Alamance County An Overview of the Aging Population & Individuals with Disabilities

County Aging Population Individuals with Disabilities Demog - 2...Piedmont Triad Region and nearly matching the 41% growth rate for North Carolina. The overall population growth of

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Page 1: County Aging Population Individuals with Disabilities Demog - 2...Piedmont Triad Region and nearly matching the 41% growth rate for North Carolina. The overall population growth of


County An Overview of the

Aging Population


Individuals with Disabilities

Page 2: County Aging Population Individuals with Disabilities Demog - 2...Piedmont Triad Region and nearly matching the 41% growth rate for North Carolina. The overall population growth of
Page 3: County Aging Population Individuals with Disabilities Demog - 2...Piedmont Triad Region and nearly matching the 41% growth rate for North Carolina. The overall population growth of


Letter from the Director of Piedmont Triad Regional Council Area Agency on Aging


ALAMANCE COUNTY ............................................................................................................ 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 Demographics ......................................................................................................................... 3 

Older Adults ....................................................................................................................... 3 Working Adults .................................................................................................................. 6 Piedmont Triad Region Growth ...................................................................................... 7 Population Density ............................................................................................................ 8 Household Types ............................................................................................................... 9 Race & Ethnicity ............................................................................................................... 10 Income ............................................................................................................................... 12 Vehicle Access .................................................................................................................. 14 Language ........................................................................................................................... 15 Rural Population .............................................................................................................. 16 Nutrition and Food Insecurity ....................................................................................... 18 Individuals with Disabilities .......................................................................................... 19 Race & Ethnicity of Adults with Disabilities ................................................................ 21 Grandparent Caregivers ................................................................................................. 23 

Facilities and Organizations Serving Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities .................................................................. 24 

Health Care Facilities....................................................................................................... 24 Health Care Facilities Directory ..................................................................................... 25 Long-Term Care Facilities ............................................................................................... 26 Agencies Serving Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities Directory ......... 29 

References .............................................................................................................................. 31 

Page 4: County Aging Population Individuals with Disabilities Demog - 2...Piedmont Triad Region and nearly matching the 41% growth rate for North Carolina. The overall population growth of

Letter from the Director of Piedmont Triad Regional Council Area Agency on Aging

September 2012

Dear Citizens and Public Officials of Alamance County,

The landscape of the population is in the midst of a change that is unprecedented in our history or experience. The group of people born between 1946 and 1964, known as the Baby Boomers, began to reach age 65 in 2008. It is estimated that 10,000 ‘Boomers’ turn 65 every day. As this unique population segment moves through its senior years, the existing infrastructure of health care and other vital resources needed for their support will be stretched to capacity and beyond.

The Administration on Aging of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services publishes annually the Profile of Older Americans report. The 2011 edition describes that in the United States, “the population 65 and over has increased from 35 million in 2000 to 40 million in 2010 (a 15% increase) and is projected to increase to 55 million in 2020 (a 36% increase for that decade). By 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more than twice their number in 2000. People 65+ represented 13.1% of the population in the year 2010 but are expected to grow to be 19.3% of the population by 2030. The 85+ population is projected to increase from 5.5 million in 2010 and then to 6.6 million in 2020 (19%) for that decade.”

The implications of this singular wave of population growth, with its unprecedented life expectancy and other unique characteristics, impact every sector of society.

This report has been prepared to give a detailed snapshot of the population landscape in Alamance County and the unique ways in which it will change over the next twenty years as your population of older adults increases. Studies show that when communities function well for children, the same features benefit the elderly and the disabled. In other words, a holistic approach to care of our citizens makes sense. With the potential of decreasing federal and state funding support for special population programs, creative partnerships must be forged within each county’s infrastructure to meet the increasing demands posed by the wave of Baby Boomers. Innovative ideas need to cross county lines to allow for positive growth. The task of the Piedmont Triad Regional Council Area Agency on Aging is to identify measures that can be taken now to ensure the health and well-being of the aging and disabled for the benefit of all the communities in the county in the decades ahead.

Consider this report as a starting point in an ongoing dialog among public officials, civic leaders, planners, citizens, and professionals. The goal is to empower stakeholders to make qualified decisions for continual improvement in the delivery systems of services and resources for the increasing number of individuals who are aging or disabled and their caregivers in Alamance County.


