Agenda 3 How to participate in the General Shareholders’ Meeting 4 The Air France-KLM Group in 2011 8 Parent company results over the past five financial years 12 Composition of the Board of Directors at December 31, 2011 13 Information about the Board directors whose re-appointment/ratification of appointment is proposed to the General Shareholders’ Meeting 14 Presentation and proposed resolutions 16 Statutory Auditors’ reports 21 Request for documentation and information 30 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting Thursday May 31, 2012 at 14h30 at the Carrousel du Louvre 99, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris

Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

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Page 1: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

Agenda 3

How to participate in the General Shareholders’ Meeting 4

The Air France-KLM Group in 2011 8

Parent company results over the past fi ve fi nancial years 12

Composition of the Board of Directors at December 31, 2011 13

Information about the Board directors whose re-appointment/ratifi cation of appointment is proposed to the General Shareholders’ Meeting 14

Presentation and proposed resolutions 16

Statutory Auditors’ reports 21

Request for documentation and information 30

Convening noticeO r d i n a r y S h a r e h o l d e r s ’ M e e t i n g

Thursday May 31, 2012 at 14h30

at the Carrousel du Louvre99, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris

Page 2: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

2 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Dear shareholder,

I am delighted to invite you to Air France-KLM’s Ordinary General Shareholders’

Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du

Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France.

Attended by the members of the Board of Directors and the Group’s senior

management, the General Shareholders’ Meeting is the opportunity for sharing

information, exchange and dialogue, and for you to vote on the resolutions

submitted for the M eeting’s approval.

I very much hope you will be able to participate by attending personally, arranging to

be represented or by voting by mail. Alternatively, you may authorize the Chairman

of the General Shareholders’ Meeting to vote on your behalf.

Thank you for the consideration that you will give to these resolutions.

Yours faithfully,

Jean-Cyril Spinetta

Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer

Air France-KLM

Page 3: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

3Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM


1. Approval of the C ompany fi nancial statements for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2011

2. Approval of the consolidated fi nancial statements for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2011

3. Allocation of the results for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2011

4. Related party agreements and commitments

5. Ratifi cation of the co-opting of Mr Alexandre de Juniac as a Board director

6. Renewal of Mr Leo van Wijk’s Board director mandate for a term of four years

7. Renewal of Mr Cornelis J.A. van Lede’s Board director mandate for a term of four years

8. Renewal of Mr Jean-François Dehecq’s Board director mandate for a term of four years

9. Authorization to be granted to the Board of Directors to perform operations in the C ompany’s shares

10. Powers to accomplish formalities

This is an unoffi cial translation of the French Avis de Convocation for the convenience of English-speaking

shareholders. In the event of any discrepancy or ambiguity, the French version shall prevail.

Page 4: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

4 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

How to participate in the General Shareholders’ Meeting

As a shareholder, you have several ways to exercise your right to vote:

✦ by attending the meeting in person;

✦ by giving the Chairman the power to vote on your behalf;

✦ by voting by mail;

✦ by being represented by another physical or legal person of your choice.

You wish to attend the meeting in person

❚ If you hold your shares in bearer form

You must request an admission card from your fi nancial

intermediary who will send to Société Générale – Service

Assemblées – BP 81236 – 44312 Nantes Cedex 03, France

a certifi cate proving that your shares were registered on

the record date. If you sell shares between the moment

you indicate your intention to vote and the third business

day before the meeting, i.e. May 28, 2012, your fi nancial

intermediary must notify Société Générale of the sale and

forward the necessary information. After this date, no

notifi cation is necessary.

❚ If you hold your shares in registered form

To obtain your admission card, you must check box A in

the enclosed voting form and return it to Société Générale,

Air France-KLM’s agent, at the following address: Société

Générale – Service Assemblées – BP 81236 – 44312 Nantes

Cedex 03, France. If you forget to request an admission

card, you can still participate in the M eeting provided you

bring proof of identity.

Every shareholder, irrespective of how many shares

he or she holds, has the right to attend and vote in the

General Shareholders’ Meeting.

The right to participate in the meeting is subject to the

registration of the shares at least three business days prior to

the date of the meeting (“record date”). For Air France-KLM’s

Ordinary General Shareholder’s Meeting on May 31, 2012,

this record date is thus May 28, 2012 at 0h00 (Paris time).

3 Conditions for participating in the M eeting

3 How to exercise your voting rights?

In the event the admission card you have requested has not arrived three days before the General

Shareholders’ Meeting, you can fi nd out about its status by contacting the Société Générale admission

card call center from Monday to Friday between 8h30 and 18h00 Paris time on 0825 315 315 (from

France: €0.125/minute excluding VAT).

Page 5: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

5Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

How to participate in the General Shareholders’ Meeting

❚ If you wish to give the Chairman the power to vote on your behalf

All you need do is check box 2 “I hereby give my proxy to

the Chairman of the General Meeting”, then date and sign

the bottom of the form, fi lling nothing in. You thus give the

Chairman of Air France-KLM the power to vote in favor of

the resolutions presented by the Board of Directors.

The form must then be sent to Société Générale, Service

Assemblées, BP 81236, 44312 Nantes Cedex 03, France,

to arrive no later than May 28, 2012. If you hold your shares

in bearer form, your mail voting form will only be taken into

account if it is accompanied by the certifi cate of shareholding

provided by your fi nancial intermediary.

❚ If you wish to vote by post

All you need do is check box 1 “I vote by post” and send the

mail voting form, dated and signed, to arrive no later than

May 28, 2012, to Société Générale, Service Assemblées,

BP 81236, 44312 Nantes Cedex 03, France. If you hold

your shares in bearer form, your mail voting form will only be

taken into account if it is accompanied by the certifi cate of

shareholding provided by your fi nancial intermediary.

❚ If you wish to be represented by another physical or legal person of your choice

All you need do is check box 3 “I hereby appoint”, fi ll in the

contact details of your representative at the M eeting, then

date and sign the form.

Shareholders representing other shareholders need to send

the proxies in their possession to Société Générale – Service

Assemblées – BP 81236 – 44312 Nantes Cedex 03, France,

to arrive no later than May 28, 2012, so that the company

can note this on the attendance list. If you hold your shares

in bearer form, your mail voting form will only be taken into

account if it is accompanied by the certifi cate of shareholding

provided by your fi nancial intermediary.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article R. 225-79 of the

French Commercial Code, notifi cation of the designation

or revocation of a representative may be communicated

electronically, under the following conditions:

✦ for registered shareholders: shareholders must send an

email incorporating an electronic signature obtained from

a certifying third- party, authorized pursuant to the legal

and regulatory conditions in force, to the following email

address: [email protected], specifying

their surname, fi rst name, address and Société Générale

login for direct registered shareholders (information

available on the top left of the securities account statement)

or the login issued by their fi nancial intermediary if they hold

their shares in administered registered form together with

the surname and fi rst name of the representative to be

designated or revoked;

✦ for bearer shareholders: shareholders must send an

email incorporating an electronic signature obtained from

a certifying third-party, authorized pursuant to the legal

and regulatory conditions in force, to the following email

address: [email protected], specifying

their surname, fi rst name, address and bank details as well

as the surname and fi rst name of the representative to be

designated or revoked. It is imperative that the shareholder

then ask s their fi nancial intermediary to send written

confi rmation (by mail or fax) to Société Générale, Service

Assemblées, BP 81236, 32 rue du Champ de Tir, 44312

Nantes Cedex 03.

If you are unable to attend the meeting personally

Page 6: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

6 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

How to participate in the General Shareholders’ Meeting

In order that the designations or revocations of

representatives, duly signed and completed, may be properly

taken into account, they must be received no later than:

✦ the day before the meeting, i.e. by 15h00 (Paris time) on

May 30, 2012 at the latest, for notifi cations communicated


✦ at least three days before the date of the meeting, i.e.

May 28, 2012, for notifi cations sent by mail.

Only notifications of the designation or revocation of

representatives should be sent to the aforementioned email

address. Any other requests or notifi cations on other matters

cannot be taken into account and/or dealt with.

❚ You can also download the mail voting form from the company’s website:

www.airfranceklm-fi nance.com

Note: Shareholders who have already cast their votes by mail, forwarded proxies or requested admission

cards or a certifi cate of shareholding to attend the meeting personally may not opt for another voting


3 How to ask a question during the M eeting?

The meeting is the opportunity for privileged access when

you are able to put a question to the Chairman during the

question and answer session preceding the vote on the

resolutions. You may also submit a question in writing by

registered letter, accompanied by a registration certifi cate

for shares held either in registered or bearer form, at least

four business days before the Shareholders’ Meeting,

i.e. May 24, 2012, to be sent to Air France-KLM, DB-AJ,

45, rue de Paris, 95747 Roissy-CDG Cedex, France.

A single answer may be provided for quest ions

addressing the same subjects. Note that the answers to

questions in writing may be published on the company’s

www.airfranceklm-finance.com website in a section

dedicated to questions and answers and will then be

deemed to have been given.

