Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region 8. GRAIN & GRAZE TRIALS......................................................180 8.1 Animal Production from Sowing Cereals into Established Lucerne During Winter - Woorndoo, Vic……………………………………………………………………………….. 180 8.2 Effect of Grazing on the Grain Yield and Quality of Seven Cereals - Inverleigh, Vic…… 184 8.3 Increasing Lamb Growth Rates on Lush Lucerne Through Supplementation - Winchelsea, Vic ………………………………………………………………………………. 188 8.4 Effect of Grazing at Different Growth Stages on the Grain Yield, Quality and Stubble Mass of Yerong Barley - Ceres, Vic ………………………………………………………….. 196 8.5 Dual Purpose Cereal Variety Evaluation - Bairnsdale, Vic………………………………. 201 8.6 Effect of Fodder Cuts on Grain Yield of Early Sown Wheat and Triticale – Perth, Tas... 209 8.7 Reduced Waterlogging of Pastures – Derrinallum……………………………………… 212 8.8 The Abundance and Distribution of Beneficial Predators to Achieve Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Crops and Pasture - 13x Sites, Vic……………………………………. 216

Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

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Page 1: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region

8. GRAIN & GRAZE TRIALS......................................................180

8.1 Animal Production from Sowing Cereals into Established Lucerne During Winter - Woorndoo, Vic………………………………………………………………………………..


8.2 Effect of Grazing on the Grain Yield and Quality of Seven Cereals - Inverleigh, Vic…… 184

8.3 Increasing Lamb Growth Rates on Lush Lucerne Through Supplementation - Winchelsea, Vic ……………………………………………………………………………….


8.4 Effect of Grazing at Different Growth Stages on the Grain Yield, Quality and Stubble Mass of Yerong Barley - Ceres, Vic …………………………………………………………..


8.5 Dual Purpose Cereal Variety Evaluation - Bairnsdale, Vic………………………………. 201

8.6 Effect of Fodder Cuts on Grain Yield of Early Sown Wheat and Triticale – Perth, Tas... 209

8.7 Reduced Waterlogging of Pastures – Derrinallum……………………………………… 212

8.8 The Abundance and Distribution of Beneficial Predators to Achieve Integrated Pest

Management (IPM) in Crops and Pasture - 13x Sites, Vic…………………………………….


Page 2: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


DURING WINTER DURING WINTER DURING WINTER DURING WINTER ---- WOORNDOO, VIC WOORNDOO, VIC WOORNDOO, VIC WOORNDOO, VIC Location: “Bolac Plains”, Woorndoo, Victoria Researchers: David Watson, Agvise Services, David Jamieson, Bolac Plains, Cam Nicholson, Grain and Graze Author: Cam Nicholson, G&G Funding: Grain and Graze Acknowledgements: David Jamison for his willingness to provide the resources needed to conduct this trial. Background/Objectives: Work conducted at Woorndoo in 2005 showed cereals could be successfully sown into existing lucerne to increase the amount of winter feed. They key findings were: Cereals increased overall winter production by 15 to 40 % over lucerne only depending on the variety used. Barley and oats gave the greatest early growth, with wheat and triticale providing greater late winter / spring feed. Lucerne production over summer was not compromised by the winter cereal as long as it was removed by early / mid spring (in this case by heavy grazing). The results clearly showed the potential of cereals to provide high quality feed in winter but the challenge is to turn this extra feed into saleable products. In 2006 a trial was established with the aim of maximising total animal production from the cereal / lucerne combination. It was compared to similar paddocks that contained lucerne only.

Rainfall (mm): 167mm during the trial period May June July Aug Sept Oct* Total 13.5 18.5 54.0 37.0 38.5 5.5 167.0 * Up to October 20th Trial Inputs And Design The cereal treatment comprised of 3 paddocks each of approximately 6 ha each. In each paddock one cereal was direct drilled on May 3 into the lucerne with 100 kg/ha MAP Paddock 1: Triticale var Monstress @ 90 kg/ha Paddock 2: Barley var Gairdner @ 80 kg/ha Paddock 3: Oats, var Saia @ 80 kg/ha This was compared to three lucerne only paddocks of equivalent area. These areas received 100kg/ha MAP as a top dressing on May 29th . First cross single lambing ewes entered the trial at point of lambing (31/07/06). They were divided into two mobs and then set stocked to match a pre-determined stocking rate. After lambing had finished (5 weeks), the three ewe mobs grazing the cereals were boxed together and started rotational grazing of the treatments (approximately weekly shifts). The ewes on the lucerne only were also boxed together and commenced rotational grazing on weekly shifts. Due to extremely dry conditions the trial was ended prematurely on October 9th. Livestock details are presented (Table 2-1) Table 8-1: Livestock And Stocking Rate Trt Cereal Ewe

weight on entry (kg)

Condition score on


Stocking rate


Drymatter at start of

trial (kg/ha)

Triticale 2150 Barley 2100

Lucerne / Cereal





2195 1725 1440






1950 Summary Of Findings: The sowing of a cereal into an established lucerne stand increased lamb production by 31% and returned a gross margin improvement of $136/ha. This result is more remarkable given the extremely dry seasonal conditions. The per hectare gain was achieved by small increases in stocking rate (9.4%), lambing percentage (7.4%) and liveweight gain of the lambs (12%). In isolation these individual results would be far less profitable however the combination of the three results in a significant gain.

Page 3: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


Trial Results

Direct drilling the cereal into lucerne increased the available drymatter on offer before the trial was stocked (Figure 8-1). This justified the increase in stocking rate on the lucerne/cereal treatment. During lambing (the set stocking period), the amount of feed on offer was greater in the lucerne/cereal paddocks. However once the rotation began, the feed on offer was similar on both the lucerne/cereal and the lucerne only.

Figure 8-1: Feed On Offer In The Lucerne/Cereal And Lucerne Only Treatments The quality of the feed also changed over time. Protein levels declined in both the lucerne/cereal and lucerne only treatments (Figure 8-2). However the amount of energy in the lucerne only during the grazing period was consistently higher than the lucerne/cereal (Figure 8-3).

crude protein




































Lucerne & cereal Lucerne

Figure 8-2: Crude Protein In The Lucerne/Cereal And Lucerne Only Treatments

Energy Mj ME/kg






























gy (M

j ME/


Lucerne & cereal Lucerne

Figure 8-3: Energy In The Lucerne/Cereal And Lucerne Only Treatments

Animal Performance Ewes and lambs grazing the lucerne/cereal treatment recorded a substantial increase in liveweight production per hectare compared to the control. Increases over the lucerne only were recorded for both the ewes and lambs. Lamb production was 385 kg/ha at the end of the grazing period, a 92 kg/ha increase over the lucerne only treatment. This increase was achieved through: • A 9.5% increase in stocking rate (15 ewes/ha

compared to 13.7 ewes/ha) that led to more lambs per hectare.

• A 7.4% increase in lambs per ewe at marking

• Superior growth of the lambs which resulted in lamb being 2.7kg or 12% heavier at marking.

Ewe bodyweight was also superior for the ewes grazing the lucerne/cereal. At the end of the trial the ewes were 5.3 kg heavier compared to only 2.9 kg heavier on the lucerne only grazing. This is 83% better than the control. The total liveweight change of the ewes and lambs was 40% higher on the lucerne/cereal treatment. Details are presented (Table 8-2).

Feed on offer































DM (k



lucerne & cereal lucerne only

Set stocked

Rotationally grazed

Not stocked

Page 4: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


Financial return A simple gross margin was calculated to determine the potential financial benefit from sowing cereal into lucerne. Input costs included seed and sowing costs (as the fertiliser used at sowing was also topdressed on the lucerne only paddock). The returns were valued in terms of lamb prices and the grain required achieving an increase in ewe liveweight of 2.4 kg (to get a lactating ewe to gain an extra 2.4 kg over 70 days would require an additional energy intake of 1.9 MJ/ME/hd/day. This is the equivalent of 11.2 kg of barley per head (barley at 12 MJ ME/kg).

Costs: Seed: $16/ha Sowing $14/ha TOTAL $30/ha Returns: Ewes 11.2 kg barley @ $160/tonne = $1.88 per ewe Stocking rate of 15 ewes/ha = $28.20/ha Lambs 92 kg liveweight @ $1.60/kg = $147.80/ha Total returns = $176 Gross margin: $146.00/ha

Table 8-2: Animal Performance

Stocking rate


Ewe entry

weight (kg)

Ewe exit

weight (kg)

Change in body-weight


Lamb marking


Lamb exit

weight (kg)

Total lamb produc-

tion (kg/ha)

Total change in liveweight

(ewe and lamb) (kg lwt/ha)

Lucerne & cereal 15.0 69.6 74.9 + 5.3 100.7 25.5 385 464

Lucerne only 13.7 69.7 72.6 + 2.9 93.3 22.8 293 332

Trial Observations The sowing of a cereal into an established lucerne stand increased lamb production by 31% and returned a gross margin improvement of $146/ha. This result is more remarkable given the extremely dry seasonal conditions. The per hectare gain was achieved by small increases in stocking rate (9.4%), lambing percentage (7.4%) and liveweight gain of the lambs (12%). In isolation these individual results would be far less profitable however the combination of the three results in a significant gain.

The reason for the increase is most likely to be due to the increased feed on offer, especially at lambing. Ewes grazing the lucerne/cereals were presented with 2,150 kg/ha of drymatter compared to 1,700 kg/ha in the lucerne only treatment. The minimum pasture benchmark recommended for single lambing ewes at this pasture quality is 1700 kg/ha (Ref: Prograze manual, table 2, MLA, 2004) There was a slight difference in the energy content of the two treatments. The energy was superior in the lucerne only treatment which is surprising as cereals at this stage of growth usually have energy levels around 12 MJ ME/kg. The reason for this difference cannot be easily explained. ����Photo 12: Sheep Grazing Cereals

Page 5: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


Seed available for 2007

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Due for release in 2008

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Varieties for the HRZ

Page 6: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


INVERLEIGH, VICINVERLEIGH, VICINVERLEIGH, VICINVERLEIGH, VIC Location: Inverleigh Trial Site, Victoria Researchers: Cam Nicholson, Grain & Graze Stacey Alexander, SFS Author: Cam Nicholson, G&G Funding: Grain and Graze, National Landcare Program (NLP) Acknowledgements: Rohan Wardle and the SFS field staff for sowing and post emergent crop management. Background/Objectives: Grazing cereal offers a benefit to the farm system if it can be achieved with minimal or no impact to the grain yield of the crop. Previous trialling would indicate grain yield is reduced if grazing occurs around or after GS 31. Yet grazing the crop later increases the amount of drymatter on offer. The ability to identify the ideal growth stage to graze is complicated because of the different times varieties reach the commencement of stem elongation. To achieve the maximum benefit for both the grazing and cropping enterprises, there is a need to maximise drymatter production available for grazing but also refine the point where grazing must cease otherwise grain yield will be reduced. This trial is designed to quantify the drymatter potential of seven long season cereal crops before stem elongation is reached and to determine the impact on grain yield if heavy grazing occurs at GS 31.

Rainfall (mm): 235mm Trial Input and Design Seven long season cereal varieties (4 x wheat, 2 x barley & 1 x triticale) were sown in three replicates on 11th May 2006. One wheat variety with a shorter growing season was chosen as a marker to provide forewarning of the onset of GS 31. The varieties were: • Wheat – Mackellar, Amarok, Marombi, Brennan • Barley – Yerong, Gairdner (used as a marker) • Triticale – Monstress Pre-emergent: Sprayseed @ 2.0 l/ha, Triflur @ 1.2 l/ha Post-emergent: Dual Gold @ 250 ml/ha, Diuron @ 500 ml/ha Tigrex – 1.0 l/ha on July 14th Urea @ 50kg/ha on September 24th Tilt Xtra @ 250ml/ha on ungrazed plots on September 25th Tilt Xtra @ 250ml/ha on grazed plots on October 13th Each plot was 16m x 2m, with 8 m buffer strips. Each variety was monitored for growth stage and grazing commenced when GS 30 was reached. Six cuts of 0.1 m2 were taken from each variety immediately before grazing to determine drymatter on offer. Exclusion areas were erected to prevent grazing on half of each of the plots. Plots were grazed with 10 month old merino wethers for between one and four days (until all drymatter was removed). Harvest Date: 13th December 2006 Summary Of Findings Intensive grazing at GS 30 – GS 31 (start of stem elongation) reduced grain yield compared to no grazing by an average of 37%. The greatest yield loss of 57% occurred with Monstress triticale and the lowest yield loss occurred with Amarok wheat (18%). Up to 2.1 t/ha of drymatter was available for grazing before stem elongation was reached. Yerong barley yielded the greatest drymatter pre grazing, with Brennan wheat the lowest drymatter yielding at 1.5 t/ha. Trial Results Grazing of the Gairdner barley commenced on August 7, 81 days after sowing. The last grazing of Amarok wheat occurred 14 days later on August 21. The amount of drymatter present and the growth stage at grazing is presented (Table 8-3).

