HAL Id: hal-00895418 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00895418 Submitted on 1 Jan 2004 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Contribution of several cheese-ripening microbial associations to aroma compound production Kenza Arfi, Marie-Noëlle Leclercq-Perlat, Aurélie Baucher, Roselyne Tâche, Jérôme Delettre, Pascal Bonnarme To cite this version: Kenza Arfi, Marie-Noëlle Leclercq-Perlat, Aurélie Baucher, Roselyne Tâche, Jérôme Delettre, et al.. Contribution of several cheese-ripening microbial associations to aroma compound production. Le Lait, INRA Editions, 2004, 84 (5), pp.435-447. 10.1051/lait:2004016. hal-00895418

Contribution of several cheese-ripening microbial

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Page 1: Contribution of several cheese-ripening microbial

HAL Id: hal-00895418https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00895418

Submitted on 1 Jan 2004

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, estdestinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documentsscientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non,émanant des établissements d’enseignement et derecherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoirespublics ou privés.

Contribution of several cheese-ripening microbialassociations to aroma compound production

Kenza Arfi, Marie-Noëlle Leclercq-Perlat, Aurélie Baucher, Roselyne Tâche,Jérôme Delettre, Pascal Bonnarme

To cite this version:Kenza Arfi, Marie-Noëlle Leclercq-Perlat, Aurélie Baucher, Roselyne Tâche, Jérôme Delettre, et al..Contribution of several cheese-ripening microbial associations to aroma compound production. LeLait, INRA Editions, 2004, 84 (5), pp.435-447. �10.1051/lait:2004016�. �hal-00895418�

Page 2: Contribution of several cheese-ripening microbial

435Lait 84 (2004) 435–447© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2004DOI: 10.1051/lait:2004016

Original article

Contribution of several cheese-ripening microbial associations to aroma compound


Kenza ARFI, Marie-Noëlle LECLERCQ-PERLAT, Aurélie BAUCHER, Roselyne TÂCHE, Jérôme DELETTRE, Pascal BONNARME*

UMR Génie et Microbiologie des Procédés Alimentaires, Inra, 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France

Received 23 December 2003 – Accepted 25 May 2004

Published online 4 August 2004

Abstract – The aromatic potential of various cocultures of yeasts, Brevibacterium linens and lacticacid bacteria (LAB) was studied in cheese-based medium. Three yeasts (Debaryomyces hansenii,Geotrichum candidum and Kluyveromyces lactis) were cultivated in association with B. linens, inthe presence or in the absence of LAB – added as the commercial lactic acid starter Flora Danica®.Various parameters were analysed such as aroma compound production, the growth of eachmicroorganism and lactose/lactate degradation. All tested yeasts could grow in all the associationsregardless of the presence or the absence of LAB. LAB enhanced the growth of B. linens in D. han-senii associations, but they reduced B. linens’ growth when associated with K. lactis. When cultiva-ted alone, LAB produced very few aroma compounds and in lesser amount than the yeast-B. linensassociations. In pure cultures of LAB, ethanol was the major volatile compound, and only scantyamounts of other volatile compounds were produced. The K. lactis-B. linens association exhibitedthe most diversified aroma compound profile with high quantities of S-methyl thioacetate and ethylacetate. LAB promoted the synthesis of volatile sulphur compounds in this association.

Ripening / interaction / microbial association / aroma compound

Résumé – Contribution de plusieurs associations microbiennes à l’affinage d’un milieu fromager.Le potentiel aromatisant de plusieurs co-cultures constituées de levures, de Brevibacterium linenset de bactéries lactiques (BL), a été étudié dans un milieu fromager. Trois levures (Debaryomyceshansenii, Geotrichum candidum et Kluyveromyces lactis) ont été cultivées en association avecB. linens, avec ou sans BL – ajoutées sous forme du levain lactique Flora Danica®. Plusieurs para-mètres ont été analysés parmi lesquels la production de composés d’arôme, la croissance de chaquemicro-organisme et la dégradation du lactose/lactate. Toutes les levures étudiées se sont dévelop-pées que ce soit en présence ou en l’absence de BL. La présence de BL a favorisé la croissance deB. linens dans les associations avec D. hansenii, alors que la croissance de B. linens s’est trouvéeréduite dans les associations avec K. lactis. Lorsqu’elles ont été cultivées seules, les BL ont produitqualitativement et quantitativement moins de composés d’arôme que les associations levures-B. linens. Les cultures pures de BL ont produit majoritairement de l’éthanol et seulement de très fai-bles quantités d’autres composés volatils. L’association K. lactis-B. linens a permis d’obtenir la plusgrande diversité de composés d’arôme, avec des quantités importantes de S-methylthioacétate etd’acétate d’éthyle. Les BL ont permis d’augmenter les quantités de composés soufrés volatils pro-duites dans cette association.

