Copyright 2014-Greg Gilbert Coaching - Greg Gilbert

Copyright 201 4-Greg Gilbert Coaching - Greg Gilbert · “Nothing changes until something is written!” – Greg Gilbert Think about that statement. When it is written, it becomes

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Copyright 2014-Greg Gilbert Coaching - Greg Gilbert

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


“If we could take a brush, and paint a portrait of our years,

Would it hang for all to see, or be ruined by shame and tears?”

Lyric of a song by Greg Gilbert

“The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result.” - Albert Einstein

The common denominator of success – the secret of every person who has ever been successful – lies in the fact that he or she formed the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do. It’s just as true as it sounds and it’s just as simple as it

seems. Perhaps you have wondered why it is that your most successful peers seem to like to do the things that you don’t like to do. They don’t. And I think this is the

most encouraging statement I have ever offered to anyone.

But if they don’t like to do these things, then why do they do them? Because by doing

the things they don’t like to do, they can accomplish the things that they want to accomplish. Successful people are influenced by the desire for pleasing results. Failures are influenced by the desire for pleasing methods and are inclined to be

satisfied with such results as can be obtained by doing things they like to do.

Excerpted from Albert E. N. Gray’s The Common Denominator of Success, 1940

What will it take to hold your regrets?

"The greatest value of this product will remain unknown because of the regrets you will never have." -Greg Gilbert

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


This page can be replaced by a letter from some member of upper management if the program is purchased for employees. We are biased but we see no greater reward than an investment in people. Investing in oneself is included in this.

"The only thing worse than training your people and not keeping them is not training your people and keeping them." - Zig Ziglar


WHY? Before you begin any goal setting program or New Year Resolution, you must establish WHY you want to make changes. If you are not committed to your WHY, you will quit. Below are a few WHYS that fit different aspects of our lives;

I want to see my kids and grandkids have kids and grandkids.

I finally decided my health and family mean more to me than my

addiction to _________.

Life should be about more than working and paying bills.

My marriage is important to me and I will do my part to make it successful.

I see my words and actions contributing to increasing regrets. I want to shift into the regret reduction mode.

I would rather use the money I pay in interest to take trips with my family or help others.

You cannot in good conscience say these words: "I have chosen to be irresponsible with my health. As a result, I will not be alive as long and more than likely, you will have to take care of me sooner than you thought."

I am not satisfied with the selfish way I have handled my health, finances, marriage, relationships, personal development or spiritual life.

These are a few examples but YOU must establish your own WHY. If you don't know WHY you would make changes, you will be part of that large percentage that quit in January.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


“Greg, you can work on an employee’s quality, quantity, safety and attendance; but YOU cannot instill honesty and integrity in an employee. They either have it or they don’t. You will not be good or lucky enough to catch a thief the first time he steals from you and until he changes his heart, he will steal from you again.” - Jim McMains to new HR Area Manager Greg Gilbert in October 1989.

This Copy of “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide is copyrighted. Purchase of “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide entitles the buyer to keep one copy on his or her computer and to print out one copy only. The exception is when a company has purchased a license to print out a specific number or a family utilizing this document for a household. Printing out more than one copy per licensed product - or distributing it electronically - is prohibited by International and U.S.A. copyright laws and treaties, and would subject the purchaser to penalties of up to $100,000 PER COPY distributed. Copyright: Greg Gilbert Coaching© 2014 Note: “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide is not considered to be legal, financial, marital, spiritual or health advice. It is intended as a written system to document, evaluate and implement success plans in an individual’s life. It also does not take the place of existing practices and procedures of an organization. Consult your manager, Human Resources or your legal department concerning these matters. The liability of “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide does not extend beyond the price of the product.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


The following is inscribed on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in Westminster Abby (1100 A.D.) ... When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But it, too, seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it. And now, as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country, and who knows, I may have even changed the world.

Do you want to play a role in the recovery of this country? Would you join me in changing our main focus from the White House to "Our House"? What if? Normally as a HR person I didn't play "what if" games. We dealt with facts but what if: More Americans were more productive on the job? They had more of an appreciation for what they did. They added more value to their position? Would American companies be more profitable? More Americans were more debt free and did not live paycheck to paycheck? Would this free up more discretionary income? Would we be more willing to spend, which in turn, helps the economy? More Americans were healthier? Would health care be as big an issue if we were a healthier nation?

More husbands and wives made more deposits than withdrawals into their marriage and relationship? Would there be fewer divorces in the country? What impact would that have on our country, our children?

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Join us as we complete "New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide" on different aspects of the life of the one person we influence most, ourselves. If you are finally ready for all out personal accountability and improvement, "New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide" is the most powerful self evaluation, tracking and development tool available.

These are my suggestions to successfully completing and implementing “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide”.

1. Place this material in a binder. Print out the PDF file. Print (or take the CD and have the PDF printed) on 3-holed paper.

2. Commit the time to this process. Don’t attempt to do this in ½ hour increments. Devote at least a day. This is your life we are talking about. Live your life intentionally, not accidentally.

3. Go someplace different. Go to a lake, mountain, river or the ocean. For me, this project was completed in a remote cabin outside of Hatfield, Arkansas. (Meadow Pine Cabins, www.MeadowPineCabins.com Tell Sandra or Holly you saw this on “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” and they will fix you up.)

4. Take an inspirational book, CD or DVD to get you started. I took “The Seven Decisions” by Andy Andrews on DVD. My favorite decision, I will persist without exception.

5. Don’t worry about perfection. Just do it with conviction. 6. Follow up on My ROUTE daily for 30-90 days. This is where you track deposits

and withdrawals. This is identical to a treadmill. It works if you use it. 7. Schedule quarterly getaways to review, write, regroup, rest and reemerge! 8. Let us know your progress. We would love to hear success stories. E-mail us

at [email protected] 9. Experience personal growth and have FUN!

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



1. Introduction and getting the right mindset – Pages 5-28

2. “Your TO” –Where do you want to be? – Pages 29-33

3. “Your FROM – Where are you starting from? – Pages 34-50

4. “Your ROUTE” – The steps you must take to reach your “TO” Pages 51-110

5. “Your LIST” – What you intend to experience with your “Intentional Life” –

6. Your Eight That Can't Wait–Pages 114 - 116

7. Thank You - 117

“As Area Manager of Human Resources for a Fortune 100 company I reviewed thousands of appraisals. Some were excellent, some good, some bad, some rubber stamped and some were not worth the paper they were written on. Of the thousands of appraisals I have reviewed, none will have the potential impact or be as important as “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide. It will be completed by you, about you and for you. It is your appraisal and you can change it.” - Greg Gilbert – Leadership Coach and creator of “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide”.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


“Nothing changes until something is written!” – Greg Gilbert

Think about that statement. When it is written, it becomes real. It displays a higher degree of seriousness. It probably began when you sent or received a note in grade school that said “I like you”. In fact, most discipline systems at companies begin with a verbal warning and then progress to a “Written” warning if improvement is not made.

Think about what would change if you received any of these written items:

• Note from school on your child’s behavior • Speeding ticket • Lung cancer diagnosis to a smoker • Diagnosis of diabetes • Written letter of discipline at work • Notice of termination at work • Written request for a divorce from your spouse.

Would things change upon receipt of any of these? Now, here is the most important question. Are any of these written examples a result of an overnight occurrence? Probably not! If you want to argue this fact then you are not ready for “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide”. You MUST be in a mode of personal responsibility and growth for “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” to be effective. They are probably a result of long established patterns in our life and ignoring basic success principles.

The same is true for receiving a letter of appreciation or certificate of completion. This is the result of continued habits. It’s not that difficult but it must be “INTENTIONAL”. How is that “accidental” success in marriage, career, finance or your health working for you? We must become “brilliant in the basics”! It must be written, simple to follow and continued as long as you desire growth and improvement in any aspect of your life.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


There will come a time in your life that you will get frustrated. This frustration could and may grow to full blown anger. You may be there now. More than likely, this frustration/anger will be triggered by dissatisfaction in the health, finances, career, or family areas of your life. Maybe even all of the above.

If this frustration / anger is pointed at others and you are throwing blame balls at someone else, “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” is not for you. You MUST be frustrated / angry with yourself. If you are reading this on the web site, don’t order it. If someone bought this for you, don’t complete it. It will not be accurate if you are in denial of who is in control of your life. Put it in follow-up. Pull this out when you are ready to take personal responsibility for your life and make a change. Trust me, this time will come. The system of relying on others or the government to change your life is not a best seller.

Now, a message to the people that I’m really excited about. These are the ones that have taken responsibility for their life. Things are going their way for the most part but they are ready to grow and improve in some or all aspects of their life. You will enjoy this program and the journey.

Note to Employers:

Use your business to build people and the effort required to use people to build your business will diminish. “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide is a great tool

for this.

My definition of HR - Human Resources:

As Humans, we currently possess or have access to all the Resources we need to create a successful life. - Greg Gilbert - HR Consultant

“I have to disagree with Forrest Gump. I don’t believe life is like a box of chocolates. That’s too random, too accidental and with no control. I like to look at life as a huge vending machine with a Plexiglas front. I can see all it has to offer and I can select what I want. All it takes is a little change.” – Randy C. Frazier, President – MoreThanLeadership.com

My friend Randy is not talking about pocket change. He’s referring to a change in US. gg

“He who ceases to be better, ceases to be good.” - Unknown

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Goals vs. Growth

How many times have we lost xx pounds, became very happy, relaxed our focus and put the weight back on? How many times have we paid off debt, only to have it return later, possibly larger? I’ll speak personally, many. That is the issue with goal setting. Sometimes we set, achieve and celebrate a goal and then forget to set another. A year later we must then reset the same goal. This cycle must stop! We must continue to constantly grow.

That is the basis for “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide”, continued growth. Not through the calendar year, but through the remainder of our life. Just think of three of our categories; Career, Finance and Family. If your career was going well and improving, your debt was being reduced and your cash flow increasing and you had more time and positive experiences with your family, wouldn’t that greatly contribute to your joy and happiness? It’s all about growth and holding yourself accountable.

Millions of people have very successful work lives and careers because of pride in what they do and a good work ethic. They are also very aware of the Appraisal and Performance Improvement Plan concept. They make themselves accountable because of their desire to do a good job but they also know a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual review is imminent. They must produce. They can’t “chill” for a month, quarter or year. What makes us think we can “chill” on any aspect of our life for an extended period of time? Why not duplicate this same accountability process in all aspects of your life? That is what “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” is all about!

"Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth. We are happy when we are growing." -William Butler Yeats

"Do you want my one-word secret of happiness? Its 'growth' - mental, financial, you name it." -Harold S. Geneen

I recently heard John C. Maxwell (insert plug for everything he has written) say that “growth is happiness”. That was a powerful statement. Just think about it. If you are progressing in different parts of your life, it is very difficult to be unhappy. On the other hand, if nothing ever changes in your life, it may be very difficult to be happy. That is why “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide is designed to be used through different strengths of reading glasses and bifocals. It’s here for the long haul, are you?

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Have Any Great Leaders or People Been Born In Your Home Town?

I recently read a story by John Maxwell about a quaint European village. I want to put my own spin on the story but I give John the credit of this example and inspiration. I'm from Hope, Arkansas and as you know, there are a couple of politicians that were born in Hope. I still believe in a place called Hope. Whoops, I think someone has already used that one. If we had to use names for the story we could use… well…let’s just use the names Bill and Mike for this example. This is a hypothetical story and has nothing to do with politics or leadership ability. Forget your views on politics and whether you view my fictional characters Bill or Mike as leaders. In fact you will not hear their name in the story. I just want you to think of a couple of people from Hope. Here is the story.

