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Covariance and State Estimation of Weakly Observable Systems: Application to Polymerization Processes

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Covariance and State Estimation of WeaklyObservable Systems: Application to

Polymerization ProcessesFernando V. Lima, Murali R. Rajamani, Tyler A. Soderstrom, and James B. Rawlings, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Physical models for polymerization may be overlycomplex considering the available measurements, and they maycontain many unobservable and weakly observable modes. Overlycomplex structures lead to ill-conditioned or singular problemsfor disturbance variance estimation. Ill conditioning leads tounrealistic data demands for reliable covariance estimates andstate estimates. The goal of this paper is to build nonlinearstate estimators for weakly observable systems, with focus onpolymerization processes. State estimation requires knowledgeabout the noise statistics affecting the states and the measure-ments. These noise statistics are usually unknown and needto be estimated from operating data. We introduce a lineartime-varying autocovariance least-squares (LTV-ALS) techniqueto estimate the noise covariances for nonlinear systems usingautocorrelations of the data at different time lags. To reduce oreliminate the ill-conditioning problem, we design a reduced-orderextended Kalman filter (EKF) to estimate only the stronglyobservable system states. This reduced filter, which is based onthe Schmidt–Kalman filter, is used to perform the estimationof noise covariances by the LTV-ALS technique. Results of theimplementation of the proposed method on a large-dimensionalethylene copolymerization example show that better conditionedstate and covariance estimation problems can be obtained. Wealso show that high-quality state estimates can be obtained afterthe specification of the noise statistics of EKF estimators by ALS.

Index Terms— Autocovariance least squares (ALS), nonlinearstate estimation, nonlinear stochastic modeling, time-varyingsystems, weakly observable systems.


ADVANCED feedback control schemes for nonlinearmodels, such as model predictive control, often have a

state estimator that reconciles past inputs and plant measure-ments to make an estimate of the current state of the system.

Manuscript received February 27, 2011; revised April 6, 2012; acceptedApril 14, 2012. Manuscript received in final form May 14, 2012. Dateof publication June 19, 2012; date of current version June 14, 2013. Thiswork was supported by the NSF under Grant CNS-0540147, the PRF underGrant 43321-AC9, and the ExxonMobil Chemical Company through theTexas-Wisconsin-California Control Consortium. Recommended by AssociateEditor A. Alessandri.

F. V. Lima and J. B. Rawlings are with the Department of Chemical andBiological Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 USA(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).

M. R. Rajamani was with BP Research and Technology, Naperville, IL60563 USA. He is now with the Booth School of Business, University ofChicago, Chicago, IL 60637 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

T. A. Soderstrom is with ExxonMobil Chemical Company, BaytownTechnology and Engineering Complex, Baytown, TX 77522 USA (e-mail:[email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2012.2200296

The regulator then uses the current state estimate and themodel to optimize future control inputs. Thus, the perfor-mance of an advanced feedback control system is directlyaffected by the quality of the state estimates. For optimalperformance, the state estimator requires knowledge of thenoise statistics affecting the plant. If these noises are modeledas zero-mean Gaussian sequences, then the covariances arerequired to specify their statistics. In practice, these covari-ances are typically unknown and therefore chosen arbitrarilyby process control engineers to get satisfactory closed-loopperformance. Most chemical processes are characterized byboth nonlinearity in the dynamics and significant levelsof process and sensor noise. Also, most complex productproperties are not measurable but must be inferred fromother measurements combined with nonlinear property models.Specifically, polymerization process models, in addition tocontaining many unobservable and weakly observable modes,are nonlinear and large dimensional (around 50 states and20 measurements), the product properties of most interestare complex nonlinear functions of the process state, andthe stochastic disturbance structure is unknown a priori. Theobjective of this paper presented here is to design state esti-mators for weakly observable systems with particular interestin polymerization process examples. A gas-phase ethylenecopolymerization process model from the literature [1]–[3] isaddressed here. This task is challenging, as it requires thefollowing steps: nonlinear process model selection, stochasticdisturbance model selection, covariance identification fromoperating data, determination of the subset of the state tobe estimated online from the measurements, and estimatorselection and implementation.