3 How to request the documentation relating to the M eeting?

The Registration Document (containing notably the statutory

and consolidated fi nancial statements and the management

report of the Board of Directors) may be sent to any

shareholder in the company. Just fi ll in the form provided

on the last page and send it to Société Générale, Service

Assemblées, BP 81236, 44312 Nantes Cedex 03, France,

at least fi ve days inclusive before the date of the meeting,

i.e. May 26, 2012.

The Group’s publications as well as all the documents and

information foreseen in Articles R. 225-73-1 of the French

Commercial Code may also be consulted on the website:

www.airfranceklm-fi nance.com

❚ For additional information, please contact us on +33 1 41 56 88 85.

Page 7: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

7Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

How to participate in the General Shareholders’ Meeting


Nombre d’actionsNumber of shares

Nombre de voix - Number of voting rights

JE VOTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE / I VOTE BY POSTCf. au verso (2) - See reverse (2)

Je vote OUI à tous les projets de résolutions présentés ou agréés par leConseil d’Administration ou le Directoire ou la Gérance, à l’EXCEPTION deceux que je signale en noircissant comme ceci la case correspondanteet pour lesquels je vote NON ou je m'abstiens.

I vote YES all the draft resolutions approved by the Board of Directors,EXCEPT those indicated by a shaded box – like this , for which I vote NOor I abstain.

Sur les projets de résolutions non agréés par leConseil d’Administration ou le Directoire ou laGérance, je vote en noircissant comme ceci lacase correspondant à mon choix.

On the draft resolutions not approved by theBoard of Directors, I cast my vote by shading thebox of my choice – like this .

Si des amendements ou des résolutions nouvelles étaient présentés en assemblée / In case amendments or new resolutions are proposed during the meeting

- Je donne pouvoir au Président de l’assemblée générale de voter en mon nom. / I appoint the Chairman of the general meeting to vote on my behalf .............

- Je m’abstiens (l’abstention équivaut à un vote contre). / I abstain from voting (is equivalent to vote NO)......................................................................................

- Je donne procuration [cf. au verso renvoi (4)] à M., Mme ou Mlle, Raison Sociale pour voter en mon nom / I appoint [see reverse (4)] Mr, Mrs or Miss, Corporate Name to vote on my behalf



JE DONNE POUVOIR À : Cf. au verso (4)

I HEREBY APPOINT: See reverse (4)

M. Mme ou Mlle, Raison Sociale / Mr, Mrs or Miss, Corporate Name

Adresse / Address

ATTENTION : s’il s’agit de titres au porteur, les présentes instructions ne seront valides que si elles sont directement retournées à votre banque.

CAUTION : if it is about bearer securities, the present instructions will be valid only if they are directly returned to your bank.

Nom, prénom, adresse de l’actionnaire (si ces informations figurent déjà, les vérifier et les rectifier éventuellement). Cf au verso (1)Surname, first name, address of the shareholder (if this information is already supplied, please verify and correct if necessary). See reverse (1)

Pour être prise en considération, toute formule doit parvenir au plus tard :In order to be considered, this completed form must be returned at the latest:


Porteur - Bearer

Single vote

Double vote

IMPORTANT : Avant d’exercer votre choix, veuillez prendre connaissance des instructions situées au verso - Important : Before selecting please refer to instructions on reverse sideQuelle que soit l’option choisie, noircir comme ceci la ou les cases correspondantes, dater et signer au bas du formulaire - Whichever option is used, shade box(es) like this ,date and sign at the bottom of the form

A. Je désire assister à cette assemblée et demande une carte d’admission : dater et signer au bas du formulaire. / I wish to attend the shareholder’s meeting and request an admission card : date and sign at the bottom of the form.J’utilise le formulaire de vote par correspondance ou par procuration ci-dessous, selon l’une des 3 possibilités offertes / I prefer to use the postal voting form or the proxy form as specified below.

AIR FRANCE - KLM2, rue Robert Esnault Pelterie75007 PARIS - FRANCE AU CAPITAL DE 300 219 278552 043 002 RCS Paris


Au Carrousel du Louvre99, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris

le 28 Mai 2012 on May 28th, 2012

Société Générale - Services Assemblées - BP 81312 - Nantes Cedex 03

3 How to complete the form?

1 2



Reminder: Only voting forms completed and received by Société Générale at least three days before

the meeting and accompanied by the certifi cate of shareholding provided by your fi nancial

intermediary for bearer shareholders will be taken into account.

To vote by mail, check the box

p To vote YES to a resolution, leave the box corresponding to the number of this resolution empty .

p To vote NO to a resolution, fi ll the box corresponding to the number of the resolutionin black.

If you want to attend the Meeting and receive your admission card, check the box A

If your are not able to attend the Meeting and want to vote by mail or be represented, check either

the box

or the box

or the box

(see Stage 2 )

To give the Chairman the power to vote on your behalf , just check the box 2 , then date and sign the form at the bottom .

To give another individual or corporate body the power to represent you at the Meeting and vote on your behalf, check the box 3 and enter the contact details of this invididual or corporate body.

(If you are unable to attend the Meeting) Stage 1 Stage  2

Stage  3Enter your name, fi rst name and addresshere or verify them if they already appear.

Stage  4

No matter which option you choose,don’t forget to sign and date the form here.





Page 8: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

8 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

2011 fi nancial year(April 1-December 31, 2011)

This fi nancial year was characterized by

p a diffi cult economic environment particularly

in the euro zone;

p the continued consequences for traffi c

of the political crises in the Middle East and North

Africa together with the earthquake in Japan;

p an insuffi cient level of unit revenues to offset

the steep rise in the fuel bill;

p negative results which led the Board of Directors

to set three priorities: restoring profi tability,

restructuring in medium-haul and rapidly reducing


p the change in governance.

Activity from April 1 to December 31 is compared with the

same period in 2010.

The Group’s activity was marked by the economic slowdown

particularly in Europe, and by the political crises and natural

phenomena unfolding in countries where the Group has a

strong commercial presence, the consequences of which are

still being felt. Furthermore, the soaring fuel bill, which could

only be partially passed on, also weighed on the results of

the passenger and cargo businesses. On the other hand,

the maintenance business recorded a good level of activity

while the other businesses (leisure and catering) improved

their profi tability.


Passenger business

With a fl eet of 586 passenger aircraft in operation including

173 regional aircraft, the Group operates around 2,500 daily

fl ights to 254 destinations of which 124 are medium-haul

and 130 long-haul. This network is organized around the

powerful hubs of Paris CDG and Amsterdam Schiphol,

interlinked by some dozen daily fl ights.

Over this period, which includes the traditionally more

dynamic summer season, the passenger business posted

a 7.4% increase in capacity and a 7.9% rise in traffi c, an

increase reinforced by the integration of Martinair’s passenger

capacity by KLM and the launch of the Marseille provincial

base. The load factor gained 0.4 of a point to 83.0%.

The Group carried 59.3 million passengers (+8.0%). Total

passenger revenues amounted to €14.76 billion (+5.2%) after

a negative currency impact of 1.4%. The operating result

was negative to the tune of €8 million (income of €323 million

at December 31, 2010). This performance is explained by

diffi culties in markets disrupted by the geopolitical crises,

the level of unit revenue per available seat-kilometer (RASK)

which declined by 2.2% and a sharp increase in the fuel bill

(+€640 million).

Cargo business

While the cargo business benefi ted from the restructuring

measures in place for the past year, the economic

environment was not particularly favorable especially from

the middle of 2011 onwards with the crisis in Japan, the

economic slowdown and a situation of overcapacity all

affecting this activity. There was also signifi cant pressure on

prices while the surcharges were not suffi cient to offset the

increase in the oil price.

Over the nine months, traffi c declined by 1.7% for capacity

up by 2.3%. This increase in capacity is linked to that of

the passenger business since, within the framework of the

restructuring of its cargo business, the Group chose to

prioritize the bellies of passenger aircraft and reduce the

full freighter fl eet which now only represents some 30% of

capacity versus 50% two years ago. The load factor stood

at 66.0% (-2.7 points). The Group carried 1.1 million tons

of cargo (-2.3%).

Revenues amounted to €2.37 billion (-0.7% after a negative

currency effect of 2.5%) while the operating result was a

€51 million loss (income of €78 million at December 31,

2010). This performance is explained by a decline in activity,

unit revenue per available-ton-kilometer (RATK) down by

3.1% and a 15% increase in the fuel bill.

3 Brief presentation

The Air France-KLM G roup in 2011

Page 9: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

9Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

The Air France-KLM G roup in 2011

Maintenance business

The maintenance business is responsible for maintaining the

Group’s fl eet and those of 150 third-party clients.

The Group generated total revenues of €1.55 billion (+1%)

over the nine-month period to December 31, 2011 including

third-party revenues of €807 million (+1.4%). The revenue

growth was limited by a negative currency effect. Income

from current operations stood at €84 million after €23 million

of exceptional costs linked to the in-line maintenance strike

over the summer (€117 million at December 31, 2010).

Other businesses

The other activities mainly comprise the leisure businesses of

the Transavia Group and Servair’s catering business.

Total revenues from these other businesses amounted to

€1.09 billion (+2%) and income from current operations

stood at €25 million (€7 million at December 31, 2010).

