

Before we left the ground hostess checked that the

suitcase is on the plane and the engines are working.

After they checked, we left .Up there we saw a lot of

interesting things like volcano, mountains and a lot of

countries. When it was in the Afternoon they gave us

food, I didn`t like the food a lot but I still eat it

because I was hungry. After a while we landed and got

our suitcases and went to catch the train. On the train

we had like three hours. When we

arrived we went to our house and slept

for an hour .We stayed there for 1

week. It was a good vacation. I loved it

a lot.

Written by Kristy Fenech.

Page 6: Creative Writing Booklet

It was my birthday and my father took me to the

football ground.

There were a lot of boys training and shouting. I was

very happy and started to play with my friends.

I go to train every Wednesday and Friday.

I was very happy that my dad took me there.

Written by Keith Attard 6x

Darba wahda kont rieqed u qomt biex immur ghall-iskola.

Wara li spiccajna mill-iskola mort id-dar ghax jiena kelli


F’dik il-gurnata x’hin ftaht il-frigg jiena hsibt li ha nsib

xi kejk tal-birthday. Ommi kienet fuq u ghajtitli u jiena

ghedtilha biex tinzel ftit isfel. Qabzet ommi u qaltli

biex nitla’ fuq fil-kamra tieghi. Jiena tlajt u kelli ecita-

ment kbir ghax rajtha qed tippakkja l-hwejjeg ta’ mis-

sieri, tieghi u taghha. Staqsejtha x’inhi taghmel u ma

wegbitnix, imbaghad wara li ppakkjat kollox nzilna isfel.

Ommi qaltli mmur ninhasel u nbiddel pulit. X’hin inzilt is-

fel kantawli Happy Birthday u qsamt il-kejk.

Wara morna l-ajruport u qbadna ajruplan ghal New York.

Meta wasalna hemmhekk tghidx kemm hadna pjacir. Din

kienet l-isbah gurnata ta’ hajti.

Miktuba minn Dylan Cordina

Page 7: Creative Writing Booklet

Fiffy : Good morning!

Rex : Good morning fiffy. How are you after that


Fiffy : I am feeling very bad. We are homeless.

Rex : I am feeling good because we are going to

live in a van.

Fiffy : Really, you know where we can live?

Rex : In that field there is a van with open doors.

I found out about it last night.

Fiffy : That is a very good


Rex : That van was used to

carry animal food.

Fiffy : We are going to eat a

lot then.

Rex : We are going to be very


Written by Bradley Aquilina

Il-Karnival jigi fix-xahar ta’ Frar. Huwa z-zmien fejn

fih kulhadd jiehu gost u jiddeverti. Il-karnival jigi

ccelebrat madwar id-dinja kollha. L-aktar carnival

famuz fid-dinja huwa dak tal-Brazil. F’Malta wkoll

niccelbraw il-karnival.

Il-karnival jigi ccelbrat fl-irhula kollha ta’ Malta u

Ghawdex. F’Malta l-qofol tal-karnival jintlahaq fil-

Belt Valletta fejn ikun hemm defile kbir u sabih.

Min-naha l-ohra fil-gzira t’Ghawdex hafna nies

jattendu ghall-karnival spontanju tan-Nadur.

Fil-karnival ikun hemm hafna karrijiet kbar. Dawn il-

karrijiet ikollhom hafna u hafna kuluri. L-aktar

karrijiet li joghgbuni huma dawk li jkollhom il-kuluri

blu u ahmar. Dan ghaliex dawn huma l-kuluri favoriti

tieghi. Ikun hemm ukoll hafna maskli grotteski u

maskarati ta’ kull eta’. Fl-ahharnett ikun hemm ukoll

hafna zfin minn kumpaniji ta’ zfin differenti.

Page 8: Creative Writing Booklet

Jien u l-kugini tieghi nilbsu wkoll kustom tal-

karnival. Is-sena l-ohra lbisna ta’ pulizija izda din

is-sena ser nilbes ta’ punk. Il-kugina tieghi ser

tilbes ta’ principess filwaqt li l-kugin tieghi ser

jilbes t’gharus. Tghidx kemm jixraqlu il-kostum


Insomma, il-karnival huwa zmien ta’ bluha u meta

jigi kulhadd, mill-kbar saz-zghar, jiehu pjacir u

jidderverti kemm jifrah. Kemm inhobbu zmien il-

karnival! Nixtieq li kieku ma jispicca qatt!

