continued on page 6..... Niagra Springs Steelhead story and photo by Ryan Foster A new indoor facility has been recently built to suc- cessfully raise steelhead at Niagara Springs Hatchery. After two years of con- struction, a 23,000 square foot rearing facility was completed at Niagara Springs, along with a new water filtration system and upgraded feeding appara- tuses. Special windows and lighting inside of the facility helps imitate natural sun- light for the fish, and with the upgraded and new facil- ity, fish are growing twice the rate of normal steel- head. In the wild, only five percent of steelhead eggs grow and survive to make their journey to the ocean. Whereas the eggs raised by Niagara Springs have over an eighty percent success rate. The hatchery receives steelhead eggs from both Pahsimeroi and Oxbow hatcheries. With the capacity to raise almost two million steel- head, Niagara Springs is one of the largest privately owned steelhead hatcheries in the country. Visitors are welcome to visit the Niagara Springs Hatchery, while groups are encouraged to call 208- 536-2283 in advance. Naturopathic Healthcare In 2005, Idaho became the 15th state to create a licensure program for natu- ropathic physicians. The law, which provides for qualifications, fees and penalties, and a Board of Naturopathic Medical Ex- aminers, has faced many difficulties. Aside from the opposition from “science- based” medical providers, there has been an internal conflict between those who are happy with the law as it is and those who want more stringent requirements. Naturopathic Medicine includes diagnoses, treat- ment, and care of patients using a system of physiologi- cal, psychological, mechan- ical methods (air, water, light, heat), as well as food and natural medicines to treat various medical con- ditions. Naturopathic Med- icine is generally less expen- sive and pre-emptive (tries to prevent a problem before it becomes a problem). Be- cause of this, there is a push to have naturopathic physi- cians recognized as “prima- ry care providers” under the Affordable Care Act. Those who want more Lincoln County Ranch Rodeo July 19th 7 p.m. Team Branding ~ Trailer Loading Snubbed-up Bronc Riding ~~~~~ Lincoln County Fair Events Begin on Monday, July 21st Barral Racing: 7/22 - 7 p.m. Horse Pull: 7/23 - 6 p.m. Junior Rodeo: 7/24 - 7 p.m. IMPRA Rodeo: 7/25 - 8 p.m. IMPRA Rodeo: 7/26 - 7 p.m. Antique Tractor Pull: 7/27 - 5 p.m. Volume 38 ~ Number 29 News from the Heart of Idaho Camas • Lincoln • Gooding CourierNews.webs.com ,2014 July 16 NEWS The Courier

Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 29

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July 16, 2014 Edition

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continued on page 6.....

Niagra Springs Steelheadstory and photo by Ryan Foster Anewindoorfacilityhasbeen recently built to suc-cessfully raise steelhead atNiagaraSpringsHatchery. After two years of con-struction, a 23,000 squarefoot rearing facility wascompleted at NiagaraSprings, along with a new

water filtration system andupgraded feeding appara-tuses.Specialwindowsandlightinginsideofthefacilityhelps imitate natural sun-light for the fish, andwiththeupgradedandnewfacil-ity, fish are growing twicethe rate of normal steel-head. In the wild, only five

percent of steelhead eggsgrow and survive to maketheir journeytotheocean.WhereastheeggsraisedbyNiagara Springs have overan eighty percent successrate.Thehatcheryreceivessteelhead eggs from bothPahsimeroi and Oxbowhatcheries. Withthecapacitytoraisealmost two million steel-head, Niagara Springs isoneof the largestprivatelyownedsteelheadhatcheriesinthecountry. Visitors are welcome tovisit the Niagara SpringsHatchery,whilegroupsareencouraged to call 208-536-2283inadvance.

Naturopathic Healthcare

In 2005, Idaho becamethe 15th state to create alicensureprogramfornatu-ropathicphysicians. The law, which providesfor qualifications, fees andpenalties, and a Board ofNaturopathic Medical Ex-aminers, has faced manydifficulties. Aside from theopposition from “science-based” medical providers,there has been an internalconflictbetweenthosewhoarehappywiththelawasitisandthosewhowantmorestringentrequirements. Naturopathic Medicineincludes diagnoses, treat-ment, and care of patientsusingasystemofphysiologi-cal,psychological,mechan-ical methods (air, water,light,heat),aswellasfoodand natural medicines totreat various medical con-ditions.NaturopathicMed-icineisgenerallylessexpen-siveandpre-emptive (triestopreventaproblembeforeitbecomesaproblem).Be-causeofthis,thereisapushtohavenaturopathicphysi-ciansrecognizedas“prima-rycareproviders”undertheAffordableCareAct. Those who want more

Lincoln County Ranch RodeoJuly 19th 7 p.m.



Lincoln County FairEventsBeginonMonday,July21st




Volume 38 ~ Number 29

News from the Heart of IdahoCamas • Lincoln • Gooding



NewsThe Courier

Page 2: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 29

Notices of Upcoming Events & MeetingsFairfield City Council: TheregularlyscheduledcouncilmeetingforthesecondThursdayhasbeenmovedtoJuly22nd.

Old Cars Needed: The Camas Fire & EMT’s are hosting an Extricationcourseon July26thand theyneedcars tocutup. If youhaveacaryouarewillingtodonate,pleasecontactLesiaKnowltonat961-0858orMikeStewartat969-0089.Theyarealsointerestedinvolunteersforbothoftheseservices.

Wendell Library Used Bookstore: Newusedbooksand rummage sale itemsaddedeveryweek.Donationsofbooks,CD’s,DVD’s,andothergoodcleanitemsarewelcome.