Regarding the modeling task, we use fully nonlinearstochastic models in discrete time obtained by combininginformation that is often available, such as a deterministicset of nonlinear differential equations describing the phys-ical principles of the process, which arise from conservationlaws appropriate for chemical processes, and a stochasticcomponent estimated from a routine set of operating datathat provide a typical sample of the measurement and processdisturbances affecting the system. Lima and Rawlings [4]have shown that a continuous-time nonlinear stochastic modelfor the states [e.g., a stochastic differential equation (SDE)system model] can be well represented by this discrete-time(DT) model structure. Integrating disturbance models are usedto provide offset-free control of the properties of interest

1063-6536/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

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while maintaining a low enough complexity so that thedisturbance statistics can be determined from the avail-able measurements. For the estimation of these statistics,specifically the covariances of the process (Q) and measure-ment (R) noises, [5] and [6] proposed the autocovarianceleast-squares (ALS) technique for linear models. Here, weextend this technique to address nonlinear and time-varyingmodels. The proposed linear time-varying autocovarianceleast-squares (LTV-ALS) technique uses routine process oper-ating data and thus does not require input–output testing to beapplied to the system. Simply stated, the general idea of thistechnique is that the state noise wk gets propagated in time,but the measurement noise vk applies only at sampling timesand thus is not propagated in time. Hence, taking autocovari-ances of the data at different time lags separately gives thecovariances of wk (Q) and vk (R) (see Section II-C for theLTV-ALS technique formulated for nonlinear models). Referto [4] for more information on other covariance estimationapproaches from the literature for linear and nonlinear systems.The estimated noise covariances are used to systematicallyspecify the noise statistics of the selected nonlinear stateestimator, e.g., the extended Kalman filter (EKF) [7] or themoving horizon estimator [8]–[12] (see [13] and [4] for anoverview on many other nonlinear state estimation methods).

In general, overly complex disturbance models for weaklyobservable system models must be avoided. To reduce oreliminate this ill-conditioning problem that may also plaguethe state estimation step, we design a reduced-order EKFto estimate only the strongly observable system states. Thisreduced filter is used to perform the ALS estimation ofnoise covariances. One example of such a filter is theSchmidt–Kalman filter (SKF), which was originally developedfor navigation systems to improve numerical stability andreduce the computational complexity of Kalman filters [14],[15], and later used to tackle weakly observable systems[16], [17]. The general idea of this technique is to removeweakly observable states in the Kalman filter gain calculation,producing a filter that does not estimate the removed statevariables but still keeps track of the influences these stateshave on the gain applied to the other states.

The outline of the rest of this paper is as follows. First,a summary of the steps necessary to design nonlinear stateestimators is presented. This summary includes the proposedLTV-ALS technique. Then, a state estimator is designed for thepolymerization process mentioned above and the difficultiesencountered during the covariance and state estimation stepsare reported. To overcome these difficulties, a novel filteringapproach for weakly observable systems based on the SKFis introduced. Next, the reduced filter is designed and imple-mented in the same process to show that better conditionedstate and covariance estimation problems can be obtained. Wealso show that high-quality state estimates can be obtainedafter the specification of the noise statistics of EKF estimatorsby ALS. Finally, conclusions are presented.


Here we provide some background on the following stepsnecessary to design nonlinear state estimators for weakly

observable systems: stochastic modeling and covariance iden-tification from operating data.

A. Nonlinear Stochastic Modeling

As briefly mentioned above, the modeling approach usedhere relies on the combination of a nonlinear deterministicmodel obtained from the integration of a first-principles modeland a stochastic component estimated from process operatingdata that is discrete, available at every process sampling time�k = tk+1 − tk , and contains the process and measurementnoise [4].

The deterministic part consists of the following nonlinearmodel in DT:

xk+1 = F(xk, uk) yk = h(xk) (1)

in which x ∈ Rn , u ∈ R

m , and y ∈ Rp are the states,

manipulated inputs, and measured outputs, respectively. Also,F(xk, uk) is obtained by integrating the deterministic nonlinearmodel f (x, u) from tk to tk+1 using an ordinary differentialequation solver with a zero-order hold on the input uk .

Regarding the stochastic part of this model, first the statevector is augmented with an integrated white noise componentd ∈ R

q , as x = [x d]′. This noise component is added tocope with potential plant–model mismatches and to achieveoffset-free performance for the outputs [18]–[20]. Specifically,the number of integrating disturbances added as well as theirlocation (process inputs, outputs or combination of both)are user dependent [21]. To ensure zero offset in all theprocess outputs, a general recommendation is to add a numberof integrated disturbances that correspond to the number ofoutputs/measurements (q = p) [20]. The deterministic part ofthe augmented model, obtained as (1) using x , with an addednoise term, results in the following nonlinear stochastic modelin discrete time:

xk+1 = F(xk, uk) + G(xk)wk yk = h(xk) + vk (2)

in which w ∈ Rg are the process noises and v ∈ R

p arethe measurement noises, which are assumed to be Gaussianwith mean zero and time-invariant covariance matrices wk ∼N(0, Q) and vk ∼ N(0, R), respectively.

Lima and Rawlings [4] have shown that, for one-step-aheadpredictions, this nonlinear stochastic model structure is accu-rate for state estimation and feedback control, even if a SDEmodel [22] is the plant generating the data. They also showed,through a reactor case study, that the noises used in such amodel structure are well approximated by normal distributionswith time invariant statistics. Thus, in the next sections, (2)will be used for covariance and state estimation. Also, forpresentation purposes, we will drop the symbol ˜ from x, F ,and G.