A group of European tourists were touring Hope, Arkansas, a small town in the southwest corner of the state. They visited the Watermelon Festival, the downtown area, some of the local businesses and a few of the churches. A few of the European tourists were very excited about the history of this small town. While dining at one of the local restaurants, one of the tourists engaged an elderly man in conversation about the town. He discovered the elderly gentleman had lived there his entire life. Eager to hear more about the town's history, he asked the elderly gentleman “Have any great men, women or leaders been born here?" “Nope” said the elderly gentlemen, “only babies”.

I thought this was a great example of the value of what we are exposed to in our life. I do not believe people are born as a great leader, father, mother, son, daughter, employee, manager or person anymore than a person is born a great brain surgeon. I truly believe it is what we read, listen to, watch and the people we are around that shape us into something different than what we are. This can be good or bad and it doesn’t occur accidentally. All of us were born “a baby”. Some just mature faster and farther than others. The exciting thing is what others do doesn’t matter as much as what WE do with the opportunities WE have.

We have all grown in different aspects of our life. I truly believe happiness dwindles or ceases when growth stops.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Papaw, when will spider man stop growing?

This was a question my grandson recently asked about a spider man we put in a glass of water. This spider man was very tiny when we placed it in the glass and eventually absorbed enough water that it grew to fit the size of the glass. Later that night after a Walker, Texas Ranger and he was asleep, I sat at the counter with a glass of milk and spider man. I thought about what we had in common. As usual, my grandsons prompt so many of my thoughts.

From the time we are able to learn until “death do us part” we absorb what is around us and either grow or decline. We grow physically, mentally, financially, in our careers, spiritually and in our relationships by what we absorb.

Imagine this glass empty with us inside. Pour in some “what we read”, “what we listen to”, “what we watch”, “what we attend” and some “who we hang around”. Top this off with a large dose of “what are you going to do with it” and depending on the quality of the ingredients, it could be a formula for success.

Each ingredient plays a huge part of who we are and what we do. We absorb from each of these to form or change us. If one or more of these ingredients are not present in your life, the others fill in for them. Many have only the “who we hang around” ingredient in their life because they never read, listen to, watch or attend anything that helps them grow. This severely restricts the amount of “what are you going to do with it” that is available. This is not because of lack of intelligence, it is because lack of exposure to different ingredients.

So Kasen, to answer your question, spider man is probably as large as he can get because of his limitations. But I want to thank you so much for making me realize that most of my limitations are truly self-imposed. Most of the time, it really just boils down to a lack of good ingredients.

Warning; severe shrinkage occurs when spider man is pulled from the “growth ingredients”. He or we will NOT remain the same!

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


How this project began.

This product was conceived over 30 years ago. It began the first time as a young supervisor I heard these words, "If it isn't documented, it didn't happen". It continued forming when as a manager, I said those words. It became closer to life when as the Area Manager of Human Resources of a Fortune 100 corporation; I requested documentation of performance problems. In this position I reviewed thousands of appraisals. Some were excellent, some good, some bad, some rubber stamped and some were not worth the paper they were written on. It grew a little more on an early morning exercise walk in 2004. A friend was driving by and pulled over. He asked what I was up to and I explained I was just out for an early morning walk. He then asked "Why, is something wrong?" I explained that I guess I was trying to keep things from going wrong. Since I didn't have pen or paper I called my wife and had her write MOML (Manager Of My Life). As the manager of my life should I be retained, promoted or terminated? Well, I can't delegate this assignment so I guess it's up to me. We are the manager of our life. It concerns me how prevalent that attitude is? Why waste good time being proactive when eventually you will be forced into a reactive mode. We can make changes through inspiration or desperation. It's our choice. All of these came together in October 2010 when I rented a remote cabin in the mountains of western Arkansas to do my own life planning. What began as one night turned into two. No TV, laptop or technology. Just me, paper, pen and a couple of books for resources. I even had to stretch my food because I didn't want to leave. I was on a mission. After over 30 years of personal and mentors experiences, “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” was born. It may be the longest gestation period in history but I hope you will believe it was worth the wait. It, like us, will remain a work in progress.

If you have tried New Year Unresolutions and nothing worked, try this. It will not be easy and will be very thought provoking but if followed, will promote change and improvement. Anytime you deal with the heart, it is difficult. I've seen this process work too many times. Think about this. How many people do you know that lead unsuccessful work lives? Very few? Why? Hopefully, the first reason is the better quality of people that you surround yourself with. That is a giant step forward in our journey together. The second reason is because of the accountability system contained in “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide”.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


The only difference is the accountability is up to you, not an employer. But actually, that's where it belongs. It's your life. If you truly want to make some changes in your life, if you truly want to make improvements in your life, "Let me see your documentation". It begins here with "New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide". Of the thousands of appraisals I have reviewed, none will have the potential impact or be as important as “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide”. It will be completed by you, about you and for you. Please join me as a success story because nothing changes until something is written. Sincerely, Greg Gilbert

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Welcome and congratulations! If you are reading this, you, your employer or someone that cares about you, cares about your future! If you complete and utilize this document you will place yourself among the top 3%-20% of the population depending on what chart you want to believe. But here's the great news! It doesn't matter what others are doing! It doesn't matter what most people are doing. That's right. This is not their life appraisal. This is “my” life appraisal! Yours not theirs! Just what is an appraisal, let’s look at the definition:


- noun 1. the act of estimating or judging the nature or value of something or someone.

2. an estimate of value, as for sale, assessment, or taxation; valuation.

3. an estimate or considered opinion of the nature, quality, importance, etc

Definition Number 1. That is where we will concentrate except for this fact. The words estimating and judging will be replaced by determining the value. Why? Because we are appraising something we are very, very, familiar with, our life.

We are not appraising a car, boat or house. We appraise these differently depending on whether we are buying or selling. We may have many of these during the course of our life but we will only have ONE LIFE! If your life were a car, would it look like it has just been detailed and purrs like a kitten or does it appear to have just returned from mudding in the swamps and the motor is making a horrible noise? What if you were told at 16 years old that you could only have one car in your lifetime? Would you treat it differently? What if you blew the motor drag racing and put in a new motor? Would you change your habits after receiving the bill? Well that’s how life is. No matter what you’ve done in the past, you may begin today and totally change your future.

Okay here's your first assignment. Print this or call your favorite printer and e-mail them this document to be printed out on three holed paper. Just print on one side and that will provide you with a space for notes on the left side. Purchase a good quality 3-ring binder in a color that doesn’t get lost (we prefer red) and let’s get started. Put tabs in here if you like. Why can’t you do this in a computer? Because “Nothing Changes Until Something Is Written”, remember. Grab a #2 pencil, Mont Blanc, Parker, Cross, Bic or a piece of finely sharpened charcoal and let’s do this. Let’s write and change something!

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Okay, if you are resistant to printing this out because you want to save trees or you just want this available on your computer, go ahead. You will still be ahead of most IF you use this tool. We have found it more effective when it is just you and the binder, no distractions of the web or social media.

Let me share some personal history so that you feel comfortable taking this journey with me. I hope we spend many years together in this binder. You are probably like me. We have tried and failed at many goal setting programs. If I had found one that covered everything and I was comfortable with, I wouldn't have developed this and you wouldn't be reading it. Agree? Great, we already have something in common.

I have spoken to thousands both as a keynote speaker and as a corporate instructor. I retired from a large corporation as the Area Manager of Human Resources. Prior to retirement, I was the primary HR contact to a work force of 900-2100 at various times for over a decade prior to retirement. My responsibilities as HR Area Manager included grievances, labor relations, arbitration, assisting with lawsuits, safety, training and compensation. I learned so much about people but the one I learned the most about was me, which was great news since that was the person I had the best chance of changing.

I have also developed and deliver a keynote and management training class, “Leading And Living Like You Own It!” These were developed from years of personal and mentors experience.

My keynote and management development session are loaded with real-life personal stories that will bring out many different emotions and we NEVER change anything in our life without emotion. They also address a plan for change and improvement.

In 2008 I published his first book “If Your Baby Could Talk…Would You Listen? A Baby’s Thoughts On Raising Good Parents”.

I am a grateful survivor of raising two wonderful daughters in a sometimes hostile demographic environment of 75% female. I’ve been married to my best friend for more than 34 years (yes, my wife and best friend are the same person). I am a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, guitar picker, singer/songwriter, author, poet and ex-cattle rancher with an extensive background in Management and Human Resources.

I am a member of the Society of Human Resources Management, Nashville Songwriters Association International. Christian Country Music Association and the Four States Gospel Music Association. I also cheerfully answer to “Papaw”.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


So there you have it. There is my background. “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” is a product of my HR career and my personal growth journey. My hope is that is has a positive impact on your life.

I want to share my first experience of the positive impact of writing goals. I see now that it works. I was raised on a farm outside of Hope, Arkansas. When I was 12 or 13 years old and the farm work was caught up, I rode “into town” with my Mom on Saturday. When you live as far out as we did (11 miles) you only grocery shopped once a week. She would drop me off at Jack's News Stand and set a time to pick me up. I would jump out of the car, wave and run in the door. I would then watch and wait until she drove away. I then went around the corner into the alley to Bull’s Pool Hall. Every town had one and Bull Dillard ran the one in Hope.

Remember, I was raised on a farm and if you are willing to work, there are many ways to procure a little extra spending money. I had a Grit route, cucumber patch, hauled hay and fed cows for others at times, so I had some bank. Well, at Bull’s it was $.10 a rack and the loser pays. I was new at this game but I was so fortunate to find about six older guys that were so ready and willing to teach me the fine art of shooting pool. After a few weeks they began to ask me if I wanted to play for a quarter a game. Since I was winning a few games (the bait), I agreed and it then began costing me $.35 a game. It took me a few weeks to realize that I was paying for all of their pool games and something was wrong with this picture.

At this time in my life I had never heard that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result but I knew I had to change something. You see, not only were these guys beating me in pool, a few of them rubbed it in. Here's where the writing comes into play. Here is where sick and tired becomes sick and tired. I remember writing the names of these six guys on a piece of paper. The two that really rubbed it in had stars by their name. At the top of the paper was written “Guys I will beat in pool”. I folded and hid the piece of paper in a drawer in my room. Believe me; it was reviewed twice every Saturday, prior to leaving and again when I returned from town.

The next Saturday when I arrived I fought off the usual swarm of vultures that surrounded me. I informed them I wanted to play by myself for a while. I then negotiated a deal with Bull to allow me to play by the hour instead of by the rack. He agreed with this because it freed his time up to rack the other tables and sweat a good Domino or gin rummy game. This allowed me to practice and play an imaginary game against each of the six guys on my list. Every time I made the winning shot I could see my opponent making front and eventually back pocket moves to pay me.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Well to make a long story short, my practicing continued, and within a year, two had come off the list. Another year or so and two more came off the list. The final two were tougher to get off the list but by the time I was 18 years old I could play with and consistently beat anyone in Hope, Arkansas on the pool table. How did it happen? I didn’t realize this at the time but this is what occurred:

1. I wrote my desired end result down. I began with the end in mind. 2. I was smart enough to do something different. I realized where I was and

what I had to do to achieve my end result. I negotiated with Bull to allow me to practice. I never saw any of the six guys on my list practicing. All they ever did was play. They got where they were by playing. I didn't want where they were. I wanted to be better than they were. I had to do something different and all it involved was practicing.

3. I achieved my goal. I wish I had kept the piece of paper but I'm sure that when Johnny and Larry came off the top of that list, I probably threw it away. I didn’t stop there. I mentally (I know, should have been written) established a new goal. I set out to find the Johnny and Larry in every town that had a table.