The Lincoln County FairSchedule of 4-H & FFA Events:

Mon,July21: HorseShow8am&CreativeLivingJudgingTue,July22: 4-H&FFADairyShow8am Exhibitsopen&LeadersSilentAuctionWed,July23: SheepShow8am-GoatShow1pm FarmBureauFuninShowing3pm HorsePull6pmThur,July24: SwineShow8am-SmallAnimalShow1pm SmallAnimalRoundRobin3pmFri,July25: BeefShow8am LargeAnimalRoundRobin1pmSat,July26: MarketAnimalAuctionSaleat11a.m. BuyerCheck-In10:30a.m. 4-HAwards&Recognition4:00p.m.

July 26th, 2014Micro Mini Car Show


Shoshone ShowhouseJune

18th, 19thand 21st



Grand Opening of Gooding Library Computer Lab Lastmonth,DavidAndersonandJohnMutchlerfromGlanbia Foods helped Library Director Cindy Bigler of-ficiallyopentheGoodingLibraryComputerLab. Earlier this year, Tina Thatcher (also from GlanbiaFoods)wasataGoodingRotarymeetingwherethelibrarypresentedtheircurrentprogramandcomputerneeds.Tinalater contacted the library director to express Glanbia’swillingness to help Gooding Public Library update theircomputers.Glanbiaquicklyofferedtodonateenoughtomeetthelibrary’sneeds,andultimatelytheyprovidedthelibrarywithsixnewcomputers,threelaptops,andanewlaserprinter.Glanbiaemployeesalsoinstalledthesecom-puters and provided new tables to hold the computers.Thedonationtotaledover$7,000. “Ourcommunityhasbeenblessedwiththeabilitytohaveup-to-dateworkingcomputersthatpatronscanusetofillout job applications, prep for test (GEDs, ACTs, SATs,ASVAB,etc…),workonschoolreports,usewithour3Di-mensionalprinterandrobotics”statedMrs.Bigler,“andwearesoverygratefultoGlanbiafortheirgenerosity.”

Night Sky Party at Hagerman Fossil Beds NM; Oregon Trail Overlook

Saturday, July 19th, 2014This Saturday, rediscovering the Night Sky at theHagerman Fossil Beds National Monument beginningat8:30p.m.attheOregonTrailOverlook.Therewillbe freeactivities including:solarscopeviewing,creat-ingasundial,buildingastarwheel,andotherlearningopportunities.This is aprimeopportunity toworkonournewestJr.RangerProgram:JuniorRangerNightEx-plorer. For further information contact Kary Goetz at208-933-4100.

� July 16, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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401 Camas Avenue West



OPEN: Mon & Wed - 9 to 2 / Thur. 8 to 2:30 / Fri. 9 to 2

Now Serving BREAKFASTThur-Sun ~ 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

764-2580Hwy 20 & Soldier Road in Fairfield

Lunch & Dinner 7 days-a-week

Bee & Bee’s

…all manner of thingsTools, Furniture, Books, & Whatever Useable Antiques & Vintage Things

34� Main St., Suite #4 on Third Ave East in GoodingCall or text B. Fredericksen @ �08-539-9�5�

Hours: Usually M-F 10 to 5. Call before you head in

stringentregulationsintheIdaholawwanttoaddahigh-er level of authenticitiy to this occupation with doctor-ateleveleducationandotherrequirements.Thoseinthe“science-based”medical fieldswouldrathernotaddanyvaliditytoNaturopathicMedicine.Instead,theysupportregulationsthatlimitwhatnaturopathscanandcannotdo(nopharmaceuticalsorsurgery). While many view naturopathic medicine as quackery,thecurrenttrendinmanyhealthfieldsistheacceptanceofalternativemedicinetoaugmenttraditionalmedicaltreat-ments.Thebasisforthisisthatmedicaltreatmentsdonothealaperson,theymearlyassistthebody’sownhealingpro-cess,aprocesswestilldon’tfullyunderstand.Consequent-ly,who’stosaythatsome“quack”treatmentmightnotturnintotomorrow’sgreatestmedicaldiscovery. If you would like to know more about NaturopathicMedicine,visitLindaHarms,N.D.at176EastMain inWendell.Besidesbeingaboardcertifiednaturopath,sheis also a licensed Optician and Master Barber. You cancallaheadto536-2530or539-9563,orvisitherwebsiteathttp://www.colonhydrotherapysunvalley.com~~~~~Disclaimer:TheCourierNEWSdoesnot encourageordiscourage individuals to use naturopathic medicine.Whilemostofproceeduresprovidedbynaturopathsareperfectlyharmless to the averageperson, you shouldbewellinformedabouttheadvantagesanddisadvantages. Also, remember that all legitamate healthcare provid-ersfollowacodeofethicsthatinclude:RespectforAu-tonomy-thepatienthastherighttorefuseorchoosetheirtreatment;Beneficence–apractitionershouldactinthebestinterestofthepatient;andNon-maleficence–“first,donoharm.”

Hometown Nazareth:Where Jesus Was A Kid

BeginningonSunday,July27th,DesertHillsCommunityChurchinGoodinginvitesfamiliestotheirVacationBibleSchool,“HometownNazareth:WhereJesusWasAKid”. FamilieswillstepbackintimetoHometownNazarethtoexplorewhatitwasliketoliveinthetownwhereJesusgrewup!Therewillbesonganddance,games,crafts,les-sons,andmore! Programwillbeheldfrom6to8p.m.eacheveningfromJuly27ththruJuly31st.Spaceislimitedsoregistertodaybycallingthechurchat934-4543.DesertHillsCommu-nityChurchislocatedat1296thAvenueWinGooding.

