On Thursday, March 11, AEB proudly shared USDA’s approval of its 2010 Board Members, Alternates and Executive Committee at its Board Meeting. After the election of the new Executive Committee, Immediate Past Chairman Jacques Klempf graciously passed the gavel to AEB’s new Chairman Craig Willardson of the Norco, CA- based Moark LLC. Having served on AEB’s Board for the past seven years and most recently as Vice Chairman, Craig encouraged the Board to be more proactive than ever before. “If we can get the word out about all the things AEB does and we can be transparent, then with an informed industry, the referendum will pass,” said Craig, when addressing the full Board. “We have a great brand in the incredible edible egg.” The 2010 Executive Committee also includes: Vice Chairman Brian Hayward of Creighton Brothers LLC; Secretary Chris Pierce of Heritage Poultry Management Services; Treasurer Bruce Dooyema of Dooyema & Sons Inc. and Executive Committee Members Richard Simpson of Simpson’s Eggs and Tad Gross of Hemmelgarn & Sons Inc. The Members for Area I— North Atlantic States include: Chris Pierce; Julia Lough of Dorothy Egg Farm and Paul Sauder of R.W. Sauder Inc. as well as Alternates David Radlo of Radlo Foods and Karyn Kreher of Kreher’s Farm Fresh Eggs. The Members for Area II— South Atlantic States include: Dolph Baker of Cal-Maine Foods Inc; Richard Simpson and Larry Thomason of Larry Thomason Egg Farm Inc. as well as Alternates Scott Horton of Country Charm Eggs; Jacques Klempf and Scott Braswell of Braswell Foods. Members for Area III—East North Central States include: Tad Gross; Brian Winner of Ross- Medford Farms and Greg Herbruck of Herbruck Poultry Farms as well Alternates Tom Hertzfeld, I, of Hertzfeld Poultry Farms Inc; Bill Glass of Fort Recovery Equity and Thomas Stoller of Stoller Farms Inc. Members for Area IV—West North Central States include: Pat Stonger of Daybreak Foods Inc.; Brian Hayward of Creighton Brothers LLC and Scott Ramsdell of Dakota Layers LLP as well as Alternates Ben Thompson of Pearl Valley Eggs Inc.; Ruth Ann Hendrix of Rose Acre Farms Inc. and Amos Baer of Baer Poultry Co. Members for Area V—South Central States include: Bruce Dooyema; Tim Bebee of Michael Foods Egg Products and Brian Joyer of Sparboe Farms as well as Alternates Blair Van Zetten of Oskaloosa Food Products; Richard Hall of S.W. Iowa Egg Cooperative and Greg Nelson of Nelson Poultry Farms. Members for Area VI— Western States include: David Elbel of Feather Crest Farms Inc.; Craig Willardson and Roger Deffner of National Food Corp. as well as Alternates Frankie King of Pilgrim’s Pride Corp.; Clint Hickman of Hickman’s Egg Ranch and Mark Oldenkamp of Valley Fresh Foods Inc. March 2010 Editor: Ashley G. Richardson Craig Willardson elected Chairman Good Egg Project takes mom bloggers to the farm ENC’s new look and new approach Media continues to shout about eggs’ nutrition Gearing up for the egg holiday Foodservice Webinar successful AEB.org receives a facelift

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On Thursday, March 11, AEBproudly shared USDA’s approvalof its 2010 Board Members,Alternates and ExecutiveCommittee at its Board Meeting.After the election of the newExecutive Committee, ImmediatePast Chairman Jacques Klempfgraciously passed the gavel toAEB’s new Chairman CraigWillardson of the Norco, CA-based Moark LLC. Having servedon AEB’s Board for the past sevenyears and most recently as ViceChairman, Craig encouraged theBoard to be more proactive thanever before.

“If we can get the word outabout all the things AEB does andwe can be transparent, then withan informed industry, thereferendum will pass,” said Craig,when addressing the full Board.“We have a great brand in theincredible edible egg.”

The 2010 ExecutiveCommittee also includes: ViceChairman Brian Hayward ofCreighton Brothers LLC; SecretaryChris Pierce of Heritage PoultryManagement Services; TreasurerBruce Dooyema of Dooyema &Sons Inc. and ExecutiveCommittee Members RichardSimpson of Simpson’s Eggs andTad Gross of Hemmelgarn & SonsInc.

