For a Better Tomorrow. ONE COOPER

Cooper Green Brochure

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7/30/2019 Cooper Green Brochure

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For a Better Tomorrow.


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As Cooper Industries looks to the future, it’s committed to minimizing the impact on the environment through

thoughtful design, sourcing and manufacturing of its products. The Company is leveraging its product

portfolio to help customers handle the challenges of higher energy costs, renewable energy generation

and environmental preservation. Together, we can lead the way t o a better future for generations to come.


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For A Bett er Tomorrow. One Cooper.

Deliver significant energy-savings.

Cooper Indust r ies is commit ted to p rovid ing s ign i f ican t energy-savings to i t s

customers around the wor ld . With the vast major i t y of i t s bus iness focused around

elect r ica l p roducts , the Company is fu l ly capab le of de l iver ing a wide range of energy-

saving so lu t ions across mu lt ip le p roduct categor ies Whether i t ’s h igh-per formance

f luorescents , LED technology, occupancy sensors, l igh t ing cont ro ls , or power demand

management p roducts , Cooper Indust r ies leads the way to a bet ter tomorrow for i t s

customers and the ir commun it ies .

Generate labor savings through faster and more efficient installation.

Cooper Indust r ies ’ p roduct deve lopment e ffor ts are cons is ten t ly geared toward

deve lop ing so lu t ions that offer an innovat ive way to approach a p rob lem or so lu t ion .

Many t imes, that innovat ion is d irected at saving i t s customers e i ther t ime, money or

both . Many of Cooper’s p roducts have demonst rated insta l la t ion t ime savings over

t rad it iona l methods. Cooper’s Red i-Rai l cab le t ray system offers an innovat ive des ign

that have been demonst rated to be 40% faster to insta l l than a t rad it iona l cab le

t ray system. Look to Cooper Indust r ies for p roduct so lu t ions that can offer the user

s ign i f ican t , va luab le savings in t ime, labor or money compared to s imi lar so lu t ions.

Utilization and distribution of renewable energy sources.

 A ke y go al of mo st en er gy po li ci es is to ra pi dl y in cr ea se a

generat ion wh ich wi l l benef i t a l l c i t izens over the long t

opt ions emerge, Cooper remains ded icated to p rovid ing p

he lp make u t i l izat ion of these energy sources poss ib le . Pr

largest port fo l io of med ium- and h igh-vo ltage col lector and

management systems, in frast ructu re systems and state-

Cooper Indust r ies is p roud to support these g loba l in teres

expert ise, innovat ive so lu t ions and support services.

Improve operating efficiencies while reducing the impact on

Cooper Indust r ies has a formal, wr i t ten environmenta l po l ic

to min imize i t s impact on the natu ra l environment th rough

eff luen ts , resource use and waste. The Company is co

compl iance with environmenta l regu lat ions. Beyond compl

eva luates opportun it ies to imp lement environmenta l , hea lth

th roughout our manu factu r ing fac i l i t i es . Cooper has a lso

fr iend ly p roducts such as Envirotemp FR3, soy based d ie lect r

and Dura-b lock, a support system manu factu red from 100

Indust r ies leads the way to a bet ter tomorrow for i t custom

Energy Efficiency  Eco-Friendly 

Labor Savings Renewable Energy 

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Energy Demands

A Better Tomorrow. One Cooper.

Reliable, secure, intelligent solutions.

Cooper is focused on improving the overa l l re l iab i l i t y and product iv i t y of the e lect r ic

gr id to address increas ing demands for power. Cooper’s so lu t ions can he lp reduce

system losses, boost operat iona l e ff ic iency, increase re l iab i l i t y, and mit igate green-

house gas emiss ions. With one of the b roadest p roduct offer ings of any manu factu rer

in North Amer ica re lated to power re l iab i l i t y and product iv i t y, Cooper’s wide range

of so lu t ions and unmatched expert ise make the company un ique ly qua l i f ied to he lp

u t i l i t ies meet the ever- increas ing demands for power.

Products and solutions that facilitate the construction of LEED-certified buildings.

 Th e Le ad er sh ip in En er gy an d En vi ro nm en ta l De si gn (L EE D) Gr ee n Bu il di ng Ra ti ng

System provides gu ide l ines for the des ign , const ruct ion and operat ion of h igh-

per formance green bu i ld ings. Accord ing to the U.S. Department of Energy, bu i ld ings

use 39% of the energy and 74% of the e lect r ic i t y p roduced each year in the Un ited

States. Cooper Indust r ies offers a large port fo l io of p roducts that enab le arch itects ,

engineers , cont ractors and fac i l i t y main tenance managers to create and main ta in

these h igh-per formance susta inab le bu i ld ing so lu t ions. Whether i t is th rough the use

of susta inab le LED l igh t ing technologies, imp lement ing h igh-per formance f luorescent

so lu t ions, or i t s wide var iety of cont ro l p roducts , Cooper sets the standard in energy

e f f i c i e n c y .

 Thousands of Products. Hundreds of Solutions.One Cooper.

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Cooper B-Line, Cooper Bussmann, Cooper Crouse-Hinds, Coooper Lighting, Cooper Power Systems, Cooper Safety, Cooper Tools, and Cooper Wiring Devices

able trademarks of Cooper Industries in the United States and other countries. You are not permitted to use the Cooper Trademarks without the prior written con

Cooper Industries.





Power Systems



Wiring Devices

Cooper Industries plc

600 Travis, Ste. 5600

Houston, TX 77002-1001

P: 713-209-8400


Printed in USA 
