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2008 barcampatlanta presentation on COPPA. What it is, how it effects your website, and a possible solution.

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  • 1. COPPA and YOU Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act



3. What it is

  • Protect children's privacy online.
  • Applies to operators who knowingly collect personally identifiable information from kids under 13, or who's site is directed at children.

4. Why care?

  • Will anyone think of the children?
  • You will get fined:
    • Etch-A-Sketch "birthday club" $35k
    • Hershey Foods $80k
    • Ms. Fields Cookies $100k
    • Xanga $1million

5. No problem

  • If you don't have a site targeted at children.
  • If you do not knowingly collect any info from anyone under 13.
  • Ask age neutrally.
  • Delete info soon as you find it

6. If you want teh kiddies

  • Moderate posts before making public
  • Clearly post privacy policy.
  • Provide info and way to opt-out.
  • Only collect what is necessary.
  • Protect the info.
  • Obtain parental consent...

7. Parental consent methods

  • Signed from via mail or fax
  • Credit card transaction
  • Phone call
  • Email with digital signature
  • or maybe...
  • let someone else deal with it?

8. OpenID for Kids?

  • OpenID provider deals with COPPA.
  • Attribute Exchange to detect parental consent.
  • Sites send activity to ID provider.
  • Everyone wins!

9. links

  • www.ftc.gov/privacy/coppafaqs.shtm
  • OpenIDforKids.com