MOL MED 17(3-4)293-307, MARCH-APRIL 2011 | GROMMES AND SOEHNLEIN | 293 INTRODUCTION Acute lung injury (ALI) and acute res- piratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are characterized by an increased permeabil- ity of the alveolar-capillary barrier result- ing in lung edema with protein-rich fluid, thus resulting in impairment of ar- terial oxygenation. ALI/ARDS is defined as a lung disease with acute onset, non- cardiac, diffuse bilateral pulmonary infil- trates and a paO 2 /FiO 2 300 for ALI or a paO 2 /FiO 2 200 for ARDS. The age- adjusted incidence of ALI/ARDS is esti- mated with 86.2 per 100,000 person-years (1). Despite all innovations in intensive care medicine, the mortality of ARDS re- mains up to 40% (2). Whereas pneumo- nia or sepsis can undoubtedly cause ALI and ARDS, several noninfectious causes also may trigger ALI/ARDS, for exam- ple, acid aspiration, hyperoxia, high pressure ventilation, pulmonary contu- sion, reperfusion or bleomycin (3). While these agents induce lung damage by di- rect exposure to the lung, similar lung damage can arise indirectly. In particular, trauma, pancreatitis or transfusion can initiate an inflammatory response called systemic inflammatory response syn- drome (SIRS) that may lead to ALI or ARDS (4). The alveolar epithelium contains two different cell types. The flat type I cells build the structure of an alveolar wall, accounting for only 20% of the epithelial cells but covering 80% of the alveolar surface area. The cuboidal type II cells, which account for 80% of the alveolar cells, secrete pulmonary surfactant to lower the surface tension and regulate fluid balance across the epithelium alve- olar. As progenitor cells, alveolar type II cells may regenerate type I cells after in- jury (Figure 1A). Recent animal studies have revealed that endothelial injury appears within minutes to hours after ALI induction and results in intercellular gaps of the en- dothelium. Formation of intercellular gaps can be regarded as the basis for in- creased microvascular permeability (4). In addition, the contribution of epithelial injury to progression of ALI/ARDS has become increasingly obvious. Decreases in epithelial cell barrier function facilitate influx of protein rich fluid and other macromolecules into alveolar space. Fur- thermore, epithelial injury leads to im- paired cell fluid transport and reduced production of surfactant (5). Lung edema, endothelial and epithe- lial injury are accompanied by an influx of neutrophils into the interstitium and broncheoalveolar space. Neutrophils are considered to play a key role in the pro- gression of ALI and ARDS (6), as activa- tion and transmigration of neutrophils is a hallmark event in the progression of ALI and ARDS. Proof for the importance of neutrophils in ALI comes from clinical data and animal models. In patients with ARDS, the concentration of neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid correlates with severity of ARDS and outcome (7–9), whereas the severity of lung injury has been reduced by neu- Contribution of Neutrophils to Acute Lung Injury Jochen Grommes 1,2 and Oliver Soehnlein 2,3 1 Department of Vascular Surgery, University Hospital, RWTH Aachen, Germany; 2 Institute of Molecular Cardiovascular Research (IMCAR), University Hospital, RWTH Aachen, Germany; and 3 current affiliation: Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany Treatment of acute lung injury (ALI) and its most severe form, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), remain unsolved problems of intensive care medicine. ALI/ARDS are characterized by lung edema due to increased permeability of the alveolar-capillary bar- rier and subsequent impairment of arterial oxygenation. Lung edema, endothelial and epithelial injury are accompanied by an influx of neutrophils into the interstitium and broncheoalveolar space. Hence, activation and recruitment of neutrophils are regarded to play a key role in progression of ALI/ARDS. Neutrophils are the first cells to be recruited to the site of inflammation and have a potent an- timicrobial armour that includes oxidants, proteinases and cationic peptides. Under pathological circumstances, however, unregu- lated release of these microbicidal compounds into the extracellular space paradoxically can damage host tissues. This review fo- cuses on the mechanisms of neutrophil recruitment into the lung and on the contribution of neutrophils to tissue damage in ALI. © 2011 The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, www.feinsteininstitute.org Online address: http://www.molmed.org doi: 10.2119/molmed.2010.00138 Address correspondence and reprint requests to Jochen Grommes, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Pauwelsstr. 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany. Phone: +49-241-80-36070; Fax: +49-241-80-82037; E-mail: [email protected]; or Oliver Soehnlein, Institute for Cardio- vascular Prevention, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Pettenkoferstraße 8a und 9, 80336 Munich, Germany. Phone: +49-089-5160-4350; Fax: +49-089-5160-4352; E-mail: [email protected]. Submitted August 4, 2010; Accepted for publication October 18, 2010; Epub (www. molmed. org) ahead of print October 18, 2010.

