- *• "Jin*'Albert Mount, John rlson, Hamilton T*y uid Miss Ban- M i l l • 1 1 1 . •eeond pUy win be -Four j," » drama by Leo B . Pride. It I be produced by Mies EmUie San- . The-east" will Include Carl , Francis Graft. Dr. Karl Dun- , Leon Scully andHarold Bahford ••Win Alarm.- a comedy by oeorte •. Kaufman. w i l l i . produced by WU- —i R. Wolff. The cart will Include Warnock, Frederick' Frenk- Wtlt * r 8toutl Vto Han. r Scouts Pass Merit Badge Te»U [ T h e January Board or Review, held • night, wu exceptionally well al- and mm scouts Improved standing In the progren contest. [Frank Hamm of Troop M paued *~» merit badge teiU and held his I with a total of to point*. CIo« -id himii Teddy Lansing with «J. Bonnell with 57 and Floyd Rue. an of Troop 76. Walter-Oebbler. • leader InTroop 78, la JUth with T 5nS b fora troop. i2 Testimonial Dimer Honors A.HDennan Townahip Clerk Feted on Be- ginning of Twenty-fifth Term. A surprise testimonial dinner waa held last Thursday night in Mountain- side Inn In honor of Alvan R. Denman. who. on New Year's Day. began his twenty-fifth consecutve year as clerk . , „ . _«, of the Township of Cranford Therel*as elected to a two-nar CRANFORD. R J, tNI»SDA^JAWUAIOr 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to look into the matter and in •^^m^ J f the p ^ a u . A^ommttie, probaNr win be appointed at the Jan- uary 35 meeting t M h nary 35 meeting to consider the matter Election of ameers aha win take Place at the mretto,. Present .«„„ E. L. vtce-presldeni, J. Edward Wolf; aeoond Ttee-preatdem. Harry Hems: secretary E. O. Borcbrrt: and Treaanrer. Hedenberg. Mrs. George Bates on Country Hone Board 1 Mia. George W. Bales of I - ™^" W* ^»P»^^» Hi were abobt thirty gueata pnaent. Former Freeholder Severln a Dron- cher waa toaatmuter. There were rreeUnn byMayor Otorge E. Octer- heldt. Township Commltteeman Fred- erick O. Sykei. Fire Commluioner J. Edward Wolf, Towtuhlp Attorney Carl H.. Warauukl, Former Mayor Roger C. Aldrlch aid Judge L. t. Lowland, aU of Cranford; and Former Mayor Wil liam Dorrochof Omd Chrt nual M of Oanmod. humorous - concerning many of Charles "read* Board of Xanagen of the Children'. Country Home at the forty-fourth an- nual meeting Monday night at the f', M » - C• M. F . t t r i t a WeatUeld. Otto K. Huater. aiao of Cranford waa reelected atereUry. and JohnK. Cloud of Weatfleld. formerly of Cran- ford. waa renamed to a one-year- term on the endowment commlttae. Other officers are: President. Mr* Mra! I Wlh 40, 37 and „ . Uvely. Don Davis. Troop 75. .., Flral fourth to ninth place, although of wllUaln W l G r e Safety iaa. neat Wadneaday. >~—r tfldajr will. •nnnai,M..,.ut by the gen «»»eninmlj*» mcbarge. headedby --^—n maim* . are being rtlipneail of with anexiKcted rapidity. It tosaM ^. m ^y^, btU « "«e», h a « al- —— la being tendered the aherlff by his Mewls, who wuh It to be <*rmed a victory function. Inasmuch 2-*?!? *•*•••*«« **» - of the Republican County M of M candidates for county offloe have reached their ob- jective. Prominent, in this respect, it hiartel I* the fact that the Board of Fneholdere.hu been made a simon- pure OOP contingent after many year, of mixed membership. Governor Harold O. Hoffman, given a handsome majority m this county at the I s * general election, has sent word «•»» "J«u could not keep me away from dinner- RepresenUUve DonaldH McLean, now in Waabmgton; wUl make a hurried trip to Elizabeth to act as toastmaster. A touch of sentiment will be felt when a delegation of achoolday friends of Colllni. who graduated with him In the 1MM class of Westfleld High School enters the banquet hall,*" Sheriff Collins leaves office after the next general election because the law Nine Contractors Bid J. RuaacO Craig, aafety director of the Pennqrtvauia Indemnity Corpora. Uon. will be here, next week, starting Monday, to give oounea in Safety edu- cation in the Cranford Public Bchoou It waa announced last night at a meet- ing of the Cranford Safety Council In the Towtuhlp Rooma. Mr. Cralit'a ap- pearance here la in conjunction with the work that ia being carried on by the local council. According to Dr. Lloyd N. Morrlaett, superviaing principal of public ichoola, Mr, Craig wUl be at each school two «W«. The course, which he will give will be mainly for teachers, in or- der to prepare them aa to the aim* and objecta-of safety oremnltations. He also will, speak to the pupUa aa to safety in (he homes and on the atreeta. Mr, Craig will give one lecture In 61, Ml chad's parochial school. Other safety education work which Is being carried on in the schools ln- cludea the making of posters in the art \ Sdwol Budge Sobmitted To Voters Feb. 13 MontgoaMiTtoBe At Monk Drug Store Cliff Montgomery, famous All-Amer- ican Rose Bowl star of 1(34, will be at the Morris Drug Store, North svrnue, west* fren noon until» p. m, Saturday. He will also appear at the Cranford Theatre at ntfcp. m.. through the co- AmouattoBe Raked by Tax. **"» $17,720 LM. Then Lut Year; Six Instructora, Dental Irapector to Be Add- ed to Staff m 1935-36. Thr 1W3-M school budget, was ap- operation of the drug store. At 11 30 Proved by the Board of Education at a o'clock-Saturday morning he will ad- nirellrur In Orant School Tuesday rv- <1n>s* mnnb f th C enln * " rt " I h b miisa V«/ VNIIIUII 14c Will RQ" «"••»* ...-. mnnben of the Cranford H i « h , enta « School football team In the drug store. I* 1 " >* pro-mea 10 me voters at the It was Montgomery's sterling brand »nnual school meeting February 13 are of quarterbacking which won tor him *1773O.i3 IM« ih«« n.<——1-1 . a -berth on the Alt-American eleven taat year and won for his team, the Columbia- University.-eleven, thelnvt ^ : «P»»»°>n ayU. Mia. SUUMT H. 3ids Wui Be Opened at Waah. «n«ton at 1P. M., February 1. Nine general contractors have "taken out drawing, . I M «p-«aa.ratlnm to bid fourth to ninth place, although ! earned points alnce the laat report- • ~ - fleavey droppd f fif p n t s alnce the laat report- fleavey dropped from fifth to i tie for tenth place with rtshtng rod which was accepted with heartfelt gratitude. There waa also a song dedicated to Mr. Denman. which »nd FrederV-k, p. Condlt: Boar Managers. Mrs. Herbert R. PerrU. o lf c » t « 1 l « Mr - Denman. which "*"* c0m «! o »«' ^ Wre Commlwloner " Wo « « - * C M M h ues In addition to Hamm, Gordon Dun- Entertainment : during the evening Included piano selections and group 1 in addition to Hamm, Gordon Dun- puul ° «'«» on » ">° rroup Bee of Troop SO „ „ » „ toe rft -^" Ringing with Jack A. van Brederode at Un Safety and Music. William C o V l e piano: ' lflght <* hand "tricks by , rt "! Max Thlel of nixabeth, and vocal se- lections' by Mlts Margaret Novy. with Mr. van Brederode at the piano. Other guests present. In addition to those mentioned as speaker;, were: John K. Cloud, Former Recorder C. P. Buckley, E. L. Hedenberg, Road Com- U passed the test In First Aid n«ds only to appear before the -til board In Elisabeth toearn the of Star Bcout, Camp Hopkins d the teat in reading and Frank "-* , to cooWn «- "•»" Rue Waters passed the first class uet tnat in cooking. Floyd Rue Jonn K ' cl ° u d , I»ormer Record Allan Waters passed the first class Buckle y. E. I* Hedenberg, Ron m. and Camp Hopkins completed i mlMlo n«r Frank McCullough. ut three of the minor parts of the t CaWw «U- A. V. Scholes of Mor lake, and Mrs. Waller U D a y treasur- f" new Cnnt <** PoatoBce build- er. Mrs. Egel; advisory board. Robert « " ^ ""' ** comt ™rt«id on the A. Falrbaim. Oeorgr W.^Prin^vrvH ) h i rt D. jMkson. Herbert C. MewdTCol Leigh N. Pearamu. Wal:er~P. Barclay' »nd FrederV-k, p. Condlt: Board of i ——r—^ «« frvmvKim Ml U*V in department. The purpose of this work la to make the children safety conscious and to build up a regard for safety. The best of the posters w\u be placed on bulletin boards which are being constructed by the manual training de- partment. Mra. J. A. Knowlea, chairmen of membership, reported two new mem- bers—Crahford Civic Council and the American Legion. Pretldent PrankA. Abbot aald he understood that the Holy Name Society of St. Michael'. Church al*o hns voted to become affiliated with the Council. Mra E. V Hedenberg, the secretary, »u*g«wd that the- Council work through .the p.-T. A. unite from hav- ing the 'children refrain from riding thrown the buslneas section on bicy- cles It waa suggested that the cycles be pushed through the congested area Bf-lfc-TBMU": " ' Columbia. University, eleven, the Invi. tetlon to play in the Rose Bowl In 1B34. It was again Montgomery who aided the New York, City combination In trimming a strong Stanford team in the West Coast classic.' Montgomery will autograph, certain game* which the Morris Drug 8tore will give away with purchases of II or more. For detail., see their advertise- ment on paie eight of today's Iviue. The sale which opens 8aturdny at the drug store will continue lliroughthe coming week; 12.500 from mpnt for a ""HTO *»rs. ueroert R. Penii. RobJ ""»"«""• ™ Diaqing to date ar ert W. Harden. Harry A. Kniastn, liissV?" r ***">• Andrew Christens Elizabeth Laird. Mrs. Herbert c Far- l81onk Construction Company, rts Mrs Sherm W R EU^beth: E and E J f —--• —~ Huauwmj on me property at the comer'of Kant- ian and Mlln streets. It was learned The flrnu who have signified their of bidding to date are: Oa»- *- J Chrlstensen and Company, all of E. and E. J. Pfotser of - - - —»•• nenxn %i. r»r- m. Mrs. Sherman W. Reese, Mrs. Hii- •• •*• •"" «•• •/• rioixer oi abeth Laird. Mrs." Herbert C. Farrts ! Phu »«Mphia. Arthur Venneri Conslruc- Mrs. Sherman W. Rear. Mrs. Henriette' Company of Jersey City, Murch W. Roberts. Mrs. WUlianr E. Ransom I 8 "*- Construction Company of 8t Mrs. John D. Trimble, and Mrs. wii-l LouU - Mo -= p - * C. Haerter=«f West 11am P. Ward, all for three-year termv New Yortt - Corrado-DeOroodt Corporn- endowment committee. Robert W. Har- to ° °* New »rk and Theriault Construc- den and Arthur N. Pearson, for one- """ ° ~ ~ ~ — "' •"-"- ' ' •' vrar.trrms ewark and Therlault C tlon Company of Philadelphia. f but three of the minor parts of - These are the. flrat Crar*,... P*" undei 1 the new rule requires all applicants for the : to pass the same test. Another Board of Review is sched- -o for February 6. This will be the t chance for boy. to earn points on ... flnt half of the progress contest 1 this la the closing date. Reports of "ogreat made during this period mutt handed In to Chairman Alfred 8. on or before February is or no Will be allowed. The date foil •PPUeaUons for Star Life and 1 prior to February t a Special Board '. Review will sit to pass local scouts 1 any merit badge tests that they '- completed, that they require to n these ranks before the close of > contest* A. B. .. Morrlstown, I Township . Treasurer H. R. Wlnckler, Wade H, Poston, Sheriff C. Wesley Col- lins, PoUce Chief Carl A. Maasa, E. C. McMahon. Charles Kurtz, Overseer of the Poor Warren Klrkman, Townahip Tax Aaseator Willis T. WUd, Harry Folk, Dr. Rowland P. Blythe and Charles M. Ray. H was reported that 50 children were discharged as cured daring the year The total expenditures of the home were C&.757JS. of which the counties and other organizations in the State paid half m board. nidi will_be- -opned -at- n pwwuity upnea a t 1 iin— o'clock Friday afternoon. February 1 mix In the Public Work. Rr. n /.h „» .•..' nionoxldc Leon Scully suggetted* that n re- flector be placed at Normandle Plttco and Riverside Drive, as the bend and the river there makes It dangerous to a .tranger who might be drlvln B In Ihatvlclrtlt Mr«. L n Hazzard drew attention to the fact that West End Place and 8prinnflcld avenue Is dangerous be- cause of Insufficient lighting. Wesley Graft of Wcstfleld told of the work that the Wcstflcld Safely Coun- cil is carrying on. He also Issued a warning to motorists against the using of anti-Irene mixture Inradiators of Local Man Receives $2,500 For Patent Ralph Erh'ng GeU Award From Navy for Hydraulic Device. Ralph Erllng of It" Burchfleld nve- nue thla week received an award of tho U. 8. hydraulic control r«t cnt wblch Navy Depart- ateerlng r ant School Tuesday rv- " rttr " rm « In the budget which Presented to the voters at the hl l F $17,730,13 leas than those voted on — the annual meeting last year. The total budget;' however, is t3.713.7S higher than the 1034-35 total. r Included In theciew budget are ap- propriations for restoring to Its staff oc-cmploylngalx, additional instructors and a dental Inspector. The six in- structorswlll include one high "school twcwr?i*>ne music teacher, two tie- mentary teachers, one shop teacher and one household arts teacher. The items of the budget to be sub- mitted to. the voters will be Current expenses. I1S3.433.34: repairs and re- placrments. 18.000; and manual traln- Ina. M,O2OJ1, making a total of lies.- 450M Last year these Items were: Current expenses, $171,330.85: reiiain and replacements, $3,778.33: and man- ual training, $6,163 41, making a total of $183,170.68. The total budget for the coming year will be $341.960M, as compared with $330,346.51 last year. * Anticipated receipts In addition to the local taxes for current rxpenws, re- pnlrs and replacements and manual trnlnlm, are; state taxes for current expense*. »M,M0: anticipated balance July 1. I935, current expenses, $45.- 407.77; contributions from teachers for current rxpennca, $11,385.00; •mi«i_ paled balaiu'p July 1,. 1835, steering gear l |ml(>d b » lai «'« 1 J "ly 1.. 1835, manual developed lr "' nlnl!l M31 ° 10 ;, conlrlbutlorui from ieeha'ntrat-t!ni- Ucach ' !ri - top - | ™"> u «l- trotninifrwie HKT department at sut ^t»*« for manual training; $4,- I J_ ^ . - I12rl 1\ ' Il^^ni f n ttna * 9A* M I I.^M^ai^. A _*f The committee on arrangements consisted 1 of John K. Cloud, Fire Com- missioner J. Edward Wolf, Charles M. Ray and Carl H. Warslrukl. > Hear Talk By Winchester Britton I Winchester, Britton, president .of-th« Engineering Company, gave an Ong talk concerning a recent trip through the South to" U.S. Cannot Keep Out Of Major War—Stewart It will be Impossible for the United States to remain out of a major war, James I. Btewart, a member of the faculty of Cranford High School, told the tions Club last Friday night at the weekly dinner meeting In Cole- man's Inn." Mr, Stewart spoke on "In- tematlonal-Relatlona." —Al- ship. Clarence PriU was appointed chair- Cub Mothers' d o b Honors Mra. D. Brown fcrs. David Brown was elected presi- dent of the Mothers' Club of the Cub Scouts it, meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. K. B. Heyden in "-•*~ "-- There were twentj-two Linden Place. ., members present. Other new offken are: Vlee-prat- dent, Mrs. Richard Kaier: secretarr Mnt Ernest Hkkok: ->. at the meeting of the Rotary I.""™ * * committee to arrange for a >last Thursday noon in Coleman'i card party ' or the latter part of the Mr. Brltinn «hn i. . _._>*_ _. month. « »•«. laursuay noon in Coleman'i *•""* •" 1. Mr. Britton, who Is a member of , month - dub,'told of conditions In the I William • parts'ot the country that he presided. ^ .particularly In those sections, - J oil Ii the principal product/ He 1 Introduced by William J. Wlllsey, "T of the program committee, t was conducted by George I. ..-too Rev.,»tank M. Sherlock, Philhower ot Westfleld, and -t Bowcrott of Roselle, with Dor- rHUyard at the piano. , uMts bi addition' to Mr. Philhower p £ »Cr, Howeroft .were Casey Valdes IBoaHIa.'ojB. Houthton ot Walllng- W fat tn>stk«;Dooley,.of. cranford. -L •SweyiwHtonHUi, the presl- Klein, thtf vice-president. BNJOYB FAPEK ~ SH Revere Drive, Hillside, N. J. January U, lt3S, Xditor, Cttlien and Chronicle: Enclosed find $3.00 for my sub- scription of your paper, which I en- joy, it keeps me In touch with friends and events ot my borne i town where my heart still remains. Very* truly yours, ^ ' <-', ' - Capt. James B. Dryden. Mrs. O. Rossen Smith. The slate was' submitted 07 a wftwttpfyt^py committee comprised of Mrs. L. A. Rice, chairman. Mrs.. Carl WkrsmsU awl Mrs. WJ ConJey. " ' A vote of thanks was tendered to the retiring officers, .who were: President. "**_***»:- vtoe-preaMent, Mr*. R. WlnckJe; seeretarjr^Mo. Oeorge Doss and treasurer, ltn. WUliam Tdttle. SanfOTd Tbomaon, bead ot the Cub ptana for Unk< THfltfl.ll * \com- Scouts, gave placed the fa «.„, _ „ ,„ - ng-year before-the-motbet*.' A fun week's prograW has been ar- ranged for the SUrcr JdUkte of scout- ing, which will be observed starting February g.. An Easter party, annul Picnic and father and son dinner will Je held during the year with the Moth- ers' Club assisting. Each Cub win have a certain test to past before he wm be permitted to attend any of the func- tions. Refreshments were served following lng.the meeting. - Town Budget WO Be Introduced Twaday The Township budget for UBS'will Probably be introduced for first reading •t a meeting ot the Township Com- "Utte. In the Township Booms at m .'• r- 1 In the Public Works Branch of the Procurement Division of the Treasury Department at Washington. Drawlnos and specifications, not ex- ceeding three sets, may be obtained at the Washington office by any general contractor, provided a deposit of (15 is made for each set to assure Its prompt return. cars and driving with the windows closed, polnUng_Qut_that_thc-gas from this" mixture Is worae than carbon Complete Program f or Plans for the monthly social meet- Ing of the Men's League of the First Presbyterian Church, which will be held. Thursday evening, January 34, •ere made last Friday^levenlng at a •neeting of the executive committee at the borne ot William F. Wetapahl. the rlce-presldent. , ""•*"'• "" • The League will be entertained at Its meeting, which will be held in the church school auditorium, by the fol- lowing artists: Frank Mullane, humor- ist: Wilton Young, accordionist and musician: and WfUlston, s magician Refreshment* will be served and members are requested to bring friends and prospective new members. An lm- portant announcement regarding the "ebruary meeting of the league nwde-at a later date He also told of the need for a central County council which Is needed as a clearing house for various suggestions of municipal coun- cils throughout the County. Mr, Scully referred to Uie fact that It Is dangerous for the childrentoskate on the river, as the Ice is not frozen aolid in many places.'_Hcj suggested that vacant lot. be banked, up. by re- lief workers, and flooded with one or two Inches of N water. This would be Inexpensive, would, br more lasting and much safer, he potaSbcjii;, { The next meeting *ii be" held sm FebruaryJJ7-. . -J, ;, ».- Itlneer In (h* Navy Department ,v Washington. The award is one ol the Inrgcjt ever to'be granted by the Navy Department The new uteerlng genr control, which In the on!y_onc that has been found to bo snccesiful. Ii to bo used on nil the new «hlpi that the Navy now has un- der construction. Mr. Erllng. who was in the employ or the Nn»y Department for nine ycnr«, came to Crnnford lost Juno. He la now a .ale. engineer /or Uie Lidgerwood " ._^_.. Manufacturing Company In Elizabeth nntl Replacement Account of the school The Lidgerwood Compahy' recently ' yF July '• 1BM>to Junf M - IMS." 1 >.. i. . »( On irronimrndntlon o( Mrs. Ellzabctli M. Uatcs, chnlrman or the teachers' 02831; local Uxra for retirement of bt)iirrtii. M4 000; local taxes for Interest oh'bond*. M2.135; local tuxes for sink- Ing fund, 11.123 63. ranking a total of U4I.9C0X. ' 1 The followhiR ciucstlon also will be fubmltted to thi- volrrs nt tlir- annual mrcllnR: "Ro»olved. that the Board of Education la hcrrby authorised' to transfer 11.70937 rrom the Current Ex- ni-iisn Account of tin 1 school year July I. 1034. to June 30. 103S, to the Repair bought hi* potent. M Fl Clyde King Honored by Union County Legion Past Commander .Clyde J. King of Cranford Post. No. 313. American Le- gion, has been elected County Junior Vice-commander, It has been an- nounced. Plans are underway for the Joint card party which the post and auxil- iary will sponsor next Thursday even- ing in the Casino. will Italian-American . RetwIitscanjCtWEIecU -•(e'~~ltallan-American Republican Clubl at a.meeting last Thursday night In the Republican club headquarters, elected officers - for- 1B3S as follows- President, A. Delia Bern; vice-presi- dent. \M. Dipshlo: secretary, J. Del Hero; ^m\rtant secretary, A. Ialone; •""Wi F. Maasa; trustees, M. Car- O. DiTuIllo, j. Del Nerd,' p. Mr. Frling rtcclvrd an award from ihc-poveriimrnt-about a r year-ago-for a hydraulic steerlng-acvlce! H« now has ten or twelve other patents pend- ing on similar hydraulic devices. Tonaluka Council Seats New Officers Tonnluka Council, No. 84, Daugh- ters or Pocahonuu. Installed new offi- cers at a meeting Tuesday evening In Veterans' Hall. The deputy from Plalnfleld and her «U»ff conducted the Installation. New officers are: Pocahontas, Mrs, Adele Lusardl: Wlnonah, Mrs. Cath- erine Bostinto; Powhatan. Mrs. Alice Deller; Keeper of Records, Mrs. Lev- lnla May of Elizabeth; Keeper of Wam- pum. Mrs. Eluabeth Harrington: rep- resenUUve to the Oreat CouncU, Mrs. Harrington: alternate, Mr». Deta Lu- «ardi; and trustee for the eighteen month term. Mrs. Mary Collins. Refreshments were served . by the "~* and welfare .committee of which U , chairman of the teachers commlUcc_thc—njime».,of-Miw-Ruth McKee and Mrs Mary E Dlk McKcp and Mm. Mary E. Blake were added to-thc list or substitutes. Mrs. , Doris New»wanger was granted a leave -of absence without pay from January 3. 1939, to-Janunry 1. ]«38, and Miss Helen Stanley of.«'Sylvester street'was ririployed In her place at the substl- pyed In her place a tute's salary of $5 a day. Dr. Lloyd.N. Morrisett. the «uper- vlting principal, waa Instructed to at- tend the annual meeting of Depart- ment of Superintendents at Atlantic City In'February. The board will re- imburse him for expenditures incurred. Edward Burr, speaking In behalf of residents of the Raritan Road section, requested the board to provide free transportation for sixteen children of that neighborhood. President Joseph" A. Plummer told the group that trans- portation would be restored as soon as financial conditions are Improved. On recommendation of-d. K. War- ner, chairman of the health and at- tendance committee, the trustees ap- proved the application of Joseph' -Llm- KUDO ana welfare .committee of which P™*™ me application of Joseph-Llm- Mrs. Julian O'Brien' of Wcatfleld is one tor entrance to the ElizabethVo- chalrman. More than thirty-five mem-1cational School.. The Board will pay btrs and guests were present from the tuition of $150, which la withinthe PlainflelH' DihM.WuiH.ij -«•'_' hnHffiir Plalnfleld, Rahway, Westfleld "Elba beth and' Cranford. Oranford Post has subscribed-lit^ HfiharlM J. Cummlngs of edgeof*upportofthe propaaite : ^ yumminga oi Dr. »^. 1Um - ° > " ata toOwWDr. t. BL Htoman. Dr. Joeeplt A. Jangales f Cranford. and A. Landl of Plains tkid, publisher of L-Otaerratoire. • An S2?* J ^ ol<i eeon "°»**'tawMew entertained the group w|th lev- • e m d j o forty jnemberjiijd ptecta. ,,;-,- pledge-of-supportof _, ^.. F .«^ JK „- tablish a Union County -Arlington" as a burial ground'for veterans. A donation of »10 has been forwarded to the Cranford Boys' Camp as an ex- pression' of the Legion's interest In the youth movement. 8everal members of the post plan to attend the demonstration of 'scout work and the entertainment to be held by Troop 78, sponsored by the Legion, at the Casino on January 38. Pro- ceeds will gotothe. troop fund. T. E. Carpenter has presented ia •emplane propeller to the post, which has been hung on the wan of the Le- gion Room In the Casino. ••' Arrangements have been made With Leetonalre c. K. Evans of Linden to present movie* of the Mbrro Castle disaster at the Veterans' Night pro- s-ram at the Casino February 4. All veterans are invited to attend. There will be. other eotertalmnm^and re- freshments wm be Trr ^^ AWARDED WAR HONOR 43 North budget. .Jll was decided that-aU purchases made by anyteacher or any group for Khool.purposes aretobe approved by the supervising prindpaL and_the_dls. - •"T"" "• wnminHa 01 « North ">e supervising principal and_the_dls. arerfuereastT-hubeen-hotu-edTiy-tne trlct-clerk-before~theycan be made war Department that he Is to be "W » copy of the purchase order placed awarded the Purple Heart and an Oak on file with the dhtrlrt i-t«+ d the Purple Heart and an Oak Uaf duster on account of being In- qn file with the district clerk. Clyde King of the American Legion - ~"«.*.WUIII. w ucing in- **vuo mint oi uie American Legion Jured in~acUon July 34. 1018, and Oc- «»ked the trusteestoagain have a phy-- tooer 38, IS1B, while serving as la pri- slclan at all fnnUuii m «». -ki.v.t »ate with Company E, 4th Infantry, A. E. F. Mr. Cummlngs Is chaplain ot Capt. Newell Rodney Flake Post, No. 3M^V.,P.,W, andis a member~ot the pott's dnim and bugle corps. FALLS THRODOB Id "While skating on the river last Monday evening, Mr. Albert Den- man feu through the ice, and but for help being at hand, might have drowned.- ' No folks, tola dldnt .happen last Monday night, or MT- eral Monday night, ago,' « I. „' •rtto* which appeared in the now extinct Cnnford Bustler ot Janu- -«nrW,itM. Mr.-Otniw k now Jtrvtoe; Juetwanty-fltth jew u Townahip Ota*,-"^ 4V ' ' ---— — •• • *«.»•• Wf fa^nna A u s i v p aj^ U 4 i v « i alcian at all football games which th»" High School may play during the conj- Ing fall. President Plummcr' stated that an appropriation was in the bud- get to cover this i t e m . - ' ' - The board extended Its appreciation to Trustee Floyd B. Shannon, for his work In bringing about harmony be- tween school factions so that both the irroupi have endorsed only, three can- dJdatei lor the coming school election. It doe* not appear that there wutbe any contest. A communication from'Frances V,' Ingans, sad ^ ^ ^ thirty-eight pa>. enu,,protesting'against, thfcelmla Uon ot th U d t ri,epmj|^tee, V-J^; ? On ncommtndaUon ot Dr.llorrisett,' -

CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to

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Page 1: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to

- *• "Jin*'Albert Mount, Johnrlson, Hamilton T*y uid Miss Ban-

M i l l • 11 1 1 • .

•eeond pUy win be -Fourj , " » drama by Leo B. Pride. It

I be produced by Mies EmUie San-. The-east" will Include Carl, Francis Graft. Dr. Karl Dun-

, Leon Scully and Harold Bahford••Win Alarm.- a comedy by oeorte•. Kaufman. w i l l i . produced by WU-—i R. Wolff. The cart will Include

Warnock, Frederick' Frenk-W t l t * r 8 t o u t l V t o


r Scouts PassMerit Badge Te»U

[The January Board or Review, held• night, w u exceptionally well al-

and m m scouts Improvedstanding In the progren contest.

[Frank Hamm of Troop M paued*~» merit badge teiU and held his

I with a total of to point*. CIo«-id him ii Teddy Lansing with «J.

Bonnell with 57 and Floyd Rue.an of Troop 76. Walter-Oebbler.

• leader In Troop 78, la JUth withT 5 n S b fora



Testimonial DimerHonors A.HDennan

Townahip Clerk Feted on Be-ginning of Twenty-fifth


A surprise testimonial dinner waaheld last Thursday night in Mountain-side Inn In honor of Alvan R. Denman.who. on New Year's Day. began histwenty-fifth consecutve year as clerk . , „ . _ « ,of the Township of Cranford Therel*as elected to a two-nar


g s appointed at ai*eent meeting to look into the matterand in


J f the p ^ a u . A ommttie,probaNr win be appointed at the Jan-uary 35 meeting t M hnary 35 meeting to consider the matter

Election of ameers aha win takePlace at the mretto,. Present . « „ „

E. L.

vtce-presldeni, J. Edward Wolf; aeoondTtee-preatdem. Harry Hems: secretaryE. O. Borcbrrt: and Treaanrer.Hedenberg.

Mrs. George Bates onCountry Hone Board1

Mia. George W. Bales ofI - — ™ " ^ » W * ^»P»^^» H i

were abobt thirty gueata pnaent.Former Freeholder Severln a Dron-

cher waa toaatmuter. There wererreeUnn by Mayor Otorge E. Octer-heldt. Township Commltteeman Fred-erick O. Sykei. Fire Commluioner J.Edward Wolf, Towtuhlp Attorney CarlH.. Warauukl, Former Mayor Roger C.Aldrlch aid Judge L. t . Lowland, aUof Cranford; and Former Mayor William Dorrochof O m d Chrt


Mof Oanmod.

humorous -concerning many of


Board of Xanagen of the Children'.Country Home at the forty-fourth an-nual meeting Monday night at the

f ' , M » - C• M. F . t t r i ta WeatUeld.Otto K. Huater. aiao of Cranford

waa reelected atereUry. and John K.Cloud of Weatfleld. formerly of Cran-ford. waa renamed to a one-year- termon the endowment commlttae.

Other officers are: President. Mr*Mra!

I Wlh 40, 37 and „ .Uvely. Don Davis. Troop 75. . . ,F l r a l

fourth to ninth place, although

o f w l l U a l n

WlGre Safety

iaa. neat Wadneaday. >~—rtfldajr will. •nnnai,M..,.ut by the gen«»»eninmlj*» m cbarge. headed by

— --^—n maim*

. are being rtlipneail of

with anexiKcted rapidity. It tosaM^.m^y^,btU « "«e», ha« al-

— —— la being tendered theaherlff by his Mewls, who wuh It to be<*rmed a victory function. Inasmuch2-*?!? * • * • • • *«« **» -

of the Republican CountyM of M candidates for

county offloe have reached their ob-jective. Prominent, in this respect, ithiarte l I* the fact that the Board ofFneholdere.hu been made a simon-pure OOP contingent after many year,of mixed membership.

Governor Harold O. Hoffman, givena handsome majority m this county atthe I s* general election, has sent word«•»» "J«u could not keep me away from

dinner- RepresenUUve DonaldHMcLean, now in Waabmgton; wUl makea hurried trip to Elizabeth to act astoastmaster.

A touch of sentiment will be feltwhen a delegation of achoolday friendsof Colllni. who graduated with him Inthe 1MM class of Westfleld High Schoolenters the banquet hall,*"

Sheriff Collins leaves office after thenext general election because the law

Nine Contractors Bid

J. RuaacO Craig, aafety director ofthe Pennqrtvauia Indemnity Corpora.Uon. will be here, next week, startingMonday, to give oounea in Safety edu-cation in the Cranford Public BchoouIt waa announced last night at a meet-ing of the Cranford Safety Council Inthe Towtuhlp Rooma. Mr. Cralit'a ap-pearance here la in conjunction withthe work that ia being carried on bythe local council.

According to Dr. Lloyd N. Morrlaett,superviaing principal of public ichoola,Mr, Craig wUl be at each school two«W«. The course, which he willgive will be mainly for teachers, in or-der to prepare them aa to the aim* andobjecta-of safety oremnltations. He alsowill, speak to the pupUa aa to safetyin (he homes and on the atreeta. Mr,Craig will give one lecture In 61, Mlchad's parochial school.

Other safety education work whichIs being carried on in the schools ln-cludea the making of posters in the art


Sdwol BudgeSobmitted To Voters Feb. 13MontgoaMiT to Be

At Monk Drug StoreCliff Montgomery, famous All-Amer-

ican Rose Bowl star of 1(34, will be atthe Morris Drug Store, North svrnue,west* fren noon until» p. m, Saturday.He will also appear at the CranfordTheatre at ntfcp. m.. through the co-

Amouat to Be Raked by Tax.**"» $17,720 L M . ThenLut Year; Six Instructora,Dental Irapector to Be Add-ed to Staff m 1935-36.

Thr 1W3-M school budget, was ap-operation of the drug store. At 11 30 Proved by the Board of Education at ao'clock-Saturday morning he will ad- nirellrur In Orant School Tuesday rv-<1n>s* mnnb f th C e n l n * "rt " I h b

• miisa V«/ VNIIIUII 14c Will RQ" «"••»*

...-. mnnben of the Cranford Hi«h, e n t a«School football team In the drug store. I*1" >* pro-mea 10 me voters at the

It was Montgomery's sterling brand »nnual school meeting February 13 areof quarterbacking which won tor him *1773O.i3 IM« ih«« n.<— —1-1 .a -berth on the Alt-American eleventaat year and won for his team, theColumbia- University.-eleven, thelnvt

^ : «P»»»°>nayU. Mia. SUUMT H.

3ids Wui Be Opened at Waah.«n«ton at 1 P. M.,

February 1.

Nine general contractors have "takenout drawing, . I M «p-«aa.ratlnm to bid

fourth to ninth place, although! earned points alnce the laat report-• ~ - fleavey droppd f fif

p n t s alnce the laat report-fleavey dropped from fifth to

i tie for tenth place with

rtshtng rod which was accepted withheartfelt gratitude. There waa also asong dedicated to Mr. Denman. which

»nd FrederV-k, p. Condlt: BoarManagers. Mrs. Herbert R. PerrU.

o lf c» t«1 l« Mr- Denman. which" *"* c0m«!o»«' ^ Wre Commlwloner

" W o « « - * C M M hues

In addition to Hamm, Gordon Dun-Entertainment : during the evening

Included piano selections and group1 in addition to Hamm, Gordon Dun- p u u l ° « ' « » o n » ">° rroupBee of Troop SO „ „ » „ toe rft -^" Ringing with Jack A. van Brederode atUn Safety and Music. William CoVl e p i a n o : ' l f l g h t <* hand "tricks by

,rt"! Max Thlel of nixabeth, and vocal se-lections' by Mlts Margaret Novy. withMr. van Brederode at the piano.

Other guests present. In addition tothose mentioned as speaker;, were:John K. Cloud, Former Recorder C. P.Buckley, E. L. Hedenberg, Road Com-

U passed the test In First Aidn«ds only to appear before the

-til board In Elisabeth to earn theof Star Bcout, Camp Hopkins

d the teat in reading and Frank" - * , t o c o o W n «- " • » " R u e

Waters passed the first classuet tnat in cooking. Floyd Rue J o n n K ' c l°ud, I»ormer RecordAllan Waters passed the first class B u c k l e y . E. I* Hedenberg, Ronm. and Camp Hopkins completed imlMlon«r Frank McCullough.ut three of the minor parts of the tCaWw«U- A. V. Scholes of Mor

lake, and Mrs. Waller U Day treasur- f" n e w Cnnt<** PoatoBce build-er. Mrs. Egel; advisory board. Robert « " ^ ""' ** comt™rt«id on theA. Falrbaim. Oeorgr W.^Prin^vrvH ) h i rt

D. jMkson. Herbert C. MewdTColLeigh N. Pearamu. Wal:er~P. Barclay'»nd FrederV-k, p. Condlt: Board of


— ——r— «« frvmvKim Ml U*V i n

department. The purpose of this workla to make the children safety consciousand to build up a regard for safety.The best of the posters w\u be placedon bulletin boards which are beingconstructed by the manual training de-partment.

Mra. J. A. Knowlea, chairmen ofmembership, reported two new mem-bers—Crahford Civic Council and theAmerican Legion. Pretldent Prank A.Abbot aald he understood that the HolyName Society of St. Michael'. Churchal*o hns voted to become affiliated withthe Council.

Mra E. V Hedenberg, the secretary,»u*g«wd that the- Council workthrough .the p.-T. A. unite from hav-ing the 'children refrain from ridingthrown the buslneas section on bicy-cles It waa suggested that the cyclesbe pushed through the congested areaBf-lfc-TBMU": " '

Columbia. University, eleven, the Invi.tetlon to play in the Rose Bowl In 1B34.It was again Montgomery who aidedthe New York, City combination Intrimming a strong Stanford team in theWest Coast classic.'

Montgomery will autograph, certaingame* which the Morris Drug 8torewill give away with purchases of II ormore. For detail., see their advertise-ment on paie eight of today's Iviue.The sale which opens 8aturdny at thedrug store will continue llirough thecoming week;

12.500 frommpnt for a

" " H T O *»rs. ueroert R. Penii. RobJ ""»"«""• ™ Diaqing to date arert W. Harden. Harry A. Kniastn, liissV?"r ***">• Andrew ChristensElizabeth Laird. Mrs. Herbert c Far- l 8 1 o n k Construction Company,rts Mrs Sherm W R EU^beth: E and E J f

— —--• —~ H u a u w m j on me

property at the comer'of Kant-ian and Mlln streets. It was learned

The flrnu who have signified theirof bidding to date are: Oa»-• * - J — Chrlstensen and

Company, all ofE. and E. J. Pfotser of

— - - — - — — —»•• nenxn %i. r»r-

m. Mrs. Sherman W. Reese, Mrs. Hi i - •• •*• •"" «•• •/• rioixer oiabeth Laird. Mrs." Herbert C. Farrts ! Phu»«Mphia. Arthur Venneri Conslruc-Mrs. Sherman W. Rear. Mrs. Henriette' Company of Jersey City, MurchW. Roberts. Mrs. WUlianr E. Ransom I8"*- Construction Company of 8tMrs. John D. Trimble, and Mrs. wi i - l L o u U - Mo-= p- * C. Haerter=«f West11am P. Ward, all for three-year termv N e w Yort t- Corrado-DeOroodt Corporn-endowment committee. Robert W. Har- t o ° °* New»rk and Theriault Construc-den and Arthur N. Pearson, for one- """ ° ~ ~ ~ — "' •"-"- ' ' •'vrar.trrms

ewark and Therlault Ctlon Company of Philadelphia.

f but three of the minor parts of- These are the. flrat Crar*,...

P*" undei1 the new rulerequires all applicants for the

: to pass the same test.Another Board of Review is sched-

- o for February 6. This will be thet chance for boy. to earn points on

... flnt half of the progress contest1 this la the closing date. Reports of"ogreat made during this period mutt

handed In to Chairman Alfred 8.on or before February is or noWill be allowed. The date foil•PPUeaUons for Star Life and

1 prior to February t a Special Board'. Review will sit to pass local scouts1 any merit badge tests that they' - completed, that they require to

n these ranks before the close of> contest*

A. B... Morrlstown,

I Township . Treasurer H. R. Wlnckler,Wade H, Poston, Sheriff C. Wesley Col-lins, PoUce Chief Carl A. Maasa, E. C.McMahon. Charles Kurtz, Overseer ofthe Poor Warren Klrkman, TownahipTax Aaseator Willis T. WUd, HarryFolk, Dr. Rowland P. Blythe andCharles M. Ray.

H was reported that 50 children weredischarged as cured daring the yearThe total expenditures of the homewere C&.757JS. of which the countiesand other organizations in the Statepaid half m board.

nidi will_be- -opned -at-n p w w u i t y upnea a t 1 iin—

o'clock Friday afternoon. February 1 mixIn the Public Work. Rr.n/.h „» .•..' nionoxldc

Leon Scully suggetted* that n re-flector be placed at Normandle Plttcoand Riverside Drive, as the bend andthe river there makes It dangerous toa .tranger who might be drlvlnB InIhatvlclrtlt

Mr«. L n Hazzard drew attention tothe fact that West End Place and8prinnflcld avenue Is dangerous be-cause of Insufficient lighting.

Wesley Graft of Wcstfleld told of thework that the Wcstflcld Safely Coun-cil is carrying on. He also Issued awarning to motorists against the usingof anti-Irene mixture In radiators of

Local Man Receives$2,500 For Patent

Ralph Erh'ng GeU AwardFrom Navy for Hydraulic


Ralph Erllng of It" Burchfleld nve-nue thla week received an award of

tho U. 8.hydraulic

control r«t c n t w b l c h

Navy Depart-ateerlng

r ant School Tuesday rv-"rttr " r m « In the budget whichPresented to the voters at the

h l l F$17,730,13 leas than those voted on —the annual meeting last year. Thetotal budget;' however, is t3.713.7Shigher than the 1034-35 total.r

Included In the ciew budget are ap-propriations for restoring to Its staffoc-cmploylngalx, additional instructorsand a dental Inspector. The six in-structorswlll include one high "schooltwcwr?i*>ne music teacher, two tie-mentary teachers, one shop teacherand one household arts teacher.

The items of the budget to be sub-mitted to. the voters will be Currentexpenses. I1S3.433.34: repairs and re-placrments. 18.000; and manual traln-Ina. M,O2OJ1, making a total of lies.-450M Last year these Items were:Current expenses, $171,330.85: reiiainand replacements, $3,778.33: and man-ual training, $6,163 41, making a totalof $183,170.68.

The total budget for the coming yearwill be $341.960M, as compared with$330,346.51 last year. *

Anticipated receipts In addition tothe local taxes for current rxpenws, re-pnlrs and replacements and manualtrnlnlm, are; state taxes for currentexpense*. »M,M0: anticipated balanceJuly 1. I935, current expenses, $45.-407.77; contributions from teachers forcurrent rxpennca, $11,385.00; •mi«i_paled balaiu'p July 1,. 1835,steering gear l |ml(>d b»lai«'«1 J"ly 1.. 1835, manual

h« developed l r"'n l n l ! l M 3 1 ° 10;, conlrlbutlorui fromieeha'ntrat-t!ni-Ucach'!ri-top-|™">u«l- trotninifrwie HKTdepartment at s u t ^ t » * « for manual training; $4,-I J _ ^ . - I12rl 1\ ' Il^^ni f n ttna * 9A* M I I.^M^ai^. A _*f

The committee on arrangementsconsisted1 of John K. Cloud, Fire Com-missioner J. Edward Wolf, Charles M.Ray and Carl H. Warslrukl.

> Hear TalkBy Winchester Britton

I Winchester, Britton, president .of-th«Engineering Company, gave an

Ong talk concerning a recenttrip through the South to"

U.S. Cannot Keep OutOf Major War—Stewart

It will be Impossible for the UnitedStates to remain out of a major war,James I. Btewart, a member of thefaculty of Cranford High School, toldthe tions Club last Friday night atthe weekly dinner meeting In Cole-man's Inn." Mr, Stewart spoke on "In-tematlonal-Relatlona."—Al-ship.

Clarence PriU was appointed chair-

Cub Mothers' dobHonors Mra. D. Brown

fcrs. David Brown was elected presi-dent of the Mothers' Club of the CubScouts i t , meeting Monday eveningat the home of Mrs. K. B. Heyden in"-•*~ " - - There were twentj-twoLinden Place. . ,members present.

Other new offken are: Vlee-prat-dent, Mrs. Richard Kaier: secretarrMnt Ernest Hkkok:

->. at the meeting of the Rotary I.""™ * * committee to arrange for a> last Thursday noon in Coleman'i c a r d p a r t y ' o r the latter part of theMr. Brltinn «hn i. . _ ._>*_ _. month.« »•«. laursuay noon in Coleman'i *•""* •"

1. Mr. Britton, who Is a member of , m o n t h -dub,'told of conditions In the I William• parts'ot the country that he presided.

^ .particularly In those sections,- J oil Ii the principal product/ He1 Introduced by William J. Wlllsey,

"T of the program committee,t was conducted by George I.

..-too Rev.,»tank M. Sherlock,Philhower ot Westfleld, and

-t Bowcrott of Roselle, with Dor-rHUyard at the piano. ,uMts bi addition' to Mr. Philhower

p £ »Cr, Howeroft .were Casey ValdesIBoaHIa.'ojB. Houthton ot Walllng-W fat tn>stk«;Dooley,.of. cranford.

-L •SweyiwHtonHUi, the presl-

Klein, thtf vice-president.

BNJOYB FAPEK ~SH Revere Drive,

Hillside, N. J.January U, lt3S,

Xditor, Cttlien and Chronicle:Enclosed find $3.00 for my sub-

scription of your paper, which I en-joy, i t keeps me In touch withfriends and events ot my borne itown where my heart still remains.

Very* truly yours, ^' <-', ' - Capt. James B. Dryden.

Mrs. O. Rossen Smith. The slate was'submitted 07 a wftwttpfyt py committeecomprised of Mrs. L. A. Rice, chairman.Mrs.. Carl WkrsmsU awl Mrs. W JConJey. " '

A vote of thanks was tendered to theretiring officers, .who were: President." * * _ * * * » : - vtoe-preaMent, Mr*. R.WlnckJe; seeretarjr^Mo. Oeorge Dossand treasurer, ltn. WUliam Tdttle.

SanfOTd Tbomaon, bead ot the Cub

ptana for Unk<THfltfl.ll *

\com-Scouts, gaveplaced the fa «.„, _ „ ,„- ng-year before-the-motbet*.'

A fun week's prograW has been ar-ranged for the SUrcr JdUkte of scout-ing, which will be observed startingFebruary g.. An Easter party, annulPicnic and father and son dinner willJe held during the year with the Moth-ers' Club assisting. Each Cub win havea certain test to past before he wm bepermitted to attend any of the func-tions.

Refreshments were served followinglng.the meeting. -

Town Budget WO BeIntroduced Twaday

The Township budget for UBS'willProbably be introduced for first reading• t a meeting ot the Township Com-"Utte. In the Township Booms at • m

.'• r-1

In the Public Works Branch of theProcurement Division of the TreasuryDepartment at Washington.

Drawlnos and specifications, not ex-ceeding three sets, may be obtained atthe Washington office by any generalcontractor, provided a deposit of (15 ismade for each set to assure Its promptreturn.

cars and driving with the windowsclosed, polnUng_Qut_that_thc-gas fromthis" mixture Is worae than carbon

Complete Program f or

Plans for the monthly social meet-Ing of the Men's League of the FirstPresbyterian Church, which will beheld. Thursday evening, January 34,•ere made last Friday^levenlng at a•neeting of the executive committee atthe borne ot William F. Wetapahl. therlce-presldent. , ""•*"'• " "

• The League will be entertained at Itsmeeting, which will be held in thechurch school auditorium, by the fol-lowing artists: Frank Mullane, humor-ist: Wilton Young, accordionist andmusician: and WfUlston, s magician

Refreshment* will be served andmembers are requested to bring friendsand prospective new members. An lm-portant announcement regarding the"ebruary meeting of the league

nwde-at a later date

He also told of theneed for a central County councilwhich Is needed as a clearing house forvarious suggestions of municipal coun-cils throughout the County.

Mr, Scully referred to Uie fact thatIt Is dangerous for the children to skateon the river, as the Ice is not frozenaolid in many places.'_Hcj suggestedthat vacant lot. be banked, up. by re-lief workers, and flooded with one ortwo Inches ofNwater. This would beInexpensive, would, br more lasting andmuch safer, he potaSbcjii;, { —

The next meeting * i i be" held smFebruaryJJ7-. . -J, ;, ».-

Itlneer In (h* Navy Department ,vWashington. The award is one ol theInrgcjt ever to'be granted by the NavyDepartment

The new uteerlng genr control, whichIn the on!y_onc that has been found tobo snccesiful. Ii to bo used on nil thenew «hlpi that the Navy now has un-der construction.

Mr. Erllng. who was in the employor the Nn»y Department for nine ycnr«,came to Crnnford lost Juno. He la nowa .ale. engineer /or Uie Lidgerwood " • ._^_..Manufacturing Company In Elizabeth n n t l Replacement Account of the schoolThe Lidgerwood Compahy' recently 'yF™ J u l y '• 1BM> t o J u n f M- IMS."1 >.. i. . »( On irronimrndntlon o( Mrs. Ellzabctli

M. Uatcs, chnlrman or the teachers'

02831; local Uxra for retirement ofbt)iirrtii. M4 000; local taxes for Interestoh'bond*. M2.135; local tuxes for sink-Ing fund, 11.123 63. ranking a total ofU4I.9C0X. ' 1

The followhiR ciucstlon also will befubmltted to thi- volrrs nt tlir- annualmrcllnR: "Ro»olved. that the Board ofEducation la hcrrby authorised' totransfer 11.70937 rrom the Current Ex-ni-iisn Account of tin1 school year JulyI. 1034. to June 30. 103S, to the Repair

bought hi* potent.M F l

Clyde King Honored byUnion County Legion

Past Commander .Clyde J. King ofCranford Post. No. 313. American Le-gion, has been elected County JuniorVice-commander, It has been an-nounced.

Plans are underway for the Jointcard party which the post and auxil-iary will sponsor next Thursday even-ing in the Casino.


Italian-American. RetwIitscanjCtWEIecU

-•(e'~~ltallan-American RepublicanClubl at a .meeting last Thursday nightIn the Republican club headquarters,elected officers - for- 1B3S as follows-President, A. Delia Bern; vice-presi-dent. \M. Dipshlo: secretary, J. DelHero; ^m\rtant secretary, A. Ialone;• " " W i F. Maasa; trustees, M. Car-— O. DiTuIllo, j . Del Nerd,' p.

Mr. Frling rtcclvrd an award fromihc-poveriimrnt-about aryear-ago-fora hydraulic steerlng-acvlce! H« nowhas ten or twelve other patents pend-ing on similar hydraulic devices.

Tonaluka CouncilSeats New Officers

Tonnluka Council, No. 84, Daugh-ters or Pocahonuu. Installed new offi-cers at a meeting Tuesday evening InVeterans' Hall. The deputy fromPlalnfleld and her «U»ff conducted theInstallation.

New officers are: Pocahontas, Mrs,Adele Lusardl: Wlnonah, Mrs. Cath-erine Bostinto; Powhatan. Mrs. AliceDeller; Keeper of Records, Mrs. Lev-lnla May of Elizabeth; Keeper of Wam-pum. Mrs. Eluabeth Harrington: rep-resenUUve to the Oreat CouncU, Mrs.Harrington: alternate, Mr». Deta Lu-«ardi; and trustee for the eighteenmonth term. Mrs. Mary Collins.

Refreshments were served . by the"~* and welfare .committee of which

U , chairman of the teacherscommlUcc_thc—njime».,of-Miw-RuthMcKee and Mrs Mary E DlkMcKcp and Mm. Mary E. Blake wereadded to-thc list or substitutes. Mrs.

, Doris New»wanger was granted a leave— -of absence without pay from January

3. 1939, to-Janunry 1. ]«38, and MissHelen Stanley of.«'Sylvester street'wasririployed In her place at the substl-p y e d In her place atute's salary of $5 a day.

Dr. Lloyd.N. Morrisett. the «uper-vlting principal, waa Instructed to at-tend the annual meeting of Depart-ment of Superintendents at AtlanticCity In'February. The board will re-imburse him for expenditures incurred.

Edward Burr, speaking In behalf ofresidents of the Raritan Road section,requested the board to provide freetransportation for sixteen children ofthat neighborhood. President Joseph "A. Plummer told the group that trans-portation would be restored as soon asfinancial conditions are Improved.

On recommendation of-d. K. War-ner, chairman of the health and at-tendance committee, the trustees ap-proved the application of Joseph' -Llm-KUDO ana welfare .committee of which P™*™ me application of Joseph-Llm-

Mrs. Julian O'Brien' of Wcatfleld is o n e tor entrance to the Elizabeth Vo-chalrman. More than thirty-five mem-1cational School.. The Board will paybtrs and guests were present from t h e tuition of $150, which la within thePlainflelH' D i h M . W u i H . i j - « • ' _ ' hnHffiirPlalnfleld, Rahway, Westfleld "Elbabeth and' Cranford.

Oranford Post has subscribed-lit^ HfiharlM J. Cummlngs ofedgeof*upportofthe propaaite : ^ yumminga oi

Dr.» ^ . 1 U m - °>"ata toOwW Dr.t. BL Htoman. Dr. Joeeplt A. Jangalesf Cranford. and A. Landl of Plains

tkid, publisher of L-Otaerratoire. • AnS 2 ? * J ^ o l < i •eeon"°»**'taw Mew

entertained the group w|th lev-

• e m d j o forty jnemberjiijd ptecta., , ; - , -

pledge-of-supportof _ , . .F .«^ J K „ -tablish a Union County -Arlington"as a burial ground'for veterans.

A donation of »10 has been forwardedto the Cranford Boys' Camp as an ex-pression' of the Legion's interest In theyouth movement.

8everal members of the post plan toattend the demonstration of 'scoutwork and the entertainment to be heldby Troop 78, sponsored by the Legion,at the Casino on January 38. Pro-ceeds will go to the. troop fund.

T. E. Carpenter has presented ia•emplane propeller to the post, whichhas been hung on the wan of the Le-gion Room In the Casino. ••'

Arrangements have been made WithLeetonalre c . K. Evans of Linden topresent movie* of the Mbrro Castledisaster at the Veterans' Night pro-s-ram at the Casino February 4. Allveterans are invited to attend. Therewill be. other eotertalmnm^and re-freshments wm be T r r ^ ^


budget..Jll was decided that-aU purchasesmade by any teacher or any group forKhool.purposes are to be approved bythe supervising prindpaL and_the_dls. -• " T " " "• wnminHa 01 « North ">e supervising principal and_the_dls.

arerfuereastT-hubeen-hotu-edTiy-tne trlct-clerk-before~theycan be madewar Department that he Is to be "W » copy of the purchase order placedawarded the Purple Heart and an Oak on file with the dhtrlrt i-t«+d the Purple Heart and an OakUaf duster on account of being In-

qn file with the district clerk.Clyde King of the American Legion- • ~" «.*.WUIII. w ucing in- **vuo mint oi uie American Legion

Jured in~acUon July 34. 1018, and Oc- «»ked the trustees to again have a phy--tooer 38, IS1B, while serving as la pri- slclan at all fnnUuii m « » . - k i . v . t»ate with Company E, 4th Infantry,A. E. F. Mr. Cummlngs Is chaplain otCapt. Newell Rodney Flake Post, No.3M^V.,P.,W, and is a member~ot thepott's dnim and bugle corps.

FALLS THRODOB I d"While skating on the river last

Monday evening, Mr. Albert Den-man feu through the ice, and butfor help being at hand, might havedrowned.- ' No folks, tola dldnt

.happen last Monday night, or MT-eral Monday night, ago,' « I. „ '•rtto* which appeared in the nowextinct Cnnford Bustler ot Janu-

-«nrW,itM. Mr.-Otniw k nowJtrvtoe; Juetwanty-fltth jew uTownahip Ota*,-"^ 4 V '

' ---— — •• • *«.»•• Wf f a ^ n n a Ausivp aj U4 iv« i

alcian at all football games which th»"High School may play during the conj-Ing fall. President Plummcr' statedthat an appropriation was in the bud-get to cover this i t e m . - ' ' - • •

The board extended Its appreciationto Trustee Floyd B. Shannon, for hiswork In bringing about harmony be-tween school factions so that both theirroupi have endorsed only, three can-dJdatei lor the coming school election.It doe* not appear that there wutbeany contest.

A communication from'Frances V,'Ingans, sad ^ ^ thirty-eight pa>.enu,,protesting'against, t h f c e l m l aUon ot th U d t

ri,epmj|^tee, V - J ^ ; ?On ncommtndaUon ot Dr.llorrisett,' -

Page 2: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to

^^^ i ^ M | J^. . .^aaaaawaW*»»»sgsssss»s»»ss»**BssW*»»» > ^ M > ^^^^^^^^ , i - - ^ -,

9t?r (Knmforb <&fflf*» an* CHjnmttU- The Cranford Chuen. EstabUsbed 18SW

Combined ^ d r ^ n ^ H c Cranford C.ti«n « 1 Chronicle » 1««JOHK K. CLOW«. Edit*

r «.»•**•


paper W> e*»*oao»aTeataki secondar

,_u*l This viewpoint of his M »refreshing because it 1* •°""«°L*B*a *tud*Bt. proBdeney can ****'*'iVanoss not b* made to inctods all s * -


* i


Th* owine ste ( . .

The troubte Is with our curricula and

w«t **•



A WelHarned Te«ljrooniii—

Alvan K. Drnnu.1 a t«tnn..nial .Imner im ttie . cat ion of the heRHmingof Mr. l * n u n \ l»«»l,-l.(th >ear as T.mm ..,> Cerk.

• •Tinr laii'iui't pruKiani. lieluw Mr. lJenntan s picture.Ask A l - M r Kn.«»". Thme hMir.w.jro^leH thewWe

i n when an effort wa*college board requiremi _ _ . _the average child has Uttl* opportumiy

^ l ! ; X r r i t * » a t t a » t Ooikjfs.are neither for the rich or the poor butonly for those who cati stand the men-tal strain of such w#k-

Our High School* are

W mm ... •—- SJSO WS» • «

, which **» now gotag w „ T p.


AMUn 1* In third! with IB *»

ler.l• - — mB *t*w>att«fsfi • r H T _ . .

of the Lions.

A. T.children: and a sister. Mr*. AnnaBrandt of Brooklyn. K. T.

such conditions' some of. themortal

well m ilH-Towiiship* rrcoriK as IH Mr. D e n m .of inestinnbl.- a».sunce U. Oie n»ny Tnwnnhip Cmnm.tteemen who havecome and K'»w <luri»K hi* rcninie as 'luwiuhm Uerk. _

We wish to a.1.1 our humlilr c.»1Kral«fali..ns and best wishes tothose of h.s »idr circle of frirnd-.-iml only in Cranford but amotiK the.iflicials of surrounding towns, <m the l«KinninK of his silver awiutrsaryyear in the vrrvicc ..( the TownMnp.. and wish for him many more year,of hafipiness ami service •*•**_

'" '**

More Service at « Redimd Cort—More her* we at a ml need, cost lo the taxpayers should I* the

Rloipm of the li<ar.l ol lCdncaimn this year. At Monday night s meeting,the t r u c e s addled a ImdKct ttiat in S17.7AU.Urss than the amountsubmitted to tlic voter* at the annual school meeting last year.

