*Speaker **Secretary *** ViceSpeaker AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION UNIVERSITY The University of Texas at Dallas Academic Governance 800 West Campbell Road, JO31, Richardson, TX 75080-3021 (972) 883-4791 FAX (972) 883-2101 MEMORANDUM April 1, 2015 TO: Academic Council* COPY TO: David Daniel Denis Dean Hobson Wildenthal George Fair Andrew Blanchard Dennis Kratz Calvin Jamison Bert Moore Abby Kratz Bruce Novak John Wiorkowski Hasan Pirkul Austin Cunningham Mark Spong FROM: Office of Academic Governance Christina McGowan, Academic Governance Secretary SUBJECT: Academic Council Meeting The Academic Council will meet on WEDNESDAY, April 1, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the Osborne Conference Room, ECSS 3.503. Please bring the agenda packet with you to the meeting. If you cannot attend, please notify me at [email protected] or x4791. Attachments 2014-2015 ACADEMIC COUNCIL Gail Breen David Cordell** Murray Leaf*** Jessica Murphy Ravi Prakash Viswanath Ramakrishna Tim Redman * Liz Salter Richard Scotch*** Tres Thompson Brooke Knudtson, Student Government President

Council April 1 2015

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*Speaker **Secretary *** Vice‐Speaker 


The University of Texas at Dallas

Academic Governance 800 West Campbell Road, JO31, Richardson, TX 75080-3021

(972) 883-4791 FAX (972) 883-2101

MEMORANDUM April 1, 2015

TO: Academic Council*

COPY TO: David Daniel Denis Dean Hobson Wildenthal George Fair Andrew Blanchard Dennis Kratz Calvin Jamison Bert Moore Abby Kratz Bruce Novak John Wiorkowski Hasan Pirkul Austin Cunningham Mark Spong

FROM: Office of Academic Governance Christina McGowan, Academic Governance Secretary SUBJECT: Academic Council Meeting

The Academic Council will meet on WEDNESDAY, April 1, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the Osborne Conference Room, ECSS 3.503. Please bring the agenda packet with you to the meeting. If you cannot attend, please notify me at [email protected] or x4791.


2014-2015 ACADEMIC COUNCIL Gail Breen David Cordell** Murray Leaf*** Jessica Murphy Ravi Prakash Viswanath Ramakrishna Tim Redman * Liz Salter Richard Scotch*** Tres Thompson Brooke Knudtson, Student Government President


The University of Texas at Dallas

Academic Governance 800 West Campbell Road, AD 23, Richardson, TX 75080-3021

(972) 883-4791 FAX (972) 883-2101



Osborne Conference Room, ECSS 3.503



3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 4, 2015 Meeting

Dr. Redman


5. Senate Faculty Caucus April 15 1 PM Dr. Redman


7. CEP Recommendations: Dr. Radhankrishnan

8. Office 365 Email Conversion Dr. Redman

9. OneCard System Dr. Redman

10. Approval of Candidates for Graduation Dr. Cordell

11. Amendment to UTD PP 1018 – Committee on the Core Curriculum Dr. Redman

12. Amendment to UTDPP 1023- Committee on Educational Policy Dr. Redman

13. Amendment to UTDPP 1024- Committee on Effective Teaching Dr. Redman

14. Amendment to UTDPP 1028- Committee on Learning Management Systems Dr. Redman

15. Amendment to UTDPP 1038- Committee on Student Scholarships Dr. Redman

16. Amendment to UTDPP 1076- Library Committee Dr. Redman

17. Amendment to UTDPP 1084- Advisory Committee on the University Budget Dr. Redman

18. Amendment to UTDPP 1022- Comm. For the Support of Diversity and Equity Dr. Redman

19. Second vote for Senate By-laws part 2 Dr. Redman

20. Tentative : 3+3+3 Committee on Non-Tenure Faculty Contracts Dr. Scotch

21. ADJOURNMENT Dr. Daniel

Item #3  



These minutes are disseminated to provide timely information to the Academic Council. They have not been approved by the body in question, and, therefore, they are not the official minutes.


PRESENT: Hobson Wildenthal, Gail Breen, David Cordell, Murray Leaf, Ravi Prakash, Viswanath Ramakrishna, Tim Redman, Liz Salter, Richard Scotch, Tres Thompson

ABSENT: David Daniel, Andrew Blanchard,

VISITORS: Nancy Fairbank, Abby Kratz, Inga Musselman,

1. Call to Order, Announcements & Questions Provost Wildenthal called the meeting to order at 2:01 PM. The university will be canceling everything that is starting after 4 pm on Wednesday March 4, and anything that will not end before 12 pm Thursday March 5. This is due to the incoming ice and snow storm. The Distinguished lecture series that was to take place on the evening of March 4th will not take place, however rain checks will be available.

President Daniel was away from campus making a presentation to the board of regents, and to the state senate budget committees. At this time, the inconstancies between the house and state senate budgets are being ironed out. The view is optimistic.

2. Approval of the Agenda Murray Leaf moved to approve the agenda as circulated. Viswanath Ramakrishna seconded. The motion carried.

3. Approval of Minutes Murray Leaf moved to approve the minutes. Ravi Prakash seconded. The minutes were approved.

4. Speaker’s Report 1. Speaker Redman deferred his statements until the Senate bylaws discussion. 2. All other items were on the agenda.

5. Report on the Texas Council of Faculty Senate Spring Meeting- Murray Leaf

The meeting was held at the Embassy Suites, Austin, February 27 and 28th. Murray Leaf and Richard Scotch attended as the representatives of UT Dallas. The first speaker was Ross Ramsey, editor and cofounder of the Texas Tribune. He presented an informative and not too depressing view of the prospects for higher education with the new governor and legislative mix. The assembly was appreciative, both of what Ramsey said and of the Tribune’s coverage of higher education. This coverage will continue.

Item #3  


The next event was a panel titled Collegiality, Bullying, and the Academy. What was meant by bullying turned out to be aggressive, unmannerly, and uncivil behavior. The problem was what to do about it. Each speaker represented a different approach. Michael Fisher, VP for Academic Affairs at Trinity University, described the way they developed a very simple policy, essentially consisting of three statements that required civil behavior. The key was in the last statement that referred uncivil behavior to a peer assessment process. So the touchstone is actually to compel people whose behavior is uncivil to face community consensus. Marbury Anne Oliver, Professor of Counseling at Texas A&M College Corpus Christi, represented a kind of soft therapeutic approach, focusing on one-on-one consultations. Mary Steinhardt, Prof. of Health Behavior and University Faculty ombud at UT, talked about her office. She is bound by a commitment to the code of ethics of an association of ombudsperson’s . This requires the process to be entirely confidential unless the ombudsman had the permission of the complaining person to involve others. Her experience has been that a large number of people feel better simply talking about the problem and they do not want her to do anything further. For the rest, she generally does get permission to involve others and does so. The panel did not reach a conclusion on their own but I suggested one that they accepted. This was that the way to rein in uncivil behavior was to get it out in the open and make it subject to faculty consensus. If the campus did not have a mechanism for doing this, they should develop one. Next, Peter Hugill, Prof. of Geography at Texas A&M and past president of the Texas AAUP gave an overview of the AAUP's development in the hundred years since it was founded, in 1915. The banquet speaker was Rep. Travis Clardy, from Nacogdoches. He is a member of the house higher education committee, and also on the calendar committee. Like Ramsey, the general sense of his presentation was that the support for higher education will be stronger in the coming political term than in the last. Gov. Abbott has expressed his appreciation of research and the legislature will agree. Everyone seems to appreciate the need for authorizing TRB’s. He thinks there will be a bill allowing concealed weapons on campuses, but seemed to think that the greater support would be for a version that allowed campuses to opt out. He also thinks there will be some amendment of the Hazelwood act reducing the number of dependents of veterans are eligible for tuition support. The discussion focused almost entirely on the concealed carry issue. Clardy’s response at the very end of the discussion session was to call attention to this distraction and say that he wished he had heard more about more directly educational matters. The campus reports seemed to present a change in tone from previous years. The most conspicuous feature was that this year there were no stories of presidents doing outrageous things. Instead, a large portion of the institutions had new presidents replacing less satisfactory previous presidents. These new presidents were also replacing their top administrative staff, and asking faculty governance bodies to become more involved in reviewing or writing academic policies. About a third of the governance organizations now seem to be engaged in policy writing and review. On Saturday morning, the members discussed the general themes from the campus reports and agreed on two items for the next meeting. First, we would try to get a panel of

Item #3  


presidents who were involving faculty in policy writing to discuss their views of shared governance. Second, with less enthusiasm, we would expand the use of the website as a policy repository that the member campuses could refer to. There was some discussion of trying to determine “best practices,” but in the end the consensus was that it would be better to collect accounts from campuses of their discussions of what their policy should be and why. The meeting was exceptionally well attended and levels of satisfaction as reported in the evaluations seem to be increasing. Liz Salter moved to place the report for TCFS on the senate agenda. Murray Leaf seconded. The motion carried.

6. CEP Recommendations- Suresh Radhakrishnan A. Status of 4 MATH Undergraduate Courses

Four MATH courses were tabled by in February to allow for gathering more information. There was one core class, MATH 2306; and three Mathematics major core courses, MATH 2370, 2399, and 3323. All are new courses. MATH 4930 was replaced by 2399.

B. Mid-Catalog Cycle courses additions- Undergraduate Three new courses have been added; two from ATEC, and one from ECS. ATEC 4322 will be offered in spring 2016. ATEC 4356 will be offered in fall 2015. BMEN 3325 will be offered in fall 2015.

C. Mid-Catalog Cycle courses additions- Graduate Seven new courses have been added; one from BBS, three from ECS, and three from JSOM. The BBS will offer COMD 6V09 in summer 2015. Out of the three ECS requested courses one course, SYSE 6V80, is a repeatable course. BMEN 6342 will be offered during spring 2016. In JSOM, two of three new courses will be added under the new courses prefix ENGY. This is for the new MS in Energy Management. The third course is for the Executive Education program. All other courses will be offered in the fall of 2015.

D. Fast Track Catalog Policy UT Dallas has a second monitoring report due to SACS on April 1, 2015. As part of the report the Fast track language needs to be made clearer in the undergraduate catalogue. The CEP, and CUE made changes and revision extensively across the document. The main changes were: Students must be university core complete before they apply to the fast track program. Both the undergraduate associate dean and the gradate advisor be involved in the decisions. All other changes were to streamline the Fast Track language so as to be consistent across schools.

E. Fast Track Sections in 2015 Undergrad catalog

Item #3  


The document lists the fast track sections for each school. Each school program has a short description which will be in the catalog. It was streamlined and consistent across schools.

F. Informational: Core Curriculum and Transitional Core Curriculum Lists The list noted which courses are under each category of learning objectives. One course was reclassified, COMM 1311. There was no change to physical and life science or history. MUSI 2322 was reinstated as core in Creative Arts. MATH 4390 was removed and replaced with MATH 2399. GOVT 2301/2302 were removed from Government. SOC 2300 was reinstated and cross listed with GST 2300. The transitional core classes will continue through the summer of 2016. There were a few changes to the titles of the courses. All of the courses were approved before but this was simply a consolidation of information. The purpose of the list is to assist advisors. Murray Leaf moved to add all 6 CEP recommendations to the senate agenda. Gail Breen seconded. It was noted that at Senate each of the first five items must have a separate vote. The motion carried.

7. Non-Substantive Changes to local UTS 180

The document was sent by Tim Shaw. It was reviewed and appears acceptable. There are no differences that affect the faculty. The updates bring our local UTS 180 in line with UT Systems. Murray Leaf moved to place on the Senate agenda. Liz Salter seconded. The motion carried.

8. Revisions to UTDPP 1007- Senate By Laws Tim Redman presented his updates on UTDPP 1007 to the Council. The changes made were to reflect current practices of the Senate. Liz Salter requested the following statement III. Organization. A.1.c. “Faculty appointed full-time to The University of Texas at Dallas who hold the rank of Clinical Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Assistant Professor, or Senior Lecturer” to be amended to reflect the different levels of Senior Lecture.

“…Clinical Assistant Professor, or Senior Lecturer 1, 2 and 3.” III.D.1.A.v “sign the official copy of the approved minutes of the Academic Council and Academic Senate for transmittal to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the University of Texas System” was amended.

“…for transmittal to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the University of Texas System” was struck from the document.

IV.B.1.b “As soon as possible after April 1, the Academic Senate shall appoint the Committee on Committees so that it may begin…” was amended to allow the incoming Council to nominate members. The new amended statement shall read,

“As soon as possible after the new Academic Council is elected…”

Item #3  


Murray Leaf recommended the striking of “by email” from IV.B.2.b, “The Agenda Committee for the Academic Senate, consisting of the President, the Secretary, and the Speaker will normally confer by e-mail five days prior to the submission of the Agenda Packet to the Academic Senate.” Secretary David Cordell recommended the agenda committee be listed in hierarchical order not alphabetical order. Abby Kraz recommended a slight correction of grammar in this section. The amended statement shall read,

“The Agenda Committee for the Academic Senate, consisting of the President, and the Speaker the Secretary, will normally confer five days prior to the submission of the Agenda Packet to the Academic Senate.”

This change was also made for IV.B.3.a.i as the original wording was identical. Viswanath Ramakrishna seconded. The motion carried.

9. 3+3+3 Non-tenure track faculty contracts - David Cordell A second meeting will be occurring on Monday March 3, 2015. The committee is continuing to work toward middle ground. Progress has been made but aspects have not been finalized.

10. Discussion: Possible Presidential Search- Murray Leaf Murray Leaf raised the concern of what was the procedure for Presidential searches. This was a concern as President Daniel had been nominated for the open position at UT Austin. It was suggested that should it be necessary, the Senate should pass a resolution stating their opinion. Nancy Fairbank raised the opinion of the students. They are upset in that they feel that UT Austin is “stealing” their President; however, they are supportive of him in his endeavors but they do not wish him to leave as he is well loved. No action can be taken until a decision is made, and the time frame for the decision is unknown.

11. New Business As ATEC has officially been made a new school a concern was raised on how Committee on Committees and CQ need to proceed for the FY 16 school year. Speaker Redman had distributed via email a listing of what charges would need to be updated, and how the Senate would need to proceed once the school was made official. He stated he would resend to the Council. Murray Leaf moved to place the amendments to the charge for the Committee on Committees on the Senate agenda. Liz Salter seconded. The motion carried. Speaker Redman would also get recommendations for the ATEC member for CoC from the A&H faculty and bring them back to Council. An update on the search for the new ATEC dean was requested. A job description has been created, and a search firm has been engaged. The discussions have started.

12. Senate Agenda for March 25, 2015: 1. FAC/ TXCFS Report 2. CEP Recommendations

a. Status of 4 MATH Undergraduate Courses

Item #3  


b. Mid-Catalog Cycle Courses additions- Undergraduate c. Mid-Catalog Cycle Courses additions- Graduate d. Fast Track Catalog Policy e. Fast Track Sections in 2015 Undergraduate Catalog f. Informational: Core Curriculum and Transitional Core Curriculum Lists

3. Amendments to UTDPP 1007 – Faculty Senate By Laws 4. Amendments to UTDPP 1019 - Committee on Committees Charge

There being no further business Provost Wildenthal adjourned the meeting at 3:21 PM.

APPROVED: ______________________________ DATE:_____________________________ Tim Redman Speaker of the Faculty

Academic Governance The University of Texas at Dallas 800 West Campbell Road, JO31, Richardson, TX 75080-3021

(972) 883-4791 FAX (972) 883-2101



These students have applied for graduation and have been reviewed by the Office of Records. The Office of Records declared that all of these students will be eligible for graduation upon the completion of the current

semester's work at the necessary levels. I request, therefore, that the Academic Senate certify the students

to graduate upon receipt of final grades, and notification of completion of other requirements, provided that the

grades are consistent with the standards for graduation prescribed by this University. I also request that the

Academic Senate certify those students designated as eligible to graduate with honors upon completion of

coursework and requirements consistent with the standards at the levels offered by this University.

levels offered by this University.

NAME PROGRAM MAJORAdapalli,Arvind Prashanth Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Ahmed,Syeda Hira Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Ashour,Zakaraya Thomas Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Batbayar,Namuun   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Beeman,Christian Mae Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Bui,Tri Q Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Bullock,Margaret Elise Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Burbano Salazar,Maria Angelica Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Chandrahas,Anita Sanjay Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Cherukuri,Kavya S Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Chilson Wong,Cory D Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Cogan,Timothy Curtis Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Darrow,Michael Jeffrey Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Diosdado,Maria Yesenia Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Fisherkeller,Shannon Frances Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Haseeb,Ridwan Bin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Hoang,Lynn Thy Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Iqbal,Mahvish   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Khan,Henna Ahmed Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Kinnamon,David Stanley Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Lau,Michael Anson Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Ndukwe,Kevin Uchechi Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Nguyen,Tuan Huu Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Rajput,Sunayna Rajendrasinh Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

NAME PROGRAM MAJORRuddell,Maribeth Joy Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Samani,Rishi   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Sheah,Max Ming Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Shu,Gary   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Siddiqui,Danyal Alam Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Spinhirne,Alec Leo Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Sterling,Samantha Lynne Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Suarez,Yeraldi   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Ta,Son Quoc Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Tran,Kevin Thomas Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Vashistha,Anubha   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Wheelis,Sutton Elizabeth Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Biomedical Engineering

Alexander,Sean Richard Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Cedillo,Gilbert Anthony Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Eckert,Hazen   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Griffon,Benjamin Davis Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Kharas,Rustom Yazdi Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Komachi,Eric Yuji Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Liu,Ryan   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Luong,Kimmy   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Melgar Evangelista,Alirio Alejandro Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Neivandt,Philip James Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Rashed,Ahmad Abuagela Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Rock,Ryan Anthony Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Rosete,Andre Rolando Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Engineering

Achilleos,Nicholas Alexander Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Alexander,Scott Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Alfaro,Henry   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Ansley,Micheal K Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Baker,Oliver Phileppe Ric Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Balas,Bogdan Ioan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Bare,Jordan Quinn Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Basile,Amelia Laura Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Bathija,Gaurav   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Beltran,Vincent L Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Bennett,Trent Brooks Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Blackburn,Logan Harris Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Boor,Dylan Joseph Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Boulom,Allen   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Burns,Brendan Patrick Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Butler,Devin Blaine Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Butterfield,Isaac H. Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Cabrera Granados,Dayana Stephania Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Cooney,Lucas Tyler Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Cox,Grant Steven Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Culpepper,Dillon Sinclair Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORDarwish,Omar Feras Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

D'Augustine,Michael Joseph Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Deutsch,Dakota A Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Do,Duc Anh Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Drablos,Thomas Scott Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Eckert,Hazen   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Eddy,Alexander Joseph Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Edmondson,Jeffrey Bryan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Elavarasan,Vivek   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Esparza,Edgar Ivan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Farris,Charles Cody Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Fernandez,Zachary Kahlil Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Ferrell,Leah Diane Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Fusco,Spencer A Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Giacoman,Geoffrey Scott Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Gilbert,Devon Luke Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Girton,Brett Tyler Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Goss,Christopher Thomas Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Gravis,Kevin Leo Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Grayson,Anthony James Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Gupta,Yuvan   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Hamer,William Carson Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Herrera,Nicolas Sebastian Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Howe,Colin Alexander Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Howell,Clay Francis Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Jordan,Jeremy Miles Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Jordan,Kendall Lee Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Karnik,Nikhil Vivek Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Kenyon,Morgan Wayne Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Kim,Joseph Changhwan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Kim,Seungcheul   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Klopchic,Luke Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Kulkarni,Shounak   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Kulkarni,Suhrud Shreenivas Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Li,Zheng   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Lockwood,Robert Lamont Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Looney,Julia May Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Lopez,Humberto Alejandro Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Louque,Joshua Ryan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Luna,Felipe De Jesus Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Matricardi,Jared John Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Miller,Nicholas J Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Miller,Ryan Alexander Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Minnich,Stephen Brett Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Neduvelil,Ebin Elias Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Nguyen‐Quoc,Alexandre   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORPabba,Revathi Latha Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Patel,Alankrutkuma   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Popp,Henry James Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Quackenbush,Brian Charles Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Quarles,Darrell Wesley Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Raman,Vivek   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Reed,Tyler Nathan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Rose,Marc Andrew Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Ross,Brent David Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Ross,Casey Birks Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Ryan,Joseph Matthew Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Ryazanov,Dennis Valeriy Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Sadovskiy,Alexander   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Shazad,Humza   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Shearer,Karl Bernard Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Shine,Nicholas Aaron Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Shinn,Hans Alexander Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Solis,Jake David Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Soma,Vineeth   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Staggs,Paul Christopher Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Steinkamp,Blake Edward Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Stevens,Brandon Sean Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Stocker,Sean Harry Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Stutsman,Adam Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Sutiono,Hansel Wijaya Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Taht,Karl Istvan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Talburt,Forrest Lane Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Terlizzese,Zachary Lawrence   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Thieu,Vincent Vinh Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Thomas,Ashly Palakalam Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Thompson,John A Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Tith,Donnell A Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Tomlinson,Reina Mary Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Tran,Anthony   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Tran,Quang Anh Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Urben,Zachary T Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Van Buskirk,Gregory Alexander Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Vashistha,Anubha   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Vincent,Sean Taylor Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Vo,Richard   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Webster,Kyle Eugene Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Weger,Zackary Ryan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Wells,Sarah Berkeley Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

West,Trent Tucker Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Whitcomb,Melissa Anne Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Wong,Jacqueline   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORYeatman,Mark Russel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Yun,Tian   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Zhang,Yijun   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Zheng,Yihui   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Computer Science

Aguirre,George Albert Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Ahn,Ji Hyun   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Akhawala,Taha Ahmed Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Alejandro,Jon Rykker Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Alex,Job T Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Allen,Thomas Chase Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Arduengo,Richard   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Ashrafi,Nima Rahman Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Bolan,Derek Hayes Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Bolshakov Barrett,Pavel   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Bonassin,Lucas Ezequiel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Bresson,Nicholas Paul Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Brock,Stephen Douglas Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Bursa,Emin Jonathan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Cephanecioglu,Mustafa   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Dokuchayev,Andrey V Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Estrella,Gilberto   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Flores,Erick Ryan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Garmon,Daneira Lashonda Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Gattamaraju,Ravi   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Goli,Jaya Chandan Reddy Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Gonzalez,Angel   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Gove,Taevin R Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Hamel,Eric James Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Hasan,Omar Andrew Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Hashmi,Yusuf Junaid Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Hogan,Haden Justin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Hussain,Tehseen Mehdi Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Jose,Deepu Joseph Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Kim,Jinhong   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Le,Thomas T. Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Lin,Chun   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Luo,Yiding   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Luper,Katie Ruth Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Lytle,Aaron Edward Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Majid,Behroz Samim Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Marcotte,Ryan Joseph Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Mazzarella,Kaitlyn Marie Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

McCracken,Marshall Dean Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

McCurry,Hailey Jean Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Melgar Evangelista,Alirio Alejandro Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Morris,Christopher Joseph Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

NAME PROGRAM MAJORMpiana,Amil Mpiana Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Nguyen,Nam Van Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Rahman,Ridhwaan Muhammad Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Rodriguez,Carlos Alberto Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Roh,David Joseph Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Staas,Garrett Landon Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Steiner,Adam Robert Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Stokes,Zachary Covington Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Taht,Karl Istvan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Thompson,Sabrina Annastasia Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Villemez,Kristen Elisabeth Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Winkler,Paul Sebastian Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Woodall,Eric David Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Electrical Engineering

Ahmed,Sana   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Alexander,Wesley Keith Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Baldwin,Oran Swindell Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Barrios,Erick   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Barrosse,Peter Jacob Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Beall,Grant Michael Thom Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Boettcher,Kevin Joseph Richa Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Bursby,Austin Scott Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Byrne,Sean David Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Cohen,Doyle Delmar Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Dikiciyan,Kristin   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Dodson,Clyde Nolan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Florer,Joseph Spencer Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Godinez,Juan Carlos Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Hassan,Saud   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Helmberger,Zachary Ryan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Ilokwu,Chirotam Rodney Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Kelley,Shane   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Kimani,Antony Njuguna Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Klement,Christopher Paul Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Leach,Mason Reece Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Leclear,Johnathon Daniel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Leclear,Sani   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Lin,Jingyie   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Lopez,Sergio Hugo Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Luther,Zachary Daniel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Mansoor,Saamer   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

McFarling,Dalton Kyle Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Myles,Ashley Michelle Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Nguyen,Hiep Ngoc Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Nguyen,Minhchau   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Nordstrom,Lisa Noel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Parker,Andrew Bryan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

NAME PROGRAM MAJORPatoskie,Renae T Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Polasek,Jason Paul Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Ragan,Bryce Franklin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Reynolds,Robert Thomas Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Roach,Stephen Andrew Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Rowe,Faith Caroline Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Salazar,Josh Edward Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Scalise,Kenneth David Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Stacy,Shane Christopher Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Stoner,David Loren Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Streitwieser,Michael Calvin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Thapa,Ashish   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Tran,Anthony Hoang Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Webster,Kyle Eugene Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Yang,Jangho   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Yeatman,Mark Russel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Yip,Melvin   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Mechanical Engineering

Bolshakov Barrett,Pavel   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Nanoscience and Technology

Bursa,Emin Jonathan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Nanoscience and Technology

Ezzi,Burhanuddin Juzer Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Nanoscience and Technology

Mandel,Jacob Harris Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Nanoscience and Technology

Mustafa,Meer Kamal Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Nanoscience and Technology

Rajput,Sunayna Rajendrasinh Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Nanoscience and Technology

Salazar,Josh Edward Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Nanoscience and Technology

Adams,Joseph Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Ali,Syed Faisal Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Anderson,Amanda Rae Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Angu,Divya   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Ausaf,Salman Tariq Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Bond,Michael Kemp Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Cardoso,Jessi   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Chen,Ryan   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Chun,Travis Wah Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Coronado,Giovanni   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Darling,Jonathan Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Delgado,Kevin Alex Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Dunigan,Randall W Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Francis,Nikolas James Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Guessford,Troy David Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Gung,Brian H Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Hagston,Brandon Scott Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Hinojosa,Gilberto   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Johnson,Dontrel Marquese Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Khalil,Lina Hana Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Lee,Desmond Chun Tatt Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Lockwood,Robert Lamont Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

NAME PROGRAM MAJORMcCullar,Cole Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Mendez,Geovanni   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Miller,Nicholas J Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Miner,Stephen Douglas Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Nakamura,Taiki   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Noguez,Craig Cantu Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Osakue,Blessing Okiemute Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Raibick,Michael Edward Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Reyes,Oscar Eduardo Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Roeder,Brandon Scott Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Roy,Dennis Shamus Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Sharma,Siddharth   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Simmons,Justin Earl Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Solis,Jake David Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Van Wagoner,Christopher Edward Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Williams,James Ford Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Williams,Kristen Michelle Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Young,Sebastian Xavier Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Software Engineering

Gavaskar,Sameer Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Telecommunications Engineering

Macedo,Niria De Fatima Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Telecommunications Engineering

Sanchez Cereijo,Jorge Miguel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Telecommunications Engineering

Vinayak,Hina   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com Telecommunications Engineering

Anderson,Martin Ladre Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Antunez,Wesley Stephanie Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Aragones,Megan Elizabeth Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Ayachi,Wiam Kacem Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Barzani,Mittan   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Bratcher,Jordan Danielle Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Budzi,Ronald Nfor Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Chaudhry,Huma   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Chun,Nakyung Julia Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Clark,Jason Brent Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Cohorst,Blake Aaron Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Day,Diana Christine Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Downs,Ryan A Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Eison,Christina Sayuri Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Gonzalez,Selene   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Grant,Andrew D. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Hafzullah,Awar Selman Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Handt,Julia   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Hernandez,Patricia   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Jemil,Wardir Ahmed Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Liberman,Elizaveta   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Lloyd,Margaret Kate Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Lopez,Kary Crystal Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Manzanares,Bianca   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Martin,Ronald Dale Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORMartinez,Richard D Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

McAnelly,Rory James Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

McIntosh,Taylor Hayes Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Mendoza Rodriguez,Jorge Adrian Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Mohammad,Zain Waqas Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Muhanna,Rawan Ahmad Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Murdock,Traci Renee Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Nguyen,Vivian   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Nutting,Elizabeth Margaret Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Parupia,Nazim Yousuf Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Phillips,Colin Joseph Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Price,Emily Suzanne Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Reynolds,Michael Kyle Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Sahoo,Aradhana   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Sword,Austin Taylor Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Syed,Azher Muhammed Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Tharp,Mary Kaitlyn Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Thompson,Michael J Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Truneh,Tadesse   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Tusko,Cynthia M Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Urban,Courtney Leigh Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Varughese,Lisa Ann Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Vasquez,Aura Lilian Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Watkins,Lauren Michelle Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Wayne,Courtney Samantha Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Wells,Kaylea Leona Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Wroblewski,Elizabeth Pritpal Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Criminology

Ayoubi,Adham Ali Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. in Econ & Fin

Dam,Duc Sy Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. in Econ & Fin

Gartmann,Benjamin Joseph Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. in Econ & Fin

Ahmed,Kanwal Jasmien Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Bahnman,Tyler Christian Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Baskin,Joshua Blake Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Begzos,John Mason Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Benjamin,Liana Rochelle Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Campbell,Angela M Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Chu,Calvin   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Cripps,Jason Robert Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Feldman,Mark Russell Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Garcia,Andres   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Gater,Daniel Brent Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Ha,Michael   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Hammer,Allison Kathleen Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Haney,Wilbert Corwin Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Howard,Bryan Curtis Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Karnik,Nikhil Vivek Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Karra,Sridhar   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Keffer,Alexander Timothy Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Kostielney,Jamie Lewis Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