Contribution of Neutrophils to Acute Lung Injury...Submitted August 4, 2010; Accepted for publication October 18, 2010; Epub (www. molmed. org) ahead of print October 18, 2010. 294

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INTRODUCTIONAcute lung injury (ALI) and acute res-

piratory distress syndrome (ARDS) arecharacterized by an increased permeabil-ity of the alveolar-capillary barrier result-ing in lung edema with protein-richfluid, thus resulting in impairment of ar-terial oxygenation. ALI/ARDS is definedas a lung disease with acute onset, non-cardiac, diffuse bilateral pulmonary infil-trates and a paO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 for ALI or apaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 for ARDS. The age- adjusted incidence of ALI/ARDS is esti-mated with 86.2 per 100,000 person-years(1). Despite all innovations in intensivecare medicine, the mortality of ARDS re-mains up to 40% (2). Whereas pneumo-nia or sepsis can undoubtedly cause ALIand ARDS, several noninfectious causesalso may trigger ALI/ARDS, for exam-ple, acid aspiration, hyperoxia, highpressure ventilation, pulmonary contu-

sion, reperfusion or bleomycin (3). Whilethese agents induce lung damage by di-rect exposure to the lung, similar lungdamage can arise indirectly. In particular,trauma, pancreatitis or transfusion caninitiate an inflammatory response calledsystemic inflammatory response syn-drome (SIRS) that may lead to ALI orARDS (4).

The alveolar epithelium contains twodifferent cell types. The flat type I cellsbuild the structure of an alveolar wall,accounting for only 20% of the epithelialcells but covering 80% of the alveolarsurface area. The cuboidal type II cells,which account for 80% of the alveolarcells, secrete pulmonary surfactant tolower the surface tension and regulatefluid balance across the epithelium alve-olar. As progenitor cells, alveolar type IIcells may regenerate type I cells after in-jury (Figure 1A).

Recent animal studies have revealedthat endothelial injury appears withinminutes to hours after ALI induction andresults in intercellular gaps of the en-dothelium. Formation of intercellulargaps can be regarded as the basis for in-creased microvascular permeability (4).In addition, the contribution of epithelialinjury to progression of ALI/ARDS hasbecome increasingly obvious. Decreasesin epithelial cell barrier function facilitateinflux of protein rich fluid and othermacromolecules into alveolar space. Fur-thermore, epithelial injury leads to im-paired cell fluid transport and reducedproduction of surfactant (5).

Lung edema, endothelial and epithe-lial injury are accompanied by an influxof neutrophils into the interstitium andbroncheoalveolar space. Neutrophils areconsidered to play a key role in the pro-gression of ALI and ARDS (6), as activa-tion and transmigration of neutrophils isa hallmark event in the progression ofALI and ARDS. Proof for the importanceof neutrophils in ALI comes from clinicaldata and animal models. In patients withARDS, the concentration of neutrophilsin the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)fluid correlates with severity of ARDSand outcome (7–9), whereas the severityof lung injury has been reduced by neu-

Contribution of Neutrophils to Acute Lung Injury

Jochen Grommes1,2 and Oliver Soehnlein2,3

1Department of Vascular Surgery, University Hospital, RWTH Aachen, Germany; 2Institute of Molecular Cardiovascular Research(IMCAR), University Hospital, RWTH Aachen, Germany; and 3current affiliation: Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention, LudwigMaximilian University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany

Treatment of acute lung injury (ALI) and its most severe form, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), remain unsolved problemsof intensive care medicine. ALI/ARDS are characterized by lung edema due to increased permeability of the alveolar-capillary bar-rier and subsequent impairment of arterial oxygenation. Lung edema, endothelial and epithelial injury are accompanied by an influxof neutrophils into the interstitium and broncheoalveolar space. Hence, activation and recruitment of neutrophils are regarded to playa key role in progression of ALI/ARDS. Neutrophils are the first cells to be recruited to the site of inflammation and have a potent an-timicrobial armour that includes oxidants, proteinases and cationic peptides. Under pathological circumstances, however, unregu-lated release of these microbicidal compounds into the extracellular space paradoxically can damage host tissues. This review fo-cuses on the mechanisms of neutrophil recruitment into the lung and on the contribution of neutrophils to tissue damage in ALI.© 2011 The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, www.feinsteininstitute.orgOnline address: http://www.molmed.orgdoi: 10.2119/molmed.2010.00138