Affinage / interaction / association microbienne / composé aromatique

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

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The role played by mixed microbial pop-ulations in the quality and the typical fla-vour of several fermented foodstuffs is ofgreat interest. Microbial consortia are ableto develop valuable properties which areoften the result of the activities of a groupof microorganisms rather than a single one.This is the case for cheese ripening, whichis made possible by a complex ecosystemin which bacteria, yeasts and filamentousfungi are involved.

While some cheeses such as Cheddar aremade using solely LAB [32], others such asCamembert require the presence of fourgroups of microflora i.e. LAB, surface bac-teria, yeasts and moulds [19]. A wide rangeof yeasts and surface bacteria have been iso-lated from traditional cheese, but little isknown about their behaviour when culti-vated in association. However, it is clearthat the microbial community of this eco-system strongly contributes to the synthesisof volatile aroma compounds: among others,volatile sulphur compounds (VSC), esters,alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, whichwere commonly found in ripened cheeses suchas Cheddar, Camembert or Emmental [37].These compounds impart a basic “cheesy”flavour; however, analysis of Cheddar,Limburger, Camembert and other mould-ripened varieties indicated that they canalso generate specific notes (“cabbage”,“garlic” or “fruity”) [29, 33].The organolepticproperties and the identity of these aromacompounds – which are especially pro-nounced at very low concentrations due totheir low perception thresholds – participatein the overall quality of the final product [21].

It is generally admitted that the cheesemicroflora act in a sequential manner andthat interactions between microorganismscould play a major role in the ripening proc-ess. So far, possible interactions betweencheese-ripening yeasts, moulds and surfacebacteria in the cheese ecosystem have beenessentially assessed in terms of growth ofthe different populations [1, 34], but thedevelopment of particular functionalities,

such as aroma compound synthesis, hasbeen investigated infrequently in microbialassociations cultured in a cheese-basedmedium [27].

Information is already available on theability of pure cultures of several cheese-ripening yeasts and bacteria [3, 8, 9] or lac-tic acid bacteria (LAB) [37] to producearoma compounds, and various metabolicpathways leading to the generation of thesecompounds have been suggested [26].However, the precise contribution of eachmicroorganism to cheese aroma compoundproduction in association with other micro-organisms of the cheese ecosystem stillremains unclear. Yeasts, such as Geotri-chum candidum, have a strong potential forproducing VSC through the degradation ofL-methionine when cultivated as pure cul-ture, while others, such as Kluyveromyceslactis were found to be more prone to pro-ducing esters [3]. It is expected that theseyeasts could contribute to different specificflavour notes during ripening. Surfacecheese-ripening bacteria, especially Brevi-bacterium linens, are known for their abilityto produce VSC through the synthesis of acommon precursor from L-methionine, meth-anethiol (MTL) [18]. Since these bacteriaare salt-tolerant but also acid-sensitive [7],they generally develop in the late stage ofripening, after yeasts have deacidified thecurd [24]. In LAB, the catabolism of aminoacids – in relation to aroma compound syn-thesis – was thoroughly investigated andwas revealed to be highly strain-dependent[37]. However, it is not clear what the actualimpact could be of cultivating LAB in asso-ciation with cheese-ripening yeasts and bac-teria on the synthesis of aroma compounds.Although pure culture approaches provideduseful information on metabolic pathwaysleading to aroma compounds, the in situbehaviour of microflora and interaction phe-nomena between cheese microorganismswere not fully investigated.

Different yeast(s)-bacteria associationswere studied in a cheese-based medium.Three yeasts – Debaryomyces hansenii, G.candidum and K. lactis – were co-cultured

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with the cheese-ripening bacterium B. linensand, in some cases, associated with LAB.Not only the influence of the yeast used, butalso the possible influence of LAB onaroma compound production were investi-gated for each microbial association.


2.1. Cheese curd production

Camembert-type experimental cheeseswere prepared under aseptic conditions, ina sterilised 2-m3 pilot-scale cheese-makingchamber as previously described [25].

The chamber temperature was main-tained at 28 ± 1 °C. Coagulation, cutting,draining and shaping of the curds were per-formed inside this chamber. In each cheese-making trial, 50 cheeses of 300 g averagewet weight were produced from 100 L ofreconstituted milk. Medium-heat skim milkpowder (total nitrogen > 35% m/m, total fat< 1.5% m/m) was purchased (Armor Pro-téines, Saint-Brice-en-Coglès, France). Thepowder was suspended in sterile distilledwater at a concentration of 120 g·L–1. Com-mercial cream (Elle & Vire®, Condé-sur-Vire, France) was added to the milk toobtain a final concentration of 29 g·L–1 oftotal fat. After homogenisation, the milkwas allowed to rest at 4 °C overnight.

