Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FK Rubén Mohedano, Juan C. Miñano, Pablo Benitez, Marina Buljan, Julio Chaves, Waqidi Falicoff, Maikel Hernandez, and Simone Sorgato Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1616, 200 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4897060 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4897060 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1616?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Split Decision Covered Phys. Today 49, 91 (1996); 10.1063/1.2807640 Water‐cooled internal combustion engine with a sound‐absorbing cover J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, 779 (1985); 10.1121/1.392290 ’’How to cool a book by its cover’’ revisited Phys. Teach. 14, 443 (1976); 10.1119/1.2339447 How to cool a book by its cover Phys. Teach. 13, 324 (1975); 10.1119/1.2339166 How to cool a book by its cover Phys. Teach. 13, 165 (1975); 10.1119/1.2339103 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Jun 2015 11:33:30

Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FKoa.upm.es/36105/1/INVE_MEM_2014_197172.pdf · Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FK Rubén Mohedano, Juan C. Miñano, Pablo

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Page 1: Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FKoa.upm.es/36105/1/INVE_MEM_2014_197172.pdf · Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FK Rubén Mohedano, Juan C. Miñano, Pablo

Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FKRubén Mohedano, Juan C. Miñano, Pablo Benitez, Marina Buljan, Julio Chaves, Waqidi Falicoff, MaikelHernandez, and Simone Sorgato Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1616, 200 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4897060 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4897060 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1616?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Split Decision Covered Phys. Today 49, 91 (1996); 10.1063/1.2807640 Water‐cooled internal combustion engine with a sound‐absorbing cover J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, 779 (1985); 10.1121/1.392290 ’’How to cool a book by its cover’’ revisited Phys. Teach. 14, 443 (1976); 10.1119/1.2339447 How to cool a book by its cover Phys. Teach. 13, 324 (1975); 10.1119/1.2339166 How to cool a book by its cover Phys. Teach. 13, 165 (1975); 10.1119/1.2339103

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On: Tue, 09 Jun 2015 11:33:30

Page 2: Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FKoa.upm.es/36105/1/INVE_MEM_2014_197172.pdf · Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FK Rubén Mohedano, Juan C. Miñano, Pablo




Abstrabirth to panels. processalso comBPC Siradiatioof the D



The arcinsertion osolar cell collected (secondaryprimary op

FIGURE concentratolens and tproperties, downwards

Cool Co

ubén MoheJulio Chave

Altadena, CA,

ct. Placing a plaa quite differenThe idea enabl

s for the optics, ampatible with twilicon cell for beon and higher enDNI into electric

rds: Fresnel lenum Splitting , DN

42.15.Eq, 42.7


chitecture of thof a plane mirto bounce the later if we

y optics SOEptics (POE) gla

1. The CCFKor: a plane mirrothe receiver, wcan be placed


overed S

edano1, Juaes1, Waqid

USA and Mad

ane mirror betwet CPV system wles not only a thautomatic alignmwo different techetter usage of Dirergy productionity.

ns, nonimaging, SNI 9.Ek, 88.40.F, 8


he FK concentrror half the wlight back, wplace the or

E and solar cass cover, look

K concept is bor is located betwhich, thanks on the Fresnel


an C. Miñadi Falicoff1

drid, Spain,2Un

een the primary where all the high

hinner device (ament of primaryhniques to increrect Normal Irra throughout the

Solar concentrat

88.40.H, 88.40.jj


trator allows thway towards thhere it could briginal receivcell) under th

king downward

based in the Ftween the Fresnto the reflectiolens panel facin

tting Sp

ano1,2, Pab, Maikel H

niversidad Poli

lens and the rech-tech componena half of the or

y and secondary ase the module adiance DNI, anyear. Simple cal

or, Köhler integ

, 88.40.fc, 88.40

he he be

ver he ds.

FK nel on ng

Thiand is a high and oucell, bperformHCPVsurfacecompoopticalin a sinThe ovcells aelectrictwo dbetweeavoideare ke3mm-swould ambienglass, produccan beheat spabout a


cost htechnoalignmis not CCFK


blo BenitezHernandez1

itécnica de Ma

ceiver in a Fresnnts sit on a commriginal) but also

lenses, and cellefficiency: spec

nd sky splitting tlculations foreca

gration, CPV, Mu


is device is cpatent pendingConcentration

utstanding irraboth spectral mance feature

V concept, showe of the glasonents of a Cl primary and sngle step Silicver-molding oassemblies allocal component

different opticaen parts to aed too, as long ept within reasside length for

lead to tempent). Only a hfor instance) mced at the cell e removed by preader cast aa 4%, so the ef

