Copyright © ASPIRITUS N.V 2005 All Rights Reserved Slide 1 of 10 The Aspiritus RMR explained Part I The Basics Part II Q-points: what are they? Part III Gameplay RMR Part IV Aspiritus Points RMR Current as at 9 April 2005

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The Aspiritus RMR explained

Part I The Basics

Part II Q-points: what are they?

Part III Gameplay RMR

Part IV Aspiritus Points RMR

Current as at 9 April 2005

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What is Gameplay RMR?

Gameplay RMR pays commissions when someone in below You in

Your Sponsor Chain plays in the Aspiritus Casino, enjoys the

Globelot products or places a bet in the Aspiritus Sportsbook

ALL Members participate in the Gameplay RMR regardless of their Membership Level or RMR Status - You can start

earning Gameplay RMR from Day 1!

Gameplay RMR is paid weekly as Credits into Your Aspiritus Account

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Secondary Referral

Direct Referral

Remember the example from Part I?

• In this example You have personally sponsored two Members – one in Your left branch and one in your right branch

• One of them has sponsored two more Members

• They may have also sponsored Members and so forth…

Your Business Centre

Your Sponsor

Your Sponsor’s Sponsor

Sponsor ChainOnly Members in Your Sponsor Chain contribute to Your Gameplay RMR…

Sponsor Chain

• The Sponsor Chain links all Direct Referrals in the Network and is unlimited in depth

You could earn commissions from someone 100 levels

below You!

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How to calculate Your Gameplay RMR

• Any Member who plays the games will generate a Gameplay Rewards Pool - This is the total commissions generated by that Member’s play

• The Gameplay Rewards Pool is distributed to:

The Member who generated it

(ie the Member who played the game),

Their Sponsor, and

Up the Sponsor Chain

• Gameplay is calculated for each of the Aspiritus products: Aspiritus Casino, Globelot and Aspiritus Sportsbook (called Casino RMR, Globelot RMR and Sportsbook RMR)

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Calculating a Member’s “Gameplay Rewards Pool”

• Total Gameplay Turnover = the total amount wagered by all Members in that game for that week

• Gross Profit = The amount retained by Aspiritus after all winnings are paid

• Total Rewards Pool = The total amount set aside by Aspiritus each week to pay Gameplay RMR - typically 40% of Gross Profit for the game

• Member’s Turnover = the amount wagered in the game that week by the Member

• Member’s Gameplay Rewards Pool =

Members Turnover

Total Gameplay TurnoverTotal Rewards poolx

Example (Pete and Jergen in the Casino)

Total Casino Turnover: € 3,000,000

Gross Profit: € 100,000

Total Rewards Pool (40%): € 40,000

Pete gambled €1,800 on Black Jack and lost it all. Pete’s turnover is therefore €1,800 of the overall €3,000,000 that was the Total Casino Turnover. This represents 0.06% of the Total Gameplay Turnover, which equates to €24 of the Total Rewards Pool of €40,000.

Jergen was feeling lucky and gambled €1,000. He immediately won €4,000 on Roulette, then gambled the total of €4,000 but lost €2,000. At the end of the week he had therefore turned over €1,000 of his original money, €4,000 of his winnings and was left with €2,000. In total he had turnover of €5,000 in the Casino (i.e. the amounts he gambled: his original €1,000 plus the €4,000 winnings).

Jergen gambled €1,000

Plus winnings €4,000

Less gambled loss €2,000

Balance winnings €2,000

Total turnover €5,000

(original €1,000 plus €4,000 winnings)

Jergen’s turnover is €5,000. His activity therefore contributed €5,000 of the overall €3,000,000 that was the Total Casino Turnover. This represents 0.0167% of the total as a percentage. 0.0167% of the Total Rewards Pool (€40,000) is €66.80 – this represents Jergen’s contribution to the Total Rewards Pool.

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* Currency values used in on this and subsequent slides are for illustration purposes only and not an indication of likely RMR payments as these will vary depending on the structure of the Network in accordance with the RMR Rules

How is the “Gameplay Rewards Pool” distributed?