Kim Dawkins Berry Director, Area Agency on Aging, Piedmont Triad Regional Council

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Alamance County Land Area

Forest Cover

Agriculture / Pasture





The Area Agency on Aging, a division of the Piedmont Triad Regional Council, serves 12 counties in central North Carolina, including Alamance County.

Covering 435 square miles, the County’s land area is 44% forest cover, 30% agriculture/pasture, and 17% developed.1

In 2010, the county had a population of 151,131 and an average population density of 347 people per square mile.2

Between 1990 and 2010, the population of the county increased by 42,918 people, or 40%.2, 3 From 2010 to 2020, a 7% increase is projected. From 2010 to 2030, a 13% increase is projected, as depicted on the bar chart below.











1990 2000 2010 2020 2030






Alamance Total Population Growth 1990‐2030

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From 1990 to 2010, Alamance County’s population grew 40%, above the 32% growth for the Piedmont Triad Region and nearly matching the 41% growth rate for North Carolina. The overall population growth of Alamance County is projected to slow in the next decade, but display a 13% growth rate over the next two decades.

Total Population 1990-2010 % Growth

2010-2020 % Growth

2010-2030 % Growth

Alamance County 40% 7% 13%

Piedmont Triad Region 32% 12% 24%

North Carolina 41% 15% 31%

Source: US Census Bureau, 1990, 2000, & 2010 Census of Population & Housing. NC Office of Budget & Management, State Demographer, projections for 2020 & 2030 issued in May 2012. Numbers compiled by the PTRC Regional Data Center.

The bar chart below illustrates how Alamance County’s population growth paced that of the state over the past twenty years and exceeded the region’s growth. Whereas growth is projected to remain positive in the next twenty years, it is not projected to keep pace with the growth of the region or the state.







1990‐2000 2000‐2010 2010‐2020 2020‐2030

Population Growth Comparisons

Alamance County

Piedmont Triad Region

North Carolina

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Demographics Older Adults Compared with an overall growth rate of 15.5% for the county, the older adult population (60 years of age and over) increased 28.8% between 2000 and 2010. The growth rate for the total population decreased from 1990 to 2010, while the growth rate for the older adult population (60 years of age and over) increased.2,3,4 The table below shows the growth rates for the total population compared to the older adult age categories between 1990 and 2000 and between 2000 and 2010.

Alamance County Growth Rate Trends Between Decades

1990-2000 2000-2010

Total Population 20.9% 15.5% Decreasing

Age 60 + 10.7% 28.8% Increasing

Age 60-64 -4.6% 60.9% Increasing

Age 65-74 1.7% 17.4% Increasing

Age 75-84 30.8% 13.2% Decreasing

Age 85 + 65.4% 49.1% Decreasing Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990/2000/2010 Census, SF1

Compared to the past twenty years, projections for the future twenty years paint a slightly different picture. While the rate of growth will continue to decrease for the total population, there are significant changes to the pattern for the aging population in Alamance County. While the past twenty years evidenced increases in the growth rate for the under 74 age group, the next twenty years will see decreases in their growth rates. The past twenty years showed decreasing growth rates for those age 74 and over, and the next twenty years will show mixed rates for those age 75 and over. Alamance’s pattern of a mixed rate of growth in age 75+ segment is unique among the twelve counties in the region, who will experience increases in both groups.

Alamance County

Growth Rate Trends Between Decades 2010-2030

Total Population

2010-2020 2020-2030 6.7% 6.0% Slightly Decreasing

Age 60 + 25.4% 17.1% Decreasing Age 60-64 20.1% 1.2% Decreasing Age 65-74 41.1% 17.2% Decreasing Age 75-84 12.3% 38.4% Increasing Age 85 + 14.2% 12.7% Decreasing

Source: US Census Bureau, 1990, 2000, & 2010 Census of Population & Housing. NC Office of State Budget & Management, State Demographer, projections for 2020 & 2030 issued in May 2012. Numbers compiled by the PTRC Regional Data Center.