With lliN reduction, the Hoard is adding or restoring lo its-stallone high sch.«.l leai-ber. <•"<• nui-ic traclwr. two clcinenlary tcachets, oneshop tracher. HIM- liousHmld :»rts tcaclii-r and one <leiitaHns|icctor—all ofwhich arc nerdvd Itile local


rolled durtH

i i a m mi IIH- edm-atiiin of the children pr»|ierly in

lleing ^ im-inlur .if lln- Ilinrd of ICIiication during the (ast yearlias Utii aii)tliiui; bin an cisy and eiijoyabU- task. The trustees liave lietnconfrould. on tl'r OIU- liand.'uilh 111.' complaints that the budget was-loohigh, while on tin- otl'cr. to»iis|miplp prolcsted vigorously when "any"traclier was dr<ip|»'<l »r .in) ilqiartim-nt cut into loo deeply as a measureof

and in doingreduced cot.

iMiiy. -We liehctc. him ever, tlial tin- Ward lias made an excellent record,d i so has pleasi-d aU'kidcs by gi>ing more service and at a

Its nictnhcrs are n> lie loiignitulalcil as well as. Dr. l.loydi i J l i who jia> given much assistance

to the board in addition tiilTeeping the sclu«ils o|icratiiig MiuwlTiiy.

JSIeuUr «b>et. W tt»t <blld putt It tor IU cultur»l r»»ue only «nd b«*r^d of eumi. In ptac let em^iuriibe ptaeed on th.t ohUdr^mjjor ehoteIn which It It held retoonHble to «n1Terue tUndtrd with a n *i J T o n e rid. of the eUM could titthow m»JorB«, to which group theteKher would direct hl» pe«U»t eBortwhile the other hmlf get* Kieh benefltM It c»n, iurely In inoit C M « tufflclentto meet We'i d«n»nd§ Uter on.

A girt ihould not be flowed to Hunkgeometry If >>» » m»)oring In homeeconomic and expect* to be » houie-wUe or Btenogrmpher. The collegegrqjip should be held to rtrlcter »c-counUblllty. Exunt under my iy>tem,except of coUege RTOUP*, would be onmajor subject* only. A major subjectfor one may be a minor for anotheras determined by the tuperlntendentor principal.

Under this system true values wouldbe given to each subject according tothe particular child's natural inctlna-tlon.

Seals would be emptied In class ofthose falling to pan subject* ot tittlevalue_tojheni;homework would be cut

the past week:KBtCHANTS

E. Welsh 1 *O. KurU —188Kramer - •*•lattT 148Cuter 1«OorsUlo*e

i n


i J. IA high mass of requiem was said ml

at Michael* Ohio* T*»*^»orDtaJtor 0 .

a t b J s l » w M i I i n o o t a « . |: a tarief

H.J.torn* to the I

tor a new book.

! Ma, I i m sjMIja


msnt took ptao* In 8ttary, PlatoflekL

A nailve of Locust Oap. P», sat.had been *~

LOsTT-Bank BoolCranford Tnat




H, WeUhBraunerOeo. KurU ..Fredrick* —BowdenDecket

An Encouraging S i g n -It i> nicouragiiig lo imle m the annual rc|>ort of the Secretary of

the local Hoard of Health that "the uuiiik-r of cases of communicablediseases in Cranford during l'M4 »as almost fifty i>cr cent less than thenumlicr of cases retried during the previous year, Advanced medicalscience and a|more widespread kuo«ledge of (he fundamentals of hygieneliave, no dmtbt. contributed a great deal toward the reducing of diseasehere and throughout the Stale, Townspeople should take every precautionduring 1935 and try to lower the 1934 -mark.

Under New Le-denhip—- The Slate of New Jersey embarked yesterday, l»und for the Port

orBeHcTTimesyiindcr i1te~guiiliiig~hanc]"of~a new chief-executive—Harojd G. Hoffman. A vigorous, alert and up-to-the-minute official,Governor Hoffman immediately made certain recommendations whichbe believes will make ttie sailing easier for his Ship of State.

In his inaugural address, the 3cVyear-otd Republican chiefexecutive advocated imposition of a 2 per cent sales tax and an incometax in an effort to raise $35,000,000 of new revenues to finance emergencyrelief and to relieve the tax burden on real estate.

While some of his recommendations are not popular in somequarters, they all deserve serious consideration as they are ainicd to raisefunds for relief and also to fclieve the tax burden on real estate, whichhave been the two big problems confronting the State for the past several

In Harold G. HofTman, the State lias a ca|nble leader, We wishhim happy sailing and pray tliat he may find that I'ort of better Times.


F.D.LC RepresentativeViiib Local Banks


Depositors who lose their savingsthrough bank failure* can no longerblame anyone but themselves. C. E.

NRlddell, Spedal Representative of theFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation.Washington, D. C. told a representa-tive of this newspaper here today.

Not only has the Federal Oovem-ment provided an agency for protect-ing bank deposit*, he pointed out, butIt has Insisted th*t hanks which enjoy

- this Insurance make that tact readily—-known. Both the Cranford Trust

Company and~lhF~Flnt National Bank~ are members ot the Insurance Fund.

Mr, Riddel "lls making a survey ofbanking conditions In the County forthe Insurance Corporation, and heplans to interview bankers and bus!ness men of, this locality to regard toFederal Deposit Insurancegeneral banking situation., There are more than 14.000 banks Inthe United Stales to which every de-positor Is Insured up to ,a limit of

1 ISJOOO, through membership of such In-stitutions to. the Insurance Fund ad-

'• mtolsteted by the'Federal Deposit In.' surance Corporation, he declared.

\ Even should an Insured bank fall,depositors will be promptly reimbursed

'„ up to, the committed'liability. So fra,but 8 Insured bank* have'closed theirdoors during the year of IBM, and but

. one'during-thel present year, and in•every imUncc depodSon are protectedagainst loss wl-hout dela) This Is. aremarkable contrail to former years

On a teat run of the new conrehtionaltream-Uned locomotive of the .Read-

ing Company, a speed of almost Onehundred-miles per hour.was attainedyesterday between Philadelphia andJersey, City.'

This train consisting of locomotiveNo. 108, four standard ateel coache* andtwo Pullman car*, occupied by, Mr.E. W. Scheer, Vice President In chargeof Operation and Maintenance andother Reading Company and CentralRailroad Company of New Jersey offi-cials, made the ninety mile run Ineighty-eight minute*, with three sta-tion stops,

This modernised locomotive with ten.der batf-an 'over-all length ot **J> feet,9V Inches and the engine and tendercombined weigh 457,300 lbs. The steampressure 1* M0 lbs. Cylinders 38 Inchesby 28 Inches, tractive effort MAOO lbs.,

of 'adhesion 4.33, driving wheels80 inches.

The locomotive will be placed on ex-hibition to the public Tuesday, Janu-ary 15th, at the Jersey City Station ofthe«Cehtral Railroad Company Ot Kew

In half and In Its p yIng truly necessary subject* could beIntroduced, to develop the mind as wellas the body. For we cannot overlookthe fact that the ..majority of dtlsenssupport themselves by manual laborand It should not be dlsplsed. Our artgaUerie* glorify manual labor.

Our children should have supervisedathletics while the "sun Is still out,"they should have course* to developleadership, courses on ethics, good man-ners, politic*, household managementand Infant care, courses In pychology,economic*' and sociology. *hould be In-troduced; They develop a child's mindfar more than Caesar. Courses shouldbe made more popular, and pleasant,school books need" not-necessarily-beused tor their dry text bookie sound,and our teachers should be chosen be-came they Include personality .andradiate enthusiasm and create In astudent a love for his work. Childrenshould rub elbow* with .persons tdynamic personality.

If we can stop spoiling Milton's Para-dise Lost by parsing each sentence, Ifwe can make Individual successes outof each and every child according toit* qualifications swe wUl have given"all a chance for success" and mini-mised the bad effects of failure. Aboveall let us tight that disease of Inferi-ority complex and say "We can,", notcan't.

Let us not vote for a thirty-hour.

— — — Syracuse, N. Y.

week for a laboring man It we do notInclude hl». children In school as well.

Let us remove that bugaboo of home-work and exams, and a new happinesswill enter our homes which will make

education.Dr. Morrlaett seems to have pointed

the way. We can help In this fight tora square deal by cooperating and urg-ing htm on.

What about It you fathers and moth-en and taxpayers? ' "" 1


period the Instructors held-their own.l h d h

perior condition o6 the younger teambegan to become more pronounced.

Machinery Company of HsrrpieviSusly he wa* employed by the Pos-1tal Telegraph to New York.

Be was a communicant of Bt Mich-1ael's Church, and a member of its HolyName Society. He was a member ofWestfleld Council. No. ITU. K. of C,land of the Cranford Democratic Club.

Surviving him are two listers, IDsslMargarH Erendergast and Mrs. Mary

both of Cranford.

took Ho. UM8 of theCranford T*s* Oompany. Onnforo,N.J. The toner to requested to re-tum It to the bank. II not restoredbeton thi second day of February.IMS, applkatko wm be made to thebank for a new book. , l -»

MT*.Mary .Funeral services were held Monday

morning from 8t. Michael's Church torMr*. Mary Bishop, wife ot the lateHenry Bishop, who died early Saturdaymorning In St. Elisabeth'* Hospital.Elizabeth, following a abort Illness, I n - I »terment took place to Bt. Oertrude'sCemetery. Woodbrldge.

rsBDOrator.. - — - . .


" . . ~ • •

slip covers, shades, cabinet w o nalso alt furniture repair. FredKant-ner * Bon. formerly with W. Banm-garten, 45 South Union Avenue. Tele-phone CRanf ord 8-08(3. **



FOB RHaBsa sfl k s n s r aemergency eaBs, ca l B. 1ft Co, 10 Ahsen BtraetCBanford 8 8888; asthtTreat CRanford sVjm. .


Bom In Canada seventy-two yearsago, Mrs. Bishop made her home witha daughter, Mrs. Eugene Doyle. 818Orange avenue. • She was a communl-a n t ot St. Michael's Church.

Besides Mrs. Doyle, Mrs. Bihop •surwed by. two other daughters, Mrs.Ida Buckingham and .Mrs. Eva Jones,both of Auburn. N. Y., and five son*.Joseph A, of Auburn: Oeorge J., andJams -T.-of-Wew-Yorfci-Kugene J. nfBuffalo, N. Y, and Raymond J. of

creaae* your dollars more.on jour lott «ad to. your jhave attxaettw Mi and plsaa «Uohyou inv *e* without obUgatlon. Actnow bef or. labor and mtariala to-

FeUc«l.D«Fa*»o,iari "

ford I mm T.•P"

FLOORS BHJUDAN OAK floor adds dtoUnotton to your

home. For Installation of nsrsr Boors.or reflnlshlng old floors, eaU HDa T.Schedln, 818 Third Avenue. BosaDa,

>lle4-O»90. tf

H. KebnKelm, father of

William F. Behrens. Jr, at 83 Benls-mto street, died suddenly last Wednes-day night to Albany, N. Y. Mr. Kelmhad vUted with hi* son and daughter-

H 13 ZT to-Uw. the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Behrens,during the Christmas holiday*, and hadbeen slightly 111 only a few days. Bewas well known to members ot Cal-vary Lutheran Church where he visitedon several occasion* The Rev, Mr,

HndBng wood,by th* cord. Lemuel

High Btreat and SouthTelephone CRan. "

WANTED—Load or past-load of boute-hota~t6ods to or fross Cbhtmrm.OUo. Jan. 23rd: Ptttsawrgh. Fa. Jin.33nd; Boston, Mass, Jan. SIM. Dailyexpress to Mew Tor* Ctty. Steer», JLIKJJSJ. Tut* Mia^BwW^kte Vtelnfirtti

and Mew Bnsawkk.

FIBEPLACE Wood — Beasonad oakwood cut to your order, 8MJ88 peccord, dsllvered. Ktocgmg, 1 rimsiafor 8L0O. Sargente ftrpnas,phone WEstfleld MOM. «

•h»^^^.L^i"^^- "xs»s=."pttd-^Lr;»

and Mrs. Behrens attended the. funeralservices which were conducted Sstur-

m day afternoon from Bt. John's Chapel,West Albany. The Rev. Mr. Behrensassisted Nwlth the service. ^

Jsases V. FUsgeraMFuneral services for James V. Piss-

gerald. Infant son of Mr, and Mrs.James Fltxgerald of 428 north Unionavenue, were conducted Saturday morn-Ing from the home of his parents .bythe Rev. James F. McDonald, pastorof St. Michael's" Church. Internmentwas to 8t.J?ertrude'a Cemetery, Wood-bridge. The child, who was a year andeight month's old, died last Thursday

WHIN you an ready to

prise, by winning so easily: In the sec-ond gsme. The Characters were ex-pected to give the past-masters a close

night following a short illness.

the present appear a. the dark age, to — ^ t ^ ™ ^ ^ m a t c h toescoring' pace set by Dlttmar, Kennyand; Stevens, Dlttmar won undisputedpossession of the lead In the Individualscoring race by tallying thirteen point*.

The box score:CHI BETA PHI

g — fSanders, rf. 2

Chi Phis, Old TbnertWin First League Games

Phone CRanford 6-0120


FOOT SntCtAUSTOffice Hoars: Mon, WM, Frt,

• Tuaa, Thar. Sat. t to 86 NOETH AVKNUB. W. OaUMTOBO

(Above oranford Trust OoJ

The Cronford' Municipal BasketballLeague, sponsored by the Cranford A.0., opened Monday night with twogames on the Sherman School court.The Chi Beta Phi quintet, composedchiefly ot the Onnford A. O. Jayvees,romped off with a 31-14 decision overthe High School Faculty. In the night-cap, the Old-Timers outscored theCharacters 36-10.

In addition to the basketball league,the Cranford A. C. will Inaugurate lttregular weekly claasts tonight In Roose-velt' School.- This tpedal feature Isopen to anyone Interested In this typeof physietal development. , '

Led by the scoring of Dadd. Downey,Ifrliman anC Sanders' the Chi BetaPhi had 11'. lie dlOculty In outlasting

tewperthwalte, It..Refiner, If, .T.™._Downey, c.Dadd, rg. .-Helneman,: lg:Olofson, It. ....


Smithy, c. I :McOrath, rg.Slkora, lg.Austin,


Ruby, rf.

'Sis^^^A ' — * - * * - _UUK OTOMiKaV HD.

qoallty matsrlalt and sasatOta*mansfain. Fellos M. ptFabkxlOT Lta-.oofei A o f t LOBanferd I 0 5 W J . ~ U


at a reasonable price.CRanford 84488-W a6-0011.

TelephoneCRanford I

Union County BuickCo.

2 10


Oatey, TfBeam, If. „ ,Qualntance," U,Wlshart, c. „Albetls, c. .Coffee, rg. ,Hamleb, rg. ,Weekley. lg, ,




3 J31

1, 0


' rfPlelhaj

the high school teachers In the open- Qleason It


- *_— _ .0

3 14

Totals. 2 26

NOTICt or KEtTIHOThe rnuUr tufUig o( if* iluKtolittn of

Uu CtmfonJ Uututl. llulldlic tail Urn A wcllClon for UM purpoM ot tlectlof four IMtra-liin lot thrta tun mi u Irtnurt tudi otlxrKiilnru •• our (iroparlr nou titfora On mttl.Int. Mil b> btld In Uio room of Iho A Ili < N t h t W t C f dI t . Mi > btld In Uio room of Iho AMWII.lion, < North t i n u , Writ, Cnofard, N. J., on

UONDAY, rXBRUAIIT tTll, 1IU,x i r HyiMtt

Piled Jinmrr i>. 1IU.H.O. DCULTHOKr. ,- (tocrturr.

c t.



Plumbing, Heating, TinningBtmadafd A«>«—tls'OU Bvnun 'ttt BOtTH AVK, CSANFOBD

TsL 8-M88

TBBABUttr DKPABTHKNT,Itloo, Public Worka Brw*.

n. C Bulod Bid., u. DopltaU . . . .llclj opmd In tali onet .1 1 M I ,IISS. for tumUtlm .11 Ubor .nd Vand prrformln* (II work for Ihoof Ul. U. B. V. O. .DCrtoford.dlneted lo Ih. IitctlUr. Onto No. StU,datod Mirth II, i n t . u d th. .pteui ^llou of Uddlm nt form In th« •p«u.Dnvkisa «ml ipMlfluUou. not iirMdtac a"II. » r DO obulnid It thli DOIn I* Uw tfto-cnlkiii of u» Aaltunt Dtnclor of^rraom-mrlt, PuUlo Worki Bnoch, bj •a? (mintcoatnnof, u d pmildri a dtpoaltTot t t s V« * ' • ' Men Mt lo uaur. 1U PTM.pt ntun.Ooi Mt wlirbe fnrnUhtd bulldcn' oitkuim,chtmlim of cotuwm or olbw wtuUttloawho will lurantr* lo rnki tbm irtlUM* fwtnr lob-rontniMor or suterUl 0m *•n* to muatllr n v n r m . pnn[of IIS to »»di to tmmt Iu v „ .,ChKki UTtred u dtpotlla Butt U aud.•Ml lo th» onkr of tha Tnannf or Uw u . . .Cwk Dtpoalu will not b. aenptad.- W, B.Bmoldj. AMUlaat Dinctor ^ ^ ^PuUle Worki Bruch.

ft H t l m i M i of Cnmtm* k. • » OraO *

~ . _ L Itat tkm 1W.M» •* «» e? I•Stan. Mar M» • s>u> wHk » » * « > *

rwtk* ratal tt am m«w « O» "JJ jBM « SMt Ai— — ' •

•( Cnmtm* «•«•

J W J A C tkulhorilnl ih. hlttw or

S< U ordtlntd trr Iht Tonohip

ttcasc baskataalL On Tttaadays. tb.piay\ai •oosvvett. on W«dns*rlays ar.Tsoradaya, a^ I J ~ - J ~ ScnooL Intedass annlasts wm tmniiiieucs- In two itime o w n weeks, and teen there wiha a toacb of rivalry In their games.

Tfas boys' third team tost a wtlplayed basketball game to RoseQe ParThe soore to the flrrt quarter was *•tB th* locals- favor. In the mamQjnarter, the oppostof quintet made ttsoon 18-4. The third quarter end*Url2 to our Savor, but two baaketa Itt» iaat qoarter forfelled all hope ioar boys wtantasr the tame. The ftniscore-was 1&-U. iBgh scorers lor Cratlord were Son levy and Merwin Terr

Interclas* basketball lor the bo]eommenoed this week with the Senkatoodly boastlns; that they and U^fffiyf^rffhlp lTfrr going to-connecTo fulfill 4beb< boatt,'they took ovithe Junior* H-2T. High scorer* weiBIU Kettle and Bob Howes. The Sophonores also won from the Freshme15-4. High scorer was Bob Batter.

The point system committee mi<mdjer * chairman vii»

Ttxr elected Lester vrtmsecretary, and their chief aim Is to hattile student* comprehend the point syitern.

The.Radio Club met under.HarolWilson, science teacher. They practicethe aaone code, and seem to have ma*tend It wen.

TheSenora are planning a baskethadance. January i s at Roosevelt schooThe Senota win play the faculty;' anaccording to Principal Ray Clementhe faculty ha* a fine team thi* yeaand are out to revenge the licking thereceived from the Seniors last yea:Seven musicians of the Oreystone Manor orchestra will play for the danctnfollowing the game.

During the assembly period, the Jimlor dass held a short, snsppy meetlniThe. report on the Junior sub Uancwa* given, and the Juniors came outwentjr-ntae cents to the good.. Despltthis small amount, the dance wasgreat success because this ha* been thonly data-in many years that ha

' f '•iTiajTfl wKhont bemg* In the red. Beatrioe saanac -was ^>«nfn Junior'. clairepresenUUve to.,the-Alumni AssodaUan. A nnmmtttw lor class rings waelected and consists of Louts Demmerk

Ice Maraac, AngelI and Jotmathan Mller,

r hall this week held tbi and Bentors. A play caB*

a fltenograpfaer.1" was sjlveiOder mas Howen* direction. The esswas; OAce. boy, Barry Manning: mailman. Balpb aserueubeig: senior atcre

' tary, Jssttle PaMsewttx; president. JoAaglnell: bookkeepers. Rota Moweiand Marie Faith; applicants, Mariom***** ^ aQsanor Relle. Wtrfht Pf ltitr, uuDotDthy McOfsiuun* Ftvti TnTwurMnIrene Dl TutBo.

FridaraXtonoon, three big eventwen held. Ftet. a fashion show waput, on to. the assembly. Model* freea Wewark depeiUueut'store «howed hc««W* can -wear dotbea. School dressaevening (owns, coats and hats wer

.shown-In-quick-succession while U>gW* gasped with delight. It was an en)oyable affahvand when the girl* leftmore than one had her heart set aone garment that she'd give a greadeal for. . Second, the debating clul

' met and held a very Interesting debat<on the subject. -Resolved, That thtrades passed and not passed be subsUtuted for the numerical grades noiIn use." Tin affirmative consisted oJean Bargos. Austin Dohrmari! -ArthuBrown, sod Lester Wlnn. Those taktoi

,th» negative side .were Lois WUsey, Dcj1 Levy, Florence Bracken.' and Mr.^Wls•hart. No decision was arrived at, buafter each speaker argued hi* poln!

' an mteresttag imnitrlnn ensued on th~ subject which again ended with no de

dateofhen. , Tfatrd. and test of Uuevents of Friday afternoon, was thi

fiBed,Cross card party.- This, organba' " ' out with a profit of 8K

> given to lha hsjh scorer olefrasraosnU wen


Page 3: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to

.S.MHM) •• £ _ ; ~ . > , , ; -

BBBri "•" *•* • • » ***ssa> «r a stow tt « aattasry m ntr saouer, aotv Harry B.^^Z mr a_t bated an us a> _ _ • iaa ** MtUtr. The tassnnedlau f m i •**

^•Bv^pSVJ ^ ^ ^ ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w ^ ^ ^ » ^ ^ • ^ B ' WSBBf *IBBBBBBBi S1VSW B^BSBI * ^ ^^—_^^™ - — ^ ^ ^ H B V a W S B r WTWaBf

• • -M ^agd ^Mfe SjMU MM ig^llMhA^*. ^ 4 M B A M - M I AUM—tiT -isTht _V L_ L_. ^ SB w r Ban* a r a M U M «r s a * M ^ ••••• wSavav._ , . M par tapt - , » „ _ , of SM par tent Wssvw.r^M kaead c« « a* Ibetr 1SS par eent. The Th*ToangW»iaMii'> Missionary Am-

r. and Dean Ban. aergaantab wimbirt art practicing after

aobool la preparation tor basketballi game* with other "


IMer-Twin <«wni—ma la two or

three nore weeks, and then there winbe a touch of rivalry in their game*.

The boy*' third team lost a well-played basketball game to Roselle Park.Theacore hi the first quarter was S-0In tht Meals' favor. In the second

scon le-4. The third quarter endedU T U to our flavor, but two basketa hithe tact quarter forfeited an hope ofoar bay* wtaninjr the game. The finalacorcwaa 1S-12. XBah scorer* for Cran-ford were Don Levy and Merwin Terry

Tnt—rial basketban for the boysoonunenoed this week with the Senior*loudly boasting that they and theTnM IHI*?*1^TnlJ* WHY | O t D ( tO COEUMCt.To fulfin their boast, 'they took overthe Juniors SI-XT. High acorers wereRffl Kettle and Bob Howe*. The Soph-omores also won from the Freshmen15-4. High scorer was Bob Batter.

The point system committee metWednesday <inderehalrman Ellen

""electedThey elected Letter Wlnn,secretary, and then- chief aim Is to havethe student* comprehend the point sys-tem.

The.Radio Club met under.HaroldWilson, edence teacher. They practicedthe Morse code, and seem to have mat-tend It weD.

The Senor* are planning a basketballdance January 1* at Roosevelt school.The Beooirs win play the faculty,' andaccording to Principal Ray Clement,the faculty ha* a fine team this year,and are out to revenge the licking theyreceived from the Seniors last year.Seven musician* of the Oreystone Man-or orchestra win play for the dancingfollowing the game.

- Darin, the aasembly period, the Jun-ior da** held a abort, snappy meeting.The report on the Junior sub dancewas given, and the Junior* came outtwenty-nine cent* to the good. Despitethis small amount, the dance was agreat success because this ha* been theonly da**-in many yean-that ha*

• emerged without being In the red. Bea-trice Mrrtar waa ?>|nt n Junior classrepresentative to the-Alumni Assoda-t t a . A committee for da** rings waselecttd and consists of Louis Denunerle.

Beatrice Maraac, ~ AngeloI andJabnathao MUer,

r nan this week held thei and Senior*. A play called

Oder M _ HoweB* direction. The castwas; Oafee boy, Harry Mmnning; man-mac. Ralph Sterueubetg; senior secre-tary, Kettle Panascwtts; president. JoejusEauuii« • QOOKBMpen Kum Jancnand Marie N t h ; mppUawU, MariaaBfflJo, Wmnw nelfe, Ntflc Peltier, andDorothy McOtsiuun* «UM3Irene Di TulBo.

Fridaraftemoon, three big event*were held. FhaVa fashion,show wasput on in. the aatembly. Models froma Mewark department'*tore showed hows*rl* can ipesr dotbes. School die wet,evening gowns, coat* and hat* were

-shown.in-quick succession while thegirls gasped with delight. It was an en-joyable aftalrrand when the girls left,more than one had her heart set onone garment that ahe'd give a greatdeal for. . Second, the debating dub

' met and held a ytry Interesting debateon the subject. -Resolved, That thegrade* pasted and not passed be *ub-

' stituted for the numerical grade* nowIn use," The afflnnatlve consisted ofJean Bargos. Austin Dohrmaif, -Arthur

/Brown, and Lester Wlnn. Those taking, the negative side were Lois Wltaejf, Don

1 Levy, Florence Bracken.' and Mr. Wla-•bsrt No decision waa arrived at, but-after each speaker argued• hi*>point.

T. B. League ThanksXmas Seal Purchasers

A message of thank* to the purchas-ers of Christmas Seals "who therebysupport the work of the Onion CountyTuberculosis League" ha* been Issuedby the organisation's president, Dr. J.E, "•""*-"*

"To an who have sent In their con-, trlbution. I wish In the name of the^association to express our thanks and

a good wiaH for IMS. If it were poa-alhle we would acknowledge every gift,but our broad appeal makes this im-possible. Our policy is to acknowledgecash contributions only, a* cancelledcheck* are In themselves a receipt.'Dr. Runnells continued, "and may Iremind those who received seals andhave not yet responded that It 1* notyet too late. Our work of fighting tu-berculosis in Union County during thecoming year depends on the seal saleincome and dollars received are Justat useful a* those received in December.

Dr. Runnells dted the exceptionalinurest—and-groupa and individuals and paid tributeto the part played by the press of thecounty, not only during the Christmasteals campaign but In it* all-year-round educational program.

Receipt* to date over the entirecounty have reached *16,482.74 *j com-parea~wlth I19.83S.16 for the same datelast year. Laat year's total saleamounted to I18.7M.33.

A. L. Woodland, local treasurer, re-port* that M48.05 haa been received todate in Cranford.

Announce Dates for ScoutCourts of Honor Review

Dates have been fixed for the finaldistrict board* of review and court ofhonor for the present scout year.Scout* who wish to get credit in the# _«. . i «*•*»* r W l H Con 1*58* u a IMIMU j . uiuu ui w»«iituti a Aim vy

for obtaining first class rank or for Charles O. Durfee, a representative ofmem badge passed must be present at a company manufacturing Ore fightingeimer the board meeting Friday night equipment. Mr. Durfee illustrated hisat the Cranford Methodist Church, or address by demonstrating how certaintheone to be held February « The chemicals are used to extinguish varl-

. subject which again ended with no de-l>dston given.. Third, and test of the

event* of Friday afternoon, ma theI^Bed,Croat card party.- This, organba-lltton came out with •profit of *1«.

^msss ware grrento the high scorer of- ' • ' - • 'id? refreshmenU '

fm<*/mmmmmi wwavwr m " ^ » * " « * ^ ^ * • ^ , v^ammm «SMWJW*> '•I S^BHW *aa*a a rfSSBB S B aa BB a h— . H f a ^ ^ t f d ^^^^^^m ^hs^BBBal t& A*^ ttbia^^^^AAAI ^^*^t» ^^a»4B^B^BP V M V J t ^ t w * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tT^*^^^a» ^t^r^wa^sl IA (BMB^ ^s^^^VVvVBtj

lav Ska sssBka* ^aslLr-tajaPN WU StSSSti tht wmtar m*s^*«^SJBT ^a^BJ •BJBB;g^^Bw>awj» ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T T ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ i^ry^^ v * ^ ^ " w ^ ^ WSBBWBBSV ^ B | B R « B J B ^ B J B | •

stk Mtoklssi, ssa *» S M * sstasy asjM tor tht sot ova^ • K ^B^kW -A^B^B^BI B^RBBS VsHakal s t t 'Sa^ftftUt J^BVB^SA- *Pha| A s ^ * BB^SBSBLB

^a^Fw VgSg^aT I**V*^IBHB> 4 H H * J - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " srs sT B¥*% ^pV^K^tV. SiEjja* EJr|jW^ ^*^^^*w

•as* . .. tm m» ksM IMS week. T*t psstsr;M* Ostsst tttt Ihst **••»».HT.Msnter, wffl apeakeaeb

^hkmAA^B^bBtt . . ^ ^ s ^ S , M^sasaA B^BBBBIA sajRas^aV ^s i ^^^^^^^

• F»»f, « T.