The Members for Area I—North Atlantic States include: ChrisPierce; Julia Lough of DorothyEgg Farm and Paul Sauder ofR.W. Sauder Inc. as well as

Alternates David Radlo of RadloFoods and Karyn Kreher ofKreher’s Farm Fresh Eggs.

The Members for Area II—South Atlantic States include:Dolph Baker of Cal-Maine FoodsInc; Richard Simpson and LarryThomason of Larry ThomasonEgg Farm Inc. as well asAlternates Scott Horton of CountryCharm Eggs; Jacques Klempf andScott Braswell of Braswell Foods.

Members for Area III—EastNorth Central States include: TadGross; Brian Winner of Ross-Medford Farms and GregHerbruck of Herbruck PoultryFarms as well Alternates TomHertzfeld, I, of Hertzfeld PoultryFarms Inc; Bill Glass of FortRecovery Equity and ThomasStoller of Stoller Farms Inc.

Members for Area IV—WestNorth Central States include: PatStonger of Daybreak Foods Inc.;Brian Hayward of CreightonBrothers LLC and Scott Ramsdellof Dakota Layers LLP as well as

Alternates Ben Thompson of PearlValley Eggs Inc.; Ruth AnnHendrix of Rose Acre Farms Inc.and Amos Baer of Baer Poultry Co.

Members for Area V—SouthCentral States include: Bruce Dooyema; Tim Bebee ofMichael Foods Egg Products andBrian Joyer of Sparboe Farms aswell as Alternates Blair Van Zettenof Oskaloosa Food Products;Richard Hall of S.W. Iowa EggCooperative and Greg Nelson ofNelson Poultry Farms.

Members for Area VI—Western States include: David Elbel of Feather CrestFarms Inc.; Craig Willardson andRoger Deffner of National FoodCorp. as well as AlternatesFrankie King of Pilgrim’s PrideCorp.; Clint Hickman of Hickman’sEgg Ranch and Mark Oldenkampof Valley Fresh Foods Inc.

March 2010 Editor: Ashley G. Richardson

Craig Willardson elected Chairman

• Good Egg Project takes mom bloggers to the farm

• ENC’s new look and new approach

• Media continues to shout about eggs’ nutrition

• Gearing up for the egg holiday

• Foodservice Webinarsuccessful

• AEB.org receives a facelift

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The American Egg Boardheld its annual meeting weekbefore last in Chicago. It wasthe changing of the guard fromJacques Klempf, who was AEB’sChairman for the past two years,to Craig Willardson, who hasserved as AEB’s Vice Chairman.Jacques has been an

extraordinary Chairman and will leave behind astrong legacy of accomplishments and specialmemorable moments to mark his two-year term inoffice.

During his time as Chairman, Jacques was atrue leader inspiring the Board and staff to raise thebar on effective marketing programs on behalf of theegg industry.Among his mostnoteworthyaccomplishmentswas spearheadingthe creation of theAgriculturalEducationCommittee. Thisnew Committeecreated a multi-year,multi-million dollarfarmer imagecampaign, which includeseducating the consumer aboutmodern egg productionpractices, featuring how eggfarmers care for their animals,and highlighting the good deedsof the egg farmers through theiregg donations to feed thehungry. Jacques was alwaysthinking “outside the box” andestablished a National Brand Task Force toinvestigate the opportunities of establishing anational incredible egg brand.

Jacques also created several memorablemoments at Board Meetings. He first showed hisskills in sport (cup) stacking as showcased by WorldChampion Luke Myers in AEB’s Incredible Peoplecommercials. At our March 2009 Board Meeting,Jacques treated the Board to a performance of sportstacking finishing the routine in 16.61 seconds.However, staff decided to surprise Jacques and theBoard with the surprise arrival of Luke Myers, who

demonstrated his amazing speed and skill–madepossible in part by his favorite morning meal ofscrambled eggs. What an eggciting morning.

Jacques created another memorable moment atour recent March 2010 Board dinner first sharing aJohnny Carson video with Dom Deluise’s egg trick.Jacques demonstrated the trick and recruited ChrisPierce to play Johnny. Jacques duplicated the trick,which involved five glasses of water placed in acircle and covered with a tray. On top of the tray anddirectly over each glass were eggs balanced onrolled up business cards. With a broom to knock thetray over, Jacques landed four of the five eggs intothe glasses. Wow, Jacques, you have many talents!

