CREATING YOUR PERFECT BODY WITHOUT · struggle around losing weight or getting it right or doing more. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself on some extreme

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Page 1: CREATING YOUR PERFECT BODY WITHOUT · struggle around losing weight or getting it right or doing more. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself on some extreme
Page 2: CREATING YOUR PERFECT BODY WITHOUT · struggle around losing weight or getting it right or doing more. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself on some extreme

CREATING YOUR PERFECT BODY WITHOUT STARVING OR SPENDING HOURS IN THE GYM I am excited to share this new concept with you. This idea that deprivation dieting and intense exercising will NOT create your perfect body or enhance the best version of yourself. I believe it is your thoughts that will create the best version of yourself along with the body to match. This idea may seem a little strange to you at first if you have never thought of it like this before. But hear me out and give it a try because when you change the way you think, everything changes. And that is your goal. Isn’t it? You desire change. You want to feel better in your body and about your body. Creating a perfect body, for yourself, for today, is as simple as switching the way you think. YUP. Think of how easy it is to replace an old CD with old songs with a new CD with new songs. You hit the eject button and the old one pops. Then you slide in the new one and voila! You’ll hear a new song. The same can be said for your old way of thinking. Eject (erase) the old and replace it with a new way of thinking and soon you’ll be singing a different tune. The more you practice the better you get at it. The body you previous rejected can become the body you fall in love with. YUP.

Page 3: CREATING YOUR PERFECT BODY WITHOUT · struggle around losing weight or getting it right or doing more. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself on some extreme

It really is that easy (or that challenging). Depending on how you decide to view the situation. Again, it’s so friggin’ cool that you get to decide this. You choose how you view it...with grace and ease or with struggle and frustration. UHHH... that’s a no brainer. I am sharing profound information with you that can, if you are open to it, change the way you look and feel in and about your body and release the struggle around losing weight or getting it right or doing more. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself on some extreme eating regiment. You’ve try that before. Obviously with no long term results or you wouldn’t be back here searching for the magic pill. NEWS FLASH. There is no magic pill. THERE IS HOWEVER MAGIC TO BE EXPERIENCED. The magic is created by your thoughts. To experience a difference in how you feel you simply have to change how you think. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying you don’t need a healthy way of eating (hmmm, naked of course) and a consistent movement of your body in some form of exercise. You do. But healthy eating and body movement become easy for you once a strong foundation is in place. The foundation is extreme self love. Below I share 11 common thoughts that will affect how you feel and act based on the old ways of thinking. These 11 misconceptions and misinterpretations can STOP you from feeling good in your body and reaching that place of acceptance and amazing self love.

Page 4: CREATING YOUR PERFECT BODY WITHOUT · struggle around losing weight or getting it right or doing more. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself on some extreme

This whole darn frustrating practice of losing weight, gaining it back and losing it again and again, finding it again and again... you know the drill, is all in your head. As you read thru this list of 11, you’ll see the old thought (what you’re most likely thinking now and want to let go of) and the opportunity to reverse it. If you are thinking in the old way and getting the same crappy results, well duh! Something must change. Start thinking in a different way so that you feel different. These different thoughts will allow you to jump out of your head and into your heart. Your heart is where you want to be if you want to feel good in your body. Love yourself enough to honor the place you live - your body. Serve it pure and naked food and feed it good thoughts and it will serve you well in all areas of your life. (PS. Big reminder.. You live in your body. You’ve got to care for it) My invitation is that you read thru each of the 11 thought provoking scenarios and contemplate the new suggested way of thinking about it. Creating the perfect body that you love, adore and care for is at your fingertips and in your thoughts. It really is that simple.

Page 5: CREATING YOUR PERFECT BODY WITHOUT · struggle around losing weight or getting it right or doing more. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself on some extreme

GO FOR IT, AS YOU LET GO OF THE OLD, AND MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW 1.Let go of the idea that you gotta lose weight. THINK ABOUT… losing the “story” that keeps you playing it small by stuffing down and filling up so you don’t have to really feel. 2. Let go of the number on the scale. THINK ABOUT… the number of times you are consistently making choices out of love. As yourself often, is what I am choosing the best way to love myself more? 3. Let go of how many things you’ve tried that haven’t worked before. THINK ABOUT… accepting the self discovery that every situation presents as a gift for you to grow more in love. 4. Let go of how “bad” you were last nite because you ate the wrong thing. THINK ABOUT… how “awesome” your current meal is and how badass you are for making the best choice for right now. 5. Let go of having a “bad” day. THINK ABOUT… the lesson you learned from the experience and what you can do differently next time. 6. Let go of what you did wrong on a “holiday”. THINK ABOUT… how you can celebrate everyday as a special day. 7. Let go of the excuses you turn into a reasons that you can’t. THINK ABOUT… recognizing that an excuse is your fear standing right in front of you to see full on. Push that fear aside and step into it. Your fear is never as scary as the story you are making up about it.

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8. Let go of “having” to going to the gym. THINK ABOUT… how you can fully show up for an amazing experience. 9. Let go of giving up. THINK ABOUT… surrendering to the universe and trusting that all will unfold for your best and highest good. 10. Let go of having the perfect body compared to someone else. THINK ABOUT… accepting that you are PERFECTLY divine, as is, right now. 11. Let go of denying yourself a treat. THINK ABOUT… how you can treat yourself better.

Page 7: CREATING YOUR PERFECT BODY WITHOUT · struggle around losing weight or getting it right or doing more. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself on some extreme

SO NOW WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? Sit down and take a deep breath. Join me in a bit of self discovery, digging into your thoughts about what you just learned. Perhaps you make a cup of tea, light a candle, put your feet up. With a notebook and a pen, let’s dive in for some delicious answers to salivating questions that will make your life more yum-azingly delicious. BE HONEST. BECAUSE ONCE YOU GET TO THE TRUTH, IT’S EASY FROM THERE. What have you learned from reading this report? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which area do you feel most challenged with? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the one thing you will do differently now after reading this information? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What have you learned about how you were thinking? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What will it take for you to make the commitment to the change what you say you want to change? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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What if anything would stop you from making the change? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How would you feel to be walking around feeling healthy, sexy, gorgeous and confident in your body right now? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How would feeling awesome about your body change your life and how would it change the way you do things in your life? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 9: CREATING YOUR PERFECT BODY WITHOUT · struggle around losing weight or getting it right or doing more. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself on some extreme

I’D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR ANSWERS AND YOUR THOUGHTS Share your discoveries with me at [email protected]. If you need extra help in the area of self love: excellence in nutrition, extreme self love and extraordinary care, come shopping with me over at The NAKED SHOP at www.rosiebattista.com. Take the quiz, “HOW STRONG IS YOUR LOVE MUSCLE” and learn how to strengthen it from where ever you are. The Sleeping Naked After 40 Lifestyle is a divine place and you will discover tips, ideas, thoughts, recipes and products that will help you experience your desired results. Embracing and enhancing the body, health and life you crave is available for you now. I hope this report has inspired you to BE GORGEOUS and FEEL AMAZING. You already are all that. I am simply here to remind you, xo, Rosie Battista Your self love mentor, confidence creator and biggest cheerleader. Living, loving and sharing the Lifestyle of Sleeping Naked After 40 www.rosiebattista.com