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The bar chart below provides graphic illustration of both the rates of growth discussed from the tables on the previous page and the actual growth of the age 60+ population depicted in the table on the following page. Taking each bar as a whole, note that from 1990 to 2030, the total 60+ population will double (209% growth, from approximately 21,468 to 44,965 persons). The total 60+ population is projected not only to grow, but to grow at an increasing rate, depicted by the taller height of the bars over time.

The blue segment of age 60-64 will stay relatively flat and even decrease due to the lower birth rates of the generation following the Baby Boomers. The red segment depicts the large and increasing proportion of Baby Boomers as they age through the next twenty years, many of whom will remain in the work force past age 65. The green segment shows increases through 2030 as the Boomers age into the golden years of 75-84. The purple segment, though small, is important because it represents the most frail of the elderly, those who will require the most care from the medical establishment, in-home caregivers, and assisted living facilities.

The bar chart illustrates these significant highlights from 2010 to 2030:

Individuals age 60-64 will grow 22%. People age 65-74 will grow 65%. Those age 75-84 will grow 55%. Very frail elderly age 85+ will grow 29%.











1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

Alamance Population Growth in Age 60+ Segments





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The table below depicts segments of the age 60 and over population of Alamance County, showing the number of individuals (# column) and the percent of the total population (% column) for the decades of 1990 through 2030.

Alamance County

Age Segments as a Percent of Total Population

Age Ranges

1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

# % # % # % # % # %

20-59 59,003 55% 71,876 55% 79,991 53% 81,638 51% 82,044 48%

60-64 5,560 5% 5,307 4% 8,538 6% 10,250 6% 10,377 6%

65-74 9,573 9% 9,732 7% 11,428 8% 16,122 10% 18,887 11%

75-84 5,041 5% 6,592 5% 7,462 5% 8,381 5% 11,596 7%

85+ 1,294 1% 2,140 2% 3,191 2% 3,644 2% 4,105 2%

All 60+ 21,468 20% 23,771 18% 30,619 20% 38,397 24% 44,965 26%

Total 108,213 100% 130,800 100% 151,131 100% 161,234 100% 170,904 100%

Source: US Census Bureau, 1990, 2000, & 2010 Census of Population & Housing. NC Office of State Budget & Management, State Demographer, projections for 2020 & 2030 issued in May 2012. Numbers compiled by the PTRC Regional Data Center.

In Alamance County, from 2010 to 2030, the 60+ age group is projected to

increase 47%, from nearly 31,000 to more than 44,500


Baby Boomers will cause a spike in the age groups as they advance through

their retirement years.

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Working Adults Pressure will increase on the agencies providing care for the aging population of Alamance County. One factor of this pressure is the relative decline in the number of working age people compared to the number of people age 65 and over. The chart below illustrates the numbers of working age and age 65+ individuals for the forty year range from 1990 to 2030. For the past twenty years, the ratio has remained constant at four working age persons for every one person age 65+. The 2010 Census shows the ratio remained the same at four working age persons for every one person age 65+. Demographers project a decline to three in 2020 and to three working age persons for every one person age 65+ by 2030. The labor pool will shrink as the volume of those needing skilled care increases.









1990 2000 2010 2020 2030






15,908 18,464




Comparison of Working Age to Age 65+

Age 65 +

Age 20 ‐64

4 4 3 3

Ratio of Number of Working Age Persons to Number of Age 65+4

In 1990, there were four working age adults in Alamance County for every older adult age 65 or more.

By 2030, there will be three working age adults for every older adult age 65 or more.

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Piedmont Triad Region Growth Alamance County will experience 47% growth in the aging population in the next twenty years, ranking 7th of the twelve counties in the Piedmont Triad Region. Six of the counties are projected for a growth rate greater than 50% in the age 60+ population group.

The chart below shows the growth rates of all twelve counties in the Piedmont Triad Region for 2010-2020 and 2010-2030, ranked by the growth rate of the 2010-2030 column (in bold typeface).

Rank (per 2010-2030

growth %)

County Age 60 +

2010-2020 2010-2030

1 Guilford 35% 66%

2 Randolph 30% 54% 3 Davie 31% 53% 4 Forsyth 31% 53% 5 Davidson 28% 51% 6 Stokes 31% 51% 7 Alamance 24% 47% 8 Caswell 31% 45% 9 Montgomery 28% 43%

10 Yadkin 19% 33% 11 Rockingham 21% 31% 12 Surry 14% 21%

This bar chart shows a graphic depiction of the table above.