With the election of Craig Willardson, AEB willhave another outstanding Chairman to lead its

organization. In hisacceptance speech,Craig was veryenthusiastic andcomplimentary of theAmerican Egg Boardand praised theaccomplishments of theorganization in recentyears. There is no

doubt that underCraig’s leadership,AEB will continue tomove forward andreach new heights.Craig is now in theprocess ofappointing the 2010Committee Chairs,which will be placewithin the nextmonth and ready totake on

responsibility by the July Board Meeting.At the March meeting, each committee reviewed

their objectives as presented in AEB’s Strategic Planand reported their 2009 results. The Plan providesAEB staff with a detailed tactical plan forimplementing a strong, effective marketing programthat enables egg producers to witness their returnon investment in AEB. In almost all cases, AEBgreatly exceeded its 2009 objectives. In the pagesof this newsletter, you will read about many of theseaccomplishments and new marketing activities. I amlooking forward to an eggsceptional 2010!

President’s Message

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Continuing to audit its programs and approaches, ENC’s business cardsand Nutrition Close-Up underwent a facelift recently. Going forward, nutritionexperts will contribute articles to the latter as well, and their head shots will

appear with their articles. Plans toredesign its website are alsounderway. These new eye-catching designs support its newforceful mission statement aswell. Efforts are underway tosurvey its subscription list througha personalized online survey. Themain goal: gather input as to howENC can be more relevant and toencourage two-waycommunications.

ENC also plans to develop amore formal agreement through acontract with the EggAmbassadors to use this groupas well as the Scientific AdvisoryPanel more effectively.

Recently at the Pri-Med Southconference, ENC displayed thisresearch promotion sign in itsbooth hoping to attract healthprofessionals into the booth. Andthe results were truly incredible.The sign was a smashingsuccess and drew passing-by

crowds into the booth and provided Marcia Greenblum, M.S., R.D., with theopportunity to discuss ENC’s overall mission and efforts. This year, ENCplans to exhibit at four meetings that target primary care physicians, nursepractitioners, physicians’ assistants and registered dietitians.

ENC’s new look & new approachCompleted researchResearch on the “Effect of

Processing, Storage andCooking on Omega-3 FattyAcids, Lutein and Choline in EggProducts” with Dr. Dong Ahn atIowa State University iscomplete. Among the threefunctional components (lutein,omega-3 fatty acids andcholine), only lutein decreasedsignificantly mainly by storageand cooking.

Processing had only minoraffect on the stability of lutein.Among the processing methods,ultrapasteurization wasdetrimental to lutein because oftwo heat treatments involved (pre-heating andultrapasteurization). Althoughthe amounts of omega-3 fattyacids in egg products were notchanged, omega-3 fatty acids-enriched egg products weremore susceptible to oxidativechanges and produced greateramounts of lipid-oxidationdependent volatiles than controland lutein-enriched ones.

Choline was very stable andwas not influenced byprocessing, storage andcooking.

The Marchissue of Relishmagazine isdedicated torecipes, cookingtips andnutrition infoabout Theincredible edibleegg™! Thecover headlinereads “TheBreakfastIssue,”proclaimingbreakfast as the

most important meal of the day and features a photoof eggs. Inside stories include recipes and tips froma popular chef for scrambled eggs, an explanationabout an Israeli dish called Shakshuka and more!

In a recentWoman’s Worldarticle, readerswere encouragedto consume baconand eggs forbreakfast in orderto beat sugarcravings. Citing Dr. Campbell’ssatiety research, the article notes, “protein helpsprevent blood-sugar swings that trigger cravings.”

The March/April issue of Weight Watchersfeatures a list of non-meat protein options, callingeggs an excellent vegetarian choice and citesresearch showing that eating an egg a day may notincrease health risks.

In this month’s Self Challenge “Weight LossSuperstars” article, eggs are named a food that“research has shown to help you shed pounds.”

Media continues to shout about eggs’ nutritional benefits

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On March 1-2, the Hickman family opened up itsfarm to nine popular mom bloggers from across thenation for the first-ever Good Egg Project Farm toTable Tour! Moms were invited to Arizona to learnabout where their eggs come from and experience acomprehensive tour of the farm–from thehen houses, to the washing room, to theprocessing plant and more. During thetour, several moms mentioned howimpressed they were by the cleanliness ofthe facilities and expressed theirappreciation for the open access to thefarm!

In addition to the farm tour, momsparticipated in a hands-on cooking class.Egg Ambassador Mary Lee Chin, R.D.,kicked off theclass with anoverview of thenutritionalbenefits of eggs,focusing on theimportance ofhigh-qualityprotein forbreakfast everyday.Following MaryLee’s presentation,AEB spokespeopleHoward Helmer andJeffrey Saaddemonstratedquick-and-easyweekday recipes forthe moms toprepare for theirkids to give themthe mind and bodyenergy they need for those long school days.

While moms were on the tour, Jeffrey and Howardhit the airwaves on local station KTVK’s “GoodMorning Arizona” and AZTV’s “Pat McMahon Show.”Howard and Jeffrey showcased easy egg recipes,touted the benefits of eggs for breakfast andmentioned the Good Egg Project and the mom blogtour.

Throughout the two days, moms stayed in touchwith their Twitter followers, tweeting about their eye-opening experiences filled with educational and funactivities. A few notable tweets include:

@Laurie2008: Having a wonderful time at#farmtotable and meeting some really wonderfulpeople, cant wait for tomorrow

@amnichols: Wonderful dinner w/ #farmtotablebloggers. Learned its impossible to have cage freechickens in Phoenix. The heat stresses out the hens.

@sourwine: Hens like being together...Birds of afeather. And yes, there's a pecking order.

#farmtotable @amnichols: Going

back to the resort afteran eye opening tour ofHickman Farms.Considering going backto conventionally growneggs. #farmtotable @anitra: What a lovely#farmtotable grouphttp://twitpic.com/16fi8y

@EclecticCook: Back towork today after #farmtotable. Ihave a few memory cards full ofpics to go through and a blogpost to write. Who needssleep?

The moms also commentedon how the tour was an eye-

opening experience and filled with educational andfun activities that they looked forward to sharing withtheir readers. One mom blogger from Colorado wrote,“The trip really changed my mind about what kind ofeggs I use. I’ve decided to buy my eggs from theMorning Fresh Farm ‘down the street’ in Plattevillethrough my local dairy’s milk delivery service. Aftermeeting and talking with the Hickman’s, I now knowthat conventionally made eggs are the way to go.”

Since the tour, several of the mom bloggers haveposted eggstraordinary recaps full of positiveinformation and pictures about the egg productionprocess and easy egg recipes. Several of the mombloggers called the tour a life-changing experience!Thank you to the Hickman family!

Good Egg Project takes mom bloggers to the farm

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Second Speakers’ Workshop heldThe second Good Egg Project Speakers’ Workshop was held on

March 2, in Dallas, TX. The day-long session was facilitated once againby Charlie Arnot and his team from the Center for Food Integrity (CFI).

Twenty-five egg producers have participated in the speaker training.To date, 24 speeches have been scheduled and five speeches havebeen delivered to local audiences from Kiwanis, Rotary and Lions clubs.

AEB will be sponsoring a half-day workshop conducted by CFI forState Directors at our annual State Promotion Meeting this June in New York City.

Dallas Good Egg Project Speakers’Workshop participants:

Cooper Farms’ Lisa TimmermanDaybreak Foods Inc.’s Patricia Stonger

Dixie Egg Co.’s Jacques KlempfFeather Crest Farms Inc.’s David Elbel Fremont Farms of Iowa’s Steve George

Moark LLC’s David Cisneros & Stan FosterNelson Poultry Farms Inc.’s Greg Nelson

Pilgrim Pride Corp.’s Frankie KingCal-Maine Food Inc.’s Dolph Baker

Sauder Eggs’ Paul Sauder

Last month, AEB participated in a Webinar presented by The NPDGroup, AEB’s research supplier. Information presented included aneconomic and foodservice industry overview, a year-end update onbreakfast at Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) and discussion of newegg-containing products introduced at breakfast. A perspective was givenon the growing use of dealing (such as a coupon or another type of pricebreak) at QSRs at the morning meal, especially in light of the currenteconomy. The program concluded with a discussion of the decade’sgrowth and emergence of QSRs’ breakfasts. This information will be useful for the development and integration of current and future programs.