Prior to entrance into the clotting vat, themilk was pasteurised for 30 sec at 87 ± 1 °C,and cooled to 34 ± 1 °C. Milk pH variedbetween 6.5 and 6.6. Inoculation with thelactic acid starter (1.5% v/v) was performedwhen the first litre of milk reached the clot-ting tank. The mesophilic lactic acid starter,which served as inoculum, was preparedusing a Flora Danica® lyophilisat (CHN11,Chr Hansen, Arpajon, France). One gram ofthe lyophilisat was dissolved in 50 mL ster-ile skim milk (reconstituted at 100 g·L–1)containing glycerol (5% v/v) for cryopro-tection. This mixture was then transferredto 10-mL tubes and stored at –80 °C. Beforeeach cheese-making trial one aliquot of the

starter was cultured at 30 °C in 1.5 L sterileskim milk for 16 h.

Eighty to 100 min after the addition of thelactic acid starter, milk pH reached 6.3. Ren-net containing 520 mg·L–1 of chymosin(Degussa, Beaune, France) was then addedat a concentration of 0.2 mL·L–1. Coagulationoccurred after 15 min followed by 40 min ofhardening. The curd was subsequently cutinto cubes (20 × 20 mm). At the end of thedraining step, around 35 L of whey wereexpelled to obtain an average cheese drymatter ranging between 400 and 420 g·kg–1.The resulting curd was then shaped usingpolyurethane moulds (diameter 110 mm,height 107 mm). The cheese-containingmoulds were inverted twice after 30 minand 5 h. Three hours after moulding, thetemperature of the cheese-making chamberwas reduced to 20–22 °C. The cheeses werewithdrawn 24 h after the moulding, packed insterile polyethylene bags and kept at –80 °Cuntil they were transformed into cheeseslurries.

2.2. Preparation of the cheese slurry

Cheese curds were thawed (4 °C over-night) and mixed (60% wet weight) with40% sterile brine (42.5 g·L–1 of NaCl) usinga laboratory blender (Waring, Fisher Labosi,Elancourt, France). The cheese slurryobtained was then heated at 100 °C for30 min to destroy the lactic acid bacteriaand other possible contaminants. Aftercooling (25 °C), the cheese slurry was homog-enised: 25 000 rpm, 2 min (Ultra-Turrax®,VWR International, Fontenay-sous-Bois,France), and 300 g of this cheese slurrywere transferred into sterile 500-mL flasks(300 g/flask). Samples were taken beforerepartition to check the absence of residualmicroorganisms. Aerobic plate counts wereachieved as described below.

2.3. Microorganisms and culture conditions

In this study, yeasts were cultivated inassociation with B. linens in model cheese

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medium at 14 °C. Each association (yeast(s)-B. linens) was cultivated in the presence orin the absence of LAB.

Three cheese-ripening yeasts, one cheese-ripening bacterium and lactic acid bacteriawere used. Among the yeasts, two werefrom our laboratory collection (UMR GMPA,Inra de Grignon, Thiverval-Grignon, France)and originally isolated from French cheeses,namely Kluyveromyces lactis 448 andDebaryomyces hansenii 304, and one is acommercial strain, G. candidum GcG(Degussa, La-Ferté-sous-Jouarre, France).All the yeasts were cultivated in associationwith one surface bacterium, B. linens CNRZ918. In some associations, LAB were addedas the commercial lactic acid starter FloraDanica® lyophilisat (CHN11, Chr Hansen,Arpajon, France). The different associationstested are described in Table I.

The microorganisms were stored at –20 °Cin non-fat dry milk containing 5% v/v glyc-erol until ready-to-use aliquots were pre-pared. High-density microbial suspensionswere obtained according to the proceduredescribed earlier [24].

Cultures of microorganisms were con-ducted in the cheese slurry prepared asdescribed above. Each Erlenmeyer flaskcontaining 300 g of cheese slurry was inocu-lated with the appropriate microbial associ-ation. Cheese slurries were inoculated to

obtain concentrations of 5 × 105, 105, 5 × 104,and 3 ×106 cfu·g–1 of slurry of K. lactis, G.candidum, D. hansenii and B. linens, respec-tively. LAB concentration was 5 × 105 to106 cfu·g–1 of slurry. For each association,all experiments were carried out in tripli-cate and results were reported as means ±standard deviations. Cultures were incu-bated at 14 °C under agitation (140 rpm) for41 d. Samples were taken at regular timeintervals for biochemical and microbiologi-cal analyses.