The leisure business generated revenues of €770 million

(-0.5%). This virtual stability is explained by the scaling back

of Martinair’s activity ahead of the transfer of its capacity to

KLM at the year end and the closure of Transavia Denmark.

The leisure business posted income from current operations

of €16 million (versus a €6 million loss at December 31,

2010). For its part, the Transavia Group generated income

from current operations of €36 million (€10 million at

December 31, 2010 after the €10 million impact of the

various crises including the shutdown of the European

airspace and the beginning of the Arab Springs).

The catering business generated total revenues of

€725 million including €282 million of third-party revenues

(€667 million and € 246 million respectively at December 31,

2010). Income from current operations thus increased

from €12 million at December 31, 2010 to €18 million at

December 31, 2011.


At December 31, 2011, the Air France-KLM G roup fl eet

comprised 609 aircraft, of which 586 were operational

compared with, respectively, 609 and 588 aircraft at

December 31, 2010.

The main operational fleet consists of 413 aircraft (410

aircraft at December 31, 2010), of which 167 long-haul

aircraft (168 at December 31, 2010), 17 cargo aircraft

including 8 at Martinair and 229 medium-haul aircraft

(225 at December 31, 2010), of which 38 aircraft in the

Transavia Group fl eet (39 aircraft at December 31, 2010).

The regional fl eet in operation comprises 173 aircraft (178

at December 31, 2010).

At December 31, 2011, the breakdown by ownership

method of the Group’s overall fl eet was unchanged on that of

December 31, 2010 with 45% of the fl eet fully owned, 19%

under fi nance lease and 36% under operating lease. Capital

expenditure on tangible and intangible assets amounted to

€1.87 billion (€1.56 billion at December 31, 2010). Disposals

stood at €0.86 billion.

There were firm orders outstanding for 61 aircraft at

December 31, 2011, including 25 Boeing B787s for delivery

between 2016 and 2026. Options stood at 73 (53 at

March 31, 2011) of which 25 were for Boeing B787s. The

Airbus A350 order is in the negotiation process with Airbus

and Rolls Royce and was thus not included in the fi gures at

December 31, 2011.

Financial results

For the period between April 1 and December 31, 2011,

consolidated revenues amounted to €19.04 billion, up

by 4.1% relative to the same period in the previous year.

Operating expenses increased by 6.9% to €18.99 billion.

Excluding fuel, the increase was limited to 3.7% thanks to

€387 million of savings within the framework of the Challenge

12 cost-cutting plan. The fuel bill was €718 million higher

than in the previous year and amounted to €5.01 billion.

Income from current operations stood at €50 million (income

of €525 million in the previous year).

Income from operating activities was positive at €26 million

versus income of €1.39 billion for the same period to

December  31, 2010 which had included, notably, a

€1.03 billion capital gain generated by the Group on the IPO

of Amadeus in the Madrid stock market and the additional

provision relating to the cargo fi ne.

The net cost of fi nancial debt was stable at €280 million.

Other net financial expenses amounted to €247 million

(€145 million at December 31, 2010) including a €186 million

foreign exchange loss.

The net result, Group share stood at a loss of €442 million

at December 31, 2011 (versus income of €980 million at

December 31, 2010 including the capital gain on Amadeus).

Basic earnings/(loss) per share, Group share amounted to

€(1.5) at December 31, 2011 versus earnings of €3.32 at

December 31, 2010.

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10 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

The Air France-KLM G roup in 2011

Investments and fi nancing

Capital expenditure on tangible and intangible assets net

of disposals amounted to €1.01 billion at December 31,

2011 (€0.89 billion at December 31, 2010). Operating

cash fl ow stood at €558 million. At December 31, 2011,

the Air France-KLM G roup had cash of €2.9 billion and

€1.8 billion of credit facilities.

Stockholders’ equity stood at €6.09 billion and net debt

at €6.5 billion (€6.07 billion at December 31, 2010) while

the gearing ratio amounted to 1.07 (0.86 at December 31,


Air France-KLM parent company results

As a holding company, Air France-KLM has no operating

activity. Its revenues comprise royalties paid by the two

operating subsidiaries for use of the Air France-KLM logo

and its expenses mostly comprise fi nancial communication

expenses, Statutory Auditors’ fees and expenses linked to

the compensation of company offi cers. At December 31,

2011, the operating result was a positive €1.6 million.

The net result was a €112 million loss, mainly due to the

financial costs on the bond issues during the 2009-10

fi nancial year and provisions on shares. No dividend was

paid in respect of 2010-11.


The Board of Directors opted not to propose the payment

of a dividend in view of the Group’s results.

Share capital and shareholder structure

At December 31, 2011, the share capital of Air France-KLM

comprised 300,219,278 fully paid-up shares with a nominal

value of one euro, held in registered or bearer form according

to shareholder preference.

Each share has one voting right attached and there are no

specifi c rights attached to the shares. There are no securities

not representing the share capital.


On October 17, 2011, Mr Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, Chief

Executive Offi cer of Air France-KLM and Société Air France,

submitted his resignation to the respective Boards of

Directors. The Air France-KLM Board of Directors decided

to reunite the functions of Chairman of the Board of

Directors and Chief Executive Offi cer and appointed Jean-

Cyril Spinetta as Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer of

Air France-KLM and Leo van Wijk as Deputy Chief Executive

Offi cer.

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11Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

The Air France-KLM G roup in 2011

3 Key fi gures

Revenues (i n € billion)

20 11April-December

20 10 April-December

2010-11 Reported

19.04 18. 29 23.62

The uncertain economic environment together with the crises

in Japan, the Middle East and Africa limited the increase in

revenues over nine months to 4.1% .

Income/(loss) from current operations (i n € billion)

20 11April-December

20 10 April-December

2010-11 Reported

0.05 0.53 0.12

The result from current operations was positive over the

nine-month period at €50 million.

Information by business

2011 (April-December) 2010 (April-December) 2010-11

Revenues(i n € billion)

Income/(loss) from current operations

(i n € million)

Revenues(i n € billion)

Income/(loss) from current operations

(i n € million)

Revenues(i n € billion)

Income/(loss) from current operations

(i n € million)

Passenger 14.76 (8) 14. 03 323 18.10 (44)

Cargo 2.37 (51) 2. 39 78 3.16 69

Maintenance 0.81 84 0.80 117 1.03 143

Others 1.09 25 1. 07 7 1.32 (46)

Over the 2011 fi nancial year, in view of the economic environment, the air transport activities were unable to increase their

revenues suffi ciently to offset the steep rise in the fuel bill (+€718 million).

Net income/(loss), Group share (i n € billion)

20 11April-December

20 10 April-December

2010-11 Reported

(0.44) 0.98 0.61

At December 31, 2010, the net result, Group share had

included a €1.03 billion capital gain realized on the IPO of

Amadeus in the Madrid stock market.

Financial structure (i n € billion)

December 31,2011

(9 months)

December 31,2010

(9 months)2010-11


Net debt 6. 52 6.07 5.89


stockholders’ equity 6.09 7.03 6.91

Gearing ratio 1.07 0.86 0.85

Investments and fi nancing (i n € billion)

December 31,2011

(9 months)

December 31,2010

(9 months)2010-11


Gross investment

in tangible and

intangible assets 1.87 1.56 2.12

Financing 1.42 1.84 2.52

Free cash fl ow (0.45) 0.28 0.40

Financing corresponded to operating cash flow, the

proceeds on disposals of tangible and intangible assets and,

for the fi nancial year to December 31, 2010, the €193 million

of cash generated on the Amadeus transaction.

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12 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Parent company results over the past fi ve fi nancial years

Year ended 31December 2011

(9 months)March 2011(12 months)

March 2010(12 months)

March 2009(12 months)

March 2008(12 months)

1. Share capital at year end

Share capital (In €) 300,219,278 300,219,278 2,551,863,863 2,551,863,863 2,551,863,863

Number of ordinary shares outstanding 300,219,278 300,219,278 300,219,278 300,219,278 300,219,278

Number of shares with a priority dividend - - - - -

Maximum number of shares that may be created:

By bond conversion 78,617,176 78,617,611 78,619,501 22,609,143 22,609,143

By exercise of subscription rights - - - - -

2. Transactions and results for the year(In € thousand)

Net revenues - - - - -

Net income/(loss) before income tax, employee profi t-sharing, net depreciation, amortization and provisions (41,836) (116,649) (56,167) 105,885 228,076

Income tax (3,938) (3,712) (5,601) (6,767) (5,496)

Employee profi t-sharing for the year - - - - -

Net income/(loss) after income tax, employee profi t-sharing, net depreciation, amortization and provisions (111,893) (69,343) (32,671) 62,639 198,183

Distributed net income - - - - 171,835

3. Per share data (In €)

Net income/(loss) after income tax and employee profi t-sharing but before net depreciation, amortization and provisions (0.13) (0.39) (0.17) 0.37 0.78

Net income/(loss) after income tax, employee profi t-sharing, net depreciation, amortization and provisions (0.37) (0.23) (0.11) 0.21 0.66

Dividend per share - - - - 0.58

4. Employees

Average number of employees during the year - - - - -

Total payroll costs - - - - -

Employee welfare contributions and similar


(Social Security, employee organizations, etc.) - - - - -

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13Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Composition of the Board of Directors at December 31, 2011

At December 31, 2011, the Board of Directors comprised 14 members:

✦ 11 directors appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting (including 2 representatives of the employee shareholders);

✦ 3 representatives of the French State appointed by ministerial order.