Piedmont Triad 12 County Growth Projections

2010‐2020 Age 60+

2010‐2030 Age 60+

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Population Density In 2010, older adults (60 years of age and over) accounted for 20% of the total population of Alamance County. The following map displays the population density of these older adults. The older adult population is concentrated in the center of the county’s municipalities and near Interstate 40/85.

Alamance is an urban county, with an average density of 347 people per square mile.

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Household Types In Alamance County, about two-thirds of older adults (65 years of age and over) live with family members, defined as two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption residing in the same household unit. Almost one-third of older adults live alone and 73% are female. Only 2.8% live in non-family households, and 3.6% live in group quarters.5 Group quarters include such places as residential treatment centers, skilled nursing facilities, group homes, and correctional facilities.

Family, 63.7%

Living Alone, 29.9%

Non-Family, 2.8%Group Quarters,


Population Age 65+ by Living Arrangements, Alamance County 2010

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census, SF1

In Alamance County, 73% of the older adults who live alone are women.

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Race & Ethnicity The table below is a breakdown for the racial and ethnic categories for the older population (60 years of age and over) in the county. The percentage column represents the percentage of older adults (60 years of age and over) for each category.

Alamance County Population Percentage Total Population, 60 Years of Age and Over 30,619 100%

RACE White 25,190 82.3% Black or African American 4,800 15.7% American Indian and Alaska Native 99 0.3% Asian 189 0.6% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 4 0.0% Some Other Race 195 0.6% Two or More Races 142 0.5%

ETHNICITY Hispanic or Latino 490 1.6% Not Hispanic or Latino 30,129 98.4%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census, SF1

The map on the following page illustrates the density of older minority adults.

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Income The average earnings income for the older adult population (60 years of age and over) in Alamance County is $40,629, compared to the mean of $54,670 for the total population. The primary source of income for adults 60 and over is from social security and retirement income rather than earned income. However, 9.5% of older adults (60 years of age and over) live below the poverty level.7 The table to the right outlines the poverty levels defined by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for 2012.

The bar chart below highlights key income benchmarks for Alamance County and the senior population.

At $40,629, the average income of those who are age 60 and over is approximately $14,000 less per year than that of the total population. Once Alamance’s citizens reach age 65+, their average income decreases significantly, by $10,705, to $29,924.

In 2010, of the 30,619 people who were age 65 and over, 68% received Social Security benefits averaging $1,177 per month or $14,124 per year. This is $2,954 more than the baseline Federal Poverty Level of $11,170 (for a family of one).

Source: North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services, Alamance County Fact Sheet, February 2012.












Avg Income TotalPop'n

Avg Income Age60+

Median Income Age65+

Avg Social SecurityIncome

100% FederalPoverty Level

Annual Income Benchmarks for Alamance's Age 60+

2012 Poverty Guidelines Persons in

Family/Household Poverty Guidelines

1 $11,170 2 $15,130 3 $19,090 4 $23,050

For families/households with more than 4 persons, add $3,960 for each additional person.

Source: Department of Health and Human Services

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The map below illustrates the density of older adults (65 years of age and over) living below the poverty level. Data below the county level was only available for the population 65 years of age and older.

In Alamance County there are 1,890 individuals age 65 and older who are living below the Federal Poverty Level.

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Vehicle Access In Alamance County, an estimated 1,777 households with an individual 65 years of age and over (12.6%) do not have access to a vehicle.9 The map below illustrates the density of older adults (65 years of age and over) lacking access to a vehicle.

Note: Data on vehicle access was not available for the older adult population age 60 years and over.

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Language English is the most common language spoken among older adults in Alamance County. Only 1.6% of older adults (60 years of age and over) speak a language other than English and speak English less than “very well”, compared to 6.0% of the general population.7 The map below illustrates the density of older adults (65 years of age and over) who speak a language other than English.

Note: Data at the census tract level was only available for the population 65 years of age and over.

