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Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity (PESPA) they offer. This means that you should use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:

• Develop or add to the PESPA activities that your school already offer • Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the

school in future years

Please visit gov.uk for the revised DfE guidance including the 5 key indicators across which schools should demonstrate an improvement. This document will help you to review your provision and to report your spend. DfE encourages schools to use this template as an effective way of meeting the reporting requirements of the Primary PE and Sport Premium.

We recommend you start by reflecting on the impact of current provision and reviewing the previous spend. Under the Ofsted Schools Inspection Framework, inspectors will assess how effectively leaders use the Primary PE and Sport Premium and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils, and how effectively governors hold them to account for this.

Schools are required to publish details of how they spend this funding as well as on the impact it has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment by the end of the summer term or by 31 July 2019 at the latest. We recommend regularly updating the table and publishing it on your website throughout the year, as evidence of your ongoing review into how you are using the money to secure maximum, sustainable impact. To see an example of how to complete the table please click HERE.

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Key achievements to date: Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

In the academic year 2018-19 we will have had 78% of children participating in at least one extracurricular club. This is an increase of 4% from the previous year. At Stokes Wood we aim to offer a broad range of clubs free of charge before school, during lunchtime and after school. Key Stage 2 Children have completed over 67,000 miles in our daily mile challenge to date. Our Key Stage 1 children have taken part in the daily boost at lunchtime as well. This has ensured that those children have 15 minutes of structured exercise every day in addition to PE, after school clubs, playtimes and lunchtimes. There has been an emphasis on increasing the number of children who have represented the school at sporting events. This year 53% of Key Stage 2 children have represented the school in a variety of different sports through the Leicester City School Sports Partnership who have delivered the majority of the Level 2 School Games events. Our focus has been to raise the number of different groups participating including 59% of the girls in school, 47% of the Pupil premium children and 49% of the SEND children. We have worked with LCFCCT Leicester City Football Club Football in the Community) to support the delivery of high quality PE and upskilling members of staff who have been working with the qualified coaches to ensure high quality PE lesson are delivered to all children. Stokes Wood employs a full time fully qualified primary school teacher to deliver the majority of the PE, school sport, health and well- being which has resulted in all children receiving 2 hours of high quality PE every week. This has enabled greater consistency across the Key Stages in delivery and development of skills. As well as high quality PE sessions there has been a focus on assessment with the creation of a new assessment framework and monitoring of school swimming through the School

Continue to target pupils who are less active, whose emotional wellbeing and self- esteem is low, to not only improve outcomes in physical activity, but in academic subjects also. To increase the percentage of EYFS children achieving the Early Learning Goal for physical development in Nursery and Reception.

Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development needs are a priority for your setting and your students now and why? Use the space below to reflect on previous spend, identify current need and priorities for the future.

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Swimming Charter. Stokes Wood has achieved the School Games Silver Kite Mark in 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 and the School Games Gold Kite Mark in 2015 – 16, 2016 – 17, 2017- 18 and 2018-19.

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety Please complete all of the below:

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? N.B. Even though your children may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving Primary school.


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? 73%

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?


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Academic Year: 2018/19 Total fund allocated: £ Date Updated:

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Percentage of total allocation:


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To raise the fitness levels of children in KS2 To raise level of activity and engagement at lunchtime Implement the Daily Boost to encourage more activity in Key Stage 1

All children in KS2 to take part in the Daily Mile each day to ensure that they have had 15 minutes of structured exercise built in to the school day. To provide 15 minutes of structure activity at the end of lunchtime for the children in Key Stage 1

£0 £79

Raising of fitness levels of all children, many children running further than before. 100% of Y4-6 children participate daily. 100% of Y3 children participate when the field is fit to run on. Children have had success at Cross county and Athletics events including county representation as a result of their greater fitness. The Y3/4 won the 5K relay for Leicester City and we had a record 13 children represent the school at the county cross country championships.

Continue the Daily mile and Daily boost across the school.

Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Percentage of total allocation:


Action Plan and Budget Tracking Capture your intended annual spend against the 5 key indicators. Clarify the success criteria and evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for students today and for the future.

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School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To raise skills attainment in PE and school sport

LCFCCT staff to deliver 2 x 10 week Premier Stars program including a targeted reading intervention of 2x 10 weeks x 2 hours combined with football coaching; a targeted golden ticket club for girls’ football, a targeted gifted and talented club for Y5 football. LCFCCT staff deliver skills sessions to Y2 and Y4 classes Blue t-shirts. The school provides all children with a blue polo shirt. Each year a number need replacing due to loss and increase in pupil numbers. Purchase PE resources including Table tennis tables, cones, bibs dodgeballs etc.

