Clarke Alex Clarke Creative Writing 603-01 Broderick 20 June 2013 “Short-Short (Spontaneous) Story” Mission Addiction By: Alex Clarke Curiosity killed the cat and the more she knows, the more she grows. Which one does she follow? Torn by the cruelness of the world. How will she ever survive? It’s a never-ending battle. One thing leads to another and opens the doors to the path of fruits and vegetables, strawberries, bananas, carrots and spinach. Her 5 a day will keep the doubt away and get that dance fever back into the daily system. Hit the gym; find “the spirit within”. Get it together, or else croak like a frog with touchy vocals. It all begins in the town of Sacramento and Maya Lane Jensen is not happy with her life. The sun always shines, but she never seems to, which is funny because fall comes around September-October. She doesn’t have too many friends 1

Creative Writing 603 Short-Short Story

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Page 1: Creative Writing 603 Short-Short Story


Alex Clarke

Creative Writing 603-01


20 June 2013

“Short-Short (Spontaneous) Story”

Mission Addiction

By: Alex Clarke

Curiosity killed the cat and the more she knows, the more she grows. Which one

does she follow? Torn by the cruelness of the world. How will she ever survive? It’s a

never-ending battle. One thing leads to another and opens the doors to the path of fruits

and vegetables, strawberries, bananas, carrots and spinach. Her 5 a day will keep the

doubt away and get that dance fever back into the daily system. Hit the gym; find “the

spirit within”. Get it together, or else croak like a frog with touchy vocals.

It all begins in the town of Sacramento and Maya Lane Jensen is not happy with

her life. The sun always shines, but she never seems to, which is funny because fall

comes around September-October. She doesn’t have too many friends besides her two

best friends Jeanie and Sophie They have been best friends since kindergarten and they

will go to the ends of the Earth to help each other and are the kind of friends one can go

to when they need a shoulder to cry on or when one just wants to hang out and not do


Her teachers are not very nice to her. All those hours spent eating lunch alone and

having pencils and binders thrown at her and endless hours of homework that can

TRULY sour a girl. Maya doesn’t know how much more of this she can take. To cope:


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out comes the whip cream and soda bottles followed by the biggest banana split known to

man. The waterworks follow as she sits there crying her eyes out. Never thinking she

would have to put up with this pain, 5 scoops of ice-cream and Maya’s ready to go to bed

feeling so emotionally drained somebody probably flushed her down the toilet. What a

sad pathetic existence that would be! “Great!” Processing her inner thoughts, “Mom

probably forgot about me AGAIN!”

She wants to nip it in the bud before it’s too late. Otherwise, there will be a much

worse fate and there may not be much time left and every minute counts. Tick Tock! The

clock doesn’t stop. The computer in her brain is telling her to compute as much as she

can and she can never have too much knowledge. If she didn’t, then she would be nothing

but an empty shell prone to nuttiness. She can’t have that. Everything has to be signed

sealed and delivered. The mission is for her to maintain her weight by cutting out all junk

food and replace them with more healthy options. If she chooses to accept this mission, it

will be a commitment.

The unsaid drives her crazy and everything doesn’t make sense. No matter how

many journeys she goes on, she just can’t seem to find what she’s looking for. She’s

checked the refrigerator, the drawers and anywhere and everywhere else. “WHERE IS

IT?” she exclaims. Maybe someday she’ll finally find it, but until then, good luck


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Goes her heart and stomach. It’s

telling her to beware of the carbon and bubbles that won’t last very long. But curiosity

still buzzes like a mosquito that is REALLY thirsty. Oh! What Oh! What will she do?

Decisions need to be made soon. Keep going until something can be found and all the


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questions will finally be answered. It won’t be easy, but she needs to complete this

mission no matter what it takes. Everyone around her has faith in her.

Nobody is there to tell her what she can and can’t do. It’s a game of doing it with

the upmost independence and figuring it out. If she doesn’t, then she’ll insist that she

have a fairy godmother do it for her. So much to do in so little time and endless

possibilities just like a sea.