wing to its flathigh-efficiencyology that can ment of the fro

necessary, oK is very toleran


z1,2, Marina1, Simone S

adrid (UPM), M

nel Köhler (FK) mon plane, that o

a low cost 1-sl/wiring protectioctrum splitting bto harvest the enast the module w

ulti-Junction Sol

called Cover Cg. It device shan-Acceptance aadiance uniform

and spatial es [3]. One nwn in FIGUREss cover con

CPV system, nsecondary (PO

cone-On-Glass of SOEs and Pows for a bettts, withdraws tal parts, and a minimum. Hg as the cell sizsonable levelsr the former aneratures of abheat spreader might be neede CCA all overnatural convec

a shadow at thfficiency loss i

tness, the refley second-surfa

yield reflectivnt cover with

only parallelismnt to the relati

ng FK

a Buljan2,Sorgato1

Madrid, (Spain

concentrator givof the primary letep manufacturion. The concept

between a 3J andnergy of the diffuwould convert 45

lar Cells,

Cooled FK (Cares with the Fangle product (mity onto the[2], yielding

novelty of thisE 1, is that the ntains all the namely: solar

OE and SOE, m(SOG)) and w

POEs on top oter protection the need to inv

reduces alignHeat sinks caze and concents (the models nd 500×for theout 30ºC abov(screen-printe

ed to spread thr the glass, whction. The SOEhe entry apertus quite reasona

ector can be aace silver mirrvity above 95%the optical ref

m is requiredve distance be


ves ens ing t is d a use 5%

CCFK) FK [1] (CAP)

e solar high

s new inner main cells,

molded wiring. of the of all

vest on nment an be tration show

e latter ve the ed on

he heat here it

OE and ure of able.

a low-ror, a %.The flector

d. The etween

10th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic SystemsAIP Conf. Proc. 1616, 200-202 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4897060

© 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1253-8/$30.00

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Page 3: Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FKoa.upm.es/36105/1/INVE_MEM_2014_197172.pdf · Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FK Rubén Mohedano, Juan C. Miñano, Pablo

this mirrorthe solar c

The br


FIGURE 2thin modulsingle plansilicone casstages are aligned with


The peenhanced

FIGURE 3spectrum Rbottom junc

r and the top cell side-length

reakdown of eodule is shown

2.CCFK elemenle comprises alne substrate: thst protects all thmanufactured inh respect to each


erformance of twith the addi

3.Spectrum splittR( ) towards thection that is impo

cover (relative are permitted)

elements includin FIGURE 2 in

nts breakdown ill high-tech coat of the SOG

hese elements ann one step and h other


the CCFK canition of two te

ting concept appe 3J cell while aossible to harves

shifts as long ).

ded in the basn 3D.

in 3D. This ultrmponents in on

G lens panel. Thnd the two opticare automatical


be dramaticalechnologies th

plied to the CCFa fraction of thest) is transmitted



ra-ne he cal lly


lly hat

are selSky Spbring tthanks

Thethat typhotocconnec(whoseand arethe spepoint cthe neaboth tsensitivband-pof the on thafilter concenevaporsimple

FK optical train. e light, T( ) (orid to a silicon sola

ldom utilized iplitting. In thithem into plays to the geomet


e first one is bypically produccurrent that iction of this jue photocurrente below that oectrum that cacontact high efar infrared, a this BPC Si cve. The beam

pass dichroic fCCFK (FIGU

at plane allowand the fac

ntrated (4×) atrated on a planer and potential

A band-pass diciginally producinar cell under the

in practice: Speis case, we hay in a simple antry of the CCFK

ctrum Splitt

based on “stealices a boost in is useless, owunction with tots are balanced f the bottom juan be split andfficiency silicofraction of thecell and the b

m split can be filter replacing

URE 3) the limw for a better cts that the t this stage anne substrate mlly cost-effecti

chroic filter S2(ng an excess of

e filter.

ectrum Splittinave found a wnd practical maK.


ing” part of ththe bottom jun

wing to the op and middle

d by design typiunction). The pd directed to aon cell (BPC Sie spectrum to wbottom junctio

done by meag the original mmited incident a

performance obeam is al

nd the filter cmake its manufive.

) reflects a partf current in the

ng and way to anner,

e DNI nction series

e ones ically, part of a back i) is in which

on are ans of mirror angles of the lready

can be facture

t of the 3J cell

201 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP:

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Page 4: Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FKoa.upm.es/36105/1/INVE_MEM_2014_197172.pdf · Cool covered sky-splitting spectrum-splitting FK Rubén Mohedano, Juan C. Miñano, Pablo

Modelsbeams hittthe potenticells [4]. Ithe two-cethe efficiealone). Nocase is red

Notice concentratplaced if tfree area cells that clens (FIGUSplitting”.