I wasn’t goal oriented, I was growth oriented. I knew I could always improve. I didn’t settle. There were always better players. Have I been beaten? You bet. But when I really look back at that aspect of my life, I did it right. By the nature of competitive pool you are pitted against other players and there is only one winner. The secret is the gap between your performance and your potential. I didn’t practice to beat A player; I practiced to beat ALL players. I knew that if I practiced the game enough, my performance would improve. The gap would close. In fact, the gap closed enough that I was able to win many tournaments with the highlights being the 1993 Arkansas Masters Division 8-Ball State Championship and placing in the top 24 out of over 300 players in Las Vegas.

Did I eliminate the gap between my performance and potential on the pool table? No, but it was closed enough that I am satisfied with that part of my life because it provided me with memories, experiences and relationships that will last a lifetime. I do believe that I achieved the success that was relative to the amount of time invested. There are no free lunches. I spent thousands of hours walking around a pool table. The more I practiced the better (or luckier in some eyes) I became. Was it too high of a priority in my life? Yes, but I was young and had many, many, Saturdays left in my life. We will talk about priorities later but first I want you to write a few of things. Let the writing begin:

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


1. Are you satisfied with the gap between your performance and potential in all aspects in your life? Circle One YES NO

2. Write two accomplishments in your life. It doesn’t matter if they were a result of writing something down or not and they could occur at any age. Do not leave this blank. Something you have accomplished as a child, employee, parent, employee, spouse, craftsman or competitor.

A. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Great! See, it’s not hopeless and I’m guessing you circled NO on question # 1.

You see, “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” will be like taking a trip. We will have “MY TO” which will be our destination. We will have “MY FROM” which we are beginning and we will have “My ROUTE” which will involve changes that occur between “MY FROM” and “MY TO”. We will also develop a list of “My Eight That Can't Wait”. This will be a list of things you want to accomplish.

Let’s think about this for a minute. In November 2010, because of a mutual friend, I was able to visit Rocky Top. This is the beautiful home mentioned in the best-selling book “Same Kind Of Different As Me” by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. (Insert plug for this book, it is great). Before I left Texarkana I had my GPS programmed, written instructions, printed MapQuest directions, a road atlas in my car, the gate combination and a cell number to call if we got lost. I knew MY FROM, MY TO and MY ROUTE. What WRITTEN plans do we have for the time between NOW and TILL DEATH DO US PART? I know you’ve heard this cliché before, but it is true. We don’t plan to fail we just fail to plan. We spend more time planning a trip than we do our life. Let’s change that together.

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Next opportunity to write. Here are the average life spans for Americans according to Wikipedia. If you want to use something different go ahead, the point will remain the same. If you are outside the country, substitute your numbers:

Women Men Example

80.8 75.6 75.6

Minus Your Age ________ _______ 56.6

Equals ________ _______ 19

Multiply By 52= _________ _________ 988

This, my friend is the number of Saturdays you have remaining IF you have an average life span. We all know the definition of average, “best of the worst and worst of the best”. I don’t care if your number is big, small or you have already passed these ages, the point is, these are limited.

Okay, another writing opportunity! Knowing what you know now and where you are starting from, Circle One below:

I will raise the average.

I will lower the average.

I will probably not affect the average.

Okay, again, circle one:

My answer above is acceptable to me. YES NO

My answer above is acceptable to my family. YES NO

The point is that it is not always just about us! This also makes the point that time is limited. Make the most of it. Live your life intentionally not accidentally.

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Before we begin, I want to share some other things with you. I need you in the right frame of mind. This will not be easy but will be oh, so, rewarding when you stick with it. Some of these are from my HR experience and some from other sources. I want to do my best to get you in the right frame of mind because I truly want you to be a success story.


The Guy in the Glass Poem by Dale Wimbrow, (c) 1934 When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf, And the world makes you King for a day, Then go to the mirror and look at yourself, And see what that guy has to say. For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife, Who judgement upon you must pass. The feller whose verdict counts most in your life Is the guy staring back from the glass. He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest, For he's with you clear up to the end, And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test If the guy in the glass is your friend. You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum, And think you're a wonderful guy, But the man in the glass says you're only a bum If you can't look him straight in the eye. You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years, And get pats on the back as you pass, But your final reward will be heartaches and tears If you've cheated the guy in the glass.

Dale Wimbrow 1895-1954

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“I’ve heard all the excuses but I’ve never heard a good one.”- Unknown

“Do you know the difference in an excuse and a legitimate reason? The excuse normally comes from someone else's mouth and the legitimate reason comes from yours and the words are the same.” –Greg Gilbert

“The past is a place of reference not a place of residence. That is why the windshield is big in the rearview mirror is small.” - Willie Jolley

“Can’t get a burr under your saddle if you’re busy riding.” –Greg Gilbert

“If you want God to drop something in your lap, it is best to put your lap where God is dropping stuff!” - Wally “Famous” Amos- Where is your lap? gg

"Most people would rather fail conventionally than succeed unconventionally. This is why 1% of the U.S. population earns 37% of the national income. Following the crowd is not the way to achieve wealth" Allan Nation-Stockman Grass Farmer

“The pursuit of personal growth is optional in life as long as you consider spiritual peace, physical fitness, healthy relationships, confidence, high self-esteem and financial freedom as optional also.” – Greg Gilbert

Keep on giving what you've been giving and you'll keep on getting what you've been getting. – Willie Jolley

You can't give it if you don't have it! This applies to money, wisdom, compassion and love. - Unknown

“The only thing that will change you between now and the next 5 years are what you listen to, what you read and who you hang out with.” Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

“You can’t have Hope without a method!” - Unknown

"I firmly believe that the only true disability in life is a bad attitude." - Scott Hamilton

“You never really know how disciplined and committed you can be until being disciplined and committed is the only choice you have!” - Unknown

“Don't take that class!” - Jim Rohn

It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming

"Hope" is NOT a strategy!!- Unknown

“You can design your life or just make a living!” Unknown

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“Are you through?” Through with what? Life! Will you die at 40 and be buried at 80? That's what occurs when you stop growing.

I have worked with and have been around WDP’s (Walking Dead People). You know them. You may be one of them. Here is another writing opportunity:

When is the last time you did something for the first time and what was it?


A few years ago I gave a presentation in Little Rock to a few hundred people. At the end of my program a very tall guy came up to me. I could tell that something had touched him because he seemed emotional. He told me that my stories had touched him and he then asked a question I will never forget. “Are you real?” He really caught me off guard and I had to say “pardon me”. He then repeated the question. Here was my answer, “I’m not sure if I could have passed the red-face test on that question 15 years ago but yes, these stories come from my heart and I am real.”

That question, those three words, Are You Real? That is all I thought about on the two hour drive home. Wow! I was hired to speak and inspire the group but I also left with a powerful question and inspiration. Are you real?

Writing Opportunity

Are you real? Are you the same in different audiences or do people that see you in different environments not really know who you are? Are you nice to people’s face and then slam them as they walk away? Do you pretend to be someone you are not?

Are you real? Circle One- YES NO Could stand improvement!

How would your spouse, family, friends, co-workers or business associates answer this? Circle One- YES NO Could stand improvement!

Years ago I had an acronym, KYA. No, it’s not what you think. It stood for “Know Your Audience”. I still use it but as a result of personal growth it is only used today to determine content. It is not used to determine the type of language, my character or my values. These stay the same. I want to be and will be REAL.

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What are your positive personality traits? List two below. This is not good at welding, typing or sewing. This is I’m patient, not easily rattled, work well with others.

List two:

1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________

This is your lucky day! You have just won “The 110% Debt-Free Lotto”!!!! Yeah!!

What does this do? It pays every penny of your debt off! Credit cards, home, cars, everything. You are DEBT-FREE!! Call Dave Ramsey on Friday, no wait, you didn’t work for this, you won it. You have done nothing that will help or inspire others, but never mind, there’s MORE. “The 110% Debt-Free Lotto” also matches last year’s pre-tax income and gives you a 10% increase. So you will receive 110% of last year’s pre-tax income for the remainder of your life. Isn’t that great? What will you do?

Will you continue doing what you are doing to earn money? Circle One: YES NO

If the answer is NO, what would you begin doing?


If the answer is NO, you are currently working for the money and not the enjoyment. Do you have any plans in place that would allow you to make money AND perform work you enjoy? Circle One: YES NO

If Yes, What are your plans?_____________________________________________________________

Are you currently doing anything in case you do not win “The 110% Debt-Free Lotto” that would allow you to do what you would enjoy in life? Circle One: YES NO

If YES, what? _____________________________________________________________________________

Have things in your life changed much in the past five years? Circle One: YES NO

Are they better or worse? Circle One: BETTER WORSE

I recently read an article that by the time the average American reaches the age of 65; they have watched NINE YEARS of television. No wonder we are falling behind as a country. We are watchers, not doers!

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Does nightly conversation in your house involve pause, mute or “can you wait till commercial”? Circle One YES NO

How many hours a week are you in front of a TV? ________________

How many non-fiction personal development books have you read in the last year?______________

I want to share what is commonly referred to as the “Marshmallow Study”.

Stanford University psychology researcher Michael Mischel demonstrated how important self-discipline (the ability to delay immediate gratification in exchange for long term goal achievement) is to lifelong success? In a longitudinal study which began in the 1960s, he offered hungry 4-year-olds a marshmallow, but told them that if they could wait for the experimenter to return after running an errand, they could have two marshmallows. Those who could wait the fifteen or twenty minutes for the experimenter to return would be demonstrating the ability to delay gratification and control impulse.

Those who could wait the fifteen or twenty minutes for the experimenter to return would be demonstrating the ability to delay gratification and control impulse.

About one-third of of the children grabbed the single marshmallow right away while some waited a little longer, and about one-third were able to wait 15 or 20 minutes for the researcher to return. Years later when the children graduated from high school, the differences between the two groups were dramatic: the resisters were more positive, self-motivating, persistent in the face of difficulties, and able to delay gratification in pursuit of their goals. They had the habits of successful people which resulted in more successful marriages, higher incomes, greater career satisfaction, better health, and more fulfilling lives than most of the population.

Those having grabbed the marshmallow were more troubled, stubborn and indecisive, mistrustful, less self-confident, and still could not put off gratification. They had trouble subordinating immediate impulses to achieve long-range goals. When it was time to study for the big test, they tended to get distracted into doing activities that brought instant gratification This impulse followed them throughout their lives and resulted in unsuccessful marriages, low job satisfaction and income, bad health, and frustrating lives.

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Why did I share this with you? Because as you go through this process, I want you to consider the impact of NOT deferring immediate gratification in different aspects of your life. Ex: That dessert you ordered and in between each bite you say “I really don’t need this”. What about the big screen that you “put on the plastic”? I recently heard an interview with a Korean executive discussing the theory of deferring immediate gratification. He stated that not deferring immediate gratification was the Achilles heel of the United States. It initially made me angry hearing him talk about our country, then I thought of the obesity and debt problem in this country and decided not to call him and argue. Can you?

Remember when I mentioned “MOML”? Manager Of My Life. Is this you or someone else. Is your health managed by you or a doctor and prescription drugs? Is your finances managed by you or a banker and a mountain of debt? Is your career managed by you or do you blame everything on the company or your boss? If you are not managing the different aspects of your life, trust me, someone will be.

I recently read a study in which fifty people over the age of 90 were asked to reflect

upon their lives. “If you had it to do over again,” they were asked, “what would you

do differently?” Though there were many answers, three responses dominated. Here

they are:

First, many respondents answered, “I would reflect more.” Do you ever feel that too

much time is spent in “doing” and not enough spent thinking about what you are

doing and why you are doing it?

Second, they said, “I would risk more.” Do you think that important opportunities

either have been or might be forfeited because of your fear to take a necessary risk?

