Creating the Modern Middle East

Creating the Modern Middle East

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Creating the Modern Middle East. Uniting Peoples:. -Arabs took over the region in the mid 600s. 1. governed for over 150 years -The Turks led by the Seljuks conquered the Middle East and ruled for more than 400 years. -The Ottoman Turks took over and ruled until World War I. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Creating the Modern Middle East

Uniting Peoples: -Arabs took over the region

in the mid 600s. 1. governed for

over 150 years -The Turks led by the

Seljuks conquered the Middle East and ruled for more than 400 years.

-The Ottoman Turks took over and ruled until World War I.

1. didn’t force their religion on others

2. different ethnic groups began to want their own homelands



Impact of World War I: -War broke out in 1914.

1. allies were Great Britain, France, and Russia

2. Germany, Austria- Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were on the other side

-The allies split up the empire and gave Saudi Arabia to the Arabs as an independent state.

-The Ottoman Turks got Turkey.

Struggle Between Arabs and Jews: -Great Britain took

Palestine, Iraq, and Jordan as mandates.

1. Jews and Arabs both claimed Palestine.

2. Jews had begun to leave Palestine around 600 B.C. and began to return in response to worldwide persecution in 1882.

France got Syria and Lebanon.

Two Peoples, One Homeland: -Britain made the

Balfour Declaration in 1917 to declare support for a Jewish national home in Palestine.

-The British also promised the Arabs the right to self-government there.

-More Jews immigrated when Hitler came to power.

Creation of Israel: -After WWII there

was a lot of support for a Jewish homeland. Arabs, who were 70% of the population didn’t want to give up their land.

Arab-Israeli War: -In 1947 the British

withdrew and gave the problem to the United Nations.

1. The U. N. divided Palestine in Half

2. Arabs attacked the new state of Israel in 1948

Arab-Israeli War3. Israel won and took everything.

Jordan got West Bank. Egypt got Gaza.

Six Day War: -In 1967 Arabs from

Jordan, Syria, and Egypt attacked again. Israel took West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula.

Camp David Accords: -In 1978, Egypt and Israel signed the Camp David

Accords which said Israel would give Palestinians living in West Bank and Gaza self-rule. It never happened.

-In 1982, Israel invaded southern Lebanon to get rid of the PLO.

The Intifada: -In 1987

Palestinians revolted by throwing rocks at soldiers in Gaza. The intifada (uprising) spread to West Bank where many Israeli settlers were. It lasted until 1991.

The Oslo Accord: -From 1993-1995

an agreement was concluded by Yitzhak Rabin of Israel and Yasir Arafat of the PLO for Palestinian self-rule in Gaza and West Bank.

Removal and Hamas: -In 2005, the Israeli forces

left Gaza completely. Settlers were forcibly removed. Hamas was elected to the Palestinian government.

-In 2006 Hamas fired rockets into Israel. Israel sent troops in to destroy a power facility and bridges. Fighting has continued, including an all-out attack on Gaza in January 2009.

-Another terrorist group, Hezbollah, has continually attacked from the north (Lebanon).

West Bank West Bank is

currently governed by the Palestinian National Authority, while other parts are governed by Israeli military authorities, which the UN and international legal bodies often refer to as the Occupied Palestinian Territories.