Couples Vg - Week 1

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  • 8/9/2019 Couples Vg - Week 1


    Tips:Welcome everyone.Explain what is a Victory Group.Introduce the new comers

    Warm-Up: (choose one !. What "ood examples have you seen #rom your parent$s marria"e%&. 'escrie your #ather as a leader in your #amily and how does your mother support that leadership%

    W)*':Ephesians. +:&!-&,

    umit to one another out o# reverence #or hrist. Wives/ sumit to your husands as to the 0ord. 1or the husand is the head o# thewi#e as hrist is the head o# the church/ his ody/ o# which he is the avior. 2ow as the church sumits to hrist/ so also wives shouldsumit to their husands in everythin". (3s lon" as it is not contrary to God$s Word

    4utual sumission is the #oundation o# 4arria"e.It means you will leave your li#e #or others and that other is your spouse.

    4arria"es "o down on a spiral when the husandand the wi#e #ail to assume their God "iven roles.

    ommon 5o6e. Thou"h the husand is the head ut the wi#e is the nec6 that turns the head%

    Wives live trust#ully with the husand. 7usands should protect that trust and ta6es care o# the wi#e as the head ta6es care o# the ody.Ill: Insect ite% 7ead receives the stimuli and sends response si"nal to the ody. 8ody scratches the itch. The 7ead is responsile #orthe wel#are o# the ody.ic6 ody% 1ever% 7ead #eels warm. 'oesn$t i"nore the ody.

    Wives should sumit to their husands ecause they are their head.

    7usands should love their wives ecause they are one.

    Ephesians +:&9-&In this same way/ husands ou"ht to love their wives as their own odies. 7e who loves his wi#e loves himsel#. 3#ter all/ no one everhated his own ody/ ut he #eeds and cares #or it/ 5ust as hrist does the church;

    Ill: 7ammer and #in"er. Will you try to hit your #in"er with this hammer%

    7U832' 3 3 0E3'E*

    7usands as lovin" leaders should stren"then the #ollowin" areas: