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You have already experienced a wealth of knowledge during the success-

driven, 10-day course about how to become wealthy. Most importantly,

you have learned the keys to sustain wealth! This opened your eyes to the

world that money is not the source of joy.

Still, this leaves open the question, what are some of the sources of joy? In

this fast track package of exclusive PDFs, we will discuss just a few critical

concepts to true joy. We will open your eyes still further to just a few

important components to inner joy. We will show how you can get on the

fast track to health, love, and happiness.

Health is probably the most overlooked portals to joy. Often, it is

considered a given attribute that is only appreciated when it is lost.

Certainly, it is enjoyed when you get it back after losing your health for even

a short while! Then, after only a short moment, we ignore this asset like a

forgotten toy on the shelf.


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Why is this so often the reality in our lives? Why do we not value health like

we value money, success and wealth? We are literally powerless when we

don’t have our health. We are dependent upon others when we lose our

health. We spend whatever we have…and, whatever we don’t have…to

regain our health in times of crisis. So, clearly, health must be important.

Health must be an asset more valuable than gold, or money, or possessions.

So, what is involved in health? Many things. Many things are controllable,

and many things are not controllable. Those that are not controllable are

our gender and age. We were born either male or female! We have to

grow only one direction, and that is older!

Still, we already learned that the healthiest of people embrace their

advancing age categories! Environmental factors are often unavoidable,

unless we have governmental supports or try to live away from various

waste dump sites or downstream water supplies. Another thing that is not

controllable is our genetic makeup. When our parents combined

chromosomes, we inherited a permanent set of genes that dictated some

of our capacity for health.

Yet, there are many things that are controllable! This is where we can seize

upon our asset and add value to it! What are the controllable health

factors? A few are diet, emotional stability or stress, sleep, and physical

activity. But, how can you control these and improve your important asset,

health? Let’s explore each and find ways to fast track your first source of joy

that is not related to money, health!


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Exactly how does diet impact health so greatly? What makes diet a

significant, controllable factor in sustaining and sometimes regaining

health? Consider the components that are needed to establish health.

These are the building blocks of nutrition. We often hear the phrase, “you

are what you eat,” but don’t consider why this is so important.

Diet is the primary method of nutrient intake for the body. The first

nutrient, other than water, are the carbohydrates or sugar products, which

are vital to keeping your brain functioning. Without carbohydrates, your

ability to think would stop in seconds.

Carbohydrates also serve as building blocks for something called cellular

respiration or the process of each body cell to exchange new material with

old material or waste products. The second nutrient is protein. This is

immediately broken down into its many constituent parts, called amino

acids, and reassembled into whatever proteins we need to build our bodies!

The third nutrient is fatty acids or fat.


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Yes, fatty acids get a lot of bad publicity, but it is essential for some parts of

our bodies, especially to create the insulation for our nerves, free radical

protection, and for the linings of each cell. The fourth nutrient is nucleic

acid. Nucleic acid is the stuff that is in chromosomes or DNA. It is critical for

something called the “electron transport chain” that the body uses to

create energy. Clearly, this nutrient comes from many protein sources like

meat, eggs, and dairy products.

But, these nutrients must be eaten in balance to ensure a healthy body. An

unhealthy diet can result in health complications. We already know that

unbalanced diets contribute to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes,

and even cancer. This is made much worse if you have an uncontrollable

risk factor for one of these diseases due to your family genetics!

Consider also; there exists the additional

environmental health hazard known as free

radical oxidation. Free radical oxidation? YES! To

review quickly, at high elevation around the Earth,

we have a band of unstable free radical molecules

that protect us from the most dangerous rays

from the Sun. These are H3+, Cl- and O3

-. You will

recognize the third one as Ozone!