2.4. Viable cell counts

Viable cell counts of yeasts were deter-mined following a standard aerobic platecount procedure on Yeast Extract GlucoseChloramphenicol Agar (Biokar, Paris,France). The dishes were incubated at 25 °Cfor 2 to 3 d. Likewise, aerobic plate countswere performed on Brain Heart Infusionmedium (Biokar) containing the fungicideamphotericin B (50 mg·L–1) to compute theviable cells of B. linens. The dishes wereincubated at 25 °C for 7 d. Viable cellcounts of LAB were performed on MRS(Man, Rogosa, Sharpe) medium (Biokar)containing amphotericin B (50 mg·L–1).Dishes were incubated at 25 °C for 3 d mini-mum. The results are expressed as cfu·g–1

of cheese slurry.

Table I. Codes attributed to the various microbial associations tested in this study.

Association LAB# B. linens D. hansenii G. candidum K. lactis

Dh 1 - + + - -

2 + + + - -

Gc 1 - + - + -

2 + + - + -

Kl 1 - + - - +

2 + + - - +

KlDh 1 - + + - +

2 + + + - +

LAB + - - - -

# Lactic acid bacteria.

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2.5. Lactate and sugar analysis by HPLC

For each sampling time, samples (15 g)were taken for high pressure liquid chroma-tography (HPLC) analysis and stored at–20 °C. Prior to analysis, each culture sus-pension was thawed and mixed with 20 mLof distilled water. The mixture was homog-enised (Ultra-Turrax®, 25 000 rpm, 30 sec)after incubation at 50 °C for 1 h. The result-ing homogenates were subsequently treatedfor either lactate or sugar measurements byHPLC as previously described [23].

2.6. Volatile compound analysis by dynamic headspace GC-MS

Two grams of culture were taken andstored at –80 °C until gas chromatographyanalysis was performed. Before the analy-sis, samples were thawed at 4 °C, homoge-nised vigorously and diluted to 10–1 withwater. NaCl 10% (w/w) was added to thediluted samples in order to enhance theextraction by salting-out. Five millilitres ofthe mixture were analysed using a head-space analyser (HP 7695A purge and trapconcentrator; Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto,CA, USA) coupled to a gas chromatograph(HP 6890; Hewlett Packard) and a massspectrometer detector (HP 6890A quadru-pole mass spectrometer; Hewlett Packard)as previously described [27]. Volatile com-pounds were identified according to theirtotal ionic current and quantified usingexternal standards’ calibration curves. Allsulfides were quantified using dimethyldisulfide (Acros, Noisy-Le-Grand, France)standard calibration curve except dimethyltrisulfide for which the corresponding stand-ard (Acros) was used. Methyl thiobutyrate’s(Sigma-Aldrich, St-Quentin-Fallavier, France)calibration curve was used for quantifyingthe thioesters. All esters and aldehydeswere quantified using pure ethyl acetate(Prolabo, Fontenay-sous-Bois, France) asexternal standard; and 3-methyl butanol’s(Sigma-Aldrich) standard curve was usedto quantify the alcohols present in the sam-

ples analysed. The results are expressed asmicrogram of compound per kilogram ofthe cheese slurry.

2.7. Data analysis

Data were analysed using StatgraphicsPlus software (Sigma Plus, Toulouse,France). Values presented throughout theresults section are means of three replicates.A one-way analysis of variance was per-formed. The Scheffe’s multiple range test (0.05) was applied to the individual variablesto compare means and to assess their differ-ence significance. Asterisks were assignedto significantly different variables.


3.1. Growth of microorganisms

The growth of all microorganisms is pre-sented in Figure 1. Regardless of the asso-ciation, the growth of LAB exhibited a rel-atively similar pattern. During the first 12 d,the total LAB population increased from aninitial population of around 106 cfu·g–1 to5 × 108 cfu·g–1 followed by a plateau. WhenLAB were cultivated alone, a dramaticdecrease of more than 2 log units in the LABpopulation was noticed after d 26.