NAME PROGRAM MAJORKureishy,Mohammad Khurram Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Landry,Tanner Michael Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Li,Howard Haoyu Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Mancuso,Joseph Dennis Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Matheny,Andrew Dwayne Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

McCauley,Alexie Chopin Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Newcomer,Jordan Thomas Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Nguyen,Huy Hoang Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Nguyen,Vinh Huu Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Noncarrow,Denis William Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Panske,Bradley Michael Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Patel,Sonam Samir Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Pederson,Nolan Glenn Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Perez,Miguel J. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Powell,Michelle Denae Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Sagduyu,Cory K Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Seo,Jeong In   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Shah,Sanket Shaileshkuma Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Sheehy,Thomas Patrick Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Thomas,Harold Edward‐Ledon Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Thompson,Anna Nicole Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Tillman,Brian E Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Turner,David Bryce Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Vannattan,Jacob Daniel Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Vaughan,Molly Jean Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Woodson,Terrance Stephen Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Economics

Coats,Erica Danielle Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Geography

Drumm,James Bert Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Geospatial Information Science

Jackson,Justin Lawrence Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Geospatial Information Science

Saathoff,Rebecca Rose Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Geospatial Information Science

Shurafa,Hamzah M. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Geospatial Information Science

Brooks,Jahan Tasha Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Chambers,Andrew Bryant Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Hafizullah,Hena Syeda Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Martinez,Elizabeth   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Mihezan Ekonde,Marie Claude Laura Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Mokhtar,Yehia   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Monroe,Taylor James Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Ozgel,Mehmet Batuhan Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Padgett,Jeffrey Michael Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Patel,Rachael   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Piwowar,Patryk Piotr Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Scheffler,Ryan Olsen Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Tensaew,Lula   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Truong,Diep Ngoc Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Usman,Muhammad   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Wilson,Zoe Marie Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci International Political Econ

Alhasan,Basel   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Anandham,Vrithika   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Asonye,Vivian Chisom Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORAta,Raheel Saeed Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Baqui,Arman Bin Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Carvalho,Martina   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Chowdhury,Noreen Enam Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Diamond,Cody Austin Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Durham,Marisa Uma Lama Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Elhorr,Ali Nabil Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Fang,Patrick Sheng Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Flowers,Daniel Alan Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Jemal,Omer N Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Karra,Sridhar   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Kebede,Sara Ababu Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Keffer,Alexander Timothy Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Khan,Maaz Ali Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Kline,Joseph E Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Liberman,Elizaveta   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Lopez,Yesenia Villagomez Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Mamdani,Mohammed Abbas Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Marx,Abbey Ashton Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

McAnelly,Rory James Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Mekheil,Marina Makram Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Mills,Jeri Kaye Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Mokhtar,Yehia   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Morrow,Kevin Ray Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Ofiwe,Michelle Isioma Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Peterkort,Elizabeth Garrison Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Phillips,Colin Joseph Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Quach,Ky Viet Dong Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Reynolds,Michael Kyle Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Rice,Kayleigh Nicole Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Ridgle,Mackenzie Christine Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Rubin,Michael J. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Sagduyu,Cory K Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Samuel,Alen Arpana Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Scheffler,Ryan Olsen Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Shallow,Rachel Lara Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Spencer,Connor Wade Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Story,Theran Breck Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Sullivan,Timothy B Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Taher,Ashnia Sumthi Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Torres,Theodore John Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Tran,Christine Tiffany Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Tran,Loan Thanh Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Tran,Tue Minh Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Ueng,Peter Joel Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Varghese,Christine Joy Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Watson,David Marijan Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Watson,Valerie Elizabeth Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Webb,Nicholas   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

Wong,Matthew Kiu Kit Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Political Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORAbercrombie,Paula Kathleen Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Bearrow,Rebecca Ann Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Burleson,Michael Thomas Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Campbell,Samantha Diane Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Cortez,Denise Maria Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Degise,Joseph Fiorentino Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Galvan,Stephanie Marie Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Johnson,Rhegan Chanel Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Kramer,Curtlyn Charlene Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Manney,Crystal Anne Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Marble,Robert Tyler Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Martire,Richard Allen Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Reno,Kelly Elizabeth Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Rubin,Michael J. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Siverling,Kathryn Joy Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

West,Chelsie Simone Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Affairs

Bartrum,Megan Latoya Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Health

Ziegler,Elizabeth Anne Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Public Health

Akkineni,Srisai Vikash Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Asonye,Vivian Chisom Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Ayachi,Wiam Kacem Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Cruz,Ignacio Quidachay Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Dorman,Ryan Anthony Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Featherstone,Lauren Ashley Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Kebede,Sara Ababu Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Li,Victoria   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Mahmoud,Ali Mohamed Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Maxwell,Caitlin   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Nguyen,Anh Hai Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Rosenberg,Caley Rebecca Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Stavinoha,Larry Michael Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci Sociology

Bazar,Michael Alexander School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Fox,Carolyn Louise School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Granger,Angela Lucille School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Grisham,Kenna Lynn School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Harnden,Luke Montgomery School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Joyce,Emily Tenar School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Juilfs,Shelby Christine School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Kozah,Constantin Fouad School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Kreissler,Warren David School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Leach,Marisol Harmony School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Lucero,Christopher James School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Molina,Marco Roberto School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Powers,David Allen School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Preston,Kevin Michael School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Reyes,Marcela   School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Ruffin,Brandon Tyler School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Wang,Jessica Lan School of Arts and Humanities Art and Performance

Cuervo,David Enrique School of Arts and Humanities Art History

Aden,Joshua Charles Edwa School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORAlhayek,Alaaedeen I School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

An,Eric Y School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Anthony,Shernette Janice School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Arce,Reuben A School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Artesi,Blake Christian School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Baca,Dillon Matthew School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Bagbi,Nealie Love School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Baker,Oliver Phileppe Ric School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Butler,Devin Blaine School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Buxkamper,Sarah Frances School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Casselman,Jesse M School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Chang,Albert L School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Cortez,John Joseph School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Crossley,Carrie Nicole School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Curley,Caroline Rose School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Davis,Ashley Nicole School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Davis,William Russell School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Dedmon,Morgan Ashley School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Del Rosario,Elizabeth Irene School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Dong,Xinchen G School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Eaton,Peter Andrew School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Enderlein,Philip N‐C School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Fagan,Sean Hamilton School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

French,Samuel Benjamin School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Gillard,Shona Janelle School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Gutierrez,Paul B School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Haddad,Mohamed S School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Hall,Jocelynn Elaine School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Han,Kwang Hee School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Herrera,Mark Anthony School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Hidalgo,Lauren   School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Hoang,Kien Tran School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Jaramillo,Anthony   School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Johnson,Connell Royce School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Johnson,Sean Michael School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Kiappes,Edward William School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

King,Shane Eric School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Kovacs,Samuell R School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Krishnan,Akilram Gopal School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Laurienti,Anthony Edward School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Lee,Lance Edison School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Lenox,Sean Paul School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Lopez,Claudia C School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Lundberg,Brady Christian School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Matia,Robert Andrew School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

McGuinness,James E School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Morrison,Christopher Ryan School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Myers,Stephanie Anne School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Neiman,David   School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Nguyen,Hoa Huu School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORNorkiewicz,David Michael School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Nusrallah,Adam Riad School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Parks,Ramsey Lydell School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Payette,Jenna   School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Person,Charles Monroe School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Pham,The‐Phong James School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Philley,Blake Montague School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Pirich,Ian Christopher School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Prestidge,Michael Tyler School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Propp,Nathaniel Patrick School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Raj,Vivek   School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Ransom,David Walter School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Roffino,Margaret Elise School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Rosenthal,Michael Robert School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Rothstein,Amanda Lynn School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Ryer,Jason L School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Sampson,Miranda Fern Mae School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Sanchez,Oscar Alexis School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Schmidt,Christian Patrick School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Solcher,Thayne Michael School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Sorathia,Farah Haji School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Sriram,Siddharth   School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Stevenson,Megan Jaine School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Stewart,Michael C School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Strycker,Kaylee Renee School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Tejada,Jose W. School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Thomas,Adam Elias School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Thomas,Terrell Eugene School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Tijerina,Esteban Rafael School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Timmons,Christopher Jordan School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Trost,Kyle Andrew School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Tschirhart,Sabrina Marie School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Uretsky,Brian Paul School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Vallier,Nicolas Ashton School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Villarreal,Edward G School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Ward,Patrick Ryan School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

West,Stephen Brooks School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Whorton,Ryan William School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Zotti,Dominic Francis School of Arts and Humanities Arts and Technology

Pham,Trang Viet Phuong School of Arts and Humanities Asian Studies

Garcia,Adbeel   School of Arts and Humanities Creative Writing

Amuneke‐Nze,Chidimma Felicia School of Arts and Humanities Drama/Dance

Galindo,Clarissa Ivon School of Arts and Humanities Drama/Dance

John,Sheena   School of Arts and Humanities Drama/Dance

Le,Phuong Minh School of Arts and Humanities Drama/Dance

Mehta,Shivani Nilesh School of Arts and Humanities Drama/Dance

Talley,Taryn Camille School of Arts and Humanities Drama/Dance

Amin,Kiratiben Dilip School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Ball,Ryan Michael School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Brisendine,Stephanie Ann School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

NAME PROGRAM MAJORCook,Natalie   School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

DeAndrea,David   School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

DiMarco,Caryn Nicole School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Escobar,Danielle Antonieta School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Flores,Alexis Rene School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Harmon,Ethan James School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Havens,Ashleigh Christine School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Hawkins,Brandon Benjamin School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Ho,Phuong M School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Huang,Joy Qiaoyi School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Jackson,Kassiopia Raquel School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Jordan,Sabrina Maurine School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Kim,Rachel Heyoung School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Kolmeier,Stephen P School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Larson,Sarah Rachel School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Laursen,Jenna Suzanne School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Lin,Rene Hua‐Jan School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Manns,Aaron Alan School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Miao,Sophia   School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Miller,Zachary Allen School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Mir,Laila   School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Nguyen,Tina T School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Nolan,Kelsey Leigh School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Patin,Tyler Jacob School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Patterson,Kristin   School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Pickrell,Adam White School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Prewit,Connor Paul School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Sensat,Zachary D School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Sethi,Anjuli Sulochana School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Sosa,Gabriela Yaritza School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Taylor,Kristen Nicole School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Tyndall,Richard Gregory School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Villarreal Davila,Luisa   School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Williams,Kevin Ryan School of Arts and Humanities Emerging Media and Communicati

Bell,Marcus Wesley School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Demers,Danielle Aubrey School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Duke,Jacob Aaron School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Elmoumi,Tina Louise School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Ganim,Katherine Elizabeth School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Herrera,Thomas James School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Khan,Samiha Safa School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Lathlean,Dylan Errington School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Mirales,Michael Louis School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Pricer,Mitchell Curtis School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Ravlija,Vedran   School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Rodgers,Alexander Benton School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Serrano,Giovanni   School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Shah,Zobaria I School of Arts and Humanities Historical Studies

Bahnman,Tyler Christian School of Arts and Humanities History

Bazar,Michael Alexander School of Arts and Humanities History

NAME PROGRAM MAJORPrewit,Connor Paul School of Arts and Humanities History

Sahoo,Aradhana   School of Arts and Humanities History

Andrews,Emily Rose School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Armentrout,Clara Susanne School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Badt,Elizabeth   School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Bannikov,Martha N. School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Bewley,Elizabeth Lauren School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Bishop,Jessica Jo School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Bovda,Alisa Yuriivna School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Cogan,Amberlea Michelle School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Cook,Mollie Christian School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Crawford,Brennan Ernest School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Csabi,Rebekah Anne School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

DiMarco,Caryn Nicole School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Garcia,Adbeel   School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Gray,Rebecca Joan School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Hartnett,Sarah Nicole School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Hoffman,Patrick Spalding School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Joseph,Justin Cheriyan School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Marcaccini,Kathleen   School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Meyer,Shelley Ann School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Park,Chan Young School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Randall,Amber Marie School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Segura,Edgar Arturo School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Skobeleva,Maria Sergeyevna School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Smith,Matthew William School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Sotelo,Megan Ashley School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Spencer,Connor Wade School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Srinivasan,Prathiksha   School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Stephens,Melissa Haley School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Swain,Stephanie Michelle School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Tran,Loan Thanh School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Wang,Christopher John School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

West,Charles Lee School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Wilson,Casandra L School of Arts and Humanities Literary Studies

Atchinson,Jordan Lynne School of Arts and Humanities Literature

Khan,Samiha Safa School of Arts and Humanities Literature

Raman,Vivek   School of Arts and Humanities Literature

Joines,Heather P School of Arts and Humanities Medical and Scientific Humanit

Campitelli,Richard James School of Arts and Humanities Music

Dotson,Aaron Douglas School of Arts and Humanities Music

Gagliardo,Marissa Bree School of Arts and Humanities Music

Hunt,John Charles School of Arts and Humanities Music

Lim,Samantha Natalie School of Arts and Humanities Music

Murad,Muhammad Ubaidullah School of Arts and Humanities Music

Nguyen,Trang Van School of Arts and Humanities Music

Nichols,Joshua Harvey School of Arts and Humanities Music

Peterkort,Elizabeth Garrison School of Arts and Humanities Music

Sharma,Siddharth   School of Arts and Humanities Music

Thomas,Albert Babu School of Arts and Humanities Music

NAME PROGRAM MAJORVedantam,Shyam Chinmay School of Arts and Humanities Music

Venincasa,David Prem School of Arts and Humanities Music

Yang,Matthew Chiasheng School of Arts and Humanities Music

Aggarwal,Arjun Vinod School of Arts and Humanities Performing Arts

Chandrahas,Anita Sanjay School of Arts and Humanities Performing Arts

Haight,Katia Hunter School of Arts and Humanities Performing Arts

Lopez,Gladys   School of Arts and Humanities Performing Arts

Stephens,Angela Marie School of Arts and Humanities Performing Arts

Torres,Theodore John School of Arts and Humanities Performing Arts

Micheli,Joseph William School of Arts and Humanities Philosophy

Thekkekara,Jeff Joseph School of Arts and Humanities Philosophy

Bascope‐Calvo,Carlos Leonardo School of Arts and Humanities Spanish/Hispanic Area Studies

Canchola,Anthony Moley School of Arts and Humanities Spanish/Hispanic Area Studies

Gallardo,Jennifer Ann School of Arts and Humanities Spanish/Hispanic Area Studies

McCullough,Brianna‐Mari   School of Arts and Humanities Spanish/Hispanic Area Studies

Ridgle,Mackenzie Christine School of Arts and Humanities Spanish/Hispanic Area Studies

Vaz,Karen Marie School of Arts and Humanities Spanish/Hispanic Area Studies

Amin,Kiratiben Dilip School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Armentrout,Clara Susanne School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Del Rosario,Elizabeth Irene School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Hau,Kenneth   School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Hawkins,Brandon Benjamin School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Khan,Maaz Ali School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Larson,Sarah Rachel School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Patell,Juhi Darshan School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Patoskie,Renae T School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Saleem,Rija   School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Sethi,Anjuli Sulochana School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Stevenson,Megan Jaine School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Thomas,Lini Mary School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Wang,Christopher John School of Arts and Humanities Visual Arts

Achu,Chinonyelu Nnedimma School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Development

Al‐Dossari,Ranna Ghannam School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Development

Burden,Lena Renee School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Development

Rouhani,Sarah   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Development

Aguinaga,Annelise Aimee School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Anderson,Jason Volden School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Ayala,Jordyn Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Ball Meza,Jean Andrea School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Barber,Brianna Rene' School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Beres,Brittney Lauren School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Bertero,Adam Austin School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Betts,Paige E School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Bias,Elizabeth Jordan School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Bishop,David Thomas School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Botens,Chelsea Dawn School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Bradford,Elizabeth Kaye School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Bricker,Daniel Clement School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Carrasco,Karen   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Castillo,Kristin Cerise School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

NAME PROGRAM MAJORCedeno,Sofia Estefani School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Chapman,Amanda Weeks School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Chon,Jennifer Kay School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Colombo,Britta Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Devillier,Stacy Elaine School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Dominguez,Eliodoro   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Dominguez,Erendira Melissa School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Gonzalez,Lisa Yvette School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Hamilton,Brittney Ann School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Hays,Jenny Lynn School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Hernandez,Manal Ziad School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Hinson,Brooke L School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Hocson,Marie Stephanie School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Hwang,Yae Lim   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Jacob,Priscilla   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Jones,Anna Leigh School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Kersh,Danae Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Lee,Ye Min School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Lee,Yuna Kum School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Lewis,Tamara Alexandria School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Lim,Samantha Natalie School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Luther,Hayley Anne School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Mackay,Kristin Elaine School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Martinez,Elizabeth Xenia School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

McCullough,Brianna‐Mari   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

McKnight‐Patton,Laken La'Trice School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Miller,Jameson David School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Mitchell,LaToya   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Nagraj,Nikita   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Neduvelil,Ashley Elias School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Paez‐Espinoza,Monserrat Stefannya School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Pearson,Laura Taylor School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Peiser,Caryn   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Porter,Lisa Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Powell,Erica Sharae School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Robinson,Gazelle J School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Rodriguez,Samantha J School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Romero,Adilene   School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Sanders,Beth Ann School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Sawani,Komal Shabbir School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Schaffer,Sarah Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Smith,Laura Cecilia School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Solia,Marcela Magalhaes School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Soltero,Maria Yesenia School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Sung,Grace Bokyung School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Townsend,Rebecca Jayne School of Behavioral & Brain S Child Learning and Development

Castillo,Nathan Andrew School of Behavioral & Brain S Cognitive Science

Charlton,Thomas J School of Behavioral & Brain S Cognitive Science

Herrera,Nicolas Sebastian School of Behavioral & Brain S Cognitive Science

Holt,Conrad William School of Behavioral & Brain S Cognitive Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORSoladay,Amanda Jean School of Behavioral & Brain S Cognitive Science

Thompson,John A School of Behavioral & Brain S Cognitive Science

Alameddine,Noura Walid School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Amuneke‐Nze,Chidimma Felicia School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Arriazola,Louis   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Asadollahi,Arash   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Bartrum,Megan Latoya School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Bawary‐Boueri,Mary Issa School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Bharwani,Sanjna Jitu School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Biko,Michelle   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Bolurian,Noy   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Bovda,Alisa Yuriivna School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Burckhardt,Amanda M School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Chang,Roger   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Cheng,Connie Li School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Choi,Rachel Jieun School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Chou,Gina   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Choudhury,Aproteem   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Chowdhury,Noreen Enam School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Colliflower,Sarah Louise School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Cuervo,David Enrique School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Damani,Ankita Kamlesh School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

De La Hoz,Carlos Ivan School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Dotson,Aaron Douglas School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Ebbinghaus,Michael   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Esbayhat,Leanne Omar School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Escalante,Michael R School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Faghihahmadabadi,Shawheen   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Flanagan,Kate Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Fonlon,Madel   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Gill,Ramnik Kaur School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Gundampalli,Prahaseetha Reddy School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Hassan,Mohammed   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Hau,Kenneth   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Hays,Jenny Lynn School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Hinson,Brooke L School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Houston,James J School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Jacob,Meryl P School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Jagota,Devina   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Jaiswal,Mittaliben Shailesh School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Jewell,Jerry Lee School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Jimenez,Carlos Alexander School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Jones,Bryan Edwin School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Jones,Nicholas David School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Joseph,Justin Cheriyan School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Kodakandla,Harica   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Kotey,Nicholas Kotei School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Kulkarni,Ashutosh Vilas School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Lakew,Redeate Mekonen School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Lane,Mark Corey School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

NAME PROGRAM MAJORLewis,Luke Patton School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Loehrlein,Christopher August School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Ma,Antuan B School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Machuca,Daniel Federico School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Makkar,Gurbani Kaur School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Mapp,Nicholas Taylor School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

McDaniel,Aubrey Ann School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Mehta,Shivani Nilesh School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Mendez,Marcela Denisse School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Moayyed,Ahmad   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Morales,Brandon Christopher School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Morris,Brett Steven School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Murad,Muhammad Ubaidullah School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Nandam,Geethika   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Neal,Keishaia Allen‐Renee School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Nelsen,Christopher Patrick School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Neville,Thomas Hager School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Nguyen,Kathy   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Nguyen,Tammy T School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Nichols,Joshua Harvey School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Noorbhai,Ibrahim   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Nutting,Elizabeth Margaret School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Osabutey,Esmey Ohui School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Owais,Fawaz Abdalla School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Pacifico,James Michael School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Pantalia,Meghan Michele School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Panwar,Puja Singh School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Park,Bianca Gloria School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Park,Christopher Seyoung School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Patel,Janki   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Patel,Reema Yogesh School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Patil,Meghana Vijaykumar School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Prasad,Aarti   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Putman,Jennifer Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Quigley,Lilyana   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Qureshi,Noorunnehar   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Qutu,Noor A. School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Rajan,Crystal   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Rajput,Sunayna Rajendrasinh School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Rastegar,Shayan   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Resendiz,Rubi Vanessa School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Rico,Carlos Eduardo School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Rifai,Amin   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Roitsch,Carissa Renee School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Saenz,Priscilla Denise School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Saju,Sherlyn   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Sankar,Swetha   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Saremi,Nader   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Schmid,Ariel Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Shotland,Jessica Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

NAME PROGRAM MAJORSkobeleva,Maria Sergeyevna School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Soladay,Amanda Jean School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Sterling,Samantha Lynne School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Syed,Farzeen Zainab School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Tan,Shinyi   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Thaimuriyil,Nigil Thomas School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Tukuli,Elida   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Vedantam,Shyam Chinmay School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Venincasa,David Prem School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Vettimattam,Joel Joseph School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Wang,Jessica Lan School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Yarmey,Erik Alexander School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Yifru,Feven Belete School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Young,Reagan Wheelock School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Zaayman,Christof   School of Behavioral & Brain S Neuroscience

Abante,Jenna Abrenica School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Acevedo,Corinthia Laurann School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Adam,Quratulain Irfan School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Adler,Derek Thomas School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Aguinaga,Annelise Aimee School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Anderson,Jason Volden School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Arefeen,Shristy   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Atchinson,Jordan Lynne School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Ball Meza,Jean Andrea School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Bennett,Nicole Raye School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Bertero,Adam Austin School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Betts,Paige E School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Bishop,David Thomas School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Bolurian,Noy   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Bouton,Nicolas Roberto School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Bradford,Elizabeth Kaye School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Brazier,Leah Jo School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Bricker,Daniel Clement School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Britton,Elin Kathleen School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Brown,Aarin Christopher School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Carrasco,Karen   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Caskey,Ariel Catherine School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Castillo,Kristin Cerise School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Cedeno,Sofia Estefani School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Celii,Corey Robert School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Chen,Cai C School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Chun,Nakyung Julia School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Colliflower,Sarah Louise School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Daley,Andrew P. School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Delgado Villarreal,Gudelia   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Devillier,Stacy Elaine School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Dias,Henna   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Dominguez,Eliodoro   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Easterling,Micah Thomas School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Elizondo,Heather Jo School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

NAME PROGRAM MAJOREscalante,Michael R School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Espinoza,Pamela E. School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Fang,Patrick Sheng School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Girardot,Reagan Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Glad,Casey John‐Ryan School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Haghighi,Pegah   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Handt,Julia   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Hays,Jenny Lynn School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Hernandez,Manal Ziad School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Hinson,Brooke L School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Horton,Matthew Ryan School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Hu,Carroll   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Huxall,Jordan Lea School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Hwang,Yae Lim   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Jackson,D'Ric Anthony School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Jackson,Eric Anthony School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Jacob,Meryl P School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Jacob,Priscilla   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Jenson,Ayla Christine School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

John,Blessey Ann School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Jones,Bryan Edwin School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Kaar,Mary Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Kader,Tania Mehreen School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Kanany,Joy George Hafez School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Khayal,Dina Rafeek School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Kim,Edison J School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

La,Steve Sung School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Landreth,Dlynn Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Landrieu,Francesca Ma Zagala School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Li,Esther Wing‐Yan School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Lim,Samantha Natalie School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Lujan,Carlos E School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Luna,Alex Martin School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Lundberg,Megan Leigh School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Luther,Hayley Anne School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Maanani,Samy Samir School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Mahmoudi,Meisam   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Manzanares,Bianca   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Martinez,Elizabeth Xenia School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Marx,Abbey Ashton School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Masters,Bradley Austin School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Maxwell,La Wanda Kizzy School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

McCullough,Brianna‐Mari   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

McKnight‐Patton,Laken La'Trice School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Mendoza Rodriguez,Jorge Adrian School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Miller,Jameson David School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Montano,Chandlar Blake School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Monterroso Pacheco,Beltzy Nallely School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Moreno,Gabriela Michelle School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Motsenbocker,Craig Marshall   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORMukkamala,Sravani   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Neduvelil,Ashley Elias School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Nguyen,Andrew   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Nguyen,Katherine   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Nguyen,Thu Ngan T School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Olivas,Debbie Adrienne School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Pacifico,James Michael School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Parekh,Alifya S School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Park,Bianca Gloria School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Parmar,Bhavika Yogesh School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Patel,Shivani Chirag School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Patell,Juhi Darshan School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Pearson,Laura Taylor School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Popa,Jonathan David School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Price,Emily Suzanne School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Raga,Ethiopia Tirfe School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Robinson,Gazelle J School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Robinson,Kaleb Michael School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Roche,Brittany Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Saenz,Shelby L. School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Salas,Ada Mireya School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Salazar,Alice Miroslava School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Sanders,Beth Ann School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Sarode,Shaan Jay School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Sawani,Komal Shabbir School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Schmidt,Austin L. School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Scott,Jeremy Michael School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Shahab,Sayeda Sundus School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Shingaki,Mano Ella School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Smith,Nia   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Solia,Marcela Magalhaes School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Steward,Jennifer Denise School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Sundaresan,Janani   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Sung,Grace Bokyung School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Tang,Justin Matthew School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Thomas,Kevin   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Townsend,Rebecca Jayne School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Truneh,Tadesse   School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Trusky,Emily Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Vanamburgh,Laura Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Varwani,Zubeda Musa School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Viklund,Sara Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Wayne,Courtney Samantha School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Williams,Danyelle Monique School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Young,Chastity Amber School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Zeb,Ali Ayaz School of Behavioral & Brain S Psychology

Jewell,Jerry Lee School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Lang Pathology & Aud

Abante,Jenna Abrenica School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Achu,Chinonyelu Nnedimma School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Adame,Ana Karen School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

NAME PROGRAM MAJORBeres,Brittney Lauren School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Bias,Elizabeth Jordan School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Blank,Darlene Corsino School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Burden,Lena Renee School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Burge,Madison Steele School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Byrum,Cera Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Chapman,Amanda Weeks School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Colombo,Britta Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Contreras,Cristina Hernandez School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Creal,Lauren Ashley School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Del Angel,Anabel   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Dominguez,Erendira Melissa School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Ennin,Mercy   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Fair,Abigail Lauren School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Fitts,Melinda Esparza School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Gallardo,Jennifer Ann School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Habibyan,Ashley Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Hall,Chelsea Mylynn School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Hawck,Ashlie Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Hocson,Marie Stephanie School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Hussaini,Syeda Tehniat School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Jasrotia,Nandini Radhika School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Jones,Alexzandrea Elexus School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Jones,Anna Leigh School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Jones,Rebecca Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Juarez,Victoria Diamante School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Karl,Cassandra Natalie School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Kattuvelil,Shannon   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Khan,Rimsha Asma School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Kuzu,Aishah   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Lemaster,Chandler Alexandra School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Lewis,Tamara Alexandria School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Lumpkin,Jennifer Renee School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Mackay,Kristin Elaine School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

McClendon,Luke A School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

McMillan,Hayley Diane School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Mitchell,LaToya   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Morrison,Ranee Leighanne School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Munoz,Alejandro   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Nagraj,Nikita   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Newell,Rachel Caitlin School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Olivas,Debbie Adrienne School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Paliza,Omar   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Parekh,Alifya S School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Rodriguez,Samantha J School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Romero,Adilene   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Rouhani,Sarah   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Sahoo,Aradhana   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Salam,Raabia Yousuf School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Schultz,Spencer Adam School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

NAME PROGRAM MAJORShurafa,Jannah   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Smith,Laura Cecilia School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Soltero,Maria Yesenia School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Stephens,Angela Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Talley,Taryn Camille School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Toso,Taylour Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Vaz,Karen Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Walker,Katherine Bryce School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

West,Elizabeth Theresa School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Wood,Anna S School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Ye,Nikole Shuwen School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Yeh,Yu‐Chia   School of Behavioral & Brain S Speech‐Language Path and Aud

Adams,Elizabeth Ashley School of Intrdscplnary Stdies American Studies

Bullard,Jennifer L School of Intrdscplnary Stdies American Studies

Van Amburgh,Sam Pace School of Intrdscplnary Stdies American Studies

Burleson,Michael Thomas School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Environmental Studies