T . wmapaakeaebst flu wsttum on the subjset.

s» as) stniet Sunday morn-«si* paasss by Mr*. Foyntsr la— of her stouter. Mr*. Barry B.

I will, ran for two^" <• ^ w™"^p • ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M B B V I S B I • ABMtUSi1"

ttsir SMt Monday evening st thehosas of Mr*. VtUsm D. Reel hi Wai-

,IIB> avttma. Mrs. F. Herbert HoickImi imi st lbs busineas •essloo. A*.sMsat Tinstistn were Mrs. HartaTW.Drew and Mr*. R. K. Tool.

The weekly prayer meeting of thtQtnartsssnt- of the Sunday

arouted otnotrntag tht final tcort.

lion«toH*«rAWTown, jcnool

_ _ _ _ _ <ua~..- laBanimnu- m UH SundayMayor Oeorge E. CsterneUJt and Po- *—«* " - h * 1 »~*CTday at the horn*

lice Oomnuasloner Edmund p SulUvan °* * • • *• J ' Osnning in 117 NorthJot Couunasdautr Umund P. Sullivahave bten,lnvtt*d to discuss tht Town

2«SJM A^Jw * i t '

were taablt to^-b*tatktts wart put an

by Farcy T_nas, Oeargt Evans, Joe

sad others, while Charles Falkncrkapt tbt piano busy not only at an ac-noropantst for tbt local- talent but Inplaying for the community slngmg.

nounced recently at a dinner. meet- 3*^*ry **•Ins of t—£ dub ID Oolenuu'i Inn by ITl* M"*1

wMMi A« iTfnnypafk i*r. t tulnnm of

Rntgera to Ghre Course

Pmldent Robert C. Clothier of Rut-

fer in the Couegt of Ait* and Sdancet

Plnmmer. president of the Board ofEducation, Trustee Harry R, siaton,chatrman of the finance committee, andDr. Lloyd ft. Morrttett, supervisingprmipal. have been invited to attendthe February 1 meeting and to discussschool affair*.

An interesting talk on "CorporateSurety" was given by Chauncey How-land, a representative of the AmericanBurety Company.

It waa announced that a card partyUl be held In the latter part of the

month and that plant are being madefor an entertainment to be held dur-ing the winter. ' -

Al" Hemleb waa proposed for mem-bership.

President A. T. Baker had charge ofthe meeting.


Ing government atnrlce as a career andas such I* In keeping with the recenttrend In selection of government per-

r It ti d i d f th d"LIFE" wiU be the subject of the'sonner. It I* designed for those under'Lesson-Sermon I n. all .Churches of graduate* who desire to prepare them'Christ. Bclentbt, on Sunday. January' selves for public administration ond10. business or for administrative positions

The Oolden Text la: "The lite was In the Institution* and agencies con-jnanlfested, and we have seen It, and cerned with public welfare,bear witness, and show unto you that I In making the announcement Dr.eternal life, which waa with the Fa- Clothier said: "We need trained menther, and waa manifested unto ua" in governmental positions. Able careercl John 1:2). men are especially important in a

Among the citations which comprise democratic form of government. Eng-the Lesson-Sermon It the lollowlng land has been more fortunate thanfrom the Bible: "Enter ye in at the America In having a tradition of op-stralt gate: for wide Is the gate, and portunity lor college men In govern-broad Is the way, that leadeth to de- mental service. Increasingly In Amer

Robert Fuller LeadsIn Nation-wide Contest

Robert Davitt FuUer, son of Mr. andMr*. Robert Fuller of 313 Lincoln ave-nue, who Is a freshman In the depart-ment of architecture of the CatholicUniversity. Washington, D. C haaBeeirawaraiMTrnrarplace menUorTuT

Nation-wide architectural contestsponsored by the Beaux Arts Instituteof New Vork. Two hundred studentsfrom the major schools of architecturethroughout the United States partici-pated.

The theme of the contest. "The En-trance to a Rocky Vault," was Inspiredby the sudden death recently of aOreek archcologiat engaged In researchat Mount Parnassus In Greece. Theproblem was a four-week design of amonumental tomb entrjince suitable forconstruction at Mount Parnassus.

Robert la a graduate of CranfordHigh School with the class or 1934.

alrucllon. and many there be whichgoMn thereat: Because itralt Is thegate, and narrow 1* the way, whichlradeth unto life, and few there bethat find It" (Matthew '

The Lesson-Sermon also Includes thefallowing passage from the ChristianSconce textbook, "Science and Healthw l l n Ke>' t 0 "« Scriptures' by MaryB o k e r Bdd5 f : " W e a11 aiutt learn thatLlf« ta °«l- * * younelf: Am I liv-ina l h e "ri! l n l l t approaches the su-PrCT" »°°d>*,-Am-I-deBiomtratlinr-thfhtallng power • of Truth and Lovel If


*°- lhen lhe w U 1 «">* brighterV « g< u n t o t h e P«*«t day.' Your frulta wUlProvc * h » l t n e undersundlng of Oodb r i n g l t 0 m*n" (P-

CRAWORD'ROTARY CLUBMean* of extinguishing burning oils

and other Inflamables Which cannot beput ou( with water were described re-cently at .the luncheon meeting ofthe Rotary. Club In Coleman'j Inn by

Shrill Train WhistlingMay Be Stopped Here

The Village Improvement Associa-tion today received a letter from M. LIMcBheny, superintendent of theCen-tral~R*llroad of New Jersey, statingthat every effort will be made to cur-tail the shrill whistling tt the localcrossings. The V, I. A. haa been try-ing for some tune to have the excessivenoises stopped, as Cranford now haathe track* elevated above the crossings.Mr. Elheny also stated that he will con-fer with members relative to a requestlor elevator service at the local station.

Subscribe for the Citizen and Chron-icle—only tt per year, delivered.

y Theoourt of honor will be held February17. Reports on the progress made bythe boys since September I and duringJuly and August must be handed in toAlfred a Clark, chairman or the boardon or before February IS.

Newark Normal Offer.Coursea in Extension

The New Jersey State Normal Schoolat Newark la offering course* In ex-tension during the Spring Semester,IMS. These an designed to meet theneed* of teacher* In service who wishto further their education.'The coursesare credited toward the three-yearnormal school certificate and towardthe degree oif Bachelor of .Science inEducation which this, .Institution Isnow authorised to.grant Classes willstart February 4r 1WS, and. registra-tion work will precede this.

TOE BEG YOUR PARDONThrough a typographical error,

mistake was made In laat week's Issuein the story relating to the" candidate*for the Board of Education.. The para-graph concerning- the quallficatlbns ofMrs, Mote* A. Craig should have read:

Mrs. Craig 'has been a resident ofCranf ord for .the past seventeen yean.She Is an alumnus o(.Indiana StateTeachers' College and attended Rut-gers University, In June she" will re-ceive the B, 8. degree from Teachers'College,-,Columbia University. Mrs.Craig, In former- years, taught - InTeacher*' College of Valpartso Univer-sity, Valparlso, ,Ind. She ha* alwaysbeen active In civic affairs, and U amember of the Wednesday MorningClub,. Progress .Club, Dramatic; Club,dirt Scout Council, Baby Cunle.Board,National :Bafety.Council, Oarderi.'Clubof. Cranford,- the D A R.7 and-theV . I A.

out kinds of fires. The speaker wasIntroduced by William Winsey, chair-man of the program committee? Dr.Samuel M. Htnman, the presidenlreon-ducted the meeting.

Past President Henry W. WhippleInducted Harold W. Thayer Into mem-bership in the club. Mr, Thayer Isproprietor of the Westfield FlowerGrowers.

Visitors were Henry Plelster andCharles H. Darsh, of Westfield; Frank-lin Berry, of East Orange: Pord^LaTourette and Howard Parson, of Ro-telle: Arthur Manser, Harold Krun-greaser, Thomas O, Brennowayt, D. 8.Walter and Winston Ogden, of Sum-mit; and M. O. Doerlng, of Cranford.

CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONSThe United States Civil Service Com-

mission ha* announced open competi-tive examinations as; follows:' Elevator conductor," 11,080 a year, De-

partmental Service, Washington, D.C.Experlence'ln operation of electric ele-vators required.

Junior telephone operator, $1,280 ayear, Departmental Service, Washing-ton, D. C. Specified experience re-quired.

The dosing date for receipt of Appli-cations for these examinations la Jan-uary 38, 1S3S.

Full Information may be obtainedfrom B, W. F, Randolph. Secretary ofthe United States Civil Service Boardof,Examiners, at-the local post office.



lea college men will enter the serviceof the BUte and find useful careersin that service: more and more thegovernment will encourage them to doto and will open the doors of promo-tion to them. It Is in keeping with thistrend that Rutgers ha* inaugurated Itsnew curriculum."

Enrollment win be limited to stu-dent* whose ability, character and prr-aonallly make them well fitted for pub-lic admnlatratlon. To enroll, an under-gtaUuaTe"rnutfHcelVe~the special pproval of the committee In charge..Inaddition, an entering freshman musthave been graduated In the highestquarter of his preparatory school clou.

Three new courses will be offered inthe curriculum :8y specialist* in thefields of public administration, munici-pal government and administration,and public utility economics.

Irnaw WestUrM t-I*W


Near Els* streetWESTFIELD, N. J.

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Jobbing Estimating





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BUIU)1»S'HARD WARE—PAINTSFull Lmrfof Storm Sash and Doors, Porch Endo-


" **tttni

STREETB , c—utTOinTii J. ~oSoiOllMIMIMSS

feat ttka a "ta -t- M _*__•«**« ^_^_»

TMssa- tjrps st * * * is anof NMD Bmtae Oot*.

Transport* unman wtwUed tbt •raetttaMtt* sf ssea

•otu-parpott vatuest la a ssrlss of' OB ont of the oawvanyl

ScMer Ciubidki ft.

Cranford Church Calendar—vm Evumucat LvnrauH Caroacx

lie •tstman Bteaet

»:4B A. M.-Sunday iBcbooL 11:00. M.-TU Servlot.

CtAMroat OOBML TassutActsRtUord Avenue

lev. E. W. MstetdsSunday tervlcat Sunday Bchool. »:4S

. m.; morning tervlet 11 a. m.; even-tervlc*, 1:46 p. m.; young peoples'

MfUng, 1 p. m.Prayer and praise meeting Thursday

veiling. I p. m. All are welcome.

t>~ CttvtcnWalnut Avenue

Rev. Matthett T. Feyatar» : » A. M.-Bibl« Bchool. 11:00 A. MPubUc Worship. 7:00 P^M.—Ep-

rorth League. 6:00 P. M.—EveningWorship.

Filar PaaurnauN CiiiraatCorner of Springfield and North

Union AvenuesRev. Was. R, S k a

8:4S A. M.—Church School. 11:00 A.*.—Morning Worship, 7:00 P. M.—Christian Endeavor, 6:00 P.M.—Even-ng Worship.

FUST Bimsr CiiuacH a100 High Street

Rev. Beajaaabi F. AOeatBits A. M.—Sunday School. 11:00 A.

(.—Morning Worship. ' «:« P. M.—Y. P. U. 1:00 P. M— Evening Serv-

S:SS A. M. Sunday EcfaooL. 1146 A.L-Sertke. Wednetday tentce 6:U

P. M. Reading rooaa open daily exceptSundays and baUdayt from J to 1P. M.: also Fridays from 7:>S to 6 P.M.

Cor. of North An. and Fora* Ave.Rev. Fraa* M. Slirlna.

S a. m.—Holy Owimimlnn.»:« a. m.-Cnarch School.11 a. BL—Moraine pnyrr and ser-

mon (Holy Ounmiaiiwi the Snt Sun-day of the month).

• p. m.—Younc Praple* FeOonhlp.I p. m.—Choral Evenaong and ad-


BT. U n u a i R. C C a n nMUn Street

In. JIM F. Miff IRer. Uhm M. Naks*c ,

Sunday Massea: 7 a. m, S a. m.;Children* Masses, • : » a. m, (ollowrdby Sunday School: Hlch Mass. 10:30a. m, loilowed by benedkUon.

Tuesday, 7:i» p. m, St. Anne's De-VOttOQst.

ST. I U I K ) A. M. E. Ctroacii.1

W lll«h StmtBar. W. p . a U s

10.00 A. M.—Bunday-School. ll:00>A. M.—Public Worship. «:00 P. »L—Allen Christian Endeavor League. *:ao>P. M.—Evening Worship.

Ton.. Coal „«, TurtleWhen you get a ton ofcoal from T U T T L EB R O S , you get afull 2000 Ib. ton of dry.clean, screened coal.

(It passes over screens-made-to our order. Theholes a r e scientificallyarranged and differ foreach, size of coal. These screens have rpore than twicethe area ordinarily used.) ' " • „ '•


You PayOnly forCOAL...

*'.£.:.;. h' 'j;iL-fc .^ .T . .A.V", U \ J

ft , V j - ,

Page 4: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to


•There wlU to a dug chowder lunch-eon served In Calvary Lutheran Churchtomorrow from 13 to I Chowder willalso be sold by the quart Ur» C, AMry will beta chart*

' Asur* Chapter O B. 7 , wUl hoM acard party In the Masonic TempleSouth avenue, starting at I to .o'clockFriday night. All tames vUl be Inplay Chow mein will be served Talliesa n priced at SO cents .

of Personal IntewaiOaul of » Crantord Terrace Is

improving from a recant

Twroty-nve members and guests at-tended the Oouniv Club dinner at theBtaabeth Elk* Club Monday evening.Three new nwnu>» were elected andplaoa werr made for • dance to br held

' Pearosiy a President Edward BavldieprestoM The next meetly will be heldFebruary 11

A card party °und>r the *u«pl«-s ofBt, Theresa's Oulld of St. MfchaeliOhiirch. wlU *e held In the parochialschool on Tuesday, January »» Lunch-eon will be wired i l l p n Ticket*which »rr priced at fifty cents, may beobtalsed Iron) the commiUre Reservatlons/are to be made not liter thanFriday, January 28

The Rev Frederick A Johnson, D D,of Newark, will speak'*t the H o'clockaervtce Sunday morning In lh«. PintPresbyterian Church. The Woman's

.Missionary Society will meet In thechurch at 3:M o'clock thU afternoon.Mr*. Walter Bodtne wlU be In chart*.Mn. William H. Sloan will have chargeof the devotions. The nibject to bedJannaed will br "Bat, Africa." Therewill be an exhibition, of overseas work.Tea will be served. The pastor, theRe?. William R Sloan, la carrying on aaeries of Interesting studies relative tothe experience* of Israel In exile aa reeordedjn the; latter pint, of Isaiah., andtheir bearing upon .present,day exper-lences.


-Municipal Band WillPreterit Concert Soon

The Cranford Municipal Band, un-der the capable direction of JohnFrltach, Is lapldly swinging Into excel-lent form, holding their weekly rf-heanaU evrry .Thursday cvcnliiK al <o'clock In the Township Room*. ThereIs itlll room for sevrrsl musicians whowould devote >omo ol their lime nncltalent to help make this town bandsomething thnt everyone kill be Justlyproud of, Just aa West Held Is proud "oftheir band.

A band concert IV now twins plannedwhich will be put on In lioosrultSrhool In the nrar future.

r H


A aoc, Roter Edwin. »a» born Janu-s o « la Mr awl Mr. Cbarlea W. VanPelt of M Broad atnet ' -

W W Brice oTJ» Walnut avenuepsstrd thr week-end at hit booM onUkr Mohawk. Sparta

Mn Wrote. Morse of Btoomlntdsi*

Harriett Carpenter,daughter of Mr. arid Mn. Thorn" E.Carpenter of Oranf ord. will kacome thebrtde ot William OU1 Matte, eon of Mr-and Mrs. WUUam Matte, i'* of 111Aldan street. In • oaramony to be sol-emalsad al 1.10 o'clock Friday night *

of Mr. and Mrs. WUUamSpencer Damon In t Madison arenue.The Her. Fraderlck Howard Kletn. pas-

h f

SCOUTS AT BOVS' CAMPThe following members of Uoy Scout

Troop 76, sponsored by the AmericanLegion, spent Saturday acid Sunday atthe Ci'anfuid Bu>s' Camp~nf-llupv. lfrAnderson, .Barbaras. Brryfonlr, Ilun-nell. Crockett. Fnlmum. Parr. Orimth.

svenue, who was very lit recently Isreported ai convalescing.

Announcement has been made of thebirth of a ton, John Howard, to Mr.and Mn RUMTII Sherman of 113 southUnion svenue, on January t. •

Mrs William Ahrens of 29 CranfordTerrace has been confined to her home»lh the grippe lor several days

A daughter, Valeria Lynn, was bornon January « to Mr. and Mrs John H.Wurlh of 7 Balmier* Road, north.

Prank Mone of ft Edwards place Uable to be out again after having beenconfined to his home with Illness .

S A Shaheen of 711 High street,and son, Phillip, of Elberon. and JohnHlntelmann of Rumson sailed yester-ds'y on the 8 S Irtquoii for Miami.Fl* . where they Will spend two months.

Uenhard Bergel of Cranford avenueaddressed the Jewish Community Cen-ter of New Brunswick on Thursday ev-ening. Last evening be spoke beforethe Red Pine Club of the faculty of theNew Jersey College for Women. ..'

Bergt, Oeorge Rosendale,-PatrolmanJ J, McNemey and Harry Rosendaleattended the Hauptmann trial tnFlemlngton on Monday. Mr. and MrsChris Stevens of Washington Placewere visitors at the trial Tuesday.

MUs Charlotte WsUoil and Miss JeanWatson of Walnut avenue are passingsome time In Uradcntown, Fla. Theyrecently visited Ralph Rice, son of Mr.and Mrs. L A Rice of 7 Sylvesterstreet. «ho Is In school at Bailey Hall,Venice, Pla, this winter,

Mrs Waller W. Seymour ot Chicagochairman of the American Home De-partment, was a guest of Miss AliceLakey In 200 Mlln street last Thursday.Mrs Seymour Li attending the Boardmeeting of the. General Federationv.lilcli is being told thliMfirk In Wa-ih-IriRton, O. C

MIM Detty Upschltz of North avenueCrsnford, entertained at tier home onMonday evening members of tlie JuniorLeague of Temple Deth El, Member"present were Esther Bandasky, Selma

Irving; Jones. T, Unilng. Wand BXK. Tron«|Kjrtatlon


by Messrs Barbaras. Brryfoiilr.K l


yaill. Havens, Klnsllng and O'Dcll.

A combined demonstration ol BoyyScout work and entertainment will bepresented by Troop 70 at Uie Csuilnoat 8 o'clock Monday evening, January38. The dcmonstralionjs In charge ofMessrs. McKenney aijd Havens, andthe entertainment will be under the di-rection of Mr. Turckv

E. E. 8TEELE HURTBuilding Inspector Eugene E. Stecle

-PUW_MUn ilnei_KM_siiihtiy_(nJurMabout 3 o'clock yesterday afternoonwhen his automobile was In collisionwith an Abbott's Ice Cream truck, op-erated by David Crumble of Belleville,•at the Intersection of Walnut and Lln-

' coin avenues. 8tecle was treated for,ahock by Dr. J. L. Vail. Patrolman" Thomas Woods lijveaUgsUrd,

HAS OLD BIBLE• . Mrs. Florence A-. Damon of 3 Madi-

son avenue has In her possession aDutch Bible, which was published ln

plro, Jean and Crlla Mngwn nnd Ev-elyn Klein.

Recent Cranford arrivals In Floridaure Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cox of 30drove strrit, who motored to 8tPetersburg $nd tuive openi'd their win-ter home at 720 Seventh street, north,In the Sunshine City. Mr. nnd MrsC. S. Francis of 9 Hampton street arcenjojlnft their first season there andare rrsldng'ln the collier apartments,250 Eleventh avenue, northeast. ThomasMacMcckln, Jr., of 10 Central avenue,

recent. visitor with friends at880 First avenue, north.

1714, It has been Infamily for many years

Mrs. Damon's

Boucle dresses and suits blocked and-cleaned by experts. Paramount Glean-

»> ers. Telephone CH. 6-0688.

THERE b little that canbe done to fill the emp-

tiness aad feduur of soU-. tsjde that descends npon

the spirits of those whoare bereaved. However, bycontacting funeral servicesthat deflnlttly attend to_erery'deiaU and Indnde asense, of spiritual com-

'pieteneas, Booiey services- coueVrlaee to Blllng that

penooal need as tbe per-fection of funeral services

i J. Harmon Jailed forGetting Relief Falsely

James J. Hannon of 35 Burnslde ave-nue was sentenced to serve 60 days Inthe County.Jail by Judge, h. U Love-land In Police Court Tuesday eveningwhen he wiis found guilty of obtainingrelief through fraud. Hannon received•225 In relief funds during n periodwhen his wife was working steadily,and tils son, was employed at varioustimes. Hannon was committed to theCounty Jail by Patrolmen Harry Page,Jr., and Frank: Caruso. * '


Graded Afternoon Classes forChildren of 3-14 TearsMarionnette Theatre

Ecole Francatte de Westfieid64iNNo. Chestnut St.

' TEL. WestOeld. 1-1X9-J . .

KOPF'S ConfectioneryFOB,


. a n dICE CREAM


C. A. SK1LLMANBoeceaaor to-

A. C>ike Hdwe. Co.i U NORTH AVENUE^ W ' N



at theI m l M at the

F. M. •*•••» toIV. JL B. Meredttti of 3 ToaMto


lor of Trinity ~a*ascopal Church of Qntoenttr and sjsWsar to the Mew Jsr-Woodbrtdge. formerly of Cranforo, will1 , , , sgi*. Btattf of •susiitt, was theofflelat*

The bride, who will be given In mar-riage by her father, will wear a whitesatin gown. Her cousin. Mis* OaU Wai- following bat ta*. The speaker wa* Inlace of New York and Cranford. will traduced by Mas Gladys - — ' "be the maid of honor. Miss. Wallacewtu wear a flesh-colored lace gown.Jean and Joan One, cousins of thegroom, will be flower girts They willwear pink gowns and carry old fash-ioned bouquet*.

Mr. Nagle's best man will be Wsr-rn Crulluhank of Westfleld.Following* a reception for relatives

and Intlmste friend*, the bride andgroom wtU leave tin a motor tripthrough -the South. Upon their re-turn, they wlU be at home al US-WestKlh street. New York

The bride attended Penn Hall, Cham-brreburg. Fa.: Maryland College andthe Maryland Art Institute, BaliMd -•' .

Mr. Nagljl is a graduate of theton School of Finance of the Univer-sity of Pennsylvania, and Is connectedwith the Discount Corporation In NewYork. He Is a member of Alpha TauOmego social fraternity,-.

a*rtt«ally saradsd ot aarMM past fo«r yaaat have

chairman of (he education committee.In chat** of ttw evening's program.

Mrs. B. P. Dahkrtrom. coalman ofthe hospitality oomrglUf. had chargeof the ntimsbjnents She was assistedby Mia* Mary Anglemyer, Miss Oon-stanos Burnett. Mrs. R. L. Damon, Mia.F. a Franklin. Br, Mrs. J. F. Oarrett,Mrs. O. B, Oraat. Mrs. T. K. Beaton.Mrs. R. H. Lackey. Mrs L O. Relcheltand Mrs. H. B. Blekrtt.

Trinity F«flow»h*pGrauptVoto to Unite

Sunday evening InHouse, frounsone and

Youm People'* FeUowahlpunsrUmously adopted a raaolutlon tounite. Then were 71 member* In at-

Polknrlng a snort serrtc*

UVKAI, MUUtMOEAt a small,gathering of relative* and

friends last Friday evening, Mr. andMn. John W. Boud of 25 Bmora ave-nue announced the marriage of theirdaughter, Nancy Jane Allen, to Don-sld McKenxle. The young couple havebeen married since July, 18M.

and bualqeaa meeting. Interesting pic-tures of a tc*p through Alaska and tbeYellowstone National Park were shownby Lisle R. Beardske. On Sunday mem-ber* of the Fellowship will attend acorporate communion at 1:15 a. PL,followed by a breakfast. Section ofofficers wlU feature the (upper meet-ing .In the parish house at 8 p. nv,Sunday.

Republican WomenWtU Hew Loizetux

State Senator Charles E. Loiieauxwill speak at the" January Tea of theCranford Woman's Republican Club tobe hrld at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday aft-ernoon. January 30, at the home of Mrs.W. B. Damon In 3 Madison avenue,

Many From Here Attend"Hoffman Inauguration

Among the Cranford residents whoattended the Inauguration of Harold a.Hoffman as Oovernor In Trenton

Try—Former Fire Cuminis**sionef -Albert W. Burley, Andrew Bur-Icy, Prank Young, Charles Ehmllng,member of the County Board of Taxa-tion and County Commllteeman Iromthe eighth district; WUUanv Ehmllng,Harry Hicks, Edward Smith. BernardVansch, William Dangle. Charles Cum-mlngs, James CuUcn, Mr, Decker, andMotor Vehicle Inspectors Vincent Cop-cult and Thomas Harford.

I ROLLS GOOD (JAMESWilliam Austin, well-knewn through-

out the County as an. outstandingbowler, rolled three good gomes on theWestfleld alleys last Saturday, He to-talled 681 for three games, or an aver-age234, then 323. and finished with 333.

p.-f. A: WILL MEET 'Miss Audrey Once Adams, Home

Demon*tratlon«Agent for Union Coun-ty, will address members of the Roose-velt, P.-T. A. ln the school auditoriumat 3 o'clock: Monday afternoon. Hersubject wlU be "Values or ExtensionWork: ln Union County." Following theaddress, there will be a social period.Hostesses will be mothers ot children.In the third, fourth and fifth grades.

The Margaret Oreene Oulld of theFirst Presbyterian church will meet at6:48 o'clock Monday evening In thechurch school auditorium.


Our Banquet IlaII Is availabletor Private Dinners, Clubs,

LuncheonsVery Reasonable Prices,


wB be at jwm serrate,

-I* saac* •» manyh one bad w d i d

v g e s n n t aad «o mueJi ml »»i»U»ntsflomriklp and then as* thesa attp-onrthe border i s a **# a«»a» awkss

m Teat Moon must nave feltwbeo he wrote: 1 tad Uke on» whotread* aome banquet nan desertedwboa* UanU art llsd. whose gartands,dead, and aD but he departed.' I

"Some have been fathered bomellk*;a shock of ripened grain: others hare,•lipped away as silently as snowflake*,Dee before the rising sun. H you ask,why these thfcnfs should be so. I can.only aay wtth Whlttler:

-I have no answer for myself or theelave that I learned beside my moth-

er's kneeAll Is of Ood that Is. and Is to be,And Ood la food, htt this suffice u*

still.ReaUng in childlike trust upon His wUIWho more* to RU gnat ends unthwart-

ed by the 111.'"On test Thursday morning at about

11:15 o'clock, Pbeba Jeambey )otnedthose lmortal hosU who stand- In the

of the King. For UHrty-aevenyean she lived In Cranford and forpractically all of that time she was as-sociated with this church and was aworker hi the Bunday BcbOoL

'A mother In Israel whose falher andderations has found fruitage not only

the live* of her own children bat Inthe lives of that steady stream of youngpeople who passed' through her classes, i

She was an Indefstlgable student ot the 'Association, which win be held at 3:10S i t d h d U d h l f with St

High School QuintetF*ce« Chatham, Rahwa;

Cranfofd High School's strong b*«kelball squads will engage the Chathamquintets at Sherman Bchool Fridanight. The preliminary game will startat 7:30 p. m.. while the varsity contestwill be called at B:jo o'clock. '

Next Tuesday the Blue and Oolcquintets will Journey to Rahway to even. maUers with the High Bchool teamof that place. Rahway is the only HkjlBchool team to defeat the local varsitthU season. It is. expected that a largedelegation of fans will- accompany thteam.

Wbarr ChocoUla Coan From(!ilcuu iKMins gruw In thti—tmp

After they an1,stil|i|fttj to 'he factories'In tltU ciiiintry,: llii>y nrv tint roasted,nnd III*1!) the **nu's.t" U M'tmratMrftlie huitk. Thru Is tlu>h gnmnd. andhenteil until It iwcnnHHi pure liquidchncnlatt'. Tp mnke sueel chocolate,sugar mill stircli >rv added. Milk andeoi-oa hnlt«r irv nlno sddeil If tbepnxluct clealred Is milk chocolate. Msr-velnus mudiluni do DHist of thesethings niilnrmillrnlly. and even cutsliaiw and wrap tlif bars in tin foilanil impor, June as you buy tbemthe stnrv.

The Invention of gunpowder cannotbe deflnlteij traced to sny one Inilvldual. It Is certain that Itojcr IUroknew of such an explosive In theThirteenth century. IVrhspt thestrong-rat claim Is made for llertholBchwsrx, a Ccnnan monk of theFourteenth century. The Chinese nsupposed to have used gunpowdermany centuries ago.

Eas-laad Fit«4 Prim la 12*3An ordinance Issued In 1210, which

has come to light In Knglsnd, stipu-lated that no one should pay morethan iwn cents for a hi-n or a gallon"of beer, half a rent for a loaf of tiresJ8 cent* for a dressed lamb, or riffor a caw.

Empire Slat*Although the Empire Slnlc hullill..

on Fifth avenue. New York dly, 103stories high, Is widely ^knn«iiv fjtrVknow thnt a small building b>; the'samenmne has stnml on lower flroatlway |New York city for many years.

