29 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET We will keep changing the format of the scoreboard so as to give more and varied data at regular intervals. Readers are advised to read the Legend carefully before studying the Company Results Equity The latest subscribed equity capital (whether fully paid-up or not). Therefore, it may not always tally with that appearing in the bal- ance-sheet. In addition, throughout the year, equity is continu- ously adjusted for rights, bonus, conversion, etc, so as to give the latest equity as far as possible. Wherever equity has changed after the year-end, an asterisk (*) appears after the EPS. Promoters’ stake(%) It is the percentage share holding of promoters in the equity capital. It includes government’s holding in case of public sector undertakings. BV The book value per share is arrived at by dividing the sum of equity and reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) by the number of equity shares. The reserves are also continuously adjusted so as to reflect changes on the issue of fresh shares at a premium, as well as on bonus issues. In the case of unaudited results where reserves are not available, the reserves are calculated by adding the latest year’s net profit to the last year’s reserves (updated for rights/bonus, if any). Hence, the unaudited book value might change when the audited results are declared. RONW(%) Return on net worth is calculated only when the latest full year annual report is available. RONW(%) = {(Net Profit - Preference Dividend)/(Equity Paid Up + Free Re- serves, excluding Revaluation Reserves)} * 100. Balance-sheet figures are taken as the average of the last two years and profit and loss account figures are annualized. Where price is indicated as Ex-Bonus/ Ex-Rights, the correspond- ing figures for Equity, BV and EPS are adjusted according to the Bonus / Rights Ratio. This is done to arrive at a logical P/E ratio. Sales Sales is net of excise duty. OPM (%) is profit before other income, interest, depreciation and tax (OP) as a percentage of sales. Profit After Tax (NP) It is calculated without taking into account the income and expen- diture of earlier years/of a non-recurring nature (* after NP indi- cates that such adjustments have been made). It is before deduct- ing dividend tax. Sales/NP Var. (%) Indicates the variance (%) in sales or net profit over the corre- sponding previous period. LP (Loss to Profit) in the Var. (%) column means that the company which incurred a loss in the corresponding previous period has made a profit in the current period. P/L (Profit to Loss) in the Var. (%) column means that the company which made a profit in the corresponding previous period has now incurred a loss. Nil (-) in the Var. (%) column indicates that either the figures for the corresponding previous period are not available or the variance is insignificant. A vari- ance of 999 indicates that the variance is very large (more than three digits). This occurs mostly in the case of new companies. Earnings Per Share NP reduced by preference dividend and dividend tax, (EPS) divided by the number of equity shares. In case of TTM EPS, pref- erence dividend and dividend tax are not deducted. The EPS is arrived at by dividing the net profit by the expanded equity. The expansion in equity may be due to various reasons, which are indicated by putting the following marks after the price: R: Rights; B: Bonus; C: Conversion; P: Public Issue; F: Foreign Issue; M: Mis- cellaneous issues; CB: Cum-bonus; XB: Ex-bonus; CR: Cum-rights and XR: Ex-rights. XB appears after the price from the date on which the shares become ex-bonus and continues up to two months from the record date/book closure date for the bonus. Similarly, XR appears from the date on which the shares become ex-rights and continues till the actual closure of the rights issue. Thereafter, these are replaced by B and R respectively. The asterisk and other marks disappear as soon as the increase in equity is reflected in the audited financial statement for the full year. Price Change Difference in price over the previous fortnight is given within brackets after the price. 52-Week H/L Prices After adjusting for rights/bonuses. A ‘H’ after the 52-week H/ L indicates that the scrip touched a new high during the fortnight. A ‘L’ indicates a new low and a.’*’ indicates the scrip touched a new high as well as a new low during the fortnight. P/E Ratio Market Price/TTM EPS. For companies not listed on BSE/NSE, mar- ket price is as on the trading day immediately preceding the speci- fied date. Industry P/E (Sum of market capitalisation of all companies in that industry)/ (sum of net profits of all companies in that industry - preference dividend - dividend tax). Companies which have EPS < 1 are excluded while calculating industry P/E. In case of TTM P/E, pref- erence dividend and dividend tax are not considered. Industry MCAP is the sum of the market capitalisation of all the companies covered in that industry. It is given in the price column. CorporateScoreboard Legend Corporate Scoreboard of each industry is divided into four portions — Full year, Latest quarter, Trailing twelve months (TTM) and Market data. Latest quarter and trailing twelve months both end in the same month indicated after latest quarter NP Var. (%) and before TTM EPS. TTM figures are the sum of the last four quarter figures. Wherever audited results for the latest full year have not been declared, unaudited results (the sum of the first-half and second-half figures) are displayed with a ‘U’ before the Full Year, indicating that they are unaudited results, subject to change when the audited results are declared. Consolidated Scoreboard: Consolidated figures are given for only those companies whose consolidated TTM Sales are above Rs 50 crore and are more than 185% of the standalone TTM sales. Both consolidated and standalone figures have been calculated for same TTM year-end. Companies without enough quarterly consolidated results to enable TTM calculations have been excluded. TTM Year-End (YE): Trailing 12 Months (TTM) YE. ** denotes TTM YE 200806, other cases TTM YE is 200809. BV: (Latest Equity + Latest Reserves-Minority Interest)/Latest Equity * Latest Face Value. Latest equity taken from standalone equity history. Latest reserves taken from latest consolidated balance sheet. Fresh issue of shares at a premium as well as bonus issues are adjusted. Minority Interest is taken from the latest available balance sheet. In the case of companies closing their books of accounts for periods other than 12 months, the number of months appears after the Full Year column within brackets. Dividend and EPS figures have been annualized where the number of months is other than 12. All other figures like Sales and NP are unannualized actuals. A ‘*’ before year-end indicate that data for that company is updated during the latest fortnight.

Corporate Score Board 2009

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Corporate Score Board

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Page 1: Corporate Score Board 2009

2 9Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

We will keep changing the format of thescoreboard so as to give more and varieddata at regular intervals. Readers areadvised to read the Legend carefullybefore studying the Company Results

Equity The latest subscribed equity capital (whether fully paid-up or not).Therefore, it may not always tally with that appearing in the bal-ance-sheet. In addition, throughout the year, equity is continu-ously adjusted for rights, bonus, conversion, etc, so as to give thelatest equity as far as possible. Wherever equity has changedafter the year-end, an asterisk (*) appears after the EPS.

Promoters’ stake(%) It is the percentage share holding of promoters in the equitycapital. It includes government’s holding in case of public sectorundertakings.

BV The book value per share is arrived at by dividing the sum of equityand reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) by the number ofequity shares. The reserves are also continuously adjusted so asto reflect changes on the issue of fresh shares at a premium, aswell as on bonus issues. In the case of unaudited results wherereserves are not available, the reserves are calculated by addingthe latest year’s net profit to the last year’s reserves (updated forrights/bonus, if any). Hence, the unaudited book value mightchange when the audited results are declared.

RONW(%) Return on net worth is calculated only when the latest full yearannual report is available.

RONW(%) = {(Net Profit - Preference Dividend)/(Equity Paid Up + Free Re-serves, excluding Revaluation Reserves)} * 100. Balance-sheetfigures are taken as the average of the last two years and profitand loss account figures are annualized.

Where price is indicated as Ex-Bonus/ Ex-Rights, the correspond-ing figures for Equity, BV and EPS are adjusted according to theBonus / Rights Ratio. This is done to arrive at a logicalP/E ratio.

Sales Sales is net of excise duty.

OPM (%) is profit before other income, interest, depreciation and tax(OP) as a percentage of sales.

Profit After Tax (NP) It is calculated without taking into account the income and expen-diture of earlier years/of a non-recurring nature (* after NP indi-cates that such adjustments have been made). It is before deduct-ing dividend tax.

Sales/NP Var. (%) Indicates the variance (%) in sales or net profit over the corre-sponding previous period. LP (Loss to Profit) in the Var. (%)column means that the company which incurred a loss in thecorresponding previous period has made a profit in the current

period. P/L (Profit to Loss) in the Var. (%) column means that thecompany which made a profit in the corresponding previousperiod has now incurred a loss. Nil (-) in the Var. (%) columnindicates that either the figures for the corresponding previousperiod are not available or the variance is insignificant. A vari-ance of 999 indicates that the variance is very large (more thanthree digits). This occurs mostly in the case of new companies.

Earnings Per Share NP reduced by preference d iv idend and d iv idend tax,(EPS) divided by the number of equity shares. In case of TTM EPS, pref-

erence dividend and dividend tax are not deducted. The EPS isarrived at by dividing the net profit by the expanded equity. Theexpansion in equity may be due to various reasons, which areindicated by putting the following marks after the price: R: Rights;B: Bonus; C: Conversion; P: Public Issue; F: Foreign Issue; M: Mis-cellaneous issues; CB: Cum-bonus; XB: Ex-bonus; CR: Cum-rightsand XR: Ex-rights. XB appears after the price from the date onwhich the shares become ex-bonus and continues up to two monthsfrom the record date/book closure date for the bonus. Similarly, XRappears from the date on which the shares become ex-rights andcontinues till the actual closure of the rights issue. Thereafter, theseare replaced by B and R respectively. The asterisk and other marksdisappear as soon as the increase in equity is reflected in theaudited financial statement for the full year.

Price Change Difference in price over the previous fortnight is given withinbrackets after the price.

52-Week H/L Prices After adjusting for rights/bonuses. A ‘H’ after the 52-week H/ Lindicates that the scrip touched a new high during the fortnight. A‘L’ indicates a new low and a.’*’ indicates the scrip touched a newhigh as well as a new low during the fortnight.

P/E Ratio Market Price/TTM EPS. For companies not listed on BSE/NSE, mar-ket price is as on the trading day immediately preceding the speci-fied date.

Industry P/E (Sum of market capitalisation of all companies in that industry)/(sum of net profits of all companies in that industry - preferencedividend - dividend tax). Companies which have EPS < 1 areexcluded while calculating industry P/E. In case of TTM P/E, pref-erence dividend and dividend tax are not considered.

Industry MCAP is the sum of the market capitalisation of all the companies coveredin that industry. It is given in the price column.


LegendCorporate Scoreboard of each industry is divided into four portions — Full year, Latest quarter, Trailing twelve months (TTM) and Market data. Latest quarter and trailing twelve

months both end in the same month indicated after latest quarter NP Var. (%) and before TTM EPS. TTM figures are the sum of the last four quarterfigures. Wherever audited results for the latest full year have not been declared, unaudited results (the sum of the first-half and second-half figures) aredisplayed with a ‘U’ before the Full Year, indicating that they are unaudited results, subject to change when the audited results are declared.

Consolidated Scoreboard: Consolidated figures are given for only those companies whose consolidated TTM Sales are above Rs 50 crore and are more than 185% of thestandalone TTM sales. Both consolidated and standalone figures have been calculated for same TTM year-end. Companies without enough quarterlyconsolidated results to enable TTM calculations have been excluded. TTM Year-End (YE): Trailing 12 Months (TTM) YE. ** denotes TTM YE 200806,other cases TTM YE is 200809. BV: (Latest Equity + Latest Reserves-Minority Interest)/Latest Equity * Latest Face Value. Latest equity taken fromstandalone equity history. Latest reserves taken from latest consolidated balance sheet. Fresh issue of shares at a premium as well as bonus issuesare adjusted. Minority Interest is taken from the latest available balance sheet.

In the case of companies closing their books of accounts for periods other than 12 months, the number of months appears after the Full Year column within brackets.Dividend and EPS figures have been annualized where the number of months is other than 12. All other figures like Sales and NP areunannualized actuals. A ‘*’ before year-end indicate that data for that company is updated during the latest fortnight.

Page 2: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 0 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio


Carborundum Univ 0803 18.67 2 43 37.4 16.1 586.9 26 16.1 49.9 * -7 100 7.7 5.0 178.2 21 16.3 13.4 -5 0809 5.2 -8 90 (-2) 178/76 17.2

Grindwell Norton 0712 27.68 5 71 49.7 24.6 440.8 18 16.6 57.6 * 25 160 11.2 9.0 136.6 28 14.4 15.4 7 0809 10.7 16 85 (1) 185/74 7.9

Orient Abrasives 0803 5.98 1 53 15.2 23.0 230.5 23 17.4 19.6 73 90 4.5 3.1 84.6 41 17.2 7.5 97 0809 5.2 123 17 (1) 36/13 3.3

Wendt India 0803 2.00 10 80 199.4 22.1 54.1 7 24.0 8.4 * -3 200 48.6 38.4 14.1 5 25.4 2.4 12 0809 42.2 2 432 (2) 866/366 10.3

IND.COMPOSITE 54.33 1312.3 16.8 135.5 16.2 38.7 1502 10.2


Blue Star 0803 17.99 2 40 29.3 62.6 2221.6 39 10.0 149.2 * 112 350 17.8 15.4 646.5 18 10.7 45.0 -2 0809 18.0 44 163 (9) 542/122 9.0

Fedders Lloyd * 0806 30.77 10 37 44.2 15.3 446.0 28 6.9 19.0 * 4 - 7.5 6.2 102.1 -10 5.8 2.3 -65 0809 4.8 -29 26 (2) 164/16 5.4

Hitachi Home 0803 22.96 10 70 36.3 67.8 446.6 37 10.3 42.3 117 - 21.7 18.4 99.6 11 7.7 4.9 -37 0809 16.5 15 52 (5) 180/37 3.2

Lloyd Electric 0803 31.00 10 32 109.5 16.5 665.0 35 12.0 54.5 27 10 20.4 17.4 121.9 -17 8.9 3.2 -77 0809 13.5 -20 28 (-) 207/21 2.1

IND.COMPOSITE 102.72 3779.2 10.0 265.0 9.6 55.4 1750 6.8


Alumeco India 0806 12.39 10 61 -1.3 - 100.9 -18 -6.1 -6.6 PL - - - 24.3 -17 -7.7 -2.0 PL 0809 - PL 8 (-) 38/6 -

Bhoruka Alum. 0803 4.55 10 59 22.4 54.9 148.5 28 11.4 4.6 106 12 12.7 9.9 30.6 -11 12.4 0.8 -16 0809 10.2 37 19 (-) 107/17 1.9

Century Extrus. 0803 8.00 1 52 3.2 27.3 101.5 -1 7.2 3.0 - 10 0.5 0.4 26.8 8 4.7 0.5 -9 0809 0.4 25 3 R(-) 14/2 -

Ess Dee Aluminm 0803 27.82 10 60 122.9 22.5 280.5 99 25.5 61.7 123 20 22.9 21.8 102.4 61 29.1 19.0 67 0809 26.9 73 147 (6) 843/111 5.5

Galada Power&Tel 0803 7.49 10 17 -149.1 - 39.2 -64 -4.2 -8.4 8 - - - 8.7 116 -3.4 -2.5 4 0809 - 20 5 (-) 42/4 -

Guj. Foils U 0803 8.20 10 73 16.0 14.1 95.4 8 4.7 1.6 25 - 3.0 2.0 27.1 -2 4.0 0.3 20 0809 2.3 96 106 M 150/34 45.3

Hind Aluminium 0803 5.00 10 62 58.0 15.5 206.1 2 4.6 4.2 -28 15 12.5 8.2 57.1 25 1.8 0.1 -83 0809 7.2 -31 29 (2) 97/20 4.0

Hindalco Inds. * 0803 170.07 1 31 128.4 19.3 18982.6 5 16.4 2812.9 * 11 185 19.8 16.3 5683.2 14 17.5 720.0 12 0809 17.6 16 58 R(4) 201/38 3.3

India Foils 0803 16.43 1 39 -13.4 - 167.7 -19 0.2 -31.9 * -10 - - - 27.4 -31 -14.0 -13.4 -43 0809 - -18 13 M 30/11 -

Karuna Cables 0803 12.77 2 12 2.1 4.8 37.0 3 2.6 0.6 -44 - 0.1 0.1 8.7 4 1.1 - -100 0809 - PL 1 (-) 15/1 -

Madras Aluminium 0803 22.50 2 80 32.9 24.8 472.6 17 18.6 86.4 -53 90 9.3 7.4 126.5 2 3.5 11.1 -61 0809 4.8 -66 57 (9) 225/35 12.0

Man Aluminium 0803 3.38 10 44 74.9 6.7 39.7 10 2.2 1.7 -1 10 7.3 4.7 12.3 11 8.8 0.5 -24 0809 4.6 -25 23 (-1) 78/19 5.0

Natl. Aluminium 0803 644.31 10 87 137.7 19.7 5022.0 -16 44.8 1631.6 -31 60 28.7 24.3 1536.4 17 41.7 444.5 1 0809 26.6 -16 207 (22) 566/108 7.8

P G Foils 0803 8.12 10 45 82.1 18.8 174.1 73 7.2 10.9 177 10 14.7 13.3 41.4 24 -2.0 -1.7 PL 0809 9.6 69 23 (-2) 127/17 2.4

Parekh Aluminex 0803 12.94 10 24 177.0 17.4 298.6 60 16.2 26.1 87 20 27.2 19.8 105.4 59 16.3 8.7 45 0809 24.5 62 64 (2) 280/49 2.6

Pennar Aluminium 0803 58.73 10 3 -5.8 - - -100 - -0.4 80 - - - - - - -0.1 65 0809 - PL 2 (-) 11/1 -

IND.COMPOSITE 1022.70 26166.4 21.5 4598.0 21.6 1185.9 24759 5.0


Avanti Feeds 0803 6.54 10 53 108.8 1.2 98.0 -18 1.5 0.8 * -50 10 7.1 1.1 25.1 -17 -2.7 -1.8 PL 0809 - PL 20 (-1) 55/19 -

Waterbase 0803 24.74 10 26 21.2 -8.0 39.0 -34 8.5 -4.8 * -14 - - - 8.2 -29 -51.7 -6.7 -175 0809 - -46 4 (1) 16/3 -

IND.COMPOSITE 31.28 137.0 3.5 -4.0 -14.7 -8.5 22 -


Ashok Leyland 0803 133.03 1 39 16.0 23.5 7922.0 8 10.0 450.8 * 6 150 4.5 3.1 1866.4 7 8.2 80.5 1 0809 3.4 10 16 (-1) 58/12 4.7

Eicher Motors 0803 28.09 10 54 163.2 14.5 2198.1 13 4.8 63.2 3 50 37.0 21.7 71.4 -87 -10.4 - PL 0809 15.1 -36 240 (16) 461/135 15.9

Force Motors 0803 13.18 10 52 78.1 -57.8 905.6 -7 -8.0 -83.5 -5 - - - 224.2 6 -9.5 -28.0 -21 0809 - 4 78 (-3) 315/56 -

Swaraj Mazda 0803 10.50 10 54 89.1 29.8 665.1 11 7.2 25.2 57 55 26.2 23.1 203.6 16 6.2 6.1 -2 0809 24.0 9 210 (13) 395/163 8.8

Tata Motors 0803 514.29 10 33 232.7 27.7 28529.4 5 9.4 1879.4 * - 150 47.7 35.0 7029.3 7 7.3 275.5 -45 0809 36.4 1 179 R(-) 784/122 4.9

IND.COMPOSITE 699.09 40220.1 8.8 2335.1 7.0 334.0 12362 5.1


Hind.Motors 0803 161.17 10 27 7.6 - 704.7 6 -4.5 -54.5 * 5 - - - 164.3 -13 -9.2 -16.2 PL 0809 - -132 14 (-) 95/9 -

Maruti Suzuki 0803 144.46 5 54 291.3 22.7 17891.6 22 12.5 1705.0 * 11 100 77.8 58.2 4830.3 6 7.3 296.1 -37 0809 52.0 -15 556 (6) 982/446 10.7

IND.COMPOSITE 305.63 18596.3 11.9 1650.5 6.8 279.9 16287 10.7


Escorts * 0809 90.71 10 32 81.2 - 2051.5 -1 7.0 20.7 * LP - 7.0 2.3 545.3 10 7.9 10.5 LP 0809 2.3 LP 44 (1) 169/31 19.0

HMT 0803 760.35 10 99 5.0 - 169.0 -25 -32.5 -42.0 -999 - - - 52.9 -16 -31.0 -17.3 -565 0809 - -999 32 (-2) 164/22 -

M & M 0803 258.57 10 26 168.5 24.2 11281.7 15 9.7 953.3 * -2 115 44.6 35.4 3138.0 12 5.6 176.6 -38 0809 31.8 -13 297 M(-24) 842/236 9.3

Punjab Tractors 0803 60.76 10 65 109.4 9.9 970.1 1 10.0 65.1 * -7 50 12.7 9.9 308.0 49 9.9 27.3 178 0809 16.8 115 98 (-10) 380/79 5.9

VST Till. Tract. 0803 5.76 10 55 117.3 23.2 188.6 16 12.3 14.3 * 14 50 29.1 24.0 63.7 33 15.2 6.4 86 0809 32.4 38 106 (1) 249/88 3.3

IND.COMPOSITE 1176.15 14660.8 8.9 1011.4 5.6 203.5 11160 9.0


Atul Auto 0803 6.08 10 60 49.4 12.6 80.4 -34 6.5 1.3 -60 10 5.9 2.1 38.1 145 0.9 0.4 35 0809 2.4 -30 25 M(1) 86/20 10.4

Bajaj Auto 0803 144.68 10 50 109.7 47.6 8660.4 - 10.2 808.7 - 200 64.5 52.5 2450.7 9 10.0 227.4 -5 0809 54.5 - 440 (36) 945/295 8.1

Kinetic Motor Co * 0809 (18) 21.07 10 55 -70.2 - 141.4 -35 -61.4 -122.1 * -55 - - - 15.4 -33 -93.2 -19.3 7 0809 - -28 7 (-) 55/6 -

LML U 0809 80.36 10 27 -35.4 - 111.7 88 -10.5 -54.7 3 - - - 26.2 -37 -15.3 -15.2 3 0809 - 3 8 (-) 28/5 -

Mah. Scooters 0803 11.43 10 51 171.4 4.6 2.7 -67 -99.9 9.0 * 31 60 7.8 6.8 0.3 -61 - 13.0 1 0809 8.3 26 73 (3) 350/50 8.8

Scooters India 0803 42.99 10 95 3.3 - 133.3 -19 -17.1 -22.5 -115 - - - 34.2 -10 -17.4 -5.5 -8 0809 - -14 13 (-2) 51/10 -

IND.COMPOSITE 306.61 9129.9 8.3 619.7 9.5 200.8 6600 8.1


Hero Honda 0803 39.94 2 55 149.5 35.5 10335.2 4 12.9 879.2 * 13 950 48.8 40.8 3189.7 36 13.2 306.3 50 0809 53.3 48 778 (-44) 895/561 14.6

Kinetic Engg. 0803 (15) 5.45 10 45 -76.3 - 82.6 -45 -52.8 -66.3 * 27 - - - 15.0 -7 -24.1 -7.3 12 0809 - -65 40 (-2) 207/28 -

Majestic Auto 0803 10.40 10 76 26.8 6.3 113.8 -6 4.0 1.7 LP - 5.8 1.6 30.2 16 8.9 3.5 47 0809 4.2 LP 28 (3) 59/18 6.7

TVS Motor Co. 0803 23.75 1 57 34.6 3.9 3219.5 -16 1.2 30.7 * -49 70 5.2 1.2 1015.1 23 3.1 10.4 120 0809 1.7 91 24 (-3) 79/21 14.0

IND.COMPOSITE 79.54 13751.2 9.7 845.3 10.7 312.9 16154 14.5

Page 3: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 1Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio


Amtek Auto * 0806 28.20 2 34 165.2 10.4 1308.0 17 27.6 209.2 * -10 25 21.4 14.7 315.5 1 25.8 48.1 -25 0809 13.7 -21 66 (-4) 446/42 4.8

Amtek India * 0806 22.43 2 34 126.8 11.8 976.7 30 26.2 131.5 * 12 10 16.4 11.7 230.6 -2 22.6 22.2 -40 0809 10.4 -11 27 (4) 192/18 2.6

ANG Auto 0803 13.29 10 46 67.4 21.9 143.1 26 21.2 17.0 -26 - 15.5 12.8 39.6 37 17.2 2.5 -38 0809 10.5 -34 54 (9) 179/27 5.1

Auto.Corp.of Goa 0803 6.42 10 49 186.4 26.3 331.5 0 7.8 20.6 * 1 100 34.3 30.3 109.9 100 10.7 9.2 512 0809 45.4 52 145 (-24) 395/140 3.2

Autoline Industr 0803 12.20 10 26 139.7 20.2 266.6 45 14.1 24.4 62 50 23.6 20.0 68.6 -4 5.8 1.4 -69 0809 15.8 5 75 M(4) 284/55 4.8

Autolite (India) 0803 9.06 10 40 57.9 - 90.6 33 12.5 6.0 * 999 - 10.3 6.6 18.5 -17 9.9 0.2 -91 0809 4.4 60 21 M(3) 176/16 4.8

Automotive Axles 0809 15.11 10 71 113.5 48.6 746.9 23 14.3 55.8 4 65 50.8 36.9 136.1 -15 12.9 7.4 -46 0809 36.9 4 110 (1) 662/78 3.0

Automotive Stamp 0803 10.20 10 81 42.1 7.6 301.0 -4 6.3 4.3 -60 15 15.1 2.7 85.8 22 9.7 2.5 90 0809 3.4 -53 27 (3) 120/21 8.0

Banco Products 0803 14.20 2 66 19.1 38.0 298.9 15 18.5 43.3 * 73 70 6.9 5.9 80.0 15 17.0 10.6 11 0809 7.3 84 22 (1) 50/17 3.0

Bharat Gears 0803 7.81 10 53 45.7 24.7 236.0 20 10.9 9.7 * 11 10 24.1 9.3 70.7 22 7.6 2.9 121 0809 17.0 20 21 (-) 86/20 1.2

Bharat Seats 0803 6.28 2 74 8.0 13.3 198.8 13 3.3 3.1 * 19 25 1.7 0.9 51.2 1 2.0 0.1 -94 0809 0.6 -41 7 (-) 29/5 -

Bosch 0712 32.05 10 70 799.8 26.5 4269.4 13 17.1 563.5 * 27 250 250.8 171.6 1219.3 16 15.6 158.2 16 0809 192.9 11 3097 (61) 5195/2675 16.1

Bosch Chassis 0712 20.79 10 96 91.5 24.0 530.5 50 11.6 41.5 * 18 30 29.6 19.4 141.8 8 3.7 3.7 -63 0809 16.6 -3 596 721/285 35.8

Ceekay Daikin 0803 4.03 10 31 46.8 14.4 100.5 12 9.4 2.7 -33 15 17.9 6.4 26.1 7 2.6 -0.9 PL 0809 1.0 -89 33 (-) 157/16 -

Clutch Auto 0803 16.31 10 25 70.6 13.0 216.9 -8 15.9 13.5 -36 - 11.9 8.3 55.0 9 11.3 0.7 -84 0809 4.6 -65 25 (-) 123/21 5.5

Denso India 0803 27.88 10 73 65.2 16.2 465.6 11 9.8 27.7 * - 20 14.2 9.6 131.6 13 6.3 4.7 -36 0809 8.7 -17 40 (-) 123/32 4.6

Enkei Castalloy 0803 5.50 5 35 54.3 11.2 324.1 41 8.9 6.4 -46 13 20.2 5.7 79.1 -17 14.7 1.4 -64 0809 3.4 -68 17 (-5) 145/14 5.0

Exide Inds 0803 80.00 1 49 12.4 31.0 3156.9 52 14.9 248.1 * 63 40 3.8 3.0 900.4 35 16.4 77.8 25 0809 3.5 36 49 (1) 91/37 14.2

Fairfield Atlas 0803 27.32 10 84 7.4 - 155.0 40 16.7 14.2 895 - 9.3 5.2 28.7 -18 -4.2 -3.2 PL 0809 3.1 20 25 (-) 100/16 8.2

Federal-Mogul Go 0712 55.78 10 57 54.8 - 603.5 53 7.0 -14.1 -48 - 5.2 - 175.4 21 3.2 -2.9 65 0809 - PL 43 XR(3) 208/31 -

Fiem Inds 0803 11.96 10 63 83.0 9.7 177.3 5 11.9 8.7 * -17 25 13.4 6.9 60.1 34 10.7 2.3 -11 0809 6.9 -14 47 (1) 127/40 6.8

Gabriel India 0803 7.18 1 45 18.5 7.0 466.8 -9 4.8 9.3 -50 70 3.1 1.2 138.5 23 1.3 2.0 35 0809 1.4 -29 9 (-) 36/7 6.4

Harita Seating 0803 7.77 10 66 47.7 18.3 191.1 23 7.9 5.8 * 1 25 13.9 7.0 56.7 28 6.7 0.6 -49 0809 7.7 28 55 (-6) 135/45 7.1

Hella India 0803 3.17 10 82 -12.6 - 22.2 1 -4.4 -1.3 * 83 - - - 7.4 38 -20.0 -2.0 PL 0809 - 37 111 (19) 280/65 -

Hi-Tech Gears 0803 9.38 10 54 55.2 20.2 282.4 5 11.6 9.8 19 30 22.4 9.9 92.5 39 12.7 4.0 65 0809 12.4 23 65 (16) 163/35 5.3

Hind.Composites 0803 5.50 10 62 22.3 6.8 71.6 8 8.6 0.9 -49 - 7.6 1.6 18.9 -2 9.6 0.3 -17 0809 1.2 -63 100 (-2) 500/91 83.3

Hind.Hardy Spice 0803 1.50 10 66 55.3 10.1 33.2 8 4.3 0.8 * -1 35 8.8 4.9 9.1 9 10.1 0.4 310 0809 6.7 18 41 (2) 144/32 6.2

I M P A L 0803 4.16 10 47 205.3 14.7 243.8 7 6.2 11.8 * 9 95 28.3 26.8 75.8 32 7.1 4.3 73 0809 35.2 39 149 (4) 278/125 4.2

India NipponElec 0803 8.08 10 66 163.6 11.7 120.3 -16 11.6 14.0 * -20 70 20.2 16.2 35.1 18 7.9 2.7 -36 0809 15.1 -25 89 (-6) 199/71 5.9

IP Rings 0803 7.04 10 52 60.9 5.9 54.0 9 17.1 2.5 -36 25 9.6 3.1 14.7 24 17.0 0.7 44 0809 4.5 -17 34 (4) 100/26 7.6

Jamna Auto Inds. 0803 36.77 10 48 23.9 - 467.0 68 11.3 16.9 167 - 6.8 4.6 138.1 98 7.5 1.0 -70 0809 3.8 78 18 C(2) 84/13 4.8

Jay Bharat Mar. 0803 10.82 5 59 31.0 26.1 657.1 27 7.6 15.8 * 32 25 16.5 7.1 180.1 8 7.0 2.5 -39 0809 6.8 4 23 (-1) 75/21 3.4

Jay Ushin 0803 3.86 10 43 40.8 31.8 237.5 55 5.1 4.5 * 671 20 23.8 11.2 62.3 12 4.4 0.3 -74 0809 8.8 53 52 (-) 122/47 5.9

JBM Auto 0803 10.20 10 62 45.1 15.0 186.2 28 10.1 6.5 * -5 15 11.4 6.1 57.0 16 5.3 -0.3 PL 0809 3.7 -29 24 (3) 73/16 6.4

JMT Auto 0803 14.40 10 45 66.9 8.0 201.1 17 16.9 8.9 39 10 16.0 6.2 54.2 18 21.1 1.4 -25 0809 6.4 63 23 (-1) 84/17 3.6

K E W Industries 0803 15.03 10 25 33.0 1.0 62.7 25 14.0 0.5 -88 - 2.0 0.3 12.9 -13 11.7 0.3 -67 0809 - PL 10 C(-) 64/5 -

Kar Mobiles 0803 2.24 10 41 97.8 18.3 85.3 26 4.8 3.9 54 40 23.6 16.6 23.5 5 -1.5 -0.1 PL 0809 10.3 -4 63 (-4) 287/63 6.1

Lumax Auto Techn 0803 11.63 10 59 33.0 7.2 177.2 11 4.0 2.8 * - 15 3.9 2.1 44.1 4 3.8 0.6 -25 0809 1.5 -33 28 (8) 97/16 18.2

Lumax Automotive 0803 7.40 10 73 23.0 7.8 100.3 4 9.5 1.3 -44 - 6.1 1.8 29.1 12 8.3 0.3 -30 0809 1.6 -48 24 (6) 88/15 15.1

Lumax Inds. 0803 9.35 10 74 144.7 11.6 507.8 -5 6.6 12.1 * -29 40 32.7 12.2 132.9 2 6.1 2.1 -55 0809 6.5 -66 111 (30) 462/60 17.0

Mahindra Comp 0803 4.39 10 45 26.1 9.9 32.3 24 8.9 1.1 391 10 4.1 2.4 11.5 39 12.5 0.7 115 0809 5.2 639 22 (1) 67/16 4.2

Menon Pistons 0803 5.10 10 74 58.6 18.1 101.2 22 11.6 5.2 20 40 13.9 9.5 28.1 13 13.1 1.6 35 0809 10.3 5 47 (-) 91/39 4.6

Minda Inds. 0803 10.51 10 71 59.1 20.4 396.1 2 8.7 11.7 * -15 25 26.9 10.4 127.8 17 9.8 3.3 -23 0809 10.2 -24 102 (-8) 358/84 10.0

Motherson Sumi 0803 35.55 1 71 11.3 31.2 1303.1 21 14.0 109.0 * -4 135 4.3 2.8 339.4 10 12.1 29.2 -2 0809 2.6 -28 69 (1) 124/38 26.9

Munjal Auto Inds 0803 10.00 10 75 58.4 18.7 217.1 -11 9.1 10.3 -45 15 15.1 10.0 63.4 35 7.5 2.8 63 0809 11.6 -8 34 (3) 117/25 2.9

Munjal Showa 0803 8.00 2 65 38.5 13.0 709.4 3 4.7 19.7 -23 100 8.4 4.6 221.8 28 3.6 3.3 -37 0809 5.3 -14 22 (-) 63/19 4.1

Omax Autos 0803 21.39 10 52 68.1 8.1 713.6 4 7.6 11.3 * -53 15 17.5 5.0 248.9 43 8.1 4.4 52 0809 5.9 -36 23 (-) 87/19 3.9

PAE 0803 9.52 10 48 31.5 17.0 254.2 39 3.5 5.3 * 65 15 6.1 5.3 76.0 31 4.1 1.6 20 0809 5.3 -2 15 (1) 50/10 2.9

Perfect Circle I 0803 3.33 1 89 8.5 - 77.0 7 8.1 -2.4 79 - 1.0 - - - - - - - 79 0 -

Phoenix Lamps 0803 28.02 10 66 50.6 37.1 356.7 28 18.7 48.4 53 40 20.6 16.6 111.5 22 13.3 7.6 -34 0809 16.1 23 68 (-3) 249/54 4.2

PRICOL 0803 9.00 1 36 20.8 10.6 633.6 3 11.7 19.2 -47 60 5.7 2.0 166.6 16 10.1 -0.7 - 0809 1.7 -39 9 (-) 42/7 5.4

Rane (Madras) 0803 10.16 10 55 72.1 -1.8 349.9 6 1.8 -0.9 * PL 60 6.8 - 101.3 22 3.7 -0.4 9 0809 - PL 36 (-) 104/30 -

Rane Brake Lin 0803 7.21 10 43 91.1 24.3 181.4 - 10.8 8.0 * - 40 22.6 10.4 50.4 21 10.1 0.9 -37 0809 8.3 - 47 (6) 180/37 5.7

Rane Engine Val 0803 5.15 10 52 153.7 6.1 198.2 - 9.3 2.3 * - 45 24.0 3.7 60.7 28 9.0 0.5 LP 0809 5.9 - 51 (-) 280/43 8.7

Rane Holdings 0803 14.28 10 43 122.4 10.2 - 0 - 14.4 * -14 60 9.5 9.0 - - - 9.7 999 0809 16.3 79 51 (-) 207/41 3.1

Rasandik Engg. 0803 4.73 10 54 66.9 25.3 180.3 14 13.4 7.2 96 15 32.6 15.0 48.7 9 12.7 -5.9 PL 0809 8.1 68 25 (-) 137/22 3.1

Raunaq Auto. 0803 8.94 10 63 11.4 18.0 51.5 -4 9.5 1.6 -54 - 3.7 1.7 15.4 22 9.5 0.9 57 0809 2.3 -10 12 (-1) 43/9 5.2

Remsons Inds. 0803 5.71 10 75 9.8 - 55.2 5 -1.9 -2.0 * -10 - - - 14.8 20 10.5 -0.4 38 0809 - -7 23 (-1) 45/18 -

Rico Auto Inds. 0803 12.56 1 46 21.4 6.0 708.7 -8 10.5 15.7 * -45 60 4.9 1.1 211.0 27 6.0 9.4 -23 0809 0.9 -57 12 (-) 54/7 -

Sai Service 0803 4.07 10 69 122.9 23.9 899.6 11 2.0 10.5 * 43 100 42.8 24.2 226.2 -5 3.6 3.0 -5 0809 29.3 54 217 (-) 300/138 7.4

Samkrg Pistons 0803 9.82 10 66 35.3 17.3 94.1 13 21.2 5.8 -10 35 15.4 5.3 25.7 10 12.9 1.4 -30 0809 5.1 -4 32 (-1) 88/27 6.2

Schrader Dunc. 0803 3.70 10 75 83.1 7.8 56.0 5 5.9 2.4 * LP 45 7.2 5.6 14.2 -2 5.7 0.6 226 0809 9.1 LP 88 (8) 379/58 9.7

Setco Automotive 0803 8.82 10 64 45.1 34.8 143.6 11 16.8 12.2 * 7 25 15.9 13.4 46.3 59 16.9 5.0 99 0809 20.2 48 160 (12) 285/100 7.9

Shivam Autotech 0803 10.00 10 75 67.6 18.4 124.3 -4 26.2 11.6 -28 15 23.1 11.3 41.2 43 21.0 2.4 -26 0809 11.6 -16 36 (3) 113/30 3.1

Sona Koyo Steer. 0803 19.87 1 53 10.0 16.0 712.6 18 8.7 25.2 -8 35 2.1 1.2 178.9 9 0.8 -7.3 PL 0809 - PL 10 C(-) 34/7 -

Spectra Inds. 0803 7.08 10 50 16.9 -8.6 21.6 -20 -1.3 -1.1 * PL - - - 2.7 -43 -5.5 -0.4 -3 0809 - -205 5 (-) 28/5 -

Page 4: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 2 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Steel Str. Wheel * 0803 13.07 10 54 83.3 20.3 260.2 31 18.4 16.7 18 16 23.5 12.5 96.0 45 10.8 3.2 -20 0809 14.8 29 50 M(-5) 222/43 3.4

Subros 0803 12.00 2 40 29.0 17.6 662.7 2 12.6 28.6 * 3 40 10.1 4.6 168.3 7 8.8 3.7 -43 0809 4.5 1 19 (-) 82/16 4.2

Sundaram Brake 0803 2.71 10 60 258.6 18.5 187.7 -1 14.5 12.5 -14 60 66.4 45.1 50.9 12 12.6 1.4 -51 0809 42.1 -13 127 (13) 400/96 3.0

Sundaram Clayton 0803 9.48 5 80 126.1 7.3 426.9 -48 9.2 21.3 * -76 76 25.2 10.6 141.8 39 5.3 6.8 18 0809 13.3 -55 90 (-2) 900/82 6.8

Suprajit Engg. 0803 6.00 5 50 40.8 10.0 136.1 5 11.5 4.8 * -61 40 6.8 3.7 46.8 45 15.4 4.0 173 0809 6.1 -30 52 (3) 128/41 8.6

Talbros Auto. 0803 12.35 10 37 58.9 7.8 174.5 10 11.1 5.2 * -34 15 9.6 4.0 53.6 28 9.1 0.9 -44 0809 3.7 -43 20 C(-) 76/16 5.5

Triton Valves 0803 0.32 10 48 954.7 8.1 74.7 17 9.8 2.4 20 125 141.3 73.4 23.3 27 14.7 1.2 113 0809 100.0 24 614 (-1) 2750/490 6.1

Tudor India 0803 24.62 10 84 9.1 - 129.3 32 8.0 7.6 * -14 - 3.8 3.1 37.8 23 12.2 2.2 34 0809 2.8 -20 58 (-2) 82/26 21.0

Ucal Fuel Sys. 0803 13.90 10 49 141.2 3.3 295.2 0 10.1 6.4 * -56 10 15.8 4.4 85.0 15 12.3 0.9 -74 0809 2.9 -64 34 (-1) 143/26 11.7

WABCO-TVS India 0803 9.48 5 80 88.4 83.3 534.3 0 19.8 69.9 LP 220 40.3 35.0 130.0 - 17.4 18.2 - 0809 - - 165 (2) 374/111 -

Wheels India 0803 9.87 10 86 180.0 15.3 1130.2 13 7.5 25.9 8 70 56.8 25.1 349.2 29 8.0 7.7 11 0809 29.1 12 148 (3) 348/112 5.1

Z F Steering 0803 9.08 10 72 120.2 28.0 222.6 3 19.5 26.9 * 3 80 39.8 28.3 49.4 9 16.9 6.1 4 0809 30.3 3 94 (-19) 234/78 3.1

IND.COMPOSITE 1002.09 31870.4 12.7 2143.8 11.1 499.0 23508 10.9


Allahabad Bank 0803 446.70 10 55 97.2 24.6 7311.1 34 74.9 974.8 30 35 22.4 21.2 1977.2 19 70.8 41.7 -83 0809 15.0 -21 56 (6) 138/42 3.7

Andhra Bank 0803 485.00 10 52 67.0 18.0 4951.5 27 69.6 575.4 * 7 40 12.5 11.2 1463.5 24 76.3 161.5 7 0809 10.8 -8 62 (4) 126/35 5.8

Bank of Baroda 0803 367.00 10 54 301.0 14.6 13892.2 33 67.2 1435.3 * 41 80 44.1 37.8 4026.9 21 75.0 395.3 21 0809 42.1 26 294 (19) 480/188 7.0

Bank of India 0803 525.17 10 64 168.1 27.6 14472.2 38 70.0 2009.4 * 81 40 39.0 37.6 4612.3 32 76.5 762.9 79 0809 49.4 81 303 (12) 466/189 6.1

Bank of Maha 0803 430.52 10 77 41.0 18.9 3931.8 25 67.2 328.5 21 20 8.9 7.3 1136.4 24 75.0 70.6 -22 0809 6.4 -15 26 (2) 97/21 4.1

Canara Bank 0803 410.00 10 73 202.3 19.1 16509.1 28 74.1 1564.1 * 10 80 40.9 36.8 4448.0 10 80.7 529.4 32 0809 38.4 4 210 (18) 409/135 5.5

Central Bank 0803 404.14 10 80 76.8 17.1 8929.5 28 70.8 550.5 10 20 14.8 11.3 2768.9 31 80.0 96.2 -22 0809 12.0 -4 47 (6) 146/32 3.9

Corporation Bank 0803 143.44 10 57 294.8 18.4 5229.9 31 72.8 735.2 37 105 53.6 49.5 1623.1 30 82.4 191.5 19 0809 53.9 28 203 (6) 470/155 3.8

Dena Bank 0803 286.82 10 51 54.6 25.6 3196.3 24 67.2 339.2 * 68 10 12.7 11.7 913.8 20 75.1 102.8 12 0809 12.6 38 43 (10) 96/24 3.4

IDBI Bank 0803 724.77 10 53 93.8 11.2 9800.3 32 82.6 728.7 * 57 20 10.9 9.7 3017.3 29 87.9 162.5 4 0809 10.2 54 73 M(3) 180/53 7.1

Indian Bank 0803 429.77 10 80 105.8 25.1 6354.5 27 65.6 1009.2 29 40 25.1 21.8 1900.9 27 75.2 282.9 14 0809 24.4 16 140 (10) 256/78 5.7

Indian Overseas 0803 544.80 10 61 86.7 28.0 9043.7 34 71.8 1201.3 * 19 35 22.8 21.5 2643.3 26 75.6 301.9 -6 0809 21.5 4 78 (9) 229/60 3.6

Oriental Bank 0803 250.54 10 51 230.5 10.2 7658.6 28 78.3 582.2 -10 47 25.4 22.4 2361.0 32 78.3 236.9 7 0809 25.5 -8 175 (19) 317/110 6.9

Punjab Natl Bank 0803 315.30 10 58 342.0 19.6 16291.5 24 66.2 2048.1 * 14 130 68.2 62.7 5313.2 35 75.1 707.1 31 0809 73.1 22 536 (14) 711/332 7.3

S B T 0803 50.00 10 75 343.6 23.3 3880.5 27 73.8 386.0 * 18 100 85.2 75.5 1141.9 25 77.6 113.8 70 0809 77.4 13 215 800/202 2.8

St Bk of Bikaner 0803 50.00 10 75 342.6 18.7 3530.0 23 68.8 315.0 3 100 73.3 61.3 1073.5 29 80.0 114.1 88 0809 72.5 16 251 (31) 845/192 3.5

St Bk of India 0803 634.88 10 59 772.4 16.8 58437.4 31 66.1 6722.1 * 48 215 114.0 103.3 17909.6 31 76.5 2259.7 40 0809 119.5 36 1361 M(73) 2397/991 11.4

St Bk of Mysore 0803 36.00 100 92 3827.3 25.3 2926.8 37 70.1 318.7 * 28 100 1028.8 868.3 823.8 16 80.8 63.6 -30 0809 645.7 -23 5016 (61) 14900/4251 7.8

Syndicate Bank 0803 521.97 10 66 74.0 24.1 8846.7 32 75.5 848.1 18 28 17.8 15.8 2527.0 17 76.9 261.9 15 0809 14.4 -4 66 (4) 125/46 4.6

UCO Bank 0803 799.36 10 75 31.1 13.7 7287.9 25 73.3 320.9 * 16 10 4.7 3.8 2172.9 25 79.0 135.0 22 0809 4.9 29 32 (3) 84/22 6.6

Union Bank (I) 0803 505.12 10 55 111.3 26.8 11189.2 30 69.2 1387.3 64 40 28.8 26.8 3114.5 23 75.5 361.5 31 0809 29.2 50 169 (1) 235/96 5.8

Vijaya Bank 0803 433.52 10 54 48.6 18.3 4525.5 41 75.4 356.0 * 10 20 8.6 7.9 1409.3 34 84.1 79.9 -24 0809 3.3 -62 38 (5) 95/25 11.6

IND.COMPOSITE 8794.82 228196.0 70.2 24736.0 77.5 7432.6 191532 7.4


Axis Bank 0803 358.97 10 42 244.3 17.6 8816.1 61 62.5 1079.5 63 60 33.5 29.0 3239.5 57 69.5 402.9 77 0809 39.3 76 559 M(13) 1291/363 14.2

Bank of Rajasth. 0803 161.35 10 37 32.8 24.1 1201.5 34 70.8 115.1 * 4 5 7.8 7.1 365.4 31 80.2 34.6 43 0809 7.8 40 45 B(4) 163/30 5.8

City Union Bank 0803 32.00 1 - 17.7 21.8 691.4 50 72.0 101.7 * 42 50 3.6 3.1 218.3 28 79.9 37.7 40 0809 3.7 33 16 (1) 49/12 4.4

D C B 0803 174.30 10 27 35.8 - 758.3 62 54.9 28.1 * LP - 2.5 1.6 201.5 12 56.2 1.0 -93 0809 0.5 34 24 (-) 160/17 -

Dhanalaksh.Bank 0803 64.12 10 - 31.9 17.8 360.3 28 67.2 28.5 77 5 5.6 4.4 108.1 23 74.1 8.8 18 0809 5.2 47 61 (9) 118/37 11.8

Federal Bank 0803 171.03 10 - 229.2 13.6 2910.5 38 69.3 368.1 26 40 22.6 20.8 932.3 38 68.9 114.3 20 0809 22.7 13 172 (25) 355/113 7.6

HDFC Bank 0803 425.14 10 19 272.1 17.7 12398.2 50 52.2 1589.8 * 39 85 42.6 36.2 4634.3 63 62.6 528.0 43 0809 44.5 42 1043 M(-8) 1825/800 23.4

ICICI Bank 0803 1113.26 10 - 417.4 11.8 39667.2 37 69.5 4112.5 * 36 110 40.8 35.6 9712.3 1 72.6 1014.2 1 0809 36.6 19 500 M(28) 1465/282 13.7

IndusInd Bank 0803 355.00 10 26 32.2 6.9 2218.5 22 74.6 75.5 -12 6 3.2 2.0 638.8 22 77.5 33.7 51 0809 2.6 -4 46 M(8) 135/29 17.6

ING Vysya Bank 0803 102.60 10 44 139.0 13.0 2113.9 36 62.2 141.8 * 131 15 17.7 13.6 655.2 30 67.9 47.0 2 0809 15.5 59 151 M(-) 384/113 9.7

J & K Bank 0803 48.48 10 53 470.5 16.8 2697.6 30 73.5 360.0 31 155 78.3 71.6 788.8 20 82.4 115.9 8 0809 78.3 19 392 (56) 915/268 5.0

Karnataka Bank 0803 121.55 10 - 113.5 18.5 1814.2 26 74.1 241.7 * 36 50 20.5 19.0 513.9 17 80.2 73.6 22 0809 18.4 16 83 M(3) 286/64 4.5

Karur Vysya Bank 0803 53.95 10 4 220.6 18.5 1320.2 30 73.8 208.3 * 30 120 40.2 36.6 393.3 27 81.3 62.2 43 0809 38.9 23 234 M(17) 548/187 6.0

Kotak Mah. Bank 0803 345.47 10 52 102.4 11.4 3136.8 87 51.1 293.3 * 108 8 9.8 8.4 806.8 13 56.4 47.9 -36 0809 7.9 33 397 M(19) 1436/239 50.3

Lak. Vilas Bank 0803 49.04 10 1 85.2 5.6 593.9 23 67.6 23.0 * 34 15 6.2 4.4 172.4 29 72.8 6.9 29 0809 2.8 -36 70 (-11) 195/56 25.1

South Ind. Bank 0803 113.01 10 - 101.1 16.4 1453.0 32 73.6 153.5 78 30 14.3 13.2 440.1 27 80.3 51.7 37 0809 15.5 46 62 B(5) 210/50 4.0

Yes Bank 0803 296.98 10 33 44.5 19.0 1671.7 112 70.2 200.0 112 - 7.4 6.7 569.9 50 81.5 63.6 41 0809 8.0 72 88 M(9) 278/55 11.0

IND.COMPOSITE 3986.25 83823.2 65.7 9120.4 70.6 2643.9 149771 15.2


ABC Bearings 0803 11.55 10 32 63.0 27.1 165.9 -9 21.7 18.4 -20 40 21.1 15.2 39.1 5 21.7 2.1 -40 0809 15.1 -3 35 (-2) 115/31 2.3

Austin Engg. 0803 3.53 10 34 85.6 23.0 73.0 13 14.9 6.5 * 22 22 21.8 18.0 23.2 32 19.4 2.6 61 0809 23.3 37 58 (9) 148/40 2.5

Bimetal Bear. 0803 3.83 10 74 293.0 8.1 100.1 16 8.3 8.2 * -1 70 31.2 20.3 34.7 36 7.7 3.5 81 0809 29.2 56 133 (9) 310/96 4.6

Fag Bearings 0712 16.62 10 51 189.9 28.4 641.1 19 20.4 79.4 * 8 40 58.6 47.0 212.8 31 21.8 30.6 40 0809 53.0 2 249 (6) 700/216 4.7

Menon Bearings 0803 4.67 10 70 38.1 16.7 34.7 15 20.3 2.9 15 25 8.5 5.8 10.7 38 19.6 1.4 202 0809 8.4 29 43 (-) 79/29 5.1

NRB Bearings 0803 9.69 2 74 37.3 19.6 320.2 6 21.4 33.5 * -15 120 10.2 6.5 84.2 8 10.2 0.9 -86 0809 3.9 -52 44 (2) 102/30 11.4

SKF India 0712 52.73 10 54 103.4 33.2 1567.5 17 16.2 160.0 * 61 60 35.0 29.2 430.4 11 13.1 37.0 -14 0809 28.6 1 140 (-2) 480/121 4.9

SNL Bearings 0803 3.61 10 69 -15.2 - 15.6 8 25.8 2.8 * 29 - 9.7 7.6 3.9 10 27.7 0.7 60 0809 8.0 33 15 (-) 33/14 1.9

Timken India 0712 63.73 10 80 38.3 16.6 342.4 2 16.7 35.6 * -5 - 7.2 5.6 109.6 32 18.2 14.8 62 0809 7.5 35 62 (2) 164/50 8.2

IND.COMPOSITE 169.96 3260.6 17.7 347.3 15.8 93.5 1892 5.4

Page 5: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 3Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio


Assoc.Alcohols 0803 6.84 10 50 51.8 20.7 121.2 50 10.1 6.6 179 3 13.1 9.6 24.5 -19 -4.5 0.8 -6 0809 11.3 130 21 (-) 83/17 1.9

Balaji Distill. 0803 53.02 10 33 -52.1 - 1208.4 22 3.5 1.6 * LP - 2.4 0.3 177.8 38 6.3 1.3 -54 0809 1.3 LP 30 (-) 71/14 23.1

Dollex Inds. 0809 (18) 7.44 5 31 13.7 14.8 51.9 104 2.1 0.7 -71 5 0.5 0.3 1.0 -79 -67.0 -1.9 PL 0809 - PL 8 (1) 53/5 -

Empee Distillers 0806 (9) 19.00 10 73 124.4 10.3 362.1 -8 4.6 11.3 -6 67 8.2 6.8 242.7 - 3.6 5.7 - 0809 9.0 7 72 (5) 373/49 8.0

G M Breweries 0803 9.36 10 70 48.5 37.3 256.7 9 10.5 14.9 25 25 18.4 15.5 50.8 13 6.7 1.5 -69 0809 11.4 -22 55 (8) 149/32 4.8

Indage Vintners 0803 15.27 10 40 191.8 18.9 181.8 47 34.7 39.0 * 69 22 28.2 25.2 41.6 41 36.8 7.1 35 0809 26.5 52 116 C(9) 825/69 4.4

Jagatjit Inds. 0803 51.94 10 45 45.9 7.7 559.1 23 3.8 17.8 7 - 6.6 3.4 135.3 2 -2.1 -2.2 PL 0809 1.6 -56 45 (1) 146/35 29.0

Khoday India * 0803 37.65 10 90 26.8 8.6 120.8 17 22.0 8.6 51 - 3.7 2.3 26.2 17 17.0 0.2 LP 0809 2.5 437 41 (-2) 370/28 16.3

Millennium Beer 0803 5.48 1 89 -34.3 - 187.9 38 5.3 -3.6 73 - 1.5 - 44.9 21 -11.3 -8.0 -264 0809 - -126 14 (1) 73/9 -

Mount Shivalik 0803 6.05 10 44 29.9 29.5 93.9 70 10.1 4.8 155 12 10.4 7.8 24.2 17 5.3 0.3 -73 0809 4.3 -52 35 (3) 139/23 8.1

Pion. Distiller. 0803 11.76 10 52 23.4 54.3 63.3 31 32.4 11.3 * 114 20 12.2 9.2 20.0 15 24.5 2.8 -8 0809 9.6 28 26 C(1) 144/20 2.7

Radico Khaitan 0803 20.49 2 49 22.5 10.3 802.7 37 7.8 23.9 * -21 25 4.0 1.8 163.4 10 6.9 6.0 -35 0809 1.5 -53 71 (6) 189/49 47.2

Shaw Wallace * 0803 48.01 10 75 38.0 32.5 189.9 37 13.7 49.5 * -28 10 10.7 10.1 56.3 21 12.8 1.8 -72 0809 8.8 -45 193 (5) 476/123 22.0

Som Distilleries 0803 18.10 10 14 11.8 31.5 54.3 4 0.2 5.8 LP - 4.1 3.2 11.8 9 15.1 0.9 LP 0809 5.4 LP 15 (2) 36/10 2.8

Tilaknagar Inds. 0803 5.73 10 55 59.8 60.3 144.8 60 21.4 16.2 87 21 31.2 28.0 45.3 30 20.2 5.2 51 0809 31.6 34 89 (5) 317/69 2.8

United Breweries 0803 24.00 1 75 32.9 16.3 1367.3 31 12.6 62.9 -4 - 5.1 2.3 361.1 29 9.2 5.2 -51 0809 2.0 -27 81 R(-) 383/76 40.1

United Spirits * 0803 100.16 10 37 200.6 18.6 3137.4 14 19.0 311.8 9 15 34.1 30.8 911.4 20 20.9 93.9 17 0809 35.4 1 951 (-18) 2160/606 26.8

Winsome Brew. 0803 16.93 10 41 9.5 - 31.6 -32 3.1 0.4 * 144 - 1.3 0.3 3.7 -43 9.0 -0.1 -75 0809 0.2 280 4 (-) 21/3 -

IND.COMPOSITE 457.23 8935.0 12.7 583.5 12.5 120.5 14273 23.5


Cable Corpn. * 0803 33.49 10 49 16.7 - 109.3 -8 -2.3 -26.1 * -40 - - - 27.6 3 -15.5 -10.6 -56 0809 - -57 12 M(1) 65/10 -

Cords Cable 0803 11.43 10 58 68.2 29.5 169.6 85 15.5 13.8 96 10 12.7 11.9 58.6 48 11.9 3.4 13 0809 12.4 47 39 (-2) 156/29 3.1

Delton Cables 0803 2.88 10 73 68.5 16.4 144.7 23 9.0 3.1 -11 10 14.6 10.4 43.5 49 3.8 1.3 24 0809 11.6 2 46 (-2) 218/41 4.0

Diamond Power * 0803 20.55 10 45 78.2 50.1 486.7 271 12.9 43.6 58 - 22.6 21.2 175.4 93 14.3 20.8 100 0809 31.1 91 129 C(-2) 570/81 4.1

KEI Inds. 0803 12.19 2 36 34.0 24.3 869.4 45 12.6 46.0 14 25 8.8 7.5 260.7 31 7.2 4.6 -60 0809 5.5 -27 15 M(-1) 169/9 2.7

Nicco Corpn. 0803 18.14 2 23 5.8 - 435.7 14 10.2 7.5 42 - 1.7 0.8 91.7 -10 0.2 -8.6 PL 0809 - PL 6 (1) 50/4 -

RPG Cables 0803 41.46 10 33 7.8 - 305.3 67 5.6 -13.7 * 46 - - - 103.0 66 3.3 -3.6 42 0809 - 40 12 M(-) 66/9 -

Torrent Cables 0806 8.60 10 51 135.4 - 224.2 0 17.2 46.9 999 - 58.0 54.0 45.8 - 2.9 1.5 999 0809 56.3 999 76 M(-9) 100/4 1.4

Uniflex Cables 0803 24.98 10 65 20.0 - 106.2 283 2.4 -8.0 - - - - 31.3 14 -28.1 -11.7 PL 0809 - PL 13 C(-1) 70/9 -

Universal Cables 0803 23.13 10 53 72.5 10.6 487.7 30 9.8 17.1 * -22 24 12.8 7.0 157.7 39 3.3 -1.4 PL 0809 5.5 -24 36 (2) 135/27 6.6

IND.COMPOSITE 196.85 3338.7 10.8 130.2 5.0 -4.3 741 3.2


Aksh Optifibre U 0809 29.48 5 30 24.9 0.4 149.2 29 -10.6 -20.8 PL - - - 36.7 30 -17.2 -2.3 PL 0809 - PL 13 (-) 94/12 -

Bhagyanagar Indi 0803 14.90 2 55 29.4 18.5 200.0 -16 16.3 36.7 * -48 30 5.5 4.8 56.1 27 5.8 3.0 -70 0809 3.7 -62 15 (1) 75/9 4.1

Birla Ericsson 0803 30.00 10 66 23.1 1.5 127.8 145 2.3 1.1 LP - 1.6 0.4 34.4 11 -1.2 -1.1 PL 0809 - -101 10 (3) 32/6 -

Finolex Cables 0803 30.59 2 33 41.9 14.6 1382.3 33 9.6 80.7 * 19 75 6.8 5.0 374.2 12 7.3 23.9 11 0809 6.3 33 26 (2) 131/19 4.2

G R Cables 0809 28.89 10 11 11.3 - 2.0 -79 -61.2 -2.4 * 25 - - - - -96 - -3.7 -40 0809 - 25 2 (-) 11/2 -

Paramount Comm. 0803 16.90 2 27 23.0 18.2 436.2 41 16.2 34.0 -9 20 4.7 4.0 102.9 -11 9.2 0.6 -94 0809 2.4 -49 11 (-) 57/7 4.6

Sterlite Tech 0803 32.26 5 44 82.7 21.3 1683.9 40 12.3 100.8 98 20 21.2 15.4 665.6 66 7.3 20.8 -24 0809 15.5 47 74 M(6) 352/41 4.8

Surana Telecom 0803 11.30 5 55 32.2 13.2 59.5 -27 12.8 9.2 * 12 20 4.9 3.9 20.9 29 1.3 0.3 -89 0809 2.6 -46 22 (1) 51/16 8.5

T N Telecommun. 0803 22.67 10 60 -6.0 - 21.4 49 -3.3 -4.6 * -33 - - - 1.4 -77 -66.4 -2.3 -34 0809 - -17 6 (-) 26/5 -

Vindhya Telelink 0803 11.85 10 43 191.2 1.3 206.6 317 1.0 2.9 * 6 - 6.2 2.4 75.5 93 -0.7 1.6 -51 0809 - PL 72 (7) 249/51 -

IND.COMPOSITE 228.84 4268.9 10.3 237.6 6.5 40.9 1345 4.6


Ahmednagar Forg * 0806 34.92 10 53 119.5 17.8 655.9 11 18.9 65.2 * -1 10 24.1 18.5 150.5 -5 18.7 11.2 -34 0809 17.0 -14 31 (1) 248/20 1.8

Akar Tools 0803 5.39 10 82 32.8 13.5 78.4 27 8.7 2.3 108 15 6.6 4.0 26.7 29 8.1 0.3 -53 0809 3.6 22 19 (-1) 70/15 5.3

Amforge Inds. 0803 2.96 2 53 25.9 - 48.4 -9 -4.9 -2.2 PL - - - 12.0 -8 -11.5 -1.2 PL 0809 - PL 4 (-) 24/3 -

Bharat Forge 0803 44.53 2 41 66.2 19.6 2141.8 17 21.8 252.5 * 3 175 17.0 10.7 654.5 19 20.9 92.0 52 0809 14.5 40 90 (3) 389/78 6.2

EL Forge 0803 8.53 10 34 55.9 14.0 105.6 5 16.8 6.0 * 24 14 11.3 6.8 28.7 21 20.5 1.1 -38 0809 5.7 - 18 (1) 99/13 3.2

Electrost.Cast. 0803 28.73 1 48 40.9 8.3 1331.5 18 4.9 81.3 -21 125 3.9 2.6 527.7 78 10.9 15.5 -46 0809 1.8 -54 18 C(1) 99/13 9.9

Gontermann-Peip. 0803 13.92 10 55 43.8 27.5 174.0 18 19.8 15.1 19 15 14.6 10.5 45.7 9 14.6 2.0 -32 0809 9.8 -8 19 (1) 132/15 1.9

HarigCrankshafts U 0803 39.44 1 12 1.3 - 34.9 -24 21.0 2.5 - - 0.1 0.1 7.9 -6 22.1 0.8 353 0803 0.1 - 1 (-) 8/1 -

Hilton Metal 0803 12.44 10 55 43.7 10.6 77.2 38 0.9 3.6 -15 10 3.2 2.8 22.0 6 9.6 1.5 63 0809 3.3 -4 16 (-) 66/11 4.9

Hinduha Foundrie 0803 18.68 10 70 52.8 17.0 451.4 14 11.2 16.8 * -1 20 17.2 7.7 119.9 8 12.3 1.1 -77 0809 7.3 -33 71 M(3) 315/65 9.7

Inv.&Prec.Cast. 0803 4.96 10 51 85.4 14.4 61.9 -4 19.9 5.7 * -31 20 17.2 11.2 11.3 -39 23.0 1.1 -39 0809 10.4 -37 52 (1) 170/43 5.0

Jayaswal Neco 0803 112.88 10 49 13.3 - 1472.6 19 11.1 86.2 235 - 11.0 7.6 395.4 11 15.7 7.3 -54 0809 8.7 84 13 (2) 83/9 1.5

Kaleidoscope Fil 0803 7.87 1 14 1.0 - 0.3 - 25.9 0.1 - - 0.0 - 0.1 -88 -60.0 - 69 0803 - - 1 (1) 9/1 -

Kalyani Forge 0803 3.64 10 56 196.6 13.9 189.2 4 12.2 9.4 * -15 22 48.4 25.5 46.9 2 3.1 -1.2 PL 0809 16.3 -36 56 (-4) 290/46 3.4

KIC Metaliks 0803 5.60 10 48 72.7 -8.6 183.0 20 -2.1 -3.3 PL - 0.8 - 18.3 -65 -29.9 -7.9 PL 0809 - PL 23 C(2) 94/12 -

M M Forgings 0803 12.07 10 62 72.4 18.1 190.9 8 19.6 14.8 5 50 26.9 11.8 62.9 37 17.7 5.6 38 0809 14.7 18 39 B(1) 100/33 2.7

MagnaElectrocast 0803 4.58 10 30 44.1 21.0 54.4 16 18.4 4.0 -31 21 16.2 8.3 20.7 44 11.5 1.5 27 0809 11.7 2 49 (-4) 104/46 4.2

Mahindra Forging 0803 80.26 10 61 96.6 - 214.1 1 7.6 3.7 122 - 1.9 0.5 76.3 23 8.4 -3.2 PL 0809 - PL 56 (2) 380/47 -

Micro Forge (I) 0803 5.61 10 22 -9.4 29.8 78.3 11 -19.6 -17.2 PL - - - 0.5 -97 85.1 0.3 -58 0809 - PL 3 (1) 36/2 -

Nelcast 0803 17.40 10 68 87.7 26.5 356.5 17 13.0 26.0 * 31 30 17.6 14.4 100.4 30 11.7 5.3 -16 0809 15.0 12 35 (3) 192/26 2.3

Porwal Auto Com. 0803 15.10 10 37 34.4 6.8 37.4 27 12.9 1.4 * 79 - 2.5 0.9 11.2 27 6.8 - -98 0809 0.9 41 11 (-) 120/8 -

Pradeep Metals 0803 12.72 10 11 6.7 - 70.5 29 12.1 3.8 49 - 4.0 3.0 23.2 16 12.2 1.5 17 0809 3.5 33 7 (-1) 24/5 2.0

Page 6: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 4 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Ramkrishna Forg. 0803 15.33 10 45 55.2 21.0 200.7 33 19.1 13.0 -6 10 14.8 8.5 60.3 55 15.7 1.4 -49 0809 9.3 13 41 (-1) 292/38 4.4

Shree Ganesh Frg 0803 12.50 10 53 18.6 - 107.8 13 -0.8 -7.7 PL - - - 7.4 -70 -46.8 -3.8 PL 0809 - PL 10 (1) 112/6 -

Simplex Casting 0803 5.98 10 56 56.4 23.5 154.5 10 13.1 7.2 * 30 15 17.7 11.9 46.7 23 14.1 2.8 25 0809 13.3 13 34 (1) 106/24 2.6

Steelcast 0803 3.64 10 38 93.8 25.4 113.6 14 13.2 7.8 * -30 36 28.7 20.9 40.9 58 15.7 2.3 25 0809 23.2 -11 71 (-) 208/44 3.1

Tayo Rolls 0803 10.26 10 50 104.9 16.3 209.7 13 6.5 7.2 -31 40 10.8 6.7 57.3 17 3.4 0.7 -52 0809 4.1 -61 87 R(6) 444/57 21.1

Titagarh Steels 0803 13.21 10 35 8.5 - 81.0 9 6.9 0.6 -83 - 1.0 0.5 24.3 16 6.0 1.0 17 0809 0.3 -89 10 (-) 84/7 -

Uni Abex Alloy 0803 1.97 10 63 55.8 29.8 60.9 1 7.2 3.0 * -22 13 18.2 13.9 15.4 -17 14.5 1.6 416 0809 29.9 60 75 (4) 144/59 2.5

Vishal Malleab. 0803 1.95 10 50 39.9 12.7 61.7 5 7.8 0.9 - - 11.9 4.8 20.4 50 6.0 0.1 -82 0809 3.3 -33 15 (-5) 103/14 4.6

Vybra Automet 0803 7.13 10 24 50.9 10.4 61.7 2 16.6 3.6 -4 - 8.1 5.0 18.5 30 10.5 0.4 -74 0809 3.7 -31 9 (1) 65/7 2.4

IND.COMPOSITE 564.20 9059.7 13.1 613.3 14.2 140.8 3929 5.0


ACC * 0712 187.68 10 46 221.3 35.1 6878.0 20 27.9 1281.0 * 17 200 81.1 64.9 1804.6 7 24.3 283.4 1 0809 63.4 -9 506 M(10) 1017/369 8.0

Ambuja Cem. 0712 304.52 2 46 30.6 29.0 5671.4 -9 35.5 1182.7 * 21 175 8.7 7.2 1387.3 8 28.4 250.1 -14 0809 6.6 -30 70 M(-1) 145/43 10.6

Barak Valley 0803 22.16 10 60 33.0 18.4 70.3 -5 28.1 11.1 -23 20 6.8 4.7 17.7 18 12.3 - -100 0809 4.7 - 14 (-) 65/10 3.0

Binani Cement 0803 203.10 10 65 20.6 48.9 961.6 42 35.3 178.8 85 25 11.1 8.4 306.3 43 20.3 26.8 -44 0809 7.9 12 34 (1) 124/26 4.3

Birla Corpn 0803 77.01 10 63 129.4 47.6 1721.5 10 33.2 389.7 * 20 40 55.3 49.9 371.8 -6 20.9 59.7 -42 0809 44.2 -14 131 (10) 333/71 3.0

Burnpur Cement 0803 42.99 10 47 12.7 4.1 27.0 14 11.0 1.4 * 24 - 0.5 0.3 3.0 - 8.3 0.1 - 0809 - - 10 (-1) 53/7 -

Guj. Sidhee Cem. U 0809 (18) 144.62 10 37 3.2 - 570.2 45 10.1 32.3 * -59 - 1.9 1.5 90.8 18 -3.6 -3.2 PL 0809 1.1 -70 9 (-) 42/6 8.5

J K Cements 0803 69.93 10 62 109.0 41.5 1458.3 9 28.5 265.2 48 50 42.9 37.1 360.7 1 14.0 17.8 -76 0809 27.7 -18 44 (-) 215/41 1.6

JK Lakshmi 0803 61.18 10 46 103.7 43.7 1108.3 32 31.0 236.6 35 25 47.8 38.2 293.3 10 19.1 26.9 -63 0809 26.2 -37 39 (1) 212/30 1.5

Mangalam Cement 0803 28.25 10 27 76.7 63.3 509.9 124 30.3 113.6 35 50 45.6 39.4 139.1 4 21.9 18.8 -32 0809 34.7 2 47 (1) 186/38 1.4

Mysore Cement 0712 158.02 10 55 20.5 - 593.8 44 19.8 111.8 LP - 8.0 7.1 119.1 -21 -2.8 9.6 -64 0809 5.7 50 16 (-) 60/11 2.8

OCL India 0803 11.38 2 70 97.2 25.3 764.4 -5 26.1 109.8 * 49 125 23.5 18.9 243.4 66 20.8 22.1 12 0809 20.9 32 48 (-1) 384/33 2.3

Prism Cement 0806 298.25 10 62 20.7 47.0 876.3 14 38.4 242.0 26 10 9.0 7.9 162.7 -16 16.6 15.0 -71 0809 6.9 -8 21 (2) 78/14 3.1

Sanghi Inds. 0803 219.98 10 51 27.3 19.5 846.5 3 31.3 106.4 -25 - 8.5 4.8 166.7 -10 22.0 4.1 -75 0809 3.2 -49 26 (-) 87/19 8.1

Saurastra Cem. U 0806 51.19 10 64 9.5 - 472.4 16 8.2 1.2 -96 - 4.1 0.2 102.1 12 -8.6 -13.2 -263 0809 - PL 21 (-1) 72/9 -

Sh. Digvijay Cem 0803 141.37 10 74 2.0 - 254.8 -3 31.6 33.7 -37 - 2.8 2.4 71.9 73 0.4 -3.4 PL 0809 1.1 -71 7 (-) 42/4 6.6

Shree Cement 0803 34.84 10 64 193.1 46.2 2108.2 50 40.0 273.6 66 80 214.6 77.2 629.2 32 29.0 101.2 6 0809 80.4 35 485 (-14) 1405/330 6.0

UltraTech Cem. 0803 124.49 10 54 216.6 45.2 5512.4 12 31.2 1007.5 * 29 50 99.1 80.1 1396.2 20 21.3 164.2 -12 0809 79.6 12 383 (24) 1000/250 4.8

Vinay Cements 0803 18.90 10 75 40.0 5.0 40.1 -17 16.8 2.8 * -65 - 2.7 1.5 10.0 30 7.3 -0.2 PL 0809 1.1 -64 40 (-1) 48/16 37.6

IND.COMPOSITE 2199.86 30445.3 31.0 5581.2 22.3 979.7 31255 6.3


Andhra Cement 0803 (18) 132.52 10 73 2.3 - 442.3 337 18.2 71.4 * LP - 3.7 3.6 78.5 -12 16.5 11.5 -42 0809 4.7 61 23 C(-2) 57/12 4.9

Anjani Portland 0803 18.39 10 61 23.0 45.5 103.1 53 31.6 16.3 30 15 10.3 8.6 30.2 45 31.0 4.7 73 0809 10.4 22 21 (-) 69/15 2.0

ChettinadCement 0803 29.50 10 85 133.0 50.0 930.2 28 36.8 163.8 43 100 81.4 53.8 283.8 21 36.1 34.2 -33 0809 52.7 13 400 (-) 525/345 7.6

Dalmia Cement 0803 16.19 2 55 132.8 27.4 1467.6 49 27.8 239.5 * 74 200 39.6 28.9 449.2 27 24.7 40.2 -51 0809 20.5 -17 80 C(-5) 550/67 3.9

Deccan Cement 0803 7.00 10 52 199.0 41.2 209.2 22 36.6 47.5 * 67 30 75.7 67.4 39.3 -32 31.0 7.3 -52 0809 59.1 - 144 (7) 464/109 2.4

India Cements * 0803 282.37 10 28 92.1 32.0 3044.3 35 35.5 671.9 42 20 28.0 23.5 945.5 24 30.7 154.1 -30 0809 20.9 -8 106 M(3) 300/69 5.1

K C P 0803 12.89 10 46 147.3 40.0 343.0 37 30.2 66.6 38 100 56.6 50.0 72.0 -15 29.9 15.6 -28 0809 45.6 -11 146 (-) 845/111 3.2

Kakatiya Cements 0803 7.77 10 48 135.4 17.3 172.6 22 20.4 17.3 -4 24 31.9 21.9 49.3 60 25.7 7.3 139 0809 30.3 41 62 (1) 142/46 2.1

Madras Cement 0803 23.80 1 41 40.1 50.4 2011.0 28 37.4 407.6 * 32 400 20.7 16.8 664.4 33 34.4 113.6 -6 0809 17.4 15 70 B(1) 227/55 4.0

NCL Inds. 0803 33.02 10 41 30.8 34.3 192.7 30 35.4 29.6 * 7 25 11.8 8.5 74.9 79 25.9 8.7 -20 0809 8.9 - 25 C(1) 93/19 2.8

Rain Commodities 0712 (9) 72.03 10 42 63.4 45.1 462.1 0 29.4 69.6 LP 37 14.1 12.3 252.9 70 17.5 20.1 -45 0809 3.2 -77 94 C(4) 299/82 29.0

Sagar Cements 0803 15.00 10 44 120.1 34.9 253.8 13 22.5 31.3 13 25 23.2 20.5 35.2 -37 7.2 -2.9 PL 0809 13.0 -32 141 C(-29) 444/85 10.9

Shiva Cement 0803 29.75 2 27 4.0 - 24.7 9 21.9 3.6 LP - 0.4 0.2 4.9 -30 -10.8 -1.2 PL 0809 0.1 LP 6 C(-) 24/3 -

IND.COMPOSITE 680.23 9656.5 32.9 1836.0 29.1 412.9 8244 5.1


Everest Inds. 0803 14.80 10 50 95.5 5.3 284.0 -6 6.4 7.3 * -37 40 10.8 4.3 112.5 96 3.0 -2.4 PL 0809 3.9 -43 62 (2) 150/55 15.9

Hyd.Industries 0803 7.47 10 43 194.9 10.0 481.0 10 7.3 13.7 * -16 50 32.3 17.5 129.3 37 16.6 11.9 453 0809 39.6 87 140 (27) 298/89 3.5

Indian Hume Pipe 0803 4.85 10 70 297.8 10.8 363.9 13 9.1 14.9 * -6 70 37.8 29.5 168.5 62 5.9 3.2 32 0809 40.6 97 295 (5) 1471/210 7.3

Ramco Inds. 0803 4.33 10 50 568.0 10.8 381.4 9 14.6 25.5 6 150 121.5 56.4 90.5 36 18.2 10.9 30 0809 76.6 27 415 (9) 1699/350 5.4

StresscreteIndia *U 0703 7.40 10 46 6.6 - 3.4 -38 -35.0 -2.2 -72 - - - 0.9 429 -15.6 -0.4 62 0709 - 66 14 (1) 34/11 -

Visaka Inds. 0803 15.88 10 36 100.3 6.2 430.0 3 10.1 9.8 -58 30 15.5 5.6 121.4 27 11.8 7.0 LP 0809 19.3 201 43 (2) 112/32 2.2

IND.COMPOSITE 54.73 1943.7 9.5 69.0 10.5 30.3 597 4.9


Asian Granito 0803 21.06 10 35 74.7 23.7 190.8 24 24.4 26.5 * 26 10 15.0 12.4 75.3 60 17.5 7.5 9 0809 14.6 27 23 (1) 128/16 1.6

Bell Ceramics 0803 21.52 10 39 8.1 - 161.9 -4 2.0 -17.8 -145 - - - 49.0 28 6.9 -1.7 39 0809 - -42 5 (-) 22/3 -

Cera Sanitary 0803 3.10 5 55 94.2 19.0 127.2 19 16.8 10.1 11 30 24.0 16.0 41.4 40 18.3 3.8 76 0809 19.3 21 71 M(-1) 209/51 3.7

Decolight Cera 0803 18.34 10 50 40.0 18.5 81.5 58 26.3 8.8 75 - 6.6 4.8 15.4 -6 30.5 1.1 -50 0809 4.9 49 9 (1) 45/6 1.9

Euro Ceramics 0803 17.10 10 55 115.1 18.1 226.3 27 33.6 34.0 20 8 28.6 19.8 77.6 35 24.8 2.9 -64 0809 14.9 -19 41 (2) 275/34 2.8

Hind.Sanitary. 0803 11.00 2 56 40.1 13.6 518.0 9 15.3 28.0 * -5 75 9.6 4.8 152.3 31 15.5 7.2 -6 0809 5.2 - 31 (4) 99/20 5.9

Kajaria Ceramics 0803 14.72 2 52 21.0 10.1 500.5 22 16.4 14.4 * 85 10 5.1 1.9 164.4 40 14.9 5.8 17 0809 2.1 244 31 (1) 38/21 15.0

Murudeshwar Cer. 0803 17.51 10 48 153.2 10.4 236.8 1 32.9 26.6 * -9 12 28.3 15.0 53.4 -19 24.5 0.5 -94 0809 7.1 -60 20 (-) 140/16 2.8

Nitco 0803 32.12 10 45 154.7 13.0 637.5 39 13.0 51.0 34 20 19.0 15.5 158.6 13 13.2 9.7 -27 0809 13.8 -5 43 (7) 303/30 3.1

Orient Ceramics 0803 10.53 10 73 45.6 5.3 213.1 14 10.5 2.5 -79 5 11.4 2.3 53.4 -1 14.3 1.7 -40 0809 0.3 -97 17 (-) 81/13 -

Regency Ceramics 0803 13.60 10 46 34.7 -28.1 135.4 -7 1.2 -14.7 -283 - - - 38.1 13 -2.9 -5.3 -13 0809 - -15 7 (-) 32/6 -

Restile Ceramics 0803 98.28 10 73 9.8 - 31.8 56 15.9 1.4 LP - 0.4 0.1 11.5 35 9.9 0.3 -4 0809 0.1 -14 15 R(3) 34/10 -

Page 7: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 5Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Somany Ceramics 0803 6.90 10 59 81.6 7.5 329.4 19 11.2 4.3 73 10 25.5 6.0 110.2 55 10.0 2.5 35 0809 7.8 51 44 (-) 95/37 5.6

Spartek Ceramics U 0803 18.47 10 21 -18.5 - - - - -7.5 - - - - - - - -1.4 30 0809 - 19 6 11/5 -

IND.COMPOSITE 304.25 3389.9 16.4 167.6 14.8 34.6 973 4.3


Aarti Inds. 0803 36.40 5 46 38.8 13.6 886.2 27 13.0 36.7 * 43 30 8.6 4.8 401.4 117 17.9 34.2 370 0809 12.6 312 32 (-) 54/26 2.5

Adinath Bio-Labs 0803 22.07 1 40 1.2 3.8 21.7 3 7.2 1.0 2 3 0.1 - 4.4 3 2.9 0.1 - 0809 0.1 - 11 (-2) 14/9 -

Albright & Wil. 0712 3.38 10 74 164.6 -7.7 128.8 -8 -5.0 -4.3 PL 10 - - 34.5 18 -1.5 19.0 LP 0809 50.9 LP 97 (7) 182/69 1.9

Alkali Metal 0803 10.18 10 75 59.3 25.0 61.8 1 20.3 7.9 4 40 9.1 7.3 - - - - - - - 164 P(47) 204/90 -

Alkyl Amines 0803 10.20 10 73 60.3 17.9 158.3 22 14.0 9.4 14 25 14.9 8.1 58.2 56 16.4 3.2 74 0809 14.3 60 65 C(-) 140/53 4.5

Alufluoride 0803 7.00 10 52 14.6 22.8 19.4 -6 15.8 2.2 4 10 3.9 2.9 5.9 -7 21.0 0.7 -46 0809 2.2 -38 12 (-) 40/9 5.5