Address correspondence and reprint requests to Jochen Grommes, University Hospital

RWTH Aachen, Pauwelsstr. 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany. Phone: +49-241-80-36070; Fax:

+49-241-80-82037; E-mail: [email protected]; or Oliver Soehnlein, Institute for Cardio-

vascular Prevention, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Pettenkoferstraße 8a

und 9, 80336 Munich, Germany. Phone: +49-089-5160-4350; Fax: +49-089-5160-4352;

E-mail: [email protected].

Submitted August 4, 2010; Accepted for publication October 18, 2010; Epub (www.

molmed. org) ahead of print October 18, 2010.

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Figure 1. Neutrophil-mediated inflammatory processes in acute lung injury. (A) Normal alveolus. (B) Recruitment of neutrophils into thelung. (C) Tissue damage in acute lung injury.

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trophil depletion in mice (10). Further-more, after blocking interleukin-8 (IL-8),a major chemoattractant for neutrophils,rabbits have been protected from acid aspiration-induced lung injury (11). Al-though neutrophils can migrate into thealveolar space without damaging thealveolar-capillary barrier (12), recruit-ment of neutrophils into the lung is animportant step in ALI. In addition,ALI/ARDS can occur in children andadults with neutropenia (13,14,15) indi-cating that, under specific conditions,neutrophil-independent mechanismsalone allow for development of ALI. De-spite that, a multitude of experimentaland clinical data point at the causativerole of neutrophils in lung injury. Al-though neutrophil activation is vital forthe host defense, overzealous activationleads to tissue damage by release of cyto-toxic and immune cell–activating agentssuch as proteinases, cationic polypep-tides, cytokines, and reactive oxygenspecies (ROS). In this review, we aim tohighlight mechanisms by which neu-trophils are recruited into the lung, andby which neutrophils contribute to theonset and progression of ALI by meansof infiltrating the lung tissue and releas-ing preformed granule proteins or vastamounts of ROS. The majority of this re-view is based on experimental data de-rived from various animal models of ALI(Tables 1 and 2). When looking at therole of individual proteins in a complexpathophysiological process such as ALI(Tables 1 and 2) one should keep in mindthat there is likely a publication biasagainst studies with negative outcome.


Although neutrophil recruitment intothe lung is a hallmark of ALI, there areneutrophil-dependent (for example, LPSadministration, acid-induced ALI, trans-fusion-related ALI) and neutrophil- independent (for example, oleic acid, hyperoxia) models of ALI (3). Adminis-tration of LPS, either via an intravenousor an intra-alveolar route, induceschanges in neutrophil deformability and

the entrapment of neutrophils in the pul-monary capillaries. The neutrophil en-trapment is followed by permeabilitychanges and edema formation (16,17).Similarly, acid aspiration is a neutrophil-dependent form of ALI characterized byinjury of the alveolar epithelium and alsoto the capillary endothelium (11,18).Moreover, mechanical ventilation can in-duce lung injury and inflammation. Theventilator-induced lung injury (VILI)damages tissue owing to mechanicalstretch and activation of specific intracel-lular pathways. Beside this mechanicaldamage, both an inflammatory responseand neutrophils are needed for the de-velopment of increased permeability andhyaline membranes in VILI (19).

After intravenous application of oleicacid, ALI is induced by direct damage tothe capillary endothelium resulting inneutrophil accumulation. This model isneutrophil independent, indicating that adirect effect of oleic acid on the endothe-lium is the crucial step (20). It is gener-ally accepted that hyperoxia-induced ALIis mediated by free radicals. Althoughhyperoxia increases NF-κB translocationin lung mononuclear cells, release ofproinflammatory mediators and accumu-lation of neutrophils in the lung, neu-trophil depletion does not prevent hy-peroxia-induced ALI (21,22).