Hie Lady Fair Beauty Salon105 Walnut Avenue


New and Modern QuartersAT

108 WALNUT AVENUEDirectly Opposite On- Former Location




. We Invite Your PsOnmageCB. ( IMt FOR UTOIYTHENT


LirWs1ajaa1l.at.MR. lhar *a» l a * at saa.

Tea eaa east an amiaat wtth a my mUmffOImm

Cranford Trust Company


Announce HmteMMForV-LA-QiMrtely

Boatesses'for the adjourned Quarter-ly Meeting of the Village Improvement

g AssociaScripture*, and had sppUed herself with O ' d o c k

h d btt i t fr

afternoon, January St.p , pp O d o c k ntday afternoon, Jnuary .much more and better equipment for u the home of Mra. A. R. Wamockthat.work than the average Sunday l n w l prospect street, were announced

!hool worker possesses. I today." They will be Mrs, L. W. One,"For a considerable 'time, she success-j chairman of tbe hospitality committee;

f ully carried on a Women's Class. Those Mrs. Flora Sansom and Mrs. E. O.among us who remember that class still Houghton.speak appreciatively of her gifts 'and tn-1 The speaker of the afternoon will befluence as a teacher. Nothing pleased Miss Audrey ' Orace Adams, Unionter better than to b a n a group around County Home Demonstration Agent,her with open Bible* studying and Her subject will be, "How To Livelearning the things of ChfSC I never within Your Income."

her but what she wanted <o talk

representative of the Iincota M i a m i -Ufa Insurance Company, was) pnsantedwtth a silver cap on which bJa namew u Inscribed, at the annual dtasosr ofagents of the company.1 Ipeated bvtblssection, at the Newark: Athletic Club •Monday evening. Mr. Brack, wasawarded the trophy for having led theNorthern New Jersey agency la theamount ot Insurance sold during UM.

f her girls and her desire to see them BROTHERHOOD TO-MEST

Bible., It was during one ot these con- lenations she told me of how precious

she was finding the Bplstles of Timothya me to read as p > rrortIir

Scripture we had for our reading les-son this morning.

"To visit Mrs. Jeambey and to praywith her was to enter Into an unforget-table experience. She seemed to liveso close by the gates of haven that topray with her was to be ushered intothe Immediate presence of the Eternal.It was like standing on the Mount ottransfiguration with the disciples whenPeter said. "Lord. It Is good for us tobe here."

-She bore her long sk*ness witlwagentle patience and meekness andcheerful resignation that were beauti-ful to behold. I never saw a shadow onher-f ace. » —• ' —-—•—

Christ hureh, Jersey City.,

LOSTLOST—White coral necklace, Decem-

ber 3lst Reward, Telephone CRan-ford 8-1288-M.

"She has left us a splendid legacy othappy and Inspiring memories. We sa-lute her gentle spirit in passing andsay, Mother, we wlirmeet you at homeln the morning land where sorrow andsin and pain are no more.

"Meantime we would tender "to" herhusband and family, especially to hereldest son, the. Rev. Edward L Jeam-

y ot Point Pleasant PresbyterianChurch, Iowa, our very slnoerest sym-

ithy\Jn this, their hour of less.andsorrow."

FRENCH — SPANISHSECOND HALF-YEAH Starts FEB. 1Adalt Classes Morning and Evening.

Children;* Classes. Taterlng.

Ecole Francaite de Westfieid6«S No. Chestnat 8L

TEL. WestAeld Z-1K»-J\

Why not subacrlbe for this paper?Only' tt a year, delivered bV malL •


; - $1.50Cranford Paint & Hardware


U. of P. Men's Glee ClubConcert and Dance

Roosevelt J. H- S.p WeatfieldfV, 8 P. M.

• Tickets 50c1 Sponsored by

Senior High School P.-T. A.

Cranford Delicatessen'10 EASTMAN STREET

(Opposite tbe Theatre) ' '

FISH CAKES, reg. price,' das!; Xte ,CLAM CHOWDER, ~ ' ' !' ' : , reg. price, qt;Z0d'

Try oar famoat SALADS I,raonxK 0BdcEBn» AT •'

CKAIN BTOBJt PRICESOatB I A. M. tin Midnight,

Bandara aad Ilelldays laelisM

Additional ClauinedAdvertisement*

LOST—Springer Spaniel, female; black,year old. Reward. Mrs. I. M. Blanch-ard. 8 Edgewood Drive. Telephone

• SUmmit 6-1623.

_-_'_FU*WrjSHED BOQMS_.FURNISHED room with home privil-

eges for couple: M weekly. Tele-Phone CRanford S-09O3-R,


By the Oreneer of the Poor ofCranford:

Mattresses <OU Beaten

- These articles will be used toaid distressed families in Cran-ford. Telephone, Cranford 8-0037and a representative will call, orbring them to .110 Walnut avenue.

WARREN B3RKMAN,. Overseer of the Poor.




9 N. Union Avenue._Phot»elCIL-fi4)Uft_

Dad says:"A friend Is one who likes you

despite your faults, and some-times because of them."

Take the advice of your Mend. . . come In and let us completelyexplain Just what a Master KraftOU Burner can mean to you mheat performance and ecenomjr.You will Incur no obligation and'you can learn a lot that willbenefit you. We feature ea«ytune payments,



TEL. CKANTOBD t - U NCRANPORD.N.J., Representative '




, 10 Alden Street . : '0PPO81TE TOST OFFICE " ^ ^ ' " \ PHONE CK. 'MM*

NIOHT, FHONE,, C'TREAT, CR, e - t l i ] * . , ' . '



•tart*, ttsiaaty tost Ma* to JMMM*sssft tbtf I M H M H taWsW tf \ate# satatttaiBML

gamaUtoflsadathalftsaki, MttMbsgtnnlnt of the third awtar, OoaohWeekky tajsesad a reaarte ajnatai bvto the fray. The Mba uutiuuiid theTWtors-1 to • daring MM ejaartar, togrre Orantord a U to • tsatato. Thenretty. want back into tt* gasae la thelast period aftar HnWde (tatted a rallythat col the local*' Istat to ant potato.Tht rtsttora tMttaaad ttastr barrage onthe basket tmtffl they ware only on*point behind. The Bh» and Odd wanable to stage a tatty that brotsihtthemout on tbe loat and of a M to tt score



WlMoallB aKaWl

KoTdstnan, g.Tctncayk, gKeta, g.

Waricslck, f,Cboborda, f.Brown, c.Bzarko, cSauage, g.Thuro, g.Stelnlta, g. .Anderson, g,

Totals.Score by periods:

_ ranfcsfl " ;Hillside


- - ' tMarkawich, f _.._.._;_i.lDicks, f. '„ ^_J_____2Anguoll, f. __._J_m._._:.: 1Stanley, c. •_**!.: , —0Qrlmes,. g. . ;„.„. ___oDalessandrls, g. ~~Mn..~~^J& '•Sayre, g. 0Posytan, g



Jotantos, fCohen, f. .Muse, rHahm, c.Andrews, g.Bauer, g.

g f pi 7

jl, I.. 50 — 0 - - 0

0 01 0 32 1 6


Saturday's contest' was a revengegame for Cranford,the'Woodrow Wil-son team having upset the locals hutseason. .The game was the most thrill-Ing seen ln Sherman Gym ln a numberof years, and was Cranford's best sofar this season. '•>

The visitors took a n early lead whichthey continued t o hold throughout thefirst quarter, by a 10 to 8 margin. AttheNstart of the second quarter, how-




• i





. ALf


HELEN HAYES,' • In . '




Page 5: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to

sB kjA mA ^ h * ^^B « ^ ^ ^ •^^^s^u^^fc

w-tfort eaatar. aed 1Mb WWtaaw-tan. ttor gqat*. katkKt tt* I>SM q « .•tart*, ttmrntr Dm Mat to aainia*

ajsateait from Atrkaas*lQOatttomla,taHS

fam*lSt»fl*adathsttttB*. MttMbtttudo* of ttat thM astuter, OoaohWeakfcy tnttrtNl a mart* « * * « to.to tb* fray, lb s sat* uuttuunl th*vMtors-1 to • daring tb* ojsaitar, to• t o Cnntord a U to • MUsta. Th*vs*#ty.vmit back Into thtsaiM In th*tart period altar nOaM* ttartad a naythtt ett tb* local*'taad to at* points.Tt»vt*nmoaattnaadthafebara««onth* batkat n u uxr wars ooir on*point bahmd. ThtBhktaadCMdwmable to KM* a tatty that town* thanout on tb* tans;*ndof aM tol l nan

Xordstran, g.Tomesyk. i .Klein, f.

Warlcslck, I.Cboborda, f.BrOWn, C.Bzarko, c.Sauage, g.Thuro, g.Stelhlts, g.Andenon, g.

Hillside 4 3 3 13-31RESERVES WIN

CRANFORD--' t t p

Markawlch, f _.._._;_i.l 0 2Dicks, f. : 2 0 4AnglnoU, f.Stanley, c. ™ -Orlmee,. g.Dalessandrls, g. _Sayre, g.Posytan, g.



JoUntos, fCohen, f, •..„Mutt, gHahm, c.Andrews, g.Bauer, g.

g I P1 7

,2. l >. 50 — 0 - - 0

0 0l o 33 1 6


Saturday1! contest was a revengegame for Oranford,the'Woodrow Wil-ton team having upset the locals laitseason. .The game was the most thrill-ing seen In Sherman Gym In a numberof yean, and was Cranford's best sofar this season. '•>

The., visitors took a n early lead whichthey continued t o hold throughout then m quarter, by a 10 to 8 margin. AttheVrtart of the second quarter, how-

Score by periods:Oranford I M 7Woodrow WUsco 10 3 13

Referee: OardeU.


AnginoU. f. fDadd. f. J oDicks, f, oMarkawlch, f.Coroner, f. _..Stanley, c. ._Cameron, c.Dalessandrls, g.'Nordstrom, g. ,._ ».««,.™™.OPosytan, g oSayre, g, oKlein, g _ oOrltnes, g , o

Huelblf, f.Blnkov, fWUlmott, f..Heltmann, cObradovlch. c. ..Fisher, gOarstkewelgi, g.KeUy, g __._


I 33

li-477 n

t P0 30 00 03 60000 00 00 00 00 0



SKINfiCALlOUsl n H I U K t



33—Lonc-Klfnlits Oirnn Vic-torUolEnfUnddlM.lMl.

2J—Hunah MonutiM Irrnnutht diuchlbU csllir, 1U5.

3S—Fint cafcterU In worldopcm In Chloio, 1I9S.

, .3*—Slmutt Hopkins Ailaml.. firaediuihor. born U7I.

v . g. 37—Kippt Al"ph»-Th«u. 6r«• & A C 7 »ororlly, onmltcd 1870.

3»—Rallwiy icrou Iithmui orPinuna opcm for trafficIMS- w w



TODAY—FRI^-SAT. 2:30—7:30—9:00



HELEN HAYES ,.• • I n • , '





Maurice ChevalierJeanette MacDonald


! , ^_ ; > ; ; , { 1 Howl ing ;Pp twith Warren WOllam.

F * . Alarm Bansyj Couth and walnut

Ifi-Onlon and North• • " Avanuaa.

9%—BiirDHdt Aitgia and*-» William Btnek


P i t—Bmco f w<1 Dnoham* * Avenues.^7—Orange Avenue and• » ' 8Utn Street.AtJ—UsyxOn and Union^** . Arenue*Aft—Union Avenue, Booth and^° Marsh Street.CO—North Avenue near•«» Orohard Street.e,7—Orchard and WaahlmtonO f Streets.C1—Oaslno Avtnju and0 1 Manor Place.CO—Orang« and Raleighv Avenue*.7A—Tulip Street and Sprlng-

-*** flelcrAvenae;

OA—Elisabeth and Blooming-* " dais ATcnues.OC—North Avenue near EUia-o " beth Avenue.

I^C—Hampton and Eastman1 * ° Streets.O17—Arlington Road and" " North Avenue.

—Holly Btreet and Sprlng-field Avenue.

Q|C—Centennial and• * * ° Avenues.O1C—Broad and Elm1 3 1 0 Streets.•» IQ—Centennial Avenue and° * w Cranford Terrace:A%C—Lincoln and Walnut _^***v Avenues.

To Call Firemen by Tdcphsa*"Fire!" and give street and num-ber of residence or building onOre.









(•pitta* Puma. tMdto scr certain Uirngs

and. t< a m , m tt I* the ctlmax, ttbad to h* Ite dostnc ariasatnt

"Mow. In eaart, an auomcr (or toedefence can to kfa opmmc argonentaay thm»» not on record as evidence,

bis oaUtac of what he Intends tove. Bat to tbe'dorinf arfament be

Is expected to refer to nothing that has

far couldm such atheI Interpret

speeenrThe probien vns solved by Powell

rehearsine; the speech..with the attar-a ready to ^object- whtnevtr a

point came op that could be objectedto In .court. Then they debated as tohow the Judce would role, and -sus-tained" some of the objection*, and"overruled- others. •

After two days of this'mock trialthe speech was legally approved ashole-proof.

Zane Oiey* ootaf ul story oJ theOrefoQ TraD, "Wlfon Whetta," withR d l hp t « n d » » a n t r » n V r l xco-(eaturr. On Batarday mornlnc at»:4S o'clock and ll:3t the Rlatto wlUpresent finale E&t» MarkmeUa InThe Marionetle drcBS,- -Baby Bhtes."

• M B W MjaarfsMsaM^u f M Vfll s^k^pjttllBll Mft«kSha Tt M '^^^*^^^^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ BBBf ^BBBBBBBB^ BBBB] ^rV^a r RBV BBB tc VBI^W #B^rV*BB^P* mm JHIal

Wtm* Q—m, Cmm* mi YmrMi~jG-* FmrtheU

coma*, await th*Than, on* night whll* they an an-

tartahung- atvaral tmnpsotod gnaata,' Is noarnd that tha UtaM*

them, prepared to carry out Ms

AMhoufh th* poUot hav* bean son-saonad. the inteodM victim* a n afraidthat aid will oome too late. Indaapalr,they attempt to thwart th* murderous

Bat cyan before they can carryout their plan of action, th* hand ofthe murderer strife** and on* -victimof his steaming knife I* accounted for.

Plus five acts of vaudeville.

U H P*i«M la Catck fl.kNatives of Pern catch flsb by poison-

lag tbe water, so that the Dili l op out,and can be sprarnl or nettMl.

m i nicpIT TM:>*1> HMC avcOr TKKC riuiCTRrOMiac« KMIOCD rHcn AT



mm&Probak Junior fits allGillette A Probak rajon


Bobby Palm. A Co.Farrefl A Dab Taylor

Stanley Bros.Mann, Re

A MartinJack HaoVy Trio

R I T Zcuzaacra

D A N ' SQn&y Lhe P«dby Make!

JtryKilledaiidDreaacdWhile Yoa Wait



eU ArtLOffklskabfa





"Marine* Are Coming"„ J W D A Y — SATURDAY

' A direat PamUy Treat

"Anne ofGreen Gables-wM* ANNE SHIRLEY aa Anna

I nn> HIT |

"Kg Hearted Herbert"Oay KMie — Allac KcMaboo

C u m Cartaan — Newaetia

CLIFFAH-A^rtua a)via t——t l>a«tar«o. »:43

•0NT0OHIRY»r %mi a«M B«

u n i i at ttltr. at.


SUN. — XON. — TUBS.Don't Miss the New Dance

Craae, T h e Continental"


Tboat Ooof y Funsters'

Coffee l 25i for a om-pouad tta of ont>

i tbi* new btaod-vaeted to th*

Coffee » 2VMttfj-MU. (Mb *oalltir-«aperUy Mended.

Victor Coffee - 19"Aa oaM&MH Utnd of Bantoa.

Acme Coffee »* 27"Arabian Moeha, Java^and South American OoOeas.

Peas 19o 2 -3 29'lOcCaltf.


2 oval can* 15cpti«r21

pt jar 19ema •aasrKraatmm Bayal Anna CherriesOkanraai AMI* BaaeeKvanaay rraH OacktaOHaass •*•*• /Swept 01am Chowder)

t b% cans Meblf can tSe

t No." J cans Mebit can Ue

1 pt cans tSebig can Ue

PeachesCalif. Peach*.

16'big can 16c


Sanka CoffeeLag Cabta *yraa>maato TaptoeaQrape-Nata

lb can 46ccan Me. Me

ptcg l i ePkg l»c

Victor BreadBread SupremeSliced Rye' ','

luit "C

•a? 8c?' 10c

Beans with Pork15c HurtTs Asparagus TipsM S - Spaghetti

"WKen-L-Ration . 2 cans 18c° " own Tutti Frutti Icing Uyer Cake each 49c

4 16-oz cans 19cv 2 cans 25c

3 cans 19c

Potatoes19cU.S. No. I

15 lbs.


Eggs J.41Cfor inarhlm. Inlllmt

j w i N oBXOKPT SUN.

rarmdale Evaporated MUkDal MMIIC Atpuntm TipsShaker. Saltrea Beans or Balk Rice

r. * O. Naphtha Soaptiaeeaa Coeaa

-Uac*4a;- BtoeaH*

4 cans Hesquare can He

t pkga l ie .5 lbsUc

I botaUc. 1 cakea Ue

* lb tin ticSpkgs 13c

Octagon LaandrySoap 'Oonx pt can IHT*:' "qt can t»ff

. Baper Bads s small pkgs tSeLa Fraaee fondei pkg So

4 bars l»sFahnoltn Somp . S cakes UeOcUfoo Cleaaarr can SoSaUna pkg (o

I Red Salmon MeHorn Shoe

tallcans 33C

Finest Meats—Fresh and Smoked

F0WL \The finest mllkfed poultry: Weighing from 3 to 3M lbs each. -

Capons »35'

HAMS(Whole or Shank Half)

Large SmokedSkinned

Imported Grnyere Cheese boxsix portions 29c

Wisconsin LJmburger Cheese lb 23cSodus Creamed Cottage Cheese lb 15c

WFancy #1 Canadian Smells lb17cSea": :Food

SpecialsFancy WhlUncaSliced Fraah'CodfishFreah Slewtng Oysters (opened)Medium Sbe Chowder Clams

lb 7olb Uodoa UOdoxllo





Dozen 19c






, ' k LETTUCE. • •

Head 10c '


L*~ 7£Sir*&r **.

Page 6: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to


. JANUARY 17. t f »

' trossM Uir C M a r C U dmux at Lhrmartini Efts On* sUnday' e*enlag,•Dine or». W M X i u i t t efceted andptsas wet atafe lar a dux* to br betd

KAttfefd Kitwtl ChifidscL Tbe next ins t tn win be held

sYansary I»

Items of Personal InP. H Qaal ol n Ortnford TeTTans at

reported to to isaproving I n n a reesnl

recently to

A card pan?, ander the unpkn of•L I t o w i (Mil of St. Michael'*Cnnrcn, wtft be beM In the pergrhlsl

i l TTkmdHT, January » .w8l be srr«*d at_l p n


wbteh art pneed at ftrnr crou. mar benMatsjrd from it*, r tw i i l l luttass ait is be aude. not later thanFriday,

Tiw Her. Pndrrkk'A Johnson. D. Dof Newark, wtU speak t l U x t l o'clock

hv a m t n g In the FirstThe Woman's

Society wUJ asset In thei at m o'clock that afternoon.

Mm. Walter Badte wffl be .In chargeMm m i a a R. S o u wtll hare chaiseof the .devotions, The nbjeet to beiWarwanil win be "Oat. Africa " Therewffl be an exnlbtUan of overseas work.Tea «IU be « n r i . The pastor, theRe». WUham R. moan. U carrying on •atrtea of tofevesUng studies retative toUK eapcTtenree of Israel In exile aa re-corded In Hie latter part of Isaiah, andtheir bearing uponpresent day eiper-

MtmidprJ B u d

Present Concert Soon

The Cranrord Munictpsl Band, un-der lhr capable direction of JohnFntarh. b laptdiy twinging Into excel-lent form, bcddinc their mrrklvhearsala m n Thundsv rvmlnc at Io'clock In thr Towrahlp R « m ThereU Kill room for •rvrnt.imuiriaiis miiowould drvolr torn* ol ihrtr lime andUlent to.help make tills town bandsaw-thing that rrrnorv will br jualyproud of. Just as Wry field In proud o(thrlr band.

A band concert l» now beinj plannedwhich wUI br put ion In RawrrltSrhool In (he near futun-

A son, Roger Edwin, was bora Jana-ary f to Mr. and Mrs Charles W. VanPett of H Broad street.

W. w. Brk» o7 t u Walnut svenuapaased the week-end at his home onLake Mohawk. Sparta

Un Minnie Morse of Rloonungdalavenue, who wat very 111repotted u . convalescing.

Announcement baa been made of toe'bath of a '«on, John Howard, to Mr.and Mrs- Russell Sbermao of 113 soothUnion avenue, on January I

Mrs. WUllam Ahrens of 2* CrantordTerrace has been confined to her homewlh the grippe for several days

A daughter, Valeria Lynn, was bornon January * to Mr. and Mrs. John HWorth of 7 Balmiere Road, north.

Frank Morse oT»~Ed*ards place Isable to be out again after having beenconfined to Ms home with Illness.

S. A. Bhaheen of 111 High street,and son, Phillip, of Bberon. and JohnHlntetmann of Rumson sailed yester-day on the 8 8. irlquoU for Miami.I s . where they will spend two months.

Lienhard Bergel of Cranford avenuertrlriiiaaiil the Jewish Community Cen-

ter of New Brunswick on Thursday «v>enmg. Last evening he spoke beforethe Red Pine Chsb of the faculty of theNew Jersey College for Women.

Berrt. Oeorgr^osendale, Patrolman. J.McNerney and Harry Rosendale

attended the Hauptmann trial InFlemlngton on Monday. Mr._and Mrs.Chris Stevens of Washington Placewere visitors at the trial Tuesday. „ -*

Mlw Charlotte Watson snd Miss JeanWatson of Walnut avenue are passingsome lime, irf Bradentown. Fla. THeyrecenlly vtslted Ralph Rice, son of Mr.and MraW A. Rice of 1 Sylvesterstreet, who U irf trhool at Bailey Hall,Venice, Fla., this winter.

••Mrs. Walter W.~8eyrnour of Chicago,chairman of the' American Home De-partment,. waa. a guest or Miss AliceLskcy In 200 Mlln street hut Thursday.Mrs. Seymour li attendinir the Hoardmeeting of the Ocncral Federation,which Is being held this week in Wash-ington, D .C.

Mi«s Betty Upfchitz of North avenue,Cranford. entertained at her home onMonday evening members of the Junior

Beth El. Memberspresent were Esther Banduky. Selma

Betty Upschllt. Helen 8ha

8COPTS AT BOVS1 CAMP •The foUowtec membrrt of Boy Scout

Troop XspooMred by the AmericanLcfton. sprat Saturday and Sunday atthe Cranford Boys' Camp at Hope- IIAnderson, Barbaras. Brrrfoglr. Bun-nell. Crockrlt. Palrman. Parr. Ortfllth.Irrlng. Jones. T. tamint. W Larnin« _ _and Roe. Transportation « « fur- "ereiii Cninlonl arflvah In Florid!nished by Mean. Barbanu. tlrryfogle. a r r M r at"1 M " Ho»ard Cox of 31OUl. HaTens. Khullrut and OTV11. Kliovr >trerl. «lio motored to

A combined oVnwnstntioti of' Boy|l*eterabunt and haw o|x>nrd their*inSeoul work and entertainment will be I rr lu>me at 720 Srirntli Btrect, northpresented by Troop 78 ml Ute Casino '" l l w S u l w h l n i > clt>'- Mr. and Mi

OS^entor,daufhtor of Mr. and Mia. TBbmas *Oarpsnter of Cranford. MB Mooma thebrhst tt Wiman dm Magic, aon of Mr.and afti WUllam Made, Jr, of 111Aldan atnat. to a ctnoony to ba sol-amnlaad at • : » o'ekak rrtday nlgnt atttaa borne of Mr. and Mrs. WUllamSpenoer Oaoon la I Madison avenue.The Rev. Frederick Howard Beta, paa-tor of Trinity ay""!- ! Church tWoodbridge. formerly of CranforoVsrUI 'a—officiate.

The bride, who win be given In marrlage by her father, will wear a whitesatin gown. Her cousin. Miss OaU Wailacs of New York and Cranford. wUIbe tbe maid of honor. Miss Wallacewin wear a Hash-colored lace gown.Jean snd Joan Osae, eousins ofgroom, wUI be flower girls. They willwear pink gowns snd carry old fash

Mr. Nagle's best man will be Warren Crulkahank of Westneld.

Following a reception for relativesand Intimate friends, the bride .sndgroom, win leave . on s motor {tripthrough the South. Upon their' re-turn, they wUI be st home st l i t West16th street. New York

Tr* bride attended Penn Hall, Cham'brrsburg. Pa.; Maryland College andthe Maryland Art Institute. Baltimore,Md.

Mr. Nagle la a graduate of the Whar-ton School of Finance of the Univer-sity of Pennsylvania, snd Is connectedwith the Discount Corporation In NewYork. He Is a member of Alpha TauOmego aodal fraternity. '

ma fad w Turn Moon Hart tana faitfoDowtng hat HJt. The apsakar asu ln-

chairman of tb# aduoatton commtttM,In chatfi of tba woenmg'a progma.

dead, and tUtnt haMrs. B. P. Dahktrom, ohatoman offflirnnlHTT. had charge

of the refnaraietrU.

UVKAI. MAMUAGEAt a small gathering of relatives and

friends last Friday evening, Mr. andMrs. John W. Boud of » Dmora ave-nue announced, the marriage of theirdaughter, Nancy Jane Allen, to Don-ald McKenile. The young couple havebeen married since July, 1934,

• v'*"—' . •• ••

Republican WomenWill H e r Loixcux

State Senator Charles'E. LoizeauxwUI speak at the January Tea of theCranford Woman's Republican Club tose held at 3;30 o'clock Wednesday aft-•rnoon. January 30, at the home of Mrs,(V. 8. Damon in 3 Madison avenue.

piro. Jcao and Oelln Mngzen and Ev-el.m Klein.

at I o'clock Monday n-enlnc Ja C. 8. Prahrls of 9 Hampton street aiI*. The denionstratiaD u In rharge oi|r" jo>'n' : t h r l r n r e t season there andMessrs. McKranr? mnd l u m u . and " r ""Wng In Uie Collier apartments,the entertainment win be under Uie dl- P 0 Beventh arenue, northeast. Thomasrertlon of Mr. Turrk. MacMeekln. Jr. of 10 Central awnue,

I was a recent visitor with friendsE. E. ITTUEUC HVKT CW First avrnue, north.

BuUdtnc Inspector Eucme E. 8teeleof 10* Mlln street was slightly .injuredabout 3 o'clock yesterday afternoonwhen hla'automobile was in collision

jwjth an Abbotti l o f ctram tmck. op.erated by David Crumble of BeUerUleat the mtenection of Walnut and lin-eota avenue.. Sterle waa treated f

' ^ . ^ Dr- J U VttL

Thomas Woods tovwllgated.

" HAS OLD BIBLEMrs. Florence A. Damon of 3 Madl-

aoo avenue haa-in her possession aDutch Bible, which was published

J. J. Hannon Jguled forGetting Relief Fabely

1714. It has been infamily for many years.

Mrs. Damon's

BouO dresses and salts blocked andcleaned by experts. Paramount do in-OT. TOephoncCR.g-og«g.

Jamea J. Hannon of SSBunuldr ave-nue was sentenced to serve 60 days In-the County Jail by Judge' L. L. Love-land In Police Court Tuesday evenjngwhen he was foundI ^guilty of obtainingrelief through fraud. Hannon received*225 In relief funds during a periodwhen his wife w a s , working steadily,and h b son was employed at varioustimes. Hannon was committed to theCounty Jail by Patrolmen Hurry Page,Jr , and Frank Caruso.