B. linens showed noticeable develop-ment in the associations Dh, Kl and KlDh,reaching concentrations as high as 7 ×109 cfu·g–1 (association KlDh1 at d34) whileno growth was observed when associatedwith G. candidum (Gc-type associations).When cultivated with D. hansenii (Dh-typeassociations), the presence of LAB promotedthe growth of B. linens particularly betweend 12 and d 26. Conversely, a negative effecton the growth of B. linens was observed inthe presence of LAB when associated withonly K. lactis (association type Kl). The differ-ence in B. linens populations in the presenceor in the absence of LAB was less pronouncedin the association type KlDh though itremained significant (P < 0.05). Therefore,it seems that the negative effect of LAB on

α ≤

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Figure 1. Changes in viable cell counts of microorganisms cultivated in association in modelcheese medium. (A) Association type Dh; (B) association type Gc; (C) association type Kl; (D)association type KlDh; and (E) association type LAB. Open symbols: in the absence of LAB; closedsymbols: in the presence of LAB; dotted lines: LAB. ● D. hansenii, ◆ G. candidum, ■ K. lactis,▲ B. linens.

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B. linens growth observed in the Kl associ-ation could be counterbalanced to a certainextent by the presence of D. hansenii, in theKlDh association.

Elevated yeast populations over 108 cfu·g–1

were generally reached by the end of theculture. Yeasts showed a rapid growth inthe first few days of culture, and reached aplateau after 5 d of incubation. Maximumpopulations of around 108 cfu·g–1 for K. lactisand 109 cfu·g–1 for D. hansenii were obtained.The stationary growth phase was reachedafter 12 d for G. candidum (6 × 107 cfu·g–1).

3.2. Lactose and lactate consumption and pH evolution

The concentrations of lactose and lactateand pH changes throughout the cultures arepresented in Figure 2. None of the glucose,galactose or glycerol was detected in thecheese slurries. The initial concentration oflactate was 10 ± 1 g·kg–1 and the only sugarpresent initially was lactose (12 ± 1 g·kg–1).When LAB were cultivated alone (Fig. 2E),an increase of 1.3 times in lactate concen-tration was observed between d 5 and d 19concomitantly to the degradation of about60% of the lactose present in the medium.The concentrations of these substrates sta-bilised thereafter until the end of the cul-ture. A slight, but significant (P < 0.05)decrease in pH (0.4 pH units) was noticedbetween d 0 and d 34 (Fig. 2E). This clearlyindicates that LAB were fully active at leastduring the first 20 d of incubation. WhenG. candidum was cultivated in associationwith B. linens (Gc1), lactose was not con-sumed throughout the culture while 77% ofthe initial lactate was depleted by d 41. Thepresence of LAB enabled total exhaustionof lactose in Gc-type associations; it wastotally depleted between d 5 and d 19 inGc2. Conversely, in the same cultures, lac-tate consumption was hardly influenced bythe presence of LAB. 57% of this substratewas consumed from d 5 to d 26 in Gc2 ver-sus 66% in Gc1. In Gc-type associations,pH modestly but steadily increased from aninitial value of 4.6 to reach 5.2 after 34 d.

In the association Dh1, lactose was totallydepleted after 26 d, while only 5 d were nec-essary for its depletion in the presence ofLAB (in the association Dh2) (Fig. 2A).The increase in pH followed the same pat-tern in both the Dh1 and Dh2 associations,the final pH being slightly higher than 7.Lactose catabolism was rapid in Kl-typeassociations. Indeed, all lactose initiallypresent was degraded within 5 d of culture;however, lactate degradation was moregradual and was complete after 19–26 d ofincubation. pH increased concomitantly tolactate consumption and reached 6.3 at theend of the culture (Fig. 2C). In KlDh-typeassociations, lactate was totally exhaustedafter 12 d of incubation. It followed the samepattern in the presence or in the absence ofLAB. Lactose degradation was more rapidin the association KlDh1, than in KlDh2,during the first few days of culture. After 5 dof culture, 52% of the lactose was degradedin KlDh1 versus only 7% in KlDh2, whichcorresponds to a simultaneous increase inboth K. lactis and D. hansenii populationsin KlDh1. After 12 d, lactose was totallydepleted in both KlDh1 and KlDh2. Whilethe pH remained stable after 12 d in KlDh1,it kept increasing in KlDh2 and reached 7.1at the end of the culture.

3.3. Volatile sulphur compounds

The results of GC-MS analyses of cul-ture samples revealed that VSC were maxi-mally produced at the end of the culture (d 41)for all associations, except for associations oftype Kl in which it occurred at d 34 (Tab. II).Five major sulphur compounds were gen-erally detected in cultures, namely meth-anethiol (MTL), dimethyl sulfide (DMS),dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), dimethyl tri-sulfide (DMTS) and S-methyl thioacetate(MTA). In addition, scant quantities of S-methyl thiobutyrate (MTB) were also detectedin some cultures. At d 0, only trace amountsof DMDS were found in the samples (datanot shown). No sulphur aroma compoundswere produced in Gc-type associations(where B. linens did not develop) apart from

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Figure 2. Evolution of pH, and residual concentrations of lactate and lactose during incubation ofmicroorganisms in association in model cheese medium. (A) Association type Dh; (B) associationtype Gc; (C) association type Kl; (D) association type KlDh; and (E) association type LAB. Opensymbols: in the absence of LAB; closed symbols: in the presence of LAB. ■ lactate, ▲ lactose, ● pH.