Kanany,Joy George Hafez School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Exercise Science

Bartrum,Megan Latoya School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Gender Studies

DiMarco,Caryn Nicole School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Gender Studies

Chuang,Janice   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Garcia,Julia Toni‐Michelle School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Halim Girgis,Lydia Sherif School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Jagota,Devina   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Kaur,Inderdeep   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Lai,Michael Jan Wing School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Lam,Jenny My School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Li,Victoria   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Luu,Kha Bach School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Nguyen,Tammy T School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Nguyen,Taylor My Hang School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Paez‐Espinoza,Monserrat Stefannya School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Pan,Vincent   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Patel,Ankita Harshad School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Patel,Pooja Kiritkumar School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Shah,Sanket Shaileshkuma School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Sirak,Eden Tewabech School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Tran,Hoa Duy School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Truong,Chloe Nicholette School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Varkey,Rebecca Mary School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Vo,Jennifer   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Health Care Studies

Baker,Bernadette Joyce School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Basatneh,Dima   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Bui,Sandy   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Bushnaq,Tamam Wael School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Cavage,Malinda   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Chavez,Ana Isabel School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Colmenares,Ana Yovannely School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Duong,Kha‐Van Tu School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Dweik,Aseel Ali School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Ellis,Skyler C School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

NAME PROGRAM MAJOREvans,Erika Lynn School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Guevara,Andrea N School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Hagos,Ivana Menghis School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Hillman,Rebecca Christine School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Jacob,Jaymi Ann School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Jones,Aisha Nicole School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Kabani,Asif Amin School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Kamin,Shogufa   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Karim,Rehan Ahmed School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Lui,Dillon Y School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Mansoori,Aria   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Martinez,Mark Sulgi School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Mendez,Marcela Denisse School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Nalam,Nikita   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Nguyen,Isabella Kha‐Chieu School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Nguyen,Jennifer Long School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Nguyen,Karen Trang School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Nguyen,Kevin Thinh School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Nguyen,Ngoc Minh School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Nguyen,Tiffany Thao School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Nguyen,Timothy A School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Rillo,Joshua Brian School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Sarir,Saloomeh   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Saygi,Jessica Mae School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Shahin,Daniel Stephen School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Sharmin,Eshita   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Talamini,Caitlyne Cloe School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Tran,Christine Tiffany School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Trinh,Peter Tuan School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Varughese,Kevin Andrew School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Willauer,Rachel Kristine School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Yan,Stella   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Healthcare Studies

Atuchukwu,Kenechukwu Dane School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Baalbaki,Nadin Nazih School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Barrios,Fanny Karina School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Bowers,Courtenay Sheridan School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Brahimaj,Klleodora S. School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Carvajal,Joana Marlen School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Chadwick,Anna M. School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Chandiramani,Sajan G. School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Dallas,Derek James School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Davis,Dakota Lynn School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Decker,Jill Ashley School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Dodt Gonzalez,Estela   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Donohue,Malorie Rose School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Eckenroth,Jeremy Nicholas School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Evans,Alison Rodgers School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Golubchik,Stanislav   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Granger,Lori Forbess School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Grant,Kristel Karen School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

NAME PROGRAM MAJORGriffin,Keith Denton School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Ha,Ngan Thien School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Hernandez,Jessie Lynn School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Ho,Sara Tu School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Hooper,Stephanie Leigh School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Hull,Patricia C. School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Jackson,Ashley Elizabeth School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Jackson,Kristin Sharaia School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Johnston,David Alexander School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Judson,Lance Tyler School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Kenny,Paige Annette School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Kidd,Jennifer Ashley School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Kimball,Clay Jordan School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Kouassi,Andrea   School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Kyle,Megan Suzanne School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

McGriff,Cassandra D. School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Mosser,Anne Christine School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Ollie,Tiffany Lashon School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Omran,Saja Abdullah School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Rahman,Daaiyah B. School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Smith,Zona Yolanda School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Stidolph,Kelley Marie School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Sweeney,Melissa Anne School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Venegas,Maria Danielle School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Wadi,Noor Musa School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Weidenbruch,Shelley Nicole School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Whiting,Traci Carloyn School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

York,Jennifer Lynn School of Intrdscplnary Stdies Interdisciplinary Studies

Abdi,Abdinasir M School of Management Accounting

Abedin,Anwarul   School of Management Accounting

Aguirre,Derek Mitchell School of Management Accounting

Ahmed,Danyal   School of Management Accounting

Alemu,Alazar Geremew School of Management Accounting

Alexander,Curtis Lone School of Management Accounting

Ali,Mir Zohaib School of Management Accounting

Angell,Lucas William School of Management Accounting

Anguiano,Hilda   School of Management Accounting

Arevalo,Debbie Michelle School of Management Accounting

Asad,Muhammad   School of Management Accounting

Asmar,Leena Abdeljabbar School of Management Accounting

Ata,Faisel Mohammed School of Management Accounting

Bardales,Pamela Linda School of Management Accounting

Barot,Hardeek Ambalal School of Management Accounting

Barrera,Alejandro   School of Management Accounting

Bekena,Anketse Kiroubel School of Management Accounting

Bess,Xavian O'Brien School of Management Accounting

Brown,Garrett Joseph School of Management Accounting

Bryant,David Michael School of Management Accounting

Bui,Huy Quang School of Management Accounting

Bui,Phuong Ngan School of Management Accounting

NAME PROGRAM MAJORCastillo,Brock Stephen School of Management Accounting

Chambers,Ali Rae School of Management Accounting

Chau,Thy Thi Minh School of Management Accounting

Cheung,Catherine K School of Management Accounting

Chou,Shih‐Sen   School of Management Accounting

Coloma,Christopher Giovanni School of Management Accounting

Courson,Alissa Brooke School of Management Accounting

Cunningham,Brian Christopher School of Management Accounting

Dai,Hideo   School of Management Accounting

Dalton,Jesse Andrew School of Management Accounting

Dennis,Brittany Marie School of Management Accounting

Dong,Wan   School of Management Accounting

Dowdle,David Wayne School of Management Accounting

Dunn,Amanda Rose School of Management Accounting

Ebrahim,Sepideh   School of Management Accounting

El‐Aya,Nicole Karim School of Management Accounting

Elsehety,Ali Ahmed School of Management Accounting

Faglie,David Joseph School of Management Accounting

Fan,Zhouxiaohan   School of Management Accounting

Fawad,Sabika   School of Management Accounting

Feikis,Jonelle Christine School of Management Accounting

Ferguson,Caroline Frances School of Management Accounting

Fischer,Monica Sueann School of Management Accounting

Fong,Steven Jia‐Haur School of Management Accounting

Foust,Heather Nicole School of Management Accounting

Galbreath,Candace Elizabeth School of Management Accounting

Garcia,Hilda Lizbeth School of Management Accounting

Garcia,Victor   School of Management Accounting

Gomez,Nitza Maureen School of Management Accounting

Gonzalez Dominguez,Jennifer Alyssa School of Management Accounting

Grant,Angela Tamira School of Management Accounting

Guajardo,Amanda Carolyn School of Management Accounting

Guivehchi,Bijan   School of Management Accounting

Guo,Haoyue   School of Management Accounting

Hajhamdan,Samar   School of Management Accounting

Haq,Herra   School of Management Accounting

Harper,Katie Danielle School of Management Accounting

Hawks,Nathan Thomas School of Management Accounting

He,Jie   School of Management Accounting

Heldridge,Charles Tod School of Management Accounting

Hernandez,Monica   School of Management Accounting

Ho,Vu Anh School of Management Accounting

Hodkoff,Natalie Nicole School of Management Accounting

Hong,Jennifer Jisu School of Management Accounting

Huston,Katherine Ann School of Management Accounting

Huynh,Quoc‐Dung Dao School of Management Accounting

Jacob,Josh   School of Management Accounting

Jaroun,Omar Khaled School of Management Accounting

Javaid,Khizer   School of Management Accounting

Jhandiya,Fizza Faisal School of Management Accounting

NAME PROGRAM MAJORJung,Ju‐Young   School of Management Accounting

Jung,Suin   School of Management Accounting

Kayfus,Colton Reese School of Management Accounting

Kennedy,Emily Alyse School of Management Accounting

Khedairy,Mia Sue School of Management Accounting

Kim,Yae Rang School of Management Accounting

Kirby,John Kenneth School of Management Accounting

Kirk,Taylor Chase School of Management Accounting

Kuang,Yongzhu   School of Management Accounting

Kuo,Esther Ning School of Management Accounting

Lancaster,William Matthew School of Management Accounting

Lavarn,Christina K.D. School of Management Accounting

Le,Hoang Minh School of Management Accounting

Le,Phuong Minh School of Management Accounting

Lee,Conan   School of Management Accounting

Lee,Jea Hyul   School of Management Accounting

Lee,Jin Woo School of Management Accounting

Lee,Wan‐Ching   School of Management Accounting

Limmanjing,Calvin   School of Management Accounting

Lin,Tracy Tran School of Management Accounting

Lin,Yuan   School of Management Accounting

Lippe,Kyle Wayne School of Management Accounting

Lopez,Yesenia Villagomez School of Management Accounting

Mamdani,Mohammed Abbas School of Management Accounting

Manitase,Sirigarn   School of Management Accounting

Manitase,Siriwun   School of Management Accounting

Manoun,Jamel Hakam School of Management Accounting

Mathew,Shawn Varughese School of Management Accounting

Mayorquin,Gabriella Ayestas School of Management Accounting

McCoy,Shelby Elizabeth School of Management Accounting

McVay,Garrett Thomas School of Management Accounting

Meggyesy,Malia Kathleen School of Management Accounting

Mikheev,Alexey A School of Management Accounting

Mills,Alexis Taylor School of Management Accounting

Minter,Emma Carolyn School of Management Accounting

Moolpim,Surasak   School of Management Accounting

Moore,Ryan Joseph School of Management Accounting

Mousavi,Narges   School of Management Accounting

Narjis,Sumiya   School of Management Accounting

Ngan,Stella   School of Management Accounting

Nguyen,Lisa Thi School of Management Accounting

Nguyen,Ngoc Hong School of Management Accounting

Nhan,Jason   School of Management Accounting

Nijjar,Amitpaul Singh School of Management Accounting

Patel,Pooja Kiritkumar School of Management Accounting

Peltier,Macy Suzann School of Management Accounting

Pham,Nga Thanh School of Management Accounting

Pham,Trang Viet Phuong School of Management Accounting

Phelan,John Charles School of Management Accounting

Phillips,Keith Alan School of Management Accounting

NAME PROGRAM MAJORQuach,Phuong Ngoc School of Management Accounting

Quisenberry,John Michael School of Management Accounting

Ramirez,Demetrio   School of Management Accounting

Rao,Riaz   School of Management Accounting

Reasoner,Tarryn W School of Management Accounting

Resendez,Mayra   School of Management Accounting

Reza,Farin   School of Management Accounting

Rose,Dustin Fielding School of Management Accounting

Roshanali,Anna   School of Management Accounting

Russo,Iftakher   School of Management Accounting

Said,Faisal Abdulla School of Management Accounting

Samuel,Shine   School of Management Accounting

Schubert,Jeremy Minhtu School of Management Accounting

Sharifi,Yasmin   School of Management Accounting

Sheikh,Muntaha M. School of Management Accounting

Shell,James Michael School of Management Accounting

Shurtleff,Jason Ray School of Management Accounting

Singh,Amritpal   School of Management Accounting

Singh,Arnand Michael School of Management Accounting

Singh,Tarnbir   School of Management Accounting

Singh,Varinderpree   School of Management Accounting

Sirelkhatim,Nahit Mohamed School of Management Accounting

Skogsbergh,Rebecca Lynn School of Management Accounting

Smith,Citlalli Monzerrath School of Management Accounting

Strayer,Jenna Ann School of Management Accounting

Su,Benjamin   School of Management Accounting

Suwannum,Annie Srimanoch School of Management Accounting

Svoboda,Rudolph Albert School of Management Accounting

Tahvonen,Nicholas JB School of Management Accounting

Tarrant,Sarah Elizabeth School of Management Accounting

Thomas,Berlin   School of Management Accounting

Tovan,Carol Nguyen School of Management Accounting

Tran,Ginger Ivon School of Management Accounting

Tran,Michael Chi School of Management Accounting

Tran,Nghia Quang School of Management Accounting

Tran,Stephanie Lan School of Management Accounting

Tran,Tue Minh School of Management Accounting

Trinh,Huy Xuan   School of Management Accounting

Trinh,Judith   School of Management Accounting

Troy,Amanda Lois School of Management Accounting

Truong,Dieu   School of Management Accounting

Truong,Minh‐Tam Laura School of Management Accounting

Truong,Nguyen Thao School of Management Accounting

Turney,Paul Adrian School of Management Accounting

Vargas,Eduardo Israel School of Management Accounting

Viera,Gerson Eliu School of Management Accounting

Vogt,Sarah Ferguson School of Management Accounting

Vu,Dung Phuong   School of Management Accounting

Wei,Yiyi   School of Management Accounting

White,Travis Wesley School of Management Accounting

NAME PROGRAM MAJORWidjaja,Royce   School of Management Accounting

Williams,Stephen Michael School of Management Accounting

Winn,Jason Wayne School of Management Accounting

Wong,Matthew Kiu Kit School of Management Accounting

Wright,Jonathan Mathew School of Management Accounting

Wu,Michael C School of Management Accounting

Dharani,Aziz   School of Management Accounting and Information Mgt

Akery,Andrew Ernest School of Management Business Administration

Akhtar,Omar Syed School of Management Business Administration

Aqrabawi,Diana Christyl School of Management Business Administration

Arsova,Elena   School of Management Business Administration

Awad,Mohammad Hassan School of Management Business Administration

Bahhur,Jehan Salameh School of Management Business Administration

Ballout,Mohamad Ibrahim School of Management Business Administration

Bharwani,Sanjna Jitu School of Management Business Administration

Boddu,Sonika   School of Management Business Administration

Bonelli,Jeff E School of Management Business Administration

Bragg,Jeremy Edward School of Management Business Administration

Burnett,Taylor Ray School of Management Business Administration

Butler,Rose Marie School of Management Business Administration

Campitelli,Richard James School of Management Business Administration

Cantrell,Claire Cisper School of Management Business Administration

Chacon,Justin   School of Management Business Administration

Chen,Christopher   School of Management Business Administration

Chipps,Jasmine Marie School of Management Business Administration

Crawford,William James School of Management Business Administration

Crowley,Rodney Quedale School of Management Business Administration

Daley,Andrew P. School of Management Business Administration

Dang,Thao Thu School of Management Business Administration

Dauer,Tyler P School of Management Business Administration

Davis,Alexis O'Na School of Management Business Administration

Demesse,Lidya K School of Management Business Administration

DeRobertis,Matthew Anthony School of Management Business Administration

Donnelly,Travis Edward School of Management Business Administration

Echebiri,Chidiebere Achonna School of Management Business Administration

El‐Heet,Yousef Hasan School of Management Business Administration

Feizpour,Soraya Nina School of Management Business Administration

Francomano,Brent Lee School of Management Business Administration

Frank,Nicole Lynn School of Management Business Administration

Galbreath,Candace Elizabeth School of Management Business Administration

Garrido,Jair   School of Management Business Administration

Gibson,Kyle Andrew School of Management Business Administration

Gontarek,Sarah Elizabeth School of Management Business Administration

Gonzales,Tina Marie School of Management Business Administration

Gonzalez,Alejandro   School of Management Business Administration

Guo,Chao Ze School of Management Business Administration

Hardesty,Bonnie Jean School of Management Business Administration

Harmon,Jason Rudolph School of Management Business Administration

He,Linda   School of Management Business Administration

Hebert,Olivia Rae School of Management Business Administration

NAME PROGRAM MAJORHellwarth,Julie Ellen School of Management Business Administration

Himler,Alicia Marie School of Management Business Administration

Hobbs,William Jake School of Management Business Administration

Hooker,Troy Kamal School of Management Business Administration

Jackson,Eric Anthony School of Management Business Administration

Jeong,Won Young School of Management Business Administration

Johnston,Valerie Kay School of Management Business Administration

Kang,Herbert   School of Management Business Administration

Khan,Rimsha Asma School of Management Business Administration

Khanolkar,Neha Bipin School of Management Business Administration

King,Travis Steven School of Management Business Administration

Kirk,Paige Nicole School of Management Business Administration

Kling,Jennifer Rachelle School of Management Business Administration

Le,John Quoc School of Management Business Administration

Lee,Chang Hee School of Management Business Administration

Lee,Kyung M School of Management Business Administration

Lee,Michael   School of Management Business Administration

Lindee,Ryan Gabriel School of Management Business Administration

Lofton,Bianca Alessandra School of Management Business Administration

Lopez,Claudia Marielle School of Management Business Administration

Lovgren,Ashley Kailyn School of Management Business Administration

Lu,Yu Shi School of Management Business Administration

Lucido,Mark S. School of Management Business Administration

Madani,Soaiba S School of Management Business Administration

Maramba,Renan Albert School of Management Business Administration

McCloud,Garrett Glen School of Management Business Administration

Mills,Jeri Kaye School of Management Business Administration

Moayyed,Ahmad   School of Management Business Administration

Morales,Uriel A. School of Management Business Administration

Nguyen,John   School of Management Business Administration

Nkwodinma,Maduabuchi Samuel School of Management Business Administration

Noshahi,Faraz Ahmad School of Management Business Administration

Ortega,Eduardo Enrique School of Management Business Administration

Ozuna,Anh Duong School of Management Business Administration

Pan,Vincent   School of Management Business Administration

Parekh,Alifya S School of Management Business Administration

Patel,Ankita Harshad School of Management Business Administration

Patel,Maitri Girish School of Management Business Administration

Peiser,Caryn   School of Management Business Administration

Peterkin‐Moss,Georgette Vanessa School of Management Business Administration

Pham,Vi Tuong School of Management Business Administration

Phillips,William Shay School of Management Business Administration

Pietruszka,Jason Robert School of Management Business Administration

Privitt,Taylor Ray School of Management Business Administration

Przilas,Tatum Nicole School of Management Business Administration

Quade,Austin Jacob School of Management Business Administration

Quinonez,Ryan Alexander School of Management Business Administration

Rassool,Tuan Rizwan School of Management Business Administration

Reilly,Daniel Benny School of Management Business Administration

Robinson,Ronald Troy School of Management Business Administration

NAME PROGRAM MAJORRobledo,Michael   School of Management Business Administration

Saenz,Shelby L. School of Management Business Administration

Sankar,Swetha   School of Management Business Administration

Shahid,Husnain   School of Management Business Administration

Shahid,Rehan   School of Management Business Administration

Shallow,Rachel Lara School of Management Business Administration

Shepherd,Dayne Anton School of Management Business Administration

Son,Kimberly Jiwon School of Management Business Administration

Tahir,Ahlaam   School of Management Business Administration

Tesfu,Rahele   School of Management Business Administration

Thai,Kaleena   School of Management Business Administration

Thurman,Levi   School of Management Business Administration

Timciuc,Laura Mihaela School of Management Business Administration

Torres,Jairo   School of Management Business Administration

Tran,Tuan Anh School of Management Business Administration

Truong,Neilsen Vance School of Management Business Administration

Turner,Abigail Marie School of Management Business Administration

Vanthan,Derek   School of Management Business Administration

Venkat,Priyanka   School of Management Business Administration

Vilayheuang,Phetsamonh   School of Management Business Administration

Vo,Jennifer   School of Management Business Administration

Wallace,Matthew Antonius School of Management Business Administration

Wilcox,Miles Parker School of Management Business Administration

Witt,Elena Rocio School of Management Business Administration

Woodfork,David R School of Management Business Administration

Yi,Eddie Yu‐Kuang School of Management Business Administration

Ysuhuaylas,Diana   School of Management Business Administration

Palma,Noemi N. School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. BA & Biol

Qattan,Hanin Hussein School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. BA & Biol

Whiteis,Alicia Breann School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. BA & Biol

Childs,Brian Alexander School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Durham,Jordan Douglas School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Hoang,Minh   School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Jackson,Kristopher Sanan School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Kshetrapal,Archit   School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Le,Simon Duy An School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Mir,Mehreen Jabeen School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Moon,Bilal Ahmed School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Nobles,Gary David School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Sobhani,Mahtab   School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Tzeng,Curtis Kui Hsien School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Warne,Lewis Richard School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Wood,Andrew Edward School of Management Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Fin & Econ

Abo Alhijaa,Walid Khaled School of Management Finance

Ahmadi,Robin Ghzbani School of Management Finance

Ajani,Sabrina   School of Management Finance

Ali,Mir Zohaib School of Management Finance

Angell,Lucas William School of Management Finance

Arevalo,Debbie Michelle School of Management Finance

Arif,Ashik   School of Management Finance

NAME PROGRAM MAJORArsova,Elena   School of Management Finance

Bardales,Pamela Linda School of Management Finance

Barot,Hardeek Ambalal School of Management Finance

Barrera,Alejandro   School of Management Finance

Bui,Huy Quang School of Management Finance

Calderon,Ricardo R School of Management Finance

Chieu,Tuan Oai School of Management Finance

Chu,Calvin   School of Management Finance

Chu,Linh Yen School of Management Finance

Colarossi,Nicholas Peter School of Management Finance

Couch,Thomas Gordon School of Management Finance

Courson,Alissa Brooke School of Management Finance

Dalton,Jesse Andrew School of Management Finance

Deupree,Trevor Layne School of Management Finance

Eiting,Scott Anthony School of Management Finance

Elsehety,Ali Ahmed School of Management Finance

Evans,Zachary Michael School of Management Finance

Fan,Zhouxiaohan   School of Management Finance

Freeland,Michael David School of Management Finance

Gabbert,Taryn Kimberlee School of Management Finance

Garcia,Hilda Lizbeth School of Management Finance

Garcia,Victor   School of Management Finance

Guivehchi,Bijan   School of Management Finance

Harper,Katie Danielle School of Management Finance

Houser,Joshua S School of Management Finance

Huston,Katherine Ann School of Management Finance

Inaganti,Deepak   School of Management Finance

Jacob,Josh   School of Management Finance

Jaroun,Omar Khaled School of Management Finance

Jivoinovici,Mile Miodrag School of Management Finance

Kelley,Jacoby Dwayne School of Management Finance

Kim,Addison Lee School of Management Finance

Kirk,Taylor Chase School of Management Finance

Le,Don Hoang School of Management Finance

Le,Island Van School of Management Finance

Le,Philip Cong School of Management Finance

Lee,Conan   School of Management Finance

Lee,Wan‐Ching   School of Management Finance

Lin,Tracy Tran School of Management Finance

Lin,Xintong   School of Management Finance

Lippe,Kyle Wayne School of Management Finance

Manoun,Jamel Hakam School of Management Finance

McKee,Demarius Dariante School of Management Finance

Mezheritskiy,Andrew   School of Management Finance

Mickael,Andrew Samuel School of Management Finance

Minter,Emma Carolyn School of Management Finance

Mohammad,Shariq   School of Management Finance

Moore,Jeffrey Scott School of Management Finance

Muela,Gerald E School of Management Finance

Najjar,Mulhum Zayd School of Management Finance

NAME PROGRAM MAJORNarjis,Sumiya   School of Management Finance

Ngan,Stella   School of Management Finance

Ngo,Tram   School of Management Finance

Nguyen,Lisa Thi School of Management Finance

Nguyen,Ngoc Hong School of Management Finance

Nguyen,Nguyen Dinh School of Management Finance

Nijjar,Amitpaul Singh School of Management Finance

Novoa,Alexa Elizabeth School of Management Finance

Pham,Duc Van School of Management Finance

Pham,Nga Thanh School of Management Finance

Pham,Trang Viet Phuong School of Management Finance

Pongtaratik,Arthur Atik School of Management Finance

Price,Timothy Andrew School of Management Finance

Provonsil,Michael Travis School of Management Finance

Ramirez,Alexis   School of Management Finance

Raymos,Kristin Nicole School of Management Finance

Resendez,Mayra   School of Management Finance

Saharkhiz,Hossein   School of Management Finance

Samuel,Shine   School of Management Finance

Sanchez,Erik Daniel School of Management Finance

Sattar,Shahid Tomas School of Management Finance

Shapiro,Cara Nicole School of Management Finance

Sharifi,Yasmin   School of Management Finance

Sharma,Bhavaish Amrit Rattan School of Management Finance

Sheikh,Muntaha M. School of Management Finance

Shurtleff,Jason Ray School of Management Finance

Singh,Arnand Michael School of Management Finance

Singh,Priya   School of Management Finance

Soro,Yenassonguiyeta   School of Management Finance

Standridge,Staton O. School of Management Finance

Stautner,Colin Joseph School of Management Finance

Su,Benjamin   School of Management Finance

Svoboda,Rudolph Albert School of Management Finance

Szczsponik,John Joseph School of Management Finance

Tahvonen,Nicholas JB School of Management Finance

Thompson,Anna Nicole School of Management Finance

Tran,Ginger Ivon School of Management Finance

Tran,Nghia Quang School of Management Finance

Tran,Stephanie Lan School of Management Finance

Trinh,Judith   School of Management Finance

Truong,Minh‐Tam Laura School of Management Finance

Vargas,Eduardo Israel School of Management Finance

Viera,Gerson Eliu School of Management Finance

Villa,Christian Alex School of Management Finance

Villarruel,Jonathan   School of Management Finance

Virik,Arne Kiefer School of Management Finance

Vo,Duong   School of Management Finance

Vu,Dung Phuong   School of Management Finance

Wei,Yiyi   School of Management Finance

Widjaja,Royce   School of Management Finance

NAME PROGRAM MAJORWu,Michael C School of Management Finance

Yousefi,Neema Ryan School of Management Finance

Yu,Steven Chenzheng School of Management Finance

Yuan,Jeffrey   School of Management Finance

Arias,July Alejandra School of Management Global Business

Bennett,Stefanie Rachel School of Management Global Business

Boyd,Chevis Dupre School of Management Global Business

Canchola,Anthony Moley School of Management Global Business

Chu,Linh Yen School of Management Global Business

Dealmeida,Brandon Christopher School of Management Global Business

Gabbert,Taryn Kimberlee School of Management Global Business

Garcia,Fredi   School of Management Global Business

Hammond,Justin Scott School of Management Global Business

Herron,Ekaterina   School of Management Global Business

Huang,Baohong   School of Management Global Business

Jhandiya,Fizza Faisal School of Management Global Business

Kim,Addison Lee School of Management Global Business

Liu,Yu‐En   School of Management Global Business

Mbah,Chikara Ethel School of Management Global Business

Rathan,Pooja   School of Management Global Business

Serrate,Alejandra N School of Management Global Business

Sescon,Tiara Marie School of Management Global Business

Smith,Citlalli Monzerrath School of Management Global Business

Talukdar,Ishan   School of Management Global Business

Witt,Elena Rocio School of Management Global Business

Drake,Amanda Rose School of Management Healthcare Management

Harmouche,Dali Omar School of Management Healthcare Management

Warrier,Archana Suresh School of Management Healthcare Management

Abdi,Abdinasir M School of Management Information Technology Systems

Alvarez,Erick Noe School of Management Information Technology Systems

Amatya,Leezen   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Baig,Muhammad Jawwad School of Management Information Technology Systems

Boachie‐Mensah,Kings   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Bowen,Alexander Mark School of Management Information Technology Systems

Carausu,Dana   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Ceniza,Katryna Amil School of Management Information Technology Systems

Chapa,Adrian Thomas School of Management Information Technology Systems

Clements,Jason Aaron School of Management Information Technology Systems

Cole,Byron Kevin School of Management Information Technology Systems

Coquis,Angela Nicole School of Management Information Technology Systems

Donnelly,Travis Edward School of Management Information Technology Systems

Duckworth,Michael Thomas School of Management Information Technology Systems

Easton,Michael Albert School of Management Information Technology Systems

Edokpayi,Ehigie Ode School of Management Information Technology Systems

Freedman,Christopher Jordan School of Management Information Technology Systems

Gonzalez Dominguez,Jennifer Alyssa School of Management Information Technology Systems

Gonzalez,Eliezer   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Grantham,Jennifer R School of Management Information Technology Systems

Herron,John David School of Management Information Technology Systems

Hoang,Kien Chi School of Management Information Technology Systems

NAME PROGRAM MAJORHomsi,Amer   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Jones,Samuel Andrew School of Management Information Technology Systems

Kamal,Shariq Syed School of Management Information Technology Systems

Kasbati,Farrukh   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Labedz,Patrycja Anna School of Management Information Technology Systems

Lakhotia,Dominic Dhurv School of Management Information Technology Systems

Lawrence,Nicholas Robert School of Management Information Technology Systems

Le,Bao   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Lee,Chang Hee School of Management Information Technology Systems