Graded Afternoon classes forChildren of 3-14 Years• Marionnette Theatre

Ecole Francaise de WertneldCU No. Cbestnat SL

TEL. vTestOeld 2-1M9-J

y attestdetail a a t aacbsae1 saMtsal

KOPFS CoufectioneryFOB


, . and "•---ICE CREAM



^ TEL.(MNFOW6Hin55118fcrtJ.fcr,W-CnmfbnC

CiSKILLMAN, - Sacccsser to

A. C Pflce Hdwe. Co.• U NORTH AVENUE, W



Many From Here AttendHoffman Inauguration

Among the Cranford residents whoattended the Inauguration of Harold O.Hodman us Oovemor in TrentonTuesday were- Former Fire Commis-sioner Albert W. Burley. Andrew Bur-ley, Prank Young, Charles Ehmllng,jncmbcr-of-tlio-County-Board of-Taxa-Uon nnd County Commltteeman Jromthe eighth district; William Ehmllng.Harry Hicks, Edward Smith, BernardYanaeli. William Dangle. Charles Cum-mlniis, James.cullen. Mr. Decker, andMotor Vehicle Inspectors Vincent Cop-cutt and Thomas Harford,

BOLLS GOOD GAMESWilliam Austin-, well-knewn through-

out the County as an outstandingbowler, rolled three good games on theWestfleld alleys last Saturday, He to-talled 681 for three games, or a'n aver-age of in a game. In his first, he hit

-Some hare ben gathered hone Hsua shook of ripened tram; otban haw

by Miss Mary Angfcmyer. Miss Con- «upp«i away; as jsUentry as snovflskasstance Burnett, Mra. R. L. Damon, MM. n * before tha rising max. If yon sskr. & Pranklta, flr. Mrs. J. why tbeae thing* should ba as, I canMrs. O. B. Chant, Mrs. T. K. Beaton, only say with Whlttkr;Urn. R. H. LatotoyrMrs. L. O. Rcicbeltand Mra. H. B. Bfckett

Trinity Fdsvwalup • .Groopa Vote to Unite

At a meeting Sunday evening InTrinity Parish House, groups one sodtwo of the Young People's Fellowshipunanimously afstnitril a resolution tounits." There wars 71 members In at-tendance. Following a short servicesnd business BkMting, Interesting pie-tuns of a trip through Alaska and theYellowstone National Park were shownby.LWe R. Beardsiee. On ftmHtny ibers of the Fellowship will attend acorporate communion at IMS a. OL,followed by a breakfast. 'Bectkm ofoffloera will feature the supper meet-ing in the pariah house st « p. m,Bunday. :

"1 ban no answer for mvaelf or ttw*ta b j

High School QuintetFacet Chatham, Rahway

Cranford High School's strong bas-ketball squads will engage the Chatham

aave that I Isarnsd bssida my moth-er-sknes \

All Is «t Ood that Is, and Is to be.And Ood H good. Let thai sufflee us

stULResting In ohOdllks trust upon His willWho movaa to Hla great ends mthwart-

ed by the in.'"On last Thnraday momma at about

U:lS o'clock. Pbabs Jsamtasy Jotasdthose hnortsl'hosts who stand a thepresence of tbe E3nf . For thirty-sevenyears shri Jived m Cranford and forpractically all of that time she waa as-sociated with thai church and was a

the Sunday BehooL ''A mother In Israel whose father and

devotions has found fruitage not onlyIn the lives of her own children but inthe lives of that steady stream of youngpeople who passed through her classesShe. was an Indefatigable student of theScriptures, snd had applied herself withmiich more ai

waH to at jasjr asnka,

Cranford Trust Company

t>_^]jsaijgt _w>' <^sia»y

4 « * • / » to U *Mory

la tbtlalStaaiaadatbalf Us

: « U» thM i

tba fray.IT tot

la »*•••*t bask Into thkgi

r ant p«tad attor R8aM* staih that eat tt» keaV isad to| TnarWtsrsaoattoaadthelr. thtkaatti anttl thsywan


Hoateaeea for the adjourned QuarUr-

worker possesses. to M I pn»pe< street, were announcedte ilra. U W. Oxee,

qulnteU • at Sherman School Friday »P*«k appreciaUvely of her gifts and In-1 The speaker of the afternoon will benight. The preliminary game will atartat 7:30 p. m.,' while the varsity contestwill be called at 8:30 o'clock.

Nem Tuesday the Blue and Goldquintets will Journey to tUhway to ev-en, matters with the High School teamof that place. Railway u the only HighSchool team to defeat the local vanitythis season. It Is expected that a large

ilegatlon of fans will accompany the

Wk.r« ChocoUu Con*. FromCm iid Iwant uro» In llitt tropic*.

itil PI f actorles"

234, then 33i, and finished with 7a.

Miss Audrey Orace Adams, HomeDemonstration Agent for Union Coun-ty, will address members of the Roose-velt P.-T. A. In the school auditoriumat 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. Hersubject will be "Values of ExtensionWork In Union County." Following theaddress, there will be a social periodKostMses win be mothers of. childrenIn the third, fourth snd fifth grades.

The Margaret Orcene Oufld of theFirst Preabyterian1Church win meet at«:« o'clock Monday evening in thechurch school auditorium.


Our Banquet HaU b availablefor Private Dinners, Clubs,

LuncheonsVery Reasonable Prices.


In lliln ciiniriry, tlii'> nrc tlrsl roasted,nml Dien Ihe "im-sl" Is sepnralml fromIhe hunk. Thin Is tlira ground andhentM until It become* pure liquidrhnnilalc. To ninko siieel rhocolnte,sUKiir anil aurcli an> nddeil. Milk andeoclm Ijiitter sre also added If theproduct dnNrerl Is milk chocolate; Mar"•Inns murliliics do must of thesethlnini outumnilcally, and even cut.slioiw anil wro|i thv burs In tin foiland |ui|>er. Just as you buy them Intin' store.

y_ ^ ^ ^ te ilra. U W. OxeeFor a considerable time, she success- chairman ot the hospitality committee;

fully carried on a Women's Class. Those! Mr*. Flora Baosom and Mrs. K. Oamong us who remember that class atfll Houehton.

fluence as a teacher. Nothing pleased uiss Audrey Once Adams, Unionher better than to have a group around county Home Demonstration Agenther with open Bibles studying and Her subject will be. "How To Livelearning the things of.Christ I never within Your Income"met her but what she wanted to talkof her girls and her desire to see themrooted and grounded In (Christ. Orelse she would lit and ahare with me , ,. ^_new discoveries she had made In her Lutheran Church will meet at S o'clockBible. It waa during one of these con- 1

F r i d » v n l « h t In the church.vOn Tuas-venatlons she told me of how precious da)f CTen">« the Luther League, winshe was finding the Epistles of Timothy m * r t to aMke P11"1* *«• a play whichand asked me to read as part of <te " * " * given In the near future. Oeorgelast rites of the church, the portion of aiacT of Adams avenue will be the

. BROTHERUOOD TO MEETThe Men's Brotherhood of Calvary

lav»tio> of GTho Invention of minpoivder cannot

J>£_!leflnUely_traced-to-an>-one-lndl-vldusL It Is certain that Iloger Baconknew of such an explosive In theThirteenth century/ <3>Prhapi thastrongest claim Is mode for llertholdHchwsrx, a German monk of theFourteenth century. The Chinese aresopposed to have used gunpowdermany centuries auo.

Bcrjpture we had for_our reading Je»son this morning.

"To visit Mra. Jeambey and to praywith her v u to enter Into an unforget-table experience. She seemed to lireso close by the gates of haven that topray with her Waa to be ushered Intothe Immediate presence of the Eternal.It Was like standing, on the Mount oftransfiguration with the disciples whenPeter said. "Lord, It Is good for us tobe here."

'She bore her long sickness withgentle patience and meekness andcheerful resignation that were beauti-ful to behold. I never saw a shadow onher face.

"She has left IM a «pUnrtl,i>wty of

Flsod Prlcot I . 1213An ordinance Issued In 1203, which

has come to light ID Englsnd. stlpn-latad that no one should pay morethan two cents for a hi-n or a gallonof beer, linlf a cent for a loaf of bread18-eent« for'a drem-d lamb, or l i n ofor a cow.

Aootk.r Emplr. S t . t .Althnngh the Empire State hullillng

on Klflh avenue. NCw York city. JO!stories high, Is widely known, fewknow that n small building by tho samename has stood nn lower Itrondway InNow Vnrk city for many years.

The Lady Fair Beauty Salon105 Walnut Avenue


New and Modern QuartersAT

108 WALNUT AVENUEDirectly Opposite Oar Former LocaUoi




We Invite Your PatronageCR, 6-1HI FOR W

happy and Inspiring memoriea. We __lute her gentle spirit In passing andsay, Mother, we win meet you at homeIn the morning land where sorrow andsin and pain" are no more.

'Meantime we would tender to herhusband and family, especially to hereldest son, the, Rev. Edward L. Jeam-bey ot Point Pleasant PresbyterianChurch, Iowa, our very alneenst sym-pathy In this, their hour ot loss and

'Why not subscribe for this paper?Only S3 a year, delivered by mall:'


$1.50Cranford Paint & Hardware


I), of P. Men's Glee ClubConcert and Dance

Roo«5velt J. H. S.. WctneWSaturday, January 19 ,8 P. M.

Tickets 50c . _

• Sponsored by '

Senior High School P.-T. A.

Cranford Delicatessen10 EASTMAN STREET

(Opposite the Theatre)FRIDAYS . "

FISH CAKES, reg. price, * « . » ,CLAM CHOWDER,

_ _ . e p c , ajtT. Try »ir fame- BAlumgTKOOMM. OROCERIE8 AT ~

CHAIN BTORE PSICEB•Open I A; t t i a lUialght. -Bandaya u d sWllayi bwtasM

coach. Mr. Eisner has been active InChriathufcHrJersercTty:

Additional dauifiedAdvertbement*.

UMTLO6T—White coral necklace, Decem-

ber 31at Reward. Telephone CRan-ford 8-1288-M. .

UMT—Springer Spaniel, female; black,year old. Reward. Mrs. I. M. Blanch-ard. a Edgewood Drive. TelephoneSummit 8-1823.

FURNISHED ROOMSrTmNIBHED room with home prlvll--^gea-for^ouplerTo^weeHyr T l

phone CRanford e-OSOO-R.Tele-


Warning awl Evening.Children's Classes. Tatorteg.

Ecole Francaiae de WestfiddMS No. Cheatmtt 84.

TEL. WestOeld t-lM*-J


By the Overseer it Uu, Poo> ofCranford

Mattress* ,OU Heateos' . 'Tbeoe articles will he used to

aid distressed families In Cran-• ford. Telephone Cranford 6-0037

and a tepresentatlve will call, orbring them to 110 Walnut avenue.

" WARREN K3RKMAN,- - ' Overseer of the Poor,

rrpreaentatlT*t i t asm genet, a

the UosDta national


Ortaths, f.Life Imuranea Oonpanr. *M pr intedwith a alhrer cup on whleh bJsi namewas Inscribed, at tha amoal dumer otagenU of the company,« Ipeatad in thusection, at tha Newark Attuwtic ChibMonday evening. UT. Brack waiaward«> the trophy for havmc lad theNorthern New Jersey agencr In theamount of Inauranoa MM during IKH.

r, f. _1. _c

> e. .laardLc 1A u H n a n .Tomesylr, g.Mem, g.




9 N. Union ArenuePhone CR.


Warlcalck. f.Choborda, t.Brown, c. _8tarko, cSauage, gThuro, g.

- -Stetaiu, g. _Anderson, g.


Dad says:"A friend It one who likes you

despite your faults, and aome-tlmes because of them."

Take the advice of your Mend. . . come In and let us completelyexplain Just what a Master KraftOU Burner can mean to yea In'heat performance and ecenomy•Tou will"Incur no obligation and'you/can learn a lot that" will

• b™ f l-MOl»--, We feature easytime payment*. - .



CRANFORD,W.J.,» r l l l



Score by periods:CranforQ : "> 10HUlalde 4 2


Martawich, f.Dicks, f. ^i_

- Angtooll, f. , _ _Stanley, c. ___arlme»,.g.Dsleasandrlsr g. .Bayre, g.Foaytan, g;.


Jotantos, f.Cohen, f. _Muse, c.

-Hahm.-c,-, .Andrews, g..Bauer, g. _


Saturday's contest waa s.same for Cranford,the Woocson team having upset the 1season. The game was the mIng seen In Sherman Oym In

, of years, and was Cranford'far- this season.

The visitors took sn early 1-they continued to hold throufirst quarter, by a1 ID to 8 mi-the start of the second'quar



10' Alden Street- OPPOSITE POST OFFICE " • ", ' PHONE





DIRECTbRS.Vj;:, ,** •"••• cmanmo, N. ».





"WHAT EVEKY W0»A-' ' " ._•»•*'FRANCIS LED' •;• . • . • ' - v " i a ' . -


. -I1

i :' m

Page 7: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to

- ;

I oat of[starts, tat aoly tat* atksg to[la tat tasjakV paw of tat L _

Aftar sittgat; tC to a paar start ki

to tbtlalStoe-laadathslM

: tf tat third i

\ tfcat eat tat keakr lad to A potato.IH Mto t t o d tbtI c

. tbtaatkat «Btll theyvere only onepoMbsUod. TbtBbw and Oced were

! «M* to data »tally that areas)* themoo* OB tbt toarantf ot; a a to n start

TJat lonBatT*

ortau>s, f.


i C .Xoaar<a.g, J.

TomCSjfc. g.Klein, g. _


Waricstcfc. f. .Choborde, t. ,Brown, c. _8xarko, c _Sauage.gThuro, g.

- Utetaita. g. _ArMerion, g. ,

Totals.Score by periods:

CranfarV : ' * 10 7Hillside 4 2 1


6 21



Msrkawlch, t.Dicks, f. z-

- Anglnoll, f. ,__ _Stanley, c. ___Grimes,, g.DelessandriSr g. .Bayre, g.Fosytan. g.


Jotantos, f.Cohen, f. _Muae. C.

-Hahm.-c , - . .•Andrews, g..Bauer, g. _




Saturday's contest was a revenge.same for Cranford,the Woodrow Wil-son team having upeet the locals lastseason. The game was the most thrill-Ing seen In Sherman Oym In a numberof yean, and was Cnuiford'8 best sotar- this season. ' \ •" •

The visitors took an eartjr lead which-they continued to hold throughout thet int quarter, by a' ID to,« margin., Atthe start of the second quarter, how-

tmiUrguvAt^IentbasMMdBr.Jj^tht Baal parted «ta fat personal

I B I aaVaMMaaTT* *

O^Wha. fEornar, f. ,

raiaarai. o.Lus.nM, gTomjrk. g


Wluaott, f.UeCprmiefc, f.


i ii T0


r wuacMi


Totals-Boon by periods:

Oranford 8 14 7Woodrow WUson 10 2 1}

Referee: OardeU.

.12 g 32



AnglnoU, f.Dadd, I.Dicks, 1.Ifarkawlch, I.Ooronrr. f.Stanley, c. „....Cameron, c. »«Daleatandrls, gNordstrom, g.Posytan. g.Sayre, g.Klein, g „_ oOrunes. g ...:.»..~...o

Totals 6 2


Huelblg. f. „ .Blnlcov,- JWUlmott, f.. _Heltmann, c. .Obradovich. "c.Fisher, g.OanUewelgi, g. _.Kelly, g.

0. 0* 2

1 110 20



Totals- - U 1 23

It u far cotter to prevent ithan to breaJt t W ! "

JANUARY22—Lonf^dtnlni Qurni Vic


, 2J—Hannah MooutiMlnrttltiihc dctachabla collar, 1UI.

~ i . ' cavuiroao DBUOOJSTS




25—Flm catanla in worldopntt in Chltaco, 1115.

.Zf-Santuel Ifopklna Adamt,(tnxd anhor. born ISM.

27—Kappa AJpha-^htl*. fimaorority, orsanltSni;o.

2t—Sailwar acroU Iithralu oTPaiuma openj (or triKc, "

1 IMS. e*w

TODAY—FRL-^SAT. 2:3(M-7:30—9:00





FRANCIS LEDERER' ' • '. '-*'!,-,,- - ;



N Maurice Chevsjier, ,C~~ Jeanette MacDonald

' • . ' i n . .


"The Cue of the •' Howling Dog"

with Wturen WfllUmi


u«. a

Eronss,!. o r

R««4,MoO«th,o .

A l uDormaUy, g .

Boon ny' pulodat

Oranttord *•nafirasi


1 10 *—It

and Baiigrter.

1 7 - B o u t h and Walnut* *• Avenues.IIT-Cntoo and North* Avsnuot*I D - H n DepartmentA" IMadquartcn.99—Burnslda Awnue and* * . - - William Street.OB—Union and qiaremont"™* Avenue*."iA—Bmon and Dunham* r t Avenues.47—Orange Avenue ando / BUth Btwet.AR—Lincoln and Union™* Avenues.Atl—Union Avenue, South and^ " Marsh Street.CO—North Avenue near•**** orohard Dtreet. . •57—Orchard and Washington

C 1 —Oaslno Avenue andw * Manor Place.go—Onage and Raleighv " Avenues.7^4—Tulip street and Spring-* Held Avenue. '(M—Elisabeth and Bloonung-*** daleTAVenUeX-"

at Astacrt. But 1to gat

*T Mb* Bogm tor the pro-mmMs potot on. all ktttn can

tbttr o s n troubles in tat asam>of those Utarsoat

whkhpUgue Attain and

Wtttt Mai HBfars and Astaba a nam a s eaoaUaft group oj othar com.

adtaaa, moradtrsj Alice Brady, BhnrdsVantt Hortoo, M k Rhottae, WUllaB

St«—North Avenue near EUsa-0 9 beth Avenue.

IAK—Hampton and Eastman '• 1 < K > , Streets.017—Arlington Road and* * • North Avenue. • -

-Holly Btnet and eprlng-* field Avenue.

Q|C—CcntennUd tuid Ij-lnoOin0 1 0 Avenues.

- B i o u l and ElmStreeU •

O1Q—Centennial Avenue and* * * * Cranford Terrace. - .

—Lincoln and WalnutAvenues.

- T o C a U n m e n * y Teleahssie-"Plrel" and give street and num-ber of residence or building onOre.

KTaXTNAttomen got • b r e a k In

the bag courtroomin "atvttyn PrenUoo," tbt new

WttUam Fowen-Myna Lor co-«Urrtngvehicle which opens today at tbtRialto, WsstrMd.

A l e g a l staff" of sU at tomen work-ed for strcral days, rehearsing playcrfsuparvtstnf tachnloal details 00 the tat,and gomg over tbt Krlpt, particularlytbt sensational argument made byPowefl to the Jury.

"The address," explains PowetL, "badto'be dramatic, to say certain thing,and, of. course, a* It is the climax. Ithad to be the dosing argument

'Now, In court, an attorney for thedefense can in hi* opening argumentsay things not on record as evidence,in bis outline of what he Intends toprove. But In the closing argument heis expected to refer to nothing that hasnot been offered In evidence.

"The question was—how far couldI Interpret the evidence In such a•peeeht"

The problem was solved by Powellrehesnlng the speech, with the attor-neys ready to "object" whenever apoint came up that could ..be objectedto.in court. Then they, debated as tohow the judge would rule, and "sus-tained" some or the objections, and"overruled" others.: - '

After^'two days of this mock trialthe speech was legally approved ashole-proof.

Zan'e Orey* colorful story of theOregon Trail, "Wagon Wheels." withRandolph Scott and Monte Blue, Is theco-feature. On Saturday morning atBTWVdock and 11:30 the nialto willpresent Fannie Engle's Marionettes in"The Marionette Circus," "Baby Blues,"

with asfflnt eOtot aad art.arawaphsn of fba

LMMMsLA. aood tWt, wbkh

ot tbt nanis maoy dnIs tMNM br aartnak laebaal, i*aoloavaonn, Mm tdm,

aad Montagu Love.

la. foam voaan aad two men, one arettnd tttgUaa Ooaml aad ttav otharan Asaarfcaa advwntnrer, an tnreat-tatd with death by aa onfcnown aWn|.

for his nrotbsrtlUtoweel ar tbt aaadnan from AMoa

to an Isolated bow* a> Oattfomla, * s t sthree people, with mtDfted tear aadeoarage, await tba pnadttd attack..

Then, one rtaght wfatla they art en-tertaining several nmipscted gMtts,

rd to received that tbt kfuer. Itamong them, prepared to ^










Prabak Junior fits allGillette;,£ Probak raton


Although tbt poUce have been t o n -moned. the Inteoded vtetuns>*n afraidthat aid win come too late. In dtapatr,they attempt to thwart ibe murdtrautattack. But even before they can carryout their plan of action, tbt band ofthe murderer strikes and one victimof ti» gleaming knife. Is accounted for.

Plus Ore acts of vaudeville.

Ua>.r«UM U CaKk FishNatives of Peru catch nsh hy poison-

ing the water, so that the nsh leap out,and can be sprami or hvtlnl.


K WfXunxCD


ovigucrs rum d rwClTtNO— AThLK TIC VF*MC IS LIKC A XMAS AI•mc-cr uTTi.r Uuac«rr«Ti«: Estyiacn o even— ^jj


Bobby Pinion A Co.Famll &. Dub Taylor

. Stanley Broa, —•-;Mann,~Ftobinson

t ^ oc MartinJack Hadey, Trio

STARTS SATURDAYLucky MHUnder' and T U MDUBine Rhytlim Band -* Bevae

R I T j .ILIIAtlTH-.

Quality live Poultry MarketPoultry KiUed and Drewed



• • '-"-./'EARLY.'. , / s

Springfield Ave. WeatfiddOpcs




"Marine* Are Coming"FRIDAY — SATURDAY

A Oreat Family Treat

"Anne of-Green Gables"with ANNE S H O U T M Anne


"Big Hcartd Herb«rt"Gay KB>Me — Aline laeMahea

Oaasee Cartesn — NewxtieCLirr MONTSOHIIIV

AII-AauHua lUr «a4 R«u B»wl >«r.Mil uwar la m i at tkli Ikaalrttatwsair, 1:4J r. • .

SUN. — MON. — TUE8.• Don't Miss the New Dance

Grass, "The Continental"


It**A t I C (

BRADYtdw.rd EvarallH-O'fcTON

1 ^Those Ooofy Funsters





. haet ak aa ss* trM eat at awmm asMmaaJtf


Whm Quito, Cmmtt md Ymr M*»y G«* Fwrth**

23c OSCO Coffee > 2VOat -Best BaUer^BB. iteh «auty-«*»rUy atrnded.

»c Victor Coffee » 19'An taotUea* Wend of Santos.

2* Acme Coffee >* 2TAraMtn Moeba, Java and South American Coffees.

Peas 19c mcoFancy Swtwt 2 TJ 29'



2 oval cans 15cptjar 21

pt jar 19c

Keyal Aaat CtMntes

Evereadr FnM Cecktail •B l (Bnept Clam Chowder)

* bag cans Mebig can tfc

t No 3 cans It*big can Me

- l p t e a n s 4 S ebig can l ie

Peaches MOSCO Calif. Peach*.


big can 16cSanka Coffee

Leg Cakta BynspMtMte TasismGrase-Nats

Ibcan 46ccan »c, Str


Victor Bread ^ 6cBread Supreme '£,' 8cSliced Rye "Jff 10c

Beam with Pork 4 16-oz cans 19c^ ! " ^ 1 **»***"* Tips ^ 2 cans 2Sc -

& S * Spaghetti 3 can, 19clOcJCetvL-Ration 2_

TutU Frutti Icing Uyer Cake each 49c

Potatoes19cU.S. No. I

15 Iba.


for' |nilrliln(.

SehdegEm .-33cranaiale Enpanted BtHkDel Maote Aspauagv TipsBhakerSaltres Beaoe er Balk Rice

4 cansnesquare can Xts

t pkga l iesi

r. * Oi Naptt'tha S « pPriaeeas Ceece,Uneeda BlsndU •.

Octagen Laundry SoapCleroK' pt can 15c : qt can MeBaper Bads • J small pksjs tScLa France Fowder pkg to

4 bars lteFalmellve Soap j eakes l ieOctagon Cleauaser ' can aaSatloa - pks; (e

I Red Salmon ISoUone8hee = c n. 3 3 c

Finest Meats—Fresh and SmokedFancy Fresh BAIMII . „Killed Fatted f U l f L 'b

The ttnest milkfed poultry. Weighing from 3 to 3K lbs each.'

FancyPhOadelphia Capons i° 35" I

Large SmokedSkinned HAMS

(Whole or Shank Half)


Imported Gmyere Cheese boxsix portions 29c

Wisconsin Limburger Cheese lb 23cSodut Creamed Cottage Cheese lb ,15c


Fancy # 1 Canadian Smelts"> 17cr i a J ib , ,

Sliced fYerii'Codfish ".. u> i fcrr^>' Stewing Oyster, (opened) dos I2e

.Medium Site Chowder Clama doa Ige



3 for 14c .JUICV FLORIDA .


Dozen 19c ,


3 lbs 14c





Head 10c


jpWanto to Save Mor^y i - ' i j j Stfflthe Best — Let Us Help You to Do Jut Tha.


^ ^


' - * a, f t . 1

Page 8: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to


; V



The lndurtrial Center ofUnion County GAR WO EWSWill Discuss

ObrliqoorYiolatioBTo Hold Meeting Tu«ed»y;

Polk*Make Change*.

Tt>» M»yor and Borough Council willhold »n adjourned meeting nest T 1 1 "oar evening to discuss the " OdaUon ot the State Alcoholic Beverage

^Commission that the license oJ AndrewOiesr of II North avenue be revokedlor »lol»tlnn of certain sections o( theSlat* A B C art. a « r U chargedwith having hud illegal Uquor on hUpremise* with the Intent to sell It. and

l hine and other gambling

Charles InfaoUnp ot WeattWd toped-ale trull in tbt BaRKifti *tf* nHnvato the taw. and licena. *"*?-•

QOUDCUlDaUl BsUljAal** pfOMaWaV • » •election of «dward Eonopaek as presi-dent of Council on the grounds thatMayor David J. H Murray was not en-titled U> a vote. Councilman Konnpsfk,presided In the absence of Mayor Mur-ray laid the mstler over until a meat-ins when all members would be praaentfor future discussion.

Tuesday nights meeting was har-monious- Uuuughout. 'of Council being in accord on everyIssue on »hJch the vote waa pofled.

Seneca A. C Party

premise* with the Ialso a slot machine and other gambling | I U M M t

The card party held by the SenecaA C last Tuesday evening was a huge

devices In his place of business Counell will probably fls a dale for a hear-Ing at the adjourned meeting IIOlear Is found guilty, the Bute Com-missioner has recommended that hislicense be suspended for at least threemonths as a minimum penalty orlonger, at discretion of Council .A raidwaa conducted on Olears wloon InDecember by a State A B C Investi-gator, assisted by local police, at whichtime the alleged violations wert dU-


PelU. Horace wVrea took second priseIt was held at the home ol John Chin*char, 335 Myrtle avenue Refresh-ments were served

The group held a special meeting lastTueaday nlglu at the home of JohnChlnchar They will hold two meetingseach monlh The first Tuesday of each

»ill be a business meeting and

ptlon meeting were: Mrs. X. Ooyle, lira.


following , r c members of thel , ^ A c L o u J l wenirl. "MichelMadil, Charlea Amerihak, Oubby Toth,

l K HMadil, Charlea A m r h , y

Police ConimlMlonn W/ll» W Lmr- l j i n W i gucrnero. Krank Kiuter. Horaceland reported to Council Turviay nightthai the police station under his ad-ministration .will not br n hang out orclub hnuar. He has ordrrrd all chairs,orrfer than thaw nredrd at the di'sk. tobe removed Onl> |xTV>n» hating bun-newt In the station »111 be permutedthere He slated that he brliexrd therewill be perfect liatinnnv In the depart-ment (luring the commit >rar, and

Wyre*. William Partaa,John Chlnchar. Michel Chlnchar. PredKolpjestkl. Malhew Novawlskl. JamesFeU«. Samuel Koroml and William Itus-

Qarwood P.-T. A. Note*

. T. W. Tartar. Mn.L. Peanon, Mn. J. Miller, Mra. J.

Qulnwald. Mr*. W. Bcholfleld. Mra. H.Barlow and Mn. BucnWnder.

asked the cooprrutiun ot the citizens inmaking the clumges

Taxpajyert' AMOckttonHonor* John Carle

Jolm Carle has been etected prealdentof the Oarwosd Tavpayen' AaaodaUonOilier offlcera for 1«M are: Vlce-preal-drnt. Anton Zlegety: aKrelarjr, PrankJ 8fh«k: aaaliUnl tecretary, CharleJOallMuakl, Alvln Schubert. PadralgO'Dra, Jaaeph Smegal. Anton Tomchak.Jpaeph Piekankl, John Banyan, Sr.,Peter Corvelyn. Anton Zelgety. CharleaOallaetukl.' John : TlUlach, TheodoreKing. l . C . Oibson. Carmine Ouer-rtero. Michael Klu. Stephen Koenlg.John Carle and Prank J. Schak were

Thr regular meeting, ol .he Oanoodl™"""" l 0

™n.inltle °fP -T. A »ill be held tht. atlernoon atj l 30 o clock in thr

Council adopted a reioluilon to upend1120 lor the pi irchw o[ »l» new rr-volvers. of the 'tame. »tylr nnd make niare now uutl by Ihe Stale police andpolice In nearby munlclpulltiM. Coun-cilman Lovrland pointed out that atprtoent there are three dlflrrcnl calibreguna In w e In the department, andthat many arr not in o nt condition tobe fired Six of the old guns will betraded •In. reducing the .cost'Iran «IWto 1120. The police depnrtmrnl Kaivolunteered lo purcluue .two additionalguna out of their.'fund, which will makeall gum uniform. The 'conunUatoneratatcd that pUtol practice will be heldat regular Intervals during the year,and that the revolvers will be kept in

jdluirlum Talk* on 'The Merit 8>»-

tint-class condition at all tlmevPollce Commissioner Lovejands rec-

-smmrndatlon-that fuui lie* lirrs-Wpurchased from local dealers for thepolice car was approved, as was his

tern" will be given by Warren W. Hal-try, Miss Parr, and MIM Currle.

Plans are being made to have a'dem-onslrallon by the Hovrll Family In ttienear future These people are enperUin tile gliun-blowlrut line. Fund* real-lied from tht* affair will be turned overto the Library Committee to be (penton the Tu»n Library.

Members of the local P.-T. A: arebuiy looking for plays and players. The.parents have volunteered to put on ashow at the February gathering. Anentertainment by the teachers was giv-en at an earlier meeting.

Mrs. Johnson Is doing flue work withthe free school lunches. About twen-ty undernourished children receive hot

™n.inltle elected to i t withJ1"Bor-

ough Council during the drawing up ofIhe 1935 budget cotutUU of Prank J.Schak, Michael K l u and John Carle.

