Creating Dust Pan in Inventor JD Mather As with the toolbox, we are going to use the basic idea of sketch, dimension and extrude to create our dustpan. But sheet metal is primarily folded and cut into shape, so we will learn some new conce pts in Inventor, such as creating flanges an d hems. Flanges are flaps that allow us to weld or rivet two parts together. Hems are 180 0  folds at the ends of a piece. Hems make the ends such tha t a person will not get cut running their hands across the piece. We will also learn about Mirroring. Mirroring is when you design half of the piece and Inventor will mirror the other half for you. Go to Inventor and start a new sheet metal part. New > Sheet Metal.ipt (not standard.ipt) Step 1 - create the sketch as shown  note the origin center point position. = Click Finish Sketch. Go to the Sheet Metal Tab, then Sheet Metal Defaults. Unclick “Use Thickness from Rule” and for thickness, type .0625.

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Creating Dust Pan in Inventor 

JD Mather

As with the toolbox, we are going to use the basic idea of sketch, dimension and extrude to create our

dustpan. But sheet metal is primarily folded and cut into shape, so we will learn some new concepts in

Inventor, such as creating flanges and hems. Flanges are flaps that allow us to weld or rivet two parts

together. Hems are 1800 folds at the ends of a piece. Hems make the ends such that a person will not

get cut running their hands across the piece.

We will also learn about Mirroring. Mirroring is when you design half of the piece and Inventor will

mirror the other half for you. Go to Inventor and start a new sheet metal part.

New > Sheet Metal.ipt (not standard.ipt)

Step 1 - create the sketch

as shown – note the origin

center point position.


Click Finish Sketch.

Go to the Sheet Metal Tab, then Sheet Metal Defaults. Unclick “Use Thickness from Rule” and for

thickness, type .0625.

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Step 1 - Click on Create a 2D Sketch, select the XY plane, Move the origin point to the lower left side.

Select Line and create a line with the following dimensions below: 7.625” to the right, 2” up, 1.875” to

the left. Do not draw three separate lines. Draw one line going right, up and left. Once you create the

line, click on Dimension and put the exact dimensions in. Click Finish Sketch.

Step 2 - Click the Contoured Flange command. Flange is like Extrude. It extends the line out to a 3D

dimension. Highlight the line. Click the icons as noted. Distance is 5 inches, so you’re extending

(extruding) the line out 5”. Click OK.

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We are now going to create a flange starting from the bottom edge and touching the top edge. ClickCreate Flange, selecting bottom edge as shown, then click Height Extents To and select point shown

(lower corner of top flange). Click on Offset, Parameters, Thickness. You should get a new flap that

goes up to, but does not touch the top flange.

Start Hem command and select top edge

of flange shown. Flip Direction to put the

hem on the inside. Expand the dialog box

by clicking on chevron in lower right

corner and set Type to Offset and set

Offset1 = 0 and Offset 2 = Thickness*1.5This will give us offset so that the Hem

does not intersect the side flange.

Start the Flange command and

select the top and back edge

shown. Set Flange Angle = 0

and Distance = .01

Select bottom edge

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Start Flange command again and select the

top and back edges again and set to 90° and

set Distance to .5 Click Bend Position so the

bend begins on the inside edge. If flange

goes out, click Flip Directiion.

Do not click OK yet!

If you click OK now – you will get an error, proceed to next step before clicking OK.

While still in the command, click on the Corner tab

and set Relief Shape to Linear Weld and divide


Now click OK. You should have two more corner


We’re going to take off some corner. material. Click

Corner Chamfer, then click on the corner of each flange.

Add .35 Corner Chamfer to the two edges shown and clickOK.

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Start a new sketch and click on the side face of Flange

1. Click on Project Geometry and click on to the top edge of the flange (green arrow). You should seea small red dot below the flange corner. Create a triangle using three lines, with the vertical and

diagonal line meeting at the projected origin center point. Click Finish Sketch.

Click on the Cut command and highlight the triangle

(red). Do not highlight the entire flange.

Checkmark the Cut Across Bend. Click OK.

You are now going to create a mirror image of your design. Click Mirror(Pattern). Highlight the small

edge of the dustpan solid about the XY plane. You should see it show the mirrored side. Click Ok.

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 Create Flat Pattern. This shows how to create your pattern from a piece of sheet metal.

Now create a blueprint:

New > Drawing > Standard.idw

Base View > Flat Pattern

Scale = .8 or .9 (or 1:1 if it fits)

Annotate > Dimension

Put dimensions necessary to create dustpan. Show the overall length and height of the sheet

metal piece. Then add dimensions you will need to cut the part out. Note: Since the dustpan is

symmetrical you only need to dimension one side. Also, you only need to dimension one tab. Make a

text box saying “All tabs are identical.” And another one saying, “sides are symmetrical.” 

iProperties > Your Name

Submit your blueprint to Blackboard.