B. Noise Covariance Estimation for Nonlinear Systems

With the chosen nonlinear process model and stochasticdisturbance model structures, we next turn to the task ofestimating the process and output noise variances given onlyroutine process output operating data. In this and the next

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subsections, we present the LTV-ALS technique for nonlinearsystems.

Recall the DT nonlinear stochastic model structure (2)

xk+1 = F(xk, uk) + G(xk)wk yk = h(xk) + vk (3)

in which wk ∼ N(0, Q) and vk ∼ N(0, R) are uncorrelatedwith each other.

Let the state estimates be obtained starting from an arbi-trary initial value using a time-varying stable filter gainsequence Lk . An example of such a filter gain would bethe sequence obtained by implementing the EKF. The onlycondition on the time-varying gains Lk is that they are stable(see Assumption 1). The state estimation can then be describedby the following equations:

xk+1|k = F(xk|k, uk)

xk|k = xk|k−1 + Lk(yk − yk|k−1)

yk|k−1 = h(xk|k−1) (4)

in which xk|k−1 denotes the predicted estimate of the statexk using the available information up to time tk−1. Also, xk|krepresents the filtered estimate at time tk .

If a linearization of nonlinear model (3) around (xk|k , uk) isperformed, then this model can be represented by the followingset of time-varying equations:

xk+1 = Ak xk + Bkuk + Gkwk yk = Ck xk + vk (5)

in which

Ak = ∂ F(xk, uk)


∣∣∣∣(xk|k ,uk)


Ck = ∂h(xk)



Gk = G(xk|k , uk).

Also, the linearized estimation equations are given by

xk+1|k = Ak xk|k + Bkuk

xk|k = xk|k−1 + Lk(yk − yk|k−1)

yk|k−1 = Ck xk|k−1. (6)

Subtracting the predicted state estimate and output in (6)from the linearized model in (5), we obtain the followingapproximate time-varying linear model for the innovations:

εk+1 ≈ (Ak − Ak LkCk)︸ ︷︷ ︸


εk + [

Gk −Ak Lk]

︸ ︷︷ ︸






︸ ︷︷ ︸


Yk ≈ Ckεk + vk (7)

in which εk = (xk−xk|k−1) denotes the state estimate error andYk = (yk − yk|k−1) the innovations sequence at time tk . Thenoises wk, vk driving the innovations sequence are assumedto be drawn from time-invariant covariances Q, R. The nextsubsection presents a technique for estimating the covariancesQ, R using autocovariances of data at different time lags.

C. Time-Varying ALS Technique

The ALS covariance estimation technique described in [5]and [6] was applied to a linear time-invariant model. Whenusing nonlinear or time-varying models, a key difference isthat the estimate error covariance Pk = E[(xk − xk|k−1)(xk −xk|k−1)] is the time-varying solution to the Riccati equationand does not reach a steady-state value. No simple equationcan then be written for Pk in terms of Q, R and the systemmatrices as in the linear time-invariant case. The followingAssumption 1, however, allows the extension of the ALStechnique to time-varying and nonlinear systems.

In the assumption below, and in the rest of this paper, wedefine for i ≥ j

A[i, j ] = Ai Ai−1 · · · A j+1 A j

and A[i, j ] = I for i < j .Assumption 1: The time-varying filter gain sequence Lk

used in (4) is such that, when used in the approximatelinearization given by (7), it produces a sequence of Ak =(Ak−Ak LkCk) matrices such that the product A[k−1,0] → 0 ask increases. This assumption can be guaranteed under suitabledetectability and stabilizability conditions [23] and is neces-sary to fulfill the steady-state assumption of ALS [5], [6].

Starting from an arbitrary initial condition ε0 at t0, considerthe evolution of (7) up to time tk to obtain the following:

Yk = Ck(


ε0 + Ck(


+ A[k−1,2]G1w1 + · · · + Gk−1wk−1) + vk

Yk+ j = Ck+ j(

A[k+ j−1,0])

ε0 + Ck+ j(

A[k+ j−1,1]G0w0

+ A[k+ j−1,2]G1w1 + · · · + Gk+ j−1wk+ j−1) + vk+ j .


The covariance of wk = [ wkvk


is given by Q = [ Q 00 R


.From Assumption 1, the index k > 0 is chosen to be

large enough such that A[k−1,0] ≈ 0. The effect of the initialestimate error ε0 is then negligible in Yk+ j for j > 0. Theterms involving ε0 in (8) can then be neglected. From (8),we obtain the following expressions for the expectation of theautocovariances at different lags:


k ] = Ck[

A[k−1,1]G0 · · · Gk−1]




A[k−1,1]G0 · · · Gk−1]′

C ′k + R

E[Yk+ jY′

k ] = Ck+ j[

A[k+ j−1,1]G0 · · · A[k+ j−1,k]Gk−1]




A[k−1,1]G0 · · · Gk−1]′

C ′k

−Ck+ j(

A[k+ j−1,k+1])

Ak Lk R. (9)

In the above equation and in the remainder of this paper, weuse the standard properties and symbols of Kronecker productsand direct sum [24], [25]. Specifically, the symbol ⊗ is thestandard symbol for the Kronecker product and the symbol

represents the direct sum that satisfies the following property:k


Q = (Ik ⊗ Q).

