September 15, 2020 COVID-19 Relaunch PLAYBOOK Moving forward together safely V 2.0 Including COVID-19 Workplace Relaunch PLANNER - APPENDIX I (Updated) and APPENDICES II - VIII (New) Current as of:

COVID-19 Relaunch Playbook and Planner...3. PREPARING THE FACILITY 8 Table of Contents 2 Considerations for leaders a. Government guidelines and the AHS relaunch planner b. Capacity

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Page 1: COVID-19 Relaunch Playbook and Planner...3. PREPARING THE FACILITY 8 Table of Contents 2 Considerations for leaders a. Government guidelines and the AHS relaunch planner b. Capacity

September 15, 2020

COVID-19 Relaunch

PLAYBOOKMoving forward together safely

V 2.0

Including COVID-19 Workplace Relaunch PLANNER - APPENDIX I (Updated)and APPENDICES II - VIII (New)

Current as of:

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Table of Contents


(REVISED) a. Guiding principles and decision making processb. Government guidelines and the AHS Relaunch Plannerc. Staffing and capacity planning

i. Determine your operational needsii. Determine space constraints and scheduling optionsiii. Determine individual staff needs

a. Space management b. HVACc. Procedures for tenantsd. Cleaning and disinfection requirements

i. Staff cleaning responsibilities ii. Workstationsiii. Hand sanitation station requirementsiv. Office furniture v. Replacing office furniture

e. Signagef. Using the elevatorg. Transparent barriers at workstationsh. Break rooms and food servicei. Washrooms and showersj. IT infrastructure and business continuityk. Parking



a. Setting staff up for successb. Fit for work screening (REVISED)c. Essential travel arrangements and vacationd. Working at multiple sitese. Travel between facilitiesf. Travel in vehicles (including fleet or rental vehicles) (NEW)g. Managing accommodation requestsh. Managing refusal to return or unsafe work refusalsi. Classroom and in-person trainingj. Room layout options

a. Using PPEb. Ordering PPE c. Storing PPE

a. Introductionb. Guidelines for your relaunch decision makingc. Where do I begin?

THANK YOU 4 Dr. Verna YiuAHS President & CEO

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Table of Contents (continued)



a. Working together to stop the spreadi. Safe work practices ii. Hand hygiene iii. Physical distancing iv. Cleaning and using common areas v. Sharing equipment and stationeryvi. Visitors

b. Supporting our safety culturec. Asymptomatic testing (NEW)


a. Taking care of our mental health


a. Identifying a relaunch ambassadorb. How relaunch ambassadors help

i. Communicationii. Engagementiii. Facility preparedness


k. Communicating with staff who are returning to the workplace (REVISED)i. Help them feel safeii. Confirm work expectationsiii. Help rebuild connectionsiv. Communicate safety protocols and expectations

l. Communicate with staff who are working remotely (REVISED)m. Communicating the return to work plan to the unionn. T2200s - Declaration of conditions of employment (NEW)o. Future supports

APPENDIX II 38 Space Capacity Constraints and Management Options (NEW)

APPENDIX III 40 Supports for Leaders (NEW)

APPENDIX IV 42 Alternate Workplace Arrangements – Job Function Analysis Tool (NEW)

APPENDIX V 44 Alternate Workplace Arrangements – Employee Self-Assessment (NEW)

APPENDIX VI 47 Alternate Workplace Arrangements – Ergonomics Guidelines (NEW)

APPENDIX VII 48 Process Improvement Workshop Offering: Returning to a New Normal Service Post-COVID (NEW)

APPENDIX VIII 49 Relaunch Planning Roadmap - Scenarios for Leaders (NEW)

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Dear AHS leaders and staff,

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped many aspects of our lives, including how we do our work. I am so proud of the way our people have risen to the challenges of responding to this pandemic and I want to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication over the past several months.

As we move towards a relaunch – for those who are returning to the workplace and those who continued to work on site throughout our response – we know the fight is not over and that we must remain vigilant. We have developed this playbook to inform our leaders and staff of the measures that have been implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our hospitals, clinics and offices.

We are in this together through every step of our response. It is important you feel supported, healthy and safe in the workplace, so you can strive to be your best every day.

Relaunch will look different for everyone, but we all have a role to play as we adapt to our changing environments. I have been inspired by your resiliency throughout our response and know that same resiliency will move us forward together safely.

With gratitude and appreciation,

Dr. Verna YiuAHS President & CEO


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a. Introduction

This document combines best practices with provincial government guidelines and is intended to support Alberta Health Services (AHS) leaders and their teams as they prepare to return to or reengage with the workplace.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant changes to the way we work and deliver care to Albertans. Whether your team has remained in the workplace throughout the pandemic, is returning to the workplace, or is continuing to work remotely, we must all prepare for a new reality.

This guide will help you become familiar with the measures being implemented at AHS to protect our patients and staff from COVID-19. It will help you determine what measures are most relevant to you and your team, how to support your staff, what steps should be taken at your specific site, and who to contact for additional support. We recognize that these recommendations are not one-size-fits-all, so we’ve built a flexible guide and roadmap to help you implement the measures that make the most sense for your team and site. We’ve also provided a relaunch planner to help leaders identify the measures that align with their needs. While the planner is an op-tional appendix, the playbook is intended to be your guide to safely navigate our relaunch. You will find shareable resources embedded throughout this playbook that can help your team know what to expect as we make the transition back to the workplace – together.

Throughout the relaunch, we also want to hear about the amazing, innovative solutions you’ve used to adapt during the pandemic that can serve us well beyond our COVID-19 response. Visit Beyond COVID to submit your ideas and explain how they can improve our practices in the future. All ideas will be reviewed to see how we can adopt what we’ve learned into other areas of AHS.

If you have questions that may not be covered in this guide, please email questions to: [email protected]


Playbook link types:External Internal Document

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b. Guidelines for your relaunch decision making

AHS’ success is rooted in our commitment to our values of compassion, accountability, respect, excellence, and safety. Our values connect and define us, establish the framework for how we act and make all of our decisions, and are foundational to the strategies outlined in this playbook. Our people are at the heart of everything we do – it is through them that we do amazing things every day. As we move ahead with the relaunch, we aim to do so in a way that allows everyone at AHS to feel safe, healthy, valued and included, so we can continue to provide safe, quality care and services. As a leader, you play a significant role in AHS’ relaunch efforts. As we continue to fight the spread of COVID-19, please ask your staff who are able to work from home within their role to continue to do so. The pandemic continues to pose health risks, and we all need to do our part to keep each other safe. However, this should not stop you from taking steps to prepare for our relaunch. Taking the time to plan for the phased, safe return of your team members will have a lasting positive effect on the relationships and sense of wellbeing within your team. It can help build the culture within your department and the perceptions our people have of AHS.

There are many factors to consider when determining if and when you should bring your workers back to the workplace. These include operational requirements, you and your team’s comfort level with remote work, and potential accommodations for staff. Above all else, the priority needs to be keeping our people safe and healthy, while continuing to deliver exceptional, uninterrupted care to patients. The strategies outlined in this playbook will guide you through the decisions needed to support a safe return to the workplace for your team. The questions in the following graphic will help guide decisions as you plan your return, and additional guiding principles are included in this playbook.

c. Where do I begin?

What is the organizational

guidance/strategic direction

on who returns first?

Operationally, can the work

continue to be done from


If not, can your staff safely

maintain physical distancing

in your workplace?

Given these parameters,

what are the individual

circumstances of your staff?

For more information, visit Change Adoption on Insite or email [email protected]

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2. Preparing to return (REVISED)

As we adapt our workplaces to reduce the spread of COVID-19, we must consider many new measures. We know that many staff have continued to work on-site, while others have been redeployed or transitioned to remote work. As we prepare to shift to a new “business as usual”, we need to ensure our compliance with the Government of Alberta’s guidelines to keep each other safe and healthy.




AHS has determined that our priorities for relaunch are:

• The relaunch will be coordinated by sites, not by departments, programs, or functions.

• Business priorities will drive workplace relaunch sequencing:

· Clinical support workers will return first; · Next will be those who must return to support upcoming

Connect Care waves; · Other strategic priority areas as determined (e.g. AHS Review

implications); and · Corporate office workers will return last, in a phased approach

based on direction from ELT. Decisions on who will return and when will be approved by the VP for the department. More information will be provided on the process for obtaining VP approval in the coming weeks.

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We recognize relaunch activities and the return to the workplace may need to change depending on the progress of COVID-19, public health orders, and other factors.

Against this backdrop, the following principles will help you make your relaunch decisions:

• Anchor your planning and relaunch decisions in AHS values and competencies.

• Use Our People Strategy as a compass. Ensure you are taking a people-centric approach while maintaining our operational and patient care needs.

• Consider the psychological safety as well as physical safety needs of your team members. Some people cannot wait to get back to the workplace, while others may feel unsafe given the uncertainty of future COVID-19 waves or vaccine availability.

• Change management practices can support people-centric decision-making:

· Prepare yourself then others. · Listen and create a safe place for people to share their individual

needs and concerns. Involve them in the decision-making process.

· Communicate often and openly. · Demonstrate your support by being a champion, showing

appreciation, being present and staying optimistic.