Page 7: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


Table 8-3: Days From Sowing To Grazing, Growth Stage At Grazing And Available Dry Matter

Variety Date grazing commenced

Growth Stage Days grazed

Days from sowing to grazing

Feed on offer (kg/ha)

Yerong barley 11/08 GS 30 - GS 31 3 88 2190 Monstress triticale 11/08 GS 30 - GS 31 3 95 2120 Amarok wheat 21/08 GS 30 1 85 2020 Gairdner barley 07/08 GS 31 - GS 32 2 88 1920 Mackellar wheat 14/08 GS30 - GS31 4 81 1730 Marombi wheat 14/08 GS 30 4 85 1490 Brennan wheat 14/08 GS 30 4 88 1480 LSD (0.05) 700

Grazing resulted in a significant reduction in grain yield, from an average 4.1 t/ha to 2.6 t/ha. However the yield reduction varied between varieties, with Yerong barley and Brennan wheat showing no statistical significance in yield loss despite declines of 1.5 t/ha and 1.3 t/ha respectively (Table 8-4). Table 8-4: Impact Of Grazing On Grain Yield Variety Growth Stage Yield

(ungrazed) (t/ha)

Yield (grazed)


Difference in yield due to

grazing (t/ha)

Statistical significance

(p=0.05) Gairdner barley GS 31 - GS 32 4.9 3.2 - 1.7 Sig (1.6) Yerong Barley GS 30 - GS 31 4.4 2.9 -1.5 NS (1.5) Monstress triticale GS 30 - GS 31 4.1 1.8 -2.3 Sig (1.6) Marombi wheat GS 30 4.1 2.5 -1.6 Sig (1.3) Mackellar wheat GS30 - GS31 4.0 2.7 -1.3 Sig (0.2) Amarok wheat GS 30 3.8 3.1 -0.7 Sig (0.1) Brennan wheat GS30 3.1 1.9 - 1.2 NS (1.4)

Grain quality was also affected by grazing (Table 8-5 and Table 8-6). Table 8-5: Impact Of Grazing On Grain Protein Variety Growth Stage Protein

(ungrazed) (%)

Protein (grazed)


Difference in protein due to


Statistical significance

(p=0.05) Gairdner barley GS 31 - GS 32 11.9 11.3 - 0.6 NS (2.6) Yerong Barley GS 30 - GS 31 12.0 11.4 - 0.6 NS (1.3) Monstress triticale GS 30 - GS 31 11.0 10.8 - 0.2 NS (2.2) Marombi wheat GS 30 11.2 10.6 - 0.6 NS (2.3) Mackellar wheat GS30 - GS31 11.2 9.6 - 1.6 Sig (0.9) Amarok wheat GS 30 11.4 9.8 - 1.6 Sig (0.1) Brennan wheat GS30 12.3 11.8 - 0.5 NS (1.3)

Table 8-6: Impact Of Grazing On Thousand Grain Weight Variety Growth Stage TGW


TGW (grazed)

Difference in TGW due to


Statistical significance

(p=0.05) Gairdner barley GS 31 - GS 32 32.2 34.3 + 2.1 NS (6.4) Yerong Barley GS 30 - GS 31 33.8 36.8 + 3.0 NS (6.5) Monstress triticale GS 30 - GS 31 37.8 28.2 - 9.6 Sig (8.3) Marombi wheat GS 30 33.5 27.6 - 5.9 Sig (2.4) Mackellar wheat GS30 - GS31 27.5 25.1 - 2.4 Sig (1.6) Amarok wheat GS 30 35.4 30.3 - 5.1 Sig (3.0) Brennan wheat GS30 34.8 29.6 - 5.2 Sig (4.6)

Page 8: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


Trial Observations The amount of drymatter on offer varied between varieties. The two barley varieties, Yerong and Gairdner, Monstress triticale and Amarok wheat produced around 2 tonnes of drymatter by GS 30 – GS 31. However the time from sowing to reach GS 31 varied, with Gairdner barley reaching stem elongation 14 bays before Amarok wheat. The other wheat varieties tested produced closer to 1.5 t/ha before reaching GS 31. Although there is a difference between the total amount of drymatter produced, even the lower drymatter yielding wheat varieties (Brennan, Mackellar, Marombi) still produced a valuable quantity of high quality feed at a time of year when pasture is often in short supply. The time to reach GS 31 varied by up to two weeks, even though all varieties except for Gairdner are considered dual purpose cereals. This is useful information when determining the time of grazing. Grazing at GS 30 – GS 31 reduced grain yield compared to no grazing by an average of 37%. The greatest yield loss of 57% occurred with Monstress triticale and the lowest yield loss occurred with Amarok wheat (18%). Despite the yield loss, the ability for the cereals to recover given the timing and intensity of grazing was surprising. Physical examination of the plants showed a difference in growth stage between tillers on any individual plant. An average was taken to determine the growth stage for this experiment, however some tillers had already commenced stem elongation.

Given the intensity the plots were grazed it is highly likely some embryonic ears were removed, reducing yield. This is especially so for triticale where a minimum grazing height of 5 to 7 cm is suggested. Lighter grazing that left some drymatter behind may have lessened the grain yield loss. No measurements were taken to determine if the yield loss was due to a loss of ears per plant or loss of grains per ear. The size of the grains per ear measured as thousand grain weight (TGW) was significantly lower in all the wheat varieties tested and the triticale. The average reduction in TGW was 16% due to grazing, which accounts for approximately 40% of the average grain loss in the wheat and triticale. Surprisingly the TGW of the two barley varieties increased by 8% despite the barley yields being reduced by 35% due to grazing. This difference in response from the wheat and barley is difficult to explain, as the removal of leaf area at stem elongation would have been expected to conserve soil moisture, thus allowing increased grain size. The impact of grazing would suggest a reduction in grain protein over the no grazed cereal. All varieties exhibited a decline in grain protein, however the reduction was only statistically significant with two varieties (Mackellar and Amarok wheat). The decline in grain protein due to grazing is consistent with observations from other trials and is thought to be a consequence of reducing the nitrogen available for grain fill when the leaves are eaten.




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Page 9: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


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Page 10: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


SUPPLEMENTATION SUPPLEMENTATION SUPPLEMENTATION SUPPLEMENTATION ---- WINCHELSEA, VIC WINCHELSEA, VIC WINCHELSEA, VIC WINCHELSEA, VIC NB: A detailed set of notes is available from the SFS website http://www.sfs.org.au/Grain&Graze.htm Location: “Murdeduke”, Winchelsea, Victoria Researchers: David Watson, Agvise Services, Simon Falkiner, “Murdeduke” Cam Nicholson, G&G Author: Cam Nicholson, G&G Funding: Grain and Graze, National Landcare Program (NLP) Acknowledgements: Simon Falkiner and staff at Murdeduke for their enthusiasm and participation in the livestock measurements and logistics in such a large trial. Background/Objectives: Lucerne is increasing in popularity as a long term break crop in a cereal-canola rotation. It is envisaged a typical crop rotation may be one or two cycles of canola-wheat-barley followed by up to three years of lucerne. The lucerne would provide the opportunity to address difficult to control weeds such as annual ryegrass and act as a disease break. The other benefits of lucerne in a crop rotation include: Aggressive deep roots that deplete soil moisture to a point where winter rainfall will not replenish to saturation in the crop phase, thereby preventing the soil becoming waterlogged. the accumulation of significant amounts of nitrogen in the soil profile root pathways for subsequent crops created by decaying lucerne roots the opportunity to utilised ‘out of season’ summer feed in conjunction with a dedicated fattening system.

Background (continued)… Farmers who have tried this perennial break crop report two major difficulties that need to be overcome if the potential of lucerne is to be fully realised. The first is the need to increase the growth rates of lucerne in winter (refer to trial 8.1 Animal Production From Sowing Cereals Into Established Lucerne During Winter - Woorndoo). The second is the disappointing growth rates of lambs grazing lush, high quality lucerne. Given the metabolisable energy on offer, growth rates should be significantly higher than most farmers experience. Theoretical liveweight gains of lambs should consistently exceed 350g/hd/day, however in practice 250g/hd/day is rarely exceeded. Several theories are offered as to why lamb growth rates on lush lucerne are less than optimum, but most opinion refers to animal health issues such as redgut or dietary imbalances related to energy, protein, minerals and fibre. These trials seek to improve lamb growth rates on lush lucerne through supplementation. Rainfall (mm): Not Applicable Summary Of Findings The addition of a small amount of weaning pellet to lambs grazing lush lucerne (protein to energy ratio above 2.2) increased growth rates by more than 100gm/day over lambs grazing the equivalent amount of lucerne only. The availability of addition energy (as barley) or fibre (barley straw) made no difference to growth rates as intake of both supplements was low. The effect of the weaning pellet on liveweight gain ceased when the lucerne began to ‘harden’ (protein to energy ration approximately 2.0). While the results are spectacular, the cost of the pellets ($1860/tonne) makes their use marginal. Further work is being conducted through the Grain and Graze program to develop a low cost pellet that gives a similar effect. Trial Design: Three trials were undertaken. The first commenced in mid November 2005 and concluded in early December. The lucerne grazed was lush and plentiful at the start of the trial. Difficult seasonal conditions (no rain), aphid attack and shearing in mid December resulted in the first trial concluding earlier than anticipated (21 days only). After shearing, further lucerne paddocks were found and a modified trial recommenced in January 2006 using the same lambs but with a reduced number of treatments. The second modified trial was undertaken but involved grazing smaller quantities of less digestible lucerne. The lucerne in this trial appeared stressed and not as lush as trial 1. The second trial ran for 14 days until the available lucerne was consumed. After summer rain a third trial was commenced in late February and completed on March 22, 2006 using a new mob of lambs (26 days). The lucerne was limited in quantity but similar in quality to the first trial ie. Lush leafy lucerne, although its quality declined rapidly. Only two treatments were examined given the limited availability of lucerne.

Page 11: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


TRIAL 1 – GRAZING PLENTIFUL LUSH LUCERNE Four treatments were applied. These were: • Treatment 1: No supplementation (control) • Treatment 2: Fibre (barley straw) fed ad lib and offered in large square bales. • Treatment 2: High energy, low fibre concentrate (barley grain) presented in a trail and intended to be

fed at 450gms/hd/day. • Treatment 4: Commercially available lamb weaning treatment19 involving injections of vitamins A,D,E

and B12 plus a pellet containing buffers, rumen modifiers, vitamins and trace elements intended to be fed at 100 gms/hd/day (it was intended to use a loose lick product but the lambs refused to consume it). The treatment is aimed at reducing physiological and nutritional stress up to 50 days post weaning.