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Rural Population In January 2013, the Census Bureau will release characteristics for the urban and rural population at the census tract level. Until then, we can estimate the number of older adults living in rural areas based on geospatial analysis. The NC Rural Center classifies areas as rural if they have less than 250 people per square mile.8 Alamance County as a whole is designated as an urban county because of an overall population density of 347 people per square mile. We have identified rural census blocks within the county by selecting those with less than 250 total people per square mile.

County Total Population of Older Adults (60+)

Population of Older Adults (60+) in

Rural Census Blocks

Percent Population of Older Adults (60+) in Rural Census Blocks

Alamance 30,619 6,685 21.8% Caswell 5,487 4,633 84.4% Davidson 33,567 8,692 25.9% Davie 9,571 4,432 46.3% Forsyth 64,782 4,686 7.2% Guilford 86,320 9,011 10.4% Montgomery 6,287 3,439 54.7% Randolph 28,500 10,683 37.5% Rockingham 21,257 9,097 42.8% Stokes 10,715 6,403 59.8% Surry 17,022 8,185 48.1% Yadkin 8,716 6,042 69.3% Piedmont Triad 322,843 81,988 25.4% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census, SF1

21.8% of older adults in Alamance County live in rural areas.

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The following map displays the county’s rural census blocks in green. Each dark red dot represents ten older adults (60 years of age and over). While older adults are concentrated in urban areas within municipal boundaries, 6,685 older adults (21.8% of the older adult population) live in rural census blocks.

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Nutrition and Food Insecurity In a study released in 2011, AARP published national rankings for food insecurity. North Carolina ranked in the top ten states for the number of citizens age 60 and older who experience food insecurity, standing at number 9 as illustrated in the chart below. The food insecurity rate of 7.97 is the percent of people in that age group who experience a moderate degree of not having enough to eat; often they must prioritize payment for rent, medical care, prescriptions, or utility bills from the money they would normally use for food. They go without food in order to meet these other vital living expenses.

Food Insecurity Age 60 and Over

Rank State Rate 1 Mississippi 12.45 2 New Mexico 10.01 3 Texas 9.67 4 South Carolina 9.66 5 Arizona 9.61 6 Georgia 8.74 7 Louisiana 8.32 8 Alabama 8.03 9 North Carolina 7.97

10 Oklahoma 6.66 Source: “Food Insecurity Among Older Adults” by the

AARP Foundation, August 2011, p. 24.

According to statistics from Feeding America, 17.9% of Alamance County’s total population is food insecure, or 26,290 residents. Of this group, roughly 68% are income-eligible for federal anti-hunger programs, leaving 32% who are dependent on charitable food assistance.

Based on the percentages above, a conservative estimate of 5,481 individuals age 60 and older experience food insecurity in the county on a regular basis. There may be as many as 1,754 senior citizens who face food insecurity but do not qualify for federal food assistance.

A conservative estimate of 5,481 individuals age 60 and older in Alamance County

experience food insecurity on a regular basis.

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Individuals with Disabilities In Alamance County, 10,208 adults ages 18-64 (11.0%) have a disability and 8,726 older adults 65 years of age and over (42.4%) have a disability.10 The following table illustrates the type of disability for these two age groups.11 The American Community Surveys (ACS) defines a cognitive disability as a physical, mental, or emotional condition that causes a person to have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. Because a person may have more than one disability, the figures cited above will not exactly match the sum of the columns in the table below.

Alamance County

Type of Disability Population

18 - 64 years Percent Population

65 years and over


With a hearing difficulty 2,108 2.3% 3,567 17.3%

With a vision difficulty 2,170 2.3% 2,120 10.3%

With a cognitive difficulty 3,767 4.1% 2,794 13.6%

With an ambulatory difficulty 5,059 5.5% 5,225 25.4%

With a self-care difficulty 1,715 1.9% 2,322 11.3%

With an independent living difficulty 3,524 3.8% 4,170 20.3% Source: ACS 2008-2010 3-year estimates (Table S1810)

The ACS altered how disability information was collected in 2008. Therefore, 5-year estimates at the census tract level will not be available until the ACS 2008-2012 5-year estimates are released in 2013.