Finally, they said, “I would do more things that would live on after I died.” Do you feel

that you are immersed in something bigger and more enduring than your own

existence? Every day we wake up, we get a second chance at all three of these


“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” can assist you with all three of these

regrets. You can begin building your legacy today by honest reflection that may prod

you to take a risk and do something different than what got you where you are.

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One more personal story. When I was in my 30’s I attended a seminar (Personal Development Deposit) in Little Rock Arkansas. The speaker told the story of a dear friend of his that was recently diagnosed with cancer and would probably live only six months. The remarkable thing about his friend was that he did not have to change the way he lived his life. He had minimal regrets and no bridges to mend. The speaker then asked a very tough question. “How many in the audience could get the same news and not have to change the way they lived their life?”

That question hit me hard. I remember sitting in the lobby after the conference with a legal pad making notes of things I would change. At the end it was so embarrassing that I destroyed the paper and threw it away. You see, my Career account had a very high balance at the expense of withdrawals in my Family account. I would love to say that I made a 180° turnaround but I didn’t. The good news is that I began to make gradual changes. When I look back at that day, I want to stress this point again, Nothing Changes Until Something Is Written. I wrote it down. Yes, I threw it away but I took the time and effort to think and then write. That is what I’m requesting of you in “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide”.

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We will now begin “New Day, New Results" - Goal Setting Guide. As you have seen, we will get a little deep, make you think and hopefully make some positive changes in your life. I recently discussed this program with a friend and his first words were “that is very deep”. I responded that the opposite of deep is shallow and this program was not intended to promote “shallow”. In fact it is not even designed to promote the difference between “deep” and “shallow” which is average. Average is the best of the worst and the worst of the best. So if you want to refer to this product as “deep”, I’m honored.

Don’t hit this just a lick and promise. Be serious about this. This is your future that could and should impact many others. Let me make this recommendation. Once you start, finish this. If you need to go somewhere private, go! Devote a day to this process. I assure you, if followed, it will reap many more rewards than that fishing, golfing, shooting pool, shopping or hunting trip. There is too much at stake. This product was developed over a lifetime of experience and personal growth but was finalized in 48 hours in a remote cabin of western Arkansas. Use it to the best of your ability. Remember the “Guy In The Glass”.

Once you complete this, you have made a great stride but you’ve only just begun. The rewards and personal satisfaction will be overwhelming. Some of these require daily review. Document and celebrate your deposits and document and learn from your withdrawals.

You will address the Career, Financial, Family, Health, Personal Development, Social, and Spiritual parts of your life. These are in alphabetical order. You will determine the order of priority. If you don’t need all of these or would like to add categories, that will work. We just want to create some forward motion.

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Section 1 - “MY TO”

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, first published in 1989, written by Stephen R. Covey was one of the first personal development books I read. (Insert Plug for this book). The item that hit me the strongest as my number of Saturdays diminish is HABIT # 2: BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.

So, what do you want to be when you grow up? Do you know? Are you--right now--who you want to be, what you dreamed you'd be, doing what you always wanted to do? Be honest. Sometimes people find themselves achieving victories that are empty--successes that have come at the expense of things that were far more valuable to them. Remember we are looking at the “MY TO”, this is where we are heading. Are you “out of route”?

Ready, set, fast forward!! Okay, you are 75 years old. Feel good? You certainly look good for 75. If you are already past 75, congratulations, let’s WRITE! Many plans ask you to write what you want people to say about you after you are gone. We believe that is clouded with emotion and it relieves you of responsibility. We want you to imagine actually hearing these people saying these things about you. What if you asked now?

One of the most meaningful lessons I received was during an annual appraisal. I had been working for a new supervisor for three months. It was appraisal time and he took the documentation from my previous supervisor, combined it with the three months I had worked with (note the word “with”, not “for”) him and reviewed my annual appraisal. It was a very favorable appraisal.

At the conclusion he said these words; “Now, it’s your turn”. Caught off guard I asked “what”? He said “It’s your turn to appraise me”. At that time I had 25 years of service and had received at least 25 appraisals. I had NEVER been asked that question. Well, I decided to take a leap of faith and share some suggestions with the one person with the authority to terminate my employment. He was very receptive and appreciative. He truly wanted input. It wasn’t just lip service.

The reason I mention this is that if you truly want improvement, ask now, not at 75! What will make you cry with regret at 75? Think about that. Fix it now. When you look down at the ground from your pedestal it always looks higher than to the bystander.

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It’s your life appraisal so we will ask your input first. What do you want to be able to say about the different aspects of your life? Where are you in life and what have you achieved? Not now but WILL have achieved by the time you are 75. The most important thing is NOT waiting until 75 to begin. Start NOW! Write statements that YOU plan on being able to check as true on your 75th birthday. Oh, remember, if a category does not apply, just put N/A. This is your appraisal but before you N/A a category, ask yourself if it impacts any other categories or other people. There is also space to add two categories if you like.

Here are some examples of statements:

1. I completed my chosen career on xx-xx-20xx. Since then I have continued xx and xx as volunteer activities and xx to generate income. (Note: If you are not presently in your chosen career, what are you doing to change that? Is there a resume'(s) submitted? Are you in school or training to increase your skills? Are you taking steps to start your own business? If none of these are occurring, you are in your chosen career. Perform your work well and with a good attitude. Be content but nor complacent, strive for growth and improvement.)

2. I have been married for xx years to my best friend and partner. I have an excellent relationship with all of my family.

3. I have been debt free since xx-xx-20xx. My cash flow and net worth have continued to grow since 2011.

4. I achieved my weight loss goal of xxx pounds in 2010 and achieved my target weight of xxx pounds on 12-25-2011. I achieved my Body Fat Index goal on 6-1-2012. I have maintained this weight and BFI through continued exercise and nutrition.

5. I have consistently read xx personal development books and attended x seminars a year since 2010 to increase my knowledge level.

You get the point. The goal is to put action items in gear NOW so that you are not bankrupt in all of these different life accounts. I do request that you set the bar high. High jumpers are not applauded for clearing three feet. Challenge yourself. Now, get started writing because “Nothing Changes Until Something Is Written”.

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Personal Development:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Other 1:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Other 2:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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NEXT! Now I want you to write things that you want said about you at 75 years old. These will be by different people and these people may not be able to say these things now but we will address this in our “MY ROUTE”. We are clearly defining “MY TO”. This is where we are headed. As always, any of these may be N/A’d but don’t N/A them if they exist. Be honest and give this the effort. We must establish “MY TO”.

Your Spouse_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Your Children______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Your Friends_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Your Co-workers or Business Associates___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Your Employees___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Your Supervisors__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Other 1:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Other 2:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Made you think didn’t it? These will not occur by accident. You MUST live an intentional life!

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Section 2 – “MY FROM”

Well, to proceed to “MY TO”, we MUST know where we are starting from. We MUST know “MY FROM”. This is where it may get painful but we must have a starting point. GPS knows where we are, but do we? Before we begin, I want to share some stories, facts questions and quotes. We will again be looking at Career, Family, Financial, Health, Personal Development, Social and Spiritual. Remember, these are in alphabetical order and items can be added or deleted.

“Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air. You name them – work, family, health, friends, and spirit – and you’re keeping all these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls – family, health, friends, and spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged, or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.” – Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises from 1959-1994

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Guy with a passion and a cause story

In the 90’s I was part of a committee that met annually. We shared different points about Management and Labor and it was a very productive committee. One year we had a speaker that had a cause, a good cause. It was a green cause before green was cool. He was so passionate about this cause. He had spent countless hours and dollars addressing this cause. The entire crowd applauded his work towards this cause.

I had the opportunity to visit with him after hours. His passion just oozed about this cause. We had to visit outside on the balcony because he smoked. He did take time to load a plate with chicken wings and had two whiskey drinks in waiting when he finished the one he was drinking. Oh, let me share this. This individual was about 5’ 8” tall and probably weighed between 250-300 lbs.

I asked if he had children, I finally discovered another of his passions. His eyes lit up when he talked about his kids. He had two children. They were both heavily involved in sports but he wasn’t able to spend much time with them because of work and his cause. He was a great person and we had a good visit. As I think back on him, I wonder how he would appraise his health, family and career. I think I know, one high and two lows. As in the story above, which balls were scuffed or shattered. What are your true passions?

Years ago in HR I had a mental test I would run through; If I wouldn’t do or say it in front of my wife, mother, daughters, boss, pastor or policeman, I probably shouldn’t do or say it. It’s a shame some politicians don’t use this. Well, through years of personal development, I no longer use that test. Even if I’m alone, I hold myself responsible. I don’t need others to hold me accountable. This brings back the “Are You Real” story. I, No YOU, need to complete this portion of the workbook as accurately as possible. In fact, act like someone will check your work. You job is to answer so that anyone could look at it, nod and say, “Uh huh, that looks about right”. NOT “Yeah, right”?

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Let’s get started writing “MY FROM”. Here is how this will work. In each of the categories; Career, Family, Financial, Health, Personal Development, Social and Spiritual we will open a bank account. You will determine the opening balance as of today. The opening balance will be between 0 which is bankrupt to a 10 which is excellent. Be honest on this because this will determine the “Route” we must take. This is no place for inflation or rounding up. Don’t approve yourself a stimulus. Don’t cheat yourself. This is not pass/fail. The failing will occur with complacency and settling for less than your potential. Place the date and your initials beside the opening balance at the end of each section. Once we establish your “MY FROM” opening balance, this number will be transferred the “MY ROUTE” portion in the next session. This is where you are and once we establish this, we are moving forward. We are through with where we are. Right? We are moving forward? Okay.

Before we begin this portion, I want to share another story with you:

A rather unattractive lady is walking down the street to work and sees a parrot in a pet store. She stops to admire the bird. The parrot says to her, "Hey lady, you are really ugly." Well, the lady is furious! She storms past the store to her work. On the way home she saw the same parrot in the window and the parrot upon seeing her says, "Hey lady, you are really ugly." She was incredibly ticked now. The next day on the way to work she saw the same parrot and once again it said, "Hey lady, you are really ugly." The lady was so furious that she stormed into the store and threatened to sue the store and have the bird killed. The store manager apologized profusely and promised the bird wouldn't say it again. The next day, when the lady walked past the store after work, she stopped in front of the parrot. She looked the parrot in the eye and asked, “Do you have something to say to me?” The parrot looked both ways, stuck his beak right up to the window and whispered, “You know.”

Why is this important? Yes, even if what the parrot was saying was true, it was rude, but here is the point. Just because the parrot didn’t say it did not make her attractive. As you establish your opening balance in your “FROM” accounts, do not give yourself 9’s or 10’s when you know it’s closer to a 5. Why, because “you know”. You can’t fool results.

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Remember when I mentioned our farm and a cucumber patch as a kid. My first batch of cucumbers brought $7.75 at the “Pickle Shed” in Hope. My grandmother took me from there to the bank. I opened my first bank account at 13 with an opening balance of $5.00. It would have served no benefit for me to tell Mom and Dad I had $10 in the bank when I only had $5.00. You will establish your opening balance in each one of your accounts so get ready for this. Don’t worry. We plan on many deposits to each account. If you don’t have or want one or more of these accounts, that’s okay. Remember though, If you have a “MY TO” you must have a “MY FROM” at some point. Oh, and “You Know”.

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My Career Account

Career- my hope is that if you have a career, it is the career of your choice. If you don't have a career, I hope that is by choice. If neither of these is true, you have a choice, a choice to make changes in your life. How? By using this document to develop a plan, to grow and make deposits into these accounts. You will reach a point when the choice will be yours.