...Naturopathic Healthcare continued

For Al l your Insurance Needs

C o m e S e e J u l i e B u r t o n a t 3 0 9 M a i n S t r e e t / G o o d i n gOFFICE HOURS:Mon-Fri: 9 am to 5 pm

After hours by Apointment

(208) 934-8037Fax: (208) 934-8032

July 16, �014 3...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

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DorisMaeOakley Doris Mae Oakley went peacefully to Godon July 7, 2014 surrounded by her husbandandfamilyinherownhome. Doris was born May 13, 1927 in a farmhouse in Wendell, Idaho to Foy Clarence(Doc)OsborneandLenaOsborne.Shecom-pleted the family, joining her two brothers,George (Dude)CarricoandDonaldCarrico.She spent a significant part of her first fewyearsasthelittlered-hairedattractiononadepressionerasheepranchinShoshone,Idahowhereherfatherworkedand her mother was a cook. She attended the Goodingschools, graduating fromGoodingHighSchool in1945.FollowingthatsheattendedColoradoWomen’sCollegeinDenverforoneyear. Doris returned to Gooding and married William C.(Bill)Oakley,whohadbeenherhighschoolsweetheart,inAugust1946.ThetwomovedtoSaltLakeCity,Utahwheretheyattendedbusinessschoolforoverayear.UpontheirreturntoGooding,wheretheyremainedtheentiretyoftheirlives,shewasdeputyassessorforthecountyuntiltheirson,Chris,wasbornin1951.Fromthattimeforwardshewasawife,homemakerandmother,supportingtheef-fortsofherhusband,Bill,ingrowinghisaccountingprac-ticeandwasaninspirationandpartnerinhispursuitandcompletionoftheCPAexam.Shewasalovingresourceandguidinglightforherson,Chris,insessionsafterschoolwhileshebakedcookies.Asecondson,David,joinedthefamilyin1961fromwhichtimeonwardDoriswasthehubofthisfamilywheel.Heremotionalandphysicalcommit-menttothisfamilywasHerculean.Herjudgmenttendedtobeimpeccableaswashertasteandsenseofstyle.Firstand foremost, however, was her embrace of education,character,substanceandthepursuitofaspirituallife. Her familywell remembers thepride shehad inbeinginvitedto joinP.E.O.Whenstillayoungwomeninhercommunity.Thefactthatthiswasa“charitableorganiza-tion”wasveryimportanttoher.ShewasadrivingforceintheEpiscopalChurchandheadoftheAlterGuildformanyyears.SheservedatermontheFoundationBoardoftheCollegeofSouthernIdahoandwasamanyyearmem-beroftheGoodingCountryClub.ShewasanavidBridgeplayer,hostessandexcellentcook. DorisdevelopedareputationintheMagicValleyforherdevelopmentofaladiesclothingbusinessstartingwithasmallstoreinGoodingwhichoveraperiodofyearsbecame

o b i t u a r i e sknownasDorisO’s.Thisbecameaveryim-portantpartofherlifeduringthoseyearsandshevaluedtherespectandpatronageofladiesfrommanyparts.Relatedtothisandotherac-tivitiesshewasgivena“lifetimeachievementawardforcommunityservice”fromtheGood-ingChamberofCommerce. She is survived by: her husband of al-most 68 years, William C. Oakley; her son,W.ChristianOakley,M.D.Andherdaugh-ter-law, Judy, of Boise. She is also survived

by her grandson, Nathan Christian (Shellie) Oakley ofPittsburgh, Pennsylvania; granddaughters, Erin Phomia(Noah)BryanofBoiseandGretchenMaeOakley,M.D.OfSaltLakeCity,Utah.Shewasthebeloved“Grammy”tosixgreatgrandchildren.Oneofherfavoritestoriestotellonherselfwasthetimeoneofhergrandchildrenyelledatthetopoftheirlungs“Grandma!”whilesearchingforherinaskiliftline!Shewasveryproudthatthis“Grand-ma”stillskiedwiththem.Shewasprecededindeathbyherson,DavidLaFoyOakley,andhertwobrothers. Doris had many friends because she gave so much ofherselftothem.Shetravelledextensivelyovertheyearsbut loved Gooding best of all. She was the anchor of agreatandlastingmarriage.Herheartandsoulwentouttoherchildren,grandchildrenandgreatgrandchildren,andtheyknewit.Shewillbemissed. Funeral serviceswereheldonMonday, July14,2014,atSt.Elizabeth’sCatholicChurch.BurialfollowedattheElmwoodCemeteryinGooding.

WarrenRasmussen N.WarrenRasmussen,93,aresidentofShoshone,passedawayTuesday,July1,2014athishomeinShoshone. HewasborninBearRiverCity,Utah,toNelsandOlgaChlarson Rasmussen. He was raised in Bear River City

and Corinne, Utah. Hewas a farmer in Corinne,Utah,arancherinGrouseCreek,Utah,andafarmeranddairymaninShoshone,Idaho, for many years. Hemarried Billie Jean Burtonher18thbirthday(Jan.30,1940)inOgden,Utah.They were later sealed asaneternalfamilyintheLo-ganTemple.