The LEADS framework and change management resources are foundational tools to guide you. HRBP is also there to support you as you navigate your specific circumstances.


All workplaces in Alberta are expected to develop and implement policies and procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. AHS must comply with the guidance provided by the Government of Alberta, which you can find on Alberta Biz Connect, as well as applicable municipal requirements (e.g., wearing masks while in public indoor spaces).

The Government of Alberta guides address communication, screening, hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting, personal protective equipment (PPE), physical distancing, and more. To help navigate these requirements, AHS has created a supplementary relaunch planner (Appendix I) to help leaders implement measures that make the most sense for their team and site. This is supplemented by a roadmap that may assist you to work through the specific measures you must consider, given the specific situations relevant to your team.


The following sections will assist leaders to determine who should be coming back to the site and when, and who should continue to work remotely (e.g. those leaders who fit into Scenarios #2 and #3 of the Relaunch Planning Roadmap - Scenarios for Leaders).

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i. Determine your operational needs

The main goal is to determine what work can or should continue to be done remotely and what work must be done onsite. These decisions are based on role and function. Leaders should consider productivity and the drive to ensure clients and patients do not experience an impact to service delivery. Some considerations are:

• What are the impacts on patient care if remote work is continued or discontinued?

· Will risk to quality patient care increase if more non-clinical people use the workspace?

· If yes, can work schedules be altered to support the return to site while maintaining physical distance? Implications for changing shifts must be considered in light of applicable parameters outlined in relevant collective agreements or the Non-Union Exempt Employees (NUEE) terms and conditions. See Appendix IV for options and considerations for scheduling.

· How will a change in work schedule (days of week, time of day, etc.) impact the delivery of services to patients or clients?

· How will a change in service delivery model (virtual vs. face-to-face) impact the delivery of services to patients or clients?

· Are there any other risk factors you should consider? (e.g. situations where the continued temporary alternate workplace arrangements should be continued throughout relaunch to mitigate specific business continuity risks.)

Tools and Resources

The Alternate Work Arrangements Job Function Analysis Tool (Appendix IV) will help you with this review. Include the results of this review in the “Team Profile” section of your COVID-19 Workplace Relaunch Planner (Appendix I).

Note: Initial decisions should be based on the role, function and impact to patient care and client service. The further review of staffing requirements must also include individual staff needs and requests to work remotely or for accommodations.

The Process Improvement team recognizes the many challenges teams are going through in adjusting their services to accommodate the new working environment. The Returning to a New Normal Service Post-COVID Workshop is designed to help you assess, prioritize and enable your services’ return to scheduled operations in a safe and effective manner for your staff, patients and families.

ii. Determine space constraints and scheduling options

Various factors, including physical space and physical distancing protocols will influence how many people can return to the workplace at once. Depending on your space capacity constraints, it may be necessary to adjust schedules and return sequences to allow for safe physical distancing. Leaders may want to consider:



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• Phasing the return over several weeks.• Alternating schedules.• Adjusting start and end times so that staff are not all arriving and

leaving at the same time.• Adjusting break and lunch times so that common areas can support

physical distancing and cleaning requirements.• Continuous masking.

Organizational decisions will determine further recommendations surrounding physical distancing and cleaning.

Tools and Resources

Space Capacity Constraints and Management Options (Appendix II). This tool can be used to assist with your review and the completion of the “Team Profile” section of your COVID-19 Workplace Relaunch Planner (Appendix I).

Once team/department plans have been drafted for a specific location, the return will be coordinated by a central site point of contact. Your Relaunch Ambassador may have a role to play in enabling this coordination. Leaders should watch for more information on the process to follow to enable site-based coordination of relaunch plans in the coming weeks.

iii. Determine individual staff needs

Once you have identified your business and operational requirements and any space-related constraints, your next step is to understand how each employee’s personal circumstances may affect their ability to return to the workplace. It is important to understand our legal duty to accommodate and consider how flexibility can support staff well-being during the pandemic. Managers should consult with their HRBP advisor on all individual requests for legal accommodation or COVID-related flexible accommodations (in contrast to flexible arrangements that are applied to a whole group of employees during the pandemic).

You must consider all accommodation requests on a case-by-case basis, in good faith, in light of the needs of both AHS and the staff member, and in alignment with AHS’ values. Factors to consider include:

A) Legal duty to accomodate:

• Are there any legal accommodations already in place for specific individuals that must be honoured?

• Do staff have any new requirements that engage the legal duty to accommodate?

• How long must the accommodation or arrangement be in place?• Regular AHS accommodation processes and requirements for

supporting documentation apply. Considerations include:

· Accommodating a physical or mental disability (supported by appropriate medical proof) may require flexibility in work locations (e.g. home vs. office.)

· Family Status situations where all other options for childcare, eldercare, etc. have been exhausted (inclusive of school closures), may include working from home or granting a leave.



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B) COVID-related flexible accommodations:

There may also be other valid reasons to consider flexible arrangements for employees, including allowing them to continue to work from home during COVID-19. It is important for you to balance the needs of employees with those of AHS as you consider the following factors:

• Pandemic-related considerations may support the provision of additional flexibility through temporary alternate workplace arrangements. These may include concerns such as:

· Employees may have health-related or age-related considerations that may put them or a family member at higher risk if they were to contract COVID-19.

· Transit considerations – safety, capacity, and full reinstatement of bus and train options.

· Employees’ fear/anxiety and mental health implications about returning to the workplace.

· Childcare considerations (distinct from legal accommodation required due to Family Status).

Considerations for continuing to support temporary alternate work


Providing flexibility by supporting temporary alternate work arrangements has various implications for leaders. Consider:

• How to manage remote employees who may have performance issues or require closer supervision.

· See tips on managing employees who are working remotely. · Contact HRBP if you require support on managing these aspects.

• How to ensure employees remain engaged and productive.• Whether new software, systems and technology will be required. • Ergonomics guidelines for temporary alternate working arrangements

– a checklist can be found on the Temporary Alternate Work Arrangements Guide and in Appendix VI.

• Employee morale/team culture may be more challenging to maintain and will require attention. Look at team meeting structures and ways for the team to connect.

Working from home is a temporary arrangement and further organizational direction will be provided in the coming months. In light of this, leaders are cautioned not to create an expectation that working from home will be permanent nor should they require staff to return to the office without exploring the individual’s needs and concerns.

Tools and Resources

• The Workplace Accommodation Policy outlines AHS expectations for the workplace accommodation of employees in accordance with the Alberta Human Rights Act.



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• The Workplace Accommodation Guide outlines the general process to follow when assessing all temporary or permanent accommodation requests within AHS. It also describes the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in the accommodation process.

• Refer to Section 5 – Preparing our people for further communication guidance, tips and resources.

• Other resources and tools to support staff working remotely can be found in Section 5 – Preparing our people, subsection L: Communicating with staff who are working remotely.

• Engage HRBP and Ability Management (where appropriate) when a request for accommodation is made and ensure appropriate documentation is provided to the employee. Leaders can use the Supports for Leaders: Meet with Your Staff - Conversation Starters, to prepare for conversations with their teams. Leaders may also ask employees to use the Employee Self-Assessment in Appendix V to evaluate their ability to successfully work remotely, as a means to inform any accommodation needs.



3. Preparing the facility

AHS sites will be prepared with appropriate signage reminding our people to practice proper physical distancing, hand hygiene and other safety practices. Appropriate PPE, hand sanitizer and waste disposal must be provided in instances where physical distancing cannot be achieved and where access to soap and water is limited.


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At this time, all staff who are able to work from home within their role should continue to do so until further notice. Once your team is able to return to the workplace, submit a notification through e-Facilities advising Property Man-agement and Facilities Management of the following:

• The name of the team returning.• The building and/or floor they are returning to.• The intended date of return.

Please provide notification a minimum of two weeks in advance of your team returning to site.


Administrative spaces will not be reconfigured as our current standards meet requirements for physical distancing. Any related concerns can be directed to Space Management via e-Facilities. Maximum occupancy for spaces will be informed by the current direction of the Chief Medical Officer of Health regarding limitations on indoor gatherings. Specific requirements have been established for events such as conferences and banquets, while for day-to-day business, we need to implement plans to address issues such as maintaining two meters of physical distance, staff screening, etc. On floors where access is difficult due to elevator capacity issues, consider reducing the occupancy load.

If any modifications to your space are required prior to your team returning to site, expect a minimum of six to ten weeks to complete the work. You can contact Capital Management through e-Facilities for help determining whether major construction or changes are required, and if so, the estimated costs and timelines.

B. HVAC AHS Capital Management has determined that HVAC systems do not require any adjustment at this time. In addition, HEPA filters are in place in clinical areas as standard practice.


For teams that work in leased facilities that are shared with other tenants, please follow the landlord’s guidelines for use of common areas (e.g. break rooms, elevators, showers). If the landlord establishes additional requirements, Property Management will email you instructions.