Kitba ta’ Aidon Magro

Darba kont mort l-iskola

ghall-ewwel darba. Kont

ghadni fil-kindergarden u

ltqajt ma’ hafna hbieb, imma

l-aktar habiba specjali kie-

net Josephine Vella ghax

dejjem nista’ nafdaha u

niftah qalbi.

Meta jkolli xi problema tieghi tghinni f’xi homework li forsi

ma nkunx naf. Noqoghdu npartu l-istickers u mmorru ghand

xulxin qisna xi zewg ahwa. Dejjem trid taghmel kollox bhali

minkejja li gieli niggieldu, imma ma ndumux ma nergghu

naghmlu paci. Dejjem naghtu xi rigal lil xulxin ghall-Milied u

ghall-gheluq sninna. Xi kultant insellfu xi affarjiet lil xulxin.

Insomma jiena niehu gost maghha ghax inhalltu u naqsmu

flimkien imma ghalija l-aqwa habiba li nqtajt maghha hi din il-


Hi ghada mieghi l-iskola sal-gurnata mqaddsa tal-lum. Imma

xorta mbilli marret go klassi ohra, igifieri m’ghadnix maghha,

xorta ghada u tibqa’ l-aqwa habiba tieghi.

Miktuba minn Georgette Psaila

Page 9: Creative Writing Booklet

Darba wahda meta qomt ommi qaltli li bdiet

il-gwerra. Jien bdejt ninkwieta u hassejtni

mdejqa. Meta ommi qaltli b’ din l-ahbar, jien

mort barra biex nara jekk garax xi haga. Jien

rajt hafna ajruplani antiki, nies jisparaw, djar

imwaqqghin, nies jigru biex ifittxu l-ikel u

xorb. Smajt ghajjat u sparar u hafna annimali

jghajtu. Xi nies bdew jaraw fejn jistghu

joqoghdu. Jien xtaqt inkellem lil dawn in nies

biex iwaqqfu l-gwerra. Ommi lestiet xi

affarijiet biex nitilqu mid-dar qabel ma taqa’ xi

bomba. Anki nies ohra ghamlu l-istess. Kif

tlaqna bdejna naraw nies u tfal fit-toroq u jien

tajthom xi ikel u helu.

Miktuba minn Hailey Smith.

Last birthday, I was tricked by my mother because she

told me that she had to go to the doctor.

I went to my friend’s house for a day. I took my PSP so we

could play together. When I went there he welcomed me at

the door. We played with our PSPs for an hour. Later we took

a five minute nap and charged our PSPs. Then we played on a

computer. My friend and I played a lot of two player games.

After we played we went to take a shower. I did my hair

spikey. Later he took me back to my home.

My mother welcomed me and covered my eyes. When we

went upstairs she uncovered them. I was so excited that I

could barely move! To my surprise there were my best friends

and my family who all began to sing,”Happy birthday to you!”. A

magician was also there waiting for me to give a show. The

first trick was on me and th magic

word was my name – Travis. Later I

opened my present. I ripped off the

wrapping paper and I found an orange

John Cena shirt. It was everything I

wanted. When I saw it, I rushed to

may parnents and hugged them. I

hugged them so strong that they were

almost out of breath.

That night, to my surprise too, my friend and cousin slept at

my house. I began to say that that was the best day of my life!

Written byTravis Gerada

Page 10: Creative Writing Booklet

I was a pirate captian

Roaming the high seas

With my boat and my big crew

Bringing others to their knees

But once, like the Titanic

We bumped into a rock

We also started to scream and run

With terror and with shock

The ship sank with all my treasure

Along with all my crew

I fought against the current

Of the mighty ocean blue

I grabbed a piece of driftwood

From drowning it saved me

Then I noticed a small island

In the middle of the sea

I swam to it hoping

That there was food and drink

Pizza, chocolate, doughnuts

Lemonade and milk

But the island was deserted

No food to make me fat

Except plants and buzzing insects

And a lonely cat

I made a tent of bamboo

A big tent just for me

I put it on the seashore

Overlooking the sea

For five days I lived on berries

And edible tree bark

I searched all of the island

For food till it got dark

On the fifth day I was searching

For some fruit to take

To the tent so I could eat it

When I was bitten by a snake

I slowly started choking

Slowly losing my breath

My heart suddently stopped beating

As I died a painful death.

Written by Shaben Ben Taher