The content of the different treatments is listed (Table 8-7). The barley and hay supplements were analysed by Feedtest , with the ELMS Lamb Weaning Concentrate Pellet based on the product label. Table 8-7: Drymatter, Feed Quality And Other Components Of Treatments Used


Dry Matter

(%) DDM (%)

Crude Protein

(%) Energy

(MJ ME/kg) Other Cost ($/t)

Straw, barley 89.3 59.0 3.5 8.0 $80 Grain, barley 89.0 85.5 12.1 13.0 ADF – 5.6% $150 Weaning pellets + Vit A,D,E and B12 injection

N/A N/A 9.3 8.6 Organic and inorganic minerals,

vitamins and vegetable oil

$1860 for pellets + $29c/hd injection

Four paddocks of similar size with similar quantities and densities of lucerne were chosen. Each paddock was tested prior to the trial commencing and again at the end of the grazing period (Table 8-8 and Table 8-9). Table 8-8: Feed Quality And Quantity On Day 1

Treatment Drymatter

(%) DM

(kg/ha) DDM (%)

Protein (%)

Energy (MJ ME/kg)

Control 17.1 3801 70.1 29.6 10.5 Straw 19.2 3130 68.3 26.7 10.1 Barley 19.3 3406 68.4 27.9 10.2 Weaning pellets 17.8 3361 69.0 27.2 10.2 Average 18.4 3425 69.0 27.9 10.3

Table 8-9: Feed Quality And Quantity On Day 21

Treatment Drymatter (%)

DM (kg/ha)

DDM (%)

Protein (%)

Energy (MJ ME/kg)

Control 43.0 1510 61.9 22.0 N/A Straw 45.0 1687 62.6 22.6 N/A Barley 47.0 1863 63.2 23.1 N/A Weaning pellets 45.0 1687 62.6 22.6 N/A Average 45.0 1687 62.6 22.6

19 ELMS Lamb Weaning Concentrate Pellet available from Elders

Page 12: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


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Page 13: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


Lambs were second cross July drop lambs (Merino Border Leister dams X White Suffolk rams). Lambs were allocated to the treatment areas through a simple 4 way draft, having an average liveweight of 33.7 kg at the start of the trial. The stocking rate was set at 20 lambs/ha, resulting in approximately 200 lambs in each mob. Imprint feeding of grain and pre-conditioning to the lucerne after weaning (for three weeks) occurred to all mobs of lambs before drafting into the four treatments. All lambs had received a vitamin A,D,E and B12 injection at marking, 5 weeks before the first trial commenced. Lambs were drenched with Virbamec (an avomectin drench). To eliminate the possible confounding effect of internal parasites, the lambs were drenched at approximately three week intervals during the course of the trial.

Modifications To The Original Treatments: There was difficulty in getting the animals to eat the various supplements offered while grazing the lucerne. These difficulties encountered for each treatment were: • Straw - Observations would suggest the lambs

ate very little of the straw on offer and tended to use the material for ‘entertainment’.

• Barley – The intention was to build up to feeding a barley grain ration of 450gm/hd/day. In trying to attain this level of feeding significant wastage was encountered and rates were cut back to a point where acceptable levels of wastage occurred. It was estimated the lambs only ate 30 gm/hd/day in week 1, 50 gm/hd/day in week 2 and 80 gm/hd/day in week 3. This is despite the imprint feeding pre-weaning.

• Weaning pellets - The intention was to feed this as a loose lick but this was not accepted by the lambs so similar pelletised form of the product was used. The prescribed treatment rates were also never achieved, with consumption very similar to the barley treatment (ie. 30, 50 and 80 gms/hd/day in weeks 1, 2 and 3 respectively).

Results The liveweight gain over the 21day period is shown below: Table 8-10: Measured Change In Liveweight Over Trial Period


Starting weight

17/11/05 (kg)

Finishing weight 8/12/05


Weight gain (kg)

Control 34.0 39.9 5.9 Straw 33.2 39.2 6.0 Barley 33.9 39.7 5.8 Weaning pellets

33.8 41.4 7.6

Weight gain per day










Control Straw Barley Weaning pellets



Figure 8-4: Measured Liveweight Gain For Lambs

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Trial Results 2006


TRIAL 2 – GRAZING ‘HARDENED’ LUCERNE The first trial was modified after shearing partly due to the results from the first trial and partly because of the limitation of additional lucerne paddocks. The straw and barley treatments were combined and the lambs from these previous treatments boxed together. This left three treatments remaining: • Treatment 1: No supplementation (control) • Treatment 2: Fibre (barley straw) fed ad lib and offered in large square bales and high energy, low fibre

concentrate (barley grain) presented in a trail and fed at 100 gm/hd/day. • Treatment 3: Weaning pellets fed at 100gm/hd/day. The same lambs used in trial 1 were used in trial 2, with an average liveweight of 44.5 kg at the start of the trial. The stocking rate was set at 20/ha, resulting in approximately 210 lambs in treatments 1 and 3 and 370 lambs in the combined treatment 2. The trial continued for 14 days. Three new paddocks were sourced. One of these treatments required a collection of smaller lucerne paddocks to be used. Gates were opened between these smaller paddocks allowing grazing of all paddocks at the same time. The lucerne on offer to the lambs at the start and completion of this trial period are listed (Table 8-11 & Table 8-12). Table 8-11: Feed Quality And Quantity On Day 1

Treatment Drymatter

(%) DM

(kg/ha) DDM (%)

Protein (%)

Energy (MJ ME/kg)

Control 45.2 1677 59.7 18.0 9.1 Straw & Barley 31.8 2452 68.3 20.9 10.1 Weaning pellets 38.5 2065 64.0 19.5 9.6

Table 8-12: Feed Quality And Quantity On Day 14

Treatment Drymatter (%) DM (kg/ha) DDM (%) Protein (%) Energy

(MJ ME/kg) Control 63.5 495 56.3 14.9 8.1 Straw & Barley 39.8 533 61.5 22.3 9.5 Weaning pellets 51.7 514 58.9 18.6 8.8

Results The liveweight gain over the 14 day period is presented in Table 8-13 and Figure 8-5. Table 8-13:Measured Change In Liveweight Over Trial Period


Starting weight

28/12/2005 (kg)

Finishing weight

11/01/2006 (kg)

Weight gain (kg)

Control 44.8 47.4 2.6 Straw & barley

43.8 48.1 4.3

Weaning pellets

44.9 48.9 3.9

Weight gain per weighing period (gms/day)









Control Straw and barley Weaning pellets

Figure 8-5: Measured Liveweight Gain For Lambs

Page 15: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


TRIAL 3 – GRAZING SHORT LUSH LUCERNE The results from the first two trials suggest an improvement in lamb growth rates on lush lucerne using the weaning pellets as a supplement. A third trial was established using an August drop mob of lambs at average weight of 38.9 kg. Two treatments were tested • Treatment 1: No supplementation (control) • Treatment 2: Weaning pellets plus injections of vitamins A,D,E and B12 fed at 100 gm per day. Four paddocks were used in the trial, the first pair of paddocks were grazed for 16 days and the second pair for 12 days. More than 350 lambs were used in each treatment group. The lucerne on offer to the lambs at the start and completion of this trial period are listed (Table 8-14 & Table 8-15). Table 8-14: Feed Quality And Quantity At Start Of Grazing

Treatment Drymatter

(%) DM

(kg/ha) DDM (%)

Protein (%)

Energy (MJ ME/kg)

31.7 532 70.9 23.6 10.6 Control 35.9 582 69.1 22.5 10.3 37.5 338 76.7 31.2 11.6 Weaning pellets 32.9 974 70.9 23.6 10.6

Table 8-15: Feed Quality And Quantity At The End Of Grazing

Treatment Drymatter

(%) DM

(kg/ha) DDM (%)

Protein (%)

Energy (MJ ME/kg)

38.2 160 53.1 16.0 7.8 Control 69.7 195 34.0 8.1 4.2 58.5 515 47.6 16.1 6.7 Weaning pellets 43.4 122 55.3 13.6 7.9

Results: The liveweight gain over the first 16 and following 12 day period is presented (Table 8-16 & Figure 8-6) Table 8-16: Measured Change In Liveweight Over Trial Period


Starting weight 22/02/2006


Interim weight 10/03/2006


Finishing weight 22/03/2006


Weight gain (kg)

Control 38.9 42.2 45.1 6.2 Weaning pellets 38.9 44.4 48.8 9.9

Weight gain per weighing period (gms/day)










Period 1 Period 2


Control Weaning pellets

Figure 8-6: Measured Liveweight Gain For Lambs

Page 16: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


Discussion The trials conducted on Murdeduke were of a commercial scale which means the lucerne available to the grazing animals varied slightly from paddock to paddock and over time. It is well established that small differences in feed on offer (quantity and quality) will influence the animal performance. Therefore we stress the liveweight changes of the lambs in these trials need to be examined in conjunction with the quality and quantity of feed offered to the lambs. To assist in understanding the influence the various supplements had in these trials, the Grazfeed computer model (Grazfeed is a CSIRO developed computer model which predicts livestock performance. It allows livestock performance to be calculated based on changing pasture quality, quantity, supplementation and livestock details) was used to calculate predicted animal performance. The predicted result was compared to the measured result from the paddock. This allowed identification of liveweight change that could not be explained by Grazfeed and may be due to improvements in animal health and/or enhanced feed conversion. The three trials indicate a positive response to adding weaning pellets to lambs, but only when grazing ‘lush’ lucerne. The feed was considered ‘lush’ if the digestibility was around 70% and protein in excess of 25%. The response to the weaning pellets occurred when the protein to energy ratio was 2.2 or greater. This was the case in the first and third trials. In the second trial where no response was obtained to feeding weaning pellets, the protein to energy ratio was approximately 2.0. Providing barley straw to the lambs grazing lucerne made no discernible difference to liveweight gain. The measured difference between the control and the straw / lucerne treatment was only 5 gm/hd/day. Grazfeed calculations predicted this 5 gm/hd/day improvement. The difficulty in getting the lambs to eat large quantities of barley limited the result of using this treatment. It was estimated each animal consumed a total of 1.1 kg of barley during the first trial. At such low levels of consumption, it is not surprising the treatment appears to have little influence on liveweight gain.

The weaning pellets, in conjunction with the vitamin A,D,E and B12 injection resulted in liveweight gains well in excess to that predicted by Grazfeed. Given the quality and quantity of lucerne these lambs were grazing, the treatment has increased growth rates during the 21 day period by 80 gm/hd/day over the average of the other treatments. The increase in liveweight cannot be attributed to increased energy intake through the weaning pellets. This would suggest an improvement in the efficiency of converting the consumed lucerne into liveweight gain. The quality and quantity of feed offered to the lambs at the start of the second trial varied significantly between treatments. Overall the feed was of poorer quality and quantity that at the conclusion of the first trial than the start of the second trial. Visual observations would suggest the lucerne had ‘hardened’ considerably and lacked the lush, high moisture content of the previous trial. The highest quality and quantity feed in the three paddocks available was provided to the straw and barley treatment group, with the poorest feed to the control group. This difference had a major influence on the growth rates measured in the three treatments. The less than ideal feeding conditions especially on the control and weaning pellet treatments resulted in lower lamb growth rates. The 300 gm/hd/day result on the barley and straw treatment can be largely attributed to the better feed on offer and to a lesser extent the additional energy provided by the barley. Grazfeed underestimated the likely liveweight gains on all three treatments compared to what actually occurred. This makes interpreting the effect of the different treatments difficult, however it appear the influence of the weaning pellets was less once the feed had hardened. A simple partial budget illustrates the costs and returns of using the weaning pellets (Table 8-17). The cost of the pellets was $1860 per tonne and the liveweight gain was valued at $3.50/kg carcass weight ($1.68/kg lwt). Vaccination with vitamin A,D,E cost 14c/hd and vitamin B12 15c/hd (excluding labour). No feeding out costs were included.

