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  • 8/14/2019 Copy (2) of Itonato



  • 8/14/2019 Copy (2) of Itonato


    define various concepts of teaching.

    understand the important facets of


    identify the 8 Ms of teaching

    appreciate the importance of teaching


  • 8/14/2019 Copy (2) of Itonato



    A. eaching is a complex Human Activityt is because teaching involves a wide,ange of human interactionsrganizational arrangements and material-esources that converge on the teaching.earning process

    aried activities inherent in teaching( ).efinition by Garcia1.Human interactions.

    eaching is considered a system of ctions varied in form and in content.ut directed toward learning Actionsnd interactions are personal but theyre also logical in that they have a,ertain structure it does so inccordance with operations thateflects the very nature of a- .eaching learning situation

  • 8/14/2019 Copy (2) of Itonato


    Independent variables n the teacher s behavioconsist ,f Linguistic Behavior Expressive behavior

    :eformatory behavior -inguistic Behavior otherwise known as verba ommunication where by teachers verbalizeheir houghts through language that is characte , , ,y spontaneity precision and naturalness

    xpressive behavior patterns of communicat chieved through changes in the tone of voacial , -xpressions and kinesis motions of the han,rms , , .yes head or other parts of the body

    The logical operations involve three variablessuch as:

    vv he teacher s( )ehavior IVv he learner s( ) ;ehavior DVandv arious ostulated such,s memories , ,eliefs needs,nterferenceshich are ntervening.ariables

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    2 . Organizational Arrangements. :eaching is an activity with four phases

    . ;curriculum planning phase - elping to formulate the goals of educatio electing content and stating objectives . ;an instructing phase - reating intentions regarding instructional ,trategies and tactics interacting and n situational feed back about instruction . a measuring phase - ,electing or creating measurement devices , ,easuring learning organizing and analyz ;easurement data and

    Performatory ehavior includes all:hysical activities such as) riting on the;lackboard) peratingrojectors andecord ;layers) anipulating;odels an) sing laboratoryquipment ,ools, ,achines computers

    nd ther nstructional.aterials

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    3. Material resources. :The process of teaching includes

    .a the selection and development of instructional ;units . ;b individual lessons . ;c organizing material for instructional purposes . ;d designing the methods to be used ;classroom management . ;e valuation of pupils achievements and

    . ( . .g reporting of pupils grades B J Chandler and , )Daniel Powell 1970

    . evaluating phase- n evaluating measurement evaluatinghe appropriateness ofbjectives of instruction andhe validity and reliability of theevices used to ( , ).easure learning john Hough 1970

  • 8/14/2019 Copy (2) of Itonato


    .1 Teaching as a science isprimarily directed to

    .inform the head

    The knowledge and skillthey will acquire are

    indispensable to theireveryday living especially-in decision making and in

    .solving crucial problems

    B. Teaching is both a Science and Art

    Teaching involves imparting a body of systematized. ,knowledge More than a science.teaching is also an art

    ScienceScience Art

    .1 Teaching as an art ismore suited to satisfy

    .the soul

    ,Therefore teachingas an art

    presupposes theneed for thelearner to

    appreciate andimprove on whateverknowledge he has

    gained and skills.he has acquired

  • 8/14/2019 Copy (2) of Itonato


    eaching s a science views theeacher as an

    cademician as well as.craftsman

    . -The second difference presents a more in depth-The second difference presents a more in depth.erspective.erspective eaching s an art goeseyond the

    rescribed level of.nstruction eachers artistryomes in when theyonsider the varyingixture of theseoung people and

    hrough processeshat are basicallyntuitive build upeaningful programs.f study for them s an art looks ateaching as a

    ynamic and .maginative process s an art isestine to comes outith something novel.r innovative

    s a ,c a d e m i c i a n e is ,ictured to be discipline,rganize systematic teaching As such he:s expected to) ave a mastery of theubject;atter) organize it well in aorm that is omprehensible to his.earnerss c r a f t s m a n , e has aepertoire of teaching

    ethods and is quite .killful in their use- s a science regardseaching as mechanicalnd reutilize in ordero make it moreystematic and moreystematic and more.fficient

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    stimulatin uidingdirecting anaging valuatingfacilitatingcounseling

    Learning ctivitiesdevelopsinto

    .C TheTeaching


    -ell adjusted citiz ith wholesome personality :mbued with ;ove of country he duties ofcitizenship oral character ersonal discipline ,cientificechnological ocational efficien

    y the more maturend experiencedember of society( )h e t ea che r


    he young immaturelearner

    hroughhe rocess of

  • 8/14/2019 Copy (2) of Itonato


    D. teaching is the most exalted Forms of social Service

    ( )Gregorio 1976 states that the classroom is a societymade up of teachers and learners working together for.the purpose of human growth and betterment

    .Teaching is guided by the spirit of service People lookat service as the beginning and end of the teaching


    ,It is the beginning because service is the guiding, .stabilizing and directing profession Service can

    , ,build the organization or destroy it can give lifehonor and beauty or it can bring disappointments and


    It is an end because service is the ultimate goal of the.teaching profession the success of any professional

    organization is measured by the services they have.rendered in the community and the nation

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    MINDIntellect /



    Personal Meaning?




    Stimulus ResposeResponseStimulusStimulus

    Instinctive Route

    Knowledge PurposefulSkills PermanentAttitudes Progressive







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