Corporate Law Unit Ix

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  • 7/28/2019 Corporate Law Unit Ix


    Module IX

    Company Meetings & CompanySecretary

    Course Leader:

    Dr. K. Srinivasan

    Department of Management Studies

    Christ University, Bangalore.

  • 7/28/2019 Corporate Law Unit Ix


    Winding Up

    Winding Up of a company is the process whereby itslife is ended and its property administered for the

    benefit of its creditors and members.

    An administrator, called liquidator, is appointed andhe takes control of the company, collects its assets,

    pays its debts and finally distributes any surplus amongthe members in accordance with their rights

    Professor. Gower

  • 7/28/2019 Corporate Law Unit Ix


    Modes of Winding Up

    Winding up by the Court (Compulsory Winding Up)

    Voluntary Winding Up

    a) Members Voluntary Winding Up

    b) Creditors Voluntary Winding Up

    Winding Up subject to the supervision of the Court.

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    Winding Up by the Court

    Special Resolution of the CompanyDefault in holding statutory meeting Failure to commence businessReduction in Membership

    Inability to pay its debtsDemand for payment neglectedDecreed debt unsatisfiedCommercial Insolvency

    Just and EquitableSubstratum of the Company is goneMajority of the shareholders using the powers unfairly

    Deadlock in the management to achieve the objectives

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    Petition for Winding UpBy the CompanyBy the Creditors

    Debentures HoldersCentral or state Government whom any tax charge is due.Person who has monetary claim against the company

    By any Contributory or ContributorsMembership is reduced below the statutory minimumOriginal Allottee of shares

    Held the company shares for at least 6 months during the 18months immediately before the commencement of winding up.Shares have transferred through the death of a former holder.

    By the Registrar

    By any person authorized by the Central Government

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    Content of the Petition

    Name of the Company with the date of itsIncorporation

    Address of the Registered Office

    Amount of PaidUp CapitalStatement of facts to justify a winding Up order.

    Request to the Court to issue an order of winding

    upStatement in the form of an affidavit that the factsstated in the petition are correct and true.

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    Commencement of Winding Up

    Advertisement of Petition

    Power of Court to stay or restrain proceedings againstcompany

    Intimation to Liquidator or Registrar

    Copy of Winding up order to be filled with the


    Procedures for Winding Up

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    Consequences of Winding Up

    Order for winding up deemed to be notice of discharge

    Suits Stayed

    Powers of the Court

    Effect of Winding Up

    Official Liquidator to be liquidator

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    Liquidator is a person who helps the court to completethe liquidation proceedings. An official liquidator may

    be appointed from a panel of professional firms of

    CA, Advocates, Company Secretaries etc., which theCentral Government shall constitute for the court; or

    may be a body corporate consisting of such

    professionals as may be approved by the centralgovernment from time to time; or may be a wholetime or part time officer appointed by the central


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    Duties of Liquidator

    Proceedings in Winding UpReport

    Custody of Companys Property

    Control of PowersMeetings of Creditors and Contributors

    Directions from the Court

    Proper BooksAudit of Accounts

    Appointment of Committee of Inspection

    Pending Liquidation

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    Powers of OfficialLiquidator

    1. To defend any suit, civil or criminal proceedings in the nameand on behalf of the company.

    2. To carry on the business of the company so far as may benecessary for the beneficial winding up of the company.

    3. To sell movable or immovable property of the company wholly or in parcels either privately or through public action.

    4. To raise money on the security of the assets of the company.5. To do all things as may be necessary for the winding up of

    the affairs of the company and distributing its assets.

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    Execute all deeds, Receipts and other documents in thename and on behalf of the company under companys seal.

    Prove, rank and claim the insolvency of a contributory.

    Draw, accept, make and endorse any bill of exchange orpromissory note in the name and on behalf of the company.

    Appoint an agent to do any business which the liquidator is

    unable to do himself, etc. Appoint Security guards, Valuer, CA etc.

    Publish an advertisement inviting bids for sale of the assetsof the company etc.

    Other Powers.

  • 7/28/2019 Corporate Law Unit Ix


    General Powers of the Court

    Stay of Winding Up of the CompanySettlement of list of contributories

    Delivery of Property

    Summoning of Persons suspected of having propertyof the company

    Exclusion of Creditors

    Order as to Costs

    Arrest of Absconding Contributory

    Meetings of Creditors or contributories

  • 7/28/2019 Corporate Law Unit Ix


    Voluntarily Winding Up

    Voluntarily winding up means winding up by themembers or creditors of a company without interferencesby the Court.

    The main objectives of this winding up is to settle theiraffairs without going to the Court of Law.

    The company may wound up voluntarily on two ways;By Passing an Ordinary Resolution

    By Passing an Special Resolution

  • 7/28/2019 Corporate Law Unit Ix


    Provisions Applicable forMVWU

    Appointment of LiquidatorsBoards powers to cease on appointment of a liquidator

    Powers to fill vacancy in office of liquidator

    Notice of appointment of liquidator to be given to RegistrarPower of Liquidator to accept shares etc.

    Duty of liquidator to call creditors meeting in case of

    insolvencyDuty to call General Meeting at the end of the year

    Final Meeting and DissolutionPenalty Rs. 1,000Provisions as to Annual & Final Meeting in case of Insolvency.

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    Duties of Secretary inMVWU

    Arrange the Board Meeting, within 5 weeks immediatelypreceding the date of passing the resolution for MVWU.Arranging & Preparing P&L Account, B/S & Audited Reportand ending with the latest practicable date before the date ofdeclarationPrepare declaration of Solvency, get it verified by affidavitbefore the Magistrate & file with the Registrar with all reports.

    Prepare & Issue of notice of the meeting to members & tocheck special resolution passed, appointment & remunerationfixed in the meeting.Check the Official Gazette and newspapers within 14 days

    after passing resolution

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    Notice of appointment of liquidator is filed withregistrar with 10 days of passing resolution.

    Check the special resolution for winding up is filed with

    the Registrar within 30 days of the meeting.Check every invoice, order and business letter issued bythe company during the period contains a statement thatcompany is being wound up

    Check all the Books, Documents, Movables &Immovable properties of the company are delivered tothe liquidator, for public examination and give evidence

    as required.

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    Creditors Voluntarily WindingUp (CVWU)

    Meeting of Creditors2 NewspapersResolution Notice given to Registrar10 Days & Rs. 500Appointment of Liquidator

    Committee Appointment InspectionNot more than 5 PersonsLiquidator RemunerationBoards Powers to cease an appointment of LiquidatorPowers to fill vacancy in office of liquidatorDuty of Liquidator to call meeting of company & Creditors atthe end of each yearFinal Meeting & Dissolution

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    WU- Subject to Supervisionof Court

    WU of a company subject to the supervision of the courtpresupposes a voluntary winding up of the Company

    At any time after a company passed a winding up, the

    Court may make an order that voluntary winding up shallcontinue, but subject to the supervision of the Court.

    The court may give such liberty to creditors, contributors

    or others to apply to as it thinks.Petition for the continuance of a voluntary winding upsubject to the supervision of the Court is deemed to be a

    petition for winding up by the Court.

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    Consequences of WindingUp

    Consequence as to shareholders

    Consequence as to Creditors

    Consequence as to Servants & Officers

    Consequence as to Proceedings against the Company

    Consequence as to Costs

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