Corruption Mocking at Justice: What is the Role of the Church in Public Life?

Corruption Mocking at Justice: What is the Role of the Church in Public Life?

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Corruption Mocking at Justice:

What is the Role of the Church in Public Life?


1. An Overview and Context

2. Corruption: On Dealing with a Social Sin That Kills From Within!3. Corruption And The Role Of The Church In Public Life4. Anti-Corruption Campaigns In Tanzania: What Is The Anglican Church Doing?5. St Barnabas Bible Church And Her Role In Public Life In South Africa6. Questions And Answers

Source: www.wissenladen.de/maps/map.phpTanzania 27/1/2012

Not easy to define corruption! However, an internationally accepted working

definition reads: “the abuse of public office for private gain” or “the

misuse of one’s office position for personal benefit” (World Bank,

Transparent International, EU, International Development Agencies et)

“impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle” Merriam-Webster Dictionary

“a failure of moral regard for the public interest”

Vito Tanzi

“a socially undesirable deviation (or decay) from some ideal, norm or standard”


“departure from accepted societal norms”Windsor


Biblical Explanation of the Problem: Corruption is sin! It is about moral

depravity (Gen 6:11; Ex 32:7; Hosea 9:9; Gal 6:8, etc.), which ends in utter

moral ruin and hopelessness.

Important note: ‘Corruption’ is a very broad term with many dimensions. It is not easy to define a corrupt deal in a

few words because there are a number of elements to the transaction.

Greed and selfishness, abuse of power, lack of exemplary

ethical leadership, social cultural norms – nepotism and favoritism, low public awareness, political interference, moral

decay, lack of ethics, system deficiencies (systems, procedures, guidelines), lack of rule of law, poor condition of services, poor salaries,


name and shame, publish updated information, prevent, criminalize – rigorous prosecution, set codes of conduct, cooperate internationally,

support developing countries, enforcement – law etc, raise public awareness, deep democratization, legislation and its implementation,

gender, civil society/ religious? participation and oversight, religion,

faith people…

No question about the Bible’s opposition to bribery (corruption) as an affront to the character of God, the incorruptible one (Deut 10:17).

Hence a bribe is an “evil device” (Psalm

26:10; see also Micah 7:3).

Corruption/Bribe is a “gain of oppressions” (Isaiah 33:15), an “unjust gain” (Proverbs 15:27).

Even a small bribe (a piece of bread, a handful of barley) has serious consequences (Prov. 28:21; Ezekiel 13:19).

 A bribe corrupts the mind (Eccles 7:7) and blinds the eyes of officials (Ex 23:8).

The Bible is particularly concerned about the perversion of the course of justice through bribery (Deut 16:18-19, 27:25; 1 Sam 8:1-3; 2 Chr. 19:7; Prov. 17:23; Isaiah 5:23; Amos 5:12).

Ezekiel 22:12 includes bribery in a list of the symptoms of serious societal break-down,

Proverbs 29:4 says that when national leaders are implicated in bribery the outcome is national ruin.

“the vice”, “a disease”, “a tragedy”, “cancer”, “chronic disease”,

“the most shameful”, “sin”, “a sin that eats from

within”, “a problem”, “a culture”,

“a skin deep problem”

“fighting”, “eradicate”, “curtailing”, “war

against”, “form and use anti-corruption squad”, “name and shame”,

“wipe out”, and “crackdown”,

“Its consequences are global; it’s hidden costs immense”!

Every second, Africa loses $5,000 to corruption (Tearfund)

It drives up food insecurity!

Translates into; a lack of access to basic services, a reduction in access to justice and the abuse of human dignity.

Undermines trust and social cohesion and perpetuates the poverty of those who are already poor.


It deprives the majority of the enjoyment of the fruits of democracy.

  Exacerbates poverty (President Festus

Mogae of Botswana)  Distorts factor prices

It is a threat to security and peace! It is a cancer that was eating away at the heart of society!

Affects the distribution of seeds or medicines, in street and market trading, at police checkpoints and in many other areas of activity. Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn

lost resources, lost foreign investment, distorted decision making, and failing public confidence”. Former UN Secretary-General Koffi Annan

It has critically hobbled and skewed Africa's development," Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan

Facilitates human rights violations, market invasion, and unilateral militarization.

Corruption: An issue of profoundbiblical, theological and

ethical aspect

Two special calls

Justification for Church’s involvement in anti-corruption campaign. A Theological Analysis

Doctrine of God Doctrine of Man Doctrine of Salvation Doctrine of God’s Kingdom


1.What Framework? What Mandate? 2.Global Approach: Where are we competent?

3.Church’s Current Work and focus:How should we do it?

Prophetic Role Pastoral Care

Christian Advocacy and Citizenship

SuccessesChallenges and Opportunities

A Case of the Anglican Church of Tanzania

The Role of St. Barnabas Bible Church in Public Life in South Africa

Some points for consideration

1.South Africa is not Tanzania! 2.But our Gospel is the same!

3.You are the salt of the earth! “…a church that doesn’t actually say to the

world, this is the new creation, this is an order of justice, reconciliation, and a counter- cultural movement. That is not really a church”

(Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, 2008)

My Proposal for SBBCHope in God Restoring Justice in the world free of corruption: The Church in the Context of

The demise of corruptionSummary

1. Approaching God in the context of Corruption2. Encountering the Word of God

3. Responding to God’s Word4. The body of Christ in the World

5. Sending out

Questions and Answers