Note: If you are not presently in your chosen career, what are you doing to change that? Is there a resume'(s) submitted? Are you in school or training to increase your skills? Are you taking steps to start your own business? If none of these are occurring, you are in your chosen career. Perform your work well and with a good attitude. Be content but nor complacent, strive for growth and improvement.

Want to make more money? You can’t, well legally you can’t; only the U.S. Treasury MAKES money. We are only able to EARN money. If you want to EARN more you must increase the VALUE you bring to your company or customers.

Prior to establishing your opening balance on your career let’s think about a few things. This is not a conspiracy to change company policy, existing agreements or get you fired up. These are just to make you think. You can’t change anything without thinking.

Why does your company exist?_____________________________________________________

Here are some of the answers to this question that I have received in my results management class.

• To make paper. • To provide good phone service. • To provide the best joists possible. • To provide the best customer service available. • To provide jobs for people (Honestly, I’ve heard this answer)

The list goes on and on but there is only one correct answer; To make money!

Face it, without profitability and sustainability, there is no company, no jobs, no paper, no phone service or joists.

Let me answer these for you.

What is your job? To do what I can to increase profitability and sustainability.

How am I paid? By the hour, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly?

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No. You are paid for the value you bring to the job. If you were paid by any other method, all you would have to do is show up.

Answer this question honestly. Imagine that you begin and end your day at the sound of a whistle or the movement of a second hand hitting 12. Do you drop your pick in mid-swing or stop you typing in mid-word when the end of the day comes? Is it your attitude that “I’m not giving them any more than I have to”? YES NO This is a horrible attitude to have. Your value will never increase with this attitude BUT the supervisors of employees with this attitude must also look at policies, procedures and treatment of employees. It cannot work just ONE WAY.

I’ve read that for a company to remain profitable and sustainable, an employee must produce 3-5 times what they are paid. Ex: If you are paid $20 an hour, you must produce $60-$100 of value to the company.

Circle the factors that you contribute to in your position; Quality, Quantity, Safety, Attendance, Effectiveness With Others, Revenue Generation.

Considering those items, do you bring 3-5 times your wage in Value? YES NO

Are you currently in sales? Circle one. YES (I know, there is only one)

Everyone that works and produces income is in sales. Some only have one customer. That is the person that completes their work appraisal. They must sell to this person that the value they contribute to their position is worthy of the compensation they receive. (They should also be selling to everyone that their company and product are the best available.) The only methods to increase your income are: 1. Increase your value to your current customer. (Note: The first thing that comes to mind is training and education but sometimes the simplest thing can be a change in attitude and closing the gap between your performance and potential.) 2. Find a customer that will pay more for the value you provide. 3. Increase your value and pursue another customer. 4. Provide your value to multiple customers.

If you were King or Queen (but continued in your same position) and could begin a “Pay For Results Produced” system that had a foolproof system to monitor and reward employees, would you approve it? YES NO

If NO, why not______________________________________________________________________

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Okay, you are not King or Queen anymore but I will assign you different positions within and outside a company. Because of falling profits a crew of 10 must downsize to 8. Forget all existing agreements and circle whether the downsizing should take place by Seniority, Performance or a combination of both.

You are:

The most senior employee with a less than satisfactory work record- Seniority, Performance, a combination of both.

The middle employee in seniority with an excellent work record- Seniority, Performance, a combination of both.

The least senior employee with the best performance in the crew- Seniority, Performance, a combination of both.

The supervisor of this crew and you have not done a good job of documenting and addressing performance problems- Seniority, Performance, a combination of both.

The supervisor of this crew and you have done an excellent job of documenting and addressing performance problems- Seniority, Performance, a combination of both.

The CEO of this company- Seniority, Performance, a combination of both.

A major shareholder of this company- Seniority, Performance, a combination of both.

Okay, forget the job. It’s Saturday or Sunday afternoon. You and your child have scored the best seats ever for a football game. Because of what you have paid to see your team play, you are more than a fan, you are fully invested. You are a customer! The game goes back and forth. There is yelling and screaming from both sides. Your team is down by 2. The clock is stopped with 3 seconds remaining in the game. Your team is on the opponent’s 25 yard line. This WILL be the last play of the game. Your team has three field goal kickers. Who do you want to kick the ball? - Seniority, Performance, a combination of both.

Who did you want on the field from the opening kickoff? - Seniority, Performance, a combination of both.

If a team is not winning, there are no fans. If there are no fans, there is no revenue. If there is no revenue, the team is not sustainable. This is no difference from the business world except the word customer is substituted for fans.

If you knew without a doubt that you could perform at a higher level in your career, should you? YES NO

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Now, considering your honest contribution to your career and all the deposits and withdrawals you have made, assign the opening balance in your career account. Remember, this is for your eyes only unless you choose to share with others. All we are attempting to do is establish your performance and begin its journey towards your potential. Place your initials and a date on the line closest to the left available. We will give you a sample. We recommend reestablishing your balance at least monthly the first year and then at least quarterly after that. Your balance will change according to deposits and balances that we will cover in the “MY ROUTE” section that is next.

Now, establish the opening balance of your career account between 0-10 with 10 being excellent in increments of .25. If done correctly, this balance will be the lowest it will ever be and we are done with our career “FROM”.

Career Account Opening Balance and Date____________________________

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


My Family Account

We are ready to establish the balance in your family account. This one is determined mostly by relationships. Are the relationships solid? Not just your spouse, your entire family. Is your family ignored or overshadowed by other aspects of your life. Is your idea of spending time with your family just being in the same house with everyone on a different TV or video game?

Before we proceed to establishing the opening balance in your family account, let me share “The Bucket Story” with you. It had a profound impact and influence on me when it was shared with me.

“The Bucket Story”

One of my mentors in life had been an HR manager for years. When I landed in HR, I tagged on to him. I knew that I could learn from this gentleman. We were out of town and had dinner one night at a meeting and he asked me how old my girls were. They were probably in the 12-14 range at that time. He said you know I’ve been noticing that I’ve been getting some late night and weekend e-mails and voicemails from you. He said, don’t get me wrong, I’m not picking them up at late at night and I’m not picking them up on the weekend and then he shared the bucket story with me.

This occurred at the first management class he attended. He walked into the room and there was a bucket of water on a table. They had to stick their finger down in the bucket of water, wipe it off, walk over to a bucket of sand or silt and then stick their finger down in the bucket of sand or silt, wipe their finger off and sat down. They didn’t have any clue as to why they had to do that.

Their instructor came in and welcomed them to management and then he said you are probably wondering what the buckets are about. He said the bucket of water, you stick your finger in there and you occupy space, you pull it out and it fills right back in, just like you were never there. He said that’s this company. He said if you leave tomorrow, they’ll fill your job and it will be like you were never here. He said the second bucket, the bucket of sand or silt, you stick your finger in there and you occupy space but you pull it out and leave a void. He said eventually the sand and silt could shift around and fill back in, but it could take a long, long time for that to occur. He said that bucket is your family.

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Friends, I cannot explain to you how much impact that had on me. I had my priorities out of order. He couldn’t have hit me with a brick and got my attention any more. He didn’t criticize me or critique me, he told me a story. I immediately started changing, I am not saying I went from 70, 80 hours a week to 40 immediately, but I did begin re-prioritizing and realized that I never would get “caught up”. There were ALWAYS things to be done.

Thank goodness I heard that story at a time in my life when I really truly needed to hear it. It did make a tremendous difference in how I prioritize my time and the things that I did. So I share that with you. I hope that if that story rings with you, I hope that it has the same positive impact on your life also.

Pay close attention to the word “balance” as you establish your opening “balance” on your family account. Ex: If you spend more nights at a deer camp, tennis, shopping or golf trips with your friends than you do in a condo or hotel with your spouse, there IS a balance problem.

Now, establish the opening balance of your family account between 0-10 with 10 being excellent in increments of .25. If done correctly, this balance will be the lowest it will ever be and we are done with our Family “FROM”.

Family Account Opening Balance and Date____________________________

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


My Finance Account


“Many people should set an immediate short term goal to get back to the net worth they had at 18 years of age, even.” – Greg Gilbert

We are ready to establish the opening balance in your finance account. This will be like a personal balance sheet but we want to give you a few things to think of before you do this:

• Are you better off financially today than 3 years ago? Yes________ No__________ • Are you better off financially today than 1 year ago? Yes________ No__________ • Are you better off financially than when you were 18? Yes________ No_________ • What is your current debt? ______________________ • What is the value of your current assets?______________________ • What is your net worth? Assets minus debt.___________________ • How much of your debt is on depreciating assets?_______________ • How much of your debt is on income producing assets? _____________ • What is your average monthly income?_______________________ • What are your average monthly expenses?______________________ • How much $$ remains after expenses? _________________ • How much do you save monthly? ______________________ • How much do you give monthly? _______________________ • If you were to lose your main source of income today, how many months, days

or hours could you continue your current lifestyle?_________________________ • “Most People” make money, pay their bills and “live” on what remains (or

what remains plus credit cards). If you could select an income amount that would allow you to be able to live, give and save and design your own life, what would that income be? ______________________________

• Have you ever received a comma check (Over $999.99) that was YOURS? You didn’t have to pay anything or anyone from this check? These words were not tied to the check, “We can pay _____________ with this”. YES NO

• Since you turned 21, have you ever been debt free? YES NO

Now, establish the opening balance of your finance account in increments of .25. If done correctly, this balance will be the lowest it will ever be and we are done with our Finance “FROM”.

Finance Account Opening Balance and Date____________________________

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


My Health Account


We are ready to establish the opening balance in your health account. “You know” your opening balance but we want to give you a few things to think of prior to establishing your opening balance:

• Are you in better shape physically today than 5 years ago? Yes________ No__________

• Are you in better shape physically today than 3 years ago? Yes________ No__________

• Are you in better shape physically today than 1 year ago? Yes________ No__________

• What is your current weight? ______________________ • What is your current height? ______________________ • According to an average height/weight table for your frame size, what should

you weigh? ______________________ • What is your Body Fat %? ______________ Note: We use the Omron HBF-306C Fat

Loss Monitor to measure this. It can be measured with many different tools but measure it the same way.

• Do you currently smoke or use other tobacco products? ___________________ • How many alcoholic drinks do you consume per week? ______________________

Per day? __________________ • Do you have a regularly scheduled exercise program that elevates your heart

rate? If yes, what? _______________________________________________________________ If no, when will you begin? _______________________ Note: Do something you enjoy, tennis, racquetball, jogging or dancing. You will be more likely to continue your program.

• If I knew without a doubt that I could be healthier with diet and exercise for the remainder of my life, should I? Circle one –YES NO - Note: If you circle NO to this, please do not give up on the entire program. Begin making changes to other aspects of your life. Hopefully, you will be back in this section.

• I am willing to make a change in my health because of: Circle One – Inspiration Desperation

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Now, establish the opening balance of your Health account between 0-10 with 10 being excellent in increments of .25. If done correctly, this balance will be the lowest it will ever be and we are done with our Health “FROM”.

Health Account Opening Balance and Date______________________________

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My Personal Development Account


We are ready to establish the opening balance in your personal development account. “You know” your opening balance but we want to give you a few things to think of prior to establishing your opening balance:

Note: All questions pertain to material on the other aspects of our life –Career, Family, Finance, Health, Social and Spiritual

• How many non-fiction personal development books/CD’s have you read or listened to in the last 5 years?__________ 3 Years_______________ Year_______________ Month_______________

• List the classes or seminars that you have attended in the past year that have increased your knowledge level. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• What magazines do you subscribe to monthly? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Circle the ones that add to your personal development.

• Do you currently have a mentor in any aspect of your life? ______________________ • If so, in what aspect?