Enhanced cleaning and sanitation practices will play an important role in providing safe work environments across AHS. Everyone must follow the cleaning, disinfection and hand sanitation guidelines in place for their site.Cleaning is a joint responsibility between Environmental Services, Property Management and staff. More frequent cleaning of high-touch and shared surfaces should be done regularly with approved low-level disinfectants. This includes:

• doorknobs• light switches• handrails• workstations• meeting rooms• printers and fax machines


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We must ensure all patient care items are cleaned regularly in accordance with clinical standards. Always clean and disinfect equipment between patients with low level disinfectants or ready-to-use disinfectant wipes as directed by the manufacturer instructions for use and review Key Points for Ready-to-Use Disinfectant Wipes from AHS Infection Prevention and Control (IPC).

If your workspace has been vacant for some time, it should be cleaned by Environmental Services or the AHS contracted vendor prior to re-opening. Remove all non-essential and non-cleanable items from clinic rooms. Any remaining items must meet IPC furniture replacement requirements.

See the IPC page for more information on equipment cleaning and best practices.

i. Staff cleaning responsibilities Cleaning is a joint responsibility of Environmental Services, Property Management, and all staff. Staff will play an important role in ensuring their workstation, any common areas, and high-touch surfaces (i.e. doorknobs, handrails, elevator buttons, printers, photocopiers, phones) stay clean and disinfected. Consider assigning a designated staff member to complete more frequent disinfection and encourage all staff to disinfect shared areas and surfaces between uses. Wipe down your workstation when you arrive and again before you leave. If you have used a meeting or breakout room, clean it with disinfectant solution and wipes when you leave. Disinfecting supplies will be provided by the site and operations, and can be ordered from Contracting, Procurement & Supply Management (CPSM) through e-Facilities. Be sure to use correct handwashing technique, and wash your hands regularly throughout all your shifts, and before donning and at each stage of doffing PPE. For more information on handwashing, view our Routine Practices document.

ii. Workstations Before finishing your shift, clear all clutter from your workstation so it can be properly cleaned and disinfected at the end of the day. Follow the Government of Alberta Guidance for Business Owners and AHS’ Guidance for Physical Distancing at Work for cleaning and disinfecting your workstation.

iii. Hand sanitation station requirements Hand hygiene continues to be critical to the safety of our staff and patients. Perform hand hygiene using alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) or soap and water. Wherever possible, ensure hand hygiene stations and supplies are provided, including in all common spaces. Be sure to use correct handwashing technique, and wash your hands regularly throughout all your shifts, and at each stage of donning and doffing PPE. For more information on handwashing, view Hand Hygiene - Infection Prevention & Control.

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iv. Office furnitureOffice workstation reconfiguration is likely not necessary, as most ofthem adhere to AHS’ Administrative Space Guidelines, which alreadyallows for two metres of separation. Where physical distancing is notachievable, consider alternative measures like using PPE.

If you need help understanding how you can accommodate staff in your existing space while allowing for physical distancing, please send a request to Space Management by completing a Construction, Renovation, and Space Request (CRSR) and submitting it to e-Facilities.

v. Replacing office furnitureOffice furniture that has rips, tears or other damage that inhibitsproper cleaning must be replaced. IPC has issued parameters forreplacing furniture that does not meet IPC guidelines. If your spacemeets the minimum requirements outlined for replacement, you cansubmit a Construction, Renovation, and Space Request (CRSR)to Capital Management through e-Facilities for estimated costs andimplementation timelines.

E. SIGNAGE Your site will be prepared in advance with physical distancing signage as deemed appropriate by AHS guidelines for entrances, floors and elevators. In order to ensure consistency, AHS is ordering signage centrally and Capital Management will install as needed.

If you have any questions and concerns, please submit your inquiries to e-Facilities.


Elevator capacity will be limited to allow for physical distancing. Signage will be placed at elevators to help staff understand elevator capacity requirements. All staff are encouraged to follow the Government of Alberta’s Guidance on Elevator Etiquette.


A framework has been developed for the deployment of transparent barriers for workstations where public interface is an operational requirement as well as other spaces.If, after reviewing the guideline, it is determined that a barrier is required, you may submit a request to Capital Management by completing a Construction, Renovation, and Space Request (CRSR) and submitting it through e-Facilities for cost and timeline estimates and implementation.


AHS will follow and apply the guiding principles outlined in the Government of Alberta’s guidance for business owners, AHS’ guidance on physical dis-tancing at work, and the Government of Alberta’s guidance for restaurants, cafes, pubs, and bars. And of course, all staff should keep their hands clean following AHS’ hand hygiene practices.

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Wherever feasible at your site, please consider: 1. Staggering breaks when possible. 2. Wearing a mask.3. Staying two metres apart if sharing a common space.4. Regularly wiping down high contact areas such as doorknobs, drawer

pulls, coffee pots and appliance handles.5. Removing shared condiments and other frequently touched items (e.g.

cream and sugar, salt and pepper shakers).6. Providing PPE, hand sanitizer and waste disposal.7. Applying posters to remind teams to practice proper physical

distancing and hand hygiene, and to wipe down the area they’ve used with disinfecting solution and wipes when they leave.

8. Being respectful of social distancing requirements and the personal comfort of others.


Washroom and shower occupancy should be limited to allow for appropriate social distancing. Remove shared toiletries and personal products. Cleaning protocols have been adjusted to increase frequency as a result of the current pandemic. For administrative sites, a request to address specific cleaning requirements in excess of this can be submitted through e-Facilities.


Whether you are working from home or at an AHS site, support is available through the IT Service Desk. For IT services that require on-site presence, IT staff will continue to follow standard health and safety precautions, such as completing the Fit for Work screening, performing proper hand hygiene, donning and doffing PPE as needed, and following any additional site-specific directions. Some critical on-site work is resuming in order to meet organiza-tional requirements, such as for the implementation of Connect Care. Sites will see staff from IT and Capital Management, as well as vendor partners, in our facilities. As the relaunch progresses, their activities may include, but are not limited to, performing facility work, checking, deploying, upgrading, servicing, and testing equipment.

If you are using computers that were left onsite prior to COVID-19, you can expect:

• Computers that were left powered on have received updates automatically over the AHS network, and there will be no disruption in using these devices once you return to your AHS workplace.

• Computers that were powered off with no AHS network connection for 90 days or less will be automatically updated after you first log on at your AHS workplace. You will be prompted to reboot your computer when the updates are complete.

• Computers that were powered off with no AHS network connection for more than 90 days will be deactivated for security reasons. Once you return to your AHS workplace, your computer can quickly and easily be reactivated by calling the IT Service Desk. As part of the COVID-19 response, a temporary IT process is in place to ensure reactivation in just a few minutes. Your computer will be automatically updated after you first log on, and you will be prompted to reboot.

Returning IT equipment to the site Leaders should have a list of all computer equipment that their staff took home

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when they started working remotely due to COVID-19. As per the Temporary Alternate Workplace Arrangements Guide, this equipment must be returned to the worksite when staff members return. All equipment should be cleaned and disinfected prior to returning to the workplace and again when arriving at the workplace. Leaders and staff can refer to the Best Practices Guideline for cleaning and disinfecting computers and electronic devices.

IT is not currently retrieving computers or other devices that were loaned out to support working from home due to COVID-19. Decisions about equipment retrieval by IT will be made as return-to-work plans evolve. Until then, requests for new work-from-home computing equipment are being held, and leaders are asked to keep track of all equipment already issued to their employees to ensure it is kept safe and secure.

K. PARKING Parking fees at AHS sites had been temporarily suspended by the Government of Alberta during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Alberta has confirmed that parking fees will be reinstated at the end of August 2020. When fees are reinstated, staff who currently have a parking space will be able to resume normal use and payment for their parking space, permanently discon-tinue use and payment for their parking space, or temporarily suspend use and payment of their parking space by submitting a request form to Parking Ser-vice. Parking spaces that are temporarily suspended will be available for other staff to temporarily rent. More information is available at Parking Services.

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4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

In order for personal protective equipment (PPE) to be effective, it must be used properly and fit correctly. Staff should be trained in the correct use of any PPE required for their role, and hand hygiene must be performed immediately before donning PPE. Hand hygiene is also required at specific steps during doffing.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, AHS has a continuous masking directive in place. All staff members are required to wear procedure masks when contact with patients can be anticipated. Staff who must walk through patient care areas to access their workspace are required to wear a procedure mask while they do so. If possible, consider using alternate routes to access your workspace.

Masks/personal face coverings should be immediately changed and safely disposed of if:

• The mask becomes soiled or damp.• There is a risk that that the mask has become contaminated.

Staff members who work in administrative work areas with no direct patient contact can choose to wear their own cloth mask. Staff members are responsible to clean and maintain cloth masks on their own. The best option is a triple layer mask, as described by the World Health Organization (WHO). Health Canada and the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) also have recommendations for cloth masks. AHS offers triple layer cloth masks in our online store. AHS will provide disposable procedure masks to any workers in administrative work areas if they choose not to use their own cloth mask.

Additional PPE may be required depending on the staff member’s role, patient diagnosis or during specific procedures. Refer to the IPC Point-of-Care Risk Assessment, Routine Practices and IPC Disease and Conditions Table to determine how to select appropriate PPE. Refer to AHS IPC’s PPE web page for more information.

