Covenant Lesson 8

Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

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Page 1: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

CovenantLesson 8

Page 2: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

Review• Serious agreement associated with death for

breaking it• Covenant speaks of oneness• Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

Exchanging weapons

Exchanging belts

Sharing names/possessions

• SOME covenants included descendants

Page 3: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

Abrahamic Covenant• Genesis 12:1-9 Promised at age 75 to be a great

nation• God would bless him• Bless those that bless you; curse those that curse• God would make his name great• In Abraham all of the families of the earth would be

blessed• Land promised to his seed (descendants)• Galatians 3:16 That seed is Christ• Genesis 13:14-18 Land promised forever• Promised seed as the dust of the earth in number

Page 4: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

Abrahamic Covenant Gen. 15• Seed would be as the stars in number• Abram believed and was counted righteous• Seed would be strangers in the land• Enslaved and oppressed for 400 years• God would judge the nation they served• After fourth generation they would come out with

many possessions and return to the land• A generation is approximately 100 years• God cut covenant with Abram by passing between

the pieces

Page 5: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

Abrahamic Covenant Gen. 17• God changed his name when he was 99• AFTER the birth of Ishmael (Abe was 86)• BEFORE the birth of Isaac through whom the

descendants of promise would come• Circumcision was instituted here• Gen. 25:23,33-34 Esau and Jacob are born, but the

older would serve the younger• Gen. 26:1-6,24-25 Same promises made to Isaac• Gen. 28:10-22 Same promises made to Jacob, NOT

his brother Esau• Gen. 32 and 35 Jacob’s name changed to Israel• Gen. 49 Jacob’s twelve sons/twelve tribes

Page 6: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

Exodus• Ex. 1:8-14 Israelites’ condition in Egypt• Ex. 2:23-25 God remembered His Covenant• “Zakar” – to pay attention to (God doesn’t forget)• Ex. 6:1-8 God appeared to Abraham, Isaac and

Jacob as God Almighty – El Shaddai – God of promises

• The Lord was about to reveal Himself to the nation of Israel as Yahweh – Now the promises will be fulfilled.

Page 7: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

The Old Covenant• Exodus 19:1-9 God brought the sons of Israel out

of Egypt• Moses is their mediator• “All that the Lord has said, we will do.”• Ex. 20-23 Ten Commandments given• Ex. 24 Moses called up the mountain to worship• Moses built an altar with 12 pillars• Moses sprinkled the blood on the people• Leaders ate and drank with God and did not die• Cloud covered the mountain for 6 days, on the 7th

day it was like a consuming fire• Moses stayed for 40 days and 40 nights

Page 8: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

The Tabernacle• Exodus 25:1-9 Moses was to take up a contribution

and construct a sanctuary for God to dwell in• Tabernacle was built according to the pattern God

showed Moses, along with all of its furniture• Gate: Jesus is the only way to the Father• Bronze Altar: Jesus my sacrifice• Bronze Laver: Jesus the Word that cleanses me• Door: Jesus is the Door through whom we gain

access to the Father• Table of Showbread: Jesus is the Bread of Life• Lampstand: Jesus is the Light of the World• Altar of Incense: Jesus is the intercessor for saints

Page 9: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

The Tabernacle• Holy of Holies• The Veil: Jesus’ flesh was torn at crucifixion• Ark of the Covenant with the Mercy Seat over it• Through Jesus’ torn flesh and perfect blood we now

have access to the Father because of His Mercy• Anytime• Anywhere• Anyplace • Jesus is our High Priest, our Mediator, Our Perfect

Sacrifice ONCE FOR ALL

Page 10: Covenant Lesson 8. Review Serious agreement associated with death for breaking it Covenant speaks of oneness Possible symbolic acts: Exchanging robes

Abrahamic and Old Covenant• Abrahamic promised a seed and land forever to his

descendants• Promised they would be enslaved for 400 years• They multiplied into a great nation while under

bondage. • The Old Covenant was made for them• The Old Covenant was The Law, given to them, by

the Lord so they would live as a holy nation, set apart for Him, in the land of promise.