Lowrance,Alan Robert School of Management Information Technology Systems

Mahdawi,Bassel Husam School of Management Information Technology Systems

Marhaba,Maryam   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Mathew,Shawn Babu School of Management Information Technology Systems

McGary,Keldrick Laniel School of Management Information Technology Systems

Minniefield,Leon   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Moore,Nathaniel Weston School of Management Information Technology Systems

Ngo,Minh Hoang Quang School of Management Information Technology Systems

Nguyen,Danny   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Nguyen,David   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Nguyen,John   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Nguyen,Trang Van School of Management Information Technology Systems

Olaniran,Olamide Oluwatosin School of Management Information Technology Systems

Quach,Phuong Ngoc School of Management Information Technology Systems

Qureshi,Noman   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Rembert,Melinda Enel School of Management Information Technology Systems

Reyes,Adrian   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Ryan,Scott Tyler School of Management Information Technology Systems

Rzewuski,Alexander Patrick School of Management Information Technology Systems

Salazar,Orlando Jose School of Management Information Technology Systems

Scaggs,Daisha Janelle School of Management Information Technology Systems

Sengupta,Saurav   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Shafi,Alijan   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Singh,Amritpal   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Singh,Varinderpree   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Steele,Casey James School of Management Information Technology Systems

Steuben,Christina Amy School of Management Information Technology Systems

Syed,Ameen Muhammed School of Management Information Technology Systems

Tieu,Winston Tran School of Management Information Technology Systems

Wallace,Matthew Antonius School of Management Information Technology Systems

Win,Thurein   School of Management Information Technology Systems

Bhattacharya,Arindam   School of Management Management Information Systems

Hassan,Yousuf Syed School of Management Management Information Systems

Anderson,Styphanie Elizabeth School of Management Marketing

Arguijo,Laura   School of Management Marketing

Baig,Muhammad Jawwad School of Management Marketing

Benedicto,Sharon Hope School of Management Marketing

Bjerke,Bryan Keith School of Management Marketing

Bullock,Alexandra Danielle School of Management Marketing

Burt,Emily Kay School of Management Marketing

Cantu,Marcello Nicolas School of Management Marketing

NAME PROGRAM MAJORChi,Orson   School of Management Marketing

Chipps,Jasmine Marie School of Management Marketing

Choudhury,Mahbub   School of Management Marketing

Cobb,Aaron James School of Management Marketing

Creech,Hannah Gayle School of Management Marketing

Crocker,Seth L School of Management Marketing

Daulton,Vanessa Corinne School of Management Marketing

Deffner,Olivia Nicole School of Management Marketing

Deloach,Richard Darwin School of Management Marketing

Dollin,Amy Elizabeth School of Management Marketing

Drake,Kelsey R School of Management Marketing

Duggan,Christopher Keith School of Management Marketing

Dumaine,Stephen Daniel School of Management Marketing

Evans,Zachary Michael School of Management Marketing

Fitzer,Andria Suzete School of Management Marketing

Ford,Sharmayne Marie School of Management Marketing

Gallardo,Mark Aldrin Domingo School of Management Marketing

Garcia,Daniela   School of Management Marketing

Gomez,Josue Nazareth   School of Management Marketing

Greener,Jamee Briann School of Management Marketing

Hoang,Long Tuan School of Management Marketing

House,Lauren Nichol School of Management Marketing

Hurtado,Sesalie Alicia School of Management Marketing

Labedz,Patrycja Anna School of Management Marketing

Landrieu,Francesca Ma Zagala School of Management Marketing

Lindee,Ryan Gabriel School of Management Marketing

Linguist,Jasmine A School of Management Marketing

Lopez,Blanca Arelis School of Management Marketing

Lundberg,Eric Scott School of Management Marketing

Marchiori,Brooke Ashton School of Management Marketing

Marsh,Lorenz Arnold School of Management Marketing

Martin,Matthew William School of Management Marketing

Mir,Laila   School of Management Marketing

Ng,Sammy   School of Management Marketing

Ngo,Tram   School of Management Marketing

Nguyen,Anh Hai School of Management Marketing

Nguyen,Danny   School of Management Marketing

Nguyen,Kim Thien School of Management Marketing

Nguyen,Linh Phuong School of Management Marketing

Nhan,Julie Nguyet School of Management Marketing

Nieto,Elia Guadalupe School of Management Marketing

Pandya,Anil A School of Management Marketing

Perin,Erika Manahan School of Management Marketing

Popa,Jonathan David School of Management Marketing

Quinonez,Ryan Alexander School of Management Marketing

Richardson,Jessie Lynn School of Management Marketing

Robledo,Michael   School of Management Marketing

Rodriguez,Mayra Adilene School of Management Marketing

Saucedo,Eliazar   School of Management Marketing

Steuben,Christina Amy School of Management Marketing

NAME PROGRAM MAJORSultan,Naveed   School of Management Marketing

Tahir,Ahlaam   School of Management Marketing

Talukdar,Ishan   School of Management Marketing

Tamimi,Sharaf Hasan School of Management Marketing

Thomas,Dawn Cherise School of Management Marketing

Truong,Diep Ngoc School of Management Marketing

Van,Lily T School of Management Marketing

Vitela,Priscilla   School of Management Marketing

Vo,Duong   School of Management Marketing

Vu,Phuong Do Kim School of Management Marketing

Whiteside,Lindsey Taylor School of Management Marketing

Williams,Cassandra   School of Management Marketing

Yang,Michelle   School of Management Marketing

Li,Esther Wing‐Yan School of Management Organizational Behavior

Viklund,Sara Marie School of Management Organizational Behavior

Belcher,John Paul School of Management Supply Chain Management

Ceniza,Katryna Amil School of Management Supply Chain Management

Corprew,Gerren Demon School of Management Supply Chain Management

Daniel,Yisacor   School of Management Supply Chain Management

Enochs,James Wesley School of Management Supply Chain Management

Escovedo,Francisco Ramon School of Management Supply Chain Management

Finch,Erich Alvin School of Management Supply Chain Management

Huang,Baohong   School of Management Supply Chain Management

Jones,Samuel Andrew School of Management Supply Chain Management

Kasbati,Farrukh   School of Management Supply Chain Management

Li,Shiyao   School of Management Supply Chain Management

Mays,Joshua Ray School of Management Supply Chain Management

McClure,Christopher John School of Management Supply Chain Management

McFall,Sydney Michelle School of Management Supply Chain Management

Miller,Peter James School of Management Supply Chain Management

Pawlinski,Jeremy Alex School of Management Supply Chain Management

Popp,Henry James School of Management Supply Chain Management

Rangel,Manuel   School of Management Supply Chain Management

Rataphan,Tnin   School of Management Supply Chain Management

Richardson,Jessie Lynn School of Management Supply Chain Management

Syed,Ameen Muhammed School of Management Supply Chain Management

Thomas,Sanel   School of Management Supply Chain Management

Tieu,Winston Tran School of Management Supply Chain Management

Westbrook,Matthew Kirk School of Management Supply Chain Management

Abbasi,Mawra Mariam School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Asongwe,Nde Ben‐Collins School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Bayona,Norman Antonio School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Gillan,Kayla Alis School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Kibuthu,Judy Karimi School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Larson,Charles Michael School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Leu,Darwin   School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Murphy,Kim M School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Nasir,Ula   School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Shaikh,Tabish   School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Shi,Yang   School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORSolanki,Aishwarya Singh School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Sun,Yuanjing   School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Thompson,Luz Alicia School of Natural Sci and Math Actuarial Science

Almaraz,Stephanie   School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Ata,Raheel Saeed School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Barata,Stephanie   School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Burgess,Drew C School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Castro,Jeff Russell‐Pins School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Ezzi,Burhanuddin Juzer School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Fiala,Matthew John School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Gagliardo,Marissa Bree School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Garcia Casas,Monserrat   School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Garcia,Diego   School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

John,Sheena   School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Joines,Heather P School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Kabani,Asif Amin School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Key,Ryan W School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Lee,Sangmin   School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Li,Tszkin   School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Ma,Antuan B School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Mathew,Jithsy Susan School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Minnig,Jonathan Thomas School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Palathumthalackal,Babitha Koshy School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Regner,William Michael School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Reyes,Yesenia   School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Scott,William Tyler School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Sirak,Eden Tewabech School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Song,Jaemin   School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Tran,Hoa Duy School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Willauer,Rachel Kristine School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Zamorano,Daniel Alexander School of Natural Sci and Math Biochemistry

Abdullah,Redeer   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Abolhasani,Nazanin   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Acosta,Miguel Antonio School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Aggarwal,Arjun Vinod School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Al‐Dossari,Ranna Ghannam School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Alfarawati,Obada   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Ali,Sana Parveen School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Al‐Shawabkah,Ahmad K School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Alston,Monica Marie School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Aranda,Mauricio   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Asad,Usman   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Asemota,David Osasere School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Bagheri,Reyhaneh   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Bairuty,Dania S School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Bascope‐Calvo,Carlos Leonardo School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Battad,Joseph Reuel Melo School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Bellusa,Sundas Mahmoud School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Benny,Neethu   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Bentley,Cecilia Ruth School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORBiko,Michelle   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Boddu,Sonika   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Brown,Jessica Lauren School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Bui,Tri Q School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Bui,Trung Thanh School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Chaudhry,Huma   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Choi,Henna Jennifer School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Chokshi,Sheena N School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Chou,Gina   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Chuang,Janice   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Cui,Jianqi Wendy School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Damani,Ankita Kamlesh School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Dang,The Quang School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Davis,Justin Joe School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Dehghani,Daniyal   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Dharmarpandi,Jankikeerthika Muthukaruppa School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Diep,Uyen Phuong School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Do,Chi Thi School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Doh,Diane Dy School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Eneh,Derek Chidubem School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Fa,Andrea   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Faisal,Mohammad Mohazzabuddi School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Farnum,Tyler James School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Fazli,Abdullah   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Fulgham,Hillary Janett School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Galindo,Clarissa Ivon School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Galvan,Steven Andrew School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Garcia,Julia Toni‐Michelle School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Gill,Ramnik Kaur School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Goodwin,Justin Tawan School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Gotewal,Simi   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Guerra,Juan Manuel School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Gunter,Andrew Clark School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Haight,Katia Hunter School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Halim Girgis,Lydia Sherif School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Hans,Amrita   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Hassan,Sharjeel   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Huseinbegovic,Jan   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Huxall,Jordan Lea School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Huynh,Vivian   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Issac,Sruthy Alin School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Issac,Thara Mary School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Iyengar,Meera Farzana School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Izekor,Odeyuwa Omosigho School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Jacob,Jeffy K School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Jahangiri,Mohammad   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Jawaid,Ramsha   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Jeong,Won Young School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Jimenez,Carlos Alexander School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Jiwani,Anum   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORJohn,Andrew Jason School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

John,Angela S School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Joseph,Janice Maria School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Kaheri,Mahdi Mannan School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Kaur,Inderdeep   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Kayfan,Samar   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Khadka,Monila   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Khanolkar,Neha Bipin School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Khong,Minh Hoa Thi School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Kim,Hyeon Myeong School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Kim,Ji Yeon   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Kokash,Atef   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Kulangara,Rohan George School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Kulkarni,Nupur Rajeev School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Kureishy,Mohammad Khurram School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Lai,Michael Jan Wing School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Lam,Jenny My School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Le,Thu Anh School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Lee,Eun Joo School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Lee,Marian Sau Ying School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Liou,Wei Ting   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Liu,Zichang   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Loi,Jacqueline Kim School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Lopez,Gladys   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Lukose,Emily Treesa School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Luu,Kha Bach School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Luu,Stephanie Bonnie School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Ly,Jennifer P School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Madduri,Ameya Dhatri School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Mahmoud,Ali Mohamed School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Mahmoudi,Meisam   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Malolan,Chenchita   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Mathew,Stephanie Paradail School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Mcclurg,Alfonso Joshua School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Meyer,Bradley Donald School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Moore,Dalton Everett School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Morrissette,Amanda Yeh School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Mubeen,Hira   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Mukkamala,Sravani   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Mustafa,Meer Kamal School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Narendra,Akshay Narayana School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Neduvelil,Ebin Elias School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Neely,Josh Ryan School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Ng,Terry   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Ngo,Minh‐Phong Andrew School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Nguyen,Duy Thanh School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Nguyen,Katherine   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Nguyen,Kevin Khanh School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Nguyen,Patricia Quynh Nhu School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Nguyen,Taylor My Hang School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORNguyen,Vi Hoang School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Owusu,Frederick   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Pan,Vincent   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Park,Daniel   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Patel,Ankita Harshad School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Patel,Maitri Girish School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Patel,Pooja Kiritkumar School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Patel,Shivani Chirag School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Patell,Juhi Darshan School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Paul,Subhadeep   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Pepito,Emmanuel Go School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Pham,Vi Tuong School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Pillai,Sheena Santhosh School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Plaisance,Erin Dominique School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Pradhan,Grishma   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Przilas,Tatum Nicole School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Quach,Ky Viet Dong School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Quan,Cameron Hong School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Ramachandran,Janani   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Rana,Badal N School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Rana,Tejal Jayant School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Rassool,Tuan Rizwan School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Reddy,Keerthi Ayyalapu School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Reddy,Sumanth Singireddy School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Riaz,Nida   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Rider,Nathaniel Cashion School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Roy,Diana Ann School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Ruan,Winston   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Russo,Kyle Stephen Ang School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Saleem,Rija   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Sankar,Swetha   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Santos,Patricia Nicole School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Sarode,Shaan Jay School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Saxena,Akanksha   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Sells,Taylor Lucia School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Shah,Sanket Shaileshkuma School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Shahid,Husnain   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Shahid,Rehan   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Sharifi,Ardalan   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Shu,Charles Yihfei School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Singh,Amber   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Sipes,Aaron Clinton School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Stuard,Whitney Leigh School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Sundaresan,Janani   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Swami,Soham D School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Taher,Ashnia Sumthi School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Thekkekara,Jeff Joseph School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Thomas,Albert Babu School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Thomas,Ashly Palakalam School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Thomas,Lini Mary School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORThomas,Sheba Mary School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Thompson,Matthew Alexander School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Timciuc,Laura Mihaela School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Tisdale,Taylor Franklin School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Tran,Victoria Mai‐Tram School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Trejo,Cristian   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Truong,Chloe Nicholette School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Truong,Christine Mai School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Tseggay,Michael   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Tummala,Vakula   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Ubi,Uchechi Crystal School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Varkey,Rebecca Mary School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Veasey,Karl Dean School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Viola,Lindsey Olivia School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Vo,Kassandra Dawn School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Vora,Muzammil Imtiaz School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Vu,Michael Hoang School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Walton,Courtney Barbara School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Wazir,Anum   School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Weaver,Zachary Crofford School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Werner,Bethany McKenzie School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Yang,Matthew Chiasheng School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Yi,Eddie Yu‐Kuang School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Ziegler,Elizabeth Anne School of Natural Sci and Math Biology

Asiamah,Linda   School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Burns,Alexander Joshua School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Davis,Mackenzie Marie School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Do,Quynh Nhu Ngoc School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Green,Lance M. School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Haseeb,Ridwan Bin School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Haynes,Krystal Lee School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Huang,An   School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Hunt,John Charles School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Kay,Cheryl Diane School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Kim,Fredrick   School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Krang,Davy   School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Lavery,Christopher Brian School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Mackenzie,Kenneth James School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Mandel,Jacob Harris School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Martinez,Raziel   School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Miller,Charles Keith School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Miller,Justin Todd School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Muhanna,Rawan Ahmad School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Nguyen,Quang Duy School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Parupia,Nazim Yousuf School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Ta,Duyphuc Ngoc School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Taenzler,Ferdinand Johannes School of Natural Sci and Math Chemistry

Baker,Olivia Rachel School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Bray,Sean Michael School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Cheng,An‐Yu   School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

NAME PROGRAM MAJORFerrer,Genika Sunglao School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Giang,Kimberly   School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Hamati,John Sharbil School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Huynh,Alexander Pham School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Jameeluddin,Ibrahim Shahabuddin School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Johnson,Joshua Alex School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Kapoor,Pooja   School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Krupina,Irina Vladimirovna School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Kwon,Younghee   School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Liu,Keith Eric School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Meach,Gerry   School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Patel,Saagar Nitin School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Raju,Jerrill Varghese School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Rodriguez Ponce,Lucero   School of Natural Sci and Math Dbl Maj ‐ B.S. Biol & BA

Ables,Kelly Frances School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Cland,Brent   School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Cochran,Douglas Randall School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Gibson,Kristopher James School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Griffin,Rachael M School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Harvey,Nolan Brooks School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Hengst,Clayton Edward School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Janis,Michael Casmirus School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Lander,Kaitlin E. School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Ng,Melissa K School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Webber,Amy Rachelle School of Natural Sci and Math Geosciences

Ambriz,Carina   School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Ati,Rohun Venkata School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Cook,Ian Barrett School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Coreas,Joe Steve School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Cotton,William Frederick School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Crane,Casey Maikalani School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Davis,Conner Spence School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Fairbank,Nathaniel David School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Goss,Christopher Thomas School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Kayfus,Colton Reese School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Kim,Taeho   School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Lee,Kyung M School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Martin,Matthew Thomas School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

McGrath,Conor Francis School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Moreno,Jacqueline   School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Newcomer,Jordan Thomas School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Nguyen,Minhchau   School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Pinto,Julia Emily School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Thompson,John A School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Tran,Angela Thien‐An School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Trompeter,Thomas James School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Walker,Addison Llewellen School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Weger,Zackary Ryan School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Wells,Sarah Berkeley School of Natural Sci and Math Mathematics

Beasley,Jacey Marie School of Natural Sci and Math Molecular Biology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORDeutsch,Dakota A School of Natural Sci and Math Molecular Biology

Eamani,Gowtham   School of Natural Sci and Math Molecular Biology

Klepikova,Svetlana   School of Natural Sci and Math Molecular Biology

Monterroso Pacheco,Beltzy Nallely School of Natural Sci and Math Molecular Biology

Northcote,Anthony Charles School of Natural Sci and Math Molecular Biology

Tan,Shinyi   School of Natural Sci and Math Molecular Biology

Baird,Kenneth Gregory School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Borg,Sarah Michelle School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Cashen,Benjamin Allan School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Desabelle,Edward Grame Lapulapu School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Eddy,Alexander Joseph School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Gazi,Sabique Hossain School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Godinez,Juan Carlos School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Grunewald,Maxwell Isaac School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Henderson,Matthew Alan School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Herring,Christian Davis School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Holt,Conrad William School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Lakshmanan,Kalyan Kumar School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Martin,Matthew Thomas School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

McMaster,Brooks C School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Micheli,Joseph William School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Nguyen,Thong Quang School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Rodriguez,Matthew Justin School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Walker,Addison Llewellen School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Wells,Sarah Berkeley School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Yeung,Andrew   School of Natural Sci and Math Physics

Dam,Duc Sy School of Natural Sci and Math Statistics

Jackson,Kristopher Sanan School of Natural Sci and Math Statistics

Vannattan,Jacob Daniel School of Natural Sci and Math Statistics

Academic Governance The University of Texas at Dallas 800 West Campbell Road, AD 23, Richardson, TX 75080-3021

(972) 883-4791 FAX (972) 883-2101



These students have applied for graduation and have been reviewed by the Office of Records. The Office of Records declared that all of these students will be eligible for graduation upon the completion of the current

semester's work at the necessary levels. I request, therefore, that the Academic Senate certify the students

to graduate upon receipt of final grades, and notification of completion of other requirements, provided that the

grades are consistent with the standards for graduation prescribed by this University. I also request that the

Academic Senate certify those students designated as eligible to graduate with honors upon completion of

coursework and requirements consistent with the standards at the levels offered by this University.

levels offered by this University.

NAME PROGRAM MAJORBerdy,  Ariana    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Boumpali,  Niki    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Hashim,  Huda  Ibrahim School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Hunt,  Roman  Nicholas School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Mallikarjunaiah,  Bhuvana    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Martinez,  Sarah    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Merrity,  Perry  Davin School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Ojwang,  Carolyne  Adhiambo School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Ortiz‐Mena Gonzalez,  Andres  Gerardo School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Pich,  Emily  Margaret School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Rose,  Aaron  James School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Soeder,  Dean  Adam School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Stiles,  Addison  Wesley School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Swan,  Amanda    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Tidwell,  Jennifer  K School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Wirth,  Richard  James School of Arts and Humanities MA in Arts and Technology

Attebery,  Karen  Nichole School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Avila,  Carlos  Ca School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Chambers,  Christopher  David School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Chancellor,  Brian  Kurt School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Cruse,  Bradley    School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Dickson,  Kristine  Mary School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Griffith,  Jesse  Jeremiah School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Hallmark,  Mitzi  C School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Howell,  Michael  Joseph School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Hui,  Fei    School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Krueger,  Christopher  Martin School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

McClain,  Clint  Jordon School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

McGuigan,  George  Clifford Jr. School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORMiro,  Benjamin  Isaac School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Norman,  Christopher  Dax School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Parent,  Anngelica  Renea School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Phillips,  Kara  Aletha School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Seime‐Raven,  Johnathan  Eric School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Tijerina,  Victoria  Rose School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Tuggle,  Samuel  Harrison School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Venable,  Christopher  Thomas School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Weeren,  Kelly  Delia School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Yzaguirre,  Eddie  Herb School of Arts and Humanities MFA in Arts and Technology

Adamo,  Anthony    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Alabbas,  Amir  Alexander School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Brooks,  Suzanna  Marie School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Ester,  Patrick    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Gong,  He    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Jia,  Yidan    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Makowka,  Matthew  Mark School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Mancuso,  Sara    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Sardos,  Amanda  Renee School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Tanner,  Lari  Jenne School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Wallace,  Sarah  J School of Arts and Humanities MA in Emerging Media and Communicati

Barodawalla,  Rashida    School of Arts and Humanities MA in History

Davis,  Lauren  Rae School of Arts and Humanities MA in History

Doochin,  Olivia  Rae School of Arts and Humanities MA in History

Hsu,  William    School of Arts and Humanities MA in History

Koonce,  Krystal  Michelle School of Arts and Humanities MA in History

Ruiz,  Jacob  Paul School of Arts and Humanities MA in History

Siebert Golden,  Dana  Marie School of Arts and Humanities MA in History

Taylor,  Braedon  McNeill School of Arts and Humanities MA in History

Winer,  Jonathan  Simcha School of Arts and Humanities MA in History

Amidar,  Monalisa  Galang School of Arts and Humanities MA in Humanities‐Aesthetic Studies

Munoz‐Hunt,  Toni    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Humanities‐Aesthetic Studies

Randle,  Lauren  M School of Arts and Humanities MA in Humanities‐Aesthetic Studies

Bailey,  Caitlin  Nicole School of Arts and Humanities MA in Humanities‐History of Ideas

Dalzell,  Stephen  W. School of Arts and Humanities MA in Humanities‐History of Ideas

Sladden,  Nicholas  John School of Arts and Humanities MA in Humanities‐History of Ideas

Shafek,  Amal  Samy School of Arts and Humanities MA in Humanities

Asfoor,  Zainah  Basem School of Arts and Humanities MA in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Berry,  Tracey  Ray School of Arts and Humanities MA in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Campbell,  Christopher  Norman School of Arts and Humanities MA in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

McWilliams,  Katelyn  Danielle School of Arts and Humanities MA in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Mohammed,  Aisha  Samir School of Arts and Humanities MA in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Morgan,  Amy  Elizabeth School of Arts and Humanities MA in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Ruzycki,  Katherine  Anne School of Arts and Humanities MA in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Schroeder,  Gregory  Andrew School of Arts and Humanities MA in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Stavola,  Amy  Ellen School of Arts and Humanities MA in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Yan,  Luanyi    School of Arts and Humanities MA in Latin American Studies

Abdo,  Forrest    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Aktar,  Mahafuza    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Akuthota,  Nikhil    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Baragchizadeh,  Asal    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

NAME PROGRAM MAJORChin,  Emily  F‐S School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Choi,  Jihyeon    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Close,  Elizabeth  Lynne School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Davies,  Jessica  Diane School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Deupree,  Kristen  Annette School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Gray,  Natalie  Emile School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Hegshetye,  Aseem  Abhijit School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Hicks,  Jeremy  Wayne School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Houshmandi,  Nassim    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Inyang,  Kufreobong  Enobong School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Kardosi,  Edina  Helga School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Kirov,  Diana  Tzvetkova School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Klein,  Kayla  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Massey,  David  Anthony School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Mithani,  Neha  Nasrullah School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Nguyen,  Anthony  Nam School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Octaviani,  Ulfa    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Patel,  Vishal    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Peshwani,  Sanya    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Poku,  Calvin    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Poku,  Kevin    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Ramachandran,  Santoshi    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Ramanathan,  Karthik Ramakrishnan    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Ream,  Derek    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Renteria,  Jesuschristopher  Rodriguez School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Saib,  Aeshah  Omar School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Smith,  Chelsea  Alyse School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Smith,  Evan    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Srinivasaraghavan,  Haripriya    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Stovall,  Cheyenne  Le'Keria School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Tafacory,  Farrah    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Vandelinder,  Dayna  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Vora,  Ankita    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Vutukuru,  Balasaipavantrinath    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Whyne,  Erum  Zahid School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Zarate,  Amy  Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Applied Cognition and Nsc.