Amines & Plast. 0803 5.50 10 58 25.3 24.3 105.7 15 5.6 2.5 37 - 5.6 4.6 45.7 105 6.1 0.8 LP 0809 11.7 LP 34 C(-) 63/31 2.9

Andhra Petro. 0803 84.97 10 40 17.8 27.2 281.5 6 22.8 36.2 - - 5.7 4.3 91.9 24 19.5 10.3 -9 0809 3.6 -38 13 (2) 43/10 3.6

Arvind Chemical * 0803 (18) 19.81 10 30 10.5 4.2 135.6 432 -2.0 0.7 14 - 0.3 0.2 11.0 197 -19.0 0.3 -90 0809 - PL 40 M(-) 54/27 -

Avon Organics 0803 22.50 10 15 18.8 - 70.4 0 9.1 -8.5 55 - - - 32.1 103 16.9 1.7 LP 0809 - 97 15 (-4) 62/12 -

Balaji Amines 0803 6.48 10 55 87.3 26.2 217.8 24 13.7 13.1 * 27 15 26.8 20.0 71.6 43 18.0 6.7 85 0809 27.7 148 71 (-2) 237/67 2.6

BASF India 0803 28.19 10 71 120.5 18.5 906.9 18 11.5 60.4 15 70 25.1 20.2 317.0 24 11.7 26.1 8 0809 28.1 34 227 (2) 335/164 8.1

Bhagawati Gases 0803 16.74 10 34 14.0 10.4 16.2 8 26.6 2.3 7 - 3.0 1.4 4.3 8 21.2 0.2 -36 0809 1.1 -18 6 (-) 38/4 5.5

Bhuruka Gases 0803 3.52 2.5 75 33.0 7.5 30.1 -16 15.7 3.2 * 220 - 5.9 2.3 10.1 22 27.1 1.2 455 0809 3.9 LP 40 41/16 10.3

BOC India 0712 (9) 85.28 10 89 113.7 6.1 298.2 -35 15.8 16.0 * -24 27 5.8 2.0 132.9 36 12.2 16.5 134 0809 6.6 229 129 M(-4) 216/109 19.6

Bombay Oxygen 0803 1.50 100 59 12876 -0.3 24.1 -15 10.0 -0.4 * 56 20 184.0 - 10.7 108 12.0 1.2 LP 0809 285.3 LP 3455 (164) 9760/3291 12.1

Borax Morarji 0803 4.52 10 64 27.7 30.8 79.5 32 10.5 3.8 56 35 12.2 7.8 18.7 -7 13.7 1.1 10 0809 10.0 41 39 (3) 99/28 3.9

Camlin Fine 0803 5.80 10 63 46.6 11.8 79.3 68 13.3 2.9 LP 10 11.4 4.8 25.8 26 13.8 1.0 51 0809 7.0 LP 45 (6) 72/32 6.4

Camp. & Allied 0803 5.13 10 33 101.9 0.9 104.7 -9 2.4 0.4 * -76 15 5.1 0.6 35.7 36 8.4 1.9 999 0809 9.7 834 63 (1) 136/48 6.5

Castrol India 0712 123.64 10 71 34.8 51.5 1966.0 9 16.8 218.5 53 140 16.8 15.1 555.5 29 16.0 59.6 10 0809 22.0 37 335 (30) 356/215 15.2

Chembond Chem. 0803 3.00 10 62 64.8 28.7 95.1 29 1.9 5.0 * 34 35 17.8 16.0 29.1 30 6.7 1.9 234 0809 21.8 62 145 (13) 243/96 6.6

Ciba India 0803 13.28 10 69 222.3 6.7 469.2 -8 6.6 19.6 -31 35 19.3 14.1 140.8 21 11.5 9.7 42 0809 20.5 11 199 (-6) 328/175 9.7

Clariant Chemica 0712 26.66 10 63 116.1 15.5 861.2 26 8.1 48.1 13 100 24.4 16.4 254.9 20 15.2 25.2 13 0809 23.9 10 168 (12) 338/145 7.0

Cochin Mineral 0803 7.83 10 54 29.0 7.4 84.0 -10 7.2 1.7 * -81 12 4.8 1.9 28.3 56 8.7 0.5 231 0809 3.1 -55 25 (1) 117/18 8.1

Dai Ichi Karkari 0803 7.61 10 59 64.1 3.3 45.2 11 -0.5 1.6 * -1 12 3.0 1.9 13.9 28 -2.4 0.3 -31 0809 1.3 -36 24 (1) 49/18 18.1

Deepak Nitrite 0803 8.96 10 52 185.2 4.3 469.6 13 8.0 7.5 -29 40 26.0 7.7 151.9 37 14.9 11.9 LP 0809 50.3 LP 99 (-1) 208/82 2.0

Elantas Beck 0712 7.93 10 89 117.4 23.7 169.8 19 16.7 20.3 19 40 28.1 24.9 47.7 13 16.7 5.6 17 0809 27.4 9 167 (-) 439/153 6.1

Ellenbarrie Indl U 0803 6.55 10 41 27.4 6.7 47.1 - 21.7 6.2 - - 14.7 9.4 16.1 38 33.7 2.8 -28 0809 11.6 95 224 (-12) 262/100 19.3

Excel Inds. 0803 5.45 5 38 88.9 4.4 224.8 13 8.5 4.2 * LP 20 12.4 3.6 70.7 18 12.5 3.5 104 0809 9.5 232 36 (-) 97/30 3.8

Foseco India 0712 6.39 10 66 70.7 48.0 151.5 19 21.2 20.0 23 170 32.6 28.4 39.4 3 16.7 4.1 -20 0809 29.6 2 276 (-10) 499/250 9.3

Goa Carbon 0803 9.20 10 56 65.9 23.0 207.9 12 8.7 12.5 * 229 30 15.8 13.1 103.1 157 5.0 2.8 LP 0809 28.2 632 62 (15) 155/36 2.2

Godrej Inds 0803 31.98 1 79 32.6 8.3 713.6 9 6.4 59.2 * 202 125 2.4 1.6 254.2 39 3.9 -9.1 PL 0809 1.6 221 80 (3) 499/46 49.7

Grauer & Weil 0803 12.79 10 50 50.0 21.2 194.5 23 12.9 12.9 16 25 12.5 9.6 53.8 10 11.2 3.3 5 0809 10.9 5 43 (-) 197/32 4.0

Guj Flourochem 0803 11.58 1 67 85.6 32.6 720.1 26 50.5 277.1 * 29 350 24.5 23.3 303.6 58 59.7 119.3 45 0809 27.4 26 73 (4) 363/53 2.7

Gulf Oil Corpn 0803 14.87 2 46 28.9 2.0 747.2 24 4.2 3.6 * -86 75 2.4 0.2 234.0 36 6.0 7.2 LP 0809 2.5 -1 41 (2) 351/25 16.6

Gulshan Polyols 0803 4.17 5 73 27.5 55.5 99.4 20 18.1 9.7 82 15 15.6 11.5 54.3 47 16.8 4.8 11 0809 13.3 11 109 M(35) 619/57 8.2

Gwalior Chemical 0803 24.68 10 60 70.6 14.8 287.6 42 16.5 24.9 33 12 13.4 9.9 119.5 73 11.8 7.0 22 0809 13.0 56 54 (1) 128/35 4.2

H K Finechem 0803 9.50 10 59 16.3 4.9 31.2 15 10.3 0.7 * 999 - 2.5 0.8 9.2 24 10.7 0.1 LP 0809 1.0 999 14 (-) 31/13 -

Hikal 0803 16.44 10 69 152.9 29.1 301.1 29 20.8 49.5 * 44 70 40.2 28.6 107.5 38 26.7 17.2 18 0809 32.9 27 249 M(-24) 530/229 7.6

Hind.Organ.Chem. 0803 67.37 10 59 -13.9 - 574.5 14 6.9 15.2 -15 - 6.2 2.3 164.5 8 -5.4 -6.8 PL 0809 1.3 -79 23 (1) 104/14 17.6

I G Petrochem. 0803 30.80 10 45 55.9 20.2 586.0 1 10.8 30.7 3 5 14.1 9.9 184.2 22 5.0 0.1 -99 0809 4.6 -62 22 (2) 95/14 4.8

IFB Agro Inds. 0803 8.01 10 55 64.1 17.3 198.3 12 6.7 7.9 * 182 - 16.6 9.8 81.3 40 10.8 5.4 52 0809 10.1 14 49 M(6) 164/32 4.8

India Gelatine 0803 9.40 10 59 89.9 1.2 56.6 -7 2.2 1.0 * LP 7 5.1 0.9 19.1 52 14.7 1.6 LP 0809 5.0 999 20 (2) 36/12 4.0

India Glycols 0803 27.88 10 50 173.1 44.7 1305.1 47 22.5 178.7 345 40 87.1 63.4 344.3 12 12.4 19.0 -56 0809 50.4 86 73 (4) 508/50 1.5

Indo Borax 0803 3.50 10 41 68.9 38.7 36.7 54 27.5 7.7 * 64 15 23.1 21.7 10.0 22 37.0 2.4 38 0809 27.6 58 49 (7) 180/38 1.8

Insilco 0803 62.72 10 73 13.6 -0.9 69.3 -2 -15.1 -0.8 54 - 0.7 - 16.4 -12 -4.4 0.1 -80 0809 - PL 9 (1) 42/7 -

IOL Chemicals 0803 17.70 10 54 46.9 27.7 317.9 57 11.5 12.4 64 - 11.2 7.0 79.9 -1 13.4 4.2 25 0809 7.8 39 113 C(4) 209/81 14.4

Jayant Agro Orga 0803 7.50 5 54 45.9 10.9 594.1 32 1.6 6.2 16 25 5.3 3.7 260.2 76 0.6 1.7 2 0809 5.1 53 39 C(-) 145/28 7.6

Kilburn Chemical 0803 8.18 10 41 41.4 4.7 86.4 22 9.9 2.0 -72 5 7.0 1.7 24.8 33 8.7 0.3 -77 0809 0.1 -99 18 (1) 67/12 -

Laffans Petro. 0803 8.00 10 50 45.5 8.3 176.1 19 4.9 2.9 -13 - 5.4 3.6 57.1 33 9.0 2.2 176 0809 7.0 62 12 (1) 36/8 1.7

Modipon U 0809 7.84 10 50 -67.8 - 0.4 -100 -99.9 -5.2 80 - - - 0.1 -93 - -0.5 90 0809 - 80 14 (-) 100/11 -

Mysore Petro 0803 6.59 10 68 41.1 - 86.5 7 11.6 5.2 * LP 10 14.3 7.8 25.4 14 6.0 - -100 0809 4.6 56 24 (-) 102/16 5.2

Narmada Gelatine 0803 4.03 10 75 89.0 12.5 56.2 6 12.8 4.4 76 20 13.9 10.4 16.6 27 11.6 1.2 116 0809 13.4 68 33 (-3) 87/31 2.5

Natl. Oxygen 0803 3.12 10 37 43.3 9.9 11.3 -7 24.6 1.2 * -9 20 9.7 3.4 3.2 -2 32.9 0.6 66 0809 1.8 -65 31 (5) 95/21 17.6

Natl. Peroxide 0803 5.75 10 65 96.1 20.5 109.2 71 24.8 10.8 149 80 31.1 17.5 39.1 45 30.2 6.3 152 0809 29.8 94 134 (1) 348/101 4.5

Navin Fluorine 0803 10.10 10 37 190.5 5.9 293.7 13 12.3 11.2 -21 40 21.7 10.4 113.2 74 27.0 18.2 LP 0809 45.6 734 137 (16) 454/103 3.0

Nitta Gelatin 0803 8.40 10 81 90.7 - 147.6 12 8.8 6.7 7 15 15.4 7.8 45.6 13 15.0 3.6 164 0809 13.6 88 52 (11) 93/30 3.8

Noble Explochem 0803 19.23 10 14 22.9 - - -100 - -8.8 * 68 - - - - - - -0.9 17 0809 - 63 4 (-) 33/3 -

NOCIL 0803 160.79 10 32 14.9 3.3 360.8 19 -1.5 7.9 * -68 5 0.9 0.4 131.9 53 14.7 13.7 873 0809 1.9 162 15 (1) 61/11 8.1

Oriental Carbon * 0803 10.31 10 51 58.9 2.8 90.1 41 9.0 1.7 -45 5 5.9 1.6 40.9 89 7.2 2.1 119 0809 4.7 169 22 C(-) 49/16 4.7

Panama Petrochem 0803 4.76 10 39 121.4 36.5 233.9 19 8.7 14.3 * 37 40 30.2 29.4 122.9 122 12.6 6.6 47 0809 41.0 40 75 (7) 270/62 1.8

Phillips Carbon 0803 28.25 10 54 100.2 44.7 1033.2 3 13.1 89.6 277 40 38.2 31.1 336.6 35 8.3 15.4 -36 0809 29.0 20 38 C(-1) 277/33 1.3

Pidilite Inds. 0803 25.31 1 71 25.3 33.4 1533.6 33 17.2 192.7 55 175 8.8 7.3 478.4 29 10.2 33.6 -41 0809 6.5 -2 111 (11) 200/75 17.0

Pondy Oxides 0803 10.11 10 34 22.6 24.5 169.9 63 7.1 5.1 * 84 12 6.3 4.9 32.0 9 1.2 0.3 -74 0809 3.7 - 14 (1) 34/11 3.8

Page 8: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 6 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Prem. Explosives 0803 8.13 10 37 27.4 18.5 57.4 -15 8.4 3.7 * 41 15 5.7 4.3 13.0 16 15.3 0.7 16 0809 4.4 51 22 (-1) 64/17 5.0

Punjab Chemicals 0803 6.59 10 47 156.5 32.7 438.5 42 12.6 29.9 * 392 40 56.5 44.7 150.6 79 10.0 7.5 115 0809 63.2 381 138 (10) 310/107 2.2

Refex Refrigeran 0803 15.48 10 58 30.0 39.0 89.9 75 17.2 12.0 158 20 7.9 7.4 31.7 32 18.1 2.8 -23 0809 7.2 21 35 (2) 315/18 4.8

SI Group 0803 42.32 10 83 34.5 8.5 650.5 7 6.6 11.5 * LP - 6.0 2.7 187.5 22 2.4 -1.0 PL 0809 1.7 -31 17 (-) 62/13 10.3

Solar Explosives 0803 17.32 10 75 83.1 12.7 169.6 39 15.2 17.8 * 72 30 11.4 9.8 97.8 184 8.1 5.1 24 0809 12.2 52 310 (2) 549/270 25.5

Sree Rayalaseema 0803 10.18 10 40 35.4 14.1 110.9 -2 11.4 4.9 -14 - 8.9 4.8 61.3 144 19.2 4.8 404 0809 12.9 322 19 (-) 41/11 1.5

SRF Polymers 0803 6.45 10 74 96.3 -20.3 163.1 4 -5.1 -14.0 PL - - - 44.6 -1 -4.6 -3.3 -888 0809 - PL 118 (14) 245/100 -

Sterling Biotech * 0712 24.19 1 37 61.5 16.1 910.9 50 45.1 193.4 38 50 11.5 7.9 301.7 21 44.2 63.1 22 0809 9.5 27 156 C(-7) 262/131 16.3

Sunshield Chem. 0803 7.35 10 63 15.6 - 41.9 25 6.7 -0.7 * 74 - 0.9 - 18.8 102 9.8 0.8 LP 0809 0.8 LP 14 (-1) 33/12 -

Tanfac Inds. 0803 9.98 10 51 51.8 26.3 164.6 34 12.4 12.6 87 18 15.1 12.3 76.5 88 8.2 4.1 10 0809 15.0 66 31 (-) 84/28 2.1

Thirumalai Chem. 0803 10.24 10 53 128.2 21.5 591.3 9 11.8 29.2 15 100 37.8 26.8 137.4 -8 -3.7 -5.6 PL 0809 9.7 -63 76 (-3) 280/66 7.9

Tide Water Oil 0803 0.87 10 28 1429.4 20.4 428.4 19 7.7 21.8 * 142 200 275.5 246.8 129.7 28 8.9 6.8 37 0809 313.5 101 3200 (-1) 5000/2352 10.2

Transpek Inds. 0803 5.32 10 28 80.1 2.9 99.0 29 0.3 1.1 * -75 15 11.2 1.8 48.3 77 9.3 1.2 146 0809 10.5 LP 51 C(-1) 108/39 4.9

Tyche Inds. 0803 10.25 10 49 20.6 17.7 29.3 7 17.9 3.4 -23 5 3.7 3.3 9.1 27 23.8 1.8 132 0809 4.6 24 10 (1) 33/6 2.2

VBC Inds. 0803 45.32 10 72 14.9 -5.2 32.3 90 -9.6 -3.9 * 10 - - - 14.1 - 18.1 1.2 LP 0809 - 48 13 (4) 51/6 -

Vishnu Chemicals 0803 11.98 10 75 31.9 28.5 126.0 6 17.6 9.7 -10 10 11.3 7.9 46.5 40 18.0 2.1 -43 0809 6.3 -38 26 (1) 178/20 4.1

Vivimed Labs 0803 9.40 10 57 84.4 19.3 155.6 23 17.6 13.9 3 10 18.1 14.7 43.6 8 27.4 7.8 107 0809 17.8 10 50 (10) 180/32 2.8

IND.COMPOSITE 1528.70 23898.5 14.0 1935.3 14.1 633.7 22542 9.2


Bihar Caustic 0803 23.39 10 56 84.4 28.5 173.9 22 44.4 49.3 47 15 28.3 20.8 46.1 3 25.5 6.5 -55 0809 20.6 21 35 (3) 105/27 1.7

Chemfab Alkalis 0803 4.59 5 74 66.5 26.0 100.4 -2 27.1 13.7 * -23 - 22.2 14.9 21.4 -7 29.1 3.2 -5 0809 11.5 -29 39 (7) 132/25 3.4

GHCL 0803 100.02 10 40 50.2 22.0 1068.4 0 21.7 94.7 * -17 24 15.5 9.1 336.0 46 19.1 26.1 3 0809 10.2 -11 35 (6) 175/21 3.4

Guj Alkalies 0803 73.44 10 37 146.8 22.8 1412.4 6 23.3 222.4 * 19 35 43.2 29.7 384.7 30 33.9 83.4 2 0809 31.5 3 83 (14) 264/55 2.6

Kanoria Chem. 0803 28.14 5 57 41.4 14.3 433.0 1 21.2 31.7 106 30 11.0 5.4 134.2 30 20.8 9.4 -4 0809 6.6 60 19 (1) 61/15 2.9

Punjab Alkalies 0803 20.54 10 44 21.4 - 200.1 -1 13.9 3.9 * 257 - 7.4 1.9 54.0 3 17.3 2.9 35 0809 5.5 999 20 (1) 69/16 3.6

Sr. Rayal. Alka. * 0803 67.49 10 41 19.8 15.2 448.1 19 18.9 22.8 * 24 - 7.7 3.4 177.8 56 17.7 12.4 91 0812 5.9 67 12 (1) 33/8 2.0

Standard Inds. U 0809 32.16 5 17 30.1 -12.0 263.4 1837 35.1 87.3 LP - 13.7 13.6 9.9 417 - -32.7 PL 0809 13.6 LP 13 (1) 106/9 1.0

Tuticorin Alkali U 0809 14.79 10 45 -24.8 - 11.5 -85 -99.9 -21.8 -162 - - - 4.9 213 -57.7 -5.2 23 0809 - -162 6 (1) 30/5 -

IND.COMPOSITE 364.56 4111.1 23.1 504.0 24.4 105.9 1402 2.5


Godfrey Phillips 0803 10.40 10 71 478.5 19.7 884.2 14 16.0 90.1 * 26 250 101.4 82.4 261.8 22 13.2 34.0 40 0809 87.7 5 887 (84) 2220/742 10.1

Golden Tobacco 0803 17.60 10 37 29.5 - 158.0 -21 11.8 13.0 * -75 - 9.0 7.4 23.0 -38 -32.7 1.6 -52 0809 9.2 -69 66 (3) 710/40 7.2

ITC * 0803 377.15 1 - 31.8 27.9 13920.8 15 31.6 3109.7 * 15 350 8.8 7.7 3763.3 15 29.7 802.7 4 0809 8.2 7 173 M(-5) 239/132 21.0

VST Inds. 0803 15.44 10 32 147.5 26.9 338.9 2 24.6 53.2 * -3 200 40.0 31.1 84.7 2 23.9 11.3 4 0809 29.5 -18 231 (16) 475/183 7.8

IND.COMPOSITE 420.59 15301.9 30.3 3266.0 28.1 849.6 66738 20.5


Atlas Copco (I) 0712 22.56 10 84 147.7 27.0 968.7 32 14.8 75.7 * 5 40 42.9 32.9 356.4 48 13.1 22.1 7 0809 37.9 12 444 (-6) 1780/378 11.7

Elgi Equipments 0803 7.82 1 33 21.5 26.1 451.4 19 12.6 38.0 * 61 120 5.6 4.7 127.5 8 13.3 11.5 -2 0809 4.9 19 32 (1) 90/27 6.5

Ingersoll-Rand 0803 31.57 10 74 222.5 13.0 487.0 -18 8.6 74.4 * 60 60 23.9 22.5 94.1 -29 16.3 20.9 34 0809 21.9 2 238 (-) 439/211 10.9

Kirl.Pneumatic 0803 12.84 10 55 80.4 32.0 398.7 13 9.5 29.8 * 12 70 25.2 22.0 114.5 58 8.6 7.0 64 0809 29.4 28 156 (4) 740/115 5.3

Revathi Equipmnt 0803 3.07 10 64 383.6 14.7 118.5 35 16.7 16.3 * 49 100 69.7 51.4 31.8 63 10.1 1.6 -18 0809 47.5 62 445 (15) 1550/330 9.4

IND.COMPOSITE 77.86 2424.2 12.4 234.2 12.7 63.1 2339 9.5


Accel Trans 0803 11.04 10 59 10.9 7.3 37.6 7 10.4 0.8 * -69 - 2.0 0.7 10.6 13 11.5 -0.2 PL 0809 - PL 16 (-2) 51/14 -

Allied Computers U 0803 19.00 1 62 1.2 18.8 40.0 - 5.6 0.7 - - 0.1 - 4.0 - 5.7 0.1 - 0809 0.0 - 1 (-) 7/1 -

CMC 0803 15.15 10 51 200.3 32.9 977.2 -1 11.6 88.3 37 110 61.6 56.4 177.4 -28 13.7 25.9 19 0809 61.6 12 314 (-4) 1430/250 5.1

Compuage Infocom 0803 5.18 10 74 23.6 26.7 611.4 103 2.2 4.3 118 - 9.3 8.3 256.1 67 2.4 1.5 20 0809 9.5 63 53 (13) 126/31 5.6

Crazy Infotech 0803 5.89 1 51 1.2 56.9 18.4 24 12.4 1.1 -46 5 0.3 0.2 2.4 -67 24.3 0.3 -76 0809 0.1 -92 1 (-) 24/1 -

D-Link (India) 0803 6.00 2 62 69.0 14.5 291.4 3 10.6 27.0 * 24 100 11.2 8.7 78.6 11 5.1 4.5 -52 0809 6.8 -23 46 (4) 124/36 6.8

HCL Infosystems 0806 34.23 2 54 58.6 33.0 12411.4 7 3.7 303.5 * -3 400 17.3 16.4 3076.5 - 3.9 67.4 -8 0809 17.4 -18 90 (11) 300/64 5.2

Mobile Telecom 0803 11.90 1 51 1.5 0.6 31.7 5 1.4 0.3 182 - 0.1 - 7.2 8 3.9 0.1 -73 0809 - PL 2 (-) 3/1 -

Moser Baer 0803 168.30 10 16 117.0 -4.9 1899.8 -4 21.7 -99.9 * PL 10 19.5 - 636.0 33 21.4 -41.8 PL 0809 - PL 82 M(14) 341/50 -

MRO-TEK 0803 9.49 5 38 49.3 16.9 134.2 19 14.1 15.6 * 49 60 9.1 7.7 32.7 -4 2.7 0.3 -93 0809 5.9 -8 32 (3) 133/20 5.4

ORG Informatics 0803 17.17 10 36 58.5 5.2 161.7 -35 11.7 5.3 -26 - 4.9 3.1 42.9 31 9.1 0.5 -61 0809 1.1 -72 11 M(-) 104/9 9.7

PCS Technology 0806 21.12 10 70 32.4 5.5 317.7 -2 4.1 3.8 20 - 3.2 1.8 73.4 -3 4.6 0.8 29 0809 1.9 24 11 (1) 36/8 5.9

Redington India 0803 77.86 10 44 73.1 12.2 5771.0 22 2.4 67.1 59 35 9.1 8.6 1652.6 13 2.3 17.6 14 0809 9.3 42 114 (-) 431/99 12.3

Spel Semiconduct 0803 46.12 10 56 13.0 16.8 72.8 35 26.1 9.1 132 - 3.3 2.0 23.5 28 17.8 1.4 -16 0809 2.2 127 11 (1) 53/8 5.0

TVS Elec. 0803 17.67 10 60 28.7 -6.0 207.6 -24 1.4 -2.8 * PL 10 1.2 - 53.7 5 4.0 0.5 100 0809 - PL 17 (-1) 62/14 -

VXL Instruments 0803 6.69 10 25 - - 93.4 28 -1.7 -5.6 -25 - - - 15.0 -32 19.1 -0.2 94 0809 - 51 12 (3) 38/8 -

Zenith Computers 0803 15.48 10 54 33.1 6.1 295.9 -9 9.3 3.1 -80 12 12.4 1.8 79.4 14 2.9 0.2 -86 0809 0.6 -88 17 (1) 61/13 -

IND.COMPOSITE 488.29 23373.4 5.5 421.7 5.6 78.9 4723 6.2


HCL Technologies * 0806 133.93 2 67 48.0 20.7 4615.4 22 20.4 687.9 * -33 450 12.0 8.8 1175.8 7 24.6 253.8 -4 0809 10.1 -38 125 M(-14) 325/103 12.4

Infosys Tech. * 0803 286.32 5 17 235.6 36.3 15648.0 19 31.8 4469.9 * 18 665 82.0 72.4 5066.0 31 31.7 1390.0 29 0809 87.7 20 1174 M(-12)2017/1040 13.4

MphasiS 0810 (7) 208.96 10 61 55.7 25.1 1451.6 -15 21.8 264.5 106 20 27.4 21.7 - - - - - - - 168 (13) 316/119 -

Oracle Financial 0803 41.88 5 81 335.8 15.9 1793.0 16 25.4 421.3 19 - 57.5 50.3 544.8 25 21.8 158.1 80 0809 62.7 44 491 M(-) 1664/405 7.8

Patni Computer 0712 26.06 2 47 196.2 16.3 1172.3 17 30.0 360.6 * 80 150 33.2 27.0 414.6 34 34.4 153.0 80 0809 29.1 -5 139 M(6) 330/111 4.8

Page 9: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 7Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Polaris Software 0803 49.33 5 29 60.9 9.0 938.0 4 9.0 54.0 -32 30 9.2 5.2 300.3 27 15.4 23.4 86 0809 7.2 2 46 (4) 141/34 6.4

Satyam Computer 0803 134.77 2 9 109.2 26.1 8137.3 31 22.2 1717.3 21 175 26.9 24.9 2700.5 39 24.0 597.4 43 0809 30.9 35 167 M(4) 544/115 5.4

TCS 0803 97.86 1 76 111.4 47.6 18533.7 24 27.1 4502.1 * 22 1400 48.3 43.6 5700.0 27 28.1 1173.0 2 0809 47.6 11 515 (2) 1054/418 10.8

Tech Mahindra 0803 121.73 10 83 100.9 66.7 3604.7 31 22.7 702.0 32 55 62.8 56.7 1142.0 33 33.7 296.0 64 0809 73.9 40 284 M(20) 1135/216 3.8

Wipro * 0803 292.74 2 79 78.9 29.4 17492.6 28 20.7 2994.9 * 8 300 22.6 19.4 5405.0 30 20.0 852.5 12 0809 20.2 1 246 M(-3) 538/182 12.2

IND.COMPOSITE 1393.58 73386.5 25.1 16174.5 26.4 4897.2 186585 10.6


3i Infotech 0803 130.75 10 39 41.7 20.8 447.3 35 12.8 100.7 161 15 9.3 6.9 158.3 31 50.3 55.8 140 0809 11.4 162 40 M(-1) 160/30 3.5

ABM Knowledge 0803 10.00 10 60 15.4 48.9 31.1 62 30.0 6.3 427 5 6.3 6.2 9.7 22 19.0 1.2 -29 0809 4.8 23 22 (9) 70/9 4.6

Accel Frontline 0803 22.51 10 72 44.4 6.1 285.8 43 5.9 6.1 -48 15 4.7 2.5 73.1 25 10.5 2.7 -29 0809 2.5 -58 64 (11) 129/39 25.2

Accentia Tech 0803 13.04 10 15 70.1 24.8 50.9 77 34.3 13.4 110 - 11.4 10.3 19.5 -32 37.4 6.2 -24 0809 8.8 -42 158 M(17) 269/75 18.0

Advent Computer * 0809 16.27 10 54 13.2 22.1 1.0 - 5.9 - - - 0.0 - - -99 - -0.1 PL 0809 - - 3 (-) 23/3 -

Aftek 0803 18.71 2 17 69.6 13.1 392.5 18 28.0 79.7 * -12 25 11.8 8.4 60.6 -35 42.9 44.0 71 0809 13.0 53 14 M(-) 97/11 1.1

Allied Digital 0803 17.37 10 64 104.2 36.4 297.4 91 22.0 43.6 90 - 27.0 25.1 102.9 45 22.7 21.5 111 0809 35.3 81 363 M(7) 1129/234 10.3

Allsec Tech 0803 15.24 10 27 98.1 - 99.0 -13 -8.2 -13.5 PL - - - 23.3 -17 -15.5 -3.1 -75 0809 - PL 22 (-) 150/16 -

Asit C Mehta Fin 0803 4.95 10 72 22.8 2.8 4.3 -32 5.8 0.3 -84 10 1.2 0.5 - -99 - -0.1 PL 0809 1.3 -35 31 (7) 169/22 23.3

ASM Technologies 0803 5.00 10 55 17.8 50.7 40.3 35 12.9 3.7 208 8 7.9 7.3 12.8 30 12.4 1.1 9 0809 7.5 74 31 (4) 51/16 4.1

Aurionpro Solu 0803 14.80 10 30 119.2 17.3 60.0 116 47.2 18.1 139 18 14.4 11.9 17.1 63 68.6 9.1 151 0809 17.3 183 123 C(-15) 603/116 7.1

Avantel Ltd 0803 5.15 10 30 26.9 26.2 24.0 7 28.7 3.4 55 15 9.1 6.3 7.0 -27 17.9 1.0 -43 0809 4.7 -48 40 (10) 139/23 8.6

Axis IT&T 0803 9.98 5 61 8.4 - 7.2 30 -14.2 -2.1 -8 - - - 2.8 57 16.1 0.4 LP 0809 - 69 14 (1) 36/12 -

Axon Infotech U 0803 2.64 10 10 12.1 - 44.8 4 - - -99 - 0.3 0.1 1.5 -85 1.3 - -93 0809 - PL 11 (1) 92/7 -

Aztecsoft 0803 13.68 3 80 38.1 10.3 225.5 -7 11.7 16.0 * -57 10 6.4 3.5 70.8 26 26.6 15.4 132 0809 6.0 -8 37 M(1) 102/31 6.1

Blue Star Info. 0803 10.72 10 53 58.5 8.2 109.7 37 5.2 5.0 * -34 25 6.8 4.2 33.6 28 17.2 6.8 238 0809 10.8 131 50 M(-1) 122/33 4.6

Bombay Talkies 0803 5.40 1 4 1.0 0.4 1.5 -8 3.4 - -50 - 0.0 - 0.2 -34 5.3 - -50 0809 - PL 2 (-1) 24/2 -

Brels Infotech 0803 43.77 1 75 1.0 -18.3 20.7 - 19.7 0.3 - - 0.1 - 3.8 22 -3.7 -1.0 PL 0809 0.0 LP 1 (1) 2/1 -

California Soft. 0803 12.36 10 66 86.3 8.3 71.0 49 17.1 7.3 22 10 6.9 5.7 19.7 46 5.8 0.3 -69 0809 5.7 140 34 (-3) 104/30 6.0

Cambridge Soluti 0803 111.36 10 61 22.4 - 178.2 4 2.6 4.2 * LP - 0.6 0.4 73.1 70 24.0 11.0 LP 0809 2.3 LP 75 M(2) 95/35 32.8

Cambridge Techno 0803 15.82 10 62 28.4 18.5 27.3 55 36.3 7.8 48 10 5.5 4.7 11.0 129 35.1 2.2 135 0809 6.3 105 21 (2) 91/16 3.3

Color Chips (I) U 0806 20.96 10 2 10.1 - 0.6 -18 28.3 -0.5 81 - 0.2 - 0.1 -96 40.0 -0.1 97 0806 - 81 0 -

Compucom Soft. * 0803 10.05 2 70 11.4 8.8 18.2 -19 35.4 4.9 -9 15 1.3 0.9 10.4 140 51.7 2.9 194 0809 1.6 70 10 XB(0.55) 23/5 6.3

Compulink System 0803 10.37 10 40 29.7 5.7 17.6 19 18.6 1.7 999 5 3.7 1.6 4.3 9 14.1 0.7 97 0809 2.4 -22 14 (-) 51/11 5.9

Computech Intl. 0803 11.52 5 8 37.4 -10.2 40.0 -67 -17.0 -9.5 * PL - - - 17.8 106 12.0 11.3 LP 0809 5.7 LP 4 (1) 12/2 0.7

Core Projects 0803 17.25 2 48 44.4 21.5 200.0 187 24.5 44.6 280 10 5.3 5.1 88.9 83 27.5 16.8 81 0809 6.4 115 60 C(9) 440/34 9.4

Cranes Software 0803 22.94 2 38 41.9 21.5 278.9 13 62.4 94.9 2 60 12.5 8.1 98.0 25 62.0 33.2 28 0809 9.6 10 74 (-2) 161/65 7.7

CSS Technergy 0803 5.51 10 46 34.0 27.9 26.6 102 26.8 4.3 124 - 10.6 7.7 4.6 -16 21.2 0.3 -75 0809 6.5 9 12 M(-) 120/10 1.9

Cybertech Syst. 0803 26.47 10 29 17.7 9.7 16.3 0 6.8 4.4 -37 10 2.1 1.5 3.1 -12 1.0 1.4 492 0809 2.4 2 11 (1) 36/8 4.5

Datamatics Tech. 0803 20.38 5 69 61.2 3.9 67.4 -1 20.3 9.5 * -52 15 3.3 2.2 19.3 44 24.9 5.3 159 0809 4.2 29 17 M(-) 58/11 4.0

Dhanus Technolog * 0806 17.94 10 42 148.0 30.5 195.2 116 45.8 59.4 142 17 44.9 32.8 43.5 38 52.1 13.2 82 0809 36.4 142 31 (-3) 344/26 0.9

eClerx Services 0803 18.92 10 60 69.9 54.4 117.0 36 40.8 43.9 11 85 24.3 21.9 49.1 103 30.4 13.9 120 0809 30.2 - 96 M(-11) 445/72 3.2

FCS Software 0803 14.43 10 68 83.6 28.8 97.6 -26 42.8 32.7 41 11 27.4 22.7 23.0 6 55.3 8.4 4 0809 24.0 20 26 (-2) 138/23 1.1

Financial Tech 0803 9.18 2 46 320.1 - 137.6 39 32.6 961.3 895 1000 206.6 206.0 119.5 286 67.9 77.1 -77 0809 176.2 76 536 (-9) 2580/426 3.0

Firstobject Tech 0803 19.23 1 14 0.8 - 9.6 2649 7.2 0.5 999 - 0.0 - 4.3 10 12.9 0.4 5 0809 - PL 1 (-) 7/1 -

Firstsource Sol 0803 428.19 10 27 12.1 8.1 493.9 14 20.8 53.8 * -22 - 2.5 1.3 138.3 19 20.8 27.0 74 0809 - PL 14 M(1) 84/11 -

Four Soft 0803 19.48 5 32 25.1 0.4 37.1 2 9.9 0.4 * -93 - 0.7 0.1 7.5 -24 31.6 1.4 LP 0809 0.7 LP 15 (-) 57/11 -

Genesys Intl. 0803 14.92 10 49 29.2 46.0 47.2 146 37.1 14.5 * 590 20 10.8 9.4 18.2 108 32.6 5.8 98 0809 16.5 466 55 C(1) 143/30 3.3

Geodesic 0803 18.44 2 24 47.7 29.8 255.5 55 59.0 110.1 * 18 30 15.2 11.8 119.4 130 58.8 48.7 123 0809 15.8 35 79 M(-6) 284/56 5.0

Geometric 0803 12.42 2 35 34.2 10.4 172.4 -2 5.0 21.5 -30 40 4.8 3.3 58.4 32 11.1 8.9 72 0809 3.2 -34 25 (1) 93/22 7.7

Glodyne Tech 0803 11.10 10 67 67.3 57.6 273.0 105 16.1 33.7 131 12 33.2 30.1 111.9 78 20.4 17.7 145 0809 47.5 144 240 M(9) 699/167 5.1

Goldstone Tech. 0803 18.78 10 19 32.5 24.3 60.5 48 23.5 11.6 48 6 7.0 6.0 6.3 -36 3.5 1.9 -9 0809 5.2 -1 39 (4) 273/19 7.4

GSS America 0803 13.30 10 53 152.5 42.4 39.4 63 53.3 19.7 33 25 15.1 14.8 11.1 - 29.0 7.9 - 0809 - - 134 (-6) 865/104 -

Hexaware Tech 0712 28.73 2 24 47.4 14.1 468.8 14 12.6 89.7 -22 40 7.2 5.9 134.6 22 27.8 11.1 -35 0809 4.0 -43 23 M(2) 88/17 5.7

Hinduja Ventures 0803 20.55 10 66 287.7 6.4 12.2 -92 42.2 37.2 * 146 100 16.5 16.4 0.5 -92 - 6.6 -42 0809 16.2 -7 141 (-1) 875/98 8.7

HOV Services 0803 12.55 10 55 64.7 1.2 6.2 -11 20.5 1.0 -65 - 0.9 0.8 1.0 -32 -32.4 -0.3 PL 0809 - PL 30 (3) 193/23 -

HTMT Global 0803 20.54 10 66 262.4 11.5 358.0 135 22.7 59.1 193 100 38.4 27.1 108.1 24 28.9 24.6 66 0809 34.4 51 164 (17) 608/111 4.8

IKF Technolog. 0803 26.82 1 14 2.7 1.7 28.7 100 16.7 1.1 10 - 0.2 - 17.8 126 13.9 1.6 159 0809 0.1 51 3 (-) 24/3 -

Indo-Pacific Sof 0803 10.05 1 68 2.3 17.6 19.6 - 31.3 5.0 - - 0.5 0.5 6.0 67 21.3 1.0 -24 0809 0.5 11 1 (-1) 19/1 -

Info-Drive Soft. 0803 29.24 10 18 13.7 - 4.3 5213 57.2 2.3 999 5 0.7 0.7 2.8 -4 43.2 1.2 -41 0809 1.1 65 27 (-3) 130/17 24.1

Informed Techn. 0803 4.17 10 76 12.3 30.1 3.0 -27 7.8 1.4 -30 - 3.6 3.2 0.4 -26 - 0.4 32 0809 3.3 -40 11 (2) 55/7 3.3

Infotech Enterpr 0803 27.61 5 25 113.3 14.5 435.2 26 20.6 58.8 -10 24 16.7 10.4 153.5 49 24.3 34.1 87 0809 15.0 27 106 C(-6) 315/93 7.1

Intellvisions Sf 0803 7.00 10 25 38.6 4.9 16.1 -12 5.7 1.2 * -50 - 2.4 1.7 6.4 53 10.2 0.6 53 0809 2.9 9 20 (-2) 208/17 6.9

Intense Technolo 0803 18.64 10 9 23.1 - 7.4 76 -99.9 -9.0 -47 - - - 3.5 -28 -24.9 -1.0 PL 0809 - -131 9 (-) 102/6 -

Interworld Digi 0803 7.04 1 18 2.5 2.5 31.1 0 4.1 0.5 7 - 0.2 0.1 1.1 -86 19.0 0.1 -33 0809 0.1 -13 2 (-) 5/1 -

Intra Infotech U 0806 (15) 5.68 1 74 1.0 - 0.3 - 96.3 0.2 - - 0.0 - - -25 33.3 - - 0809 0.0 LP 42 (-16) 80/23 -

IOL Netcom 0803 27.37 10 5 35.8 - 21.0 43 -85.2 -24.7 -361 - - - 14.2 292 33.1 0.7 LP 0809 - -307 51 C(15) 515/26 -

IT People * 0803 10.66 2 63 10.2 - 24.3 -14 23.4 -4.4 51 - 1.2 - 2.9 13 24.5 0.5 -57 0809 - 37 9 (2) 57/7 -

Kaashyap Technol 0803 44.52 1 2 2.7 12.8 58.4 2656 16.7 7.3 863 - 0.2 0.2 12.1 8 5.1 0.3 -73 0809 0.2 118 1 B(-) 8/1 -

Kale Consultants 0803 13.36 10 34 63.6 9.9 86.2 8 14.0 7.7 * -6 8 9.6 5.6 26.2 26 21.3 2.7 367 0809 7.5 48 24 M(1) 92/19 3.2

Kernex Micorsyst 0803 12.50 10 58 103.2 3.4 22.8 -8 23.6 4.1 * -35 10 5.2 3.1 5.3 5 24.5 1.0 -21 0809 2.8 -29 76 (-3) 314/50 27.5

Page 10: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 8 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

KLG Systel 0803 12.62 10 29 165.3 36.5 268.1 138 31.2 52.4 139 28 47.7 41.1 60.3 5 32.0 8.6 -31 0809 41.8 45 109 C(8) 990/66 2.6

KPIT CumminsInfo 0803 15.61 2 25 34.9 27.7 480.4 52 18.8 63.8 * 38 35 10.7 8.1 157.2 35 11.7 10.7 -46 0809 6.6 -25 27 M(-3) 132/20 4.1

LGS Global Ltd 0803 25.42 10 65 22.3 55.3 136.5 201 22.4 25.2 352 10 10.5 9.7 51.1 94 23.3 8.7 105 0809 15.4 249 34 (-2) 120/29 2.2

Logix Microsys. 0803 12.05 10 23 135.2 4.2 21.1 31 14.4 4.6 * -21 40 4.2 3.1 7.9 50 44.2 4.2 124 0809 8.9 72 81 (2) 388/41 9.1

Maars Software 0803 147.68 10 0 11.5 0.1 31.2 -12 4.7 0.1 140 - 0.2 - 7.8 1 5.8 -0.1 PL 0809 - 33 2 (-) 12/2 -

Magnum 0803 4.37 10 44 11.9 - 0.0 -50 -99.9 -0.2 31 - - - - - - - - 0809 - 24 4 (1) 32/3 -

Mastek 0806 13.45 5 43 108.4 34.6 583.3 17 20.7 96.6 * 69 200 44.3 34.2 156.7 12 17.8 26.2 54 0809 39.4 88 167 M(-1) 419/150 4.2

Megasoft 0712 44.26 10 16 68.2 8.5 153.0 47 30.8 24.6 -25 12 9.7 5.3 22.6 6 12.9 5.6 294 0809 5.9 -36 22 (1) 134/17 3.7

Melstar Infotech 0803 14.29 10 22 10.3 -8.7 15.6 -12 -14.3 -1.3 PL - - - 5.0 44 -1.0 0.3 LP 0809 0.1 LP 11 (1) 21/7 -

Micro Techno. 0803 10.98 10 32 190.1 30.3 172.0 61 43.3 52.5 70 20 60.3 47.5 58.8 52 44.9 16.5 39 0809 58.4 63 112 C(4) 367/72 1.9

Mindteck (India) 0803 24.61 10 65 46.2 4.5 32.5 38 7.4 2.8 * 25 5 1.7 1.1 13.5 86 11.6 3.0 697 0809 3.1 212 19 M(5) 80/14 6.2

Mindtree 0803 37.99 10 35 140.6 21.5 733.8 24 17.1 103.2 * 16 20 36.0 26.8 254.6 40 27.9 50.8 87 0809 36.8 55 240 M(-) 512/221 6.5

Moschip Semicon. 0803 43.38 10 20 11.9 - 6.2 18 -99.9 -9.6 * -46 - - - 1.5 -9 - -2.6 -26 0809 - -40 8 (1) 56/5 -

Net 4 India 0803 16.75 10 68 25.9 16.8 85.8 30 20.5 6.5 * 44 10 7.9 3.7 30.2 41 18.1 1.9 1 0809 4.1 21 47 (3) 143/38 11.6

Nexxoft Infotel 0803 5.03 10 22 23.8 34.3 31.8 140 27.4 6.5 286 - 15.8 13.0 13.4 113 41.7 -0.6 PL 0809 18.7 393 12 (2) 42/8 0.6

NIIT Tech. 0803 58.73 10 40 66.0 41.8 444.7 50 27.4 139.1 * 27 65 27.6 23.7 134.1 14 23.8 29.4 -6 0809 22.6 6 76 M(14) 238/54 3.4

Northgate Techno 0803 35.01 10 33 113.6 14.0 61.9 -23 71.9 45.5 -10 20 13.2 12.7 3.5 -87 32.2 3.6 -83 0809 3.9 -79 67 M(-1) 610/47 17.4

Nucleus Software 0803 32.36 10 60 58.2 37.3 197.0 34 27.1 58.5 * 44 30 20.1 17.6 50.2 4 12.2 8.0 -41 0809 15.3 6 52 (3) 405/43 3.4

Omnitech Info 0803 13.14 10 54 68.4 42.3 131.6 70 26.7 25.6 111 12 22.1 19.3 45.4 62 29.3 9.0 67 0809 26.0 113 68 (3) 247/50 2.6

Ontrack Systems 0803 7.95 10 32 19.7 1.4 28.2 -17 15.2 0.2 -83 - 3.4 0.3 7.4 17 13.9 0.1 -73 0809 - PL 6 (1) 30/5 -

Onward Tech. 0803 13.27 10 51 44.5 -1.3 31.3 -7 8.7 -0.7 PL - 1.7 - 9.0 26 17.4 0.3 LP 0809 0.8 LP 13 (-) 49/10 -

Parle Software 0807 14.00 10 62 29.7 18.7 31.8 -4 12.7 1.1 * -86 - 1.9 0.8 0.3 -98 68.0 0.1 -94 0810 - PL 44 (1) 574/36 -

Pentasoft Tech 0803 194.76 10 3 12.5 0.3 8.5 -10 11.4 0.7 * 73 - 0.1 - 1.4 -64 25.9 0.1 -79 0809 0.0 -55 1 (-) 5/1 -

Powersoft GSL U 0809 11.90 10 40 28.8 4.6 17.1 41 27.6 3.7 135 - 3.8 3.1 4.5 5 12.8 0.3 -51 0809 3.1 135 10 (-1) 41/7 3.3

Prithvi Info 0803 18.08 10 33 224.4 20.8 1112.8 45 9.1 81.5 -10 30 52.3 44.6 643.0 143 7.3 35.6 32 0809 35.5 -33 45 (1) 352/32 1.3

PSI Data System 0803 7.55 10 70 -8.9 - 78.8 10 8.6 2.3 -9 - 6.5 3.0 24.2 21 7.2 0.4 200 0809 4.2 95 50 (3) 90/34 11.8

Quintegra Soln. 0803 26.81 10 29 37.6 6.8 88.1 40 20.0 6.7 - 3 3.8 2.5 15.1 -28 12.7 -2.3 PL 0809 - PL 9 (-) 247/7 -

R S Software (I) 0803 7.44 10 20 17.1 - 100.4 -1 10.2 1.2 -76 - 7.8 1.6 36.6 43 13.0 1.8 999 0809 6.0 LP 15 (1) 47/11 2.5

R Systems Inter. 0712 13.58 10 42 118.9 16.0 155.6 32 15.9 23.1 * 128 18 20.7 16.7 51.5 27 13.4 6.0 -14 0809 16.8 119 50 (1) 124/40 3.0

Ram Informatics 0803 11.24 10 21 49.0 - 12.7 25 31.4 3.1 41 - 3.3 2.7 3.2 2 47.0 1.0 3 0809 2.8 -14 8 (1) 29/5 2.9

Ramco Systems 0803 15.35 10 62 108.3 - 96.6 23 -9.0 -37.4 * -16 - - - 30.5 43 29.2 -1.8 67 0809 - -34 54 (-1) 249/47 -

Ranklin Solution 0803 5.04 10 24 17.0 27.1 13.0 60 26.4 2.1 503 - 4.9 4.1 8.4 309 31.9 2.1 999 0809 11.8 999 37 (-21) 260/37 3.2

Rolta India 0806 160.93 10 40 81.0 21.5 850.9 42 47.1 261.2 * 44 30 24.1 15.7 251.5 30 55.0 96.0 56 0809 18.4 46 127 M(-) 375/104 6.9

S Kumars Online 0803 25.80 10 50 -2.9 - 0.0 0 -99.9 -1.5 -42 - - - - - - -0.4 -11 0809 - -30 3 (-) 12/3 -

Saksoft 0803 10.14 10 73 42.8 5.1 44.4 21 12.7 2.1 * -78 5 3.2 2.0 12.2 7 10.5 0.3 LP 0809 3.4 -41 42 (-1) 165/39 12.5

Sankhya Infotech 0803 8.50 10 32 52.2 22.3 36.1 38 32.4 9.0 27 12 11.5 10.4 10.6 33 21.7 1.0 70 0809 13.1 - 29 (-2) 199/25 2.2

Sanraa Media 0803 53.16 10 5 6.1 5.4 13.5 426 43.4 3.6 920 1 1.0 0.7 10.2 168 36.5 2.9 478 0809 1.4 956 8 XB(-2) 65/7 5.9

Sasken Comm.Tech 0803 28.02 10 27 150.7 5.9 389.3 6 8.2 24.7 * -33 40 15.1 8.1 123.3 17 24.4 14.5 2 0809 13.5 14 66 M(4) 350/50 4.9

Seshachal Tech. 0803 6.94 10 26 12.4 - 0.7 289 12.2 0.1 LP - 0.1 0.1 0.2 -39 - - -100 0809 - PL 5 (-) 34/5 -

Silverline Anima 0806 11.99 10 0 63.0 0.3 8.6 28 81.5 0.2 -81 - 4.9 0.2 2.4 17 80.6 0.1 20 0809 0.2 - 11 (1) 72/8 -

Silverline Tech * 0806 39.99 10 0 35.8 8.6 74.3 157 19.5 12.6 54 - 3.2 3.1 14.8 -8 12.2 0.9 -74 0809 2.5 -2 9 (1) 147/6 3.6

Softpro Systems 0803 6.00 10 47 37.0 10.1 1.5 -49 -91.4 2.2 * 313 10 4.6 3.6 0.1 -80 - 0.8 83 0809 4.6 98 103 (3) 279/90 22.5

Softsol India 0803 19.46 10 58 71.5 6.8 19.0 48 29.5 9.2 91 - 6.3 4.7 11.4 162 65.4 6.9 349 0809 11.4 358 32 (2) 85/20 2.8

Solix Technolgs. 0803 6.28 10 74 22.0 2.4 8.1 126 8.5 0.3 -6 - 0.8 0.5 1.3 -24 8.7 - -86 0809 - PL 12 (3) 75/8 -

Sonata Software 0803 10.52 1 45 18.9 19.4 198.8 7 16.0 36.7 * 4 110 4.2 3.3 60.0 23 27.8 13.5 56 0809 4.5 41 17 (-) 57/13 3.8

Sparsh BPO 0803 16.15 10 71 9.4 - 161.0 84 16.2 0.3 -63 - 10.1 0.2 53.1 40 9.9 -4.4 PL 0809 - - 30 (3) 182/18 -

Sterling Intl 0806 18.68 1 59 2.1 14.6 20.2 -2 50.1 5.5 22 - 0.5 0.3 1.0 -87 78.1 0.1 -96 0809 0.2 -45 212 (-1) 366/90 -

Subex 0803 34.85 10 9 217.8 -0.8 143.9 -32 -13.7 -6.3 * PL - 1.7 - 49.6 3 47.1 9.2 499 0809 - PL 33 (-2) 379/29 -

Take Solutions 0803 12.24 1 58 20.0 13.6 87.4 53 35.9 20.7 99 20 1.7 1.6 17.4 -17 48.9 6.7 26 0809 2.0 53 25 M(-) 130/17 12.3

Tanla Solutions 0803 10.00 1 36 57.8 16.2 129.0 57 66.3 87.4 52 120 9.3 8.5 50.6 60 67.7 30.0 43 0809 10.2 35 90 (5) 390/54 8.8

Tata Elxsi 0803 31.17 10 44 38.2 49.8 401.6 30 18.7 52.7 1 70 20.0 15.7 109.2 8 20.4 15.6 72 0809 17.4 6 105 (13) 297/86 6.0

Tele Data Infor. U 0803 34.33 2 25 36.5 44.6 1022.6 14 27.0 256.6 -1 - 15.3 14.9 204.4 -21 10.2 43.4 -51 0809 11.4 -34 9 (2) 75/5 0.8

Tera Software 0803 11.51 10 36 36.0 33.4 59.4 3 40.6 11.7 9 20 13.2 9.8 19.6 39 27.4 2.9 -4 0809 9.4 -16 26 (3) 119/18 2.8

Tricom India 0803 11.66 2 15 11.3 27.3 42.0 39 46.7 16.3 13 23 3.0 2.7 12.1 14 50.1 6.0 48 0809 3.4 40 12 (-) 51/10 3.5

Trigyn Techno. 0803 25.00 10 40 25.1 - 13.9 70 18.8 4.0 97 - 1.7 1.6 4.9 52 28.3 2.9 166 0809 2.7 72 9 M(-) 36/6 3.4

Triton Corp. 0803 19.99 1 80 4.1 28.9 145.7 173 19.9 20.8 69 - 1.2 1.0 13.1 -58 -4.8 -2.6 PL 0809 0.5 -49 1 (-) 19/1 -

Tutis Technologi 0803 16.75 10 13 25.0 3.1 18.0 -19 16.6 1.3 -2 - 1.5 0.8 4.4 9 19.4 0.4 40 0809 0.8 34 12 (-1) 31/9 -

Usha Martin Info 0803 13.21 5 42 21.3 0.3 0.4 0 5.3 0.2 -37 - 0.1 0.1 0.7 999 23.0 0.2 800 0809 0.1 94 3 (-) 16/3 -

Valuemart Info 0803 8.01 2 30 3.6 11.9 8.4 48 33.4 1.3 51 - 0.6 0.3 1.5 -17 44.2 0.2 -64 0809 0.3 42 2 (-) 13/1 -

Vama Inds. 0803 7.04 10 55 11.2 3.4 7.2 2 11.4 0.3 29 2 0.9 0.4 2.1 -8 16.0 0.1 -40 0809 0.4 -7 12 (-1) 26/8 -

Virinchi Tech. * 0803 14.91 10 29 45.2 8.6 39.6 16 32.4 5.4 -35 - 7.2 3.6 8.2 -17 26.4 0.3 -82 0809 2.6 -34 9 M(-) 45/6 3.5

Visesh Infotec. 0803 36.28 10 32 38.3 9.6 112.2 2 23.7 10.9 -31 - 5.4 3.0 21.4 -22 16.9 0.3 -91 0809 1.8 -57 7 (1) 42/5 3.9

Vishal Inform 0803 10.68 10 43 75.1 24.4 38.1 24 34.7 11.2 9 - 10.9 10.5 15.9 65 29.0 4.3 63 0809 13.2 - 311 P(5) 363/145 23.7

Visu Intl 0803 38.33 10 14 24.4 8.5 58.9 -35 19.4 7.5 -44 - 2.4 2.0 9.3 7 19.7 0.9 -35 0809 1.7 -47 5 (-) 28/3 2.9

VJIL U 0803 7.86 10 38 18.3 0.9 9.5 - 11.3 -1.4 - - 0.6 - 2.5 -9 5.6 -0.2 PL 0809 - 92 23 42/22 -

Wisec Global 0803 11.65 10 43 6.6 - 4.7 - -6.1 -0.1 - - 0.1 - 1.6 34 -0.6 - PL 0809 - 95 3 (-) 15/3 -

Zen Technologies 0803 8.55 10 48 53.8 28.7 26.6 19 44.5 11.0 53 30 12.7 12.4 0.4 -83 - -4.2 -999 0809 9.0 18 104 C(9) 198/71 11.6

Zenith Infotech 0803 12.24 10 60 86.7 45.9 113.6 70 53.4 40.2 54 15 44.4 32.6 44.9 68 52.6 12.0 30 0809 37.7 47 250 (-21) 490/197 6.6

Page 11: Corporate Score Board 2009

3 9Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Zensar Technolgs 0803 23.96 10 50 85.6 24.2 335.9 21 15.9 45.4 33 38 24.8 18.3 108.5 30 15.6 13.7 21 0809 25.0 51 79 (-4) 194/71 3.2

Zigma Software 0803 38.16 10 - 17.2 - 6.5 -27 85.1 2.9 LP - 1.5 0.8 0.5 -26 67.9 -0.1 76 0809 0.8 414 4 (-) 21/4 -

Zylog Systems 0803 16.45 10 34 247.5 26.4 605.9 50 17.0 82.7 53 30 56.1 49.8 180.1 18 16.9 26.5 26 0809 57.3 37 100 (-3) 405/81 1.8

IND.COMPOSITE 3380.42 17242.7 22.4 3889.1 26.2 1090.7 25537 4.7


Danlaw Tech. 0803 3.72 10 49 84.8 -0.4 7.7 -11 -1.8 -0.1 PL - 0.5 - 1.5 -31 -25.7 -0.3 PL 0809 - PL 9 (-) 39/7 -

Encore Software 0803 6.50 10 1 -15.6 - 4.5 26 -87.3 -4.3 14 - - - 0.2 -67 - -1.5 -67 0809 - -6 7 (-) 40/4 -

Helios Matheson 0803 23.11 10 38 78.7 32.1 213.4 19 31.2 45.8 3 15 25.2 19.6 55.7 7 24.2 6.2 -38 0809 16.1 -2 25 (1) 150/19 1.6

ICSA (India) 0803 9.36 2 18 91.0 46.2 670.7 102 26.6 109.0 84 60 23.8 23.1 279.5 91 26.1 48.0 66 0809 31.0 71 149 C(2) 625/127 4.8

Infotrek Syscom 0803 4.50 10 30 19.5 0.2 26.1 32 - - * -97 - 0.2 - 7.0 5 -0.9 0.1 -90 0809 - PL 16 (1) 135/10 -

Mascon Global 0803 366.81 10 5 20.8 8.6 284.6 102 26.0 53.6 124 - 1.5 1.5 85.6 59 0.1 -0.8 PL 0809 1.6 313 5 (-1) 26/4 3.1

Pan India Corpor 0803 214.25 10 14 13.3 - 2.4 48 -0.9 -0.2 * 42 - - - - - - -1.5 PL 0809 - - 1 (-) 4/1 -

Spanco Ltd 0803 20.65 10 32 147.1 13.3 565.5 33 14.9 36.8 * 13 20 22.3 17.5 200.5 47 13.3 8.1 -26 0809 14.4 -24 39 (2) 273/27 2.7

Synergy Log-In 0806 10.11 10 36 18.7 - 5.0 15 -17.0 0.4 46 - 0.7 0.4 0.9 -14 10.6 - -86 0809 0.3 -19 6 (1) 27/4 -

Vakrangee Soft. 0803 21.40 10 19 126.6 22.6 223.9 92 45.4 48.8 * 100 20 36.2 22.5 91.3 62 44.7 19.2 51 0809 28.3 71 36 (-3) 291/28 1.3

IND.COMPOSITE 680.41 2003.6 24.9 289.8 21.1 77.6 1134 3.3


Aptech 0712 46.50 10 32 33.5 0.1 99.3 22 14.5 0.1 * LP - 2.7 - 33.3 22 16.6 2.3 999 0809 1.0 LP 101 M(21) 403/51 -

Educomp Solution 0803 17.28 10 55 161.2 35.6 262.1 146 48.2 70.1 145 25 58.8 40.1 98.1 118 51.7 25.4 86 0809 53.6 125 2644 M(-88)5650/1515 49.3

Everonn Systems 0803 15.12 10 28 123.0 21.0 91.2 112 36.4 13.3 * 226 - 15.2 8.8 34.0 49 48.5 8.0 210 0809 14.0 420 250 M(-15) 1236/123 17.8

Jetking Infotrai 0803 5.89 10 43 26.1 82.2 36.9 59 30.0 9.8 * 120 160 19.2 15.2 13.6 38 48.3 4.6 69 0809 21.8 96 137 B(17) 253/110 6.3

NIIT * 0803 33.00 2 31 22.0 9.8 467.4 20 12.1 32.9 8 65 4.1 2.0 152.8 21 14.5 13.6 130 0809 3.2 149 29 M(3) 148/19 9.0

Software Tech. * 0809 12.50 10 61 22.1 - 45.8 150 8.9 3.4 * 90 - 3.1 2.7 11.4 52 -3.5 0.3 -70 0809 2.7 90 8 (-) 44/6 3.0

SQL Star Intl. 0803 21.80 10 33 22.6 - 50.6 21 9.8 1.4 -67 - 1.3 0.7 11.2 - 9.5 0.1 -86 0809 - PL 9 (1) 70/6 -

IND.COMPOSITE 152.09 1053.3 23.8 131.0 29.9 54.3 6012 30.1


Acrow India 0803 0.64 10 55 149.2 21.3 7.2 -20 33.4 1.8 * 95 35 32.7 27.7 0.5 -72 -28.3 -0.1 PL 0809 13.4 LP 85 (-3) 460/58 6.3

Ahluwalia Contr 0803 12.55 2 74 19.8 50.9 880.1 31 12.1 51.7 72 35 11.8 8.1 301.8 60 11.9 14.5 19 0809 9.3 53 34 (3) 360/25 3.7

Akruti City 0803 66.70 10 90 116.6 46.1 440.5 148 76.9 293.2 * 284 25 44.5 43.5 253.2 152 90.8 192.2 195 0809 81.8 190 661 (16) 1399/551 8.1

Alchemist Realty 0803 14.82 2 42 3.9 18.2 78.514444 5.7 2.9 * 903 15 0.4 0.3 5.7 19 2.6 0.1 -94 0809 0.1 -86 62 C(14) 129/45 -

Anant Raj Inds 0803 59.02 2 61 98.0 22.5 538.2 217 93.0 451.5 * 348 75 15.5 15.2 156.2 368 95.8 126.4 453 0809 21.5 320 90 (7) 395/37 4.2

Ansal Buildwell 0803 7.38 10 54 46.7 33.3 152.7 28 14.9 10.0 * 39 20 14.7 13.3 30.0 1 26.8 4.0 - 0809 14.5 28 24 (-1) 137/14 1.7

Ansal Housing 0803 17.57 10 42 122.1 30.8 249.9 25 37.4 54.9 * 28 20 31.7 30.9 58.2 -9 28.1 6.6 -50 0809 26.3 -12 35 (-1) 380/25 1.3

Ansal Properties 0803 56.75 5 64 94.4 16.2 826.1 15 26.0 161.0 * 22 25 14.7 14.0 131.0 -48 26.1 24.3 -53 0809 10.6 -27 36 (-2) 425/24 3.4

Arihant Found. * 0809 7.05 10 39 173.7 33.1 213.8 68 17.8 31.6 * 12 10 45.7 44.9 124.7 -8 3.0 1.8 -76 0809 44.9 12 39 (-7) 638/22 0.9

Ashiana Housing 0803 18.73 10 65 34.1 78.8 123.4 148 31.5 35.9 * 323 15 19.2 18.9 26.1 -7 29.1 8.6 -3 0809 19.9 85 40 (1) 214/20 2.0

B.L.Kashyap 0803 10.27 5 71 195.3 33.1 1542.7 91 11.9 110.5 * 104 80 60.7 53.1 402.6 8 10.3 24.3 -11 0809 56.5 32 326 (62) 2000/185 5.8

Brigade Enterpr 0803 112.25 10 57 82.6 19.2 460.7 22 33.0 102.9 * 40 20 9.6 8.8 96.7 - 7.9 20.0 - 0809 9.3 - 50 (-) 395/32 5.4

BSEL Infrastruc 0803 82.62 10 33 42.1 5.6 42.7 -46 35.4 14.8 * -73 5 1.7 1.7 0.8 -92 66.7 0.3 -86 0809 0.4 -92 17 (2) 112/12 -

C & C Constructi * 0806 18.26 10 69 169.2 14.1 533.3 61 17.5 41.2 23 28 30.6 22.1 129.0 162 19.0 5.0 - 0809 22.6 20 109 (-8) 305/71 4.8

C C C L 0803 36.96 10 50 122.0 27.4 1448.1 70 9.7 86.9 * 88 25 24.5 23.1 467.1 22 6.8 19.1 -37 0809 25.2 38 209 (-) 1220/187 8.3

CHD Developers 0803 19.37 2 66 6.2 29.5 74.7 82 26.9 13.7 50 - 1.5 1.4 10.5 -46 9.8 0.2 -94 0809 0.9 -43 5 (-) 37/3 -

Country Condo 0803 (9) 1.62 1 7 -5.9 - 0.8 175 18.2 -0.2 -96 - 0.2 - 0.7 278 22.1 - 50 0809 - PL 8 M 32/7 -

D S Kulkarni 0803 25.80 10 33 163.8 11.8 573.3 150 9.5 41.1 17 20 15.9 15.6 86.6 -3 7.0 4.6 -70 0809 10.6 -36 25 (1) 359/17 2.4

DLF 0803 340.97 2 88 66.1 43.2 5532.8 388 55.3 2574.2 * 532 200 14.6 14.4 1075.0 -4 65.1 639.0 -17 0809 15.1 - 296 (-11) 1225/158 19.7

DMC Internationa 0803 3.85 5 8 11.1 0.5 1.0 -73 7.3 - -98 - 0.1 - 0.4 -85 15.9 - -93 0809 - PL 4 (-) 48/3 -

Eldeco Hsg.&Inds 0803 1.97 10 58 158.9 32.2 44.9 9 19.1 8.8 115 10 45.6 44.7 23.8 159 4.1 0.9 3 0809 50.4 153 69 (-9) 392/38 1.4

Elnet Techno. 0803 4.00 10 51 49.2 20.1 16.0 20 55.7 3.7 1 20 12.7 8.9 4.8 17 52.5 1.1 18 0809 10.4 4 25 (1) 93/20 2.4

Era Infra Engg 0803 28.60 2 44 33.0 32.1 1464.5 92 20.0 121.2 * 53 20 9.8 8.4 419.0 63 21.4 35.7 44 0809 9.0 20 75 C(4) 179/64 8.4

Fact Enterprise 0803 20.19 10 38 21.6 - 4.0 107 -40.8 19.7 * 999 5 9.7 9.7 1.1 261 95.5 1.0 -30 0809 9.8 659 43 R(2) 129/37 4.4

Gammon India 0803 17.49 2 31 111.9 9.2 2356.0 27 8.9 86.1 * 108 25 15.0 9.8 513.2 11 7.1 5.6 -67 0809 7.6 34 89 (17) 796/47 11.7

Ganesh Housing 0803 32.65 10 57 128.0 28.7 127.4 180 83.1 106.1 540 45 31.9 31.7 18.4 114 80.8 12.0 90 0809 40.2 769 59 (-8) 805/47 1.5

Garnet Const. 0803 7.90 10 28 24.9 14.0 79.0 157 5.6 2.6 -54 - 3.4 3.3 1.7 -92 5.8 0.1 -96 0809 - PL 16 (-) 127/10 -

Garnet Intl 0803 4.73 10 53 26.8 - 1.5 -31 85.9 1.1 -36 - 2.4 2.4 3.2 - 52.5 0.9 161 0809 3.3 -12 24 (-) 115/17 7.2

Gayatri Projects 0803 10.10 10 55 177.4 24.6 752.4 50 14.1 39.8 69 25 55.2 39.0 207.1 44 11.9 8.6 26 0809 45.4 79 100 (15) 696/83 2.2

H D I L 0803 275.49 10 62 132.0 64.6 2379.9 98 71.0 1400.7 * 159 50 50.2 50.2 477.6 3 56.7 265.7 16 0809 56.4 186 142 B(-25) 1114/69 2.5

HB Estate Devel. 0803 12.87 10 58 68.6 2.9 - -100 - 2.3 * 181 10 1.9 1.6 0.8 12 2.7 - -75 0809 0.4 -77 25 (2) 153/16 -

Hind.Construct. 0803 25.62 1 47 38.6 11.5 3082.8 31 12.4 111.2 198 80 8.0 4.2 648.9 18 12.9 19.9 71 0809 4.1 60 59 (6) 258/30 14.4

Indiabulls Real 0803 51.50 2 26 94.2 4.7 47.8 259 16.9 79.2 * 504 675 0.8 0.3 14.6 127 34.5 6.9 -70 0809 2.5 - 153 M(-7) 848/82 62.5

IRB Infra 0803 332.36 10 74 40.9 0.6 0.1 -93 -99.9 4.5 * -33 - 0.1 0.1 - - - 4.1 - 0809 - - 135 (3) 222/65 -

ITD Cem 0712 11.52 10 70 300.6 3.2 783.5 36 7.9 7.3 * 173 20 18.7 6.0 195.6 1 5.4 1.5 57 0809 1.7 -84 99 (6) 648/75 57.3

IVR-Prime Urban 0803 64.15 10 78 152.0 33.3 595.8 303 39.0 175.8 750 40 26.8 26.7 37.2 -19 27.4 6.9 -57 0809 26.6 614 47 (2) 451/30 1.8

IVRCL Infrastruc 0803 26.70 2 10 120.1 14.4 3698.1 58 9.8 210.5 48 70 18.0 15.5 1158.9 66 7.9 57.1 62 0809 17.8 33 162 (17) 575/57 9.1

J Kumar Infra 0803 20.72 10 62 59.2 27.1 214.2 90 18.2 19.5 143 15 12.1 9.2 76.9 - 14.7 6.2 - 0809 12.2 - 65 (-2) 131/56 5.3

Jaiprakash Assoc * 0803 236.76 2 44 36.4 18.9 3978.4 14 29.1 622.2 46 50 6.8 5.1 1182.6 37 29.4 203.1 96 0809 6.0 45 94 C(5) 489/47 15.7

JMC Projects 0803 18.14 10 55 81.6 21.7 915.0 83 7.8 31.2 86 20 25.8 16.0 323.4 75 6.9 6.8 1 0809 18.7 43 76 (11) 540/48 4.1

Jog Engineering U 0709 8.50 10 53 -42.2 - 6.6 -65 -99.9 -23.6 -134 - - - 1.0 -49 11.1 -4.9 -29 0709 - -134 5 (-) 34/3 -

Page 12: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 0 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Kamanwala Housig 0803 14.09 10 51 61.9 48.0 96.1 16 42.0 24.1 * 88 25 17.0 16.9 13.8 -59 17.7 1.8 -74 0809 14.3 -4 25 B(-) 107/15 1.7

Kaushalya Infra 0803 19.61 10 52 39.2 5.0 70.2 29 8.6 2.5 -36 - 1.5 1.3 9.9 27 7.2 - -92 0809 0.8 -58 12 (-1) 99/8 -

KNR Construction 0803 28.12 10 72 80.5 20.2 481.2 80 14.7 30.4 104 10 15.8 10.6 123.2 - 14.0 8.6 - 0809 12.9 - 46 (12) 199/21 3.6

Kolte Patil Deve 0803 75.37 10 75 75.4 34.3 368.9 61 43.4 128.6 * 87 18 16.9 16.8 24.4 -69 14.9 46.1 78 0809 19.2 41 33 M(-1) 272/20 1.7

Lancor Holdings 0803 4.05 2 57 8.2 25.6 21.7 370 30.6 3.9 LP 50 2.0 1.8 6.6 999 27.8 2.4 LP 0809 10.5 LP 24 (-) 152/18 2.3

Link House Inds 0803 9.92 1 52 1.5 10.7 11.3 19 4.9 1.4 4 - 0.2 0.1 3.0 42 7.0 0.2 186 0809 0.2 55 4 (-) 28/3 -

Lok Housing 0803 42.88 10 51 80.7 45.8 223.4 -17 67.6 112.9 23 - 26.4 26.3 0.5 -99 - -1.8 PL 0809 17.4 -7 25 (-) 374/15 1.4

Madhucon Project 0803 7.38 2 52 133.5 10.1 738.0 45 14.5 47.3 14 30 21.9 12.7 242.9 53 16.6 12.8 -5 0809 14.1 19 100 (30) 870/42 7.1

Mah Lifespace 0803 40.81 10 51 209.2 8.0 172.1 11 22.1 59.6 * 320 25 14.6 13.9 30.3 -12 11.7 11.2 -44 0809 11.9 21 183 (-2) 880/152 15.4

Marg 0803 25.61 10 49 121.6 29.3 242.8 95 23.2 64.5 * 280 20 26.1 24.8 90.9 85 23.4 10.6 61 0809 27.6 280 57 (1) 595/29 2.1

Martin Burn 0803 4.78 10 72 49.7 15.8 10.6 -49 -32.0 3.4 * -19 - 7.6 7.1 0.4 -74 -56.1 0.3 -87 0809 2.0 -85 24 (1) 166/16 12.1

Maytas Infra 0803 58.85 10 37 110.9 24.0 1637.4 172 13.6 110.1 107 15 25.1 18.5 353.8 - 15.7 16.9 - 0809 19.7 - 161 (-88) 899/150 8.2

MSK Projects 0803 22.82 10 22 111.7 7.9 187.8 124 21.8 16.8 * 64 10 8.9 7.2 83.8 73 16.4 3.7 51 0809 8.8 60 44 (-1) 190/38 5.0

MVL 0712 (15) 52.76 10 68 15.4 16.9 96.8 - 20.8 17.2 - - 2.6 2.6 17.0 - 17.9 2.5 - 0809 - - 38 (-9) 128/30 -

Nag. Constructn 0803 45.76 2 23 68.5 12.5 3472.9 21 10.3 161.6 * 63 65 9.0 6.8 1055.8 56 10.3 42.3 26 0809 7.5 64 86 (14) 366/41 11.5

Narendra Propert 0803 7.20 10 70 27.8 18.5 11.7 62 33.6 3.5 * -6 20 4.5 4.5 - - - -0.1 PL 0809 3.0 -36 15 (-1) 88/13 5.1

Nila Infrastruc. 0803 12.32 1 40 1.8 9.8 9.2 40 25.2 2.1 46 - 0.2 0.2 4.1 5 19.3 0.2 -33 0809 0.3 115 1 (-) 6/1 -

Niraj Cement 0803 10.34 10 69 108.4 13.9 92.2 16 17.7 6.5 2 - 8.7 6.3 38.8 - 10.3 1.9 - 0809 - - 22 P(4) 240/15 -

Noida Tollbridge 0803 186.19 10 26 19.8 8.0 66.4 41 74.9 27.4 * 182 - 1.9 1.5 19.7 15 73.0 7.5 -9 0809 1.5 33 26 (4) 82/16 17.7

Omaxe Ltd 0803 173.57 10 89 68.9 52.6 1789.5 90 28.7 379.7 * 204 25 21.8 21.5 182.9 -59 17.0 58.5 -50 0809 18.1 62 67 (-) 583/39 3.7

Orbit Corpn 0803 36.27 10 60 123.1 55.5 417.0 1250 52.1 166.6 999 55 45.5 45.0 29.3 123 33.4 5.8 212 0809 45.1 - 70 (2) 1080/38 1.6

P B A Infrastruc 0803 13.50 10 63 61.7 19.6 370.2 29 13.4 15.0 37 20 15.0 10.7 75.0 -5 15.2 1.0 -77 0809 10.2 3 33 (3) 173/22 3.2

Parsvnath Develo 0803 184.70 10 80 97.8 25.0 1726.3 40 42.1 395.7 * 46 30 22.2 20.9 213.4 -46 18.5 22.9 -77 0809 16.5 -18 52 (2) 598/31 3.2

Patel Engg. 0803 5.97 1 53 141.4 19.1 989.5 -3 21.0 148.1 36 150 30.0 24.6 309.2 31 18.5 33.5 3 0809 25.8 25 190 (6) 1050/111 7.4

Peninsula Land 0803 55.84 2 54 33.6 21.2 345.3 8 43.3 144.9 -30 40 5.1 5.1 110.5 -6 46.6 58.0 55 0809 5.8 9 25 (-) 165/15 4.3

Phoenix Mills 0803 28.97 2 66 98.6 20.8 199.9 14 87.9 166.2 * 35 50 11.8 11.3 23.4 37 76.7 38.7 400 0809 13.9 62 77 M(-3) 500/48 5.6

Prajay Engg. 0803 39.70 10 16 152.3 26.9 344.0 71 40.1 102.8 * 29 25 26.0 25.5 41.8 -10 35.4 7.5 -51 0809 17.9 -26 25 (-1) 405/18 1.4

Pratibha Inds 0803 16.69 10 60 110.2 24.6 475.9 61 12.6 34.1 * 68 20 22.2 20.1 194.5 172 8.5 10.6 57 0809 26.1 71 78 (13) 440/47 3.0

Prime Property 0803 10.00 5 56 29.0 75.0 105.4 0 46.0 30.8 * LP 30 15.5 15.1 15.0 -39 97.7 9.4 -56 0809 12.4 14 58 (-4) 135/32 4.7

Punj Lloyd 0803 60.69 2 44 79.4 12.6 4495.2 100 10.0 221.4 280 20 11.0 7.2 1583.5 50 13.0 88.1 181 0809 10.8 259 156 (-8) 578/128 14.4

Puravankara Proj 0803 106.74 5 90 54.9 30.6 565.8 36 37.8 211.0 83 40 9.8 9.5 139.4 -1 35.1 47.1 -13 0809 10.6 48 56 (2) 473/28 5.3

PVP Ventures 0803 (6) 231.64 10 66 35.6 -8.3 - 0 - -17.5 * -434 - - - - - - -9.9 -227 0809 - -434 21 M(-7) 245/18 -

Radhe Developers 0803 10.18 10 30 10.3 18.2 5.1 126 56.6 1.8 250 - 1.8 1.7 0.4 -30 55.3 0.2 467 0809 1.7 470 27 (-3) 166/23 16.1

RDB Inds. 0803 10.75 10 59 69.8 18.1 15.7 -39 -14.2 12.4 * 38 5 12.5 11.4 6.6 218 26.0 1.1 -68 0809 6.4 -48 41 (-3) 292/27 6.4

Ritesh Prop 0803 11.59 10 25 35.2 45.5 87.1 677 18.0 12.6 * 61 - 11.2 10.9 0.2 -99 - -0.6 PL 0809 7.8 -44 28 (10) 146/14 3.6

Roman Tarmat 0803 10.96 10 61 94.5 7.8 127.9 9 7.4 5.9 -43 10 8.0 5.3 18.7 4 8.6 0.9 LP 0809 4.7 -42 27 (2) 213/18 5.8

SAAG RR 0803 10.65 10 49 24.0 27.1 66.5 45 20.2 6.1 87 - 6.3 5.7 9.1 -31 14.7 0.1 -89 0809 5.3 68 19 (-1) 71/16 3.6

Sadbhav Engg. 0803 12.50 10 48 226.1 24.4 870.1 78 11.3 48.2 * 82 40 49.0 37.9 124.2 22 11.5 5.1 -9 0809 43.1 64 347 (52) 1600/220 8.0

Satra Properties 0803 31.07 2 90 4.6 75.7 194.2 193 27.5 38.3 516 15 2.5 2.4 17.2 -72 33.5 2.3 -80 0809 2.0 43 20 (1) 114/17 10.0

Shristi Infra 0803 22.20 10 45 12.9 48.2 85.6 5 18.7 8.1 348 10 3.6 3.5 17.9 -18 32.3 2.2 -14 0809 4.5 16 399 (11) 860/300 89.1

Simplex Infra 0803 9.89 2 49 148.0 17.9 2808.2 64 8.4 90.0 * 67 100 25.4 17.9 1008.1 75 8.9 29.8 56 0809 24.6 64 191 (-4) 774/108 7.8

Simplex Projects 0803 12.00 10 58 102.3 22.8 229.0 69 12.8 19.8 85 15 17.4 16.3 72.3 32 10.7 4.9 9 0809 17.1 - 57 (1) 486/33 3.3

Simplex Realty 0803 3.00 10 45 58.1 - 56.7 0 14.5 21.9 * LP 125 71.0 70.8 - - - 0.2 LP 0809 79.1 LP 91 (3) 359/69 1.2

Sobha Developers 0803 72.90 10 87 135.6 25.3 1429.1 20 25.2 228.3 * 41 65 35.0 30.2 293.4 -10 29.6 49.0 -13 0809 31.7 13 114 (-3) 1041/81 3.6

SSPDL Ltd 0803 12.93 10 51 48.6 50.7 97.5 166 35.7 21.5 361 - 16.8 16.7 8.6 -41 -19.6 -3.6 PL 0809 3.6 -75 27 (4) 260/17 7.5

Steel Strips Inf 0803 8.64 10 50 10.0 - 3.4 -9 29.8 0.2 * -52 - 0.5 0.3 3.0 251 31.5 0.8 43 0809 0.6 -65 9 (1) 45/6 -

Subhash Projects 0803 7.33 2 59 83.4 27.2 1167.1 44 9.9 56.7 * 28 60 18.1 15.3 254.1 11 13.4 12.5 - 0809 16.2 21 65 (12) 594/36 4.0

Tantia Const 0803 15.57 10 51 60.8 17.4 361.9 47 11.8 15.4 15 15 13.1 9.6 74.5 119 9.5 -2.9 PL 0809 8.5 -1 45 (2) 189/30 5.3

Thakkers Develp 0803 9.00 10 71 15.6 6.0 21.0 9 17.5 0.9 -37 11 1.0 0.9 4.1 33 19.9 0.6 867 0809 1.4 -23 58 B 106/37 41.8

