Almost 5 years have passed since the day I summited Mount Everest in 2012. Thanks to my kind sponsors, I was able to raise more than $40,000 for the Tan Tock Seng Hospital Charity Fund as well as get involved in community projects giving back to the Nepali people. In the months following that memorable day, I have been busy giving media interviews, photoshoots, answering enquiries from fellow aspiring Everesters and giving talks and lectures to educational/medical/commercial institutions. Every time I talk about Everest I am brought back to the mountain and it motivates me further. I live on the mountains through my memories and the passion when I share my experiences. This year, I have completed the Mt K2 climb (8,611m, world’s 2 nd highest peak) in June and will return to climb Mt Makalu (8,481m, world’s 5 th highest peak) in August. I am now raising funds for the Singapore National Stroke Association (SNSA). The funds are for SNSA programs to raise awareness for stroke victims in Singapore and to educate the public on preventative measures to avoid a stroke. The funds will also help with the rehabilitation of stroke victims and their re-integration with society. To support Dr Kumaran’s cause and contribute to SNSA programs, you can go to Giving.sg: https://tinyurl.com/no-mountain-too-high  COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH Dr. Kumaran Rasappan’s SNSA Campaign Story Dr. Kumaran Rasappan [Senior Orthopaedic Surgical Resident with National Healthcare Group] Brought to you by Editor Mrs Elaine Wee Members Dr N V Ramani Dr Deidre Anne De Silva Dr Samuel Geoffrey Mrs Lee Lay Beng Ms Nur Hafizah Mohd Amin Mr Michael Quek Mr Anthony Chee For more information on Dr Kumaran‘s climb, please see the link: https://climbeverest2012.wordpress.com Copyright of the materials contained in this newsletter belongs to Singapore National Stroke Association (SNSA). Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior consent of SNSA. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of SNSA and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. For enquiries or feedback on Stroke Watch, please write to [email protected] Online Stroke Watch : http://www.snsa.org.sg/news-media/strokewatch-newsletter/ In This Issue 1 No Mountain Too High 2 Stroke Strikes FAST, Don't Play Play 3 SNSA Volunteer on the GO! 4 Stroke Clubs Social Outings 5 Stroke Self Management Programme 6 Better Minds, Better Lives, Better Tomorrow Stroke Health Talks National Day Parade 2017 7 Reflections from Student Volunteers 8 Student Projects In Appreciation MICA (P) 020/08/2017 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE SINGAPORE NATIONAL STROKE ASSOCIATION (SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2017)

COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH · • Crocodile Foundation Singapore, • Hiap Huat Paints Co, • Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd, • PUB New Water, • Gardenia Foods (S)

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Page 1: COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH · • Crocodile Foundation Singapore, • Hiap Huat Paints Co, • Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd, • PUB New Water, • Gardenia Foods (S)

Almost 5 years have passed since the day I summited

Mount Everest in 2012. Thanks to my kind sponsors,

I was able to raise more than $40,000 for the Tan Tock

Seng Hospital Charity Fund as well as get involved in

community projects giving back to the Nepali people.

In the months following that memorable day, I have been

busy giving media interviews, photoshoots, answering

enquiries from fellow aspiring Everesters and giving talks

and lectures to educational/medical/commercial

institutions. Every time I talk about Everest I am brought

back to the mountain and it motivates me further. I live on

the mountains through my memories and the passion

when I share my experiences.

This year, I have completed the Mt K2 climb

(8,611m, world’s 2nd highest peak) in June and

will return to climb Mt Makalu

(8,481m, world’s 5th highest peak)

in August. I am now raising funds for

the Singapore National Stroke Association

(SNSA). The funds are for SNSA programs to raise

awareness for stroke victims in Singapore and

to educate the public on preventative

measures to avoid a stroke. The funds

will also help with the rehabilitation

of stroke victims and their

re-integration with society.

To support Dr Kumaran’s cause and

contribute to SNSA programs, you can go to

Giving.sg: https://tinyurl.com/no-mountain-too-high


COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGHDr. Kumaran Rasappan’s SNSA Campaign Story

Dr. Kumaran Rasappan

[Senior Orthopaedic

Surgical Resident

with National

Healthcare Group]

Brought to you by


Mrs Elaine Wee


Dr N V Ramani

Dr Deidre Anne De Silva

Dr Samuel Geoffrey

Mrs Lee Lay Beng

Ms Nur Hafizah Mohd Amin

Mr Michael Quek

Mr Anthony Chee

For more information on Dr Kumaran‘s climb, please see the link: https://climbeverest2012.wordpress.com

Copyright of the materials contained in this newsletter belongs to Singapore National Stroke Association (SNSA). Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part

without prior consent of SNSA. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of SNSA and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved.