Furthermore, following the resignation of Mr Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, Mr Alexandre de Juniac, Chairman and Chief Executive

Offi cer of Air France, was co-opted as a Board director following a decision taken by the Board of Directors on January 11,

2012 (1). Since that date, the Board of Directors has thus comprised 15 members.

Board of Directors experience Professional experience

Director Age at December 31, 2011

Date appointedto the Air France-KLM Board

Expiration date of term of offi ce (Annual General Meeting)

Sector Current main position

Jean-Cyril Spinetta 68 years September 15, 2004 AGM 2014 Public Service, Air Transport(Air Inter and Air France)

Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer of Air France-KLM

Leo van Wijk 65 years September 15, 2004 AGM 2012 Air Transport (KLM) Deputy CEO and Vice-Chairman of the Air France-KLM Board of Directors

Alexandre de Juniac **

49 years January 11, 2012 AGM 2015 Public Service, Aeronautics Industry (Thales)

Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer of Air France

Maryse Aulagnon * 62 years July 8, 2010 AGM 2013 Industry (CGE), Property and Finance (Affi ne Group)

Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer of Affi ne

Patricia Barbizet * 56 years September 15, 2004 AGM 2014 Industry (Renault, Pinault group)

Chief Executive Offi cer and director of Artémis

Jean-Dominique Comolli

63 years December 14, 2010 AGM 2014 Industry (Seita, Altadis)Public Service

Commissioner for State Holdings

Jean-François Dehecq *

71 years September 15, 2004 AGM 2012 Industry (SNPA, Sanofi and Véolia Environnement)

Honorary Chairman of Sanofi -Aventis

Jean-Marc Espalioux *

59 years September 15, 2004 AGM 2013 Services (CGE, Accor) Partner and Executive Chairmanof Montefi ore Investment

Claude Gressier 68 years September 15, 2004 AGM 2014 Public Service Honorary General Public WorksEngineer, director of the SNCF

Peter Hartman 62 years July 8, 2010 AGM 2013 Air Transport (KLM) President and Chief Executive Offi cer of KLM

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer *

63 years July 7, 2011 AGM 2015 Diplomacy and Higher Education

Kooijmanschair for Peace, Justice and Security, Leiden University (Netherlands)

Cornelis van Lede * 69 years September 15, 2004 AGM 2012 Industry (Shell, Akzo, Dutch Industry Federation), Consultancy (McKinsey & Company)

Chairman of the Heineken Supervisory Board

Christian Magne 59 years September 15, 2004 AGM 2014 Air Transport (Air France) Finance executive

Bernard Pédamon 50 years July 8, 2010 AGM 2014 Air Transport (Air France) Boeing 777Flight Captain

Marie-Christine Saragosse ***

51 years July 27, 2011 AGM 2015 Audiovisual Chief Executive Offi cerof TV5Monde

* Directors deemed to be independent.

** Co-opted as a Board director following a Board of Directors decision of January 11, 2012. This appointment will be submitted to the General Shareholders’

Meeting of May 31, 2012 for ratifi cation.

*** Appointed by ministerial decree on July 27, 2011, replacing Mr Philippe Josse.

(1) This appointment is submitted to the General Shareholders’ Meeting on May 31, 2012 for ratifi cation.

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14 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Information about the Board directors whose re-appointment/ ratifi cation of  appointment is proposed to the General Shareholders’ Meeting

Re-appointment Re-appointment

✦ First appointed as a Board director: June 24, 2004.

✦ Expiration date of current term of office: Shareholders’

Meeting called to approve the fi nancial statements for the year ending

December 31,2011.

✦ Number of shares held in the company’s stock: 3,565 shares.

✦ Other directorships and offi ces:

Non-French companies:

Member of the Supervisory Board of Aegon N.V. * (Netherlands);

Member of the Supervisory Board of Randstad Holding N.V. * (Netherlands).

✦ Directorships and offi ces held in the last fi ve years and

having expired:

Non- French companies:

Member of the Supervisory Board of Martinair (Netherlands) until

March 2008;

Member of the Supervisory Board of Kennemer Gasthuis (Netherlands) until

December 2007;

Member of the Advisory Board of ABN Amro Holding (Netherlands) until

December 2007;

President of the KLM Management Board (Netherlands) until July 2007;

Director of Northwest Airlines (United States) until May 2007.

Born October 18, 1946, Mr van Wijk, a Dutch national, holds a Masters degree

in Economic Sciences.

* Listed company

Cornelis J.A. van Lede

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

of Heineken * (Netherlands)

Leo M. van Wijk

Deputy Chief Executive Offi cer

(since October 17, 2011)

and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors

of Air France-KLM *

✦ First appointed as a Board director: June 24, 2004.

✦ Expiration date of current term of office: Shareholders’

Meeting called to approve the fi nancial statements for the year ending

December 31, 2011.

✦ Number of shares held in the company’s stock: 1,000 shares.

✦ Other directorships and offi ces:

French companies:

Director of L’Air Liquide *.

Non-French companies:

Member of the Supervisory Board of Philips Electronics (Netherlands);

Director of Sara Lee Corporation * (United States).

Mr van Lede is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Heineken N.V. but,

as the company has announced, he has decided to resign as Chairman

and member of the Supervisory Board at the end of the Heineken Annual

General Meeting in 2013.

✦ Directorships and offi ces held in the last fi ve years and

having expired:

Non- French companies:

Member of the Supervisory Board of Stork B.V. * (Netherlands) until

January 2008;

Director of Reed Elsevier * (United Kingdom/Netherlands) until May 2007;

Member of the Supervisory Board of Akzo Nobel N.V. * (Netherlands) until

May 2007.


Member of the Board of Directors of INSEAD (Institute of Business

Administration) (France) until 2010;

Chairman of the Board of Directors of INSEAD until January 2009.

Born November 21, 1942, Mr van Lede, a Dutch national, was Chairman of the

Management Board of Akzo Nobel between 1994 and 2003 and Chairman of

the Dutch Federation of Industries between 1984 and 1991.

* Listed company

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15Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Information about the directors whose re-appointment/ ratifi cation of appointment

is proposed to the General Shareholders’ Meeting

Re-appointmentR atifi cation of appointment

✦ First appointed as a Board director: January 25, 1995.

✦ Expiration date of current term of office: Shareholders’

Meeting called to approve the fi nancial statements for the year ending

December 31, 2011.

✦ Number of shares held in the company’s stock: 523 shares.

✦ Other directorships and offi ces:

French companies:

Director of Veolia Environnement*;

Chairman of the Orientation Committee of the Fonds Stratégique


Balmain Group: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pierre Balmain S.A.

and director of Balmain.


Chairman of the Sanofi Espoir Corporate Foundation.

✦ Directorships and offi ces held in the last fi ve years and

having expired:

French companies:

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sanofi -Aventis* until May 2010;

Director of Société Financière des Laboratoires de Cosmétologie Yves Rocher

until June 2007;

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sanofi-Aventis* until

December 2006.


Chairman of ENSAM (École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers) until

June 2011;

Chairman of the National Committee of États Généraux de l’Industrie until

March 2010;

Member of the French Foundation for Research into Epilepsy until 2009;

Director of the French National Research Agency until 2009;

Chairman of the National Association for Technical Research until 2009;

Governor to the Board of the American Hospital of Paris until November 2008;

Vice-Chairman of EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries

and Associations) (Belgium) until June 2008;

Member of the Supervisory Board of the Agency for Industrial Innovation

until December 2007.

Born January 1, 1940, Mr Dehecq is a graduate of the École Nationale des

Arts et Métiers.

* Listed company

Alexandre de Juniac

Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer

of Air France (since November 16, 2011)

Jean-François Dehecq

Honorary Chairman of Sanofi -Aventis *

✦ First appointed as a Board director: January 11, 2012. This

appointment will be submitted to the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 31, 2012 for ratifi cation.

✦ Expiration date of current term of offi ce: Shareholders’ Meeting

called to approve the fi nancial statements for the year ending December 31,

2014 (subject to ratification by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of

May 31, 2012).

✦ Number of shares held in the company’s stock: 2,000 shares.

✦ Directorships and offi ces held in the last fi ve years and

having expired:

French companies and public institutions:

Senior Vice-President, Thales *, in charge of the Aviation Systems division

between 2004 and 2008;

General Manager for Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America at

Thales * between 2008 and 2009;

Chief of S taff to Christine Lagarde, Minister for the Economy, Industry and

Employment between 2009 and 2011.

Born November 10, 1962, Mr de Juniac is a graduate of the École Polytechnique

de Paris and of the École Nationale d’Administration.

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16 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Aim of the resolution

The fi rst two resolutions submit to shareholders for approval the C ompany and consolidated fi nancial statements of Air France-

KLM for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2011 recording, respectively, a loss of €(111.89) million and a net loss, group share

of €(442) million.

Aim of the resolution

The purpose of the third resolution is to proceed with the allocation of the results for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2011,

which corresponds to a loss of €(111.89) million.