Ozone has been depleting along our north and south poles due to the

previous decades of illicit Freon use, but hopefully it will rebuild before it

goes away too much. You experience Ozone closer to the ground after a

thunderstorm. That spring air smell you sense right after the thunderstorm:

Ozone. Of course, if you ever go into a poorly ventilated closet that has a

large copier in it and make multiple copies, say 100-250 copies, and then feel

a sore throat? Ozone. Yes, the copier created unstable molecules of oxygen

that became O3- , which is Ozone!

Free radical oxidation also occurs at the cellular level, but it is used to

combat infection. Over-collection of free radicals in the body, though, is

toxic. This is called oxidative stress. Ozone accelerates the aging process by

attacking the cells. Specifically, it shortens the number of cycles a cell can

regenerate, which is usually 50.


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That is why you feel a sore throat in the closet with the copier machine! So,

how can you assist your diet further using features (shown in countless

research studies) to protect you from these dangers? Antioxidants. You

have heard of them.

There are many of them, but essentially any product that absorbs free

radicals such as ozone as they enter the body is an antioxidant. An

antioxidant is a reducing agent, since it cancels the effect of the oxidation.

You see this type of reaction with rust metal when zinc is applied to iron as

a reducing agent to prevent the oxidizing rust. Copper oxidizes green, and

zinc stops the oxidation process just the same.

Vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium and vitamin

C are the chief antioxidant vitamins. These

break the oxidation chains and absorb free

radicals. Usually, Vitamin E performs this and

is recycled by vitamin C. The recommended

dose for vitamin E is 1,000 mg/day.

The recommended daily allowance or RDA of selenium for men is 55

mcg/day and for women it is 400 mcg/day. For antioxidant therapy, 200

mcg/day is recommended. The RDA for vitamin C is 75 mg/day for women

and 90 mg/day for men. Exceeding these doses for all, except vitamin C

(because it is water-soluble), is not advisable due to toxicity from build-up.

The body cannot discard fat-soluble vitamins that it does not need.

Moreover, because of the comorbid risks to smokers, beta-carotene

supplementation is not advisable in this group. Vitamin A is also an

antioxidant vitamin, but the dangers of toxicity and the 16% increased risk of

death from vitamin A supplementation makes this of limited value.

Coenzyme Q10 is a popular product that is easily added to the diet. So, is

Glutathione and alpha-lipoic acid. Many of these are derivatives of fish oil

products. Thus, if you simply add fish to your diet, you can achieve the

benefits for much less cost!


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In reality, recent research literature casts doubt on the benefits of these

substances and further identifies increased risk of death when a person has

a coexisting disease. Most individuals who modify their diet are doing so

because they have a coexisting disease or have a risk factor for a family

disease. So, adding these substances or things like D-Aspartic Acid and

DMAE-Bitartrate are highly suspect.

So, to summarize, eat balanced meals and if you have a medical condition

follow the additional guidance of your nutritionist. Antioxidant therapy is

definitely recommended, but the fat-soluble vitamins should be taken with

caution since they can build up and not leave the body as easily as the

water-soluble vitamins. These, vitamins A, D, and E must be taken in limited

supply since the body will store them and recycle them. Still, water-soluble

antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C can be taken in ample supply as long

as the side-effect, diarrhoea is not a concern!


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Some people thrive on stress. The intensity of focus sharpens acumen.

Goals are made. Plans are achieved! There is actually a stress hormone in

the body that enables you to draw upon this strength: cortisol. It is the

hormone that is elevated to its highest levels of the day approximately 2

hours before you wake up to get you ready for the day and energized!

Sadly, it is also what triggers heart attacks, which is why there is always a

peak in that acute disease at that time of the day. It is also the unfortunate

neuro-hormone that is depleted in depressed individuals.

There is another neuro-hormone or neurotransmitter in the body:

norepinephrine. The British coined a brand for the hormone in one of their

medications many years ago and called it: Adrenaline. It is a neurochemical

necessary for many nerves in the body to function. It recycles in the body.

Still, during emergencies, it is helpful as injections such as food allergies or

bee stings to relax the nerves and reopen the airway.