For enquiries or feedback on Stroke Watch, please write to [email protected] Online Stroke Watch : http://www.snsa.org.sg/news-media/strokewatch-newsletter/


In This Issue

1 No Mountain Too High

2 Stroke Strikes FAST, Don't Play Play

3 SNSA Volunteer on the GO!

4 Stroke Clubs

Social Outings

5 Stroke Self Management Programme

6 Better Minds, Better Lives, Better Tomorrow

Stroke Health Talks

National Day Parade 2017

7 Reflections from Student Volunteers

8 Student Projects

In Appreciation


Page 2: COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH · • Crocodile Foundation Singapore, • Hiap Huat Paints Co, • Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd, • PUB New Water, • Gardenia Foods (S)

當我們開始展開 “中風知識和如何預防”這項活動時我們要灌輸一個重要的訊息給公眾人士。那就是



的折磨,也造成家庭沉重的負擔。根據流行病學研究顯示, 50-80%的中風是可以預防。因此就必須意


得到楊厝港公民諮詢委員會,管委會和 Lentor鄰里居委會的合作協辦,我們的目標是:

1. 建立起人們對中風危險的認知。

2. 要瞭解 F.A.S.T.中風的症兆和當症狀開始時如何處理。

3. 傳達中風的知識以及如何減低中風的發生。

4. 教育公眾人士,中風後生活和生命還是有希望。

5. 為新加坡全國中風人士協會籌集活動資金,讓協會繼續為中風倖存者和看護人服務。


• Princeton Pharmacy (S) Pte Ltd,

• Crocodile Foundation Singapore,

• Hiap Huat Paints Co,

• Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd,

• PUB New Water,

• Gardenia Foods (S) Pte Ltd and

• Emtech Wellness International Pte Ltd.


2017年 2月25日我們的在楊厝港社區俱樂部舉行,從早上 9到下午 2:30,一共接待了約 441位民和




• 中英文講座-中風的常識

• 中風倖存者分享生活經驗• 讓兒童在遊戲活動中認識中風的醫護人員和義工幫忙公眾人士作健康檢查,必要時就會在場的醫生進一步問診

• 教導參加的人士製作裝飾袋,瓷磚彩繪• 教導健康的“Zumba”運動操

• 現場提供 Unifood營養豆漿,麥片飲料

• Emtech提供享用 4合 1 BioCell Charger的保健器材

• 分發健康禮袋給所有參與的人士,福袋內有蘋果,• Gardenia面包,新生水

獅城扶輪社的社員共捐 $21,000加上 PP拿督陳賢進博士

的鱷魚基金會和社員黃選民的協發漆料公司各捐 $5,000




Guest Speakers (Left to Right)

Mr Anthony Quek (stroke survivor)

Ms Tan IL Fan

Advanced Practice Nurse (Neurology)

Dr Chiew Hui Jin


SNSA is grateful to the Rotary Club of Garden

City for their generous contribution and

continual support.

Dedication and

hard work of


Volunteers had

made the event

a great success.

中風–謹慎預防,別掉以輕心 周發興編譯

STROKE STRIKES FAST, DON'T PLAY PLAYLocal Community Service Project by Community Service Project Chair PP Florence Lim


Page 3: COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH · • Crocodile Foundation Singapore, • Hiap Huat Paints Co, • Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd, • PUB New Water, • Gardenia Foods (S)



There is no stopping our cheerful Vice-President and

long-serving volunteer Eugene Jayme Escanan from

leading a meaningful life after surviving 4 strokes.

He has been volunteering at SNSA since he joined in

2010. He has also been active in SNSA management:

Past President (2011 -2012) and Vice-President

(2013-present). His story as a stroke survivor began in 2006 when hesuffered his 4th Haemorrhagic stroke after 3 TIAs(Transient Ischemic Attacks) from previous years.His parents were also stroke survivors. Althoughstroke has featured many times in Eugene’s life, hehas never given up hope. Instead, Eugene choosesto stay positive and empower himself whenever hefaces a new challenge.

SNSA VOLUNTEER on the GO!The Eugene Jayme Escanan’s Story

His passion for life has inspired his son

Miguel to volunteer at a tender age of 5

and many others who have met him.

For his dedicated service, Eugene was

awarded the

Healthcare Humanity Award (Volunteer)

in 2016.

He walks the talk and shows us that there is indeed a

meaningful life after stroke. Under his caring

leadership, his team of Befrienders has expanded and

is now serving 3 hospitals: Tan Tock Seng Hospital,

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and Yishun Community

Hospital. They visit the stroke patients in these

hospitals regularly to comfort, encourage and lend

them a listening ear. The hospitals have been

recognising the dedicated service of SNSA volunteers

on the International Volunteer Day since 2013.

He always amazes everyone with his mental strength

and cheerfulness in the face of adversity. Despite his

limited mobility, he always finds the time to befriend

stroke patients in the hospitals every week. He says

he feels happier and healthier when he helps other

stroke survivors, and sees the stroke patients go

home encouraged and motivated. To improve his

communication with stroke survivors from all races,

he has mastered basic words of major languages and

dialects. It is his sense of personal satisfaction and

fulfilment that drive him

He is grateful for the volunteering opportunity provided by SNSA for

stroke survivors and SNSA’s continual support of the befriending

service since 1996.