The acute phase of ALI and ARDS isdistinguished by the influx of protein-rich edema fluid into the air spaces as aconsequence of increased permeability ofthe alveolar-capillary barrier. This in-creased permeability is facilitated bywidespread injury and activation of bothlung and systemic endothelium. Further-more, epithelial injury—which leads toreduced surfactant production and re-duced fluid transport—aggravates thepulmonary edema. Another histologicalhallmark is the recruitment of neutrophilinto the lung. However, neutrophils canmigrate into the lungs of humans with-out causing injury. Neutrophil emigra-tion into the lungs is not sufficient to

cause ALI; neutrophil activation is alsorequired.

Neutrophils are the earliest immunecells to be recruited to the site of injuryor inflammation. After activation, neu-trophils are able to egress from the vas-culature and migrate through the inter-stitium into the alveolar space.Extravasation of neutrophils normallytakes place in postcapillary venules in acascade-like sequence of capture (ortethering) and rolling, which is selectin-mediated. Rolling is followed bychemokine-dependent activation of inte-grins ultimately leading to adhesion onthe endothelium. Subsequently, neu-trophils transmigrate into the tissueusing a paracellular or transcellularroute (23) (Figure 1B).

In contrast to many other organs, neu-trophil recruitment into the lung takesplace in the small capillaries in a se-quence of activation, sequestration fromblood to interstitium and transepithelial(from interstitium to alveolar airspace)migration. In particular, the microcircula-tion of the lung has to be recognized, be-cause the neutrophils (ranging from 6 to10 μm) have to change their shape topass through the small pulmonary capil-laries (diameter from 2 to 15μm) (24). Inthis context, Doerschuk et al. has shownin an animal model that the specific ar-chitecture of the lung brings about a pro-longed transit time of the neutrophils(25). Considering the specific conditionof the lung, recent studies have focusedon the mechanical properties of the neu-trophils after activation. Inflammatorystimuli, primarily those which bind toseven-transmembrane–spanning G-protein linked receptors, inducechanges in the cytoskeleton of neu-trophils that reduce the capability to de-form (26–29). Furthermore, the reduceddeformability of neutrophils, induced byincreases in F-actin at the cell periphery,leads to an increase of neutrophil seques-tration in the interstitium (30).

Before neutrophils migrate along theendothelium into the interstitium andalveolar airspace, they tether and roll onthe endothelium. Rolling which is medi-

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ated by selectins is followed by slowrolling and arresting on the endothelium,which is mediated by integrins andchemokines. Whereas neutrophils pene-trate mainly interendothelial junctions atbicellular or tricellular corners, there alsois a transcellular alternative route (31). Inparticular, neutrophils that adhere to the

endothelium affect the endothelial cy-toskeleton, inducing remodeling of tightjunctions (for example, platelet endothe-lial cell adhesion molecule [PECAM]-1,CD99, VE-cadherin, JAMSs). Conse-quently, this transient remodeling of tightjunctions of the endothelium facilitatestransmigration of neutrophils (32,33).

SELECTINSSelectins are a family of transmem-

brane molecules expressed on the sur-face of leukocytes and activated en-dothelial cells, and are essential forinitiating the rolling process of neu-trophils on the endothelium. This initialstep in leukocyte adhesion is capture,

Table 1. Therapeutic inhibition of neutrophil-dependent processes in acute lung injury.

Target molecule Animal model Effect Ref.

CytokinesTNF Ab against TNF; Ischemia/reperfusion-induced ALI Not protective (96)TNF TNF-α-converting enzyme inhibition in acute lung injury induced by endotoxin Protective (95)

in the ratChemokines and their receptors

IL-8 Inhibition of IL-8 in acid aspiration-induced ALI in rabbits Protective (72)IL-8 Inhibition of IL-8; pancreatitis-induced ALI in rabbits Protective (70)IL-8 Inhibition of IL-8 in oleic acid + endotoxin-induced ALI Protective (73)IL-8 Inhibition of IL-8 in an ischemia-reperfusion injury Protective (71)CXCR2 competitive blockade of CXCR2 in hyperoxia-induced ALI in rats Protective (79)CXCR2 Inhibition of CXCR2 in acute pancreatitis-associated lung injury Protective (76)CXCR2 Inhibition of CXCR2 in ischemia-reperfusion injury Protective (80)CXCR2 Inhibition of CXCR2 in a rabbit model of Gram-positive enterotoxemia Protective (211)CXCR2 Bleomycin-induced ALI Protective (212)CXCR2 LPS- and acid-induced ALI Protective (75)CINC Neutralizing Ab to CINC (cytokine induced neutrophil chemo-attractant; Protective (213)

homolog of human GRO-α) in acute pancreatitis-associated lung injuryCell adhesion molecules

