Creating the double page spread

Creating feature

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Creating the double page spread


The layout of my feature is fairly simple; all I wanted was one main image and the article side by side. This keeps my magazine consistent, as everything else is also laid out simply. I used this feature of Arcade Fire in NME, because it was close to what I wanted to achieve.


This is the first draft of the feature. I kept it coherent by using a specific colour scheme. It is very similar to the draft sketch, but I decided to use her name as the headline rather than a pull quote, as it advertises her more. I was told through audience feedback to add a pull quote and perhaps a caption.


I moved the strapline further down because it wasn’t too easy to read on the first draft. I also added a pull quote in the middle of the article. However, it was pointed out to me that the colour scheme of the feature isn’t consistent with that of the front cover and contents page, so I decided to make one final version.


The final version isn’t too different to the first and second drafts, except for the fact that the colour scheme is now green and black. I decided to do this because it looks consistent with the front cover. I also removed the colour effect from the main image because it looked out of place with the rest of the feature.