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Trial Results 2006


Table 8-17: Simple Partial Budget – Weaning Pellets

Additional liveweight over

trial period (kg/hd)

‘Value’ of this additional gain


Quantity of pellets fed20


Cost of vaccination &

pellets ($/hd)

Financial gain ($/hd)

Trial 1 1.6 kg $2.69 1.12 kg $2.37 $0.32 Trial 2 1.3 kg $2.18 1.40 kg $2.60 -$0.42 Trial 3 3.7 kg $6.22 2.60 kg $5.13 $1.09

20 This varied in the first trial This simple gross margin would suggest using pellets in trials 1 and 3 were marginally positive and this may improve if the effects could be sustained over a longer period of growth. However with pellets at a cost of $1860/tonne and fed at 100gm per head per day, a differential weight gain over the lucerne only treatment of 111 gm/day would achieve a break even result. ���� Photo 8-13: Simon Falkiner Inspecting Lambs

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Trial Results 2006


QUALITY AND STUBBLE QUALITY AND STUBBLE QUALITY AND STUBBLE QUALITY AND STUBBLE MASS OF YERONG BARLEMASS OF YERONG BARLEMASS OF YERONG BARLEMASS OF YERONG BARLEY Y Y Y ---- CERES, VIC CERES, VIC CERES, VIC CERES, VIC Location: Ceres, Victoria Researchers: Cam Nicholson, Grain & Graze Stacey Alexander and Annieka Paridaen, SFS Author: Cam Nicholson, G&G Funding: Grain and Graze, National Landcare Program (NLP) Acknowledgements: Mick Shawcross at Ceres in assisting with setting up the trial and movement of livestock. Background/Objectives: Winter cereals offer a potential feed for grazing in winter. However there have been mixed reports on the impact grazing can have on grain yield and stubble mass post harvest (refer to SFS results book, 2005, pp 92, SFS results book 2004, pp 148). Analysis of these results would suggest the growth stage of the crop at the completion of grazing has a major influence on final grain yield. A trial was established to examine the impact grazing at different stages of growth would have on dry matter, grain yield and stubble yield post harvest.

Rainfall (mm): Rainfall from sowing to the completion of grazing (May 26 to September 19) was only 122.5 mm (Table 8-18). Table 8-18: Growing Season Rainfall During The Grazing Period At Ceres

May Jun Jul Aug Sept 4.0 13.0 37.5 32.5 39.0

Trial Input & Design A 10.4 ha paddock was sown on 26th May at 100 kg/ha to Yerong barley. 100 kg/ha of DAP was used at sowing. The paddock was sprayed on July with Dicamba (280 ml/ha) and MCPA (1.2 l/ha) for thistles, capeweed and wild raddish. After sowing the paddock was divided into six areas of decreasing size. This was designed to provide a relatively constant period of grazing in each plot of between 7 and 10 days. In the early grazed plots sheep were offered a larger area (as less feed per hectare was on offer). The grazing area decreased in size as more feed per hectare became available (Table 8-19). Five areas were excluded from the last grazed area to provide a no grazing benchmark. Table 8-19: Approximate Area For Grazing

Grazing Sequence Area (ha)

First 5.0 Second 1.8 Third 1.0 Fourth 1.4 Fifth 0.6 Sixth 0.6 Not grazed 5 x 6m2 plots

Given the size of the trial site, three soil tests were taken in areas that may have influence the results. The key soil indicators of these three areas are presented (Table 8-20). Summary Of Findings: Very dry conditions during the growing season and the inherent variability with the trial site requires the results to be viewed with caution. However these results show grazing Yerong barley during the vegetative stage of growth will have no impact on grain yield and is likely to be beneficial. The grazing benefits to the whole farm system are considerable and the small reduction in stubble mass, although not huge is a positive outcome. Grazing at or after the commencement of stem elongation will provide greater drymatter for livestock and dramatically decrease stubble loads, but it comes at significant loss of grain yield. These conclusions are consistent with cereal grazing trials in South west Victoria (for a summary of the conclusion from a range of cereal grazing trails conducted by Grain and Graze and SFS, visit the SFS website).

Page 19: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


Table 8-20: Key Soil Indicators Over The Trial Site (0 – 10 cm, Taken May 26 2006)

Potential ‘high’ yield area

Potential ‘medium’ yield area

Potential ‘low’ yield area

Corresponds to grazing at GS 25 GS22, GS24, GS32, No grazing

GS 22, GS 30

Soil texture Clay loam Clay loam Clay loam Phosphorus (Olsen) 18.7 17.0 20.0 Potassium (Colwell) 203 203 255 Sulphur (KCl 40) 15.8 13.2 13.7 pH (CaCl2) 4.8 4.7 4.5 Nitrate 65 51 70 Aluminium (% of cations) 0.6 1.2 1.5

56 first cross ewes with lambs at foot (114% lambing) began grazing on July 17. Once the area was grazed down, (less that 350 kg/ha DM), the ewes were moved to the next area. Due to the extremely dry conditions stock were relocated onto pasture for six days in mid August and four days in early September (Table 8-21). Table 8-21: Grazing Dates And Duration Of Grazing

Grazing Sequence Area (ha) Grazing dates Period of grazing

First 5.0 26 Jul – 7 Aug 12 Second 1.8 7 Aug – 15 Aug 9 Third 1.0 21 Aug – 24 Aug 4 Fourth 1.4 24 Aug – 30 Aug 6 Fifth 0.6 30 Aug – 7 Sep 7 Sixth 0.6 11 Sep – 19 Sep 9 Not grazed 5 x 6m2 plots None 0

Five 10m2 plots were harvested out of each treatment, except for the no grazed area which was five 4m2 areas. All plots were cut to ground level, with the grain threshed and remaining straw and trash collected and weighed. The no graze and early grazed plots were harvested on December 12th and the later grazed plots on December 19th. Trial Results The trial results are presented in terms of feed on offer and impact on grain yield and quality and stubble mass. Feed On Offer The six grazing times represented different growth stages of the crop. The quantity of available feed at each growth stage is presented (Table 8-22). Table 8-22: Crop Growth Stage Corresponding To Time Of Grazing And Feed On Offer

Grazing Sequence Growth stage Grazing dates Feed on offer (kg/ha)

First GS 22 26 Jul – 7 Aug 309 Second GS 24 7 Aug – 15 Aug 639 Third GS 25 (early) 21 Aug – 24 Aug 700 Fourth GS 25 (late) 24 Aug – 30 Aug 866 Fifth GS 30 30 Aug – 7 Sep 1774 Sixth GS 32 11 Sep – 19 Sep 3175 Not grazed 5 x 6m2 plots None 0

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Trial Results 2006


The quality of the feed on offer changed dramatically during the grazing period. The energy rose from 12.5 MJ ME/kg at GS 22 to 13.5 MJ ME/kg at GS 30, before declining. The opposite occurred with the protein in the crop. Protein was highest at GS 22 (36.7%) but declined rapidly over the grazing period to 19.6% at GS 32. A total of 47 days grazing was achieved on the 10.4 ha, an equivalent of 19.4 DSE/ha (ewes with lamb at foot rated at 3.6 DSE) over the grazing period. Impact Of Grain Yield And Quality The impact of grazing pre GS 30 had a positive impact on grain yield compared to the ungrazed area. Grazing at the later vegetative growth stages (GS 25) achieved the greatest yield benefit. Grazing at GS 30 or later had a negative impact on grain yield (Figure 8-7).

Impact of time of grazing on grain yield





50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Days from sowing



Not grazed

GS 22 GS 25GS 24 GS 32GS 30

Figure 8-7: Impact Of Grazing On Grain Yield

Impact On Stubble Yield Grazing reduced the amount of stubble remaining after harvest, irrespective of the time of grazing. The greatest reductions occurred when grazed at GS 30 or later, however there was still a reduction in stubble yield with the earlier grazing at the vegetative stage (Figure 8-8).

Impact of time of grazing on residual stubble yield






50 60 70 80 90 100 110Days from sowing



GS 22GS 25

GS 24

GS 32

GS 30

Not grazed

Figure 8-8: Impact Of Grazing On Stubble Yield

Impact On Grain Quality Grain quality also appears affected by grazing. Early grazing seemed to increase protein compared to the control but grazing later into the season appears to decrease protein (Figure 8-9).

Impact of time of grazing on grain protein






50 70 90 110Days from sowing


GS 22 GS 25GS 24 GS 32GS 30

Not grazed

Figure 8-9: Impact Of Grazing On Grain Protein

Impact of time of grazing on grain energy


50 70 90 110

Days from sowing




GS 22 GS 25GS 24 GS 32GS 30

Not grazed

Figure 8-10: Impact Of Grazing On Grain Energy

The energy appears to decline due to grazing however the size of the decline is less than 0.5 MJ ME/kg ( Figure 8-10). Thousand grain weight was less than the no grazed treatment when grazing occurred early or late in the season (Figure 8-11)

Page 21: Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins Region · Trt Cereal Ewe weight on entry (kg) Condition score on entry Stocking rate (ewes/ha) Drymatter at start of trial (kg/ha) Triticale 2150 Barley

Trial Results 2006


Impact of time of grazing on thousand grain weight






50 70 90 110

Days from sowing


Not grazed

GS 22 GS 25GS 24 GS 32GS 30

Figure 8-11: Impact Of Grazing On Thousand Grain Weight Trial Observations The extremely dry conditions decreased the amount of drymatter grown in the early vegetative stage. Between the start of grazing (July 26) to the end of the fourth grazing (August 30) only 32.5 mm of rain fell, with the majority of this falling on August 24 and 25 and would explain the lack of growth up to the fourth grazing period. Rain in late August greatly increased crop growth, which averaged 165 kg/ha/day. The grazing value from the crop was significant given the dry year. The crop was grazed for 47 days at an average stocking rate of 19.4 DSE/ha over the grazing period or 2.5 DSE/ha over the entire year. For a typical farm in the South West Victoria that has an average stocking rate of 15.8 DSE/ha/yr (Farm Monitor Project, 2004/2005 (DPI, 2005)), this grazing represents 16% of the total feed requirement for the year and is provided at a time of year when feed is in short supply. No livestock performance was measured on this trial but previous research would indicate a high degree of variability in the performance of stock grazing cereals (Hugh Dove, CSIRO, pers comm). The reason for this variability is still being researched, with magnesium deficiencies suggested as one possible reason for less that anticipated growth rates. However the dramatic difference in the amount of protein and energy in the feed on offer at the start and end of grazing period may also be an explanation. At the start of grazing the ratio of protein (%) to metabolisable energy (MJ ME/kg) was 2.9:1 and this declined to 1.6:1 at GS 32. This effect is proposed as the reason for less than optimum growth of lambs grazing lush lucerne when the protein to energy ration exceed about 2.2. Grazing in the vegetative stage of crop growth seems to have a beneficial impact on grain yield compared to no grazing. The reason for this gain is likely to be a combination of moisture, frost and time of harvest. The removal of leaf during a dry winter was likely to have conserved soil moisture which was utilised by the crop later in the season. This response is greatest when the crop was grazed at the late vegetative stage, where a gain of 0.86 t/ha or 39% was achieved over the no grazing areas.

The thousand grain weight peaked at GS 25 and is probably a reflection of moisture availability. Removal of the canopy at this stage is likely to have reduced evapotranspiration leaving slightly more moisture for grain fill. However the difference to other grazing times is not large. The removal of the crop canopy is thought to reduce the incidence of rust. However in this year very little rust was observed in the no grazed plots and none in the late grazed areas. Grazing also delayed ear emergence by between seven and 10 days, which may have avoided periods of frost. This delay also made harvesting difficult, with the no grazed plots ready for harvest 20 days before the late grazed (GS 32) areas. Visual observations would suggest some grain may have been lost (seed shaken from the heads), although it is highly unlikely to explain the total yield difference between the grazed and ungrazed plots. The effect of grazing on grain quality was inconclusive. Protein levels were higher than the control in the early grazed plots and decline to less than the no grazed plots when grazed later. The change in grain protein was more than 2%, which may be important especially for barley. The apparent fall in energy due to later grazing was only in the order of 0.5 MJ ME/kg. While the decline in both could be attributed to the loss of leaf area due to grazing, further work is required to determine if this decline is repeatable and if so the magnitude of this change. Grazing at or after the commencement of stem elongation reduced grain yield compared to the control. This is expected as heavy grazing will remove the embryo ear as it begins to move up the stem of the tiller. Grazing at GS 32 reduce yield by 0.93t/ha or 43 % compared to no grazing. The removal of dry matter had an impact on final stubble mass after harvest. Grazing after the commencement of stem elongation reduced stubble mass by more than 50% or 4 t/ha. Grazing before

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Trial Results 2006


stem elongation reduced stubble mass but to a lesser extent (average reduction of 21%).

gps-AG 1 of 1 gps-Ag 7.5% Ad A4 mono - SFS.pdf

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Trial Results 2006

201 DUAL PURPOSE CEREAL DUAL PURPOSE CEREAL DUAL PURPOSE CEREAL DUAL PURPOSE CEREAL VARIETY EVALUATION VARIETY EVALUATION VARIETY EVALUATION VARIETY EVALUATION ---- BAIRNSDALE, VIC BAIRNSDALE, VIC BAIRNSDALE, VIC BAIRNSDALE, VIC Location: Bairnsdale Trial Site, Victoria Author: Colin Hacking, SFS Funding: Grain and Graze, National Landcare Program (NLP) Acknowledgements: John Chester, Brian Farhall, Frank Mickan, Trial Site Committee (John Patterson, Murray Stewart, Rick Frew, Tony Murray), Stuart White DPI, Maffra, Wes Arnott, Gary Sheppard and Louisa Ferrier, Rosemary Maher, Trevor Caithness, SFS, East Gippsland Shire, CSIRO, Grainsearch P/L and HRZ Wheats P/L for providing the seed. Background: Grain and forage crops have been grown in Gippsland for many years, however the need was identified to assess the potential of dual purpose grain and forage cereal varieties that would respond favourably to the vagaries of the Gippsland climate. Objective: To evaluate a number of dual purpose wheat varieties at two different sowing times. Summary: The trials aim to identify: • which varieties respond

favourably to Gippsland’s climatic conditions

• new lines which may be taken through to commercialization

• which lines are most suitable for grain and forage purposes and

• the disease resistance and susceptibility of different lines.