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Race & Ethnicity of Adults with Disabilities Of the adults ages 18-64 in Alamance County with a disability, 29.5% (3,009 persons) are in a minority group. Of the older adults age 65+ in Alamance County with a disability, 19.7% (1,716 persons) are in a minority group.12 The table below provides a breakdown of the minority categories for individuals with disabilities for each age group. Due to small sampling sizes, information for each racial category is not available (denoted by (X)).

Alamance County

Adults With Disabilities (Ages 18 - 64)

Older Adults With Disabilities (Ages 65 +)

Population Percentage Population Percentage Total Population 10,208 100% 8,726 100%

RACE White 7,214 70.7% 7,082 81.2% Black or African American 2,452 24.0% 1,419 16.3% American Indian and Alaska Native (X) (X) (X) (X) Asian (X) (X) (X) (X) Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander (X) (X) (X) (X) Some Other Race (X) (X) (X) (X) Two or More Races 186 1.8% 51 0.6%


Hispanic or Latino 219 2.1% 72 0.8% Not Hispanic or Latino 9,989 97.9% 8,654 99.2%

Source: ACS 2008-2010 3-year estimates (Table B18101 A-I)

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Grandparent Caregivers Of the older adults (60 years of age and over) in the county, 1.6% (452 older adults) are grandparents responsible for grandchildren.14 The table below details specific information about this group. The percentage column represents the percentage of older adults (60 years and older) that are grandparents responsible for grandchildren for each item. For example, 32.3% of older adults (60 years and over) that are grandparents responsible for grandchildren also have a disability.

Please note that this data comes from the American Community Survey, so the total number of older adults differs slightly from the 2010 Decennial Census data.

Alamance County

Number Percent

Older Adults (60 years and over) 28,679 100%

Grandparents responsible for grandchildren 452 1.6%

Minority Population 223 49.3%

Speak other language than English 0 0.0%

Speak English less than "very well" 0 0.0%

Below Poverty Level 53 11.7%

With any disability 146 32.3% Source: ACS 2006-2010 5-year estimates (Table S1002)

452 older adults are responsible for their grandchildren.

Nearly 12% live below the poverty level.

Nearly one-third have a disability.

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Facilities and Organizations Serving Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities

Health Care Facilities

Page 29: County Aging Population Individuals with Disabilities Demog - 2...Piedmont Triad Region and nearly matching the 41% growth rate for North Carolina. The overall population growth of


Health Care Facilities Directory Map ID NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE

H Alamance Regional Medical Center 1240 Huffman Mill Rd Burlington 27215 336-538-7000 1 Urgent Care-Carolinas 1225 Huffman Mill Rd # 102 Burlington 27215 336-586-0060 2 FastMed Urgent Care 104 Huffman Mill Rd Burlington 27215 336-506-1720 3 NextCare Urgent Care 1713 S Church St Burlington 27215 888-381-4858 4 Graham Urgent Care 217 E Elm St Graham 27253 336-228-9671 5 Alamance Regional Urgent Care 3940 Arrowwood Blvd Mebane 27302 919-568-7300

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Long-Term Care Facilities

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Skilled Nursing Facilities provide up to 24 hour nursing care in addition to assistance with personal care needs. The care provided may be long‐term care for chronic conditions or short‐term rehabilitative services for people who have been hospitalized. Nursing facilities must be licensed in accordance with North Carolina state law by the North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation. In addition, nursing facilities that wish to receive Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement must be certified in accordance with federal law. Nursing facilities that are Medicare and Medicaid certified receive annual licensure inspections by the Division of Health Service Regulation.

Adult Care Homes and Family Care Homes provide care for persons age 18 and older who do not need nursing home care but are no longer able to remain in their own homes because they need help in meeting daily needs such as meal preparation and housekeeping. These homes are for people who only need occasional and incidental medical services. Room and board, personal assistance, supervision of medications, and social activities are provided. The private cost rates vary from facility to facility and supplemental assistance may be available to cover the cost for those with limited incomes. Information on assistance may be obtained through the local Department of Social Services.

“Assisted living” is a term used to refer to Adult Care Homes (7 or more residents) and Family Care Homes (2‐6 residents).