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Many think it is the neurotransmitter that makes you stronger, and faster,

and smarter. In reality, the neurotransmitter that makes you stronger and

faster is glutamate, made by the brain. The one that makes you smarter is

acetylcholine, also made by the brain.

Cortisol levels, however, can be a problem. It is a double-edged sword

having levels too low that can cause depression and levels too high that can

trigger a heart attack, if not anxiety! Many studies have shown some

associations with hardened arteries, compromised immune systems, and

increased weight. Some have even shown an association for reduced

calcium deposition in bones making them brittle.

Others show shortened lifespan, increased number of acute and chronic

illnesses such as heart disease, and even the onset of dementia. It is

important to recognize that an association is not the same thing as

something being a cause for an outcome. This would be following the

futility of cause and effect without having any direct line of connection.

Since we are intelligent people, here, we will not make that mistake! Still,

we are sensitive to the many studies that show the associations.

Psychiatrists frequently cite neurochemical imbalance as a primary problem

for many individuals with mental stress.

So, to restore cortisol levels to a normal balance in the brain, the first step is

to establish a pattern of processing day-to-day stress in an adaptive rather

than reactive manner. Using the image of a stress “sponge” as the

neurotransmitter, cortisol, it must be capable of absorbing the stress as it

approaches. If the cortisol levels leave your “sponge” so soaked that it

cannot absorb stress, you will react to the day’s events, not adapt. You

must always have a sufficiently “dry” sponge to adapt!

Consider what you have available to you when you leave the house at the

beginning of the day. If you are already “drenched” with stress from issues

that you have left unresolved the previous day, have been thinking about

from worry that could possibly occur during the day based upon prior

events and forecasted scenarios, or inability to understand the best

approach to an event as it unfolds… then, you are a powder keg of

dynamite (waterproof, of course!).


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Anything and everything will be misinterpreted. You won’t have the time,

or the fortitude to adapt to the event and view it for the potential that it

can be! Rather than the experience unfolding as a positive, learning

adventure, the exchange ultimately ends in some form of disaster! It is

more-or-less destined to end negatively… when you have no absorptive

capacity in your stress “sponge.” Your cortisol-enriched “sponge” must

function properly!

Approaching events in life are always stressful, by definition. Events are a

diversion from the boring flow you normally travel. So, when you hit a

bump in the road and it changes your direction or speed it is naturally

startling! The reaction should be positive. This is wonderful!

A new opportunity to expand your horizons and learn a new way to do

things! Instead, saturated with anxiety for the future and worry from the

past, we carry our soggy sponges of stress with no room for new things.

We snap. We bite. We certainly interpret things negatively. Negative

interpretation from saturated sponge-stress is a waste of opportunity! Still,

your cortisol-enriched “sponge” must function properly!

Consider the value of modifying your stress sponge! If you desire to view

life positively for its opportunities, not its insults and reminders of failures

(that give cause to make unfounded excuses), one could change the stress

sponge. That’s right! But how? How could you change your stress sponge?

Well, consider a real sponge in the kitchen and a spill on the countertop.

If you are struggling to pick up the wet spill, you can do one of two things:

dry out the sponge or get a bigger sponge! Indeed. Drying out the sponge

in your stress sponge is equivalent to rejuvenating yourself. Re-energizing

yourself. Renewing your mind.

Viewing life, not as an excuse, but taking responsibility for everything that

happens and making a plan to build or find solutions. Getting a bigger

sponge in your stress sponge is equivalent to learning new tools or skills to

adapt to change. A bigger sponge always gives you the capacity to absorb

greater challenges than you ever thought you could before! Tools such as

goal-building and creating mastery over something are integral to sponge-



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Solutions for adapting to the stress of day-to-day events to dry out and

enlarge your stress sponge are many. One is to learn skill sets to approach

many of the more typical stressors in your day. These are in addition to the

mastery skills. These are the interpersonal and persuasion skills that are

highly useful to make smooth the challenges of life.