Beedy,  Avery  Caroline School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Bello,  Abby  Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Berglund,  Amy    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Boardman,  Johanna  Emily School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Boggs,  Alycia  Jeanne School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Bowen,  Jacquelyn  Nila School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Bowman,  Annaelise  Starr School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Brenneman,  Bethany    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Byrd,  Mary  Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Cardenas,  Denise    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Colburn,  Blake  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Collins,  Caroline  Bailey School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Demarest,  Stephanie  Leigh School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Dooley,  Colleen  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Dowdy,  Alyssa  Dawn School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

NAME PROGRAM MAJOREsponda,  Jayne  Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Fernandez,  Stephanie    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Fogle,  Kimberly    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Frazier,  Andrea  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Heuer,  Siena    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Hixon,  Olivia  Katherine School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Horner,  Michelle  Suzanne School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Howard,  Kayla  Deanne School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Imran,  Mariam    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Johnson,  Katrina    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Jones Nichols,  Lacee  Elaine School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Justice,  Robyn  Renee School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Kaminski,  Paige  Ardan School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Kao,  Tabitha    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Karnes,  Allysson  Lane School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Kim,  Angela  Y School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Klimkowski,  Hillary  Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Lackey,  Sarah  Jane School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Lafrate,  Kristin  Sharon School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Leander,  Lindsay  Pennell School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Lee,  Lindsey  Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Lee,  Lori  Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Leggieri,  Allison  Sarah School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Lim,  Jennifer  Hyosun School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Lo,  Justin  Wei School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Loughlin,  Stephanie  Jean School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Lymer,  Whitney    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Mancuso,  Lindsey  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Marshall,  Jordan    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Mathis,  Leslie  Erin School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

McCoy,  Ashley  Alexandra School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

McMahon,  Lauren  Kelly School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

McMullen,  Molly  Patricia School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Morgan,  Jodee  Alese School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Nagler,  Lenni    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Nortman,  Amber  Kaye School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Rachner,  Brittany    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Schaefer,  Lisa    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Sebastian,  Kellie  Christine School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Slatkovsky,  Emily  Grace School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Small,  Miranda  Lynn School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Springer,  Kayla  Brianne School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Thompson,  Kristen  Anne School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Tomlinson,  Kelsey  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Toprac,  Rachel  Despina School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Torres,  Ashley  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Treece,  Hannah    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Tsai,  Noreen  Carol School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Watson,  Megan  Marlene School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Webb,  Candace  Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Wegendt,  Elizabeth  Kate School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

NAME PROGRAM MAJORWellik,  Ali  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Young,  Chelsea  Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Communication Disorders

Buggs,  Leslie  Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Carrillo,  Deanna    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Casco,  Selene    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Choe,  Hee Seon    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Ekedahl,  Megan    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Kasim,  Nadia  Nicole School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Khan,  Nazia  Q School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Michel,  Stephanie    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Mullings,  Katelyn  Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Tolentino‐Plata,  Kristine  Aileen School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Human Dev‐Early Childhood Dis

Ball,  Ericka  Michelle School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Psychological Sciences

Carker,  Christopher  John School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Psychological Sciences

Conklin,  Rebecca  Lillian May School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Psychological Sciences

Griffin,  Ashley  M. School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Psychological Sciences

Kriegel,  Jennifer  Lynn Sarai School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Psychological Sciences

Ramesh,  Ashwin    School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Psychological Sciences

Rosandich,  Kellye  Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Psychological Sciences

Schaffer,  Samantha  Elin School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Psychological Sciences

Scott,  Justin  Kyle School of Behavioral & Brain S MS in Psychological Sciences

Chen,  Jiani    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Chen,  Junjie    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Chu,  Leyan    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Lu,  Dingduo    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Nan,  Yan    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Peng,  Jieshan    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Qu,  Neng    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Tang,  Mengying    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Wang,  Yibing    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Xu,  Xiaoqing    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Zheng,  Zhenyao    Executive Program MSNF in Finance ‐ Executive

Forbes‐Westmoreland,  Kimberly    Executive Program MSNF in Mgmt and Admin Sci ‐ Executive

Kellerman,  Sarah  Anne Executive Program MSNF in Mgmt and Admin Sci ‐ Executive

Land,  Victoria    Executive Program MSNF in Mgmt and Admin Sci ‐ Executive

Lissauer,  Joshua    Executive Program MSNF in Mgmt and Admin Sci ‐ Executive

Martin,  Jeff  Dean Executive Program MSNF in Mgmt and Admin Sci ‐ Executive

Adam,  Clay    Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Bhaloo,  Salim  Sadrudin Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Cheek,  Brennen  Scott Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Dawson,  Daniel  Duncan Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Gordon,  Melissa  Dawn Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Jatla,  Muralidhar    Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Lewis,  Brandon  Joseph Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Lick,  David  Douglas Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Misra,  Surjya    Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Muench,  Michael  V. Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Neely,  Troy    Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Pawar,  Abhijit    Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Pillai,  Anshu    Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Ravindra,  Marella    Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

NAME PROGRAM MAJORSoundarapandian,  Sabareesan    Executive Program MBANF in MBA Non‐Funded

Fredericks,  Eric    Executive Program MSNF in Mgmt and Admin Sci ‐ Executive

Rhodes,  Steven    Executive Program MSNF in Mgmt and Admin Sci ‐ Executive

Gill,  David  Bryan Executive Program MSNF in Supply Chain Management ‐ Exec

Haggard,  Kristin  Jayne Burt Executive Program MSNF in Supply Chain Management ‐ Exec

Hieronymus,  Kristen  Marie Executive Program MSNF in Systems Eng and Mgmt Executive

Kattamanchi,  Kathyayini    Executive Program MSNF in Systems Eng and Mgmt Executive

Montes,  Raul  E Executive Program MSNF in Systems Eng and Mgmt Executive

Reynolds,  Matthew  Alan Executive Program MSNF in Systems Eng and Mgmt Executive

Smith,  Stacy    Executive Program MSNF in Systems Eng and Mgmt Executive

Tasnim,  Adeel    Executive Program MSNF in Systems Eng and Mgmt Executive

Anuwe,  Estelle    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Biomedical Engineering

Li,  Shichang    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Biomedical Engineering

Rusk,  Brandon  Darren Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Biomedical Engineering

Soleimani,  Samin  Sami Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Biomedical Engineering

Thomas,  Monisha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Biomedical Engineering

Aravindhan,  Lakshmi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Athreya,  Nagendra Bala Murali    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Chandra,  Bhanu  Mitra Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Doijode,  Rashmi Vasant    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Duan,  Ruihong    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Gudladona,  Sai Sri Mourya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Gupta,  Shashwat    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Janardhanan,  Harishankar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Johnson,  Chris  K. Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Koppu,  Jawahar Babu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Kulothungan,  Vignesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Lakshmanan,  Deepika    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Li,  Haoyu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Nathan,  Viswam    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Prabhu,  Prarthana    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Prabhu,  Rahul Deepak    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Pujar Sharanappa,  Sharath    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Ramesh,  Srinath    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Rao,  Sujan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Sarker,  Suryakalpo    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Sathe,  Anuja  Padmakar Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Setra,  Saisagar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Sharma,  Swati    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Shivaraju,  Dilip    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Singh,  Upendra    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Sivakumar,  Mithila    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Subbaraya,  Vineeth    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Sun,  Lu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Sun,  Yizhuo    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Thiyagarajan,  Sandhya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Toodi,  Meenakshi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Vanteru,  Sampath Reddy    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Wang,  Qiang    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Yuan,  Ruicong    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

Zhang,  Yi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Computer Engineering

NAME PROGRAM MAJOR.,  Sudarshan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Adatiya,  Khushan  Kirtikumar Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Alcorn,  Michael  Anthony Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Alluri,  Lavanya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Anantharaman,  Pradeep    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Annamneni,  Karthik    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Appavoo,  Dinesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Are,  Mito  Agustin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Armaselu,  Bogdan Andrei    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Arunachalam,  Harish Babu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ashokan,  Vignesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Atre,  Gandhali    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ayloo,  Sruthi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ayoade,  Gbadebo Gbadero    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Bana,  Arogya Sri Harshitha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Basile,  Charles  J. Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Belakavadi Shekhar,  Pragathi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Bhola,  Amit    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Bhuvaneshwaran,  Logeshwaran    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Boggula,  Brahmananda Reddy    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Boyapati,  Amulya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Boyd,  Solomon  Warren Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Camsaripalli,  Lavanya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Canchi,  Satya Raghavendra Sa    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Chada,  Tharunkumar  Reddy Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Chandrasekaran,  Sriram    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Chen,  Chun‐Wei    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Chen,  Jheng‐Hao    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Cherukuri,  Aditya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Chinnappan Mani,  Monish    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Chockalingam,  Senthil Nathan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Chou,  Chien‐Ju    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Colluru,  Nischal    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Costa,  Afton  Marie Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Dai,  Qinghao    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Dange,  Madhumita Vijay    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Daphal,  Neha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Desai,  Kevin  Parag Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Desai,  Vrunda Jatin    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Deshmukh,  Rugved  Ankush Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Dey,  Gaurav    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Dhanawat,  Vineet    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Dinne,  Abhilash    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Du,  Yushu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Duddu,  Usha Pallavi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Fan,  Yang    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Farmigoni,  Robert  Frank Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Gade,  Sivakarthik    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Gadipudi,  Sri Harsha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Galla,  Yashaswini    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ganesh,  Gautam    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORGelda,  Bhojal    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Gonnade,  Rohit  Vinayak Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Govindaraju,  Saranath    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Gunasekaran,  Vivek    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Guo,  Ji    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Gupta,  Abhishek    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Gupta,  Nimisha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Gupta,  Shivani    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Hadge,  Aniket  Gopal Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Halyal,  Nisha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Harrison,  Jesse  A. Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

He,  Yi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

He,  Yujing    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Hicks,  Robert  Douglas Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Iyer,  Sudhanshu  Sudhir Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Jakka,  Rugved  Niteen Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Jammula,  Harika    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ji,  Renkai    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Jin,  Huijie    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Jin,  Rong    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Jin,  Zhao    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Jotwani,  Gaurav  Tukaram Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Julakanti,  Naveen Kumar Reddy    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Justin,  Rosemary    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kagwad,  Prashant Dilip    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kakar,  Nitant    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kakodkar,  Prerana  Nitin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kamble,  Rohit  Mohan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kandula,  Pratyusha Reddy    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kanna,  Harsha Teja    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Katyal,  Anchal  Suriender Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kaur,  Harmeet    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Khati,  Basant  Kumar Singh Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Khuntia,  Prasanjit    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kohli,  Astha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Konduru Chandra,  Arun Kumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kotla,  Naresh Reddy    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Krishnamurthy,  Krithika    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kumar,  Pankaj    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Kumkar,  Vivek  Ramchandra Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Lahoti,  Neha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Lakkimsetti,  Sureedu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Lakshminarayana,  Shreyas    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Latha,  Krishnan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Leach,  Jonathan  Ryan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Li,  Shuo    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Li,  Xiaohan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Li,  Yiting    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Lin,  Yichuan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Lingareddygari,  Upendra Reddy    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Liu,  Yang    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Liu,  Yuanhong    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Luniya,  Karan  Ashok Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORMa,  Shizhe    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Maddhipatla,  Venkata Raghavendhra    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Madiraju,  Hamsalekha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Mahendran,  Purusoth    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Manchukanti,  Sushen Kumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Mandavkar,  Pradnya  Gopal Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Maneesh,  Abraham    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Manian,  Soorya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Manickam,  Adhirai    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Manickam Poonkundran,  Maaniccka Sentil    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Manigandla,  Sundeep Kumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Marshall,  James  Clint Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

McDonald,  Chadwick  Taylor Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Meenakshisundaram,  Magesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Mocherla,  Vamsi Krishna    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Mohite,  Pradnya  Ashok Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Mohrman,  Laurel  Ann Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Mok,  Jason  W. Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Mosher,  Garrett  Alan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Mukherjee,  Abhishek    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Munavalli,  Sunil  Mahadev Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Murugappan,  Vidyasri    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Muthuvel,  Senthil Kumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Nagarajan,  Siddharth    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Nair,  Rahul  Karunakaran Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Nanjundappa Prakash,  Supraja    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Narasimhan Vasudevan,  Sudharshan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Narne,  Harish    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Nguyen,  Andrew    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Nishtala,  Monica    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Nooka,  Sheshikanth    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ostwal,  Pooja    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Padala,  Navya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Pai,  Radhika    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Pandare,  Rohan  Sudhir Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Pandian Thamarai,  Lesley Titus    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Pandilwar,  Sagar  Vijay Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Parab,  Ameya  Madhusudan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Parekar,  Vinay  Prabhakarrao Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Parmar,  Ishan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Parthasarathy,  Arvind Krishna    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Patel,  Afif  Alimuddin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Patel,  Jemishkumar Sureshchandra    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Patel,  Madhav  M Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Patel,  Naimish  Jitendrakumar Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Pati,  Nagendra  Babu Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Patil,  Kamlesh  Vilas Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Patil,  Tanvi Santosh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Perumal,  Siddharth    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Potnis,  Prathamesh  Prafullachandra Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Pradhan,  Bhaktabandhu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Puppala,  Lokesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Qiao,  Rong    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Rahate,  Aniket    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Raja Srinivas,  Ananya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORRajasekar,  Gunasekar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Rajasekar,  Sathishbabu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Rajendiran,  Kumaran    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Rajendran,  Arunraj    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Rajendran,  Ashwini    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ramachandran,  Bragdish    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ramesh,  Prasana Venkat    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Rameshan,  Ashwin    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ramkumar,  Krishnan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Rangaswamy,  Bharath    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Raole,  Sayali  Divakar Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Rathod,  Vivek  Balrambhai Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ravada,  Pujita    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Rayapati,  Madhuri    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Roy,  Amit  Mahadev Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Sajjan,  Rajesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Senthamil Selvan,  Gowtham    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Seshadri,  Venkatakrishnan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Shah,  Mihir  Rajendrabhai Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Shah,  Rajit Amitbhai    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Shah,  Vaishali    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Shankar,  Bandi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Shao,  Zhuang    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Shi,  Jia    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Shivaram Reddy,  Vikas Reddy    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Singh,  Manuj    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Singh,  Prabhmanmeet    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Singh Baghel,  Ujjwal    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Singhal,  Rahul    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Sinha,  Binita    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Solanki,  Nidhiben  Mukeshbhai Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Sridhar,  Shivani    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Srinivasa,  Harish    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Srivastav,  Anvit    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Stallbohm,  Zachary  Evan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Subramaniyan,  Sukanya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Sugunan,  Divya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Sundewar,  Siddharth    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Surabhi,  Srivalli    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Surapathi,  Ramesh Kumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Tang,  Zhi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Tanna,  Miren  Amit Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Thakkar,  Chintan  Ashok Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Thandra,  Anukulkumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Thankaswamy,  Venkatesh Prasad    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Thirugnanasambantham,  Chandhya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Thompson,  Patrick  Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Tran,  Tien  Xuan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Trivedi,  Archit  Mahendrakumar Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Trivedi,  Ravish  Vimal Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Tucker,  Michael  Sidney Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ugirumurera,  Juliette    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Undirwadkar,  Aditya  Jayanta Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Varadarajan,  Srivatsan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Varma,  Rucha Rajendra    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORVasan,  Mojil  Manojbhai Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Venkatesh,  Madhavi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Venkiteswaran,  Vinesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Wang,  Hua‐An    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Wang,  Wubing    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Watkins,  Cameron  Hunter Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Waymel,  Daniel  Romain Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Wu,  Chulei    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Wu,  Shuangli    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Xu,  Dongyu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Yan,  Xiaoning    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Yelahanka Subbakrishna,  Padma Rekha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Yeotikar,  Nishi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Zhang,  Hao    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Zhang,  Linrui    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Zhu,  Bicheng    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Zhu,  Feifei    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSCS in Computer Science

Ahsan,  Areeba    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Aman,  Shafquat    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Archakam,  Gautham Shashank    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Arzola,  Joel    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Bai,  Tianqi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Balaji,  Naresh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Barkat,  Hasnin  Jahan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Basavaraju,  Kiran  Kumar Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Beard,  Chris    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Biyani,  Bharat  Arun Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Bo,  Yu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Bokshi,  Marigona    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Britto,  Sean  Ashank Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Chandrappa,  Sowmya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Chen,  Hao    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Chen,  Shih‐Che    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Chen,  Yue    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Cheng,  Peng    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Clark,  Adam  Buel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Corn,  Michelle  Nicole Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Daasa,  Siddharth    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Dunlop,  James  Richard Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Eleswarapu,  Ravi Teja  Sai Venkata Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Ezhil Arasu,  Iyswariya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Fei,  Junchi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Figuly,  Robert  Austin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Gaddam,  Narendra Nath    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Gao,  Shuwen    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Gunda,  Charan Teja    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Guo,  Hongfei    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Guo,  Lin    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Gupta,  Biswadeep Das    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Gupta,  Rishab Kumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Hanumanthaiah,  Harsha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Hsia,  Kang Hung    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Imran,  Junayed Al    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Jin,  Li    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Jin,  Zicheng    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

NAME PROGRAM MAJORKalyana Sundaram,  Abhilasha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Kalyanasundaram,  Abhinaya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Konakalla,  Lakshmi  Anusha Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Koti,  Bhavana    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Kumar,  Prabhat    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Kumar,  Vishnu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Laguduva Dhuvarakanat,  Shree Viswa Sha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Lee,  Taiyoon    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Lei,  Yu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Li,  Yanqing    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Liu,  Qin    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Liu,  Taishen    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Liu,  Yi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Lu,  Wuyiqun    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Luo,  Shanshan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Mahadevan,  Shabin    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Maloo,  Shrainik    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Maraliga Krishna,  Shruthi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Mugthihalli  Devapra,  Deepak    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Nadarajan,  Arun Nagar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Nandwana,  Mahesh Kumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Naresh,  Varsha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Parikh,  Harsh  Sundip Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Parikh,  Parth Pradipkumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Pateel,  Sree Lekha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Penshorn,  David    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Pu,  Tao    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Pudukkottai Viswanathan,  Subramanian    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Pulam,  Zarin  Tasnim Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Puppala,  Pradeep    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Pyne,  Moinak    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Qi,  Yuan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Ramapura Parswanath Jwala,  Malini    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Rangdal,  Sandeep    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Ravichandran,  Sowmya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Ravikumar,  Vignesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Shaji,  Ashok  Balaji Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Sharma,  Gargi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Shekar,  Suhas    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Sheth,  Helly    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Sheth,  Manushi Kartikbhai    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Soppimath,  Kiranvishweshwarayya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Srinivasa Reddy,  Hrudaya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Sun,  Dongzhuo    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Tao,  Fei    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Thoom,  Vinay Kumar Reddy    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Tong,  Mengzhou    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Tong,  Yihao    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Tsai,  Chao Fang    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Vanamala,  Shiva  Sreenath Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Wang,  Yingcong    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Wu,  Feng    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Xia,  Cong    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Xu,  Bowen    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Xu,  Ruoqun    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

NAME PROGRAM MAJORXu,  Zhen    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Yang,  Xue    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Yang,  Yang    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Yelaganamoni Prithvi,  Thejesvi Yadav    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Yu,  Heng    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Zhang,  Fan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Zhang,  Xuanyu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Zhao,  Junyi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Zhong,  Xiulin    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

Zhu,  Tianming    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSEE in Electrical Engineering

.,  Abhijeet    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Akbas,  Ahmet  Ilhan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Arunachalam,  Lakshmanan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Ayyam Perumal Rajan,  Siddarth Arumugam    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Carrasquillo‐Solis,  Kenneth  Joel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Daoud,  Maan  Akram Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Fathi,  Nabeel    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Fu,  Yanning    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Gong,  Yuan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Iyengar,  Srinath Champaknath    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Kaasjager,  Sander  Cornelis Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Krishnamoorthi,  Karthik    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Lin,  Jianping    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Lingam,  Devashish    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Lopez De Alda,  Antonio    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Milne,  Adam    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Modi,  Romil  Ashok Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Nirgund,  Srinivas Shreyas    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Parikh,  Vatsal Alpesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Patel,  Jaymin  Narendrabhai Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Radhakrishnan,  Ranjith    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Rui,  Zhenyi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Salam,  Mahmud    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Senthil,  Priyakrishnan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Sethuraman,  Ram Sidhartha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Subramani,  Madhusudhan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Travis,  Blake  Barrett Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Virani,  Malik Murad    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Xu,  Tingge    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Mechanical Engineering

Lu,  Yingzhen    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Materials Science and Engin

Aquil,  Faris  Mazen Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Balakrishnan Kannan,  Ajit  Gogul Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Bharatbhushan,  Divya    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Cherunilam,  Arjun  Benney Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Crain,  Scott  James Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

DeBusk,  Natalie  Gale Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Desai,  Noopur  Rajesh Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Ganesamurthy,  Prabhakar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Ganesan,  Ajaykarthik    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Garg,  Raghav    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Gullatte,  Amber  Adele Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

He,  Li    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Holder,  Trevor  Austin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Hu,  Ling  Huan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Hudak,  Marc  Lawrence Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

NAME PROGRAM MAJORJain,  Sumit    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Jiang,  Cheng    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Kaldawi,  Grace  Ann Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Liu,  Yuchuan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Ma,  Kefei    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Mehta,  Mayur  Jagdeep Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Modesto,  Daniel  Scot Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Mohammad,  Shazim    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Penmetsa,  Rohini  Swetha Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Polasani Babu,  Sandeep Kumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Prakash,  Vaibhav    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Redkar,  Janhvi  Arun Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Selvaraj,  Sindumathi    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Shaikh,  Adil  Anjum Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Sharma,  Preeti    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Spies,  Andrew    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Sundaresan,  Danny  Matthew Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Xu,  Yang    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Zhou,  Yisheng    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Software Engineering

Asuri,  Rama  Krishna Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Aswathappa,  Ajaykumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Dam,  Stanley  Quyen Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Fortenberry,  Eric  Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Garee,  Scott  E Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Kambli,  Anant  Navaji Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

MacKay,  Brian    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Murray,  Raleigh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Rodrigo,  Joseph  Asiri Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Shuman,  Shahed    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Whitmire,  Kathryn  Paige Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSNF in Software Engineering ‐ Exec.

Battala Vijayakumar,  Ganesh Kumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Feng,  Feng    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Garg,  Archit    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Gour,  Riti    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Hou,  Pengyu    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Kadugodi Nagabhushan,  Samarth    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Kannan,  Amrithavarshini    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Kaza,  Sai Pujitha    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Kumarakrishnan,  Ramkumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Mallappa,  Preetam    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Manohar,  Priyadarshini  Bangalore Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Mohanasundaram,  Dineshkumar    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Muttavarapu,  Anudeep Sai    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Parcha,  Poojitha Priyanka    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Parthasarathy,  Prashanth    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Rajeev Kumar Jain,  Lavish Jain    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Sridharan,  Vasudevan    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Srikantam,  Sudheesh    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Suru,  Subash Chowdari    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Venugopal,  Madhusudan Pranav    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Yadla,  Sri Ramya Durga    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MSTE in Telecommunications Engineering

Alao,  Olayinka  Olamide Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Systems Engineering and Mgmt

Bommineni,  Raghunandan Reddy    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Systems Engineering and Mgmt

Chen,  Xiaoxiang    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Systems Engineering and Mgmt

Guo,  Lin    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Systems Engineering and Mgmt

NAME PROGRAM MAJORKuo,  Kuan‐Ting    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Systems Engineering and Mgmt

Quinonez Tirado,  Raul    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Systems Engineering and Mgmt

Siva Iyer,  Vivek    Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Systems Engineering and Mgmt

Tran,  Duy‐Anh  Tommy Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com MS in Systems Engineering and Mgmt

Cao,  Qian    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Applied Sociology

Jones,  Cedric  Bernard Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Applied Sociology

Domin,  Stephen  Wendell Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Garcia,  Ivonne  E. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Milzcik,  Erik    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Pike,  Ashley    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Powell,  Zachary  Austin Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Reyes,  Helen  Alexandria Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Brown,  Robert  James Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Caplan,  Navon  Daniel Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Gonzalez,  Julio  Cesar Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Krieger,  Demi  Reyes Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Criminology

Chen,  Ta‐Yen    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Economics

Katz,  Alexander  Joshua Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Economics

McKinzie,  Derrick  Wayne Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Economics

Williams,  Vernon  Ray Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Economics

Boraud,  Ntakpe  Meney Alain Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Geospatial Information Science

Bowyer,  Leah  M. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Geospatial Information Science

Indriasari,  Vini    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Geospatial Information Science

Puffer,  Daniel  Theron Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Geospatial Information Science

Shi,  Fan    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Geospatial Information Science

Sivasailam,  Aravind    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Geospatial Information Science

Wang,  Chaowei    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Geospatial Information Science

Wu,  Yangyi    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Geospatial Information Science

Zhong,  Caiyi    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in Geospatial Information Science

Corwin,  Hillary  G. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in International Political Econ

Lanie,  Brooke  Ashley Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in International Political Econ

Villarreal,  Michele    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MS in International Political Econ

Dye,  Jaquanna  Lashae Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MSNF in Justice Admin and Leadership

Jones,  Charity    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MSNF in Justice Admin and Leadership

Le,  Chinh  Thi Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MSNF in Justice Admin and Leadership

Lybrand,  Nicholas  Afton Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MSNF in Justice Admin and Leadership

Morris,  Nicholas  Stanton Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MSNF in Justice Admin and Leadership

Williams,  Talisha  Danyale Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MSNF in Justice Admin and Leadership

Cao,  Anthony  Van Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Colunga,  Jennifer  C Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Cotten,  Arthur  James Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Engel,  Stephanie  Jane Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Hoang,  Trang  Thu Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Huddleston,  Emily  Dawn Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Isom,  Raymond  L Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Layne,  Raini  Maddera Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Rhodes,  Karen  Michelle Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Torres,  Alba    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Turman‐Gregory,  Lindsay    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Van Leeuwen,  Karl  E. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

West,  Craig  A Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Womack,  Carl  Rex Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPA in Master of Public Affairs

Benitez Salazar,  Santiago    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPP in Master of Public Policy

Michalek,  James  Steven Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MPP in Master of Public Policy

Cantrell,  Jonathon  Trevor Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MA in Political Science

NAME PROGRAM MAJORSobczak,  David    Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MA in Political Science

Laprade,  Jennifer  Michele Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MA in Political Sci‐Constitutnl Law

Mixon,  William  Donald Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci MA in Political Sci‐Legslatv Studies

Dessart,  Amanda  Lynn School of Intrdscplnary Stdies MA in Interdisciplinary Studies

Faruqui,  Imran  A. School of Intrdscplnary Stdies MA in Interdisciplinary Studies

Afrin,  Farhana    School of Management MS in Accounting

Akpabio,  Uwem  Hanson School of Management MS in Accounting

Asmussen,  Joel  Matthew School of Management MS in Accounting

Azimi,  Shahrzad    School of Management MS in Accounting

Bai,  Shuting    School of Management MS in Accounting

Basaria,  Samir    School of Management MS in Accounting

Booth,  Kasey  Malcolm School of Management MS in Accounting

Bowen,  Myles  H. School of Management MS in Accounting

Cao,  Jing    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chehal,  Manmohan‐Jit  Singh School of Management MS in Accounting

Chen,  Chuan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chen,  Hung‐Tin    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chen,  Kailin    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chen,  Liwei    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chen,  Luer    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chen,  Tingting    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chen,  Xiaolin    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chen,  Xiaoquan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Cheng,  Jiaxin    School of Management MS in Accounting

Cheng,  Qian    School of Management MS in Accounting

Cheng,  Ying    School of Management MS in Accounting

Cheung,  Ryan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Cho,  Ting‐Fang    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chu,  Chu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Chun,  Edward    School of Management MS in Accounting

Colbert,  Chayse  Arynne School of Management MS in Accounting

Cui,  Dian    School of Management MS in Accounting

Davenport,  Coral  Elizabeth School of Management MS in Accounting

Dede,  Esra  Yalniz School of Management MS in Accounting

Demirazi,  Tomi  J School of Management MS in Accounting

Diaz,  Rafael  C School of Management MS in Accounting

Ding,  Xinyu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Dong,  Anqi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Dong,  Chengcheng    School of Management MS in Accounting

Dong,  Ji    School of Management MS in Accounting

Dong,  Qiwei    School of Management MS in Accounting

Dong,  Xue    School of Management MS in Accounting

Eastwood,  Kelly  Jean School of Management MS in Accounting

Engel,  Stephen  G. School of Management MS in Accounting

Fang,  Lumeng    School of Management MS in Accounting

Ferrer,  Ma Gaea Quinn S    School of Management MS in Accounting

Fu,  Yufei    School of Management MS in Accounting

Gao,  Yuan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Gao,  Yunyi    School of Management MS in Accounting

George,  Jerry  Praise School of Management MS in Accounting

Gonzalez,  Lee  Marvin School of Management MS in Accounting

Gu,  Xun    School of Management MS in Accounting

Guo,  Shen    School of Management MS in Accounting

Hansen,  Zachary  Michael School of Management MS in Accounting

Hao,  Han    School of Management MS in Accounting

NAME PROGRAM MAJORHayward,  Justin  Wade School of Management MS in Accounting

He,  Mingqi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Hill,  Austin  Matthew School of Management MS in Accounting

Holihan,  Katrina  Maria School of Management MS in Accounting

Hou,  Yixuan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Howard,  Krysta  Michelle School of Management MS in Accounting

Hu,  Fangzhou    School of Management MS in Accounting

Hu,  Jiaqi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Hua,  David    School of Management MS in Accounting

Huang,  Ai Ling    School of Management MS in Accounting

Huang,  Sipei    School of Management MS in Accounting

Huang,  Yan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Huang,  Yanhong    School of Management MS in Accounting

Ijaz,  Hiba  Malik School of Management MS in Accounting

Jackson,  Billy  Gene School of Management MS in Accounting

Jackson,  Loren  Ashley School of Management MS in Accounting

Jiang,  Jun    School of Management MS in Accounting

Kao,  Yi‐Ting    School of Management MS in Accounting

Khatri,  Hemisha  Dharmendra School of Management MS in Accounting

Kiley,  Natalya    School of Management MS in Accounting

Kim,  Lisa  Kibbeom School of Management MS in Accounting

Kirshner,  Ross  L. School of Management MS in Accounting

Kopycinski,  Brent  Gordon School of Management MS in Accounting

Kwee,  Hung‐Shiu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Le,  Dung  Tri School of Management MS in Accounting

Lei,  Yao    School of Management MS in Accounting

Li,  Lingxiao    School of Management MS in Accounting

Li,  Min    School of Management MS in Accounting

Li,  Quanju    School of Management MS in Accounting

Li,  Ruiyan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Li,  Siying    School of Management MS in Accounting

Li,  Tianqi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Li,  Xinyue    School of Management MS in Accounting

Li,  Yujian    School of Management MS in Accounting

Lin,  Qing    School of Management MS in Accounting

Lin,  Wei    School of Management MS in Accounting

Ling,  Ruixi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Liu,  Fang    School of Management MS in Accounting

Liu,  Jingwei    School of Management MS in Accounting

Liu,  Sheng Han    School of Management MS in Accounting

Liu,  Xiaojing    School of Management MS in Accounting

Liu,  Yiming    School of Management MS in Accounting

Lopez,  Alejandro    School of Management MS in Accounting

Lu,  Dan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Lu,  Ji    School of Management MS in Accounting

Lu,  Jiahui    School of Management MS in Accounting

Lu,  Meng    School of Management MS in Accounting

Lu,  Mingxue    School of Management MS in Accounting

Luo,  Wei    School of Management MS in Accounting

Lv,  Difei    School of Management MS in Accounting

Ma,  Huiyuan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Ma,  Qiong    School of Management MS in Accounting

Ma,  Yu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Mai,  Linh  Thien School of Management MS in Accounting

Mao,  Jingyu    School of Management MS in Accounting

NAME PROGRAM MAJORMcBee,  Clayton  Allan School of Management MS in Accounting

Mittal,  Pankhuri    School of Management MS in Accounting

Mu,  Lina    School of Management MS in Accounting

Murphy,  Conor  Timothy School of Management MS in Accounting

Nguyen,  Hongvan  Thi School of Management MS in Accounting

Nguyen,  Jennifer  Huong School of Management MS in Accounting

Nie,  Manqi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Nyamandi,  Norman    School of Management MS in Accounting

Pan,  Huimin    School of Management MS in Accounting

Pan,  Yue    School of Management MS in Accounting

Pang,  Jia    School of Management MS in Accounting

Pham,  Huynh    School of Management MS in Accounting

Puri,  Sukrit    School of Management MS in Accounting

Qu,  Di    School of Management MS in Accounting

Quan,  Meizi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Quintana,  Daniel  R. School of Management MS in Accounting