______________________________________________________________ • I have read that the average American will watch 9 years of TV by their 65th

birthday. How many hours of TV do you watch per week? ______________________

Note: These questions are not intended to increase your guilt about your current activities or inactivity in the personal development portion of your life. It is only intended to say “If you don’t have it, you can’t give it, or use it.”

“The only thing that will change you between now and the next 3, 5 or 10 years are the books you read, what you listen to, watch and the people you hang around with.” –- Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

We have brainstormed about this quote and have come up with possibly one more method to gain knowledge and that is …experience. Experience is the most painful, costly and time consuming method out there. Why not gain this knowledge through books, CD’s, DVD’s, seminars and mentors.

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Now, establish the opening balance of your Personal Development account between 0-10 with 10 being excellent in increments of .25. If done correctly, this balance will be the lowest it will ever be and we are done with our Personal Development “FROM”.

Personal Development Account Opening Balance and Date_____________________________________

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My Social Account


We are ready to establish the opening balance in your social account. Note: These questions are not intended to increase your guilt about your current activities or inactivity in the social aspect of your life. There is no right or wrong answer unless you are a recluse or every minute of free time is spent socializing to the detriment of other aspects of your life.

“You know” your opening balance but we want to give you a few things to think of prior to establishing your opening balance:

• How many times have you gone out to eat with others in the past month? ________________________________

• How many times has someone been at your home to visit or for a meal in the past month? __________________________________

• Do you currently belong to boards, clubs or organizations? Circle one: YES NO Do you want to belong? Circle One: YES NO Note: Membership is neither positive nor negative in your rating unless you are a 9 or 10 rating and other aspects of your life suffer.

• Do you know all of your neighbors? Circle One: YES NO • I have read that the average American will watch 9 years of TV by their 65th

birthday. How many hours of TV do you watch per week? ______________________ • Is your babysitter above the poverty level based solely on income from

babysitting your children? YES NO • How many times have your children been left with a babysitter in the last

month? _____________________ The last year? _______________________

Again, there are no right or wrong answers. You must decide if your social life is lacking or excessive.

Now, establish the opening balance of your Social account between 0-10 with 10 being excellent in increments of .25. If done correctly, this balance will be the lowest it will ever be and we are done with our “FROM”.

Social Account Opening Balance and Date_____________________________

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My Spiritual Account


We are ready to establish the opening balance in your spiritual account.

Note: I am a highly trained HR professional. I realize that a person’s spiritual life can run many different directions or no direction at all. Personally, I could not have put this product together without the Spiritual part of my life. That is why it is included but this portion is up to each individual, their personal preferences and beliefs. This section is for those that currently have a “Spiritual Account” and want to increase the balance or those that would like to start one.

There are many resources and mentors available for this section. The only request I make is that before you designate this as N/A, ask yourself this question; would a higher balance in this account impact any of my other accounts? I’ll turn an old Henry Ford quote around on this. Whether you believe this account has no bearing or tremendous bearing on other aspects of your life, either way, you are right. Carry on!

Now, establish the opening balance of your Spiritual account between 0-10 with 10 being excellent in increments of .25. If done correctly, this balance will be the lowest it will ever be and we are done with our Spiritual “FROM”.

Spiritual Account Opening Balance and Date_____________________________

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Section 3 – “MY ROUTE”

Here is where we MUST make some changes. This is where we plan and implement deposits that will assist us in getting from “MY FROM” to “MY TO”. We will also discuss withdrawals that are keeping our balance the same or reducing it. This is the portion where we “Shuck and Add” to our life. We “Shuck” as many of the activities that lead to withdrawals to these accounts. These are the activities that are a liability in reaching our “TO”. We must also “Add” activities that lead to deposits in our accounts. We MUST have deposits to reach our “TO”!

I would like to ask a favor. Please do not fall prey to one of the “Big Lies”. The two biggest are;

1. It will get better when….. 2. I will get to that after…..

YOU MUST make changes now. YOU!

This will be the most difficult portion of the trip. Planning and documenting your TO and your FROM can be completed in the comfort of your favorite chair, on a balcony overlooking the ocean or on a deck looking out on a beautiful mountain range, river or lake. The ROUTE is where activity MUST occur. Changes must happen!

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Prior to completing this portion of “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide”, this is a great time to review Section 1, Your TO. We will deal with the same seven categories of our life and you do have the latitude to SHUCK or ADD to these.

A Word of Caution: When you begin making changes and improvements in different aspects of your life, it will result in enthusiasm, aspirations, dreams, goals and ambitions that may seem strange to others around you. DO NOT allow the CWC (Cold Water Committee) to squelch your plan. Remember, this is MY Life Appraisal, not THEIR Life Appraisal!

Before we begin, let me share the marshmallow story again. Your ability to defer immediate gratification will greatly impact the “ROUTE portion of our journey.

The “Marshmallow Study” – A reminder

Stanford University psychology researcher Michael Mischel demonstrated how important self-discipline (the ability to delay immediate gratification in exchange for long term goal achievement) is to lifelong success? In a longitudinal study which began in the 1960s, he offered hungry 4-year-olds a marshmallow, but told them that if they could wait for the experimenter to return after running an errand, they could have two marshmallows. Those who could wait the fifteen or twenty minutes for the experimenter to return would be demonstrating the ability to delay gratification and control impulse.

Those who could wait the fifteen or twenty minutes for the experimenter to return would be demonstrating the ability to delay gratification and control impulse.

About one-third of the children grabbed the single marshmallow right away while some waited a little longer, and about one-third were able to wait 15 or 20 minutes for the researcher to return. Years later when the children graduated from high school, the differences between the two groups were dramatic: the resisters were more positive, self-motivating, persistent in the face of difficulties, and able to delay gratification in pursuit of their goals. They had the habits of successful people which resulted in more successful marriages, higher incomes, greater career satisfaction, better health, and more fulfilling lives than most of the population.

Those having grabbed the marshmallow were more troubled, stubborn and indecisive, mistrustful, less self-confident, and still could not put off gratification. They had trouble subordinating immediate impulses to achieve long-range goals.

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When it was time to study for the big test, they tended to get distracted into doing activities that brought instant gratification This impulse followed them throughout their lives and resulted in unsuccessful marriages, low job satisfaction and income, bad health, and frustrating lives. Why did I share this with you? As you go through this process, I want you to consider the impact of NOT deferring immediate gratification in different aspects of your life. Ex: That dessert you ordered and in between each bite you say “I really don’t need this”. What about the big screen that you “put on the plastic”? I recently heard an interview with a Korean executive discussing the theory of deferring immediate gratification. He stated that not deferring immediate gratification was the Achilles heel of the United States. It initially made me angry hearing him talk about our country, then I thought of the obesity and debt problem in this country and decided not to call him and argue. Can you?

Remember when I mentioned “MOML”? Manager Of My Life. Is this you or someone else. Is your health managed by you or a doctor and prescription drugs? Is your finances managed by you or a banker and a mountain of debt? Is your career managed by you or do you blame everything on the company or your boss? If you are not managing the different aspects of your life, trust me, someone will be.

We will also complete a progress chart to track the results of deposits into each of your accounts. Our goal is to have a continuous increase in our balance. This is a sample of the balance sheet.

Let me make you aware of multiple deposits and withdrawals as a result of one occurrence. For instance, you receive an opportunity for a promotion with more money but it involves four nights a week out of town. There are definitely Career and Finance deposits but there could be a Family withdrawal. This is where priorities will enter into the decision making process. Don’t focus on one aspect of your life when others are impacted. Many of these will promote creative thinking to minimize or eliminate the withdrawals.

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Sample Account Balance Sheet

10 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6.5 gg 10-3-11 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 _gg 4-1-11 gg 7-4-11 __________ __________ __________ ___________

5 _gg 1-1-11 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

4 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

3 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

2 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

1 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Place your initials and date in the space closest to your current balance.

Let’s begin our journey.

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Opening Balance__________(MY FROM)

1. Are you currently in the career of your choice? YES NO 2. If yes, congratulations, what are some items that you can do to increase your

value to the business thus increasing your income?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. When will you begin these items? __________________ Completion? _______________ 4. If you are not currently in the career of your choice, what are planning to do

to change the situation? i.e.: submit resumes to other companies, begin training, education process or start your own business. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________When?______________________________________Completion___________________________

5. In most careers, there are four common aspects of the position; Quality, Quantity, Attendance and Effectiveness with others.

In each of these categories, give yourself a rating from 1-10 with 10 being excellent and improvements (deposits) that can be made in each category.

Quality – Rating___________ Improvements that can be made and dates implemented:


Quantity – Rating___________ Improvements that can be made and dates implemented:


“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Attendance – Rating___________ Improvements that can be made and dates implemented:


Effectiveness with Others – Rating___________ Improvements that can be made and dates implemented:


6. Do you currently have a mentor(s) in your career? YES NO

List someone that could mentor you in advancing in your present career (name more if available): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When will you contact them? Scheduled______________________ Complete________________

7. Is there someone at your place of employment that can assist you in adding value to your career? Name___________________________ Contact Date____________

8. List five activities you can perform that will assist you in adding value to your career. (Deposits)


9. List five activities that you perform that are a detriment to your success in your career. (Withdrawals)


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10. For the first 30 days of “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” we recommend a daily log of deposits and withdrawals in each category. Log the activity and the date under the correct column. This sheet can be copied or extras printed out. After the first 30 days we recommend at least a weekly review. This process is much too important to not continue because “Nothing Changes Until Something Is Written”. It is your success we are dealing with. Your first entry on your balance sheet should be your opening balance.

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Deposit and Date Withdrawal and Date

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

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Deposit and Date Withdrawal and Date

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

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_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



Deposit and Date Withdrawal and Date

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

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_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

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Deposit and Date Withdrawal and Date

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

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_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Career Account Balance

10 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

4 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

3 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

2 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

1 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Place your initials and date in the space closest to your current balance.

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Opening Balance__________(MY FROM)

1. List names, birthday and relation of all living grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and in-laws. Also list how long it has been since you have talked to and visited this person. Note: It is permissible to call and/or visit these people today (after completing My Life Appraisal).

_Example – John Doe- 2-22-78-son- talked 1week – visited 2 weeks________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Are you satisfied with the time that has lapsed in talking and/or visiting with these family members? Are there any strained relationships between you and any of this group? Would any of this group consider you or your actions as part of the problem? We will not ask that you write this. We only request that you develop a plan to correct the problem if it is creating issues with you or other family members. Ask yourself this question; if that person(s) were to suddenly pass away, would you regret not taking action. Don’t fall into the “well, they should come to me” trap. You are completing “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” for results, not excuses. You are the one taking the initiative to change your life. YOU are in the “Regret Reduction” mode. Never forget that the definition of a dysfunctional family is any family with more than one member.

This is also a great place to mention this fact. Whatever priority you place on family has a great opportunity to be passed on to your children. If family is not a high priority in your life, don’t be surprised when the day comes that family is not a high priority in the life of your children.

“Life’s so full of questions, and here’s one just for me.

Have I been the person; that I’d want my child to be?”

Lyrics from “What Are They Leaving With?” Lyrics and music by Greg Gilbert (ASCAP) Greg Gilbert Publishing

When and what was the last family vacation? ___________________________________________

What are some of your favorite memories of this vacation? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When and what is the next scheduled family vacation? _________________________________

2. If married, name, birthday and anniversary of spouse.


3. When is the last time you and your spouse went out to dinner and or a special function alone? ____________________________________________________________________

4. When is the last time you and your spouse spent the night in a condo or hotel alone? _____________________________________________________________________________

5. Do you have a scheduled "date night”? YES NO

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


6. Do you have a scheduled trip alone in the future? YES NO - Where? ___________________________________________________________

7. In the past year, how many non-work related nights have you spent away from your spouse? Golf, tennis, hunting, fishing, shopping, etc. ____________________________________________________

8. In the past year, how many nights have you spent in a condo or hotel with your spouse? Vacation, business or pleasure trip, ________________________________ Is there an imbalance between question 7 & 8? YES NO

9. Are you comfortable in saying the words "I love you" to people that are special in your life. YES NO Were you told the words "I love you" by your parents? If the answer to this question is no, please break this cycle. If you can remember this, it troubles you. Don't pass this on. If you use these words “I’m not made that way”. Fix it, become made that way.