It’s still a guessing game. She finally asks her friends for help and they do their

best. It may not turn out the way she expects, but at least it’s a start. There is still a long

way to go. Heads can be put together to accomplish anything. With the help of her

friends, they try to come up with a solution. What it is? They don’t know. To be


The mission continues with her (Maya Lane Jensen) and her pals Sophie and

Jeanie as they continue to explore the world around them. Maya is a successful English

Teacher and tries her best with her students. They end up adoring her and she’s like the

mother they never had. She tries to be as sweet as pie in everyday life and make her

students feel like they can do anything, but she can’t because the sweet taste of pecan it

tempting her. Apple, cherry and peach and everything else that is sweet about it. As she

daydreams about the classroom, she thinks of her students and everything she does, she

does for them. She keeps them in mind as she tries to complete her mission and her kids

are rooting for her. They are the most important things in the world to her and she won’t

ever stop. Some of them have even written her thank you notes for how awesome she is

and they don’t want her to ever quit teaching.


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Like a hurricane, very swift, like a fox, crafty and the wind blows in the

direction of the path that will be the most practical. That is the absolute mentality she has

to have if she wants to complete this mission and even astronauts in space are on her side.

A thought struck with Maya and she wanted to see if she, Jeanie and Sophie could come

to any agreement. “Okay guys, if we eat at least one orange, then we can help ourselves

to some Kit-Kat bars later. “ “Sounds good to me”, Jeanie chimed in. “Let’s do it!”

Sophie bubbled. So the three best friends hop to it and make the best of the situation. It

gets to the point where all three of them have to be spoon-fed and they don’t know what

else to do. So they try to find something to counteract the taste and feel good about their

eating habits. They try and try and try until they finally find some salt crackers to choke

down the nasty after effect. Then, they grab a glass of orange juice.

Who is Maya kidding? Cheating is cheating and even having one Kit-Kat will

blow the entire mission? Putting herself in jeopardy is only going to hurt herself and the

people around her. Why do it? Jeanie confronts Maya, “Hey Mai?” “Aren’t we supposed

to be having carrots and other organic foods?” “Why would you tell me and Sophie to

have a Kit-Kat bar before hand?” ‘I don’t know. Cuz I felt like it!” Maya scoffs. Sophie

chimes boiling over, “WHY DO WE EVEN LISTEN TO YOU?” “You NEVER follow

through with what you say you’re going to do. “Shut it Sophie!” Maya snaps back. The

gloves are off now and Maya has a choice to make. Stick with her mission and keep her

friends or cheat on her mission and risk alienating her friends?

That tragic day finally came. After fighting with Jeanie and Sophie, Maya never

wants to live again. Feeling the horror and the shame of having a problem, but not being

able to admit it. Try as she may, the problems might be too big for her to tackle.


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Acceptance is the key and once that is tackled, the rest comes and flows like the river.

Who is rooting for Maya though?

Maya has always been the adventurous type and she’s always craving the next

thrill. Every little thing excites her and she wants to explore and figure things out for

herself. The more knowledge she gains, the more she’ll want to try and figure out this

crazy roller coaster that is life and why she can’t have her own way. She DOESN’T want

to eat the freakin’ vegetables, so why is the universe making her. If she didn’t eat her

vegetables, then pretty soon she’d have to stop doing her homework and stop doing her

chores. What would become of her? Only time will tell if she’ll follow her head or her

stomach. It’s a pretty nasty decision. She doesn’t want to sacrifice her health, because she

still has her kids in mind, but at the same time she hates it when she can’t eat what she

wants. Personal and Professional can be tricky things to try and balance. Maya, being the

superwoman that she is, she’ll figure out a way to make everything work. She always

does. It’s a matter of her battling with herself and making sure that nobody stands in her

way no matter how hard it may be.

A healthy eating plan is like a Graduation for Maya. She starts off with the not so

good foods, the foods that give her energy and the foods that boost her immune system

and give her the vitamins and minerals she needs. It’s a constant struggle with her and

she knows she can tackle it. Jeanie and Sophie find a way to help her with it. They take

away her cupcakes and anything else with sugar and give her the will to swallow a piece

of broccoli. It was the most disgusting thing she had ever tasted, but she still choked it

like no tomorrow. There is no stopping this girl when she wants to keep something the

way it is.