Alamance County

Total # of Facilities

Total # of Beds

Skilled Nursing Facilities 8 956

Adult Care Homes 16 476

Family Care Homes 40 215

TOTAL 64 1,647

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Agencies Serving Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities Directory Map ID NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE

1 Alamance Eldercare, Inc. (Westport Center) 3019 South Church Street Burlington 27215 336-538-8080

2 Homecare Providers 3025 South Church Street Burlington 27215 336-538-8557

3 Vocational Rehabilitation Of Alamance 2615 Alamance Road Burlington 27215 336-570-6906

4 John Robert Kernodle Senior Center - Burlington Senior Adult Leisure Services

1535 South Mebane Street Burlington 27215 336-222-5135

5 Alamance County Meals On Wheels 411 West 5th Street Burlington 27215 336-228-8815

6 Piedmont Health SeniorCare (PACE) 1214 Vaughn Road Burlington 27217 336-532-0000

7 Alamance Cooperative Extension 209 N Graham-Hopedale Road, Suite C Burlington 27217 336-570-6740

8 Alamance County Community Services Agency 1946 Martin Street Burlington 27217 336-229-7031

9 Alamance County D.S.S. 319 N Graham-Hopedale Street, Suite C Burlington 27217 336-570-6532

10 Alamance County Health Department 319 N Graham-Hopedale Street Burlington 27217 336-513-5514

11 Alamance County Transportation Authority 1946 Martin Street Burlington 27217 336-222-0565

12 Friendship Adult Day Services 1946 Martin Street Burlington 27217 336-222-7797

13 Alamance-Caswell-Rockingham LME 319 N. Graham-Hopedale Road, Suite A Burlington 27217 336-513-4200

14 Alamance County Veterans Service Office 217 College Street, Suite D Graham 27253 336-570-6763

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1. Fry, J., Xian, G., Jin, S., Dewitz, J., Homer, C., Yang, L., . . . Wickham, J. (2011). Completion of the 2006 National Land Cover Database for the Conterminous United States. PE&RS, Vol. 77(9), 858-864.

2. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). Census 2010 Summary File 1, Table P12 – Sex by Age. 3. U.S. Census Bureau. (2001). Census 2000 Summary File 1, Table P012 – Sex by Age. 4. U.S. Census Bureau. (1991). Census 1990 Summary Tape File 1, Table P12 – Sex by Age. 5. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). Census 2010 Summary File 1, Table P34 – Household Type

By Relationship for the Population 65 Years and Over. 6. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). Census 2010 Summary File 1, Tables P12A-I – Sex by Age

(Iterated for each racial category). 7. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). 2010 American Community Survey, 5-Year Estimates 2006-

2010, Table S0102. 8. North Carolina Rural Center. (2011). Rural/Urban Counties in North Carolina.

Retrieved from http://www.ncruralcenter.org 9. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). 2010 American Community Survey, 3-Year Estimates 2008-

2010, Table B25045. 10. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). 2010 American Community Survey, 3-Year Estimates 2008-

2010, Table DP02. 11. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). 2010 American Community Survey, 3-Year Estimates 2008-

2010, Table S1810. 12. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). 2010 American Community Survey, 3-Year Estimates 2008-

2010, Tables B18101A-I. 13. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). 2010 American Community Survey, 3-Year Estimates 2008-

2010, Table B18130. 14. U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). 2010 American Community Survey, 5-Year Estimates 2006-

2010, Table S1002.

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Prepared with mapping assistance by the Piedmont Triad Regional Council

Planning Department

October 2012 (v. 10/19/2012)

About the Piedmont Triad Regional Council

The Piedmont Triad Regional Council (PTRC) is a voluntary association of local governments comprised of municipal representatives, county commissioners, and other civic leaders who function as the voice of the citizens of the Piedmont Triad. It serves 73 member governments in the twelve-county area designated as Region G located in and around the Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and High Point areas. There are 16 Regional Councils in North Carolina.

The PTRC is designated by the State of North Carolina to serve as the lead regional organization for the Piedmont Triad region. Funded from federal, state, and local sources, the PTRC houses the regional Area Agency on Aging and is engaged in workforce development, data and information services, transportation planning, water resources, housing programs, regional planning, criminal justice work, and technical assistance. 

More information is located at www.ptrc.org or by contacting Matthew Dolge, Executive Director, PTRC at 336-761-2111 or via email at [email protected].