New Good Egg Project ads launchAEB produced new online ads to spread the word about the Good

Egg Project. Online plays a vital role for the advertising component ofthe Good Egg Project, accompanying AEB’s “Sesame Street” TV, localradio and out-of-home creative.

The new ads include two media-rich ads, the “Egg Carton” and “EggPoll,” that engage users and educate them about eggs and the farm-to-plate process. Two flash banners provide little-known facts about theegg production process. For example: “Most eggs reach the store within24 hours.”

Additionally, to expand the reach and audience of the “SesameStreet” TV spot, the commercial was converted into a video banner thatwill also be run online.

Gearing up for THE egg holidayAEB continues to educate moms on hard cooking with the egg

holiday–Easter! AEB distributed an “Easter Made Egg-ceptionally Easy”press kit to food and features media across the country includingrecipes, nutrition and hard-cooking tips from eggsperts Howard Helmerand Jeffrey Saad.

Jeffrey will also participate in a radio media tour on March 25, talkingwith DJs from across the country about the right way to hard-cook eggsand deliver fun Easter entertaining tips. Howard will show the nation hishard-cooking technique via a segment with “Mr. Food” on March 31.Finally, AEB will provide egg fans in the blogosphere with the three-stepprocess to hard cooking, and Incredible Egg social networks onFacebook, Twitter and Gather will be buzzing with Easter information.Eggs are sure to hit the spotlight in the weeks approaching Easter.

Foodservice Webinar successful

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Site Week ofVibrant Media 3/1 - 4/30Wild Tangent 3/1 - 4/30Weight Watchers 3/1 - 4/30BlogHer 3/1 - 4/30Yahoo! 3/1 - 4/30Hulu 3/1 - 4/18About.com 3/1 - 4/30All Recipes 3/1 - 4/30FoodBuzz 3/1 - 4/4Facebook 4/1 - 4/30

Network TVNBC Today ShowABC Good Morning America

America this Morning The View

CBS The Early Show I The Early Show II Saturday Early Show CBS Morning News

Syndication TV Dr. OzRachael Ray The Doctors Martha Cable TVAnimal PlanetDiscovery HealthEntertainmentFOX NewsGreat American CountryHallmark ChannelHallmark Movie ChannelHGTV Lifetime Movie NetworkOxygenSoapnetStyleTBS The Food NetworkTNTUSAWeather Channel

AEB Advertising Update

March & April TV 2010

Upcoming Integration: Carrie Curtis is an school teacher by day…buta roller derby girl by night! Carrie is a member of the Houston Roller Derby,a group of more than 40 skaters with thousands of supporters at eachmatch. Carrie used to be more than 70 lbs. overweight and extremely out ofshape. After becoming a fan of “Rachael Ray,” Carrie was motivated to starta new healthy lifestyle, including a daily breakfast of a hard-cooked egg andtoast, and now she’s able to fulfill her dream of being a roller derby girl. Heralter ego? “Rachael Rayge” Jersey number? EV00.On Monday, February 22, AEB’s second “Rachel Ray” integration showedhow Winter Olympians benefit from eggs in their training diets!

March & April Online 2010 “Rachael Ray” Incredible People

DatesMar. 8, 9, 10, 11Apr. 7, 8, 10, 11, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25Mar. 10, 11, 12; Apr. 5, 6, 21Apr. 6, 8, 9Mar. 11; Apr. 22Mar. 8, 12; Apr. 5,6, 23Mar. 13, 13; Apr. 10, 24Apr. 9, 21Week of3/83/83/83/8, 4/5, 4/19Weeks of 3/8, 4/5, 4/19Early Morning, Daytime, including “Animal Zone” and “On the Wild Side”Early Morning, Daytime, including “All About Babies,” “Babies: Special Delivery,” “Adoption Stories”Early MorningMorningMorning, Daytime Hallmark Day, Hallmark Saturday Morning, Sunday MorningHallmark Movie Channel DaytimeMorning, DaytimeLifetime Movies, Lifetime Movies WeekendDaytimeEarly Morning, DaytimeMorningDaytimeDaytime, including “Barefoot Contessa” and Weekend including “In the Kitchen 3”Primetime in the DaytimeEarly Morning, DaytimeEarly Morning, includes “First Outlook,” “Weekend View,” “Day Planner,” “Your Weather Today”

March April May1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24

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AEB.org now featuresa more user-friendlyformat. Upgrades to theinfrastructure allow usersto search for content bykeywords. This newplatform alsoincorporates a ContentManagement System thatwill allow for easyupdating and changing.