Hem: do first

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Building the Dust Pan

From the 3’x8’ sheets of metal in the storeroom, cut out 12’ x 14’ rectangles, using the scribe and

Squaring shears

1.  To use the squaring shears, insert the sheet metal into the shears, lining up on the right side.

Line up your scratched line to the edge of the shears. Cut. Pick up your template and any scrapmetal under the shears and dispose of the scrap.

Etch folding lines and hem lines to your template.

1.  Use the scribe and the template to etch the dimensions on your sheet metal.

2.  Etch a line from top corner of the dustpan, touching the corners of the tabs to the bottom. This

is the fold line. Do it for both sides.

3.  Etch a line where the fold lines touch the bottom of the dustpan. This is the hem line.

4.  If needs be you can also mark over the etched lines with a magic marker to see them more


Cut the tabs using tin snips

1.  Etch a line along the tops of the tabs to the edge of the flange.

2.  Use tin snips to cut out this rectangle

3.  After you cut out the rectangle, cut out the diagonals of the tabs.

Use the Folding Bar to create the hem

1.  Hem line should be the intersection of the side edge lines.

2.  Insert the part to be hemmed in the Folding Bar.

3.  Line up hem line to edge of folding bar.

4.  Pull handle all the way towards you.


Take out folded hem and place it on the top of the folding bar. Fold again.6.  If hem is not perfectly flat, put hem on anvil and hammer it flat.

Fold the sides with the Box and Pan Brake


First you will fold the entire side

2.  Insert the side to be folded in the brake.

3.  You may have to add bars to the brake if the brake bars do not cover the length of the side.

4.  Once lined up, clamp down both side handles to hold it in place.

5.  Lift up the lower bar to fold the metal to 900.

6.  Repeat for other side.


Now remove what bars you need in order to fold the interior of the dust pan.8.  Fold the inside fold first. Make sure the tabs are outside of the side edge. 

9.  Wait!  Measure or look at the length of your side and compare it to the length of the inner fold.

If the length of the side is taller than your fold line, you won’t be able to fold it properly. The

side will start to bend down if you fold. Trim down the side so that it’s shorter than the inner


10. Now fold the outer fold. The outer fold probably won’t be able to bend 900 because of the first

fold getting in the way.

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11. If needs be, take the dust pan into the metal room and hammer the folds so they are flat and


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Using the Spot Welder to fasten the folds

1.  Important!  The spot welder sends an electric current through the metal, heating it up and

melting the metal parts together. It is HOT and it creates sparks!

2.  Always have safety glasses and gloves when using the spot welder. Make sure everyone around

also have safety glasses!3.  Use a clamp or your hands to clamp the folds in their proper position (90

0 folds, nice and


4.  You are going to put two welds on each tab.

5.  Make sure the dustpan is perpendicular to the spot welder.

6.  Don’t have any other part of the dustpan touching the spot welder.

7.  Press the lever to clamp the spot welder firmly on the part you want to weld. (The top center

of each side of the tab). Once the lever is all the way down, press the trigger left or right for

one second. Count “one thousand”, then release the trigger.

8.  Repeat for each tab. You should have 8 welds when you’re done. 

Riveting for permanent fastening

1.  You need to drill a 1/8” hole in between each spot weld. 

2.  Get a 1/8” rivet and insert it in the hole.

3.  Use a rivet gun to squeeze the rivet until it snaps off.

4.  You should have 4 rivets in your dust pan.

Weld two spots for each tab.

Other side also

Cut an 1/8” hole in between the

weld spots.

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Making a handle


1.  First measure the height of the back of your dust pan. Mark the length.

2.  Measure the width of your hand. (Hold a ruler and see how wide your hand is).

3.  Add those dimensions. That is the length of your handle. Make a mark for that length.

4.  Get a ¼” x ¾” piece of steel. Mark your fold line (height of dust pan).

5.  Use a center punch to create two equally spaced holes on the short side of your handle.

6.  Put a ¼” drill bit into the drill press. Secure the handle with a vise.

7.  Drill a ¼” hole at each point. 

8.  Put your handle on the back of your dustpan. From the holes you made in your handle,

centerpunch two more holes on the back of your dustpan. This is where you will drill two ¼”

holes. Make sure the holes are in the middle of the pan and are perpendicular to the edge.


Drill those holes using a hand held drill.

10. Using a hammer and metal vise (not wood vise), bend the handle 900 at the mark.

11. Connect the handle to the pan using ¼” – 20 nuts and bolts.

12. Use nut drivers to screw the nuts into the bolts.

Rubrics for grading dustpan.

1.  Safety First: No sharp edges where a person could cut or scratch themselves.

2.  Dimensions are correct. (20 pts off )


Sides are 900

, neat and flat. (10 pts off)4.  Dustpan edge is flat, no curves. (5 pts off)

5.  Handle is proper length, neat and perpendicular to edge of dustpan. (10pts off)

Drill two ¼” holes Height of back ofdust pan.

Bend 900 angle here.

Width of hand.