4 July 16, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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TheirchildrenareCamille(deceasedasaninfant),NilaKay(Elden)Christensen,VerlNels(Dena),VeraLynneFridal,Virgil(deceasedasaninfant)andBurt(Gloria).AgreatmajorityofhislovedoneswelcomedhimhomeTuesdayevening.Theyarehisparents;hissister,AliceandLelandDavis;brother,PhilandLeonaRasmussen;son-in-law,SidneyFridal;daughter-in-law,AlanaRasmussen;andgreat-grandson,AustinRasmussen.Heleftaposterityof16grandchildren,sixstepgrandchil-dren,44great-grandchildren,22stepgreat-grandchildren,threegreat-great-grandchildren,onestepgreat-great-grandchild. AfterMom’spassing14years ago,Dadwouldmeasure timeby theweekthatVeraLynnecametobewithhimforacoupleofdaysandtheweekthatKatieConnellcametostraightenuphishouse.Katiebecamehisbestfriendandconfidante.We,hischildren,thankherforhermanyyearsofkindnessandfriendshiptoourDad. AspecialthankstoTeriMillerofIdahoHomeHealthandHospiceforherkindandconsiderateservice.AgravesideservicewasheldonThursday,July3,attheShoshoneCemetery.

o b i t u a r i e sVickiLea(Brownlee)Rogers

Vicki Lea Rogers passed away Monday, July7,2014,atherhomeinGoodingsurroundedbyfamilyandfriends. VickiwasbornFeb.19,1945,inWendell,Ida-ho. She married Ray Rogers on Oct. 23, 1959.They were later sealed for time and eternity intheIdahoFallsTempleinOctober1961. VickiwasalifelongmemberoftheChurchofJesusChristofLatter-daySaintsandservedinnumerouscallingsuntilherillnessmadeitdifficult. Vicki’sfirstloveandherprioritywasherfamily,whichsheservedwithloveanddevotionformorethan50years.Sheissurvivedbyherhusband,Ray,ofmorethan54years;herchildren,Tamera(Blaire)RoperofLay-ton,Utah,Theron(Teresa)RogersofGlendale,Ariz.,Tracy(Elizabeth)Rogers of Gooding, Tony (Patricia) of Kaysville, Utah, Robert (Karla)RogersofRichfield,Idaho,Jodi(Russell)StraubeofPhoenix,Ariz.,James(Amy)RogersofLyman,Wyo.,Sandra(Joe)Youngblood,Shawna(Ja-son)Youngblood,Amber(Brad)SavageandKeenanRogers,allofGood-ing.Sheisalsosurvivedbythreebrothers,DennisBrownlee,GaryBrown-leeandGordonRogers;onesister,ElaineHenson;33grandchildren;fivegreat-grandchildren;andnumerousniecesandnephews.Shewaspreced-edindeathbyhermother,LeaEtta,Norman“Dad”Rogers;herfather,VictorBrownlee;andbyheroldestdaughter,SherryLynn. Her smiles, hugs and unconditional love will be missed by all whoknewherbutmostespeciallybyhergrandchildren. FuneralserviceswereheldonTuesday,July15,2014,attheGoodingLDSChurchwithburialatElmwoodCemetery. Aspecialfundhasbeenestablishedtohelpthefamilydefrayfuneralexpenses.ThosewishingtomakedonationstotheVickiRogersFuneralFundmaydosoatanyWellsFargoBankbranch.

GladysDowningTowne Gladys DowningTownepassedawaySaturday, June 28,2014,attheageof87. Gladys was bornin a small ranchhouse north of Je-rome, Idaho on December 5th, 1926. SheattendedJeromeSchools. Gladys married William Towne on July8th, 1945. Gladys and William had threechildren,Elvin,TheresaandDonald.Glad-yslivedinDietrich,Idahountil1970,whereshe and William ran their farm until theysold it, thenwasacook in the schoolanddrove a school bus. She moved with herfamily to Ely, Nevada in 1970 where sheworkedatRPlaceConvenienceStoreasaclerk/manager,droveaschoolbusandvol-unteeredattheSeniorCenter.Sheenjoyedmaking doll houses with her best friend,Ginger, plastic canvas, and crocheting.She then moved to Boise, Idaho in 2010. GladysissurvivedbyhersonElvin(Can-dace) Towne of Boise, daughter TheresaTowneofPayette,sistersDelorisTowneofDietrichandVelma(Harold)WagemanofBoise, 5 grandchildren, and several greatgrandchildren.Shewasprecededindeathbyherparents,HarveyandEulalieDowning,herhusbandWilliamTowne,sonDonaldTowneand3brothers,Clair,BobandEarlDowning. She will be remembered as our be-loved mother, sister, grandmother, greatgrandmother and aunt. We have manyfond memories and will miss her dearly. Therewillbeamemorialgravesideserviceat11a.m.onSaturday,July19,2014,attheShoshone Cemetery in Shoshone. A mealwillbe served followingtheservicesat theDietrichCityParkinDietrich. Localarrangementsunderthecareanddi-rectionofDemarayFuneralService.Condo-lencesandmemoriesmaybesharedwiththefamilybyvisitingtheobituarylinkatwww.demarayfuneralservice.com.

July 16, �014 5...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

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Shoshone Richfield886–2369(218NRailSt.W) 487–2722130SMainStreet


-----------------------Thursday, July 17 (Rich) Grilled Cheese & V. Cherry PieFriday, July 18 (Sho) Baked Potato BarMonday, July 21 (Rich) Birthday Cake & Ice CreamTuesday, July 22 (Sho) Taco Salad w/ Fruit & CookiesWed, July 23 (Sho) Ham Sandwich & Banana Pie



------------------Thursday, July 17 Chicken Strips & CustardMonday, July 21 Baked Potatoes w/ Jello SaladTuesday, July 22 Pigs nBlankets & Pork nBeansWednesday, July 23 Sandwiches, Salad & Dessert



--------------------------Friday, July 18th Pork Chops & Mashed PotatoesTuesday, July 22 Hot Roast Beef SandwichesWednesday, July 23 Chili Dogs & JoJos

The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status (not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity lender, provider and employer.