The Board of Directors reminds the Shareholders’ Meeting that no dividends were paid in respect of the fi scal years ended March 31,

2009, March 31, 2010 and March 31, 2011.

Please fi nd below the proposed resolutions to be submitted to

Air France-KLM shareholders at the forthcoming Ordinary General

Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on May 31, 2012.

The resolutions are preceded by an introductory paragraph

explaining the reasons for each proposed resolution. All these

introductory paragraphs comprise the report from the Board of

Directors to the Shareholders’ Meeting.

For more information on the Group’s situation since the

beginning of the fi nancial year, please refer to the press releases

issued by Air France-KLM which are available on the website

www. airfranceklm-fi nance.com


First resolutionApproval of the C ompany fi nancial statements for the fi scal

year ended December 31, 2011

The Shareholders’ Meeting, having examined the reports of the

Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors, approves the entirety

of the C ompany’s fi nancial statements for the fi scal year ended

December 31, 2011, as they were drawn up and presented, as

well as the operations documented in these fi nancial statements

and mentioned in these reports.

Second resolutionApproval of the consolidated fi nancial statements for the

fi scal year ended December 31, 2011

The Shareholders’ Meeting, having examined the reports of the

Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors, approves the entirety

of the consolidated fi nancial statements for the fi scal year ended

December 31, 2011, as they were drawn up and presented, as well

as the operations documented in these fi nancial statements and

mentioned in these reports.


Third resolutionAllocation of the results for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2011

The Shareholders’ Meeting, having examined the reports of the

Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors, notes that the net

loss for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2011 amounted to

€111,893,107.68 and, on the recommendation of the Board of

Directors, decides to appropriate this loss to retained earnings, which

are thereby moved from €-10,274,401.55 to €-122,167,509.23.

No dividends were paid in respect of the fiscal years ended

March 31, 2009, March 31, 2010 and March 31, 2011.

Presentation and proposed resolutions

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17Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Presentation and proposed resolutions


Aim of the resolution

The fourth resolution concerns the approval of the related party agreements and commitments (referred to in Article L. 225-38 et

seq. of the French Commercial Code) authorized by the Board of Directors and described in the Statutory Auditors’ special report

on related party agreements and commitments.

Within the framework of the unexpected, early termination of Mr Pierre-Henri Gourgeon’s term of offi ce, the Board of Directors

decided, as proposed by the Remuneration Committee, to impose a non-compete obligation on the latter for a period of three years.

In return for this commitment, the Board of Directors, at its meeting of October 17, 2011, decided to grant Pierre-Henri Gourgeon

an indemnity amounting to €400,000, subject to the ordinary law regime of the regulated agreements.

This agreement together with the agreements and commitments authorized during prior fi scal years and still i n force during the fi scal

year 2011 are described in the Statutory Auditors’ special report on related party agreements and commitments.

Fourth resolutionRelated party agreements and commitments

The Shareholders’ Meeting, having heard the special report

of the Statutory Auditors on the related party agreements and

commitments referred to in a rticles L. 225-38 et seq. of the

French Commercial Code, and voting on this report, approves the

agreements and commitments to which it refers.


Aim of the resolution

The fi fth resolution concerns the ratifi cation of the co-opting of Mr Alexandre de Juniac as a Board director replacing Mr Pierre-Henri

Gourgeon who resigned his mandate. Mr Alexandre de Juniac will exercise his mandate for his predecessor’s remaining term of offi ce,

i.e. until the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the fi nancial statements for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2014.

Born November 10, 1962, Mr Alexandre de Juniac is a graduate of the École Polytechnique de Paris and the École Nationale

d’Administration. Having occupied the positions of auditor, Master of Petitions and Deputy Secretary General of the Conseil d’État

(1988), Mr de Juniac became technical advisor then assistant director responsible for communication-related issues in the cabinet

of Nicolas Sarkozy at the Department of Budget (1993). He has occupied various positions within the aeronautics industry: D irector

of planning and development at Thomson SA (1995), Sales D irector at Sextant Avionics (1997), D irector of the economic interest

grouping CNS Avionics (1998) and Secretary General of Thomson CSF which became Thales in December 2000 (1999). At Thales,

he successively occupied the positions of Senior Vice-President in charge of the Aviation Systems division (2004) and General

Manager for Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America (2008). In 2009, he was appointed Chief of S taff to Christine Lagarde,

Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment. Since November 16, 2011, he has occupied the functions of Chairman and

Chief Executive Offi cer of Air France.

Fifth resolutionRatifi cation of the co-opting of Mr Alexandre de Juniac as a Board director

The Shareholders’ Meeting, having examined the report of the Board

of Directors, ratifi es the appointment of Mr Alexandre de Juniac as

a Board director, co-opted by the Board of Directors m eeting of

January 11, 2012, replacing Mr Pierre-Henri Gourgeon who resigned

on October 17, 2011, for his predecessor’s remaining term of offi ce,

i.e. until the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the

fi nancial statements for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2014.

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18 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Presentation and proposed resolutions


Aim of the resolution

It is proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting that it renews Mr Leo van Wijk’s Board director mandate for a term of four years.

Having joined the KLM G roup in 1971, Mr van Wijk is Deputy Chief Executive Offi cer and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors

of Air France-KLM.

Sixth resolutionRenewal of Mr Leo van Wijk’s Board director mandate for a term of four years

The Shareholders’ Meeting renews Mr Leo van Wijk’s Board

director mandate for a term of four years, i.e. until the end of the

Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the fi nancial statements

for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2015.


Aim of the resolution

It is proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting that it renews Mr Cornelis J.A. van Lede’s Board director mandate for a term of four years.

Mr van Lede was Chairman of the Management Board of Akzo Nobel between 1994 and 2003. Having joined the Air France-KLM

G roup in 2004, he is currently Chairman of the Heineken Supervisory Board.

In its deliberations of March 7, 2012, the Board of Directors considered that Mr van Lede could be deemed to be independent in

the light of the criteria stipulated by the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code.

Seventh resolutionRenewal of Mr Cornelis J.A. van Lede’s Board director mandate for a term of four years

The Shareholders’ Meeting renews Mr Cornelis J.A. van Lede’s

Board director mandate for a term of four years, i.e. until the end of

the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the fi nancial statements

for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2015.


Aim of the resolution

It is proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting that it renews Mr Jean-François Dehecq’s Board director mandate for a term of four years.

Mr Jean-François Dehecq was Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer then Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sanofi -Aventis

until 2010. He is currently Honorary Chairman of Sanofi -Aventis.

In its deliberations of March 7, 2012, the Board of Directors considered that Mr Dehecq could be deemed to be independent in the

light of the criteria stipulated in the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code.

Eighth resolutionRenewal of Mr Jean-François Dehecq’s Board director mandate for a term of four years

The Shareholders’ Meeting renews Mr Jean-François Dehecq’s

Board director mandate for a term of four years, i.e. until the end of

the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the fi nancial statements

for the fi scal year ended December 31, 2015.

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19Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Presentation and proposed resolutions


Aim of the resolution

The ninth resolution allows the C ompany to buy back its own shares within the limits set by the shareholders and in accordance with

the applicable laws. It replaces the authorization granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting on July 7, 2011 which expires in January 2013.

The shareholders are therefore invited to grant the Board a new authorization.

Since July 7, 2011 (date of the last authorization granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting), 1,520,000 shares have been bought back

by the C ompany at an average price of €6.009 per share and 70,000 shares have been sold at an average price of €9.919 per share,

within the framework of the liquidity contract. At December 31, 2011, the C ompany held 4,408,876 shares directly, representing

1.47% of the share capital.

The buy-back programme proposed to the shareholders this year would have the following characteristics:

p maximum purchase price per share: €15;

p maximum number of shares able to be acquired: 5% of the number of shares comprising the share capital (i.e. at December 31,

2011, for indicative purposes, a maximum number of 15,010,963 shares for a theoretical maximum amount of €225,164,445);

p purposes of the programme: coordination of stock liquidity within the framework of the liquidity contract entered into with

Rothschild & Cie Banque, allocation of shares upon exercise of the rights attached to securities giving access to shares,

allocation and sale of shares to the employees and senior executives of the Group, retention and future remittance of the shares

in exchange or in payment for an acquisition, implementing any market practices and realization of any operations in accordance

with the applicable laws and regulations;

p maximum term of the authorization: 18 months.