Any PPE required in your role, including procedure masks, will be provided by AHS. Please refer to ahs.ca/covidppe for more information on appropriate use of PPE. Office employees may use personal face coverings if they are within a nonclinical area and are unable to maintain proper physical distance.

Staff who are unable to wear masks due to medical conditions will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Leaders and staff will work together to determine appropriate accommodations for that individual.

Please refer to ahs.ca/covidppe for more information.

B. ORDERING PPE Leaders can visit insite.ahs.ca/orderppe for information on ordering the appropriate PPE supplies.

C. STORING PPE If you need help finding solutions for storing and securing PPE, please submit a Construction, Renovation, and Space Request (CRSR) to Capital Management through e-Facilities.

AHS teams based out of leased spaces can also request PPE through CPSM.

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5. Preparing our people


Staff may still be adjusting to working remotely and navigating issues like establishing and maintaining a routine, maintaining patient and client service levels, and understanding priorities. Leaders will need to spend more time with staff to ensure they’re set up for success. Some ways to do this include:

• Establishing goals and priorities (either weekly or monthly) with staff and ensure that these are shared with the team.

• Scheduling regular coaching and feedback sessions, and requesting regular updates on progress.

• When possible, pairing up or grouping staff for projects and assignments. This enables staff to maintain regular contact with each other and feel supported in their work.

• Ensuring patient and client service and operations are maintained. Encourage your staff to advise you of any impacts that remote work is having on client service or regular operations.

• Taking the time to recognize staff milestones and achievements.• Referring staff to Working Remotely during COVID-19 for additional

information. • Ensuring that staff are aware of all the resources available to them

during COVID-19 on the novel coronavirus Insite page under “Staff Support Resources.”

• Participating in leader rounds to champion the measures AHS has implemented to keep people safe, including promoting mask compliance. Buddying up with a colleague is fine too. As a reminder, leaders must be wearing a mask in all other areas where physical distancing cannot be maintained. The rounds process is suggested to include:

· Informal recognition and thanks for those who are masked, remaining physically distanced, using disinfecting solution and

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wipes in common spaces and/or at their workstations, etc. · Giving masks to anyone not wearing one, with positive

encouragement and thanks for taking one. · Encouraging physical distancing as required. Answering questions

and asking if staff have other ideas to help support all our vigilance.

• Inviting staff to identify areas that do not appear to be meeting guidelines – perhaps by submitting photos – together with their suggestions for how to address the concerns.


To minimize the spread of COVID-19, all staff, physicians, volunteers and contractors who will be in proximity to other workers, patients or the public must complete the Daily Fit for Work Screening prior to their shift. Staff can use their AHS login to access an online screening tool, or a paper question-naire is available at ahs.ca/fitforwork. Screening will be conducted at each site based on local requirements.

For more information, see Fit for Work Screening. Follow existing practices for when staff are ill or unable to attend work. Other Resources:

• This online tool is for healthcare workers who think they may have or may have been exposed to COVID-19 and will help them determine whether they need to be tested or would like to be voluntarily tested.

• Please see the time coding scenarios for all scenarios on time coding.


For essential travel guidance, AHS follows the official directive of the Govern-ment of Alberta. As of March 12, 2020, all AHS business travel outside of the province and country has been suspended until further notice.

For more information, see the Travel and Vacation Guidelines for Leaders.

For guidance on returning to work following travel, refer to the COVID-19 Return to Work Guide For Healthcare Workers. Please see the time coding scenarios for guidance on coding for staff who are required to self-isolate.


To limit the spread of COVID-19, staff who typically work at multiple sites may temporarily be restricted to work at a single site.

There are three different ways that staff may be restricted from working at multiple sites, in multiple positions, and/or for multiple employers: Single Site Orders, Confirmed Outbreak Orders, and Exclusion Orders.

If you have staff that have been impacted by one of these orders, please refer to the Leader FAQ for Single Site, Confirmed Outbreak and Exclusion Orders. If your staff have questions, please direct them to the Staff FAQ for Single Site, Confirmed Outbreak and Exclusion Orders.


Leaders and staff are encouraged to avoid travel between facilities unless operationally required. Staff will be reimbursed for travel under the Travel, Hospitality, and Working Session Expenses Policy, as usual. If travel be-

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tween facilities is necessary, you must follow the established safety protocols at each site.

For additional information, please refer to the COVID-19 Redeployment for Non-Union Exempt Employees FAQ and the COVID-19 Redeployment for Unionized Employees FAQ.

F. TRAVEL IN VEHICLES (including fleet or rental vehicles) (NEW)

Situations may arise when your staff ask if they might share a vehicle if they are required to travel for work purposes. Alberta Health recommends that whenever possible, group travel should be limited to members of the same household or cohort, and as such, group travel at work should be the excep-tion. In unavoidable group business travel situations, you and your staff should consider the following:

• Limit the numbers of individuals in the vehicle to allow for two metres of distance, where possible.

• Wear face coverings when in the vehicle.• Wash or sanitize hands before entering and after exiting the vehicle.• Have disinfecting wipes available for individuals to wipe down their

seat/area.• If the journey includes stops where the vehicle is vacated, have

occupants sit in the same seats when returning to the vehicle.

Other Resources:

Please see the Government of Alberta COVID-19 information: guidance for taxis, limos, rideshares and commuting. This document has been developed to support taxi, limo and rideshare operators, as well as members of the general public who commute or travel together in the same vehicle, in reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19.


Currently, temporary alternate workplace arrangements continue to be sup-ported organizationally for those who can continue to work remotely within their role. However, some staff members who are returning to the workplace or have changing personal circumstances may request to work remotely based on personal medical health conditions or dependent care requirements. These would be considered workplace accommodation requests and can be man-aged through our usual workplace accommodation policy. Leaders should work with HRBP and Abilities Management (if applicable) to review accommo-dation requests. Further information on accommodation can also be found in Section 2 – Preparing to return. Resources have also been created for individuals with dependant children who are currently working from home: Supporting you with Kids at Home - COVID-19 Worker Supports.

Those requiring longer-term solutions may request a Leave of Absence During COVID-19. These are unpaid leaves of absence in accordance with the Employment Standards Code and are processed in accordance with the AHS Leave of Absence Policy.

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Staff may have questions or concerns regarding their health and safety while working during the COVID-19 pandemic. AHS is committed to ensuring our staff have access to the resources and PPE they need to stay safe and healthy while in the physical workplace. Maintaining open and honest communica-tion can help ensure that people feel safe in the workplace. As a leader, you can assure your staff that AHS is taking all the steps possible to protect their health and safety.

In accordance with AHS’s Dangerous Work Refusal Process, should a staff member believe dangerous working conditions exist that risk their own or others’ personal health and safety, they should discuss this with their direct leader. People may refuse to return to the site or return to work based on safety concerns, health concerns, or family responsibilities. Talk with your team member to understand their concerns. Work with the team member, Workplace Health & Safety, Human Resources, and other support groups as necessary to find and appropriate solution.

Additional resources on AHS’s Dangerous Work Refusal Program are available on Insite.


Providing education opportunities is an important part of supporting our people at AHS. As we continue to offer education opportunities, we need to adapt our existing practices and incorporate new ways of learning to promote physical distancing and reduce the risk of spread. You may want to use alternative education methods such as virtual meetings, videos, self-led learning modules, infographics, articles or podcasts.

When in-person training is necessary, additional planning should be done to ensure we provide a safe and positive learning experience for all participants. If you are planning in-person training, here are some things to consider:

• Provide additional space for physical distancing by choosing larger rooms or reducing the number of participants per session. Ensure you have permission from the site.

• Limit the total number of learners and facilitators in a session to align with public health directives, ensure adequate space for physical distancing, and encourage wearing of masks and other appropriate PPE.

• Set up your room, breaks and activities in a way that follows workplace safety guidelines (See Room Layout Options in the next section). Please note that computers in training rooms should not generally be moved. Any movement or relocation of computers or printers must be facilitated by IT through a service request and requires time to implement.

• Follow all cleaning requirements for equipment, meeting rooms, and common spaces. If you expect learners to participate in cleaning activities, provide signage, instructions and appropriate supplies. Cleaning wipes should not be used on monitors unless specifically labelled for touchscreen monitors. Sprays provided should be sprayed on a disposable wipe before using. Do not spray directly on computer equipment.

• Determine what workplace screening will be required for learners and ensure that is communicated clearly ahead of time.

• Plan for everyone to have their own learning resources and equipment to eliminate the sharing of frequently touched items. Where items must be shared, ensure appropriate cleaning supplies are provided. Adjust

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your curriculum if possible, to eliminate shared equipment steps. • Eliminate paper as much as possible and instruct facilitators to handle

the paperwork instead of the students. For example, post-course evaluations may be done online by emailing learners a link to an online survey. If course booklets are provided, ensure learners take the booklets when they leave or drop them in an in-room recycling container.

• Build in additional time to ensure everyone can follow safety guidelines during the training, especially during breaks, participant activities, etc. Encourage staff to arrive early to ensure time for screening, cleaning, and any safety briefings.

• We encourage you to include a safety briefing at the start of your session. This will help set expectations and establish how you will keep each other safe within the learning environment. During training, periodically check in with participants. Be prepared to make adjustments and be aware participants may respond differently than they might in other learning environments.