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Remark 1: In general, instead of starting from the initialcondition ε0 at t0, we can start from an initial condition εm

at tm and calculate the expectations as above, provided theindices k and m are such that the following condition holdsas in Assumption 1:

A[m+k−1,m] ≈ 0.Let the autocovariance matrix Rk(N) be defined as the expec-tation of the innovations data at different time lags over auser-defined window N [26]

Rk(N) = E




Yk+N−1Y ′k

⎥⎦. (10)

Using (8) and (10), we obtain

Rk(N) =



−Ck+1 Ak Lk...



Ak Lk


︸ ︷︷ ︸







′1 + ��2




′1 (11)

in which the matrices are defined as follows and dimensionedappropriately:

� =⎡



A[k−1,1]) · · · Ck

.... . .



A[k+N−2,1]) · · · Ck+N−1



⎥⎦ (12)


�1 =⎡


G0 . . . 0...

. . ....

0 . . . Gk−1

⎥⎦ , (13)

�2 =⎡


−A0 L0 . . . 0...

. . ....

0 . . . −Ak−1 Lk−1


�′1 =




C ′k

...C ′


⎥⎦. (14)

Also, �1 is the first row block of the � matrix.We use the subscript “s” to denote the columnwise stacking

of the elements of a matrix into a vector. Stacking both sidesof (11), we obtain

[Rk(N)]s = (�1�1 ⊗ ��1)Ig,k(Q)s

+ [

(�1�2 ⊗ ��2)Ip,k + Ip ⊗ �1]

(R)s . (15)

Here, Ip,kεR(pk)2×p2

is a permutation matrix to convert thedirect sum to a vector. This matrix contains 1s and 0s andsatisfies the following relation:






= Ip,k(R)s .

Fig. 1. Strategy for calculating the time-varying quantities Ak and bk in(17) and (18).

If we have an estimate of the autocovariance matrix Rk(N),denoted by Rk(N), and let bk = [Rk(N)]s , then from(15) we can formulate a positive semidefinite constrainedleast-squares problem in the unknown covariances Q, R [5].The optimization to be solved is given by

minQ, R






− bk




s.t. Q, R ≥ 0, Q = Q′, R = R′ (16)

in which

Ak = [

Ak1 Ak2]

Ak1 = (�1�1 ⊗ ��1)Ig,k

Ak2 = [

(�1�2 ⊗ ��2)Ip,k + Ip ⊗ �1]

. (17)

We will refer to the optimization in (16) as the ALS technique.The necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniqueness ofthe ALS optimization in (16) are given in [6]. For the estimatesof Q, R in the ALS optimization to have minimum variance,the weighting matrix W in the ALS objective is given by W =T −1

k , in which Tk is the covariance of bk [27].The matrices Ak and the vector bk in (16) have the

time subscript “k” to emphasize that these quantities aretime-varying and based on the time-varying approximationgiven in (7).

As the only dataset available for estimating the time-varyingquantity Rk(N) defined in (10) is {Yk, . . . ,Yk+N−1}, the onlycalculable estimate of bk is given by

bk = [Rk(N)]s =⎡




Yk+N−1Y ′k



. (18)

At every time instant tk , we compute the quantities Ak

and bk from (17) and (18). To simplify the computation, thematrices �,�1,�2, �1 defined in (12) and (13) and usedin the calculation of Ak can be computed starting froman initial condition at time tm rather than t0 as given inRemark 1. We then use a sliding-window strategy to computethe time-varying matrices Ak and bk . Fig. 1 illustrates thecalculation procedure.

Using the computed time-varying matrices and the ALSformulation in (16), we can then solve the following

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Fresh Feed







Fig. 2. Gas-phase ethylene copolymerization reactor system [2].

optimization for a set of data of length Nd to estimate Q, R:

minQ, R




ANd −N+1









bNd −N+1




W f

s.t. Q, R ≥ 0, Q = Q′, R = R′. (19)

Since bk, bk+1, . . . are not independent, the weighting matrixW f is not block-diagonal. The formula for W f is a compli-cated function of the unknown covariances Q, R and aniterative procedure is required for its calculation [6]. Thus,we use W f = I to avoid the computationally infeasibleand nonlinear calculation. Finally, since no explicit solutionto the semidefinite optimization problem in (19) exists, it issolved with a logarithmic barrier function to ensure that thecalculated Q and R are positive semidefinite matrices [28].Typical semidefinite programming algorithms have polynomialworst case complexity [29].