The us

annual enethe geogracost-effectfactors, elmodules.

FIGURE 4means of adof the origin

A siteradiation o1880 kWdiffuse. If 22% efficiof losses,potentiallybreakdownkWh/m2 bkWh/m2 b

s and prelimting the filter wial of spectrumIn a set up likeells (4J) combency (relative totice the thermduced due to th


there is stillted sunlight spthe Spectrum Scan be actual

can cast the difURE 4). This s

sage of the dergy productionaphical locationtiveness of thilectricity fees

4. Sky splittingdding flap plate nal mirror)


e like Madridof about 2584

Wh/m2 being df we use 3J aniencies, and co, we find ouy deliver 859n is 635 kWh/mby the spectruby the sky-spli

minary prototywith 25deg) havm splitting usinge the one showo can achieve to the efficienc

mal load of thee spectral divis


l a sizable gaots where the BSplitting concelly filled by fffuse light crosimple approac

diffuse radiation and greater in and weather is approach deand on the p

g to collect diffcells at the bott

y Production

d receives akWh/m2 in tw

direct radiationnd Si cells achonsidering the dut the CCS4F9 kWh/m2 evm2 delivered bum splitting Sitting unit. The

ype tests (wive demonstrateg 3J and BPC

wn in FIGURE a 13% boost

cy of the 3J cee MJ cell in thsion.

ap between thBPC Si cells aept is used. Thflat plate silicossing the Fresnch is called “Sk

on gives greatindependence oconditions. Th

epends on theprice of flat P

ffuse radiation btom plane (inste


yearly globwo-axis trackinn and the re

hieving 39.5 andifferent sourcFK device cavery year. Thby the 3J cell, 7Si cell and 14e module wou

ith ed Si 3, in ell his

he are his on nel ky

ter on he se


by ad

bal ng, est nd es an he 75 49


therefo(0.45=CPV mDNI in


a shadAR coAdditiis bounis conv

A nThe apractictime. importtechniqto andemonconcepsubmitopen fo

Supunder FP7/20AgreemProgra2013).

1. P. BphoA40

2. P. EundchroInteSys

3. P. ZVila“Excon

4. P. BConBetCPV

ore turn into =858/1880), i.emodule producn Madrid.

r this calculatiodow of 5% of thoating is applieonally, the lighnced back to thverted into elec


novel CPV moapproach offecal advantages

The basic tant practical ques to increasextremely-eff

nstrating the pt with a ptted to differefor companies w


pport for this projects HI-L

007-2013) anment no. Pamme (Marie


Benítez et al., “Hotovoltaic concen0, (2010). Espinet et al., “Tder Fresnel-Baseomatic aberratioernational Confestems, Toledo, SZamora, P. Benítaplana, Y. Li, Mxperimental charncentrators,” J. PBenítez et al, “Uncentration PV Stween GaInP/GaV-7, Las Vegas,

a 45%-equive. it would yielces using only

on we have assthe total entry aed to the flat ht reflected in the Si back plactricity as well


odule concept ers significants while being CCFK conceadvantages. Ose the energy

ficient moduletechnological

prototype. Theent research prwilling to inve


work partly cLED (Grant ag

nd ADOPSYPITN-GA-201Curie Actions


High performancntrator”, Optics

Triple-junction soed concentrators on and off-axis oerence on ConceSpain (2012) tez, R. Mohedan

M. Hernández, J. racterization of FPhoton. Energy.2Ultra high efficienSystem Based onaInAs/Ge and BP, 2011

valent CPV mld the energy athe available y

sumed the SOEaperture area aentry glass suthe 3J cell gri

ate where a par.


has been prest performancesimple at the

ept already On top of thatproduction can

e. The next stfeasibility o

e project wirograms but ist in this modu


comes from thgreement nº 61YS (REA 3-608082, P

s) of the FP7/


ce Fresnel-basedExpress, 18, A2

olar cell performtaking into acco

operation” in 8thentrating Photovo

no, A. CvetkovicChaves, J.C. Mi

Fresnel-Köhler 2(1), 021806 (20ncy, High n Spectral DivisiPC silicon Cells”

module a 45% yearly

E casts and an urface. idlines rt of it

ented. e and

same offers t, two n lead tep is

of the ill be s also


he EC 19912, Grant

People /2007-

d 25-

mance ount h oltaic

c, J. iñano,


ion ”,

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