(Top to bottom):


Service Teams

from Tan Tock

Seng Hospital,



Hospital and Khoo

Teck Puat


to do more,

care more and help



Page 4: COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH · • Crocodile Foundation Singapore, • Hiap Huat Paints Co, • Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd, • PUB New Water, • Gardenia Foods (S)

Insightful sharing of

the constant struggles

faced by every

caregiver and the

sacrifices they make to

give the best to their

loved ones in their

daily care-giving, led

by Mr Joel Chua(Certified Counsellor)


Support Group

(April 2017)

“The talk and

check-list were



practical and keeps

us aware and alert

of the signs.”Frank Ng(Stroke Survivor)


”A Great Zumba Workout!” Amos Wee (Stroke Survivor)


Page 5: COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH · • Crocodile Foundation Singapore, • Hiap Huat Paints Co, • Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd, • PUB New Water, • Gardenia Foods (S)



“Awesome!”Linda Tan(Caregiver to Philip Tan)“Thank you!”

Damien Lee(Stroke Survivor)

Tan Tok Seng Hospital @ AMKTHK(May - June 2017)

Facilitators: Li PeiwenSupported by: Alex Chia & Tan Poh Choo


Billy Lee Beng Cheng, Christee Dass, Loh Koon Nam,

Poh Cheng Keat, Tan Bok Choon, Tan Tuang Soon,

Wang Pang Keong, Wu Yip Yuen

Singapore National Stroke Association(May - July 2017)

Facilitators: Tan Chia Nee & Fan Loo Ching


Ananda Rajah, Andrew Ang, Angeline Ang Bee Choo, Angeline Ang

Swee Yee, Jagdesh Kaur (Jackie), Alan Leong, Mandy Leow, Modhan

Dharan, Rosaline Choo

Jurong Community Hospital(July - August 2017)

Facilitators: Chin Chi Hsien

Supported by: Anthony Quek & Tan Poh Choo


Boey Tin Chee, Chan Ann Fun, Daphne Toh, David Lee


Page 6: COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH · • Crocodile Foundation Singapore, • Hiap Huat Paints Co, • Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd, • PUB New Water, • Gardenia Foods (S)


Singapore National Stroke Association (SNSA) supported the

public awareness campaign on stroke and other prevalent

neurological conditions such as dementia, brain tumours and

Parkinson’s disease organised by National Neuroscience

Institute in May 2017 at the “Our Tampines Hub”. The

community education event aimed to create greater

awareness for neurological conditions (e.g.. stroke), focusing

on the importance of early intervention, prevention and


SNSA member (Ms Christina Teo)

presented her artwork to the GOH

Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat.

SNSA volunteers met the GOH up close and personal.Brilliant


by our

Talented SNSA


SNSA volunteers conduct regular talks for public

and private agencies.


"I was at a low-risk for stroke butlow risk does not mean no risk,"Mr Heng said.

“Even when we take precautions and live healthily, disease canstill strike. And when we do fall ill, early treatment and early rehabilitation are important."


Page 7: COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH · • Crocodile Foundation Singapore, • Hiap Huat Paints Co, • Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd, • PUB New Water, • Gardenia Foods (S)

One thing I learnt through this event is that perseverance helps drive uson in life. Many stroke survivors who were handicapped were insistenton walking the last few metres even though it was tiring for them towalk. But their determination paid off and they finally made it to thefinish line.

It was an enriching and engaging experience for me as I helped out atthe event. I learnt about empathy and compassion. As I was helpingthem, I thought, how can this small event actually impact such a bignumber of people? The success of these small events actually comesfrom creating stroke awareness in the community. Advertisementsabout stroke on televisions, magazines and social media help to raiseawareness on this topic. Slowly but surely, Singaporeans will beequipped with the knowledge and skill to combat STROKE.

Joshua Ng, 1 Devotion, Presbyterian High School

Lush green scenery. Trees, bushes and leaves were scattered across a vast land. A small lake wasin the middle of all of it. Huts were built at scenic spots in the location. Guess where was I? I wasat the Botanic Gardens doing volunteer work with my family held by the Singapore NationalStroke Association, to assist the stroke survivors in a walk.

A story about an accountant who suffered from stroke and persevered was revealed to me. Theman, who was living a normal life, suddenly had a stroke. Half of his body was paralysed, and hecould not go back to work as an accountant anymore. But this admirable man persevered on toearn a living. So, now he owns a stall and is making rojak, with one hand. You might think it isjust another story on perseverance, but this story is one that is extraordinary. Many people whosuffer from stroke actually go into depression, because they cannot move, talk and live like theyused to. My grandfather for example, also suffered from stroke, three times. On the third time,he became depressed due to the fact that he could not use the spoon and chopsticks like heused to, he had to walk with a limp and was weak with his dominant hand.








患者的态度真是 “坚持到底,才能成功” ,他们虽然中风而











Jonas Ng, P5L3

Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School

Reflections from Student Volunteers


Page 8: COVER STORY: NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH · • Crocodile Foundation Singapore, • Hiap Huat Paints Co, • Unifoods International (S) Pte Ltd, • PUB New Water, • Gardenia Foods (S)




30 Sept@2pm Talk on Emotional Health NTUC Silver Circle

26 Nov@5pm Evening Stroll Labrador - Berlayer Boardwalk Greek

2 Dec@2pm Talk on Nutrition NTUC Silver Circle

Event Venue