Rainfall (mm): GSR (Mar- Oct): 302 mm Method: Two trials were established with 16 varieties of dual purpose grains. Trial 1 (Grain & Forage): Sown 28th March Plot size 22 metres (2 metre wide beds) by 4 replicates Simulated grazing was done with a lawnmower on 11 metres of each repeat at GS30-32, weighed and samples dried to assess dry matter. One replicate from each variety was sampled and assessed for forage value. The other 11 metres was grown through to grain. Trial 2 (Grain Only): Sown 8th June The 16 varieties were sown in one bed (100metres x 2 metres). The varieties were assessed for grain yield and quality (protein screenings and test weight) at harvest. Treatments: Counts were taken at first tillering and simulated grazing and sampling undertaken on Trial 1 at GS 30-32. Sowing Trials 1& 2: Sowing rate: 100 kg/ha Sprayed with Glean 20gms/ha & Talstar 100mls/ha at sowing Fertilizer: Trial 1: DAP 100kg/ha at sowing followed by 100kg/ha Urea 11th August Trial 2: DAP 100kg/ha at sowing. Overall Conclusions The effect of grazing was to reduce final biomass yield (milky grain stage), whilst maintaining forage energy levels across the varieties. Most varieties showed a significant reduction in biomass protein levels following grazing. This was particularly the case for Monstress triticale. Grazing had the effect of reducing the final grain protein % on average across all varieties along with decreasing the final 1,000 grain weights. Grazing had no effect on final grain test weight. The recovery from grazing in terms of grain yield was different between varieties, with varieties such as Monstress benefiting in grain yield from grazing, with many of the wheat varieties showing reductions in final grain yields. Some wheat varieties were less affected than others. Perhaps grazing was too late thereby reducing the grain heads at harvest, and/or nitrogen levels were too low. Early forage dry matter production was similar across most of the wheat varieties with approximately 600 kg/ha dry matter being produced to the GS30 – GS32 stage. Monstress triticale however produced approximately double the dry matter by this early stage. Clearly there are superior dual purpose wheat varieties to Kellalac and MacKellar. Varieties such as Amarok and Marombi and several of the CSIRO lines gave much higher forage and grain yields.

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Trial Results 2006


The late sowing (8th June) compared to the early sowing (28th March) gave much inferior grain yields along with giving no grazing benefit. Grain quality (test weight, screenings and thousand grain weights) was also poorer than the early sown trial. Clearly the best option is to sow early and have the ability to graze or in fact simply let the crop go through to grain. Care must be taken however that the variety is suited to the early sowing and that frost does not become too great a risk.

Monstress triticale is certainly worth considering as a dual purpose crop, however higher nitrogen rates may be required after grazing to keep forage protein levels up. Feed shortage caused by the drought in 2006, suggests that higher returns would have been achieved by harvesting most varieties for forage, rather than letting them go through for grain.

Results & Discussion Table 8-23: Feed Analysis Results At GS30 – 32

Varieties Moisture Dry Matter (DM)

Crude Protein


Fibre Digestibility (DMD)

Digestibility (DOMD)

Energy (ME)

KELLALAC 86.2 13.8 30.3 44.6 80.0 74.6 12.1 MAROMBI 84.1 15.9 29.6 39.5 84.6 78.5 12.9 RUDD 87.3 12.7 29.9 37.9 86.2 79.8 13.2 CSIRO 170 84.5 15.5 34.3 39.5 88.2 81.6 13.6 MACKELLAR 85.3 14.7 29.0 42.7 82.4 76.6 12.6 HRZ 58693.3 83.9 16.1 25.6 40.5 83.1 77.2 12.7 H123.1 85.6 14.4 30.2 39.3 85.5 79.3 13.1 HRZ1.102.1 84.7 15.3 28.3 40.2 84.8 78.6 13.0 HRZ.2 84.1 15.9 25.8 42.6 81.9 76.2 12.5 HRZ 95176 84.4 15.6 25.2 41.7 84.8 78.7 13.0 HRZ 95102 86.7 14.3 29.5 38.4 85.4 79.2 13.1 HRZ 01.371.3 84.8 15.2 26.6 45.0 79.7 74.4 12.1 HRZ03.1010.3 84.8 15.2 29.4 42.3 83.3 77.4 12.7 AMAROK 84.8 15.2 29.0 38.6 86.7 80.3 13.3 MONSTRESS 89.0 11.0 25.6 47.3 79.6 74.2 12.1 FRELON 84.1 15.9 28.3 40.4 84.4 78.4 12.9

Key: MOISTURE is the amount of water in the feed, varying from about 10% for grains and to over 80% for fresh pasture. DRY MATTER (DM) refers to the amount of feed remaining after the water has been removed. The water content of feeds can vary considerably so all analyses are expressed on a dry matter basis. CRUDE PROTEIN (CP) is the amount of true protein (composed of amino acids) and non-protein nitrogen in the feed. Whilst it is desirable to have a high CP, it can be misleading to use as the sole measure of feed quality. NEUTRAL DETERGENT FIBRE (NDF) estimates the total cell wall content in a feed and it is the most useful measure of fibre content currently available.

DIGESTIBLE DRY MATTER (DDM) or DRY MATTER DIGESTIBILITY (DMD) is the percentage of the feed dry matter actually digested by animals, estimated using a laboratory method which is standardised against DDM values from feeding trials. High quality feeds have a DDM of over 65%, whilst feeds below 55% DDM are of poor quality and will not maintain liveweight even if stock have free access to it. DIGESTIBLE ORGANIC MATTER DIGESTIBILITY is the amount of digestible organic matter in the dry matter. METABOLISABLE ENERGY (ME) is the feed energy actually used by the animal, calculated from DDM and expressed as megajoules per kilogram of dry matter (MJ/kg DM). ME is the most important figure on the report. It is used to calculate whether stock are receiving adequate energy for maintenance or production.

Key definitions provided by Suzanne Dalton, FeedTest®, Mount Napier Rd, Private Bag 105, Hamilton VIC 3300, Ph: 1300 655 474.

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Trial Results 2006


Table 8-24: Average Dry Matter Yield KgDM/Ha At GS30 - 32

Varieties Av. %DM Av. Yield KgDM/Ha at GS30 - 32

KELLALAC 18.40 596 MAROMBI 18.29 661 RUDD 17.40 682 CSIRO 170 19.25 608 MACKELLAR 18.76 674 HRZ 58693.3 17.49 630 H123.1 20.16 685 HRZ1.102.1 18.55 552 HRZ.2 18.85 613 HRZ 95176 18.02 528 HRZ 95102 20.06 905 HRZ 01.371.3 18.94 672 HRZ03.1010.3 18.55 643 AMAROK 18.56 677 MONSTRESS 15.89 1204 FRELON 18.45 593

Table 8-25: Yield And Quality Of Wheat Varieties Grazed And Ungrazed At Late Crop Development

DM (kg/ha) ME (MJ/kg DM) CP (%) NDF (%) Plot name

Growth Stage DM% Ungraz. Grazed Ungraz. Grazed Ungraz. Grazed Ungraz. Grazed

Kellalac Late flowering 37.4 8383 8760 8.4 8.7 10.9 12.4 58.0 56.6

Marombi Clear liquid 42.5 15614 12055 9.0 10.1 7.1 9.7 52.5 45.8

Rudd Early flowering 36.4 10490 11416 9.9 9.9 13.1 10.0 50.0 48.2

CSIRO 170 Flowering 30.6 10088 9151 10.0 10.0 12.9 11.6 50.2 48.8 MacKellar Soft dough 38.7 9260 9538 10.2 9.5 11.9 9.0 48.5 50.7 HRZ 5869.3.3 Flowering 34.5 12105 7536 10.3 10.1 13.7 7.8 51.5 48.1

H 123.1 Milky-soft dough 38.5 12621 9387 10.5 9.7 9.9 6.0 45.3 46.9

HRZ 1.102.1 Late ear emerg. 34.6 12749 7700 9.9 10.3 10.7 8.3 49.6 47.3

HRZ 2 Clear liquid 39.2 12763 9925 9.8 9.6 11.9 6.9 52.2 49.3

HRZ 95176 Clear liquid-milk 33.7 10710 12143 10.0 10.1 12.5 10.1 49.3 48.1

HRZ 95102 Clear liquid 36.6 8953 9195 10.4 10.2 12.0 7.8 47.8 45.9

HRZ 01.372.3 Late flowering 36.7 13050 8458 9.5 10.7 9.2 9.1 52.6 45.8

HRZ 03.1010.3 Flowering 35.6 12633 7357 9.7 9.6 9.9 7.3 53.7 51.7 Amarok Clear liquid 35.5 11009 10390 10.1 9.8 12.5 9.9 50.6 50.9 Monstress Milk 43.5 15786 12745 10.5 9.0 9.2 6.4 42.9 52.2 Frelon Flowering 32.7 10582 7176 10.2 9.4 13.0 9.0 52.2 53.0 Average 11674 9558 9.9 9.8 11.28 8.83

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Trial Results 2006


Goldacres 1 page GOL31780[1].111206HR.pdf

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Trial Results 2006


Table 8-26: Average Grain Yields (Grazed + Ungrazed) T/Ha

Harvest was undertaken on 9th February 2007. Due to an error in the harvest operation resulting from the grazed and ungrazed treatments not being separated, a combined grazed and ungrazed yield is shown in. Several grazed and ungrazed plots were harvested in part of the trial, once the error was detected. Table 8-27 shows the effect of grazing on yields in just 1 rep of the trial. Unfortunately not all entries were represented in this harvested area.