Do You Know a Community Star? YouareinvitedtonominatesomeoneinGoodingwhogoesaboveandbeyondtheirdutytoservethecommunitywelivein.MagicValleyBankwilldonate$1,000onbe-halfoftheCommunityStartoacharityororganizationoftheirchoice.Pickupaformatthebankandwriteabriefparagraphof400wordsorlessdescribingwhythispersonisyourCommunityStar.

Nominationsneedtobeat the bank (746 MainStreet in Gooding) byAugust1st.

Back inhighschoolthingswereprettylax.Wedroveourpickups(ifwehadone)to

school.Weleftourwindowsopenwiththekeysintheignition,andourshotgunswereinthegunrackinthebackwin-dow.Noonejudgedyoubewhatkindofcaryoudroveordidn’t.Ourcarsweremusclecare(hotrods),beaters,orpickups.Forsomeonetoreallystickoutyouhadtohaveabrightyellowororange rig... sometimespink.TheCadillacsandLincolnswerenotascommonasmostbecausewecouldn’taffordthem. Oneofmy friends,Ed,wasgivenacarbyhisgrandpa.Allofusinschoolwerefinewithagrandparentcarebecauseinasense,itwaslikemoney(car)forourbudget.ThecarEdwasgivenwasblackwithawhitetop.Itlookedgraysittinginthebarnwithyearsofdustonit.Oncewewashedandwaxedthecar, itwasprettynice. In fact,Ed’s carbecameeyecandyatschool.Thecarwasa1958Lincoln.Notonlywasitaclassic,itwasaLincolntoboot(instantstatus).HowmanykidsinschoolhadaLincoln? EdwantedmetosethimupwithadatewithKarenwholivedinBrownlee,Idaho,acrossthehillfromwhereIlived(Sweet,Idaho).Itoldhimhecouldsetuphisowndate.Hedid.Thenhecametomeagain,“Tee,canyouatleasttakemeuptowhereKarenlives?Idon’tknowthatIcouldfindherhouse.”IagreedtorideupwithhimtoshowhimKaren’shouse. Karenlivedonaplacethatwasfullofrollinghillsandgatestoopen.BylivinginSweetonahillIhadplentyofpracticeopen-inggates.MaybeIshouldhaveaskedKarenforadatemyselfandhaveEdopenthegatesforme. ThegradefromBrownleerunningintoSweetwasaprettygoodincline.WestarteddownthegradethreeabreastintheLincoln.ThentheLincolndecidedtoseehowcloseoffriendswewere.Oneofthewheelcylindersbrokeandwehadnobrakes. EdturnedwhiterthanatowelwiththeTidedetergentcleanthing.“TEE,whatdoIdo?”“Firstoff,”Isaidcalmly,“shiftthisbabydownintofirstgear.”Withtheautomatic,thecarwasstillrolling at 35 to 40 mph. Then I added, “Second thing, keepthisthingontheroad.”WerolleddownthehillunabletostopatthestopsigninSweet.Weactuallywereintownbeforewecouldstop. EdlookedatKarenandaskedherifshewasalright.ItoldEd,“IfyouaregoingtoscareKaren,you’llhavetodoabetterjobthanthat.Karendrivesathreewheeltractorwithnobrakesinthesehills.”(threewheeltractorshaveasafetyissueinhills). IsurprisedEdbycuttinghisbrakelineandrepairingitwithapieceofpopcansoheandKarencould finishtheirdate. Idon’tknowifEdevengottorelaxthatnightknowingthathecouldstillhavethesameproblemwithanotherolddrywheelcylinder.TheexcitementofthenighthadmebacktolaxmodeasIwalkedfourmilesbackhome. Thisismy“CupofTee”sayingsometimesitisbeneficialtobethegateopener. Tee Hurd

6 July 16, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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UniversityInnComeEnjoyaNightOff HBO




RoomsStartingat $2900



601 Main StreetGooding


Steve's Quick Service

Dine-In or Take-Out

Pizza & PastaDowntownFairfield



Fresh Yummy BreadOrder your’s Today!

Thank You... Lincoln County 4-H/FFA members and the MarketAnimalSaleCommitteewouldliketoSayTHANKYOUtoallthepastsupportersofourLncolnCountyfatstocksale.Wewouldalsoliketoinviteeveryonetoour2014fatstocksaletobeheldonSaturdayJuly26,2014at11:00a.m.attheLincolnCountyFairgrounds. A big-THANK YOU goes out to our

2013 buyers and supporters: AArdema Dairies Hub International Scarrow Meats, Inc. Ag—Air Horizon Organic Dairy S Erwin Excavation, Inc. All Season Landscaping Idaho Ag Credit Gene Shaw Banner Bank Idaho Concrete Shaw Land & Livestock Big Wood Farms LLC Idaho Lumber Shoshone Vet Hospital Dwight Bingham Integrated Biological Syst. The Sprinkler Shop Bingham Seed Joe’s Backhoe Service Speedy Butte LLC Black Cat Pellet Mill Cindy Kay Stargate Ranch Sandy Bosley Roger Koontz Stcckhams Custom Meats Dave & Jackie Brown Lansing Trade Group Standard Nutrition 4 Bros. Dairy Last Ranch Sliman & Butler Irrigation Burley Livestock Auction Les Schwab Tire, Jerome Standard Dairy Consultants Butte Irrigation Les Schwab Tire, Hailey Tremblay Consulting Cedar Creek Timber L.M. Davenport, lnc Mike Telford Conrad Brothers Loomis Construction North Slope Ranch Steve & Vickie Cowger Margie Mazzucchl Triple T Farms Crop Production Services McGaw Distributing United Oil Barry & Dodie Dalton Mountain View Lanes Valley Agronomics TLC Angus North West Farm Credit Valley Co-Op D L Evans Bank Notch Butte Farms Vanco Enterrprises Donley Farms, INC. Tony & Pam Pantone Vantage Dairy Supplies Extreme Excavation, INC. Paul Housing Authority Ward Orthodontics Eyebrow Ag Associates Pence Farms Stan Ward Farm Bureau Insurance Pendleton Custom Farming Wendell Buying Station Farmers National Bank Dr. Joseph Petersen M.D. Westec F & C Lambs Pioneer Equipment Wilbur-Ellis Company Filer Mutual Telephone Progressive Dairy Solutions Gallup Vet Services Rangen Inc. Floyd & Vishi Gardner R - Ag Inc. Glanbia Foods Rocky Mountain Agronomics Hidden Valley Dairy Farm R & L Lezamiz, Inc. Carl & Kim Horn R & R Management