Remark 2: Notice that, if the system is time-invariant, wehave Ak = · · · = ANd −N+1 and we can then recover thetime-invariant ALS optimization presented in [5] and [6].Additionally, the linear time-invariant technique can be appliedto the nonlinear case when the matrices Ak, . . . ,ANd −N+1 areequal or do not change significantly.

Remark 3: As the value of the ALS design parameter, i.e.,the horizon length (N), increases, the accuracy of the covari-ance estimation improves at the expense of a larger compu-tational cost to perform such an estimation. This parametervalue is selected based on the application. For example, forthe polymerization process presented in Sections III and IV, thevalue of N = 15 is large enough to provide good covarianceestimates.

Remark 4: Assumption 1 is a simple practical requirementthat the time-varying linear approximation of the full nonlinearmodel has a gain sequence that makes the estimate errorasymptotically zero. This requirement is satisfied in most

industrial applications that use a linear approximation todesign the state estimator.

Remark 5: Note that this approach requires linearizationsof the nonlinear model around the current state estimate andinput values. This linearization is not a critical issue for noisecovariance estimation because these linearization errors areindistinguishable from other error sources as a result of thecentral limit theorem. Thus, the estimated covariances areaccurate enough to be used in state estimation [4].

Remark 6: For large-dimensional applications, estimatingonly the diagonal elements of the covariance matrices Q andR may be an attractive alternative when the Ak matrices ofthe least-squares problem defined by (16) are ill conditioned.This estimation is also useful to increase the speed of the ALScomputations [28]. A mathematical summary of the diagonalALS technique can be found in [4].



In this section, we present the results of the applicationof the design steps for nonlinear state estimation describedabove to a gas-phase ethylene copolymerization process model[1]–[3]. This polymerization process has the following vari-ables: 41 states, 17 measurements, 5 inputs, and process andmeasurement noises. Among the important variables of thisprocess are the reactor temperature, pressure and composi-tions [ethylene, 1-butene (comonomer), inerts, and hydrogen],production rate, and polymer properties (density and meltingindex). In addition to the typical challenges already mentionedregarding polymerization process models (such as large dimen-sionality, presence of nonlinearities, and weakly/unobservablemodes), the presence of grade transition policies in thiscopolymerization process [3] also motivates the application ofthe developed time-varying covariance estimation technique.Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of this process (see [1]–[3]for additional information about this process).

In order to model this polymerization system, a nonlinearfirst-principles model with an added noise component wasdeveloped, as explained in Section II-A. This model wasbuilt on the basis of the cited references above and has thestructure of (2). Specifically, the matrix Gk was computedon the basis of the sensitivities of the first-principles modelequations with respect to changes in the process noise compo-nents added to this model. To generate the simulated datafrom the process model for this case study, Gaussian noiseswith assumed characteristics were added to the temperatureof the recycle stream, representing a process noise, and toall the 17 measurements, representing sensor noises. Theprocess sampling time is 60 s, and the noise sequenceswsim ∼ (0, Qsim) and vsim ∼ N(0, Rsim) have covariances

Qsim = 2.80 × 10−4

Rsim = 10−6 × diag(5, 1, 104, 20, 300, 10, 200, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3,

0.04, 10−5, 20, 1, 400, 300, 300).

Applying ALS, the estimated covariances of wk ∼ (0, Q)and vk ∼ N(0, R) for the model structure selected and

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Tem








Time (hours)

plantEKF with ALS

Fig. 3. EKF implementation results for polymerization problem usingsimulated data (indicated as “plant”).

parameter values of N = 15 and Nd = 6000 are given by

Qals = 2.84 × 10−4

Rals = 10−6 × diag(5.03, 1, 9.7× 103, 20.2, 308, 10.2, 198,

0.19, 0.5, 0.3, 0.04, 9.8 × 10−6, 27.2,

0.99, 419, 289, 296).

Also, to satisfy the steady-state assumption of ALS(see Assumption 1), a value of k = 200 was selected forthis case study. Note that the LTV-ALS technique estimatesthese covariances accurately. Fig. 3 shows the temperatureof the recycle streams (in K ) plots for the EKF with thestatistics defined by ALS. The accuracy of the ALS estimatesis also demonstrated by the low value of the calculated meanabsolute relative error (MARE) between plant (simulated data)and state estimates for the variable in this figure (MARE =2.66 × 10−5). However, the formulated full ALS problem isill conditioned; thus, we could only estimate accurately thevariance of a single process disturbance and the diagonalcomponents of the measurement covariance matrix using thediagonal ALS technique mentioned above [4]. The informationcontent in the data is too small to justify a more complexnoise model structure. Thus, one relevant conclusion of thiscase study is that easily measured properties combined witha large dimensional state vector preclude the use of complexdisturbance models for this system. The user is provided withthe information to detect this situation automatically by exam-ining the conditioning of the Ak matrices of the least-squaresproblem defined by (16). An overly complex disturbancemodel for the available information in the measurements isdetected by poor conditioning in the Ak matrices. In additionto this issue on covariance estimation, ill conditioning mayalso plague the state estimation step. Poor conditioning canbe reduced or eliminated by rescaling the process modeland designing a reduced-order Kalman filter to estimate onlythe strongly observable system states. This filter used forcovariance estimation is designed next.