All training must meet current PPE guidelines, which means you will need additional resources for both participants and facilitators. Based on the type of training, you may need to provide some or all of the following:

• hand sanitizer• single use materials• disinfectant wipes (clean monitors only with wipes formulated for

touchscreens)• medical grade gloves• masks (how to wear a mask info sheet)• polyethylene gloves for handling certain types of wipes


Consider the following room layout options to accommodate safe training delivery.

Option 1 – Existing layout with PPE

• Use room at full capacity with appropriate PPE, including masks at all times, if physical distancing of two metres cannot be maintained.

• The instructor can wear a transparent face shield without a mask to optimize clarity of communication.

Option 2 – Physically distanced layout

Changing the layout of a room requires support from Space Management, who will involve IT if any equipment needs to be moved. To review options for layouts in a training space, you can submit a Construction, Renovation, and Space Request (CRSR) through e-Facilities for review and implementation.

• Reduce room seating to meet physical distancing requirement of two metres.

• PPE is always encouraged and may still be required depending on the number of participants and size of the room.

Option 3 – Expanded layout with barriers

• Reduce room seating and add transparent barriers between workstations.

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j. ROOM LAYOUT OPTIONS (continued)

• Consider these acceptable barriers:

· Curtain and divider partitions · Transparent dividers mounted to desktops built by facilities

• PPE may still be required depending on the number of participants and size of the room.


Coming back to the workplace after working from home can be both exciting and scary. Two-way communication with staff is crucial to ensure staff are aware of any requirements and can share any concerns they may have about returning. Our AHS competencies guide us in how we care together by show-ing kindness, communicating effectively, and working with others. A continu-ous commitment to demonstrating these behaviours will help foster a safe and supportive work environment.

The information you provide during times of ambiguity plays an essential role in fostering team safety, engagement, and commitment. Be prepared to an-swer who, why, when, and how. Consider the following when composing your message:

Macro✔✔ Give the big picture that explains why the change needs to be made.✔✔ Include the overall plan and flow.


✔✔ Give the specific data about how the proposed plan will support both the staff member’s and the organization’s needs.

✔✔ Include how, when and who, with explicit attention to detail.


✔✔ Give the logic behind the plans, including the alternatives you have considered, with pros and cons.

✔✔ Clarify the fair and equitable way plans will be implemented.

Hearts✔✔ Explain the values that drive the plans and invite discussion. ✔✔ Clarify how the needs of people are being supported.

Be sure to have regular discussions with your team to address continuously changing circumstances. You should consider how to prepare your team for adjustments to the plan if the pandemic re-surges. Leverage multiple forms of communication, including virtual meetings, min-utes, videos, blogs, emails and bulletins. Use technology as much as possible and give team members access to group and individual discussion time.

Leaders should regularly check in with their teams to address any questions, concerns and requests for support. Check-ins with staff should be more frequent early in any change, becoming less frequent as people become more comfortable with their new way of working together.

Tools and Resources

• Leaders can use Appendix III - Supports for Leaders: Meet with Your Staff - Conversation Starters with their teams.

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Here are a few ways you can help your staff reintegrate into the workplace.

i. Help them feel safe · Create opportunities to talk about anxiety and fears regarding the

return to the workplace. · Identify how the team can work together to keep each other

safe and healthy while maintaining physical distancing. This may include continuing to meet virtually rather than in-person.

· Identify how you and your team can take care of your mental health in this time of change. You can find mental health and resiliency resources on the COVID-19 Insite page under Staff Support Resources.

· Create awareness of the extra precautions that are being taken to keep your team safe, including Fit for Work screening, cleaning and disinfection, use of common areas and the use of PPE (where applicable).

· Provide your whole team (both in-office and remote staff) with regular updates and communications on COVID-19 related matters.

ii. Confirm work expectations · Talk with staff about any work paused due to COVID-19.

Determine if that work is still a priority and discuss new priorities. · Help reduce uncertainty by making a plan for the next three

months of work and define what success looks like. AHS competencies and development conversations resources can help.

iii. Help rebuild connections · Take time to rebuild your work relationships. Check out

Change the Conversation – A friend at work to support your well-being.

· Set up regular check-ins with people individually and as a team. This can continue in virtual meetings or in spaces that can accommodate physical distancing.

iv. Communicate safety protocols and expectationsIt will be important for leaders to provide information to staff on safety protocols and responsibilities upon return. Leaders can encourage staff to review Section 6 – Resources for staff in this playbook for general safety information and expectations.

Leaders should also communicate to staff any unique requirements at their site, including:

· Use of common or shared areas (if certain areas are closed or restricted.)

· Breaks and lunch times. · Use of PPE and where it can be obtained. · Particular cleaning protocols. · Where cleaning products can be obtained.

All staff who are returning to the worksite after working remotely during the pandemic will be required to complete a relaunch training e-learning module. More information will be provided on this in the coming weeks.

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Leaders will need to take extra time and measures to communicate with staff who are continuing to work remotely during this time. Staff may feel isolated and disconnected when working remotely, especially those who are used to face-to-face contact with their leaders and colleagues. The goal is to stay con-nected and ensure that staff are getting the support and guidance they need to safely and effectively perform their roles remotely. Here are some tips:

• Check in regularly with staff to see how things are going, and if there are any concerns or additional supports needed. Think about setting up a regular check-in time, whether it is every morning or every second morning.

• Schedule regular team meetings and update sessions to ensure the group is connected and sharing information.

• Encourage staff to check in regularly with their colleagues to stay connected and get additional support.

• Support staff to maintain social connections via virtual coffees and breaks, lunches, face-to-face or camera-to-camera interactions etc. Opportunities to connect on a social level support working relationships and mental health.

Encourage staff to follow Insite for updates on COVID-19 and related operational requirements and guidelines.


When AHS confirms organizational readiness to relaunch, it will be important to keep our unions informed on plans for returning employees to the work-place. Contact your HRBP Advisor for assistance.


A T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment may be issued for staff who were asked to work remotely during the pandemic. HR Shared Services Pay-roll is currently reviewing the employer’s obligations and our internal process for requesting a T2200 in 2021. More information will be available closer to the beginning of 2020 tax season.


It is expected that further supports will be created over the coming months to support staff and leaders who continue to work from home. The playbook will be updated accordingly as further supports and information become available.

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6. Resources for staff


i. Safe work practices

You can help improve your personal safety and the safety of others by:

• Washing your hands regularly.• Wearing a mask and maintaining two metres of physical distance.• Using disinfectant wipes, alcohol-based hand rub, and gloves, as

necessary.• Whenever entering or leaving a shared workspace, and at the start and

end of each shift, using disinfectant wipes to:

· Wipe down shared work surfaces such as desks, computer monitors, keyboards and mice, headsets, chair armrests and backs.

· Wipe down personal laptops and accessories before bringing them into shared spaces.

· Throughout each shift, wipe down high contact areas such as doorknobs, drawer pulls, coffee pot and appliance handles, printer controls and pens.

If you have questions or concerns, you can raise them with your leader.

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ii. Hand hygiene

Proper hand washing technique can reduce germs by 90 per cent.

1. Roll up long sleeves and push up any wrist accessories.2. Wet hands with warm water.3. Apply enough soap to cover surfaces of the hands.4. Vigorously rub soap over palms, backs of hands and wrists.5. Clean between fingers, fingertips, and thumbs.6. Wash for at least 15 to 30 seconds.

How to hand wash posterHow to use alcohol-based hand rub posterAHS IPC Hand Washing Web PageAHS IPC Routine Practices in Community-Based Services

iii. Physical Distancing

Physical distancing of two metres should be observed whenever possible. Clinical staff should perform point of care risk assessments to protect themselves and others by using the appropriate PPE when physical distancing of two metres cannot be maintained.

Staff should maintain physical distancing wherever possible. Different strategies can be used to achieve this including standing at the door of someone’s office instead of going in to speak to them. Our staff are encouraged to practice patience and empathy when addressing physical distancing concerns. If you are unable to maintain two metres distance in your work environment, wear the appropriate PPE.Physical Distancing at Work Poster

iv. Cleaning & using common areas

Cleaning is a joint responsibility of Environmental Services (ES), Property Management and all AHS staff. ES and Property Management will only be providing their usual cleaning frequency. Staff will be asked to support additional cleaning of high-touch and shared surfaces (i.e. doorknobs, handrails, elevator buttons, phones, printers, photocopiers, shared workstations). Consider assigning a designated staff member to complete more frequent disinfection and encourage all individuals to disinfect shared areas such as meeting rooms between uses. Leaders can access cleaning supplies by submitting a request to Contracting, Procurement & Supply Management (CPSM).

v. Sharing equipment and stationary

Paper, including charts and files, are not vectors for transmission. Handle all paper with clean hands, clean any shared items (like pens or binders) with a low-level disinfectant wipe.

vi. Visitors

To ensure the safety of everyone at our sites, staff should advise all visitors to AHS facilities to follow current restrictions, guidelines, safety and hygiene practices being used at their location.

More information is available on Information for People Visiting Residents & Patients.