Unitech 0803 324.68 2 75 13.2 62.4 2802.3 12 57.1 1001.3 * 4 13 6.2 6.1 844.7 60 75.9 415.3 224 0809 7.7 -3 48 (4) 544/22 6.3

Unity Infra 0803 13.37 10 70 266.0 18.2 849.6 56 12.5 60.0 42 40 49.6 44.2 229.5 50 12.9 15.4 42 0809 52.0 50 145 (4) 1020/100 2.8

Valecha Eng. 0803 17.93 10 43 110.6 9.8 497.5 101 6.3 17.1 * 25 10 13.6 9.4 161.8 74 5.4 3.5 -13 0809 9.6 4 43 B(3) 232/28 4.5

Vas Infra 0803 10.00 10 13 27.3 - - -100 - -3.8 * PL - - - - - - -0.2 PL 0809 - PL 12 (1) 138/8 -

Vijay Shan. Bui. 0803 12.69 10 34 37.1 39.0 142.7 32 13.2 14.0 71 11 11.1 10.9 10.0 -77 5.6 0.4 -92 0809 4.5 -59 21 C(2) 165/16 4.7

Vipul Ltd * 0803 12.00 2 63 54.9 21.8 286.4 44 24.0 41.9 * 1 18 7.1 6.9 81.2 63 15.1 6.8 -44 0809 6.3 -31 38 (-3) 272/27 6.1

IND.COMPOSITE 4420.11 66306.9 25.5 11650.7 24.2 2811.6 121496 9.2


Blue Dart Exp. 0712 23.73 10 81 133.7 24.6 808.7 21 16.0 70.9 38 10 39.8 29.7 262.8 27 8.0 13.6 -22 0809 35.8 32 455 (15) 750/402 12.7

Gati 0806 16.93 2 49 35.1 15.2 552.1 21 8.6 35.5 39 40 5.8 4.1 157.7 35 5.5 0.4 -94 0809 3.5 11 42 (2) 191/27 12.1

IND.COMPOSITE 40.66 1360.8 13.0 106.4 7.1 14.0 1437 12.6


Atlas Cycles 0803 3.25 10 49 354.3 1.5 576.7 17 2.7 1.7 * LP 45 24.2 4.5 161.2 27 2.0 0.4 -12 0809 4.6 LP 91 (4) 294/65 19.7

Tube Investments 0803 36.95 2 52 38.9 8.2 1762.3 9 7.3 51.9 * -47 50 5.5 2.6 635.8 50 8.2 31.0 97 0809 4.1 3 37 (1) 92/22 9.1

IND.COMPOSITE 40.20 2339.0 6.2 53.6 6.9 31.4 707 9.2


Jyothy Labor. 0806 7.26 1 69 45.3 16.8 453.4 7 13.9 47.4 * -4 200 7.2 6.2 86.8 17 7.5 5.1 -38 0809 6.1 -7 73 (-13) 188/42 12.0

Nirma 0803 79.57 5 77 162.3 6.1 2332.9 4 16.1 153.7 * -6 80 23.2 9.0 711.3 40 18.1 44.6 57 0809 9.7 33 124 (15) 265/83 12.8

Page 13: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 1Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

T N Petro Prod. 0803 89.98 10 35 38.3 -5.1 776.7 -6 1.8 -17.8 * -45 - 1.7 - 276.0 70 4.3 9.2 LP 0809 - 75 13 (2) 37/8 -

IND.COMPOSITE 176.81 3563.0 12.7 183.3 13.7 58.8 2618 12.6


Asian Star Co. 0803 10.67 10 75 285.3 13.9 1305.1 12 5.5 39.1 * 43 20 39.1 35.4 378.7 18 6.3 10.6 -4 0809 40.2 31 1269 (-8) 1570/615 31.6

C.G.Impex 0803 7.67 10 36 11.4 31.7 263.0 50 2.4 1.3 -37 - 1.8 1.7 100.8 22 2.5 0.9 200 0809 1.8 -47 4 B(-) 23/3 2.2

Classic Diamonds 0803 7.69 2 64 56.4 15.8 710.4 10 9.4 32.9 58 25 10.2 8.5 203.3 16 6.8 3.6 -54 0809 7.2 24 13 (-1) 132/12 1.8

Flawless Diamond 0803 16.68 10 21 40.5 55.8 555.9 85 4.0 24.1 232 5 14.6 14.4 156.6 15 5.3 5.8 5 0809 16.6 78 23 (1) 130/19 1.4

Gitanjali Gems 0803 85.06 10 48 209.6 10.9 2654.3 20 6.6 138.2 69 18 16.3 15.9 728.3 22 7.0 35.2 31 0809 17.3 50 75 (-) 450/57 4.3

Goldiam Intl. 0803 25.88 10 53 67.0 -0.6 94.1 -43 -1.8 -1.0 * PL - 0.3 - 8.7 -65 -57.8 -5.4 PL 0809 - PL 18 M(-1) 103/14 -

Parekh Platinum 0803 59.92 10 71 -56.7 - 10.1 -27 -49.2 -28.3 -269 - - - 3.0 34 -17.9 2.8 LP 0809 - 6 5 (1) 20/3 -

Rajesh Exports 0803 25.06 1 54 31.5 44.0 8187.6 24 -0.7 241.6 138 35 9.7 9.6 2472.4 21 1.9 26.5 -51 0809 8.2 30 26 (-) 162/19 3.2

Renaissance Jew 0803 18.36 10 71 92.2 14.2 433.0 13 6.5 17.8 -13 15 10.8 9.4 114.9 -7 9.8 8.6 56 0809 9.4 - 24 (-) 173/18 2.6

SB & T Intl. 0803 16.85 10 29 63.9 1.1 94.5 8 3.7 1.2 * -17 5 0.9 0.6 26.4 77 10.6 1.3 733 0809 1.3 34 8 M(-) 50/6 6.1

Shantivijay Jew. 0803 3.00 10 93 79.3 4.4 59.8 7 3.6 1.0 -5 - 4.7 3.4 17.0 26 5.4 0.5 21 0809 3.9 37 138 (-5) 365/99 35.1

Shrenuj & Co. 0803 13.86 2 58 31.5 16.0 987.4 12 10.2 30.8 2 40 4.8 4.3 224.5 -21 8.2 1.1 -88 0809 2.8 -50 25 (-4) 85/19 9.0

Shukra Jewellery 0803 13.57 10 30 26.3 1.2 50.4 76 1.5 0.4 -87 - 0.3 0.3 13.1 -27 0.5 0.1 -85 0809 - PL 4 16/3 -

Shyam Star Gems 0803 6.95 10 41 44.3 78.2 86.4 1923 18.3 15.4 * 999 12 22.0 21.9 51.2 213 12.8 6.5 44 0809 28.7 163 15 (-) 195/11 0.5

Silver Smith (I) 0803 5.04 10 58 10.8 5.4 1.7 -26 28.7 0.2 LP - 1.1 0.5 1.2 258 19.5 0.2 850 0809 0.9 LP 20 (1) 97/15 -

Su-Raj Diamonds 0803 43.84 10 49 147.5 10.4 2140.4 36 3.5 62.6 * 31 20 15.2 13.9 537.1 25 2.8 9.5 -23 0809 14.4 18 28 (3) 102/21 2.0

Suashish Diamond 0803 (15) 20.86 10 89 280.2 12.2 1223.0 31 5.5 81.2 * 50 15 32.5 30.9 291.4 36 -1.3 -0.2 PL 0809 23.8 -9 185 (-21) 480/157 7.8

Vaibhav Gems 0803 31.70 10 14 168.6 - 310.0 11 7.0 15.0 -38 - 5.3 4.7 61.8 -28 11.7 4.3 -17 0809 2.0 -66 17 (-) 188/12 8.5

IND.COMPOSITE 412.66 19167.2 3.1 673.5 3.7 111.8 3670 5.7


Bajaj Electric 0803 17.28 10 67 94.7 54.1 1379.1 27 10.4 72.6 * 89 80 45.0 40.7 379.3 24 7.9 12.2 -7 0809 42.7 48 224 (-5) 675/177 5.2

Hawkins Cookers 0803 5.29 10 56 37.8 61.5 204.1 18 9.7 11.3 50 100 22.6 19.6 60.7 22 12.1 4.5 67 0809 26.0 47 162 (13) 249/130 6.2

IFB Inds. 0803 19.89 10 54 -136.6 - 422.0 30 2.4 14.0 * LP - 11.3 7.0 121.1 16 3.0 5.2 20 0809 10.3 73 24 M(2) 99/17 2.3

Khaitan Elect. 0803 11.50 10 42 100.6 12.3 320.0 13 7.1 13.8 14 20 13.0 11.6 48.2 -15 - - -98 0809 9.6 -12 36 (-3) 142/27 3.7

Panasonic Home 0803 8.57 10 70 20.6 8.3 78.5 8 4.9 1.4 * -6 10 3.3 1.5 26.6 32 5.9 0.7 -17 0809 1.4 -21 25 (3) 75/18 17.6

Sujana Univ. Ind 0809 (15) 123.84 10 18 38.0 8.2 1172.8 29 7.7 27.6 * -15 - 3.6 1.8 223.4 -13 5.3 10.7 28 0809 1.6 -25 6 (-) 26/4 3.9

Symphony Comfort 0806 7.00 10 68 20.3 - 73.3 75 23.1 12.9 * 502 - 19.8 18.5 1.8 19 -75.0 -1.4 -12 0809 18.3 999 37 (-1) 61/20 2.0

TTK Prestige 0803 11.35 10 72 58.8 30.1 325.6 16 3.6 17.9 * 51 35 18.5 15.1 108.8 23 9.9 7.3 39 0809 18.2 28 133 (1) 224/93 7.3

Value Industries U 0809 39.31 10 47 114.5 2.6 1277.7 -1 11.7 8.7 -9 - 25.3 2.2 324.8 3 11.7 1.0 -81 0809 2.2 -9 11 (-) 51/8 5.1

Whirlpool India 0803 126.87 10 75 5.4 - 1797.4 22 5.1 48.1 269 - 6.7 3.8 408.1 23 3.9 4.1 LP 0809 6.6 211 31 (1) 63/27 4.7

IND.COMPOSITE 370.90 7050.5 7.9 228.3 5.9 44.3 1266 4.8


Eveready Inds. 0803 36.34 5 40 63.8 - 847.2 10 7.4 -15.5 29 - 1.7 - 219.1 -3 8.6 2.3 24 0809 0.0 LP 16 (2) 75/12 -

HBL Power System 0803 24.28 10 70 124.6 24.7 998.9 89 15.4 67.6 114 15 33.5 27.6 342.8 31 13.6 21.1 76 0809 43.4 194 154 (16) 459/115 3.6

Nippo Batteries 0803 3.75 10 75 320.3 13.7 260.7 -8 8.7 16.0 166 200 53.2 39.3 71.8 3 7.0 3.8 -12 0809 40.0 14 311 (14) 617/269 7.8

Panasonic Energy 0803 7.50 10 58 92.2 0.8 164.3 -14 2.3 0.6 * 205 30 6.8 0.3 36.9 -24 -1.3 -1.3 PL 0809 - PL 38 (-) 123/32 -

Shervani Indl.Sy 0803 3.26 10 50 188.2 -3.8 0.5 -89 -99.9 -2.3 * -100 10 - - - -97 - 0.6 LP 0809 - 23 24 (-3) 80/23 -

IND.COMPOSITE 75.13 2271.5 10.0 66.4 10.5 26.5 644 4.1


Asahi Songwon 0803 12.27 10 57 60.0 24.7 83.1 10 14.9 11.5 * 13 12 10.3 9.1 37.6 75 12.0 2.5 -15 0809 8.5 3 17 (1) 74/14 2.0

Atul 0803 29.67 10 39 107.3 12.0 1002.8 11 5.5 37.6 14 30 22.1 12.1 344.7 38 7.7 18.2 13 0809 14.3 37 45 (1) 122/31 3.2

Bodal Chemicals 0803 15.67 10 69 31.0 45.4 412.9 60 7.0 17.5 57 25 13.5 10.6 121.1 13 6.3 3.7 -18 0809 12.1 29 27 M(-) 80/20 2.2

Dynamic Inds. 0803 3.03 10 54 35.3 1.8 41.2 -14 1.1 0.2 -46 - 2.9 0.7 17.0 95 5.0 0.2 140 0809 1.6 LP 7 (-) 46/5 4.4

Dynemic Products 0803 11.33 10 48 23.9 8.8 36.6 13 10.9 2.4 4 10 2.4 1.9 15.7 67 19.1 1.7 90 0809 3.1 33 13 (-1) 37/12 4.3

Indian Toners 0803 8.06 10 49 39.7 9.1 38.1 -9 13.1 2.7 * -39 - 5.5 3.3 11.9 10 16.2 1.0 55 0809 3.6 -20 9 (-1) 41/8 2.5

Kiri Dyes 0803 15.00 10 67 80.1 41.1 221.6 66 13.1 20.2 135 15 14.9 13.2 70.2 - 12.6 5.4 - 0809 - - 123 P(13) 204/65 -

Metrochem Inds. 0803 11.43 10 71 80.1 7.6 248.6 4 11.9 6.2 * 23 20 14.3 5.1 77.4 10 9.7 1.7 32 0809 7.1 114 25 (1) 92/20 3.5

Sh. Hari Chem. 0803 4.50 10 41 37.1 33.1 79.9 19 11.2 4.8 1 10 13.5 10.5 28.0 19 9.3 1.2 -57 0809 5.4 -68 15 (3) 86/9 2.8

Shreyas Intermed * 0809 16.11 10 62 24.0 23.4 130.4 47 9.1 1.6 -79 - 3.1 1.0 65.7 83 4.4 -0.8 PL 0809 1.0 -79 13 (-1) 105/9 -

Sudarshan Chem. 0803 6.92 10 52 144.9 8.4 393.5 3 7.1 8.2 87 30 28.6 11.3 125.8 20 16.4 9.8 323 0809 28.7 531 111 (-2) 160/83 3.9

Ultramarine Pig. 0803 5.84 2 48 25.0 21.7 87.2 10 21.7 15.2 * -12 150 5.7 4.7 30.1 64 13.0 4.7 -15 0809 5.3 7 26 (1) 56/22 5.0

IND.COMPOSITE 139.83 2775.8 8.4 128.1 10.0 49.3 613 3.3


A B B 0712 42.38 2 52 76.1 35.2 5930.3 39 12.4 491.7 45 110 24.4 22.8 1519.1 10 8.9 104.8 -9 0809 25.2 20 511 (39) 1525/379 20.3

Alfa Transformer 0803 5.36 10 37 37.0 16.8 33.4 74 9.2 2.7 91 - 5.8 5.0 9.9 18 21.5 1.7 124 0809 8.4 155 33 (-3) 159/20 3.9

Alstom Projects 0803 67.02 10 66 51.3 21.7 1547.1 27 6.3 70.5 * -36 80 12.7 9.2 581.2 46 13.6 59.0 143 0809 15.8 -2 274 (8) 1069/191 17.3

Amara Raja Batt. 0803 17.08 2 52 39.0 32.7 1080.3 82 14.7 94.4 100 35 13.8 11.0 340.0 33 14.2 27.3 41 0809 12.7 79 49 B(-) 183/35 3.9

Apar Inds. 0803 32.33 10 60 85.4 24.0 1697.7 16 6.2 58.4 * 20 55 21.4 17.1 637.0 52 1.7 6.0 -53 0809 16.6 2 89 (5) 424/70 5.4

Areva T&D 0712 47.82 2 72 22.9 46.9 2005.5 25 17.9 216.6 64 90 9.7 8.8 582.9 35 15.7 51.0 6 0809 10.3 29 213 (37) 529/130 20.6

AsianElectronics 0803 14.94 5 33 71.2 - 216.0 -41 17.7 24.7 -63 - 11.7 8.3 38.4 -60 -6.6 -14.8 PL 0809 - PL 29 (2) 590/21 -

B H E L 0803 489.52 10 68 220.1 29.2 19492.1 13 18.5 2858.4 * 18 153 61.9 55.8 5342.6 35 13.3 615.8 -10 0809 58.9 3 1437 (-1) 2548/984 24.4

Best & Crompton 0803 123.84 10 66 8.4 - 89.5 -18 7.3 5.8 -83 - 0.5 0.5 12.3 145 -93.0 -12.3 -910 0809 7.2 LP 15 (1) 67/8 2.1

Bharat Bijlee 0803 5.65 10 35 298.2 51.0 562.3 20 20.7 72.5 * 29 300 130.1 123.2 150.9 11 14.1 12.5 -24 0809 112.6 -12 535 (-54) 4068/500 4.8

Page 14: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 2 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Birla Power Sol. 0803 42.46 10 13 44.2 3.6 217.4 -4 8.4 5.6 47 3 1.9 1.3 68.0 24 10.4 2.1 58 0809 0.9 54 13 (1) 71/8 -

Cromp. Greaves 0803 73.31 2 39 25.0 39.9 4000.2 19 10.7 312.3 * 66 80 9.5 8.2 1086.2 20 13.2 92.5 25 0809 9.6 38 147 (10) 402/106 15.4

Easun Reyrolle 0803 4.15 2 26 77.4 20.6 185.3 39 19.0 22.1 25 150 11.9 10.1 38.6 -25 6.3 1.7 -70 0809 8.2 -17 46 C(4) 377/32 5.6

ECE Inds. 0803 4.39 10 38 213.5 7.2 183.6 -13 6.2 6.2 * 31 25 16.6 13.6 67.2 26 0.6 1.8 -48 0809 7.2 -59 166 (-20) 763/88 23.1

Elpro Intl. 0803 3.56 10 54 43.1 - 27.1 -17 -1.7 -17.0 -223 - - - 3.1 -60 33.3 -3.7 -13 0809 - 22 325 (9) 730/253 -

EMCO 0803 11.76 2 34 64.0 19.1 944.3 44 15.0 64.9 59 70 12.5 10.8 230.7 25 13.3 11.3 9 0809 11.4 52 44 (2) 330/29 3.9

Epic Energy 0803 6.71 10 25 18.6 27.0 26.6 1016 16.1 3.0 170 - 5.6 4.4 7.9 - 15.4 0.8 -19 0809 4.5 42 109 (2) 194/45 24.1

Havells India 0803 28.96 5 62 112.1 31.5 2051.6 33 9.1 142.2 * 38 50 26.4 24.1 585.3 18 9.9 44.3 24 0809 27.6 29 138 (6) 715/100 5.0

High Energy Bat. 0803 0.90 10 40 119.1 2.8 20.4 -12 11.0 0.3 -67 25 10.1 2.9 6.3 107 9.6 0.2 LP 0809 12.3 -5 105 CR(5) 384/84 8.5

Honda Siel Power 0803 10.14 10 68 181.0 14.2 250.6 9 11.6 25.1 44 40 29.4 24.1 78.5 57 12.2 7.5 88 0809 28.3 41 157 (4) 290/130 5.5

Igarashi Motors 0803 13.87 10 60 59.8 -25.2 274.0 12 1.0 -20.0 * -424 15 - - 75.8 8 -12.9 -17.7 -475 0809 - -149 17 (2) 126/11 -

IMP Powers 0806 6.96 10 46 63.5 27.1 134.3 31 16.3 10.1 35 - 16.7 14.1 51.4 94 16.4 3.9 86 0809 17.1 44 57 C(4) 316/30 3.3

Indo Asian 0803 14.56 10 35 72.5 14.4 262.2 23 12.3 13.5 -22 - 13.6 9.2 72.1 -3 8.7 0.8 -80 0809 6.9 -40 36 (-2) 201/30 5.2

Indo Tech 0803 10.62 10 54 115.6 36.5 198.9 22 29.0 39.1 49 60 37.4 35.8 65.4 27 33.9 14.2 39 0809 43.8 31 313 (34) 806/160 7.1

Integra Hind. 0803 1.10 10 51 55.5 11.7 12.3 -17 8.2 0.7 -18 10 8.0 6.0 4.2 96 9.7 0.2 120 0809 8.5 -2 140 (7) 458/108 16.6

Jyoti * 0803 12.98 10 22 37.1 26.3 207.0 42 11.9 10.5 109 - 9.5 8.1 59.4 29 9.9 2.0 -13 0809 8.2 50 37 C(-1) 185/27 4.5

Kirl. Electric 0803 33.27 10 47 32.6 25.2 727.8 23 3.8 23.5 * 41 - 7.3 7.1 261.7 44 4.6 3.3 -51 0809 8.5 30 43 (1) 364/37 5.1

Lak. Electrical 0803 2.46 10 21 173.8 30.9 117.5 72 18.8 11.7 47 60 65.9 46.4 36.3 57 14.5 3.1 -5 0809 52.4 38 140 (5) 528/106 2.7

Marson’s 0803 17.11 2 16 2.4 5.4 59.7 79 7.7 0.8 31 - 0.2 0.1 9.4 -33 8.3 0.1 -59 0809 0.1 -29 2 M(-) 16/2 -

Modison Metals 0803 3.25 1 76 13.6 37.1 104.3 27 25.4 14.1 * 40 40 5.1 4.3 21.8 -19 18.2 2.0 -53 0809 3.9 20 16 (-) 75/14 4.1

NEPC India U 0803 (15) 69.26 10 12 6.9 - 29.3 220 10.3 2.1 LP - 0.4 0.2 0.9 -93 30.8 0.1 -96 0809 - 92 6 (-) 39/4 -

RTS Power 0803 7.19 10 28 50.0 8.5 101.3 40 7.4 2.2 -20 10 4.7 2.9 26.7 34 8.9 0.8 -51 0809 0.8 -85 233 (59) 255/102 -

Salzer Electron. 0803 6.63 10 29 67.0 13.4 72.2 20 14.3 4.7 42 18 11.4 6.8 23.1 15 13.4 1.5 -8 0809 7.2 13 38 C(3) 207/26 5.3

Shilchar Elect. 0803 3.81 10 70 45.9 19.9 70.0 21 10.3 3.2 * 36 10 10.6 8.2 12.4 -20 5.5 0.1 -90 0809 4.1 -55 87 (-4) 232/78 21.4

Stone India 0803 7.60 10 37 59.0 20.1 79.1 12 2.8 8.7 * 9 13 12.5 11.2 22.1 12 -2.5 -1.3 PL 0809 0.3 -98 29 (-) 210/19 -

Suzlon Energy 0803 299.65 2 66 46.3 26.7 6926.0 29 22.9 1419.4 34 50 9.9 9.3 2226.3 32 17.3 266.1 -28 0809 10.0 36 68 M(10) 460/36 6.8

Switching Tech. 0803 2.45 10 61 0.9 - 8.0 7 -24.8 - -77 - 0.7 0.1 2.9 56 -3.4 - LP 0809 3.4 LP 13 (-) 69/10 3.8

Techno Electric 0803 11.42 2 51 30.0 34.1 429.6 22 12.1 47.5 * 71 50 8.3 8.1 130.0 36 12.1 18.2 44 0809 10.4 67 75 (5) 370/56 7.2

Transform & Rect 0803 12.92 10 77 159.8 26.8 347.0 38 16.8 33.2 90 20 26.9 25.3 112.3 55 16.2 12.7 57 0809 33.0 - 177 (14) 830/110 5.4

V-Guard Indus 0803 29.85 10 67 39.5 20.6 299.4 28 10.1 16.1 * 14 25 5.6 4.5 83.1 29 10.3 4.4 -2 0809 5.4 - 47 (-1) 99/37 8.7

Voltamp Trans 0803 10.12 10 52 162.7 60.5 555.3 37 21.2 79.9 102 125 79.9 76.8 170.0 15 22.3 27.3 48 0809 93.7 58 412 (53) 1864/302 4.4

W S Inds. 0803 21.14 10 42 38.4 21.8 227.0 37 13.7 16.7 156 10 9.2 7.5 62.2 9 12.2 3.4 8 0809 7.1 48 35 (2) 140/22 4.9

IND.COMPOSITE 1630.50 51803.4 15.8 6198.1 12.6 1354.8 108893 16.5


Graphite India 0803 30.22 2 52 46.2 20.7 1064.1 29 19.3 133.8 15 150 10.6 8.3 382.0 44 21.7 47.7 26 0809 9.5 12 37 (-) 90/33 3.9

HEG 0803 44.32 10 50 119.1 33.0 946.9 16 28.8 144.3 * 96 100 41.1 30.9 295.4 15 35.5 50.1 47 0809 43.6 99 118 (7) 540/104 2.7

Panasonic Carbon 0803 4.80 10 74 105.7 9.9 25.1 -19 15.9 5.2 2 70 11.7 9.6 9.4 29 18.6 1.5 -7 0809 10.3 2 95 (1) 149/75 9.2

IND.COMPOSITE 79.34 2036.1 23.7 283.3 27.6 99.3 1121 3.3


Ador Fontech. 0803 3.50 10 23 65.4 44.9 100.2 26 14.2 8.9 73 50 27.5 24.5 28.8 13 13.8 2.4 40 0809 29.3 71 74 (1) 138/69 2.5

Ador Welding 0803 13.60 10 56 92.4 18.7 269.7 -2 15.7 23.1 -27 80 24.4 15.6 59.3 -14 20.9 5.5 -37 0809 14.6 -35 98 (-1) 310/81 6.7

D & H Welding 0803 5.86 10 35 22.7 22.3 39.3 23 11.8 2.6 -8 10 5.0 4.3 12.3 33 8.4 0.6 2 0809 4.5 -6 13 M(-) 46/9 2.9

Esab India 0712 15.39 10 56 67.4 59.2 342.4 19 23.4 53.4 31 155 35.9 32.3 115.8 33 22.7 18.1 32 0809 42.4 35 271 (4) 544/239 6.4

GEE 0803 2.97 2 53 12.4 30.3 73.3 85 9.1 3.4 191 15 2.5 2.2 28.6 44 7.7 1.0 16 0809 3.0 101 45 C(10) 105/30 15.0

IND.COMPOSITE 41.32 824.9 17.9 91.4 18.8 27.6 652 6.4


BPL 0803 48.51 10 66 16.7 - 111.9 -5 -99.9 -46.3 * -53 - - - 19.2 -25 -12.0 -7.8 -9 0809 - -18 21 (-2) 174/13 -

Enso Secutrack 0803 10.64 10 12 28.4 23.6 66.0 32 16.6 5.9 30 - 6.5 5.5 7.0 -53 -21.8 -2.9 PL 0809 0.4 -92 28 (6) 116/14 -

MIRC Electronics 0803 14.20 1 55 17.9 14.1 1527.4 1 5.4 34.7 1 100 4.0 2.3 341.9 -2 3.4 0.9 -92 0809 1.8 -30 11 (-) 37/9 6.2

Salora Intl. 0803 8.82 10 67 152.7 12.8 1111.3 26 2.9 16.1 * 9 45 23.9 17.5 211.3 -26 4.1 3.6 -48 0809 12.9 -47 52 (2) 290/34 4.0

Sharp India 0803 25.94 10 80 8.5 - 91.7 -29 -4.9 -1.8 PL - 0.0 - 27.3 4 9.8 2.2 999 0809 0.1 LP 13 (-) 78/11 -

Trend Electronic U 0809 7.50 10 48 111.0 3.4 803.2 -3 4.0 2.6 -7 - 22.3 3.4 191.4 -10 3.7 0.3 -84 0809 3.4 -7 21 (3) 103/10 6.2

Videocon Inds. U 0809 229.45 10 68 297.0 17.7 10116.0 22 20.5 1017.7 * 19 - 66.0 44.4 2626.0 15 20.4 227.9 -8 0809 44.4 19 133 (10) 778/86 3.0

IND.COMPOSITE 345.06 13827.5 15.3 1028.9 3.2 224.0 3446 3.1


Aplab 0803 5.00 10 55 61.2 12.6 115.5 13 9.8 3.8 17 25 10.3 7.1 26.2 -24 10.6 0.6 -74 0809 4.1 -42 35 (-2) 138/29 8.6

APW President 0803 6.04 10 71 65.8 25.2 137.5 32 13.0 9.3 29 30 19.3 14.8 39.0 13 13.2 2.7 17 0809 17.0 25 59 (5) 193/42 3.5

BCC Fuba India 0803 6.06 10 35 5.9 - 6.8 -29 11.2 -0.5 PL - 0.5 - 1.1 -25 -11.4 -0.4 -18 0809 - -347 7 (-) 66/5 -

Bharat Electro. 0803 80.00 10 76 404.1 28.4 4059.5 4 24.8 809.6 * 13 207 109.3 97.7 780.7 10 20.8 123.7 2 0809 98.5 20 755 (48) 2099/545 7.7

BPL Engineering U 0709 25.89 10 52 26.5 - 33.7 - -30.1 -21.9 - - - - - -100 - -7.4 -42 0712 - 2 7 14/7 -

Centum Electron 0803 7.40 10 61 44.3 19.6 50.0 -50 26.0 6.7 -49 10 12.1 8.8 5.9 -58 18.0 0.4 -76 0809 5.8 -52 35 (-) 202/29 6.0

Circuit Systems 0803 12.00 10 53 28.7 9.8 38.9 0 15.8 2.6 -1 - 3.4 2.2 9.2 -6 19.6 0.5 -43 0809 1.7 -18 11 (-) 47/10 6.4

Cosmo Ferrites 0803 12.03 10 62 15.5 4.4 31.3 0 16.8 1.1 -59 - 2.9 0.6 9.2 19 18.0 0.8 64 0809 0.8 -52 8 (-) 24/5 -

Fine Line Circ. 0803 4.85 10 25 22.4 -3.7 24.6 -23 3.8 -0.4 PL - 2.0 - 7.8 33 5.9 0.1 LP 0809 1.0 -46 10 (1) 50/8 9.7

Genus Power 0803 14.79 10 39 173.0 30.2 466.8 31 17.6 48.0 73 15 36.0 31.8 119.5 19 18.6 11.7 27 0809 35.3 51 124 C(17) 1050/72 3.5

Hind Rectifiers 0803 3.00 2 43 24.4 39.0 102.0 17 20.6 12.3 * 9 100 9.0 8.0 24.3 -6 19.0 2.7 -18 0809 7.7 4 46 B(6) 125/29 6.0

Honeywell Auto 0712 8.84 10 81 265.1 31.4 866.1 35 11.8 65.8 12 100 88.7 72.7 228.4 1 15.3 29.0 58 0809 85.4 18 872 (48) 2610/692 10.2

Page 15: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 3Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Hotline Glass 0612 (9) 80.00 10 41 -1.2 - 7.6 -87 -99.9 -15.7 -999 - - - - - - -0.6 73 0709 - -199 1 (-) 7/1 -

JCT Electronics 0803 78.48 1 83 -2.6 - 338.6 17 -5.2 -40.2 10 - - - 110.2 38 -7.3 -12.4 -47 0809 - PL 2 (-) 14/2 -

Media Video * 0806 24.55 10 41 36.7 16.1 332.9 41 8.4 13.9 25 - 6.0 5.6 91.6 29 8.1 3.3 -8 0809 5.5 6 15 (1) 70/9 2.7

MIC Electronics * 0806 20.13 2 37 22.6 33.4 307.5 29 27.1 65.8 103 20 6.7 6.5 75.6 - 37.5 23.4 138 0809 7.9 110 41 (2) 205/33 5.2

Numeric Power 0803 5.05 10 63 277.6 33.5 386.5 42 13.4 40.2 * 111 50 85.2 78.8 102.9 1 7.9 4.9 -54 0809 65.9 16 260 (15) 1199/193 4.0

Opto Circuits(I) 0803 160.09 10 30 19.7 45.1 328.7 63 36.2 118.9 63 50 7.1 6.9 104.4 28 36.4 38.6 36 0809 8.5 43 98 B(5) 319/70 11.5

Samtel Color 0806 51.27 10 46 30.8 - 793.8 -32 -4.7 -110.1 * -108 - - - 240.4 4 -1.9 -23.7 14 0809 - -14 6 (-) 30/5 -

Siemens 0809 67.44 2 55 61.3 39.8 8295.6 7 8.6 517.6 * -3 150 17.2 15.3 2421.6 11 12.5 225.2 -17 0809 15.3 -3 303 CB(19)1047/210 19.8

Zicom Electronic 0803 12.70 10 18 77.0 11.4 164.5 6 12.9 9.2 11 10 8.1 6.8 46.3 15 11.9 2.8 -10 0809 7.2 8 115 (32) 270/40 16.1

IND.COMPOSITE 685.61 16888.2 13.1 1536.0 15.4 425.8 19942 11.3


Action Construct 0803 17.98 2 65 15.2 29.5 401.2 64 10.0 36.3 * 82 40 4.3 3.9 139.2 54 5.1 8.8 -6 0809 4.5 41 18 (1) 134/15 4.0

Alfa-Laval 0712 18.16 10 77 148.8 36.5 692.3 17 18.4 90.1 * 37 250 49.5 45.3 202.1 8 16.6 21.4 -10 0809 50.9 19 926 (21) 1165/641 18.2

Atlanta 0803 16.30 10 71 92.4 10.0 108.6 -35 37.1 14.7 -46 10 13.8 8.8 30.6 40 42.9 2.7 95 0809 10.9 -35 75 (3) 496/54 6.9

Avery India 0803 9.84 10 58 49.2 12.5 73.1 13 8.5 6.0 2 - 7.1 6.1 18.3 29 9.4 1.7 94 0809 7.2 19 62 (2) 93/45 8.6

Batliboi 0803 13.50 5 81 17.5 23.0 129.6 1 11.8 9.8 * -26 20 4.1 3.5 28.2 -19 5.0 0.4 -85 0809 1.2 -77 19 (-) 130/15 16.5

BEML Ltd 0803 41.64 10 54 409.6 16.5 2525.9 4 11.1 225.6 * 10 120 57.3 53.1 613.9 29 9.5 55.5 128 0809 51.8 7 378 (33) 1830/280 7.3

Birla Precision 0803 3.20 2 75 12.4 30.4 31.3 29 26.5 5.3 -11 15 4.5 3.3 9.0 12 19.4 0.6 -66 0809 2.1 -48 16 (1) 125/13 7.7

Brady & Morris 0803 2.25 10 88 16.1 28.0 19.8 48 8.9 0.9 16 15 6.4 3.9 5.5 26 4.4 0.2 -46 0809 3.5 -7 49 (-6) 306/46 14.0

CMI FPE Ltd 0803 4.94 10 75 171.6 10.2 327.8 -36 8.6 8.2 * -49 20 27.2 16.3 138.3 11 -24.8 -26.6 PL 0809 - PL 196 (11) 543/174 -

Dagger-Forst 0803 11.91 10 52 41.6 0.4 38.1 7 7.4 0.1 -91 5 2.3 - 9.4 -2 5.1 -0.8 PL 0809 - PL 10 (-) 56/7 -

DE Nora India 0712 5.56 10 56 46.1 16.5 20.6 -9 27.5 4.5 -11 58 9.0 7.1 2.7 -34 -26.6 0.1 -79 0809 5.4 -37 46 (2) 155/33 8.5

Denisons Hydrau. U 0809 1.80 10 73 207.2 36.7 63.0 24 27.7 9.0 -2 - 58.5 50.1 17.6 8 31.5 3.3 19 0809 50.1 -2 202 (7) 878/160 4.0

Disa India 0712 1.51 10 74 123.5 67.6 93.4 40 25.6 18.2 * 35 2000 95.5 86.1 19.3 -11 16.5 2.2 -44 0809 111.7 26 1570 (-) 2280/1200 14.1

Dynamatic Tech. 0803 5.41 10 53 256.4 38.6 273.2 146 16.0 18.8 88 75 56.1 33.8 89.4 187 15.9 5.3 112 0809 47.1 130 540 M(47) 1520/414 11.5

Ecoboard Inds. 0803 17.83 10 52 28.8 - 61.3 37 24.4 7.5 LP 10 6.9 4.0 18.3 28 21.8 1.6 1 0809 4.2 505 10 M(-1) 32/9 2.4

Eimco Elecon 0803 5.77 10 73 184.7 13.2 116.0 21 22.2 12.8 * 50 40 34.5 21.6 29.8 14 17.6 2.5 -26 0809 19.8 - 147 (-13) 729/125 7.4

Elecon Engg Co 0803 18.57 2 42 25.5 31.7 847.7 14 16.1 66.6 * 21 75 8.4 6.9 252.2 37 15.2 16.0 -7 0809 7.2 11 44 (7) 338/30 6.1

Electrotherm 0803 11.47 10 32 348.5 21.6 1325.4 83 15.6 62.3 * 44 25 81.5 53.1 462.5 73 12.8 13.5 4 0809 59.9 26 135 C(25) 615/76 2.3

EMA India 0803 1.01 10 56 95.4 -6.7 7.4 -37 -14.1 -0.7 * PL - - - 2.9 22 -11.4 -0.1 65 0809 - -137 31 (2) 126/24 -

G G Dandekar 0803 0.48 1 50 59.0 13.4 17.2 1 20.1 3.4 * - 300 6.9 6.6 4.9 35 8.2 0.7 -15 0809 7.7 25 52 (3) 184/40 6.8

GEI Industrial 0803 14.27 10 42 35.7 26.0 192.1 71 17.3 11.8 89 13 9.1 7.9 54.5 57 15.1 3.9 63 0809 10.0 70 35 (2) 142/30 3.5

GMM Pfaudler 0803 2.93 2 76 54.8 17.7 142.0 24 15.0 13.3 * 11 140 10.5 8.6 40.4 32 13.3 2.7 -23 0809 8.9 2 56 (3) 162/40 6.3

Guj Apollo Inds 0803 15.75 10 46 59.4 34.8 172.4 18 21.9 23.7 * 31 30 15.9 15.1 43.9 3 20.8 6.2 4 0809 15.9 17 62 XB(-4) 250/54 3.9

Hercules Hoists 0803 1.60 1 69 39.4 32.9 90.7 2 30.1 18.4 -16 200 12.3 11.2 27.8 22 29.6 5.7 56 0809 12.5 -10 126 (6) 500/94 10.1

Intl. Combustion 0803 2.39 10 53 192.2 28.5 95.1 19 20.9 11.6 * 39 50 60.1 47.5 26.9 18 15.2 2.3 -4 0809 49.0 18 161 (17) 638/119 3.3

Intl. Conveyors 0803 2.40 10 71 83.0 25.0 63.8 32 21.7 4.7 -27 20 46.8 19.3 16.7 18 16.8 1.0 433 0809 20.2 -23 110 (5) 299/101 5.5

ION Exchange 0803 12.69 10 44 99.9 8.9 475.1 16 6.0 11.7 61 20 12.4 8.8 119.4 -2 3.1 0.3 -79 0809 7.5 7 96 M(1) 314/55 12.8

ITL Inds. 0803 3.30 10 44 28.1 19.6 34.0 53 9.5 1.7 29 10 6.5 5.1 6.0 -35 13.9 0.4 -31 0809 4.4 -20 23 (2) 78/17 5.2

Jost’s Engg. 0803 0.76 10 51 63.3 13.1 39.7 12 1.1 0.7 * -78 55 15.9 7.6 12.4 34 6.7 0.4 100 0809 14.7 37 143 (-) 671/99 9.7

Kabra Extrusions 0803 7.98 10 55 83.2 23.4 145.8 15 12.9 14.6 101 60 21.5 17.3 40.8 6 10.8 4.0 4 0809 20.9 141 76 (-4) 169/68 3.6

Kalindee Rail 0803 11.22 10 24 83.6 18.3 246.0 31 10.4 14.0 * 49 10 13.1 12.3 87.8 100 8.7 3.2 9 0809 13.8 27 161 C(5) 550/85 11.7

Kennametal India 0806 21.98 10 88 114.3 24.3 388.1 10 23.5 54.2 * 28 - 32.1 24.6 99.3 11 24.6 16.2 26 0809 26.2 23 158 (-16) 532/136 6.0

Kilburn Engg. 0803 13.50 10 56 23.2 - 70.5 10 2.5 1.4 * -52 - 1.4 1.1 34.6 202 12.3 2.0 999 0809 0.2 -90 15 (2) 74/12 -

Kulkarni Power 0803 1.70 5 44 38.7 28.6 57.7 31 16.3 3.6 45 30 18.1 10.4 17.6 22 10.0 0.3 -79 0809 7.5 -25 35 (1) 151/28 4.7

L G Balakrishnan 0803 7.85 1 44 18.2 10.8 549.9 16 13.2 15.4 -28 35 5.6 1.9 148.4 5 13.4 6.5 36 0809 2.5 -12 10 (1) 39/7 4.0

Lanco Infratech 0803 222.36 10 74 71.8 13.5 1574.6 194 20.0 200.3 191 - 9.5 9.0 638.8 68 15.7 39.9 16 0809 10.6 157 174 (11) 839/83 16.4

Lokesh Mach. 0803 11.78 10 57 69.8 15.4 109.3 23 26.9 12.0 12 25 14.5 9.8 24.5 -12 23.0 1.3 -63 0809 8.6 -20 28 (-1) 166/19 3.3

Manugraph India 0803 6.08 2 57 68.5 33.6 428.5 15 18.6 56.6 * 21 200 20.7 17.9 93.4 -15 20.9 13.7 -30 0809 18.0 11 38 (-) 189/25 2.1

Mazda 0803 4.26 10 27 60.5 25.6 59.9 14 18.3 6.0 28 15 16.1 13.7 22.1 43 17.5 2.3 39 0809 18.5 61 34 (3) 110/26 1.8

Multi Arc 0803 11.11 10 14 38.1 - 17.1 2 9.9 1.0 * 69 - 3.7 0.9 3.4 -45 -3.5 -1.3 PL 0809 - PL 7 (-) 46/4 -

NILE 0803 3.00 10 45 82.3 29.2 115.0 43 13.2 6.5 88 40 24.9 21.1 27.9 -21 -6.2 -2.8 PL 0809 - PL 59 (-3) 341/43 -

Nitin Fire Prote 0803 12.60 10 69 73.0 16.4 36.3 30 27.5 9.3 * 217 20 7.4 7.1 31.7 157 24.5 5.8 99 0809 10.6 112 217 (-21) 645/121 20.5

Om Metals Infrap 0803 9.63 1 65 34.0 6.0 74.1 -19 26.8 18.1 -23 20 2.3 1.8 34.9 64 27.0 5.8 -31 0809 1.6 -26 11 (1) 109/7 6.8

Patels Airtemp 0803 5.07 10 36 32.6 36.2 53.9 32 16.7 5.2 104 15 11.3 10.0 22.0 26 18.2 2.1 26 0809 12.5 56 32 (3) 146/25 2.6

Pitti Lamination 0803 9.45 10 43 57.6 12.7 183.0 14 10.6 6.6 -32 20 10.5 6.9 70.2 90 10.8 2.6 42 0809 8.1 -12 29 (1) 86/23 3.6

Praj Inds. 0803 36.69 2 21 19.1 61.5 701.6 15 19.5 148.1 * 71 99 8.0 7.7 199.7 17 15.8 30.2 11 0809 8.0 27 67 M(3) 266/49 8.3

Premier 0803 30.40 10 40 58.1 13.4 106.6 36 20.3 20.9 * 259 25 7.4 6.5 36.6 22 25.1 6.3 19 0809 7.5 149 41 C(-5) 204/28 5.5

Rajoo Engineers 0803 3.08 10 46 32.3 24.6 42.8 8 7.7 2.3 39 21 9.6 7.1 9.2 90 13.1 0.6 9 0809 7.7 54 41 (1) 157/34 5.4

Rishi Laser 0803 7.95 10 22 55.6 13.0 104.7 107 18.1 4.6 67 20 12.5 5.5 29.7 27 14.4 - -96 0809 4.8 13 32 (8) 206/18 6.6

Shakti Met-dor 0803 3.50 10 53 113.5 37.4 73.1 15 27.9 12.5 18 30 38.1 35.4 15.2 -22 9.4 0.5 -86 0809 26.8 -15 74 (-) 379/67 2.8

Shanthi Gears 0803 8.17 1 45 20.8 29.3 244.1 21 38.7 44.2 29 120 8.0 5.2 65.6 10 39.4 12.2 16 0809 5.8 17 38 (1) 108/30 6.6

Shilp Gravures 0803 6.15 10 53 36.3 29.5 35.3 35 36.2 6.1 70 21 16.0 9.5 9.5 4 21.6 0.3 -84 0809 6.2 -24 26 (-2) 106/19 4.2

Shriram EPC 0803 43.18 10 43 78.7 14.4 646.3 119 11.4 35.4 169 - 8.8 8.2 169.6 4 7.6 7.0 -18 0809 9.2 - 137 M(-30) 375/99 14.9

Sika Interplant 0803 4.24 10 73 11.4 - 9.6 57 20.9 1.3 * 26 6 3.2 2.9 4.2 123 26.7 1.1 74 0809 3.8 -12 19 (-) 94/13 5.0

Skyline Millars 0803 4.02 1 71 7.0 28.1 21.6 25 26.3 5.6 * 154 20 1.4 1.4 2.7 -19 9.0 0.4 -64 0809 1.5 85 9 (2) 24/6 6.2

Stewar.&Lloyds 0803 3.00 10 55 73.3 17.8 111.1 -10 7.0 3.7 4 30 14.7 11.7 15.6 -38 6.4 0.1 -86 0809 10.6 -3 60 (-3) 280/57 5.7

Sulzer India 0712 3.45 10 80 131.0 39.0 124.7 54 18.5 15.5 457 100 58.3 43.2 49.7 109 22.7 7.4 162 0809 78.7 194 590 (-23) 960/440 7.5

Page 16: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 4 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Swiss Glascoat 0803 5.00 10 47 24.9 21.4 40.6 25 13.0 2.4 * 54 12 6.5 4.7 12.0 42 10.4 0.3 19 0809 5.1 50 34 (3) 50/20 6.7

Texmaco * 0803 11.08 1 54 20.5 36.9 826.9 92 13.3 67.5 * 135 75 6.8 6.0 205.2 21 15.0 20.2 58 0809 7.8 105 75 M(8.37) 187/52 9.6

Thermax 0803 23.83 2 62 61.8 42.7 3160.0 53 11.6 277.5 * 37 400 23.8 21.9 804.1 4 11.6 57.0 -18 0809 22.9 10 199 (3) 847/151 8.7

TIL 0803 10.03 10 46 114.7 33.5 691.7 26 6.1 30.8 * 104 40 41.4 30.0 264.1 50 8.5 9.1 49 0809 35.4 80 153 (19) 810/113 4.3

Titagarh Wagons 0803 18.44 10 49 183.3 37.5 554.8 97 16.1 60.6 107 50 33.2 32.0 195.4 - 12.3 17.8 - 0809 - - 371 P(-27) 908/260 -

TRF 0803 5.50 10 42 171.7 46.9 357.7 4 14.5 35.2 * 74 100 64.9 62.2 91.0 33 15.3 11.1 71 0809 70.8 49 299 (13) 2070/220 4.2

U B Engg. 0803 17.07 10 41 23.4 - 264.6 22 6.6 12.7 * LP - 7.9 7.4 91.3 125 8.2 6.3 328 0809 13.0 LP 41 (-1) 215/27 3.2

UT 0803 6.08 10 47 21.3 -43.7 103.9 18 1.2 -7.3 PL - - - 28.9 -22 -2.8 -2.7 -123 0809 - PL 10 (-) 73/8 -

Walchan. Inds. 0809 7.61 2 55 55.2 32.9 696.0 10 9.8 39.8 14 50 12.3 10.5 243.9 26 8.9 11.2 -2 0809 10.5 14 125 (18) 1005/78 11.9

Windsor Machines 0806 13.04 10 28 -93.0 - 108.7 -4 1.3 -3.4 * 55 - - - 28.2 3 2.1 -0.5 35 0809 - 58 8 (-) 36/7 -

Yuken India * 0803 3.00 10 53 87.2 26.0 103.2 22 12.2 5.8 * 31 25 25.8 18.9 28.4 9 9.2 1.2 -23 0809 16.0 -22 66 (-7) 399/53 4.1

IND.COMPOSITE 899.30 21716.9 14.4 1943.6 12.4 430.2 18289 8.8


ABG Infra 0803 12.82 10 60 189.9 7.4 106.6 61 69.5 15.9 * 246 100 41.4 10.7 38.1 51 70.6 3.3 -58 0809 9.5 11 170 (26) 818/105 17.9

Artefact Project 0803 4.08 10 60 30.0 24.0 25.4 22 22.6 2.7 1 8 7.2 6.4 6.6 16 15.6 0.4 -55 0809 5.5 -25 37 (10) 211/21 6.7

Artson Engg. 0803 (18) 3.69 1 77 -2.3 - 52.0 275 22.7 9.3 LP - 1.9 1.7 8.7 8 3.8 0.2 -65 0809 0.9 -32 18 (-1) 115/12 -

BGR Energy 0803 72.00 10 81 65.5 30.4 1504.8 94 11.1 83.8 * 220 20 12.0 11.3 424.6 36 10.3 23.7 48 0809 13.1 - 165 (10) 913/115 12.6

Engineers India 0803 56.16 10 90 205.1 19.6 721.9 27 27.3 213.7 30 110 38.1 36.2 344.0 106 18.5 66.2 33 0809 43.2 28 488 (-10) 1314/300 11.3

Gammon Infra 0803 144.37 10 76 32.7 2.0 26.7 38 52.1 7.0 1 - 0.6 0.5 7.5 - 50.3 4.7 - 0809 0.8 - 88 (8) 180/35 -

Gremach Infra 0803 15.22 10 55 83.6 38.2 258.9 128 18.2 30.9 * 206 10 21.5 20.1 78.2 44 20.2 7.9 -14 0809 24.8 288 31 (2) 504/22 1.3

Hind.Dorr-Oliver 0803 7.20 2 53 35.7 19.1 305.1 46 11.2 22.6 51 30 6.9 6.2 116.4 67 11.6 8.0 73 0809 8.0 62 40 (1) 199/28 5.0

Jaihind Projects 0803 7.11 10 47 56.8 21.2 74.5 -12 13.8 6.3 103 - 11.9 8.9 -12.4 PL - 1.6 43 0803 8.9 103 47 (-1) 219/34 5.3

Larsen & Toubro * 0803 117.07 2 - 162.8 28.5 24876.3 41 11.5 2058.1 * 48 850 37.2 33.9 7686.4 40 8.8 460.3 32 0809 39.2 31 854 B(35) 2200/670 21.8

McNally Bharat 0803 31.09 10 32 53.5 20.5 548.0 9 9.7 24.0 54 10 8.3 7.5 202.6 76 9.1 6.7 52 0809 7.9 38 42 C(-1) 302/30 5.3

Mukand Engineers 0803 12.57 10 47 31.4 5.6 25.2 -12 8.7 2.1 6 - 2.1 1.7 11.5 166 6.6 0.7 82 0809 2.3 2 14 (-1) 78/9 6.1

Petron Engg. 0803 7.54 10 52 84.7 7.1 282.4 7 8.6 4.5 -29 - 14.2 6.0 118.6 83 7.4 4.0 58 0809 9.3 -12 96 (3) 535/86 10.3

Rel Indl Infra 0803 15.10 10 45 87.0 17.6 67.3 20 38.1 21.8 * 18 35 17.4 13.8 17.3 10 48.7 5.3 -3 0809 14.5 17 411 (22) 2933/280 28.3

Sanghvi Movers 0803 8.66 2 44 70.1 28.7 254.3 42 73.3 71.3 * 52 150 26.9 16.0 95.7 67 76.9 28.8 72 0809 21.2 68 81 (6) 333/66 3.8

Sunil Hitech 0803 12.28 10 53 127.6 19.7 306.3 112 15.6 21.3 175 12 24.2 17.1 131.1 89 14.4 6.9 32 0809 21.5 94 89 (1) 404/53 4.1

Supreme Infra 0803 13.88 10 60 67.6 28.7 158.2 72 22.4 19.2 50 15 18.5 13.6 66.4 259 20.1 6.1 307 0809 19.8 116 36 (5) 185/24 1.8

IND.COMPOSITE 540.84 29593.9 12.9 2614.5 10.6 634.7 57087 19.1


Cummins India 0803 39.60 2 51 55.7 27.6 2350.7 26 13.1 278.6 * 16 230 15.0 13.3 789.8 50 13.2 93.9 41 0809 16.7 28 229 (32) 409/185 13.7

Greaves Cotton 0806 48.84 10 51 75.9 33.1 1150.0 8 14.0 101.3 * -16 60 24.0 19.7 349.7 13 11.6 20.6 -13 0809 20.1 -18 85 (-1) 440/65 4.2

Kirl. Oil Engine 0803 38.83 2 61 47.1 13.5 2155.2 15 8.3 116.6 * -23 100 7.9 5.7 592.0 9 8.5 23.6 -30 0809 5.6 -13 43 (-4) 184/38 7.7

Swaraj Engines 0803 12.42 10 51 66.8 18.1 125.3 -3 18.9 14.2 * -3 50 14.3 10.6 61.3 103 14.9 5.8 61 0809 15.8 55 113 (-1) 376/96 7.1

IND.COMPOSITE 139.69 5781.1 11.6 510.7 11.4 143.9 5923 10.6


Aastha Broadcas. 0803 10.00 1 49 0.9 1.9 10.3 9 -5.6 -0.8 PL - - - 1.3 -34 -52.7 -0.7 -78 0809 - PL 2 (-) 11/1 -

Adlabs Films 0803 (9) 23.06 5 58 147.0 5.1 284.9 -14 36.5 18.9 * -38 67 34.8 4.9 200.4 59 -2.9 -19.0 PL 0809 - PL 202 (13) 1945/130 -

Baba Arts 0803 5.16 4 52 17.2 23.6 35.7 92 10.3 2.4 -29 10 2.4 1.8 19.2 349 7.8 0.8 223 0809 2.3 1 17 C(1) 50/10 7.4

BAG Films 0803 22.56 2 35 15.4 1.9 52.0 18 21.6 2.6 * -26 10 1.0 0.2 20.8 73 24.4 1.3 13 0809 0.3 -15 17 C(-) 100/12 -

Balaji Telefilms 0803 13.04 2 40 56.0 26.3 329.0 4 37.6 81.3 * 7 175 13.8 11.9 103.3 33 22.3 18.1 -31 0809 11.8 -9 72 (-) 368/52 6.1

Broadcast Init 0803 19.31 10 56 38.2 - 13.7 0 -99.9 -28.8 -137 - - - 2.7 -8 - -10.6 -41 0809 - - 14 (-) 65/10 -

Channel Guide 0803 3.00 5 12 4.4 - 0.3 -80 -88.0 -0.4 * PL - - - 0.7 - -19.1 -0.3 -999 0809 - PL 6 (2) 36/3 -

Cinemax India 0803 28.00 10 68 48.7 6.1 75.0 8 18.5 8.2 * 7 15 4.5 2.7 28.2 67 20.7 1.4 -52 0809 2.8 -20 43 (3) 165/33 15.4

Cinevistaas 0803 11.49 2 68 11.8 - 22.3 21 23.3 2.0 * -74 - 0.6 0.4 13.7 400 15.3 1.2 -4 0809 0.5 -67 5 C(-) 21/4 -

CNI Research 0803 3.06 1 38 2.5 5.9 1.3 -7 47.7 0.4 * 16 - 0.2 0.1 0.2 6 - 0.1 999 0809 0.2 LP 3 (-) 25/2 -

Compact Disc 0803 9.57 10 17 39.8 68.1 102.7 105 20.2 19.8 142 10 20.6 20.5 46.7 119 20.0 9.1 115 0809 30.3 111 40 (2) 131/26 1.3

Creative Eye 0803 10.03 5 58 22.4 - 28.4 34 6.8 1.1 8 - 1.5 0.5 19.2 187 5.6 0.7 195 0809 0.8 37 7 (1) 39/4 -

Crest Animation 0803 22.59 10 16 54.3 - 36.5 47 6.0 -10.6 -188 - - - 7.3 121 -35.1 -5.1 -253 0809 - -333 24 (1) 146/17 -

Cyber Media Ind 0803 10.00 10 43 37.6 5.6 69.2 3 10.1 2.1 -51 5 4.3 2.1 17.8 5 9.5 0.9 -54 0809 1.1 -72 26 (-) 115/21 24.8

Deccan Chronicle 0803 48.98 2 61 43.6 28.7 782.4 42 62.1 271.8 * 68 150 11.7 10.6 226.4 21 34.2 45.3 -45 0809 8.6 -12 49 (-3) 265/38 5.7

Dish TV 0803 94.64 1 58 7.3 - 412.7 116 -51.8 -412.0 -64 - - - 173.3 130 -50.4 -154.1 -68 0809 - - 22 R(2) 104/12 -

Entertainment Nt 0803 47.67 10 71 65.2 4.8 225.2 35 22.9 14.4 * -50 - 9.8 3.0 61.3 15 4.1 -3.3 PL 0809 2.1 -57 191 M(59) 664/93 89.7

Fame India 0803 34.80 10 44 26.8 16.8 77.7 49 13.7 12.4 * 26 - 5.3 3.6 30.9 51 14.4 2.8 -30 0809 0.7 -85 21 (3) 133/14 -

G V Films 0803 352.14 10 3 13.7 0.4 39.5 -8 3.8 1.4 -92 - 0.1 - 2.0 -79 -55.3 -1.4 PL 0809 - PL 1 (-) 16/1 -

Galaxy Ent.Corp. 0803 15.65 10 59 32.5 -11.9 35.1 94 -6.7 -5.8 * -338 - - - 8.7 -12 -22.4 -4.1 -554 0809 - -662 26 (3) 131/18 -

H T Media 0803 46.85 2 69 39.1 17.0 1186.2 14 18.8 143.8 * 28 20 8.0 6.1 334.2 16 11.9 16.3 -49 0809 5.6 9 72 (-4) 255/58 12.8

Hazoor Multi Pro 0808 10.01 4 47 16.5 26.5 20.6 -13 21.6 3.6 * -55 - 1.6 1.5 - - - 0.1 -96 0811 0.5 -86 5 (-) 28/4 -

IBN18 Broadcast 0803 30.07 2 55 22.5 - 131.2 66 6.5 -6.9 * 78 - - - 30.5 19 -20.2 -10.8 -70 0809 - -8 105 C(12) 256/57 -

Inox Leisure 0803 61.90 10 64 41.9 8.5 206.2 35 19.5 21.0 * -1 10 4.7 3.2 60.0 10 14.1 3.3 -61 0809 1.4 -66 38 M(5) 237/27 27.7

Jagran Prakashan 0803 60.24 2 52 17.9 18.7 749.6 25 21.9 94.6 * 25 100 3.9 2.8 208.6 18 18.2 22.7 3 0809 3.1 - 60 (3) 169/41 19.6

Jain Studios 0803 12.89 10 55 21.3 - 23.3 8 -24.4 -4.1 PL - - - 1.7 -65 - -3.5 PL 0809 - PL 8 (-) 54/6 -

K Sera Sera Prod 0803 67.13 10 6 15.4 - 63.7 66 10.0 -0.3 99 - 0.2 - 0.1 -100 - -2.6 PL 0809 - -112 21 (3) 55/13 -

Koffee Break 0803 5.51 1 5 1.1 - 3.1 429 19.2 0.2 - - 0.1 - 4.3 63 11.1 0.2 - 0809 0.1 LP 3 C(-) 4/1 -

Landmarc Leisure U 0809 40.00 1 72 1.1 - 0.3 - -64.3 0.6 * - - 0.0 - 0.1 33 - -0.1 PL 0809 - - 1 (-) 7/1 -

Page 17: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 5Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Media Matrix 0803 8.09 1 22 1.0 1.3 18.9 -13 5.2 -1.5 PL - 0.1 - 4.3 4 2.3 0.1 -88 0809 - PL 5 (-) 14/3 -

Mid-Day Multimed 0803 52.84 10 51 33.6 -0.3 105.6 0 2.6 -0.4 * PL - 0.7 - - - - 0.6 LP 0809 - LP 15 C(1) 62/10 -

Mukta Arts 0803 11.29 5 70 55.4 10.8 110.7 14 12.8 13.0 * -4 40 6.2 5.4 34.6 49 3.4 1.1 81 0809 5.2 -29 51 (-) 244/38 9.8

NDTV 0803 25.09 4 63 32.4 2.5 362.5 28 6.1 5.1 -78 20 3.9 0.7 73.9 9 -13.8 -11.5 -603 0809 - PL 129 M(9) 507/69 -

Padmalaya Tele 0803 12.50 10 18 21.6 - 16.6 13 -5.6 -2.2 56 - - - 0.3 -92 - -1.2 -203 0809 - PL 7 (-1) 33/6 -

Pentamedia Graph 0803 24.78 1 1 5.1 0.9 8.2 -34 40.3 1.7 -33 - 0.2 0.1 1.8 68 50.9 0.5 999 0809 0.1 6 2 C(-) 13/1 -

Prime Focus * 0803 12.72 10 54 146.0 14.2 85.7 55 52.3 27.5 51 15 34.0 21.4 23.3 - 51.0 5.9 -35 0809 19.5 1 146 (15) 1450/107 7.5

Prit. Nandy Comm 0803 14.47 10 33 65.9 7.1 30.7 -21 26.6 6.4 * 158 10 4.4 4.2 3.3 -24 -19.8 - -96 0809 4.0 43 20 (2) 109/14 5.0

PVR 0803 23.01 10 41 86.0 10.8 268.7 39 16.2 21.2 100 10 15.6 8.7 78.8 26 19.0 7.9 27 0809 9.0 28 107 (22) 357/58 11.8

Pyramid Saimira * 0803 28.28 10 54 66.3 36.5 743.9 353 13.7 57.9 331 - 22.0 20.5 252.3 75 9.6 8.7 -42 0809 17.3 23 41 (-34) 521/35 2.4

Radaan Mediawork 0803 10.83 2 51 5.0 2.3 32.2 -29 7.0 0.6 -63 - 0.4 0.1 8.3 7 10.7 0.2 -59 0809 - PL 3 (-) 14/2 -

Raj Television 0803 12.98 10 72 86.0 12.7 57.1 42 32.0 13.5 46 15 11.7 10.1 12.0 -11 10.5 0.3 -93 0809 7.5 -21 50 (7) 220/31 6.6

Rap Media 0803 5.88 10 40 64.0 - 1.3 -30 30.0 1.2 47 - 2.6 2.0 0.4 73 7.9 0.1 -55 0809 2.1 4 32 (2) 465/24 14.9

Sahara One Media 0803 21.53 10 77 128.5 1.0 197.3 3 -0.5 2.8 -4 - 1.9 1.3 98.9 68 28.3 20.6 999 0809 9.9 616 127 (4) 820/106 12.9

Saregama India 0803 14.67 10 53 63.3 10.2 137.4 5 7.3 9.2 -31 10 8.4 6.1 30.4 -10 6.2 0.8 -68 0809 3.6 -60 63 (-1) 381/36 17.7

Shree Ashtavina 0803 10.48 10 50 109.2 14.7 93.6 -3 84.6 13.7 -3 12 69.3 12.9 41.3 212 17.6 6.6 551 0809 13.9 -5 500 C(-4) 584/235 36.0

Sowbhagya Media 0803 5.22 10 62 15.7 46.2 23.0 695 19.4 3.1 614 - 6.1 5.9 0.4 -89 55.8 0.2 -82 0809 4.2 58 28 (-3) 141/26 6.6

Sri Adhik. Bros. 0803 9.28 10 45 113.0 1.3 32.6 -18 20.8 1.4 -73 6 8.0 1.4 5.9 -34 8.8 -1.7 PL 0809 - PL 15 (2) 115/8 -

Sun TV Network 0803 197.04 5 77 37.3 27.6 861.1 27 72.2 366.9 * 36 50 11.8 8.9 237.9 22 74.1 108.3 35 0809 10.3 15 184 (18) 442/125 17.9

T.V. Today 0803 29.00 5 56 50.5 15.9 231.1 22 27.0 42.4 * 39 15 10.0 7.2 66.9 44 18.2 7.6 42 0809 7.9 17 81 (-) 187/47 10.3

Telephoto Ent. 0803 6.14 10 66 7.8 - - 0 - -0.1 18 - - - - - - - 25 0809 - 11 5 (-) 36/5 -

Tips Industries 0803 17.30 10 55 40.5 34.4 113.4 352 18.8 19.6 999 20 11.8 11.0 37.6 99 21.8 7.9 99 0809 13.8 218 27 (1) 142/20 2.0

TV 18 India 0803 59.94 5 51 39.9 7.3 292.2 51 28.7 27.1 * 32 40 3.5 1.9 79.1 21 25.3 2.4 -82 0809 2.1 -29 106 C(18) 579/53 51.4

UTV Software 0803 34.19 10 61 294.7 2.2 286.3 88 6.9 4.1 * -67 10 2.0 1.0 65.3 82 -16.5 4.1 LP 0809 3.3 - 267 M(-) 960/198 80.2

Wire & Wireless 0803 21.72 1 49 -5.0 - 222.3 28 -12.2 -79.5 -53 - - - 61.1 22 -7.0 -25.8 -19 0809 - -1 13 (-) 96/8 -

Zee Entertainmen 0803 43.40 1 42 49.2 14.5 1042.0 20 39.3 297.2 79 200 6.8 6.5 303.0 32 29.4 57.9 -17 0809 8.1 30 151 C(12) 323/93 18.6

zee News 0803 23.98 1 54 8.8 18.9 358.2 52 19.0 37.5 268 40 1.8 1.5 123.7 59 16.9 11.4 99 0809 1.9 - 36 (-1) 91/25 18.6

IND.COMPOSITE 1856.00 10750.6 24.8 1122.3 15.6 121.6 32192 15.5


GKW 0803 59.66 10 72 35.1 -8.8 117.8 2 -51.5 -0.8 * PL - 0.9 - 36.2 12 7.7 1.7 999 0809 0.3 -44 34 (-) 113/30 -

Lak. Prec. Screw 0803 10.94 10 63 74.2 9.9 206.0 7 14.1 7.7 11 12 14.7 6.9 64.6 36 12.2 1.2 -24 0809 6.8 5 24 (-1) 86/20 3.5

Sterling Tools 0803 6.84 10 69 74.6 15.7 154.4 11 15.1 7.6 14 30 19.0 10.7 42.0 15 14.4 1.7 6 0809 14.9 76 34 (1) 95/29 2.3

Sundram Fasten. 0803 21.01 1 50 20.1 17.4 1205.9 1 12.3 68.1 * -8 90 4.7 3.1 388.0 30 13.7 9.2 -55 0809 2.1 -42 19 (1) 69/16 9.1

IND.COMPOSITE 98.45 1684.1 8.3 82.6 13.1 13.7 646 7.2


Aries Agro Ltd 0803 13.00 10 50 67.8 19.7 101.7 40 19.0 11.5 34 12 9.1 8.6 36.8 12 25.6 5.7 1 0809 7.7 - 40 (3) 265/35 5.2

Basant Agro Tech 0803 8.36 10 50 40.2 16.4 109.4 18 8.7 5.0 40 6 8.0 5.9 35.4 21 10.0 1.9 12 0809 6.4 21 25 (2) 121/18 3.9

Bharat Fertliser 0803 5.28 10 67 -0.6 - 1.4 -69 -99.9 -5.2 PL - - - - - - -0.9 -4 0809 - -189 21 (-1) 109/15 -

Chambal Fert 0803 416.21 10 49 27.3 17.2 2720.1 5 16.3 186.0 * 27 18 8.6 4.2 1729.0 140 8.6 47.6 -20 0809 3.8 -20 41 (-) 96/30 10.9

Coromandel Fert 0803 27.98 2 64 56.8 32.1 3794.8 81 10.9 210.5 107 175 18.2 14.5 3391.5 89 8.1 182.4 73 0809 25.1 107 95 (-2) 200/74 3.8

Deepak Fert 0803 88.20 10 42 79.2 15.0 1044.4 26 16.4 100.1 * 7 35 15.8 10.8 369.8 70 21.2 42.9 95 0809 16.3 50 63 (1) 168/40 3.9

Dharamsi Morar. U 0809 21.26 10 52 -12.7 - 128.2 -51 -5.7 -20.2 -87 - - - 27.4 -14 -11.5 -5.4 PL 0809 - -87 7 (-) 28/4 -

F A C T 0803 354.77 10 98 -1.1 - 890.3 -40 -13.8 -191.0 * -47 - - - 538.5 90 8.2 18.0 LP 0809 - 41 22 (2) 58/14 -

G N F C * 0803 155.42 10 41 118.8 21.8 3433.9 25 18.7 373.5 14 43 30.4 23.3 868.1 -24 17.2 79.0 -34 0809 18.3 -29 60 (1) 225/48 3.3

G S F C 0803 79.81 10 38 184.6 16.8 3555.9 7 13.3 241.6 -9 45 47.4 29.5 1735.7 59 14.5 158.9 95 0809 42.1 26 81 (8) 348/61 1.9

Khaitan Chem. 0803 9.70 10 75 72.5 13.5 394.3 6 6.9 9.2 -1 18 16.0 9.1 81.0 34 24.2 9.0 179 0809 16.7 77 38 (5) 113/23 2.3

Madras Fert. 0803 161.10 10 85 -29.5 - 1140.1 -6 -1.9 -134.9 * -18 - - - 464.1 86 6.8 -2.9 93 0809 - 55 9 (1) 24/6 -

Mangalore Chem. 0803 118.52 10 30 23.6 15.2 1625.4 19 5.0 42.2 52 6 4.8 3.5 808.5 106 5.6 25.3 77 0809 4.3 56 15 (1) 49/10 3.5

Nag. Fert & Chem 0803 428.18 10 35 20.3 2.6 2196.4 21 13.8 22.5 -53 - 3.3 0.5 855.9 26 9.5 8.2 -6 0809 0.5 -41 18 (-) 83/13 -

Natl. Fertilizer 0803 490.58 10 98 28.7 7.8 4140.7 7 4.8 107.5 * -39 7 3.9 2.1 1818.0 69 6.5 57.3 43 0809 3.0 -18 29 (1) 113/21 9.7

Oswal Chem.&Fert 0803 256.81 10 55 71.7 - 629.0 230 42.9 249.8 * 156 - 9.8 9.7 24.4 - 73.0 15.7 -7 0809 9.3 170 15 (-1) 78/8 1.6

R C F 0803 551.69 10 93 27.9 10.6 5140.6 47 5.6 159.6 7 10 4.2 2.7 2614.2 76 5.9 84.4 117 0809 3.9 51 38 (1) 150/25 9.7

S P I C 0803 (18) 107.95 10 39 -36.7 - 1476.7 -55 -8.9 -563.7 -46 - - - 120.2 -20 -15.4 -83.4 -8 0809 - -110 11 (-) 42/8 -

Tata Chemicals 0803 235.17 10 29 153.0 18.0 4036.7 2 16.5 535.6 * 25 90 27.6 21.2 3600.3 187 14.5 342.6 153 0809 33.3 81 172 C(11) 440/116 5.2

Zuari Inds. 0803 29.44 10 34 286.8 9.0 2617.9 9 5.1 76.3 -15 30 31.3 25.4 2093.9 151 3.1 50.4 23 0809 37.5 20 173 (7) 434/121 4.6

IND.COMPOSITE 3559.43 39177.7 9.8 1415.9 9.4 1036.7 15765 4.9


21st Cent. Mgmt. 0803 10.50 10 47 60.8 38.0 24.5 -6 95.8 20.8 -2 21 19.4 19.4 -3.5 PL - -3.7 PL 0809 11.6 -51 10 (1) 145/6 0.9

A.K.Capital Serv 0803 5.80 10 57 132.0 47.0 86.3 84 48.7 26.7 106 35 46.6 44.4 19.4 14 48.8 6.0 7 0809 51.4 72 149 (12) 515/110 2.9

Action Financial 0803 8.39 10 46 12.4 2.0 5.0 125 26.6 0.4 -19 - 0.7 0.2 0.4 -28 -76.9 -0.5 PL 0809 - PL 12 (-4) 50/7 -

Aeonian Invest. 0803 0.96 2 87 182.6 22.0 23.0 -20 89.0 18.0 19 350 37.2 36.3 1.6 -75 71.7 1.0 -67 0809 39.1 172 114 (12) 512/82 2.9

Alfred Herbert 0803 0.77 10 59 318.3 3.7 2.0 -40 55.9 0.9 -52 20 12.2 11.2 0.6 30 75.4 0.4 115 0809 15.8 53 91 (1) 542/58 5.7

Alka Securities 0803 10.00 2 52 2.3 15.9 5.4 80 48.6 1.6 351 8 0.4 0.3 1.3 42 50.8 0.4 67 0809 0.5 417 28 (5) 35/14 -

Almondz Capital 0803 10.02 10 55 33.7 1.4 1.0 -54 49.0 0.4 -56 - 0.5 0.4 0.4 -42 50.0 0.2 -66 0809 0.1 -80 10 (2) 59/5 -

Almondz Global 0803 15.19 6 47 33.4 18.5 91.4 103 20.6 9.8 * 74 5 4.3 3.8 8.4 -52 -64.0 -6.6 PL 0809 - PL 16 M(4) 137/7 -

Amradeep Indus. * 0803 6.61 10 3 10.2 0.4 0.2 71 -50.0 -0.1 PL - - - - - - -0.1 85 0809 - PL 18 (-3) 30/11 -

Anjani Finance 0803 10.14 10 48 10.0 0.2 1.2 -14 94.1 - PL - 0.4 - 0.3 -54 97.0 0.2 -35 0809 - PL 13 (-2) 39/13 -

Page 18: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 6 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Apollo Sindhoori 0803 5.54 1 66 8.1 60.0 122.9 77 38.1 22.2 132 80 4.5 3.9 21.3 -29 23.4 1.0 -83 0809 2.7 -5 52 (3) 85/25 19.1

Apple Finance 0803 55.67 10 26 -19.5 - 0.2 -57 -99.9 -4.2 -24 - - - 0.1 -17 - -1.2 -62 0809 - -36 3 (-) 26/2 -

Aravali Sec.&Fin 0803 15.15 10 36 18.6 - 2.2 -56 55.5 -0.3 -32 - - - 1.9 6 88.9 1.3 13 0809 0.2 -79 14 (-) 26/10 -

Arihant Capital 0803 6.73 10 75 58.4 59.5 61.3 237 32.8 13.9 * 393 18 21.2 20.4 10.4 26 12.6 0.5 -78 0809 17.6 103 30 M(2) 176/23 1.7

Aroni Commercial 0803 4.13 10 89 136.0 14.2 8.7 28 95.5 7.4 27 - 18.1 18.0 -1.8 PL - -1.9 PL 0809 9.1 -49 27 (3) 300/23 3.0

Bajaj Auto Fin 0803 36.60 10 52 290.5 2.0 502.8 25 40.8 20.1 * -57 10 6.7 5.3 137.4 11 37.3 4.6 21 0809 5.4 -56 67 (2) 533/58 12.4

Bajaj Finserv 0803 72.34 5 50 81.6 3.7 106.4 - 89.0 44.0 - 20 4.9 2.9 31.9 -1 88.4 14.2 -14 0809 3.0 - 166 (55) 999/89 54.7

Balmer Law. Inv. 0803 22.20 10 60 18.5 35.3 14.6 50 97.5 14.0 50 45 5.8 5.8 17.3 26 99.1 17.1 26 0809 7.9 25 70 (5) 172/55 8.9

Basil Infra 0803 2.85 10 49 19.4 6.3 1.7 57 47.0 0.3 100 - 2.0 1.2 0.4 -32 38.5 -0.1 PL 0809 0.6 -25 17 (-2) 82/16 -

Bio Green Indust 0803 8.00 10 32 63.3 19.1 12.019850 5.7 0.7 LP - 0.8 0.8 6.2 -6 24.4 1.5 83 0809 2.4 413 67 M(-44) 209/67 27.5

Birla Capital 0803 7.81 2 70 2.4 1.4 0.5 -29 39.2 0.1 -54 - 0.0 - 0.1 -8 63.6 0.1 -29 0809 0.0 -70 3 (-) 27/3 -

BLB 0803 5.29 1 67 25.2 45.6 1665.6 36 3.2 52.1 596 25 10.7 9.8 435.9 -5 -1.8 -6.2 PL 0809 4.7 -5 10 (1) 81/7 2.1

BNK Capital 0803 6.20 10 42 37.5 12.1 3.8 13 86.5 2.1 25 10 3.2 3.2 2.0 12 90.5 1.6 10 0809 2.4 -27 19 M(1) 115/14 8.0

Brescon Corp Adv 0803 3.49 10 54 83.3 38.8 20.3 42 63.5 9.6 103 25 27.5 27.0 4.9 16 56.9 2.1 6 0809 24.8 70 70 M(-7) 305/53 2.8

Centrum Capital 0806 6.83 10 34 268.8 39.2 53.0 83 55.7 20.1 85 10 30.8 29.5 7.3 -51 10.2 -0.5 PL 0809 17.9 -33 1555 (-35) 1839/722 87.1

CFL Capital Fin. 0803 138.68 10 70 -16.0 - 24.0 57 14.5 -5.7 * PL - - - 1.3 412 49.6 -1.6 37 0809 - PL 2 (-) 15/1 -

Cholamandalam DB 0803 66.41 10 75 104.5 13.4 897.7 115 54.0 59.2 * 98 40 10.8 8.4 280.5 31 56.7 11.0 -39 0809 6.6 -9 46 C(4) 363/27 7.0

Comfort Intech 0803 16.00 10 38 13.8 7.7 55.1 -28 2.5 0.9 -23 5 0.6 0.5 12.0 -19 -2.3 -0.3 PL 0809 - PL 22 C(2) 32/12 -

Cons. Finvest 0803 32.33 10 67 100.8 2.1 11.6 42 95.4 10.1 52 5 3.2 3.1 1.8 -55 88.2 1.4 -62 0809 2.9 19 35 124/32 12.1

Cons.Securities 0803 4.00 10 53 89.8 67.5 173.2 77 15.6 18.1 59 - 45.4 45.3 35.0 -39 32.9 11.5 222 0809 82.0 127 29 (5) 465/18 0.4

DGP Securities 0803 2.51 10 96 113.1 41.7 11.0 -45 99.2 10.9 -31 10 42.7 38.4 2.1 999 98.1 2.1 - 0809 51.8 -12 159 (-73) 696/153 3.1

Dhandapani Fin 0809 (18) 5.95 10 56 24.3 - 75.1 110 16.7 -30.1 * -14 - - - 18.6 65 -29.5 -18.3 PL 0809 - -94 10 (1) 73/8 -

Dhanlaxmi Cotex 0803 4.87 10 18 50.9 3.6 39.4 17 2.8 0.9 * 85 - 1.8 1.8 1.5 -85 - -2.1 PL 0809 - PL 0 -

Dolat Investment 0803 17.60 1 72 3.6 57.9 53.4 233 81.7 29.4 * 199 30 1.6 1.6 20.5 374 55.6 5.7 139 0809 1.8 165 4 (-) 29/3 2.2

Edelweiss Cap 0803 37.47 5 38 180.1 3.2 187.7 149 62.8 28.8 6 40 3.7 3.5 54.6 38 71.8 4.7 -33 0809 3.4 -4 313 (15) 1760/240 91.3

Emkay Global 0803 24.27 10 72 54.5 19.1 131.5 116 33.7 23.7 155 18 11.5 9.5 27.0 -12 11.0 0.3 -96 0809 5.5 -4 38 (-) 401/24 6.9

Escorts Finance 0803 40.25 10 75 -42.0 - 26.9 73 -0.3 -2.0 * 39 - - - 0.9 305 20.0 -0.3 67 0809 - PL 4 (-) 26/2 -

Financial Eyes 0803 3.00 10 55 27.7 33.1 202.5 88 2.6 2.0 12 - 6.8 6.7 84.4 34 2.3 0.7 -21 0809 8.5 -6 30 (-10) 199/27 3.5

First Leasing Co 0803 22.79 10 27 80.3 18.2 158.7 22 92.9 31.0 23 23 22.2 13.2 50.0 26 96.2 8.2 7 0809 14.4 29 33 (2) 93/24 2.3

Fortune Fin.Ser. 0803 11.10 10 52 69.7 25.9 37.9 108 58.1 12.5 81 22 12.4 11.3 1.2 -87 7.5 -0.1 PL 0809 5.4 -47 39 M(-9) 331/38 7.3

Future Capital 0803 63.53 10 75 114.0 -4.9 81.4 778 -21.4 -20.1 * PL - - - 36.7 671 26.5 3.6 LP 0809 - - 208 M(26) 1190/125 -

Geefcee Fin. 0803 10.94 10 37 58.8 3.3 30.6 -16 6.8 2.1 -44 - 1.9 1.9 3.0 -69 -0.7 - PL 0809 - PL 179 (56) 409/72 -

Geojit Fin Serv 0803 20.95 1 58 11.1 22.2 208.5 90 38.7 49.7 135 70 2.6 2.3 46.6 7 29.1 7.9 -25 0809 2.1 52 27 M(1) 132/20 12.8

Goldcrest Fin. 0803 6.07 10 75 30.4 13.2 12.4 -18 72.3 2.4 164 10 9.6 3.7 2.6 -43 96.5 0.8 -39 0809 1.8 -33 15 (-) 45/14 8.4

Guj. Lease Fin. 0803 27.20 10 43 -10.8 - 1.4 67 22.9 0.3 * 211 - 0.1 0.1 0.2 -5 20.0 - -63 0809 0.1 -66 3 (-) 26/2 -

Haryana Capfin 0803 5.21 10 63 41.5 1.8 0.5 -83 67.9 0.4 -85 - 0.8 0.7 - - - - -200 0809 0.7 -78 25 (1) 133/18 -

HB Portfolio 0803 11.99 10 56 84.0 17.3 21.6 39 83.5 16.2 * 25 20 13.2 13.1 1.3 -77 71.9 0.9 -82 0809 10.1 -14 23 (1) 149/18 2.3

HB Stockholdings 0803 23.79 10 51 37.3 - 24.6 51 52.7 10.8 607 - 4.6 4.5 -0.2 PL - -3.4 PL 0809 - PL 12 (-) 144/8 -

I D F C 0803 1295.28 10 - 42.1 16.1 2557.2 66 92.2 668.0 * 44 12 5.0 5.0 848.8 40 94.8 210.4 17 0809 5.7 34 72 M(2) 234/45 12.7

IL & FS Invsmart 0803 69.84 10 94 97.7 2.3 41.0 -67 70.5 15.6 -60 30 1.7 1.7 8.9 -9 61.1 1.6 -55 0809 1.0 -65 78 (2) 275/58 75.2

