Cover Letter1

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Recently, I have been looking for a challenging position where I can utilize my expertise in SAP, Business & Project Management. In this context, I wish to enclose a copy of my resume. A glance through the sam e shall throw light on the value I bring to your organization and I appreciate y our taking the time to review it. I believe that I am a strong match for BI/BO/ABAP position given my excellent cr edentials - an MS in Computer Science & a well-rounded professional background o f 11 years in IT (5+ years in SAP) that can best be summarized as follows: Extensive experience in SAP BW/BI/BO/ABAP Applications implementation & main tenance. Proficiency in support and management of live SAP projects. SAP Certifi ed Development Consultant. Exceptional understanding of SAP & software project life cycle, SAP implemen tation methodology and batch management processes. Deep knowledge of various SAP modules. Adept at design, development & execution of business processes, identifying business intelligence, devising projects plans and managing project activities w ith strong skills in using SAP across the business. Proven capabilities in creating documents, handling developmental activities and providing effective solutions. Key competencies in SAP Development, Business Administration, Data Managemen t, Requirement Gathering, Web Enabled Solutions, Client Engagement, Team Leader ship & Training among others. Highly proactive & customer oriented with strong coordination, interacting, communication & presentation skills. Logical thinker with an ability to succeed in fast-paced environments. Throughout my career span, I have taken charge of vital technical roles and perf ormed consistently. At this point of time, I reckon that my knowledge level is apt for the aforesaid position requiring high level of professional loyalty, integrity & maturity. I am confident that my experience would greatly benefit your organization. Realizing that there are more values to be shared, I would welcome a follow up i nterview at your earliest convenience to take this discussion forward on a posit ive note. I thank you for your time and consideration and look forward to hearing from you . Yours Sincerely,