• Each Member’s Gameplay Rewards Pool is distributed as follows:

If the Member has…

To theMember

To theSponsor

To theSponsor Chain

Ruby RMR Status 12.5% 37.5% 50%

Sapphire, Emerald or Diamond RMR Status 25% 25% 50%

Gameplay Rewards Pool RMR Distribution*

€100 Casino € 12.50

€ 37.50

€ 62.50

€ 62.50

€ 12.50

€ 12.50

€ 38

€ 28

€ 16

€ 46

€ 8

€ 5

€250 Sportsbook

€50 Globelot

€ 10

€ 9

€ 7

€ 6

€ 5

€ 4

If You are a sponsor then You receive two allocations: 1. Your allocation as a Sponsor (in this case € 37.50) 2. plus … Your allocation as part of the Sponsor Chain (in this case € 10)

• The 50% Sponsor Chain distribution is via a patented formula that guarantees that the closer You are to the Member who generated the Rewards Pool the more your receive (in percentage terms)

% of Sponsor Chain


1 2 3 4 5 …. 10 …. 15 …. 20 …. 30 …No. of levels upSponsor Chain




Total: € 37.50 + € 10

= € 47.50

Total: € 7 + € 62.50 + € 46

= € 115.50

Total: € 6 + € 38 + € 12.50

= € 56.50

Total: € 5 + € 28 + € 12.50 + € 8

= € 53.50

Total: € 4 + € 16 + € 5= € 25

12.5% to the Member (ie the player)

37.5% to the Sponsor

50% to the Upline

25% to the Member (ie the player)

25% to the Sponsor

50% to the Upline

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Adjustments to Gameplay RMR based on RMR Status

Members with Diamond RMR Status receive 100% of the Gameplay RMR distributed according to the previous slide

Emerald RMR Status Members receive 50% of the amount distributed to them as direct Sponsor and 25% of the amount they receive from the Sponsor Chain distribution

Sapphire RMR Status Members receive 25% of the amount distributed to them as direct Sponsor and 12.5% of the amount they receive from the Sponsor Chain distribution

Ruby RMR Status Members receive 12.5% and 6.25% respectively

ALL Members receive 100% of the RMR distributed to them as the “player”

Distribution as player

Distribution as Sponsor

Distribution up Sponsor Chain

€ 12.50

€ 62.50

€ 12.50

€ 37.50

€ 62.50

€ 12.50

€ 10

€ 9

€ 7 + € 46 = € 53

€ 6 + € 38 = € 44

€ 5 + € 28 + € 8 = € 41

€ 4 + € 16 + € 5 = € 25

Remember the example from the previous slide…

€ 53

€ 44

€ 41

€ 25

€ 11

€ 6.25

€ 1.25€ 9.38

€ 3.32€ 7.82

€ 0.56

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Let’s recap… hints to maximise Your Gameplay RMR

• Gamers are Your best source of income - Sponsor Members who will play the games

• The closer You are to the action, the more You will receive – so cluster Your Gamers close to Your Business Centre

• Sponsors of Gamers with Ruby RMR Status earn a higher commission, but if You assist Your Gamers to upgrade their RMR Status they will have more incentive to play as they too will share in the RMR

• Your Direct and Secondary Referrals generate both Gameplay RMR and Q-points for You

• Your Gameplay RMR is affected by Aspiritus’ overall profit from Gameplay each week – some weeks will be better than others

• Insure against fluctuations in the profitability of the games by building a solid network that uses the Aspiritus products and services on a regular basis

• Upgrade to Diamond RMR Status to earn full Gameplay RMR (see Part II to find out how)

There is no limit to the depth of Your Sponsor Chain … therefore no limit to Your Gameplay RMR

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Next up…

Part I The Basics

Part II Q-points: what are they?

Part III Gameplay RMR

Part IV Aspiritus Points RMR

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Any questions?

It is likely You will have a number of questions at this stage. However please read on through the entire presentation. If after You have completed the presentation You still have questions about the RMR Program then don’t hesitate to contact Support via the Support menu in the Member Zone or write to [email protected]