IL&FS Inv Manage 0803 39.78 10 52 14.7 57.6 82.6 64 51.7 28.0 * 62 55 6.5 6.4 24.2 40 54.9 8.6 44 0809 8.6 57 123 B(22) 273/68 14.3

Indbank Merchant 0803 44.41 10 65 14.2 69.3 50.5 81 88.0 34.6 63 15 7.8 7.5 3.8 -22 66.4 3.0 6 0809 4.7 -47 10 (1) 52/7 2.1

India Cements Ca 0803 21.71 10 86 10.9 - 8.0 2 31.9 1.7 40 - 1.0 0.8 1.6 -18 -1.3 -0.2 36 0809 0.8 310 6 (-2) 33/6 -

India Infoline 0803 57.19 2 33 34.6 24.7 672.4 135 41.5 157.7 203 34 6.0 5.3 164.0 25 35.5 32.2 -29 0809 6.5 141 67 M(16) 385/34 10.4

India Securities 0803 26.59 10 66 6.8 - 10.0 -37 53.2 1.5 * 57 - 0.9 0.6 1.8 8 70.2 1.0 186 0809 1.1 LP 17 (6) 65/7 15.7

Indiabulls Fin. 0803 50.73 2 30 115.8 19.0 1327.9 275 70.6 382.0 149 425 13.8 13.2 475.4 80 61.1 44.8 -62 0809 14.3 33 143 M(21) 911/78 10.0

Indiabulls Sec 0803 50.69 2 27 14.2 73.2 628.7 41 65.0 248.8 81 375 9.4 8.5 119.2 -13 56.5 37.6 -34 0809 8.8 - 23 (1) 300/17 2.6

Indiaco Ventures 0803 1.50 10 37 98.8 21.6 4.4 1796 67.4 1.8 LP - 13.2 12.2 1.2 31 64.1 0.4 16 0809 13.5 276 418 (17) 655/306 30.9

IndiaNivesh 0803 3.78 10 44 64.8 14.7 7.0 -8 95.3 3.5 -46 30 8.7 8.6 0.6 -81 85.0 - -100 0809 4.8 -77 659 (-3) 869/502 137.6

Indl. Inv. Trust 0803 10.00 10 61 65.9 21.2 19.4 409 79.9 12.6 * LP 20 12.3 12.2 1.4 -79 - -6.1 PL 0809 - PL 52 (-) 127/35 -

Indl.& Prud.Inv. 0803 0.58 10 64 275.3 20.2 3.5 -17 87.2 3.0 -21 120 49.8 49.8 0.6 40 93.7 0.6 41 0809 56.0 -22 429 (-27) 992/385 7.7

Indo Green Proj. 0803 5.05 10 70 13.1 3.4 0.5 -60 68.0 0.2 100 - 0.4 0.4 - -76 -75.0 - PL 0809 - PL 39 (-) 62/26 -

Integ. Fin. Serv 0803 6.00 10 75 32.8 19.5 5.0 41 95.4 4.2 42 11 7.0 7.0 0.4 -48 84.2 0.3 -53 0809 6.5 29 13 (-1) 54/11 2.0

Jayant Mercan. 0803 1.99 1 47 1.8 0.3 0.2 42 70.6 0.1 700 - 0.0 - - - - - - 0809 0.0 700 4 (-) 16/4 -

Jindal SouthWest 0803 11.10 10 56 523.5 0.6 5.8 -86 85.8 3.3 -92 - 3.0 3.0 2.8 82 89.9 1.7 90 0809 26.4 11 319 (10) 3322/203 12.1

JM Financial 0803 75.00 1 67 22.0 2.2 1770.4 4396 1.6 22.3 * -37 250 0.1 0.1 5.8 13 72.2 2.9 4 0809 0.3 -6 27 B(2) 148/17 -

Joindre Capital 0803 11.14 10 56 27.0 25.7 51.5 46 20.5 6.9 * 77 - 6.5 6.1 6.7 -40 14.0 0.4 -62 0809 5.3 30 14 (2) 91/9 2.6

JRG Securities 0803 23.17 10 69 34.2 13.0 51.1 88 24.2 6.8 73 8 3.2 2.8 11.9 2 15.8 0.8 -57 0809 2.2 -6 26 (-) 126/17 12.1

Keynote Corp. 0803 7.02 10 52 45.3 21.1 13.6 18 68.2 6.2 34 10 8.7 8.6 2.5 -27 57.9 1.0 -50 0809 7.0 -26 86 (-21) 225/83 12.3

Khandwala Sec. 0803 11.94 10 45 23.1 26.2 18.1 59 49.1 6.7 * 170 - 5.9 5.0 2.0 -60 2.6 -0.5 PL 0809 3.3 -25 33 (1) 133/21 9.9

LKP Finance 0803 12.80 10 55 37.5 -15.4 102.3 1631 4.3 -5.6 * 19 20 - - 129.2 999 99.3 127.4 LP 0809 95.6 LP 80 (13) 239/48 0.8

Lohia Securities 0803 5.00 10 54 68.6 45.5 34.9 152 45.4 12.8 * 999 12 28.2 25.5 19.4 -70 -9.2 -2.5 PL 0809 - PL 56 500/56 -

M & M Financial 0803 96.90 10 62 135.8 16.9 1226.8 45 60.0 177.0 * 33 45 18.4 17.5 330.9 13 56.7 35.2 -7 0809 18.6 26 247 (61) 345/162 13.3

Magma Fincorp 0803 21.78 10 49 121.5 17.5 471.6 69 58.6 50.7 33 20 35.4 17.5 153.7 56 62.4 11.3 -31 0809 19.2 -20 192 (-8) 441/119 10.0

Maharashtra Over 0806 3.53 10 9 12.9 -45.7 -0.4 -107 - -2.7 PL - - - 0.6 9 1.7 - -90 0809 - PL 8 (2) 63/4 -

Manappuram Gen. 0803 14.28 10 33 62.3 62.4 79.7 83 60.4 21.0 98 20 15.7 14.2 37.8 147 47.8 6.7 76 0809 17.6 56 117 C(-7) 199/104 6.7

Master Trust 0803 6.20 10 47 44.9 7.3 5.0 20 78.0 1.5 8 - 2.5 2.4 1.4 74 85.3 0.3 - 0809 2.9 10 34 M(4) 310/19 11.8

Matra Realty 0803 6.14 5 2 5.7 2.4 2.0 -33 8.0 0.2 * -94 - 0.1 0.1 - - - -0.6 PL 0809 - PL 3 (-) 33/3 -

Page 19: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 7Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

McDowell Holding 0803 12.14 10 37 37.6 2.0 1.8 58 49.2 0.9 3 - 0.7 0.7 0.8 8 70.5 -0.2 PL 0809 0.3 -62 62 (-) 370/42 -

Mefcom Capital * 0803 8.14 10 71 13.1 - 2.8 378 12.6 0.1 LP - 0.3 0.1 -0.1 PL - -0.4 PL 0809 - PL 8 (-) 62/6 -

Mega Corp. 0803 10.00 1 50 3.2 4.1 9.8 59 46.8 1.3 * 381 - 0.3 0.1 3.2 34 42.1 - -89 0809 0.2 125 1 (-) 6/1 -

Morgan Ventures 0806 10.00 10 74 33.6 15.3 13.0 -45 46.9 4.5 * 74 - 5.7 4.5 0.9 -24 68.1 0.1 -92 0809 3.9 47 5 (-) 31/4 1.3

Motilal OswalFin 0803 14.20 1 70 28.2 6.2 35.7 225 81.3 17.3 617 80 1.2 1.2 19.2 220 92.8 9.7 267 0809 2.8 437 79 (-2) 450/48 28.2

Motor&Gen.Fin. 0803 20.12 10 54 -1.0 - 36.3 11 36.4 13.2 * 4 - 6.8 6.5 4.7 18 68.4 1.7 -16 0809 6.6 -11 25 (1) 109/16 3.8

Mount Ever. Trd. 0803 1.28 10 78 333.5 7.9 11.8 204 40.5 4.2 31 - 33.2 33.0 0.1 -97 - -1.9 PL 0809 - PL 69 (1) 527/61 -

Muthoot Cap.Serv 0803 6.50 10 75 18.8 37.1 12.4 55 82.1 4.0 95 15 6.1 5.9 4.4 56 81.2 1.4 60 0809 7.8 85 29 (-3) 106/23 3.7

Nagreeka Capital 0803 6.31 5 56 46.1 9.3 7.5 346 16.7 5.1 207 - 4.1 4.1 -15.6 PL - -17.2 PL 0809 - PL 24 (2) 153/19 -

Nahar Capital 0806 8.37 5 58 235.9 7.7 34.9 21 96.3 29.3 17 30 17.3 17.2 14.0 32 94.4 12.1 24 0809 18.9 32 23 (-) 151/18 1.2

Nalwa Sons 0803 5.14 10 56 505.1 1.7 13.3 -50 60.4 4.4 -78 - 8.6 8.6 2.3 4 92.5 1.4 -5 0809 27.7 12 535 (25) 2527/450 19.3

Network 18 Media 0803 30.89 5 52 68.9 12.5 143.4 786 49.1 44.3 LP 25 7.0 7.0 52.8 999 53.0 13.1 LP 0809 13.1 - 117 C(16) 535/77 9.0

Networth Finance 0803 11.23 10 24 48.0 0.3 53.3 75 6.4 0.1 * -83 5 1.5 - 12.6 4 0.6 -1.7 PL 0809 - -821 26 (1) 230/16 -

Nouveau Multi. 0803 6.17 10 41 17.2 10.2 8.9 13 15.8 1.1 999 - 1.8 1.7 1.7 78 15.8 0.3 -43 0809 2.0 142 14 (1) 38/12 7.1

Oscar Investment 0803 17.28 10 69 196.5 40.6 19.0 26 95.2 12.9 -88 - 7.6 7.4 1.2 85 -95.7 -1.4 -37 0809 8.9 -86 170 (5) 340/82 19.2

Parsoli Corpn * 0803 26.92 10 41 19.7 7.1 34.2 100 17.8 3.7 - 5 1.5 1.3 4.0 -26 14.4 0.2 -74 0809 1.0 -1 27 (1) 272/19 -

Pioneer Invest. 0803 11.94 10 52 62.9 60.9 58.6 217 81.7 29.7 185 15 25.0 24.6 10.3 61 58.8 3.2 19 0809 20.3 14 24 C(9) 926/13 1.2

PNB Gilts 0803 135.01 10 74 39.1 8.7 172.6 37 96.4 45.2 183 15 3.1 3.1 1.6 -96 13.4 -8.0 PL 0809 - PL 22 (-) 50/16 -

Prime Securities 0803 13.16 5 - 46.3 22.7 54.6 33 42.0 20.3 -24 45 7.4 7.4 -1.1 PL - -2.2 PL 0809 - PL 18 (2) 345/13 -

Ratnabali Cap. 0803 5.93 10 67 114.5 30.2 1246.0 30 2.0 18.2 11 70 30.0 29.6 285.2 46 0.4 0.9 -58 0809 21.9 -15 70 (3) 262/64 3.2

Reliance Capital 0803 245.63 10 53 245.3 18.3 2079.8 135 76.8 1025.5 59 55 41.5 40.8 678.1 73 78.0 195.3 -3 0809 42.5 18 605 (49) 2925/406 14.2

Religare Enter * 0803 76.27 10 54 63.1 6.1 36.8 128 74.4 23.5 109 25 2.9 2.9 4.2 - -13.5 -9.5 - 0809 - - 338 M(22) 722/275 -

Religare Techno 0803 40.40 10 61 3.9 - 10.7 172 30.6 -5.6 * -44 - - - 1.9 -41 70.2 -2.5 -63 0809 - -1 54 (12) 160/25 -

S P Capital Fin. 0803 6.01 10 70 19.9 2.9 9.7 343 5.2 0.3 325 - 0.7 0.6 6.2 112 1.6 0.1 700 0809 0.8 370 36 63/36 -

Sakthi Finance 0803 30.11 10 59 18.1 6.7 42.9 25 68.4 3.3 4 - 1.4 1.1 13.0 41 78.2 1.5 414 0809 1.2 14 6 (-) 32/4 4.9

SCIL Ventures 0803 3.20 10 75 105.5 53.6 16.5 78 97.4 14.3 * 81 - 44.7 44.5 0.6 -84 87.3 0.5 -86 0809 36.6 184 49 (3) 129/44 1.3

SE Investments 0803 3.15 10 39 108.6 36.0 32.4 47 73.0 11.2 108 10 42.4 35.4 13.0 58 76.0 3.3 25 0809 43.0 102 173 (-35) 588/151 4.0

Shardul Sec. 0803 17.50 10 70 54.7 35.6 51.2 115 84.5 29.2 161 10 16.8 16.5 -6.7 PL - -7.8 PL 0809 1.7 -88 37 (2) 555/28 21.7

Shriram City Un. 0803 45.85 10 51 124.7 23.3 624.0 79 62.3 87.7 70 40 20.9 18.1 230.9 58 66.3 30.9 31 0809 22.9 49 355 C(9) 450/271 15.5

Shriram Trans. 0803 203.51 10 42 87.2 27.5 2501.9 75 77.5 389.9 104 50 20.1 18.3 905.8 58 78.7 165.6 79 0809 26.1 96 198 M(-) 415/182 7.6

SIL Investments 0803 10.63 10 63 110.9 9.2 15.6 36 95.8 10.4 20 10 9.7 9.6 10.6 45 98.7 6.8 8 0809 5.6 -62 55 (4) 251/34 9.8

SKP Securities 0803 5.05 10 75 27.4 18.4 15.4 42 27.5 2.3 30 13 4.9 4.5 2.4 -37 1.7 -0.2 PL 0809 1.7 -47 17 (-2) 99/17 9.8

SMIFS Cap. Mkt. 0803 5.59 10 42 116.6 9.2 89.5 6 4.7 5.7 * -45 10 10.6 10.1 9.1 -35 6.3 0.4 -83 0809 5.2 -77 33 (-2) 200/30 6.3

Som Datt Finance * 0803 10.01 10 69 11.1 17.0 3.4 -3 57.1 1.9 7 15 1.7 1.6 0.5 -36 76.6 0.2 -50 0809 1.7 -19 8 (-1) 30/7 4.7

SREI Infra. Fin. 0803 116.14 10 25 55.1 19.3 527.5 32 85.6 108.1 36 12 12.2 9.1 110.2 -27 54.8 16.3 -45 0809 8.9 1 54 (8) 273/35 6.1

Stanrose Maf.Inv 0803 3.97 10 48 78.3 7.6 23.0 -27 11.7 2.3 6 30 5.9 5.4 1.0 -1 59.2 0.5 -2 0809 17.1 303 51 167/51 3.0

Subhkam Capital 0803 5.00 10 36 25.8 -12.8 49.8 872 -1.6 -1.7 PL - - - 9.8 -38 -25.7 -2.6 PL 0809 - PL 115 (-9) 1325/114 -

Summit Securitie 0803 53.69 10 49 32.5 - 0.6 -98 32.7 -1.5 93 - - - - - - -0.2 PL 0809 - 91 8 M(1) 53/5 -

Sundaram Finance 0803 55.55 10 40 187.7 22.1 1026.9 52 81.7 218.1 109 150 43.6 38.2 272.5 18 80.6 32.4 -22 0809 41.1 86 191 B(6) 435/151 4.7

Supreme Holdings 0803 8.79 10 41 24.6 9.0 2.4 17 71.8 1.6 999 - 1.8 1.8 0.1 -57 - - PL 0809 1.4 LP 17 (1) 115/15 12.2

Tata Invest.Corp 0803 34.46 10 61 245.2 23.7 210.1 3 96.3 185.8 * 2 150 51.4 51.4 89.2 - 96.6 81.8 1 0809 55.2 -2 229 (13) 790/197 4.2

TCFC Finance 0803 10.48 10 55 62.7 - 339.5 73 5.2 15.4 98 15 14.4 14.4 42.0 -62 -7.2 -3.0 PL 0809 - PL 10 (-) 82/8 -

TCI Finance 0803 14.62 10 57 18.3 4.8 3.3 -11 77.9 1.3 -5 - 1.3 0.9 1.5 130 88.4 - PL 0809 0.3 -58 14 (-2) 64/9 -

Times Guaranty 0803 8.99 10 75 18.6 3.2 1.4 -33 46.8 0.6 -55 - 0.6 0.6 1.0 999 75.8 0.7 999 0809 2.2 258 16 (1) 73/11 7.3

Titan Sec. 0803 7.52 1 50 1.0 - 2.4 638 1.3 - 100 - - - 0.7 555 4.2 - - 0809 0.0 500 5 (-) 11/3 -

Transwarranty Fi 0803 14.00 10 56 27.7 5.8 6.6 15 57.7 2.4 -6 10 1.6 1.5 1.0 -33 16.5 0.1 -83 0809 1.2 -44 11 (1) 56/7 9.5

Trishakti Elect. 0803 3.00 10 32 22.1 54.1 6.3 77 68.3 2.9 LP 10 10.5 9.5 0.9 63 45.2 0.4 300 0809 11.7 LP 16 (-1) 92/12 1.4

TVS Fin. & Ser. 0703 41.40 10 90 -8.2 - 63.4 19 37.7 -9.2 20 - - - 13.1 -19 29.0 -10.2 -764 0712 - -110 25 33/16 -

United Credit 0803 5.33 10 72 41.7 8.2 6.3 70 36.4 1.9 191 9 3.6 3.3 0.6 -56 28.1 0.1 -81 0809 1.4 -58 14 M(-1) 60/11 10.1

Vertex Secur. 0803 5.17 10 71 11.5 9.8 9.4 48 17.4 0.7 33 - 1.9 1.3 2.0 -10 10.8 0.1 -58 0809 1.2 173 9 (1) 62/7 7.8

VLS Finance 0803 41.19 10 37 43.6 8.8 1753.8 -24 0.9 14.1 * 55 - 3.5 3.4 143.6 -68 0.9 1.2 -84 0809 4.0 29 10 (1) 57/6 2.5

Walchand People 0803 2.85 100 53 786.7 -7.1 16.3 113 -5.6 -1.4 * PL 10 - - 0.3 -91 36.7 -0.4 -8 0809 - PL 999 (-12) 6007/737 -

Wallfort Fin. 0803 (9) 10.50 10 76 45.6 1.6 2.1 -81 -99.9 -5.0 PL - - - -13.3 -236 - -15.1 -201 0809 - PL 13 (1) 103/12 -

Williamson Fin. 0803 8.36 10 65 84.7 - 2.9 0 67.4 -0.7 96 - - - 1.1 4 93.8 0.4 30 0809 - 96 8 (1) 38/7 -

Williamson Magor 0803 10.96 10 62 120.3 - 22.1 -50 75.0 3.4 -87 - 3.3 3.1 5.8 1 82.0 0.1 -89 0809 2.0 LP 19 (2) 92/13 9.7

IND.COMPOSITE 4450.85 26108.5 50.1 4801.0 58.9 1080.5 62417 10.9


Can Fin Homes 0803 20.50 10 39 107.2 13.6 221.5 17 94.3 28.4 -6 25 13.6 13.4 57.6 2 96.3 8.4 3 0809 15.1 14 54 (1) 88/38 3.6

Coral India Fin. 0803 10.86 10 58 21.5 18.5 5.6 69 82.5 3.9 212 - 3.7 3.6 0.7 -36 73.6 0.4 -54 0809 3.0 37 11 (3) 68/7 3.7

Dewan Hsg. Fin. 0803 60.52 10 54 72.4 21.1 523.4 58 90.8 82.7 70 25 13.6 13.1 160.8 28 89.3 22.1 37 0809 15.5 64 88 (-2) 252/37 5.7

GIC Housing Fin. 0803 53.85 10 51 58.7 18.8 274.8 39 91.6 56.4 13 40 9.9 9.8 77.4 12 95.5 14.0 -10 0809 10.7 -1 40 (2) 103/31 3.8

GRUH Finance 0803 34.65 10 62 54.9 23.9 202.6 39 89.4 42.3 * 43 40 11.8 11.5 66.0 50 89.6 8.2 23 0809 13.4 33 101 (-) 220/82 7.5

H D F C * 0803 284.45 10 - 421.2 22.6 8874.0 50 89.5 1976.3 * 29 250 65.8 65.2 2620.6 38 96.2 534.2 27 0809 76.9 32 1628 C(107)3257/1202 21.2

Ind Bank Housing 0803 10.00 10 76 -53.8 - 4.3 -88 50.6 -4.9 * PL - - - 0.5 -64 - -0.8 PL 0809 - PL 8 (-) 61/7 -

LIC Housing Fin. 0803 84.99 10 41 215.5 22.9 2213.3 39 91.7 387.2 39 100 44.3 43.9 707.7 35 96.2 135.1 16 0809 54.6 41 246 (22) 391/151 4.5

Sahara Housing 0803 7.00 10 71 27.0 6.2 12.2 51 79.3 1.1 107 - 1.8 1.6 4.4 68 84.5 0.4 132 0809 2.1 126 81 (2) 1269/60 38.1

Sharyans Resour. 0803 14.87 10 52 105.3 19.4 23.0 41 90.9 19.6 49 20 12.9 12.8 0.6 -95 7.8 - -100 0809 3.5 -74 59 (-20) 575/51 16.7

IND.COMPOSITE 581.69 12354.6 90.0 2593.0 95.7 722.1 49787 17.2

Page 20: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 8 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio


Guj. State Fin. * 0803 98.32 10 84 -95.4 - 67.9 97 7.8 -109.4 * 65 - - - 31.5 346 25.6 -23.6 20 0809 - 68 3 (-) 25/3 -

IFCI 0803 763.73 10 - 29.4 - 3395.4 51 87.3 1260.1 43 - 16.5 15.0 599.3 -37 96.4 259.1 -48 0809 12.1 -39 26 (3) 99/15 2.1

Power Fin Corpn 0803 1147.77 10 90 90.6 11.9 5059.4 28 98.2 1206.8 22 35 10.0 9.9 1602.1 31 93.2 329.3 17 0809 10.8 4 143 (19) 279/86 13.2

Rural Elec Corpn 0803 858.66 10 82 62.5 18.3 3537.7 24 95.4 860.2 30 30 9.5 9.5 1153.1 32 98.4 308.8 36 0809 12.1 40 81 (8) 128/54 6.7

Tour. Fin. Corp. 0803 80.72 10 54 32.9 9.5 66.9 4 92.9 21.7 52 10 2.6 2.5 18.3 38 86.5 4.9 258 0809 3.6 92 16 (-1) 56/12 4.5

IND.COMPOSITE 2949.20 12127.2 93.8 3239.4 94.9 878.5 25546 7.9


ADF Foods 0803 17.67 10 49 44.9 11.8 85.3 14 13.0 8.0 15 20 6.3 4.2 27.7 10 17.2 3.6 66 0809 4.7 -4 30 (-) 89/20 6.4

Agro Dutch Inds. 0803 33.57 10 36 53.8 14.3 203.3 0 28.6 23.2 23 - 10.7 6.9 45.0 -16 26.1 3.3 -61 0809 3.0 -64 14 C(1) 49/9 4.7

Bambino AgroInds *U 0803 6.25 10 75 37.6 50.4 146.2 - 4.0 8.8 - - 19.0 14.1 29.7 2 6.1 0.2 33 0806 14.2 LP 17 (-) 58/11 1.2

Carnation Health 0803 5.58 10 62 43.9 20.2 56.3 32 11.3 4.6 7 10 9.3 8.0 17.3 28 15.9 1.5 3 0809 9.1 -10 78 (8) 130/46 8.6

Chamanlal Setia 0803 9.50 10 75 27.9 20.3 119.7 27 7.2 5.0 123 10 6.3 5.3 39.4 44 6.8 0.7 8 0809 5.5 127 14 (-) 50/12 2.5

Chordia Food 0803 2.99 10 49 60.8 8.5 29.8 21 10.0 1.5 * 12 15 7.4 4.9 7.6 3 12.4 0.5 -12 0809 3.3 -53 34 (2) 86/21 10.4

DFM Foods 0803 9.97 10 69 13.1 6.0 48.7 23 4.4 0.8 49 5 1.0 0.7 13.9 87 2.3 0.1 LP 0809 1.5 LP 21 (-) 37/16 14.4

Flex Foods 0803 12.45 10 59 33.3 17.9 40.1 17 27.6 7.1 54 20 7.9 5.4 11.7 29 28.9 1.9 34 0809 7.0 63 20 (2) 40/14 2.9

Foods & Inns U 0809 1.23 10 36 140.8 18.3 171.8 22 7.1 3.0 2 - 40.2 24.6 68.2 21 8.0 2.7 11 0809 24.6 2 127 (2) 499/113 5.1

Freshtrop Fruits 0803 10.04 10 42 20.6 12.0 38.5 -15 7.7 2.2 * -63 - 3.0 2.2 0.7 -35 -62.2 - -94 0809 - PL 19 (1) 83/14 -

Hatsun Agro Prod 0803 6.80 2 73 12.7 45.7 863.2 47 6.5 17.7 127 60 10.4 4.9 262.9 25 6.9 5.0 16 0809 7.0 87 50 (10) 107/35 7.2

Heritage Foods 0803 11.53 10 46 100.3 -37.9 588.0 70 -2.0 -35.0 * PL 18 - - 212.6 47 -2.1 -7.4 19 0809 - -109 71 (-3) 369/64 -

Himalaya Intl. 0803 27.43 10 16 19.1 18.8 45.9 49 26.3 8.3 72 - 3.8 3.0 13.5 25 32.2 3.3 31 0809 3.7 45 16 (-1) 37/10 4.3

Hind Inds. 0803 9.92 10 43 60.3 0.7 98.8 9 8.8 0.4 -90 - 3.1 0.4 28.6 31 13.8 1.9 168 0809 2.0 -43 14 (2) 45/10 6.9

Indage Restaruan 0803 11.20 3 67 6.6 22.0 24.6 11 29.3 3.1 20 - 1.5 0.8 5.0 - 10.7 0.1 - 0809 0.9 35 16 M(-2) 94/14 -

KLRF Ltd 0803 5.02 10 34 45.1 17.0 140.1 18 9.2 3.7 41 20 15.4 7.0 40.8 19 6.3 -0.4 PL 0809 2.9 -63 18 (-) 59/14 6.3

Kohinoor Foods 0803 26.98 10 33 75.2 3.7 635.1 8 13.1 5.2 * -76 - 5.9 1.9 120.0 9 16.6 3.1 -30 0809 0.8 -90 93 C(6) 139/70 -

KRBL 0803 24.31 10 53 148.3 16.3 996.5 9 14.4 54.9 11 20 32.5 22.6 331.9 30 17.1 22.1 55 0809 37.3 160 76 (7) 179/52 2.0

Kwality Dairy 0803 18.20 10 84 13.6 20.5 332.9 123 3.9 4.6 24 - 3.1 2.5 120.4 115 6.8 3.6 466 0809 5.4 185 59 (15) 59/15 10.9

L T Foods 0803 22.27 10 64 64.8 23.9 567.9 18 11.1 31.5 45 15 18.6 13.9 163.5 38 13.1 3.3 -42 0809 14.9 28 36 (2) 102/31 2.4

Lakshmi Energy U 0809 (18) 12.64 2 45 73.9 34.8 1540.2 121 21.3 159.0 76 - 20.3 16.8 253.3 23 24.1 26.5 16 0809 15.6 24 203 (13) 305/110 13.1

Lotte India 0803 3.77 10 80 112.0 - 154.1 4 0.4 -5.3 PL - - - 44.4 2 2.5 -0.6 -6 0809 - -727 255 (30) 535/188 -

Mavens Biotech 0803 10.99 10 32 13.1 3.8 20.8 11 3.9 0.5 -38 3 0.6 0.5 4.3 5 8.2 0.3 178 0809 0.9 15 65 (1) 69/57 -

Milkfood 0803 4.89 10 50 75.4 2.0 321.6 3 3.0 0.7 * -86 - 8.7 1.5 38.9 -14 0.5 -3.1 -131 0809 - PL 251 (-13) 461/213 -

Modern Dairies 0803 23.32 10 46 28.3 25.9 403.1 135 4.5 6.6 161 - 5.3 2.8 103.9 3 0.3 -1.7 PL 0809 - PL 19 C(-3) 93/11 -

Mount Everest 0803 34.00 10 43 29.1 - 24.7 4 -25.1 -3.7 PL - - - 6.2 14 - -9.5 -709 0809 - -999 69 (-5) 205/63 -

Platinum Crop 0803 10.70 1 - 1.3 6.8 479.5 -42 0.9 0.9 -11 - 0.1 0.1 - - - -0.7 PL 0809 - 26 1 (-) 4/1 -

R T Exports 0803 4.36 10 72 22.2 - 6.8 -61 24.7 1.2 * -78 - 4.2 2.7 2.6 519 26.9 0.6 LP 0809 0.0 -100 44 C(-4) 93/44 -

Ravalgaon Sugar 0803 0.34 50 52 3302.9 -5.6 66.9 40 1.5 -1.2 * 60 100 126.5 - 24.9 89 8.4 0.9 LP 0809 907.4 LP 4307 (-104)8497/2850 4.8

REI Agro 0803 28.90 10 40 179.1 20.9 1850.8 71 17.4 109.1 20 15 44.4 34.2 432.7 -6 24.6 18.1 -38 0809 32.8 -18 696 M(24) 1795/355 21.2

Saptarishi Agro 0803 34.04 10 83 4.4 - 7.8 -3 18.5 0.6 * -47 - 0.5 0.2 1.9 -17 10.3 - PL 0809 - PL 15 18/13 -

Sita Shree Food 0803 22.04 10 53 20.5 5.8 95.1 18 3.4 1.5 61 - 0.9 0.7 29.6 - 2.8 0.5 - 0809 - - 8 (1) 67/6 -

SKM Egg Products 0803 26.33 10 62 19.9 16.3 106.7 21 6.4 8.3 * -25 5 4.2 3.1 30.4 12 19.5 4.4 122 0809 5.4 101 15 (1) 44/11 2.8

Tasty Bite Eat. 0803 2.57 10 74 50.0 - 32.8 16 -3.3 1.2 34 - 7.9 4.6 9.6 11 -3.4 -0.1 PL 0809 2.7 - 20 (1) 107/17 7.3

Temptation Foods 0803 25.14 10 38 69.7 24.1 328.1 744 9.3 23.8 313 - 11.3 9.5 215.0 973 8.6 13.1 317 0809 17.1 366 140 (-8) 350/121 8.2

Usher Agro * 0806 21.26 10 37 24.6 34.2 141.2 103 13.3 12.6 225 5 6.6 5.9 45.5 85 12.5 4.0 109 0809 6.9 170 72 C(-43) 230/72 10.4

Vadilal Inds. 0803 7.19 10 57 47.3 11.6 129.2 11 6.6 3.8 -30 12 10.8 5.1 34.1 15 8.0 -0.3 PL 0809 4.3 -42 29 (-1) 91/18 6.7

Vikas Wsp 0803 13.60 1 15 42.8 10.0 305.3 27 26.6 48.7 16 50 4.9 3.5 92.6 13 41.1 31.6 83 0809 5.7 63 14 (-) 72/9 2.4

IND.COMPOSITE 558.99 11247.2 11.9 526.9 13.1 132.9 6014 8.6


Britannia Inds 0803 23.89 10 51 316.4 27.9 2587.9 18 8.6 194.2 90 180 90.4 78.2 838.5 27 8.0 58.5 15 0809 87.2 52 1342 (54) 1650/991 15.4

GlaxoSmith C H L 0712 42.06 10 43 153.7 27.4 1273.4 15 17.6 162.6 * 28 120 47.0 36.6 422.5 20 14.9 53.0 5 0809 43.5 14 555 (-8) 766/480 12.8

Nestle India 0712 96.42 10 62 43.4 - 3500.7 24 18.3 427.3 30 330 46.7 38.9 1107.6 22 18.6 131.8 13 0809 54.3 31 1475 (123) 1880/1200 27.2

IND.COMPOSITE 162.37 7361.9 14.7 784.1 14.2 243.3 19764 21.6


Asahi India Glas 0803 15.99 1 55 18.4 4.6 994.1 31 15.0 12.4 * -64 - 7.1 0.8 305.3 24 28.1 18.7 237 0809 - PL 42 (-) 137/30 -

Binani Inds 0803 29.60 10 51 54.6 - - -100 - 15.3 LP 30 5.3 5.2 2.8 - -96.1 -4.1 -43 0809 6.1 7 40 (2) 281/27 6.6

Borosil Glass 0803 3.96 10 55 120.8 1.4 70.7 6 8.1 0.5 * -90 - 11.3 1.3 17.1 11 5.5 0.2 -72 0809 - PL 145 C(-) 1040/134 -

Empire Inds. 0803 6.00 10 56 44.0 30.1 115.9 27 -2.0 9.2 * 8 80 22.8 14.0 32.5 20 -2.7 4.7 107 0809 24.1 55 174 (-21) 723/156 7.2

Guj. Borosil 0803 34.10 5 75 11.0 4.1 82.3 -13 8.9 3.0 * -68 10 1.1 0.4 24.0 14 19.9 2.6 133 0809 0.7 -36 8 (-) 33/6 -

Haldyn Glass Guj 0803 5.38 10 54 53.4 31.9 66.6 12 26.7 8.0 * 31 18 23.4 14.6 31.3 96 20.3 2.6 24 0809 15.5 27 38 (-1) 112/27 2.5

Hind.Natl.Glass 0803 17.47 10 74 433.6 33.9 1021.6 98 19.8 160.9 367 40 131.6 91.4 301.8 119 16.3 27.7 46 0809 100.6 188 547 M(-41) 1801/228 5.4

La Opala RG 0803 10.60 10 64 33.3 13.3 50.9 4 12.6 1.0 -76 8 4.3 1.0 16.5 31 14.6 0.2 -88 0809 0.2 -95 20 (2) 62/15 -

Piramal Glass 0803 17.98 10 70 146.7 6.3 471.6 22 20.6 16.3 -57 15 38.3 8.8 148.4 45 14.7 -9.8 PL 0809 - PL 66 (3) 434/44 -

Saint-Gob. Sekur 0712 91.11 10 86 5.5 - 67.0 -4 11.0 0.6 LP - 0.8 0.1 20.4 16 1.9 0.2 -51 0809 0.1 LP 12 (-) 44/9 -

Sejal Archit 0803 28.00 10 52 56.8 14.0 54.7 43 16.6 4.7 71 6 2.4 1.6 13.7 - 12.2 2.2 - 0809 1.0 - 31 P(6) 140/18 -

Triveni Glass 0803 12.63 10 8 -19.7 - 48.4 -47 -27.9 -22.8 -56 - - - 7.7 -54 -2.7 -2.7 80 0809 - 47 6 (-) 54/4 -

IND.COMPOSITE 272.82 3043.8 15.8 209.1 18.4 42.6 2320 5.5

Page 21: Corporate Score Board 2009

4 9Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio


Advanced Micron. 0803 5.28 10 60 34.0 10.1 52.4 6 14.1 1.8 -5 20 5.0 3.1 16.8 17 11.0 0.6 5 0809 3.5 -36 35 (-) 122/28 10.0

Apollo Hospitals 0803 60.24 10 32 214.5 10.3 1123.8 26 15.6 95.9 * 27 60 21.0 14.9 364.8 30 15.6 30.1 28 0809 16.9 17 468 M(30) 577/350 27.7

Chennai Meena 0803 7.47 10 53 4.6 - 3.9 -54 -52.6 -3.2 -999 - - - 0.5 -19 - -0.9 11 0809 - -93 7 (-) 26/5 -

Dr Agarwal’s Eye 0803 4.50 10 58 21.5 1.5 40.2 87 10.7 0.2 -88 15 7.4 0.1 18.0 107 2.2 -1.8 PL 0809 - PL 27 (-) 94/20 -

Fortis Healthcar 0803 226.67 10 74 31.9 - 152.5 23 2.6 2.3 * LP - 0.6 0.1 40.0 -1 -5.6 -3.3 38 0809 0.3 LP 70 (-) 123/45 -

Indrapr.Medical 0803 91.67 10 51 12.4 14.2 314.7 35 6.6 16.2 10 14 3.3 1.5 96.7 13 11.0 5.9 27 0809 2.0 15 26 (-) 56/18 12.9

Kovai Medical 0803 10.94 10 44 22.6 22.9 88.7 20 15.5 5.3 -20 13 8.1 4.6 27.6 26 13.6 1.2 4 0809 5.4 3 58 (8) 104/33 10.7

Lotus Eye Care 0803 20.80 10 51 26.8 9.4 10.7 59 37.4 1.3 3 - 1.1 0.6 2.9 21 23.2 0.1 -66 0809 0.4 - 29 P(-1) 48/10 -

Malar Hospitals 0803 (6) 18.59 10 62 10.0 - 9.3 -45 23.7 0.6 -74 - 1.8 0.6 7.5 64 13.8 0.4 192 0809 0.7 -71 15 (3) 32/9 -

N G Inds. 0803 3.35 10 68 32.0 16.5 9.2 23 25.8 1.5 * 58 28 6.2 4.0 2.5 6 23.9 0.3 22 0809 4.8 999 36 (-2) 66/33 7.5

Poly Medicure 0803 5.51 10 47 76.2 20.7 88.2 4 13.6 7.9 -4 25 24.1 14.0 30.3 39 17.4 2.0 -22 0809 12.8 -16 47 (7) 143/31 3.7

Siemens Health 0809 1.57 10 69 290.4 10.9 102.2 91 12.5 5.3 * 10 10 91.9 33.6 31.5 74 11.2 1.1 227 0809 33.6 10 425 (6) 1773/320 12.6

Span Diagnostics 0803 3.15 10 36 49.9 20.7 60.0 14 10.4 3.0 * 38 20 13.7 9.1 17.3 -6 7.5 0.1 -96 0809 - PL 42 (4) 110/33 -

Transgene Biotek 0803 15.77 10 38 73.1 0.9 3.7 85 48.1 0.9 -25 - 0.8 0.6 0.9 2 42.7 0.1 -75 0809 0.3 -59 21 M(1) 116/15 -

IND.COMPOSITE 475.51 2059.5 12.8 139.0 12.9 35.9 4971 22.8


Advani Hotels(I) 0803 9.24 2 48 4.8 31.0 43.3 27 28.5 7.0 49 30 2.0 1.5 3.2 -20 - -3.7 -52 0809 1.3 22 37 (5) 104/26 28.5

Asian Hotels 0803 22.80 10 64 290.5 25.5 513.8 24 44.3 129.7 * 39 10 67.5 56.6 111.8 6 35.1 17.3 -3 0809 59.0 35 256 (24) 822/194 4.3

Benares Hotels 0803 1.30 10 62 163.1 22.2 21.1 11 33.8 4.4 14 120 39.7 31.8 4.1 12 19.2 0.4 30 0809 33.1 3 265 (3) 580/230 8.0

Bhagwati Banquet 0803 29.29 10 40 40.4 14.6 59.1 66 26.5 9.1 * 213 10 3.8 2.9 11.9 2 22.2 3.6 58 0809 3.6 257 28 (1) 92/20 7.9

Blue Coast Hotel * 0803 8.86 10 60 92.6 44.0 96.3 16 37.8 14.2 38 - 25.7 16.0 13.3 -13 5.3 -1.3 -26 0809 15.1 12 72 M(5) 360/60 4.8

CHL 0803 10.96 10 71 55.7 39.4 87.1 14 41.0 20.8 * 26 40 21.5 18.2 20.1 18 28.9 3.0 11 0809 19.0 24 107 CR(-12) 248/50 5.6

Country Club 0803 15.48 2 40 77.2 20.2 314.2 104 38.3 65.3 86 20 9.2 8.4 66.8 - 2.0 0.4 -98 0809 7.3 6 15 (-4) 206/12 2.1

EIH 0803 78.59 2 46 27.1 21.8 1079.9 15 36.1 221.2 30 90 6.5 5.3 234.2 9 27.2 31.3 -10 0809 5.6 2 127 (-8) 247/74 22.6

EIH Assoc.Hotels 0803 19.59 10 75 50.0 15.4 178.0 12 35.3 15.8 8 25 14.2 7.5 33.8 16 19.5 -1.9 6 0809 8.2 4 65 (-) 202/53 7.9

Fomento Resorts 0803 16.00 10 95 22.0 34.7 47.9 15 36.7 10.8 17 15 8.0 6.5 6.9 - 7.3 0.4 438 0809 7.0 18 175 182/163 25.0

Gandhinag. Hotel 0803 5.93 10 60 15.5 28.1 4.8 37 48.8 1.9 74 - 3.7 3.1 1.0 - 45.5 0.4 13 0809 3.7 56 25 (-2) 88/23 6.7

Graviss Hospital 0803 17.29 2 60 30.2 6.7 64.1 23 36.8 12.8 * 75 15 2.0 1.4 14.5 24 16.2 0.9 LP 0809 2.1 328 73 (-4) 99/33 34.8

Guj. Hotels 0803 3.79 10 49 25.9 24.0 3.0 22 19.8 2.2 25 25 5.6 5.4 0.7 16 91.8 0.6 17 0809 6.5 27 44 (-) 99/37 6.8

H. S. India 0803 10.50 10 38 8.3 - 15.4 34 34.2 2.9 14 - 3.5 2.7 2.9 7 43.8 0.7 40 0809 2.8 -18 7 (-) 34/5 2.5

Hotel Leela Ven. 0803 75.56 2 51 19.0 21.4 536.4 36 42.8 149.2 * 52 25 5.1 3.9 109.4 9 37.9 31.5 -11 0809 3.9 29 21 (-1) 74/17 5.3

I T D C U 0803 67.52 10 90 39.3 23.2 435.5 -18 7.2 67.3 44 - 10.6 10.0 93.9 18 1.5 11.1 7 0809 10.1 21 100 100/82 10.0

Indian Hotels 0803 72.34 1 30 28.0 19.8 1764.5 15 39.7 370.0 * 21 190 6.0 4.8 367.8 8 24.4 58.0 18 0809 5.5 27 47 (2) 158/36 8.5

Jaypee Hotels 0803 55.49 10 75 25.7 12.6 167.9 33 23.2 17.6 29 18 4.9 2.9 40.3 11 17.7 2.9 81 0809 3.7 36 90 (9) 255/40 24.6

Kamat Hotels 0803 13.20 10 73 122.3 18.2 147.6 32 41.8 30.0 45 30 29.7 22.2 30.6 -2 27.5 4.0 -36 0809 22.8 10 46 (2) 285/40 2.0

Oriental Hotels 0803 17.86 10 55 145.8 17.4 212.9 13 34.0 43.7 15 105 29.7 22.7 50.8 11 29.6 8.1 1 0809 26.5 19 175 (8) 429/132 6.6

Panoramic Univer 0803 6.48 5 74 49.1 20.0 32.7 21 41.9 11.9 * -2 25 9.4 8.2 10.2 17 40.8 4.7 58 0809 11.6 26 227 (3) 266/48 19.6

Reliable Venture 0803 11.01 10 44 8.8 - 10.6 30 32.9 1.3 331 - 1.9 1.1 2.5 9 29.7 0.4 153 0809 1.6 285 12 (-1) 55/9 7.3

Royal Orchid Hot 0803 27.23 10 68 64.7 18.0 86.0 6 45.5 29.1 * -13 60 10.8 9.7 24.2 27 33.4 5.1 -32 0809 9.7 -20 44 (2) 173/37 4.5

Royale Manor 0803 16.93 10 46 11.9 43.0 22.3 32 49.4 7.3 100 - 5.1 4.2 5.2 3 37.3 0.5 -67 0809 4.1 40 9 (1) 42/7 2.2

Savera Industrie 0803 5.96 10 50 43.9 25.7 45.3 18 31.8 6.1 24 20 13.6 9.9 10.8 -13 31.5 1.4 -33 0809 7.7 -35 32 (1) 147/21 4.2

Sayaji Hotel 0803 12.85 10 51 38.2 14.0 68.6 54 27.6 6.1 40 - 8.6 4.8 18.5 29 25.1 1.4 216 0809 7.1 107 42 (-) 153/31 5.9

Sinclairs Hotels 0803 4.50 10 63 58.8 10.5 11.2 5 39.3 2.4 * -20 - 7.5 5.4 2.1 47 -12.0 0.2 111 0809 5.3 -12 172 C(19) 255/113 32.5

Ster. Holid. Res 0803 27.84 10 15 -8.8 - 36.9 -7 -7.2 -0.9 91 - 1.4 - 6.5 -13 -14.2 -3.0 PL 0809 - PL 21 (-) 92/8 -

Suave Hotels Ltd 0803 6.05 10 26 24.6 23.0 18.4 41 25.2 2.8 -5 12 5.1 4.4 4.3 -11 4.2 - -94 0809 3.6 -32 17 (4) 50/11 4.7

TajGVK Hotels 0803 12.54 2 75 37.1 33.6 257.5 6 47.0 70.4 * 9 160 12.5 10.7 61.6 4 45.9 16.3 - 0809 11.2 7 51 (7) 188/35 4.5

Tulip Star Hot. 0803 4.61 10 55 78.4 -3.3 0.4 -99 99.9 -1.3 PL - - - - - - -0.6 -18 0809 - PL 67 (-) 318/55 -

U G Hotels U 0803 8.28 10 42 -2.9 - 2.2 9 0.9 -0.5 55 - 0.3 - 0.4 -27 2.7 -0.2 -157 0809 - 24 4 (-) 21/4 -

U P Hotels 0803 5.40 10 88 73.2 30.1 60.9 14 32.4 11.4 9 100 24.6 19.3 10.7 13 5.3 0.2 LP 0809 21.4 -3 180 (-19) 450/172 8.4

Viceroy Hotels 0803 42.41 10 32 55.8 3.2 75.9 38 39.6 6.1 11 - 3.7 1.4 19.0 9 40.2 1.0 -35 0809 1.1 -30 29 (1) 135/24 25.8

IND.COMPOSITE 743.68 6521.5 36.4 1348.1 25.0 195.1 14225 10.2


Bata India 0712 64.26 10 51 32.9 24.0 867.2 13 7.4 47.3 * 106 20 9.5 7.0 225.3 12 7.6 12.4 30 0809 9.4 122 106 (6) 281/77 11.2

Bhartiya Intl. 0803 7.86 10 41 127.4 5.1 128.5 11 -0.3 4.8 * 6 15 7.0 5.9 55.3 13 9.2 2.6 -2 0809 5.9 1 25 (-1) 145/18 4.2

Crew B.O.S. Prod 0803 12.82 10 52 82.2 15.4 209.1 15 12.4 15.1 -31 - 16.0 11.8 94.4 96 15.6 6.5 39 0809 12.4 -21 26 (-) 146/19 2.1

Lawreshwar Poly 0803 13.68 10 54 17.0 3.3 23.2 14 -10.3 0.8 9 - 1.0 0.5 6.5 17 0.8 -0.2 PL 0809 - PL 6 (2) 16/3 -

Liberty Shoes 0803 17.04 10 62 67.4 12.5 248.3 12 12.4 13.4 * -22 - 11.6 7.8 52.6 -3 12.4 1.2 -52 0809 6.2 -29 45 (1) 160/31 7.3

Mayur Leather 0803 5.80 10 75 25.8 20.1 23.9 -4 6.0 2.8 5 16 5.3 4.6 4.0 -20 6.0 1.0 900 0809 6.7 37 17 (-1) 44/14 2.5

Mirza Internatio 0803 18.54 2 65 13.7 2.9 287.8 1 0.9 3.6 -80 15 1.3 0.3 104.2 26 12.5 4.2 227 0809 - PL 13 (2) 33/7 -

Phoenix Intl. 0803 16.79 10 71 37.5 2.9 14.1 2 8.6 1.6 * -33 - 1.8 0.9 3.4 -13 10.2 0.2 -56 0809 0.8 -46 8 (-1) 60/7 -

Relaxo Footwears 0803 6.00 5 75 50.7 18.8 305.7 30 12.7 10.9 77 15 16.7 8.9 91.7 29 7.8 2.0 -26 0809 8.6 -1 36 (1) 84/25 4.2

Super Tannery 0803 7.20 2 58 10.5 12.1 192.1 11 0.2 4.4 79 10 1.9 1.2 65.8 24 5.3 0.8 57 0809 1.3 102 5 XB(-1) 8/4 3.9

Superhouse Ltd 0803 9.60 10 45 92.0 4.1 293.8 6 -0.6 3.4 * -43 10 10.6 3.4 99.4 12 8.5 2.9 996 0809 8.7 161 22 (-1) 53/15 2.5

IND.COMPOSITE 179.59 2593.7 6.2 108.1 9.5 33.6 1050 7.6


20 Microns 0803 14.12 10 43 26.5 17.7 107.4 23 14.1 4.6 29 - 5.9 3.3 38.6 - 13.8 1.5 - 0809 - - 19 P(3) 96/14 -

Page 22: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 0 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Ashapura Minech 0803 15.80 2 42 62.2 31.7 1493.1 66 12.1 134.3 * 24 80 17.3 16.7 129.0 -66 -14.9 -18.7 PL 0809 8.6 -52 32 M(3) 430/21 3.7

Balasore Alloys 0803 (15) 32.15 5 46 40.6 13.5 519.8 59 18.4 42.5 604 - 7.6 5.3 207.3 106 15.7 13.1 89 0809 9.9 286 13 (3) 78/6 1.3

Cubex Tubing 0803 7.41 10 35 56.1 14.9 97.8 7 6.1 5.4 -44 - 8.5 7.2 16.3 -37 -5.2 0.4 -84 0809 2.1 -84 12 (-) 115/9 5.7

Deccan Gold Mine 0803 5.85 1 52 2.6 - - 0 - -0.4 8 - - - - - - - LP 0809 - 39 22 (4) 143/13 -

Facor Alloys 0803 19.61 1 47 3.3 - 225.6 39 26.7 71.9 * 454 - 3.7 3.7 59.1 12 38.9 22.9 64 0809 4.6 166 4 (-) 22/2 0.9

Ferro Alloys 0803 18.58 1 75 6.5 48.7 312.6 60 29.0 52.1 224 50 3.2 2.7 89.8 - 38.5 20.5 -2 0809 3.7 113 10 (1) 57/7 2.7

G M D C 0803 63.60 2 74 33.4 27.8 980.1 66 52.3 263.3 * 179 100 11.1 8.1 131.1 -28 40.4 18.6 -55 0809 7.8 43 53 B(8) 260/25 6.8

GMR Ferro Alloys 0803 12.29 10 71 25.2 9.5 138.2 3 6.3 3.5 293 - 4.6 2.2 29.9 -14 6.2 0.5 -13 0809 11.1 LP 26 (1) 140/21 2.3

GMR Inds. 0803 19.96 10 71 56.5 4.8 152.5 -21 19.0 6.4 * -64 10 10.1 2.3 18.9 -33 -9.7 -5.4 -9 0809 4.8 LP 63 (4) 165/29 13.2

Guj. Intrux 0803 3.47 10 47 42.7 25.3 30.0 24 16.2 3.4 14 10 10.1 9.5 5.7 -5 14.9 0.7 16 0809 9.9 14 17 (3) 74/12 1.7

Himadri Chemical 0803 31.85 10 52 101.1 30.0 361.3 12 34.5 82.2 * 33 20 29.6 25.5 113.8 37 33.6 23.0 16 0809 27.6 22 122 C(-) 800/107 4.4

Hind.Copper 0803 462.61 5 100 10.6 35.9 1595.8 3 15.5 253.7 -24 - 2.9 2.7 335.2 2 5.7 18.4 -65 0809 2.0 -45 116 C(8) 624/70 59.3

Hind.Zinc 0803 422.53 10 65 280.4 45.2 7895.5 -8 68.1 4272.1 * -2 50 105.5 100.3 1743.8 -12 53.6 959.5 -18 0809 87.6 -19 385 (51) 822/215 4.4

Impex Ferro Tech 0803 25.00 10 57 22.2 20.0 258.9 59 8.6 10.4 224 - 5.0 4.1 94.9 70 4.4 2.0 60 0809 6.9 389 9 (-) 42/6 1.3

Indsil Electro. 0806 9.45 10 50 48.4 47.3 88.0 68 28.5 17.8 264 15 22.3 18.6 22.7 - 23.2 3.9 -4 0809 18.7 108 31 (2) 98/24 1.7

Jhagadia Co 0803 (18) 124.30 10 - -13.9 - 351.5 52 -19.2 -270.0 -219 - - - 76.6 114 -22.4 -64.7 -41 0809 - -36 5 (1) 26/3 -

Mah. Elektrosm. 0803 24.00 10 99 39.7 44.5 319.0 36 16.6 36.3 * 98 31 15.4 14.6 108.1 94 26.2 21.7 252 0809 22.1 148 247 (76) 1014/153 11.2

Maithan Alloys 0803 9.71 10 75 94.3 53.3 378.4 148 18.5 39.2 * 227 20 46.9 39.6 217.5 142 15.4 22.7 147 0809 79.7 256 97 (2) 2230/78 1.2

Manaksia 0803 13.91 2 58 75.1 10.4 738.9 15 11.7 41.1 30 100 8.0 5.5 257.7 27 9.1 8.0 -30 0809 6.0 19 38 (3) 249/26 6.4

N D Metal Indust * 0803 2.48 10 69 33.7 10.3 38.0 -16 -0.6 0.8 41 3 4.6 3.3 8.4 -24 1.2 0.1 -86 0809 3.8 232 108 219/103 28.8

Nagpur Power 0803 13.10 10 59 29.3 13.0 13.5 93 61.4 4.5 * 864 - 4.1 3.5 10.8 134 87.1 9.3 190 0809 17.4 968 27 (3) 113/19 1.6

Nissan Copper 0803 14.56 10 54 34.8 20.3 128.7 36 12.6 9.4 * 63 5 8.2 6.4 30.7 19 14.2 1.2 -62 0809 5.0 -3 15 (1) 78/11 3.0

NMDC Ltd 0803 396.47 1 98 20.9 46.1 5711.3 36 75.9 3249.1 * 40 385 8.1 7.9 1617.3 46 75.0 944.9 48 0809 9.9 51 188 B(17) 523/115 19.1

Prec. Wires (I) 0803 11.56 10 58 122.6 13.7 573.9 -2 6.8 17.2 * 2 36 22.1 14.3 153.1 4 5.6 3.3 -46 0809 13.6 1 39 (-2) 174/36 2.9

Ram Ratna Wires 0803 11.00 10 73 25.5 24.8 287.8 36 5.8 5.5 * 452 15 6.9 4.7 85.0 20 3.8 0.5 -59 0809 5.0 127 23 (-) 64/17 4.6

Resurgere Mines 0803 28.54 10 56 121.3 46.3 403.0 145 26.4 64.5 104 - 22.7 22.6 80.3 - 22.1 11.6 - 0809 - - 76 P(9) 740/50 -

Rohit Ferro 0803 39.48 10 53 53.1 50.3 611.2 208 19.6 80.4 291 15 21.9 20.1 278.6 145 14.6 23.1 91 0809 33.2 287 24 C(4) 195/15 0.7

Sandur Manganese 0803 8.75 10 74 49.8 - 269.7 120 31.1 57.8 LP - 76.8 63.3 141.5 347 74.7 68.3 999 0809 212.5 LP 288 (13) 1430/172 1.4

Sesa Goa 0803 78.72 1 51 35.5 69.4 3602.2 78 60.4 1491.7 * 145 450 19.1 18.6 832.9 152 44.8 306.1 273 0809 28.5 246 96 B(12) 220/60 3.4

Shirpur Gold Ref 0803 15.56 10 29 16.8 - - 0 - -34.1 - - - - - - - -8.1 1 0809 - -3 64 (17) 96/30 -

Shivalik Bimetal 0803 3.84 2 62 19.1 20.1 72.5 16 12.8 7.1 8 40 4.4 3.5 22.6 18 12.2 1.5 -29 0809 2.9 -28 11 (-) 34/9 3.8

Sterlite Inds. 0803 141.74 2 61 185.8 10.8 12659.6 8 6.6 994.5 22 200 15.3 13.4 3738.7 6 10.9 471.8 122 0809 19.9 83 302 (21) 1085/165 15.2

Tinplate Co. 0803 28.79 10 32 20.7 6.8 391.3 -13 6.2 3.9 -79 - 9.2 1.4 155.0 58 17.4 7.0 LP 0809 4.9 25 29 (2) 83/19 5.9

VBC Ferro 0803 4.20 10 34 322.3 2.3 46.6 -28 10.6 3.2 - 20 10.7 7.2 27.2 89 13.7 1.3 12 0809 11.3 - 151 (31) 455/81 13.3

IND.COMPOSITE 2134.99 40853.6 36.0 11025.3 31.4 2890.5 135621 10.6


V I P Inds. 0803 28.26 10 43 47.0 21.7 550.2 30 9.8 26.6 23 30 14.1 8.9 104.5 8 0.8 -0.8 -40 0809 9.6 3 40 (-4) 161/31 4.2

IND.COMPOSITE 28.26 550.2 9.8 26.6 0.8 -0.8 112 4.2


Aban Offshore 0803 7.56 2 61 187.0 25.0 657.9 33 51.9 157.7 * 71 180 65.2 33.1 282.1 71 63.8 81.3 72 0809 62.2 85 780 (40) 5400/601 12.6

Alphageo (India) 0803 5.12 10 34 92.8 33.4 81.6 50 46.1 12.7 65 15 51.5 24.5 - - - -4.4 PL 0809 23.9 -26 139 (20) 1079/77 5.8

Asian Oilfield * 0806 (15) 11.27 10 6 55.8 20.2 46.1 69 32.3 9.4 * 58 - 8.1 6.7 3.4 743 16.9 0.1 -68 0809 5.2 -27 47 C(-4) 446/29 9.0

Cairn India * 0712 1896.67 10 65 167.8 - 1.3 0 -99.9 -81.6 * -16 - - - 0.6 96 - 81.4 LP 0809 - - 182 M(29) 343/88 -

Dolphin Offshore 0803 9.56 10 66 77.1 12.6 227.7 11 13.8 7.6 * -49 25 14.8 7.5 65.4 144 14.9 11.6 999 0809 23.8 142 179 (19) 340/105 7.5

Hind.Oil Explor. 0803 130.53 10 47 77.2 3.5 81.3 -29 20.0 24.1 LP 10 1.7 1.7 28.8 -1 3.8 12.9 73 0809 2.4 LP 71 (5) 165/43 29.5

Jindal Drilling 0803 11.47 5 75 102.9 12.0 412.8 36 9.0 17.2 * -2 25 11.2 7.3 122.0 17 10.4 6.6 11 0809 7.9 1 294 (44) 1088/227 37.4

O N G C 0803 2138.87 10 74 330.2 25.2 59848.3 6 36.0 16701.7 9 320 79.2 72.6 17407.4 13 48.3 4808.4 -6 0809 86.0 10 724 (15) 1343/538 8.4

Selan Expl. Tech 0803 14.42 10 40 38.0 26.0 34.5 32 60.9 12.9 22 15 9.2 8.7 37.9 327 85.6 23.1 578 0809 32.9 304 147 (13) 330/109 4.5

Shiv-Vani OilGas 0803 (15) 43.91 10 54 140.1 10.5 410.2 100 40.8 54.1 69 - 15.8 9.9 139.2 127 38.8 19.0 135 0809 15.3 102 141 (-23) 740/117 9.2

IND.COMPOSITE 4269.38 61801.6 35.8 16915.8 48.1 5040.1 195027 8.5


AMD Industries 0803 19.17 10 53 53.5 3.1 77.6 13 7.6 3.3 104 8 3.5 1.6 12.1 -33 14.1 -0.1 85 0809 2.1 -6 14 (-) 77/9 6.6

Bilcare 0803 17.21 10 47 234.5 22.0 406.4 26 27.8 61.7 5 40 44.3 35.2 118.6 21 26.4 11.3 -31 0809 34.4 -10 464 C(-) 1690/350 13.5

Cosmo Films 0803 19.44 10 44 93.2 27.0 580.7 9 15.4 40.5 * 62 50 32.9 19.9 201.8 30 11.0 10.9 20 0809 24.6 48 69 (5) 153/55 2.8

Essel Propack 0712 31.32 2 59 35.9 6.7 310.2 10 24.1 37.4 -11 60 3.7 2.4 90.8 22 17.6 3.9 -63 0809 1.6 -34 19 (2) 76/11 11.7

Ester Inds. 0803 27.75 5 68 18.7 10.0 318.9 13 11.8 10.5 LP 10 4.3 1.8 112.3 32 18.4 11.8 345 0809 3.9 600 10 (-) 18/7 2.6

Everest Kanto 0803 20.23 2 60 39.1 14.1 333.0 1 26.1 48.9 21 60 6.2 4.6 106.3 35 30.1 21.2 67 0809 6.3 84 185 (-2) 367/129 29.5

Expo Gas Contain 0803 (18) 7.79 10 21 13.7 - 7.4 -15 27.1 -0.3 PL - 0.4 - 3.4 39 -7.3 -0.4 PL 0809 0.9 LP 7 (-) 43/4 -

Garware Poly. 0809 (18) 22.86 10 59 62.5 6.4 862.0 65 17.1 13.3 317 - 18.2 3.9 147.3 7 12.2 1.9 -27 0809 3.5 30 23 (5) 88/16 6.6

Glory Polyfilms 0803 17.47 10 53 34.5 8.5 59.2 63 11.3 3.3 * -8 - 2.7 1.9 21.7 90 15.0 1.6 163 0809 2.5 - 178 (-20) 208/54 72.0

Hind.Tin Works 0803 10.40 10 35 59.3 5.8 185.3 6 7.3 3.5 * 247 16 5.8 3.1 55.3 39 9.1 1.5 86 0809 5.5 167 18 (1) 63/14 3.3

Hitech Plast 0803 13.18 10 66 28.4 23.3 106.3 14 16.0 8.0 19 10 8.6 5.9 43.0 53 16.1 3.2 14 0809 6.4 11 40 (-5) 110/31 6.3

Jhaveri Flexo 0803 12.58 5 74 22.5 42.3 130.7 25 15.2 13.5 * 278 18 6.9 5.2 56.0 74 8.2 1.9 -50 0809 3.8 8 37 M(5) 98/29 9.7

Jindal Poly Film 0803 28.09 10 55 325.0 15.6 1260.1 23 19.9 129.2 * 121 20 67.9 45.7 363.7 12 19.6 32.3 10 0809 54.1 49 170 (14) 340/104 3.1

Jumbo Bag 0803 6.81 10 37 19.3 9.6 57.6 16 10.3 1.2 * -2 5 4.1 1.7 20.6 46 8.9 0.4 3 0809 2.3 3 15 (1) 58/10 6.6

Kaira Can 0803 0.92 10 60 147.6 6.3 165.5 -5 2.7 0.9 5 25 21.2 9.5 28.8 -43 3.8 0.2 -26 0809 8.4 -14 220 (11) 455/201 26.3

Karur KCP Pack. 0803 10.00 10 72 76.7 16.8 276.1 4 13.4 12.0 75 10 20.4 11.9 90.5 26 14.8 2.6 -1 0809 12.2 56 25 (-) 81/18 2.1

Page 23: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 1Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Max India 0803 44.40 2 34 92.1 4.1 281.6 82 -1.6 61.8 * 491 - 3.3 2.8 102.3 41 0.6 11.7 -31 0809 3.0 291 118 M(-4) 262/81 39.4

Mold-Tek Technol 0803 3.59 10 54 37.5 11.7 17.8 -81 17.2 2.4 -72 20 8.2 6.2 5.5 14 52.3 2.6 -3 0809 6.9 -72 42 (-4) 195/38 6.1

MTZ Polyfilms 0803 90.48 10 35 0.8 - 113.6 20 5.5 -12.2 * 37 - - - 24.4 -24 -1.1 -4.9 -124 0809 - -11 1 (-) 8/1 -

Neo Corp Intern 0803 8.65 10 36 42.4 24.3 108.2 75 14.4 7.5 549 5 10.6 8.5 32.7 18 15.0 2.5 32 0809 10.6 122 25 (5) 79/14 2.4

Oricon Enter. 0803 (9) 9.63 10 55 97.0 6.3 15.7 -77 -12.4 4.4 11 13 7.5 5.9 10.8 124 -8.7 1.9 90 0809 6.4 3 32 (4) 119/23 5.0

Orient Press 0803 6.15 10 73 -3.2 - 141.3 34 14.0 11.4 * 999 - 29.6 18.6 27.5 -18 8.6 1.4 64 0809 20.8 109 27 (1) 93/18 1.3

Paper Products 0712 12.54 2 64 37.5 12.4 574.8 13 9.3 29.2 -2 90 8.9 4.3 177.5 22 6.6 4.1 -38 0809 4.0 -10 33 (3) 76/23 8.4

Polyplex Corpn. 0803 15.99 10 47 79.5 10.6 191.0 2 8.1 11.9 * 594 60 11.5 6.4 65.4 36 13.4 8.9 77 0809 9.4 79 122 (2) 278/95 13.0

Precision Cont * 0803 22.38 10 8 -10.7 - 43.4 187 -3.7 - PL - 0.4 - 2.1 -78 -2.9 -0.2 PL 0809 - PL 2 (-) 27/2 -

Radha Madhav Cor 0803 32.54 10 27 45.2 14.7 141.3 80 20.9 13.9 * 129 - 5.4 4.1 43.7 11 12.1 0.8 -86 0809 1.4 -66 16 C(-1) 142/10 11.4

Rathi Graphic 0803 13.25 10 34 9.7 - 14.6 5 24.4 1.2 6 - 1.3 0.9 4.0 10 20.3 0.4 -37 0809 0.8 -30 10 (1) 30/5 -

Sh. Rama Multi 0803 29.50 5 - -45.1 - 70.8 19 17.7 -58.1 23 - - - 16.2 -4 23.6 -6.2 -107 0809 - 18 4 (1) 16/2 -

Shetron 0803 9.00 10 60 52.8 11.5 104.0 25 16.3 5.3 28 20 11.2 5.5 32.3 29 16.0 1.3 -45 0809 4.0 -21 23 (1) 80/18 5.7

TCPL Packaging 0803 7.65 10 41 60.8 7.4 116.7 18 12.3 3.1 -2 15 14.4 3.8 41.2 42 13.6 1.1 164 0809 3.2 -10 23 (1) 75/18 7.2

TPL Plastech 0803 7.80 10 75 17.0 31.4 60.3 35 13.5 3.9 46 20 6.3 4.6 20.3 34 12.9 1.0 -4 0809 5.1 31 41 (15) 79/20 8.1

Uflex 0803 64.97 10 42 98.1 11.0 1267.6 6 8.8 65.3 121 40 21.2 9.4 443.3 38 11.4 14.7 25 0809 10.5 75 63 (-1) 225/54 6.0

Venlon Ent 0803 10.91 5 76 14.4 -16.3 60.4 27 -3.5 -4.4 -285 - - - 19.7 -5 -2.3 -2.1 -999 0809 - -514 2 (-) 13/1 -

Yashraj Contain. * 0803 8.85 10 43 -16.5 - 100.8 98 3.5 -0.5 * PL - 0.4 - 27.0 50 8.3 0.8 -70 0809 - PL 13 C(1) 123/8 -

IND.COMPOSITE 663.50 8560.4 14.2 533.0 13.9 143.9 7957 12.3


Asian Paints 0803 95.92 10 50 96.8 44.9 3585.9 22 15.5 374.9 * 38 170 40.7 36.2 1168.3 31 15.4 122.2 13 0809 43.1 31 914 (15) 1320/830 21.2

Berger Paints 0803 63.77 2 74 10.9 29.6 1339.3 15 10.0 91.9 * 11 25 3.4 2.8 422.4 21 9.3 29.1 16 0809 3.1 14 35 (1) 66/26 11.2

Hardcastle &Waud 0803 0.61 10 75 427.4 -1.5 34.4 14 -2.1 -0.3 * 51 - - - 4.0 -56 0.3 0.5 133 0809 - 31 300 (103) 1198/140 -

ICI (India) 0803 38.22 10 54 199.2 7.4 1025.8 5 8.2 66.2 -36 80 21.8 15.9 250.1 5 11.7 26.9 26 0809 31.3 8 374 M(-32) 679/352 11.9

Jenson & Nich. 0803 7.48 2 34 -110.8 - 30.8 27 -29.9 -13.3 -35 - - - 10.2 29 -10.3 -1.8 31 0809 - -14 5 (2) 26/2 -

Kansai Nerolac 0803 26.95 10 66 220.3 21.7 1404.1 9 13.3 110.2 * 6 120 53.5 38.8 390.3 12 11.6 27.1 -18 0809 37.8 -8 400 (-5) 911/325 10.6

Shalimar Paints 0803 3.79 10 62 89.0 31.4 299.4 17 7.1 9.6 102 70 32.2 24.2 88.7 26 5.7 2.3 1 0809 25.8 35 167 (-21) 525/148 6.5

IND.COMPOSITE 236.74 7719.6 12.6 639.2 12.7 206.4 12490 16.7


ABC Paper 0803 8.73 10 75 51.2 33.1 165.8 10 16.5 12.3 9 25 19.6 13.5 48.5 22 12.1 1.0 -64 0809 10.5 - 46 (1) 102/32 4.4

AP Paper 0803 25.73 10 51 161.8 2.6 578.4 19 11.6 10.5 * -57 10 24.3 3.9 165.3 32 18.9 7.5 LP 0809 14.1 283 54 (4) 124/38 3.8

Ballarpur Inds 0806 111.10 2 39 22.8 7.9 952.1 -56 23.6 129.4 * -48 35 3.4 2.2 247.5 10 23.5 28.4 104 0809 2.6 -30 20 (-3) 39/17 7.7

JK Paper 0803 (9) 78.15 10 40 49.3 12.2 683.0 -20 15.3 34.7 1 20 13.4 5.6 282.9 58 17.0 9.1 -18 0809 5.5 -8 18 (2) 68/16 3.3

Kalptaru Papers 0803 4.47 10 59 28.1 25.6 37.6 6 14.4 1.7 * -31 8 7.2 3.8 13.9 34 14.7 0.9 8 0809 3.8 -33 15 (2) 51/11 3.9

Magnum Ventures 0803 37.60 10 53 27.6 10.1 84.5 -7 31.3 7.4 * -11 - 4.6 2.0 30.2 41 31.2 2.4 2 0809 1.8 -29 8 CR(1) 40/5 4.4

Malu Paper 0803 17.06 10 61 25.5 6.0 59.2 3 13.1 2.5 -29 - 3.0 1.5 41.4 174 15.1 0.2 -83 0809 - PL 11 (-) 74/9 -

Mysore Paper 0803 118.84 10 65 5.9 - 378.6 -5 -0.9 5.0 * 476 - 1.3 0.4 98.4 2 17.6 11.0 LP 0809 2.9 LP 5 (-) 17/4 1.7

N R Agarwal Inds 0803 20.75 10 73 22.6 23.1 287.3 7 9.7 9.0 * -19 12 7.8 4.2 100.1 41 6.5 2.4 4 0809 4.4 -17 12 (-) 44/10 2.8

Nath Pulp&Paper 0803 20.00 10 17 -81.1 - 72.6 4 2.2 0.6 * LP - 2.2 0.3 8.7 -59 -10.5 -1.5 PL 0809 - -51 2 (-) 14/2 -

Orion Paper 0803 6.13 10 51 14.1 - 33.4 -2 15.7 4.4 2 - 9.2 7.2 8.6 12 13.7 0.1 -95 0809 2.1 -81 8 (-) 43/6 3.8

Pudumjee Industr 0803 3.60 2 64 21.6 7.8 98.1 24 4.8 2.9 147 - 2.1 1.6 26.0 29 1.8 0.3 -16 0809 1.6 107 11 (2) 84/8 7.0

Pudumjee Pulp 0803 8.20 10 56 136.1 4.4 219.6 17 9.6 4.7 56 12 17.2 5.5 50.2 34 8.7 0.9 5 0809 5.9 44 38 (2) 221/28 6.4

Rainbow Paper 0803 7.21 10 50 83.9 27.7 168.2 15 19.5 12.7 96 16 33.7 17.3 64.3 56 17.8 5.8 86 0809 23.1 72 41 (-2) 172/33 1.8

Rama Newsprint 0803 58.16 10 55 52.5 0.4 354.1 1 16.0 1.1 -96 - 6.1 0.2 98.6 10 18.6 1.6 45 0809 0.5 -66 16 (-) 48/11 -

Rama Paper 0803 9.66 10 25 33.7 9.8 84.5 1 18.6 3.1 -19 - 7.3 3.2 25.3 -30 14.8 0.6 -85 0809 0.6 -89 8 (-) 44/6 -

Rama Pulp 0803 7.75 10 53 20.6 59.9 37.3 23 -8.6 11.4 LP 5 15.2 14.6 13.6 24 3.8 0.3 -82 0809 12.2 LP 6 (1) 48/4 0.5

Ruchira Papers 0803 22.42 10 55 28.7 11.8 83.6 12 16.4 7.2 * 88 - 4.1 3.2 37.9 66 6.9 -1.4 PL 0809 - PL 7 (1) 34/5 -

S I Paper Mills 0803 7.50 10 44 66.8 26.1 122.3 8 15.6 11.8 * 16 30 19.5 15.2 35.1 13 12.3 2.4 -34 0809 13.0 -18 40 (-2) 98/38 3.1

Seshasayee Paper 0803 11.25 10 43 161.9 28.3 495.0 8 16.5 45.8 * 11 40 55.5 40.0 133.5 3 10.5 4.6 -67 0809 27.7 -35 90 (-) 285/54 3.3

Sh. Ajit Pulp 0803 5.75 10 55 31.4 18.4 58.6 12 10.2 3.2 36 3 7.0 5.5 20.1 30 8.9 0.8 -9 0809 3.9 -32 17 (-1) 46/14 4.3

Sh. Bhawani Pap. 0803 16.42 10 57 14.5 - 36.4 -29 -7.2 -5.9 * PL - - - 25.7 215 10.1 -1.1 PL 0809 - -333 5 (-) 18/5 -

Sh. Krishna Pap. 0803 9.45 10 71 9.1 - 98.7 11 0.4 -6.5 -51 - - - 34.9 48 8.5 - 99 0809 - -7 14 M(-) 24/12 -

Shreyans Inds. 0803 11.08 10 52 26.1 60.0 218.6 10 13.1 13.7 104 - 17.7 12.4 59.6 15 17.6 4.3 46 0809 14.6 54 19 (-) 71/15 1.3

Sirpur Paper 0803 15.01 10 43 133.1 17.5 243.1 0 11.2 31.6 * 132 35 28.3 20.5 88.8 42 9.3 -6.1 PL 0809 - PL 34 (1) 154/28 -

Speciality Paper U 0803 7.68 10 42 19.4 26.3 52.7 17 9.5 1.5 -53 - 3.9 1.9 28.1 129 4.4 0.7 86 0809 2.3 -45 12 B(-1) 54/10 5.1

Sree Sakthi Pap. 0803 16.44 10 52 21.2 8.7 106.4 74 9.1 3.1 54 15 3.2 1.6 36.3 55 8.9 1.1 31 0809 2.5 104 12 (1) 28/10 4.8

Star Paper U 0809 15.61 10 55 76.7 7.6 239.6 -24 9.1 6.2 -23 - 11.5 3.9 63.7 15 7.6 2.0 -25 0809 3.9 -23 19 (-) 58/13 4.9

T N Newsprint 0803 69.21 10 35 95.4 18.3 971.9 10 24.0 114.1 30 45 27.1 16.1 288.8 21 27.4 40.8 23 0809 17.8 20 71 (1) 147/55 4.0

West Coast Paper 0803 11.47 2 47 69.6 25.9 583.6 5 17.5 81.9 * 23 150 17.3 13.8 162.4 8 19.0 22.9 4 0809 14.6 9 40 (2) 124/31 2.8

Yash Papers 0803 (15) 22.57 10 34 16.2 -7.0 51.5 66 10.1 -3.5 * PL - 0.7 - 20.4 123 13.6 -1.2 63 0809 - 82 5 (1) 17/4 -

IND.COMPOSITE 785.00 7656.0 15.3 557.6 16.9 140.4 2797 4.3


Amar Remedies 0806 26.16 10 43 48.5 18.7 298.2 48 11.9 21.8 28 - 9.1 8.3 85.4 21 12.0 6.5 44 0809 9.1 39 19 (-) 54/16 2.1

Dabur India 0803 86.51 1 71 6.1 68.0 2083.4 30 17.8 309.3 * 27 150 3.6 3.3 581.5 14 20.2 107.0 18 0809 3.9 22 85 M(1) 127/60 21.6

Emami 0803 12.43 2 88 46.5 35.8 583.7 13 16.4 92.1 * 39 225 15.2 14.1 122.1 18 10.6 12.1 14 0809 15.3 37 218 (-6) 375/196 14.3

Fem Care Pharma 0803 3.01 10 67 94.3 26.1 93.8 36 10.9 7.2 -42 70 28.4 22.8 23.7 47 29.0 5.6 87 0809 37.4 -7 684 (21) 725/215 18.3

Godrej Consumer 0803 25.81 1 69 6.0 - 887.2 17 20.9 148.0 * 21 400 5.7 5.1 259.0 23 11.7 32.3 -4 0809 5.6 8 140 R(12) 146/94 24.9

Page 24: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 2 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

J L Morison 0803 1.37 10 64 512.6 5.9 174.4 70 2.1 4.0 * - 25 36.1 28.8 40.5 -12 0.5 - -100 0809 17.8 -46 149 (-4) 490/72 8.4

JHS Svendgaard 0803 12.90 10 46 45.1 6.4 36.4 14 21.5 3.6 -18 - 4.3 2.8 7.9 -21 5.4 -1.5 PL 0809 0.7 -83 18 (1) 73/13 -

Jyoti Cosmetics 0803 136.34 10 2 10.0 - 0.1 -42 -45.5 - * - - - - 0.2 - -4.8 - - 0809 0.0 LP 1 (-) 5/1 -

Marico 0803 60.90 1 63 4.6 61.9 1568.8 14 11.9 142.0 * 33 66 2.5 2.2 487.8 27 12.7 45.1 18 0809 2.4 13 59 (5) 82/47 24.3

IND.COMPOSITE 365.43 5725.9 15.7 728.0 15.0 207.0 16173 21.1


Colgate Palm. 0803 13.60 1 51 11.9 - 1474.8 14 15.5 231.8 18 1300 14.8 13.3 412.5 13 12.4 63.5 16 0809 18.4 17 405 (5) 521/341 22.0

Gillette India 0806 32.59 10 89 130.5 29.9 590.6 -13 27.5 108.4 * 42 125 35.4 31.2 142.8 4 19.8 20.0 -28 0809 30.9 -1 721 (-37) 1330/520 23.3

Henkel India 0712 116.46 10 68 13.0 8.8 391.6 23 10.4 12.9 44 - 1.7 1.1 124.1 42 9.9 1.4 -64 0809 0.5 -52 13 (1) 36/10 -

Hind. Unilever * 0712 220.97 1 52 6.5 82.8 13683.2 13 13.3 1723.5 * 12 900 6.8 6.2 4027.9 20 12.4 456.5 12 0809 8.6 14 244 M(-21) 267/170 28.2

P & G Hygiene 0806 32.46 10 69 106.8 41.2 646.0 20 23.8 132.1 47 200 41.0 37.3 188.8 25 30.7 49.2 43 0809 45.2 49 777 (10) 838/645 17.2

IND.COMPOSITE 416.08 16786.2 14.3 2208.7 13.2 590.6 64345 26.7


AIMCO Pesticides 0803 9.24 10 50 19.2 -14.0 11.4 -37 -24.8 -4.5 -68 - - - 3.1 -25 5.9 -0.6 48 0809 - 21 6 (-1) 22/5 -

Bhagiradha Chem. 0803 5.10 10 25 71.1 19.4 81.7 -2 10.7 6.5 -33 25 17.1 12.4 27.4 12 12.1 3.0 24 0809 17.2 28 37 (2) 107/28 2.2

Bharat Rasayan 0803 4.25 10 73 78.8 14.1 67.1 16 5.6 4.4 408 10 12.5 10.4 30.2 66 9.0 1.1 -16 0809 12.9 207 60 (-2) 133/44 4.6

Chemcel Biotech 0803 25.92 10 29 14.6 9.7 24.6 5 11.5 1.2 31 - 0.5 0.5 - - - - - 0.5 31 3 P(-) 16/2 -

Dhanuka Agritech 0803 9.18 10 90 56.0 40.3 248.2 24 13.2 16.9 * 63 50 19.9 17.6 100.8 12 16.1 8.6 34 0809 22.9 53 143 (3) 245/129 6.2

Excel Crop Care 0803 5.50 5 19 107.9 21.1 509.3 26 7.3 24.1 70 100 28.6 21.1 248.9 76 7.7 14.0 57 0809 35.4 96 100 (5) 188/85 2.8

Insecticides 0803 12.68 10 75 65.4 24.4 197.4 17 9.1 14.4 67 15 11.7 11.1 101.6 17 8.3 6.8 -12 0809 13.9 - 41 (4) 106/26 2.9

Kilpest India 0803 6.04 10 39 11.8 4.2 13.8 1 6.7 0.3 -10 - 0.7 0.5 6.1 -15 4.6 0.1 -9 0809 0.5 -12 13 (2) 119/8 -

Meghmani Organic 0803 25.43 1 49 16.0 10.9 596.4 26 9.2 37.8 -8 30 2.0 1.4 254.3 48 11.0 15.4 68 0809 2.0 33 10 (2) 53/7 5.1

Nag. Agrichem 0803 14.90 10 78 74.2 25.3 416.4 17 16.2 25.8 21 45 26.9 16.5 162.8 28 15.4 11.4 6 0809 20.3 30 61 (-7) 155/52 3.0

P I Inds. 0803 3.54 10 75 192.7 4.1 416.9 17 7.7 2.7 * -40 - 35.1 7.6 134.2 26 13.4 8.7 51 0809 22.5 -13 240 C B 243/182 10.7

Paushak. 0803 3.21 10 66 67.0 3.7 21.9 8 12.1 0.7 * -69 - 6.6 2.3 8.8 23 26.8 1.8 430 0809 9.7 338 30 (2) 98/25 3.1

Rallis India 0803 11.98 10 45 183.2 27.3 671.2 8 7.6 53.5 * 179 160 57.8 35.5 279.7 16 23.4 43.5 34 0809 59.5 17 357 (27) 634/280 6.0