Reeder,  Lauren  Catherine School of Management MS in Accounting

Ren,  Huan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Ripple,  Laura  Dennae School of Management MS in Accounting

Rodriguez,  Antonio    School of Management MS in Accounting

Shabaneh,  Feras  Samir School of Management MS in Accounting

Shang,  Jingwen    School of Management MS in Accounting

Shen,  Hujia    School of Management MS in Accounting

Shetzer,  Angela  Renee School of Management MS in Accounting

Song,  Fan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Strong,  Daniel  L School of Management MS in Accounting

Sun,  He    School of Management MS in Accounting

Sun,  Pu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Sun,  Yao    School of Management MS in Accounting

Tabor,  Amberly  R. School of Management MS in Accounting

Tagalog,  Natasha  Ariel School of Management MS in Accounting

Tan,  He    School of Management MS in Accounting

Tan,  Judy  Zhu School of Management MS in Accounting

Tan,  Kevin    School of Management MS in Accounting

Tan,  Shiying    School of Management MS in Accounting

Tao,  Yahong    School of Management MS in Accounting

Tao,  Yanlin    School of Management MS in Accounting

Teichelman,  Samuel  Robert School of Management MS in Accounting

Tian,  Feng    School of Management MS in Accounting

Titus,  Blesson  K School of Management MS in Accounting

Tran,  Anh‐Tuyet  T. School of Management MS in Accounting

Tran,  Ruby  Ngoc School of Management MS in Accounting

Vetrano,  Jessica  Ann School of Management MS in Accounting

Vimal,  Sivasaki    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wagle,  Krishna  Prasad School of Management MS in Accounting

Walker,  Latoya  Shantrelle School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Ailu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Chao    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Huang‐Wen    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Jingyi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Jingyi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Kehan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Luxi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Siying    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Teng    School of Management MS in Accounting

NAME PROGRAM MAJORWang,  Tianyu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Xiaotong    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Ying    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Yuanting    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Yuqiang    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wang,  Zheng    School of Management MS in Accounting

Weber,  Brittany  Kay School of Management MS in Accounting

Wei,  Lingxiao    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wei,  Ran    School of Management MS in Accounting

Williams,  Andrew    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wright,  Michelle  Lynn School of Management MS in Accounting

Wu,  Wangchen    School of Management MS in Accounting

Wu,  Yu Chieh    School of Management MS in Accounting

Xia,  Mengyu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Xia,  Rongbo    School of Management MS in Accounting

Xiao,  Menghao    School of Management MS in Accounting

Xiao,  Zhuoqun    School of Management MS in Accounting

Xie,  Yujie    School of Management MS in Accounting

Xing,  Hongtu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Xu,  Huichang    School of Management MS in Accounting

Xu,  Yue    School of Management MS in Accounting

Xu,  Zihao    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yang,  Aibing    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yang,  Chen    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yang,  Jing    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yang,  Lin    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yang,  Xiaobin    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yang,  Yali    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yang,  Yili    School of Management MS in Accounting

Ying,  Qiyue    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yow,  Tyson    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yu,  Qun    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yu,  Xiaobeini    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yu,  Xiaohang    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yuan,  Hui    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yuan,  Kun    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yuan,  Yuan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Yun,  Dong Young    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zeng,  Yunpeng    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Cheng    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Chuhan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Lingyun    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Luyang    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Meifang    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Qirui    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Ruodan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Ruohan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Shuo    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Xurong    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Yifan    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Yilu    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Yiqiao    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Yirong    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhang,  Yunyun    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhao,  Dan    School of Management MS in Accounting

NAME PROGRAM MAJORZhao,  Rui    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhou,  Jing    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhou,  Zhijiao    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhu,  Muyizhi    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhu,  Ningjie    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhu,  Shijie    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhu,  Shujing    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhu,  Yujing    School of Management MS in Accounting

Zhu,  Zhen    School of Management MS in Accounting

Farrington,  Bryan  Michael School of Management MS in Business Analytics

Nimick,  Christian  Spencer School of Management MS in Business Analytics

Sharma,  Udyan    School of Management MS in Business Analytics

Vij,  Abhishek    School of Management MS in Business Analytics

Wheatcraft,  Aaron  Dean School of Management MS in Business Analytics

Allred,  Thomas  Wesley School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Berns,  Tyler    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Campos,  Christina  A. School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

CohenRotenberg,  Meir    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Cole,  Courtney  Lon Brayos School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Davidson,  Susan  Hopeman School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Donthula,  Dinesh    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Edwards,  Robert  James School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Ezeugo,  Victoria  Chinwe School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Gunduz,  Bulent    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Jinnah,  Karim    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Mesa,  Ruben  R School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Miller,  Elizabeth  Michelle School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Mitchell,  Arron  D School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Mitchell,  Leslie    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Ortega,  Fausto    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Plott,  Alan  Ray School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Raajesh,  Subha    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Reddy,  Vineshwaran    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Seshan,  Vijay    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Shah,  Ankit    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Siddall,  James  Christopher School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Sommer,  Kilynn  Reyes School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Starnes,  Mark  Wayne School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Steele,  Jeffrey  Scott School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

Wines,  Rhonda  Quick School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Exec

An,  Zheyi    School of Management MS in Finance

Bai,  Ying    School of Management MS in Finance

Bao,  Wuyue    School of Management MS in Finance

Beller,  Jonathan  Glen School of Management MS in Finance

Benjamin,  Jeffry  Jense School of Management MS in Finance

Borders,  Jonathan  Reid School of Management MS in Finance

Bower,  Thomas  Elliott School of Management MS in Finance

Burgess,  Brandon  Irwin School of Management MS in Finance

Cai,  Bijia    School of Management MS in Finance

Cen,  Qian    School of Management MS in Finance

Chai,  Shanshan    School of Management MS in Finance

Chang,  Kai‐Yun    School of Management MS in Finance

Chang,  Po‐Min    School of Management MS in Finance

Chen,  Chen‐Ju    School of Management MS in Finance

Chen,  Leyu    School of Management MS in Finance

NAME PROGRAM MAJORChen,  Li    School of Management MS in Finance

Chen,  Mengruo    School of Management MS in Finance

Chen,  Yuan    School of Management MS in Finance

Cheng,  Pei‐Chun    School of Management MS in Finance

Cheng,  Sidi    School of Management MS in Finance

Cheng,  Yang    School of Management MS in Finance

Copeland,  William  F School of Management MS in Finance

Cui,  Wei    School of Management MS in Finance

Edling,  Jill  Alexandra School of Management MS in Finance

Felix,  Nancy  Kay School of Management MS in Finance

Feng,  Pengfei    School of Management MS in Finance

Fu,  Hua    School of Management MS in Finance

Fu,  Yige    School of Management MS in Finance

Gao,  Bo    School of Management MS in Finance

Gao,  Qi    School of Management MS in Finance

Guan,  Zelin    School of Management MS in Finance

Han,  Letao    School of Management MS in Finance

He,  Guandong    School of Management MS in Finance

Hsu,  Chun‐Pin    School of Management MS in Finance

Hu,  Huaxiao    School of Management MS in Finance

Hu,  Zhipeng    School of Management MS in Finance

Huang,  Cai    School of Management MS in Finance

Huang,  Pu    School of Management MS in Finance

Huo,  Ruining    School of Management MS in Finance

Ji,  Dongyao    School of Management MS in Finance

Ji,  Sihang    School of Management MS in Finance

Jia,  Yibo    School of Management MS in Finance

Jiang,  Shiyuan    School of Management MS in Finance

Jin,  Yiheng    School of Management MS in Finance

Jou,  Jen‐Ru    School of Management MS in Finance

Kan,  Zi Wei    School of Management MS in Finance

Kong,  Christina    School of Management MS in Finance

Kritz,  Leonid    School of Management MS in Finance

Le,  Trang  Minh School of Management MS in Finance

Li,  Ang    School of Management MS in Finance

Li,  Bihang    School of Management MS in Finance

Li,  Bo    School of Management MS in Finance

Li,  Boyue    School of Management MS in Finance

Li,  Chao    School of Management MS in Finance

Li,  Geli    School of Management MS in Finance

Li,  Han    School of Management MS in Finance

Li,  Jipeng    School of Management MS in Finance

Li,  Mengyu    School of Management MS in Finance

Lin,  Feng    School of Management MS in Finance

Lin,  I‐Chen    School of Management MS in Finance

Lin,  Jason  Guyssan School of Management MS in Finance

Liu,  Haonan    School of Management MS in Finance

Liu,  Jingying    School of Management MS in Finance

Liu,  Jue    School of Management MS in Finance

Liu,  Liang‐Yu    School of Management MS in Finance

Liu,  Tingting    School of Management MS in Finance

Liu,  Xuyang    School of Management MS in Finance

Liu,  Yuqi    School of Management MS in Finance

Liu,  Zhe    School of Management MS in Finance

Lu,  Xinyuan    School of Management MS in Finance

NAME PROGRAM MAJORLuo,  Qiao    School of Management MS in Finance

Ma,  Yubo    School of Management MS in Finance

Margvelashvili,  George    School of Management MS in Finance

McCann,  Patrick    School of Management MS in Finance

Meldrum,  Christopher    School of Management MS in Finance

Ni,  Xuefei    School of Management MS in Finance

Niu,  Yinqi    School of Management MS in Finance

Niyibizi,  Patrick    School of Management MS in Finance

Nong,  Taoran    School of Management MS in Finance

Nyamandi,  Norman    School of Management MS in Finance

Pan,  Feng    School of Management MS in Finance

Parwal,  Suruchi    School of Management MS in Finance

Peng,  Zengzhen    School of Management MS in Finance

Pham,  Anh  Viet School of Management MS in Finance

Phan,  Toan  Quoc School of Management MS in Finance

Qi,  Hanfei    School of Management MS in Finance

Qi,  Ji    School of Management MS in Finance

Qin,  Yao    School of Management MS in Finance

Qiu,  Yifeng    School of Management MS in Finance

Ren,  Qian    School of Management MS in Finance

Shan,  Lijuan    School of Management MS in Finance

She,  Weiming    School of Management MS in Finance

Shen,  Jiaxin    School of Management MS in Finance

Sun,  Shihuang    School of Management MS in Finance

Sun,  Siyun    School of Management MS in Finance

Tan,  Lu    School of Management MS in Finance

Tan,  Wenxi    School of Management MS in Finance

Tang,  Xinliang    School of Management MS in Finance

Tang,  Yiqi    School of Management MS in Finance

Tao,  Jueying    School of Management MS in Finance

Teng,  Li    School of Management MS in Finance

Tian,  Yuan    School of Management MS in Finance

Tomanek,  Ivan  J School of Management MS in Finance

Tong,  Xin    School of Management MS in Finance

Trinh,  Anh  Thi Van School of Management MS in Finance

Tsai,  Wan‐Chien    School of Management MS in Finance

Tu,  Jianqiu    School of Management MS in Finance

Turner,  Jennifer  Leigh School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Chengwen    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Chenxiao    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Hao    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Huan    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Lu    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Mengyuan    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Shiyang    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Shu    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Song    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Xiaoshu    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Yayun    School of Management MS in Finance

Wang,  Yuhan    School of Management MS in Finance

Wei,  Cong    School of Management MS in Finance

Wei,  Ran    School of Management MS in Finance

Wen,  Chih‐Chun    School of Management MS in Finance

Wen,  Sixing    School of Management MS in Finance

Whitley,  Alexander  Field School of Management MS in Finance

NAME PROGRAM MAJORWu,  Bolun    School of Management MS in Finance

Wu,  Haofeng    School of Management MS in Finance

Wu,  Jinpeng    School of Management MS in Finance

Xiao,  Heyuan    School of Management MS in Finance

Xie,  Yiling    School of Management MS in Finance

Xiong,  Xia    School of Management MS in Finance

Xu,  Ri    School of Management MS in Finance

Xu,  Yuhong    School of Management MS in Finance

Xue,  Demin    School of Management MS in Finance

Yan,  Silu    School of Management MS in Finance

Yan,  Xin    School of Management MS in Finance

Yang,  Chih‐Yao    School of Management MS in Finance

Yang,  Zhichao    School of Management MS in Finance

Ye,  Fei    School of Management MS in Finance

Yin,  Siyue    School of Management MS in Finance

Yin,  Xiaolin    School of Management MS in Finance

You,  Yi    School of Management MS in Finance

Yu,  Qing    School of Management MS in Finance

Yu,  Yiwei    School of Management MS in Finance

Yu,  Zeren    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhai,  Manying    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhang,  Chenyang    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhang,  Chunpeng    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhang,  Xingyu    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhang,  Yifan    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhang,  Yisu    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhang,  Yongli    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhang,  Yufeng    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhang,  Zedong    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhang,  Zhirou    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhao,  Liang    School of Management MS in Finance

Zheng,  Danfeng    School of Management MS in Finance

Zheng,  Jingyu    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhou,  Ying    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhu,  Pengfei    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhu,  Xiaoshi    School of Management MS in Finance

Zhu,  Zhaocheng    School of Management MS in Finance

Zuazo,  Angelo  L School of Management MS in Finance

Zuo,  Zhaoyun    School of Management MS in Finance

Ahuja,  Jhalak    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Alnachoukati,  Omar    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Belez,  Diego    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Bhardwaj,  Prabhjot    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Chen,  Yining    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Harris,  Rebekah    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Hoang,  Lianne    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Hombal,  Evangeline    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Johnson,  Joseph    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Joseph,  Joji  P. School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Lawrence,  Codie  Ray School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Levy,  Jennifer  Renee School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Mynampaty,  Mrudula    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Nguyen,  Christopher  Ngoc School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Petrosyan,  Elen    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Potter,  Travis  Garrett School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

NAME PROGRAM MAJORRamdeen,  Ashley  Tamara School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Reed,  Shannon  Marie School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Ropson,  Stephanie    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Siddiqui,  Zasim Azhar  Dil Hasan School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Sultan,  Mohammad  Tanvir School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Uragu,  Martha    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Virmani,  Mini    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Wallace,  Fallon  Dionne School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Wang,  Vivian    School of Management MS in Healthcare Management

Chellan,  Raphael  De‐Lorian School of Management MBMS in Dual IMS MS and MBA degrees

Bai,  Xue    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Bellett,  Wayne  Gabriella School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Chen,  Cheng    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Duseja,  Arshiya    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Goodwin,  Alison  Leigh School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Lakshay,  Abhi    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Li,  Le    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Li,  Naishuang    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Liao,  Yu‐Hsiang    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

McCready,  Angela    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Quach,  Alexander  Andrew School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Sevilla,  Daniel  Emiliano School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Wang,  Qi    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Xiong,  Chen    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Yu,  Jing    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Zerihun,  Sophia    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Zhang,  Biwei    School of Management MS in International MGT Studies

Agrawal,  Shikha    School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Baird,  Jaclyn  Nicole School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Guo,  Jichao    School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Hinson,  Matthew  Calvin School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Jackson,  Taylor  Cherie School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Jin,  Le    School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Leitz,  Sebastien  Paul School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Li,  Yizhe    School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Loe,  Marcos  Paul Anthony School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Montgomery,  Joshua    School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Mossman,  Nicole    School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Sarode,  Rohan    School of Management MS in Innovation and Entreprneurship

Bongiorno,  Patti  Lynn School of Management MS in MGT and Admin Sciences

Halawani,  Khalil    School of Management MS in MGT and Admin Sciences

Maulding,  Robert  Raymond School of Management MS in MGT and Admin Sciences

Skinner,  Chelsea  Corrine School of Management MS in MGT and Admin Sciences

Torres,  Holly  R School of Management MS in MGT and Admin Sciences

Tsai,  Hsiao‐Hsuan    School of Management MS in MGT and Admin Sciences

Wan,  Chenhao    School of Management MS in MGT and Admin Sciences

Ahmad,  Tariq  Daniel School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Alfano,  Christopher  Joseph School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Amponsem,  Kwaku  Manu School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Aziz,  Ali  Rahim School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Bahador,  Elham    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Baird,  Jaclyn  Nicole School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Benjamin,  Jeffry  Jense School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Berisha,  Egzon    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Booker,  Jovon  Denise School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

NAME PROGRAM MAJORBorders,  Jonathan  Reid School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Brandes,  Kenan  Clay School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Briceno Chacin,  Daniela  Maria School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Carter,  Jennifer    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Chandrasekaran,  Ravindran    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Chen,  Cheng Ting    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Chen,  Xiaoxiang    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Chen,  Ya‐Chen    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Cory,  Nathan  Earl School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Davani,  Babak  Faghaie School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Dhanani,  Alishan  Barkatali School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Dreiling,  Scott  Tanner School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Ellenbogen,  Farah  Kathleen School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Faltot,  Richard  David School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Feinberg,  Jason  Andrew School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Figuly,  Robert  Austin School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Govindaraju,  Ragu    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Guo,  Shen    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Haq,  Kashif  Ul School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Haq,  Syed  Sajidul School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Hill,  Taylor  Kaitlin School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Hobbs,  Timothy  Martin School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Hsieh,  Wan‐Tzu    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Hu,  Fuh‐An    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Huang,  Pu    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Hurrell,  John  Christopher School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Jackson,  Taylor  Cherie School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Jacobo,  Alejandro    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Jin,  Chenghua    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Kashem,  Tauhid    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Khy,  Kevin    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Kilpatrick,  James  Michael School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Kim,  Sun  H. School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

King,  Larry    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Kopycinski,  Brent  Gordon School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Korth,  David  Anthony School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Krishnan,  Siddharth    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Latif,  Muhammad  Naman School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Leitz,  Sebastien  Paul School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Li,  Mengdi    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Loe,  Marcos  Paul Anthony School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Lott,  Greg    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Luna,  Allen  R. School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Mai,  Linh  Thien School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Menon,  Sindhu    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Merapala,  Prithvi Raj    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Nash,  Carter  David Patterson School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Natarajan,  Karthikeyan    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Nguyen,  Kieu  Diem School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Nyamandi,  Norman    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Odusanya,  Damilola    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Overman,  Paulette  Marie School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Prado,  Alejandra  Maria School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Raja,  Vijay  N School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Ratnamma,  Anish  Janardhanan School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

NAME PROGRAM MAJORRexroat,  Jacob  Daniel School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Riley,  Ashley  Elizabeth School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Rizvi,  Bilal    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Ropson,  Stephanie    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Rouls,  Alyssa  Sarasani School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Sabani,  Valdon    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Sandera,  Rolli  Persinger School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Thornburg,  Nicole  Marie School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Thosapornvichai,  Tanachai    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Turner,  Weston    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Underwood,  Michael  Boyd School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Uragu,  Martha    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Vanderzant,  Gregory    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Walker,  Jesse  Karl School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Wallace,  Fallon  Dionne School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Weeks,  Natalia  Vetkina School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Wen,  Bin    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Williams,  Andrew    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Womack,  Amanda  Lea School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Woodard,  Caroline  Brooke School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Yang,  Yi    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Yow,  Tyson    School of Management MBA in Master of Business Admin

Arelly,  Roopesh Rajesh    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Dhar,  Priyank  Ranjan School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Fu,  Ning    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Jacob,  Liju    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Joshi,  Mandar Mukund    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Kathirvel,  Karthigeyan    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

McGough,  Jeremiah  James School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Montgomery,  Joshua    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

More,  Anuja Anand    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Mukhopadhyay,  Sayan    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Nimick,  Christian  Spencer School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Olaleye,  Ebenezer    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Peters,  Marcus    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Qiu,  Haiming    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Rajpoot,  Keshav    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Sharma,  Udyan    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Sirinoglu,  Celine  Christina School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Sumukha,  Anisha    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Venkat,  Gautam    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Vij,  Abhishek    School of Management MBA in Master of Bus Admin ‐ Cohort

Boyle,  Jamie    School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Castaneda,  Bernardo  Alberto School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Gray,  Christopher  Judson School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Hampshire,  Heather    School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Lindsey,  Matthew  Kendall School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

McKinney,  Adrienne  J. School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Okonkwo,  Valentine  Chibuike School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Pujara,  Manisha  Kirti School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Reyes,  Daniel  Joseph School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Roccapriore,  Ashley  Yerves School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Solanke,  Olajumoke  O School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

Taylor,  Michael  Joseph School of Management MBA in MBA ‐ Global

.,  Ruchika    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

NAME PROGRAM MAJORAbraham,  Tony    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Acharya,  Veena  Anand School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Adams,  Charles  Albert School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Addo,  Kwame  Ofori School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Aellala,  Sridevi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Agarwal,  Smriti    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Agrawal,  Shaily    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

An,  Hanyang    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Angu,  Ram Reddy    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Ba,  Yanjun    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Balasubramaniam,  Gowtam    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Beri,  Pratik    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Bhakuni,  Rohan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Bhalerao,  Harshal    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Bhalerao,  Vinay  Ravindra School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Bhatia,  Sagar  Raju School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Bhowmick,  Chandni    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Biyyapu,  Jasmitha    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Cai,  Yichen    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Chadha,  Bhupinder    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Chandwani,  Mohit    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Chen,  Cai    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Chen,  Chongguang    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Chen,  Minyun    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Chen,  Weili    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Chen,  Yipeng    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Damacherla,  Swathi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Darekar,  Sheetal  Murlidhar School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Datar,  Amogh  Sanjay School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Date,  Amol    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Dayani,  Kunal  Prakash School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Dhing,  Rashi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Ding,  Qianyu    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Du,  Zeyu    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Duvvuri,  Chaitanya    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Ellappan,  Sunil Maruthi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Fan,  Zeping    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Feng,  Ye    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Gao,  Chenyu    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Gao,  Wenxin    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Gao,  Yang    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Garg,  Palvi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Ghanshyam,  Chandak  Rajesh School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Ghosh,  Ankana    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Govinda Raju,  Rohith Raj    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Gunta,  Sruthi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Guo,  Lin    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Hobbs,  Timothy  Martin School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Huang,  Junzhi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Huang,  Shan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Huang,  Yi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Iyer,  Supriya    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Jacob,  Aby    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Jacob,  Liju    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Jia,  Yihang    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

NAME PROGRAM MAJORJiang,  Bei    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Jin,  Xing    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Jindal,  Ankur    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Johnson,  Ron  T School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Joshi,  Abhay Satish    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Joshi,  Kaustubh    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kadam,  Nitish  Ravindra School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kalra,  Gaurav    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kameswaran,  Shreyas Siddharthan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kand,  Swapnil  Sanjay School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Karambelkar,  Adwait    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Karinje,  Divya Anand    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kashyap,  Ashwin Nagaraja    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kathirvel,  Karthigeyan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kaur,  Jasleen    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kaushik,  Nikhil  Muralidharan School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Khan,  Mohammad Akif  Naveed School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Khan,  Zeeshan Faisal    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kharat,  Natasha Shirish    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Khare,  Anshul    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kidenda,  Christopher    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kodali,  Indu Priya    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kondreddy,  Rushitej Reddy    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Koti,  Swapnil    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Krishna,  Rashmi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kulkarni,  Amey Milind    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kulkarni,  Sushant  Shridhar School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Kunamneni,  Sriram    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Laguduva,  Madhusudan Mohan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Li,  Jiani    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Li,  Miao    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Li,  Wensheng    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Liang,  Yuchen    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Lin,  Juncheng Anthony    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Liu,  Bin    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Liu,  Weiqing    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Lorinc,  Tomas    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Lu,  Yejia    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Madalingappa,  Nethravathi Pampapura    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Maddox,  Charles  Jr. School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Malhan,  Isha  Mohit School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mallapu Vasu,  Hemanth Kumar    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mandyam,  Karthika    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mathivanan,  Anand    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

McGough,  Jeremiah  James School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mehar,  Arpit    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mehra,  Tamish    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mehta,  Aniruddh    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mehta,  Tanvi  Mayur School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mendhekar,  Shantanu  Nikhilchandra School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Merapala,  Prithvi Raj    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mishra,  Abanish    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mistry,  Jigar Gautambhai    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Mohiuddin,  Tooba    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

More,  Anuja Anand    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

NAME PROGRAM MAJORMudireddy,  Nikhil Reddy    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Murikinati,  Jaya Prakash Reddy    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Muthuganapathy,  Sivasankari    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Nagar,  Atul    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Nagubandi,  Avinash    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Nallamolu,  Surya Prakash    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Nambiar,  Shijith    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Nandyal,  Siddhartha    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Natarajan,  Neeladevi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Natu,  Anukta  Mukul School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Neelakantan,  Srikant    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Neelam,  Naveen Krishna    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Nie,  Miao    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Novak,  Olivia  Jane School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Padubidri Chandrasekar,  Abhishek  Murudithaya School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Paliwal,  Amar Sureshrao    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Pan,  Jiazheng    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Pande,  Renuka    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Pande,  Saurabh  Vasant School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Parab,  Shalaka    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Patel,  Monikaben  Bankimbhai School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Pathak,  Swati    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Pednekar,  Swapnil  Kamlakar School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Peng,  Tao    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Prem Kumar,  Pravin Kumar    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Pudi,  Parinita    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Puskuru,  Abhinav    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Qi,  Zhigeng    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Qian,  Mengbing    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Radhakrishnan,  Krishnaprasad    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Ramachandran Pillay,  Jayakrishnan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Ramaswamy,  Varadharajan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Rana,  Rohit  Dhanraj School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Rangaraju,  Ramyadhevi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Raveendran,  Nagaraj    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Ravi,  Vilash    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sachdeva,  Lovee    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sahoo,  Prachi  Prava School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sankh,  Pranay  Suresh School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sankhla,  Sahil    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sekar,  Karthik    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sethurathinam,  Rajamathangi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Shah,  Nishal  Ketan School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Shah,  Vinit Narendra    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Shekhawat,  Deepshikha    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Shelar,  Siddhesh  Ajit School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Shen,  Zhejun    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Shen,  Zhiyong    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Shettar,  Santosh Chinnappa    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Shringarpure,  Aditya    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Shukla,  Neeraj  Chandresh School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Singla,  Ridhima    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Somasundaram,  Niveditha    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sonkusare,  Sandeep    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sopori,  Heena    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

NAME PROGRAM MAJORSoundarajan,  Nudan Deepaa    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sriperampadur Prabhu,  Jayaram    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Srivastav,  Saurabh    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Stees,  Richard  Daniel School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sujiputto,  Monsicha    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sukumar,  Arunkarthik    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Sunny,  Cemin    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Supekar,  Devayani    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Takallapaly,  Ankit Rao    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Tamilarasan,  Naveen Kumar    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Thiru Soundararaj,  Sharath Raam    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Tirmandas,  Akhilesh    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Tyagi,  Avantika    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Varshney,  Prateek    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Venugopal,  Deekshitha    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Verma,  Hitesh    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Vishwekar,  Anik  Shrikant School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Walimbe,  Anagha  Rajendra School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wang,  Bo    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wang,  Chongli    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wang,  Jiaqi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wang,  Jiwan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wang,  Lu    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wang,  Mingliang    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wang,  Yameng    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Weaver,  Ana  Margarida School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wei,  Lingxiao    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wei,  Zezhong    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wright,  Eric  Douglas School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Wu,  Yun    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Xiang,  Zheng    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Xie,  Feiran    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Xu,  Chunyang    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Xu,  Huidan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Xu,  Yuan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Xue,  Lihai    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Yang,  Liu    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Yang,  Tzu‐To    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Yerneni,  Sri Harsha    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Yu,  Yerui    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Yuan,  Lin    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Yuan,  Yuan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhai,  Minghao    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhang,  Guanqi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhang,  Jiaqi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhang,  Jing    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhang,  Xiaochen    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhang,  Yuan    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhao,  Donghao    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhao,  Yangyue    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhen,  Zirui    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhong,  Chaomin    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhou,  Kuizhi    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhou,  Li    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zhu,  Weiji    School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

NAME PROGRAM MAJORZinkil,  Matthew  Kent School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Zode,  Ashutosh  Prakash School of Management MS in Info Technology and MGT