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All of us are responsible for protecting the health and safety of ourselves and others. One way we can do this is by following requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. As we adapt to new measures and protocols, leaders should encourage their teams to practice respect, profes-sionalism and kindness when raising safety concerns with each other. How to Stay Safe and Be Respectful provides further guidance that can be shared with staff. All staff who are returning to the workplace after working remotely during the pandemic will also be required to complete a relaunch training e-learning module. More information will be provided on this in the coming weeks.

Open, transparent, and ongoing communication is vital to supporting com-pliance with workplace health and safety measures. Leaders should regularly check in with their teams to address any questions, concerns, and requests for support. For issues that require additional support, please reach out to your HRBP Advisor or Workplace Health and Safety Business Partnerships Advisor.

Additional resources:

• IPC Resources• Dangerous Work Refusal• How to Address a Workplace Concern• PPE Information• Occupational Health and Safety Act


AHS will not be conducting regular asymptomatic testing for staff at this time. Employees may access asymptomatic testing in the same manner as the general public if desired.

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As we adjust to our new normal, it is important for all of our staff to take care of their mental health and to maintain their social connections. As a leader, you can help your staff feel physically and psychologically safe during this time of change by:

• Regularly checking in with your people.• Providing frequent updates on changes to the work environment.• Providing information on how to access supports and resources.• Ensuring your people feel safe and comfortable asking questions.• Supporting social connections and team relationships.

Here are some of the ways AHS can support you and your team:

• The Resilience, Wellness and Mental Health Resource Guide has been created to identify opportunities to improve staff and leaders’ mental health both at work and at home.

· Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) offers access to a variety of supports including learning, coaching, and counselling. Access EFAP by calling 1-877-273-3134 or by visiting homeweb.ca or e-AP.

· Physicians and their families can access supports offered by the Alberta Medical Association’s Patient and Family Support Program (PFSP) by calling the 24/7 confidential phone line 1-877-767-4637 (1-877-SOS-4MDS) or visiting the Alberta Medical Association website.

· Additional wellness resources for Alberta physicians are available through www.ahs.ca/mdwellness and Well Doc Alberta.

· Midwife supports can be accessed by visiting the Alberta Association of Midwives.

· Respectful Workplaces and Change the Conversation has a variety of resources to support social connections and conflict resolution.

Additional supports include:

• In times of change – tip sheet• Self-Care Tip Sheets• Supporting Your Mental Health• Health and Wellness

EFAP supports:

• EFAP Life Smart Coaching• EFAP counselling services• COVID-19 Wellness seminars (register through MyLearningLink)• Physician Wellness Infographics• Physician Wellness Zoom Rooms, registration details at


We’re here to help. If you have questions or would like to provide feedback on the resources available to you, contact [email protected], or [email protected] for physicians.

7. Feeling safe in the workplace

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8. Supporting our relaunch


As a leader, you may wish to identify one or more Relaunch Ambassadors to coordinate logistics and champion your team’s return to the workplace. This may be a site manager, site administrator, or any individual who is already familiar with your team and AHS processes, such as ordering supplies and coordinating communications.


The Relaunch Ambassador’s primary role is to act as a point of contact to help address questions and concerns from staff related to their return to the workplace. Relaunch Ambassadors serve as change agents to help raise awareness about the impact each of us has in creating a work environment where everyone feels safe. Here are some of the ways Relaunch Ambassadors can help shape our return to the workplace:

i. Communication

• Sharing information and referring staff to workplace relaunch resources.

• Helping teams understand the resources available to them.• Responding to recurring questions or issues where the response or

solution has already been determined.• Coordinating and reporting staff questions and concerns to

[email protected] when the response or solution is not known.

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ii. Engagement

• Helping leaders get their team’s engagement on implementing safety measures.

• Reinforcing AHS standards on measures such as continuous masking and physical distancing and reminding staff of the guidelines.

• Inviting staff to identify areas that do not appear to be meeting guidelines – perhaps by submitting photos – together with their suggestions for how to address the concerns.

iii. Facility preparedness

• Supporting the implementation, monitoring and improvement of workplace safety measures.

• Coordinating workplace relaunch activities to ensure facility readiness by collaborating with service providers, leaders, and other relaunch ambassadors.

• Using existing processes to coordinate orders for signage, PPE and cleaning supplies on behalf of the team to ensure there is appropriate stock, and submitting CRSR requests to e-Facilities to request assistance with space management concerns.

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APPENDIX I COVID-19 WORKPLACE RELAUNCH PLANNER How to use this Planner: This planner has been built to help you navigate the COVID-19 Relaunch Playbook and to help ensure your team and site is in compliance with the Government of Alberta guidelines. It will guide you through some of the most important questions that must be answered before returning to the workplace. Each department, unit or site will be responsible for developing a plan to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace. Before building your plan, we recommend you review the “Preparing to return” section of the playbook. This section will walk you through key decisions and considerations that must be made before returning staff to the workplace. Leaders should refer to the “Relaunch Planning Roadmap – Scenarios for Leaders” tool which will help them to navigate the resources and approval processes for their specific site.

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Section 1: Team Profile

This section should be completed by leaders who are returning staff to the workplace. It will capture critical information about their staff and space, and will provide them a “snapshot” of their team.



List all the sites that you manage and the staff component and functions below:

Site(s) (Building, floor, office #):

Number of staff at each site

Current Status of Staff

Types of Roles

# of staff working on site:

# of staff working remotely:

Work with patients

Work with public

Work with other AHS staff


Operational and Staffing: Which roles on my team are most critical to have on site and why? What roles should be on site first? What roles on my team can continue working remotely? Who on my team has requested accommodation to work remotely? Capacity and Scheduling: What is the maximum number of people that I can have on site while maintaining physical distancing? (reach out to your site coordinator for guidance) Can I enable physical distancing by staggering scheduling? (e.g. for staff arrival, departure, and breaks) Yes No What scheduling changes could I implement to manage capacity and physical distancing? (provide details about what scheduling or sequencing plans are in place for the return of staff) Are there other leaders/teams on my site/floor I should coordinate schedules with? If so, identify:

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Section 2: Planner for Staff Returning or Continuing to Work On site:

This is a tool that leaders can use to assist them in implementing the appropriate and required safety and communication measures in their sites. References and links are provided beside questions to assist leaders in answering the questions.

Relaunch Requirements Compliance Status

Yes No N/A Action/Comments

Cleaning and Physical Distancing Most information about cleaning and physical distancing can be found in section 3 of the playbook. 1. Have staff been provided with the appropriate hand hygiene education? Refer to Hand Hygiene (AHS) or section 6.A.ii of the playbook.

2. Have staff been provided with guidance and information on how to keep their workstation clean and disinfected? Refer to section 3.D. of the playbook.

3. Is there a plan on how shared staff, client or patient equipment will be kept clean and disinfected? Refer to section 3.D and 6.A.iv of the playbook.

4. Is there a plan to maintain directional traffic flow for physical distancing?

5. Have you confirmed that workstations allow for two meters of separation? Refer to section 3.A of the playbook.

6. Do you need to consider using physical barriers or shields? Refer to section 3.G. of the playbook.

7. Have you obtained the appropriate cleaning and disinfecting supplies for your site and communicated where these are kept? Refer to section 3.D.i of the playbook.

8. Does your area conduct classroom or in-class training? Refer to Section 5.I and 5.J of the playbook.

9. Does your site rely on elevator use by staff? Refer to section 3.F of the playbook.

Fit for Work Screening Leaders can reference section 5 of the playbook for more information about Fit for Work Screening. 10. Is there a staff self-screening process established for your site as per the Fit for Work Protocol? Refer to section 5.B of the Playbook and the Fit for Work Implementation Guide. The implementation guide provides steps for implementing and communicating your plan.

11. Are staff aware of the fit for work protocol, your site’s processes, and their responsibilities for self-screening and follow up each day? Refer to section 6 of the playbook for resources for staff.

12. Are leaders aware of their responsibilities for ensuring staff and visitors are following protocols? Refer to Fit for Work Implementation Guide.

13. Do you have a process if someone calls in ill or has to go home during their shift due to COVID-related symptoms?

14. Do you allow guests or visitors at your site? Refer to section 6.A.vi of the playbook.

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15. Do you have processes in place to ensure that guests and visitors are completing self-screening upon entry? Refer to COVID-19 Designated Family/Support and Visitation Guidance.

16. Do you have a process in place to manage a guest who is displaying symptoms while on site?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Leaders can refer to section 4 of the playbook for more information about PPE. 17. Have you identified who needs to use which PPE? Refer to section 4.A of the Playbook.

18. Do you know where to obtain PPE for your site? Refer to section 4.B of the Playbook.

19. Do you have a plan in place to supply staff with PPE and train them on how to properly use it?

20. Will you need to consider installing physical barriers in locations where two metres of distancing is consistently hard to maintain?

21. Do you have updated contact information for staff to notify them of a known exposure?

Preparing and Communicating with your People 22. Have you read and familiarized yourself with:

• Section 5 of the playbook – Preparing our people • Section 6 of the playbook – Resources for staff

23. Do you have a communication plan in place to ensure staff have the required return to work information? Is the plan to communicate in writing or in person or both? Refer to section 5.K in the playbook and Appendix III – Supports for Leaders – Meet with Your Staff – Conversation Starters.