Sabero Organics 0803 29.19 10 39 17.5 11.2 196.1 27 12.7 5.3 999 - 3.6 1.8 100.0 116 14.6 8.0 694 0809 6.1 637 15 (2) 33/9 2.4

Syschem (India) 0803 11.51 1 23 1.1 - 3.9 - 1.8 -0.7 - - - - 0.8 -6 -7.1 -0.3 -350 0809 - -6 1 (-) 4/1 -

United Phosp. 0803 87.91 2 28 43.5 5.7 1479.0 10 3.5 80.2 * -13 100 3.2 1.7 628.0 80 18.5 68.8 LP 0809 3.9 150 119 B(6) 213/65 30.7

IND.COMPOSITE 265.58 4955.2 7.8 268.6 15.3 190.2 6481 14.6


Bayer CropScien 0803 (15) 39.50 10 71 93.5 12.9 1162.9 59 0.2 56.6 -10 19 16.4 11.1 435.1 18 18.3 51.1 32 0809 24.1 56 249 (25) 430/180 10.4

Monsanto India 0803 8.63 10 72 308.4 19.6 363.6 18 20.1 62.7 * 10 2070 52.2 37.5 78.9 9 30.2 15.7 33 0809 93.8 18 1257 (66) 2480/1080 13.4

IND.COMPOSITE 48.13 1526.5 4.9 119.3 20.1 66.8 2069 11.8


Bhansali Engg. 0803 16.59 1 45 4.9 8.8 257.4 7 11.3 7.0 63 10 0.8 0.4 65.4 -11 4.3 -1.5 PL 0809 0.1 -84 9 (-) 32/7 -

Chemplast Sanmar 0803 47.98 1 75 5.3 0.8 640.1 5 2.8 2.0 * -89 - 1.0 - 188.4 28 1.1 -12.6 -144 0809 - PL 4 (-) 22/3 -

DCW 0803 39.23 2 40 15.2 13.2 751.3 13 10.9 36.0 151 15 3.3 1.8 203.5 12 11.2 9.6 -18 0809 1.9 12 10 (1) 50/6 5.3

Diamines & Chem. 0803 6.52 10 65 19.3 - 18.8 -17 26.4 1.7 -75 10 5.2 2.4 8.2 55 36.8 1.4 47 0809 2.7 -70 26 (2) 75/21 9.5

Finolex Inds. 0803 124.03 10 52 44.7 13.2 1394.9 36 10.7 66.3 * 11 30 9.5 4.8 283.0 2 18.2 37.4 56 0809 7.8 23 33 (1) 124/27 4.2

Ineos ABS (India 0712 17.59 10 83 123.8 17.2 557.1 13 11.4 34.2 * 28 30 26.6 18.9 183.2 33 8.7 9.2 10 0809 16.7 -12 92 (1) 268/70 5.5

Jubilant Organ. 0803 14.75 1 50 95.9 33.5 1976.2 23 22.1 402.9 73 150 31.4 27.1 679.0 38 22.6 105.3 23 0809 32.3 70 144 C(30) 391/102 4.5

Manali Petrochem 0803 86.00 5 38 6.5 5.3 325.3 4 4.1 6.1 -59 10 0.9 0.3 88.8 7 5.8 2.1 71 0809 0.3 -58 9 (1) 27/6 -

Pearl Engg. Poly 0803 30.41 10 42 9.3 - 164.9 8 2.5 -1.5 64 - 1.1 - 49.4 10 -0.7 -2.2 -505 0809 - -376 3 (-) 18/2 -

Savita Chemical 0803 14.60 10 71 171.4 27.1 905.0 14 8.4 61.7 * 48 115 50.2 40.3 283.8 33 6.9 10.3 -11 0809 42.5 34 149 (9) 389/119 3.5

South Asian Petr 0803 233.14 10 55 16.5 16.8 1004.4 -2 8.6 55.1 * 23 5 3.3 2.3 264.8 14 1.9 -3.3 PL 0809 0.5 -85 9 (1) 40/6 -

Supreme Petroch. 0806 98.38 10 59 19.2 10.2 1483.4 -1 3.5 18.4 * -45 10 3.4 1.7 409.3 18 2.5 1.0 -85 0809 1.3 -60 13 M(1) 46/10 9.7

SVC Superchem 0803 163.10 10 32 20.2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (-) 10/1 -

Unimers India 0803 15.90 10 39 0.9 - 5.2 -88 -99.9 11.0 LP - 9.9 6.9 1.9 -12 -44.0 -2.9 53 0809 8.7 LP 8 (-1) 27/7 0.9

Vinyl Chemicals 0803 1.83 1 51 1.5 - 91.3 -33 1.2 2.3 LP - 1.2 1.2 14.1 -76 -4.5 0.3 -70 0809 1.4 LP 4 (1) 30/2 2.9

IND.COMPOSITE 910.05 9575.3 10.5 703.2 10.6 154.0 4037 4.5


Alembic 0803 27.69 2 61 24.7 23.2 990.1 43 14.4 84.3 * 1 75 8.2 5.8 344.7 13 10.7 15.0 -67 0809 2.3 -67 34 (1) 98/25 14.7

Aurobindo Pharma 0803 26.88 5 55 227.0 27.1 2218.2 19 13.6 290.8 29 65 67.4 53.5 624.7 2 14.7 -38.5 PL 0809 24.7 -55 174 (30) 533/102 7.1

Bal Pharma 0803 10.48 10 52 33.6 8.1 85.7 21 9.9 2.8 37 10 4.0 2.5 26.1 9 10.7 1.2 -29 0809 2.8 27 18 M(2) 48/14 6.5

Biocon 0803 100.00 5 61 66.4 15.3 877.3 3 24.8 173.7 * 10 100 11.7 8.3 249.7 6 21.9 47.3 8 0809 9.0 -2 125 B(2) 303/87 13.9

Cadila Health 0803 62.80 5 72 83.9 24.4 1642.7 16 14.1 240.0 16 90 24.2 18.3 539.6 21 22.0 95.5 30 0809 20.0 8 276 (13) 347/203 13.8

Celestial Labs 0803 11.19 10 38 52.7 22.4 20.2 43 48.4 8.9 74 10 8.0 7.8 6.9 20 48.3 3.0 8 0809 8.1 27 18 (-) 72/13 2.2

Cipla 0803 155.45 2 39 48.2 20.1 3997.9 16 16.2 700.5 * 5 100 10.4 8.7 1302.5 25 12.2 151.4 -21 0809 8.8 9 191 (-2) 244/146 21.8

Dabur Pharma 0803 15.67 1 91 31.9 5.9 240.8 -19 10.8 24.5 * -3 - 1.9 1.6 58.2 -7 -8.9 -7.0 PL 0809 0.4 -81 40 (2) 92/29 -

Dr Reddy’s Labs * 0803 84.21 5 26 285.7 10.4 3365.2 -15 16.9 466.2 * -60 75 36.7 27.0 928.3 6 14.8 91.0 -27 0809 29.5 -52 471 M(-3) 739/387 16.0

FDC 0803 19.14 1 64 19.5 18.7 489.6 14 14.6 59.2 * -4 100 3.5 2.9 155.9 14 19.7 26.3 44 0809 4.1 43 35 (3) 49/22 8.5

Glenmark Pharma * 0803 25.05 1 52 42.4 52.6 1371.3 70 35.1 384.3 * 187 70 16.4 15.2 225.9 -19 33.6 66.9 5 0809 15.8 94 301 C(2) 730/211 19.1

Gufic BioScience * 0803 7.74 1 70 2.1 5.5 53.8 1 6.8 0.9 * 26 5 0.3 0.1 13.5 1 8.6 0.3 -7 0809 0.1 13 5 (1) 23/3 -

Ind-Swift Labs. 0803 25.27 10 38 96.6 13.9 444.5 29 16.4 31.3 57 10 18.2 12.2 145.6 34 19.5 10.5 45 0809 15.5 66 31 C(2) 93/23 2.0

Indoco Remedies 0803 (9) 12.29 10 59 206.9 16.5 262.4 -19 16.3 31.7 -2 67 41.7 33.2 78.6 -7 7.4 2.2 -80 0809 38.7 5 128 (-6) 338/116 3.3

Ipca Labs. 0803 25.19 10 46 242.2 25.8 1103.5 17 17.0 141.9 16 80 65.7 55.0 347.6 21 17.2 36.5 -20 0809 48.4 -14 389 M(25) 760/287 8.0

Page 25: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 3Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

J B Chemicals 0803 16.87 2 55 54.9 11.7 545.6 4 12.9 51.8 -27 25 8.1 6.1 210.1 29 27.1 43.0 54 0809 9.8 34 43 (6) 98/27 4.4

Jagsonpal Pharma 0803 13.10 5 66 23.1 5.2 150.1 16 8.6 3.1 10 2 1.8 1.2 34.9 -16 11.7 2.3 35 0809 1.4 -18 9 (1) 31/6 6.5

Jupiter Bio. 0803 15.38 10 14 188.3 12.4 129.8 25 45.0 27.0 44 20 28.5 17.2 31.2 14 50.0 7.3 10 0809 18.4 27 47 M(8) 212/35 2.6

KDL Biotech * 0809 24.03 10 65 51.9 - 41.4 -75 -60.3 -21.1 - - - - 2.6 -93 - -14.2 PL 0809 - - 8 (-) 25/7 -

Kopran 0803 (6) 35.25 10 29 26.7 - 46.6 -67 -46.4 -9.2 * 53 - - - 30.9 51 0.5 -3.2 74 0809 - 69 10 (1) 45/7 -

Lyka Labs 0803 21.58 10 23 35.8 - 93.3 -20 11.3 4.8 LP - 2.8 2.2 28.2 -15 12.0 1.4 -40 0809 1.7 LP 22 C(4) 100/13 13.2

Mangalam Drugs 0803 13.18 10 43 28.9 1.5 92.5 9 6.6 0.6 -30 - 2.2 0.4 25.7 4 8.5 0.2 5 0809 0.5 -16 7 (2) 22/5 -

Matrix Labs. 0803 30.92 2 76 44.0 9.3 952.1 26 16.3 76.7 -23 - 6.9 5.0 327.5 59 22.5 49.7 264 0809 7.7 18 92 (10) 243/48 11.9

Morepen Labs. 0803 71.47 2 43 6.5 - 123.3 -3 -6.9 -61.9 * 30 - - - 48.2 42 -6.9 -15.7 -33 0809 - 37 7 (1) 28/5 -

Natco Pharma 0803 28.04 10 60 78.2 16.4 229.0 24 23.8 32.7 * 50 13 14.5 11.5 62.2 7 17.2 9.8 3 0809 11.8 33 58 (-) 165/38 4.9

Panacea Biotec 0803 6.68 1 65 104.4 21.5 830.4 0 24.3 131.0 * -11 100 23.9 19.4 145.4 -17 15.8 -44.1 PL 0809 6.2 -68 135 (-10) 443/123 21.7

Piramal Health 0803 41.80 2 50 48.6 29.5 1913.9 19 20.6 300.0 * 58 210 17.0 13.6 636.9 21 16.5 69.4 -14 0809 14.6 63 240 (-4) 389/180 16.5

Proto Developers 0803 4.76 1 9 2.1 36.4 90.7 80 6.6 3.0 5 - 1.0 0.6 12.0 -51 -2.7 -0.8 PL 0809 - PL 1 (-) 11/1 -

Ranbaxy Labs. 0712 210.18 5 35 141.5 25.3 4428.6 9 10.6 576.7 * 52 170 14.9 12.4 1146.3 10 8.6 -108.8 PL 0809 - PL 250 M(33) 614/164 -

Saamya Biotech 0803 23.09 10 35 10.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 (1) 32/4 -

Strides Arcolab * 0712 40.05 10 24 99.2 - 392.6 -14 3.3 -26.9 PL - - - 166.3 57 4.5 17.9 LP 0809 - PL 94 C(-1) 283/88 -

Sun Pharma. 0803 103.56 5 64 203.1 30.5 3151.9 41 31.1 1001.6 * 63 210 49.3 46.6 929.4 25 28.5 303.1 56 0809 56.3 61 1044 (-44) 1558/890 18.6

Surya Pharma. 0803 14.47 10 35 123.4 26.3 486.5 72 17.8 41.4 * 75 10 35.1 28.6 173.0 47 18.9 15.7 33 0809 34.1 45 62 (1) 143/48 1.8

Themis Medicare 0803 8.05 10 69 93.2 15.3 219.0 31 9.6 11.1 33 25 18.4 13.4 55.0 -10 8.4 1.0 -74 0809 7.3 -49 79 (1) 324/62 10.8

Titan BioTech 0803 5.54 10 48 14.0 10.8 12.3 21 10.8 0.8 4 - 1.8 1.4 3.5 12 11.6 0.2 21 0809 1.4 10 17 (-) 46/10 11.8

Tonira Pharma 0803 7.94 10 37 17.9 -11.1 28.6 -22 -3.3 -1.9 PL - 1.1 - 7.4 -33 17.8 -0.9 PL 0809 - PL 10 (-) 43/9 -

Torrent Pharma. 0803 42.31 5 72 69.2 29.6 984.6 12 20.4 154.0 * 37 70 21.5 17.6 279.5 10 18.2 44.3 19 0809 21.2 42 148 (13) 210/112 7.0

TTK Healthcare 0803 8.11 10 63 64.7 8.6 198.9 -6 -0.1 4.1 * 79 30 6.9 4.5 53.7 11 7.2 2.3 -19 0809 4.7 5 75 (5) 135/61 16.1

Unichem Labs. 0803 18.02 5 48 118.8 19.4 575.7 7 17.2 76.7 * -12 100 24.7 20.4 174.7 21 24.6 35.1 65 0809 28.1 25 176 (17) 227/117 6.3

Vikram Thermo 0803 5.58 10 55 14.4 27.4 18.0 27 22.3 2.1 41 15 4.4 3.4 4.3 -10 21.2 0.4 -25 0809 4.1 50 17 (1) 46/13 4.2

Wockhardt 0712 54.72 5 74 93.8 21.6 1221.8 9 21.4 213.9 -17 225 20.8 17.6 416.8 21 24.0 55.7 -5 0809 11.2 -47 118 (11) 435/89 10.5

Zandu Pharma. 0803 8.06 100 20 963.3 22.5 136.2 6 17.0 15.8 * 12 75 215.5 183.0 44.6 20 26.3 7.8 34 0809 243.3 26 6989 (202)24643/5985 28.7

IND.COMPOSITE 1481.79 34256.8 17.8 5248.9 17.0 980.6 85100 15.5


Aarti Drugs 0803 11.71 10 51 93.1 12.6 302.2 9 10.1 13.1 2 18 19.1 10.9 94.1 27 14.9 3.4 -15 0809 12.6 7 40 (3) 93/30 3.2

Ajanta Pharma 0803 11.86 10 62 113.2 14.0 284.9 19 16.4 18.3 34 25 20.9 15.0 86.9 24 16.5 4.3 54 0809 17.5 35 60 (6) 126/49 3.4

Anu’s Laborat 0803 12.08 10 51 109.1 43.4 150.4 40 22.4 18.1 33 15 15.9 14.7 42.6 18 21.4 4.9 5 0809 15.8 - 307 P(-2) 469/217 19.4

Anuh Pharma 0803 1.39 5 72 140.1 21.4 110.9 36 9.2 7.1 * 10 160 27.9 24.1 35.5 26 19.4 2.5 24 0809 33.5 28 171 (-12) 370/123 5.1

DIL 0803 2.52 10 60 279.7 3.7 8.9 2 23.9 2.6 * -47 100 13.8 8.7 3.0 18 37.4 0.7 -8 0809 10.4 -67 111 (8) 343/93 10.6

Dishman Pharma * 0803 16.14 2 61 58.2 14.6 359.0 31 24.3 52.6 * -12 50 8.4 6.4 91.6 7 31.8 22.1 55 0809 11.1 53 146 C(8) 415/119 13.2

Divi’s Lab 0803 12.95 2 53 135.0 49.9 1033.2 42 40.4 353.6 84 200 59.4 53.9 331.2 37 48.4 137.7 51 0809 66.3 47 1338 M(29) 1898/890 20.2

Elder Pharma 0803 18.86 10 38 203.4 19.7 551.2 23 19.1 69.8 42 25 42.2 36.6 151.1 14 17.3 15.1 -13 0809 37.2 29 246 M(2) 455/220 6.6

Gennex Labor 0803 12.65 10 40 18.7 3.9 22.0 99 6.3 0.8 8 - 1.2 0.6 4.1 -32 6.1 0.1 -92 0809 0.2 -91 22 (2) 59/17 -

Granules India 0806 20.07 10 34 89.2 5.2 213.8 15 15.7 9.0 * -11 13 9.1 4.3 81.5 63 12.1 2.7 36 0809 4.9 -4 40 M(-) 118/28 8.2

Hiran Orgochem 0803 10.50 10 45 83.3 4.5 119.4 11 9.8 3.9 270 5 5.4 3.6 47.9 34 6.1 0.1 -91 0809 2.6 LP 30 (7) 76/14 11.4

Krebs Biochem 0803 7.05 10 39 112.8 - 50.7 4 18.4 -10.2 -33 - 0.8 - 13.2 5 - -21.2 -711 0809 - -220 22 (1) 96/16 -

Lupin 0803 82.79 10 51 163.3 32.0 2523.6 29 17.9 353.0 * 65 100 47.7 40.9 752.7 5 20.8 131.9 12 0809 48.0 32 632 C(31) 780/430 13.2

Marksans Pharma 0803 36.78 1 48 3.5 12.4 236.5 3 12.2 15.0 116 - 0.6 0.4 68.2 25 21.7 7.0 99 0809 0.6 999 8 M(-) 35/5 -

Nectar Lifesci. 0803 15.23 1 64 18.6 34.1 736.0 73 17.1 83.8 49 40 6.7 5.4 235.9 22 19.9 27.2 18 0809 6.2 20 20 (-) 39/13 3.3

Neuland Labs. 0803 5.40 10 34 124.3 18.1 217.7 8 9.5 11.4 26 25 30.8 20.6 79.2 61 9.2 0.9 -30 0809 17.1 13 106 (4) 210/82 6.2

Orchid Chem. 0803 70.44 10 21 110.8 31.0 1238.9 36 27.8 184.6 90 45 39.4 25.5 348.5 19 28.8 40.9 -15 0809 27.0 68 105 C(9) 330/67 3.9

P I Drugs & Phar 0803 11.09 10 53 48.4 4.8 67.4 82 9.8 2.0 -61 10 3.8 1.6 28.4 82 14.0 1.8 18 0809 1.4 -72 39 (-1) 87/27 28.1

Piramal Life 0803 25.45 10 59 36.1 - - - - -91.7 - - - - - - - -26.3 - 0809 - - 50 (-10) 520/47 -

Shasun Chemicals 0803 9.66 2 45 46.6 10.3 422.4 7 3.6 21.5 * -44 50 9.8 4.3 122.7 7 -1.5 -10.7 PL 0809 - PL 18 (3) 91/11 -

Shilpa Medicare 0803 3.62 2 52 33.5 22.1 95.8 40 19.9 11.0 39 20 7.9 6.0 38.8 77 27.3 2.4 -17 0809 5.8 8 49 C(4) 126/32 8.5

Smruthi Organic 0803 3.82 10 56 31.0 16.8 55.0 2 13.8 1.9 -19 15 12.8 4.9 20.0 49 12.8 0.9 45 0809 6.0 - 43 (3) 97/30 7.2

SMS Pharma * 0803 10.00 10 54 208.2 13.9 207.2 25 17.6 27.2 30 20 32.0 26.8 79.4 44 13.8 5.2 -15 0809 25.1 20 93 (12) 340/74 3.7

Suven Life Scie. 0803 11.59 1 61 9.7 7.6 117.3 5 10.8 8.4 -26 25 1.1 0.7 38.3 38 19.9 4.8 316 0809 0.9 -5 18 M(4) 57/10 -

Transchem 0803 12.24 10 19 40.5 -1.9 27.5 -62 0.1 -0.9 * PL - 0.8 - - - - -0.2 62 0809 - 84 9 (-) 30/8 -

Vinati Organics 0803 9.87 10 69 43.2 41.9 146.3 78 17.3 15.2 332 20 18.0 15.1 53.1 43 10.7 3.5 -21 0809 15.7 75 62 (-4) 134/53 4.0

Wanbury * 0809 (18) 14.69 10 42 93.1 24.0 388.5 170 11.8 27.0 * -14 5 16.7 12.2 92.7 62 12.7 6.6 9 0809 10.6 -40 47 (6) 168/36 4.5

IND.COMPOSITE 460.45 9686.6 19.1 1208.1 21.8 368.4 18457 12.4


ABL Bio-Tech. 0803 8.20 10 10 15.8 22.1 16.9 82 19.2 1.8 -16 - 2.5 2.2 3.3 -45 4.9 -0.2 PL 0809 1.1 -59 28 M(4) 209/16 25.8

Ahlcon Parent(I) 0803 7.20 10 61 38.1 24.2 45.8 -7 29.1 6.1 -25 15 11.0 8.2 11.6 16 23.5 1.3 -7 0809 5.6 -47 18 (-1) 80/14 3.2

Albert David 0803 5.71 10 62 88.6 15.0 174.6 13 11.5 7.4 -20 30 24.2 12.4 51.8 19 17.1 3.5 -4 0809 11.4 -31 51 (-) 129/40 4.5

Alpa Lab 0803 21.56 10 51 44.4 11.3 129.6 34 3.4 6.9 19 - 3.9 3.2 30.1 -33 -6.0 -1.3 PL 0809 1.7 -51 11 (1) 53/7 6.6

Ambalal Sarabhai 0803 76.63 10 26 6.1 - 61.1 -31 -80.5 -93.2 * -198 - - - 18.1 -11 -56.0 -11.3 -63 0803 - -198 10 (1) 51/6 -

Amrutanjan Healt 0803 3.20 10 45 79.5 23.6 74.6 3 16.0 5.7 -26 70 21.3 16.7 23.3 2 22.3 5.5 81 0809 25.1 1 354 (-1) 600/235 14.1

Ankur Drugs 0803 18.62 10 36 124.0 40.2 673.5 80 15.9 63.5 * 94 23 38.2 33.7 251.1 67 18.1 22.8 57 0809 43.5 73 100 C(8) 416/83 2.3

Arvind Remedies 0803 26.04 1 25 1.7 11.9 175.7 12 9.1 5.1 18 5 0.3 0.2 53.0 22 6.8 0.9 -8 0809 0.2 15 2 (1) 7/1 -

Bafna Pharm 0803 15.98 10 50 23.4 13.2 39.3 16 4.9 1.2 184 - 1.0 0.8 9.3 58 7.2 - -33 0809 0.9 - 19 P(1) 47/9 -

BDH Inds. 0803 6.12 10 53 28.4 0.2 15.0 -26 11.6 - -93 - 1.1 - 7.6 125 9.8 0.1 LP 0809 0.5 LP 10 (2) 48/7 -

Page 26: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 4 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Bharat Immunol. 0803 43.18 10 59 7.5 - 13.5 0 -37.7 -4.0 -31 - - - 0.3 - - -1.1 12 0809 - -12 14 (3) 74/8 -

Bliss GVS Pharma 0803 10.32 1 64 6.0 79.0 102.4 64 37.3 33.7 778 10 3.5 3.3 36.7 23 36.2 13.1 7 0809 3.7 89 11 B(-) 49/9 3.0

Coral Labs. 0803 3.57 10 60 63.5 12.9 32.7 7 15.3 2.8 -51 10 10.5 7.6 9.2 -2 13.6 0.8 -26 0809 4.9 -63 38 (5) 133/26 7.8

Elder Health 0803 4.00 10 49 13.0 10.1 68.7 50 2.3 0.5 LP - 2.2 1.3 12.4 -35 2.2 - -50 0809 1.2 LP 27 CR(-8) 61/19 22.5

Elder Projects 0803 3.23 10 72 13.2 -7.0 4.9 57 4.5 -0.3 69 - 0.7 - 1.5 23 24.7 -0.1 68 0809 - 78 58 62/55 -

Hester Bios 0803 5.19 10 43 64.5 22.9 32.6 49 52.2 7.1 37 25 20.3 13.2 6.0 -31 54.3 1.0 -49 0809 11.1 -16 74 (11) 249/43 6.7

Ind-Swift 0803 7.44 2 37 47.9 19.1 513.1 36 14.0 31.2 50 20 9.9 8.3 146.1 19 14.8 8.8 34 0809 9.2 58 15 (2) 47/11 1.6

Jenburkt Pharma. 0803 4.65 10 41 16.8 17.3 38.4 8 8.9 1.3 * 14 13 3.9 2.5 12.2 11 16.6 1.3 48 0809 0.9 -67 20 (1) 60/13 -

Kerala Ayurveda 0803 10.56 10 62 14.8 - 17.2 12 -24.3 -4.6 -184 - - - 4.4 -10 -32.9 -2.1 -44 0809 - -45 21 (-1) 128/17 -

Kilitch Drugs 0803 13.20 10 65 38.9 34.9 117.2 262 19.5 11.3 999 20 13.0 8.2 36.3 32 22.7 5.1 63 0809 12.3 173 88 (13) 190/49 7.2

Lincoln Pharma. 0803 7.61 2 40 8.4 15.4 86.2 37 10.9 4.7 53 12 1.4 1.2 35.8 71 10.4 3.0 46 0809 1.5 51 5 (1) 22/3 3.3

Medicamen Biotec 0803 7.72 10 36 15.0 14.0 76.9 35 5.5 1.5 1 - 3.2 2.0 26.1 29 5.5 0.7 150 0809 2.3 14 9 (1) 27/7 4.0

Parenteral Drugs 0803 13.87 10 57 86.3 23.4 210.4 24 18.0 19.1 301 15 16.8 13.6 64.2 22 18.3 6.1 8 0809 13.5 33 51 (1) 230/41 3.8

Plethico Pharma 0712 (15) 34.07 10 87 174.1 21.9 549.5 72 28.5 142.2 * 32 20 34.6 33.0 154.0 25 27.3 35.0 4 0809 34.6 -8 141 (7) 522/111 4.1

Sanjivani Parant 0803 5.90 10 14 36.3 19.0 91.8 33 8.7 3.7 30 - 7.2 6.3 32.0 114 13.1 3.2 355 0809 9.8 100 16 (-1) 56/14 1.6

Sharon Bio-Med. * 0806 10.56 10 61 76.3 43.8 334.6 96 11.7 27.2 53 12 29.0 25.6 91.0 24 10.3 5.2 -25 0809 24.1 20 39 (-2) 295/30 1.6

Syncom Formul. 0803 6.23 10 46 62.4 9.8 64.9 13 5.9 3.6 -9 5 8.5 5.7 20.1 - 15.2 2.3 43 0809 7.1 34 20 CR(1) 60/13 2.8

Twilight Li-Taka 0803 10.64 5 64 20.9 49.1 294.8 49 13.7 19.9 41 20 9.9 9.2 90.9 16 16.6 7.5 36 0809 11.2 32 36 (1) 100/25 3.2

Venus Remedies 0803 8.45 10 26 110.7 50.7 212.7 52 25.0 38.5 34 40 50.0 44.9 70.0 41 23.3 11.6 18 0809 50.9 26 220 (-3) 597/143 4.3

Vista Pharma. * 0803 15.00 10 25 8.5 - 1.0 -6 -57.3 -0.9 -22 - - - 0.4 9 -77.8 -0.3 -42 0809 - 17 6 C(-) 17/5 -

Zenotech Lab. 0803 34.43 10 25 43.7 - 8.2 -36 -99.9 -14.7 PL - - - 1.5 -38 - -3.5 -39 0809 - -999 109 M(21) 160/72 -

IND.COMPOSITE 449.08 4277.6 14.6 328.3 17.1 119.2 2290 3.7


Abbott India 0711 13.68 10 69 168.3 28.7 622.4 17 13.1 66.5 * 12 175 49.2 45.1 177.9 13 13.3 17.6 -12 0808 48.7 3 413 M(22) 618/365 8.5

Astrazeneca Phar 0712 5.00 2 90 63.7 40.8 302.7 13 30.2 61.5 26 750 24.4 22.0 90.5 22 32.5 18.5 14 0809 28.7 28 485 (5) 739/400 16.9

Aventis Pharma 0712 23.03 10 60 300.3 22.5 864.0 -2 16.4 143.9 * -15 160 67.8 59.7 247.9 9 19.3 44.6 21 0809 64.0 -3 921 (21) 1190/662 14.4

Fulford (India) 0712 3.90 10 54 281.1 21.9 168.3 13 16.5 21.8 * 71 40 58.5 55.2 56.9 29 22.4 8.7 25 0809 56.9 19 390 (21) 647/331 6.9

Glaxosmit Pharma 0712 84.70 10 51 160.7 27.9 1570.3 2 29.9 356.2 * - 360 37.8 35.9 464.7 10 38.0 132.0 21 0809 48.1 7 1146 (20) 1212/800 23.8

Merck 0712 16.86 10 51 250.8 16.9 312.6 -5 21.3 68.3 * -14 200 41.3 37.4 107.8 32 14.7 17.6 -8 0809 40.8 7 310 (14) 445/260 7.6

Novartis India 0803 15.98 5 51 140.3 23.2 553.1 2 17.8 94.5 * 8 200 28.8 27.9 154.5 4 21.2 29.2 -4 0809 31.3 3 264 (25) 433/221 8.4

Pfizer 0711 29.84 10 41 217.4 27.3 710.0 1 16.5 143.8 * 27 275 46.7 43.5 187.7 7 21.0 38.5 4 0808 50.0 12 508 (-1) 788/436 10.2

Solvay Pharma 0712 5.05 10 69 171.9 33.3 167.8 16 26.3 28.1 * 50 400 59.1 49.2 54.6 22 25.3 9.7 11 0809 68.6 48 557 (16) 700/461 8.1

Wyeth 0803 22.72 10 57 113.7 31.6 329.7 15 32.0 81.5 * -11 300 33.6 30.8 105.4 21 40.8 33.8 25 0809 39.6 2 437 (21) 590/348 11.0

IND.COMPOSITE 220.76 5600.9 22.2 1066.1 26.4 350.1 17913 15.5


Jindal Photo 0803 10.26 10 71 172.3 30.5 360.5 0 16.4 46.8 * 76 10 49.0 45.4 84.0 2 12.6 6.6 -46 0809 41.2 14 87 (2) 429/52 2.1

IND.COMPOSITE 10.26 360.5 16.4 46.8 12.6 6.6 89 2.1


Arrow Coated 0803 5.07 10 54 19.3 -3.2 22.6 -5 1.2 -0.3 PL - 0.2 - 1.5 -70 -10.0 -0.3 PL 0809 - PL 13 (-) 51/8 -

Astral Poly 0803 11.24 10 64 70.0 23.5 135.8 41 15.2 17.1 87 10 17.9 15.0 48.1 54 15.8 4.4 15 0809 17.2 59 66 (-2) 229/52 3.8

Biopac India 0803 16.00 10 50 9.2 - 22.6 11 29.9 -0.6 4 - 2.0 - 7.0 40 22.5 -0.3 PL 0809 - PL 9 (1) 51/6 -

Bright Brothers 0712 (18) 5.98 10 46 106.1 -15.0 281.0 87 -5.1 -7.2 * -119 67 4.3 - 20.5 -59 2.4 0.4 -68 0809 - PL 34 (1) 98/28 -

Caprihans India 0803 13.13 10 72 67.8 2.0 123.2 -1 3.8 1.8 * -60 10 4.3 1.2 45.1 34 3.0 0.4 -22 0809 1.0 -48 25 (1) 112/17 24.5

EPC Inds. 0803 9.50 10 29 2.1 - 43.4 242 -6.4 -5.6 20 - - - 11.7 24 -19.4 -3.4 -214 0809 - -127 23 (4) 81/18 -

Fenoplast 0803 4.60 10 57 40.3 15.9 97.4 -3 9.5 2.7 28 - 8.5 5.9 23.4 -3 9.9 0.3 -48 0806 5.3 6 13 (2) 38/10 2.5

Hydro S&S Inds. 0803 6.53 10 65 40.7 22.0 116.7 16 10.8 5.4 112 12 10.4 8.0 39.5 38 12.3 2.1 67 0809 7.2 11 30 (2) 78/21 4.2

Innocorp Ltd 0803 7.94 10 27 22.8 0.1 19.0 -33 5.8 0.2 700 - 0.7 0.2 2.8 -68 - 0.1 -90 0809 - PL 9 (-) 70/7 -

Jain Irrigation 0803 72.37 10 32 117.7 23.1 1851.1 33 17.1 146.1 48 22 25.2 19.3 475.9 44 20.1 45.9 53 0809 25.4 48 349 C(32) 770/229 13.7

Kalpena Inds. 0803 11.55 10 74 45.4 48.2 451.6 48 8.0 20.9 112 20 21.2 17.8 159.1 59 7.8 7.2 57 0809 23.7 89 61 (10) 191/36 2.6

Kemp & Co. 0803 1.08 10 72 103.3 7.4 5.7 16 -4.2 0.8 86 10 8.8 7.2 1.4 14 13.2 0.3 178 0809 8.6 127 90 (-) 400/76 10.5

Kemrock Inds. 0803 11.01 10 35 210.8 19.8 219.9 59 31.1 25.0 34 10 33.7 22.6 96.2 71 26.2 8.2 26 0809 26.5 44 150 C(-1) 893/106 5.7

Kisan Mouldings 0803 7.04 10 68 41.7 15.4 128.8 19 11.2 4.3 19 10 10.5 5.9 28.7 -10 14.3 0.8 -45 0809 5.1 -8 16 (-) 78/13 3.2

Machino Plastics 0803 6.14 10 74 55.8 5.2 87.8 6 15.0 1.7 * -65 20 19.1 2.5 20.5 -5 -0.4 -2.1 PL 0809 0.4 -94 36 (3) 107/31 -

Manjushree Extr. 0803 13.55 10 55 39.5 13.0 73.7 5 16.2 4.5 57 10 5.8 3.3 27.7 66 14.5 1.7 60 0809 4.5 55 13 (1) 66/10 2.9

Mayur Uniquoters 0803 5.41 10 73 46.2 23.4 90.2 36 11.2 5.1 91 20 11.7 9.2 26.9 13 5.8 0.7 -47 0809 8.8 14 27 C(2) 74/19 3.1

Multibase India 0803 12.62 10 75 14.8 17.7 28.5 36 18.0 3.0 * 34 - 3.2 2.4 9.1 17 -5.0 -0.5 PL 0809 0.8 -73 13 (-2) 75/11 -

Nilkamal Ltd 0803 12.78 10 71 162.7 13.4 777.7 67 10.3 22.6 * 228 65 34.8 16.6 228.2 4 11.1 4.7 -45 0809 16.4 41 71 (6) 330/55 4.3

OK Play India 0803 15.98 10 66 27.4 9.0 42.2 4 20.5 3.2 -72 - 3.8 2.0 9.8 -36 11.9 0.1 -98 0809 - PL 15 M(-) 150/12 -

Pearl Polymers 0803 16.83 10 58 25.1 2.5 134.6 6 9.3 0.9 * -53 - 4.5 0.6 39.5 18 8.5 0.2 -74 0809 0.4 -73 8 (-) 36/7 -

Plastiblends 0803 6.50 10 57 107.3 21.0 157.2 26 11.9 13.5 * 24 70 23.2 19.6 43.1 11 12.7 2.8 -28 0809 20.6 33 112 (2) 199/90 5.4

Poddar Pigments 0803 12.20 10 49 28.0 9.6 97.6 8 5.9 3.1 * 123 - 4.5 2.5 30.1 21 7.0 0.9 1 0809 2.9 63 17 (-1) 58/11 6.0

Precision Pipes 0803 14.00 10 63 93.9 22.4 126.1 15 29.2 19.4 * 39 30 17.5 13.3 29.2 -4 19.2 2.8 -40 0809 12.2 -6 34 (2) 175/26 2.8

Prima Plastics 0803 11.00 10 59 33.2 1.2 44.6 17 5.6 0.5 LP - 1.9 0.4 9.4 -2 -4.9 -1.0 -890 0809 - PL 6 (-) 15/6 -

Responsive Ind 0803 20.99 10 60 38.4 - 371.8 68 15.7 37.9 14 8 26.9 18.0 96.0 2 14.1 6.9 -61 0809 15.4 -20 509 509/94 33.1

Royal Cush. Vin. 0803 12.07 10 60 -249.5 - 69.2 13 0.6 -16.3 67 - - - 16.3 -5 -6.4 -5.8 54 0809 - 98 8 (-3) 21/8 -

Supreme Inds. 0806 27.62 10 45 89.7 21.7 1310.2 13 10.8 50.5 * 18 80 31.2 16.9 294.5 16 9.5 5.1 -45 0809 16.8 -4 125 (12) 385/99 7.5

Time Technoplast 0803 20.92 1 62 18.1 17.7 471.2 33 19.9 51.9 * 34 30 3.3 2.4 132.3 22 18.8 15.8 28 0809 2.7 51 27 (-4) 114/23 10.0

Page 27: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 5Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Tulsi Extrusions 0803 12.50 10 54 58.0 9.2 65.1 2 14.2 3.9 -9 10 3.3 3.0 9.0 - -9.5 -2.3 - 0809 - - 18 (2) 146/13 -

Wim Plast 0803 6.00 10 72 81.1 6.3 72.4 33 9.9 2.8 * 85 30 10.1 4.1 16.9 12 11.9 0.9 85 0809 6.9 172 47 (1) 78/34 6.8

XPRO India 0803 11.00 10 46 96.2 0.3 129.1 10 8.2 0.3 78 15 6.6 - 39.4 26 8.7 0.2 -71 0809 - -100 17 M(1) 72/13 -

IND.COMPOSITE 421.15 7668.1 13.0 419.1 13.3 97.2 5389 10.9


BF Utilities * 0809 18.83 5 66 58.5 0.3 19.5 -34 58.8 4.6 543 - 2.9 1.2 10.3 55 82.4 4.9 -64 0809 1.2 543 612 (72) 2750/455 510.4

CESC 0803 124.94 10 52 237.8 14.3 2828.9 12 20.3 344.2 * 14 40 40.4 26.9 755.0 3 24.8 124.0 51 0809 32.8 24 266 (-2) 700/165 8.1

Energy Devlop. 0803 27.50 10 51 31.5 20.4 65.7 7 35.9 16.3 * 58 10 6.8 5.7 11.8 -12 68.3 7.1 8 0809 6.0 17 50 (5) 340/31 8.3

Guj Inds Power 0803 151.25 10 58 75.2 9.2 935.5 18 27.2 102.3 -44 25 12.2 6.3 290.7 51 19.0 24.8 18 0809 6.0 -39 55 (10) 178/37 9.2

GVK Power Infra 0803 140.58 1 61 12.2 8.8 27.0 142 47.5 91.4 504 - 0.7 0.7 6.8 12 29.8 4.8 -60 0809 0.7 381 24 (1) 87/10 -

Indowind Energy 0806 48.96 10 46 26.4 11.6 25.6 6 21.4 4.1 * -38 - 1.2 0.8 4.6 42 67.0 2.6 11 0809 0.9 -36 25 (1) 167/21 -

Jaiprakash Hydro 0803 491.00 10 63 21.0 15.8 307.6 -8 89.6 152.8 * -2 15 3.8 2.9 108.3 -9 94.8 66.9 -13 0809 3.0 -20 33 (1) 143/23 11.1

KSK Energy 0803 346.10 10 55 54.5 3.4 50.5 193 59.3 15.5 * 49 - 0.5 0.4 87.9 - 93.3 45.2 - 0809 2.3 - 193 P(39) 245/107 82.5

Neyveli Lignite 0803 1677.71 10 94 53.9 12.7 2986.8 42 43.4 1146.0 106 20 9.2 6.5 668.2 -8 32.0 188.4 -19 0809 7.8 91 75 (6) 268/45 9.7

NTPC 0803 8245.46 10 90 65.5 14.4 37091.0 14 30.3 7423.0 8 35 11.0 8.4 9661.4 21 26.4 2110.5 10 0809 8.5 -14 181 (-1) 291/113 21.4

Power Grid Corpn 0803 4208.84 10 86 32.7 13.0 4614.8 29 78.4 1603.1 30 12 5.9 3.6 1575.2 52 85.3 403.0 9 0809 3.5 -7 83 (-) 153/52 23.6

Reliance Infra 0803 230.87 10 37 444.2 11.5 6152.1 7 8.9 996.3 * 27 63 51.7 42.1 2473.2 58 11.2 289.0 16 0809 46.2 20 666 M(47) 2632/354 14.4

Reliance Power 0803 2396.80 10 85 56.5 1.1 - -100 - 75.9 * 999 - 0.3 0.3 - - - 47.2 - 0809 0.8 - 125 B(-) 375/82 -

Surya Chakra Pow 0803 76.63 10 51 17.7 5.6 106.8 12 9.8 5.6 229 - 1.6 0.7 30.3 24 7.5 0.4 -14 0809 0.7 236 15 (4) 59/8 -

Tata Power Co. 0803 221.38 10 33 364.9 8.1 5937.2 26 15.5 571.1 * -14 105 37.8 24.7 1958.9 45 13.5 261.8 44 0809 29.6 -7 830 C(93) 1639/532 28.0

Torrent Power 0803 472.45 10 53 61.2 7.6 3628.7 161 13.7 217.1 45 12 7.5 4.4 1129.5 23 18.2 107.5 64 0809 5.9 57 80 (5) 250/50 13.7

IND.COMPOSITE 18879.30 64777.7 29.8 12769.3 28.1 3688.0 282432 19.9


Archies 0803 6.76 10 62 118.7 11.1 117.7 13 13.4 8.2 8 - 16.2 12.2 35.0 23 -0.4 -0.7 PL 0809 7.0 -37 55 (-8) 181/42 7.8

Blue Bird (I) 0803 35.00 10 53 54.2 12.5 458.7 1 16.6 22.6 -16 12 7.7 6.3 135.5 20 18.4 7.5 31 0809 6.0 -18 20 (-) 91/16 3.3

DIC India 0712 9.18 10 72 130.4 9.7 404.6 20 6.3 10.2 * 12 35 17.9 10.6 130.1 27 7.7 4.7 68 0809 16.4 48 120 (6) 240/95 7.3

Infomedia 18 0803 19.88 10 66 30.4 -14.7 144.7 1 2.0 -9.5 PL 10 - - 34.1 -34 -18.0 -8.0 PL 0809 - PL 84 M(9) 281/56 -

Macmillan India 0712 16.82 10 61 125.8 8.9 150.3 1 13.1 17.1 * -51 25 13.1 9.7 30.4 9 7.6 0.6 LP 0809 8.6 -51 59 (-3) 280/44 6.9

Micro Inks 0712 24.87 10 75 310.4 9.1 1148.9 62 11.5 70.3 LP 60 39.7 27.2 383.6 29 12.0 27.0 45 0809 39.1 117 127 (23) 418/87 3.3

Navneet Pub. 0803 19.06 2 62 24.2 24.7 400.4 23 20.7 53.7 * 26 120 6.3 5.2 92.2 12 14.2 6.3 -25 0809 5.5 1 45 (3) 149/35 8.2

Repro India 0803 10.48 10 73 91.9 17.3 145.3 14 12.3 15.7 66 20 20.7 14.6 63.5 43 13.7 4.3 10 0809 17.3 51 81 (-1) 173/69 4.7

Sambhaav Media 0803 14.61 1 58 2.3 4.6 33.6 49 27.3 1.2 -31 - 0.3 0.1 9.4 19 27.6 0.4 -41 0809 0.1 -50 1 (-) 7/1 -

Sandesh 0803 8.65 10 66 231.2 13.9 334.5 14 5.1 23.6 * 648 30 32.4 26.8 107.6 9 12.5 6.5 -36 0809 26.7 238 133 (-14) 266/79 5.0

Sundaram Mult. 0803 7.19 1 60 12.2 15.0 113.4 36 12.5 8.1 96 10 1.4 1.1 26.1 54 16.9 2.9 104 0809 1.3 58 5 (-) 27/5 3.8

IND.COMPOSITE 172.50 3452.2 12.0 221.2 11.4 51.3 1486 5.1


Adarsh Plant 0803 9.91 10 35 6.3 - 4.2 -34 -2.9 -0.6 -999 - - - 1.9 41 9.5 - -88 0809 - PL 6 (-) 50/5 -

Kirl. Brothers 0803 21.15 2 62 62.2 17.5 1521.7 14 9.9 109.9 * -36 200 11.4 9.7 420.4 32 5.0 23.4 -13 0809 7.2 -40 86 (-) 485/69 12.0

KSB Pumps 0712 17.40 10 66 136.6 21.4 463.7 14 14.1 46.3 * -8 55 32.0 25.6 141.2 26 20.8 18.5 167 0809 39.1 80 226 (19) 501/175 5.8

M & P Pumps 0712 9.23 10 63 31.1 38.7 181.9 38 10.3 9.3 4 - 11.9 10.1 68.6 40 13.9 4.4 76 0809 13.0 78 245 (3) 250/90 18.9

Roto Pumps 0803 3.10 10 70 44.9 23.8 39.9 27 16.0 3.0 * 49 20 12.9 9.4 14.0 38 13.5 0.9 13 0809 10.8 43 37 (-2) 95/28 3.4

Shakti Pumps * 0806 6.40 10 50 53.3 31.0 104.4 68 14.0 7.1 83 10 15.0 11.0 32.4 47 14.9 2.6 52 0809 12.6 68 78 (9) 216/50 6.2

WPIL 0803 7.97 10 73 19.7 37.2 110.0 70 11.8 4.9 * 241 - 7.2 6.2 32.0 10 10.9 1.5 228 0809 8.5 212 48 (-2) 93/35 5.6

IND.COMPOSITE 75.16 2425.6 11.1 179.9 9.9 51.4 1635 9.3


Hathway Bhawani 0803 8.00 10 55 4.7 - 10.6 0 1.7 -0.4 PL - 0.4 - 3.3 17 7.0 0.2 667 0809 0.1 -80 7 (1) 31/4 -

Nicco Parks 0809 4.68 10 58 21.1 10.9 21.5 12 16.7 1.3 29 - 5.8 2.7 4.2 1 -3.1 -0.3 PL 0809 2.7 29 40 (3) 101/25 14.7

IND.COMPOSITE 12.68 32.1 11.8 0.9 7.0 0.0 24 14.5


B P C L 0803 361.54 10 64 323.0 14.4110208.1 14 2.6 1551.6 * -15 40 73.0 42.7 37826.2 50 -5.7 -2625.3 PL 0809 - PL 358 (-27) 530/206 -

Bongaigaon Ref 0803 199.82 10 74 57.7 27.7 6025.7 4 6.7 295.6 38 50 15.5 13.9 2182.4 58 -5.5 -81.2 PL 0809 6.3 -52 43 (-) 104/34 6.8

C P C L 0803 148.94 10 67 232.6 36.8 28153.5 14 7.2 1123.3 98 170 89.4 72.5 10283.2 64 -0.5 -102.7 PL 0809 78.6 52 130 (12) 431/101 1.7

Essar Oil 0803 1263.45 10 18 32.1 - 562.3 19 -8.9 -41.2 * 39 - - - 13646.0 999 2.9 26.0 LP 0809 0.3 LP 93 M(-2) 350/54 -

H P C L 0803 339.33 10 51 311.3 12.6105215.6 17 1.7 1271.3 -20 30 62.0 37.0 35522.1 46 -7.2 -3218.9 PL 0809 - PL 265 (-11) 399/164 -

I O C L 0803 1192.37 10 80 344.6 18.3246763.5 14 4.1 7194.0 15 55 82.4 59.7 86261.2 54 -7.1 -7047.1 PL 0809 - PL 422 (1) 790/299 -

Mangalore Ref. 0803 1752.90 10 89 21.5 39.0 32565.9 15 6.3 1272.8 142 12 9.2 7.1 13522.4 77 1.0 24.9 -92 0809 8.2 44 43 (1) 144/30 5.2

Reliance Inds. 0803 1573.80 10 45 608.2 21.9133805.8 20 16.7 15346.5 * 25 130 126.6 95.8 44787.0 40 14.5 4122.0 7 0809 102.4 15 1366 C(17) 3252/930 13.3

Reliance Petro 0803 4500.00 10 75 29.9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93 (4) 260/69 -

Sah Petroleums * 0803 22.00 5 54 26.3 27.5 205.0 14 9.8 21.0 109 5 5.0 4.7 67.6 53 14.5 3.6 1 0809 4.9 87 40 M(3) 40/8 8.1

IND.COMPOSITE 11354.15 663505.3 6.3 28034.9 -1.6 -8898.6 351076 11.9


IFGL Refract. 0803 34.61 10 71 21.2 24.4 171.3 14 20.4 16.9 3 20 5.7 4.5 44.9 17 19.4 4.0 - 0809 5.9 42 23 (1) 87/18 3.9

Morganite Crucib 0803 2.80 10 76 57.5 5.3 19.1 4 15.0 0.8 -27 - 7.0 3.0 7.8 61 14.0 0.6 60 0809 - PL 42 (3) 120/39 -

Vesuvius India 0712 20.30 10 56 78.3 21.7 319.4 18 18.2 32.5 20 38 19.5 15.4 102.4 26 17.4 10.2 25 0809 17.7 16 95 (4) 310/80 5.4

IND.COMPOSITE 57.71 509.8 18.8 50.2 17.8 14.9 283 4.8

Page 28: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 6 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio


Chowgule Steam. 0803 36.31 10 67 32.5 16.6 95.0 137 51.1 18.1 * 152 15 9.7 4.7 37.9 97 73.0 16.2 972 0809 10.6 423 27 (4) 103/17 2.6

Essar Shipping 0803 426.08 10 47 59.5 -0.3 776.2 -24 22.9 -7.5 * PL - 2.3 - 343.4 60 11.3 -34.2 -201 0809 - PL 38 (-1) 252/25 -

Garware Offshore 0803 (15) 23.82 10 30 82.1 13.1 111.6 113 56.8 25.0 * 31 14 13.5 8.2 44.6 79 60.1 14.6 138 0809 13.7 66 80 (5) 280/67 5.8

Great Eastern 0803 152.28 10 30 273.0 29.3 2594.6 30 49.4 1057.4 * 42 150 89.3 66.9 864.1 44 59.9 525.2 181 0809 94.6 80 243 C(25) 549/139 2.6

Great Offshore 0803 37.14 10 21 198.4 28.6 676.3 26 45.9 186.9 * 32 160 73.7 44.8 159.3 5 29.9 16.9 -66 0809 43.9 -6 279 M(48) 1150/200 6.4

Mercator Lines 0803 23.60 1 38 38.5 18.9 781.1 0 32.8 137.4 * 103 110 10.0 5.5 319.0 72 22.9 12.8 -53 0809 3.9 1 39 C(5) 170/22 10.1

S C I 0803 423.45 10 80 133.0 15.2 3726.8 1 24.2 810.8 * -14 85 25.3 18.2 1184.7 36 24.5 249.8 37 0809 22.5 9 93 B(8) 219/67 4.1

SEAMEC Ltd 0712 33.90 10 78 81.0 14.5 170.4 7 30.3 37.8 -35 - 16.7 11.1 68.6 51 -9.2 -12.2 PL 0809 - PL 41 (2) 301/30 -

Shreyas Shipping 0803 21.96 10 73 63.3 5.7 169.7 26 16.8 9.3 -59 20 9.8 3.3 40.1 -3 -21.0 -14.4 PL 0809 - PL 27 (2) 159/20 -

SKS Logistics Lt 0803 14.50 10 59 29.9 6.1 45.9 13 40.8 2.7 -32 10 7.3 1.7 8.5 -6 44.4 0.1 22 0809 1.5 -30 15 (-) 75/9 10.2

Varun Ship. Co. 0803 150.00 10 43 61.0 27.6 932.6 39 61.6 223.7 * 139 50 28.2 14.1 256.9 5 52.8 44.3 -23 0809 6.9 -57 48 (2) 110/40 7.0

IND.COMPOSITE 1343.04 10080.2 36.8 2501.6 34.5 819.0 12453 3.8


Agro Tech Foods 0803 24.37 10 65 45.9 15.7 1010.6 -3 2.2 16.0 * 1 - 7.5 6.6 207.5 -18 1.9 2.1 -44 0809 5.8 -17 105 (8) 254/64 18.0

Amrit Banaspati 0803 7.36 10 73 36.5 6.3 758.8 23 1.3 1.9 111 10 6.3 2.1 199.3 30 -0.8 -2.6 PL 0809 - PL 28 (1) 77/23 -

Anik Industries 0803 27.75 10 50 67.7 13.1 729.0 58 4.0 23.2 * 133 12 9.1 8.2 258.7 121 0.4 2.7 -34 0809 9.1 89 27 (2) 109/15 3.0

AVT Natural Prod 0803 7.61 10 69 54.1 24.3 80.7 14 16.0 9.3 6 35 14.5 11.6 23.9 22 14.2 1.2 -37 0809 11.3 1 78 (6) 179/45 6.9

Divya Jyoti Inds 0803 10.30 10 37 15.1 2.3 188.1 10 1.5 0.4 106 - 1.0 0.3 57.5 60 0.8 0.1 17 0809 0.4 83 8 (-) 20/6 -

Gokul Refoils 0803 26.38 10 70 125.9 34.8 2050.8 31 6.2 54.9 * 105 - 25.5 20.8 754.6 - 3.5 11.4 - 0809 - - 215 P(-2) 346/162 -

Guj. Ambuja Exp 0803 27.67 2 64 25.9 21.5 1829.1 31 8.2 70.4 * 53 40 7.2 5.0 330.6 -12 10.3 13.0 -31 0809 5.1 20 23 (1) 99/18 4.6

K S Oils 0803 33.24 1 33 19.4 29.8 2043.9 91 10.8 120.7 111 18 4.0 3.6 733.6 67 11.2 42.2 59 0809 4.6 75 57 (5) 142/30 12.3

Kriti Inds. 0803 6.20 1 71 5.4 24.7 474.0 43 6.1 7.5 186 12 1.8 1.2 104.4 20 2.3 -2.5 PL 0809 0.8 24 5 (1) 25/4 -

KSE 0803 3.20 10 35 83.4 9.9 289.5 5 3.1 2.5 * LP 35 16.2 7.2 90.2 28 -3.1 -2.7 PL 0809 - PL 95 (5) 155/82 -

Murli Industries 0803 10.24 10 52 215.6 30.7 649.2 24 17.2 54.3 32 20 78.1 53.0 110.5 -9 25.8 12.2 35 0809 60.2 31 130 (-10) 800/100 2.2

Poon Dal & Oil * 0803 5.71 10 70 21.8 36.5 437.4 15 1.6 4.0 90 9 9.4 6.8 95.2 -31 0.9 0.5 -22 0809 6.9 61 15 (-1) 50/13 2.2

Rasoya Proteins 0803 13.57 10 41 29.7 22.1 281.0 70 5.5 6.3 39 13 5.3 4.5 47.6 26 5.9 0.6 17 0809 5.0 23 25 C(-2) 88/22 5.0

Ruchi Infrastr. 0803 20.29 1 60 5.8 3.3 969.2 11 1.8 6.7 * -67 10 0.9 0.1 247.7 8 -1.4 -8.9 -227 0809 0.1 -88 14 (-3) 51/10 -

Ruchi Soya Inds. 0803 37.76 2 37 55.0 16.7 10908.3 28 2.7 151.3 * 51 25 11.9 7.8 2564.9 29 3.9 34.3 5 0809 8.9 37 32 (4) 158/20 3.6

Sam Inds. 0803 11.09 10 67 20.0 11.4 20.6 7 18.2 3.2 * 22 - 4.1 2.2 3.1 -14 25.9 0.4 -20 0809 2.4 -19 18 (6) 32/8 7.4

Sanwaria Agro 0803 17.40 1 70 4.4 77.6 938.1 111 7.8 43.6 256 30 2.7 2.5 312.2 55 9.1 22.1 56 0809 3.7 131 30 B(3) 56/24 8.2

Vimal Oil &Foods 0803 7.28 10 31 30.5 32.5 634.2 29 2.4 5.6 64 18 9.2 7.5 128.6 21 2.2 0.5 -64 0809 7.0 25 20 (-) 68/17 2.9

IND.COMPOSITE 297.42 24292.4 4.7 581.8 4.9 126.5 4878 6.7


Ajmera Realty 0803 118.28 10 62 51.7 49.8 1863.3 19 17.1 245.6 17 11 23.9 20.6 561.2 29 7.1 12.0 -83 0809 11.7 -58 43 (4) 487/21 3.7

Bhushan Steel 0803 42.47 10 64 382.7 29.8 4152.3 9 18.7 422.4 * 35 25 148.8 99.0 1515.5 42 22.0 143.0 38 0809 116.9 30 331 (-3) 1730/290 2.8

ISMT Ltd 0803 73.25 5 50 36.6 19.9 1193.2 -1 17.2 100.1 -23 20 10.3 6.7 408.1 33 12.7 20.2 -30 0809 5.4 -43 24 (3) 135/19 4.5

Ispat Inds. 0803 1222.44 10 41 5.5 - 8323.1 11 14.7 34.1 * LP - 5.5 0.3 3199.7 58 17.9 -26.7 PL 0809 0.1 -89 13 (-) 77/9 -

Jindal Saw 0712 (15) 52.12 10 44 371.9 24.2 6594.8 75 8.1 430.1 * 101 50 76.0 63.4 1485.5 4 13.4 100.1 11 0809 77.9 34 255 C(15) 1204/217 3.3

JSL Ltd 0803 32.43 2 46 115.1 16.6 5050.7 5 14.4 264.4 -26 100 31.5 16.0 1092.0 -3 15.5 75.5 309 0809 26.4 48 40 C(2) 235/26 1.5

JSW Steel 0803 187.05 10 47 391.7 26.8 11391.1 33 29.5 1729.4 34 140 126.6 88.3 4269.2 58 25.5 498.3 4 0809 97.5 11 245 (18) 1357/170 2.5

Lloyd Steel 0803 212.11 10 20 -29.5 - 2204.6 28 0.8 -79.5 * -17 - 1.6 - 710.9 58 4.9 -11.6 69 0809 - -129 6 M(1) 34/4 -

M U S C O 0803 32.48 10 56 57.8 16.5 920.4 28 10.4 28.5 * -37 30 16.5 8.2 364.3 60 3.8 -1.0 PL 0809 6.4 -39 26 (1) 114/20 4.1

Mah. Seamless 0803 35.27 5 46 155.0 19.4 1491.2 7 18.7 194.4 * -17 100 29.2 26.7 586.9 52 12.5 63.9 10 0809 28.7 -11 168 (3) 650/124 5.9

Man Inds. 0803 26.64 5 45 68.7 21.2 1446.8 29 7.9 71.2 29 30 18.4 13.1 376.6 6 9.3 10.9 -43 0809 11.3 -9 46 (-1) 173/27 4.1

Mukand 0803 73.11 10 52 87.8 8.4 1919.3 6 12.2 51.3 * -44 10 14.8 6.8 582.8 23 7.9 10.6 -25 0809 6.6 -44 26 (1) 152/21 3.9

Natl. Steel&Agro 0803 32.60 10 42 64.2 11.6 2154.2 17 4.0 25.2 11 - 14.0 7.0 689.5 43 3.1 7.4 26 0809 8.6 15 14 (1) 49/9 1.6

PSL 0803 42.71 10 48 132.4 18.8 2043.9 43 10.8 84.8 30 50 31.0 19.0 643.8 30 7.6 21.6 13 0809 22.5 32 92 (12) 550/72 4.1

Ramsarup Inds 0803 17.50 10 67 214.3 22.2 1824.1 40 9.2 62.0 42 20 47.5 34.6 478.6 44 11.3 10.5 -28 0809 34.8 16 36 (4) 293/27 1.0

S A I L 0803 4130.40 10 86 55.8 37.3 39768.2 17 27.7 7297.3 * 25 37 20.0 17.0 12238.6 34 24.6 2009.6 18 0809 19.2 20 90 (5) 275/55 4.7

Saraswati Indl. * 0809 7.37 10 55 402.7 29.1 1289.7 14 9.9 57.7 * -17 20 107.3 78.3 564.9 76 11.2 41.5 67 0809 78.3 -17 654 (-29) 829/50 8.3

Shah Alloys 0803 19.80 10 54 65.6 -63.2 900.0 -28 -13.0 -120.5 * PL - - - 230.5 21 -3.6 -33.2 66 0809 - 39 15 (1) 70/11 -

Sunflag Iron 0803 162.20 10 40 18.1 15.8 989.5 20 10.5 43.6 18 5 5.0 2.6 337.4 55 11.1 12.7 100 0809 3.5 55 12 (2) 48/7 3.5

Surya Roshni 0803 26.00 10 26 69.1 7.6 1259.1 16 5.0 13.1 * -10 15 14.6 4.8 501.0 50 4.5 3.7 5 0809 5.4 -6 31 (1) 95/21 5.8

Tata Steel 0803 730.58 10 34 298.8 26.1 19654.8 13 39.9 4514.3 * 5 160 70.4 58.7 6850.7 43 46.5 2027.9 74 0809 83.1 39 245 (16) 942/146 3.0

Usha Martin 0803 25.02 1 46 34.6 18.3 1639.3 18 18.7 140.9 * 48 100 8.5 5.5 593.9 53 18.2 41.9 17 0809 7.0 51 30 (3) 150/18 4.3

Uttam Galva 0803 113.97 10 40 62.3 19.7 3155.8 23 9.5 124.0 10 - 16.6 10.9 1361.7 56 6.4 21.3 -30 0809 10.4 2 29 (-) 82/23 2.8

Welspun Guj.Stah 0803 93.24 5 45 84.6 32.9 3857.9 51 13.6 355.5 149 30 21.9 18.8 1492.8 60 10.5 65.3 -21 0809 18.2 45 119 C(4) 538/73 6.5

IND.COMPOSITE 7509.04 125087.4 22.8 16089.9 23.1 5125.1 71822 3.8


Adhunik Metal 0803 91.23 10 64 34.0 28.1 1000.6 36 16.5 80.5 4 12 11.2 8.6 375.7 56 16.4 23.8 16 0809 9.8 12 34 (-1) 235/21 3.5

Anil Spl Steel 0803 6.79 10 11 29.3 6.9 94.8 0 7.3 1.3 -46 - 6.8 1.9 29.8 49 10.5 1.1 825 0809 2.6 -25 6 (-) 47/5 2.3

Bellary Steels 0803 73.14 1 61 -7.8 - 43.6 40 4.1 -115.6 -8 - - - 16.9 31 5.1 -32.4 -26 0809 - -18 2 (-) 15/1 -

Bhuwalka Steel 0803 5.19 10 71 53.3 13.0 516.4 8 4.4 3.7 174 20 13.7 6.7 122.9 -2 4.0 0.5 -48 0809 6.4 94 27 (-1) 132/23 4.2

Bihar Tubes 0803 16.98 10 30 39.5 40.0 277.4 38 9.9 15.3 143 - 9.6 9.0 99.9 61 7.2 5.4 35 0809 12.2 66 56 C(-14) 223/49 4.6

Bilpower 0803 10.50 10 32 100.4 24.5 319.5 40 11.3 22.6 * 31 18 21.7 21.3 123.3 60 4.9 2.9 -47 0809 20.2 - 119 (19) 366/60 5.9

Facor Steels 0803 20.68 1 67 1.2 11.9 470.5 12 1.2 2.8 -49 - 0.3 0.1 125.8 2 3.5 2.7 -12 0809 0.1 -61 2 (-) 19/2 -

Page 29: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 7Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Gallantt Metal 0803 76.32 10 59 14.4 32.5 388.5 79 16.5 30.8 671 - 5.6 4.0 153.8 79 8.0 3.5 -40 0809 5.1 340 11 (-1) 52/9 2.2

Gandhi Spl. Tube 0803 7.35 5 72 49.8 28.6 76.1 27 37.8 18.9 46 50 15.6 12.4 14.2 -21 42.7 3.7 -15 0809 14.2 42 45 (2) 128/38 3.2

Gangotri Iron 0803 7.69 10 15 22.3 13.3 39.5 17 6.8 0.9 -17 - 1.8 1.1 11.1 37 7.8 0.4 106 0809 1.4 7 9 CR(1) 43/6 6.5

Garg Furnace 0803 3.45 10 74 58.7 3.7 161.9 0 1.9 0.8 63 - 4.0 2.3 32.2 -26 2.2 0.1 -26 0809 2.4 212 14 (-) 90/12 6.0

Godawari Power&I 0803 28.07 10 56 136.8 32.2 825.9 86 19.5 95.0 82 40 41.8 33.2 331.6 86 15.8 34.2 59 0809 44.5 85 71 (3) 360/57 1.6

India Steel * 0803 20.43 1 55 2.2 - 242.9 189 8.5 10.7 * LP - 1.2 0.5 99.3 331 16.5 14.8 LP 0803 0.5 LP 4 (-) 35/3 -

Jai Corp 0803 17.85 1 73 143.4 3.6 307.8 19 8.1 51.5 * 206 100 3.7 2.8 120.7 105 12.2 18.8 171 0809 4.6 250 88 (-21) 1450/77 19.2

Kalyani Steel 0803 43.65 10 53 117.4 14.7 930.1 7 8.9 71.1 * -21 40 20.0 15.6 378.3 67 6.1 11.0 -45 0809 12.8 -40 60 (-) 589/39 4.7

Kamdhenu Ispat 0803 19.01 10 53 34.6 23.1 355.3 20 6.5 13.8 22 8 8.2 7.1 108.8 44 1.8 1.0 -70 0809 6.5 9 15 (1) 57/9 2.3

Kanishk Steel 0803 28.47 10 70 23.6 17.3 412.3 22 4.8 10.3 * 16 6 4.7 3.5 149.3 10 3.3 1.9 -35 0809 2.1 -48 14 (-1) 62/14 6.7

Mahalaxmi Seam. 0803 5.30 10 45 25.2 29.6 35.1 26 18.7 3.5 103 5 8.9 6.5 7.5 -32 9.9 0.2 -81 0809 4.2 -26 14 (1) 67/9 3.4

Marmagoa Steel 0803 6.09 1 67 6.9 5.4 184.4 18 5.6 2.2 * 440 - 0.7 0.4 55.3 25 6.6 0.6 -44 0809 0.6 999 5 (-1) 21/4 -

Metalman Inds. 0803 11.74 10 29 57.3 10.4 370.3 8 7.1 6.6 21 - 7.9 5.7 98.7 9 5.4 0.4 -75 0809 4.6 -10 9 (1) 45/7 2.0

Modern Steels 0803 11.96 10 60 37.9 5.8 288.7 4 7.4 2.5 * -69 - 5.0 2.1 84.3 25 5.4 0.8 108 0809 3.2 -31 10 (1) 55/7 3.2

Mukat Pipes *U 0803 7.83 10 61 -25.4 - 11.0 - -2.3 -1.1 - - - - 3.4 33 1.8 -0.2 -6 0809 - 65 9 (-) 28/7 -

OCL Iron 0803 13.41 1 61 5.2 23.2 181.5 0 15.9 8.1 LP - 1.2 0.6 64.4 - 3.0 0.3 - 0809 - - 4 (-1) 201/4 -

Oil Country Tub. 0803 44.29 10 33 16.8 48.2 339.5 30 26.5 28.9 210 - 8.2 6.5 85.0 29 30.2 17.8 28 0809 7.7 7 38 (-) 123/32 5.0

Panchmahal Steel 0803 14.00 10 86 49.5 84.7 505.5 19 8.9 41.3 40 - 32.5 29.5 166.3 63 6.3 2.3 -58 0809 18.2 -25 43 (1) 323/38 2.4

Panyam Cement 0803 16.02 10 51 -23.7 - 163.1 61 28.4 41.9 306 - 28.1 26.2 43.3 19 22.7 8.6 -23 0809 25.8 50 174 (-1) 248/80 6.7

Pennar Inds. 0803 63.24 5 36 11.0 31.3 559.7 68 12.3 30.8 38 - 3.1 2.4 171.5 34 10.8 10.0 75 0809 3.1 - 25 (-1) 40/18 8.1

Rajendra Mech. 0803 9.58 10 55 47.3 19.9 180.7 47 10.4 8.2 * 145 15 10.9 8.4 43.9 -20 5.2 - -100 0809 5.3 -12 32 B(-5) 108/22 6.1

Rajratan Global 0803 4.35 10 57 86.7 3.3 105.7 11 8.3 1.2 * -61 10 9.4 2.6 43.9 78 12.9 1.9 999 0809 12.4 239 53 (5) 161/43 4.3

Rathi Bars 0803 16.33 10 57 32.8 11.6 225.8 37 4.3 4.7 -23 - 3.5 2.9 60.7 - 1.3 0.6 - 0809 3.8 - 7 (-) 39/5 1.9

Rathi Steel 0803 24.31 10 41 55.1 6.6 518.2 33 4.6 8.6 20 5 5.3 3.5 202.5 118 8.2 4.2 80 0809 5.5 87 11 (1) 45/8 2.0

Ratnamani Metals 0803 9.00 2 59 49.6 49.5 845.1 48 21.3 90.0 40 70 25.1 19.8 253.9 21 18.4 23.4 -13 0809 19.9 1 57 (-2) 297/43 2.9

Real Strips 0803 3.78 10 51 50.1 13.0 111.5 41 10.8 2.2 -32 10 16.4 5.6 44.4 71 6.5 0.8 39 0809 6.1 -16 42 (2) 114/22 6.8

Remi Metals Guj. 0803 7.56 6 56 -59.3 - 334.7 65 - -27.0 * 32 - - - 83.1 12 -10.2 -13.2 -22 0809 - -10 4 M 26/3 -

Ruchi Strips 0803 29.39 10 28 12.6 1.4 450.3 -5 3.2 0.5 104 - 1.1 0.2 90.4 -19 5.1 0.1 -29 0809 0.2 -56 8 (1) 27/5 -

S.A.L Steel 0803 84.97 10 51 14.4 9.4 338.5 38 9.4 10.7 * 999 - 3.5 1.3 98.7 9 20.3 1.6 -58 0809 0.9 -62 8 (-) 33/5 -

Sarda Energy 0803 34.05 10 69 117.9 40.9 621.3 71 27.5 120.3 * 245 30 41.3 34.8 343.7 158 23.9 46.6 94 0809 57.2 184 76 (1) 685/52 1.3

Sh. Bajrang All. 0803 9.00 10 50 16.1 23.9 193.1 26 4.3 3.4 69 10 4.5 3.6 70.0 63 3.0 0.5 -50 0809 3.2 4 18 (6) 104/11 5.6

Steel Exchange 0803 14.23 10 40 40.5 31.2 608.8 30 5.7 15.2 * 97 10 12.4 10.4 166.4 42 7.1 3.9 -12 0809 13.1 44 20 (2) 193/13 1.5

Steelco Gujarat 0803 42.56 10 78 0.1 - 347.1 -4 0.3 -10.7 * - - 0.3 - 122.9 69 5.5 -0.3 91 0809 - 37 5 (1) 23/4 -

Stelco Strips 0803 8.98 10 46 40.7 15.4 183.2 5 8.3 5.0 11 - 7.7 5.6 69.4 21 6.5 1.5 10 0809 6.1 7 10 (-) 67/8 1.6

Sujana Metal Prd * 0809 (15) 34.63 5 46 53.1 9.3 1877.8 150 5.5 33.6 * 17 - 6.4 3.9 379.6 11 -2.5 -7.1 PL 0809 3.4 10 8 C(-) 55/6 2.3

Suraj Stainless 0803 17.01 10 73 27.2 33.1 273.7 25 12.8 13.6 67 15 10.7 7.7 69.4 -9 16.3 4.6 142 0809 8.7 56 105 (11) 286/47 12.1

Surana Inds. 0803 20.15 10 61 83.4 21.7 800.0 3 9.8 32.4 5 15 19.5 15.9 208.9 2 11.6 8.1 6 0809 16.5 3 60 C(2) 364/48 3.6

Technocraft Indu 0803 31.53 10 74 112.4 8.3 316.3 6 13.1 28.3 * -29 10 14.9 8.8 112.9 49 17.5 10.9 138 0809 12.1 - 32 (3) 96/18 2.7

Tulsyan NEC. 0803 5.00 10 65 92.5 34.4 531.9 24 7.5 13.6 * 125 20 39.3 26.8 197.3 82 7.8 4.5 49 0809 44.7 178 50 (-2) 134/42 1.1

Vallabh Steel 0803 4.95 10 68 74.2 20.3 377.9 12 4.8 7.3 LP - 21.3 14.6 74.0 5 3.4 0.1 -83 0809 13.6 LP 17 (3) 51/13 1.3

Vardhman Inds. 0803 8.00 10 60 62.5 19.4 330.2 17 7.0 9.0 653 - 14.9 11.3 72.5 -7 8.1 2.2 -6 0809 13.2 79 16 (-1) 51/14 1.2

Varun Industries 0803 22.11 10 60 170.8 8.9 843.8 13 4.3 21.3 * 9 15 12.8 9.4 322.4 - 9.2 1.8 - 0809 - - 36 (-2) 165/22 -

Visa Steel Ltd 0803 110.24 10 73 31.5 13.0 674.0 27 14.7 43.2 110 10 5.4 3.7 330.9 116 14.8 20.1 483 0809 9.4 571 20 (1) 63/15 2.1

Welcast Steels 0803 0.64 10 72 278.1 12.2 153.0 15 4.9 2.1 -8 20 80.2 32.2 60.0 57 3.4 0.7 -8 0809 34.1 -13 316 (45) 1371/211 9.3

Zenith Birla 0803 40.07 10 32 53.7 9.3 438.9 22 - 18.8 * 18 7 5.7 4.6 147.2 34 4.4 1.5 -63 0809 3.7 -10 15 (1) 77/11 4.0

IND.COMPOSITE 1263.10 20783.1 9.9 934.6 10.4 253.3 5733 4.1


Ankit Metal 0803 32.88 10 65 34.5 27.5 281.5 45 15.8 22.8 117 5 8.2 6.9 91.5 33 9.0 3.3 -45 0809 7.4 43 18 (-) 108/15 2.4

Bihar Sponge 0803 90.25 10 69 1.1 - 195.9 20 9.8 2.2 * LP - 1.2 0.2 56.1 25 -6.4 -7.2 -59 0809 0.2 LP 7 C(-) 58/5 -

Jai Balaji Inds 0803 47.13 10 64 74.8 41.2 1277.5 26 18.3 118.9 91 10 34.3 25.1 446.8 63 13.4 12.9 -53 0809 27.0 27 86 (1) 668/42 3.2

Jindal Steel 0803 15.47 1 59 240.7 39.9 5351.8 53 38.4 1233.4 * 74 400 108.2 79.0 2216.1 75 33.6 450.0 62 0809 100.7 68 994 M(94) 3330/517 9.9

Lloyds Metals 0803 22.26 2 46 -0.2 - 329.7 11 8.1 -6.2 * 79 - 1.4 - 174.4 175 13.7 17.9 LP 0809 3.7 LP 23 (2) 153/14 6.3

Monnet Ispat 0803 49.25 10 38 224.9 20.3 1158.3 82 21.7 162.1 * 23 50 41.1 32.1 399.7 55 26.0 62.0 69 0809 43.0 31 173 C(16) 643/111 4.0

MSP Steel & Pow. 0803 58.10 10 72 22.4 27.6 356.3 70 17.6 46.7 131 - 9.3 8.0 92.7 24 19.7 10.2 38 0809 10.3 90 18 (-) 85/15 1.8

Orissa Sponge 0803 20.00 10 44 65.4 - 110.5 35 4.6 -3.8 * 79 - 0.9 - 54.3 399 10.9 1.4 LP 0809 4.3 LP 93 (8) 700/56 21.6

Tata Sponge Iron 0803 15.40 10 43 158.1 47.6 433.2 56 28.0 92.5 * 476 70 71.6 58.9 237.9 128 46.3 72.8 376 0809 105.8 258 142 (-) 329/110 1.3

Vikas Metal 0803 35.12 10 59 24.1 15.9 331.4 96 9.0 12.6 66 5 4.6 3.5 133.5 120 6.2 1.7 -40 0809 3.6 34 9 (-1) 53/7 2.5

IND.COMPOSITE 385.86 9826.1 29.0 1681.2 27.7 625.0 17561 7.9


Kirl. Ferrous 0803 68.65 5 59 22.0 17.4 726.6 38 10.4 47.7 * 7 15 4.7 3.3 196.4 16 7.5 2.0 -78 0809 2.9 -26 15 C(2) 95/10 5.1

Lanco Inds. 0803 39.76 10 48 28.1 25.6 463.7 26 16.7 26.1 66 10 10.2 6.4 158.1 65 12.9 3.2 -31 0809 6.6 28 20 (-) 107/17 3.0

Sathavaha. Ispat 0803 31.83 10 36 48.1 27.0 351.5 42 23.4 33.0 135 15 14.9 10.2 239.7 284 19.4 23.8 493 0809 20.5 587 24 (1) 111/16 1.2

Tata Metaliks 0803 25.29 10 50 76.1 41.6 1033.4 52 11.6 72.0 139 70 33.4 27.3 304.5 28 7.7 12.8 -1 0809 30.4 78 84 (4) 222/67 2.8

IND.COMPOSITE 165.53 2575.1 13.8 178.8 11.7 41.8 581 2.8


Bajaj Hind Sugar * 0809 11.80 1 75 22.8 - 298.7 348 -7.5 -75.7 -202 - - - 162.8 999 -16.0 -39.7 -181 0809 - -202 20 (7) 58/10 -

Bajaj Hindusthan * 0809 14.14 1 46 95.1 3.3 1756.3 3 9.8 -50.2 PL 60 9.7 - 463.1 7 -8.1 -87.5 PL 0809 - PL 73 (10) 400/38 -

Page 30: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 8 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Balrampur Chini 0809 25.55 1 36 39.7 - 1463.5 6 21.5 97.0 LP 50 8.4 3.8 411.7 41 16.3 14.6 LP 0809 3.8 LP 51 (7) 128/30 13.3

Bannari Amman 0803 11.44 10 55 393.1 9.4 653.2 -18 9.3 42.7 -53 70 66.3 34.4 206.5 43 23.6 30.1 LP 0809 77.2 105 800 (142) 1148/370 10.4

DCM Shriram Inds 0803 17.40 10 41 85.2 -3.1 557.1 -7 -2.1 -4.2 PL - 6.0 - 197.3 47 9.0 10.0 LP 0809 7.7 LP 50 C(1) 132/34 6.5

Dhampur Sugar 0809 52.70 10 43 83.0 -14.6 667.9 14 17.0 20.1 * LP - 14.0 3.8 232.2 70 12.3 19.4 LP 0809 3.8 LP 30 (5) 107/20 7.8

Dhampure Special 0803 7.16 10 36 20.6 3.5 16.0 0 -0.8 0.5 * -6 - 1.1 0.7 11.3 189 6.1 0.5 264 0809 1.3 118 21 (3) 151/14 15.7

Dharani Sugars 0803 25.39 10 47 17.1 -16.6 198.5 -28 2.5 -7.3 PL - - - 37.4 -26 33.3 3.1 LP 0809 1.8 LP 16 (1) 35/10 8.7

Dwarikesh Sugar 0809 16.31 10 47 75.2 -4.5 272.7 22 18.0 -24.8 -315 - 2.9 - 73.8 68 28.1 -1.9 48 0809 - -315 46 (9) 129/27 -

EID Parry 0803 17.85 2 46 56.7 -3.2 616.5 12 -10.5 -16.3 PL 25 3.0 - 251.5 56 0.7 37.0 LP 0809 6.1 LP 158 (10) 267/124 25.8

Empee Sugars 0806 41.97 10 71 8.6 - 60.5 4 14.4 1.3 47 - 1.0 0.3 17.3 41 -11.4 -4.6 -9 0809 0.2 LP 9 (1) 18/6 -

Gayatri Sugars 0803 42.99 10 36 3.9 - 63.4 -32 0.8 -15.1 * PL - - - 17.3 -13 16.9 -1.1 88 0809 - 56 5 (1) 15/3 -

Indian Sucrose 0803 15.46 10 59 21.0 13.7 107.6 9 10.0 -1.1 PL - 2.3 - 32.5 19 3.4 -1.1 71 0809 3.0 LP 10 (1) 23/6 3.3

Jeypore Sugar 0803 4.53 10 45 123.2 -10.3 193.9 -20 10.2 -6.3 * PL 10 10.8 - 32.1 -11 3.7 -5.9 -2 0809 - -11 98 (-7) 353/71 -

JK Sugar 0803 10.36 10 64 22.1 -9.6 103.5 -11 8.0 -2.3 * 60 - 2.5 - 24.9 17 4.5 -2.3 44 0809 6.4 LP 18 (3) 38/11 2.8

Kashipur Sugar * 0809 15.59 10 58 -19.9 - 72.7 - 3.6 -1.7 - - 0.9 - 19.5 87 2.5 -1.3 86 0809 - - 8 (1) 24/5 -

KCP Sugar & Inds 0803 11.34 1 36 13.6 4.6 225.3 -26 8.5 7.1 * -69 50 1.5 0.5 41.6 -43 24.5 5.5 91 0809 0.9 22 15 (-) 35/12 -

Kesar Enterprise 0806 6.79 10 55 51.9 - 225.6 9 6.7 3.8 * LP 5 15.2 5.4 79.6 46 -1.4 -6.0 43 0809 12.1 LP 39 (1) 104/31 3.2

KM Sugar 0709 18.40 10 67 22.5 19.9 126.8 -70 -7.6 -28.7 * PL - - - 66.5 90 6.7 -1.7 88 0806 - 39 12 (1) 35/8 -

Kothari Sugars 0803 82.89 10 57 10.4 9.5 249.4 11 4.8 7.7 * -52 - 2.1 0.9 64.9 -1 -1.8 -2.9 PL 0809 1.3 999 7 (-) 26/4 5.6

Monnet Sugar 0803 7.41 10 77 72.0 - 28.2 -70 -46.3 -17.7 * -213 - - - - - - - LP 0809 - 99 20 (-) 86/17 -

Oudh Sugar 0806 22.17 10 52 47.3 -5.1 329.0 -25 12.7 -5.3 * 80 - 7.7 - 109.7 50 6.1 -8.5 43 0809 0.5 LP 36 (5) 91/22 -