Bakhtiari,  Ali    School of Management MS in Marketing

Bao,  Changzhou    School of Management MS in Marketing

Cai,  Jiashan    School of Management MS in Marketing

Cao,  Lin    School of Management MS in Marketing

Chen,  Jiajie    School of Management MS in Marketing

Chen,  Ya‐Chen    School of Management MS in Marketing

Chen,  Ying‐Tung    School of Management MS in Marketing

Collins,  Nikki  Michelle School of Management MS in Marketing

Cui,  Wenjin    School of Management MS in Marketing

Dou,  Bowen    School of Management MS in Marketing

Feng,  Xue    School of Management MS in Marketing

Fu,  Bingxin    School of Management MS in Marketing

Gao,  Xiaoqing    School of Management MS in Marketing

Gou,  Yiyun    School of Management MS in Marketing

Guo,  Min    School of Management MS in Marketing

Han,  Lu    School of Management MS in Marketing

Hernandez,  Karla  Bianca School of Management MS in Marketing

Ho,  Liang‐Ying    School of Management MS in Marketing

Hsueh,  Ting    School of Management MS in Marketing

Hu,  Yuwen    School of Management MS in Marketing

Huang,  Wei    School of Management MS in Marketing

Hui,  Siming    School of Management MS in Marketing

Hung,  Shih‐Wei    School of Management MS in Marketing

Ji,  Jie    School of Management MS in Marketing

Kao,  Hsin‐Yu    School of Management MS in Marketing

Keng,  Kuang Hsuan    School of Management MS in Marketing

Klein,  Derek    School of Management MS in Marketing

Kumar,  Anu  Suresh School of Management MS in Marketing

Kumar,  Surbhi    School of Management MS in Marketing

Li,  Tzu‐Ching    School of Management MS in Marketing

Li,  Xiang    School of Management MS in Marketing

Li,  Xiaxian    School of Management MS in Marketing

Liang,  Sheng    School of Management MS in Marketing

Lin,  Jialiang    School of Management MS in Marketing

Lin,  Shih‐Han    School of Management MS in Marketing

Listi,  Tony    School of Management MS in Marketing

Liu,  Bei Bei    School of Management MS in Marketing

Liu,  Chixing    School of Management MS in Marketing

Mathew,  Nincy  Mary School of Management MS in Marketing

McClure,  Madison  Bond School of Management MS in Marketing

Patel,  Meghna  Rani School of Management MS in Marketing

Pei,  Yi    School of Management MS in Marketing

Peng,  Chung‐Wei    School of Management MS in Marketing

Prado,  Alejandra  Maria School of Management MS in Marketing

Puri,  Arushi    School of Management MS in Marketing

Reddy,  Pamulaparthy Shwetha    School of Management MS in Marketing

Rishabh,  Abhishek    School of Management MS in Marketing

Sheikh,  Abdul Latif    School of Management MS in Marketing

Shi,  Jingxing    School of Management MS in Marketing

Shui,  Hui    School of Management MS in Marketing

Thosapornvichai,  Tanachai    School of Management MS in Marketing

Wang,  Wei    School of Management MS in Marketing

Wang,  Xinji    School of Management MS in Marketing

NAME PROGRAM MAJORXia,  Meng    School of Management MS in Marketing

Xu,  Shuyi    School of Management MS in Marketing

Yan,  Yueheng    School of Management MS in Marketing

Ye,  Yicheng    School of Management MS in Marketing

Yen,  Min    School of Management MS in Marketing

Zhang,  Xuemei    School of Management MS in Marketing

Zhang,  Zhihui    School of Management MS in Marketing

Zhao,  Chen    School of Management MS in Marketing

Zhong,  Yuanzheng    School of Management MS in Marketing

Zhou,  Hao    School of Management MS in Marketing

Zhu,  Jiaying    School of Management MS in Marketing

Zhu,  Xingyi    School of Management MS in Marketing

Alkarim,  Ficky    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Amponsem,  Kwaku  Manu School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Bao,  Menghang    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Bhaisare,  Amit  Namdeo School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Bhargava,  Rashi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Brindavan,  Sai Krishna Chaitanya    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Cai,  Shijin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Carlson,  Patricia  Leigh School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Chen,  Chin‐Jao    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Chen,  Zheng    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Chung,  George    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Cory,  Nathan  Earl School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Dai,  Ruoxi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Dang,  Yingying    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Dattani,  Rutul  Bipin School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Dong,  Chen    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Faltot,  Richard  David School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Fan,  Wen    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Fiester,  Robert  Arthur School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Fu,  Wey    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Gao,  Jiawei    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Geng,  Yingfeng    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Gu,  Jinyu    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Guo,  Jirong    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Han,  Lu    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Han,  Shuo    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Harris,  Carl  Eric School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Hassan Moghadam,  Neda    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

He,  Siju    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Ho,  Kuan Hua    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Hsu,  Janet    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Hua,  Ying    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Jayan Nambisan,  Adithyan    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Jia,  Man    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Jiang,  Yaoqi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Jin,  Xiaoyu    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Joshi,  Mandar Mukund    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Kiyawat,  Payal    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Kuang,  Rui    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Kuo,  Hsin‐Yu    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Kuo,  Ting Yin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Lam,  Ellen    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Li,  Lan    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

NAME PROGRAM MAJORLi,  Like    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Li,  Po‐Wei    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Li,  Yezi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Li,  Yiming    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Liang,  Yingqi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Lin,  Jian    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Liu,  Daran    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Liu,  Fengde    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Liu,  Hao    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Liu,  Yanheng    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Lu,  Jun    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Lu,  Peishan    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Lu,  Weihao    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Luong,  Simone    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Ma,  Zhongkai    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Mahajan,  Yashodhan Anand    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Meng,  Fanyi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Ni,  Weizhi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Qiu,  Zhanghan    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Qu,  Binlin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Rajpoot,  Keshav    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Ren,  Bo    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Ren,  Ci    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Ren,  Hengxi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Ritter,  Matthew    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Shi,  Yun    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Simko,  Cody  Victor School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Sivadasan,  Vineetha    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Su,  Yuan    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Tao,  Xuenan    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Tecle,  Shamate    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Tian,  Xiaolin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Tu,  Jing    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Tu,  Shuaichen    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Tummala,  Shrinivas  Rao School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Venkat,  Gautam    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wang,  Guocheng    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wang,  Jiaxi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wang,  Meng    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wang,  Xufeng    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wang,  Yonglin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wen,  Bin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wen,  Mingfei    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wu,  Liyi    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wu,  Shuang    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Wu,  Xuan    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Xiang,  Qinfang    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Xing,  Zhouyang    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Xu,  Zike    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Xue,  Ke    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Xue,  Qingyang    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Ye,  Weibin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Yin,  Xiao    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

You,  Chang    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Yu,  Zeren    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

NAME PROGRAM MAJORYuan,  Siqing    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zhang,  Simu    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zhang,  Wen    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zhang,  Xin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zhang,  Yixin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zhang,  Zedong    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zheng,  Kailin    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zheng,  Tao    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zheng,  Xiaoxiao    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zhong,  Chuwen    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zhou,  Fangzhou    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Zong,  Jing    School of Management MS in Supply Chain Management

Chen,  Meng    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Bioinform and Comput Biology

Duff,  Michael  William School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Chemistry

Liu,  Jing    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Chemistry

Bayode,  Olatomide  Olasunkanmi School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Costello,  Brenda  Anne School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Guo,  Jing    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Harper,  Christopher  Neil School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Jackson,  Ashley  Nicole School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Kerstetter,  Scott  Robertson School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Kharwat,  Ranyah    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Li,  Jun    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Liang,  Xiao    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Martin,  Michael  Joseph School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Nix,  Calvin  Kenneth School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Pankratz,  Naomi    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Reyes Boet,  Marianne  Carolina School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Sayed,  Yasmeen  A School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Song,  Junru    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Stanley,  Cameron  Neil School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Thapa,  Tripti    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Wang,  Ning    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Zagzoog,  Mohammed  Asim School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Zhu,  Haonan    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Geosciences

Berezovik,  Irina    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Mathematics

Chen,  Yuchu    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Mathematics

Demmel,  Amie    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Mathematics

Guo,  Jing    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Mathematics

Mao,  Xicheng    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Mathematics

Wang,  Tao    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Mathematics

Hsu,  Chih Te    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Physics

Niedbalski,  Peter  James School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Physics

Smith,  Jonathon  M. School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Physics

Barlow,  Carrie  Rebacca School of Natural Sci and Math MAT in Science Education

Hoang,  Katie  Sau School of Natural Sci and Math MAT in Science Education

Ide,  Barrett    School of Natural Sci and Math MAT in Science Education

Sisk,  Joshua  Robert School of Natural Sci and Math MAT in Science Education

Bai,  Boyang    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Molecular and Cell Biology

Comer,  Jonathan    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Molecular and Cell Biology

Flores,  Cassandra    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Molecular and Cell Biology

Ganiga‐Prabhakar,  Ramya    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Molecular and Cell Biology

Lal,  Sneha    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Molecular and Cell Biology

Suresh Kumar,  Prerana    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Molecular and Cell Biology

Tian,  Jing    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Molecular and Cell Biology

NAME PROGRAM MAJORBhattacharjee,  Rituparna    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Bills,  Jessica    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Chowdhury,  Parinita    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Janning,  Ashley  Taylor School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Kositangool,  Piya    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Nizami,  Shobha    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Palakurthi,  Balaji Bhavani Shankar    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Pawar,  Sanaya  Sanjeev School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Prince,  Tavanna  Diane School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Shah,  Sarita    School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Tran,  Frank  Yung School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Biotechnology

Jiang,  Amy  Yiming School of Natural Sci and Math MS in Actuarial Science

Academic Governance The University of Texas at Dallas 800 West Campbell Road, AD 23, Richardson, TX 75080-3021

(972) 883-4791 FAX (972) 883-2101




Kasra, Mona   School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Arts and Technology

Robinson, Jerry M. School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Arts and Technology

Segovia, Sherri Dawn School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Arts and Technology

Albritton, Lillian Walcott School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities‐Aesthetic Studies

Bland, Marilyn   School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities‐Aesthetic Studies

Polite, Giraud   School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities‐Aesthetic Studies

Shao, Wei   School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities‐Aesthetic Studies

Watkins, Latoya Stevenson School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities‐Aesthetic Studies

Hudson, Jennifer Mary   School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities‐History of Ideas

Thorn, Brent Alan School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities‐History of Ideas

Mccaa, John Kimberly School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities

Navarro, Michelle   School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities

Remington, Blake William School of Arts and Humanities PHD in Humanities

Akrami, Roshanak   School of Arts and Humanities PHD in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Culver, Jennifer Lynn School of Arts and Humanities PHD in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Henson, George Bert School of Arts and Humanities PHD in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Keeth, Sara Louise School of Arts and Humanities PHD in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Molina, Lourdes M. School of Arts and Humanities PHD in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Vincent, Shelby Denise School of Arts and Humanities PHD in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Yang, Bingfeng   School of Arts and Humanities PHD in HUMA ‐ Studies in Literature

Banerjee, Anwesha   School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Cognition and Neuroscience

Chiang, Hsueh‐Sheng   School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Cognition and Neuroscience

Hu, Wei   School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Cognition and Neuroscience

Jeevakumar, Vivekanand   School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Cognition and Neuroscience

Kretz, Donald Raymond School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Cognition and Neuroscience

Lovitz, Eric Sean School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Cognition and Neuroscience

Rao, Neena Kalipatnapu School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Cognition and Neuroscience

Rieck, Jennifer Rose School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Cognition and Neuroscience

Strain, Jeremy Fuller School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Cognition and Neuroscience

Faso, Daniel   School of Behavioral & Brain S PHD in Psychological Sciences

Chhetri, Abhishek Paudel Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Computer Engineering

Dsouza, Jennifer Linda Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Computer Science

Pattuk, Erman   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Computer Science

Rachapalli, Jyothsna   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Computer Science

Zeng, Junyuan   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Computer Science

These students have applied for graduate degrees and have been reviewed by the Graduate Dean. The Graduate Dean certifies that all of these students will be eligible for the degrees indicated upon satisfactory completion of the current semester’s work. I request, therefore, that the Academic Senate certify these students to receive the degrees as indicated upon receipt of final grades and notification of completion of other requirements, provided that the grades received are consistent with the standards for credit prescribed by this University.

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Zhai, Xuming   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Computer Science

Kini, Ramnath K Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Elec Engineering‐Microelectron

Ahmadi, Muhammad   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Anderson, Christopher Stephen Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Chukwuma, Ozegbe James Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Li, Nanxiang   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Liu, Gang   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Liu, Kui   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Liu, Zhidong   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Mehdizadeh, Emad   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Naim, Muhammad Ahsan Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Narayanaswamy, Anand Subramanian Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Qian, Liuxi   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Robinson, Brently Wallace Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Sundaram, Nandini Ganapathy Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Urrabazo, David   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Xiao, Ying   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Yun, Yang Hun   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Ziaei, Ali   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Zou, Yuan   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Electrical Engineering

Arreaga Salas, David Eduardo Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Materials Science and Engin

Haines, Carter Sebastian Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Materials Science and Engin

Simon, Dustin Michael Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Materials Science and Engin

Al Zinati, Mohammad Hussein Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Software Engineering

Askarian, Ahmad   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Telecommunications Engineering

Ahsen, Mehmet Eren Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Biomedical Engineering

Moore, Richard Taplin Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Biomedical Engineering

Pradhan, Lagnajeet   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Biomedical Engineering

Sethuraman, Deepa   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Biomedical Engineering

Du, Yingjie   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Mechanical Engineering

Mortazavi, Seyedeh Negin   Erik Jonsson Sch of Engr & Com PHD in Mechanical Engineering

Birch, Ivan Gregory Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Criminology

Craig, Jessica Maeve Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Criminology

Dixon, Ashford Leon Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Criminology

El Sayed, Sarah Ann Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Criminology

Russell, Amanda Lynette Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Criminology

Saber, Mark Christopher Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Criminology

Williams, Angela Joy Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Criminology

Bakshi, Sneha   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Economics

Han, Yawei   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Economics

Kass, Malcolm J. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Economics

McKillop, Caitlin N Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Economics

Indriasari, Vini   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Geospatial Information Science

Markham, Michelle Suzanne Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Geospatial Information Science

Mendoza Jara, Fernando Jose   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Geospatial Information Science

Morris, E Scott Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Geospatial Information Science

Sinha, Parmanand   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Geospatial Information Science

Zhou, Yuhong   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Geospatial Information Science

Bae, Kwang Bin   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

Bellatin, Irene Marroquin Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

Blake, Robert S Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

2 of 4

Burleson, Roxanne Baker Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

Dobson, George Ray Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

Hijal Moghrabi, Imane   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

Kaya, Adem   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

King, Serenity Rose Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

Lee, Ji Han   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

Miller, Valerie L. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

Royster, Marcene Blakey Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Affairs

Almuayyad, Osamah Abdulelah Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Policy and Political Ec

Colter, Cheri   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Policy and Political Ec

Grover, William Carlos Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Policy and Political Ec

Gulley, Dawn   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Policy and Political Ec

Hashmi, Ayesha Tahir   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Policy and Political Ec

Jia, Ying   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Policy and Political Ec

Kummer, Adnan   Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Policy and Political Ec

Percival, Julie Ellen Burlingame Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Policy and Political Ec

Seitzler, Brandon Wayne Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Public Policy and Political Ec

Bell, Laura Nyoka Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Political Science

Feng, Yunda Eddie Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Political Science

Kirby, Barbara E. Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Political Science

Min, Bennet B Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Political Science

Scoggins, Calin Joseph Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Political Science

Stobb, Maureen Therese Sch of Econ Pol & Policy Sci PHD in Political Science

Mutlu, Canan   School of Management PHD in International MGT Studies

Bakhtiari, Ali   School of Management PHD in Management Science

Holcomb, Alex Joseph School of Management PHD in Management Science

Huang, Xiang Yu   School of Management PHD in Management Science

Jo, Koren M School of Management PHD in Management Science

Mason, Paul Douglas School of Management PHD in Management Science

Mutlu, Sunay   School of Management PHD in Management Science

Pahwa, Parneet   School of Management PHD in Management Science

Tajzadeh Namin, Aidin   School of Management PHD in Management Science

Basnayake, Sajani Achalanka School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Chemistry

Baur, Cary   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Chemistry

Campos, Raymond   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Chemistry

Do, Quyen Ngoc School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Chemistry

Manandhar, Bikash   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Chemistry

Munaweera, Munaweera Thanthrige Shanika School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Chemistry

Sombunsakdikun, Bunyong   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Chemistry

Wu, Jingbo   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Chemistry

Dunham, Jeffery Paul School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Geosciences

Gong, Ting   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Geosciences

Sun, Li   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Geosciences

Dobson, Joel L. School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Mathematics

Elewitz, Zachary   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Mathematics

Jafeh, Farzan   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Mathematics

Lv, Yanli   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Mathematics

Brown, Brian Lewis School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Physics

Chen, Yun‐Ju   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Physics

De Pedro, Hector Michael Belleza School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Physics

McIntosh, Robert Carter School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Physics

McWilliams, Marc Allen School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Physics

Namasivayam, Harisankar   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Physics

Nathan, Brian   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Physics

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Peel, Austin Chandler School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Physics

Wijenayake, Tharake Saranga School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Physics

Zhao, Tian   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Statistics

Lal, Piyush Behari School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Molecular and Cell Biology

Mallick, Sathi   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Molecular and Cell Biology

Rawat, Varun   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Molecular and Cell Biology

Zhao, Xiaoping   School of Natural Sci and Math PHD in Molecular and Cell Biology

Cain, Sarah Elizabeth School of Behavioral & Brain S AUD in Audiology

Cokely, Elika   School of Behavioral & Brain S AUD in Audiology

Elwany, Mohamed Mohamed Samy School of Behavioral & Brain S AUD in Audiology

Fung, Iris Yi Ting School of Behavioral & Brain S AUD in Audiology

Griep, Nichole Marie School of Behavioral & Brain S AUD in Audiology

Joe, Brent Andrew School of Behavioral & Brain S AUD in Audiology

Seligman, Jodi Lillian School of Behavioral & Brain S AUD in Audiology

Shevelyok, Alexandra   School of Behavioral & Brain S AUD in Audiology

4 of 4

Committee on the Core Curriculum - UTDPP1018 Policy Charge Core Curriculum Policy Statement The Committee on the Core Curriculum is a Standing, Concurrent Committee of the Academic Senate regarding University-wide requirements for students seeking entrance to a baccalaureate degree from The University of Texas at Dallas. The Committee is charged to evaluate and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding the University-wide General Education curriculum and its implications in terms of academic requirements for undergraduate admission and graduation, including transfer admission requirements. The Committee reviews and approves the suitability of particular U.T. Dallas courses that are submitted as designed to satisfy the University's core curriculum requirements. It may also review lower-division courses offered by other Texas public colleges and universities that students submit to substitute for U.T. Dallas core courses. The Committee also monitors changes in state law and rules of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to ensure that U.T. Dallas requirements are in compliance with statewide requirements for core curriculum. The Committee on the Core Curriculum shall act as the originator and developer of proposals regarding the core curriculum, just as the Faculty of the various Programs and Schools act regarding their majors' curricula and prerequisites. In so doing, the Committee on the Core Curriculum shall seek advice from all interested parties in the University, and call timely hearings of the faculty concerned with the core curriculum. By November 1, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a copy of the agenda established by the Committee for its work during the academic year. Annually, but no later than August 31, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a written report for the Academic Senate of the Committee’s activities for the prior academic year. The Committee is composed of seven voting members appointed from the membership of the General Faculty (as defined in Title III, Chapter 21, Section I.B.1. of The University of Texas at Dallas Handbook of Operating Procedures UTDPP 1088). Committee membership will be distributed across all seven schools. The Chair of the Committee on Educational Policy shall serve ex officio as one of the voting members. The Dean of Undergraduate Education, the University Registrar and Director of Academic Records, and the Director of Undergraduate Advising serve as non-voting, ex officio members. Four non-voting members are degree-seeking undergraduates including one lower-division student and one upper-division transfer student. The Chair of the Committee serves ex officio, with vote, on the Committee on Educational Policy. The Dean of Undergraduate Education serves as the Responsible University Official.

Commented [MC1]: Should this be raised to 8 to reflect the number of schools?  Or is there an alternate wording ? 

Commented [MC2]: Seven was removed to reflect recommended working from March Senate meeting.  

Unless specified otherwise in this charge, Committee members are appointed to two-year terms, and the Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually. The terms for appointed members shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in any one year. Members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms upon nomination of the Academic Council. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President, upon nomination of the Academic Council, shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. Policy History Issued: April 4, 1995 Revised: September 1, 1998 Revised: June 3, 1999 Editorial Amendments: September 1, 2000 Revised: October 25, 2001 Editorial Amendments: November 22, 2002 Revised: October 19, 2004 Editorial Amendments: June 7, 2006 Policy Links Permalink for this policy: http://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1018 Link to PDF version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/pdf/utdpp1018 Link to printable version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/print/utdpp1018

Committee on Educational Policy - UTDPP1023

Policy Charge

Educational Policy (CEP)

Policy Statement

The Committee on Educational Policy is a standing, concurrent committee of the Academic Senate of The University of Texas at Dallas.

The Committee is charged with reviewing the policies and procedures of all educational programs of the University, with respect to their quality, feasibility, necessity, and consistency with established academic policies, standards, and goals. The purview of the Committee specifically includes, but is not limited to 1) all proposals for the assignment of university credit to new courses, 2) all proposals for new programs, 3) all catalog materials, and 4) other academic policy issues referred to it by the Academic Council and/or Senate. The Committee shall publish, with the approval of the Academic Senate, calendars for submission to it of proposals for new programs, catalog copy for approval, and such other materials as it considers appropriate.

Catalog copy and proposals for new programs shall be submitted directly by appropriate administrative officers to the Committee for review. Upon completion of its deliberations, the Committee will forward the material with their results to the Academic Senate through the Academic Council. Reviews of policy suggestions by other committees and responses to requests for opinions by other agencies of the University will be returned directly to the concerned body if the Committee finds that it can formulate its advice within the framework of existing Senate policies and established precedents. New policies deemed appropriate by the Committee will be submitted as recommendations to the Academic Senate, through the Academic Council.

By November 1, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a copy of the agenda established by the Committee for its work during the academic year.

Annually, but no later than August 31, the Chair of the Committee provides the Speaker of the Faculty with a written report for the Academic Senate of the Committee’s activities for the prior academic year.

Insofar as possible, the fourteen members of the Committee shall include two representatives from each School, but with one representative from the School of Interdisciplinary Studies, appointed from the membership of the General Faculty (as defined in Title III, Chapter 21, Section I.B.1. of The University of Texas at Dallas Handbook of Operating Procedures UTDPP 1088). The Chair of the Committee on Core Curriculum shall serve ex officio as one of the voting members. There shall be four non-voting ex officio members: the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Dean of Undergraduate Education, the Assistant Provost, and the University Registrar and Director of Academic Records. The President of the Student Body shall submit to the President a slate of three graduate and three undergraduate students from whom the President selects one graduate student and one undergraduate student to be non-voting members of the committee.

Commented [MC1]: Does this need to be raised due to the requirement of at least 2 members per school and one from Interdisciplinary studies? 

The Dean of Graduate Studies and the Dean of Undergraduate Education serve as Responsible University Officials charged with implementing the policies recommended by the committee and approved by administration.

Unless specified otherwise in this charge, Committee members are appointed to two-year terms, and the Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually. The terms for appointed members shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in any one year. Members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms upon nomination of the Academic Council. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President, upon nomination of the Academic Council, shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

Policy History

Revised: November 12, 1979 Revised: May 13, 1985 Revised: November 1, 1990 Revised: February 1, 1991 Revised: October 15, 1993 Revised: April 4, 1995 Revised: June 30, 1997 Revised: September 1, 1998 Editorial Amendments: September 1, 2000 Revised: October 25, 2001 Editorial Amendments: November 22, 2002 Editorial Amendments: April 18, 2006

Policy Links

Permalink for this policy: http://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1023 Link to PDF version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/pdf/utdpp1023 Link to printable version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/print/utdpp1023

Committee on Effective Teaching - UTDPP1024

Policy Charge

Effective Teaching

Policy Statement

The Committee on Effective Teaching is a Concurrent Committee of the Academic Senate of The University of Texas at Dallas. The Committee oversees and encourages the development of a wide range of tools and facilities to promote excellence in teaching across all disciplines and levels within the University. It will, on a continuing basis, refine the definition and measurement of excellence in teaching, and advise the University and Academic Senate of needs for and availability of new technology and training for teachers.

The competitions for all University level teaching awards will be managed by the Committee. It will forward its recommendations for award winners to the President.

The Committee will receive annual reports from each individual School Committee on Effective Teaching and will facilitate and evaluate the work of the School committees. The Committee will forward the individual School reports and its summary evaluation report annually to the Executive Vice President and Provost (Provost).

The Committee will create and refine procedures for the training of and monitoring of the teaching effectiveness of graduate teaching assistants.

The Committee will receive complaints about and requests for improvements in the teaching environments on campus and pass on recommendations for improvements to the University administration.

The Committee will encourage and review the funding of projects in the use of new technology and new teaching methods, both on campus and by transmission to remote sites. It will also advise the University administration and Academic Senate on ways to ease the transition to "the high tech classroom."

As part of the general requirement to improve awareness of new ideas and new technologies, the Committee will occasionally invite renowned speakers to give seminars on campus.

By November 1, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a copy of the agenda established by the Committee for its work during the academic year.

Annually, but no later than August 31, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a written report for the Academic Senate of the Committee’s activities for the prior academic year.

The Committee is composed of nine voting members and shall include six faculty members (one from each school) appointed from the membership of the General Faculty (as defined in Title III, Commented [MC1]: Does this number need to be 

increased to reflect the additional school?  

Chapter 21, Section I.B.1. of The University of Texas at Dallas Handbook of Operating Procedures UTDPP1088), two students, and one technical expert or librarian. The Dean of Undergraduate Education and such Associate Deans for Undergraduate Education of the seven schools who have not been appointed as voting members serve as non-voting members, ex officio. The Provost serves as the Responsible University Official.

Unless specified otherwise in this charge, Committee members are appointed to two-year terms, and the Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually. The terms for appointed members shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in any one year. Members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms upon nomination of the Academic Council. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President, upon nomination of the Academic Council, shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

Policy History

Issued: May 1, 1994 Revised: September 1, 1998 Editorial Amendments: September 1, 2000 Revised: December 15, 2000 Editorial Amendments: November 22, 2002 Editorial Amendments: June 29, 2006 Revised: November 3, 2008

Policy Links

Permalink for this policy: http://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1024 Link to PDF version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/pdf/utdpp1024 Link to printable version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/print/utdpp1024

Committee on Learning Management Systems - UTDPP1028

Policy Charge

Learning Management Systems

Policy Statement

The Committee on Learning Management Systems is a Concurrent Committee of the Academic Senate charged to analyze, support, and provide advice and recommendations regarding the educational software package employed for instructional purposes. The Committee will advise the Responsible University Official on all aspects of the use and operation of such software and, if necessary, the selection of any successor software. It will also assist in long term planning and in designing and implementing programs for faculty instruction in the use of such software.

The Committee will also advise the President through the Academic Senate on strategy and policy regarding university software to support instruction. The Committee will communicate with the Committee on Distance Learning and, with them, will advise the Executive Vice President and Provost on academic and faculty issues that pertain to the maintenance, use, and improvement of this software.

By November 1, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a copy of the agenda established by the Committee for its work during the academic year.

Annually, but no later than August 31, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a written report for the Academic Senate of the Committee’s activities for the prior academic year.

The Committee is composed of six seven members appointed from the membership of the General Faculty,(, (as defined in Title III, Chapter 21, Section I.B.1 of The University of Texas at Dallas Handbook of Operating ProceduresUTDPP1088), pursuant to the applicable procedures outlined in Title IIIUTPP 1088, supra. The criteria for appointment shall be that they will be faculty who use WebCT and will represent a broad spectrum of disciplinary content and levels of instruction. Ideally, one member would be from each of six of the seven schools in the University. Up to twenty additional members, ex-officio, may be appointed upon nomination of the Responsible University Official from the offices of Educational Enhancement, Information Resources, the Registrar, Audit and Compliance, and the instructional designers in the School of Management. The Associate Provost for Educational Enhancement serves as the Responsible University Official.

The terms for appointed faculty members shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in any one year. Of the initial six Committee members appointed from the membership of the General Faculty, three shall be appointed to one year terms and three shall be appointed for two year terms. Thereafter, unless specified otherwise in this charge, Committee members are appointed to two-year terms, and the Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually. Members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms upon nomination of the Academic Council. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President, upon nomination of the Academic Council, shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

Policy Links

Permalink for this policy: http://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1028 Link to PDF version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/pdf/utdpp1028 Link to printable version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/print/utdpp1028

Committee on Student Scholarships - UTDPP1038

Policy Charge

Student Scholarships

Policy Statement

The Committee on Student Scholarships is a standing, concurrent committee of the Academic Senate of The University of Texas at Dallas.

The Committee reviews and makes recommendations concerning all University policies and procedures in regard to student scholarships. The Committee also serves as the selection committee for all scholarships that require a local selection committee not otherwise specified in the conditions of the program or bequest establishing the scholarship. In addition to any specific criteria governing awards of competitive scholarships to students, such as major field of study, the Committee, after giving primary consideration to the applicant’s scores on standardized tests and scholastic records, both as regards the type and nature of courses taken and the grades achieved in specific courses, may consider and give positive weight to such factors as the following in designating recipients:

achievements in work experiences community service extracurricular activities; leadership surmounting obstacles to the further pursuit of higher education socioeconomic background educational level status as a first generation college student

The Dean of Undergraduate Education shall submit an annual report on the University’s Academic Excellence Scholarship Program to the Committee for review. Committee recommendations for changes and enhancements to the program are forwarded to the Executive Vice President and Provost.