Entry Variety Yield T/Ha

14 Amarok 4.442 11 HRZ 95102 4.325 4 CSIRO 170 4.232 2 Marombi 4.213 15 Monstress (Triticale) 3.910 8 HRZ 1.102.1 3.683 7 H123.1 3.678 10 HRZ 95175 3.617 6 HRZ 5869.3.3 3.458 16 Frelon 3.445 3 Rudd 3.353 13 HRZ 03.1010.3 3.300 12 HRZ 01.372.3 3.053 5 MacKellar 2.880 9 HRZ 2 2.202 1 Kellalac 2.190

Average 3.499 LSD 5% 0.654 CV 22.68

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Trial Results 2006


Table 8-27: Grain Yield Reduction From Grazing

Entry Variety Grazed Yield

Ungrazed Yield

Yield Grazed vs Ungrazed


% Yield Reduction

from grazing 1 Kellalac 2.137 2.590 82.50 17.50 2 Marombi 4.047 4.824 83.89 16.11 5 MacKellar 3.076 3.464 88.79 11.21 6 HRZ 5869.3.3 3.497 4.598 76.06 23.94 7 H123.1 4.015 4.403 91.18 8.82 8 HRZ 1.102.1 3.108 4.792 64.86 35.14 9 HRZ 2 2.525 2.655 95.12 4.88

12 HRZ 01.372.3 3.141 4.630 67.83 32.17 13 HRZ 03.1010.3 2.590 3.821 67.80 32.20 14 Amarok 4.598 5.245 87.65 12.35 15 Monstress 3.497 3.303 105.88 -5.88 16 Frelon 3.108 3.788 82.05 17.95

Average 3.278 4.009 82.80 17.20

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Trial Results 2006


Table 8-28: Grain Test Weight kg/hl And Grain Protein %

Entry Test Weight Grazed

Test Weight Ungrazed

Protein Grazed

Protein % Ungrazed

1 74.58 75.46 11.4 13.6 2 79.58 77.12 10.0 11.1 5 73.44 73.62 10.1 11.5 6 72.58 74.12 11.3 11.3 7 73.92 75.96 10.6 10.6 8 69.88 72.30 10.1 10.8 9 74.20 74.84 10.7 12.3

12 69.32 75.22 11.9 11.2 13 77.26 75.16 10.4 11.5 14 77.94 78.12 9.7 9.9 15 69.04 66.76 10.2 11.8 16 75.26 75.76 10.2 10.4

Average 73.92 74.54 10.55 11.33 Table 8-28 indicates that grazing had little effect on grain test weight, however it did affect grain protein, dropping it on average from 11.33% to 10.55%. Some varieties were more affected than others. This is indicating that not enough nitrogen was available to the crop post grazing. Table 8-29: Grain Screenings % And Grain Thousand Grain Weight (TGW)

Entry Screenings % Grazed

Screenings % Ungrazed

TGW grams Grazed

TGW grams Ungrazed

1 7.05 4.85 27.74 29.87 2 6.69 4.49 36.60 36.62 5 10.73 8.67 29.50 32.59 6 8.54 5.10 30.17 35.48 7 8.58 4.74 34.48 40.25 8 6.84 5.89 38.39 42.25 9 12.10 11.01 29.80 30.62 12 7.91 4.52 27.85 33.88 13 4.04 6.31 34.93 34.32 14 6.08 5.63 35.52 37.87 15 3.77 4.88 38.05 37.95 16 10.74 5.60 33.39 37.52

Average 7.76 5.97 33.04 35.77 Table 8-29 indicates that grazing increased the amount of screenings and decreased the thousand grain weight (TGW). In other words grazing reduced grain size and weight and therefore increased the level of screenings in the sample. The varieties MacKellar and Frelon had high levels of screenings (both grazed and ungrazed), whereas Monstress triticale had low screenings. Table 8-30 gives the grain yield from the 2nd time of sowing on the 8th June. These yields are significantly lower than obtained from the earlier sowing.

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Trial Results 2006


Table 8-30: Grain Only Trial – Late Sown Grain Yield And Quality Entry Variety Yield

T/Ha Test

Weight kg/hl

Protein %

Screenings %


16 Frelon 3.149 n/a n/a n/a n/a 15 Monstress 2.843 n/a n/a n/a n/a 10 HRZ 95175 2.788 66.48 12.9 7.91 27.16 7 H123.1 2.670 67.90 11.7 8.92 30.58 11 HRZ 95102 2.670 n/a n/a n/a n/a 14 Amarok 2.628 n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Rudd 2.614 69.18 12.6 6.07 29.22 5 MacKellar 2.433 69.02 11.5 14.55 25.47 13 HRZ 03.1010.3 2.357 n/a n/a n/a n/a 8 HRZ 1.102.1 2.315 68.74 11.4 7.62 31.73 9 HRZ 2 2.280 73.68 12.0 9.04 27.60 2 Marombi 2.225 70.88 12.3 5.98 29.09 6 HRZ 5869.3.3 2.183 70.30 13.1 5.04 26.55 12 HRZ 01.372.3 2.009 n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 CSIRO 170 1.842 71.30 10.9 7.07 27.27 1 Kellalac 1.752 74.50 14.0 7.11 25.55

Average 2.425 70.20 12.24 7.93 28.02 The late planted trial certainly gave lower yields than the early sown trial. Screenings were higher, with MacKellar showing quite high levels. Grain protein levels were generally higher than those in the earlier sown trial, although test weights and thousand grain weights were generally lower. This indicates that there was not enough moisture to fill the grain. Discussion: Table 8-23 indicates little difference in the quality of the forage produced at the GS30 – 32 stage. The energy levels ranged between 12.1 and 13.6 MJ ME/kg dry matter. Crude protein levels ranged from 25.2% to 34.3%, with CSIRO 170 giving the highest reading. The quantity of dry matter harvested at the GS30 – 32 was very similar between the wheat varieties, although Monstress triticale gave significantly higher levels. The highest yielding varieties (late harvested) for biomass dry matter in the ungrazed treatments were Marombi, Monstress and several of the HRZ lines. These lines also produced very high levels of biomass dry matter in the grazed treatments (Table 8-25). The effect of grazing however, was to reduce the total biomass dry matter at the late stage on average from 11,674 to 9,558 kg/ha dry matter. Some varieties were more affected than others, with varieties such as Marombi, HRZ 5869.3.3, H123.1, HRZ 1.102.1, Monstress and Frelon showing a significant reduction in total biomass dry matter due to grazing. Varieties such as Rudd, MacKellar and Amarok either slightly benefited from grazing or showed little adverse effect (Table 8-25). Table 8-25 also shows that grazing had little effect on the energy levels, on average dropping from 9.9 to 9.8 MJ ME/kg dry matter due to grazing. The effect on Monstress Triticale was however quite significant, reducing energy levels from 10.5 to 9.0 MJ ME/kg DM.

The effect on protein from grazing was however dramatic, with protein levels dropping on average from 11.28% down to 8.83%. This tends to indicate that the site may have run low on nitrogen, thereby reducing forage quality. This may also have had an adverse effect on forage yields and grain yields in the grazed treatments. This may explain the results in Table 8-27. Table 8-26.gives the average grain yield (grazed and ungrazed) for each of the varieties. Amarok gave the highest grain yield, although not significantly better than Marombi and Monstress. The varieties MacKellar and Kellalac were clearly inferior in yield. Table 8-27 shows the effect of grazing on final grain yield, with the average reduction being 721 kg/ha dry matter. Interestingly Monstress benefited from grazing, whereas all other varieties showed some reduction. It would appear that canopy management in Monstress from grazing had a positive effect on final grain yield, reducing the biomass by approximately 3,000 kg/ha dry matter, as shown inTable 8-25. The effect of grazing was to reduce the amount of grain protein (Table 8-28) whilst maintaining the grain test weight. Grazing had the effect of increasing grain screenings and decreasing grain test weight (Table 8-29). The late sown trial gave lower yields, poorer grain quality (test weight, thousand grain weight and screenings) compared to the early sown trial .

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Trial Results 2006


TRITICALE TRITICALE TRITICALE TRITICALE –––– PERTH, TAS PERTH, TAS PERTH, TAS PERTH, TAS Location: "Oakdene", Perth, Tasmania Researchers: Geoff Dean, Brett Davey, SFS Simon Munford DPIW Acknowledgements: Bill Chilvers, Rob Bradley Background: With early sowing dates in the UK excess vegetative growth is controlled by lower plant population and where necessary, reduced nitrogen inputs early in the life of the crop. In the high rainfall areas of Australia excess growth can be controlled through grazing. There has been little work conducted in Australia to quantify the effects of grazing (cutting) on subsequent grain yield of early sown wheat and triticale. The potential of early sown wheat and triticale for production of silage was also assessed.

Rainfall (mm): Growing Season Rainfall April – Nov : 385 mm including 120 mm irrigation Varieties: Mackellar wheat, Breakwell triticale Treatments: March sown -uncut and cut The trial was sown under a centre pivot and there were four replicates in randomised complete blocks with buffer plots to separate the different cereals and cutting treatments. The trial was sown on 14th March 2006 with 9:16:10 fertiliser at 250kg/ha and followed a poppy crop. Initial dry matter cuts were taken on 31st May with a second cut on 31st July. Nitrogen (50kgN) was top-dressed on 31st August and a further 50kgN was applied to uncut plots (22nd September) and cut plots (11th October). Two fungicides were applied (24th August and 21st September) and an aphicide on 13th September. At soft dough stage, 2.4m2 of plot was cut from each of the previously uncut wheat and triticale plots to assess the potential for silage/hay. Edge rows were excluded from the cut to remove edge effects. Prior to grain harvest, samples were hand harvested from all plots to compare yield components. Grain from the rest of each plot was machine harvested on 24th January 2006. Summary: Responses to cutting treatments in Mackellar wheat and Breakwell triticale were examined in an early sowing (March). Frost damage was severe and both uncut treatments produced significantly lower grain yields being at mid flowering (Breakwell) and late ear emergence (Mackellar) at the time of the frosts. Grain yields did not tend to correlate with the number of ears per m2 or grain weight. However for both varieties the higher yields of cut treatments related to the number of grains per ear. The grain yield of the cut Breakwell plots was significantly higher than that of Mackellar –it appeared to be more delayed by early cutting than Mackellar and consequently avoided some of the frost damage. The higher yield was a result of more grains surviving per ear and the potential to produce larger seed. A fodder harvest of Breakwell and Mackellar sub-plots at the soft dough stage produced 22.9 and 19.4 t/ha of dry matter respectively and there is obvious potential for silage production.

BOLACBOLACBOLACBOLAC New premium quality high yielding wheat for high rainfall zone

• Very high yield potential - Highest yielding variety in high rainfall zone NVTs in 2006

• Excellent stripe rust resistance and adequate leaf and stem rust resistance

• Mid to late maturity between Chara and Kellalac - Very good straw strength

Seed inquiries to Graintrust (02 9955 6187) | Further information Dr R.Eastwood (AGT) (03 5362 2148)

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Trial Results 2006


Results and Discussion: Growth and dry matter: With irrigation and rain in March and April, establishment was good. Despite early growth being reduced by the cold and frosty May-July period, growth over late winter and early spring was reasonably good. Potential disease was controlled with the two fungicide sprays. The Mackellar and Breakwell plots cut for grazing estimates yielded a total of 2.26 and 2.62 t/ha of dry matter respectively. From past trials, cutting at a height of 50mm, as for wheat, has been too low for triticale, resulting in loss of tillers. Consequently Breakwell plots were cut at 70 mm which is more in line with commercial practice where grazing of triticale has occurred. Total dry matter production would therefore have been higher than indicated for Breakwell. The silage cuts of Breakwell and Mackellar were impressive with obvious potential for silage production (Table 8-31). Breakwell produced significantly higher dry matter than Mackellar and this compares favourably with 21.6 t/ha for Breakwell in 2005-06. Due to the extensive frost damage and lack of developing grain it was considered that the silage cuts could be delayed until soft dough stage to increase dry matter without adversely affecting quality.

This was not the case for the triticale and the samples tested at FeedTest, Hamilton were low in feed value, particularly crude protein. The time of cutting should therefore not be delayed beyond late milky dough stage for Breakwell even with frost damage. FeedTest values from 2005-06 are also presented in Table 8-31 for comparison. The silage DM values appear high compared with what was actually cut from commercial paddocks of Mackellar nearby i.e. a maximum of 12 t/ha. However the trial figures are from March sown plots that were not previously cut or grazed. Further paddock cuts were taken after the commercial hay/silage had been removed to determine the quantity being left after baling. Generally the paddocks were quite bare with only short stems and most of the dry matter remaining had been left in the windrows. This amount was still not high (average around 1.5 - 2 t DM/ha) except where there were windrows in the furrows of raised beds but even here remaining hay was less than 3 t/ha across the paddock.

