JANUARY 20, 2015 Andreea Mirela Ionescu The Brain and Space a 6 week online non-credit course authorized by Duke University and offered through Coursera has successfully completed with distinction Jennifer M. Groh, Ph.D Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Duke Institute for Brain Sciences Verify at coursera.org/verify/3E5LX6WBXM Coursera has confirmed the identity of this individual and their participation in the course.

Coursera brainspace 2016

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JANUARY 20 , 2015

Andreea Mirela Ionescu

The Brain and Space

a 6 week online non-credit course authorized by Duke University and offered throughCoursera

has successfully completed with distinction

Jennifer M. Groh, Ph.DCenter for Cognitive NeuroscienceDuke Institute for Brain Sciences

Verify at coursera.org/verify/3E5LX6WBXM

Coursera has confirmed the identity of this individual andtheir participation in the course .