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small amounts of DMDS (10 ± 1 µg·kg–1 inGc1). Significant amounts of DMDS andDMTS were found in the association Dh1,reaching 2940 ± 269 g·kg–1 and 113 ±7 g·kg–1, respectively. The presence of LABcaused the amounts of DMDS and DMTSto drop significantly ( < 0.05) in Dh-typeassociations, but no effect was observed forMTL and DMS. The opposite effect wasobserved for MTA and MTB, although bothcompounds were produced in limitedamounts. For Kl-type associations, MTA andDMDS were the most abundant sulphurcompounds produced. Kl1 is the associa-tion for which the highest amounts of MTA(Tab. II) were produced. MTA and DMDSconcentrations were, respectively, 15 and26 times lower in the presence of LAB inKl-type associations. Likewise, for all theminor sulphur compounds (MTL, DMS,DMTS and MTB), the presence of LAB hada negative effect on VSC production in Kl-type cultures. Interestingly, the comparisonbetween the Dh1, Kl1 and KlDh1 associa-tions showed that the capacities of themicroorganisms to produce VSC were notcumulative since a significant drop in DMDSconcentrations and a nearly complete inhi-

bition in other VSC production was noticedwhen and were asso-ciated (KlDh1 association) compared withwhen they were cultivated separately (Kl1or Dh1 associations). However, the presenceof LAB in the KlDh2 association partiallyrestored the capacity to produce VSC, with theexception of -methyl thioesters.

3.4. Non-sulphur volatile compounds

Non-sulphur aroma compounds were alsodetected in cultures. These were mainlyalcohols i.e. ethanol and 3-methyl butanoland their corresponding aldehydes, respec-tively, acetaldehyde and 3-methyl butanal(Tab. III). These compounds were gener-ally produced during the early stages of cul-ture. Their maximal concentration wasreached after 12 d of incubation. However,for 3-methyl butanal, production was foundto occur later in most cultures (d 34 for Kland LAB; d 41 for Dh and KlDh).

Considerable amounts of ethyl acetatewere also detected in Kl-type associations;its concentration reached its maximum levelat d 12. Other esters were detected in such cul-tures, namely ethyl butyrate, ethyl propionate,

Table II. Maximal# concentrations (µg·kg–1) of volatile sulphur compounds produced by microbialassociations¥ grown on model cheese medium.


Dh1 1522 ± 393‡ 508 ± 78 tr* 2940 ± 269* 113 ± 7* tr*

Dh2 2207 ± 396 501 ± 90 32 ± 12* 1619 ± 3* 81 ± 1* 13 ± 1*

Kl1 14 ± 2* 12 ± 2* 277 ± 47* 156 ± 10* 19 ± 3* 6 ± 0*

Kl2 nd* 6 ± 1* 18 ± 8* 6 ± 2* tr* nd*

KlDh1 nd* nd* nd 232 ± 59* nd* nd

KlDh2 3571 ± 3081* 353 ± 212* nd 598 ± 181* 17 ± 7* tr

MTL: methanethiol; DMS: dimethyl disulfide; MTA: S-methyl thioacetate; DMDS: dimethyl disulfide;DMTS: dimethyl trisulfide; MTB: S-methyl thiobutyrate. # Obtained after 41 and 34 d of culture forassociations (Dh, and KlDh) and KL, respectively. ¥ Associations Gc and LAB, which produced lowamounts of sulphur compounds, were not presented in this table. ‡ Results are means of three replicates.Within the same column and the same association group (Dh, Kl or KlDh), means bearing an asteriskare significantly different according to the Scheffe’s multiple range test (P < 0.05) described in theMaterials and Methods section. Tr: traces (< 5 ppb). nd: not detected.

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3-methylbutyl acetate and propyl acetate.Their concentrations were not significantlyaffected by the presence of LAB. Maximalconcentrations for these compounds, 562 ±12 µg·kg–1 for isoamyl acetate, 636 ±84 µg·kg–1 for ethyl propionate, 9 ± 1 µg·kg–1

for propyl acetate and 106 ± 2 µg·kg–1 forethyl butyrate, were reached at d 12. Alco-hols corresponding to the esters detected inKl associations were also detected in highamounts in these cultures.