Ninth resolutionAuthorization to be granted to the Board of Directors to perform operations in the C ompany’s shares

The Shareholders’ Meeting, having examined the report of the Board

of Directors, voting pursuant to the provisions of Articles L. 225-

209 et seq. of the French Commercial Code and the provisions of

Regulation no. 2273/2003 of the European Commission:

1. authorizes the Board of Directors, with the option of sub-

delegation in accordance with the applicable legal and

regulatory conditions, to perform operations on the C ompany’s

own shares subject to the conditions and limits set forth by the

documentation and market practices accepted by the French

Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers);

2. decides that the purpose of this authorization is to enable the

C ompany to conduct transactions in its own shares as provided

for by law, for the following purposes, in order of priority:

✦ to allow an investment fi rm to coordinate stock liquidity within

the framework of a liquidity contract in compliance with the

c ompliance c harter recognized by the French Financial Markets


✦ to allocate shares upon exercise of the rights to shares attached

to securities issued by the C ompany or by companies in which

it holds, directly or indirectly, more than half of the share capital

and which give the right by conversion, exercise, repayment,

exchange, presentation of a warrant or any other manner to the

allocation of shares in the C ompany,

✦ to grant or sell the shares to employees and senior executives

of the Group, in respect of their participation in the benefi ts of

the company’s growth and the implementation of any company

savings scheme under the conditions provided for by the law,

✦ to hold the shares with a view to using them in the future in

respect of payment or in an exchange offer within the framework

of external growth transactions,

✦ to engage in any market practice that may be admissible by

the French Financial Markets Authority and, more generally, to

execute any transaction in compliance with applicable regulation;

3. decides that, within the limits provided by the applicable

regulation in force, the shares may be acquired, sold, exchanged

or transferred by any and all means, on the market or over the

counter, including through the acquisition of blocks of shares.

These include the use of any derivative fi nancial instruments,

traded on a regulated market or over the counter, and the use

of option strategies (sale or acquisition of put and call options,

and any other combinations) under the conditions authorized by

the competent market authorities;

4. sets the maximum purchase price at €15 per share, the

maximum number of shares authorized for purchase not

exceeding 5% of the share capital (i.e. at December 31, 2011,

for indicative purposes, a maximum of 15,010,963 shares for a

maximum amount of €225,164,445);

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20 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Presentation and proposed resolutions

5. grants all powers to the Board of Directors to proceed with

adjustments to the maximum purchase price and the maximum

number of shares to be acquired in proportion to the change

in the number of shares or their nominal value resulting from

possible fi nancial transactions by the C ompany;

6. grants all powers to the Board of Directors, with the option of

sub-delegation, to implement this authorization, conclude all

agreements, prepare the buy-back program summary, carry

out all formalities and declarations with respect to the French

Financial Markets Authority and any other bodies and, in general,

to do all that is necessary;

7. terminates any prior authorization having the same purpose.

This authorization is granted for a period of 18 months from this

Shareholders’ Meeting.


Aim of the resolution

The tenth resolution allows the accomplishment after the Shareholders’ Meeting of all formalities and disclosures required by law.

Tenth ResolutionPowers to accomplish formalities

The Shareholders’ Meeting grants full powers to the Board of

Directors, to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, to the bearer of

an original, a copy or an extract from the minutes of this M eeting, to

carry out all the legal and administrative formalities, together with all

the fi ling and publication requirements provided for by the applicable

law subsequent to the adoption of the foregoing resolutions.

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21Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Statutory Auditors’ reports

3 Statutory Auditors’ report on the fi nancial statements

9-month period ended December 31, 2011

To the S hareholders,

In compliance with the assignment entrusted to us by your Annual

General Meetings, we hereby report to you, for the 9-month period

ended December 31, 2011, on:

✦ the audit of the accompanying fi nancial statements of Air France-


✦ the justifi cation of our assessments;

✦ the specifi c verifi cations and information required by law.

These financial statements have been approved by the Board

of Directors. Our role is to express an opinion on these fi nancial

statements based on our audit.

1. Opinion on the fi nancial statements

We conducted our audit in accordance with professional standards

applicable in France. Those standards require that we plan and

perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether

the fi nancial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit

involves performing procedures, using sampling techniques or other

methods of selection, to obtain audit evidence about the amounts

and disclosures in the fi nancial statements. An audit also includes

evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the

reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as the overall

presentation of the fi nancial statements. We believe that the audit

evidence we have obtained is suffi cient and appropriate to provide

a basis for our audit opinion.

In our opinion, the fi nancial statements give a true and fair view of

the assets and liabilities, and of the fi nancial position of the company

as at December 31, 2011 and of the results of its operations for the

9-month period then ended in accordance with the accounting rules

and principles applicable in France.

2. Justifi cation of our assessments

The accounting estimates used in the preparation of the

consolidated financial statement were made in a context of an

economic downturn and a liquidity crisis raising certain diffi culties

to apprehend future economic perspectives. Such is the context

in which we made our own assessments that we bring to your

attention in accordance with the requirements of Article L. 823-9 of

the French Commercial Code ( Code de commerce ):

✦ Note 2 to the fi nancial statements outlines the accounting rules

and methods relating to the recognition and measurement

of long-term investments. As part of our assessment of the

company’s accounting policies, we verifi ed the appropriateness

of the aforementioned accounting methods and the information

provided in Notes 8, 13 and 14 to the fi nancial statements and

satisfi ed ourselves as to their correct application;

✦ Notes 17 and 18 to the fi nancial statements describes the nature

of the anti-trust litigations to which Air France-KLM is exposed.

Our work consisted in verifying that the information disclosed in

these notes was appropriate.

These assessments were made as part of our audit of the fi nancial

statements, taken as a whole and therefore contributed to the

opinion we formed which is expressed in the fi rst part of this report.

3. Specifi c verifi cations and information

We have also performed the specifi c verifi cations required by French

law, in accordance with professional standards applicable in France.

We have no matters to report regarding the fair presentation and

the consistency with the fi nancial statements of the information

given in the management report of the Board of Directors, and in

the documents addressed to the shareholders with respect to the

fi nancial position and the fi nancial statements.

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22 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Statutory Auditors’ reports

Concerning the information given in accordance with the

requirements of Article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial

Code ( Code de commerce ) relating to remunerations and benefi ts

received by the directors and any other commitments made in their

favour, we have verifi ed its consistency with the fi nancial statements

or with the underlying information used to prepare these fi nancial

statements and, when applicable, with the information obtained

by your company from companies controlling your company or

controlled by it. Based on this work, we attest the accuracy and

fair presentation of this information.

In accordance with French law, we have verifi ed that the required

information concerning the identity of the shareholders and holders

of the voting rights has been properly disclosed in the management


Paris La Défense and Neuilly-sur-Seine, March 26, 2012

The Statutory Auditors

KPMG AuditDivision of KPMG S.A.

Deloitte & Associés

Valérie BessonPartner

Michel PiettePartner

Dominique JumaucourtPartner

This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ report on the fi nancial statements issued in the French language and is provided

solely for the convenience of English speaking user. The Statutory Auditors’ report includes information specifi cally required by French law

in such reports, whether modifi ed or not. This information is presented below the audit opinion on the fi nancial statements and includes an

explanatory paragraph discussing the auditors’ assessments of certain signifi cant accounting and auditing matters. These assessments

were made for the purpose of issuing an audit opinion on the fi nancial statements taken as a whole and not to provide separate assurance

on individual account balances, transactions or disclosures.

This report also includes information relating to the specifi c verifi cations of information given in the management report and in the document

addressed to the shareholders.

This report should be read in conjunction with, and is construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards

applicable in France.

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23Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Statutory Auditors’ reports

3 Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated fi nancial statements

9 month period ended December 31, 2011

To the S hareholders,

In compliance with the assignment entrusted by your Annual

General Meetings, we hereby report to you, for the 9-month period

ended December 31, 2011, on:

✦ the audit of the accompanying consolidated fi nancial statements

of Air France-KLM S.A.;

✦ the justifi cation of our assessments;

✦ the specifi c verifi cation required by law.

These consolidated fi nancial statements have been approved by

the Board of Directors. Our role is to express an opinion on these

fi nancial statements based on our audit.

I. Opinion on the consolidated fi nancial statements

We conducted our audit in accordance with professional standards

applicable in France. Those standards require that we plan and

perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the

consolidated fi nancial statements are free of material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures, using sampling techniques

or other methods of selection, to obtain evidence about the amounts

and disclosures in the consolidated fi nancial statements. An audit

also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies

used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well

as the overall presentation of the consolidated fi nancial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is suffi cient and

appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated fi nancial statements give a true

and fair view of the assets and liabilities and of the fi nancial position

of the Group as at December 31, 2011 and of the results of its

operations for the 9-month period then ended in accordance with

IFRSs as adopted by the EU.

II. Justifi cation of assessments

The accounting estimates used in the preparation of the

consolidated financial statement were made in a context of an

economic downturn and a liquidity crisis raising certain diffi culties

to apprehend future economic perspectives. These conditions are

described in Note 4.2 to the consolidated fi nancial statements.

Such is the context in which we made our own assessments that

we bring to your attention in accordance with the requirements

of Article L. 823-9 of the French Commercial Code (Code de


✦ the company recognized deferred tax assets based on the future

taxable income determined based on medium and long term

business plans as described in Notes 4.2, 4.21 and 13 to the

consolidated fi nancial statements. Our procedures consisted in

analyzing the data and assumptions used by Air France-KLM’s

management in order to verify the recoverability of these deferred

tax assets;

✦ Notes 4.2, 4.14 and 18 to the consolidated fi nancial statements

describe the estimates and assumptions that Air France-KLM’s

management was required to make regarding the impairment

tests of tangible assets. We examined the data and assumptions

on which these impairment tests were based as well as the

procedures for implementing impairment tests, as described in

the notes;

✦ Air  France-KLM’s management is required to make estimates

and assumptions relating to the recognition of revenue arising

from issued but unused tickets and its Frequent Flyer Program,

in accordance with the terms and conditions described in

Notes 4.2, 4.6 and 4.7 to the consolidated fi nancial statements.

