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Course Title. LIKE. S. CH ATING. E. X. E AMPLES. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • *Hello my name is Cris Behrens, store manager with Summerhays Music Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Now I know that judging by the title of this session that you might think this is a Rated R session but I can assure you that the only safe word you will need at the end is MORE. Today we are going to cover SEX. likeS, chEating and eXamplesI would assume that everyone here wants more likes, comments and most importantly for people to have the name of your organization branded into the minds of all their fans. That way when they are ready to purchase any item they think of your organization first right? So lets talk about some of those things that will keep people engaged and spread your brand name.First lets talk about CHEATING. By a show of hands who considers themselves creative? Now who considers themselves creatively challenged? Good because either way its ok to steal other peoples post and make them your own. Just because you see something on another Facebook page doesnt mean that your customers have seen it. So lets take a look at some of the post and their insights that we have used this year.

    **You can see that 33 three people shared it and 74 people liked it. Now there was no hard sale but a lot of people were engaged and the name SMC was put out there for everyone to see. Now I purposely left out a tag line for our Spock post to prove a point. Roughly how many friends do you have on your personal Facebook page? (POLL Three audience members) So between the three of you 500 friends. So if the three you shared this post there is a potential for 500 friends of yours to see the name SMC right? Ok now take that number times 30. We are talking roughly 15,000 people could of saw the name SMC. Even if only ten percent of that number saw the name SMC that is quite a bit just for cheating and taking a picture found on the internet and posting it on your wall. Now what if I would have put All acoustic guitars on sale now through the year 2389? that same amount of people would know that SMC carries acoustic guitars. Like I said this is not a hard sell but people will store that in the back of their mind and someday when they need an acoustic guitar guess whose name is going to come rushing to the front of their mindsHere you can seeYou can see that 104 people liked it and 55 people shared it. Almost double the previous picture we looked at. If you havent liked the NAMM Facebook page make sure to do it. That is where I found this picture.I found this next photo by typing Baby Playing Piano into the search engine on Google images. Simply post the photo and ask people to caption it to win a t-shirt (a t-shirt that a manufacturer sent for free mind you). The time and money spent on this was about 120 seconds and $0. 35 people commented and 12 liked it. Now this one we did ourselves at Easter time. We used Peeps and Christmas ornaments. 25 people liked it and 59 shared it. No money was spent.

    *Now this one we did ourselves at Easter time. We used Peeps and Christmas ornaments. 25 people liked it and 59 shared it. No money was spent.

    *Here you can seeYou can see that 104 people liked it and 55 people shared it. Almost double the previous picture we looked at. If you havent liked the NAMM Facebook page make sure to do it. That is where I found this picture.

    *Now lets cover LIKESIncreasing your likesHere are a few ideas that we have found to help increase likes.Make sure your email has a facsimile that has a direct link to your Facebook wallSend out an email twice a year to your database to inform them of the benefits of liking your Facebook page and the different events and promotions you might be featuring.All print material from business cards, to flyers, to ads should have a QR code or link that goes to your Facebook page.At all your clinics, petting zoos, or outside events, have a small page handout that directs people to your pageOften times we have raving fans that are grateful for the service they received. Dont be afraid to ask them to make a recommendation on your Facebook page. This will not only get you a like but have a nice comment about your store as well

    * Once a year we have a contest for schools. The school with the most votes on this poll wins a $1000 retail credit at SMC. We do not use the built in official Facebook poll because it only allows you to put ten items in to vote for and it does not make the person voting LIKE the page before voting. We use an outside app called Opinion Polls. You can find it by googleing Opinion Polls Facebook. Last I checked it cost $100 to use the app for a year. We signed up for it the first time we did it and the following year we made sure to repeat the contest before the contract expired. We promoted this via Facebook, email blast to customers, special email to teachers, in the store, and a one-page handout that was given to schools. The beauty behind this is the teachers need the money so they make all their students go vote. Some schools would send email out to all of their databases encouraging everyone to go vote. People were posting it on their wall and so on. Now you have a bunch of schools competing as a group just so they can beat another competing school. Over the past two years we averaged about 1300 new likes and roughly 1700 votes each year. Things that hard numbers dont show is 150+ schools knowing that SMC is a big supporter of music in the community and is the obvious choice for all their music needs. Now this can be done for voting for you favorite community rock band, orchestra, piano player, etc If you dont want to pay for the outside app use the Facebook poll just keep in mind that whatever promo you run it can only have up to ten things to vote on. People love to vote on these polls and you dont always have to provide a prize. Even if you only offer up $100 retail think about what it will really cost you. Its not actually going to be $100 your cost, and what if they end up purchasing something that retails for $300?Next item of business is EXAMPLESAs everyone knows business-page Facebook posts have not been showing up as frequently on their fans pages. They have done this so you will hopefully pay to have more people see your post. Two years ago it was pointless but now it is starting to make sense. So I would encourage you to come up with a budget to promote some of your posts. You dont have to promote every post because your return on investment wont always be the greatest. We usually only promote a post when it involves a call to action or a sale, but for those types of posts, its worth it.We just talked about this Facebook promo in the LIKE section but wanted to share with you how the budget portion applied to this promo. The school with the most votes won a prize and the person that made the best comment on why music mattered won a prize as well. Since we wanted as many people as possible to vote, we gave this post a $100 budget. For our $100 we received 86 comments, 115 likes, and it reached 21,000 meaning it showed up on 21,000 different timelines. In short, it cost us $0.0046 per person to see the name SMC. Thats a pretty good return on investment.