Serving Camas, Lincoln & Gooding Counties



July 16, �014 �...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

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The Adventures of Joe Sabinthe Noxious Weed Slayer Part 2

*Joe Goes Ninja on Knapweed*by... the Camas Bug Crew In lastweek’s installmentofJoeSabin,Joealongwithhissidekick Urophora cardui defeated the ferocious CanadaThistle. JoeSabin’sadventuresstartedthisweekwithaflourish.Thecallcameinatelevena.m.Joehadjustfinishedhisroutineof400 burpies. Knapweed had been spotted in the northwestquadrantofCamasCounty. JoeSabinknewhehadachal-lengeinfrontofhim. Thistypeofweedisabiennialshort livedplantthatpro-ducesawhopping18,000seedsperplant.Thismeantthatinonemomentonecouldbeinalusciousgreenfield,andinoneshortseasonthisaggressivenoxiousweedcouldtakeoverthenativegrassesandbeginareignofterror.Donotbefooledbyitswhite,pinkor lavender flowers thatbloombetweenJulyandSeptember.Thebractsof the flowersare tippedwithalongslenderspinethatburiesitselfinanythingthathappenstopassby.Inthismannerthisopportunisthitchesarideacrossthecountrytofindnewhomestoinvade.It’simperativethatJoereachthisinfestationbeforethedamageisdone. Thebestway to counter-attack theproliferationof theseseedheadsiswithLarinusminutus.Joehadbeenstock-pilingtheseweedeatingweevilsforjustsuchasituation.Stealthandprecisionwerethekeystowinningthisscrimmage.Withtheknapweed seedheads full andblooming, theLarinuswouldbegintheirassault.Thesebugsover-winterasadultswhichemerge inthespringwhentheybeginto feedonknapweedfoliage.Femalesproducebetween28-130eggswhichtheylayinclustersover the flowers.Eggshatch inthe larvaewhichfeedonseedsandreceptacletissueforaboutamonth.Larvaeconstructcocoonswithintheseedheadsusingpappushairsandpupate.Emergingadultschewacharacteristicroundholein the top of the cocoon that is visible when viewed fromabove. WiththehelpofthevaliantCamasBugCrew, Joe strategically distributed theteamsofLarinusminutusdirectly inthe path of the advancing army ofKnapweed.Beforethesummer’sendtheknapweedwassurroundedbythechomping mandibles of the mightyLarinus.Intheend,becauseofJoe’ssuperhero efforts the knapweed wasstopped in its tracks. Joekeptanever

vigilant eye on theseretreating noxious


JULY 2014at Gooding Public Library17th 10-11amSummerReadingforkids 3-4pmBookClub2nd-4thgradeboys 4-5pmBookClub2nd-4thgradegirls 6-7pmBookClubforadults18th 3-4pmBuilderClub22nd10-11amSummerReadingforkids 6-7:30pmMakerCampfortweens/teens23rd 10:30-11amSummerReadingforlittlefolks0-4yrs. 12:30-1:30pmStoryTimeintheEastPark24th 10-11amSummerReadingforkids 6:30-7:30pmClick-Clickknittinggroup25th 3-4pmBuilderClub26th 1-3pmSpecialSaturdayEvent!Bookintro&signing bylocalauthorCate James Qualls29th 6-7:30pmMakerCampfortweens/teens31st 6-7pmBookClubforadults

8 July 16, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal

PUBLIC NOTICEOn Thursday, August 14, �014 the Fairfield City Council will hold a regular meeting begin-ning at 7:00p.m. at Fairfield City Hall located at 40� Soldier Road in Fairfield, ID. Items on the agenda include the following:

Rescheduled from July 17, 2014: Amendments to Zoning and Sub-division Ordinance: A public hearing for an amendment to Or-dinance Number ��3 Zoning Or-dinance Title 8 of the City of Fair-field, Idaho: Chapter 9 Permits, Section B update reference to uniform building code, Section1.3 and �.1 correct grammar errors. Chapter 10 Zoning Amendments, Section 5b and 6 to amend spell-ing and grammar errors. Ordinance Number 165 Sub-division Ordinance: Article �, Definitions Section 2-2 delete

Sage Grouse Initiative The Natural ResourcesConservation Service’sSageGrouseInitiativehelpsfundwork to improvesagegrousehabitatinIdaho.In-terested landowners mustapplyforthisyear’sfundingbyJuly18,2014. The initiative focuses onimproving rangeland tosupport both healthy sagegrousepopulationsandsus-tainableranching. “Putting specific conser-vationpracticesinplacecanimprovesagegrousehabitator reduce threats to birdsurvival,” said JeffBurwell,IdahoNRCSStateConser-vationist.“TheSageGrouseInitiative gives landownersfundingtoapplythosecon-servationpracticesontheirproperty.” Typical habitat improve-ment practices includeseeding rangeland to in-crease availability of sage-grouse food plants; remov-ing juniper trees in keybreeding,brood-rearingandwintering sites to restoresage-grouse habitat; and,including a rest period ingrazing systems to improvesage-grouse cover duringthenestingseason. “The practices that ben-efitsagegrousehabitatalsocreate or maintain healthygrazing land for livestock.”said Burwell. “Throughvoluntary conservation,we hope to keep the sagegrouse off the endangeredspecieslist.” Formore informationonthe initiative,contactyourlocalNRCSoffice.