Garwood Democrat*Choote New Officer*

The Oarwood Democratic Club lastThursday night .elected the followingofficers . forman Louis

I lunches three time* a week. Mrs John-son and t»o helpers serve the foodWhich*has been planned by Mlis Fletch-er, the Home Economics Instructor,

The Executive Board of the Oarwoodrecommendation for the purchase ot SO p . T A m M | u l Tuesday afternoon In

Relief provloe.i teachers In the dlRer-llnes free of charge. The local P.-T. A.Is contemplating the - organization ofsuch classes In Oarwood.

rolls of teletype paper.Fire Commissioner Louis Fontenelll

reported that the fire equipment wasIn excellent condition Low by fire InDecember was S35. On his recommen-dation. Council approved the grantingof exemption papers to the following.who have sened as volunteer firemenfor seven years and have obtained apercentage of 90 or mor HermanPlnkel, Albert 0111. Edward Smaldglnlsand Prank Moroll.

, The police report for 1934 showedthat there were 33 automobile acci-dents. 7 arrests for breaking and en-tering cases, 3 on serious charges, 3drunk and disorderly. 1 worthless

•— check. 1 concealed weapon, t disorderlyconduct, and 1 petty larceny. Five mlss-,tng . persons were' reported. 2 Insane

"persons, 3 persons Injured. 3 robberies.( were bitten by dogs, t were arrested'for Uquor violations i accidentaldeaths. I still was confiscated, 1 slotmarhrnc confiscated, and there was 1case of drunken driving. The policeanswered M calls, accomodated 331lodgers, and lecomed 3 stolen can.

The report of Oeorge Oloeekner,registrar of vital statist lea, showed thatII marriage licenses were Issued In theBorough last year, and that there werea births and M deaths. Invest D.Betta, secretary ot the Board of Health.

- reported that there wen 40 esses ofcontagions diseases here during 1834.The Board of Health recommendedthat only one school doctor be ap-

- pointed during IBM. Instead ot two.. The communication was referred to the

finance committee.Street Commissioner Kaylor asked

the residents of the Borough to placeonly garbage tn the garbage contain-ers. He pointed out that many resi-dents have been putting paper In the

- containers and on.windy days the pa-per has been blowing all over the

' streets, giving the Borough an untidy, appearance..v

Permission wss granted the Polish; Sick and Benefit Club to hold a dance,_-in the Oakland House on February.),/ and to the Oarwood Fire Department

to stage a dance tn Lincoln School on" February 23. The Garden Club « -- tended It* thanks to Council for per-, - nutting .it to meet In Borough lull'. during the past.year, and asked pex-". mlasion to.hold Its meetings on the.- second Tuesday of the month In the• Boraigh Hall during the coming year.

^QaaLapplication waa approved*'.•'•„'. The bowline alky and.pool table per-'• mtt of Qua Wenstl of 3tt North avenue

';'was .renewed. \a* was. the.restaurant••' .permit.of the Umbra Diner,, Council."•granted permission to Frank Bskelo of

the Home Economics Room A repre-senUthe of the Union County Emer-gency Relief was preixnt. He spoke oncertain educational and recreational ac-tivities which are being carried on Innearby towns Instruction Is givenalong such lines aa Dramatics, Danc-ing. Dress Designing, Hooked Rug Mak-

IMS: President, Council-J. Fontenelll: first vice-

preatdrnt. Padrlg O'Dea; second vice-president, Pred A. Dushanek; treasurer.James J. Leonard; secretary, Alfred B.Daly; assistant terssurer, Leo P Rag-oneae, assistant secretary, RonaldOXeary, sergeant-at-arms. CharlesFisher.

The board of directors is composedof John P. Dugan, chairman: Coun-cilman John L Banyasz, Jr.. KennethO'fcesi). secieuuy;—Pwlrslg—DTJfaTvice-chairman, and Jerry Fontenelll.

A card party will be held In the clubheadquarters. Center street, January21. The committee consists of John P.Dugan. chairman: Pred Psltone, Rob-ert Fontenelll. John Coles, Joseph Ban->a« and Joseph Leonard

Syiict^of MbutsjeofBoard of FreeboUen

Organrssllon meeting of tht OnionCounty Board ot Choaen Freeholderswaa held at the Court House. BHabeth.Hew Jersey, oo Wednesday, January2nd. IRs, at 12 O'clock noon. '

Clerk Affteek called the meeting to

freight aoaast, (MUt for petty cashfund was adopted. '

The Dsnctor naassd the following

g Baaer. Odtrmf.Harrigmtt

PubUe Welfare. Dudley. Oetoing,Broksnr, Bsxngan." Orwnda and Buildings: Batwr. Bro-sw. Hsrratsn, Brooks.Bridges, Drainage and nood Con-

trol: Brokaw, Dudley. Oehrtng. Mc-: Judge Thompson administered the

oaths of offlot.The clerk statad the first business to

com* before the meeting was the elec-tion of a Director for the ensuing yearand upon motion of Freeholder Bauer,seconded by Freeholder Brooks, PeterH. Melae! was nominated for Directorand there being no other nominationsand upon roll call. Mr Melsel receivedthe unanimous vote of the Board

The clerk appointed FreeholdersBrooks and Brokaw to escort the Di-rector to the chair

The oath was administered by JudgeThompson who also addressed theBoard

Rev. J. D. 8tover offered the Invoca-tion.

Director Melsel delivered his messageto the Board.

Resolution by Freeholder Englschadopting bylaws, rules and regulationsfor IMS with amendments was adopted.

Resolution by Freeholder McMsneappointing Freeholder Harrlgan votingmember In the State Association wasadopted.

Resolution by Freeholder Bauer, ap-pointing Charlea M. Affleck, clerk, w uadopted.

Resoluton' by Freeholder Harrigsnappointing Francis J. Blatx, CountyAttorney, was adopted.

Resolution by Public Welfare Cbm-

There being no further hnsinesat andn of Freeholder Oehrtng,

duly seconded and carried, the Dtree-dedared Board adjourned until

Thursday. January 10th, 105, at 1m.



OIKL RESERVES MEETThe Oarwood Olrl Reserves met

. Dress Designing, Hooked Rug Mak- Mouda>-aftemoon In the Kindergarten

. Oym Clubs, etc. The Emergency l " » m ' « their regular meeting. A playwritten by Allecn Orades. a local Olrl

MARKS BIRTHDAYMiss Ruth Langv of 401 Brooksldc

Place entertained a few friends and A.-pooLclassmates last Friday tn the OarwoodRepublican Club In observance of hersixteenth birthday anniversary. Ouestawere present from Rowllc Park, Kenll-worth and Osnrood as follows: NaomiRaeber. Lois Kaylor, Caroline Cook.Dorothy Donohue. Bertlne Lovcland.Marjorie Tulloch. Ralph Klnchberger,Edward • Benin. Edward Paul, AllanBarber. Fred Grander, John Hskucaa

Reserve, was presented by five girls. Areport also was heard on the dlstrlbu-llon of Christmas toys to eight needyfamilies In town. • On Tuesday after-noon the Olrl Reserves went to .West-Held where they swam In the Y. W.

th» »pphtntm»nt

and William^Shannon:


MILL'lkU C t « > t InilliMI aa lite -OaklandHUUM" Intend in ap|ity tu llw Vlayur and t'oun-rll or Ih. Horniih <i» iMintiiul lor a I' lm.nKfiall CMwimpOim llrtnw for lh« prtmlarsaltutrd al US .Vorlh Attain In the Boromhoj lianioud. |-nl«i Canalr. N«w J « w .

OtOMtloaa. U any, ahould b, at.d. lamtdl'alrli In «rlllns to Walitr 8. McMaru.. MuulIrli In rlllni to«U>«I Clvrk. ol ilu


. l i r uBorousliM K»UTl Mt

McM.ru.. Hot Otrwood.

A. l ilu Borousli ot

V.IUOAM K»UTA,« f Htln Mtrnl. Linden, N. J.,WILLIAM c n N Y1M NWILLIAM cn.NY.1M North Atmut: Csmod. N. J.

Ulrd Janurr U. 1»JJ,

of a Consultant on Hospitals and In-stitutions at a salary of one dollarHI DO I a year, wss adopted.

Resolution by Public Welfare Com-mittee appointing James R. Mays.Consultant on Hospitals and Institu-tions, was sdopted.

Resolution by Freeholder Engischdesignating Director Melsel as a mem-ber of the Sinking Fund Commissionwas adopted.

Resolution by Freeholder Brooks ap-pointing Mr. Jan Van Herwerden member of County Welfare Board was'adopted.

Resolution by Freeholder Brooks ap-pointing Russell HoB member of ShadeTree Commission wss. sdopted.. Resolution by Freeholder Engischauthorizing the Director to signchecks and drafts when the TreasurerIs temporarily absent or disabledadopted.

Resolution by Freeholder Brokawdesignating the Director and Free-holder Dudley u e*-oflldo members ofthe County Welfare Board was adopted.

Resolution by Freeholder- Brokawappointing the Elisabeth Dally Journalas official newspaper was adopted.

Resolution by Freeholder Bauer des-ignating newspapers puhUahed In the

Bpeclal meeting of the Union CountyBoard of Chosen Freeholders waa held

the Court House, Urxabeth, Newersey, on Friday, January «tn. 1»JS, at

a. m. In accordance with reqpesTfrom the Director.

Roll call showed all members pres-ent.

The Clerk read a waiver of notice of•aid special meeting signed by all mem-ben of the Board.

Resolution by Freeholder Dudley ap-pointing Emery L. LUUbridge asmember of the Board of Managers ofBonnie Burn Sanatorium waa adopted.

Proposed Budget ot Union Countyor ISIS waa read and approved, or

dered advertised for a public hearing-Jaiiuaiy KthrltMTariO

iFcon talk with



Harrtgan, Bauer. Dud-

PinThsstDg: Oehrtng, Brokaw, Dud-y. lagiach.)Imuranca: Brooks, Bauer. Bngiaeb.

Resolution by Committee of theWhole authorising Treasurer to deduct

Uon in excess of IUOOJOO per annumto be paid to any offleer or employee

meat Ttwrsder eenang waB» Mka aea.aMauBMSof » » North a

•pent the * M k * n 4 with m a t

rormerly ofWilliam McOrath of Hemlock avenue

arrived In Scotland on December H.He went to Halt his mother. The voy-age was made on the 8. B, Cameron.

A soda] club waa organised Mondayb Urftly AttewW evening at the home of Mr*. M. Buch-

hevening at the home* ot mem-

Thoae present at the organtsa-

Than bstnt no further•I ~ •

doty seconded *adtor declared Bond adjourned ooUlthundey. January WU, W M 1

at AFfUtOK.

tlM«eM*ati•iwaatylttrait K*ei*i


When considering modernization of your home don't-overlook the many advantages an Improved electricwirins; tyitem will brins;. ' •' •

Well placed light, and twitche* prevent manyaccident* on basement stain. A well lighted basementwith power outlets will give you splendid places for• work bench. Dark unused corners are dangerouscollector! of rubbish—put a light nearby.

i ! the kitchen well illuminated? Are there suffi-cient outlets for the electric appliance* that reducework in the kitchen? -

Additional outlet! in living rooms maki themmore livable. Outlet! in every room make the vacuumcleaner usable all over the house. Lights in closet!are a big help. " ' •

C*l! on Publfc Service Lighting Department tocheci: your home and indicate to you ju.t where out-"Ut* shouldbe placed and what type of nxture..houldbe pui in fhi* place and that Thi* .ervlce ii renderedto ourcustomer* free. It i* part of our endeaWtohelp them get the mo"st.,from their e l e c S i c ^ e i 1 1

^s'^BBBBiiLaBBBSBSBi^Bs^aBi ^ B i g C

O)TIia|pta« OaT

Adjourned meetlnc ofCounty Board of CboBh 1-was held at the Court HouseM. J , on Monday, Deoembet

Director Melsel presiding,showed all members prean

Minute* of December ITUproved a* tead,

OommnnlfaUon from ttmeat oT Institutions and A

tlon has approved ***.*Board of Chndren'a OruardJsisf Union County for ma•yember, waa received and

^OsaVaawsstUBVasaslaaaftaaBaSBBfeB* sCPOaQW (aslasi

questing MWOM be adVaniPetit Jury payrolls for the

e-OComtnunlratinn from 1U

Vatura Club reauesUng iappropriation for Mosqultiaton was referred to Plasmtee.

urer stating bonds authoiTtusmed hare been Issued aito Brown, Harrimao k Oothe bonds originally Issued

i from MaProbation OOeer, aakln, Iof a s m be appropriated flnt , to be used as a charwss referred to the Plnan

-tee. . „._

1ng leave of absence to Arfor three months with piferred to Finance Commit

The monthly report of Uslclan was received and 111

The following annual rreceived nad ordered filedtmlttee; annual report Inwith Shade Tree Work;perriaor of Roads; CountLegislation' and Public AiTnlttfw* Insurance Commiden's Annual' Report;Agent; Hospitals and PulCommittee; .County Phystty Attorney; Buperintendenand Measures; Drawbrldi

. tee; - Purchasing CommitProperty, Grounds and Buimlttee; Bridges, Drainage

- Control Committee and Lav' , County Physician and Bu

•^of'Sailors' and Soldiers' H' Resolution . by Finance

rfulanfti oJ


TooQunuUDff r t ? 8 JJudge Bauer be paid, waa

Resolution;- by Financethat the Organisation MetWednesday, January 2nd..o'clock,.was adopted.

Annual report of the Iread by the clerk. -

On motion of FreeholderDirector declared the Boat

; until 2:40 p. m. "On reconvening roll call

' members present and mint.Ing of.December Slst, IK

I , proved a* read.,. 'Director, Melsel .then ai

Board, and presented a n' t*^i"g- to Mr. Smith. '

• member, 'our heartfelt thi. many courteates and assut.*' pastt,whlch was adopted b]

. There being no furto*upon motion of Freeholt

.» which was duly.seconded," .declared the Board adjour

L-,"'-''' -v/. • CBARLFS M.'A; % '


^ «3 15

Page 9: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to


* » • * MfejOTUtf* til*

r VLta* Hnrtrtte .tasm.Mi BtafW. MM. Waal**.l ta . Kaitant K m and

Adjourned meeting the UnionOounty Board of Onossn Preeholderi-was held at the Court House, EUaabeth,M. J , on Monday. December JIM, 1934.

Dipetor Melsel prasMlna;. Roll callshowed all member* present.

Minute* of December 17th were ap-proved a* read.

Onnimn*ili'*tt"rl from the Departmeat of Institution* and Agencies adTsdng Emergency Relief Administra-tion ha* approved tUMM to StateBoard of Children's Ouardlans to as-sist' Union Oounty for month of No--vembsr, was received and filed.

OraTjBiitt\lc*i1cn from the. Sheriff re-questing MJMOM be advanced to coverPetit Jury payrolls for the year ltU,

from. ParkRoselleMature Club requesting a sulappropriation for Mosquito Commis-sion was referred to Finance Oommlt-tee.

nleatlon from Oounty Treas-urer stating bonds authorisedreissued have been Issued and deliveredto Brown, Harriman ft Company andthtr bonds originally laruefl sui'iewlsiedand canoaDed.

fltTH'iTrnlfatlffn from *ra» \f j^mch.Probation Ofneer, asking that a mmof OSJOO be appropriated for the yeari tH. to be used as a change account,waa referred to the Finance Oommlt-

1ng leave of absence to Arthur Beckerfor three months with pay. wasferred to Finance Committee.

The monthly report of the Jail Physlclan was received and filed.

The following annual reports werereceived nad ordered filed: Road Com-mittee; annual report In connectionwith Shade Tree Work; Oounty Su-pervisor of Roads; Oounty Engineer;Legislation'and Public Affairs Com-mittee; Insurance Committee: War-den* *nww| ' Report; PurchasingAgent: Hospitals and Public WelfareCommittee; .County Physician; Coun-ty Attorney; Superintendent of Weightsand Measure*; Drawbridge Commit-tee; Purchasing Committee; PublicProperty, Grounds and Buildings Com-mittee; Bridges. Drainage and FloodControl Committee and Law Librarian:

, Oounty Physician and SuperintendedI'-^of'Sailors' and Soldiers' Headstones.

' Resolution . by Finance Committeebalance of salary of

L * * tw ***» -T MM

l«MMw««nwii * • k*> M « N M ftr 1

u m h r *atw Ob* wasm. TcwwaaViiBll on WM-

iA.0L.XM, allHi ttm* •**

tararr A. B.

tthcr o f t e n art: Vie*-

Mr*. Mtth Motor: and secretary. Mrs!MarisBMry.

nwnvflman and Mr*. TUdta FaMn-borgaTrt4Ttaltk>flwimadlnn*Tatttkrtr

on Bunday afternoon.Mr. and Mr*. Edward Httu and

of Waibath. Tboma* Walsh of New-ark. Frank Xhmna of Cranford. tdM

tarn Condon and Mis* Claire PalUn.mg df BRUlworth.A mask and eirlo ban. sponsored by

th* P.-T. A, will be held on Saturdayevening, February a. in the flrehouse.Ticket* win be available from all mem-bers and the sflmlulon will be twenty-five cent*. The committee consists ofMr*. Marie Kelly. Mr*. Minnie Flta-patrick, Mrs. A. Olyno and Mrs. L.Sullivan.

Mrs. Flossy Credy of Wood avenue,Unden, entertained her pinocle club onMonday evening. The member* pres-ent were Mrs. Thelma Anderson. Mrs.Teddy Weldon. Mrs. Helen Mergott.Mrs. Hsael Vsn Ohleri and Mr*. EthelShallcroas of Kenllworth, "Mlsr Catber-

> Kansky or Cranford and Miss Thel-ma Credy of Linden. Prises for highscore* were made' by Mrs, Ethel Shall-crot* and Mn. Thelma Anderson.

Catherine Kantky of Hollystreet, Cranford, recently entertaineda few gussts at a card party. Pinoclewas played and high score* were madeby Mrs. Helen Mergott. Mrs. diverS)lllcroaa~ana~^lrs\~El»r-Bnana«*:Those present were Mrs. Helen Mergott,Mrs. Teddy Weldon. Mrs. Tbelma An-derson, Mrs. Flossy Credy, Mrs. Cath-erine Kansky. Mn. Basel Van Ohlen,Mrs. dive Shallcros* and Mrs. EthelShaUcroaL. _—The. Jolly Eight Card Club was en-tertained at the home of Mrs. TUdenFalklnburg last Thursday night. Thosepresent were Mrs. Btsniey Kllngler,Mrs. Edward Loder, Mrs, Edward Amdt,Mn. K. Kohler, Mr*. Alex Zhelesnlk,Mrs. L. Saxton. Mr*. Daniel Kerr, Mrs.TUden Falklnburg. Other guest* were8. Kllngler, Councilman T. Falklnburg,dab* Falklnburg and Frank Klempaof_Cnnlgrd.,_High _*eore»_w»,re_ madeby Mrs. E. Kohler and Mrs. E. Later.Mrs. Edward Amdt will entertain nextThursday.

The entertainment committee of the8L Theresa Club met at the home ofMrs. Dennis A. Kolan, ltth street on

Or. U ML Tuwnattandsd as th*

of •ssaTIi VMfct of Dr. Frank

Junior Cothf* to Atfaik

The Juosor OoOeg* aiinounc** that maccordano* with a rqlmg of th* BUMSuptrvswr new. students wm b* ad-mitted tor tha second term begkgunc

ton February 4.


i opsn to new

i Law. *«»»«« , uar.ketlng. •oonomlc History. Latin. Biol-ogy, Music Psychology. atoropwn Hl»-tOCT MaltttitttlfttIffaT i *lfWi Buy flttWT aWttr*1

Jeet In the curriculum for which thenIs an enrollment of at least fifteenstudents. Not over 50 new students canbe accepted, and candidate* for mid-year entrance should consult the Deanot the College aa early aa possible. Ad-mission is open to an resident* ot NewJersey provided they are high schoolgraduate* and have the endorsement oftheir high school principal a* to theircapacity to carry successfully work ofcollege grade. Psychological and place-ment test* to be given at the college onFebruary 1 at 1:30 p. m. will be requiredof all f TvUfiatf for admission and noapplication can be considered unlesshe sppucsnt has taken these test*.

Monday evening. Final preparationswen made for the card party whichwill be held by the dub at their head-quarters on the Boulevard on Fridayevening. Tickets for admission will bethirty-five cents. Refreshments will be

Prises will be given for highaeons. The committee consists of L.Bulllvan. Mrs. John Oral, Mrs. OeorgeEbbetts, Mrs. James Koerner, Mrs. JohnMcClusloey, Mrs. Thomas Dandes, Mrs.Dennis Nolan and Mrs. A. Hlgglns. •

\ r"Dry tells me dat time Is money,'

plslas why one man DM to look at d*town clerk while another wtart a dla?mood wrist watch." .

ttMWt . 1 » I B 1 . »>

rwcomK niggst n o t a a iAbout W people attsndsd -Fathara"

mghP whteh m held by th» F.-T. A.on Tbnaday «*«amg In the Hard!

at aaat Jaaaar

and his by th .0 , 1 . 1 , *sii*xWn*d.tbe aadlsnc* withtheir concert astoetioiu. Dr. Byrd ofSummit. lavaMsnt of tba Msdteal So-ciety, was the gtisat speaker ot the ev-ening. Hat topic was -Health." Re-freshmtnta war* then ssrmd to theguests after which thirty itired to a clsaaroom for the regularmeeting of the P.-T. A. The conkmit-tce constated of Mrs. A. Olynn. Mrs. A.Sullivan, Mrs. rUspatolck. Oeorsje

Lit d M M, p

Scott, Br*'William Lister and Mrs. Ma-rie Kelly.

Choral Wfll PresentConcert February 8

A winter concert given by the Ken-llworth Choral Society will take placeon Friday evening. February g. in theMethodist Episcopal Church. OcorgeA. Sehultx, leader of the acdety. winconduct the chorus. The commute*coiuisu of Edward Blmma, chairman:Ocorge A. Bchultx, publicity and pro-

im; Mr*. WaJtff~VrMtfTir~deeora-tion*: Jack Mergott, stage; HaroldOonkUn, ticket*: and Mrs. Margaret

- - - • " - " ' S I f a . Sar

\SSL^ninST^£'tJain^!L^Zi: aami

i IU

Bataaa* ttaaklla Ml m m * . TMo Oaanatrimainr. aoaaatakaoal. aad riadmrk "niaaikin. a* ax, at aau ailaaSiali. tv fa.or aala of ai a) s i l trimbn.

Br ranaa at tka ataaa al.trd writ or larlfactat ta laa aaracto* I akaB acpoae for aala•y aaalar m » n . aa tba Dautn Coan Boaki Ika Caarl Baaaa la Iko CMj af Enaabot


at two attar* la (aa altaraaaa of add day.An taafaBiaas tract ar parral af toad aad

Craarord.ai tka Capaty at Data* aa* SUM afBoor Jaraqr.

BXGOXUCO al a aaat a rba Korlkwai•a of Daarta* War Ikarna dateat tkroo baarvv BM4 OVP*C7 •*"•> • • • ia«w'tirB4«w *»te)*j>»lMfaVradua at a faat Kartkaaatarlr flam tka to-

' a m Ika Kartkaaatartr Uaa

Ray, paster advertising.

. . . . aad feair-alae faat aadefcttr-all laiknaanSlli af a taat la a aalat:Ikear* IJI Bank fartr. dasraat Ulnj^ajat



Judge Bauer be paid, waa adopted.Resolution;- by Finance Committee

that the Organnatlon Meeting beheldWednesday, January tad. 18M. at 11.o'clock, was adopted.

Annual report of the Director wasread by tha clerk.

On motion ot Freeholder Engisch theDirector declared the Board adjourneduntil 2:40 p. m. "

On reconvening roll can showed allmember* present snd minutes of meet-ing of .December 31st, 1934, were sp-

, proved a* read.,. (Director, Melsel .then addressed the

Board, and presented a'resolution ex-' tending to Mr. Smith, the retiring

member, 'our heartfelt thank* for hisraanry courteate* and anisUnce Tip thepast, which w u adopted by rising vote.• There being no further- business and

upon motion of Freeholder Wngisrh,' which was duly.seconded, the Director

declared the Board adjourned sine die.'•'<>:-* CHARLES M. AFFLECK, 'fAdr. • ' Clerk.

RattU't Mamry DaaaalUr

c 7 aW*fi*lv»*->Biercory"i' deposit* a n, known to«exl*t In the Dones.bssln In

Mayor Expects LowerTsx Rate in Borough

Msyor Charles A. Kosmutsa an-nounced that the tax Tste of this bor-ough win be reduced several points atleast with the IMS budget which Is ex-pected to be presented for the finttime at the meeting, next Tuesdaynight. The present tax Tate Is toJMper tlOO valuation. The mayor alsoststed that the 10 per cent deductionof borough employes'•salaries will becontinued.

OIVEN FWAI. TIUEATMENTThe final toxin anti toxin lnocuU-

tion* for the prevention of diphtheria-were administered-to the-children onWednesday morning at theMcKuleySchool. Children between the age* ofsix months and ten years were treat-ed. Mis* EUxsbethJi. Durrel, achooland hygiene nurse, assisted Dr. L. H.Jones of Boselle Park in treating Uiechildren.

White Ode Vi Sole* 4ScRubber or Le«tner LifU_15cRubber Herh , > 25c

,r\l B R O A D



U Punctuality

Is Your New Year s


ELECTRIC CLOCKYou avoid a constant comparing of watches, arepeated Hiking of the lime of day, if yon have anelectric dock'. With the same dependability by-1

which It furnishes power and provides light, elecT"tricitr will give you the correct time of dsy.' These electric clocks come in many styles anilsixes. Heavy, dignified timepieces for livingroom or library; clock* of Dresden daintinessfor drawing room or boudoir, i and open facedmonitors for kitchen or laundry. Price* begin at& 2 5 cash. The clock'lllustraled is-$7.50 oath.-.,.

„ af a faat to a aaat: Ik' Soatt tartr-aaaa aagraai txatr-twa

" Baat aaa kaaara* aad fartr-alao faat aadaWKT-ali , - - - - - -la dw afW . ..... ,War: aad duaca <«) alaar tko afar amid Xortk.aamiU aaa af BaarkaTWaT Saatk fortr da-tnoa rklilj abjkl alilaf I WaaJ abtr-aat faM

• tana aaa-kaaaraaka af a faat H Ika" Pkara af BVraaacac kaawa aa I M Ha. T at

•Uaa af Majarr BaoliliS L... . . .aad In i ln i l ay TtStt n r a M a . Baaaaa-, alt-

' K. i , Jaaa n , i n t . Baaaay' «ja <j_ S I I I i m i . i l l

ta Xa. U Daarat Way,Oaakam, K. J.

Tkara b> daa i


r«f »»• Jtiair.

iky orfaaaaala n . ta. far atl* of i

'*Ei ranaa at tka a i m m i l l anal at aartradaa u Baa akroOX I akau «q»» for aalabr takBc m i l l , ta Ika DtorM Oaart Baaa.a laa Oaarl Baaaa ba Ika CBr «f EUaabatn.K. X. aa " .

wzoxxnuT. TBE ruu> )AT orMASDABT. A. D.. l t U ,

at tw. t-dark la Ika atlicaiai af aald dar.AB tka fallaakal trad ar aarral of load aad

mauma kanaarair aarlkatarlr a>arrlliad •uala. rjlax aa* kolac la tka Car of D UIn tko Haatr at Gaaaa aaa Btau «'mar.

BEGERCDO In tka aaawrlr Uao at Mlrraonraaaa tftr ( » l tart aaalbntj alaas Ikat Una

,.aa tko m i a i i l r baa a* ran Ananat aa aaw• MallBatil iraanaarr XX. 1SMI: Ikaan run-ab« aaaurlr al rkk* aadaa la aaM UaoMhmaa Aiaaaa. aaa kanSnl aad fartr-l-I IU ) fart: t l a n aaatkarlr paralM Mtk nakIbaa of JiJmaa Aroaao aflr | U | fort; thaiwaatartl lanBal vkk da a m • Hliaileaaaaa kaaaVad aad hrtr^aa UtS) M U lDaa af Ji«ana Araaaa aad Ibaara aartka

NT that Baa atty {>•) faat la Ha PUoa

BAtlSOXD T. rABBOT, SWr. 'ran iu.1

Botaoaa Haw T - » Uf. fm

M u a . n . fa. far aala of

IT rlrbaa at Ha a i m Hall I vrtt of Bartdaa ta am aMcadL I alma osaaa for aala

br aattm vtaJaa. b> aa> BHMcI Coart Baaa.to Ika Cart Baaao >a Ika Cltr af B a t '

WaUAKSOAT. TBa> 1XBD HAT OrJAMttABT. A. n_ u n .

t l taw a^lock k> tat tflarnaa a l a U k r .All tka raBaabai tract ar aaraal of Itad ta *

. tatoat karakaflar aarOcaUrtr aXcrlkid. ao>aau, trac aaa M a c I t tka Taaaahla at Craa-brd at tka Cuarj of Baaa aa* Bute at HawJoraay. < -

BKCCCXTKC t t a palat aa tko Haul!.anallyatd» at BplaaHild Anaaa dimtal anr fttt'.whaaa-o.tr froan Waaamataa n a n : tbaaca( I ) raaakar Soalh foni^kraa l a m Woataaa I n i i k i l aad STtr foal aa a point: IkaacaIX> "ranala*" Saatk jlailj^aaa«a damaa Baat*Ar tart ta a paaat:man (1) raaaaaj Mar-tortr^kna aasraat Baat aaa kaa*nl aad «faat ta tka atjataaM BoatkafaaMir oMa-•arlas**M Anaaa: aa* Ikjac. ( I Ithat Mki Si i l l ! n IT akm atAnaao Kartk farty-a

• H a i t i patat aa* tatra m mawTW aban a i a a n u . a t o ba aol* _

lha lUtaass: aaiaaliiai I . : OaaaM tana,aaanaama, wator naku aaa ttx »aEa7lt atyirUrbta of atkamaT la in la, ksal oaTact af a t -tec aadmanimi; i M i l r i m tsuaims oford. If t a r ^ a a j aatk tacta at H a »

~Tta»» amwraM T


';.*m tturf *


k Sai Ckut-af 1

I b h k a M M ar pareal oOaad a»*

yraf kkat year.

i N J ki 1 H i s M la IKK-anr acoMmt, rnn though tt MayM aaora than m atratchad ftodsrdaad atjoa backing out of • gar-

aaw. It thjroaghjy Inytigstsl br 'aatttaa of raptors**, and If tb*

(act* show that tt could ban bana«0ld«d the Motosnt goat Into the n o .ord against tha district to which ttw

tt la aaatgMd, A spMtoa rivalrya betwam the various dlstrleU of

th* year with th* bast motor mhkat

Thlt wwk. It was also annnanosd,men than 1JM0 tbivare ot companymotor vehicle* and MOO Ur*obfln**e».plnyass who TMT* personally owisad

stgntd amf* driving resolutioncard* voluntarily pledging theawlv**to help make New Jersey highway*safer In 1(31. Laying particular aov.ptaaats upon carefulnes* and courtosy,

resolution pbdga* amployee* aok-serlbing to It "to so operate vchldsa a*

reflect credit upon my company, vjy.sell, and- fellow driver*."