Another is to learn relaxation techniques such as meditation and breathing

exercises. Still another is to develop a mindset that remains in the present,

undaunted by future worries or haunted by past events. This was

mentioned as a key source to soaking a stress sponge! And, such is the

concept of “mindfulness” training. Focusing more upon living the way

nature lives is mindfulness. Since all of nature exists only in the present, you

can live with less clutter and unfounded pressures.

Exactly what is Mindfulness? Consider your state of mind at this very

moment. This very present moment. What are you thinking about? Are

you thinking about this fast track module on health? Are you thinking about

your tasks due by the end of the day?

Are you worried about the expectations this

module has unearthed because of past events or

past attempts that may not have been

acceptable to you? If you are thinking about your

end of the day tasks, you are lost in the future. If

you are regurgitating past events, you are lost in

the past. If you are thinking only about the

topics in this fast track module about health and

how to learn Mindfulness, you are living in the

present. You are here. You are mindful of the

present. This is Mindfulness.

It is a rare event that most individuals are now capable of living in the

present. As a result, many challenges and limitations constantly appear as

obstacles. Stress is frequent. Insomnia is common. Living in the present is

the last thing most individuals think about when all of culture implores its

people to think about the consequences, factor the risks, and consider the

past patterns. Experiences from the past build a library of worry.


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This library feeds the fear and anxiety of the future. There is no time for the

present! Yet, nature lives in the present. The nearby birds, the wildlife and

the pets in our lives all live in the here and the now. They respond to what

is in their present environment. As a result, they do not allow time for past

worries or future anxieties to cloud their thinking. They just evaluate the

situation they have in front of them and respond with whatever skills or

assets they have at their disposal.

When you are performing at your very best, you are free from the shackles

of the past and the confinements of the future. You do not overreact to

events. Rather, you consider the options and make a balanced decision. If

you have added skills or talents, you solicit wisdom from others and

graciously thank them for their thoughts. This is in a perfect world. Of

course, a perfect world is the present. You can have this! It is called the

practice of Mindfulness.

Try to practice mindfulness. Apply Mindfulness technique to increase

sensitivity to the present and decrease sensitivity to the past and future.

So, you will take time to focus on things around the room. You will be

exploring the few things in the room and writing them down as you see

them. “I see a chair in front of me. It is brown and has lines in the brown.

The brown parts reach the floor, and there are four of them. There are

some brown parts that are vertical and some that are horizontal. The chair

is not moving. There is nobody in the chair.”

Continue to evaluate everything in the room in this manner. You are

practicing Mindfulness. You are remaining in the present and not drawing

upon past or future tense material. Notice no comments about the chair

included things like “wood” or “hard” as they are judgment statements

based upon past material. The material is brown, and the brown has lines in

it. That is in the present. You cannot state that it is wood or that it is hard.

Granted this may seem extreme, but the exercise helps to teach about the

simplicity of approaching life’s events. When living in the present, past

judgments and future anxieties never enter the equation. You are free from

these handicaps to enjoy life as it happens!


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It is not difficult to understand the essential physical needs for survival.

Food, water, air, homeostasis or balanced chemicals in the body, and

excretion of solid and liquids are considered essential physical needs. As an

adult, sex is also considered essential. All medical professionals evaluate

for sexual “health” as a standard review when considering a problem

source. Then, there is sleep.

According to Abraham Maslow in his 1943 treaty, “A Theory of Human

Motivation" published in the Psychological Review, sleep was also an

essential physical need for survival. This theory was later tested in the

1970’s with sleep deprivation studies. It was quickly discovered that the

theory was indeed; fact. Most neurotransmitters are remanufactured

during the sleep phase.

Thus, sleep is critical to mental stability. To that end, militaries such as the

U.S. military commanded soldiers receive mandatory sleep schedules, even

within hazardous environments or warzone assignments. Judgment, mood

stability, and weight control are just a few factors affected by altered sleep.