“recorder” from Performance Bond and add definition for Administrator. Article 3 Proce-dures for Subdivision Approval, Section 2.B. Pre-Application to reference fee schedule, Section 3-E to reference fee schedule. Section 3-I-2 and 3-J correct grammar errors. Section 4 Final Plat to reference fee schedule. Article 4 Design Standards, Sec-tion 14-C-13-1 reference public works director. Article 5 Special Development Subdivisions, Sec-tion � add subsection J. to refer-ence fee schedule. Section 3-M amend grammar errors and add subsection G to reference fee schedule. Section 4 add subsec-tion 4 to reference fee schedule. Section 8 add subsection C to reference fee schedule. Section 9 add subsection D to reference fee schedule. Article 8 Enforcement and Penalties Section 2 amend to reference 1-4-1; provide a sever-

ability clause and effective date.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that at the aforementioned time and place, all interested persons may appear and shall be given an opportunity to comment on the matters stated above. Any person needing special accom-modations to participate in the above-noticed meeting should contact the City Office. Com-ments and questions prior to the hearing should be directed to the City, P.O. Box 336 Fairfield, ID 83327 a minimum of five (5) days prior to the scheduled hear-ing. Supporting documents are on file at the Fairfield City Hall and available for public review. DATED THIS 11th DAY OF JULY, 2014

Megan StelmaPlanning & Zoning

Administratorpublished on July 16, 2014

July 16, �014 9...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

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ThisWeek’sSudokuPuzzleAnswersPuzzle#1 Puzzle#2

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

T.S. No. 1248628-37 Parcel No. rpf0050004018ba NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE On September 03, �014, at the hour of �:00pm, of said day, at On the front steps of the camas county courthouse 501, Soldier Road, Fairfield, Idaho, First American Title Insurance Company, as trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bid-der, for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a State or National Bank, a check drawn by a State or Federal Credit Union, or a check drawn by a State or Federal Savings and Loan Association, Savings Associa-tion, or Savings Bank, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Camas, state of Idaho, and described as follows, to wit: The east 67 feet of lots 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, in block 4 of fairfield townsite, Camas county, idaho, as the same is shown on the official plat therefore located in the office of the county recorder of said county. Commonly known as 101 Alturas Avenue West Fairfield Id 83327. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by Rodney Shane Harris An Unmarried Man as Grantor, to Gooding Title and Escrow, as Trustee, for the benefit and secu-rity of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., (“mers”) As Nominee For The Mortgage Co-op, A Utah Corporation, Its Suc-cessors and Assigns as Beneficiary, recorded February 17, 2005, as Instrument No. 78226, Mortgage records of Camas County, Idaho. THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NAMED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 45-1506(4)(a), IDAHO CODE. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT THEY ARE, OR ARE NOT, PRESENTLY RE-SPONSIBLE FOR THIS OBLIGATION. The default for which this sale is to be made is: Failure to pay the monthly payment due august 1, �009 of principal, interest and impounds and subsequent install-ments due thereafter; plus late charges; together with all subsequent sums advanced by beneficiary pursuant to the terms and conditions of said deed of trust. The estimated balance owing as of this date on the obligation secured by said deed of trust is $114,�6�.08, including interest, costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obli-gation thereunder or in this sale, and trustee’s fees and/or reasonable attorney’s fees as authorized in the promissory note secured by the aforementioned Deed of Trust. First American Title Insurance Com-pany C/o Cal-western Reconveyance Llc P.O. Box 22004 El Cajon Ca 92022-9004 (800)546-1531 Dated: May 08, 2014 Signature/By First American Title Insurance Company. DLPP-437994published on �/16, �/�3, �/30 & 08/06, �014


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: on Tuesday, the 5th day of August, 2014 at 7:10 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Camas County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Courthouse Annex located at 51� Soldier Rd, Fairfield, Idaho, to consider the approval of a subdivision ordinance for the County of Camas, in accordance with §§ 67-6509, 50-1301 et seq, and 67-6513, Idaho Code. The purpose of this hearing is for the public as well as the Planning and Zoning Commissioners to consider the enactment of a new subdivision ordinance repealing its predecessor Ordinance Number 15�. A copy of the proposed text is available at no charge at the Camas County Courthouse Annex and at the public hearing. A general summary of the proposed subdivision ordinance is as follows: Section 1 General Provisions Section 2 Definitions Section 3 Standards of Review Section 4 Applicability and Exemptions Section 5 Subdivision Review Process Section 6 Procedures for Minor Subdivisions Section 7 Compliance with Zoning Requirements Section 8 Improvements Required Section 9 Mitigation of Development Impacts Section 10 Processing and Review Fees Section 11 Condition-Based Exceptions Section 1� Commencement of Construction Section 13 Final Plat Approval-Surety Section 14 Surveys Section 15 Enforcement and Penalties Section 16 Special Development Subdivisions A. Purpose B. Hillside Subdivision C. Planned Unit and Condominium Subdivisions D. Mobile Home Subdivision E. Large Scale Development Subdivisions F. Cemetery Subdivisions G. Subdivision within a Flood Plain H. Subdivisions within an Area of Critical Concern I. Subdivisions of High Density (R-4) J. Condominiums K. Townhouses L. Phased Development Projects Section 17 Vacations and Dedications Section 18 Variances Section 19 Lot Line Adjustments Section �0 Lot Splits

Written comments will be received by the Planning & Zoning Ad-ministrator until July 31, �014. Testimony at the hearing may be limited to five minutes. Services for persons with disabilities may be made available by calling the Planning & Zoning Administrator at �64-�046 three days in advance of the hearings.