As briefly mentioned above, the general idea of the SKFtechnique is to remove weakly observable states in the Kalmanfilter gain calculation, producing a well-conditioned filter thatdoes not estimate the removed state variables but still keepstrack of the influences these states have on the gain applied tothe other states. In this section, we describe the procedureto design a reduced filter for weakly observable systemsand apply this technique to estimate the covariances for theethylene copolymerization process. This performed estimationis well-conditioned because only strongly observable modesare involved. By weakly observable modes, we mean themodes of a linear system that are nearly unobservable. Aftera linear system is transformed into its observability canonicalform, the weakly observable modes are those modes whosesingular values of the observability matrix are positive, andhence observable, but less than some chosen small threshold.1

A. Filtering Approach: SKF

The SKF design procedure is as follows:1) first, have the LTV system (5) in its observability canon-

ical form[






Ao 0A21 Ano


k︸ ︷︷ ︸






k︸ ︷︷ ︸






k︸ ︷︷ ︸


uk +[




k︸ ︷︷ ︸



yk = [

Co 0]

k︸ ︷︷ ︸






k+ vk

in whichxc

k = T ′k xk, Ac

k = T ′k Ak Tk, Bc

k = T ′k Bk,

Gck = T ′

k Gk, Cck = Ck Tk

and Tk is a similarity transformation matrix that satisfiesthe property T −1

k = T ′k . The observability canonical

form, including the similarity transformation matrix,is computed using the QR decomposition method[30]. In this structure, xo ∈ R

o are the observablemodes and xno ∈ R

no are the unobservable/weaklyobservable modes. Also, at every k, the pair (Ao, Co)is assumed observable and the system is still detectableif λ(Ano) ≤ 1;

2) for every k, calculate the KF gain for the observablesystem, Lo, using Ao, Co, and Go. This gain isassociated with the strongly observable modes;

3) augment Lo with no rows of zeros, correspondingto the unobservable/weakly observable modes asLc =





1Note that this meaning should not be confused with the concept of a weaklyobservable nonlinear system. A weakly observable nonlinear system is one inwhich the state x can be distinguished from other states in a full neighborhoodof x [31, p. 733]. If the reader prefers to avoid this multiple usage, substitute“nearly unobservable” in place of our use of “weakly observable” in thispaper.

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Eth








Time (hours)

plantEKF with ALS







0 2 4 6 8 10







Time (hours)

plantEKF with ALS

Fig. 4. SKF implementation results for polymerization problem using simulated data (indicated as “plant”).

4) finally, the physical states are calculated using the newreduced filter as

xk+1|k+1 = F(xk|k , uk) + Lk+1[

yk+1 − h(xk+1|k)]

in which Lk+1 = Tk Lc.

The estimator obtained is well conditioned even if the orig-inal system had several weakly observable and unobservablemodes. As there are only observable modes involved in the KFgain calculation, the convergence properties of the obtainedfilter are similar to the classical KF [32].

Remark 7: Application of SKF procedure to linear time-invariant systems: Even though the SKF procedure presentedhere shows time-varying matrices, this procedure could beperformed for the time-invariant case by simply using thecorresponding time-invariant matrices. In either case, thecalculated gains are used for covariance estimation by theALS technique. Calculating the gain at each time step providesmore accurate values at a higher computational cost. However,depending on how much the system matrices change with time,in some cases, only one KF gain may be accurate enough forcovariance estimation.

B. SKF results: Ethylene Copolymerization Revisited

Here we present the covariance and state estimation resultsafter rescaling the process model and subsequently applyingthe SKF approach described above to the ethylene copoly-merization example introduced in Section III. Specifically,rescaling was performed by dividing each state and outputvariable by its steady-state value, which was necessary due tothe stiff nature of the system of equations that describe theprocess model.

Consider the case in which one zero-mean Gaussian processnoise was added to each of the following state variables:hydrogen concentration, reactor temperature, and the coolercooling water temperature (three process noises in total).Also, sensor noises were added to all the measurements asin the previous case. For data generation, the following noisecovariances were assumed:

Qsim = diag(5 × 10−11, 2 × 10−4, 0.5)

Rsim = diag(0.02, 5 × 10−4, 6 × 104, 0.3, 80, 0.07, 40,

1.5× 10−5, 2× 10−4, 5× 10−5, 1× 10−6,

1× 10−13, 0.2, 6 × 10−4, 100, 50, 55).