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Others include medical complications such as heart failure and chemical

imbalances in the brain. Some can take up to two years to stabilize and

others can become permanent disabilities; all from sleep disorders. In

summary, health is the controllable issue.

So, why do individuals struggle with sleep disorders? What creates them?

How are they controlled? First, the variables that influence sleep disorders

are many. Second, the solutions are often unique to the individual. Still,

there are many common denominators that you can take home with you to

help control and improve your health!

Sleep apnea is the first and most popular of the sleep disorders, today. It

has attracted much insurance support with sleep apnea machines. These

create positive pressure upon a sealed facial mask during sleep, so the

individual gets a healthy dose of air to fill the lungs. It is not unlike the

masks the high-altitude pilots use except they get real oxygen metered into

the airflow to compensate for the altitude! Rather exciting!

For those who have struggled with

sleep apnea, it is literally a “life-saver.”

Why? A sleep apnea machine is giving

ambient-air oxygen in the airflow

during times when before the individual

was starving their heart muscle of

oxygen. So, over time, the heart

muscle fibres weaken and die. Clearly,

heart failure results in premature death.

Insomnia is a condition mainly featuring a struggle initiating or maintaining

sleep, or enjoying restorative sleep for at least one month. The individual is

plagued by marked distress, daytime fatigue, and challenges in their social,

occupational, or relationship obligations. Motor and sensory functions are

difficult to control or at least monitor and driving vehicles and making

decisions is difficult. Insomnia is often due to a brief period of anxiety or

anticipation of an event, either positive or negative.


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It could be starting school or a new job in the next week or worrying about

a project. Grief is often a trigger, but usually it is just a life change event.

Treatment is often improving the sleep hygiene with a regimented sleep

schedule, abstinence of television or stimulant foods and drinks for 4 to 6

hours, creating a low-sound sleep environment and establishing a daily


A person with simple insomnia does not have other conditions that need a

further evaluation or treatment. These include Dyssomnias such as

narcolepsy, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, or food and drug-induced

sleep problems. Others that are excluded are the Parasomnias. These

include the disturbances in sleep-wake cycle, snoring, bedwetting, bruxism

(grinding teeth), insomnia due to a mental or neurological disorder, or sleep

disorders due to medical conditions.

Narcolepsy is a Dyssomnia that is characterized by excessive daytime

sleepiness and includes deep sleep stages or Rapid Eye Movement (REM)

for at least three months. Most individuals suffer with 10-20 minute sleep

episodes at least two times a day.

Some experience up to 6 episodes. These can start while the individual is

eating, driving, talking, or even having sex. It is important to note this is

NOT epilepsy and NOT a mental disturbance. It IS an alteration in the sleep-

wake cycle. It often starts when a person is just about to be a teenager and

is seen into adulthood. Narcolepsy is seen in

2-16 individuals for every 100 randomly selected people. For this reason, it is

as common as diabetes was before its more liberal diagnostic criteria were

introduced to capture marginal cases. Sadly, narcolepsy cannot be cured.

Still, it can be treated to reduce the intensity of the sleep onset episodes.

A regimen of forced naps at regularly sequenced times throughout the day

has shown, in some cases, to reverse the intensity without adding

medication. Modafinil (Provigil), Imiprimine (Tofranil), or fluoxetine

(Prozac) are often used in more severe cases, since they lower the number

of sleep attacks and reduce the intensity of REM sleep.


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Sleep-wake schedule disorder happens when the individual notices their

sleep-wake pattern is no longer synchronized with the desired schedule for

at least one month. This is often created by demands of work and society.

The individual’s culture often supports a lifestyle that does not allow for

natural sleep cycling. This is a common theme in most sleep disorders:

cultural expectations.

With the disordered sleep-wake schedule, the individual notices insomnia

during intended sleep times and an intense desire to sleep during work or

social times. The individual struggles with marked distress, and challenges

in their social, occupational, or relationship obligations. Motor and sensory

functions are difficult to control or at least monitor and driving vehicles and

making decisions is difficult.