Egg ProductMarketing andFoodservice will each engage its target audience through socialmedia efforts through Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs posted onAEB.org–designed to provide a forum and network for foodservicepros, food product developers, marketers and purchasers of eggsand egg products to exchange information, thoughts and questions.On Twitter, Foodservice can be followed at Eggs4FoodServe andEgg Product Marketing at Eggs4innovation.

Within the Retail section of AEB.org, visitors can download andview category information and research materials. The “Plug into theProfit Power of Eggs” Webinar is also archived within the sectionand available for download. Visitors can request copies of AEB’slatest training DVDs.

The Materials Catalog is also now available online as well. Thiswill save on printing costs and promote increased awareness aboutAEB’s inventory for state promotional groups and farmers. Good EggProject information is also available on this site.

AEB.org receives a faceliftFTAC meeting heldThe 12th annual meeting of AEB’s

Food Technology Advisory Council(FTAC) met last month in Chicago.This year’s meeting was wellattended by members of academia,food scientists of both large and smallscale food processing companies,egg processors and AEB staff.

The FTAC members stronglysuggested establishing researchprotocol so that research projects areplanned and expected. The editor ofFood Technology has committed histime and resources to help AEB inidentifying and prioritizing researchprojects. The council also suggestedAEB participate in more in-person,educational application-orientedevents.

Egg Industry Issues ForumAEB is a proud sponsor of the upcoming second

annual Egg Industry Issues Forum, hosted by the EggIndustry Center at Iowa State University in collaborationwith Purdue University, on March 26, 2010, at theCrowne Plaza Hotel & Conference Center at Chicago’sO’Hare Airport.

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and ENC’s Dr. DonLayman, director of research, are two of the many prominentspeakers at this event. The topics include:

• Holistic Approach to a Sustainable Egg Supply Chain• Americans Vote with Their Pocketbook• The Role of Egg Industry in the Iowa and U.S. Economy• Designing meals for adult health: the importance of breakfast• FDA Egg Safety Regulations and Implications• The Egg on Trial• From Surplus to Shortage–the World’s Food Challenge• Climate Change and Agriculture's Carbon Footprint• Panel Q/A Session with all speakers

To register, visit www.ans.iastate.edu/EIC/ or contact Dr. Hongwei Xin,director, Egg Industry Center, at [email protected] for more information.


do you go

from where you

are to where you

want to be? I think, you

have to have an

enthusiasm for life. You

have to have a

dream, a goal, and you

have to be willing to

work for it.”

– Jimmy V.





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As part of its ongoing efforts toprovide retailers with the tips and toolsthey need to understand andbenefit from the profit potential ofeggs, AEB’s retail programcontinues to develop and foster itsrelationship with retailers. Forexample, for the past eightquarters, AEB has providedrecipes and photography to GrandRapids, MI-based Spartan StoresInc., the nation's eleventh largestgrocery distributor who also operates 96retail supermarkets and distributes morethan 40,000 private-label and national brands products to approximately 350 independent grocery stores in MI, IN and OH. AEB’s recipes andphotography appears in the retailer’s in-house publications.

AEB is in the aisleSince partnering with the in-store kiosk company Shop to Cook

(STC) in November, AEB’s recipes have been viewed by consumersalmost 2 million times. The recipes viewed in detail total more than136,608 views, and more than 46,382 recipes have been printed since

this program launched. Thelatter represents a 3:1conversation rate. These totalsare the highest in STC’shistory; a selling point thecompany is using to acquiremore locations. Currently, itsnetwork covers 332 storesacross 30 states and runs on844 interactive kiosks inaddition to retailers’ websites.

The best part—as AEB’srecipes print, consumers view either the Luke or Luci commercials, andcontent is easily refreshed. AEB is currently working on providingJeffrey’s new “how-to” videos, produce tie-in opportunities for omelets,May is National Egg Month information and potential partnerships.

One retailer, who has STC kiosks currently, said the kiosks helpspread the word about eggs and other ingredients and have provedpopular with the store’s consumers. The recipe printouts include where-to-find details for the consumer as well. And, eggs are the second mostprominent ingredients in these recipes.


• National Egg Quality School Registration Brochure

Helping retailers promote eggs