Table 8-31: Dry Matter Production And Feed Quality Of Early Sown Wheat (Mackellar) And Triticale (Breakwell) Cut For Silage At Perth, 2006-07 (Data In Parenthesis Is For Breakwell in 2005-06)

Variety Dry matter production


Crude Protein


Dry matter digestibility


Metabolisable energy

(MJ/kg DM)

Neutral detergent fibre (%)

Mackellar 19.4 7.2 61.7 9.0 46.8 Breakwell 22.9 (21.6) 5.9 (7.2) 60.2 (63.4) 8.7 (9.3) 49.6 (47.2) LSD 5%. 2.72 CV% 5.7

Grain yield: Grain yield data reflects the degree of frost damage around the time of flowering (Table 2). Uncut treatments of each variety were the most affected being at mid flowering (Breakwell) and late ear emergence (Mackellar). The grain yield of the cut Breakwell plots was significantly higher than that of Mackellar –it appeared to be more delayed by early cutting than Mackellar. Grain yields did not tend to correlate with the number of ears/m2 or grain weight. However for both varieties there were significantly higher (around 230%) grains/ear when plots were cut i.e. the greatest effect of the frost damage was in reducing the number of grains presumably by damaging the reproductive organs in the developing floret.

Grain weights were actually relatively high with plants attempting some compensation later in the growing season. The 1000 grain weight of the uncut Breakwell was significantly lower than for cut plots suggesting that the less developed grains in the uncut plots were more affected by the mid November frost compared with the more advanced uncut treatment. Mackellar tended to show the opposite of this effect but this was not significant. This was possibly due to greater moisture utilisation (more tillers). The lower soil moisture content measured in soil cores from uncut Mackellar plots tended to show this.

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Trial Results 2006


Table 8-32: Effect Of Cutting Of Early Sown Wheat (Mackellar) And Triticale (Breakwell) On Grain Yield And Yield Components At Perth, 2006-07

Variety Cutting treatment

Yield t/ha

No. ears/m2

No. grains /ear

1000 grain wt g

Mackellar uncut 0.65 875 1.83 40.4 cut 1.14 667 4.10 43.2 Breakwell uncut 0.67 481 2.88 57.6 cut 1.62 456 6.64 54.0 LSD 5% 0.375 140.7 1.573 2.99 CV% 23.0 14.2 25.0 3.8

Not surprisingly Mackellar produced significantly more ears/m2 and Breakwell a higher grain weight. For Breakwell the greater number of surviving grains in each ear may be a function of the larger ears. The higher yield of Breakwell was a result of more grains developing/surviving per ear and the potential for larger seed. Again the significantly higher number of ears in Mackellar plots may have reduced soil moisture to a greater extent.

Obviously the data from the trial is biased by the degree of frost damage and needs to be repeated. There is a reduced chance of frosts occurring in November and with the extensive damage caused by frosts at flowering in October, later flowering varieties are required for early sowing, particularly if grazing is not planned.

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Trial Results 2006

212 REDUCED WATERLOGGINGREDUCED WATERLOGGINGREDUCED WATERLOGGINGREDUCED WATERLOGGING OF PASTURES OF PASTURES OF PASTURES OF PASTURES –––– DERRINALLUM DERRINALLUM DERRINALLUM DERRINALLUM Location: Derrinallum Victoria Researchers: Graeme Ward and Tim Johnston (PIRVic) Authors: Graeme Ward and Tim Johnston (PIRVic) Funding: Grain and Graze, National Landcare Program (NLP) Acknowledgements: Thanks to Darren and Michelle Evans for providing land for this trial. Aim: To quantify the effect of surface drainage on farm productivity, profitability and sustainability (both on and off farm). The trial is designed specifically to monitor the effect of surface drainage; • on pasture productivity and

nutritive value; • animal production; • waterlogging severity and

duration, • trafficability and soil physical

condition, • monitoring of waterflows off

the site.

Rainfall (mm): Annual Rainfall 2006: 390 mm Trials site and design The trial is being conducted on a “Grain & Graze” surface drainage demonstration paddock established on the property of Darren and Michelle Evans, Kurweeton Road Derrinallum. The 23 ha paddock had raised beds (2 m wide) and hump and hollow(25 m wide) drainage installed on approximately one third each of the paddock during the autumn of 2005, with the remaining one third of the paddock being left as an undrained control area. The paddock was sown to hybrid perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. Horizon) and white clover (Trifolium repens L. cv. winter white) in June 2005, with some areas requiring resowing in August 2005. In October 2005, the paddock was fenced along the boundaries between treatment areas to form six small paddocks: two in each drainage treatment – larger paddocks to the west of the north-south drain dissecting the paddock, and smaller paddocks to the east of this drain. The larger paddocks to the west of the drain, hereafter called “plots”, are used as the experimental areas for the trial, whilst the smaller paddocks to the east used as part of the grazing rotation, but no experimental observations are collected from them. During January-February 2006 a road grader was used to form hydraulically isolated treatment catchments in each of the western side of the raised bed, control and hump & hollow treatment paddocks. Each of these catchments are 2.5 ha in size and have flumes and automated water measurement and sampling equipment installed to collect surface runoff water. Further information about this trial can be found at www.sfs.org.au

Summary Of Findings: During 2006, a field trial designed to quantify the effect of two different surface drainage strategies of pasture (hump & hollow and raised beds) on farm productivity, profitability and sustainability was conducted on a commercial farm near Derrinallum as part of the Corangamite/Glenelg-Hopkins “Grain & Graze” program. Unfortunately, despite above average rainfall for January, February and April, severe drought conditions prevailed with total rainfall for the year being in decile 1. As a result of these rainfall deficiencies for winter and spring, no surface runoff or waterlogging of pastures occurred during 2006. Therefore, the effect of the hump & hollow and raised bed drainage treatments compared to the undrained control on surface runoff, pugging damage and trafficability could not be determined. However, the effect of the two drainage treatments in a dry year on the pasture and animal productivity was determined. Significantly, the raised bed drainage treatment had lower pasture productivity growing only 4.81 t DM/ha for the year compared with 7.05 t DM/ha for the hump & hollow and 7.61 t DM/ha for the control. A large part of this lower DM yield on the raised beds is likely to be a result of a poor establishment of the autumn oversown Italian ryegrass on the raised beds. Despite having a satisfactory initial establishment, the ryegrass seedlings in this treatment suffered from serious moisture stress leading to a high mortality and an open pasture with more bare space. This was then reflected in lower animal production for the raised bed treatment. Lambs from all three treatments had similar liveweight at weaning in early November, but the raised beds was only able to be stocked at 4.3 ewes/ha over the spring period compared to 5.2 and 5.4 ewes/ha for the control and hump & hollow treatments respectively.

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Trial Results 2006


Marked differences in soil physical health were found between the topsoils of the different treatments. Most notable was the aeration porosity of the soils at field capacity (10 kPa). The control treatment had a porosity of only 6.5% at 10 kPa, indicating that this soil had lost most of its macro, or large pores due to treading. This value is well below the well recognized critical level of 10%, below which plant growth can be restricted through poor root aeration. In contrast the raised beds and hump & hollow had values of 15.7% and 11.5% respectively. The change in pore size distribution in the soils from these different treatments was also found to have a marked effect on the water holding capacity of these soils. The plant available water (PAW) of the top 10 cm of these soils was found to 28.5 mm for the control, but only 19.8 mm and 17.8 mm for the hump & hollow and raised beds respectively. This reduced water holding capacity may have contributed to the markedly poorer productivity of the pastures on the raised beds under the drought conditions of 2006. Major management and experimental activities during 2006 • 12 April: Autumn fertiliser applied – 20 kg P/ha as triple superphosphate. • 26 April: All of trial area oversown with “Crusader” Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) at 25 kg/ha

seed with 80 kg/ha DAP due to very poor persistence of the “Horizon” hybrid ryegrass sown the previous autumn.

• 1 May: Installation of all experimental measurement and monitoring equipment completed. This included all pasture, soil, water and meteorological equipment – assessments commenced.

• 19 June: Western (experimental) paddocks sprayed by air with 1.5 L/ha of Agtryne MA (Terbutryn 275 g/L + MCPA 160 g/L) and 100 ml/ha of Fastac (Alpha-cypermethrin 100 g/L) for broadleaf weed (mainly thistles) and pasture pest (mainly black headed cockchafer) control.

• Early July: All western (experimental) paddocks crash grazed with commercial mob of sheep following herbicide application.

• 14 July: trial ewes weighed, conditions scored, vaccinated and drenched – allocated to and put on trial paddocks (36 ewes/treatment).

• 16 July: 100 kg/ha of Urea (47 kg N/ha) applied by air to western (experimental) paddocks. • 28 July: Ewes on trial commenced lambing. • 10 August: Stocking rates on each of the treatments adjusted by adding additional ewe lambs to some

treatments. This was done in an attempt to bring standing pasture mass on all treatments back to a common level.

• 15 September: Lambs on trial marked. Stocking rates on the different treatments adjusted by removing some of the ewe lambs to bring stocking rates back in line with pasture growth.

• 8 November: Lambs weaned. Ewes weighed and condition scored. Lambs weighed and counted. Trial sheep removed from the treatments – animal monitoring for the season concludes.

• 5 December: Final pasture measurements for 2006 conducted.

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Trial Results 2006



Location: 13 sites within 100 km of Geelong, Victoria Researchers: IPM Technologies Pty Ltd (Dr Paul Horne, Jessica Page, Neil Hives), Agvise Services (Steve Dickson, David Watson), Department of Sustainability and Environment (Jaimie Mavromihalis, Vivienne Turner) Author: Cam Nicholson, G&G Dr Paul Horne, IPM Technologies Funding: Grain and Graze, National Landcare Program (NLP) Acknowledgements: Special thanks to all the farmers who participated in this work: Barwonleigh, Duncan Campbell Emily Park, Jim Seager & Brendan Egan Glenfine, Peter O’Loughlin Leighview, John Hamilton Plains, Rowan Peel Mt Gow, Andrew Cameron Mt Hesse, David Kininmonth Strathleigh, Robert Meek Warrambeen, Ian Taylor Woolbrook, Andrew Morrison Aim: • To gain an indication of the

distribution of some beneficial species across the region.

• to gain an appreciation of what beneficial species occur in the different ecosystems

• to investigate the potential role of native grasslands in assisting to control pests in agricultural crops and pastures

Background: Integrated pest management (IPM) is not widely adopted in broad acre cropping and grazing in South West Victoria. Recent conventional control has involved using broad spectrum insecticides or baits, generally in response to minimising current crop damage or to safeguard a crop or pasture against possible future attack. Unfortunately this often kills beneficial insects or mites that could provide biological control within an IPM program. While insecticide spraying continues to be common practice, there is a growing interest in IPM. This interest is driven by a number of concerns such as chemical costs, a fear of creating insect resistance, operator safety issues and the gradual withdrawal of insecticides from the market. Previous work conducted by IPM Technologies has demonstrated that beneficial insects such as carabid beetles, predatory mites, native earwigs, lacewings, ladybirds and wasps are capable of reducing or eliminating pest damage if they are present in sufficient populations and at the right time. However it was unclear how widely these beneficial species were distributed across the region, in what proportions and if there was a difference in populations between crops, pastures and native vegetation. Summary Of Findings: Thirty paddocks were monitored in the Geelong district to determine the diversity and abundance of two insects (carabid beetles and native earwigs) known to play a critical role in an integrated pest management program (IPM). Forty per cent of all pasture and cropping sites had little or none of these beneficial species present. Of the sites where adequate populations of carabid beetles and earwigs were found, cropping paddocks were dominated by one subspecies of carabid (Rhytisternus) and the beneficial native earwig (Labidura truncate). In contrast, the pasture paddocks were dominated by a different subspecies of carabid beetle (Promecoderus). This suggests the environment created in crops and pastures are favourable for significant increases in the population of certain beneficial species, to the extent thought to be sufficient to achieve the biological component of an IPM program. Remnant native grassland contained a greater diversity of important carabid beetles but in numbers insufficient to provide direct biological control in adjacent crop and pasture paddocks. However the diversity of resident population means these sites play an important role as a reservoir of beneficial insects to repopulate crop and pasture areas. Most of the ‘native’ sites on farms were dominated by annual exotic weeds and contained beneficial populations similar to improved pasture rather than remnant native vegetation. This would suggest native vegetation may not provide the repopulation pool found in remnant native grasslands.