A review of other possible sources to this disorder reveals Dyssomnias and

other Parasomnias are not issues. Clinicians often use a sleep history

questionnaire to isolate this disorder from other conditions since tumour

growths that exude hormones can silently contribute to insomnia. If all

tests prove negative, a sleep hygiene regimen is recommended. Often,

cultural expectations are the source and mindfulness training is needed.

For this exercise, you will explore another phase of mindfulness training;

you will focus on the sensations of your body, specifically the body-in-the-

present. Dim the lights and reduce all extraneous stimuli. This is called

relaxation-sensitization phase mindfulness training. With the lights dim,

begin to focus on your head. Just your head.

Think about how heavy it is sitting upon your shoulders. It is still attached,

but it is very, very heavy. Then, focus on your neck. Your neck is struggling

to support the weight of your very, very heavy head. Then, think about

your heavy head and neck resting upon your heavy shoulders. Your

shoulders are struggling to bear the weight of your heavy, heavy head and

neck. Now, focus upon your upper arms. Your upper arms are struggling to

remain attached to your shoulders because they are so very heavy and

because your heavy, heavy head and neck are resting upon them.


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Then, focus on your forearms that have now become extremely heavy… so

heavy they can barely remain attached to your upper arms, and excessively

heavy shoulders struggling to hold your very, very heavy head and neck.

Your hands are now very, very heavy. They cannot support the weight of

your forearms that are struggling to bear the weight of your upper arms

that are barely able to support your heavy shoulders now overburdened by

your very, very heavy head and neck.

Now, your torso is heavy. Too heavy to support your body. Your hands and

forearms and upper arms are also too heavy. Your shoulders and head and

neck can barely be supported. By now, you notice your hips are too heavy.

Your hips are too heavy as well as your torso and your hands and forearms

and arms and shoulders supported by your very, very heavy head and neck.

Now, your legs are too heavy. Your hips cannot support the weight either,

nor can your torso or your hands or your forearms and arms and shoulders

resting on your very, very heavy head and neck. If you are still awake, you

can continue reading!


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Aside from diet, physical activity is the most controllable factor to help

increase value to your important asset: health. The operative word for

physical activity is exercise. But, what is exercise? Many of us despise the

word! It connotes routine, regimen, and ritual. Exercise is often viewed as

theft of freedom. Yet, when considering the value of health, is physical

activity (aka. exercise) really theft of freedom?

Consider the benefits of physical activity. In addition to diet, physical

activity reduces caloric levels. While diet reduces calories by the amount

that enters the body, physical activity reduces the calories by expending or

using them up!

Living a sedentary lifestyle does not use the calories that you eat, but rather

stores them for added weight. Physical activity, even daily walks instead of

daily drives and staircase walks instead of the elevator, are huge exercise

add-ons. The money saved by taking the bus and public transportation

alone can put more savings in the bank for those things you couldn’t buy!

(This is just an example!)


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Weight loss improves well-being and

stamina. Lowered weight often

converts fat into lean muscle mass

during the exercise process. Physical

activity places a strain on your

musculoskeletal system. My what?

Your bones and muscles. This is

good! The strain is interpreted by

your bones and muscles as function

or “placed in use.” We have all heard the phrase: “use it or lose it.” This is

exactly where that statement is derived. Bones and muscles must be used

and used constantly or they atrophy. They shrink away.

Ask the astronauts who were in space for more than a few days. Each had

to exercise more than they would on Earth to keep their bones and muscles

from atrophying. Conversely, applying a steady demand on each muscle

group through gravity lifting or straining one muscle group against the

other such as performing labour or sports will command lean muscle

growth. Lean muscle development pulls on bones using tendons, and

draws more calcium to the bones to strengthen them. All of this energy

draws down the fat stores of the body thus reducing excess weight.