Applying the ALS technique, the following estimated valuesare obtained:Qals = diag(5 × 10−11, 1.8 × 10−4, 0.43)

Rals = diag(0.03, 5.1 × 10−4, 6 × 104, 0.3, 84, 0.07, 46,

1.9 × 10−5, 2.4 × 10−4, 5.9 × 10−5, 1 × 10−6,

1.5 × 10−13, 0.5, 6.1 × 10−4, 114, 60, 59).

Notice that, once again, the covariances were accuratelyestimated by ALS. Fig. 4 shows the plots for two importantvariables of this process, i.e., ethylene concentration andreactor temperature, in which the state estimates are obtainedby implementing EKF with statistics determined by ALS. Theaccuracy of the ALS estimates is once again demonstrated bythe low MARE values between plant and state estimates forboth variables in this figure (5.19 × 10−3 and 1.59 × 10−3,respectively).

Remark 8: To build the initial EKF gain sequence Lk andsubsequently the LTV-ALS matrices, educated guesses forthe covariance matrices are necessary. These guesses canbe calculated using the variances of measured variables inrepresentative sections of their datasets. For the specific casestudy above, 17 measured variables are present. For the threeoutput variables that are directly associated with the threeprocess noises added, such as the hydrogen composition inthe reactor (calculated based on concentration measurementsof all species), the reactor temperature, and the cooling wateroutlet temperature, half of the variance in the measured data,σ 2, was attributed to the R variance, and the other half tothe Q variance (corrected by the model matrices at steadystate that express the relationship between the output and thestate noises). Thus, for such variables, the diagonal elementsof the guessed covariance matrices (Qg, Rg) were computedas follows:

Rg(i, i) = σ 2(i)

2, Qg(l, l) = σ 2(i)

2× 1

[Ck(i, j)Gk( j, l)]2

in which the indexes i , j , and l correspond to the outputs,states with added noise and process noises, respectively.

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The remaining 14 components of the diagonal of the Rg

matrix were selected as the measurement variances associatedwith their corresponding outputs, R(i, i) = σ 2(i). Also, theoff-diagonal terms (i = j ) of both matrices were set to 0.

There are several unobservable and weakly observablemodes in this application, and their number depends on thetolerance selected for the QR decomposition method used tocompute the observability canonical form. For example, fora tolerance of 10−2, 25 modes were identified. Specifically,these modes correspond to states primarily associated withthe Ziegler–Natta polymerization model, such as the polymermoments and number of sites, and were suppressed in theSKF gain calculation. Thus, after rescaling the process modeland applying the SKF approach, better conditioned state andcovariance estimation problems are obtained. Specifically,before performing these two steps, the condition number ofthe Ak matrices of the least-squares problem defined by (16)was 2.13 × 1019 for the ALS design parameter values ofN = 15 and Nd = 6000. After the implementation of theproposed approach, this number is reduced to 83.85 for thesame parameter values. Thus, the ALS technique is now ableto estimate multiple process noises as opposed to only onenoise as in the previous case. It is worth mentioning that goodresults were also obtained when applying this procedure to theprevious case. To further evaluate the performance of the ALSmethod, we generate a new simulated dataset consideringthe same covariance matrices as above (Qsim, Rsim), but withthe addition of two off-diagonal terms to the measurementnoise covariance matrix. The following terms, associated withtemperature measurements of the polymerization process, wereconsidered in this case: Rsim(15, 17) = 55; Rsim(16, 7) = 40.Also, both the diagonal and the full versions of the ALStechnique are implemented to estimate the covariances. Forthe diagonal estimation, in addition to losing the informationrelated to the off-diagonal terms, the magnitude of the REbetween the covariance estimates and their actual valueswas high for some cases. Specifically, the RE for theestimates of Q(2, 2), Q(3, 3), R(7, 7), and R(16, 16), alltemperature-related variables, obtained were 8.13%, 100%(estimate of 0 magnitude), 36.38%, and 48.92%, respectively.However, for the full ALS technique, estimates for theoff-diagonal terms of the same order of magnitude ofthe corresponding terms used to generate the data wereobtained, Rfull(15, 17) = 25.12 and Rfull(16, 7) = 22.24.Additionally, for comparison, the RE for estimates ofQ(2, 2), Q(3, 3), R(7, 7), and R(16, 16) were also calculatedand all were shown to be lower than the ones for the diagonalcase with magnitudes of 1.77%, 10.49%, 10.62%, and27.67%, respectively. The differences between the REs forthe two methods associated with the other process variableswere not significant. Therefore, this case study shows thatthe full-dimensional ALS technique is able to estimate thecovariances more accurately than the diagonal method for thegenerated dataset.