Trial Design And Inputs: Four different vegetation types or grassy ecosystems were studied. These were: • Winter crops such as wheat, barley and canola. • improved pasture • ‘native pasture’ as identified by the participating farmers, • remnant native grassland, which has had minimal disturbance through cultivation or grazing.

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Trial Results 2006


A selection of carabid beetles and earwigs were chosen for analysis. These are regarded as key species that prey on many common agricultural pests. All carabids (beetles in the Family Carabidae) are commonly known as ground beetles and they have an easily recognizable shape. The five carabid species were chosen because they were known to be abundant from at least some sites previously sampled and because they are either predators or scavengers and eat a wide range of soft-bodied prey such as caterpillars, aphids, earwigs, slugs and possibly mites. ���� Photo 8-14: Carabid Beetle

���� Photo 8-15: European Earwigs (Female Top, Male Bottom)

Five species of carabids were selected for this study. These species have not been the focus of any applied research until now, and they do not have any common names other than “carabid beetle”. The five species used in the study were: 1. Rhytisternus liopleurus 2. Notonomus gravis 3. Geoscaptus species 4. Sarticus species 5. Promocoderus species

Two earwig species were also observed. The native earwig (Labidura truncate) which is a predator and the European earwig (Forficula auricularia) a known pest in canola. Samples of these insects were collected by pitfall trapping. Collections were more often made in spring and autumn with reduced collections in the colder winter months. The number of collection sites and period of sampling is presented (Table 8-33).



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Trial Results 2006


Table 8-33: Sample Sites And Period Of Collection

Ecosystem type Property Dates Sampled No. of Samples Barwonleigh 04/05 – 05/05 4 (not continued) Emily Park 04/05 – 04/06 44 Glenfine 04/05 – 05/05 4 (not continued) Leighview 04/05 – 06/06 22 Mt Gow 04/05 – 06/06 21 Mt Hesse 04/05 – 06/06 23 Plains 03/05 – 09/05 8 Strathleigh 05/05 – 09/05 3 (not continued) Warrambeen 04/05 – 06/06 12

Improved pasture

Woolbrook 04/05 – 05/05 5 (not continued) Barwonleigh 04/05 – 05/05 4 (not continued) Glenfine 04/05 – 05/05 4 (not continued) Leighview 04/05 – 10/05 14 Plains 02/05 – 09/05 14 Mt Gow 04/05 – 10/05 12 Mt Hesse 04/05 – 11/05 15 Strathleigh 06/05 – 06/06 9 Warrambeen 04/05 – 05/05 4 (not continued)


Woolbrook 04/05 – 05/05 4 (not continued) Barwonleigh 04/05 – 05/05 4 (not continued) Emily Park 04/05 – 04/06 44 Glenfine 04/05 – 05/05 4 (not continued) Leighview 07/05 – 10/05 4 Mt Gow 04/05 – 06/06 22 Mt Hesse 04/05 – 06/06 23 Warrambeen 04/05 – 06/06 13

‘Native’ pasture

Woolbrook 04/05 – 05/05 4 (not continued) Shelford (roadside) 03/05 – 06/06 23 Ballan (roadside) 04/05 – 04/06 44

Remnant native grassland

Creswick (roadside) 04/05 – 04/06 44 Collections were made by Agvise Pty Ltd and IPM Technologies Pty Ltd between March 2005 and June 2006. The insects were preserved in alcohol and the numbers of each species were counted in the laboratory. Samples were initially collected from a large number of sites. However at some sites low or no populations of beneficial species limited the value of collecting ongoing data. While the initial samplings provided some insight into the distribution across a number of farms, continued sampling was focused on a smaller number of sites where there was a prospect of obtaining adequate numbers of key beneficial predators to draw additional conclusions. Carabid beetles and native earwigs captured over a 12 month period were used to compare sites, as previous research has indicated the “year catch” (ie the total insects captured in 12 months) is a good measure of the carabid beetle and earwig populations. Sites were compared on this basis.

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Trial Results 2006


Trial Results The initial collections revealed 40% of the cropping and pasture sites had very few or no beneficial species present. The possible reasons for this result are presented in the discussion section. A total of 19 sites were selected for ongoing monitoring. When interpreting the results it is important to consider both the number of insects collected and the relative proportion of each species in the total catch. The results show the relative proportion of each carabid subspecies captured varies depending on the ecosystem present. The remnant native grassland contained four of the five carabid subspecies, although not all species were present at each site. (Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13). Species Promecoderus was recorded at each site and in reasonable proportions (between 30% and 60% of the total catch). However the total number of species was low in contrast to collections from the pasture and crop paddocks. The remnant native grassland sites had a fraction of the total of any key species found in crop or pasture habitats. For example one remnant grassland site at Shelford had a total catch of 35 carabid beetles and earwigs compared to a total catch of 364 carabid beetles and earwigs in the neighboring cropping paddock.

















e (%


Figure 8-12: Relative Abundance Of Beneficial Species (All Roadside Remnant Native Grassland Sites)

















e (%


Shelford (roadside)Creswick (roadside)Ballan (roadside)

Figure 8-13: Relative Abundance Of Beneficial Species (Roadside Remnant Native Vegetation Sites)

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Trial Results 2006


The cropping paddocks were dominated by one subspecies of carabid (Rhytisternus) and the beneficial native earwig (Labidura truncate) Figure 8-14. All sites had significant populations of these two species and they were the significant subspecies present.























e (%


Figure 8-14: Relative Abundance Of Beneficial Secies (Cropping Sites) In contrast, the improved pasture paddocks were dominated by a different subspecies of carabid beetle (Promecoderus). This beetle was found at all seven sites and ranged between 17% and 92% of the total beneficial carabid and earwig populations. Similar to the cropping sites, the abundance of beneficial species in a pasture at Emily Park at Ballan was in the order of 10 times higher than a nearby native remnant grassland.
























e (%


Figure 8-15: Relative Abundance Of Beneficial Species (Pasture Sites) A fourth ecosystem type was included in later analysis. Farmers identified an unimproved grassland paddock (referred to as a ‘native’ paddock) for monitoring. The abundance of each species was measured and compared to the number and proportions found in the remnant native grassland. Four of the five ‘profiles’ more closely matched the numbers and proportions found on improved perennial pastures (Figure 8-16).

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ce (%


Emily ParkMt HesseMt GowLeighview

Figure 8-16: Relative Abundance Of Beneficial Species (‘Native’ Sites) The fifth native grassland site at Warrambeen also contained carabid beetles Promecoderus and Geoscaptus but were in numbers 20 times lower that the average of the other native grassland sites. A botanical analysis was conducted on four of the farmer selected ‘native’ paddocks. In three of the paddocks the grassland was dominated by exotic annual grasses and broadleaf plants (Table 8-34). Table 8-34: Proportion Of Species Found In ‘Native’ Grassland Paddocks

Exotic species Native species Property Species Prop’n

(%) Species Prop’n


Other observations

Mt Hesse Soft Brome, Sub Clover, Silver grass.

90% Common Wallaby-grass Slender Dock Kangaroo Grass.

3% Rocky. Some litter (8%) Bare ground (1%)

Mt Gow Phalaris, Soft Brome, Silver grass, Onion Grass.

65% Kneed Spear-grass Velvet Wallaby-grass Basalt Tussock-grass Poa labillardierei

4% Scattered rocks, Abundant litter (30%) Bare ground (23%)

Leighview Phalaris, Soft Brome, Silver grass and Shivery grass.. Litter is abundant.

44% Poison Lobelia Juncus sp

11% Abundant litter (50%) Bare ground (4%)

Warrambeen Onion Grass Yorkshire Fog, Silver grass, Shivery grass

13% Wallaby-grass, Kangaroo Grass, Pink Bindweed, Sheep’s Burr, Bluebell, Poa sp. (Snow-grass), and Small Scurf-pea).

66% Scattered rocks Litter (18%) Bare ground (12%)

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Trial Results 2006


Trial Observations The number and type of carabid beetles and beneficial earwigs varies from the pasture, crop and remnant vegetation ecosystems. In 37% of the monitored sites few or no species were recorded. Seasonality will influence the abundance of these species, as the larval stages are below ground and only the adult insects, moving on the soil surface were trapped. This may explain why the recorded populations in some sites were low. However expert opinion would suggest the previous paddock history is likely to have a greater influence on the current population than the seasonal variation. Carabid beetles have a long reproductive cycle so the loss of a population say through application of a broad spectrum insecticide can take many years to recover, especially if the breeding habitat is less than ideal. No analysis has been undertaken of the chemical application and farm practices applied to the study paddocks but are an obvious area for further investigation. The large difference in beneficial insect numbers implies that achieving IPM may be achieved more quickly on some farms than others because of the existing resident population of beneficial species. The data also suggests that populations of beneficial species can survive in numbers believed to be sufficient to achieve the biological component of an IPM program. When interpreting the data, it is important to examine both the relative proportions of each subspecies of carabid and the total number present, as it is possible to have dominance of one sub species but in numbers too low to achieve adequate pest control. Collections during the study period have clearly shown that crops, pasture and remnant native vegetation contain different types and abundance of carabid beetle and native earwigs, enabling a ‘population profile’ to be established. Cropping paddocks tend to be dominated by the carabid Rhytisternus and the beneficial native earwig (Labidura truncate). In contrast the pasture paddocks were dominated by a different subspecies of carabid beetle (Promecoderus) with native earwigs and other carabid beetles in much lower proportions. The reasons for the difference are speculative but may include insecticide use, herbicide use, crop rotation or simply a consequence of changing habitat structure. Altered habitat structure such as changing from tussocks to crop stubble or to heavily grazed pasture will modify habitat complexity. While this change to habitat structure is obvious, and may be the dominant factor, the additional reasons are likely to also contribute to the resulting invertebrate composition. The relative influence of these factors is yet to be determined. Remnant native grasslands contained a greater diversity of carabid beetles but in numbers much lower than the cropping or pasture paddocks sampled. This finding has three important implications.

The first is the number of beneficial species is unlikely to be in sufficient to provide direct biological control in adjacent paddocks. The beneficial species are simply outnumbered by the pests residing in the crop or pasture. The second is at least one species of resident carabid beetle and earwig found in remnant native grassland is favoured by the environment created by cropping or pasture. These individual species are likely to move out of the native vegetation areas and breed successfully in the crop or pasture (assuming other actions are also taken to avoid killing them in the crop or pasture). This will eventually increase numbers in the crop or pasture to a level sufficient to provide some natural pest control. Finally remnant native grasslands or even the establishment or enhancement of new areas of native grasslands is important to provide a reservoir of beneficial insects to repopulate crop and pasture areas. An additional five ‘native’ paddocks were sampled to determine their beneficial species population profile. Four of the five profiles did not match the characteristics of the remnant native grasslands. The number of individual beneficial species in these four paddocks was much higher than a fifth ‘native’ paddock. These four paddocks were less diverse and better matched an improved pasture profile. This conclusion is supported by the composition of the vegetation in the ‘native’ paddocks, where these sites were dominated by exotic pasture species such as phalaris and weeds like soft brome, onion grass and silvergrass. A paddock at Warrambeen was the only paddock of the five ‘native’ sites to exhibit a similar profile to remnant native grasses, but in much lower total numbers. This correlates to a higher proportion of native vegetation. In addition a large native species of weevil (as yet unidentified) was found only from remnant native grassland sites and from the Warrambeen native vegetation site. It would be unwise to conclude a ‘native’ pasture will necessarily have the same characteristics of remnant native vegetation and therefore will automatically be a good source of native biodiversity, especially the key beneficial species discussed here. It is also unclear if the difference in beneficial insect population between the Warrambeen site and others is solely due to vegetation diversity and structure or other factors have contributed to the shift. The findings also suggest that if ‘native’ sites lose their diversity (through whatever reason) and become dominated by exotic species such as phalaris, soft brome and silvergrass they will lose their carabid beetle diversity but increase in beetle number. They will also support invertebrate populations more like an improved pasture.