10. If male, do you open the car door for your spouse, mother or significant other? YES NO

11. When is the last time you did something special for a spouse, child or parent, just because. When and what? ___________________________________________________

12. When is the last time you played a card or board game with your spouse, child or grandchild? ____________________________________________________________________________

Another thing to consider is the amount of uninterrupted conversation that does not involve pause, mute, a phone, video game or wait until commercial. Watching TV together is not communicating and spending quality time together. “I think I see the cause of our moral deterioration. It’s a product of our 35 inch, flat screen education.” Line from the chorus of a song I wrote, “35 Inch Flat Screen Education”

13. At lunch, your child accidently knocks their water glass over. At dinner, a neighbor accidently knocks their water glass over. Do you handle these situations in the same manner, the same tone of voice? Were the words “That’s OK, let me clean that up” said in both cases? YES NO

If NO, why? Do you feel the different tone and words contribute to the “training” process with your child? One of the greatest challenges in my HR career AND as a parent was being able to quickly identify something as a “mistake or accident” OR as a “performance problem”. These are handled so differently (thank goodness) because we all make mistakes and have accidents. Multiple accidents and mistakes = a performance problem.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Before you complete the remainder of the family portion I would like to share a poem that I wrote about how differently we view things that occur.

The Best Day Of My Life©

By: Greg Gilbert-www.greggilbert.org

He sat there in the attic, surrounded by his past, His wife had saved everything; where 50 years of life together was stashed.

It had only been a year since the death of his wife, But a son, a daughter, friends and grandkids had all helped fill his life. His wife, friend and partner never lost faith or her smile as he brushed back a few tears, What the doctors had said would just be months, turned into 14 wonderful years. The memories raced though his mind under the glow of a 60-watt light, You know it's just hard to close a book it took 50 years to write. As he looked through boxes of photos, he laughed, then he cried. They had a very good life together, that couldn't be denied. There were albums of many vacations, photos of her and the kids, Many times he stayed home and worked, the only picture missing was his. Then it caught his eye, one box alone, up there on that shelf, It contained two diaries and a journal packed all by their self.

He brushed off the dust, thumbed through the books slowly one by one, As he viewed dates and memories recorded by his wife, daughter and son.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


There were many events written but the memories were much different in his mind, But he too had kept a journal so he gathered the three books and down the stairs he climbed. He found his journal from this time frame buried oh so deep in a file, He opened it up to compare the writings of a father, a wife and a child.

He flipped open his journal and just picked a day one Spring, It said he took off from work, wasted the entire day fishing with my family, and didn't catch a thing.

He scrambled to find March 20, 1965 in each of the other three diaries of his son, daughter and wife,

They all said the same thing, went fishing with my family and had the best day of my life! –By Greg Gilbert

The point is, don’t ever think that time spent with family is wasted. Keep this in mind as you plan things to make deposits in your “Family Account”.

14. List five activities you can perform that will assist you in adding value to your family. (Deposits)


“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


15. List five activities that you perform that are a detriment to your success in your family. (Withdrawals)


16. How many times in the last week did your entire family have a meal together, at home, around a table?______________________________ In the past month? __________________________________________

For the first 30 days of “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” we recommend a daily log of deposits and withdrawals in each category. Log the activity and the date under the correct column. This sheet can be copied or extras printed out. After the first 30 days we recommend at least a weekly review. This process is much too important to not continue because “Nothing Changes Until Something Is Written”. It is your success we are dealing with. Your first entry on your balance sheet should be your opening balance.

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Family Account Balance

10 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

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0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Place your initials and date in the space closest to your current balance.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



Opening Balance__________(MY FROM)

“If your cash flow arrives in a quart jar and your expenses leave in a wheelbarrow, you will eventually have to sell the jar and

wheelbarrow.” – Unknown

“Have you ever thought that there is never really a lack of money, just a lack of skills, ideas and innovation?” - Unknown

1. What is your current average monthly income? _________________ 2. Are you satisfied with your monthly income? YES NO

If not, what can you do to increase your monthly income? Training, education, resume’ to other companies, start your own business, second job? Be specific!


When will one or more of the above items occur? Be specific!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you do not have a plan to increase your income, please return to question # 1 and circle YES.

3. What are your current average monthly expenses? _____________ 4. What portion of your current monthly expenses involve debt on items other

than your home or income producing assets (ex: rental property)?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


5. Are you satisfied with your current average monthly expenses? YES NO

If not, what plans do you have to reduce your monthly expenses? Please include the date this will occur. Ex: Pay off debt, cut back on the premium channels or sell something. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you do not have a plan to reduce your expenses, please return to question # 5 and circle YES!

6. How much do you give each month? ___________________________ 7. Are you satisfied with that amount? YES NO

If not, what will you do to increase the amount given and by when? Ex: Just do it, cut expenses and donate or increase income and donate. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you do not have a plan to increase your monthly giving, please return to question 7 and circle YES.

8. How much do you save each month? _________________________ 9. Are you satisfied with that amount? YES NO

If not, what will you do to increase your savings and by when? Be specific. Just do it, cut expenses and save more or increase income and save more. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you do not have a plan to increase your monthly savings, please return to question 9 and circle YES.

10. If your income stopped tomorrow, how long could you continue to pay your bills and continue your current lifestyle? _______________________________________________________________

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11. Are you satisfied with this? YES NO If not, see question 8 & 9.

12. If; A. The transmission went out in your vehicle tomorrow and it cost $2500 to repair it or B. Your neighbor finally decided to sell his car for $2500 that would be a great starter vehicle for your 16 year-old; could you write a check to cover either of these? (A check that would clear) YES NO

13. How many years have you been doing what you are doing? _______________________ If the answer to #12 is NO and the answer to #13 is greater than five years, can we agree that something is not working? You need more deposits in your Finance account.

Use the sheets below to track “deposits” and “withdrawals” in your finance account and update your balance when it changes.

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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Finance Account Balance

10 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

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Place your initials and date in the space closest to your current balance.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



Opening Balance__________(MY FROM)

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. I have heard this all my life and have NEVER heard anyone put Healthy anywhere but FIRST. If your health suffers it is very difficult to enjoy the other categories.

Have you ever heard this statement; “Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear what you are saying!”? Normally, most people place their Family Account as a very high priority. They say things like, “I love my kids and grandkids, I want to see them grow up and really enjoy them.” Friends, if we are not taking care of our health, your words do not match your actions. I cannot think of a more powerful legacy to pass down to future generations than a healthy lifestyle. You may be like me and beginning this process late but start it NOW please!

When my youngest grandson was born, I held him when he was just hours old. I made a commitment to remove a phrase from his vocabulary before he could ever talk. That phrase was “Well, Papaw does it”. Oh, if you are one of the parents that say “don’t do what I do, do what I say”, let me say this, you are a hypocrite! Sorry, you can put lipstick and rouge on a pig but it is still a pig. You lose all credibility with this approach.

This one is very simple, move more, eat less. The greatest two pieces of exercise equipment ever created are on the bottom our ankles. They are called FEET! I have recently read that over 60% of Americans are overweight or obese. We do not have a problem with education; we have a problem with application. This is a category that you will want to increase the number of deposits through inspiration, NOT desperation. Come to think of it, all categories are like that.

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This is a great category to use the “Shuck and Add” method.

Name five items you could “Add” to your life that would improve your health. These are daily or weekly activities. Also, place a date when you will begin this process. “Upon completion of My Life Appraisal” is the best answer.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

These will be considered as deposits to your health account. These should be documented daily to begin with.

Now name five items you could “Shuck” from your life that would improve your health. These are daily or weekly activities. Also, place a date when you will begin this process. “Upon completion of My Life Appraisal” is the best answer.

1. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________________

These will be considered as withdrawals to your health account. These should be documented daily to begin with. These are counterproductive to your deposits.

Note; I am not saying there should never be withdrawals but consider it like a checking account. If you deposit $50 and write a $50 check, you are not progressing.

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These will eventually become a habit. Speaking of habits, I’ve always heard that it takes 21 days to stop an old or begin a new habit. We are in America so you are free to believe that. I believe it takes about a nanosecond. This is the time it takes to decide you want to stop something that is hurting you or begin something that would help you. I have stopped some things “cold turkey” because I wanted to. I didn’t want to track 21 days. I didn’t want to think “oh, what day is it?” Plus, what is so magical about 21? If it’s good for you, begin, if bad, just stop. I realize that many will need help and if you do, get it. Do whatever it takes to achieve and preserve good health.

You notice I stated “preserve” good health. I have met my weight loss goal about 10 times in my life. What does that tell you? I did not “preserve” my health. That is why in the “MY TO” section, your statement at 75 years of age MUST read; “I met my weight loss goal on xx-xx-2011 and have maintained that weight ever since. This is about constant tracking and growth in all area of our life because “Nothing Changes Until Something Is Written”.

I recently wrote a blog titled “I’m overweight, I put on 1.5 pounds in three days and I’m excited.” I was excited because for three days, I got away from my diet and exercise program. That proved if I do the right things, I get the correct results.

I also want to address the accountability partner concept. This is a very important part to many people. I, however, prefer to rely on “personal accountability”. I have always been available and easily accessible to myself. When you don’t need a partner and hold yourself accountable, you will have mastered this program. What a great day that will be. Imagine the pride you will feel. Not the bad pride, the GOOD pride of a journey began, achieved and maintained.

I want to take this opportunity to advise you to consult your doctor before you begin an exercise program. I am also an advocate of annual physicals and twice yearly dental visits.

Use the sheets below to track “deposits” and “withdrawals” in your health account and update your balance when it changes.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Health Account Balance

10 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

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Place your initials and date in the space closest to your current balance.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Personal Development Account

Opening Balance__________(MY FROM)

As we begin this portion, I want to repeat something from the “FROM” part of the program;

“The only thing that will change you between now and the next 3, 5 or 10 years are the books you read, what you listen to, watch and the people you hang around with.” –- Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

We have brainstormed about this quote and have come up with possibly one more method to gain knowledge and that is …experience. Experience is the most painful, costly and time consuming method out there. Why not gain this knowledge through books, CD’s, DVD’s, seminars and mentors.

This is such an important part of this process because it is about GROWTH. Remember, growth is happiness. This is the mental growth. We are like bananas. We are either ripening or rotting. If you are not learning new things, you have begun the rotting part.

There are thousands of personal development books out there. In the near future we will have a “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” recommended reading list on www.NewDayNewResults.com but for now my favorite authors are; John Maxwell, Dan Miller, Dale Carnegie, Andy Andrews, Chris Widener, Zig Ziglar, Darren Hardy, Jeff Olson, Jim Rohn, Willie Jolley and Larry Winget.

I am also a huge fan of Success Magazine. In addition to the magazine there are also CD’s enclosed for those that enjoy listening or for “Automobile University”. I love music as much as anyone but I really enjoy listening to experts in a field share their knowledge with me while I am driving.

During my tenure in HR I had six different managers. After 90 days of working for each I would request to attend the Dale Carnegie, “How To Win Friends and Influence Others” seminar. At the time it cost $1500 to attend. Each manager denied my request because of cost. I was allowed to attend many less expensive seminars which I thoroughly enjoyed. Since retirement, I have spent thousands on personal development and read 20-30 books each year.