Again, the poorest aromatic compound-producing ability was obtained in LAB cul-tures. In these cultures, ethanol was by farthe most abundant aroma compound. How-ever, there is no clear-cut effect of addingLAB to yeast(s)-B. linens associations onnon-sulphur aroma compound production.The effect was rather dependent on theyeast, or the yeast combination considered.The results of the statistical analysis showedthat in the absence of LAB, no gain in non-sulphur aroma compounds was obtained byassociating K. lactis and D. hansenii com-pared with when they were cultivated sepa-rately. For instance, significantly less ethanolwas yielded in KlDh1 than in Dh1 and Kl1.

For the KlDh2 association, the effect of LABon the level of aroma compounds, whencompared with KlDh1, differed from onecompound to another.


All yeasts exhibited rapid growth in thevarious associations tested. This fast growthin the first 10–15 d of incubation in ourcheese-based medium corresponds to thedevelopment pattern usually reported for K.lactis [24] and D. hansenii [25] in soft cheese.Conversely, B. linens growth occurred later –generally after 5 d of culture – and reacheda plateau after d 10 or more, depending on theyeast it was associated With [24, 25]. Lac-tose and lactate also exhibited similar deg-radation patterns to those observed duringcheese ripening [23–25]. The starter used inthis experiment – which is extensively used insoft cheese-making – is mostly composed ofhomofermenters, which explains the highquantity of lactate detected [12, 13].

Our data gave evidence of possible inter-actions between microorganisms with respect

Table III. Maximal# concentrations (µg·kg–1) of the most frequently detected non-sulphur volatilecompounds in the cultures of microbial associations grown on model cheese medium.

Compounds Ethanol 3-Methyl butanol Acetaldehyde 3-Methyl butanal Ethyl acetate

Dh1 22452 ± 5667*‡ 6286 ± 124* 888 ± 338* 118 ± 41 nd

Dh2 920 ± 439* 2978 ± 434* 97 ± 37* 99 ± 53 nd

Gc1 755 ± 166* 198 ± 93* 163 ± 48 288 ± 60* nd

Gc2 4786 ± 2536* 992 ± 38* 218 ± 66 70 ± 0.3* nd

Kl1 37418 ± 2896 10204 ± 533 574 ± 50 220 ± 89* 6478 ± 1095

Kl2 44357 ± 7822 12724 ± 1719 633 ± 47 16 ± 3* 5495 ± 322

KlDh1 7627 ± 1101* 16148 ± 7650 307 ± 2* 81 ± 38 nd

KlDh2 68854 ± 12570* 20863 ± 2552 nd* 44 ± 13 nd

LAB 1860 ± 369 nd 18 ± 6 13 ± 3 48 ± 6

# Obtained after 12 d for all cultures and compounds except 3-methyl butanal for which the maximumlevel was measured after 12, 34 and 41 d of culture for the associations Gc, (Kl and LAB) and (Dh, andKlDh), respectively. ‡ Results are means of three replicates. Within the same column and the same associationgroup (Dh, Gc, Kl or KlDh ), means bearing an asterisk are significantly different according to theScheffe’s multiple range test (P < 0.05) described in the Materials and Methods section. nd: not detected.

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to growth and/or aroma compound produc-tion. For instance, it was found that the LABpopulation could be maintained for a longerperiod of time by the presence of yeasts andB. linens. Yeasts have been found to supportthe growth of LAB during cheese ripeningby providing growth factors such as aminoacids and vitamins [35]. We also found thatthe presence of LAB promoted the growthof B. linens when cultivated with D. hanse-nii. A growth-promoting effect of yeasts onB. linens has been reported in the literature.It occurs through the synthesis of pan-tothenic acid and other vitamins [31]. Thepositive effect of associating LAB with D.hansenii on the growth of B. linens couldtherefore be attributable to a cooperativeproduction of such vitamins by these twomicroorganisms.

In Gc-type associations, pH remainedtoo low for B. linens – which is acid-sensitive– to develop. Previous studies on B. linenshave shown that this bacterium could notdevelop at a pH below 5.8 [10]. The low pHprevailing in post-manufacture curd, whiletolerated by yeasts and LAB, is detrimentalto the survival and/or growth of acid-sensi-tive species such as cheese surface bacteria[7].