Some will immediately ascribe the benefits of exercise to a reduction in

cardiovascular or heart disease. In moderation, this is a wonderful factor to

control health and increase lifespan. Many clinicians recommend diets as

discussed above, but also an exercise regimen. Still, the exercise must be

uniquely gauged to the individual. Those who have existing cardiovascular

disease must have their age and heart function mapped with a treadmill

that is connected to an electrocardiogram or ECG or EKG.

This is also called a stress test. This will give that individual an idea of what

their cardiac heart rate should be for exercise. Then that individual can

exercise safely with their current medication and improve their health

portfolio! Those over 50 should also consider this, but it is not required. For

those who do not have a coexisting heart condition or their age is less than

50, a stress test is not necessarily needed.


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Exercise, after sleep, is the second most influential factor to stabilizing

mood or mental health. The endorphins or brainstem neurotransmitters

released during exercise are very similar to the chemical structures of

opium and morphine. For this reason, many who exercise experience a

temporary “high” just after exercise; an added bonus to physical exercise!

Moreover, the brain chemicals or neurotransmitters are more quickly

rebalanced when the body is allowed to exercise. You already know that

most brain chemicals are remanufactured during sleep. With exercise, this

process is accelerated!

Clearly, this contributes to multiple improvements in brain function.

Balanced cortisol leads to less stress and protection from depression.

Improved acetylcholine levels enhance thinking for quicker decisions and

thought processing. Higher glutamate levels sharpen response time,

endurance, and strength.

What about cancer? Many cancers have been attributed to a sedentary

lifestyle. By attributed, this means there has been seen a risk factor

associated with the cancer. According to a 2008 study by the American

Society of Clinical Oncology, those cancers that have an insulin or glucagon

component have shown significantly lowered risk for cancer when the

individual exercises. Examples of insulin or glucagon cancers include breast

and pancreatic cancers.

Many articles have supported this position. In 1994, the British Medical

Journal cited testicular cancer as having reduced risk when individuals

exercised. There have been some references to the reduced risk for bone

cancer from exercise.

However, bone cancer is usually a secondary cancer. This means the

individual already has some other type of cancer, and it moved to invade

the bone. Situations like this clearly require a clinician or team of clinicians.

Exercise, itself, is entirely unique to the person. Some advocate bone

structure exercise regimens for ectomorphs (thin bone), endomorphs

(thick bone), and mesomorphs (normal bone).


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In reality, this is only describing body mass hanging on the skeleton, not the

bones under the skeleton. We are all born with and die with the same bone

“build.” It only varies by gender and slightly by ethnicity. I don’t know

about you, but I have never seen a “skinny” or a “fat” bone in my entire


So, depending upon lifestyle or physical activity availability, any demand

you can place upon your muscles and bones is a plus! Climbing stairs and

walking instead of driving is a good start. You do NOT have to run!

Consider riding the bicycle. And, maybe use the bicycle to get to and from


That way, the exercise fits into the day. Just remember to stay hydrated

and keep your heart rate to no faster than 80% of your age-adjusted

maximum. To define your age-adjusted maximum, start with the number:

220 beats per minute (BPM) and then subtract your age, then subtract 20%

of that subtotal number.

(As an example, if you are 42-years-old, it’s 220-42 = 178-20% = 142. If you are

52-years-old, it’s 220-52 = 168-20% = 134). For women start with 208 and

subtract your age, then subtract 20% of that subtotal number. (As an

example, if you are 42-years-old, it’s 208-42 = 166-20% = 133. If you are 52-

years-old, it’s 208-52 = 156-20% = 125). Your exercise, naturally, is to

calculate your age-adjusted maximum for exercising!

So, choose your exercise! Claim your

health asset! Use wisdom when selecting

how you will apply physical exercise to

your daily regimen, so it fits into the day

as if it belonged there, already! With

some creativity, you can find ways to

begin to experience joy gaining control of

your important asset, health!