Piccadily Sugar 0803 29.51 10 58 -0.4 - 68.0 21 4.7 -0.6 84 - 0.6 - 8.4 -41 2.7 -0.2 80 0809 0.5 LP 5 M(1) 14/2 -

Ponni Sugars (E) 0803 8.60 10 45 43.1 -8.2 140.7 1 -3.1 -3.0 * PL 6 - - 33.6 -16 15.7 3.1 LP 0809 5.3 LP 28 M(2) 60/20 5.3

Rajshree Sugars 0803 22.69 10 36 42.5 5.4 334.5 -13 7.5 5.4 -81 - 7.0 2.4 95.9 5 24.7 12.9 675 0809 10.7 999 49 (5) 82/30 4.6

Rana Sugars * 0809 76.62 10 31 21.7 -28.3 196.8 -15 0.1 -53.0 * -314 - - - 51.2 131 -10.9 -13.9 -37 0809 - -314 9 (-) 25/7 -

Riga Sugar * 0809 5.39 10 54 36.1 - 71.5 -15 15.1 1.9 LP - 11.6 3.4 15.2 39 7.8 0.3 LP 0809 3.4 LP 27 (10) 45/14 7.9

Sakthi Sugars U 0806 31.37 10 39 125.4 7.8 800.2 7 15.7 10.3 -64 - 10.7 3.3 222.0 29 18.9 2.2 LP 0809 10.9 LP 47 (-1) 127/32 4.3

SBEC Sugar 0803 (18) 47.81 10 55 6.1 - 273.0 41 -2.7 -19.7 PL - - - 24.9 -49 -13.6 -6.3 41 0809 - 97 7 (-) 29/6 -

Shree Renuka Sug 0809 27.60 1 41 22.4 16.9 1824.2 149 7.3 80.1 * 47 20 3.5 2.9 548.7 222 9.0 12.1 404 0809 2.9 47 74 (10) 142/41 25.5

Simbhaoli Sugars 0809 21.39 10 45 11.7 - 435.5 -33 8.7 -8.0 * 81 - 11.3 - 116.6 28 9.2 6.9 LP 0809 - 81 20 (-1) 62/15 -

Sir Shadi Lal En 0803 5.25 10 53 148.3 -38.4 153.8 -33 -23.8 -37.4 * PL - - - 101.2 186 7.1 -3.0 76 0809 - -67 68 (14) 232/39 -

Thiru Aroor. Su. 0809 11.32 10 51 88.6 - 337.2 -3 2.0 1.5 LP - 12.2 1.3 72.7 -16 14.3 4.5 LP 0809 1.3 LP 83 (10) 151/55 63.5

Triveni Engg Ind 0809 25.79 1 67 29.7 15.5 1585.8 -17 18.1 111.0 * 114 60 7.3 4.2 427.1 40 18.4 27.0 343 0809 4.2 114 51 (7) 196/30 12.2

Ugar Sugar Works 0803 11.25 1 44 8.2 20.7 416.0 140 7.1 14.4 * LP 20 2.5 1.3 82.3 36 -5.4 2.5 LP 0809 3.5 LP 12 R(-) 24/7 3.4

Upper Gang. Sug. 0806 11.55 10 49 114.7 -4.6 300.3 -6 11.4 -5.8 79 - 12.7 - 74.6 20 6.2 -7.9 26 0809 - 91 42 (3) 140/28 -

Uttam Sugar Mill U 0809 25.77 10 78 74.0 -13.3 282.0 2 14.5 -6.9 * 75 - 6.5 - 90.0 -9 27.4 6.6 74 0809 - 75 35 CR(3) 145/23 -

Venus Sugars 0806 38.20 10 43 -1.6 - 32.8 -37 4.5 -5.2 50 - - - 2.9 -72 27.0 -1.3 64 0809 - 73 3 (-) 10/2 -

IND.COMPOSITE 879.75 15538.4 9.1 8.5 9.8 1.1 10031 13.1

89 TEA

Apeejay Tea 0703 6.00 10 74 107.2 -2.4 92.6 -2 -0.5 -1.6 * 78 - 3.3 - 31.9 -18 12.6 3.5 -44 0709 - -26 0 -

Asian Tea 0803 8.50 10 47 16.7 3.0 72.3 11 3.0 0.4 * -28 - 0.5 0.4 21.5 -8 1.9 0.3 -57 0809 0.0 -99 26 (-1) 116/20 -

Assam Company 0712 30.98 1 41 13.2 3.4 151.9 2 5.2 8.6 16 10 0.4 0.3 70.5 40 44.5 24.7 92 0809 0.4 93 11 C(1) 57/8 -

Bombay Burmah 0803 13.96 10 64 63.2 24.8 226.0 11 12.9 21.3 82 30 19.8 14.7 72.3 30 10.3 4.7 221 0809 19.0 127 176 (10) 1050/126 9.2

CCL Products 0803 13.30 10 29 123.8 29.6 244.4 13 22.7 44.7 19 50 41.8 32.8 91.1 75 17.6 9.8 215 0809 37.5 108 85 (-4) 284/79 2.3

Dhunseri Tea 0803 7.92 10 70 158.3 3.4 91.5 39 11.3 3.3 * -6 20 7.6 4.1 34.5 42 32.5 15.7 206 0809 16.8 403 79 M(1) 200/63 4.7

Diana Tea 0712 7.50 5 61 21.0 10.5 40.7 6 15.4 3.2 6 5 2.7 2.1 16.7 27 42.6 5.9 24 0809 3.6 27 26 (9) 77/16 7.2

Duncans Inds. 0803 53.22 10 59 -225.1 - 102.9 2 -99.9 -228.5 -15 - - - 45.2 80 23.1 5.5 LP 0809 - -58 7 (1) 25/5 -

Goodricke Group 0712 21.60 10 74 32.0 11.2 236.5 7 7.1 8.5 55 15 6.4 3.7 94.0 45 32.8 28.2 28 0809 6.4 180 52 (2) 104/38 8.2

Harr. Malayalam 0803 18.46 10 50 89.9 2.6 201.6 -2 6.7 4.4 * -69 15 3.7 2.1 88.4 74 12.6 7.4 999 0809 9.5 74 41 (3) 137/30 4.3

Jay Shree Tea 0803 10.67 10 41 139.3 3.1 267.6 12 1.7 4.3 * 137 25 10.1 3.6 120.4 79 14.5 12.2 -9 0809 6.8 30 90 (2) 176/73 13.3

Joonktolle Tea 0803 1.10 10 55 550.4 3.7 28.9 1 8.8 0.7 - - 21.6 6.2 10.5 39 19.5 1.1 707 0809 8.6 LP 141 (-4) 699/113 16.5

Mcleod Russel 0803 54.73 5 46 49.0 3.9 653.2 8 9.9 20.8 * -36 20 3.7 1.7 279.2 37 52.6 121.7 34 0809 5.3 78 52 M(4) 119/35 9.8

Neelamalai Agro 0803 0.63 10 66 277.0 11.9 11.3 17 8.4 2.0 * -10 100 34.9 29.8 3.7 44 4.1 2.1 44 0809 43.3 22 504 (24) 599/480 11.6

Parry Agro Inds. 0803 3.76 10 85 307.3 7.5 81.9 4 7.0 8.5 -74 50 25.0 21.8 19.7 9 -0.4 -3.5 PL 0803 21.8 -74 1922 2849/1481 88.2

Tata Coffee 0803 18.68 10 57 182.9 7.3 301.0 14 11.5 24.7 41 70 18.1 12.0 102.1 26 14.9 7.6 234 0809 17.1 105 158 (-2) 334/141 9.3

Tata Tea 0803 61.84 10 35 288.2 11.0 1134.7 8 13.1 181.3 * -3 350 25.0 23.4 324.3 14 7.5 41.7 9 0809 29.7 59 624 (42) 1005/430 21.1

Warren Tea 0803 10.71 10 84 61.4 2.4 132.7 -3 7.3 1.7 * -74 - 8.5 1.5 62.5 53 38.4 21.3 85 0809 12.7 463 69 (6) 117/54 5.4

IND.COMPOSITE 343.56 4071.9 2.9 108.3 24.5 309.9 6698 14.6


Bharti Airtel * 0803 1898.22 10 67 106.3 39.5 25761.1 44 40.3 6195.8 * 55 - 49.3 32.6 8274.4 37 37.7 1604.8 -1 0809 35.9 28 685 C(-37) 985/484 19.1

HFCL Infotel 0803 525.52 10 62 -7.1 - 248.9 -10 3.2 -140.8 -24 - - - 58.3 -5 1.4 -34.4 6 0809 - -13 12 (3) 57/6 -

Idea Cellular 0803 3100.09 10 49 35.0 - 6720.0 54 33.7 1006.2 * 104 - 6.1 3.2 2296.2 47 26.4 150.4 -32 0809 2.9 9 54 M(1) 149/34 18.7

M T N L 0803 630.00 10 56 189.2 5.0 4722.5 -4 16.0 610.2 -11 40 20.2 9.0 1204.9 1 13.0 92.1 -1 0809 9.9 -4 83 (3) 210/52 8.4

Nettlinx 0803 11.03 10 56 17.3 10.0 5.2 -21 35.4 0.9 -40 - 1.5 0.8 1.1 -22 27.1 0.2 -54 0809 0.2 -88 14 (-1) 38/11 -

OnMobile Global 0803 57.80 10 57 102.8 12.0 230.8 77 40.0 47.7 44 - 12.6 8.2 79.4 36 36.9 17.4 33 0809 9.4 - 239 M(15) 745/190 25.3

Reliance Comm 0803 1032.01 5 66 120.3 11.4 14792.1 16 32.4 2580.2 * 33 15 21.3 12.4 3545.7 7 33.4 532.7 -34 0809 8.5 -51 264 (48) 844/149 31.0

Spice Comm 0712 689.92 10 41 12.4 - 957.9 146 22.9 -52.8 * 31 - 1.9 - 308.1 22 12.8 -80.6 PL 0809 - -916 35 (2) 77/23 -

Tata Comm 0803 285.00 10 76 229.7 4.7 3283.3 -12 18.5 300.1 * -38 45 20.3 9.8 983.9 22 22.5 110.2 15 0809 9.4 -48 520 (8) 714/320 55.3

Tata Tele Mah 0803 1897.19 10 66 -1.0 - 1707.2 21 23.0 -125.3 60 - 1.7 - 487.1 16 26.7 -47.4 4 0809 - 31 23 C(3) 64/13 -

Page 31: Corporate Score Board 2009

5 9Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Tulip Telecom * 0803 29.00 10 69 153.5 51.7 1216.4 45 20.2 187.1 * 85 20 78.6 64.2 378.5 46 21.1 49.2 33 0809 74.6 63 513 (-25) 1145/385 6.9

IND.COMPOSITE 10155.78 59645.3 33.1 10609.3 31.6 2394.5 231485 21.1


Aishwarya Tele 0803 10.66 10 53 31.2 38.7 34.6 57 23.8 5.5 81 5 5.7 5.1 14.2 120 13.8 1.3 46 0809 6.6 - 13 P(-) 136/10 2.0

Astra Microwave 0803 10.81 2 21 21.2 20.3 123.4 19 33.2 20.9 -27 13 5.2 3.8 28.4 112 22.8 2.9 54 0809 4.0 -18 56 M(7) 169/33 13.9

Avaya Global 0809 14.23 10 59 157.8 16.3 565.8 -32 5.5 17.2 -44 35 19.2 12.1 145.1 9 5.1 4.1 -38 0809 12.1 -44 90 (-2) 363/63 7.4

Gemini Comm. 0803 9.72 1 35 8.8 39.7 201.6 43 25.8 25.7 62 15 3.8 2.6 43.6 -12 33.3 5.5 -22 0809 2.5 5 23 (2) 62/16 9.1

Goldstone Infra 0803 14.41 4 16 24.1 20.2 50.8 99 31.7 10.1 277 10 3.5 2.8 14.8 20 37.9 4.1 96 0809 3.0 84 20 C(-1) 77/14 6.7

GTL 0803 94.57 10 44 97.7 9.0 1433.3 107 15.5 88.5 * 67 30 13.7 8.8 378.3 4 17.8 35.6 37 0809 10.6 24 218 (12) 317/144 20.5

GTL Infrastruc * 0803 783.87 10 48 13.4 - 124.6 149 50.7 -53.5 -61 - 0.4 - 53.1 95 48.5 14.5 LP 0809 - 36 33 C(-2) 101/28 -

H F C L 0803 442.79 10 2 9.1 - 349.6 -69 -17.1 -148.4 PL - - - 34.0 -63 -37.6 -38.4 -133 0809 - PL 11 (2) 63/6 -

ITI 0803 288.00 10 93 -73.4 - 1152.5 -35 -43.9 -358.3 -7 - - - 310.7 -3 -31.3 -154.9 -25 0809 - -38 17 (1) 89/13 -

Kavveri Telecom 0803 10.06 10 15 36.7 36.1 140.7 180 13.3 11.7 98 20 11.8 11.3 52.4 30 16.4 5.3 - 0809 13.4 17 57 (7) 309/44 4.3

Krone Comm. 0810 4.60 10 62 107.4 19.0 98.2 5 7.1 5.6 -30 25 15.6 12.2 31.5 16 0.6 0.7 -79 0810 12.2 -30 74 (4) 270/58 6.1

NELCO 0803 22.82 10 50 10.7 23.6 197.4 220 11.4 5.2 39 - 4.2 2.3 28.6 -31 -1.2 -11.6 PL 0809 - -999 38 (-2) 253/27 -

Nu Tek India Ltd 0803 17.26 10 42 89.1 30.5 95.2 50 32.6 19.2 * 50 - 11.6 10.7 40.1 - 35.5 9.7 - 0809 15.6 - 49 P(-4) 225/37 3.1

Prec. Electronic 0803 13.85 10 91 15.0 20.6 25.1 -19 3.9 0.6 -83 - 1.4 0.5 13.7 190 15.9 1.9 LP 0809 3.3 197 18 (1) 53/16 5.4

Punjab Commun. 0803 12.02 10 71 86.8 -2.6 7.6 -79 -99.9 -2.8 * 61 - - - 3.7 408 -54.4 1.0 LP 0809 1.8 LP 17 (-) 57/12 9.5

Shyam Telecom 0803 11.27 10 66 43.8 5.2 216.1 -10 4.5 2.4 * -4 - 5.0 2.1 45.8 20 5.3 0.9 LP 0809 4.0 LP 52 (2) 150/37 13.0

Spice Mobiles 0712 (9) 22.39 3 63 10.5 26.9 300.1 52 4.4 14.7 LP 20 2.6 2.5 125.5 31 -4.1 -2.8 PL 0809 1.0 -30 12 (-) 36/9 -

Valiant Commun. 0803 8.65 10 32 36.3 6.8 9.7 16 22.5 2.0 64 10 3.1 2.1 2.3 -28 20.1 0.5 -51 0809 2.1 4 24 (1) 66/17 11.3

XL Telecom * 0806 18.78 10 28 152.1 18.3 656.2 24 11.0 40.2 99 15 22.3 21.2 257.2 71 8.4 15.0 149 0809 26.2 122 58 (1) 495/44 2.2

IND.COMPOSITE 1810.76 5782.5 0.6 -293.5 3.7 -104.7 6946 11.1


Indian CardCloth 0803 4.55 10 57 173.3 3.1 44.5 -3 2.5 2.5 * -49 60 9.7 4.4 10.0 -20 -9.7 0.6 -66 0809 4.3 -48 60 (-1) 246/56 14.0

Lak. Mach. Works 0803 12.37 10 25 612.4 36.2 2205.2 19 18.3 240.1 * 19 450 280.2 186.5 441.8 -24 18.1 37.9 -49 0809 163.2 -13 694 (77) 3621/507 4.3

Schlafhorst Engg 0712 19.40 10 54 1.8 - 11.2 4 10.3 1.9 181 - 1.2 1.0 1.8 -49 -0.5 0.3 -74 0809 0.5 LP 4 (-1) 37/4 -

Stovec Inds. 0712 (9) 2.09 10 71 120.7 12.4 30.3 -13 10.5 2.4 45 43 18.3 14.5 9.9 30 3.6 0.3 -58 0809 14.2 999 69 (-2) 262/60 4.9

Veejay Lak. Eng. 0803 5.07 10 60 149.9 2.8 79.0 -1 8.9 1.9 * -67 10 12.5 3.6 11.6 -48 -1.7 -1.2 PL 0809 - PL 30 (1) 120/18 -

IND.COMPOSITE 43.48 2370.3 17.5 248.8 16.7 37.9 924 4.4


Bengal Tea 0803 9.00 10 71 44.2 3.3 124.8 8 9.0 1.3 * -76 6 10.2 1.3 30.2 -8 17.5 3.0 19 0809 1.7 -56 15 (1) 44/9 8.7

Hindoostan Spg. 0809 14.78 10 50 44.1 -3.9 61.1 14 -8.1 -0.7 * 72 - 0.2 - 13.1 -11 -10.5 0.4 700 0809 - 72 13 (-) 87/10 -

JCT 0803 89.27 2.5 51 4.3 - 520.2 -2 6.9 3.8 -60 - 0.8 0.1 144.2 11 2.1 -19.1 PL 0809 - PL 3 (-) 21/2 -

Lakshmi Mills 0803 6.96 100 47 352.4 -30.3 103.3 -29 -5.1 -8.4 * PL 5 - - 28.6 4 1.5 -1.1 75 0809 - -999 751 (96) 2555/521 -

Loyal Textile 0803 4.70 10 73 206.4 2.8 392.6 9 11.1 2.7 * -74 39 95.0 5.1 131.4 30 9.7 -2.9 PL 0809 - PL 68 (-) 275/58 -

Mafatlal Inds. 0803 (18) 5.00 10 33 -885.4 - 359.4 178 3.8 28.7 * LP - 49.0 38.2 33.3 4 -49.0 -11.7 -20 0809 - PL 20 (1) 113/15 -

Maha.Shree Umaid 0803 8.64 10 84 88.5 0.4 256.4 17 7.9 0.3 * -96 8 14.5 0.3 75.4 19 11.3 2.8 54 0809 - PL 52 (7) 265/38 -

Marathon Nextgen 0803 12.64 10 89 101.3 63.3 100.9 10 80.2 62.2 3 16 49.6 48.9 5.0 -55 27.7 2.8 -44 0809 49.3 42 120 (10) 745/75 2.4

Maxwell Inds. 0803 12.62 2 64 13.0 9.8 204.5 4 12.1 9.3 * 3 23 2.0 1.0 51.1 -1 12.1 2.6 -8 0809 1.3 -19 12 (-1) 36/11 8.9

R S R Mohota Spg 0803 4.20 10 74 69.6 -5.4 154.8 22 5.1 -1.6 * PL - 8.1 - 34.6 -1 1.8 -1.9 PL 0809 - PL 90 (8) 126/62 -

Ruby Mills 0803 4.18 10 75 152.7 9.2 109.2 6 19.1 5.7 -34 30 46.6 13.1 33.2 10 13.3 3.0 13 0809 16.2 -20 414 (54) 2152/272 25.5

Soma Textiles 0803 33.23 10 47 38.1 -10.2 192.6 2 2.7 -13.8 PL - 0.6 - 40.5 -15 -13.7 -4.5 PL 0809 - PL 33 (-) 42/17 -

Surat Textile 0803 22.21 1 82 0.8 - 89.2 -10 2.9 0.3 LP - 0.1 - 52.9 139 2.6 1.1 110 0809 0.1 180 2 (-1) 15/2 -

Victoria Mills 0803 0.99 100 57 1960.6 2.5 0.2 -99 -99.9 0.5 * -80 50 52.5 40.4 0.1 - - - -91 0809 25.3 -80 1349 (53) 6901/1025 53.4

IND.COMPOSITE 228.42 2669.2 9.6 90.3 3.4 -25.6 893 5.4


Aarvee Denims 0803 23.46 10 55 68.9 3.3 243.0 -2 12.3 5.1 * -83 - 11.1 2.2 105.5 51 11.3 4.6 257 0809 4.1 -52 24 (-2) 100/22 5.8

Abhishek Corpora 0803 14.01 10 71 83.7 4.6 68.9 -15 20.1 5.3 -64 - 7.0 3.8 5.7 -60 70.7 0.3 -83 0809 1.9 -78 17 (-1) 96/15 8.9

Alka India U 0809 50.00 1 16 1.0 - 37.3 - 4.0 -2.9 - - - - 2.0 -92 7.1 -1.5 PL 0809 - - 1 (-) 2/1 -

Amarjothi Spg. 0803 6.75 10 55 36.9 2.8 77.0 -5 15.1 0.7 -82 14 14.0 1.0 26.5 30 19.5 1.5 LP 0809 5.3 385 20 (-) 39/14 3.8

Ambika Cotton 0803 5.88 10 36 189.1 12.6 155.7 11 25.0 13.2 -24 20 45.7 22.2 47.8 23 23.4 3.5 -32 0809 17.7 -37 58 (-6) 180/50 3.3

Amit Spinning 0803 20.58 5 51 3.6 - 78.7 14 1.3 -4.5 * PL - 0.2 - 7.6 -60 -20.5 -3.8 -151 0809 - PL 2 (-) 11/1 -

Arvind Ltd 0803 218.98 10 35 63.5 2.3 2180.9 19 8.7 33.1 14 - 7.7 1.4 580.9 6 8.0 -29.3 PL 0809 - PL 17 (-) 91/13 -

Arvind Products 0803 80.96 10 54 4.9 - 437.9 -2 12.9 2.9 -59 - 4.9 0.4 102.0 -8 14.5 -1.4 PL 0809 - PL 3 (-) 18/2 -

Ashima 0803 33.37 10 33 -64.6 - 223.2 -5 -2.6 -20.7 -115 - - - 56.9 -4 -1.6 -6.5 -26 0809 - -25 3 (-) 22/2 -

Bannari Amm Spin 0803 15.75 10 56 103.1 6.8 199.8 88 18.9 11.1 -35 20 16.2 6.7 76.2 46 23.6 9.3 40 0809 8.1 -34 40 (-) 138/26 4.9

Birla Cotsyn 0803 116.60 10 34 14.3 7.4 84.3 57 5.4 1.6 * -31 5 0.3 0.1 31.9 - 1.8 0.2 - 0809 - - 5 P(1) 18/3 -

Cheslind Textile 0803 23.09 10 75 24.6 -7.2 98.8 -21 3.4 -4.0 -184 - 2.3 - 29.4 8 -5.5 -3.2 -16 0809 - 33 6 (-1) 28/6 -

DCM 0803 17.38 10 43 38.0 - 163.6 67 1.2 -1.5 PL - 3.4 - 54.1 38 10.7 2.8 LP 0809 1.0 -62 20 (1) 106/15 -

Eurotex Inds. 0803 8.75 10 58 72.4 -9.7 137.4 -16 5.6 -6.3 * PL - 3.4 - 29.2 -13 -0.1 -3.8 -216 0809 - -198 13 (1) 53/10 -

Forbes & Co 0803 12.90 10 73 150.8 -2.1 235.2 -61 -6.3 -5.1 * PL 15 4.5 - 50.6 -28 -4.1 1.3 LP 0809 - PL 366 (-11) 1040/320 -

Gangotri Textile 0803 16.31 5 24 26.2 -10.1 158.8 -4 11.9 -8.8 PL - 1.8 - 30.3 -24 -13.6 -17.6 -999 0809 - -999 4 (-) 25/3 -

Gem Spinners 0803 20.69 5 54 1.3 - 102.5 7 2.7 -1.7 PL - 0.5 - 27.3 10 1.7 -1.0 -88 0809 - PL 3 11/3 -

Ginni Filaments 0803 59.26 10 54 18.7 - 301.4 34 4.5 -6.5 PL - 2.1 - 100.8 52 3.9 -5.5 -255 0809 - -365 5 (-) 21/3 -

GTN Industries 0803 11.56 10 61 51.3 -3.3 267.5 46 4.8 -1.9 PL - 10.4 - 63.9 -11 0.7 -7.2 -999 0809 - PL 9 (1) 42/8 -

GTN Textiles 0803 11.64 10 61 38.9 0.6 106.4 -5 6.4 0.3 * -89 6 5.5 0.1 29.0 7 6.1 -1.3 PL 0809 - PL 10 (-) 28/7 -

Page 32: Corporate Score Board 2009

6 0 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Indo Count Inds. 0803 30.06 10 46 26.8 - 284.6 13 -2.0 -26.9 * PL - - - 67.6 27 9.0 -2.9 45 0809 - -80 4 (-1) 20/4 -

Jagjanani Text 0803 15.60 10 20 22.6 4.7 33.8 84 9.2 1.6 -36 - 1.9 1.0 11.9 101 17.1 - -100 0809 0.7 -44 4 (-) 18/3 -

K G Denim 0803 25.65 10 57 21.3 -12.9 208.7 0 3.8 -6.3 -3 - 2.5 - 64.8 26 6.1 0.3 LP 0809 - 73 6 (-1) 24/4 -

Kallam Spinning 0803 6.85 10 51 27.8 21.0 60.4 21 20.4 3.8 63 12 10.6 5.3 17.7 55 23.1 0.8 - 0809 6.9 307 13 (1) 31/11 1.9

Kanco Enterprise 0803 15.43 10 73 19.4 - 97.3 14 1.1 -5.5 PL - 0.7 - 17.9 -14 4.4 -0.7 PL 0809 - -747 3 (-) 12/3 -

Kandagiri Spinng 0803 3.87 10 70 61.8 13.8 83.3 -6 20.8 3.1 * -35 20 22.6 7.5 23.5 -1 19.0 0.4 -9 0809 7.0 -34 43 (-1) 99/34 6.2

Malwa Cotton 0803 6.81 10 46 95.7 - 449.7 7 7.7 -1.8 * PL - 10.6 - 112.3 4 3.8 -5.0 -999 0809 - -287 22 M(2) 96/18 -

Maral Overseas 0803 21.76 10 55 8.0 - 309.6 9 -5.5 -53.5 * -999 - - - 73.3 -3 -4.0 -13.2 -119 0809 - -411 6 (-) 26/4 -

Modern India 0803 7.51 2 86 9.4 16.0 160.1 181 2.7 5.2 * 59 20 1.6 1.3 40.7 6 7.9 2.6 64 0809 1.7 72 195 (4) 308/154 113.7

Nagreeka Exports 0803 6.25 5 55 62.6 11.8 329.1 25 7.6 8.5 36 15 11.6 6.7 86.3 36 4.0 0.2 -95 0809 4.6 -9 14 (3) 49/10 3.1

Nahar Indl. Ent. 0803 40.40 10 58 129.1 0.3 868.0 -3 14.8 1.7 * -97 10 20.2 0.3 257.5 13 8.4 -7.2 PL 0809 - PL 35 (5) 173/21 -

Nahar Poly 0803 12.29 5 60 55.5 3.0 - 0 - 4.1 * 31 10 1.6 1.6 - - - 2.0 -22 0809 1.3 LP 10 (1) 55/7 7.9

Nitin Spinners 0803 40.83 10 55 21.6 -2.6 201.5 57 16.5 -2.3 PL - 4.6 - 66.1 38 10.3 -2.7 PL 0809 - PL 5 (-) 27/4 -

Pacific Cotspin U 0803 24.65 10 18 12.9 3.5 141.1 1 9.9 0.7 -30 - 2.8 0.3 35.7 - 3.2 -2.5 PL 0809 - -999 2 (-) 13/1 -

Pasari Spinning 0803 12.00 10 49 3.8 - 18.2 -4 -4.3 -1.0 * PL - - - 1.7 -59 -6.1 -0.3 PL 0809 - PL 3 (-) 24/2 -

Pasupati Fabrics 0803 65.56 10 15 -26.9 - 25.4 -55 -40.9 -40.3 11 - - - 0.6 - 61.8 -8.3 - 0809 - - 0 -

Patspin India 0803 30.92 10 65 16.4 - 149.1 10 5.0 -3.6 PL - 3.0 - 58.4 74 7.7 -5.2 PL 0809 - PL 7 (1) 20/5 -

PBM Polytex 0803 8.13 10 74 58.2 -2.2 127.4 0 7.0 -1.1 * PL - 9.2 - 34.9 6 -0.3 -1.6 PL 0809 - PL 13 (1) 48/10 -

Precot Meridian 0803 6.95 10 55 203.5 3.6 366.5 11 11.4 4.9 * -74 20 45.1 6.7 95.2 5 13.6 4.5 225 0809 6.5 -59 40 (1) 199/35 6.2

Prime Textiles 0803 4.55 2 62 10.4 1.1 103.8 -10 6.0 0.5 LP 6 2.3 0.1 13.7 -43 -17.1 -2.7 30 0809 0.2 LP 20 (-) 104/18 -

R M Mohite Tex. * 0803 20.10 10 73 25.3 6.1 105.6 6 15.4 3.0 * -46 - 3.9 1.5 28.0 4 9.9 1.0 -59 0809 - PL 34 (1) 105/33 -

RajapalayamMill 0803 3.51 10 49 323.2 7.3 220.0 10 14.3 8.1 * -49 120 96.7 21.0 61.0 3 21.3 4.1 71 0809 26.4 -37 272 (-25) 1273/200 10.3

Sambandam Spg. 0803 4.29 10 61 78.6 9.5 126.8 -3 17.4 3.0 * -73 25 25.6 6.6 33.9 -3 22.6 0.6 74 0809 7.5 -64 39 (-2) 114/32 5.2

SEL Mfg 0803 17.17 10 57 147.6 25.6 357.3 93 12.4 45.8 93 10 31.8 26.5 110.6 49 16.3 8.9 -14 0809 33.4 93 64 C(1) 757/52 1.9

Shamken Spinners 0803 43.70 10 22 -16.3 - 28.4 -46 -20.9 -17.5 -34 - - - - - - -3.3 29 0809 - -7 1 (-) 7/1 -

Shiv Texyarn 0803 21.60 10 75 45.9 5.2 94.5 -4 19.0 5.2 * -66 15 5.6 2.2 25.4 -10 26.6 4.1 -5 0809 2.5 -55 15 (-1) 49/13 5.9

Spentex Inds. 0803 71.47 10 45 23.0 - 735.6 0 -1.1 -29.7 PL - 1.8 - 180.9 -4 -0.6 -22.2 -332 0809 - PL 7 (-) 47/4 -

STI India 0803 29.00 10 5 -0.5 - 158.8 2 -4.2 -25.6 PL - - - 47.7 19 -7.0 -6.9 10 0809 - -169 8 (-1) 34/7 -

Super Sales Ind 0803 3.07 10 15 151.6 21.5 94.3 -7 28.1 9.2 * -23 50 65.0 29.0 28.7 6 18.1 1.5 -71 0809 15.4 -53 48 (-1) 218/37 3.1

Super Spinning 0803 5.50 1 40 22.4 0.9 392.2 -3 9.9 1.1 * -92 15 4.6 0.2 93.4 -9 7.9 -3.9 PL 0809 - PL 7 (-) 33/5 -

Supreme Tex 0803 17.59 5 66 14.8 13.2 163.5 40 11.8 5.5 -4 - 3.4 1.6 74.8 189 7.0 -3.2 PL 0809 0.2 -84 7 (-) 48/6 -

Suryajyoti Spg. * 0803 15.43 10 39 43.1 13.7 198.6 21 7.7 7.8 -21 6 9.9 5.0 53.8 6 10.6 1.0 -69 0809 2.6 -61 12 M(1) 80/9 4.7

Suryalak. Cott. 0803 13.36 10 61 90.4 0.5 346.4 51 8.3 0.6 LP - 15.5 0.5 85.5 8 6.6 -3.9 -42 0809 - PL 15 (-2) 63/11 -

Suryavanshi Spg. 0803 11.32 10 62 38.3 4.4 175.7 -19 6.5 1.9 -71 - 7.7 1.7 38.2 -10 2.7 -3.5 PL 0809 - PL 8 (-) 46/7 -

Sutlej Textiles 0803 10.92 10 64 142.4 1.6 769.5 8 6.7 2.4 * -93 10 50.9 2.1 215.7 14 3.6 -5.3 PL 0809 - PL 35 (-) 175/29 -

Vardhman Polytex 0803 10.69 10 55 148.2 1.9 370.5 -4 8.3 3.1 -78 20 24.9 2.5 113.0 22 11.6 0.8 -38 0809 - PL 31 (3) 99/23 -

Vardhman Textile 0803 57.77 10 62 202.9 10.8 2294.8 10 15.4 122.5 * -28 40 47.3 20.5 650.7 14 17.1 23.6 -37 0809 16.6 -38 60 (1) 190/45 3.6

Vijayeswari Txt. 0803 18.17 10 43 77.1 5.9 125.4 -12 13.1 8.4 * -45 8 7.6 4.5 32.6 49 2.6 -3.7 PL 0809 - PL 8 (1) 65/5 -

Winsome Yarns 0803 26.05 10 70 31.1 2.6 176.0 40 15.8 2.1 -75 1 5.8 0.8 34.0 -17 -7.8 -12.5 PL 0809 - PL 10 (3) 26/5 -

IND.COMPOSITE 1554.70 16309.0 9.1 58.1 8.8 -122.5 3436 6.7


Aditya Birla Nuv 0803 95.00 10 40 383.8 7.2 3886.7 14 14.4 246.6 11 58 39.8 25.0 1336.6 45 14.0 65.3 19 0809 28.0 32 584 (33) 2502/421 20.9

Century Enka 0803 20.05 10 24 225.1 3.3 1186.0 21 8.7 15.0 21 50 36.1 6.6 314.5 9 5.6 5.6 -45 0809 6.1 -1 65 (2) 185/52 10.6

Filatex India 0803 17.14 10 43 33.2 22.5 345.5 16 7.5 10.5 * LP - 10.5 6.0 81.5 -6 5.2 0.4 -88 0809 4.9 34 18 (5) 63/10 3.6

Futura Polyester 0803 52.42 10 39 25.1 5.8 413.6 -20 10.5 7.3 * -20 - 4.6 1.4 83.9 -18 10.1 1.0 -68 0809 0.6 -63 5 (-) 41/4 -

Indian Acrylics 0803 131.32 10 52 3.1 - 433.0 5 2.9 -7.6 * 41 - 0.6 - 69.5 -37 -8.6 -11.5 PL 0809 - 21 2 (-) 13/1 -

Indo Rama Synth. 0803 151.83 10 63 34.8 2.3 2542.8 27 3.0 12.3 -17 10 10.3 0.6 494.3 -25 2.6 -14.3 PL 0809 2.0 LP 16 (1) 72/12 8.2

J K Synthetics 0803 74.42 10 8 -1.2 - 1.7 1620 -99.9 -1.0 * PL - - - - - - 0.1 LP 0809 - 63 2 (-) 10/2 -

JBF Inds. 0803 62.06 10 38 96.2 28.2 2150.7 46 11.6 137.4 * 73 15 29.2 21.8 586.5 10 12.7 17.8 -56 0809 19.3 11 40 (11) 211/26 2.1

Nirlon 0803 58.22 10 16 11.0 2.6 11.3 88 -99.9 1.7 -36 - 0.5 0.3 8.0 16 5.0 -0.9 PL 0809 - PL 25 (-) 146/17 -

Nova Petro 0803 27.00 10 68 3.9 - 343.7 24 1.5 -29.9 -81 - - - 73.0 -20 -1.6 -10.0 -224 0809 - -163 8 (1) 35/6 -

NRC * 0806 (15) 37.27 10 38 -38.4 - 323.1 -24 -35.9 -177.9 -367 - - - 10.7 -88 - -34.9 -62 0809 - -166 7 C(-) 45/4 -

Paras Petrofils 0803 33.42 1 20 1.1 -6.0 90.3 37 2.2 -2.1 * 57 - 0.1 - 18.9 -29 -0.1 -0.9 PL 0809 - -43 1 (-) 6/1 -

Pasupati Acrylon 0803 71.13 10 57 0.2 - 329.6 4 3.1 -4.2 31 - 0.9 - 66.7 -4 -3.9 -7.0 -664 0809 - -470 2 (-) 9/2 -

Prag Bosimi Syn. 0609 (18) 74.38 10 54 -0.4 - 65.5 -66 -59.2 -38.2 -999 - - - 0.6 -29 - -3.4 23 0706 - 27 3 (-) 14/2 -

Sanghi Polyester 0712 (15) 100.00 10 29 18.7 - 227.1 -61 -3.6 -46.4 * -237 - - - 56.7 29 -8.1 -11.1 -51 0809 - 6 3 (1) 16/2 -

SRF 0803 65.36 10 44 139.2 17.8 1615.3 -10 20.9 154.0 -47 50 37.5 22.7 506.5 24 28.2 77.8 64 0809 29.1 -15 79 M(1) 201/66 2.7

Sumeet Inds. 0803 40.24 10 29 14.8 14.1 128.5 14 9.0 3.6 * 9 - 1.9 0.9 42.5 30 7.3 0.8 -36 0809 0.8 -33 7 R(-1) 36/4 -

Vardhman Acrylic 0803 108.53 10 55 13.0 3.9 211.7 7 14.7 5.4 -48 - 1.5 0.5 64.9 15 11.6 3.1 -7 0809 0.6 -21 4 (-) 12/3 -

Zenith Fibres 0803 5.75 10 50 26.7 12.3 33.5 -2 9.4 1.8 -33 15 4.4 2.9 10.6 32 10.2 0.7 83 0809 3.6 -2 17 (1) 40/15 4.7

IND.COMPOSITE 1225.54 14339.5 8.9 288.3 11.7 78.3 7143 10.7


Alok Inds 0803 196.97 10 36 72.2 16.9 2122.0 18 22.6 196.5 * 19 12 18.0 9.8 698.1 50 24.6 45.3 27 0809 10.6 24 19 C(-) 105/14 1.8

Aunde Faze Three * 0806 10.72 10 86 25.0 6.8 41.4 -36 19.6 1.8 -48 - 4.1 1.7 9.1 -33 21.1 0.5 -57 0809 1.1 -63 6 (-1) 49/6 5.6

Black Rose Indus 0803 1.94 1 75 2.9 19.5 31.7 73 4.5 1.1 -23 - 0.7 0.6 7.4 -17 2.2 0.1 -82 0809 0.1 -92 3 (1) 21/1 -

BSL 0803 7.33 10 48 54.7 -15.1 177.6 -2 6.9 -6.5 -999 - 4.7 - 53.8 5 9.1 -0.6 82 0809 - 82 13 (-) 35/11 -

DhanlaxmiFabrics 0803 6.02 10 72 32.6 9.1 46.5 -11 15.5 1.7 * -57 5 8.5 2.7 11.7 49 16.3 0.8 13 0809 3.0 -37 12 (2) 50/9 4.0

Donear Inds. 0803 10.40 2 75 21.1 14.9 173.3 7 12.6 15.4 -27 25 4.2 2.9 49.8 -4 5.3 -1.5 PL 0809 0.5 -88 24 (1) 165/18 -

Page 33: Corporate Score Board 2009

6 1Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Faze Three 0803 12.20 10 44 56.7 6.5 132.1 15 12.0 5.1 22 - 7.8 4.2 34.1 23 13.3 1.2 -42 0809 3.3 -19 12 (1) 52/7 3.7

Garden Silk Mill 0806 38.29 10 55 102.4 10.7 1676.3 20 10.2 36.1 * 72 15 24.2 9.2 428.0 -2 8.5 10.7 -40 0809 7.6 -6 36 (1) 113/26 4.8

Gini Silk Mills 0803 5.71 10 89 20.5 14.6 29.3 25 9.0 1.6 * 73 8 3.4 2.7 12.4 37 11.1 1.3 28 0809 3.4 66 16 (2) 56/14 4.7

Gupta Synthetics 0803 7.35 10 50 43.7 -20.5 353.4 3 4.3 -7.2 PL - - - 41.5 -60 2.9 -6.2 -124 0809 - PL 7 (-1) 67/5 -

Indus Fila * 0806 (15) 19.38 10 58 87.5 35.8 534.4 99 15.8 41.1 25 5 21.2 17.0 93.7 -20 15.1 4.3 -63 0809 10.6 -43 43 (-1) 380/40 4.1

Jaybharat Text 0803 51.04 2 69 3.6 41.7 424.4 70 15.4 32.6 3 10 1.8 1.2 124.3 24 15.5 8.3 -45 0809 0.9 -57 504 (251) 504/165 -

Kamadgiri Synth. 0803 3.00 10 56 32.8 3.2 35.6 46 7.0 0.3 LP 5 5.7 1.0 12.9 53 4.2 - -50 0809 1.0 LP 39 (1) 66/32 -

Mohit Inds. 0803 11.97 10 54 20.7 10.9 121.9 30 6.2 2.3 * -7 - 3.6 2.0 23.8 -25 3.5 - -93 0809 1.8 -25 7 (-) 34/6 4.0

Mudra Lifestyle 0803 35.99 10 54 46.1 15.0 264.1 62 14.3 23.5 34 10 8.0 6.4 78.7 17 14.6 7.7 -5 0809 5.5 -25 16 (1) 112/13 2.9

Nakoda Textile 0712 15.78 10 48 38.6 18.1 565.9 65 3.6 9.2 * 50 5 8.0 5.7 199.6 28 4.5 3.1 21 0809 7.8 42 15 C(2) 60/10 1.9

Raj Rayon 0803 17.02 10 33 55.0 4.7 280.3 6 11.0 4.6 -20 - 11.7 2.7 77.2 5 -4.9 -8.9 PL 0809 - PL 8 (1) 32/5 -

S.Kumars Nation 0803 223.39 10 47 32.8 - 1605.7 31 21.5 186.1 57 - 9.9 8.3 394.3 1 15.4 19.9 -54 0809 6.6 -3 28 C(2) 171/20 4.3

Sarla Performanc 0803 6.95 10 55 86.5 21.9 111.4 13 18.0 12.3 8 35 22.6 17.0 33.0 20 16.8 2.8 -26 0809 15.7 -7 35 (-) 186/33 2.2

Shamken Multifab 0803 27.50 10 24 -22.9 - 24.8 -32 -4.8 -12.3 -12 - - - 7.8 20 -1.3 -2.9 -19 0809 - -23 1 (-) 10/1 -

Shree Ram Urban 0712 20.63 10 60 22.8 0.6 38.4 64 4.1 0.3 -93 - 0.9 0.1 8.6 259 4.1 - -20 0809 0.1 -93 70 (4) 470/56 -

Shri Lakshmi * 0806 14.80 10 37 146.6 24.3 845.2 40 13.6 46.6 28 5 46.5 31.4 253.8 10 15.9 17.3 15 0809 33.0 6 35 (1) 202/26 1.1

Siyaram Silk 0803 9.38 10 66 145.4 7.1 589.7 12 5.4 8.6 * -50 50 26.0 8.3 131.1 5 8.7 3.0 -35 0809 6.8 -54 58 (6) 194/40 8.5

STL Global 0803 27.45 10 64 44.3 3.4 336.5 9 7.7 4.1 -64 - 5.2 1.5 96.0 2 8.6 0.9 -72 0809 0.7 -77 7 (-) 46/5 -

Swasti Vinayaka 0712 7.00 1 61 1.3 16.9 15.2 9 16.0 1.5 139 10 0.3 0.2 4.4 1 16.1 0.4 6 0809 0.2 125 2 (1) 7/1 -

Valson Inds. 0803 3.83 10 49 45.0 11.7 60.8 10 8.5 2.0 28 25 9.8 4.6 16.8 -1 8.3 0.6 -12 0809 5.1 15 27 (-1) 56/23 5.3

Ventura Textiles 0803 9.86 10 45 9.2 - 78.8 23 6.0 -2.8 -161 - 0.6 - 5.0 -74 - -2.2 PL 0809 - -354 7 (-) 78/5 -

Vijay Textiles 0803 11.50 1 45 5.1 12.1 100.0 23 22.4 6.5 -8 15 0.8 0.5 20.8 -2 40.4 3.3 12 0809 0.6 -14 3 (-) 10/2 -

VTM 0803 4.02 10 77 194.3 2.6 90.5 -12 6.8 2.0 -53 10 19.9 4.9 25.5 11 14.5 1.3 473 0809 9.2 44 44 (6) 149/28 4.8

Weizmann 0803 12.86 10 65 55.3 -56.2 36.7 -18 -81.0 -38.0 * PL 5 - - 11.9 -4 47.9 4.9 LP 0809 - -320 16 (2) 97/10 -

Welspun Syntex 0803 23.65 10 38 21.7 - 279.4 4 4.3 -6.3 * -115 - 2.2 - 86.3 27 1.2 -1.6 PL 0809 - -999 6 (1) 41/4 -

IND.COMPOSITE 853.93 11223.2 13.8 569.8 13.9 113.5 14786 2.9


Abhishek Inds. 0803 194.19 10 64 22.6 7.4 1048.7 28 12.7 31.0 * -20 - 6.0 1.6 331.1 19 -0.3 -24.1 PL 0809 - PL 8 (-) 38/6 -

Acknit Indus 0803 3.00 10 51 61.2 7.8 40.2 28 0.1 1.4 * 2 20 8.3 4.3 15.8 52 9.9 0.6 38 0809 4.8 99 21 (-1) 53/17 4.3

Alps Inds. 0803 34.51 10 32 86.3 8.7 634.3 48 12.3 24.8 -19 5 12.3 7.1 203.2 42 15.2 4.2 -59 0809 5.2 -47 12 (-) 97/10 2.3

Bang Overseas 0803 13.56 10 68 69.3 16.2 120.4 68 12.0 8.8 29 - 7.3 6.5 37.2 - -1.5 - - 0809 2.8 - 156 (-9) 308/93 56.4

Birla Trans.Carp 0803 2.84 10 61 -100.8 - 2.7 1 -19.9 -0.8 78 - - - 0.5 -57 -43.8 -0.3 -750 0809 - 47 66 (6) 80/60 -

Bombay Rayon 0803 69.10 10 48 103.9 22.5 926.1 89 22.8 119.3 * 119 15 21.6 17.0 287.0 28 23.9 36.7 20 0809 20.0 57 132 C(4) 418/97 6.6

Celebrity Fash 0803 17.84 10 43 73.3 - 324.2 -1 -0.8 -19.6 -366 - - - 56.9 -35 -35.2 -21.3 -993 0809 - -656 14 M(1) 78/10 -

Delta Corp 0803 13.55 1 56 11.7 15.4 63.8 70 54.0 15.5 * -23 40 1.2 1.0 11.8 -19 84.3 8.7 70 0809 1.3 -12 34 (2) 98/15 26.2

Digjam Ltd 0803 68.74 10 26 -8.3 - 107.8 2 -7.0 -17.4 * -49 - - - 41.2 52 3.3 -2.6 66 0809 - 27 6 (-) 29/4 -

Eskay K‘n’IT(I) 0803 28.08 1 56 10.4 7.3 652.0 36 15.0 20.7 2 - 3.0 0.7 184.0 3 16.9 2.0 -70 0809 0.6 15 2 (-) 9/1 -

Evinix Accessori 0803 10.70 1 30 7.2 20.6 119.1 74 17.6 14.6 127 - 1.4 1.4 30.9 -4 11.5 1.6 -71 0809 0.9 -16 4 (-) 23/3 -

Filatex Fashions 0803 5.95 5 26 8.9 15.7 10.1 154 10.5 1.4 946 - 1.5 1.1 7.6 672 3.4 0.2 467 0809 1.5 858 51 (10) 51/18 33.4

First Winner 0803 17.73 10 41 56.0 29.3 81.0 46 15.3 5.6 120 - 4.0 3.2 35.0 - 11.3 2.4 - 0809 - - 23 P(-) 162/13 -

Garware-Wall 0803 23.71 10 46 82.4 14.3 398.7 19 13.2 24.2 9 25 14.5 9.8 116.2 19 13.1 8.0 15 0809 11.0 8 52 C(3) 248/42 4.7

GIVO 0803 57.70 10 64 5.6 - 22.8 47 -3.6 1.9 LP - 0.8 0.3 6.5 -15 3.2 -0.5 PL 0809 0.1 LP 4 M(-) 25/2 -

Gokaldas Exports 0803 17.19 5 88 131.3 12.7 1005.8 1 3.5 54.7 -22 20 25.1 15.7 295.7 26 4.0 3.1 -73 0809 13.7 -18 89 (-2) 299/86 6.5

Grabal Alok Impx 0803 21.84 10 37 60.2 11.3 114.2 24 25.9 13.6 * 103 8 11.0 6.1 31.0 - 36.0 3.1 9 0809 6.5 66 54 C(-6) 139/40 8.3

House of Pearl 0803 19.50 10 65 155.4 3.6 15.1 152 -21.6 10.7 257 15 5.2 5.2 4.3 - -27.0 6.9 82 0809 6.9 66 70 (3) 334/43 10.1

Indiabulls Retai 0803 20.00 10 64 -28.9 - 195.0 25 -57.6 -129.2 * -187 - - - 42.5 -16 -47.2 -22.4 9 0809 - -82 22 (2) 237/12 -

Interna. Homotex U 0809 (18) 20.36 10 29 19.9 9.8 62.5 12 14.3 -3.8 * PL - 0.4 - 4.0 -69 -10.2 -2.7 PL 0809 - PL 3 (-) 23/2 -

Jindal Worldwide 0803 20.05 10 86 35.1 14.0 141.3 25 9.6 6.0 -30 - 4.3 3.0 46.6 16 -1.1 -1.6 PL 0809 0.8 -80 141 (27) 418/56 -

K P R Mill Ltd 0803 37.68 10 71 135.0 18.9 574.0 19 18.5 79.7 33 50 32.8 20.3 177.7 38 14.2 5.4 -74 0809 15.9 -11 46 (-6) 189/38 2.9

Kewal Kiran Clot 0803 12.33 10 71 114.7 15.8 159.6 19 19.0 21.1 * 13 40 19.6 16.4 48.2 5 15.7 5.5 -30 0809 11.9 -26 149 (-5) 565/95 12.5

Kitex Garments 0803 4.75 1 55 6.3 34.1 176.1 15 6.8 8.8 -7 20 2.9 1.8 40.6 -6 5.2 1.1 -39 0809 1.6 -2 4 (-) 16/3 2.5

Koutons Retail 0803 30.55 10 67 114.4 26.6 793.5 97 19.2 67.1 * 97 - 25.2 22.0 282.4 - 17.1 19.5 - 0809 25.0 - 528 (62) 1098/381 21.1

Krishna Lifest. 0803 102.24 1 51 5.4 1.7 365.5 38 6.8 9.2 71 - 0.2 0.1 123.8 16 4.9 2.1 -24 0809 0.1 41 1 (-) 6/1 -

KSL and Indus 0803 40.27 4 39 48.7 10.9 646.9 25 18.6 44.8 22 10 8.4 4.4 221.7 38 18.2 10.1 -36 0809 3.7 -22 135 M(-30) 240/116 36.9

M K Exim (India) U 0803 4.08 10 41 33.5 4.4 1.0 -85 -16.5 -0.7 PL - - - 0.2 250 - -0.3 15 0809 - -31 15 (4) 57/8 -

Morarjee Textile 0803 18.17 10 52 31.8 -32.9 172.5 -19 1.4 -22.8 * PL - - - 49.9 -5 -2.1 -8.7 -100 0809 - -262 13 (2) 73/9 -

Nahar Spinning 0803 18.03 5 59 145.7 2.3 880.9 -1 9.4 11.5 * -82 30 24.3 2.9 289.6 28 9.0 -0.8 PL 0809 - PL 26 (1) 124/19 -

Nandam Exim Ltd 0803 45.55 1 49 2.6 25.4 289.1 32 14.6 6.5 * -51 - 0.5 0.1 84.9 48 14.1 0.9 -60 0809 0.1 -45 1 (-) 10/1 -

Neemtek Org. 0803 1.83 10 70 6.4 - 1.3 29 10.6 - LP - 0.4 0.1 0.5 - 24.5 0.1 13 0809 - PL 69 277/63 -

Niryat Sam Appar 0803 7.95 10 87 -18.1 - 0.1 22 -99.9 1.4 51 - 2.2 1.7 - -75 - 0.4 6 0809 1.9 40 27 (1) 30/19 14.6

Pace Textiles 0803 5.22 2 13 4.8 1.8 5.6 18 4.5 0.2 14 - 0.1 0.1 1.1 -34 -17.1 0.1 17 0809 0.1 29 17 (-) 31/13 -

Page Industries 0803 11.15 10 72 69.4 32.8 192.4 41 19.1 23.9 43 100 22.9 19.7 65.0 35 20.7 8.4 33 0809 25.1 36 344 (13) 549/301 13.7

Pantaloon Retail 0806 35.04 2 47 102.0 8.8 5295.9 56 8.7 126.9 112 30 11.9 7.1 1511.2 39 10.2 36.2 22 0809 7.6 81 235 B(18) 768/177 30.9

Pearl Global 0803 8.21 10 75 70.0 7.1 298.7 62 -1.4 4.4 -19 - 11.1 5.4 72.5 -3 -1.6 -2.5 7 0809 13.3 LP 51 (5) 113/33 3.9

Pion. Embroider. 0809 (18) 12.21 10 27 22.6 17.8 244.9 62 -12.5 -65.2 * PL - - - - - - - - - PL 16 (-) 315/8 -

Poddar Developer 0803 5.20 10 58 93.1 2.3 14.8 6 -4.3 0.8 * LP 15 1.7 1.3 5.5 50 -10.3 - 100 0809 0.7 LP 28 (-6) 167/22 -

Provogue (India) 0803 23.28 2 41 55.8 9.0 330.8 42 12.7 25.7 * 30 18 2.8 2.1 111.3 19 7.9 7.8 15 0809 2.4 16 54 C(7) 292/33 22.5

Punjab Woolcomb. 0803 11.27 10 16 11.6 - 24.5 - 9.3 2.0 - - 2.0 1.8 11.1 30 13.5 1.4 347 0809 4.0 -53 6 (-) 37/4 1.5

Page 34: Corporate Score Board 2009

6 2 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Rainbow Denim 0803 18.21 10 45 7.2 - 121.7 15 4.0 -16.5 -32 - - - 37.6 13 7.9 -2.9 36 0809 - 7 5 (-) 11/4 -

Raymond 0803 61.38 10 38 227.8 2.7 1327.7 3 4.6 37.0 * -66 25 18.8 5.6 433.7 25 11.6 25.3 -19 0809 - PL 112 (10) 460/75 -

Richa Industries 0803 16.93 10 66 31.0 15.4 97.6 56 15.7 7.0 * 81 - 5.9 4.1 43.0 180 19.6 4.0 118 0809 7.3 135 68 (11) 112/32 9.3

Samtex Fashions 0803 9.90 10 47 39.3 1.8 65.4 -2 6.4 0.7 -40 - 2.3 0.7 9.5 -40 9.8 0.1 -81 0809 0.4 10 8 (-1) 25/5 -

Sh. Dinesh Mills 0803 5.28 10 43 137.6 10.0 75.8 5 16.9 6.8 * -29 20 21.1 12.6 24.0 18 25.2 3.2 28 0809 14.7 -16 65 (-1) 324/56 4.4

Shoppers’ Stop 0803 34.86 10 66 85.1 2.4 1206.9 34 4.7 7.0 -73 15 13.0 1.7 338.9 22 1.9 -11.0 PL 0809 - PL 165 (-12) 606/141 -

Sky Inds. 0803 3.98 10 34 40.7 4.1 61.9 0 7.7 0.7 -16 - 8.2 1.6 16.5 -2 9.6 - -89 0809 - -64 69 (1) 120/47 -

SPL Inds. 0803 29.00 10 67 56.6 1.7 296.2 28 -4.3 2.8 -62 - 3.9 1.0 92.4 18 11.5 - -100 0809 0.6 -48 7 (1) 38/5 -

Sunteck Realty * 0803 5.26 10 52 22.2 8.8 3.1 365 40.7 2.8 721 - 5.4 5.3 0.7 16 40.3 1.9 870 0809 12.7 999 1435 C(43) 1770/1165 112.8

T T 0803 21.50 10 52 25.2 1.7 639.2 8 1.7 0.9 * -83 6 3.3 0.3 59.3 -7 9.2 0.4 -34 0809 0.0 -99 8 (1) 35/6 -

Trent 0803 19.53 10 32 310.2 5.1 514.2 14 3.5 25.2 * -10 70 16.6 12.1 133.5 15 -0.5 3.5 -61 0809 10.3 -34 336 (48) 745/250 32.8

Uniproducts (I) 0803 8.74 10 84 52.8 10.7 119.7 11 11.3 4.0 17 12 11.1 4.4 31.5 6 9.6 0.4 -36 0809 3.8 5 39 (1) 77/27 10.2

Unitex Designs 0803 9.00 10 62 5.2 - 3.3 -16 -4.8 - PL - - - 1.1 104 -6.3 0.1 250 0809 0.0 -87 7 (-1) 27/7 -

Vanasthali Text. 0803 19.81 10 75 9.9 - 99.2 -5 -2.4 -11.0 PL - - - 19.8 -27 -11.0 -4.3 -471 0809 - -578 6 (-) 21/5 -

Vishal Retail 0803 22.40 10 64 121.1 20.4 1005.3 67 12.1 40.6 62 - 30.5 18.1 378.1 - 11.1 4.1 - 0809 19.6 - 101 (-12) 1001/56 5.1

Voith Paper 0809 4.39 10 74 190.4 8.4 41.3 -9 21.9 6.8 -32 30 21.6 15.0 10.9 28 22.4 1.7 31 0809 15.0 -32 87 (-8) 254/69 5.8

Welspun India 0803 73.09 10 39 75.8 4.8 1174.9 25 8.7 26.1 * -51 - 15.2 3.6 378.6 29 13.0 8.1 -52 0809 0.7 -90 22 (-2) 105/15 -

Wires & Fabriks 0803 3.06 10 59 64.2 13.3 53.6 16 19.6 2.5 4 15 25.7 8.2 14.7 4 20.8 1.0 11 0809 8.6 -11 48 (-) 158/44 5.6

Zodiac Cloth. Co 0803 8.39 10 61 137.1 18.7 228.2 12 7.4 19.9 * 41 65 26.9 22.6 69.1 23 6.6 5.1 15 0809 25.0 17 230 (15) 767/206 9.2

IND.COMPOSITE 1489.86 23688.9 9.1 692.0 9.8 128.9 15621 16.1


Eastern Silk Ind 0803 15.79 2 47 45.9 16.4 481.7 7 19.6 61.1 12 45 9.6 7.4 154.5 2 19.0 20.4 -4 0809 7.4 -9 11 (-) 54/8 1.5

Himatsing. Seide 0803 49.23 5 51 59.7 -0.1 247.3 42 8.8 -0.6 PL - 2.7 - 101.1 135 17.6 4.5 -10 0809 - PL 27 (2) 135/24 -

J J Exporters 0803 9.26 10 73 67.8 -1.3 95.7 6 1.8 -0.8 * PL - 3.3 - 17.9 -30 4.5 -0.9 1 0809 - PL 20 (-) 65/17 -

Silktex 0803 7.60 10 43 35.2 0.3 26.7 -17 22.9 0.1 -97 8 5.4 - 7.5 16 22.5 0.6 81 0809 - PL 11 (-1) 37/8 -

Zenith Exports 0803 5.40 10 52 172.8 1.5 219.8 9 -2.0 1.4 -30 - 14.3 2.7 46.7 -12 6.6 1.8 -46 0809 4.8 LP 63 (-3) 108/61 13.1

IND.COMPOSITE 87.28 1071.1 11.2 61.2 16.1 26.4 417 2.0


APM Inds. 0803 4.32 10 63 85.0 0.5 161.6 4 4.5 0.2 * -96 - 10.4 0.4 48.3 8 5.2 -0.1 PL 0809 - PL 14 (-) 63/11 -

Banswara Syntex 0803 13.10 10 59 63.0 5.5 436.2 12 11.5 4.4 -70 12 19.8 3.1 142.7 30 12.0 2.5 38 0809 1.6 -81 16 (2) 79/12 10.2

Deepak Spinners 0806 7.21 10 33 79.8 -4.5 196.7 2 5.7 -2.8 * PL - 7.7 - 51.9 25 6.2 -0.4 PL 0809 - - 10 (1) 32/7 -

Hanil Era Tex. 0803 40.97 10 58 32.4 1.3 61.7 -21 -7.7 -19.7 PL - - - 12.6 -3 -15.0 -5.7 PL 0809 - -999 5 (1) 25/3 -

Priyadarsh. Spg. 0803 11.08 10 44 34.6 -6.4 195.5 6 6.4 -2.5 * PL - 4.8 - 48.3 3 9.7 -0.4 42 0809 - PL 6 C(-) 29/4 -

RSWM Ltd 0803 23.15 10 52 117.1 -0.9 1165.5 13 7.3 -2.5 * PL - 27.6 - 334.7 13 -1.0 -23.9 PL 0809 - PL 34 (1) 231/30 -

Sangam (India) 0803 39.42 10 36 49.0 3.4 693.4 26 12.9 6.4 -76 - 14.1 1.6 211.1 12 8.5 -8.3 PL 0809 - PL 13 (1) 76/8 -

Sh. Rajas. Synt. 0803 11.75 10 47 47.7 0.8 280.9 -7 6.0 0.5 -88 - 9.2 0.4 61.7 -7 5.2 0.7 -20 0809 - PL 6 (-) 30/4 -

Suryalata Spg. 0803 3.27 10 61 36.2 0.7 172.5 -11 9.4 0.2 -97 - 16.9 0.5 42.0 17 5.5 -0.2 PL 0809 - PL 13 (2) 61/9 -

Vertex Spinning 0803 19.91 1 73 1.2 23.1 98.2 20 12.4 5.0 -5 - 0.4 0.3 10.8 -55 23.9 0.1 -93 0809 0.1 -71 10 (-) 31/6 -

Winsome Textile 0803 5.87 10 58 70.7 6.8 153.0 9 10.9 2.7 * -60 2 18.2 4.5 45.4 16 2.4 -5.3 PL 0809 - PL 29 (14) 51/11 -

IND.COMPOSITE 180.05 3615.0 8.7 -8.1 4.9 -40.8 411 10.1


AI Champdany 0803 11.27 5 42 30.2 4.2 272.6 11 6.9 3.0 173 5 4.7 1.2 87.6 43 4.6 0.2 -65 0809 0.9 -7 17 (1) 66/13 -

Cheviot Company 0803 4.51 10 73 350.0 11.6 179.7 14 15.3 17.4 * -15 100 46.6 36.9 51.1 28 17.9 6.3 -13 0809 35.2 -24 152 (7) 330/119 4.3

Gloster Jute 0803 2.62 10 53 167.2 28.5 158.1 24 15.0 10.7 * 166 50 59.9 40.3 45.9 20 13.7 3.3 -16 0809 33.4 -15 135 B(-1) 500/75 4.1

Ludlow Jute 0803 10.80 10 55 18.1 15.3 155.2 19 1.5 2.9 * 101 10 4.0 2.5 44.8 38 3.2 0.6 52 0809 2.5 175 12 (-2) 32/9 4.9

Rajvir Inds 0803 3.03 10 68 127.4 17.0 186.6 14 10.9 6.2 -22 40 41.8 19.7 47.3 -31 12.6 1.5 -39 0809 15.4 -31 46 (-1) 195/33 3.0

IND.COMPOSITE 32.23 952.2 9.7 40.2 9.7 11.9 169 4.1


3M India 0712 11.27 10 76 257.6 26.3 608.4 21 17.2 67.9 35 - 65.5 60.2 191.7 21 9.3 12.9 -32 0809 56.3 -1 975 (60) 2450/810 17.3

Adani Enterprise 0803 24.66 1 75 54.8 22.0 11354.5 13 2.2 262.2 * 87 60 11.0 10.5 3115.2 21 4.9 62.9 66 0809 12.6 75 348 C(26) 1290/255 27.7

Aegis Logistics 0803 19.94 10 63 79.0 28.3 373.9 56 15.8 39.0 * 71 45 23.3 18.8 126.2 41 9.4 8.0 -16 0809 19.0 31 79 (-7) 370/53 4.2

Ambica Agarbat. 0803 13.58 10 55 16.4 12.3 59.0 15 14.4 2.6 27 - 3.5 1.9 16.6 19 15.4 0.7 41 0809 2.0 31 9 (-) 31/8 4.5

Bartronics India 0803 28.98 10 33 94.7 18.2 183.3 189 25.7 32.0 * 138 - 12.1 11.0 101.0 250 25.2 15.2 266 0809 18.5 217 87 C(6) 295/55 4.7

Beeyu Overseas 0803 14.16 10 30 13.0 - 20.1 -41 -16.9 -2.7 * -60 - - - 2.2 -67 -56.0 -1.6 -999 0809 - -80 4 (-) 19/3 -

Bombay Swad.St. 0803 0.84 2 53 28.9 2.3 20.7 -4 -1.3 0.2 -46 - 2.3 0.5 4.8 2 -12.3 0.1 67 0809 0.8 -13 33 (-7) 160/33 -

Competent Auto. 0803 6.41 10 72 66.9 11.3 545.3 16 2.1 4.4 * 16 10 10.5 6.7 104.7 -24 2.7 1.0 -1 0809 7.0 16 19 (-1) 75/14 2.7

Control Print 0803 7.59 10 39 55.5 7.6 38.8 -2 10.2 2.9 * -37 20 4.3 3.5 8.9 -23 9.3 0.1 -95 0809 - PL 27 M(1) 110/21 -

Cravatex 0803 1.29 10 75 103.8 9.6 50.6 6 4.9 1.2 * -10 35 16.1 8.7 12.4 -5 -3.7 0.2 -24 0809 9.2 -20 59 (-) 167/54 6.4

Emmsons Intl. 0803 5.15 10 40 96.2 29.0 560.8 53 0.5 10.1 58 20 19.9 19.3 293.7 93 4.5 5.9 176 0809 28.5 98 74 (-14) 299/66 2.6

Era E-Zone 0803 11.08 10 54 43.9 25.4 57.8 -29 5.5 1.9 -63 - 1.8 1.7 1.5 -88 -1.3 -0.1 PL 0809 0.4 -88 13 (1) 93/11 -

J.K. Agri Geneti 0803 3.51 10 41 133.0 14.8 88.7 13 4.4 6.5 23 - 24.3 18.4 -12.4 PL - -9.8 -366 0809 - PL 157 (6) 582/136 -

JIK Inds. *U 0806 24.28 10 6 -7.9 - 0.5 1433 -99.9 -2.2 * 64 - - - 0.1 -27 - -0.4 37 0809 - 60 12 C(-1) 20/3 -

K Dhandapani &Co 0803 3.51 10 72 32.2 4.4 41.7 4 1.8 0.5 * LP 10 2.2 1.2 11.7 15 2.1 - -20 0809 - -200 30 (3) 59/22 -

Khaitan (I) 0803 4.75 10 52 57.9 -2.0 52.0 4 2.6 -0.6 * 21 - 0.9 - 1.6 -83 -23.1 -1.6 -437 0809 - 9 15 (-) 66/14 -

Kothari Petro. 0803 59.19 10 66 8.7 - 89.6 23 7.4 6.2 14 - 1.2 1.1 37.4 128 -2.2 0.1 -94 0809 0.9 -19 9 (-) 85/5 -

Lahoti Overseas 0803 5.88 2 59 15.9 5.4 200.4 19 0.6 2.3 * 6 12 1.3 0.8 35.4 -26 - -0.4 PL 0809 0.4 -17 3 (-) 16/3 -

Maximaa Systems * 0803 17.82 10 15 11.6 - 13.6 53 10.2 1.0 75 - 0.7 0.6 2.9 32 8.0 0.2 -28 0809 0.6 12 2 (-) 9/1 -

Page 35: Corporate Score Board 2009

6 3Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Minal Engineerg 0803 6.37 10 68 13.5 -9.3 1.1 147 -99.9 -0.9 PL - - - 0.2 -24 -27.3 -0.3 PL 0809 - PL 8 (1) 103/6 -

MMTC 0803 50.00 10 99 206.0 23.8 26503.0 14 0.8 227.2 65 90 46.5 43.9 12489.1 111 0.3 46.8 19 0809 49.9 58 20326 (1158)41307/9125 407.6

Nirav Commercial 0803 0.39 10 52 202.6 19.4 34.6 91 5.6 1.4 324 - 38.5 35.9 3.8 -37 14.1 0.3 15 0809 40.3 71 328 (13) 2184/250 8.2

Prraneta Inds 0803 8.15 1 6 1.0 0.3 4.2 - 1.7 - - - 0.0 - 0.5 -76 - - -75 0809 - -900 2 (-) 5/1 -

PTC India 0803 227.42 10 21 65.1 4.7 3906.2 4 0.5 41.4 * 45 10 1.7 1.6 2031.3 38 0.7 32.7 187 0809 3.1 124 73 (5) 192/43 23.8

Raghav Inds. 0803 19.50 10 44 43.6 0.1 25.2 -33 -7.6 0.1 -53 - 0.1 - 5.9 -20 0.7 - -100 0809 0.0 -58 64 (-3) 179/61 -

Robinson Worldwd 0803 10.00 10 46 9.9 - 0.7 -95 -2.8 -0.1 PL - - - - - - -1.1 PL 0809 - PL 22 30/22 -

S T C 0803 60.00 10 91 87.5 26.0 15774.1 10 0.2 124.2 * 40 48 20.6 20.2 4119.4 17 -0.8 18.1 71 0809 21.7 49 137 (-) 741/87 6.3

Sakuma Exports 0803 16.43 10 58 30.5 7.9 573.4 144 -2.1 4.3 62 5 2.9 2.2 202.1 22 2.3 2.0 32 0809 2.6 20 8 (-) 55/6 3.1

Sat Industries 0803 7.82 2 37 5.2 0.1 33.0 63 0.2 - -71 - 0.0 - 10.8 28 0.2 - -90 0809 - PL 19 C(4) 102/13 -

Scenario Media 0803 0.77 10 69 13.4 -7.0 5.6 88 - -0.2 * PL - 0.4 - 0.6 -60 15.3 0.1 -42 0809 - PL 115 M 133/115 -

Sicagen India 0803 39.57 10 43 89.6 - 389.8 141 1.6 4.4 * LP - 1.6 1.1 122.5 - 2.8 2.1 - 0809 - - 5 (1) 200/3 -

Sical Logistics 0803 39.52 10 43 68.5 7.3 561.0 -43 -0.3 21.6 * 115 - 8.6 5.5 122.5 -48 6.8 1.6 LP 0809 5.8 LP 28 (-2) 350/23 4.9

Singer India 0803 1.56 10 50 -298.6 - 49.6 5 -30.1 0.5 * LP - 7.1 3.3 18.4 53 1.2 - LP 0809 7.2 LP 6 M 19/5 0.8

Surana Corp. 0803 21.86 10 66 53.6 35.9 1658.7 -23 3.7 20.9 91 12 10.9 9.4 850.6 105 1.2 6.8 46 0809 14.2 123 20 M(1) 131/15 1.4

Swan Energy 0803 19.00 2 81 5.8 - 45.6 2000 38.5 21.3 999 - 2.3 2.2 143.0 999 54.4 70.8 999 0809 10.4 999 51 (4) 149/29 4.9

Tai Inds. 0803 6.00 10 20 24.8 2.1 44.6 1 0.1 0.3 LP - 1.6 0.6 32.3 286 0.6 0.5 LP 0809 2.5 LP 18 (-1) 37/11 7.4

TCI Inds. 0803 0.95 10 73 -138.4 - 8.0 101 1.8 0.1 LP - 1.7 1.3 2.3 52 1.3 - LP 0809 1.9 50 1098 (128) 7190/745 579.5

Tripex Overseas 0703 8.05 10 - 21.5 19.4 83.5 332 6.6 3.3 51 - 5.2 4.1 - - - - PL 0709 - PL 3 (-) 30/2 -

Uni.Brew.(Hold.) * 0803 66.82 10 52 195.4 -1.8 229.4 27 -1.8 -16.1 * PL 10 - - 94.7 12 20.2 2.8 LP 0809 - PL 126 (28) 1220/67 -

Uniphos Enterp. 0803 5.09 2 46 12.1 - - 0 - -4.9 -585 - - - - - - -0.4 55 0809 - -176 15 (-) 69/14 -

Ushdev Intl. 0803 11.48 10 59 43.1 31.4 784.1 39 4.7 13.5 * 59 21 14.3 11.4 299.6 58 5.8 6.1 65 0809 17.3 71 48 CR(8) 195/30 2.8

Vishal Exports U 0809 36.00 1 14 -0.6 - 7.8 -99 -99.9 -34.5 73 - - - 0.3 -95 - -10.4 89 0809 - 73 1 (-) 6/1 -

W H Brady 0803 2.55 10 83 19.2 38.4 9.4 21 -27.0 1.7 -1 15 8.2 6.3 3.3 32 -16.6 0.6 33 0809 7.7 15 46 (11) 214/31 6.0

Wadala Commoditi 0803 2.16 1 51 -1.6 - 0.2 -99 -99.9 -0.1 * PL - - - - - - - PL 0809 - PL 4 (-) 25/3 -

IND.COMPOSITE 931.35 65092.3 1.3 864.8 1.5 272.9 116522 102.8


Jyoti Structures 0803 16.33 2 27 41.8 23.5 1371.6 41 13.4 72.5 32 40 9.6 8.7 420.8 32 11.9 20.1 19 0809 9.8 20 76 M(1) 328/33 7.7

K E C Intl 0803 49.34 10 42 98.3 46.3 2813.8 38 13.8 173.4 66 50 39.4 34.3 806.5 43 7.0 17.8 -47 0809 31.9 23 183 CR(34) 907/109 5.7

Kalpataru Power 0803 26.50 10 64 289.5 21.3 1737.6 14 14.8 150.0 -6 75 63.6 55.3 432.6 12 12.1 22.3 -31 0809 49.8 -23 327 (30) 1775/225 6.6

Sujana Towers * 0809 (15) 20.72 5 35 59.2 18.9 747.7 70 14.6 41.2 5 - 10.7 8.0 112.4 -11 5.8 0.4 -97 0809 6.9 - 24 (3) 230/16 3.5

IND.COMPOSITE 112.89 6670.6 14.1 437.1 9.6 60.6 2487 6.2


Jagson Airlines 0803 20.17 10 72 9.6 - 14.2 -29 -10.2 -6.2 -12 - - - 0.2 -95 - -2.0 -224 0809 - -75 10 (1) 46/6 -

Jet Airways 0803 86.33 10 80 214.5 -28.9 8852.2 26 1.7 -571.9 * -229 - 23.9 - 3121.3 72 -11.2 -497.8 -86 0809 - -999 204 (17) 1020/119 -

Kingfisher Air * 0803 (9) 265.91 10 66 12.0 - 1441.4 -11 -49.6 -237.6 * 55 - - - 1322.6 197 -44.4 -483.3 -91 0809 - 32 43 M(7) 307/22 -

SpiceJet Ltd 0803 241.02 10 13 1.2 - 1295.0 101 -20.5 -176.2 * -28 - - - 340.2 53 -63.1 -197.5 -240 0809 - - 17 C(1) 105/9 -

IND.COMPOSITE 613.43 11602.7 -7.2 -991.9 -24.1 -1180.6 3326 -


Intl. Travel Hse 0803 7.99 10 62 77.1 18.2 78.8 7 29.9 10.1 * 2 30 23.0 12.1 21.6 15 30.4 3.0 47 0809 13.8 -2 68 (8) 243/48 4.9

Thomas Cook 0712 21.71 1 75 12.5 47.1 238.2 7 29.0 30.2 * 14 50 1.7 1.1 63.2 20 35.9 9.4 38 0809 1.8 - 46 XR(-3) 107/36 25.9

Trade-Wings 0803 3.20 10 76 14.6 0.9 7.5 4 -15.3 0.2 475 - 1.6 0.7 2.4 11 23.4 0.7 983 0809 5.2 LP 197 (-1) 332/156 38.2

IND.COMPOSITE 32.90 324.5 28.2 40.5 34.2 13.1 1120 21.8


Apollo Tyres 0803 50.40 1 39 25.2 20.0 3697.9 13 12.7 219.6 93 50 6.0 4.3 981.9 16 5.2 7.8 -85 0809 3.5 1 20 C(-) 63/18 5.7

Balkrishna Inds 0803 19.33 10 54 212.7 27.8 978.1 13 20.7 105.0 * 22 105 75.2 52.5 320.0 20 17.4 22.0 -10 0809 60.2 28 187 (21) 903/115 3.1

CEAT 0803 34.24 10 43 146.0 20.1 2327.6 9 8.0 88.3 * 112 40 34.7 25.1 670.2 15 -4.5 -28.8 PL 0809 0.8 -97 40 (-) 199/33 -

Falcon Tyres 0803 5.68 10 75 59.1 15.7 445.6 60 4.1 5.0 * 26 35 14.6 8.2 90.4 7 3.7 - -98 0809 5.1 -29 147 (7) 171/114 29.0

Goodyear India 0712 23.07 10 74 61.3 31.1 890.0 7 8.0 39.7 * -12 60 21.2 16.2 238.9 17 3.4 6.5 -39 0809 17.0 -9 76 (2) 214/62 4.5

Govind Rubber 0803 20.89 10 54 4.1 - 250.7 0 6.9 2.2 18 - 2.7 1.1 82.7 24 6.1 1.0 -7 0809 1.1 2 6 (1) 41/5 5.4

JK Tyre & Indust U 0809 41.06 10 47 110.9 17.4 3272.7 17 6.7 32.6 -51 - 26.4 7.9 870.8 26 -1.0 -32.4 PL 0809 7.9 -51 45 (1) 183/41 5.7

Krypton Inds. 0803 4.30 10 13 23.1 14.8 17.4 59 17.5 1.4 21 - 5.3 3.2 5.3 26 18.2 0.6 12 0809 2.3 -38 17 (-) 96/13 7.3

MRF * 0809 4.24 10 27 2643.4 19.0 5046.9 15 8.1 144.6 -15 200 740.8 340.9 1402.1 23 2.5 -4.7 PL 0809 340.9 -15 2057 (58) 7150/1651 6.0

PTL Enterprises 0803 13.24 2 73 5.0 32.1 - 0 - 9.5 51 15 1.4 1.4 - - - 2.7 172 0809 2.0 214 8 (-) 36/6 4.0

TVS Srichakra 0803 7.66 10 39 77.2 16.6 458.2 10 6.5 9.3 * 47 35 23.4 11.5 154.7 35 6.6 1.6 -47 0809 10.8 -8 60 (-4) 174/42 5.6

IND.COMPOSITE 224.11 17384.9 9.1 657.2 4.1 -23.7 2956 5.2


ABC India 0803 5.40 10 47 57.3 5.8 138.3 25 4.5 1.7 * 15 - 6.9 3.1 40.1 26 4.9 0.4 -54 0809 2.3 -36 29 (4) 100/18 12.6

ABG Shipyard 0803 50.92 10 57 134.5 26.3 966.8 37 30.2 160.7 38 20 32.7 31.2 280.2 32 30.0 26.1 -24 0809 32.7 28 136 (38) 1020/80 4.2

Advanta India 0712 16.83 10 66 257.2 4.4 106.0 49 12.3 12.9 -13 10 11.3 7.5 13.4 107 -26.6 -7.0 -29 0809 - - 578 (2) 1740/312 -

Agarwal Industr 0803 5.51 10 54 12.9 83.4 5.3 35 -16.7 3.8 999 - 9.2 7.0 3.7 149 33.3 0.5 104 0809 7.7 482 46 (13) 230/24 6.0

AIA Engg 0803 18.80 2 70 55.9 22.8 592.6 48 22.3 108.2 * 62 40 12.3 11.4 248.0 81 17.7 25.8 26 0809 13.3 73 141 (-) 350/118 10.6

Alchemist 0803 (9) 12.24 10 28 80.8 14.6 307.9 -20 8.2 10.7 5 33 17.6 11.1 108.4 23 8.0 4.5 3 0809 12.9 24 64 (17) 120/43 5.0

Allcargo Global 0712 22.36 10 82 171.7 17.0 360.1 60 21.7 54.7 * 11 50 30.0 23.7 138.6 77 26.7 26.0 129 0809 37.0 69 653 M(104) 950/272 17.6

Amrit Corp 0803 3.21 10 65 79.6 5.9 25.3 4 7.9 1.4 * -34 15 7.7 4.1 8.3 26 2.9 0.8 134 0809 8.6 LP 58 (5) 236/45 6.8

Anil Products 0803 7.40 10 59 68.5 15.3 225.3 12 9.1 7.2 * 40 8 14.5 9.6 56.4 2 6.7 0.9 -25 0809 9.7 59 70 (-3) 570/43 7.2

Apcotex Industri 0803 5.61 10 52 95.5 6.8 102.8 31 5.8 3.5 * LP 30 9.5 5.8 27.1 21 6.7 1.1 -23 0809 6.6 999 38 (1) 68/30 5.8

Page 36: Corporate Score Board 2009

6 4 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Archidply Inds 0803 22.00 10 68 41.8 43.0 143.5 53 18.5 15.0 186 - 8.5 6.8 47.1 - 19.3 6.3 - 0809 8.3 - 23 P(-) 75/21 2.8

Aro Granite 0803 11.08 10 38 72.5 11.0 101.4 -3 18.0 8.0 -47 15 9.9 7.1 32.5 33 21.3 4.1 27 0809 8.2 -34 37 B(-1) 95/30 4.5

Arshiya Intl 0803 11.75 2 46 80.7 4.5 201.9 122 6.6 12.6 338 40 2.1 2.0 75.4 68 8.0 5.6 173 0809 3.7 188 81 C(-1) 424/69 22.1

Ashco Niulab Ind 0803 12.00 10 10 16.0 -5.7 35.0 -14 24.2 1.5 LP 10 3.7 1.3 9.0 6 25.7 1.0 -23 0809 - PL 6 (-) 46/5 -

Assoc. Stone Ind 0803 6.63 10 70 49.9 24.1 104.2 55 1.4 7.2 * 581 10 15.4 10.7 14.0 14 -12.0 -2.9 -116 0809 11.5 33 32 (3) 258/25 2.8

Austral Coke 0803 29.03 10 53 131.1 14.7 229.7 30 33.5 36.5 306 - 18.9 12.6 133.1 - 28.6 17.5 - 0809 - - 109 P(-) 309/60 -

Avon Corporation 0803 16.58 10 41 11.7 37.4 49.5 27 8.8 1.8 * 34 14 1.2 1.1 19.4 - 9.6 1.7 - 0809 - - 5 P(-1) 20/3 -