P-selectin Inhibition of P-selectin in a burn injury model of ALI in sheep Not protective (39)P-selectin Inhibition of P-selectin with Ab in cobra venom factor (CVF)-induced ALI Protective (46)P-selectin Inhibition with sialyl Lewis X-oligosaccharide in a LPS-induced ALI in rabbits Protective (44)P-selectin Blocking P-selectin in acid aspiration ALI Protective (47)E- and L-selectin Sepsis-induced ALI in Yorkshire swine; dual-binding antibody to E- and L-selectin, Protective (45)

EL-246Integrins (αvβ5 and αvβ6) IL-1β-induced ALI in mice (blocking Ab against avb5 and avb6 integrins) Protective (51)β2-integrins (CD11/CD18) Blocking β2-integrins in a transfusion-induced ALI Not protective (38)β2-integrins (CD11/CD18) CVF-induced ALI in rats; Ab against CD11 or CD18 Protective (55)β2-integrins (CD11/CD18) Inhaled LPS Protective (54)β2-integrin β2-integrin blockade in Escherichia coli (E. coli )-induced lung injury in mice Protective (56)ICAM-1 Inhibition of ICAM-1 in CVF-induced ALI; interestingly ICAM1–/– displayed no Protective (46)

protective effectGranule proteins

Neutrophil elastase Sivelestat, a specific neutrophil elastase inhibitor; phorbol myristate Protective (113)acetate-induced ALI in conscious rabbits

Neutrophil elastase Delayed neutrophil elastase inhibition in ALI induced by endotoxin inhalation in Protective (114)hamsters

Neutrophil elastase ONO-5046, a competitive, reversible, and specific neutrophil elastase inhibitor in Not protective (115)ALI induced by air embolism in awake sheep

Neutrophil elastase ONO-5046 in ALI-induced by E. coli endotoxin in pigs Protective (116)MMP 8 Specific MMP-8 inhibitor in ventilator-induced ALI Protective (152)MMP 9 MMP inhibitor (6-demethyl-6-deoxy-4-dedimethylamino-tetracycline) treatment Protective (149)

for 3 d in ventilator-induced lung injury in ratsRadical release

NADPH oxidase NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin in sepsis-induced lung injury in guinea pigs Protective (206)Nitric oxide synthase LPS-induced ALI Protective (207)

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which is governed by interactions be-tween L-, E- and P-selectins and P-selectinglycoprotein ligand (PSGL1). L-selectinis expressed by leukocytes, P-selectin isexpressed by inflamed endothelium andplatelets, E-selectin is expressed by in-flamed endothelium and PSGL1 is ex-pressed by leukocytes and endothelium(34,35). However, the role of selectins forneutrophil transmigration in the lung isnot completely understood and dependson the inflammatory stimulus. Neu-trophil emigration induced by Streptococ-cus pneumoniae was not reduced in micedeficient of E-selectin and P-selectin andadditional inhibition of L-selectin (36).

Furthermore, blocking all three selectinsdoes not attenuate the LPS- induced mi-gration of neutrophils into the alveolarspace (37). In addition, inhibition of P-selectin does not decrease transfusion-related ALI (38,39). In contrast, all se-lectins are involved in the progress oflung injury caused by activation of com-plement or intratracheal application ofIgG (40,41). Moreover, severity of ALI inthe rat caused by infusion of cobravenom factor (VCF) or LPS correlateswith P-selectin plasma levels (42). Ex-perimental data suggest that inhibitionor deletion of one or more selectins pro-tects from ALI (43–45). In VCF- induced

ALI, anti-P-selectin antibodies (Abs)have inhibited neutrophil transmigra-tion and lung edema in wild type mice,but P-selectin–/– mice have not beenprotected from ALI (46). Zarbock et al.have shown that acid aspiration- induced P-selectin-dependent platelet-neutrophil interactions in blood and inlung capillaries. Reducing circulatingplatelets or blocking P-selectin hashalted the development of ALI. Interest-ingly, Zarbock et al. have displayedplatelet-derived rather than endothelial-derived P-selectin as the relevant adhe-sion molecule facilitating neutrophil sequestration (47).

Table 2. Effect of gene deletion in acute lung injury.

Target molecule Animal model Effect Ref.