Finally, although this paper addresses the implementation ofthe developed method using simulated datasets, the applicationof this procedure using datasets from an industrial polymer-ization process is currently under investigation. Specifically,

future studies that consider full-dimensional covariancematrices (Q, R) associated with this industrial example willbe performed and the ALS estimation performance will beevaluated when the process model assumes full-dimensionalversus diagonal covariance matrices. Another analysis worthpursuing for such a process is to quantify how often thecovariance matrices change in the industrial dataset by testingthe time invariance of the disturbance statistics in the set asdone previously in the literature with data from an industrialgas-phase reactor [33].


This paper presented a method to design nonlinear stateestimators for weakly observable systems. This designmethod included a new LTV-ALS procedure to estimate noisecovariances from operating data for nonlinear systems anda novel method for model reduction in filters based on theSchmidt–Kalman filtering approach. The LTV-ALS techniquewas shown to give good covariance estimates from datasimulated with known noise statistics. As suggested by theresults in Section III, physical models for polymerizationprocesses may be overly complex considering the availablemeasurements; they may contain many unobservableand weakly observable modes. Overly complex disturbancemodels for weakly observable system models must be avoidedbecause they lead to ill-conditioned covariance estimationand state estimation. To address this issue, the design of thereduced-order EKF to estimate only the strongly observablesystem states was presented. This approach also providesguidelines for industrial practitioners when designing filtersfor weakly observable systems, including polymerizationprocesses. The main contributions of this paper are in thedesign of state estimators for weakly observable systems,nonlinear estimation using physical models, nonlinearcovariance estimation from data, and building low-complexitydisturbance models for nonlinear systems. Finally, theimprovement in the estimator performance implies costbenefits in the implementation of advanced control schemes(see for example [33] for numerical values) when the ALStechnique is used to estimate the noise covariances.


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Fernando V. Lima received the B.S. degree fromthe University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, in2003, and the Ph.D. degree from Tufts University,Medford, MA, in 2007, both in chemical engi-neering.

He has been a Research Associate with the Univer-sity of Wisconsin, Madison, and a Post-DoctoralAssociate with the University of Minnesota,Minneapolis. He will join the Faculty of chemicalengineering at West Virginia University, Morgan-town, as an Assistant Professor, in 2013. His current

research interests include process design and operability, model-based controland optimization, state estimation and process identification, and sustainableenergy systems.

Murali Rajamani was born in Coimbatore, India.He received the Bachelor’s degree in chemical engi-neering from the Institute of Chemical Technology,Mumbai University, Mumbai, India, in 2002, andthe Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering fromthe University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 2007,specializing in statistics, optimization, and predictivecontrol. He is currently pursuing the M.B.A. degreewith the Booth School of Business, University ofChicago, Chicago, IL, specializing in analyticalfinance and econometrics.

He held various positions with BP, Naperville, IL, including in research,advanced control, operations, and technology strategy, from 2007 to 2011. Hiscurrent research interests include model predictive control, state estimation,estimation of noise statistics, nonlinear control, and applications of semidefi-nite optimization in control and estimation.

Tyler Soderstrom received the Bachelor’s degreein chemical engineering from the University ofMinnesota, Minneapolis, in 1996, and the Master’sand Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from theUniversity of Texas at Austin, Austin, in 1998 and2001, respectively.

He joined ExxonMobil Chemical Company,Baytown, TX, as an Advanced Control Engineer.He has held various positions with a focus onlinear and nonlinear control application developmentand was also a Section Supervisor for a control

engineering group. Currently, he is a Staff Engineer with the Core EngineeringGroup, ExxonMobil Chemical Company where he leads the nonlinear controlprogram and provides worldwide support for nonlinear control applications.He maintains his connection to academia through active participation in jointacademic and industrial consortia.

Dr. Soderstrom is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engi-neers.

James B. Rawlings (F’12) received the B.S. degreefrom the University of Texas, Austin, and the Ph.D.degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison,both in chemical engineering.

He spent a year with the University of Stuttgart,Stuttgart, Germany, as a NATO Post-Doctoral Fellowbefore joining the Faculty of the University ofTexas. He moved to the University of Wisconsinin 1995 and is currently the Paul A. ElfersProfessor and W. Harmon Ray Professor of chemicaland biological engineering and the Co-Director of

Texas–Wisconsin–California Control Consortium. He has published numerousresearch articles and co-authored two textbooks, titled Model PredictiveControl: Theory and Design (David Mayne, 2009) and Chemical ReactorAnalysis and Design Fundamentals (John Ekerdt, 2004). His current researchinterests include chemical process modeling, molecular-scale chemical reac-tion engineering, monitoring and control, nonlinear model predictive control,and moving horizon state estimation.

Prof. Rawlings is a fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.