Bajaj Holdings 0803 101.18 10 31 309.2 7.1 350.6 -96 98.4 307.0 -72 200 27.0 26.9 160.1 57 99.8 151.3 63 0809 32.2 -49 260 (19) 2650/217 8.1

Bharati Shipyard 0803 27.57 10 36 207.8 26.5 206.0 -12 91.4 107.3 * 47 30 41.4 38.4 235.4 46 27.0 33.2 29 0809 44.3 27 80 (8) 865/59 1.8

Brabourne Enter 0803 14.37 10 44 43.4 -7.8 - -100 - -6.0 PL - - - - - - -0.1 -150 0809 - 96 9 (2) 124/5 -

Brushman (I) 0803 14.76 10 20 20.4 19.7 71.8 40 19.6 4.8 11 5 3.9 3.2 24.7 54 21.4 1.9 270 0809 4.6 57 45 M(3) 164/30 9.7

Camson Bio Tech. 0803 9.80 10 20 26.2 35.8 41.9 140 20.9 7.8 130 - 8.6 7.9 18.2 49 21.0 3.5 83 0809 11.1 63 33 (-1) 210/24 3.0

Carol Info Serv. 0803 35.44 10 64 106.7 3.6 23.9 18 42.7 13.4 -52 20 5.0 3.4 7.1 56 50.1 8.7 179 0809 5.0 -34 37 (-) 122/30 7.4

Century Plyboard 0803 22.22 1 91 7.2 32.4 594.1 40 13.2 44.0 * 116 50 2.6 2.0 189.8 26 13.0 17.7 22 0809 3.0 91 32 (-) 83/28 10.7

Confidence Petro 0803 25.71 1 44 1.9 44.8 146.6 188 17.1 20.7 220 - 0.9 0.8 56.4 167 11.6 5.6 39 0809 1.0 117 7 (1) 34/5 -

Container Corpn 0803 129.98 10 63 245.0 25.9 3347.8 9 26.6 752.5 7 185 63.9 55.7 903.4 10 29.8 223.8 29 0809 62.9 15 693 B(59) 967/540 11.0

Cosco (India) 0803 4.16 10 75 42.5 0.9 47.4 30 2.7 0.2 -32 - 2.1 0.4 15.4 31 6.4 0.3 LP 0809 2.2 188 18 (-2) 49/13 8.1

CRISIL 0712 7.23 10 52 371.0 32.8 255.3 74 33.3 67.0 * 91 250 106.5 88.0 96.6 6 51.4 45.1 85 0809 179.3 171 2455 (3) 3885/1848 13.7

Cupid ltd 0803 7.87 10 30 22.5 6.6 24.4 30 16.8 1.1 -59 - 2.8 1.4 3.1 -58 -25.3 -1.3 PL 0809 - PL 6 (1) 40/5 -

Deep Industries 0803 20.00 10 46 35.1 9.3 20.0 142 52.4 6.3 147 - 4.3 3.2 8.5 76 58.5 3.0 35 0809 3.5 68 52 (6) 271/37 14.8

Divyashakti Gran 0803 10.35 10 51 24.1 15.1 31.1 -15 16.1 3.6 -27 15 4.9 3.2 7.9 -3 38.4 2.5 369 0809 7.5 89 17 (1) 30/13 2.3

Dredging Corpn 0803 28.00 10 79 442.4 13.1 705.4 23 18.1 154.8 -18 150 67.7 52.7 229.8 33 6.8 8.2 -77 0809 34.9 -53 255 (22) 1254/180 7.3

Eastern Gases 0803 8.57 10 51 10.3 4.7 16.8 -31 2.3 0.2 -18 - 0.5 0.3 13.4 249 2.0 0.1 67 0809 0.3 -32 24 (2) 350/20 -

Elegant Marbles 0803 4.50 10 72 89.3 9.4 18.6 18 1.7 3.6 * 107 20 7.9 7.6 3.4 -34 4.8 0.4 -79 0809 4.4 -48 22 (-) 92/17 5.1

Elgi Rubber 0803 10.70 1 57 7.5 7.2 49.8 -65 17.7 7.7 * 16 10 1.0 0.7 15.3 32 17.0 1.8 42 0809 0.9 111 6 M(-) 36/5 -

Ennore Coke Ltd 0803 15.50 10 62 19.7 - - - - - - - 0.0 - 14.2 999 1.1 0.1 - 0809 0.2 - 18 (-) 71/14 -

Entegra Ltd * 0803 101.86 10 73 18.8 -0.3 193.5 -2 -0.2 -0.2 PL - - - 64.5 38 1.5 0.3 -94 0809 - PL 11 R(-) 67/9 -

ETC Networks Ltd 0803 9.74 10 71 99.3 47.5 77.8 279 21.3 23.1 * 999 25 26.9 23.3 19.7 - 30.5 4.1 - 0809 - - 96 (1) 525/55 -

G S P L 0803 562.08 10 38 20.3 9.5 417.9 32 87.2 99.9 12 5 4.6 1.7 118.6 24 86.4 28.4 74 0809 2.3 55 41 M(12) 114/25 18.2

GAIL (India) 0803 1268.48 10 57 102.5 21.3 18012.1 12 21.9 2609.8 9 100 23.9 19.4 6129.3 35 23.4 1023.5 79 0809 25.8 26 214 B(-2) 357/165 8.3

Gateway Distpark 0803 113.56 10 43 56.9 11.9 165.0 21 54.4 74.6 * 2 35 7.1 6.0 55.1 31 57.7 26.2 43 0809 7.5 24 88 M(-) 169/61 11.7

Global Vectra 0803 14.00 10 75 51.8 -17.8 179.5 20 25.2 -13.3 * PL - 7.2 - 51.9 17 -28.2 -27.1 PL 0809 - PL 32 (-2) 186/22 -

Greenply Inds. 0803 8.50 5 55 86.5 30.5 588.3 38 13.1 38.7 71 60 30.0 22.3 225.2 52 10.3 11.4 2 0809 21.7 9 56 (8) 403/40 2.6

Guj Gas Company 0712 12.83 2 65 85.5 32.8 1187.9 45 20.7 159.0 * 79 150 30.0 24.0 323.4 17 18.1 38.7 14 0809 25.9 20 226 (21) 379/170 8.7

Guj NRE Coke 0803 471.92 10 42 23.5 20.9 872.2 70 27.1 172.9 211 25 4.2 3.7 496.1 386 29.5 102.8 719 0809 6.7 164 28 B(1) 129/21 4.2

Guj. Reclaim 0803 1.33 10 41 234.7 33.1 109.9 28 16.8 9.2 -8 135 92.5 66.5 36.2 36 22.1 4.8 88 0809 96.0 24 289 (-11) 872/276 3.0

Hanung Toys and * 0803 25.19 10 62 97.5 28.2 488.6 78 15.8 60.7 118 15 25.9 23.9 163.0 43 17.8 19.4 42 0809 30.1 90 57 (-6) 300/46 1.9

Hariyana Ship 0803 6.17 10 73 49.1 24.1 133.2 -12 8.5 6.2 * 225 20 12.2 9.4 54.8 378 10.7 5.1 340 0809 21.8 318 25 (-2) 56/17 1.2

ICRA 0803 10.00 10 29 157.3 17.8 60.7 53 52.3 25.0 * 73 100 25.1 23.3 22.4 39 59.5 8.7 24 0809 29.6 57 468 (55) 987/320 15.8

Indag Rubber 0803 5.25 10 81 38.6 49.4 74.1 21 14.6 8.3 125 20 18.1 15.4 18.4 -5 9.5 1.2 -56 0809 13.3 4 23 (-3) 113/18 1.7

Indraprastha Gas 0803 140.00 10 45 41.2 33.4 713.1 15 42.3 175.0 27 40 16.3 11.8 216.7 24 40.0 50.2 17 0809 13.4 19 112 (13) 183/92 8.4

Info Edge (India 0803 27.30 10 54 97.6 23.2 245.1 56 26.3 54.5 * 101 8 21.9 19.8 65.4 24 23.7 15.7 4 0809 20.9 29 415 (6) 1397/390 19.9

IO System 0803 16.90 10 96 -0.2 - 0.0 -90 -99.9 -0.3 56 - - - - - - -0.1 -17 0809 - 40 25 30/25 -

IST 0803 5.83 10 75 211.5 1.9 20.1 3 19.5 2.2 * -19 - 4.7 3.7 6.2 52 24.0 0.9 248 0809 5.3 34 83 (32) 391/48 15.7

IVP 0803 10.33 10 75 43.1 3.6 55.9 3 1.6 1.5 * LP 10 2.6 1.3 20.4 45 3.0 0.4 -56 0809 0.7 -50 18 (-) 70/13 -

Jayavant Product 0803 5.25 10 46 664.9 8.7 - - - - * - - - - - - - - 50 0809 - 80 47 57/47 -

Jolly Board 0803 4.55 10 90 49.1 60.7 55.4 48 13.8 11.6 303 200 31.7 24.4 17.1 19 5.0 0.4 -72 0809 23.7 97 232 B(-5) 835/185 9.8

JVL Agro Indus 0803 7.50 10 51 104.9 29.0 1154.9 67 2.2 19.6 * 102 20 30.1 25.8 387.6 45 3.0 10.3 77 0809 39.0 86 80 (3) 233/58 2.1

Karuturi Global * 0803 44.98 1 30 8.6 9.2 38.1 8 43.8 12.0 * -7 20 0.3 0.3 9.6 -3 45.1 1.7 -50 0809 0.2 -20 19 C(3) 44/6 -

Kaveri Seed Comp 0803 13.70 10 61 76.9 21.2 96.6 47 23.3 13.9 * 37 - 11.7 10.2 16.9 32 16.1 2.0 71 0809 15.5 18 139 (-1) 332/111 9.0

KDDL Ltd 0803 7.35 10 51 48.3 4.4 103.7 22 9.0 1.5 -63 10 8.1 1.9 20.3 -13 14.1 0.8 241 0809 2.6 -48 21 C(2) 105/13 8.2

Kothari Products 0803 6.63 10 75 849.4 4.1 170.2 24 9.5 22.1 * -20 100 34.8 31.7 18.5 -19 -12.4 4.5 -79 0809 13.2 LP 192 (-16) 965/178 14.6

Linc Pen 0803 8.00 10 49 40.7 16.4 174.0 21 4.9 5.1 57 15 9.7 6.1 49.3 5 6.3 1.4 -21 0809 6.1 6 21 (-) 56/16 3.5

Madhav Marbles 0803 8.95 10 36 103.5 6.0 83.0 -7 14.6 5.5 -59 10 10.6 5.9 17.7 -19 15.1 1.3 -74 0809 - PL 17 (-6) 103/13 -

MahalaxmiRubtech 0803 5.17 10 61 14.0 23.4 17.2 72 22.2 1.6 * 85 5 5.2 2.9 7.5 82 12.5 0.1 -61 0809 3.1 129 20 (-2) 97/16 6.5

Mangalam Timber 0803 18.33 10 31 11.9 22.2 60.1 -14 13.3 4.5 69 6 2.9 2.3 19.4 16 12.3 - -98 0809 1.5 -50 16 (1) 43/10 10.9

MCS 0803 4.17 10 50 35.3 9.4 17.7 -33 20.3 - * -98 - 5.9 0.1 1.5 -75 38.8 - PL 0809 - PL 10 (-) 70/7 -

Medi-Caps 0803 3.39 10 50 150.9 13.8 18.1 -2 20.6 6.1 * 15 15 20.3 17.9 5.9 40 24.1 0.9 47 0809 20.1 28 32 (2) 106/24 1.6

Monnet Inds. 0803 3.68 10 75 15.4 - 0.7 0 -99.9 -2.0 PL - - - 0.2 7 62.5 - - 0809 - PL 28 (7) 66/17 -

Mundra Port 0803 400.68 10 81 65.1 11.5 818.2 41 65.3 192.1 * 2 15 7.3 4.8 296.0 85 69.5 112.3 163 0809 8.5 - 391 (69) 1279/250 46.2

Neelkanth Rock. 0803 5.04 10 41 11.1 - 6.6 150 3.2 - - - 0.4 - 0.6 -77 8.5 - -100 0809 0.0 - 10 (3) 24/6 -

Network 0803 18.58 10 48 5.1 - 2.6 811 -87.5 -2.0 * -692 - - - 0.6 -6 -96.7 -0.4 22 0809 - -163 12 (2) 84/7 -

Novopan Inds * 0803 11.91 10 75 26.2 18.9 83.4 2 18.6 5.5 -5 - 7.4 4.6 21.7 -4 -6.4 -3.4 PL 0809 0.1 -97 21 (1) 85/14 -

Nuchem U 0809 29.67 10 10 1.2 - 89.4 -40 -2.6 -15.4 -300 - - - 24.1 -16 -2.4 -4.0 -238 0809 - -300 6 (-) 36/5 -

Oriental Trimex 0803 14.82 10 44 39.5 4.8 104.6 34 8.1 2.8 -5 - 2.1 1.9 27.7 9 5.4 0.4 -36 0809 1.5 - 8 (-) 34/6 5.4

Oriental Veneer 0803 5.39 10 53 27.2 1.0 39.5 - 2.1 0.7 - - 2.2 1.3 29.5 269 2.5 0.7 943 0809 3.0 310 17 30/17 5.7

Patel Integrated 0803 15.08 10 38 53.6 6.5 292.3 5 4.7 4.7 * 25 10 5.2 2.9 78.0 12 3.8 0.9 -25 0809 2.8 33 24 (2) 110/18 8.7

Petronet LNG 0803 750.00 10 50 21.6 32.8 6555.3 19 13.2 468.9 * 55 15 7.4 6.0 1654.9 -1 11.0 103.4 -11 0809 6.1 12 43 (7) 121/30 7.1

Pix Transmission 0803 10.13 10 53 33.2 4.7 153.7 16 16.2 1.5 * 7 - 12.7 1.5 54.4 41 15.8 1.9 313 0809 2.6 534 23 (1) 82/19 9.0

Page 37: Corporate Score Board 2009

6 5Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Capital Market subscribers can see Corp. Scoreboard of 8000+ cos. with daily prices and P/E updated by 8 pm at www.subscribers.capitalmarket.com

Full Year Latest Quarter TTM Market Data

Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP Div CPS EPS Sales Sales OPM NP NP Ended EPS NP Price(Rs.) 52 Week P/E

Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 05/01/09 High/Low Ratio

Dividend Yield (%) :


Price / Book Value Ratio :


Total Market Capitalisation - 2200 Companies :

Rs. 3304721.84 Cr.

Full Year TTM

OPM (%) 22.3 20.4

PBDT Margin (%) 15.4 13.1

P/C Ratio 9.5 9.7

P/E Ratio 12.1 11.4

Pochiraju Inds. 0803 17.90 10 30 37.2 17.3 35.6 21 33.4 10.6 17 - 6.6 5.9 6.5 -25 30.8 1.5 -43 0809 5.4 3 10 (-1) 54/7 1.9

Pokarna 0803 6.20 10 57 142.0 5.3 158.1 -3 14.3 4.7 -50 15 18.5 7.2 44.9 8 9.6 0.9 -53 0809 5.3 -48 34 (2) 230/23 6.5

Polar Pharma (I) 0803 12.27 10 49 0.8 - 25.9 37 -1.1 -2.6 * 54 - - - 0.2 -97 - -2.8 PL 0809 - -212 3 (-) 16/2 -

Rasoi 0803 1.93 10 54 127.9 3.1 150.8 10 -1.6 0.8 464 10 14.3 3.9 38.4 12 -16.3 -0.3 PL 0809 2.0 LP 331 (1) 522/225 168.1

Reliance Natural 0803 816.57 5 55 10.6 4.0 202.8 35 3.0 59.2 * 173 - 0.4 0.4 33.2 184 -6.8 20.1 5 0809 0.4 24 62 (6) 250/36 -

Ricoh India 0803 39.77 10 74 21.5 23.3 219.7 14 15.3 18.3 -7 5 5.1 4.5 65.3 17 9.3 3.2 -38 0809 3.4 -47 14 (-) 65/11 4.1

Riddhi Siddhi Gl 0803 11.14 10 42 134.1 14.6 332.1 0 16.1 19.5 * -28 30 28.3 16.6 126.0 110 16.5 1.0 -75 0809 17.9 -25 93 (-3) 310/68 5.2

Sahyadri Inds 0803 9.56 10 85 42.6 17.6 203.1 27 15.1 6.5 * 71 10 17.6 6.7 52.6 44 18.3 4.3 999 0809 16.0 437 26 (1) 75/20 1.6

Sanco Trans 0803 1.80 10 71 67.4 46.4 43.0 31 21.1 4.6 * 82 32 29.1 25.2 16.9 64 16.8 1.5 29 0809 29.9 45 99 (-16) 320/71 3.3

Sanguine Media 0803 14.10 10 23 21.9 17.2 18.1 14 28.4 2.3 16 - 2.7 1.6 3.2 -20 35.2 0.5 -44 0809 1.4 -29 7 R(1) 45/6 4.9

Sarda Plywood 0803 3.65 10 46 78.4 1.0 88.6 21 2.4 0.3 -60 - 4.2 0.8 30.9 34 3.6 0.3 -24 0809 - PL 22 (-1) 63/11 -

Solectron EMS 0803 7.40 10 61 60.9 37.7 312.3 194 6.1 13.9 179 10 26.1 18.6 75.0 -4 1.5 -1.4 PL 0809 15.3 75 40 (4) 300/27 2.6

Solid Stone * 0803 5.38 10 60 24.6 5.8 30.1 83 6.3 0.7 78 - 2.0 1.2 10.2 93 2.7 - -60 0809 1.1 59 113 M(-6) 165/97 103.0

Somi Conveyor 0803 11.78 10 53 27.8 17.4 15.5 1 19.0 1.4 4 - 1.4 1.2 4.8 - 21.0 0.4 - 0809 - - 12 P(-1) 38/7 -

Southern Online 0803 32.68 10 19 17.8 1.8 22.3 225 22.1 0.8 130 - 0.9 0.2 11.0 182 17.1 0.8 LP 0809 0.7 LP 10 C(1) 54/8 -

SPARC 0803 20.71 1 64 2.2 - 37.5 0 -8.9 -4.9 2 - - - 1.0 -10 - -14.7 -23 0809 - - 45 (-5) 156/39 -

Srinivasa Hatch. 0803 4.86 10 75 118.2 8.2 84.3 32 6.1 4.6 * 589 25 13.8 8.9 17.0 -19 -11.2 -1.4 PL 0809 1.4 -84 60 (13) 124/44 41.7

Sukhjit Starch 0803 7.38 10 52 112.3 26.9 179.6 11 16.5 19.6 * 5 50 30.6 25.7 50.0 22 13.2 3.8 -12 0809 24.3 -17 118 (22) 181/69 4.9

Taneja Aerospace 0803 (9) 12.47 5 43 34.4 -0.6 14.4 -29 0.5 -0.4 PL - 0.6 - 8.2 82 37.0 1.3 15 0809 0.7 - 31 (-2) 258/26 -

Techtran Poly. 0803 10.97 10 33 18.6 4.9 24.3 -23 23.1 1.0 -69 - 2.8 0.9 8.4 14 18.9 0.5 21 0809 0.5 -59 8 (-) 29/6 -

Timex Group 0803 10.10 1 75 1.0 - 131.8 16 6.9 5.5 95 - 0.8 0.5 37.9 28 4.1 1.7 293 0809 0.6 27 10 (-) 47/7 -

Titan Inds. 0803 44.39 10 53 98.3 44.5 3012.6 44 6.5 169.8 51 80 43.6 36.9 1088.5 53 11.6 87.1 84 0809 51.3 70 959 (-26) 1715/710 18.7

Today’s Writing 0803 12.83 10 59 63.3 15.3 216.2 12 13.5 13.7 * 36 - 14.5 10.7 68.4 39 11.8 2.9 -34 0809 9.1 -8 27 (2) 102/20 3.0

Transport Corp. 0803 14.50 2 68 34.3 14.9 1198.5 11 6.5 28.8 -5 30 6.7 3.9 337.8 14 5.4 5.6 16 0809 4.1 8 42 (1) 174/30 10.2

Uniply Ind 0803 12.46 10 39 18.0 6.9 103.1 -7 7.5 1.6 -40 - 3.1 1.3 23.8 -22 15.7 -2.2 PL 0809 - PL 7 (-) 53/5 -

Vardhman Hold. 0803 3.19 10 62 317.9 1.4 1.5 -89 79.9 1.3 * -90 20 3.8 3.7 6.8 999 99.4 6.8 999 0809 22.6 -7 105 (-13) 335/76 4.6

Venky’s (India) 0803 9.39 10 54 149.5 20.3 523.2 27 10.2 25.4 * 136 35 35.3 26.5 124.3 -2 -1.4 -3.6 PL 0809 19.3 -28 74 (2) 258/65 3.8

Vimta Labs 0803 4.42 2 36 58.0 5.0 81.8 36 30.7 6.3 -28 40 9.3 2.7 23.8 23 32.3 2.1 31 0809 3.4 76 30 (6) 179/16 8.9

Vyapar Inds. U 0803 10.90 10 21 31.7 28.8 8.7 -85 -56.3 -4.3 PL - - - 7.5 794 2.3 0.4 LP 0809 - PL 35 (4) 237/29 -

W I Shipyard 0803 23.42 2 7 -10.4 - 35.5 -44 -9.4 -34.6 * -113 - - - 20.4 320 4.7 -7.3 24 0809 - -94 6 C(-1) 44/4 -

Webel Sl Energy 0803 7.74 10 36 112.9 9.7 100.6 -6 14.1 5.3 -34 10 8.5 6.8 37.9 23 18.7 4.0 110 0809 10.6 16 126 (-5) 847/108 11.9

IND.COMPOSITE 6171.34 50988.5 20.1 6590.2 21.1 2284.3 95686 10.5


Century Textiles 0803 93.04 10 40 138.3 29.9 3504.7 10 19.4 350.3 -7 45 57.9 36.9 854.7 11 10.8 24.0 -70 0809 26.7 -42 187 (-4) 1275/113 7.0

DCM Shriram Cons 0803 33.18 2 55 69.0 1.0 2479.0 -8 7.1 8.7 * -78 170 7.3 - 960.2 61 6.9 7.1 LP 0809 3.3 LP 32 (-) 106/25 9.8

Grasim Inds 0803 91.67 10 25 887.1 27.9 10278.7 19 29.6 2004.9 * 36 300 252.7 214.2 2700.5 8 22.0 419.5 -16 0809 210.2 5 1232 (1) 3630/831 5.9

Kesoram Inds. 0803 45.74 10 23 213.5 47.2 2986.0 35 22.0 383.7 42 55 102.5 83.0 920.2 37 13.6 62.5 -30 0809 86.1 23 141 (-8) 602/116 1.6

Voltas 0803 33.09 1 28 16.3 45.3 3044.5 27 8.1 188.0 * 45 135 5.9 5.5 918.0 29 7.7 60.1 30 0809 6.6 21 62 (3) 262/43 9.4

IND.COMPOSITE 296.72 22292.9 21.5 2935.6 14.9 573.1 16251 5.7


Balmer Lawrie 0803 16.29 10 - 199.4 29.2 1443.4 13 7.0 85.8 * 22 170 57.1 49.8 455.5 29 7.6 25.7 -1 0809 54.9 13 258 (16) 700/203 4.7

Bombay Dyeing 0803 38.61 10 47 102.5 -4.5 922.7 90 6.8 -17.7 * PL 35 4.0 - 245.6 46 -27.4 -103.6 PL 0809 - PL 209 (-5) 1065/133 -

Orient Paper 0803 19.28 1 37 24.7 65.2 1315.1 18 25.7 207.4 55 120 12.0 10.4 352.6 17 22.3 45.6 -23 0809 10.1 2 22 M(-1) 85/17 2.2

Prakash Inds. 0803 115.47 10 55 62.1 33.7 1253.4 34 23.4 207.7 82 - 22.1 18.0 474.5 62 15.6 48.4 -11 0809 18.9 37 54 (-) 350/32 2.9

Sintex Inds. 0803 27.30 2 29 107.3 20.5 1657.1 49 20.8 206.1 * 59 50 18.7 14.9 438.9 37 21.7 68.2 63 0809 18.0 63 197 (14) 590/137 11.0

IND.COMPOSITE 216.95 6591.7 17.3 689.3 10.9 84.4 4966 5.6


Andhra Sugars 0803 27.11 10 54 110.4 9.0 460.8 -20 14.9 26.0 * -60 50 20.7 8.8 158.7 24 24.1 23.3 293 0809 20.5 65 82 (12) 165/57 4.0

Andrew Yule 0803 56.74 2 99 -1.1 - 170.8 24 -19.3 5.3 LP - 0.3 0.2 51.2 16 4.8 2.6 LP 0809 1.0 LP 24 (1) 94/18 -

Camlin 0803 6.00 1 39 8.1 13.3 214.5 14 6.6 4.9 155 25 1.4 0.8 62.7 36 4.7 0.5 LP 0809 1.2 439 10 (-1) 31/9 8.3

Cimmco Birla 0803 14.30 10 23 -326.7 - 34.0 17 1.9 -85.0 -16 - - - 2.6 -73 -16.0 -24.9 -17 0809 - -12 11 (2) 56/9 -

English Ind.Clay 0803 4.47 10 80 135.5 20.5 266.5 11 18.8 19.4 7 70 61.1 33.9 75.0 11 15.5 8.5 78 0809 49.2 6 418 CR(31)3583/188 8.5

Gillanders Arb. 0803 14.07 10 69 99.5 11.3 399.0 51 8.6 14.6 * 147 40 17.1 9.6 118.6 56 13.1 10.0 21 0809 12.8 161 52 M(1) 135/40 4.1

GMR Infra. 0803 364.13 2 73 30.8 1.5 102.8 208 79.4 55.0 * 999 - 0.3 0.3 40.7 159 74.4 24.2 171 0809 0.6 396 84 (12) 255/46 -

Mawana Sugars * 0809 (18) 30.57 10 61 91.0 0.6 1042.6 546 -0.9 -166.9 PL - - - - - - - - - -154 22 (3) 94/14 -

Nava Bharat Vent 0803 15.58 2 44 103.1 51.6 895.3 62 43.1 314.0 * 139 300 42.6 39.4 398.3 157 41.1 118.6 127 0809 57.7 134 136 M(18) 352/91 2.4

NESCO 0803 7.04 10 62 102.7 67.5 94.7 44 47.3 36.0 * 102 12 53.3 50.9 31.7 31 70.8 15.1 35 0809 60.6 113 550 (46) 2385/323 9.1

IND.COMPOSITE 540.01 3681.0 17.3 223.3 30.5 177.8 17973 3.3

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6 6 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET



SALES (%) NP (%) EPS 05/01/09

3i Infotech 48.5 1737.2 89 224.5 75 17.2 40 2.3Accentia Tech 81.9 192.8 157 55.1 193 42.2 158 3.7Aditya Birla Nuvo 1046.5 13925.9 40 -124.5 PL - 584 -Advanta India 268.5 592.0 - 58.2 - 34.6 578 16.7Allcargo Global 206.5 2042.8 61 112.8 69 50.4 653 12.9Arshiya Intl 87.7 520.6 65 69.0 136 11.7 81 6.9Aurionpro Solu 131.1 243.8 87 40.9 82 27.7 123 4.5Axon Infotech 19.3 55.2 - 0.2 - 0.7 11 16.3Bajaj Finserv 217.5 377.1 - -119.4 - - 166 -Ballarpur Inds 11.9 2970.2 21 293.2 8 5.3 20 3.8Batliboi 19.1 280.1 - 9.6 - 3.5 19 5.2BF Utilities 189.2 724.2 20 123.2 28 32.7 612 18.7Bharat Forge 71.1 5148.9 -8 187.8 -53 8.4 90 10.7BSEL Infrastruc 56.2 198.8 -30 56.9 -45 6.9 17 2.5Cairn India 168.1 1306.8 - 523.6 - 2.8 182 66.0California Soft. 80.0 244.8 25 13.1 84 10.6 34 3.2Cambridge Soluti 27.1 1207.0 -12 -5.8 PL - 75 -Cambridge Techno 33.0 166.0 374 23.3 273 14.7 21 1.4Centrum Capital ** 444.0 1760.9 63 19.7 50 28.9 1555 53.8Core Projects 49.5 628.1 84 106.7 90 12.4 60 4.9Cybertech System 17.7 55.5 -25 4.4 -36 1.7 11 6.3Datamatics Tech. 46.0 160.1 15 15.5 115 3.8 17 4.4Delta Corp 9.9 112.8 - 6.5 - - 34 -DIL 292.9 57.8 23 6.2 -46 24.6 111 4.5Dishman Pharma 69.4 936.2 27 153.4 77 19.0 146 7.7DLF 107.6 15668.8 - 8065.2 - 47.3 296 6.3Edelweiss Cap 182.4 1247.8 110 282.4 70 37.7 313 8.3EID Parry 86.1 7293.3 93 247.7 311 27.8 158 5.7Entertainment Nt 85.7 474.7 - -21.1 - - 191 -Essar Shipping 66.9 2223.8 - 28.6 - 0.7 38 57.3Essel Propack 51.6 1227.2 4 -29.9 PL - 19 -FCS Software 83.4 217.1 22 34.3 19 23.7 26 1.1Firstsource Sol 17.2 1582.2 52 16.5 -89 - 14 -Fortis Healthcar 25.1 551.3 3 -13.2 -86 - 70 -Four Soft 27.9 186.1 9 32.6 LP 8.4 15 1.8Gammon Infra 34.6 169.2 - 24.2 - 1.7 88 52.7Geometric 38.7 543.5 17 19.0 -55 3.1 25 8.1GMR Infra. 27.5 3588.1 64 191.1 14 1.0 84 79.6Godrej Inds 39.1 3293.5 - 104.5 - 3.3 80 24.4Goldiam Intl. 65.9 280.2 -1 0.3 -97 - 18 -GVK Power Infra 16.8 490.6 2 145.2 40 1.0 24 23.2Havells India 116.1 5553.3 - 123.6 - 21.3 138 6.4Hexaware Tech 49.1 1105.2 8 -142.8 PL - 23 -Himatsing. Seide 59.3 1033.5 127 -83.6 PL - 27 -Hinduja Ventures 220.8 250.9 - 48.4 - 23.5 141 6.0House of Pearl 201.8 1200.7 21 25.3 -50 13.0 70 5.4HOV Services 70.4 842.3 45 -10.6 PL - 30 -IFGL Refractor ** 28.0 392.5 17 34.1 52 9.8 23 2.3IKF Technolog. 3.9 201.5 29 30.2 82 1.1 3 3.1IL & FS Invsmart 103.4 379.4 35 6.8 -81 1.0 78 79.9Indiabulls Real 93.6 233.5 - 99.7 - 3.9 153 39.6Info-Drive Softw ** 15.3 235.9 - 11.8 - 4.0 27 6.8JM Financial 23.6 2312.1 299 1282.3 999 17.1 27 1.6K Sera Sera Prod 20.7 228.1 - 68.0 - 10.1 21 2.0Karuturi Global 11.4 519.3 241 156.2 188 3.5 19 5.5Kohinoor Broad. 12.1 194.4 225 25.6 397 2.3 3 1.4Kotak Mah. Bank 249.4 7993.1 35 900.2 26 26.1 397 15.2

KSK Energy 48.0 327.2 - 102.5 - 3.0 193 65.3Lanco Infratech 57.4 4292.0 103 359.3 60 16.2 174 10.7LKP Finance ** 49.7 97.3 313 -5.1 85 - 80 -Mascon Global 21.4 1085.1 58 76.2 213 2.1 5 2.4Megasoft 76.2 341.1 29 47.8 4 10.8 22 2.1Mercator Lines 61.7 1980.9 68 257.7 15 10.9 39 3.6Mindteck (India) 33.8 206.4 92 0.7 -57 - 19 -Motilal OswalFin 49.4 676.5 42 151.5 48 10.7 79 7.4Network 18 Media -4.3 817.0 - 3.1 - - 117 -NIIT Tech. ** 74.3 957.9 4 128.4 -8 21.9 76 3.5Nitin Fire Prote 90.7 194.1 64 29.8 101 23.6 217 9.2Northgate Techno 118.9 666.0 54 79.9 20 22.8 67 2.9Onward Technolog 25.4 88.4 17 0.6 LP - 13 -ORG Informatics 63.1 265.6 -14 -22.0 PL - 11 -Panoramic Univer 78.4 90.7 5 40.0 19 30.9 227 7.4Paramount Comm. 26.8 865.7 - 38.9 - 4.6 11 2.3Patni Computer 209.8 2938.3 9 460.3 -13 35.3 139 3.9Polyplex Corpn 212.3 1098.3 22 94.6 45 59.2 122 2.1Prime Focus 118.8 280.6 - 33.4 - 26.3 146 5.6Prime Securities 50.0 53.1 -22 8.0 -79 3.0 18 5.8Quintegra Soln. 46.5 437.6 290 23.9 98 8.9 9 1.0R R Fin. Cons. 85.6 61.2 - 8.3 - 14.9 35 2.4Rain Commodities 52.5 4028.2 295 358.6 189 49.8 94 1.9Rane Holdings 178.3 725.3 89 13.4 -54 9.3 51 5.5Redington India 92.7 11906.1 18 145.3 20 18.7 114 6.1Reliance Capital 267.0 5658.0 66 1056.2 14 43.0 605 14.1Religare Enter 76.4 1151.3 - 12.6 - 1.6 338 205.1Religare Techno ** 4.0 94.3 - -6.1 - - 54 -Saksoft 42.4 116.4 -12 6.1 37 6.0 42 6.9Samtex Fashion 61.2 475.5 15 8.3 103 8.4 8 1.0Sat Industries 16.5 188.6 38 13.3 6 3.4 19 5.5Saven Tech. 7.1 63.5 7 0.3 LP - 3 -SB & T Intl. 63.2 250.5 14 3.2 -54 1.9 8 4.5Sharyans Resourc 111.7 89.5 - 14.3 - 9.6 59 6.1Silverline Tech 24.4 146.1 53 13.5 -14 3.4 9 2.6Soma Textiles 48.0 430.4 17 -15.2 PL - 33 -Sonata Software 19.2 1563.7 18 72.2 33 6.9 17 2.5Spentex Inds. 32.3 1390.2 14 -114.4 PL - 7 -SQL Star Intl. 23.7 102.4 18 -0.5 PL - 9 -SREI Infra. Fin. 60.0 978.1 87 145.0 32 12.5 54 4.3Sterlite Inds. 235.4 24381.9 -5 4511.1 -1 63.7 302 4.7Subex 212.3 529.0 23 -2.6 -89 - 33 -Sujana Univ. Ind 43.2 1968.6 38 46.1 -21 3.7 6 1.6Suzlon Energy ** 47.2 14495.3 64 1141.1 42 7.6 68 8.9Take Solutions 23.3 356.8 50 66.5 62 5.4 25 4.6Tanla Solutions 70.1 641.0 93 223.7 76 22.4 90 4.0Tata Coffee 98.0 1077.0 12 31.0 23 16.6 158 9.6Tata Steel 381.5 155597.3 102 12147.5 90 166.3 245 1.5Tata Tea 396.6 4638.8 8 240.0 -14 38.8 624 16.1Tele Data Infor. 15.3 4598.8 -11 208.0 -45 12.1 9 0.7TRF 104.9 724.6 - 50.7 - 92.2 299 3.2Trigyn Techno. -15.3 138.6 25 9.9 14 4.0 9 2.2Tutis Technologi ** 49.0 59.4 -6 14.1 10 8.4 12 1.4United Phosp. 53.6 4248.5 42 455.3 48 10.4 119 11.4UTV Software 340.0 597.1 183 61.6 30 18.0 267 14.8Wockhardt 116.4 3406.1 41 381.7 13 34.9 118 3.4Zensar Technolgs 118.3 847.1 21 79.9 37 33.3 79 2.4


SALES (%) NP (%) EPS 05/01/09

Page 39: Corporate Score Board 2009

6 7Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET



3M India (101) B 0 . 3 (523395)

21st Cent. Mgmt. (50) B 0 . 6 (526921)

3i Infotech (28) B 1 (532628)

20 Microns (59) B 0 . 8 (533022)

A B B (39) A 0 . 9 (500002)

A.K.Capital Serv (50) B 0 . 5 (530499)

Aarti Drugs (71) B 0 . 6 (524348)

Aarti Inds. (22) B 0 . 6 (524208)

Aarvee Denims (94) B 0 . 6 (514274)

Aastha Broadcas. (47) T 0 . 5 (503673)

Aban Offshore (61) A 1 . 1 (523204)

Abbott India (73) B 0 . 2 (500488)

ABC Bearings (13) S 0 . 4 (505665)

ABC India (106) S 0 . 7 (520123)

ABC Paper (64) B 0 . 2 (532937)

ABG Infra (45) B 0 . 5 (520155)

ABG Shipyard (106) B 0 . 8 (532682)

Abhishek Corpora (94) B 0 . 5 (532831)

Abhishek Inds. (97) T 0 . 7 (521064)

ABL Bio-Tech. (72) B 0 . 5 (526955)

ABM Knowledge (28) B 0 . 5 (531161)

ACC (18) A 0 . 7 (500410)

Accel Frontline (28) B 0 . 4 (532774)

Accel Trans (26) B 0 . 6 (517494)

Accentia Tech (28) S 0 . 9 (531897)

Acknit Indus (97) B 0 . 4 (530043)

Acrow India (31) B 0 . 6 (513149)

Action Construct (44) B 0 . 8 (532762)

Action Financial (50) T 0 . 7 (511706)

Adani Enterprise (101) A 0 . 9 (512599)

Adarsh Plant (78) B 0 . 5 (526711)

ADF Foods (53) S 0 . 7 (519183)

Adhunik Metal (85) B 0 . 7 (532727)

Adinath Bio-Labs (22) T 0 . 2 (590088)

Aditya Birla Nuv (95) A 0 . 9 (500303)

Adlabs Films (47) A 1 . 6 (532399)

Ador Fontech. (41) S 0 . 4 (530431)

Ador Welding (41) B 0 . 4 (517041)

Advanced Micron. (56) S 0 . 5 (517552)

Advani Hotels(I) (57) B 0 . 3 (523269)

Advanta India (106) B 0 . 7 (532840)

Advent Computer (28) B 0 . 3 (531429)

Aegis Logistics (101) B 0 . 9 (500003)

Aeonian Invest. (50) B 0 . 5 (503655)

Aftek (28) B 0 . 9 (530707)

Agarwal Industr (106) B 0 . 2 (531921)

Agro Dutch Inds. (53) B 0 . 6 (519281)

Agro Tech Foods (83) B 0 . 7 (500215)

Ahlcon Parent(I) (72) B 0 . 6 (524448)

Ahluwalia Contr (31) B 0 . 8 (532811)

Ahmednagar Forg (17) B 0 . 7 (513335)

AI Champdany (100) B 0 . 3 (532806)

AIA Engg (106) B 0 . 6 (532683)

AIMCO Pesticides (67) T 0 . 1 (524288)

Aishwarya Tele (91) B 0 . 6 (532975)

Ajanta Pharma (71) B 0 . 7 (532331)

Ajmera Realty (84) B 0 . 9 (513349)

Akar Tools (17) B 0 . 5 (530621)

Akruti City (31) A 0 . 7 (532799)

Aksh Optifibre (16) B 0 . 5 (532351)

Albert David (72) S 0 . 6 (524075)

Albright & Wil. (22) S 0 . 3 (506230)

Alchemist (106) B 0 . 7 (526707)

Alchemist Realty (31) B 0 . 3 (532114)

Alembic (70) B 0 . 7 (506235)

Alfa Transformer (39) B 0 . 7 (517546)

Alfa-Laval (44) B 0 . 3 (505885)

Alfred Herbert (50) B 0 . 5 (505216)

Alka India (94) B 0 . 5 (530889)

Alka Securities (50) B 0 . 2 (532166)

Alkali Metal (22) B 0 . 6 (533029)

Alkyl Amines (22) S 0 . 8 (506767)

Allahabad Bank (11) A 0 . 8 (532480)

Allcargo Global (106) B 0 . 2 (532749)

Allied Computers (26) B 0 . 6 (532919)

Allied Digital (28) B 0 . 4 (532875)

Allsec Tech (28) B 0 . 7 (532633)

Almondz Capital (50) T 0 . 7 (511589)

Almondz Global (50) B 1 (531400)

Alok Inds (96) B 1 . 1 (521070)

Alpa Lab (72) B 0 . 8 (532878)

Alphageo (India) (61) S 0 . 9 (526397)

Alps Inds. (97) B 0 . 9 (530715)

Alstom Projects (39) A 1 (532309)

Alufluoride (22) B 0 . 3 (524634)

Alumeco India (3) S 0 . 4 (513309)

Amar Remedies (65) B 0 . 9 (532664)

Amara Raja Batt. (39) B 0 . 8 (500008)

Amarjothi Spg. (94) B 0 . 4 (521097)

Ambalal Sarabhai (72) T 0 . 6 (500009)

Ambica Agarbat. (101) B 0 . 5 (532335)

Ambika Cotton (94) B 0 . 3 (531978)

Ambuja Cem. (18) A 0 . 7 (500425)

AMD Industries (62) B 0 . 8 (532828)

Amforge Inds. (17) B 0 . 5 (513117)

Amines & Plast. (22) B (506248)

Amit Spinning (94) T 0 . 2 (521076)

Amradeep Indus. (50) B 0 . 1 (531681)

Amrit Banaspati (83) B 0 . 3 (531728)

Amrit Corp (106) S 0 . 2 (507525)

Amrutanjan Healt (72) S 0 . 5 (590006)

Amtek Auto (10) S 0 . 7 (520077)

Amtek India (10) S 0 . 6 (532282)

Anant Raj Inds (31) S 1 (515055)

Andhra Bank (11) B 0 . 8 (532418)

Andhra Cement (19) B 0 . 7 (532141)

Andhra Petro. (22) B 0 . 8 (500012)

Andhra Sugars (109) B 0 . 8 (590062)

Andrew Yule (109) B 0 . 5 (526173)

ANG Auto (10) B 0 . 8 (530721)

Anik Industries (83) B 0 . 5 (519383)

Anil Products (106) B 0 . 2 (532910)

Anil Spl Steel (85) S 0 . 3 (504629)

Anjani Finance (50) B 0 . 3 (531878)

Anjani Portland (19) S 0 . 6 (518091)

Ankit Metal (86) B 0 . 6 (532870)

Ankur Drugs (72) S 1 (531683)

Ansal Buildwell (31) S 0 . 9 (523007)

Ansal Housing (31) S 0 . 7 (507828)

Ansal Properties (31) B 1 . 4 (500013)

Anu’s Laborat (71) B 0 . 5 (532981)

Anuh Pharma (71) B 0 . 5 (506260)

AP Paper (64) B 0 . 5 (502330)

Apar Inds. (39) B 0 . 7 (532259)

Apcotex Industri (106) B 0 . 6 (523694)

Apeejay Tea (89) TS (508134)

Aplab (43) S 0 . 4 (517096)

APM Inds. (99) S 0 . 2 (523537)

Apollo Hospitals (56) B 0 . 4 (508869)

Apollo Sindhoori (50) S 0 . 2 (532974)

Apollo Tyres (105) B 0 . 7 (500877)

Apple Finance (50) T 0 . 7 (500014)

Aptech (30) B 1 . 5 (532475)

APW President (43) S 0 . 6 (590033)

Aravali Sec.&Fin (50) B 0 . 8 (512344)

Archidply Inds (106) B 0 . 4 (532994)

Archies (77) B 0 . 8 (532212)

Areva T&D (39) A 0 . 8 (522275)

Aries Agro Ltd (49) B 0 . 9 (532935)

Arihant Capital (50) B 0 . 4 (511605)

Arihant Found. (31) S 0 . 9 (531381)

Aro Granite (106) S 0 . 5 (513729)

Aroni Commercial (50) S 0 . 2 (512273)

Arrow Coated (75) B 0 . 2 (516064)

Arshiya Intl (106) B 0 . 6 (506074)

Artefact Project (45) B 0 . 5 (531297)

Artson Engg. (45) T 0 . 5 (522134)

Arvind Chemical (22) S 0 . 4 (531881)

Arvind Ltd (94) B 1 . 3 (500101)

Arvind Products (94) B 0 . 4 (532489)

Arvind Remedies (72) B 0 . 7 (531823)

Asahi India Glas (55) T 0 . 5 (515030)

Asahi Songwon (38) B 0 . 6 (532853)

Ashapura Minech (59) B 0 . 8 (527001)

Ashco Niulab Ind (106) S 0 . 6 (517565)

Ashiana Housing (31) S 0 . 7 (523716)

Ashima (94) B 0 . 5 (514286)

Ashok Leyland (5) A 0 . 8 (500477)

Asian Granito (21) B 1 (532888)

Asian Hotels (57) B 0 . 6 (500023)

Asian Oilfield (61) B 0 . 9 (530355)

Asian Paints (63) A 0 . 2 (500820)

Asian Star Co. (35) S 0 . 3 (531847)

Asian Tea (89) S 0 . 1 (519532)

AsianElectronics (39) B 1 . 1 (503940)

Asit C Mehta Fin (28) B 0 . 3 (530723)

ASM Technologies (28) S 0 . 2 (526433)

Assam Company (89) B 0 . 7 (500024)

Assoc. Stone Ind (106) B 0 . 4 (502015)

Assoc.Alcohols (14) B 0 . 5 (507526)

Astra Microwave (91) B 0 . 9 (532493)

Astral Poly (75) B 0 . 6 (532830)

Astrazeneca Phar (73) B 0 . 5 (506820)

Atlanta (44) B 1 (532759)

Atlas Copco (I) (25) S 0 . 7 (526991)

Atlas Cycles (33) B 0 . 8 (505029)

Atul (38) B 0 . 7 (500027)

Atul Auto (8) S 0 . 4 (531795)

Aunde Faze Three (96) S 0 . 1 (532459)

Aurionpro Solu (28) T 0 . 6 (532668)

Aurobindo Pharma (70) B 0 . 7 (524804)

Austin Engg. (13) B 0 . 7 (522005)

Austral Coke (106) B 0 . 6 (533016)

Auto.Corp.of Goa (10) S 0 . 3 (505036)

Autoline Industr (10) B 0 . 8 (532797)

Autolite (India) (10) B 0 . 6 (500029)

Automotive Axles (10) B 0 . 5 (505010)

Automotive Stamp (10) B 0 . 7 (520119)

Avantel Ltd (28) B 0 . 7 (532406)

Avanti Feeds (4) S 0 . 3 (512573)

Avaya Global (91) B 0 . 8 (500463)

Aventis Pharma (73) B 0 . 4 (500674)

Avery India (44) S 0 . 4 (526556)

Avon Corporation (106) B 0 . 6 (532995)

Avon Organics (22) TS 0 . 4 (531541)

AVT Natural Prod (83) B 0 . 6 (519105)

Axis Bank (12) A 1 . 2 (532215)

Axis IT&T (28) B 0 . 3 (532395)

Axon Infotech (28) B 0 . 9 (505506)

Aztecsoft (28) B 0 . 7 (532385)


B H E L (39) A 1 (500103)

B P C L (80) A 0 . 6 (500547)

B.L.Kashyap (31) B 0 . 6 (532719)

Baba Arts (47) S 1 (532380)

Bafna Pharm (72) T 0 . 9 (532989)

BAG Films (47) B 1 . 3 (532507)

Bajaj Auto (8) A 0 . 7 (532977)

Bajaj Auto Fin (50) B 0 . 6 (500034)

Bajaj Electric (36) S 0 . 6 (500031)

Bajaj Finserv (50) A 0 . 6 (532978)

Bajaj Hind Sugar (88) S 0 . 5 (507500)

Bajaj Hindusthan (88) A 1 . 3 (500032)

Bajaj Holdings (106) A 0 . 5 (500490)

Bal Pharma (70) S 0 . 7 (524824)

Balaji Amines (22) S 0 . 6 (530999)

Balaji Distill. (14) B 0 . 6 (500035)

Balaji Telefilms (47) B 0 . 6 (532382)

Balasore Alloys (59) B 0 . 6 (513142)

Balkrishna Inds (105) S 0 . 7 (502355)

Ballarpur Inds (64) B 0 . 6 (500102)

Balmer Law. Inv. (50) B 0 . 5 (532485)

Balmer Lawrie (108) B 0 . 7 (523319)

Balrampur Chini (88) A 1 . 1 (500038)

Bambino AgroInds (53) S 0 . 2 (519295)

Banco Products (10) S 0 . 7 (500039)

Bang Overseas (97) B 0 . 4 (532946)

Bank of Baroda (11) A 0 . 9 (532134)

Bank of India (11) A 1 (532149)

Bank of Maha (11) B 0 . 7 (532525)

Bank of Rajasth. (12) B 0 . 9 (500019)

Bannari Amm Spin (94) B 0 . 6 (532674)

Bannari Amman (88) B 0 . 6 (500041)

Banswara Syntex (99) S 0 . 5 (503722)

Barak Valley (18) B 0 . 7 (532916)

Bartronics India (101) B 1 (532694)

Basant Agro Tech (49) S 0 . 8 (524687)

BASF India (22) B 0 . 4 (500042)

Basil Infra (50) B 0 . 3 (511210)

Bata India (58) B 1 (500043)

Batliboi (44) S 0 . 7 (522004)

Bayer CropScien (68) B 0 . 5 (506285)

BCC Fuba India (43) B 0 . 2 (517246)

BDH Inds. (72) B 0 . 5 (524828)

Beeyu Overseas (101) B 0 . 5 (532645)

Bell Ceramics (21) B 0 . 6 (515035)

Bellary Steels (85) T 0 . 9 (500045)

BEML Ltd (44) A 0 . 7 (500048)

Benares Hotels (57) B 0 . 4 (509438)

Bengal Tea (93) B 0 . 6 (532230)

Berger Paints (63) B 0 . 5 (509480)

Best & Crompton (39) B 0 . 4 (500046)

BF Utilities (76) S 0 . 5 (532430)

BGR Energy (45) A 1 . 1 (532930)

Bhagawati Gases (22) B 0 . 8 (500051)

Bhagiradha Chem. (67) B 0 . 6 (531719)

Bhagwati Banquet (57) B 0 . 5 (532845)

Bhagyanagar Indi (16) B 0 . 8 (512296)

Bhansali Engg. (69) S 0 . 6 (500052)

Bharat Bijlee (39) S 0 . 7 (503960)

Bharat Electro. (43) A 0 . 6 (500049)

Bharat Fertliser (49) B 0 . 6 (531862)

Bharat Forge (17) A 0 . 8 (500493)

Bharat Gears (10) B 0 . 7 (505688)

Bharat Immunol. (72) S 0 . 2 (524663)

Bharat Rasayan (67) B 0 . 3 (590021)

Bharat Seats (10) S 0 . 6 (523229)

Bharati Shipyard (106) B 0 . 7 (532609)

Bharti Airtel (90) A 0 . 8 (532454)

Bhartiya Intl. (58) B 0 . 4 (526666)

Bhoruka Alum. (3) B 0 . 3 (506027)

Bhuruka Gases (22) B 0 . 3 (509728)

Bhushan Steel (84) A 0 . 6 (500055)

Bhuwalka Steel (85) S 0 . 8 (513333)

Bihar Caustic (23) B 0 . 6 (500057)

Bihar Sponge (86) T 0 . 5 (500058)

Bihar Tubes (85) S 0 . 5 (590059)

Bilcare (62) S 0 . 9 (526853)

Bilpower (85) B 0 . 8 (531590)

Bimetal Bear. (13) S 0 . 5 (505681)

Binani Cement (18) B 0 . 6 (532849)

Binani Inds (55) B 0 . 5 (500059)

Bio Green Indust (50) B 0 . 4 (512253)

Biocon (70) A 0 . 6 (532523)

Biopac India (75) S 0 . 4 (532330)

Birla Capital (50) B 0 . 3 (512332)

Birla Corpn (18) B 0 . 8 (500335)

Birla Cotsyn (94) B 0 . 8 (533006)

Birla Ericsson (16) B 0 . 5 (500060)

Birla Power Sol. (39) S 0 . 6 (517001)

Birla Precision (44) B 0 . 3 (522105)

Birla Trans.Carp (97) Z (503823)

Black Rose Indus (96) B 0 . 3 (514183)

BLB (50) B 0 . 2 (532290)

Bliss GVS Pharma (72) B 0 . 7 (506197)

Blue Bird (I) (77) B 0 . 8 (532781)

Blue Coast Hotel (57) B (531495)

Blue Dart Exp. (32) B 0 . 3 (526612)

Blue Star (2) A 0 . 5 (500067)

Blue Star Info. (28) B 0 . 7 (532346)

BNK Capital (50) B 0 . 5 (500069)

BOC India (22) B 0 . 3 (523457)

Bodal Chemicals (38) B 0 . 6 (524370)

Bombay Burmah (89) B 0 . 5 (501425)

Bombay Dyeing (108) A 1 . 4 (500020)

Bombay Oxygen (22) Z 0 . 1 (509470)

Bombay Rayon (97) B 1 (532678)

Bombay Swad.St. (101) B 0 . 2 (531276)

Bombay Talkies (28) B 0 . 1 (511246)

Bongaigaon Ref (80) B 0 . 7 (500072)

Borax Morarji (22) B 0 . 6 (506315)

Borosil Glass (55) B 0 . 3 (502219)

Bosch (10) A 0 . 3 (500530)

Bosch Chassis (10) B 0 . 2 (505185)

BPL (42) T 0 . 9 (500074)

BPL Engineering (N) (43) B (500073)

Brabourne Enter (106) B 0 . 7 (500384)

Brady & Morris (44) B 0 . 2 (505690)

Brels Infotech (28) B 0 . 4 (531175)

Brescon Corp Adv (50) B 0 . 6 (511628)

Brigade Enterpr (31) B 1 . 1 (532929)

Bright Brothers (75) S 0 . 2 (526731)

Britannia Inds (54) B 0 . 3 (500825)

Broadcast Init (47) B 0 . 4 (532816)

Brushman (I) (106) S 0 . 4 (590061)

BSEL Infrastruc (31) B 0 . 9 (532123)

BSL (96) B 0 . 7 (514045)

Burnpur Cement (18) B 0 . 9 (532931)


C & C Constructi (31) B 0 . 7 (532813)

C C C L (31) B 0 . 3 (532902)

C P C L (80) A 0 . 8 (500110)

C.G.Impex (35) B 0 . 7 (531932)

Cable Corpn. (15) B 0 . 6 (500077)

Cadila Health (70) B 0 . 4 (532321)

Cairn India (61) A 0 . 9 (532792)

California Soft. (28) B 0 . 4 (532386)

Cambridge Soluti (28) B 0 . 4 (532616)

Cambridge Techno (28) B 0 . 3 (532801)

Camlin (109) S 0 . 2 (523207)

Camlin Fine (22) B 0 . 5 (532834)

Camp. & Allied (22) S 0 . 4 (500078)

Camson Bio Tech. (106) S0 . 7 (590076)

Can Fin Homes (51) B 0 . 3 (511196)

Canara Bank (11) A 0 . 8 (532483)

Caprihans India (75) S 0 . 5 (509486)

The numbers in brackets after the companies indexed here are the industry numbers in the corporate scoreboard where the companies will be found.Where prices of a company are taken from stock exchanges other than Bombay, the stock exchange is indicated in brackets after the name of the company.Beta and BSE Ticker code of the companies listed on BSE have been given opposite the name of the company.Beta: Calculated based on one-year data, Beta indicates how sensitive the scrip is vis-à-vis the BSE Sensex. Beta of 1 indicates that the rise and fall inthe scrip price mirrors the rise and fall in BSE Sensex. Beta of less than 1 indicate that the scrip movements are less sensitive to BSE Sensex and Betaof more than 1 indicate that the scrip movement is more sensitive to movement in BSE Sensex and the scrip’s rise and fall may be disproportionately largerthan the rise and fall in Sensex.


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Page 40: Corporate Score Board 2009

6 8 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Carborundum Univ (1) B 0 . 6 (513375)

Carnation Health (53) S 0 . 2 (531335)

Carol Info Serv. (106) B 0 . 6 (500446)

Castrol India (22) B 0 . 4 (500870)

CCL Products (89) B 0 . 4 (519600)

CEAT (105) B 0 . 7 (500878)

Ceekay Daikin (10) S 0 . 6 (505923)

Celebrity Fash (97) B 0 . 4 (532695)

Celestial Labs (70) B 0 . 7 (532871)

Central Bank (11) B 0 . 8 (532885)

Centrum Capital (50) B 0 . 2 (501150)

Centum Electron (43) B 0 . 6 (517544)

Century Enka (95) B 0 . 6 (500280)

Century Extrus. (3) B 0 . 4 (500083)

Century Plyboard (106) S 0 . 6 (532548)

Century Textiles (107) A 1 . 4 (500040)

Cera Sanitary (21) B 0 . 5 (532443)

CESC (76) A 0 . 9 (500084)

CFL Capital Fin. (50) T 0 . 2 (511272)

Chamanlal Setia (53) S 0 . 3 (530307)

Chambal Fert (49) A 1 . 6 (500085)

Channel Guide (47) B 0 . 2 (531337)

CHD Developers (31) S 0 . 4 (526917)

Chembond Chem. (22) S 0 . 5 (530871)

Chemcel Biotech (67) B 0 . 4 (533026)

Chemfab Alkalis (23) B 0 . 6 (506894)

Chemplast Sanmar (69) B 0 . 5 (506355)

Chennai Meena (56) TS 0 . 3 (523489)

Cheslind Textile (94) B 0 . 4 (521056)

ChettinadCement (19) B 0 . 1 (590001)

Cheviot Company (100) S 0 . 5 (526817)

CHL (57) B 0 . 7 (532992)

Cholamandalam DB (50) B 0 . 6 (511243)

Chordia Food (53) B 0 . 6 (519475)

Chowgule Steam. (82) B 0 . 7 (501833)

Ciba India (22) S 0 . 4 (532184)

Cimmco Birla (N) (109) B (505230)

Cinemax India (47) B 0 . 7 (532807)

Cinevistaas (47) B 0 . 5 (532324)

Cipla (70) A 0 . 5 (500087)

Circuit Systems (43) B 0 . 4 (532913)

City Union Bank (12) B 0 . 7 (532210)

Clariant Chemica (22) B 0 . 5 (506390)

Classic Diamonds (35) B 0 . 8 (523200)

Clutch Auto (10) S 0 . 4 (505052)

CMC (26) B 0 . 8 (517326)

CMI FPE Ltd (44) S 0 . 2 (500147)

CNI Research (47) B 0 . 2 (512018)

Cochin Mineral (22) S 0 . 7 (513353)

Colgate Palm. (66) A 0 . 3 (500830)

Color Chips (I) (28) B (532172)

Comfort Intech (50) TS 0 . 1 (531216)

Compact Disc (47) B 0 . 9 (526141)

Competent Auto. (101) S 0 . 7 (531041)

Compuage Infocom (26) B0 . 7 (532456)

Compucom Soft. (28) S 0 . 6 (532339)

Compulink System (28) B 0 . 3 (532688)

Computech Intl. (28) B 0 . 6 (531224)

Confidence Petro (106) B 0 . 4 (526829)

Cons. Finvest (50) B 0 . 5 (500226)

Cons.Securities (50) B 0 . 6 (530067)

Container Corpn (106) A 0 . 2 (531344)

Control Print (101) S 0 . 8 (522295)

Coral India Fin. (51) B 0 . 3 (531556)

Coral Labs. (72) B 0 . 5 (524506)

Cords Cable (15) B 0 . 8 (532941)

Core Projects (28) B 1 . 2 (512199)

Coromandel Fert (49) B 0 . 8 (506395)

Corporation Bank (11) B 0 . 6 (532179)

Cosco (India) (106) S (530545)

Cosmo Ferrites (43) S 0 . 2 (523100)

Cosmo Films (62) B 0 . 7 (508814)

Country Club (57) B 0 . 6 (526550)

Country Condo (31) B 0 . 2 (531624)

Cranes Software (28) B 0 . 3 (512093)

Cravatex (101) B 0 . 1 (509472)

Crazy Infotech (26) T 0 . 4 (524388)

Creative Eye (47) B 0 . 7 (532392)

Crest Animation (47) B 0 . 5 (526785)

Crew B.O.S. Prod (58) B 0 . 9 (532542)

CRISIL (106) B 0 . 4 (500092)

Cromp. Greaves (39) A 1 (500093)

CSS Technergy (28) S 0 . 4 (590050)

Cubex Tubing (59) B 0 . 5 (526027)

Cummins India (46) A 0 . 6 (500480)

Cupid ltd (106) S 0 . 7 (530843)

Cyber Media Ind (47) B 0 . 9 (532640)

Cybertech Syst. (28) B 0 . 6 (532173)


D & H Welding (41) S 0 . 7 (517514)

D C B (12) B 1 . 3 (532772)

D S Kulkarni (31) B 0 . 8 (523890)

D-Link (India) (26) B 0 . 8 (532419)

Dabur India (65) A 0 . 5 (500096)

Dabur Pharma (70) B 0 . 6 (532545)

Dagger-Forst (44) S 1 (505426)

Dai Ichi Karkari (22) S 0 . 5 (526821)

Dalmia Cement (19) B 0 . 6 (500097)

Danlaw Tech. (29) S 0 . 5 (532329)

Datamatics Tech. (28) B 0 . 8 (532528)

DCM (94) B 0 . 9 (502820)

DCM Shriram Cons (107) B0 . 9 (523367)

DCM Shriram Inds (88) S 0 . 2 (523369)

DCW (69) B 0 . 8 (500117)

DE Nora India (44) B 0 . 7 (590031)

Deccan Cement (19) S 0 . 8 (502137)

Deccan Chronicle (47) A 0 . 9 (532608)

Deccan Gold Mine (59) B 0 . 5 (512068)

Decolight Cera (21) B 0 . 9 (532858)

Deep Industries (106) B 1 (532760)

Deepak Fert (49) B 0 . 9 (500645)

Deepak Nitrite (22) S 0 . 7 (506401)

Deepak Spinners (99) S 0 . 5 (514030)

Delta Corp (97) B 0 . 4 (532848)

Delton Cables (15) B 0 . 6 (504240)

Dena Bank (11) B 1 . 1 (532121)

Denisons Hydrau. (44) B 0 . 7 (505232)

Denso India (10) S 0 . 6 (520022)

Dewan Hsg. Fin. (51) B 0 . 7 (511072)

DFM Foods (53) B (519588)

DGP Securities (50) B 0 . 1 (509695)

Dhampur Sugar (88) B 0 . 6 (500119)

Dhampure Special (88) B 0 . 3 (531923)

Dhanalaksh.Bank (12) B 0 . 6 (532180)

Dhandapani Fin (50) B 0 . 2 (511393)

Dhanlaxmi Cotex (50) B (512485)

DhanlaxmiFabrics (96) B 0 . 3 (521151)

Dhanuka Agritech (67) B 0 . 4 (507717)

Dhanus Technolog (28) B 0 . 5 (532903)

Dharamsi Morar. (49) B 0 . 5 (506405)

Dharani Sugars (88) B 0 . 4 (507442)

Dhunseri Tea (89) S 0 . 3 (523736)

Diamines & Chem. (69) S 0 . 3 (500120)

Diamond Power (15) S 0 . 9 (522163)

Diana Tea (89) B 0 . 3 (530959)

DIC India (77) B 0 . 5 (500089)

Digjam Ltd (97) B 0 . 8 (503796)

DIL (71) B 0 . 5 (506414)

Disa India (44) B 0 . 4 (500068)

Dish TV (47) B 1 . 1 (532839)

Dishman Pharma (71) B 0 . 5 (532526)

Divi’s Lab (71) A 0 . 8 (532488)

Divya Jyoti Inds (83) B 0 . 6 (526285)

Divyashakti Gran (106) B 0 . 6 (526315)

DLF (31) A 1 . 5 (532868)

DMC Internationa (31) B 0 . 5 (517973)

Dolat Investment (50) B 0 . 7 (505526)

Dollex Inds. (14) B 0 . 9 (531367)

Dolphin Offshore (61) S 1 . 1 (522261)

Donear Inds. (96) S 0 . 9 (512519)

Dr Agarwal’s Eye (56) S 0 . 4 (526783)

Dr Reddy’s Labs (70) A 0 . 4 (500124)

Dredging Corpn (106) B 0 . 8 (523618)

Duncans Inds. (89) B 0 . 5 (590063)

Dwarikesh Sugar (88) B 0 . 5 (532610)

Dynamatic Tech. (44) S 0 . 6 (505242)

Dynamic Inds. (38) S 0 . 4 (524818)

Dynemic Products (38) B 0 . 7 (532707)


Eastern Gases (106) B 0 . 1 (590080)

Eastern Silk Ind (98) B 0 . 7 (590022)

Easun Reyrolle (39) B 1 (532751)

ECE Inds. (39) S 0 . 8 (532491)

eClerx Services (28) T 0 . 9 (532927)

Ecoboard Inds. (44) B 0 . 5 (523732)

Edelweiss Cap (50) A 1 . 2 (532922)

Educomp Solution (30) A 1 . 4 (532696)

Eicher Motors (5) B 0 . 7 (505200)

EID Parry (88) B 0 . 8 (500125)

EIH (57) A 0 . 6 (500840)

EIH Assoc.Hotels (57) S 0 . 5 (523127)

Eimco Elecon (44) B 0 . 7 (523708)

EL Forge (17) S 0 . 9 (531144)

Elantas Beck (22) S 0 . 5 (500123)

Eldeco Hsg.&Inds (31) B 1 . 1 (523329)

Elder Health (72) T 0 . 2 (524830)

Elder Pharma (71) B 0 . 2 (532322)

Elder Projects (72) Z (524788)

Elecon Engg Co (44) B 0 . 8 (505700)

Electrost.Cast. (17) B 0 . 7 (500128)

Electrotherm (44) B 0 . 9 (526608)

Elegant Marbles (106) B 0 . 6 (526705)

Elgi Equipments (25) B 0 . 4 (522074)

Elgi Rubber (106) B 0 . 6 (590023)

Ellenbarrie Indl (22) B 0 . 4 (590087)

Elnet Techno. (31) S 0 . 7 (517477)

Elpro Intl. (39) T 0 . 2 (504000)

EMA India (44) B 0 . 2 (522027)

Emami (65) S 0 . 5 (531162)

EMCO (39) S 0 . 6 (504008)

Emkay Global (50) B 1 (532737)

Emmsons Intl. (101) S 0 . 7 (532038)

Empee Distillers (14) B 0 . 7 (532920)

Empee Sugars (88) B 0 . 3 (500132)

Empire Inds. (55) B 0 . 3 (509525)

Encore Software (29) S 0 . 5 (531750)

Energy Devlop. (76) B 0 . 6 (532219)

Engineers India (45) B 0 . 7 (532178)

English Ind.Clay (109) S 0 . 7 (526560)

Enkei Castalloy (10) S 0 . 7 (531147)

Ennore Coke Ltd (106) B 0 . 8 (512369)

Enso Secutrack (42) S 0 . 9 (532984)

Entegra Ltd (106) B 0 . 5 (532287)

Entertainment Nt (47) B 0 . 8 (532700)

EPC Inds. (75) B 0 . 2 (523754)

Epic Energy (39) S 0 . 3 (530407)

Era E-Zone (101) B 0 . 4 (531615)

Era Infra Engg (31) S 0 . 6 (530323)

Esab India (41) B 0 . 5 (500133)

Escorts (7) B 1 . 2 (500495)

Escorts Finance (50) B 0 . 3 (511716)

Eskay K‘n’IT(I) (97) B 0 . 5 (514118)

Ess Dee Aluminm (3) B 0 . 6 (532787)

Essar Oil (80) A 1 . 6 (500134)

Essar Shipping (82) A 0 . 7 (500630)

Essel Propack (62) B 0 . 7 (500135)

Ester Inds. (62) B 0 . 6 (500136)

ETC Networks Ltd (106) B 1 (532958)

Euro Ceramics (21) B 0 . 7 (532823)

Eurotex Inds. (94) B 0 . 4 (521014)

Eveready Inds. (37) B 0 . 7 (531508)

Everest Inds. (20) B 0 . 8 (508906)

Everest Kanto (62) B 0 . 7 (532684)

Everonn Systems (30) B 0 . 9 (532876)

Evinix Accessori (97) B 0 . 6 (532818)

Excel Crop Care (67) B 0 . 6 (532511)

Excel Inds. (22) B 0 . 6 (500650)

Exide Inds (10) A 0 . 6 (500086)

Expo Gas Contain (62) B 0 . 7 (526614)


F A C T (49) B 0 . 7 (590024)

Facor Alloys (59) B 0 . 6 (532656)

Facor Steels (85) B 0 . 6 (532657)

Fact Enterprise (31) B (511668)

Fag Bearings (13) B 0 . 4 (505790)

Fairfield Atlas (10) B 0 . 8 (520145)

Falcon Tyres (105) S (509527)

Fame India (47) B 0 . 8 (532631)

Faze Three (96) S 0 . 6 (530079)

FCS Software (28) B 0 . 7 (532666)

FDC (70) B 0 . 5 (531599)

Fedders Lloyd (2) B 0 . 7 (500139)

Federal Bank (12) A 0 . 7 (500469)

Federal-Mogul Go (10) B 0 . 7 (505744)

Fem Care Pharma (65) S (524608)

Fenoplast (75) S 0 . 3 (526689)

Ferro Alloys (59) B 0 . 7 (500141)

Fiem Inds (10) B 0 . 4 (532768)

Filatex Fashions (97) Z 0 . 1 (532022)

Filatex India (95) S 0 . 5 (526227)

Financial Eyes (50) B 0 . 2 (530863)

Financial Tech (28) A 0 . 9 (526881)

Fine Line Circ. (43) B 0 . 3 (517264)

Finolex Cables (16) B 0 . 6 (500144)

Finolex Inds. (69) B 0 . 7 (500940)

First Leasing Co (50) B 0 . 7 (500145)

First Winner (97) B 0 . 6 (532996)

Firstobject Tech (28) B 0 . 7 (532379)

Firstsource Sol (28) B 1 (532809)

Flawless Diamond (35) B 0 . 8 (523576)

Flex Foods (53) S 0 . 7 (523672)

Fomento Resorts (57) Z (503831)

Foods & Inns (53) B 0 . 5 (507552)

Forbes & Co (94) S 0 . 5 (502865)

Force Motors (5) TS 0 . 5 (500033)

Fortis Healthcar (56) B 0 . 8 (532843)

Fortune Fin.Ser. (50) B 0 . 1 (530023)

Foseco India (22) B 0 . 2 (500150)

Four Soft (28) B 0 . 5 (532521)

Freshtrop Fruits (53) T 0 . 6 (530077)

Fulford (India) (73) S 0 . 5 (506803)

Futura Polyester (95) T 0 . 8 (500720)

Future Capital (50) A 0 . 8 (532938)


G G Dandekar (44) B 0 . 5 (505250)

G M Breweries (14) B 0 . 6 (507488)

G M D C (59) A 1 (532181)

G N F C (49) B 0 . 9 (500670)

G R Cables (16) B 0 . 5 (517564)

G S F C (49) B 0 . 8 (500690)

G S P L (106) A 0 . 9 (532702)

G V Films (47) B 0 . 6 (523277)

Gabriel India (10) S 0 . 6 (505714)

GAIL (India) (106) A 0 . 8 (532155)

Galada Power&Tel (3) B 0 . 8 (504697)

Galaxy Ent.Corp. (47) S 0 . 2 (506186)

Gallantt Metal (85) B 0 . 6 (532726)

Gammon India (31) A 0 . 7 (509550)

Gammon Infra (45) B 0 . 8 (532959)

Gandhi Spl. Tube (85) S 0 . 8 (513108)

Gandhinag. Hotel (57) B 0 . 2 (530237)

Ganesh Housing (31) S 0 . 8 (526367)

Gangotri Iron (85) B 0 . 9 (530945)

Gangotri Textile (94) B 0 . 6 (521176)

Garden Silk Mill (96) B 0 . 8 (500155)

Garg Furnace (85) S 0 . 3 (530615)

Garnet Const. (31) B 0 . 7 (526727)

Garnet Intl (31) B 0 . 5 (512493)

Garware Offshore (82) S 0 . 5 (501848)

Garware Poly. (62) B 0 . 5 (500655)

Garware-Wall (97) B 0 . 6 (509557)

Gateway Distpark (106) B 0 . 8 (532622)

Gati (32) B 0 . 8 (532345)

Gayatri Projects (31) B 0 . 8 (532767)

Gayatri Sugars (88) B 0 . 5 (532183)

GEE (41) B 0 . 3 (504028)

Geefcee Fin. (50) T 0 . 1 (530389)

GEI Industrial (44) B 0 . 9 (530743)

Gem Spinners (94) Z (521133)

Gemini Comm. (91) B 0 . 9 (532318)

Genesys Intl. (28) B 0 . 6 (506109)

Gennex Labor (71) B 0 . 4 (531739)

Genus Power (43) S 1 . 1 (530343)

Geodesic (28) B 0 . 7 (503699)

Geojit Fin Serv (50) B 0 . 9 (532285)

Geometric (28) B 1 (532312)

GHCL (23) B 1 . 1 (500171)

GIC Housing Fin. (51) B 0 . 6 (511676)

Gillanders Arb. (109) B 0 . 7 (532716)

Gillette India (66) B 0 . 4 (507815)

Gini Silk Mills (96) S 0 . 3 (531744)

Ginni Filaments (94) T 0 . 4 (590025)

Gitanjali Gems (35) B 0 . 9 (532715)

GIVO (97) T 0 . 5 (531613)

GKW (N) (48) B (504704)

Glaxosmit Pharma (73) A 0 . 3 (500660)

GlaxoSmith C H L (54) B 0 . 3 (500676)

Glenmark Pharma (70) A 0 . 8 (532296)

Global Vectra (106) T 0 . 6 (532773)

Glodyne Tech (28) B 1 (532672)

Glory Polyfilms (62) B 0 . 4 (532857)

Gloster Jute (100) B 0 . 2 (590085)

GMM Pfaudler (44) B 0 . 6 (505255)

GMR Ferro Alloys (59) B 0 . 5 (532990)

GMR Inds. (59) B 0 . 7 (500162)

GMR Infra. (109) A 1 . 2 (532754)

Goa Carbon (22) S 0 . 6 (509567)

Godawari Power&I (85) B 1 (532734)

Godfrey Phillips (24) B 0 . 4 (500163)

Godrej Consumer (65) B 0 . 3 (532424)

Godrej Inds (22) A 1 . 1 (500164)

Gokaldas Exports (97) B 0 . 5 (532630)

Gokul Refoils (83) B 0 . 6 (532980)

Goldcrest Fin. (50) B (505576)

Golden Tobacco (24) B 1 . 1 (500151)

Goldiam Intl. (35) B 0 . 5 (526729)

Goldstone Infra (91) B 0 . 4 (532439)

Goldstone Tech. (28) B 0 . 3 (531439)

Gontermann-Peip. (17) B 0 . 5 (504701)

Goodricke Group (89) B 0 . 8 (500166)

Goodyear India (105) B 0 . 6 (500168)

Govind Rubber (105) S 0 . 3 (509148)

Grabal Alok Impx (97) T 0 . 7 (532909)

Granules India (71) S 0 . 7 (532482)

Graphite India (40) B 0 . 7 (509488)

Grasim Inds (107) A 0 . 7 (500300)

Grauer & Weil (22) S 1 (505710)

Graviss Hospital (57) B 0 . 1 (509546)

Great Eastern (82) A 1 (500620)

Great Offshore (82) B 1 (532786)

Greaves Cotton (46) B 0 . 5 (501455)

Greenply Inds. (106) B 0 . 5 (526797)

Gremach Infra (45) B 0 . 5 (532836)

Grindwell Norton (1) S 0 . 4 (506076)

GRUH Finance (51) B 0 . 5 (511288)

GSS America (28) B 0 . 9 (532951)

GTL (91) B 0 . 3 (500160)

GTL Infrastruc (91) A 0 . 5 (532775)

GTN Industries (94) B 0 . 4 (500170)

GTN Textiles (94) B 0 . 6 (532744)

Gufic BioScience (70) B 0 . 6 (509079)

Guj Alkalies (23) B 0 . 9 (530001)

Guj Apollo Inds (44) B 0 . 8 (522217)

Guj Flourochem (22) B 0 . 9 (500173)

Guj Gas Company (106) B 0 . 4 (523477)

Guj Inds Power (76) B 0 . 7 (517300)

Guj NRE Coke (106) A 0 . 9 (512579)

Guj. Ambuja Exp (83) B 0 . 6 (524226)

Guj. Borosil (55) B 0 . 5 (523768)

Guj. Foils (3) Z (531410)

Guj. Hotels (57) S 0 . 6 (507960)

Guj. Intrux (59) S 0 . 6 (517372)

Guj. Lease Fin. (50) B 0 . 4 (500174)

Guj. Reclaim (106) T 0 . 5 (509152)

Guj. Sidhee Cem. (18) B 0 . 6 (518029)

Guj. State Fin. (52) Z 0 . 3 (532160)

Gulf Oil Corpn (22) S 0 . 9 (506480)

Gulshan Polyols (22) B 0 . 3 (532457)

Gupta Synthetics (96) B 0 . 8 (514116)

GVK Power Infra (76) A 1 (532708)

Gwalior Chemical (22) B 1 . 2 (532764)


H D F C (51) A 1 . 2 (500010)

H D I L (31) A 1 . 8 (532873)

H F C L (91) B 0 . 8 (500183)

H K Finechem (22) B (530117)

H P C L (80) A 0 . 7 (500104)

H T Media (47) B 0 . 5 (532662)

H. S. India (57) B 0 . 6 (532145)

Haldyn Glass Guj (55) S 0 . 8 (515147)

Hanil Era Tex. (99) B 0 . 6 (500177)

Hanung Toys and (106) B 0 . 8 (532770)

Hardcastle &Waud (63) B 0 . 3 (509597)

HarigCrankshafts (17) B 0 . 4 (500178)

Harita Seating (10) S 0 . 2 (590043)

Hariyana Ship (106) S 0 . 5 (526931)

Harr. Malayalam (89) B 1 (500467)

Haryana Capfin (50) B 0 . 5 (532855)

Hathway Bhawani (79) T 0 . 4 (509073)

Hatsun Agro Prod (53) B 0 . 5 (531531)

Havells India (39) B 0 . 8 (517354)

Hawkins Cookers (36) S 0 . 5 (508486)

Hazoor Multi Pro (47) S 0 . 8 (532467)

HB Estate Devel. (31) B 1 . 1 (532334)

HB Portfolio (50) B 0 . 5 (532333)

HB Stockholdings (50) B 0 . 5 (532216)

HBL Power System (37) S 0 . 8 (517271)

HCL Infosystems (26) B 0 . 6 (500179)

HCL Technologies (27) A 1 (532281)

HDFC Bank (12) A 1 (500180)

HEG (40) B 0 . 8 (509631)

Helios Matheson (29) S 0 . 9 (532347)

Hella India (10) B 0 . 3 (520026)

Henkel India (66) B 0 . 6 (532671)

Hercules Hoists (44) B 0 . 8 (505720)

Heritage Foods (53) T 0 . 6 (519552)

Hero Honda (9) A 0 . 4 (500182)

Hester Bios (72) B 0 . 6 (524669)

Hexaware Tech (28) B 0 . 6 (532129)

HFCL Infotel (90) S 0 . 8 (511116)

Page 41: Corporate Score Board 2009

6 9Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Hi-Tech Gears (10) B 0 . 5 (522073)

High Energy Bat. (39) B 0 . 6 (504176)

Hikal (22) B 0 . 4 (524735)

Hilton Metal (17) B 0 . 7 (532847)

Himadri Chemical (59) B 0 . 8 (500184)

Himalaya Intl. (53) B 0 . 7 (526899)

Himatsing. Seide (98) B 0 . 4 (514043)

Hind Aluminium (3) S 0 . 4 (531979)

Hind Inds. (53) S 0 . 6 (526307)

Hind Rectifiers (43) B 0 . 8 (504036)

Hind. Unilever (66) A 0 . 5 (500696)

Hind.Composites (10) B 0 . 3 (509635)

Hind.Construct. (31) A 1 . 3 (500185)

Hind.Copper (59) B 0 . 9 (513599)

Hind.Dorr-Oliver (45) B 0 . 9 (509627)

Hind.Hardy Spice (10) B 0 . 5 (505893)

Hind.Motors (6) B 0 . 9 (500500)

Hind.Natl.Glass (55) S 0 . 8 (515145)

Hind.Oil Explor. (61) B 1 . 3 (500186)

Hind.Organ.Chem. (22) B 1 . 1 (500449)

Hind.Sanitary. (21) B 0 . 7 (500187)

Hind.Tin Works (62) S 0 . 5 (530315)

Hind.Zinc (59) A 0 . 7 (500188)

Hindalco Inds. (3) A 1 . 2 (500440)

Hindoostan Spg. (93) B 0 . 5 (502880)

Hinduha Foundrie (17) S 0 . 5 (505982)

Hinduja Ventures (28) B 1 (500189)

Hiran Orgochem (71) S 0 . 8 (506170)

Hitachi Home (2) B 0 . 7 (523398)

Hitech Plast (62) S 0 . 3 (526217)

HMT (7) B 0 . 7 (500191)

Honda Siel Power (39) B 0 . 5 (522064)

Honeywell Auto (43) B 0 . 6 (517174)

Hotel Leela Ven. (57) B 0 . 8 (500193)

Hotline Glass (43) B 0 . 7 (500195)

House of Pearl (97) B 0 . 8 (532808)

HOV Services (28) B 0 . 5 (532761)

HTMT Global (28) B 1 (532859)

Hyd.Industries (20) B 0 . 7 (509675)

Hydro S&S Inds. (75) S 0 . 6 (524019)


I D F C (50) A 1 . 4 (532659)

I G Petrochem. (22) B 0 . 9 (500199)

I M P A L (10) B 0 . 5 (590065)

I O C L (80) A 0 . 6 (530965)

I T D C (57) Z (532189)

IBN18 Broadcast (47) B 0 . 7 (532800)

ICI (India) (63) B 0 . 3 (500710)

ICICI Bank (12) A 1 . 5 (532174)

ICRA (106) B 0 . 5 (532835)

ICSA (India) (29) S 0 . 8 (531524)