Dwight H. ButlinCamas County Planning & Zoning Administrator

published on 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30, 2014

10 July 16, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 11: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 29

Services►I’m a mobile mechanic with over 20 years experience. I will come to your location, and the customer is responsible for pur-chasing all parts prior to the work being done. I have reasonable rates and will consider all trades for labor. Diagnosis is free or at low cost depending on your lo-cation. If interested, call out text Robert at �08-481-0893. Thanks. There is a $�0 fuel charge for anything outside of Richfield.►Dental-Vision-Health: 3 in One Policy with Premiums start-ing at $29. All Ages/Individual/Families/Groups. Call or email Desiree’ DeGiorgio Agency Owner/Broker: 208-340-0544 or [email protected]►Custom wood spliting. $35 per hour on weekends. Call 358-1103.►Need Yard Work Done? Call Boyd Stevens at 934-5288. Lawn mowing, weed eating, leaves raked. Weekly rate available.► Hollenbeck Construction. New construction & remodels. Specializing in finish excellence with great value. Licenced & Bonded. Call 481-0320.►PATCH, MEND, SEW. I Re-place Broken Zippers of all kinds. Patch Levis, coveralls,etc.Hem Levis, pants, dresses, sheets, etc. Have “NEW” drop in Gooding, must call for information. Call Kathy in Hagerman 83�-6�6�.►Looking for scrap metal. Call Thomas Davis at 764-2484.

For Sale►For Sale: 2002 Hyndai Sante fe. Need some break work. $1800.00. For more information call Trinh Webb at �31 40��.►Multiple PS3 games for sale. Call for list. Also, one washer $�5. Call �64-�916, ask for Brad►Trees for Sale: 5 to 7 foot... white birch, small water birch, small evergreens (alpine fir, Nor-way & Engleman spruce, plus bristle cone pine). Also, 4 to 5 foot mountain ash. Most in pots. Call 764-2410 in Fairfield.►Fresh Farm Eggs - $3 per dz. Call �64-�136 or �64-�649.►Firewood for Sale: Mix-spe-cies, full length logs delivered by truck, approx 15 cord. Also, rough-sawn lumber, any size. Call �08-9�1-6493.►For Sale: Handmade Fire start-ers for your campfire, or BBQ. $5 for 16 sticks. Call �08-�1�-5010.

For Rent►419 2nd W, 3 bed 2 bath Call for details �64-�519 or �31-05��.►House for rent. Fairfield. 2BR/1Bath. WD hookup. Pro-pane heat. � Woodstoves. Cedar sauna. Fenced yard. $�00/mo. Plus elec./water/sewer garbage. References/ background check. 1st/last/Security/Pets$. 208-720-9464 or �08-�88-636�

WantedWanting to buy some hay for my horses. Small bales call Kevin �08-316-3��6

AuctionThursday July �4, �014 in Wen-dell Idaho. Partial list including trucks, tractors, loaders, back-hoe, harvest equipment, chop-pers, swather, hay head, corn head, load scales, silage wagon, custom manure hauling/spread-ing trailers, compost turner, disc, plows, wheel rake, v rake. corn hiller, cultivator, bale fork, misc trailers, service equipment, shop equipment, metal lathe, welders, compressors, jacks, porta power, hydraulic hose repair unit, fuel tanks/trailer, drill press, shop heater, 30 ton hydraulic press, new and used truck and tractor tires, mew and used truck and tractor parts, antique farm equip-ment, etc. MASTERS AUC-TION SERVICE. Kubik Estate �0�4 East 3100 South, Wendell

For SaleOnan 12.5kw Tri-fuel generator. Set up for Natural Gas, but can be changed over to other fuels. Comes with Transfer switch for set up an emergency backup sys-tem. Call �64-33�� for informa-tion.

•Classified Ads••Classified Ads•

Employment►Drivers: Out & Back FT Solo & Team and PT-1 trip/wk Openings! Great Pay! Quarterly Bonus! Medical/Dental/401k! No-Forced Dispatch! CDL-A, �yrs exp. req. Miller Brothers Express: 1-866-8�3-0361, x103 or x1�3►Branch Office Administra-tor - Trainee: You’ll support the Financial Advisor and contribute to the success of the office. Duties include various client service, mar-keting, and administrative func-tions. Applicants must have ex-cellent organization skills and the ability to work well independently. Come see why for the 13th year Ed-ward Jones was named one of the “Best Companies To Work For” by FORTUNE magazine in its an-nual listing. To be considered for this position apply online at www.edwardjones.com/careers. Or, send your resume and salary require-ments to: Edward Jones 442 Main Street Gooding, ID 83330 Equal Opportunity Employer

Subscriptions:1Yr-$20.002Yr-$34.00Makechecksoutto:theCourierNEWSP.O.Box339Fairfield,Idaho83327web site: couriernews.webs.com


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