24. Have you communicated with staff prior to the return?

25. Have you checked in with staff once they have returned?

26. Do you have a process in place for staff to raise concerns or ask questions?

Caring for Social and Mental Health Leaders can refer to section 7 of the Relaunch Playbook for more information about supporting social and mental health.

27. Have you made staff aware of the mental health and psychological safety supports that are available to them? Refer to section 7.A of the Playbook.

28. Have you communicated the importance of maintaining social connections between staff:

• Taking virtual breaks • Holding in-person meetings in larger spaces to allow

physical distancing • Checking in with one another when working from home • Being kind and helpful

29. Do you know if your staff feel safe returning to work?

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Section 3: Planner for Staff Working Remotely

This is a tool that leaders can use to assist them coordinating and managing staff who are working remotely.

Relaunch Requirements Compliance Status

Yes No N/A Action/Comments

Supporting Staff Leaders can refer to section 5.L of the playbook for information on supporting and communicating with staff who are working remotely. 1. Do you have regular check in times with staff to see how they are doing and if there are any concerns?

2. Do you have regular coaching or feedback sessions with staff?

3. Have you established goals and priorities for staff (weekly/monthly)?

4. Do you have regular team meetings and update sessions to ensure the team is connected and receiving information?

5. Do you encourage staff to connect with their colleagues during their work day?

6. Do you encourage or create opportunities for social connections between staff (virtual lunch or coffees, etc.)?

7. Do you remind staff to keep up to date with organizational updates and supports (i.e. AHS COVID page)?

8. Do you celebrate milestones and achievements for individuals and the team?

9. Have you made staff aware of the mental health and psychological safety supports that are available to them? Refer to section 7.A of the playbook.

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It has been determined that the majority of our workstations and offices either meet or exceed the need for physical distancing and reconfiguration is not required. Leaders should review the current Government of Alberta relaunch guidelines to help determine the number of people who can safely be on site at one time and what PPE will be needed if physical distancing requirements cannot be maintained. Some things to consider are:

Building access constraints • Elevators in AHS sites will be restricted to one, two or three passengers per cab,

depending on cab size, if passengers are not masked. If passengers are masked,elevator capacity will be half of the maximum capacity. This will mean longer wait timesfor elevators which may affect an employee’s ability to arrive at their workstation at aspecific time.

• Use of stairways to access floors is encouraged, provided that they can be used safelyand that physical distance can be maintained. Staff using stairways should keep theirhands free of excess items to avoid slips, trips and falls on the stairs. Staff may usehandrails as a safety precaution and must wear masks if physical distancing is notpossible. It is not recommended to create one-way access for stairways due to fire codeconsiderations.

• In leased space where AHS is not the sole tenant, staff must comply with guidelines setin place by the landlord for access to the space.

Staff scheduling and sequencing options • Can the return be phased over several weeks, including bringing certain positions back

first?o Should leaders return first to ensure the environment is ready for their staff?o Does it make sense for those who occupy offices to return before those who use

workstations?o Leaders may choose to schedule only a portion of their staff to return at once to

manage density in the workspace and allow for greater physical distancing.Given limited access to floors requiring elevator access, 50 per cent occupancyis suggested until restrictions are lifted.

• Does the seating plan for staff require review to ensure appropriate physical distancing?o Should the use of some dropdown stations be discontinued in the interim phase?o Should all staff be relocated to spaces around the perimeter of the room to

achieve greater distance between workstations?• What consideration must be given to the use of conference rooms or shared spaces

(while practicing social distancing) to maintain team cohesion, training, and connection?• Can alternate schedules be implemented, so not all workers are in the office on the

same days or arriving and leaving at the same time?• Can break and lunch times be staggered so common areas can support physical

distancing and cleaning requirements?• What will the impact be to employees if schedule changes are implemented?

o Parking fees cannot be charged by shift and parking permits cannot be shared.

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o Transit use to commute to/from work may not be an option. o Several IT considerations exist:

In some cases, IT support may be needed to reactivate equipment that remained at a workplace.

AHS staff are provided with one set of IT equipment and it would be unreasonable for staff to commute with their equipment (monitors, desktop computers, etc., that may have been taken home during the lockdown). If alternating schedules are introduced, what measures can you implement to enable all staff to be productive with the minimum inconvenience, whether they are working in the office or remotely?

• What legal and contractual requirements must you consider when looking at options for changing schedules?

o Refer to the appropriate collective agreement for schedule change options or to the NUEE Terms and Conditions of Employment.

o Consider employee personal needs. Personal circumstances like childcare can restrict the feasibility of schedule change options.

o If you and your staff member cannot agree on a different schedule, please contact HRBP to determine next steps.

• Who do I need to coordinate the return to work schedule with in my building, to ensure all programs/services/departments remain aligned and physical distancing is maintained while not overtaxing elevator capacity or stairwells?

o Consider other programs/services/patients/clinicians.

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APPENDIX III SUPPORTS FOR LEADERS As a leader, you may find it tricky to know how to best support your people in the relaunch phase. A good first step is understanding how the change will impact each team member and engaging them as part of the solution. The optional exercises below can help you understand your team’s questions, concerns, and priorities.

Where to start?

Meet with Your Staff

Meet with Your Team Here are some tools you can use with your team to better plan for work during the relaunch phase.

Yesterday–Tomorrow Worksheet ADKAR Quick Start Worksheet This process helps you and your team methodically work through a full list of impacts to the way people do their work. This will help determine which aspects of peoples’ work will change and what will stay the same, identifying the most important aspects to consider.

Template: Yesterday-Tomorrow Exercise Example: Yesterday-Tomorrow Exercise - Example

The Prosci ADKAR® model is a quick and easy way to plan the people side of a change by identifying the constraints and specific actions to move forward by reviewing the five concrete outcomes people need for lasting change: awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement. For more information on ADKAR, view this video or check out resources on our change adoption site:

Template: ADKAR Quick Start Guide Worksheet Example: ADKAR Quick Start Guide - Example

Plan 1:1 meetings to start the conversation. The goal of the conversation is to better understand who is in a position to return to the workplace.

Conversation Starters • Tell me about your current interim work arrangement? • What are the positives and what are the challenges? • What would be your ideal working scenario during the

relaunch phase? • How does the ideal scenario support your clients? • How might this impact you personally? • How might this impact your work and the work of the team?

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How to Use the Tools

Yesterday-Tomorrow Worksheet (Quick Guide)

ADKAR Worksheet (Quick Guide)

Step 1: First identify your relaunch scenario: full return to the workplace from working remotely, continue to work remotely, or a combination of return to the workplace and remote work.

Ideally, co-create this with your staff or your colleagues. If you can’t, walk through the exercise yourself, then validate with others.

Step 2: Identify who is impacted by the change: team members, advisors, managers, support staff.

Step 3: Use the template to list what was in place prior to relaunch (Yesterday), then move over to the tomorrow section and list what needs to be different or remain the same.

Step 4: Estimate the degree of impact on each element using the scale of 1 – 5 (low to high). Fill out the rest of the worksheet.

Step 5: Upon completion, identify your ideal outcome.

Step 1: Identify your adoption challenge (behavioral outcome) based on what you have learned through the yesterday-tomorrow exercise e.g. people having a positive experience returning to the office from remote workspaces

Step 2: For each of the AKDAR elements, identify the biggest anticipated barriers.

Step 3: For each of the ADKAR elements, identify how you might overcome these barriers.

At the end of the exercise, you will have a quick action plan for change.

For more information, visit Change Adoption on Insite or email [email protected]

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APPENDIX IV ALTERNATE WORKPLACE ARRANGEMENTS – JOB FUNCTION ANALYSIS TOOL Leaders can use this tool to either assess individual proposals or identify the positions in their departments that may be suitable to participate in an Alternate Workplace Arrangement (AWA). In cases where it is indicated that some positions “may not be suited to an AWA”, leaders are encouraged to use their discretion and judgment to determine if arrangements can be made and supports put in place to support an AWA. Position being assessed:

Value Considerations Yes No Comments Suitability

1. Will the AWA result in an increase in the overall operating costs of the department?

If yes, this position is not suited to an AWA. May be suited to working from home on an occasional basis outside of an AWA.

2. Will this AWA benefit AHS by supporting our department’s goals including productivity, cost effectiveness, and customer service?

If yes, this position may be suited to an AWA.

Type of Work Performed Yes No Comments Suitability

1. Does the work performed rely on face-to-face interaction and collaboration with co-workers, colleagues, or supervisor?

If yes, this position may be suited to an AWA working away from office 1-2 days per week or working from home on an occasional basis outside of an AWA.

2. Is this position required to be at the worksite to effectively provide customer service or perform their job? (i.e. receptionist, maintenance worker, etc.)

If yes, position may not be suited to an AWA.

3. Does this position provide direct patient care? If yes, position is not suited to

an AWA.

4. Does the work this position performs require regular face-to-face interaction with off-site clients?

If yes, position may be suited for an AWA with regular feedback sessions and status updates.

5. Would the work performed benefit from quiet and uninterrupted time? (i.e. research, reading, writing, data analysis)

If yes, position may be suited for an AWA with regular feedback sessions and status updates.