IDBI Bank (11) A 1 . 1 (500116)

Idea Cellular (90) A 1 (532822)

IFB Agro Inds. (22) B 0 . 3 (507438)

IFB Inds. (36) B 0 . 4 (505726)

IFCI (52) A 1 . 5 (500106)

IFGL Refract. (81) B 0 . 6 (532133)

Igarashi Motors (39) B 0 . 4 (517380)

IKF Technolog. (28) B 0 . 6 (532414)

IL & FS Invsmart (50) B 0 . 6 (532653)

IL&FS Inv Manage (50) B 0 . 6 (511208)

IMP Powers (39) B 1 (517571)

Impex Ferro Tech (59) B 0 . 5 (532614)

Ind Bank Housing (51) B 0 . 4 (523465)

Ind-Swift (72) B 0 . 9 (524652)

Ind-Swift Labs. (70) B 0 . 9 (532305)

Indag Rubber (106) S 0 . 5 (509162)

Indage Restaruan (53) Z 0 . 3 (532264)

Indage Vintners (14) S 0 . 8 (522059)

Indbank Merchant (50) B 0 . 8 (511473)

India Cements (19) A 1 (530005)

India Cements Ca (50) B 0 . 2 (511355)

India Foils (3) B 0 . 5 (509684)

India Gelatine (22) S 0 . 7 (531253)

India Glycols (22) B 0 . 9 (500201)

India Infoline (50) A 1 . 6 (532636)

India NipponElec (10) B 0 . 3 (532240)

India Securities (50) B 0 . 5 (500204)

India Steel (85) B 0 . 5 (513361)

Indiabulls Fin. (50) A 1 . 3 (532544)

Indiabulls Real (31) A 1 . 6 (532832)

Indiabulls Retai (97) T 0 . 4 (532679)

Indiabulls Sec (50) A 0 . 8 (532960)

Indiaco Ventures (50) B 0 . 2 (506131)

Indian Acrylics (95) B 0 . 6 (514165)

Indian Bank (11) A 0 . 9 (532814)

Indian CardCloth (92) B 0 . 4 (509692)

Indian Hotels (57) A 0 . 6 (500850)

Indian Hume Pipe (20) B 0 . 7 (504741)

Indian Overseas (11) A 0 . 9 (532388)

Indian Sucrose (88) B 0 . 6 (500319)

Indian Toners (38) S 0 . 5 (523586)

IndiaNivesh (50) B 0 . 4 (501700)

Indl. Inv. Trust (50) S 0 . 5 (501295)

Indl.& Prud.Inv. (50) B (501298)

Indo Asian (39) B 0 . 7 (532658)

Indo Borax (22) S 0 . 9 (524342)

Indo Count Inds. (94) B 0 . 3 (521016)

Indo Green Proj. (50) B (531968)

Indo Rama Synth. (95) B 0 . 8 (500207)

Indo Tech (39) B 0 . 8 (532717)

Indo-Pacific Sof (28) B 0 . 2 (531565)

Indoco Remedies (70) B 0 . 4 (532612)

Indowind Energy (76) B 1 . 2 (532894)

Indrapr.Medical (56) B 0 . 5 (532150)

Indraprastha Gas (106) B 0 . 4 (532514)

Indsil Electro. (59) S 0 . 7 (522165)

Indus Fila (96) B 0 . 4 (532821)

IndusInd Bank (12) B 1 . 1 (532187)

Ineos ABS (India (69) B 0 . 5 (506222)

Info Edge (India (106) B 0 . 6 (532777)

Info-Drive Soft. (28) B 0 . 7 (530703)

Infomedia 18 (77) B 0 . 7 (509069)

Informed Techn. (28) B 0 . 1 (504810)

Infosys Tech. (27) A 0 . 7 (500209)

Infotech Enterpr (28) B 0 . 5 (532175)

Infotrek Syscom (29) B 0 . 6 (530643)

ING Vysya Bank (12) B 0 . 6 (531807)

Ingersoll-Rand (25) B 0 . 5 (500210)

Innocorp Ltd (75) B 0 . 8 (531929)

Inox Leisure (47) B 1 (532706)

Insecticides (67) B 0 . 7 (532851)

Insilco (22) B 0 . 7 (500211)

Integ. Fin. Serv (50) B 0 . 1 (500212)

Integra Hind. (39) B 0 . 4 (517250)

Intellvisions Sf (28) S 0 . 5 (531777)

Intense Technolo (28) TS 0 . 5 (532326)

Interna. Homotex (97) S 0 . 7 (526185)

Interworld Digi (28) S 0 . 2 (532072)

Intl. Combustion (44) B 0 . 7 (505737)

Intl. Conveyors (44) B 0 . 4 (509709)

Intl. Travel Hse (104) S 0 . 8 (500213)

Intra Infotech (28) S (531959)

Inv.&Prec.Cast. (17) B 0 . 6 (504786)

IO System (106) Z (523752)

IOL Chemicals (22) B 0 . 5 (524164)

IOL Netcom (28) B 0 . 5 (512185)

ION Exchange (44) S 0 . 7 (500214)

IP Rings (10) S 0 . 4 (523638)

Ipca Labs. (70) B 0 . 3 (524494)

IRB Infra (31) A 0 . 5 (532947)

ISMT Ltd (84) B 0 . 7 (532479)

Ispat Inds. (84) A 1 . 3 (500305)

IST (106) B 0 . 3 (508807)

IT People (28) S 0 . 3 (532342)

ITC (24) A 0 . 6 (500875)

ITD Cem (31) B 0 . 7 (509496)

ITI (91) B 0 . 7 (523610)

ITL Inds. (44) S 0 . 7 (522183)

IVP (106) B 0 . 3 (507580)

IVR-Prime Urban (31) B 1 . 2 (532881)

IVRCL Infrastruc (31) A 1 . 4 (530773)


J & K Bank (12) B 0 . 5 (532209)

J B Chemicals (70) B 0 . 9 (506943)

J J Exporters (98) B 0 . 5 (530049)

J K Cements (18) B 0 . 6 (532644)

J K Synthetics (95) B 0 . 6 (500306)

J Kumar Infra (31) B 0 . 6 (532940)

J L Morison (65) T 0 . 8 (506522)

J.K. Agri Geneti (101) S 0 . 5 (532518)

Jagatjit Inds. (14) B 0 . 9 (507155)

Jagjanani Text (94) B 0 . 4 (532825)

Jagran Prakashan (47) B 0 . 4 (532705)

Jagson Airlines (103) B 0 . 6 (520139)

Jagsonpal Pharma (70) B 0 . 5 (507789)

Jai Balaji Inds (86) B 0 . 9 (532976)

Jai Corp (85) A 0 . 7 (512237)

Jaihind Projects (45) B 0 . 4 (531339)

Jain Irrigation (75) A 0 . 6 (500219)

Jain Studios (47) B 0 . 4 (532033)

Jaiprakash Assoc (31) A 1 . 7 (532532)

Jaiprakash Hydro (76) A 1 . 3 (532627)

Jamna Auto Inds. (10) B 0 . 5 (520051)

Jay Bharat Mar. (10) B 0 . 6 (520066)

Jay Shree Tea (89) B= 0 . 7 (509715)

Jay Ushin (10) B 0 . 5 (513252)

Jayant Agro Orga (22) B 0 . 9 (524330)

Jayant Mercan. (50) B (512129)

Jayaswal Neco (17) B 0 . 5 (522285)

Jayavant Product (106) Z (531382)

Jaybharat Text (96) B 0 . 3 (512233)

Jaypee Hotels (57) B 0 . 7 (590027)

JBF Inds. (95) B 0 . 7 (514034)

JBM Auto (10) B 0 . 6 (532605)

JCT (93) B 0 . 6 (500223)

JCT Electronics (43) B 0 . 2 (500222)

Jenburkt Pharma. (72) B 0 . 5 (524731)

Jenson & Nich. (63) B 0 . 6 (523592)

Jet Airways (103) A 1 (532617)

Jetking Infotrai (30) B 0 . 5 (517063)

Jeypore Sugar (88) TS 0 . 4 (590054)

Jhagadia Co (59) B 0 . 7 (504920)

Jhaveri Flexo (62) B 0 . 7 (507796)

JHS Svendgaard (65) B 0 . 7 (532771)

JIK Inds. (101) B 1 . 2 (511618)

Jindal Drilling (61) B 0 . 7 (511034)

Jindal Photo (74) B 0 . 5 (532624)

Jindal Poly Film (62) B 0 . 6 (500227)

Jindal Saw (84) B 0 . 8 (500378)

Jindal SouthWest (50) B 0 . 9 (532642)

Jindal Steel (86) A 1 . 3 (532286)

Jindal Worldwide (97) T 0 . 7 (531543)

JK Lakshmi (18) B 0 . 9 (500380)

JK Paper (64) B 0 . 5 (532162)

JK Sugar (88) S 0 . 6 (532519)

JK Tyre & Indust (105) B 0 . 8 (530007)

JM Financial (50) S 0 . 7 (523405)

JMC Projects (31) S 0 . 7 (522263)

JMT Auto (10) B 0 . 8 (513691)

Jog Engineering (31) TS 0 . 6 (507942)

Joindre Capital (50) B 0 . 8 (531861)

Jolly Board (106) B 0 . 2 (502335)

Joonktolle Tea (89) B (590079)

Jost’s Engg. (44) B 0 . 5 (505750)

JRG Securities (50) B 0 . 6 (532745)

JSL Ltd (84) B 0 . 9 (532508)

JSW Steel (84) A 1 . 1 (500228)

Jubilant Organ. (69) A 0 . 4 (530019)

Jumbo Bag (62) S 0 . 3 (516078)

Jupiter Bio. (70) S 1 . 1 (524826)

JVL Agro Indus (106) B 0 . 7 (519248)

Jyothy Labor. (34) B 0 . 6 (532926)

Jyoti (39) S 0 . 5 (504076)

Jyoti Cosmetics (65) B 0 . 3 (531115)

Jyoti Structures (102) B 0 . 9 (513250)


K C P (19) B 1 (590066)

K Dhandapani &Co (101) S (530395)

K E C Intl (102) B 0 . 7 (532714)

K E W Industries (10) B 0 . 7 (532758)

K G Denim (94) T 0 . 5 (500239)

K P R Mill Ltd (97) B 0 . 9 (532889)

K S Oils (83) S 1 (526209)

K Sera Sera Prod (47) S 0 . 4 (532081)

Kaashyap Technol (28) B 0 . 6 (532283)

Kabra Extrusions (44) B 0 . 4 (524109)

Kaira Can (62) B (504840)

Kajaria Ceramics (21) B 0 . 5 (500233)

Kakatiya Cements (19) B 0 . 7 (500234)

Kale Consultants (28) B 0 . 8 (532268)

Kaleidoscope Fil (17) Z 0 . 3 (523810)

Kalindee Rail (44) S 0 . 5 (522259)

Kallam Spinning (94) S 0 . 4 (530201)

Kalpataru Power (102) B 0 . 3 (522287)

Kalpena Inds. (75) S 0 . 7 (526409)

Kalptaru Papers (64) S 0 . 6 (590036)

Kalyani Forge (17) S 0 . 6 (513509)

Kalyani Steel (85) B 1 . 2 (500235)

Kamadgiri Synth. (96) S 0 . 1 (514322)

Kamanwala Housig (31) B 0 . 6 (511131)

Kamat Hotels (57) B 0 . 6 (526668)

Kamdhenu Ispat (85) B 0 . 6 (532741)

Kanco Enterprise (94) B 0 . 2 (590084)

Kandagiri Spinng (94) S 0 . 1 (521242)

Kanishk Steel (85) B 0 . 2 (513456)

Kanoria Chem. (23) B 0 . 4 (506525)

Kansai Nerolac (63) B 0 . 5 (500165)

Kar Mobiles (10) S (590053)

Karnataka Bank (12) B 0 . 7 (532652)

Karuna Cables (3) S 0 . 3 (531904)

Karur KCP Pack. (62) B 0 . 7 (531363)

Karur Vysya Bank (12) B 0 . 6 (590003)

Karuturi Global (106) B 0 . 6 (531687)

Kashipur Sugar (88) T 0 . 3 (502512)

Kaushalya Infra (31) B 1 . 1 (532925)

Kaveri Seed Comp (106) B 0 . 5 (532899)

Kavveri Telecom (91) S 0 . 7 (590041)

KCP Sugar & Inds (88) B 0 . 5 (590067)

KDDL Ltd (106) S 0 . 5 (532054)

KDL Biotech (70) B 0 . 2 (532291)

KEI Inds. (15) B 0 . 8 (517569)

Kemp & Co. (75) B 0 . 2 (506530)

Kemrock Inds. (75) B 1 . 2 (526015)

Kennametal India (44) S 0 . 7 (505890)

Kerala Ayurveda (72) B 0 . 6 (530163)

Kernex Micorsyst (28) B 0 . 9 (532686)

Kesar Enterprise (88) S 0 . 4 (507180)

Kesoram Inds. (107) B 0 . 7 (502937)

Kewal Kiran Clot (97) B 0 . 4 (532732)

Keynote Corp. (50) B 0 . 1 (512597)

Khaitan (I) (101) B 0 . 2 (590068)

Khaitan Chem. (49) B 0 . 6 (507794)

Khaitan Elect. (36) B 0 . 9 (504269)

Khandwala Sec. (50) B 0 . 2 (531892)

Khoday India (14) S 0 . 4 (507435)

KIC Metaliks (17) T 0 . 5 (513693)

Kilburn Chemical (22) S 0 . 5 (524699)

Kilburn Engg. (44) B 0 . 8 (522101)

Kilitch Drugs (72) B 0 . 6 (524500)

Kilpest India (67) B 0 . 2 (532067)

Kinetic Engg. (9) B 0 . 3 (500240)

Kinetic Motor Co (8) B 0 . 5 (505190)

Kingfisher Air (103) B 1 . 5 (532747)

Kiri Dyes (38) B 0 . 5 (532967)

Kirl. Brothers (78) S 0 . 4 (500241)

Kirl. Electric (39) S 0 . 6 (590052)

Kirl. Ferrous (87) B 1 . 1 (500245)

Kirl. Oil Engine (46) B 0 . 5 (500243)

Kirl.Pneumatic (25) B 0 . 8 (505283)

Kisan Mouldings (75) S 0 . 4 (530145)

Kitex Garments (97) B 0 . 5 (521248)

KLG Systel (28) B 1 . 3 (531269)

KLRF Ltd (53) B 0 . 6 (507598)

KM Sugar (88) T 0 . 6 (532673)

KNR Construction (31) B 0 . 7 (532942)

Koffee Break (47) B 0 . 3 (531602)

Kohinoor Foods (53) B 0 . 2 (512559)

Kolte Patil Deve (31) B 1 . 3 (532924)

Kopran (70) B 0 . 7 (524280)

Kotak Mah. Bank (12) A 1 . 3 (500247)

Kothari Petro. (N) (101) B (532096)

Kothari Products (106) B 0 . 6 (530299)

Kothari Sugars (N) (88) B (507190)

Koutons Retail (97) B 0 . 4 (532901)

Kovai Medical (56) B 0 . 4 (523323)

KPIT CumminsInfo (28) B 1 . 1 (532400)

KRBL (53) B 0 . 6 (530813)

Krebs Biochem (71) S 0 . 6 (524518)

Krishna Lifest. (97) B 0 . 6 (514221)

Kriti Inds. (83) S 0 . 4 (526423)

Krone Comm. (91) S 0 . 6 (523411)

Krypton Inds. (105) B 0 . 8 (523550)

KSB Pumps (78) B 0 . 5 (500249)

KSE (83) S 0 . 3 (519421)

KSK Energy (76) A 0 . 6 (532997)

KSL and Indus (97) S 0 . 1 (530149)

Kulkarni Power (44) B 0 . 7 (505299)

Kwality Dairy (53) B 0 . 6 (531882)


L G Balakrishnan (44) B 0 . 7 (500250)

L T Foods (53) B 0 . 5 (532783)

La Opala RG (55) B 0 . 5 (526947)

Laffans Petro. (22) S 0 . 7 (524522)

Lahoti Overseas (101) S 0 . 4 (531842)

Lak. Electrical (39) B 0 . 6 (504258)

Lak. Mach. Works (92) B 0 . 8 (500252)

Lak. Prec. Screw (48) B 0 . 4 (506079)

Lak. Vilas Bank (12) B 0 . 8 (590069)

Lakshmi Energy (53) B 0 . 4 (519570)

Lakshmi Mills (93) S 0 . 5 (502958)

Lanco Inds. (87) B 0 . 5 (513605)

Lanco Infratech (44) A 1 . 6 (532778)

Lancor Holdings (31) B 0 . 5 (509048)

Landmarc Leisure (47) B 0 . 8 (532275)

Larsen & Toubro (45) A 1 . 1 (500510)

Lawreshwar Poly (58) B 0 . 7 (532829)

LGS Global Ltd (28) B 0 . 4 (532368)

Liberty Shoes (58) B 0 . 6 (526596)

LIC Housing Fin. (51) A 1 . 2 (500253)

Linc Pen (106) S 0 . 7 (531241)

Lincoln Pharma. (72) B 0 . 4 (531633)

Link House Inds (31) B 0 . 2 (512349)

LKP Finance (50) B 0 . 6 (507912)

Lloyd Electric (2) B 0 . 8 (517518)

Lloyd Steel (84) B 0 . 5 (500254)

Lloyds Metals (86) B 0 . 9 (512455)

LML (8) B 0 . 6 (500255)

Logix Microsys. (28) S 0 . 5 (532341)

Lohia Securities (50) B 0 . 5 (590082)

Lok Housing (31) S 1 . 1 (500256)

Lokesh Mach. (44) B 0 . 9 (532740)

Lotte India (53) B 0 . 2 (590004)

Lotus Eye Care (56) T 0 . 6 (532998)

Loyal Textile (93) S 0 . 5 (514036)

Ludlow Jute (100) B 0 . 3 (526179)

Lumax Auto Techn (10) B 0 . 6 (532796)

Lumax Automotive (10) B 0 . 3 (532537)

Lumax Inds. (10) B 0 . 7 (517206)

Lupin (71) A 0 . 5 (500257)

Lyka Labs (70) B 0 . 8 (500259)


M & M (7) A 0 . 9 (500520)

M & M Financial (50) B 0 . 2 (532720)

M & P Pumps (78) B 0 . 5 (532469)

M K Exim (India) (97) S 0 . 2 (590060)

M M Forgings (17) S 0 . 5 (522241)

M T N L (90) A 0 . 8 (500108)

M U S C O (84) B 0 . 7 (504823)

Maars Software (28) B 0 . 6 (531528)

Machino Plastics (75) S 0 . 3 (523248)

Macmillan India (77) B 0 . 7 (532440)

Madhav Marbles (106) T 0 . 7 (515093)

Madhucon Project (31) S 0 . 7 (531497)

Madras Aluminium (3) B 0 . 7 (504580)

Madras Cement (19) B 0 . 7 (500260)

Madras Fert. (N) (49) B (532168)

Mafatlal Inds. (93) S 0 . 4 (500264)

Magma Fincorp (50) B 0 . 6 (524000)

MagnaElectrocast (17) S 0 . 3 (517449)

Magnum (28) B (530347)

Magnum Ventures (64) B 0 . 5 (532896)

Mah Lifespace (31) B 1 (532313)

Mah. Elektrosm. (59) Z 0 . 2 (504824)

Mah. Scooters (8) B 0 . 4 (500266)

Mah. Seamless (84) B 0 . 9 (500265)

Maha.Shree Umaid (93) S 0 . 2 (530059)

Mahalaxmi Seam. (85) S 0 . 7 (513460)

MahalaxmiRubtech (106) B0 . 4 (514450)

Maharashtra Over (50) T 0 . 2 (505523)

Mahindra Comp (10) S 0 . 3 (524138)

Mahindra Forging (17) B 0 . 7 (532756)

Maithan Alloys (59) B 0 . 4 (590078)

Majestic Auto (9) S 0 . 5 (500267)

Malar Hospitals (56) B 0 . 5 (523696)

Malu Paper (64) B 0 . 8 (532728)

Malwa Cotton (94) B 0 . 5 (502995)

Man Aluminium (3) B 0 . 2 (532906)

Man Inds. (84) S 0 . 7 (513269)

Manaksia (59) B 0 . 8 (532932)

Manali Petrochem (69) B 0 . 6 (500268)

Manappuram Gen. (50) B 0 . 3 (531213)

Mangalam Cement (18) B 0 . 7 (502157)

Mangalam Drugs (70) B 0 . 3 (532637)

Mangalam Timber (106) B 0 . 6 (516007)

Mangalore Chem. (49) B 0 . 9 (530011)

Mangalore Ref. (80) A 1 . 1 (500109)

Manjushree Extr. (75) B 0 . 4 (532950)

Manugraph India (44) S 0 . 7 (505324)

Maral Overseas (94) B 0 . 6 (521018)

Marathon Nextgen (93) B 0 . 5 (503101)

Marg (31) B 0 . 5 (530543)

Marico (65) A 0 . 4 (531642)

Marksans Pharma (71) B 0 . 7 (524404)

Marmagoa Steel (85) B 0 . 4 (513355)

Marson’s (39) B 0 . 3 (517467)

Martin Burn (31) B 0 . 5 (523566)

Maruti Suzuki (6) A 0 . 7 (532500)

Mascon Global (29) B 0 . 3 (531131)

Mastek (28) B 0 . 5 (523704)

Page 42: Corporate Score Board 2009

7 0 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Master Trust (50) B 0 . 2 (511768)

Matra Realty (50) T 0 . 2 (512167)

Matrix Labs. (70) B 0 . 9 (524794)

Mavens Biotech (53) B 0 . 1 (590083)

Mawana Sugars (109) B 0 . 6 (523371)

Max India (62) A 0 . 6 (500271)

Maximaa Systems (101) B 0 . 7 (526538)

Maxwell Inds. (93) B 0 . 7 (532613)

Maytas Infra (31) B 0 . 4 (532907)

Mayur Leather (58) S 0 . 3 (531680)

Mayur Uniquoters (75) S 0 . 2 (522249)

Mazda (44) S 0 . 7 (523792)

McDowell Holding (50) T 0 . 5 (532852)

Mcleod Russel (89) B 1 (532654)

McNally Bharat (45) B 1 . 1 (532629)

MCS (106) B 0 . 5 (523221)

Medi-Caps (106) S 0 . 6 (523144)

Media Matrix (47) B 0 . 3 (512267)

Media Video (43) B 1 (530435)

Medicamen Biotec (72) S 0 . 5 (531146)

Mefcom Capital (50) B 0 . 2 (531176)

Mega Corp. (50) Z 0 . 2 (531417)

Megasoft (28) B 0 . 5 (532408)

Meghmani Organic (67) B 0 . 6 (532865)

Melstar Infotech (28) B 0 . 3 (532307)

Menon Bearings (13) S 0 . 7 (523828)

Menon Pistons (10) B 0 . 5 (531727)

Mercator Lines (82) S 1 . 2 (526235)

Merck (73) B 0 . 3 (500126)

Metalman Inds. (85) B 0 . 7 (513131)

Metrochem Inds. (38) S 0 . 4 (524683)

MIC Electronics (43) B 0 . 8 (532850)

Micro Forge (I) (17) Z 0 . 3 (522298)

Micro Inks (77) B 0 . 7 (523886)

Micro Techno. (28) S 0 . 8 (532494)

Mid-Day Multimed (47) B 0 . 9 (532416)

Milkfood (53) B 0 . 1 (507621)

Millennium Beer (14) B 0 . 3 (521147)

Minal Engineerg (101) B 0 . 4 (522235)

Minda Inds. (10) S 0 . 3 (532539)

Mindteck (India) (28) B 0 . 9 (517344)

Mindtree (28) B 0 . 6 (532819)

MIRC Electronics (42) B 0 . 6 (500279)

Mirza Internatio (58) T 0 . 6 (526642)

MMTC (101) A 0 . 6 (513377)

Mobile Telecom (26) B 0 . 3 (532127)

Modern Dairies (53) T 0 . 5 (519287)

Modern India (94) S 0 . 3 (503015)

Modern Steels (85) S 0 . 8 (513303)

Modipon (22) B 0 . 3 (503776)

Modison Metals (39) S 0 . 6 (506261)

Mohit Inds. (96) S 0 . 7 (531453)

Mold-Tek Technol (62) B 1 . 2 (526263)

Monnet Inds. (106) B 0 . 2 (532078)

Monnet Ispat (86) B 0 . 7 (513446)

Monnet Sugar (88) B 0 . 5 (532723)

Monsanto India (68) B 0 . 4 (524084)

Morarjee Textile (97) B 0 . 3 (532621)

Morepen Labs. (70) B 0 . 8 (500288)

Morgan Ventures (50) B 0 . 2 (526237)

Morganite Crucib (81) B 0 . 3 (523160)

Moschip Semicon. (28) B 0 . 5 (532407)

Moser Baer (26) B 1 . 2 (517140)

Motherson Sumi (10) B 0 . 3 (517334)

Motilal OswalFin (50) B 0 . 8 (532892)

Motor&Gen.Fin. (50) B 0 . 6 (501343)

Mount Ever. Trd. (50) B 0 . 3 (532724)

Mount Everest (53) B 0 . 5 (531096)

Mount Shivalik (14) S 0 . 7 (507522)

MphasiS (27) A 0 . 8 (526299)

MRF (105) B 0 . 7 (500290)

MRO-TEK (26) B 0 . 9 (532376)

MSK Projects (31) B 0 . 4 (532553)

MSP Steel & Pow. (86) B 0 . 8 (532650)

MTZ Polyfilms (62) B 0 . 5 (512424)

Mudra Lifestyle (96) B 0 . 9 (532820)

Mukand (84) B 0 . 8 (500460)

Mukand Engineers (45) B 0 . 7 (532097)

Mukat Pipes (85) S 0 . 2 (523832)

Mukta Arts (47) B 0 . 7 (532357)

Multi Arc (44) S 0 . 4 (513685)

Multibase India (75) B 0 . 7 (526169)

Mundra Port (106) A 0 . 9 (532921)

Munjal Auto Inds (10) B 0 . 5 (520059)

Munjal Showa (10) B 0 . 6 (520043)

Murli Industries (83) S 0 . 8 (519323)

Murudeshwar Cer. (21) B 0 . 7 (515037)

Muthoot Cap.Serv (50) B 0 . 6 (511766)

MVL (31) B 0 . 9 (532991)

Mysore Cement (18) B 0 . 7 (500292)

Mysore Paper (64) Z 0 . 5 (502405)

Mysore Petro (22) S 0 . 5 (506734)


N D Metal Indust (59) B (512024)

N G Inds. (56) S 0 . 1 (530897)

N R Agarwal Inds (64) B 0 . 7 (516082)

Nag. Agrichem (67) B 0 . 7 (524709)

Nag. Constructn (31) A 1 . 2 (500294)

Nag. Fert & Chem (49) B 1 . 5 (500075)

Nagpur Power (59) B 0 . 5 (532362)

Nagreeka Capital (50) B 0 . 4 (532895)

Nagreeka Exports (94) S 0 . 7 (521109)

Nahar Capital (50) B 0 . 7 (532952)

Nahar Indl. Ent. (94) S 0 . 6 (519136)

Nahar Poly (94) B 0 . 6 (523391)

Nahar Spinning (97) B 0 . 8 (500296)

Nakoda Textile (96) S 0 . 6 (521030)

Nalwa Sons (50) B 0 . 4 (532256)

Nandam Exim Ltd (97) B 0 . 7 (532641)

Narendra Propert (31) B 0 . 2 (531416)

Narmada Gelatine (22) B 0 . 6 (526739)

Natco Pharma (70) B 0 . 7 (524816)

Nath Pulp&Paper (64) B 0 . 3 (502407)

Natl. Aluminium (3) A 0 . 9 (532234)

Natl. Fertilizer (49) B 1 (523630)

Natl. Oxygen (22) B 0 . 7 (507813)

Natl. Peroxide (22) B 0 . 8 (500298)

Natl. Steel&Agro (84) B 0 . 7 (513179)

Nava Bharat Vent (109) B 0 . 9 (513023)

Navin Fluorine (22) S 0 . 8 (532504)

Navneet Pub. (77) B 0 . 6 (508989)

NCL Inds. (19) S 0 . 6 (502168)

NDTV (47) A 0 . 7 (532529)

Nectar Lifesci. (71) B 0 . 8 (532649)

Neelamalai Agro (89) Z (508670)

Neelkanth Rock. (106) B 0 . 4 (531049)

Neemtek Org. (97) B 0 . 2 (502893)

Nelcast (17) B 0 . 8 (532864)

NELCO (91) T 0 . 7 (504112)

Neo Corp Intern (62) B 0 . 5 (523820)

NEPC India (39) B 0 . 7 (500301)

NESCO (109) B 1 (505355)

Nestle India (54) A 0 . 2 (500790)

Net 4 India (28) B 0 . 5 (532912)

Nettlinx (90) B 0 . 3 (511658)

Network (106) T 0 . 3 (523558)

Network 18 Media (50) B 0 . 8 (532798)

Networth Finance (50) B 0 . 8 (511551)

Neuland Labs. (71) S 0 . 6 (524558)

Nexxoft Infotel (28) B 0 . 4 (532045)

Neyveli Lignite (76) A 1 . 4 (513683)

Nicco Corpn. (15) B 0 . 7 (590028)

Nicco Parks (79) S 0 . 4 (526721)

NIIT (30) B 0 . 9 (500304)

NIIT Tech. (28) B 1 . 1 (532541)

Nila Infrastruc. (31) B 0 . 5 (530377)

NILE (44) B 0 . 3 (530129)

Nilkamal Ltd (75) B 0 . 6 (523385)

Nippo Batteries (37) B 0 . 5 (504058)

Niraj Cement (31) B 0 . 5 (532986)

Nirav Commercial (101) B 0 . 6 (512425)

Nirlon (95) B 0 . 9 (500307)

Nirma (34) B 0 . 6 (500308)

Niryat Sam Appar (97) Z 0 . 1 (531836)

Nissan Copper (59) T 0 . 3 (532789)

Nitco (21) B 0 . 5 (532722)

Nitin Fire Prote (44) B 0 . 7 (532854)

Nitin Spinners (94) B 0 . 7 (532698)

Nitta Gelatin (22) S 0 . 7 (506532)

NMDC Ltd (59) A 0 . 7 (526371)

Noble Explochem (22) TS 0 . 7 (506991)

NOCIL (22) B 0 . 8 (500730)

Noida Tollbridge (31) B 1 (532481)

Northgate Techno (28) S 0 . 5 (590057)

Nouveau Multi. (50) B 0 . 2 (531465)

Nova Petro (95) B 0 . 4 (530605)

Novartis India (73) B 0 . 2 (500672)

Novopan Inds (106) B 0 . 7 (500310)

NRB Bearings (13) B 0 . 6 (530367)

NRC (95) T 0 . 8 (503780)

NTPC (76) A 0 . 9 (532555)

Nu Tek India Ltd (91) B 0 . 4 (533015)

Nuchem (106) B 0 . 5 (500311)

Nucleus Software (28) B 0 . 7 (531209)

Numeric Power (43) S 0 . 7 (532051)


O N G C (61) A 0 . 8 (500312)

OCL India (18) B 0 . 9 (502165)

OCL Iron (85) B 0 . 8 (533008)

Oil Country Tub. (85) B 0 . 5 (500313)

OK Play India (75) B 0 . 7 (526415)

Om Metals Infrap (44) B 0 . 8 (531092)

Omax Autos (10) B 0 . 7 (520021)

Omaxe Ltd (31) A 1 . 3 (532880)

Omnitech Info (28) B 1 . 1 (532882)

OnMobile Global (90) A 0 . 6 (532944)

Ontrack Systems (28) B 0 . 4 (532607)

Onward Tech. (28) B 0 . 5 (517536)

Opto Circuits(I) (43) A 0 . 9 (532391)

Oracle Financial (27) A 1 (532466)

Orbit Corpn (31) B 1 . 5 (532837)

Orchid Chem. (71) B 0 . 7 (524372)

ORG Informatics (26) B 0 . 7 (517195)

Oricon Enter. (62) S 0 . 4 (513121)

Orient Abrasives (1) S 0 . 7 (504879)

Orient Ceramics (21) S 0 . 6 (530365)

Orient Paper (108) B 0 . 9 (502420)

Orient Press (62) B 0 . 3 (526325)

Oriental Bank (11) A 0 . 8 (500315)

Oriental Carbon (22) S 0 . 5 (506579)

Oriental Hotels (57) B 0 . 4 (500314)

Oriental Trimex (106) B 0 . 5 (532817)

Oriental Veneer (106) B (531859)

Orion Paper (64) S 0 . 2 (516020)

Orissa Sponge (86) S 0 . 4 (504864)

Oscar Investment (50) B 0 . 2 (501179)

Oswal Chem.&Fert (N) (49) B (500063)

Oudh Sugar (88) T 0 . 6 (507260)


P & G Hygiene (66) B 0 . 3 (500459)

P B A Infrastruc (31) B 1 . 2 (532676)

P G Foils (3) B 0 . 3 (526747)

P I Drugs & Phar (71) B 0 . 5 (512529)

P I Inds. (67) Z (523642)

Pace Textiles (97) B 0 . 2 (512449)

Pacific Cotspin (94) B 0 . 7 (531118)

Padmalaya Tele (47) B 0 . 2 (532350)

PAE (10) B 0 . 6 (517230)

Page Industries (97) B 0 . 2 (532827)

Pan India Corpor (29) B 0 . 2 (511525)

Panacea Biotec (70) B 0 . 5 (531349)

Panama Petrochem (22) B 1 (524820)

Panasonic Carbon (40) S 0 . 4 (508941)

Panasonic Energy (37) S 0 . 5 (504093)

Panasonic Home (36) S 0 . 2 (523307)

Panchmahal Steel (85) B 0 . 3 (513511)

Panoramic Univer (57) B 0 . 6 (531816)

Pantaloon Retail (97) A 0 . 8 (523574)

Panyam Cement (85) Z 0 . 2 (500322)

Paper Products (62) B 0 . 5 (509820)

Paramount Comm. (16) S 0 . 8 (530555)

Paras Petrofils (95) T 0 . 5 (521246)

Parekh Aluminex (3) B 0 . 5 (532606)

Parekh Platinum (35) B 0 . 5 (500323)

Parenteral Drugs (72) S 0 . 5 (524689)

Parle Software (28) B 0 . 2 (532911)

Parry Agro Inds. (89) S 0 . 3 (508184)

Parsoli Corpn (50) B 0 . 6 (530071)

Parsvnath Develo (31) A 1 . 3 (532780)

Pasari Spinning (94) B 0 . 2 (521080)

Pasupati Acrylon (95) B 0 . 6 (500456)

Pasupati Fabrics (94) B (532069)

Patel Engg. (31) S 1 . 1 (531120)

Patel Integrated (106) S 0 . 8 (526381)

Patels Airtemp (44) B 0 . 5 (517417)

Patni Computer (27) A 0 . 7 (532517)

Patspin India (94) B 0 . 6 (514326)

Paushak. (67) B 0 . 3 (532742)

PBM Polytex (94) TS 0 . 3 (514087)

PCS Technology (26) B 0 . 5 (517119)

Pearl Engg. Poly (69) B 0 . 2 (526562)

Pearl Global (97) B 0 . 3 (521123)

Pearl Polymers (75) B 0 . 4 (523260)

Peninsula Land (31) B 1 . 5 (503031)

Pennar Aluminium (3) B 0 . 6 (513405)

Pennar Inds. (85) TS 0 . 2 (513228)

Pentamedia Graph (47) B 0 . 8 (500329)

Pentasoft Tech (28) B 0 . 7 (531492)

Perfect Circle I (10) T (505789)

Petron Engg. (45) B 0 . 6 (530381)

Petronet LNG (106) A 0 . 9 (532522)

Pfizer (73) B 0 . 3 (500680)

Phillips Carbon (22) B 0 . 7 (506590)

Phoenix Intl. (58) B 0 . 4 (526481)

Phoenix Lamps (10) B 0 . 6 (517296)

Phoenix Mills (31) A 0 . 8 (503100)

Piccadily Sugar (88) B 0 . 4 (507498)

Pidilite Inds. (22) B 0 . 6 (500331)

Pion. Distiller. (14) B 0 . 4 (531879)

Pion. Embroider. (97) S 0 . 7 (514300)

Pioneer Invest. (50) B 0 . 3 (507864)

Piramal Glass (55) B 0 . 7 (532949)

Piramal Health (70) A 0 . 4 (500302)

Piramal Life (71) B 0 . 6 (532979)

Pitti Lamination (44) S 0 . 9 (513519)

Pix Transmission (106) B 0 . 7 (500333)

Plastiblends (75) S 0 . 4 (523648)

Platinum Crop (53) B 0 . 4 (532117)

Plethico Pharma (72) B 0 . 7 (532739)

PNB Gilts (50) B 0 . 4 (532366)

Pochiraju Inds. (106) B 0 . 8 (532803)

Poddar Developer (97) B 0 . 7 (523628)

Poddar Pigments (75) S 0 . 4 (524570)

Pokarna (106) B 0 . 7 (532486)

Polar Pharma (I) (106) S 0 . 2 (523333)

Polaris Software (27) B 1 . 3 (532254)

Poly Medicure (56) B 0 . 7 (531768)

Polyplex Corpn. (62) B 0 . 7 (524051)

Pondy Oxides (22) B 0 . 3 (532626)

Ponni Sugars (E) (88) B 0 . 4 (532460)

Poon Dal & Oil (83) S 0 . 2 (519359)

Porwal Auto Com. (17) B 0 . 8 (532933)

Power Fin Corpn (52) A 0 . 9 (532810)

Power Grid Corpn (76) A 0 . 9 (532898)

Powersoft GSL (28) B 0 . 5 (532736)

Pradeep Metals (17) B 0 . 4 (513532)

Prag Bosimi Syn. (95) T 0 . 1 (500192)

Praj Inds. (44) A 1 . 4 (522205)

Prajay Engg. (31) B 0 . 7 (531746)

Prakash Inds. (108) B 1 (506022)

Pratibha Inds (31) B 0 . 8 (532718)

Prec. Electronic (91) S 0 . 3 (517258)

Prec. Wires (I) (59) B 0 . 7 (523539)

Precision Cont (62) B 0 . 7 (523874)

Precision Pipes (75) B 0 . 7 (532934)

Precot Meridian (N) (94) Z (521184)

Prem. Explosives (22) B 0 . 6 (526247)

Premier (44) B 0 . 7 (500540)

PRICOL (10) B 0 . 7 (526109)

Prima Plastics (75) B 0 . 2 (530589)

Prime Focus (47) B 0 . 9 (532748)

Prime Property (31) S 0 . 7 (530695)

Prime Securities (50) B 0 . 6 (500337)

Prime Textiles (94) B 0 . 3 (521149)

Prism Cement (18) B 0 . 9 (500338)

Prit. Nandy Comm (47) B 0 . 7 (532387)

Prithvi Info (28) B 1 . 1 (532675)

Priyadarsh. Spg. (99) B 0 . 9 (503873)

Proto Developers (70) B 0 . 9 (530069)

Provogue (India) (97) B 0 . 4 (532647)

Prraneta Inds (101) B 0 . 3 (531611)

PSI Data System (28) S 0 . 5 (532199)

PSL (84) B 0 . 5 (526801)

PTC India (101) B 0 . 8 (532524)

PTL Enterprises (105) S 0 . 5 (509220)

Pudumjee Industr (64) B 0 . 5 (516092)

Pudumjee Pulp (64) B 0 . 5 (500343)

Punj Lloyd (31) A 1 . 3 (532693)

Punjab Alkalies (23) B 0 . 4 (506852)

Punjab Chemicals (22) S 0 . 8 (506618)

Punjab Commun. (91) S 0 . 6 (500346)

Punjab Natl Bank (11) A 0 . 9 (532461)

Punjab Tractors (7) B 0 . 8 (500344)

Punjab Woolcomb. (97) B0 . 3 (509839)

Puravankara Proj (31) B 1 . 1 (532891)

PVP Ventures (31) B 0 . 6 (517556)

PVR (47) B 0 . 6 (532689)

Pyramid Saimira (47) B 1 . 2 (532791)


Quintegra Soln. (28) B 0 . 4 (532866)


R C F (49) A 1 (524230)

R M Mohite Tex. (94) B 0 . 4 (532140)

R S R Mohota Spg (93) T (530047)

R S Software (I) (28) B 0 . 9 (517447)

R Systems Inter. (28) B 0 . 6 (532735)

R T Exports (53) S 0 . 1 (512565)

Radaan Mediawork (47) B 0 . 4 (590070)

Radha Madhav Cor (62) B 0 . 5 (532692)

Radhe Developers (31) B 0 . 3 (531273)

Radico Khaitan (14) B 0 . 5 (532497)

Raghav Inds. (101) B (526465)

Rain Commodities (19) B 0 . 8 (500339)

Rainbow Denim (97) S 0 . 1 (532441)

Rainbow Paper (64) S 0 . 5 (523523)

Raj Rayon (96) S 0 . 7 (530699)

Raj Television (47) B 0 . 9 (532826)

RajapalayamMill (94) S 0 . 6 (532503)

Rajendra Mech. (85) B 0 . 6 (513043)

Rajesh Exports (35) B 1 . 1 (531500)

Rajoo Engineers (44) S 0 . 4 (522257)

Rajratan Global (85) B 0 . 3 (517522)

Rajshree Sugars (88) B 0 . 7 (500354)

Rajvir Inds (100) B 0 . 7 (532665)

Rallis India (67) B 0 . 5 (500355)

Ram Informatics (28) B 1 (530951)

Ram Ratna Wires (59) S 0 . 4 (522281)

Rama Newsprint (64) B 0 . 9 (500356)

Rama Paper (64) B 0 . 7 (500357)

Rama Pulp (64) B 1 (502587)

Ramco Inds. (20) B 0 . 6 (532369)

Ramco Systems (28) B 0 . 7 (532370)

Ramkrishna Forg. (17) B 0 . 5 (532527)

Ramsarup Inds (84) B 0 . 9 (532690)

Rana Sugars (88) B 0 . 6 (507490)

Ranbaxy Labs. (70) A 0 . 6 (500359)

Rane (Madras) (10) B 0 . 4 (532661)

Rane Brake Lin (10) B 0 . 4 (532987)

Rane Engine Val (10) B 0 . 3 (532988)

Rane Holdings (10) B 0 . 3 (505800)

Ranklin Solution (28) S 0 . 5 (590077)

Rap Media (47) B 0 . 5 (531583)

Rasandik Engg. (10) S 0 . 5 (522207)

Rasoi (106) B 0 . 1 (507649)

Rasoya Proteins (83) B 0 . 6 (531522)

Rathi Bars (85) B 0 . 8 (532918)

Rathi Graphic (62) B 0 . 3 (524610)

Rathi Steel (85) S 0 . 7 (504903)

Ratnabali Cap. (50) B 0 . 4 (531391)

Ratnamani Metals (85) S 0 . 7 (520111)

Raunaq Auto. (10) B 0 . 5 (520073)

Ravalgaon Sugar (53) B 0 . 6 (507300)

Raymond (97) B 0 . 5 (500330)

RDB Inds. (31) B 0 . 6 (526723)

Real Strips (85) S 0 . 4 (513558)

Redington India (26) B 0 . 6 (532805)

Refex Refrigeran (22) B 0 . 2 (532884)

Regency Ceramics (21) B 0 . 5 (515018)

REI Agro (53) A 0 . 8 (532106)

Rel Indl Infra (45) B 1 (523445)

Relaxo Footwears (58) S 0 . 5 (530517)

Reliable Venture (57) B 0 . 1 (532124)

Reliance Capital (50) A 1 . 6 (500111)

Reliance Comm (90) A 1 . 3 (532712)

Reliance Inds. (80) A 1 . 1 (500325)

Reliance Infra (76) A 1 . 7 (500390)

Reliance Natural (106) A 1 . 5 (532709)

Reliance Petro (80) A 1 . 1 (532743)

Reliance Power (76) A 1 (532939)

Religare Enter (50) B 0 . 5 (532915)

Religare Techno (50) T 0 . 6 (526927)

Remi Metals Guj. (85) B 0 . 4 (500365)

Remsons Inds. (10) B 0 . 1 (530919)

Renaissance Jew (35) B 0 . 7 (532923)

Repro India (77) B 0 . 7 (532687)

Responsive Ind (75) Z 0 . 2 (505509)

Restile Ceramics (21) T 0 . 1 (515085)

Resurgere Mines (59) B 0 . 4 (533017)

Revathi Equipmnt (25) S 0 . 6 (505368)

Richa Industries (97) B 0 . 8 (532766)

Rico Auto Inds. (10) B 0 . 9 (520008)

Ricoh India (106) B 0 . 6 (517496)

Riddhi Siddhi Gl (106) S 0 . 3 (524480)

Riga Sugar (88) S 0 . 5 (507508)

Rishi Laser (44) B 0 . 7 (526861)

Ritesh Prop (31) B 0 . 3 (526407)

Robinson Worldwd (101) Z (532154)

Rohit Ferro (59) B 0 . 7 (532731)

Rolta India (28) A 1 (500366)

Roman Tarmat (31) B 0 . 5 (532869)

Page 43: Corporate Score Board 2009

7 1Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Roto Pumps (78) B 0 . 7 (517500)

Royal Cush. Vin. (75) S 0 . 2 (526193)

Royal Orchid Hot (57) B 0 . 6 (532699)

Royale Manor (57) B 0 . 7 (526640)

RPG Cables (15) T 0 . 7 (517056)

RSWM Ltd (99) B 0 . 4 (500350)

RTS Power (39) B 0 . 5 (531215)

Ruby Mills (93) B 0 . 6 (503169)

Ruchi Infrastr. (83) T 0 . 5 (509020)

Ruchi Soya Inds. (83) B 0 . 8 (500368)

Ruchi Strips (85) B 0 . 8 (513295)

Ruchira Papers (64) B 0 . 6 (532785)

Rural Elec Corpn (52) A 0 . 8 (532955)


S A I L (84) A 1 . 2 (500113)

S B T (11) B 0 . 4 (532191)

S C I (82) A 0 . 8 (523598)

S I Paper Mills (64) B (516108)

S Kumars Online (28) B 0 . 1 (532316)

S P Capital Fin. (50) Z (530289)

S P I C (49) B 0 . 5 (590030)

S T C (101) B 0 . 9 (512531)

S.A.L Steel (85) B 0 . 6 (532604)

S.Kumars Nation (96) B 1 . 3 (514304)

SAAG RR (31) B 0 . 7 (531374)

Saamya Biotech (70) B 0 . 5 (532905)

Sabero Organics (67) B 0 . 5 (524446)

Sadbhav Engg. (31) B 0 . 6 (532710)

Sagar Cements (19) S 0 . 6 (502090)

Sah Petroleums (80) T 0 . 5 (532543)

Sahara Housing (51) T 0 . 4 (511533)

Sahara One Media (47) S 0 . 6 (503691)

Sahyadri Inds (106) B 0 . 4 (532841)

Sai Service (10) B 0 . 4 (526681)

Saint-Gob. Sekur (55) B 0 . 7 (515043)

Saksoft (28) B 0 . 4 (590051)

Sakthi Finance (50) B 0 . 3 (511066)

Sakthi Sugars (88) B 0 . 9 (507315)

Sakuma Exports (101) B 0 . 5 (532713)

Salora Intl. (42) B 0 . 5 (500370)

Salzer Electron. (39) S 0 . 5 (517059)

Sam Inds. (83) B 0 . 2 (532005)

Sambandam Spg. (94) S 0 . 4 (521240)

Sambhaav Media (77) B 0 . 5 (511630)

Samkrg Pistons (10) S 0 . 5 (520075)

Samtel Color (43) B 0 . 3 (500372)

Samtex Fashions (97) S 0 . 2 (521206)

Sanco Trans (106) B 0 . 7 (523116)

Sandesh (77) B 0 . 4 (526725)

Sandur Manganese (59) Z 0 . 4 (504918)

Sangam (India) (99) B 0 . 6 (514234)

Sanghi Inds. (18) B 0 . 4 (526521)

Sanghi Polyester (N) (95) Z (500375)

Sanghvi Movers (45) B 0 . 7 (530073)

Sanguine Media (106) B 0 . 8 (531898)

Sanjivani Parant (72) B 0 . 9 (531569)

Sankhya Infotech (28) B 0 . 7 (532972)

Sanraa Media (28) B 0 . 4 (531312)

Sanwaria Agro (83) S 0 . 6 (519260)

Saptarishi Agro (53) Z (519238)

Saraswati Indl. (84) B (533033)

Sarda Energy (85) S 1 (504614)

Sarda Plywood (106) B 0 . 4 (516003)

Saregama India (47) B 0 . 6 (532163)

Sarla Performanc (96) S 0 . 3 (526885)

Sasken Comm.Tech (28) B 1 . 1 (532663)

Sat Industries (101) S 0 . 4 (511076)

Sathavaha. Ispat (87) B 1 (526093)

Satra Properties (31) B 0 . 8 (508996)

Satyam Computer (27) A 0 . 8 (500376)

Saurastra Cem. (18) T 0 . 7 (502175)

Savera Industrie (57) B 0 . 3 (512634)

Savita Chemical (69) B 0 . 4 (524667)

Sayaji Hotel (57) B 0 . 3 (523710)

SB & T Intl. (35) B 0 . 8 (513583)

SBEC Sugar (88) B 0 . 1 (532102)

Scenario Media (101) Z (505590)

Schlafhorst Engg (92) Z 0 . 2 (505358)

Schrader Dunc. (10) S 0 . 3 (504908)

SCIL Ventures (50) B 0 . 2 (530269)

Scooters India (8) B 0 . 4 (505141)

SE Investments (50) B 0 . 1 (532900)

SEAMEC Ltd (82) B 0 . 8 (526807)

Sejal Archit (55) B 0 . 7 (532993)

SEL Mfg (94) B 0 . 7 (532886)

Selan Expl. Tech (61) S 0 . 8 (530075)

Sesa Goa (59) A 0 . 9 (500295)

Seshachal Tech. (28) B 0 . 2 (531794)

Seshasayee Paper (64) B 0 . 6 (502450)

Setco Automotive (10) B 0 . 5 (505075)

Sh. Ajit Pulp (64) S 0 . 2 (590058)

Sh. Bajrang All. (85) B 0 . 2 (526981)

Sh. Bhawani Pap. (64) B 0 . 4 (502563)

Sh. Digvijay Cem (18) S 0 . 8 (502180)

Sh. Dinesh Mills (97) S 0 . 6 (503804)

Sh. Hari Chem. (38) B 0 . 4 (524336)

Sh. Krishna Pap. (64) S (500388)

Sh. Rajas. Synt. (99) S 0 . 4 (503837)

Sh. Rama Multi (62) B 0 . 4 (532310)

Shah Alloys (84) T 0 . 2 (513436)

Shakti Met-dor (44) Z 0 . 2 (526510)

Shakti Pumps (78) S 0 . 5 (531431)

Shalimar Paints (63) S 0 . 5 (509874)

Shamken Multifab (96) B (514152)

Shamken Spinners (94) B 0 . 1 (500386)

Shanthi Gears (44) B 0 . 5 (522034)

Shantivijay Jew. (35) S (530989)

Shardul Sec. (50) B 0 . 4 (512393)

Sharon Bio-Med. (72) S 0 . 5 (532908)

Sharp India (42) B 0 . 6 (523449)

Sharyans Resour. (51) B 0 . 8 (511413)

Shasun Chemicals (71) B 0 . 7 (524552)

Shaw Wallace (14) B 0 . 9 (501379)

Shervani Indl.Sy (37) B 0 . 1 (526117)

Shetron (62) B 0 . 6 (526137)

Shilchar Elect. (39) B (531201)

Shilp Gravures (44) S 0 . 7 (513709)

Shilpa Medicare (71) B 0 . 7 (530549)

Shirpur Gold Ref (59) B 0 . 2 (512289)

Shiv Texyarn (94) B 0 . 7 (511108)

Shiv-Vani OilGas (61) S 0 . 8 (522175)

Shiva Cement (19) T 0 . 5 (532323)

Shivalik Bimetal (59) B 0 . 2 (513097)

Shivam Autotech (10) B 0 . 5 (532776)

Shoppers’ Stop (97) B 0 . 2 (532638)

Shree Ashtavina (47) B 0 . 4 (532793)

Shree Cement (18) B 0 . 5 (500387)

Shree Ganesh Frg (17) B 0 . 7 (532643)

Shree Ram Urban (96) B 0 . 7 (503205)

Shree Renuka Sug (88) A 1 . 2 (532670)

Shrenuj & Co. (35) B 0 . 9 (523236)

Shreyans Inds. (64) TS 0 . 3 (516016)

Shreyas Intermed (38) B 0 . 5 (526335)

Shreyas Shipping (82) B 0 . 8 (520151)

Shri Lakshmi (96) B 0 . 7 (526049)

Shriram City Un. (50) B 0 . 3 (532498)

Shriram EPC (44) B 0 . 4 (532945)

Shriram Trans. (50) A 0 . 4 (511218)

Shristi Infra (31) B 0 . 4 (511411)

Shukra Jewellery (35) T (523790)

Shyam Star Gems (35) B 0 . 4 (526365)

Shyam Telecom (91) B 0 . 7 (517411)

SI Group (22) B 0 . 5 (506460)

Sicagen India (101) B 0 . 8 (533014)

Sical Logistics (101) T 0 . 9 (520086)

Siemens (43) A 0 . 9 (500550)

Siemens Health (56) B 0 . 4 (506559)

Sika Interplant (44) B 0 . 7 (523606)

SIL Investments (50) B 0 . 7 (521194)

Silktex (98) S 0 . 6 (526835)

Silver Smith (I) (35) S 0 . 3 (531626)

Silverline Anima (28) B 0 . 7 (532999)

Silverline Tech (28) B 0 . 8 (500389)

Simbhaoli Sugars (88) TS 0 . 6 (507446)

Simplex Casting (17) B 0 . 7 (513472)

Simplex Infra (31) B 0 . 8 (523838)

Simplex Projects (31) B 0 . 6 (532877)

Simplex Realty (31) B 0 . 2 (503229)

Sinclairs Hotels (57) S 0 . 2 (523023)

Singer India (101) B 0 . 4 (505729)

Sintex Inds. (108) A 0 . 9 (502742)

Sir Shadi Lal En (88) T 0 . 5 (532879)

Sirpur Paper (64) B 0 . 8 (502455)

Sita Shree Food (53) B 0 . 9 (532961)

Siyaram Silk (96) S 0 . 7 (503811)

SKF India (13) B 0 . 4 (500472)

SKM Egg Products (53) B 0 . 4 (532143)

SKP Securities (50) B (531169)

SKS Logistics Lt (82) S 0 . 6 (526508)

Sky Inds. (97) S 0 . 4 (526479)

Skyline Millars (44) B 0 . 3 (505650)

SMIFS Cap. Mkt. (50) B 0 . 1 (508905)

Smruthi Organic (71) S 0 . 7 (590046)

SMS Pharma (71) B 0 . 6 (532815)

SNL Bearings (13) Z 0 . 2 (505827)

Sobha Developers (31) B 1 (532784)

Softpro Systems (28) B 0 . 3 (532332)

Softsol India (28) S 0 . 2 (532344)

Software Tech. (30) B 0 . 4 (532293)

Solar Explosives (22) B 0 . 4 (532725)

Solectron EMS (106) B 0 . 8 (532956)

Solid Stone (106) B (513699)

Solix Technolgs. (28) B 0 . 1 (501421)

Solvay Pharma (73) B 0 . 3 (532447)

Som Datt Finance (50) B 0 . 4 (511571)

Som Distilleries (14) B 0 . 5 (507514)

Soma Textiles (93) B 0 . 3 (521034)

Somany Ceramics (21) B 0 . 6 (531548)

Somi Conveyor (106) B 0 . 8 (533001)

Sona Koyo Steer. (10) B 0 . 4 (520057)

Sonata Software (28) B 0 . 7 (532221)

South Asian Petr (69) B 0 . 7 (532452)

South Ind. Bank (12) B 0 . 7 (532218)

Southern Online (106) B 0 . 6 (532669)

Sowbhagya Media (47) B 0 . 2 (532025)

Span Diagnostics (56) S 0 . 3 (524727)

Spanco Ltd (29) S 0 . 8 (508976)

SPARC (106) B 0 . 7 (532872)

Sparsh BPO (28) B 0 . 5 (532833)

Spartek Ceramics (21) Z (515003)

Speciality Paper (64) B 0 . 6 (502465)

Spectra Inds. (10) B 0 . 1 (513687)

Spel Semiconduct (26) B 0 . 7 (517166)

Spentex Inds. (94) B 0 . 9 (521082)

Spice Comm (90) A 0 . 7 (532863)

Spice Mobiles (91) S 0 . 4 (517214)

SpiceJet Ltd (103) B 0 . 9 (500285)

SPL Inds. (97) B 0 . 6 (532651)

SQL Star Intl. (30) S 0 . 7 (532249)

Sr. Rayal. Alka. (23) B 0 . 7 (507753)

Sree Rayalaseema (22) B 0 . 7 (532842)

Sree Sakthi Pap. (64) B 0 . 5 (532701)

SREI Infra. Fin. (50) B 0 . 8 (523756)

SRF (95) B 0 . 8 (503806)

SRF Polymers (22) S 0 . 4 (532468)

Sri Adhik. Bros. (47) B 1 (530943)

Srinivasa Hatch. (106) S (526893)

SSPDL Ltd (31) S 0 . 9 (530821)

St Bk of Bikaner (11) B 0 . 5 (501061)

St Bk of India (11) A 1 (500112)

St Bk of Mysore (11) B 0 . 4 (532200)

Standard Inds. (23) B 0 . 8 (530017)

Stanrose Maf.Inv (50) Z 0 . 3 (506105)

Star Paper (64) B 0 . 6 (516022)

Steel Exchange (85) S 0 . 9 (590037)

Steel Str. Wheel (10) S 0 . 4 (513262)

Steel Strips Inf (31) Z (513173)

Steelcast (17) B 0 . 4 (513517)

Steelco Gujarat (85) B 0 . 5 (500399)

Stelco Strips (85) B 0 . 6 (513530)

Ster. Holid. Res (57) TS 0 . 9 (523363)

Sterling Biotech (22) A 0 . 4 (512299)

Sterling Intl (28) S 0 . 4 (508998)

Sterling Tools (48) S 0 . 5 (530759)

Sterlite Inds. (59) A 1 . 2 (500900)

Sterlite Tech (16) B 1 . 4 (532374)

Stewar.&Lloyds (44) S 0 . 3 (504960)

STI India (94) B 0 . 2 (513151)

STL Global (96) B 0 . 9 (532730)

Stone India (39) S 0 . 6 (522085)

Stovec Inds. (92) B 0 . 2 (504959)

StresscreteIndia (20) B 0 . 1 (531444)

Strides Arcolab (70) B 0 . 8 (532531)

Su-Raj Diamonds (35) B 0 . 7 (507892)

Suashish Diamond (35) B 0 . 6 (526733)

Suave Hotels Ltd (57) B 0 . 6 (531373)

Subex (28) B 0 . 7 (532348)

Subhash Projects (31) B 0 . 9 (500402)

Subhkam Capital (50) B 0 . 1 (531866)

Subros (10) S 0 . 6 (517168)

Sudarshan Chem. (38) B 0 . 4 (506655)

Sujana Metal Prd (85) B 1 (513414)

Sujana Towers (102) B 0 . 9 (532887)

Sujana Univ. Ind (36) S 0 . 9 (517224)

Sukhjit Starch (106) S 0 . 5 (524542)

Sulzer India (44) S 0 . 5 (522087)

Sumeet Inds. (95) S 0 . 8 (514211)

Summit Securitie (50) B 0 . 9 (504807)

Sun Pharma. (70) A 0 . 3 (524715)

Sun TV Network (47) A 0 . 7 (532733)

Sundaram Brake (10) B 0 . 3 (590072)

Sundaram Clayton (10) B 0 . 5 (520056)

Sundaram Finance (50) B 0 . 5 (590071)

Sundaram Mult. (77) TS 0 . 6 (590047)

Sundram Fasten. (48) B 0 . 7 (500403)

Sunflag Iron (84) B 0 . 8 (500404)

Sunil Hitech (45) B 1 . 1 (532711)

Sunshield Chem. (22) B 0 . 1 (530845)

Sunteck Realty (97) B 0 . 2 (512179)

Super Sales Ind (94) S 0 . 6 (512527)

Super Spinning (94) T 0 . 9 (521180)

Super Tannery (58) B 0 . 4 (523842)

Superhouse Ltd (58) B 0 . 6 (523283)

Suprajit Engg. (10) S 0 . 5 (532509)

Supreme Holdings (50) B 0 . 3 (530677)

Supreme Inds. (75) B 0 . 5 (509930)

Supreme Infra (45) B 1 (532904)

Supreme Petroch. (69) B 0 . 7 (500405)

Supreme Tex (94) B 0 . 5 (531934)

Suraj Stainless (85) S 0 . 7 (531638)

Surana Corp. (101) B 0 . 3 (531102)

Surana Inds. (85) B 0 . 3 (513597)

Surana Telecom (16) B 0 . 7 (517530)

Surat Textile (93) B 0 . 3 (530185)

Surya Chakra Pow (76) B 0 . 8 (532874)

Surya Pharma. (70) B 1 (532516)

Surya Roshni (84) B 0 . 7 (500336)

Suryajyoti Spg. (94) S 0 . 5 (521022)

Suryalak. Cott. (94) T 0 . 4 (521200)

Suryalata Spg. (99) S 0 . 4 (514138)

Suryavanshi Spg. (94) S 0 . 4 (514140)

Sutlej Textiles (94) T 0 . 8 (532782)

Suven Life Scie. (71) B 0 . 7 (530239)

Suzlon Energy (39) A 1 . 3 (532667)

SVC Superchem (69) B 0 . 4 (524488)

Swan Energy (101) B 0 . 7 (503310)

Swaraj Engines (46) B 0 . 5 (500407)

Swaraj Mazda (5) B 0 . 4 (505192)

Swasti Vinayaka (96) B 0 . 5 (510245)

Swiss Glascoat (44) B 0 . 3 (522215)

Switching Tech. (39) B 0 . 4 (517201)

Symphony Comfort (36) B (517385)

Syncom Formul. (72) S 0 . 5 (524470)

Syndicate Bank (11) B 0 . 7 (532276)

Synergy Log-In (29) S 0 . 6 (511503)

Syschem (India) (67) T 0 . 7 (531173)


T N Newsprint (64) B 0 . 4 (531426)

T N Petro Prod. (34) B 0 . 6 (500777)

T N Telecommun. (16) B 0 . 6 (523419)

T T (97) S 0 . 6 (514142)

T.V. Today (47) B 0 . 9 (532515)

Tai Inds. (101) TS 0 . 2 (519483)

TajGVK Hotels (57) B 0 . 7 (532390)

Take Solutions (28) B 0 . 7 (532890)

Talbros Auto. (10) B 0 . 5 (505160)

Taneja Aerospace (106) S 0 . 8 (522229)

Tanfac Inds. (22) S 0 . 6 (506854)

Tanla Solutions (28) B 0 . 8 (532790)

Tantia Const (31) B 1 . 1 (532738)

Tasty Bite Eat. (53) B 0 . 6 (519091)

Tata Chemicals (49) A 1 (500770)

Tata Coffee (89) B 0 . 5 (532301)

Tata Comm (90) A 1 (500483)

Tata Elxsi (28) B 0 . 6 (500408)

Tata Invest.Corp (50) B 0 . 5 (501301)

Tata Metaliks (87) B 0 . 7 (513434)

Tata Motors (5) A 1 (500570)

Tata Power Co. (76) A 1 (500400)

Tata Sponge Iron (86) B 0 . 8 (513010)

Tata Steel (84) A 1 . 2 (500470)

Tata Tea (89) A 0 . 5 (500800)

Tata Tele Mah (90) A 1 (532371)

Tayo Rolls (17) S 0 . 6 (504961)

TCFC Finance (50) B 0 . 6 (532284)

TCI Finance (50) T 0 . 6 (501242)

TCI Inds. (101) B 0 . 3 (532262)

TCPL Packaging (62) S 0 . 6 (523301)

TCS (27) A 0 . 9 (532540)

Tech Mahindra (27) A 0 . 9 (532755)

Techno Electric (39) B 0 . 7 (505397)

Technocraft Indu (85) B 0 . 7 (532804)

Techtran Poly. (106) B 0 . 5 (523455)

Tele Data Infor. (28) B 0 . 8 (532358)

Telephoto Ent. (47) B 0 . 1 (532355)

Temptation Foods (53) B 0 . 3 (519228)

Tera Software (28) B 0 . 8 (590020)

Texmaco (44) B 0 . 6 (505400)

Thakkers Develp (31) Z (526654)

Themis Medicare (70) B 0 . 4 (530199)

Thermax (44) A 0 . 6 (500411)

Thiru Aroor. Su. (88) B 0 . 6 (507450)

Thirumalai Chem. (22) B 0 . 6 (500412)

Thomas Cook (104) B 0 . 7 (500413)

Tide Water Oil (22) B 0 . 5 (590005)

TIL (44) B 0 . 7 (505196)

Tilaknagar Inds. (14) S 0 . 5 (507205)

Time Technoplast (75) B 0 . 7 (532856)

Times Guaranty (50) B 0 . 3 (511559)

Timex Group (106) S 0 . 7 (500414)

Timken India (13) B 0 . 6 (522113)

Tinplate Co. (59) B 0 . 7 (504966)

Tips Industries (47) B 0 . 9 (532375)

Titagarh Steels (17) T 0 . 5 (500416)

Titagarh Wagons (44) B 0 . 6 (532966)

Titan BioTech (70) S 0 . 2 (524717)

Titan Inds. (106) A 0 . 9 (500114)

Titan Sec. (50) B (530045)

Today’s Writing (106) B 0 . 7 (531830)

Tonira Pharma (70) B 0 . 4 (530155)

Torrent Cables (15) B 1 . 5 (523856)

Torrent Pharma. (70) B 0 . 6 (500420)

Torrent Power (76) A 1 (532779)

Tour. Fin. Corp. (52) B 0 . 6 (526650)

TPL Plastech (62) B 0 . 4 (526582)

Trade-Wings (104) B (509953)

Transchem (71) TS 0 . 4 (500422)

Transform & Rect (39) B 1 . 1 (532928)

Transgene Biotek (56) B 0 . 4 (526139)

Transpek Inds. (22) S 0 . 4 (506687)

Transport Corp. (106) B 0 . 5 (532349)

Transwarranty Fi (50) B 0 . 6 (532812)

Trend Electronic (42) S 0 . 5 (517228)

Trent (97) B 0 . 5 (500251)

TRF (44) S 0 . 7 (505854)

Tricom India (28) S 0 . 7 (531675)

Trigyn Techno. (28) B 1 . 1 (517562)

Tripex Overseas (101) B 0 . 1 (531774)

Trishakti Elect. (50) B 0 . 3 (531279)

Triton Corp. (28) B 0 . 5 (523387)

Triton Valves (10) B 0 . 5 (505978)

Triveni Engg Ind (88) A 1 . 3 (532356)

Triveni Glass (55) S 0 . 6 (502281)

TTK Healthcare (70) S 0 . 4 (507747)

TTK Prestige (36) B 0 . 5 (517506)

Tube Investments (33) B 0 . 6 (504973)

Tudor India (10) S 0 . 5 (517451)

Tulip Star Hot. (57) TS 0 . 1 (531088)

Tulip Telecom (90) B 0 . 5 (532691)

Tulsi Extrusions (75) B 1 (532948)

Tulsyan NEC. (85) S 0 . 5 (513629)

Tuticorin Alkali (23) T 0 . 7 (506808)

Tutis Technologi (28) S 0 . 5 (532311)

TV 18 India (47) B 0 . 9 (532299)

TVS Elec. (26) B 0 . 9 (532513)

TVS Fin. & Ser. (50) T 0 . 1 (532319)

TVS Motor Co. (9) B 0 . 8 (532343)

TVS Srichakra (105) S 0 . 5 (509243)

Twilight Li-Taka (72) S 0 . 8 (506985)

Tyche Inds. (22) B 0 . 9 (532384)


U B Engg. (44) B 0 . 8 (509992)

U G Hotels (57) Z 0 . 1 (526463)

U P Hotels (57) S 0 . 4 (509960)

Ucal Fuel Sys. (10) B 0 . 6 (500464)

UCO Bank (11) A 1 (532505)

Uflex (62) B 0 . 7 (500148)

Ugar Sugar Works (88) S 0 . 7 (530363)

Ultramarine Pig. (38) S 0 . 4 (506685)

UltraTech Cem. (18) A 0 . 6 (532538)

Uni Abex Alloy (17) T 0 . 5 (504605)

Uni.Brew.(Hold.) (101) A 0 . 9 (507458)

Unichem Labs. (70) B 0 . 4 (506690)

Uniflex Cables (15) TS 0 . 5 (500427)

Unimers India (69) B 0 . 2 (524264)

Union Bank (I) (11) A 0 . 8 (532477)

Uniphos Enterp. (101) B 0 . 2 (500429)

Uniply Ind (106) B 0 . 9 (532646)

Uniproducts (I) (97) S (507856)

Unitech (31) A 1 . 6 (507878)

United Breweries (14) S 0 . 6 (532478)

United Credit (50) B 0 . 2 (531091)

United Phosp. (67) A 0 . 7 (512070)

United Spirits (14) A 0 . 8 (532432)

Unitex Designs (97) B (532442)

Unity Infra (31) B 0 . 7 (532746)

Page 44: Corporate Score Board 2009

7 2 Jan 12 – 25, 2009 CAPITAL MARKET


Universal Cables (15) T 0 . 3 (504212)

Upper Gang. Sug. (88) B 0 . 8 (530505)

Usha Martin (84) B 1 (517146)

Usha Martin Info (28) B 0 . 2 (532398)

Ushdev Intl. (101) B 0 . 8 (511736)

Usher Agro (53) B 0 . 2 (532765)

UT (44) B 0 . 6 (526879)

Uttam Galva (84) B 0 . 3 (513216)

Uttam Sugar Mill (88) B 0 . 8 (532729)

UTV Software (47) B 0 . 6 (532619)


V I P Inds. (60) S 0 . 5 (507880)

V-Guard Indus (39) B 0 . 3 (532953)

Vadilal Inds. (53) S 0 . 4 (519156)

Vaibhav Gems (35) B 0 . 6 (532156)

Vakrangee Soft. (29) S 1 . 1 (511431)

Valecha Eng. (31) S 1 (532389)

Valiant Commun. (91) S 0 . 7 (526775)

Vallabh Steel (85) S (513397)

Valson Inds. (96) S 0 . 2 (530459)

Value Industries (36) B 0 . 7 (500945)

Valuemart Info (28) B 0 . 6 (532338)

Vama Inds. (28) T 0 . 1 (512175)

Vanasthali Text. (97) S 0 . 2 (521046)

Vardhman Acrylic (N) (95) -

Vardhman Hold. (106) T 0 . 3 (500439)

Vardhman Inds. (85) S 0 . 4 (513534)

Vardhman Polytex (94) B 0 . 5 (514175)

Vardhman Textile (94) B 0 . 6 (502986)

Varun Industries (85) B 1 (532917)

Varun Ship. Co. (82) B 0 . 7 (500465)

Vas Infra (31) T 0 . 4 (531574)

VBC Ferro (59) S 0 . 6 (513005)

VBC Inds. (22) B 0 . 4 (524310)

Veejay Lak. Eng. (92) S 0 . 5 (522267)

Venky’s (India) (106) B 0 . 5 (523261)

Venlon Ent (62) S 0 . 2 (524038)

Ventura Textiles (96) B 0 . 6 (516098)

Venus Remedies (72) B 0 . 7 (526953)

Venus Sugars (88) B 0 . 4 (507472)

Vertex Secur. (50) B 0 . 2 (531950)

Vertex Spinning (99) T 0 . 4 (531544)

Vesuvius India (81) B 0 . 6 (520113)

Viceroy Hotels (57) T 0 . 9 (523796)

Victoria Mills (93) B 0 . 7 (503349)

Videocon Inds. (42) A 1 (511389)

Vijay Shan. Bui. (31) B 0 . 4 (523724)

Vijay Textiles (96) B 0 . 6 (530151)

Vijaya Bank (11) B 0 . 8 (532401)

Vijayeswari Txt. (94) B 0 . 5 (532824)

Vikas Metal (86) B 0 . 6 (532677)

Vikas Wsp (53) B 0 . 9 (519307)

Vikram Thermo (70) B 0 . 4 (530477)

Vimal Oil &Foods (83) S 0 . 3 (519373)

Vimta Labs (106) S 0 . 9 (524394)

Vinati Organics (71) S 0 . 6 (524200)

Vinay Cements (18) B 0 . 6 (518051)

Vindhya Telelink (16) B 0 . 3 (517015)

Vinyl Chemicals (69) B 0 . 7 (524129)

Vipul Ltd (31) B 0 . 5 (511726)

Virinchi Tech. (28) B 0 . 7 (532372)

Visa Steel Ltd (85) B 0 . 7 (532721)

Visaka Inds. (20) B 0 . 4 (509055)

Visesh Infotec. (28) B 0 . 9 (532411)

Vishal Exports (101) B 0 . 6 (532618)

Vishal Inform (28) B 0 . 4 (533011)

Vishal Malleab. (17) B 0 . 1 (505930)

Vishal Retail (97) B 0 . 6 (532867)

Vishnu Chemicals (22) B 0 . 3 (516072)

Vista Pharma. (72) B 0 . 2 (524711)

Visu Intl (28) S 0 . 8 (590038)

Vivimed Labs (22) B 0 . 9 (532660)

VJIL (28) S (517429)

VLS Finance (50) B 0 . 7 (511333)

Voith Paper (97) S 0 . 4 (522122)

Voltamp Trans (39) B 0 . 8 (532757)

Voltas (107) A 1 (500575)

VST Inds. (24) B 0 . 3 (509966)

VST Till. Tract. (7) S 0 . 9 (531266)

VTM (96) B 0 . 7 (532893)

VXL Instruments (26) S 0 . 4 (517399)

Vyapar Inds. (106) B 0 . 6 (506142)

Vybra Automet (17) S 0 . 5 (520003)


W H Brady (101) B 0 . 4 (501391)

W I Shipyard (106) T 0 . 5 (531217)

W S Inds. (39) S 0 . 8 (504220)

WABCO-TVS India (10) B 0 . 6 (533023)

Wadala Commoditi (101) T0 . 5 (519035)

Walchan. Inds. (44) B 0 . 9 (507410)

Walchand People (50) B 0 . 5 (501370)

Wallfort Fin. (50) B 0 . 2 (532053)

Wanbury (71) B 0 . 9 (524212)

Warren Tea (89) S 0 . 4 (508494)

Waterbase (4) T 0 . 4 (523660)

Webel Sl Energy (106) B 0 . 5 (517498)

Weizmann (96) T 0 . 6 (523011)

Welcast Steels (85) B 0 . 3 (504988)

Welspun Guj.Stah (84) A 1 . 3 (532144)

Welspun India (97) B 0 . 8 (514162)

Welspun Syntex (96) B 1 (508933)

Wendt India (1) B 0 . 5 (505412)

West Coast Paper (64) B 0 . 6 (500444)

Wheels India (10) B 0 . 5 (590073)

Whirlpool India (36) B 0 . 6 (500238)

Williamson Fin. (50) B 0 . 3 (519214)

Williamson Magor (50) B 0 . 5 (519224)

Wim Plast (75) S 0 . 5 (526586)

Windsor Machines (44) B 0 . 1 (522029)

Winsome Brew. (14) B 0 . 5 (526471)

Winsome Textile (99) S 0 . 8 (514470)

Winsome Yarns (94) B 0 . 6 (514348)

Wipro (27) A 0 . 9 (507685)

Wire & Wireless (47) B 1 . 5 (532795)

Wires & Fabriks (97) B 0 . 2 (507817)

Wisec Global (28) B (511642)

Wockhardt (70) B 0 . 6 (532300)

WPIL (78) B 0 . 4 (505872)



Automotive Axles 19.01 to 21.01 AGM &65% Dividend

Balrampur Chini 20.01 to 30.01 AGM & DividendGuj. State Fin. 21.01 to 23.01 AGM

Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose

Hindoostan Spg. 21.01 to 28.01 AGMIndo Gulf Inds. 12.01 to 22.01 AGMKinetic Motor Co 15.01 to 19.01 AGMMphasiS 24.01 to 28.01 AGM & Div

Date Company Purpose Date Company Purpose Date Company Purpose


10/01/2009 Jhagadia Co Qtly Rslts10/01/2009 Key Corp Qtly Rslts10/01/2009 Sintex Inds. Qtly Rslts12/01/2009 Exide Inds Qtly Rslts & Inter.Div

12/01/2009 F A C T Qtly Rslts12/01/2009 Hitkari Fibres Qtly Rslts12/01/2009 South Ind.Bank Qtly Rslts12/01/2009 Welcast Steels Qtly Rslts13/01/2009 CMC Qtly Rslts13/01/2009 Geojit Fin Serv Qtly Rslts13/01/2009 Infosys Tech. Qtly & 9M Rslts13/01/2009 Nitta Gelatin Qtly Rslts13/01/2009 Sical Logistics Qtly Rslts14/01/2009 Capman Financial Qtly Rslts14/01/2009 GTL Infrastruc Qtly Rslts14/01/2009 HDFC Bank Qtly Rslts15/01/2009 Bajaj Auto Fin Qtly Rslts15/01/2009 Bajaj Finserv Qtly & 9M Rslts15/01/2009 IndusInd Bank Qtly Rslts15/01/2009 Mah. Scooters Qtly Rslts15/01/2009 Power Fin Corpn Qtly Rslts15/01/2009 Sirpur Paper Qtly Rslts15/01/2009 St Bk of Bikaner Qtly Rslts16/01/2009 Bajaj Auto Qtly & 9M Rslts16/01/2009 Bajaj Holdings Qtly & 9M Rslts16/01/2009 Hind.Construct. Qtly Rslts16/01/2009 MMTC Qtly Rslts

16/01/2009 Tinplate Co. Aud. Rslts17/01/2009 HB Estate Devel. Qtly Rslts17/01/2009 Span Diagnostics Qtly Rslts17/01/2009 St Bk of Hyderab Qtly Rslts18/01/2009 Nucleus Software Qtly Rslts18/01/2009 PTL Enterprises Qtly Rslts19/01/2009 Apollo Tyres Qtly Rslts19/01/2009 Great Offshore Qtly Rslts19/01/2009 MRO-TEK Qtly Rslts19/01/2009 S B T Qtly Rslts19/01/2009 eClerx Services Qtly Rslts20/01/2009 Dr Reddy’s Labs Qtly & 9M Rslts20/01/2009 Kirl.Pneumatic Qtly Rslts20/01/2009 Triton Valves Qtly Rslts21/01/2009 Amarjothi Spg. Qtly Rslts21/01/2009 H D F C Qtly & 9M Rslts21/01/2009 LGB Forge Ltd Qtly Rslts21/01/2009 Sundaram Brake Qtly Rslts21/01/2009 Syndicate Bank Qtly Rslts21/01/2009 White Hall Comm. Qtly Rslts22/01/2009 3i Infotech Qtly Rslts22/01/2009 Foseco India Accts & Div22/01/2009 Kakatiya Textile Qtly Rslts22/01/2009 Ranbaxy Labs. Qtly & FY Rslts23/01/2009 Bharat Electron Qtly Rslts23/01/2009 Karnataka Bank Qtly Rslts23/01/2009 M U S C O Qtly Rslts

25/01/2009 Mayur Floorings Qtly Rslts27/01/2009 Century Enka Qtly Rslts27/01/2009 Core Emballage Qtly Rslts27/01/2009 Rural Elec Corpn Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 B & A Multiwall Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 Chambal Fert Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 Dabur India Qtly & 9M Rslts28/01/2009 Facor Alloys Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 Lak. Mach. Works Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 Mahindra Forging Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 SVC Superchem Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 Shree Cement Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 Sukhjit Starch Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 Super Sales Ind Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 XPRO India Qtly Rslts28/01/2009 Zuari Inds. Qtly Rslts29/01/2009 Magna Electrocas Qtly Rslts30/01/2009 B & A Qtly Rslts30/01/2009 Chokhani Sec. Qtly Rslts30/01/2009 Neelkanth Rock Qtly Rslts30/01/2009 Page Industries Qtly Rslts &

3rd Inter.Div30/01/2009 Sylph Techno Qtly Rslts31/01/2009 Bansisons Tea Qtly Rslts31/01/2009 M B Pairkh Finst Qtly Rslts31/01/2009 Marigold Glass Qtly Rslts31/01/2009 Venlon Ent Qtly Rslts

Parle Software 22.01 to 24.01 AGMSiemens 16.01 to 30.01 AGM &

150% DividendWalchan. Inds. 23.01 to 29.01 AGM & 50% Div

Wyeth (73) B 0 . 3 (500095)


XL Telecom (91) B 0 . 9 (532788)

XPRO India (75) B 0 . 5 (590013)


Yash Papers (64) S 0 . 6 (516030)

Yashraj Contain. (62) B 0 . 8 (530063)

Yes Bank (12) A 1 . 3 (532648)

Yuken India (44) S 0 . 6 (522108)


Z F Steering (10) S 0 . 4 (505163)

Zandu Pharma. (70) B 0 . 2 (506720)

Zee Entertainmen (47) A 0 . 6 (505537)

zee News (47) B 0 . 7 (532794)

Zen Technologies (28) B 0 . 7 (590032)

Zenith Birla (85) S 0 . 6 (531845)

Zenith Computers (26) B 0 . 8 (517164)

Zenith Exports (98) B (512553)

Zenith Fibres (95) S 0 . 4 (514266)

Zenith Infotech (28) B 0 . 4 (532298)

Zenotech Lab. (72) B 0 . 6 (532039)

Zensar Technolgs (28) T 0 . 7 (504067)

Zicom Electronic (43) S 0 . 8 (531404)

Zigma Software (28) S 0 . 2 (532177)

Zodiac Cloth. Co (97) B 0 . 3 (521163)

Zuari Inds. (49) B 0 . 7 (500780)

Zylog Systems (28) B 1 (532883)