I am a fan of motivation and inspiration because they prove that it can be done. If someone else can, why not me? The educational books and magazines teach you what and how. To me, those are the most beneficial.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


I also enjoy seminars. These are held at different times throughout the country with many great speakers. Pick some of your favorite speakers

This is a great category to use the “Shuck and Add” method. The “Add” portion is easy. All you must do is read, listen or attend personal development material or functions. Oh, do not let cost be an excuse. Library cards are normally free. Most of my library is filled with used books that I have purchased. Many seminars are very inexpensive.

Now, what about the “Shuck” portion? What are you currently reading, browsing, watching, listening to or attending that are a hindrance to your “Personal Development” account. If you truly want to grow personally, what could you shuck and add that was a deposit. We are all limited in time. Use it wisely.

Now the tough part. Years ago, I asked my youngest daughter about one of her friends. I hadn’t heard her name mentioned lately. I’ll never forget my daughters’ words; “Dad, there are people that lift you up and there are those that pull you down. XXXXX was one of those that could pull you down. I don’t hang around with her anymore.” I immediately requested my daughters’ social security number to insure I wasn’t talking to a different person or an alien. THEY DO LISTEN BUT IF YOU DON’T HAVE IT, YOU CAN’T GIVE IT!

You may have some of these “pull you down friends”. It may even be family. This is not to say you can’t love them but you may treat them like you would X-Rays. You may have to “limit your exposure”. Some you may have to treat like radioactive material and eliminate your exposure.

Name three items you could “Add” to your life that would contribute to your “Personal Development” account. These are daily or weekly activities. Also, place a date when you will begin this process. “Upon completion of My Life Appraisal” is the best answer.




These will be considered as deposits to your “Personal Development” account. These should be documented daily to begin with.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Now name three items (or people) you could “Shuck” from your life that would improve your personal development. These are daily or weekly activities. Also, place a date when you will begin this process. “Upon completion of "New Day, New Results” is the best answer."




These will be considered as withdrawals to your “Personal Development” account. These should be documented daily to begin with. These are counterproductive to your deposits.

Use the sheets below to track “deposits” and “withdrawals” in your “Personal Development” account and update your balance when it changes.

Note: Your friends will fall into one of three categories;

1. Suck The Life Out Of You Friends

2. Maintenance Friends

3. Growth Friends

You make the call but I recommend eliminating the time with category 1 friends and increasing the time with the growth friends.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Personal Development Account Balance

10 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

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3 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

2 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

1 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Place your initials and date in the space closest to your current balance.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Social Account

Opening Balance__________(MY FROM)

As we stated in the FROM portion, this category is not intended to increase your guilt about your current activities or inactivity in the social aspect of your life. There is no right or wrong answer unless you are a recluse or every minute of free time is spent socializing to the detriment of other aspects of your life. You must decide if your social life is lacking or excessive.

Name two items you could “Add” to your life that would make deposits to your “Social” account. These are weekly or monthly activities. This could be inviting people over or going out with others. This would also be a great place to add volunteer activities. This could even be calling friends or family just to keep in touch. Also, place a date when you will begin this process. “Upon completion of My Life Appraisal” is the best answer.



These will be considered as deposits to your “Social” account. These should be documented daily to begin with.

Now name two items you could “Shuck” from your life that would improve your “Social” account. I am struggling coming up with examples of “Social Shucks” but I didn’t want to eliminate this because something may immediately come to mind. Also, place a date when you will begin this process. “Upon completion of My Life Appraisal” is the best answer.



These will be considered as withdrawals to your “Social” account. These should be documented daily to begin with. These are counterproductive to your deposits.

Use the sheets below to track “deposits” and “withdrawals” in your “Social” account and update your balance when it changes.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Social Account Balance

10 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

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3 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

2 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

1 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Place your initials and date in the space closest to your current balance.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Spiritual Account

Opening Balance__________(MY FROM)

Allow me to repeat my comments from the FROM section: I am a highly trained HR professional. I realize that a person’s spiritual life can run many different directions or no direction at all. Personally, I could not have put this product together without the Spiritual part of my life. That is why it is included but this portion is up to each individual, their personal preferences and beliefs. This section is for those that currently have a “Spiritual Account” and want to increase the balance or those that would like to start one.

There are many resources and mentors available for this section. The only request I make is that if you are considering putting N/A on this account, ask yourself this question; would a higher balance in this account impact any of my other accounts? I’ll paraphrase an old Henry Ford quote around on this. Whether you believe this account has no bearing or tremendous bearing on other aspects of your life, either way, you are right. You will not make changes in any of the Life Accounts until YOU decide.

This category is not intended to increase your guilt about your current activities or inactivity in the spiritual aspect of your life. You must decide this.

You must decide if your spiritual life is lacking or excessive. Can it be excessive? Let me share an old saying. “You’re so heavenly minded that you’re of no earthly good.” Does it take away from family, your ability to provide for your family, your health? I would struggle ranking myself high in the spiritual account if I was unhealthy, broke and did not have a good relationship with my family. There has to be balance. I once heard a preacher say “You cannot do what God can do and God will not do what you can do”. If you believe this statement, it appears God is a big fan of ACTION on our part.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Name three items you could “Add” to your life that would make deposits to your “Spiritual” account. These are daily, weekly or monthly activities. Also, place a date when you will begin this process. “Upon completion of My Life Appraisal” is the best answer.




These will be considered as deposits to your “Spiritual” account. These should be documented daily to begin with.

Now name three items (uh, oh. Or people?) you could “Shuck” from your life that would improve your “Spiritual” account. Also, place a date when you will begin this process. “Upon completion of My Life Appraisal” is the best answer.




These will be considered as withdrawals to your “Spiritual” account. These should be documented daily to begin with. These are counterproductive to your deposits.

Use the sheets below to track “deposits” and “withdrawals” in your “Spiritual” account and update your balance when it changes.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com



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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Spiritual Account Balance

10 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

9.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

8.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7.0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6.5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

5 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

4 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

3 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

2 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

1 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

0 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Place your initials and date in the space closest to your current balance.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


MY “Eight That Can't Wait”

What you intend to experience with your “Intentional Life”

Here it is; your checklist. We just love checking things off don’t we? Let me share what retired Coach Lou Holtz said about goals and his “list”;

Setting Goals: "I've always felt it was extremely important to set goals for yourself. After the 1967 season, our entire staff was fired at South Carolina where I was an assistant. My wife bought me a book entitled The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. So I sat down and made a list of all the things I still wanted to accomplish in life, and there were 107 of them. Some of them involved traveling, some of them were a little crazy, some I'll never reach - I don't know if I'm ever going to learn a foreign language. I'm not going to be a scratch golfer. Some of them have happened, like appearing on The Tonight Show and being invited for dinner at the White House. But my life changed after I made that list. I think I've accomplished 95 of them. My wife disagreed about the list, though. She thought I should have added something about getting a job. I've been amazed at how many people have wanted to talk about my list over the years. I can't believe more people don't have a similar list of goals. Some of them are personal things-like ones pertaining to being a father or those of a financial nature. They're just something to shoot for-to experience. That's why I say to our athletes and my children - be a participant, don't be a spectator. Do things. Just decide what you want to do and then ask the question, 'What's important now?' Now what do I have to do to accomplish such and such? And that will tell you the action you have to take. It's not a wish list, it's a set of things I wanted to accomplish and it really hasn't changed that much.” – Lou Holtz

I don’t know how many items you would like on your list but if you continue the growth in all aspects of your life, this list will change frequently. You will be a checker offer. (Get it?) If you don’t write it, the “let it slide” factor increases. You don’t feel AS accountable if it’s not written.

Christmas 2010 was wonderful at our home. There was not one “if only”. Everyone was here and we had a great time. I can’t count the times I heard, “Dad or Papaw, remember when we went to ____________ or remember when we did _________________?” I honestly don’t remember hearing “remember when we bought________________”? Digital picture frames were flashing pictures of trips and time together. It was all about EXPERIENCES, NOT THINGS. The memories will be with us long after the automobile has been smashed and melted.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


Plus, I had much rather receive an email and photo saying you just returned from a family vacation and took 475 photos than an email with a photo of you in front of your brand new EscaNaviNaliBurbonBeemerBenz.

I’m not downplaying things but if you continue the growth in FAMILY and PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, trust me, things will NOT rule you. This will also be influenced if you have chosen to participate in the SPIRITUAL aspect of this program. So don’t eliminate “things” from your list but don’t focus totally on “things”.

Include these:

Things I want to do Places I want to go What I want to give

Things we want to do Places we want to go What we want to give

What would you like to create, write, record, develop or begin for your own pleasure or to market. Put this on the list. Want to play an instrument, put it on the list. I was 50 when I learned to play guitar and now I can’t imagine my life without the guitar or songwriting. You will also need to establish a deadline and track your progress.

In fact, I expect most of your "Eight That Can't Wait" will be checked off by the growth and deposits in different aspects of your Life Appraisal. Ex: Achieved debt free, achieved optimum weight, achieved $xx,xxx monthly cash flow or celebrated Christmas in the Rockies with the entire family. You will also use this to track your progress. Celebrate your mini-successes.

As you prepare this list, please do not compare and compete with others. Comparison is the reactive way to live life. It promotes uniformity and sameness instead of uniqueness. In comparing, you are always looking at others and you could lose focus of what YOU can accomplish. “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” is about you, by you and for you even though many will be affected and influenced by your success. Thrive for contentment but not complacency. As you begin this list, dream big. Please do not put “Have the tacos at Dairy Queen” on your list (even though they are good). One of the reasons we prefer the three ring binder is the ability to put some extra pages or pictures in here. If you are married, have your spouse complete their own Life Appraisal and their own list then compare lists. If you bought the e-version of this print two out.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


This product is intended to serve a family. I believe a couple must be on the same page in MANY aspects of their life and dreams.

Now go forward, write your list. Let your imagination run wild with no limit.

Here is “The List”.

Our list will be “My Eight That Can't Wait.” These are items you have a STRONG desire for. Notice that I have extra pages for you because I do believe you will check some of these off very quickly once you become intentional about your goals.

“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


“My Eight That Can't Wait”

Number________ Description_______________________________________________________________

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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


“My Eight That Can't Wait”

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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


“My Eight That Can't Wait”

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“New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide - Copyright 2014- www.NewDayNewResults.com


February 22, 2011

Dear Unmost Person,

Why Unmost? Because you are different! You are not “most people”! Most people will never attempt to make any change in their life.

I want to thank you for purchasing this product. What began as “If it’s not written, it did not happen” over 30 years ago has turned into “New Day, New Results"™ - Goal Setting Guide” and “Nothing Changes Until Something Is Written”. This occurred through my personal development journey and finally took shape after two nights in a remote cabin with pen and paper. I truly hope you achieve your desired results with this product.

This will be a constant work in progress so if you see improvements we can make, let us know at [email protected] I can also be contacted at that e-mail address concerning discount rates and licensing for multiple programs within companies. If you have a success story you would like to share, e-mail me at [email protected] . If you have a video testimony, put it on YouTube and e-mail me the embedded link. We will select a few of these to display on our site. We would love to hear from you. Refer us to your friends, family or your company. We want to make a difference.

The launch date of this product was 2-22-11. On that date, 32 years prior, something was written. The name of my first daughter was written on a sticker on a bassinette in the nursery where she was born. Something was written and my life changed! I hope this product has the same positive and joyful impact on your life. Don’t forget, "The greatest value of this product will remain unknown because of the regrets you will never have."

Thank you,

Greg Gilbert

Creative Director – Greg Gilbert Coaching