Our procedures consisted in analyzing the data used, assessing

the assumptions made and reviewing the calculations performed;

✦ Notes  4.17 and 30.1 to the consolidated fi nancial statements

specify the accounting policies for employee benefi ts. These

benefi ts and obligations were evaluated by external actuaries.

Our procedures consisted in examining the data used, assessing

the assumptions made and verifying that the information

included in Note 30.1 to the consolidated fi nancial statements

was appropriate. In addition, we verifi ed that the accounting

policy used for the recognition of the pension fund surplus as

outlined in Note  4.17 to the consolidated fi nancial statements

was appropriate;

✦ Note  30.2 and 30.3 to the consolidated fi nancial statements

describes the anti-trust litigations to which the company is

exposed and the amount of the related provision accounted

for. Our procedures consisted in analyzing the method used to

determine these provisions, examining the data used and the

assumptions made, based on information available to date, and

verifying that the information as disclosed in Notes 30.2 and 30.3

to the consolidated fi nancial statements was appropriate.

These assessments were made as part of our audit of the

consolidated fi nancial statements taken as a whole and therefore

contributed to the opinion we formed which is expressed in the fi rst

part of this report.

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24 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Statutory Auditors’ reports

III. Specifi c procedures

As required by law we have also verified, in accordance with

professional standards applicable in France, the information

presented in the Group’s management report.

We have no matters to report as to its fair presentation and its

consistency with the consolidated fi nancial statements.

Paris La Défense and Neuilly-sur-Seine, March 26, 2012

The Statutory Auditors

KPMG AuditDivision of KPMG S.A.

Deloitte & Associés

Valérie BessonPartner

Michel PiettePartner

Dominique JumaucourtPartner

This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ reports on the consolidated fi nancial statements issued in the French language

and is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking readers.

The Statutory Auditors’ report includes information specifi cally required by French law in such report, whether qualifi ed or not. This information

is presented below the audit opinion on consolidated fi nancial statements and includes explanatory paragraph discussing the auditors’

assessments of certain signifi cant accounting and auditing matters. These assessments were made for the purpose of issuing an audit

opinion on the consolidated fi nancial statements taken as a whole and not to provide separate assurance on individual account captions or

on information taken outside of the consolidated fi nancial statements.

This report also includes information relating to the specifi c verifi cation of information given in the Group’s management report. This report

should be read in conjunction with and construed in accordance with French law and professional auditing standards applicable in France.

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25Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Statutory Auditors’ reports

3 Statutory Auditors’ special report on regulated agreements and  commitments

To the Shareholders ,

In our capacity as Statutory Auditors of your company, we

hereby present to you our report on regulated agreements and


The terms of our engagement require us to communicate to you,

based on information provided to us, the principal terms and

conditions of those agreements and commitments brought to

our attention or which we may have discovered during the course

of our audit, without expressing an opinion on their usefulness

and appropriateness or identifying such other agreements

and commitments, if any. It is your responsibility, pursuant to

Article R. 225-31 of the French Commercial Code (Code de

commerce), to assess the interest involved in respect of the

conclusion of these agreements and commitments for the purpose

of approving them.

Our role is also to provide you with the information stipulated in

Article R. 225-31 of the French Commercial Code relating to the

implementation during the past 9-month period of agreements and

commitments previously approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting,

if any.

We conducted the procedures we deemed necessary in accordance

with the professional guidelines of the French National Institute of

Statutory Auditors (Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux

comptes) relating to this engagement. These procedures consisted

in agreeing the information provided to us with the relevant source


Agreements and commitments submitted to the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting

Agreements and commitments authorized during the period

Pursuant to Article L. 225-40 of the French Commercial Code, we

have been informed that the following agreements and commitments

were previously authorized by your Board of Directors.

Non-compete compensation

Director concerned

Mr. Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, Chief Executive Offi cer of Air France-

KLM until October 17, 2011.

Nature, purpose and terms and conditions

In connection with the unforeseeable and early termination of the

mandate of Mr. Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, on October 17, 2011, your

Board of Directors decided to impose, based on the proposal of the

Remunerations Committee, a non-compete obligation on the latter

for a period of three years. In consideration for this obligation, the

Board of Directors decided to allocate a €400,000 compensation

to Mr. Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, subject to the law governing

regulated agreements. He was subsequently paid this amount in

October 2011.

A portion of this compensation was billed by Air France-KLM to

Société Air France under the agreement provided for in section  g,


Agreements and commitments previously approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting

Agreements and commitments approved in prior years which remained in force during the period

Pursuant to Article R. 225-30 of the French Commercial Code,

we have been informed that the following agreements and

commitments, previously approved by Shareholders’ Meetings of

prior years, have remained in force during the period .

Shareholders’ Meeting held to approve the fi nancial statements for the 9 month period ended December 31, 2011

This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ special report on regulated agreements and commitments with third parties

that is issued in the French language and is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking readers. This report on regulated

agreements and commitments should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing

standards applicable in France. It should be understood that the agreements reported on are only those provided by the French Commercial

Code and that the report does not apply to those related party transactions described in IAS 24 or other equivalent accounting standards.

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26 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Statutory Auditors’ reports

a) Agreement relating to the issuance by Air France-KLM

of bonds convertible and/or exchangeable for new

or existing Air France-KLM shares

Pursuant to the authorization granted by your Board of Directors, in

its meeting on June 17, 2009, Air France-KLM launched on June 18,

2009, an issuance of bonds convertible and/or exchangeable for

new or existing Air France-KLM shares (OCEANEs) for a nominal

amount of €661 million, maturing on April 1, 2015.

To this effect, the Board of Directors approved the signature of:

✦ an agreement under the terms of which Société Air France and

KLM jointly, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee the

payment of all monetary amounts due by Air  France-KLM in

respect of these bonds;

✦ a secondary agreement organizing the terms of remuneration

paid by Air  France-KLM to Société Air  France and KLM in

consideration for the grant of this guarantee;

✦ a secondary agreement organizing the terms and conditions

of the credit facility granted by Air  France-KLM to Société

Air France and KLM;

✦ an underwriting agreement covering the aforementioned

issue, between Air France-KLM, Société Air France, KLM and

a banking syndicate.

At the end of December 2011, Société Air France invoiced your

company a €4,745,041 guarantee commission.

Pursuant to the secondary agreement organizing the terms and

conditions of the credit facility, on December 6, 2011, Société

Air  France had drawn down €250 million. In respect of this

transaction, your company invoiced Société Air France interest in

the amount of €578,680.56.

b) Agreement relating to the issuance by Air France-KLM

of bonds

Pursuant to the authorization granted by your Board of Directors, in

its meeting on September 24, 2009, Air France-KLM launched on

October 14, 2009, a seven-year €700 million bond issue.

To this effect, the Board of Directors approved the signature of:

✦ an agreement under the terms of which Société Air France and

KLM severally, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee the

payment of half of all monetary amounts due by Air France-KLM

in respect of these bonds;

✦ a secondary agreement organizing the terms of remuneration

paid by Air  France-KLM to Société Air  France and KLM in

consideration for the grant of this guarantee;

✦ a secondary agreement organizing the terms and conditions

of the credit facility granted by Air  France-KLM to Société

Air France and KLM;

✦ an underwriting agreement covering the aforementioned

issue, between Air France-KLM, Société Air France, KLM and

a banking syndicate.

At the end of December 2011, Société Air France invoiced your

company a €2,917,715 guarantee commission.

c) Commitment relating to the pension plan of the Chief

Executive Officer of Air France-KLM

In its deliberation of January 15, 2004, your Board of Directors

approved a separate collective pension scheme for Air France

principal executives, including executive offi cers.

This pension scheme aims to guarantee these executives, once they

fulfi ll the particular conditions for eligibility (notably 7 years’ service

with Société Air France), an annual pension benefi t of between 35%

and 40% of their average annual remuneration during the last three

years of employment, with the amount capped, on any assumption,

at 40% of average remuneration during the last three years.

On November 19, 2008, in an express decision taken in application

of the “Breton” law of July 26, 2005, your Board of Directors

confi rmed that Mr. Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, in his new capacity as

Chief Executive Offi cer as of January 1, 2009, would benefi t from

this defi ned benefi t pension scheme under the same terms and

conditions as the other benefi ciary executives.

Following the termination of his mandate, Mr. Pierre-Henri Gourgeon

decided to claim his pension entitlements during the 9-month period

ended December 31, 2011.

d) Agreement between Air France-KLM and Société

Air France (Aéroports de Paris guarantee)

On November 21, 2007, your Board of Directors authorized an

agreement under which Société Air France agreed to compensate

Air France-KLM for guaranteeing rental payments granted by the

latter to Aéroport de Paris for the benefi t of Société Air France.

On November 19, 2008, your Board of Directors renewed the

authorization of this agreement which was agreed on March 30,


During the 9-month period ended December 31, 2011 and pursuant

to this agreement, your company recorded accrued income of

€51,039 with Société Air France, which should be invoiced in

February 2012.