    *This was a video we did promoting a Corps Encore drum show that we were sponsoring. We spent $20 to promote it and ended up with 5 shares, 7 likes, it reached 9,532 peoples pages, but the engaged users (meaning the amount of people that clicked on it once it was on their page) was 425. So the $20 averaged out to $0.05 for each time the video was watched. Again, in my opinion that is a good return on our $20 investment.If you are not paying attention to your detail INSIGHTS post I would encourage you to do so. This will tell you what people react to (or dont react to) on your wall. Then in the future you will start getting a feel for what your Facebook customers like seeing.

    *If you are not paying attention to your detail INSIGHTS post I would encourage you to do so. This will tell you what people react to (or dont react to) on your wall. Then in the future you will start getting a feel for what your Facebook customers like seeing.

    *Using Facebook as a CRM toolDoes anyone have a two separate personal Facebook pages? I created one just for my professional life. I make sure not to post anything that would be deemed offensive by anyone on it, so I stay away from politics, religion, etc. I then tried to friend every B&O teacher, private teacher, customer and music industry professional I knew. This is a good way to see what other people are talking about, wish them well on anniversaries and birthdays, and generally make personal connections. At first it started out the way I just described, and now it has turned into a communication channel for clients. I have notifications sent to my phone and I try to leave it on while Im at my desk. I have been amazed over the past few years how many teachers contact via instant message to ask for a bid, hold a product for them, checking stock status and just making sure Im in so they can send someone in to buy an instrument. In the past, I have sent emails with no reply only to find out that its because my email ended up buried somewhere deep in their inbox. Maybe they dont check their email as often or they just get to busy, but for some reason Facebook gets an immediate response. One other thing along these lines that hit me like a ton of bass guitars a few months back is that I kept getting requests from school teachers, private teachers, and local bands asking me if I would mention their event on our page. It made me realize the community is now counting on our page as a go to place for whats happening and as a way of advertising. So now we post fundraisers for schools, concerts dates, and clinics throughout the community. We look like heroes to the people we want buying from us just for taking a minute to post their flyer on our page.

    *Here is an idea you can use right here at the show and get your customers involved with buying decisions. Lets pretend you are about to purchase 24 bass guitars for your fourth quarter. They only come in three colors which are black, red and blue. Of course you have to turn in your order by the end of show. You have to make an educated guess on how many of each color you will sell right. So somebody from the audience give us a breakdown on how many of each color they would buy that adds up to 24.BASS PICTURE HEREWell we posted a picture of the three different colored bass guitars on our Facebook to see what our customers had to say. Out of 63 comments 49% red, 32% black and 19% blue. We did some quick math and I was reasonably sure our customers would buy 11 red, 8 black and 5 blue. Customers love to be involved when it comes to giving their opinion on making a store they shop at better. I would encourage you to throw surveys or polls on your wall every once in awhile to get your customers feedback. Of course you want to be selective on what you post so you dont turn it into a massive worldwide complaining session, but the right surveys will make your customers feel like their opinions are valued.

    *To wrap things up I have left my card on each chair I would like each one of you to take a second and write the name of your store, business or manufacturer on it and trade it with the person next to you. Then, make sure you like that companies Facebook page. *Then whenever they post something make sure you like it or comment on it or share it. It doesnt hurt to have co-workers, friends and family add to the likes or comments to get things going, and just like a lot of people dont want to be the first to show up at a gathering, some people might not want to be the first person to LIKE a post. My guess is if some people see a post with 15+ likes they might hit like just to go with the flow. We need to stick together in the music community and one way we can is by showing support for each other. Thank you for your time, enjoy the show and lets be BFFs on Facebook!