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Type of Work Performed Yes No Comments Suitability

6. Does this position require daily support, resources or system access that can only be obtained on-site?

If yes, position may not be suited to AWA.

7. Would having this position work off-site impact overall service quality or organizational operations?

If yes, position may not be suited to AWA.

8. Is there a requirement for this position to access original paper confidential records on a regular basis?

If so, position may not be suited for an AWA due to privacy and security issues.

9. Can work be done remotely though electronic records? If yes, position may be suited to

an AWA.

Managers/supervisors may use the following questions pertaining to measuring results to further determine if a position is suitable to participate in an AWA.

Measuring Results Yes No Comments Suitability

1. Does this position have measurable quantitative or qualitative results-oriented standards of performance? (i.e. project work with timelines)

If yes, position is suited to AWA.

2. Can work be measured through obtaining client feedback? If yes, position is suited to


3. Can work be measured through regular status updates? If yes, position is suited to


This position is suited for the following:

� Alternate Workplace Arrangement � Worksite-Based Worker


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APPENDIX V ALTERNATE WORKPLACE ARRANGEMENTS – EMPLOYEE SELF-ASSESSMENT Employees are required to complete the following self-assessment prior to submitting an Alternate Workplace Arrangement (AWA) Proposal and Application Form to their manager. A copy of this self-assessment must be attached to the AWA Proposal and Application Form.

Question Yes No Comments Suitability

Benefit to AHS

1. Will this AWA benefit AHS by supporting our department’s goals including productivity, cost effectiveness and customer service?

If yes, you may be suited to an AWA.

Work Performed

2. Does the work I perform require me to collaborate in person with my co-workers, supervisor, and/or business partners on a regular basis?

If yes, you may not be suited to an AWA.

3. Do I provide daily patient care? If yes, you are not suited to an AWA.

4. Do I need to be onsite to provide effective client service? (i.e. receptionist, maintenance worker, etc.)

If yes, you are not suited to an AWA.

5. Would the work I perform benefit from quiet and uninterrupted time? (e.g. research, writing, data analysis, reading.)

If yes, you may be suited an AWA depending on responses to questions below.

6. Does the work I perform require me to regularly meet with clients and stakeholders off site?

If yes, you may be suited to an AWA depending on responses to questions below.

7. Does my work require me to use systems (non-computer) and/or resources that are only accessible from an AHS worksite?

If yes, you may not be suited to an AWA.

Personal Responsibilities

8. Can I make arrangements for dependent care (children, parents, family member, pets) and personal responsibilities outside of work hours?

If you cannot arrange for dependent care and other personal responsibilities outside of work hours, you may not be suited to an AWA. An AWA is not intended to be used as a substitute for dependent care.

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Question Yes No Comments Suitability


9. What type of supervision do I require?

If you are someone who needs daily face-to-face guidance and direction, an AWA may not be suited to you. If you are comfortable with working unsupervised with regular updates and face-to-face meetings, you may be suited to an AWA. It is the responsibility of the employee to suggest methods of ensuring that they are meeting expectations with their supervisors.

10. How will I know what is expected of me and whether I am meeting those expectations?

11. Do I have enough experience with the job and organization to successfully work with little face-to-face supervision?


12. How will I keep my manager/ supervisor informed?

Employees are encouraged to work with their managers/supervisors to determine regular and effective methods of communication with them and their co-workers.

13. How will I keep my co-workers informed?

Client Service

14. How will I ensure that I am accessible to clients?

The expectation is that client service is not negatively impacted by an AWA. Employees must demonstrate how they plan to maintain or enhance client service on an AWA.

Adaptability and Working Style

15. Am I comfortable working alone? Some employees may feel isolated if working away from their co-workers. If this is the case, an AWA may be suitable for you with regular time scheduled at a designated business worksite.

16. Am I willing to adjust my schedule and come into the office on a regularly scheduled day if required?

It is important that employees are adaptable and flexible while on an AWA to ensure that they meet the requirement to attend worksite meetings and events.

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Question Yes No Comments Suitability

Home Workspace & Health and Safety

17. Do I have room in my house for a designated office space?

A safe and appropriate office workspace is required for working from home. An employee must demonstrate that their home workspace meets AHS standards prior to being approved for an AWA.

18. Can I make the space a quiet office space with safe and comfortable furniture and lighting?

Privacy and Security

19. Does my job require me to access original confidential paper records?

If yes, you may not be suited for an AWA due to privacy and security issues.

20. Can work be done remotely through electronic records?

If yes, you may be suited to an AWA.

Information Technology and Systems

21. Do I have high-speed internet? High-speed internet is a requirement for working from home.

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APPENDIX VI ALTERNATE WORKPLACE ARRANGEMENTS – ERGONOMICS GUIDELINES According to the Temporary Alternate Workplace Arrangements document, staff are authorized to transport their AHS assigned laptops and basic accessories to their home workspace. This should be encouraged by managers if staff don’t already have this equipment at home, as these accessories will aid in the appropriate setup of an alternative workspace.

The following resources are available for staff when setting up a temporary workspace at their home. More research is required to determine how we will accommodate staff working from home in the long term as the pandemic persists.

Resources Home Office Checklist

Tips for Working Remotely

Working from Home - Ergonomics

Tips for Offsite Workstation Setup

Appropriate Sitting Posture

Temporary Alternate Work Arrangements - Ergonomics

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APPENDIX VII PROCESS IMPROVEMENT – WORKSHOP OFFERING RETURNING TO A NEW NORMAL SERVICE POST-COVID Workshop The Process Improvement team recognizes the many challenges teams are going through in adjusting their services to accommodate the new working environment.

This workshop is designed to assess, prioritize and take action to enable your services’ return to scheduled operations in a safe and effective manner for your staff, patients and families.

• Support teams, practitioners, and leaders in identifying safety threats and system issues. • Look at how processes will differ from your previous “normal day” to address common challenges

such as need for ongoing PPE, maintaining distancing, wayfinding, workplace flow, screening, scheduling, adjusting triage criteria, etc.

A combination of expert instruction, team engagement, and coaching will be used to achieve this objective. It is strongly recommended that those who are interested in this workshop have dedicated time to work together. Application of AIW improvement principles will be used throughout. The concepts of a Rapid Improvement Event (RIE)* will be used to guide the workshop.

*RIE: A proven method for developing & implementing improvements. Focus is on an identified workplace or process issue. Hands on, participative action session, which engages individuals primarily involved in the affected work process. Can be one event or a series of related events. Preparation & follow-through are critical.


Phase 1(2-6 hours)

• Pre team involvement • Meet with sponsor/key stakeholders

• Understand & document pre-COVID processes

• Using a three stage aproach to change managment to understand what has been done and what needs to be done to address the people side of change• 1st stage - Identify the groups impacted, with the option to complete a quick ADKAR status for each

Phase 2(2-day event)

• Team involvement• Validate the process• Identify work areas that will have to change (safety threats, system issues, constraints)

• Continue to use the change managemt tools• 2nd Stage - Go through a quick exercise of Yesterday-Tomorrow for each ‘job aspect’

Phase 3(Part of 2-day event)

• Team involvement• RIE- Identify actions that need to be completed • Potential tools to be used:• Table Top• Walkthrough• Other

• Prioritizing actions• Create action plan • Continue to use change managment tools• 3rd stage - Identify all actions for the people side to be completed as part of the service change

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The relaunch planner will help you develop your relaunch plan and ensure you have the appropriate PPE, physical distancing and communication plans in place. Use the planner to navigate the playbook as needed for reference. Note: Section 3 of the planner can be used to assist leaders in coordinating and managing staff who are working remotely.

The relaunch playbook is a resource guide to help you prepare your relaunch plan when the time comes for you to return staff to the workplace.Relevant Sections of Playbook: 1 – 6Note: You may want to review Sections 1 & 2 of the playbook first, then use the planner to start building your relaunch plan, cross-referencing with the playbook as required.These sections will help you finalize the recommendation for your staff to continue working remotely.


I have staff who were redeployed and may not be operationally required to return to the site, but could continue to work remotely on a temporary basis until further notice.

I have staff who have been working remotely and should continue to do so on a temporary basis until further notice.

The relaunch planner will help you develop your relaunch plan and ensure you have the appropriate PPE, physical distancing and communication plans in place.

Use the planner to navigate the playbook as needed for reference.

The relaunch playbook is a resource guide to help you prepare your relaunch plan.Relevant Sections of Playbook: 1 – 6Note: You may want to review Sections 1 & 2 of the playbook first, then use the planner to start building your relaunch plan, cross-referencing with the playbook as required.

I have staff who were redeployed and are now operationally required to return to their site.


I have staff who have been working remotely and need to consider when they can return because it is operationally required.

The relaunch playbook is a resource guide you can reference to confirm existing protocols around cleaning, physical distancing, PPE, etc. It will also help you navigate new considerations such as: • Guidelines on in-person training • Guidelines on physical barriersRelevant Sections of Playbook: 3 – 6You will be able to document the steps you’ve taken in the planner to ensure a comprehensive review of the safety measures needed for your site.

I have staff who have remained in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Relaunch Planning Roadmap - Scenarios for LeadersAPPENDIX VIII