Our results show that there is a substantialgain in VSC-producing abilities in yeast(s)-B. linens associations (with or without LAB)as compared with LAB cultivated alone. Itwas also found that, when produced, VSCsynthesis coincided with maximal develop-ment of B. linens. Gc-type associations onlyproduced trace amounts of VSC, althoughG. candidum was found to produce highconcentrations of VSC when cultivated onsynthetic medium with glycerol as carbonsource [3]. It was also able to synthesisethioesters on cheese-based medium [6]. How-ever, our experimental conditions are dis-tinct from those used by Berger et al. [6]with regard to moisture content and aera-tion of the cultures. Moreover, in a previousstudy, we demonstrated that thioester for-mation from L-methionine by G. candidum isimpaired when lactic acid is provided as the

major carbon source [4]. Only low quanti-ties of VSC were produced by LAB whencultivated alone. LAB and mainly L. lactis,the major species in our starter mixture, wasfound to possess two enzymes, cystathionineβ-lyase and cystathionine γ -lyase, whichwere able to convert L-methionine to meth-anethiol [2, 16]. However, these enzymesexhibit low specificity towards L-methion-ine. Moreover, their activities were found tobe inhibited by L-methionine and L-cysteinepresent in cheese [15], which could explainthe low production of sulphur compoundsby LAB. In Dh- and Kl-type associations,the presence of LAB caused the amounts ofVSC – namely DMDS and DMTS – to drop.This indicated that LAB did not impair thedegradation of L-methionine to MTL, butrather the auto-oxidation of this latter toDMDS and DMTS. In Dh-type associa-tions, thioester production was increased inthe presence of LAB. S-methyl thioesterproduction by microorganisms is achievedvia the acylation of MTL [20, 36]. This sug-gests that in the presence of LAB, thioestersformation from MTL and acetyl CoA orbutyryl CoA is favoured, which reduces theavailability of this thiol for oxidation toDMDS and DMTS. The involvement ofLAB in the enhancement of MTA and MTBmay be by indirectly supporting the growthof B. linens in Dh associations. Indeed, B.linens was found to be able to produce var-ious S-methyl thioesters, among which wereMTA and MTB [22]. When associated, B.linens and K. lactis produced the highestamounts of the thioester MTA. A previousstudy demonstrated that K. lactis requireda MTL donor for MTA synthesis [3]. In Kl-type associations, B. linens probably acts asa MTL donor, which resulted in MTA syn-thesis. This gives an example of metabolicinteractions between two microorganisms,one K. lactis, providing the acyl moiety, theother B. linens, providing MTL.

In all cultures, the overall concentrationof alcohols was higher than that of alde-hydes. Indeed, in most cheese varieties,aldehydes are transitory compounds; they donot accumulate since they are subsequently

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reduced to alcohols [14]. Aldehydes aretransformed to alcohols via the action ofalcohol dehydrogenases or aldo-keto reduct-ases. These enzymes are widely distributedin microorganisms, among which are K. lactisand L. lactis [5, 11, 17].

3-methyl butanal most probably resultedfrom the catabolism of the branched-chainamino acid L-leucine through a transami-nation, giving rise to an α-ketoacid fol-lowed by a decarboxylation [37] that leadsto the corresponding aldehydes. Such apathway, already reported in yeasts [37], isquite active in Dh, Kl and KlDh associa-tions as indicated by the presence of signif-icant amounts of 3-methyl butanol.

Significant amounts and a wide varietyof esters are produced by Kl-type associa-tions. The ability of K. lactis to produceesters – as compared with D. hansenii and G.candidum – has already been reported in purecultures in synthetic Potato Dextrose Brothmedium [3]. Esters are formed by the acyl-ation of an alcohol by an acyl CoA. Thisreaction can be catalysed by alcohol acyl-transferases [28]. In KlDh associations, noester was produced. The aptitude of the Klcultures for ester production therefore com-pletely disappeared when associated withD. hansenii. Since alcohols are produced inhigh quantities in KlDh association, it canbe assumed either that (i) the presence ofD. hansenii inhibited the accumulation of acylCoA in the Kl cultures, thus limiting esterformation or (ii) that esters are degraded byD. hansenii following their production byK. lactis. This yeast has been found to pos-sess a significant esterolytic activity [30].

Despite the possible strain-dependenceof some of our results and the limited num-ber of microorganisms tested, this studyshowed that relatively complex interactionphenomena could occur during cheese rip-ening – e.g. antagonistic interactions, meta-bolic and enzymatic cooperation, and cata-bolic interactions. Therefore, this suggeststhat the understanding of interaction phe-nomena taking place within the cheese eco-system is probably much more complex,

and would require the use of more adequatemolecular approaches to access the aptitudeto develop functionalities – amino acidcatabolism, catabolic activities and antimi-crobial activities – within the microbialcommunity of the ecosystem during ripening.


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