Omasa Anaaa, Monk fanr-aona dairmOdrtr-aaraa mtaatat Iktrtr Hraaaa SaatTJoclrl«tl toot ta tka aaal ar *lua at kartaataf.

Tkora la daa aanallmililr II1I1H tadH M . « . with Uloraat froa Na.mbrr It,

* aaata.

COMCC raaa H IMBBEBirrs (ALE—la Cataearr tt Maw Jaroar.

Batwna Tba Coalral Bulldla* tad Lota Aa-tartalloa of Bllaiboth, K. J , » carp, al tt. I..rwaaiaaaat. aad Bra Baatlaar, uamtrrtad, aa.fnidanta. n . fa. for atla bt Mona-ifad pram*

>r TMao of tat tbora-ilalod wrU affaclaa lo aM dlractal I thall npoaa tar aalaby public nadaa. la lha PUlrtct Court Baom.a lha Coan Bouaa In lha City of BliabUb,

-_•! ^JJ irrn n A T o f

-JIT, A, II, IMS,at twa o'clock In lha tnarnoon nf uld day.

All thai tract or parrel of land andanamaa kanlntrtar partlnilirlT dracrlliod. llt-

• " • ' a Cllr or Elllabrth.and RlaU of Ni

" By Rut((n Uni™«ftatjr•Die acquisition by Rutgers Untvar-

slty of 340 acre* of land immediatelyacroa* the Rarttan River from the 'eampu* ha* been announced by Presi-dent Robert C. Clothier. With th*help of certain trustee*, alumni andFriends the University has been able to

advantage ot depressed landvalue to purchase the tract ot groundof the New Brunswick Oolf Club andthe adjacent land formerly belonging

Adrian J. Vermeule It Is locatedon the River Road to Bound Brook andcommands a splendid view over theriver to the present campus.

tula, l i lni and brlnt In tbr <s laa County or I'nlofi

anlnf at t point In thi aouthwall lldr ofRlra*t dlM.nl aaaurlr thrar bundrad

. trot from tha corner rormM br lho In.hrarrtloa of tha anilhwnlcrlr llna of Bond

IUI lha KiulhaaaUrly Una of*tr*rt: thMica runnlnc In t tnuthwratr-rlr drrortlaa and at rltiit antlra lo Hnad ntrrrt nnalundrrd lam and llilrty.lhroa ona hundrrdlhalnn\ faat; Ihnira aoulhattlarlr tnd l>

alM with Bond MrM twrnly-aro ( t i l faola point: UM«W norlhaaalorly tnd paralUI withtkr nrat daacrlbad rouraa ona hundrad Iwu an<lhlrtr:Uiraa on* huadradlhi I I*X.S1) - "adrrdUu I

Band-m ndMMaorthwratrrly alraii tald llna or Bvnd BlraattwfMr-nro IUI (act to lha point ar plicabatlaalns.

Bolnf Iko aama praalan conrayrd lo luBra Barllnx br dtri of El.la rraala tad buabaad. datod Mar lIUi. t i t* i laid Bortfislrra to aacvro part of tha purchaia monay.

Tarn la dua approilmalalr M.5JI t l , withlalrraot tram Norrabar 11, t i l l , and foau.



IBBlrrS XALX—la Ckaaawr ot Naw Janar.»ww.an-_ Anna Loulta Uroaba. coaplalnaal,

aad Dark) Cirrall.-at al.. dafandanli. n . fa.tor u la of aortsasad promUn.

Br flnua or Ibo tbaro-aUUd writ af -farlaa lo ax dlnctad I ahall atpon far aala'" puUk rndua. la tha Dlrulct Court Boaaa.

Iha Coan Boun la tba Cltr af ElUabatk.


two a'doek In Iba afunuae. ot laid dar.All Ika foUoatat tract ur parcrl of land

tad artalttarnarMnirtar pntlcultrlr dNcrtbtd,attaalo. lyta« and bahul la tha TowntnlpCraalard. la lha Countr of Union aad Blata"rw Janor.

Boflnala* it a point MI lha Waalrrtr llnalasra Aronua dkunt Moulhrrlr Bnanly.on

aad Knoaly.aaran Hundradthi ITT.TTI fnltroat tha rarnar fomad by tha Inlrrotctlon olaald llna of Elaora Armua prodund wlih lk<Hmnhctatorly llna or* Dunham Avanua producoMUMaca. Houth alfhty drnrrl lira mhvutn W)M Ona—Hundred and Trn I l l l l frrtlUmK»"|oOll»Titoa dacran snyDra mlnutaiEaat n n r IM) rart; thanra North rllhtr do-( m a *ra mulutaa Eut Ona Hundred and Tanl i l t ) fan lo aald llna or Elnort ArantM!thaaco Kortharlr. alonf uld lint of KlnHAraaua t iny (Ml fnt 10 lha point ar placa

k>lnt aU of lot nunbrrrd ThlrUn 1111ranabi map onUllrd, "Hap or XddymL

I'ark. HVrUun I, Crinlord. N. J." (which ma• i i Mrd In In. BatW«-a 00V. </f tha Count:or Union nn HcpMnlair Itlh. l l t l , t t rila No.l i ; r i and • atrip of land In Ihr raar Ihrreof

T h « . U dua approllmtlclr II.ttt .Jl . wlIntarrol, from IHraitiar-1, I t l l , and coota.

ED1ACC . rm till

• B E a i n - S IULE—ln Chancary ot Naw JmayBata*Ri kalnbow BuUdlnt * Loan AaaocU

lion of Ellubdh.'.V. J , a Corp. gf N. J.. com.pUlntal, aad l<aur Tartrn (Uao knownTanar) aad Maala Ttiorn (tlao knownT a m i l . bU wtla. at ala., dafondanta, VI. tlfar n la af aongaiad -prtalHi.

Br rbtaa af Ika tboro^uiad writ of larlradii tt aw dlrocttd I ihtll atpon for t tbr wbUc raadua. hi lha Ulatrkt Court b o a ,In Iba Co«rt JIOUM la tha Cllr or EllxtbHh,


at two o'cfcicli In lha tnamooa or aald dtr.All th* foUowlns Iran or parcel nf Und I

prralara htrrinafbrt panlniUrlr daacrlbod, ioau, Irhw tad brtai In Ibt Ttwnihlp af Cri_lord In Uw County of Union and Hula of XawIbJrraar.

naarb Hh

naar T*ACT: BEOINMKO H a pointIbo aoatboularlr Una of Johaaon Arrauo dla<UM Tnlrtr IM) tart In a aoulhwnurlr dlracllna froa th* Nartbaularlr rornrr, ot a ptdaf rroaad known and dMcrlbad on t'eertaUman anlltlad Map of IToparlr it CranforJ,I'nioa Cmntr. Naw Jcnar, owned and datdaibr BanlaaUn'r. Htm and Adala E. Johnon. MSI* la Ibo Omc of tba Rnlalar of tald Counlof Union u Lot Numbrrad Ona hondrtd (IMIIhean BmthwaaUrlr tlon* Johnaon Aironr I4t) ton: thaac* at rUrhl aulaa _M w Arontw Roulhattltrlr Ono Uundnd andSfur (IMI foal: Ihroc* partllrl with johnaonAram. NorthMoterlr rnnr US) faat! thancaK*rtbw»narlr On* hundred tnd fifty (IM) Iky toe point or pltc* of Bxinnlnf.'4CCOND TBACT: BEOtNNINU It th* e cair (arm.il br the InlrreerUon nf tht Bouthwotterlr Hat at Elite l l tmt wllh th* Brath.ratlarlr llna af Johaaon Annual thane*Mat- touthtaaUrlr lion* tald llna orSreH Oao himdred llStl rertt Uienea »waaurlr ptralM with Johnaon -Aranat ni lIU) fan; thenc* Nonhwtalarlr ptrtIMEUa» atrart Oaa hundrad ( lei) Teat to _l a * af Johnaon Aranni thane* Nonheajlarl:ttoacjlk* t t a * n n r t " ) ftat-l* ttw pUe*

, Tnartilt dat

Tta ltU

A • a mm

I BatsaaW ^BfaTsA •Taa^a^afe l a i a H afcaBati afskafjasW

IIEBirrM HALE—In fbtarrrr of Kaw Jorny.Bnwmi t'lilrlllr 1'ni™ Tllla anj Uartsat*

itiaranly t'limpan). a ,\rw J*r»ry rorpuratloa,I i l . . r<i«|i|alnauli. and Victor Donlojauntt'nrli I l*iirpnrilli>ii, a nvw Jvrivy ron>orallon,t i l l , dVrmdanl. ri fa. for aala of aort-

Dy llrtua of lha abotaMilaled writ of Sortraclaa lo ma dlmcud I ahall alpoaa tar t i l tby public taadua. In lha murk* Colin Boom,In lha Court Iliiiue In th* city or Elliabath.


t Iwo o'clock In lha allernoon ot u ld day.All Ine lolki.lnt tract or parcel ol land tnd

Iranian h«r.!»>H>r parUrularly uVtcrlbod. all-

rrmrord In lha Counly of Union and BUI* at

" H I I S N ' M I i l • Mill In Ibt NortbaaaUrtrItnr ol I'trkrr Artnur Ihertln dblaal Boalh-oallrrly l t l . I I feat lormad br lha lalaraocUa*of aalJ llna of I'trkar Arenue with Uw Boslk.eaalerlr llna nf Urania A*anu*l aad rraaaUirnce runnlni III at rlfhi antlea lo rarkarArmua North 4T dafren U mlnutea Etat USfed i thence runnlni (1) airallil *IUi rmrbarArmua South 41 d«reea~]I aUutn Eaal I*fret: thence (1) parallel with Ike *rat eaan*Bouth If drtran IS minute! Want 1X3 hat talha Northeaatarlr Una of P.rter Aroaua;

imee II) aloni lha time North 41 l innetI alnuln Writ W frrl to the point or place ,

BEtllNNINtl. ^ ^Bebv known tnd delimited at lota Not. •

and It In Block 4IT aa Map af Crtaford n i c e .Cnnford. N. J.

The tboeo drerrtpUon la In icrordtaca withinner made br William FrweUer, Burreror,

dated AprU I. 1111.Belm tha aanw pramlaoi ramrod I* rkllht

. Muhem. Untie. b» deed tram Bormaa C.Bnil. dated r.bnurr Is. ISIS and -April II, 1S1I In the Union Countr «Office In-Book-IStl of Deed, tor aaldl

K TS:Im all and lite uma prrmbea ai diaerlbad

In Momaie Bonk 111! or l lor tufn far UnionCountr, ptta III.

Kaowa ao No. M Parkar Aeeaue, Craafar*.Nrw inwr.

Than 11 due anprollmattlr IIJM •«. withnltrnl from Pereniber IT, Hit. tnd ooaU.

C. WEKLET COLLINS. Sharif.MU0.V r. NOKTHtUP, Bol'r.— • a r c . rail IIUS

lEEirr* BALE—In Chaararr nf Naw Jererr.tletwarn Boielle l'trk Bulldlnf tnd Loan

Aswclitlon. a twdy corporate, atr., complain-ant, and-Dommlro t'oaunao, dalendant.. n .fa. tor aale of mortsaied promlaaa.

Br rlnue of tbe aboe*-tutad wrtt at Ianfacial to ae directed 1 ahall eipoit for atl*br oaUlc eanduo. In Ike Dutrlet Caarl Boea.• Urn Coort Bouaa. In tha Cllr of Bamaotk.

"n?DNEKnAY. THE 11TII DAY OrrEBKUABY, A. [>.. 1113,

al Iwo o'clock In lha atlornoon of itld day.All lha followlm Irtcli or parcel, of Itad and

aramlaai henlnirtar partlculirl; daaeribad, th-ail*, lylaf tad bain* In tha atr at ElumketkIn the County af ttnlan tad BUI* at Now

Mi*', particularly known, daaUruud tad do-arrtbrd ai lou numbered Xtae 111? Ten III).Elrrrn (11) and Twrin 111), on tha 'toundrd br Third AVenue, rourth Abounded br Third Akanua, rourth A n mHoulli rlllh Xlraat and Miraton Btraat « > 'nrtaln map tnUllod. "Map of Propartr ttJnhnM. Mrtlrilli. In Iha Cltr of BHiaMh. NowJtraar." Knmro ai Nna, l t* .JU South nfthMlrrrl, Elllabrih, N. 1. I ' -

Thara II dua approUaulrlr >IUJ«S.IX. WithInlarru. from Dctanbrr 11. l l j t . and caau.

real tlX.ll *

SIIEEirrs rULE-ln Chinnrr «f New Jontf.JMwrn Mutual Barlnci rund niraoalt, a

Corp.. complainant, and Dear** Dehnwr, M all.,derendanla. n . f«. for aale of mortjnsodpraatuot. \

Ur tlrlu* of Ihe alnea-lUIrd writ at Barlttclta lo ma directed I Dull oipnaa far Ml* '.br nubile .endue. In lha Dlatrkt ICauit-Boam.-'In tha Court Uouat. In tha Clur ot SHubolh,

"ttEDNEflDAY. THE 11TII DAY Or ~ntBRTARV, A. D.. 1113, ..

al two o'clock hi lho tntraoon of Mid dtr.All Ihe rollnwlnf Irani or parcel, of land tnd

prmnlm hanlnatter ptrtlcuUrlr dncrlbad, Ul-'i'uau. \j\nt and helm In lha City Ot Ulubeth .'In tha Counlr of Union tnd Slat* ot New jJrraer,

n r u Tract: And which b mon Iild down, dealanated-tnd dlulniul

rerttln mip mliUrf "Mtp of the ! . - .racturlnt Town or EtUtbrlhpon. New . ,(now on Die In the nOlc* or the Kajjaler of U - -Cnmlr of E M U I t l IM numbered I I aa block?numbered ( i , uui d o n on uld map. -A

nocond Vrtn: Whlcll b mon pirtlcullrtr"lild down. oWlniiad tnd dwinrulihrtoit . i t ,certain map entlllrd. "Map ot the New Manu»3faclurlns town or Kllubathpon. K M l a m ' V jluw no a u In the nOra of Uw W « U r or iittiCounlr of b a n ) at lot nuahand n oaVadc'Jnumbered 1> u uld lot tad Hock ippear on S.

%+ rf ,^J


Page 10: CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. Sdwol Budge Sobmitted ... · *~» merit badge teiU and held his ... CRANFORD. R J tNI»SDA^JAWUAIO, r 17. g s appointed at a i*eent meeting to


• • I

fee aaat warataf aae raHe I- cMtfate aaaen tt »r« train T *• n sappoaMi M wars «m|«Uj

fttw Mala u d p n l i t b t •(• t e taair car* aa KM* a*

Utar tale art .ae mmrtlj art ». aa ••* , earf aa*»•Her, a d<« tltm nitir o * 'la the cvaiirtliUiB. > lm Black In tln»» mluntea inst «s» di<«»sal ' BV i t o ' i ••»ttad b»*lw l ; JBr- *«~ra— Li A«Hiatr?»i4rerfera lo UHT iltK P*lr»rjaetllln

Paaw.WiW... rWfc*I»lIt la HUII thai ia |»r »iu>!r.«» • ' tk.

kind mtuiw>bi} i ; « : to » « b 11 » " • ,aad Japantw b"w« ar* a» J. ft UM<Wkaallb'ul ihan Tb» ..r.!!i»« «!»••. • »dim* nf lite H « * Thr hrtt*ftr*,;i» tt)

Mr»a. al Cl Wriaiac*>•• *T)m«(<*klaw «T1I

a w «r (BMT afr atlU-**i tiatMat TV rbM*

-?'»< far aH oaVial a mtt*- an* |>aUw funa af

tra »K>IH ran r.-U...| in .-lar r..l..'t-e *""*""''* "**_ "ZJ71? ££?!?'

af «0 I»T wotCat tmmm Tia

f t

HO Aua hair ch> lint,' [.n><:>,rr>l Ida «'•"- r_^a Ubrr«><d(r fcrm «ni*t l *patiwwd Thr !> DITtoafUf* i» Mr marapf! Vit Ahfn at&nrapidly tn STIII t<i.t it tf>nt •!»•« t

. jurklnt t c»f tin- h«-*(| -«a*i vtr* ia k t i fa**- il»- 4i>iyttrafi'^ «r *T4*

tn a vvf'j atartMnt 'a»hi(ia

a* afat* W * naM|urr«d «tHla w t law a-rltn Kmf-t-li V-4*.U (•». 1c (VIl&tR tSi«- «*r «sjtrfr aa*

thai an;

.'*n tlm


w *•» anactuncrat K«r»m a zxonr k*r< wWI< *• am>4 «elr

«Mgtr,all> W . U , U . M C*to«l«. ** «** •-*•» » « - ™* •«-»«>.< atla the Dnrthrrn t»arc of South Anerio, (rptulllolH I he Muihlah Maia.* »•»»»lag "mafi/Un<I- In Kiuiand th»-~» j

auln," an4 •> Kn«laini n-rrad ir« «•» i ^ ^ernnieot »»»r nunj nf th. « n< lad^n | «•*" aam»th. CariMw « eaa. » V k M . , CRAI^DRD TRUST OXat ibf Hl*nlna'*ulii

It lt?l

In 11134 tiw H.nati'la parUaont _M I M I an emaafliiailua art rrwrlaa; all' -- T «>u»> _ i«'^:-,«alar«a. Hut amoog Ibe* preaeat daj jara*ira^a> ««*a> «MI w n mBermuda BegrvM a rorlooa WlWf »»f J B ^ J I S '*"* **"""aUta. Xln.1 of ibeia are eaaTtaeni taat 'suana IMM. _ . - ~ s m : t ~ j .taer were fnwd by Abrmhaai Uarate[»"«»• —' *"•"• q w l "as s mult of tha O.ll war. t /


Education to Cony OnLook to th« Khool aad yon a n

trrint locietjr'i cnatrat effort totxrjwtuau lu«lf. For vkatcvrr

Too may cstabljih for«liiration, than kahr»y> oa« ondcriy.inr porpo»>. th*fotxedauon atan* a*h «<n. aad' it a"U> carry «n."

You may thiak ofrtadinr. writiac.

—jig!- arllhaiftit ufmsic, but th«a yvo rnmt ntsnt to".h* iafTttablc qorKion "»by!~Thrj art toeU of tocial faiwr-rourw. Bat our hopr ti alwayithai Ibt atxt rra«ritioiu »CI nihrn to better adiantac* than w*ha«. One by eo« th« adaJti of afommonity pan «u On« by on«ikr ehiMrea of today >t«p ajj to'ake our PUCML

Art they pr»par»d? Not "»hat•Jo they kntrn" Ujt are t.-.'-j- p«wf.iterial for 0ic nty **r:rt£?_Jn_

, ldno rcutitute ibt-aw material of an eier-rrr.ewraif*'ate or toewty. The it-hoc! u tiemil we bare inrenttd (or iaahios>inc that raw nalcral usio ar.drr-

d i ^ parent!. io«i nfixfcbor*.aoaeat eiUiens, and «i:iira; worfc-«ra. Our job u to turn out a bet-ter product with each luceeaamcaeration.

Aad.whea we come to examia*.tha eaaeatiala and to aik ~)uitwhat U Uaportanf more aad monw« realiu that at thr top of UwIlrt we most place health—phyu.cal. mental, aocial, emotional

i!th: fitaeaa for work. play, andHtizcnahip: a xaut for ramdUta,abundant liriruj. \

Whit about (A« -trjurny rnL^itmmf grrtMt Dr. In a«</ tail aV-

iW in Ail ntxt artidr. •

t> i


5*1'. >•

*•)••»»* • «Jffl» .

n *~ • *.# r«* *'


When Ordering Coal, Say



SesOwaml Coke



«• ~m

kkt «a late aaaaaaT M ( K M ki t r aa kipaaac; lo «aa; (a raa away; to acerryar ta a»a«a*r.

laiudaiai Faajrsiraar-teaaad tkM «art nrrt asllraS

I* awa a «n«a aa won ay Ik* BrttJa*Mliar. who tM a lane *carf n k r al»collar la UMP foor-taJwad wanner Whya *WM7" tana atoold b» aard for «MTat staalfeat«tl«ii, aofeudy a m u takwnr.

Oaky fataaaaA tut«v cbura aturtwd to (Iraad

aaa'a roialnt chair wa» one of the drataWry pamn. 4fltr the War of lad*aaaoearr ta* Callad Main pawat of-tew rrpiirta. na aa arrntc a anr dairy•ackla* ca«af am rerry

Ka» WaM'a Paa>aDutal atrvel la Key Waat_ Da., rua

from th* Golf of tfeiln to ts* Atlantl*

0> ta taa k«glMdM af th« Slawaa«w«8T _ _laataftiatalafipr.

Had CTIlMI Ota- UhaW U .AB aadMt CMWM «*W "•» (aood

kaivalk tin l i in i i af Tal lak* • • tha•f r a i a m . n l rini l iai | n n

la CkalaV tia—a amy» tmt dty


TwviaaThar* a n twa thlnca wklca only

lM kM«i; la* on*, aomaaltyra'u)lh*Mktr art.

•a* foaad (oUtf af i l l i i f rmcM«. Tuna, it Btoa »•:•«»» « •

asteauv deatk ta Aaat wtw avasktH. wrttas E. 1L Mtlttea. CBalaa, Okav.at CBlHefs Weekly.

TkUaTaa Anarfaaa rttar I* Kcrada rlata

ta • «raop of aprlan. i « r , abort(rand (or atvanl aUlea. t a a drop*BsdOTTrvoDd for a dtauac* of BO adlaata nanpear la laa Art awaaow



FREE!— ^^ajiajgaaBW'

In order to more thoroughly acquaint you with This Modem, CompleteDrug Store, we offer For One Week Only, (Sat Jan. 19 to Sat Jan. 26)a "Huddle" Football Game or a "Bookie" Horse Race Game



MEET CUFF MONTGOMERYS U r M t h e 1H4 Mm, Bowl m a n 4 rated All Ameri -c a " M a r t e r k k h o t C a l a m i * . CUB M l ^2

Extra Special SpecialsFOR 1 WEEK ONLY -

Ice Creams Sodas

10cTan wlU agree that ear

caaeaaste etwa la theeestlatswB

Costa's. Ice Cream

^ 3 9 c

M»«e year arier 'Tar-^a»*ay delivery .'

Sqiribb'sShaving Cream

29cTUX: Ogaratle lighter

with every take


Dental Cream\

niRR; natfnaaiihaAaVitU m. abas with

every take


Squfcb's Talcum Powders (Asst) 19cKeno One-Day Alarm Qocks .....89cKolex 17C; 2 for 33cModess 17C; 2 for 33c

J. & J. Best Grade Hospital Cotton,1 1b. 23c

Squib's Tooth Paste I_29c MUpjohn's Citro Carbonate 67c ICrazy Crystal Salt* (Reg. 60c) 29c NPond's Face Tissue (500 Sheets) 23c ICascara Tablets ( I W I ) i f c M

Milk of Magnesia (Pt Size) 23c URubbing Alcohol (1 Pint) „ 19c M

I .4''"'

(JAN. 19 TO JAN. 26)

| ^ Squibb'. Aspirin Tablet, (12's)McKesson & Robbins Cold Cream

SPECIAL ._ _ 3 fo,

Pure Norwegian Cod liver Oil, 16 oz. 39cListerine (Large Size)g )Cough Balsam (Large Size) 395

"Mineral Oil (Extra Heavy) F t 29c

CIGARETTES-^OldGold , Lucky Strike,Cberterfiald _ 2 f or 2Sc

, Car ton—two c a r t e l limit



' EIGHTExact repradac-lion of aaV. «fBir N. Y. Dept.Store but aianUi.

"HUDDLE"Tfc» Junior Howard H.Jones football game. Timtor yotmf and old.

"BOOKIE"The exciting horee-raeioggame. It's great for apartyl


We Solicit Your Charge Accounts


116 North Avenue, W.- 0»ti j . vet.fmamaty. - Cnuifoi^ N. J.



1 altar tat M M at Wsltar Uatto. » yaata ofct wMa kiwu art- na««reom I I t

horn* t» oWiw f O r t o A Ctf I*W WWW ^eHOVwWVaM QMaVVtV

JMr*. rar.ra.eaf M asaw •**» *i

"Caisjam~awi ffitfn'fff aMtw mtt tt«kmi tnm;tit» to IM m. *. nt-

,4* oat a/ tmmmt to Mr. Wait 11,W)U> tomt tkaf alaM faaajatw, laaBBraaaarar a%ar *BBBBBBr*ar m\t #akaa> •aaBB^BaBBBBaBraBBalB*

Atttmtsb ta taHtes haaJtt for tiWat t m n l awathi. Mr. Faekw n

I portad (or «crk" ranavly i t Ttm atcaaot, «ban h* wi

| a wtana nrtatar. B* « M at work 1y u d anoaul no m

I anal a m of IS haalth.A Mttrc of Waihantc, tat raaovad I

MaMrrffle vban ba ataria* ta UIprtettaf buataeat at Uw ** ct a. BIwaa connortad with prtattoc plantoar

1 la Pktlnflekl. BtaWn Iiaw, K. Y , and Wastaaid. prfc

1 mmtacto Cranford thirty raan-acHe betan work In Otanford aa a prb

| icr on Tbe Oranfort OUaan whenIn the Beaa baOdbai cvmtrn abort? alter tt

K. Warner took over- UI adlttaf ana i-*M->''-t of the paper. E

waa promoted to npeaintendent of Uprtattaf department, a podtton wbkhe bald for more than twenty yeareonUwiliat ta «Me tapactty arttr MWarner rohanHdated The Cttlaen aa

He abo dimuch of tbe. WTttln* on the paper dmtot the World War, (athertac o nliens and lettlnc them up by hand.

Tot the part DftCen year^ he habean Orantord earraapondent (ornumber ot New York and Newark newi

A lUe-long RepiibUcan, Mr. Pack)had alwayi taken an active interest idrta and poUtkal affairs here. Rmany years he was a ipedai clerk 1acbool board elections and CranfmTrnit company, elections. a

He was an; ardent Oabennao, an•pent much time during the nimtneialong the banks of. nearby rivers, lainand brooks. There was hardly a toofishing "hole" in these part* where MPacker had not dropped In his hocand-line. r—-

I - - H« -waa-a-member of AUM LodgiP. ft A. M., Wertfleld; Cranforc? CouttU, Jr. O. U. A. iM.. and-J1alnflel

[ Local. No. 3to. International Type[graphical Union.

Hia wife, the former Evelyn StapleIdled in 1838. N

He, is wnrived by two sons, Bmer VI Packer of Oolllagaworth, and Oeorc

at borne; one gnuidaon. Walter; ana sitter, Mrs. Louisa, Durham of Someivllle.

[LefionAsksRotorkn.To Support Casm

Harold A. Qlovter, past commandiof Cranford Post. Na 312. America

I Legion, and manager of the Cranf orI Oulno, told membera of the Rotai{ d a b at their luncheon meeting Hi

Thursday noon In Ooteman^ Inn, thithe Casino is not solely the Legionnew borne but Is _tlao a communltrecreational center. Bt appealed t

J members of the club to use the buildI Ing arsnea and spreaci the wordsmon1 thViroupa. He .pointed out thi

many Improvements have been madI and new faculties added since th[Legion took over tbe Casino and pullIlle support U needed to make pcaslblI the continuing of other improvementI—3b«-dlvlaion-to-Uie-Btatereounty-anImuoldpality of Individual taxes wi

explained by W.'A. Bennessey. pubUI rebUioni representative of .a group cllndustdea located on. SUten IsianI sound. He was Introduced by WUllu|J . WUliey, the dubt vice-president.I President Samuel If. Hl"")»'' con[ducted tbe buslneaj aeation and Charlc|M. Ray introduced the visitors. TheI were Charles H. DarsQt Kmli R. Brun|nerrand Tom Mead^aU^of.WotneK

I ihil Mrtt cum BUCCTS', \CUrsbel Frew was elected preskien

I of r the CimnfoM High School RlflI dub at tha annual election sfonda]•Other offlcen un: Vlce-preiident, WUll-am Dengler, secretary, Janet BarnesItnanrer, Vu-|lnla Bam<e;*ran<e maaller. WlUlam Dangler; and publkltlofflcer, Howard Orafl.

