CouchConf Israel 2013_Couchbase in the Clouds

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Page 2: CouchConf Israel 2013_Couchbase in the Clouds

•  I’m  by  no  means  a  Couchbase  expert  

•  Just  like  you,  I’m  here  to  learn!  



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•  Couchbase@Cloud:  State  of  the  Union    

•  What  else  is  needed?  •  How  we  thought  of  it  –  Introducing  Cloudify    

•  Live  demo  

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Couchbase  @  Cloud    

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•  Detailed  reference  hHp://www.couchbase.com/docs/couchbase-­‐manual-­‐2.0/couchbase-­‐bestpracMce-­‐cloud.html    •  Includes:  – Storage  – Networking  – Security    – Swap  space  consideraMons  



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Chef  /  Puppet    

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Marketplace    •  Couchbase  offers  both  community  and  enterprise  ediMon  AMIs  •  Cluster  join  /  rebalance  is  done  aVer  launching  using  the  CLI  

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•  Couchbase  Inc.  provides  a  set  of  CF  templates    •  Includes:    – AutomaMc  clustering    – Manual  scaling    



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RightScale  Server  


•  Available  for  community  and  enterprise  ediMons    •  Configures  one  or  more  instances  when  launched    •  Supports  backups  to  EBS,  clustering  •  Specific  to  AWS  

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What  It  Looks  Like  in  Reality    

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Managing  All  of  That  on  Any  Cloud  

•  Auto  start  VMs  •  Install  and  configure  app  components    

•  Monitor    •  Repair    •  (Auto)  Scale  •  Burst…    

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ConfiguraConManagement  Tools  Are  Best  at:  

•  Auto  start  VMs  •  Orchestrate  •  Install  and  configure  •  Monitor    •  Repair  (parMally)    •  (Auto)  Scale  •  Burst…    

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CloudFormaConIs  Great,  But…  

•  You’re  good  as  long  as  your  on  AWS…  • No  on-­‐prem,  private  cloud,  other  public  clouds  

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RightScale  is  Great,  But…  

•  It’s  a  hosted  service  – On-­‐prem  /  private  cloud  is  problemaMc    

– $$$  

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Your  App,  Your  Recipe  

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The  Couchbase  Recipe  

•  Clustering    •  Auto-­‐rebalancing  •  XDCR  support  (soon)  •  Sample  buckets    •  Manual  and  automaMc  scaling  

•  ANY  cloud  –  AWS,  RackSpace,  HPCloud,  Azure,  OpenStack,  CloudStack…    

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How  It  Works  -­‐  Bootstrapping  

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How  It  Works  –  Deployment  

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How  It  Works  -­‐  Monitoring  

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How  It  Works  –  Self  Healing  

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That’s  What  It  Like  


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Try  It  Now    

27   hHp://blog.couchbase.com/cloudifying-­‐couchbase    

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   hHp://www.cloudifysource.org    hHp://github.com/CloudifySource    hHps://github.com/CloudifySource/cloudify-­‐recipes/tree/master/services/couchbase