CORPORATE FRAUD IN TALLAHASSEE Richard Charles Buss “Rich Buss” And Lynda Marie Pfundstein (Morin) “Lynda Pfundstein In June 2001, The Dakota Apartments had been designed and the building was completed in Tallahassee, Florida on 2166 West Pensacola Street. Building Engineer, Richard “Rich” Charles Buss and his business partner/girlfriend Lynda Marie Pfundstein were in business with their AHB, LLC Company together. The Dakota Apartments was a student apartment complex that houses 98 students. Several Management Companies had been hired to manage this property during the last decade for these two business owners. Regional Property Services and Coastal Property Services were the first two major apartment rental companies that ran the property until March 2006. Up until that point, there was a professional management company, employees and resources for the daily operations without any hole in the wall set-ups by the owners.

Corporate fraud in tallahassee

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Richard Charles Buss “Rich Buss” And Lynda Marie Pfundstein (Morin) “Lynda Pfundstein

In June 2001, The Dakota Apartments had been designed and the building was completed in Tallahassee, Florida on 2166 West Pensacola Street. Building Engineer, Richard “Rich” Charles Buss and his business partner/girlfriend Lynda Marie Pfundstein were in business with their AHB, LLC Company together. The Dakota Apartments was a student apartment complex that houses 98 students.

Several Management Companies had been hired to manage this property during the last decade for these two business owners. Regional Property Services and Coastal Property Services were the first two major apartment rental companies that ran the property until March 2006. Up until that point, there was a professional management company, employees and resources for the daily operations without any hole in the wall set-ups by the owners.

In March 2006, Rich Buss decided that he didn’t want to pay a professional management company to run the daily operations of the property that he built. It was too much for him to spend and he knew all about what it takes to run a property as a building engineer himself. He didn’t need a professional management company! So, he took two of the prior employees of Coastal Properties and turned them into his management company overnight. They were now being paid as illegal independent contractors under a 1099 status instead of employees working for him as husband and wife. This would later cause business problems with audits for him

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in the future with pending civil and criminal charges for IRS non-payment of taxes with employment misclassifications.

Obviously, the proper taxes for the property were not being paid by the owners for their federal and state taxes for having employees. The funding and resources were not as available as needed for the property because of bad ownership. The staffing was extremely over-worked without proper employee benefits or labor protections. Two people of husband and wife alone were handling all the leasing, maintenance, advertising, etc. for the daily operations of nearly 100 students with bad owners.

The owners of Rich Buss and Lynda Pfundstein would have tax problems with the Internal Revenue Service and the State in the future. Several Residents and Employees would be suing them for their improper operations of owning and running their business as cheap lying crooks.

Police Reports for them both in October 2007 and October 2008 show possible false insurance claims for collecting money on stolen goods that were never stolen from them. During 2007, Rich “allegedly” had many items stolen from his vehicle after leaving the door unlocked in the park running one early morning. During 2008 in the same month of October the following year, they had many stolen items from a home together nearly costing $20,000.00 for another suspicious insurance claim. It seems like the Tallahassee Police Department is the not too bright with their lack of investigative skills for the blatantly obvious of suspicious! Both of these owners were robbing people. They were not paying for the proper property management even without paying the required legal costs of having employees. They were running an illegal business! In October months on student properties, all property owners need money the most at that time. This is to pay their vendors after turn-over of all the painting, cleaning and many repairs for move-outs by students. They always complained of normal costs at turn-over every year. Rich and Lynda actually bought a New House with their AHBP, LLC Company in October 2008 for $285,000 at Escambia Drive (same time as police report of stolen goods for nearly $20,000).

Interestingly, police reports with the Tallahassee Police Department for these two business owners showed police reports for stolen goods during

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both October 2007 and October 2008. Both circumstances were very strange circumstances and not well explained by these owners in the police reports. These individuals work together as swindlers in business.

They fired both of their loyal husband and wife employees in July 2008 which was obviously because of their financial savings while attempting to illegally save even more money. The employees also had conflicts with the owner’s crooked actions in business together as boyfriend and girlfriend business partners. Then, they hired another manager with a woman under the same 1099 misclassification while paying their male resident as maintenance under the table without tax forms of any 1099 or W-2 at all. These owners thought that they could get away with their improper and illegal business practices. The company had been involved in Employment 1099 Misclassifications (without W-2’s), Insurance Frauds, Retaliations to Employees and Residents, Unpaid Wages and Taxes, Unpaid Overtime and Unpaid Unemployment Benefits with Poor Working Conditions.