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The taste is still overwhelming, but they are still trying to find something to eat. A

full lunch perhaps? It continues and continues and they would still avoid eating their

vegetables. Maybe it’s time those three see a nutritionist about how important fruits and

vegetables are. Otherwise, they’ll have to listen to the voices inside their heads that tell

them when it’s time to keep health in mind. If they did, then it would save them a whole

lot of trouble when deciding what is healthy, mainly, because it can be a struggle to

decide what’s healthy and sticking with it. Maya has every confidence that they can

tackle it. It’s the world, as she knows it coming to an end. Whatever will she do? It’s

something she’ll have to contend with all on her own. It may not be the easiest for her,

but she tries to do the best she can. More and more they continue the journey.

Maya is a little too curious for her own good. She wants what she can’t have and

that’s her one MAJOR flaw. Despite how sweet she is she can get annoying to other

people with constant questions and comments. Except for when Jeannie and Sophie DID

get annoyed for Maya’s slipup with the Kit-Kat bar. Poor Maya must have felt so alone at

that moment. To know her own best friends had made her feel SO weak! Maybe Maya

was destined to be alone and learn to help herself instead of relying on others. Learning

to fly is a key point in beating this.

The mission continues and there is no stopping them. If they do, then they will not

be getting anything. Maya tries to think of any new approach to try and make this mission

less of challenge. She thinks and thinks and thinks, but nothing comes to mind. It’s the

battle of who can crack first. Eye sockets are bulging, hearts are racing and there is

nobody to keep them calm, which will keep her going and going and going.


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The attack of the demon sweet tooth and there’s nothing that can be done about it.

It overtakes them and makes them think they can’t live without the sweets and the bad

stuff. It tricks and tricks them until they no longer want to try any other food. It’s a never-

ending cycle of salt and sugar. It’s disguised as nasty old sugar and it creeps up the more

she eats it. The more she eats then the more she’ll crave it. It will be the death of her

literally and completely. It’s a vicious cycle that won’t keep her system calm until it’s

consumed her. All Maya can hear is the gurgling of her stomach. It growls until she can

finally shut it up. Hmm! Jeanie and Sophie wonder how she’ll do that? Not with candy.

That’s for sure.

Maya’s eating habits may not be the best, but she has the best intentions in mind.

Granted she’s known for never making a mistake. If she did, then her peers would surely

reject her. Except for the fact that she is almost perfect to everyone. She can do no wrong

and she is always a saint.

The case of the sweet tooth caper and how many pieces of chocolate can she fit

into her mouth? It keeps going and going and it doesn’t stop. The sweet tooth will get her

everytime and it won’t stop. There’s no other way to control it. She tries everything she

can, but it’s no use at all. The price she pays for what she has to eat. It’s a cruel world for

her. She wouldn’t know what else to do.

It would do her some good to see what else is out there. If she didn’t, then they

she would have to insist she check into rehab. She could be physically addicted to it and

no matter how hard she tries, she won’t be able to control it. One of the most promising

corrective facilities there is. Not that she would ever want to go. She technically doesn’t


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have a problem. Jeanie and Sophie would never admit it for her and maybe if they did,

she could admit it to herself.

The uphill battle continues and it doesn’t stop. There is certainly more to come. If

there weren’t, then there wouldn’t be a situation. The best way to handle this kind of

situation would be to try and exercise and resist temptation as much as possible. As

difficult as that may sound, she can do it. Replace cookies with carrots and anything else

that could be lying around. Looking up healthy recipes online is another option. If that

wasn’t enough, then she tries saying to herself how she wants to complete her mission.

It’s the most important thing on her mind. She tries and tries and tries. Trying to


If Maya wants to see some results, then it’s up to her. She can rise to the

challenge. No matter how tough it may seem, she stays positive and keeps her eye on the

prize. Even when Jeanie and Sophie probably can’t, but they’ll have to if they want to

help. They have stuck with Maya through EVERYTHING and she has expected nothing

in return. It’s the principle of the thing and Maya is one lucky girl at the end of the day.

After all, what are friends for right?