£7,200 £186.98 £827.82

The children’s confidence in both PE and reading has increased. The children in the target reading intervention group approach to reading is more positive. Pupil feedback shows they now have a greater understanding of the importance of reading which impacts on their motivation to read, which then impacts on progress. Consistently high quality delivery of physical activity sessions ensures pupils achieve age related skills and make progress in all sessions. (See end of school year progress data). All children can change into suitable kit for PE lessons. It also supports health and safety and discipline. Pupils have sufficient resources to be able to develop age related skills and to maintain a high level of activity within lessons and at other active times.

This is a successful, motivational intervention which we plan to continue next year for Y4 and then Y3 pupils. As the school increases in size to maintain a consistent high quality delivery across the whole school, we plan to employ LCFCCT for a further half day to support the PE teacher in delivery across the school Continue to resource PE shirts for all children. Maintain and add to apparatus and resources over time.

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Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Percentage of total allocation:


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To ensure all pupils receive high quality physical activity sessions when delivered by staff other than the specialist PE teacher.

Employ LCFCCT to support the delivery of physical activity at school 1 and half days per week. A member of school staff supports in the lesson to receive CPD at the same time to enable them to deliver similar sessions in the future. The Head Teacher and AHT attended the ‘Pupil and staff well-being is everyone’s responsibility’ conference. PE teacher attended PE, activity, health and happiness at the heart of school life. Teaching assistants as well as teachers stepped up to take PE lessons, after school clubs and teams when the PE teacher was on sick leave for almost 4 months. The value of the CPD and the strength of the PE programme was evident as there was no break in the teaching, no reduction in clubs or competitions entered. There was an increase in cost to run extra-curricular clubs of course.

Enc in the £7,200 above.

4 TAs have delivered good sessions of physical activity in curriculum time and in extra- curricular clubs which are well planned, have high activity levels and are fun when PE teacher at competitions. Head Teacher has observed these sessions informally.

Move to 1 and 2 ½ days to increase the amount of staff that can benefit from the increased confidence and ability to deliver high quality sessions in physical activity that the LCFCCT staff provide

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Percentage of total allocation:


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School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To increase girls participation in after school clubs To engage pupils not already in an after school physical activity club. To engage all pupils positively in curricular physical activity.

Paralympic Sports Day Skipping Workshop Employment of PE Teacher for before and after school clubs and competitions( proportion of salary)

£350 £440 £7,446

As a result of the success of the Paralympics day and success at the Level 3 sports ability event the children can now experience and learn skills in these inclusive activities. 100% of SEN statements children have been to represent the school at a Level 2 or 3 events in the last academic year. 100% pupils F1-Y6 had the opportunity to learn to skip. They then used these skills at playtime and lunchtime which helped develop their skills and confidence as well as their physical fitness. The large skipping jump rope features every day during lunchtime. Feedback from pupils demonstrates that they enjoy these activities and the fact that members of staff are supporting and/or joining in. 78% of children participating in at least one extracurricular club. (53%) of KS2 children have taken part in a sporting competition.

Annual Paralympic day to continue Annual skipping workshops to continue To further increase attendance and participation in clubs and competition

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Employment of Sports coaches/ TAs employed to run gym, American flag football, football, netball and basketball clubs. Parent ( FA coach) employed during PE teacher absence to lead on KS1 afterschool club.


Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport Percentage of total allocation:


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To increase the amount of children taking part in competitive sports

Subscribe to the Leicester City Primary Schools LCFCCT league. Rice Bowl Entry Subscribe to Leicester City SSPAN membership Enter as many and as wide range of competitions as possible and include as many pupils as possible, not just those who demonstrate excellence. Use Stokes Wood Values to impact on high profile of selection for school teams for competition.

£450 £1,320 £305

This has provided competitive football for Y5/6 Boys and Girls as well as Y3/4 teams ran by the LCFCCT 24 children from Y5/6 including 11 Non UK Nationals and 4 from the SEN register The SSPAN membership has enabled access to a huge variety of sports including Table tennis, swimming, boccia, athletics, golf, tag rugby, hockey, cycling, cricket, tennis, gymnastics etc. 132(53%) of KS2 children have taken part in competitive sport including, 61(59%) Girls, 60 (47%) of pupil premium children and 23(49%) from the SEN register so far this academic year with more events planned in the summer term.

To encourage all children to compete at some level

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Coaches and Taxis to events


Feedback from pupils demonstrates they know how to win and lose, how to respect opponents, value team work and develop resilience and determination. Pupils have a wider knowledge of aspects of sport and can demonstrate this. For example issues around racism, poor sportsmanship and physical violence. WE have won 3 Spirit of the Games titles including one at the county summer sports championships. We have had a record number of 30 children (10 Tri Golf, 13 Cross Country and 7 cycling) represent the city at the level 3 school games. We have been able to increase the numbers of participants at different events including the cross country, athletics and indoor athletics.

Aim to attend every event that we can possibly attend providing an increase number and range of children access to competition.

Please note % spend adds up to more than 100% as we spent more than the allocated funding.