The employees turned Federal and State Evidences against this sham of a company. They were reclassified with the Internal Revenue Service as employees as had been working previously for these same owners with Coastal Property. They were also refunded for being robbed over $12,000.00 by this rip-off company for non-payment of employee taxes.

These owners had serious problems for three years of illegal tax claims with the IRS. This is while the Dakota Apartments company of AHB, LLC went into Foreclosure during June 2010. It couldn’t happen to better people in business with their years of robbing people and illegal mismanagements. However, the foreclosure was filed in June so they probably just kept the rent payments from the residents for the last six months. That could easily be $250,000.00 in cash for six months if the building was full of residents while no longer making mortgage payments at all. Ironically, during the same time in June 2010, the company was offering free TV’s, IPOD’s and a free year of Subway food to anyone that moved into the building for the year. Chances are that they were told that those gifts would be received after they paid the lease in 12 months in which the property is now already sold. There’s always some crooked scheme cooked up with Dick Buss and Lynda Phonystein. They just paid off some AHBP, LLC properties in January 2011.

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During December 2010, the final stages of legal proceedings of foreclosure by Well’s Fargo of this property took place in Leon County Circuit Court. The good news is that The Dakota was sold and taken over by Steve Mattox Realty in Tallahassee. This property finally has a new real ownership and real management company. It isn’t now being run by these crooks like Bernie Madoff that ripped off everyone around him. This had existed in the last decade with the ownership of these owners. So, if you are thinking about The Dakota Apartments with a review as a student or parent, it isn’t the same owners or management company created by them. In fact, Steve Mattox is a very reputable company in town unlike the out-of-business tax frauds and rip-off scam artists of AHB, LLC. They cleaned that property out in regards to their employees and their residents while sucking them dry like leaches and vampires. With various deceitfulness catching up with them both, It wouldn’t be surprising if these prior owners are planning a move overseas together or hiding out with the Amish in Pennsylvania from the Internal Revenue Service for 1099 Misclassifications With Tax Frauds.

The bad news for everyone is that Rich Buss and his crooked business partner Lynda Pfundstein still own and manage several other scam companies in Tallahassee. AHBP LLC, DAK 2, Buss Engineers And Buss Contractors And Developers are four companies owned and operated by these two business partners still at this time without AHB, LLC DBA The Dakota Apartments. Everyone is best to avoid business with these individuals by reviewing their lawsuits, complaints and past history before doing business with any of their businesses. They will steal your money with one company or another and that is all that they care about while defending their illegal actions with their Attorney of the Michael Bist Law Firm! They obviously just start a new company name when the heat is on with their fraud and deceptions after remaining in various crooked business schemes. They have not been paying their bills still long overdue to various vendors, residents and employees. These owners obviously have the money because they didn’t pay a mortgage for six months while being in foreclosure resulting in the sale of the property with management by Steve Mattox Realty. They probably didn’t spend a dime more than they needed on the property knowing where it was going for non-payment as of June and offering Free Gifts for new move-ins to instantly fill the place for pay-offs. This is while the IRS was hot on their tails and trails for non-payment of employment taxes. These are individuals that will always tell their fairy tales while they

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should have never been in business in the first place. The fact that they no longer own the Dakota or handle the daily operations is the best thing for them and everyone else. Dick Buss represented himself in court as Pro Se for the foreclosure because he knew the property was going under. The Police Reports Of October 2007 And October 2008 are Still Open Investigations With The Tallahassee Police Department. It should be quite obvious that these business owners attempted insurance fraud schemes when they needed money in October 2007 and October 2008 during the down-turn of the economy. They always wanted money and the police reports give little details to the insurance companies that seem extremely suspicious how these crooks like to stay ahead of their losses in business by screwing everyone around them. Do not due business with these tax and insurance frauds. They are rip-offs in business for AHB, LLC, AHBP, LLC, DAK2, Buss Engineers and Buss Contractors and Developers.