By November 1, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a copy of the agenda established by the Committee for its work during the academic year.

Annually, but no later than August 31, the Chair of the Committee provides the Speaker of the Faculty with a written report for the Academic Senate of the Committee’s activities for the prior academic year.

The Committee is composed of seven eight appointed members selected from among the Associate Deans for Undergraduate Education or heads of graduate programs of the seven schools. In addition, the Dean of Undergraduate Education and the Dean of Graduate Studies serve as voting members, ex officio. The Director of the Office of Financial Aid, the Director of Endowment Services and Compliance, and the Director of the Office of International Education serve as non-voting members, ex officio. The Associate Provost responsible for student affairs serves as the Responsible University Official.

Unless specified otherwise in this charge, Committee members are appointed to two-year terms, and the Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually. The terms for appointed members shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in any one year. Members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms upon nomination of the Academic Council. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President, upon nomination of the Academic Council, shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

Policy History

Issued: September 4, 1978 Revised: October 30, 1978 Revised: November 12, 1979 Revised: March 1, 1980 Revised: May 1, 1980 Revised: June 30, 1983 Revised: September 1, 1984 Revised: May 13, 1985 Revised: September 1, 1988 Revised: November 1, 1990 Revised: April 4, 1995 Revised: September 1, 1998 Editorial Amendments: September 1, 2000 Editorial Amendments: November 22, 2002 Revised: May 16, 2006 Editorial Amendment: November 5, 2008

Policy Links

Permalink for this policy: http://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1038 Link to PDF version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/pdf/utdpp1038 Link to printable version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/print/utdpp1038

Library Committee - UTDPP1076

Policy Charge

Library Committee

Policy Statement

The Library Committee is a standing, concurrent committee of the Academic Senate of The University of Texas at Dallas.

The Committee is charged to:

1. review all policies and procedures of the Library and recommend those policies and procedures that will yield the greatest overall benefit to the educational programs of the University,

2. assist and promote faculty and student participation in the selection of library resources, 3. periodically evaluate the library holdings and services and make recommendations for their

improvement, and 4. act as an intermediary where needed between library users, library staff, and the


The Committee will receive regular reports on all matters of major library policy, including proposed budgetary allocations, from the Dean of Libraries, and will return its advice on routine matters to the Dean. Recommendations for general university policies arising from its considerations will be forwarded to the Academic Council or to the Academic Senate through the Academic Council.

By November 1, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a copy of the agenda established by the Committee for its work during the academic year.

Annually, but no later than August 31, the Chair of the Committee provides the Speaker of the Faculty with a written report for the Academic Senate of the Committee's activities for the prior academic year.

The Committee is composed of sixteen eighteen voting members including one undergraduate and one graduate student. Seven Eight members, one representing each School, shall be appointed from the membership of the General Faculty (as defined in Title III, Chapter 21, Section I.B.1. of The University of Texas at Dallas Handbook of Operating ProceduresUTD PP 1088). Seven Eight members, one representing each School's library acquisition committee, will be nominated by the respective School Dean. The Dean of Libraries and one member of the general administration shall serve as non-voting, ex officio members. The committee may add such additional non-voting members as will assist it in assuring that the library has adequate and continuous communication with all components of the University that depend on it. The Dean of Libraries serves as the Responsible University Official.

Unless specified otherwise in this charge, Committee members are appointed to two-year terms, and the Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually. The terms for appointed members shall be

staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in any one year. Members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms upon nomination of the Academic Council. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President, upon nomination of the Academic Council, shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

Policy History

Issued: September 4, 1978 Revised: November 12, 1979 Revised: January 8, 1981 Revised: June 30, 1983 Revised: November 1, 1990 Revised: October 15, 1993 Revised: September 1, 1998 Editorial Amendments: September 1, 2000 Revised: October 25, 2001 Revised: October 29, 2003 Editorial Amendments: April 6, 2006

Policy Links

Permalink for this policy: http://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1076 Link to PDF version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/pdf/utdpp1076 Link to printable version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/print/utdpp1076

Senate Advisory Committee on the University Budget - UTDPP1084

Policy Statement

Title and Purpose

The Senate Advisory Committee on the University Budget is a concurrent committee reporting to the Senate and the President. The purpose of the committee is to advise the Senate and President on the academic implications of the university budget, and to suggest policies on budgetary matters that bear on faculty morale, retention, and productivity, and on the quality and productivity of U T Dallas academic programs.


The committee shall have nine ten voting members. One voting member shall be appointed from the faculty of each School and two voting members shall be chosen from the faculty at large for special expertise or interest in institutional budgeting. Members shall serve staggered three year terms, except that in the first year three of the nine members shall be appointed for one year, three for two years, and three for three years. The Associate Vice President for Budget and Resource Planning shall serve as member ex officio and assure that the Committee receives information on the budget in a form the Committee finds usable. Voting members shall be appointed according to the procedures in the Handbook of Operating Procedures III.21. IV. B. Vacancies that arise from resignation or departure shall be filled in the same manner.


The responsible university official shall be the Provost of the University or the Provost’s designee. The committee will receive the budgetary information it requires each year before the budget is finalized, and prepare its assessment and advice, to be conveyed to the Senate, Provost, and President. Policy recommendations shall also be conveyed to the Senate, Provost, and President.

Activities and Schedule

Each year, the committee is to review the university budget and provide an assessment of the impact of budget priorities on the academic programs and teaching and research priorities of the faculty. In addition, the committee shall from time to time, either on a regular cycle or as need may arise, prepare analyses of specific issues that affect faculty and the quality and productivity of academic programs. Issues of this kind that the committee may consider could include, but are not limited to:

1. The relative priorities of consideration of pay equity and of using money to attract especially outstanding new faculty.

2. Salary and pay policy, including problems of salary equity, compression, and inversion. 3. Relative budgetary weight of support services and academic personnel. 4. The possible uses of endowment funds within the constraints of the endowment

requirements. 5. Tuition and fees, including admission fees.

Commented [MC1]: Number was increased to reflect additional school representative.

6. Allocation of faculty positions to the several schools and programs in relation to university goals and policies.

7. Student salary scales and policies, including policies regarding salary equity. 8. Availability and cost of campus housing in general and for specific student populations, such

as graduate versus undergraduate. 9. Costs and benefits of new programs. 10. The balance to be struck between scholarships based on need and scholarships based on


The committee shall also recommend policies or changes in policy on these matters and other such matters as may seem fit, framing the issues to lead the Senate to an informed discussion.

Annual Reports

Annually, but no later than August 31, the Chair of the Committee shall provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a written report for the Academic Senate of the Committee’s activities for the prior academic year.

Policy History

Issued: December 10, 2010

Policy Links

Permalink for this policy: http://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1084 Link to PDF version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/pdf/utdpp1084 Link to printable version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/print/utdpp1084

Committee for the Support of Diversity and Equity - UTDPP1022

Policy Charge

Diversity and Equity

Policy Statement

The Committee for the Support of Diversity and Equity is a University-wide Standing Committee reporting directly to the President of The University of Texas at Dallas.

The Committee meets regularly (at least six times each academic year) to review and discuss issues that affect the institutional status, professional effectiveness and personal morale of women, minorities, and members of other underrepresented groups in full and part-time faculty and staff positions. To support its role in understanding and recommending policy with respect to these and related issues the Committee is empowered to carry out studies, conduct interviews and prepare reports. It meets with the President at the beginning and end of each academic year to receive special charges and reports from the administration and to convey to the administration ideas, concerns and advice from the Committee that address the issues of eliminating institutional features which differentially and negatively affect women, minorities, and members of other underrepresented groups. It is also within the purview of this Committee to recommend the creation and initiation of actions and policies which would support the professional careers of these same individuals.

The Committee shall consist of eleven twelve faculty members (including members on the faculty of each of the seven Schools), three academic administrators and eight staff members representing the entire university community. The Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement shall serve as the Responsible University Official (RUO).

The term of office of the committee members shall be for two years, effective September 1 to August 31, staggered in time to make approximately equal numbers of appointments expire each academic year. The President may reappoint members for additional terms. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. The Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually by the President.

Policy History

Issued: November 12, 1997 Editorial Amendments: February 2, 1998 Editorial Amendments: September 1, 2000 Revised: May 16, 2006 Revised: November 4, 2008

Policy Links

Permalink for this policy: http://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1022 Link to PDF version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/pdf/utdpp1022

Link to printable version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/print/utdpp1022

Bylaws of the Academic Senate of The University of Texas at Dallas ‐ UTDPP1007 

Policy Statement 


I. Preamble 


The Academic Senate is a representative body, formed from the General Faculty of The 

University of Texas at Dallas, in which faculty develop their concerns and proposals in exercising 

their major roles in faculty governance. The Academic Senate is aided in its work by the 

Academic Council, a smaller body formed from the Academic Senate which meets regularly with 

the President and Executive Vice President and Provost (Provost) and by the Faculty 

Committees. As the regular primary faculty governance body, the Academic Senate is expected 

to coordinate faculty exercise of faculty governance responsibilities in the interests of academic 

excellence at The University of Texas at Dallas. 


II. Authority 


These Bylaws supplement UTDPP1088 ‐ Faculty Governance of the Handbook of Operating 

Procedures of The University of Texas at Dallas. Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed to 

conflict with the Handbook of Operating Procedures, the Rules and Regulations of the Board of 

Regents of The University of Texas System, or state law. 


III. Organization 


A. Membership in the Academic Senate 


1. Only members of the Voting Faculty are eligible for membership in the 

Academic Senate. Members of the Voting faculty are limited to the following, as 

defined in UTDPP 1088, Section I.B.1.a: 


a. Faculty appointed half‐time or more to The University of Texas at Dallas 

who hold the rank of Regental Professor, Professor, Associate Professor, 

or Assistant Professor. 


b. Faculty appointed half‐time or more to The University of Texas at Dallas 

who hold the rank of Instructor.  


c. Faculty appointed full‐time to The University of Texas at Dallas who hold 

the rank of Clinical Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical 

Assistant Professor, or Senior Lecturer 1, 2, or 3. 


2. As specified in UTDPP1088, Sec. II.B.1, “The elected members of the Academic 

Senate shall consist of no fewer than twenty‐three and no more than fifty‐one 

voting members of the General Faculty, with intermediate numbers computed 

so as to be as close to 10% of the voting membership of the General Faculty as 

possible.” Based on the current size of the General Faculty and projected 

growth, the number of Senators will be 51. 


3. Each School in the University shall be represented in the Senate. 


4. A minimum of 50% of Senate positions shall be held by tenure‐system faculty 

and a minimum of 10% of Senate positions shall be held by non‐tenure‐system 



5. All members elected or appointed to the Academic Senate according to these 

Bylaws, and only those members, shall be voting members of the Academic 



6. Non‐voting participants 


a. The President and Vice President of the Student Government 

Association, or their assignees, shall be invited to attend meetings of 

the Academic Senate as non‐voting participants, except when the 

Academic Senate is in executive session. 


b. The Chair of the Staff Council shall be invited to attend the Academic 

Senate meetings as a non‐voting participant, except when the Academic 

Senate is in executive session. 


B. Elections for Academic Senate 


1. The Secretary of the Faculty shall be in charge of the election, although he or 

she may designate other faculty and staff members to assist. 


2. The nomination and election procedures, including a calendar, shall be 

distributed no later than February 1. Nomination and election procedures may 

be online or may utilize paper petitions and ballots. The election procedures, 

beginning with the nomination process and ending with election of a Speaker of 

the Faculty‐Elect and Secretary of the Faculty‐Elect, shall begin no later than 

March 15 and end no later than April 14. At least two weeks shall be allowed for 

submission of Academic Senate nominating petitions, and one week for ballots 

in the Academic Senate election. 


3. Nominating petitions are collected by the Office of Academic Governance. For 

an individual to be placed on the election ballot, two nominating petitions must 

be submitted on his or her behalf.  Any member of the Voting Faculty may 

submit a nominating petition for any other member of the Voting Faculty, or for 

himself or herself.  No one may submit more than two nominating petitions, 

and no one may submit more than one nominating petition for any one 



4. The Secretary of the Faculty shall ascertain the willingness of each nominee to 

serve if elected. The names of those who do not wish to serve will not be placed 

on the ballot. 


5. If the number of nominees is below 23 (the minimum number of Senate 

positions as specified in UTDPP1088, Sec. II.B.1), the nominating period shall be 

extended, and the Secretary of the Faculty shall make additional efforts to 

encourage nominations. 


6. If the number of nominees exceeds the minimum of 23, but does not exceed the 

maximum of 51, all nominees shall be deemed elected, and there shall be no 

formal election. 


7. The Secretary of the Faculty shall make ballots available by the date designated 

in the election calendar.  


8. Ballots shall be secret and must be submitted in accordance with the election 

procedures to be valid.  


9. Each member of the Voting Faculty may vote for as many five nominees and will 

indicate his or her first choice,  second choice, and so on to a maximum of five. 

All such votes shall be counted, and the order of choice will only be used for tie‐



10. As explained in III.A.2 above, based on the current size of the General Faculty 

and projected growth, the number of Senators will be 51. To ensure that 1) all 

schools are represented (III.A.3 above),  2) at least 50% of Senate positions are 

allocated to tenure‐system faculty (III.A.4 above),  and 3) at least 10% of Senate 

positions are allocated to non‐tenure system faculty (III.A.4 above), the 

following procedures shall be used to determine the results of the election. 


a. The number of Senate positions will be multiplied by 50%, rounded 

upward if necessary. That number of positions will be allocated to the 

top tenure‐system vote recipients. Thus, based on 51 Senate 

positions, the top 26 tenure system vote recipients will be deemed 

elected. Ties will be broken by counting the number of “first choices” 

received. If there is still a tie, the number of “second choices” will be 

counted, and so on.  


b. The number of Senate positions will be multiplied by 10%, rounded 

upward if necessary. That number of positions will be allocated to the 

top non‐tenure‐system vote recipients. Based on 51 Senate positions, 

the top 6 non‐tenure‐system vote recipients will be deemed elected. 

Ties will be broken by counting the number of “first choices” received. 

If there is still a tie, the number of “second choices” will be counted, 

and so on. 


c. If any School within the University is not represented in 1 and 2 above, 

the top vote recipient from that school will be deemed elected. 


d. To fill the remaining positions, all remaining nominees, whether tenure‐

system or non‐tenure system, will be pooled and ranked by number of 

votes received. Ties will be broken by counting the number of “first 

choices” received. If there is still a tie, the number of “second choices” 

will be counted, and so on. 


e. If there are fewer nominees in either  of the two faculty categories 

(tenure system and non‐tenure system) than the number of Senate 

positions calculated by the 50% or 10% factor, respectively, all 

nominees in that category will be deemed elected and the minimum 

percentage will not apply. 


2. The Secretary of the Faculty shall notify successful candidates of their election 

and of the date of the Senate‐Elect Caucus, and shall notify the General 

Faculty of the election results. 


C. Vacancies and Appointments 


1. If a member of the Academic Senate resigns his or her seat or leaves The 

University of Texas at Dallas for a period expected to exceed four months, 

that seat shall be filled by the unelected candidate who received the most 

votes in the prior election, bearing in mind the minimum number of 

required tenure‐system, non‐tenure‐system, and school faculty for 

Academic Senate. 


2. If enough seats are vacated such that the original nomination list is exhausted, 

the Academic Senate shall fill vacancies by majority vote of all members of 

the Academic Senate. 


3. In the event a sitting member of the Academic Senate is appointed to the 

position of Dean, that individual is no longer eligible for Academic Senate 

membership. That seat will be vacated, and the Academic Senate shall fill 

the vacancy in accordance with III.C.1 and III.C.2 above.   


4. If a member of the Academic Senate misses two consecutive Senate meetings, 

the Senator will be contacted by the Secretary of the Faculty to ascertain 

whether he or she still wishes to serve. If not, the Senator will be 

immediately replaced by the procedures of Sections III.C.1 and III.C.2 



5. If a member of the Academic Senate misses three meetings during September‐

May, the Academic Senate may, by a majority vote of those present, 

declare the seat vacant. The seat will then be filled by the procedures of 

Section III.C.1 and III.C.2 above. 


D. Officers 


1. Roster and Duties 


a. Speaker of the Faculty: The Speaker of the Faculty is the principal 

elected officer of the General Faculty, of the Academic Senate, and 

the Academic Council. The Speaker shall: 


i. preside as described in the Handbook of Operating Procedures, 

Title III, Chapter 21; 

ii. chair the Executive Committee, if any, of the Academic Senate 

in its coordination of the work of the General Faculty, Academic 

Senate, Academic Council, and Concurrent Committees in order 

to improve the academic welfare and standing of The University 

of Texas at Dallas; 

iii. assist in formulating faculty views as motions to be placed 

before the Academic Council or Senate for discussion and 

resolution; and 

iv. together with the Secretary of the Faculty, review drafts of the 

minutes and authorize their circulation for formal approval. 

iv.v. sign the official copy of the approved minutes of the Academic 

Council and Academic Senate. 


b. Secretary of the Faculty: The Secretary of the Faculty shall:  

i. serve as Secretary for meetings of the General Faculty, the 

Academic Senate, and the Academic Council; 

ii. see that minutes are kept, made available to any faculty member, 

and filed in the Office of the President and, through that office, 

with the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of The 

University of Texas System, and with the Library of The University 

of Texas at Dallas; 

iii. together with the Speaker of the Faculty, review drafts of the 

minutes and authorize their circulation for formal approval; 

iv. provide a report on Academic Senate and Academic Council 

activities to the General Faculty at least once a yeareach semester 

of the long term; 

v. in case of the absence of the Speaker from a meeting of Academic 

Council or Academic Senate sign the official copy of the approved 

minutes of the Academic Council and Academic Senate for 

transmittal to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 

of The University of Texas System; and 

vi. maintain a list of all recommendations that the Academic Senate 

and/or Academic Council has made to the administration so that 

the President may be requested to comment on these items at 

the beginning of each meeting. 


c. Vice Speaker: The Speaker may appoint one or two members of the 

Senate to serve   as Vice Speaker(s) and assist in carrying out the 

Speaker’s official and unofficial duties. Vice Speaker(s) will serve for a 

term of one year, and will become ex officio voting members of the 

Academic Council if not already elected to the Council by the Senate. 


d. Other Offices: The Academic Senate may, through its Resolution of 

Operating Procedures, create, provide for election or appointment, and 

provide duties for other offices of the Academic Senate and the 

Academic Council. 


2. Election of Officers 


a. The Academic Senate‐Elect shall, in a caucus announced to and open to 

the voting members of the General Faculty and presided over by the 

Speaker of the Faculty, and under Robert's Rules of Order (current 

edition) elect its Speaker by a majority vote. The individual elected 

shall be known as the Speaker‐Elect of the Faculty until June 1. The 

term of the Speaker of the Faculty shall be for two years. 


b. The Academic Senate‐Elect shall, in a caucus announced to and open to 

the voting members of the General Faculty and presided over by the 

Speaker‐Elect of the Faculty, and under Robert's Rules of Order 

(current edition) elect its Secretary of the Faculty, who shall be known 

as the Secretary‐Elect of the Faculty until June 1.  

c. Until the election of the Secretary‐Elect of the Faculty, the Secretary of 

the Faculty shall perform the routine functions of Secretary for the 

Academic Senate‐Elect. 


E. Academic Council 


1. Relation to Academic Senate: The Academic Senate should, through its 

Resolution of Operating Procedures, specify at least the following: 


a. the powers delegated to the Academic Council; 


b. the extent to which the Academic Council is to function as an executive 

committee for the Academic Senate; 


c. the extent to which the Academic Council is to function as an agenda 

committee for the Academic Senate; and 


d. the communications required between the Academic Council and the 

Academic Senate, and between the Academic Council, Academic 

Senate and the Voting Faculty, including the appropriate form for the 

Minutes of the Academic Council and the Academic Senate. 



2. Election, Removal, and Vacancies 


a. After the election of the Speaker‐Elect and Secretary‐Elect of the 

Faculty, the Academic Senate‐Elect shall, in a caucus announced to 

and open to the voting members of the General Faculty and presided 

over by the Speaker‐Elect of the Faculty, and under Robert's Rules of 

Order(current edition), elect the remaining members of the Academic 

Council using the plurality system as described in III.A.17. Members in 

addition to six may be appointed by the Speaker with approval of the 

Council. Election shall be by simple plurality vote, with each member 

of the Senate voting for a number of candidates up to the number of 

positions to be filled. 


b. These members, along with the Speaker‐Elect of the Faculty and the 

Secretary‐Elect of the Faculty, shall be known as the Academic 

Council‐Elect until June 1. 


c. The Academic Senate, in a caucus session, may accept resignations of 

members of the Academic Council, remove any members of the 

Academic Council except the Speaker of the Faculty or the Secretary 

of the Faculty, and vote on replacements to the Academic Council. 


d. When a member of the Academic Council must be absent from a 

meeting, the member may designate, through the Secretary of the 

Faculty, a Senator to represent him or her at that meeting as a 

member of the Academic Council. 


e. The President of the Student Government Association shall be a non‐

voting participant in the Academic Council during the Council's non‐

executive sessions. 


f. If appointed by the Speaker to serve as Vice Speaker, Senators will serve 

as ex officio voting members of the Academic Council for the duration 

of their term. 


IV. Procedures 


A. The Academic Senate shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order (current edition) unless 

procedures described in the Handbook of Operating Procedures, UTDPP1088 ‐ Faculty 

Governance or these Bylaws make exception to Robert's Rules of Order. 


B. Actions of the Academic Senate 


1. Actions During the Spring and Summer 


a. At the first meeting of the Academic Senate, which shall be called by the 

Speaker‐Elect of the Faculty to take place as soon after June 1 as 

practical, the Academic Senate shall prepare a calendar of regular 

meetings for the Academic Council and for the Academic Senate and 

shall set the date of the annual General Faculty meeting. The calendar 

shall be published as early in the academic year as possible. 


b. As soon as possible after the new Academic Council is electedJune 1, 

the Academic Senate shall appoint the Committee on Committees so 

that it may begin composing slates of nominees for the University, 

Concurrent, and Academic Senate committees for which it is charged. 

The membership of the Committee on Committees shall be approved 

by a majority vote. 


2. Submissions of Items for Debate 


a. The Agenda Packet for the Academic Senate normally will normally be 

sent to the Senate one week prior to a meeting of the Academic 



b. The Agenda Committee for the Academic Senate, consisting of the 

President, the Secretary, and the Speaker normally will normally 

confer meet five days prior to the submission of the Agenda Packet to 

the Academic Senate. 


c. Items for debate that are not on the Academic Senate Agenda normally 

will normally be deferred to a later Academic Senate meeting, unless 

two‐thirds of the members present vote to consider the items. 


d. The Agenda Committee for the Academic Senate will attempt to bring 

all items submitted to it to the Academic Senate, although it may 

recommend that particular items be sent to committee and/or to the 

Academic Council prior to Academic Senate debate. Any 

memorandum submitted by any General Faculty member of the 

University to the Academic Senate or to the Speaker of the Faculty 

that requests action by the Academic Senate or Academic Council 

must be reported to the Academic Senate by the Agenda Committee 

of the Academic Senate. 


3. Debate and Passage 


a. If the President and Provost are not available to chair meetings of 

the Senate at which legislation is enacted, the Speaker shall chair. 

In the absence of the Speaker, a Vice Speaker shall chair, in the 

absence of a Vice Speaker, the Secretary shall chair. In the 

absence of the Secretary, the meeting may be chaired by any 

member of the Senate designated by the Speaker. 


b. The chair of a meeting of the Academic Senate may participate in 

the debate but shall exercise particular care to preside in a 

manner which is fair to all points of view in the debate 


c. The President and/or the Speaker of the Faculty may invite to 

meetings of the Academic Senate those persons believed to be 

necessary to assist the Academic Senate in the conduct of its 



d. Except when the Academic Senate is in executive session, 

meetings of the Academic Senate are open to the General Faculty, 

who may request the privilege of participation in the debate. 


e. A simple majority of the voting membership of the Senate 

constitutes a quorum. If a quorum is not present, business that 

would otherwise have been conducted may be discussed, but 

votes shall not be taken. 


f. Members of the Academic Senate who anticipate making lengthy 

or complicated amendments to legislation should bring sufficient 

written copies to distribute to the entire Academic Senate. 


g. Passage of legislation or resolutions shall require a simple 

majority of those voting members present. Votes shall be 

recorded by hand count: ayes, nays, abstain. Role call votes shall 

be taken if three or more members request. 


h. The Secretary of the Faculty is responsible for sending copies of 

motions passed to the parties addressed. 


3.  Actions of the Academic Council 

a. Submission of Items for Debate 

i.  The Agenda Committee for the Academic Council, consisting of 

the President, the Secretary, and the Speaker, normally will 

confer by e‐mail meets at least five days before each Academic 

Council meeting. Items to be included on an agenda must be 

submitted prior to that time. 

ii.  Items for the Agenda of the Academic Council will normally 

originate with the President and with the Academic Senate, its 

Executive Committee, or the Speaker of the Faculty. 

b. Transmissions from Academic Council to Academic Senate  

The Academic Council shall formulate its recommendations to the 

Academic Senate and transmit them to the Agenda Committee of 

the Academic Senate. It shall generally transmit all items submitted 

to it to the Agenda Committee of the Academic Senate. 

4.  Records and Communications 

a. Actions required by motions of the Academic Senate or Academic 

Council, as described in the minutes, will be conveyed to those 

concerned, or will be taken by the Academic Governance 

Secretary only after approval of the minutes for circulation, but 

without waiting for the formal approval of the minutes at the 

subsequent meeting of the Academic Senate or Academic Council. 


b. The general policy on composition and contents of records 

including minutes is the same for both the Academic Council and 

Academic Senate, and is as follows: 


i. Consistent with Robert's Rules of Order, the approved minutes 

constitute the only official record of the actions of the Academic 

Council and Academic Senate; 

ii. The minutes are intended to allow members of the General 

Faculty to follow the debates and actions within their 

representative bodies, the Academic Senate, and within the 

Academic Council; 

iii. The Secretary of the Faculty or the Academic Governance 

Secretary may make recordings of the Academic Council and 

Academic Senate meetings. Tapes of meetings shall not, 

however, be considered official documents, and will be kept 

only until the minutes of the meeting recorded are officially 


iv. Unapproved minutes of Academic Council and Academic Senate 

meetings shall be distributed to the Academic Senate 

expeditiously, if possible within one week after the meeting; 

v. Minutes are numbered serially each year, including special 


vi. Attendance for minutes includes both those present and absent 

of the voting membership, ex officio members, and student 

observers. Invited guests are also listed; 

vii. Minutes of the Academic Council and Academic Senate are 

distributed to all members of the Academic Senate, and made 

available at the authorized locations for Regents' Rules and 

Regulations, and are also sent to the Executive Vice Chancellor 

for Academic Affairs of The University of Texas System; and 

viii. The minutes of the last meetings of the Academic Senate and 

Academic Council will be approved by the incoming Academic 

Senate or Academic Council, respectively. 


c.  The Academic Senate shall establish procedures, in its Resolution 

of Operating Procedures, to disseminate information about its 

debates and actions to the General Faculty effectively and 


5.  Resolution of Operating Procedures: The Academic Senate may, by adoption or 

revision of its Resolution of Operating Procedures, modify the following portions 

of its procedures without having to amend these Bylaws: 

a. delegation of duties and powers to the Academic Council; 


b. designation and powers of the Agenda Committee; 


c. designation and powers of the Executive Committee, if any; and 


d. instructions to the Secretary of the Faculty regarding the 

character of action or discussion minutes to be taken. 

6.  Amendment of Bylaws 

a. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Senate 

members, provided that the proposed amendment passes, 

without an intervening negative vote, at two consecutive 

meetings of the Academic Senate separated by at least two 



b. The Secretary of the Faculty shall transmit a copy of the amended 

Bylaws to the President for review and approval and submission 

to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and 

approval for inclusion in the U. T. Dallas Handbook of Operating 



c. The amended Bylaws shall become effective immediately on 

approval for inclusion in the Handbook of Operating Procedures. 

Policy History 

•  Issued: September 10, 1979 

•  Revised: February 28, 1980 

•  Revised: December 14, 1982 

•  Revised: April 21, 1983 

•  Revised: February 1, 1992 

•  Revised: May 30, 1996 

•  Revised: April 18, 1997 

•  Editorial Amendments: February 2, 1998 

•  Revised: October 5, 2000 

•  Revised: December 15, 2000 

•  Revised: July 22, 2004 

•  Revised: June 30, 2008 

•  Editorial Amendments: April 18, 2011 

•  Revised: April 27, 2011 

•  Revised: March 21, 2014 

Policy Links 

•  Permalink for this policy: http://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1007 

•  Link to PDF version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/pdf/utdpp1007 

•  Link to printable version: http://policy.utdallas.edu/print/utdpp1007