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27Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Statutory Auditors’ reports

e) Agreement entered into by Air France-KLM and Société

Air France with respect to the issuance by Air France

of bonds convertible and/or exchangeable for new

or existing Air France-KLM shares

Air France-KLM and its subsidiary Société Air France entered into

an agreement in 2005 for the purpose of organizing the fi nancial

and legal relations between the two companies with respect to

the issuance by Société Air France of bonds convertible and/or

exchangeable for new or existing Air France-KLM shares.

The terms of this agreement stipulate:

✦ the remuneration paid by Société Air  France to Air  France-

KLM in consideration for the option granted to bondholders

to request the conversion of their bonds into Air France-KLM


✦ should this option be exercised by a bondholder, the conditions

in which Air France-KLM shall hand over new or existing shares

(or a combination of both), and deliver to the centralizing agent

the corresponding number of shares;

✦ the terms and conditions covering the payment by Société

Air France to Air France-KLM of the amount corresponding to

the value of the bonds that are to be converted or exchanged.

This agreement was authorized by your Board of Directors on

April 13, 2005.

During the 9-month period ended December 31, 2011 and pursuant

to this agreement, your company recorded accrued income of

€4,893,168 with Société Air France under this agreement, which

should be invoiced in March 2012.

f) Trademark licensing agreement between Air France-KLM

and Société Air France

Air France-KLM and its subsidiary Société Air France entered into a

licensing agreement for the “Air France-KLM” trademark.

This agreement was authorized by your Board of Directors on

September 1, 2005.

During the 9-month period ended December 31, 2011 , your

company invoiced Société Air France €8,438,228 with respect to

this agreement.

g) Agreement relating to a portion of the remuneration paid

to executive directors invoiced to Société Air France by

Air France-KLM

The remuneration of Air France-KLM executive directors is invoiced

to Société Air France based on the percentage of activity devoted

to Société Air France.

This agreement was authorized by your Board of Directors on

November 23, 2004.

On November 19, 2008, your Board of Directors renewed the

authorization to invoice Société Air France for the remuneration paid

to executive directors with a view to the separation of the Chairman

and Chief Executive Offi cer functions as of January 1, 2009.

During the 9-month period ended December 31, 2011, your

company invoiced Société Air France €1,116,947.61 with respect

to this agreement.

This agreement, and specifi cally the provisions applicable to Mr.

Jean-Cyril Spinetta and Mr. Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, became null

and void as from the termination of their respective mandates within

Société Air France (1).

h) Service agreement between Air France-KLM and Société

Air France

Air France-KLM and its subsidiary Société Air France entered into

an agreement in 2004 for the purpose of defi ning the conditions

under which Société Air France will provide, at the request of

Air France-KLM, technical and administrative support services to

Air France-KLM. These accounting, administrative, legal and IT

related services are invoiced at cost. They include a portion of the

obligation relating to the supplementary collective pension scheme

for the Chief Executive Offi cer based on the percentage of activity

devoted to Air France-KLM, in accordance with your Board of

Directors’ decision on November 19, 2008.

This agreement was authorized by your Board of Directors on

September 15, 2004.

During the 9-month period ended December 31, 2011, Société

Air France invoiced your company €1,704,087 with respect to this


i) Cash agreement between Air France-KLM and Société

Air France

Air France-KLM and its subsidiary Société Air France entered into

an agreement in order to provide Air France-KLM with a credit line.

This cash agreement bears interest at EONIA + 60 basis points.

This agreement was authorized by your Board of Directors on

September 15, 2004.

As at December 31, 2011, the amount payable by your company to

Société Air France under this cash agreement was €0.

During the 9-month period ended December 31, 2011, your

company did not record any interest expense with respect to this


(1) Mr. Jean-Cyril Spinetta has not been an executive offi cer of Société Air France since November 16, 2011 and Mr. Pierre-Henri Gourgeon has not been an

executive offi cer of Air France-KLM and Société Air France since October 17, 2011.

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28 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Statutory Auditors’ reports

During the 9-month period ended December  31, 2011, in

connection with cash investments, your company collected income

of €4,183.17 from Société Air France with respect to this agreement.

j) Domiciliation agreement between Air France-KLM and

Société Air France

Air France-KLM and its subsidiary Société Air France entered into

an agreement for the domiciliation and use of the premises of the

Air France-KLM registered offi ce.

This agreement was authorized by your Board of Directors on

September 15, 2004.

During fi scal period 2011, Société Air France invoiced your company

€195,550.32 with respect to this agreement.

Paris La Défense and Neuilly-sur-Seine, March 26, 2012

The Statutory Auditors

KPMG AuditDivision of KPMG S.A.

Deloitte & Associés

Valérie BessonPartner

Michel PiettePartner

Dominique JumaucourtPartner

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29Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Statutory Auditors’ reports

3 Statutory Auditors’ report prepared in accordance with Article L. 225-235 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) on the report prepared by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Air France-KLM S.A.

9-month period ended December 31, 2011

To the Shareholders ,

In our capacity as Statutory Auditors of Air France-KLM S.A. and in

accordance with Article L. 225-235 of the French Commercial Code

(Code de commerce), we hereby report on the report prepared by

the Chairman of your company in accordance with Article L. 225-

37 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) for the

9-month period ended December 31, 2011.

It is the Chairman’s responsibility to prepare, and submit to the

Board of Directors for approval, a report on the internal control and

risk management procedures implemented by the company and

containing the other disclosures required by Article L. 225-37 of

the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), particularly in

terms of the corporate governance measures.

It is our responsibility:

✦ to report to you on the information contained in the Chairman’s

report in respect of the internal control and risk management

procedures relating to the preparation and processing of the

accounting and fi nancial information; and

✦ to attest that this report contains the other disclosures required

by Article L. 225-37 of the French Commercial Code (Code de

commerce), it being specifi ed that we are not responsible for

verifying the fairness of these disclosures.

We conducted our work in accordance with professional standards

applicable in France.

Information on the internal control procedures and risk management procedures relating to the preparation and processing of accounting and fi nancial information

The professional standards require that we perform the necessary

procedures to assess the fairness of the information provided in

the Chairman’s report in respect of the internal control and risk

management procedures relating to the preparation and processing

of the accounting and financial information. These procedures

consisted mainly in:

✦ obtaining an understanding of the internal control and risk

management procedures relating to the preparation and

processing of the accounting and fi nancial information on which

the information presented in the Chairman’s report is based and

the existing documentation;

✦ obtaining an understanding of the work involved in the

preparation of this information and the existing documentation;

✦ determining if any signifi cant weaknesses in the internal control

procedures relating to the preparation and processing of the

accounting and fi nancial information that we would have noted

in the course of our engagement are properly disclosed in the

Chairman’s report.

On the basis of our work, we have nothing to report on the

information in respect of the company’s internal control and risk

management procedures relating to the preparation and processing

of accounting and financial information contained in the report

prepared by the Chairman of the Board of Directors in accordance

with Article L. 225-37 of the French Commercial Code (Code de


Other disclosures

We hereby attest that the Chairman’s report includes the other

disclosures required by Article L. 225-37 of the French Commercial

Code (Code de commerce).

Paris La Défense and Neuilly-sur-Seine, March 26, 2012

The Statutory Auditors

KPMG AuditDivision of KPMG S.A.

Deloitte & Associés

Valérie BessonPartner

Michel PiettePartner

Dominique JumaucourtPartner

This is a free translation into English of a report issued in French and is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking users.

This report should be read in conjunction with, and is construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards

applicable in France.

Page 30: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

30 Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM


Page 31: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

31Convening notice Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting ■ Air France-KLM

Société GénéraleService AssembléesBP 8123644312 Nantes Cedex 03FRANCE

Request for documentation and information

* Requests for documentation by holders of shares in bearer form must include a registration certifi cate stating that their shares have been recorded in the

register held by the securities account-holding intermediary as proof that they are shareholders on the date the request is made.

** Pursuant to Article R. 225-88 of the Commercial Code, the holders of registered shares may ask the company to automatically send them the documents

and information referred to in Articles R. 225-81 and R. 225-83 of the Commercial Code on the occasion of future General Shareholders’ Meetings. To take

advantage of this, please check the following box: ❏

I, the undersigned, ............................................................................................................................................

Surname (or company name): ...........................................................................................................................

First name (or type of company): ......................................................................................................................

Address (or registered offi ce): ...........................................................................................................................

Holder * of ............................................................................................................... shares in Air France-KLM,

hereby request ** the information referred to in Articles R. 225-81 and R.225-83 of the French Commercial

Code (notably, the statutory and consolidated fi nancial statements and the management report of the Board of

Directors), other than that contained in this report.

Signed in (city) ................................................................. on (date) ......................................... 2012


To be taken into account, this request must reach

Société Générale at least fi ve days before the date

of the Meeting, i.e. May 26, 2012.

Page 32: Convening notice · Meeting, to be held at 14h30 on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Attended by the members of the Board

Société anonyme with share capital of €300,219,278

552 043 002 RCS Paris (Trade and Company Register)

Mailing address: 45, rue de Paris – 95747 Roissy-CDG Cedex – France