CytokinesTNF–/–; TNF R1/R2–/– Ischemia/reperfusion-induced ALI Not protective (96)IL-1β+/+ Adenoviral gene transfer to transiently induce ALI (214)

overexpress IL-1β in rat lungs after intratracheal administration induces acute lung injury

Chemokines and their receptorsCXCR2–/– LPS inhalation Protective (82)CXCR2–/– Ischemia reperfusion Protective (81)CXCR2–/– Ventilator-induced ALI in CXCR2–/– mouse Protective (81)IL-1β (Caspase 1–/–) Bleomycin-induced lung injury Protective (97)IL-18–/– Bleomycin-induced lung injury Protective (97)CCR1–/– Pancreatitis-associated lung Injury Protective (215)CXCL5–/– (ENA-78) Intratracheal application of E. coli Protective (86)DARC–/– LPS inhalation Not protective (87)

Cell adhesion moleculesP-selectin–/– Cobra venom factor (CVF)-induced ALI Not protective (46)ICAM-1–/– CVF-induced ALI; Not protective (46)

Granule proteinsNeutrophil elastase–/– Intraperitoneal infection with Gram-negative Not protective; increased mortality (117)

bacteria (Klebsiella pneumoniae and E. coli )Neutrophil elastase–/– Intratracheal application of LPS Not protective, similar recruitment (216)Neutrophil elastase–/– and Cathepsin G–/– Endotoxic shock with LPS Decreased mortality and lung (217)

injury in comparison to wild type mice

MMP 8–/– Intratracheal application of LPS Not protective, increased ALI (153)MMP 8–/– Ventilator-induced ALI (VILI) Protective (152)MMP 9–/– Ozone-induced ALI Not protective, increased ALI (150)MMP 9–/– Ventilator-induced ALI (VILI) Not protective, increased ALI (151)α-Defensins+/+ (transgenic mice) Using mice transgenic for polymorphonuclear

leukocyte expression of α-defensins; acid aspiration-induced ALI

Radical releaseNADPH oxidase–/– Complement-induced ALI not protected (205)NADPH oxidase 1–/– NADPH oxidase 2–/– Hyperoxia-induced ALI NADPH 1–/– protective NADPH 2–/– (204)

Not protectiveNitric oxide synthase–/– LPS-induced ALI Protective (207)

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IntegrinsSubsequent to rolling of neutrophils is

slow rolling and arrest on the endothelialsurface involving b1 and b2 integrins. In-tegrins, membrane-linked proteins com-posed of a and b chains, play an impor-tant role in cell-to-cell adhesions and forcell adhesion to the extracellular matrix.Moreover, integrins are involved in neu-trophil migration, phagocytosis, ROS re-lease and cytokine production (48). Inte-grins mediate cell adhesion by interactionwith adhesion molecules (for example,intercellular adhesion molecule [ICAM]-1,ICAM-2, vascular cell adhesion molecule[VCAM]-1). Integrins are able to activateintracellular pathways with transmem-brane connections to the cytoskeleton(49). In particular, neutrophil adhesion iscommonly mediated through β2-integrins(50). Deficiency of β2-integrin in humansis known as leukocyte adhesion defi-ciency (LAD) and causes recurrent bacte-rial infections (that is, pneumonia, gin-givitis, abscesses or peritonitis).Interestingly, in acute lung injury, neu-trophils adhere in β2-integrin–dependentor in β2-integrin–independent pathways,depending on the stimulus and kind oflung injury model. Stimuli, likePseudomonas aeruginosa, IgG immunecomplexes, Escherichia coli, and IL-1 facilitate neutrophil emigration in a β2- integrin–mediated fashion (51–53). Inhibi-tion of β2-integrins attenuated neutrophilrecruitment (54–56). Most stimuli induc-ing β2-integrin–dependent neutrophil migration enhance endothelial ICAM-1expression. In VCF-induced ALI, anti-ICAM-1 antibodies reduce ALI in wildtype mice but do not reduce ALI inICAM-1–/– mice. However, mutant mice(ICAM-1–/– and double knockout P-selectin–/– and ICAM-1–/–) are not pro-tected from acute lung injury (Table 2).Whereas neutrophils utilize other alterna-tive adhesion pathways in these mutantmice, antibodies that block ICAM-1 mayinhibit neutrophil transmigration andALI through other mechanism than sim-ply adhesion blockade. (46) (Table 1).

Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcuspneumonia, group B Streptococcus,

hydrochloric acid, hyperoxia or C5a arestimuli that initiate neutrophil emigrationin a β2-integrin–independent fashion(57–59). In contrast to the β2-integrin– dependent pathway, neutrophils emigratein the absence of increased ICAM-1 ex-pression. Here, β1-integrins (very lateantigen [VLA]-4 and VLA-5) interactwith VCAM-1 (31). This pathway of neutrophil emigration may not requireβ2-integrins, because recent studiesblocking these adhesion molecules havefailed to decrease neutrophil migration(38,60). Yet another interesting feature re-garding neutrophil emigration in ALI isthe frequently observed divergence ofstudies using knock-out mice or blockingstrategies (46). Some of this discrepancymay be attributed to the fact that whendeleting a gene throughout growth anddevelopment, alternative pathways mayhave evolved, which is not the casewhen acutely applying an antagonist.

CHEMOKINESNeutrophil infiltration of the lung is

controlled by a complex network ofchemokines that are released by a varietyof cell types. Alveolar macrophages are amajor source of chemokines in the alveo-lar space (Figure 1A) and produce IL-8,growth-regulated oncogene (GRO)- related peptides and CXCL5 (also knownas epithelial neutrophil-activating pro-tein [ENA]-78) (61). High concentrationsof IL-8 in BAL fluid from ARDS patientsare associated with increased neutrophilinflux into the airspace (62,63). Recentstudies have revealed that IL-8 in BALfluid is bound to IL-8 autoantibodies(anti-IL-8:IL-8 complexes) (64,65) andBAL fluid concentrations of these com-plexes correlate with development andoutcome of ALI (66,67). In particular, thiscomplex exhibits chemotactic and pro -inflammatory activity (68). Moreover, in-tratracheal application of IL-8 induceslung injury which can be attenuated byinhibition in different models of ALI(11,69–73) (Table 1).

In rodents, the most relevantchemokines for neutrophil recruitmentinto the lung are keratinocyte-derived

chemokine (KC, also named CXCL1) orcytokine-induced neutrophil chemoat-tractant (CINC; the rat homolog to KC)and macrophage inflammatory protein-2(MIP-2, also named CXCL2) (74). Similarto IL-8, CXCL1, CXCL2, lipopolysaccha-ride-induced CXC chemokine (LIX, alsonamed CXCL5) and lungkine (CXCL15)bind to CXCR2. Inhibition or knockout ofCXCR2 receptor diminishes neutrophilinflux into the lung (75–82). In contrastto the multiple CXC chemokines onlytwo CXC chemokines receptors, CXCR1and CXCR2, have been shown to medi-ate the response to CXC chemokines inhuman neutrophils. Whereas humanCXCR1 binds to CXCL6 and CXCL8(IL-8) with a high affinity, human CXCR2binds also to CXCL6 and IL-8 as well asseveral CXC chemokines (GRO-α,GRO-β, GRO-γ, CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3),ENA-78 (CXCL5) and (CXCL7) (83).Clinical studies have revealed a reducedexpression of CXCR2 but not CXCR1 inseptic shock (84,85). Thus, therapy tolimit neutrophil accumulation at sites ofinflammation should be directed atCXCR1, because CXCR2 is downregu-lated while CXCR1 is upregulated.

Whereas CXCL1 and CXCL2 havebeen suggested to be the most importantchemokines for neutrophil recruitment,CXCL5, which is derived from plateletsand alveolar type II cells, was found as aregulator of chemokine scavenging andpulmonary host defense to bacterial in-fection. CXCL5–/– mice showed decreasedmortality in a model of E. coli–inducedpneumonia. CXCL5 increased plasmaconcentrations of CXCL1 and CXCL2 bybinding to erythrocyte duffy antigen re-ceptor (DARC) (86). DARC has a highaffinity for CC and CXC chemokinesand acts as chemokine sink. In a modelof ALI induced by LPS inhalation,DARC of red blood cells prevented ex-cessive infiltration of neutrophils intothe lung by scavenging chemokines, because DARC–/– mice displayed in-creased neutrophil infiltration in thismodel ALI (87).

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is gen-erated in many types of mammalian cells

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during cysteine metabolism, functions asneurotransmitter, vasodilator and inflam-matory mediator. In this context, inhibi-tion of cystathionine g-lysase which pro-duces endogenous H2S during cysteinemetabolism also has been shown to beprotective against ALI associated withseptic peritonitis (88,89) (Tables 1 and 2).

CYTOKINESCytokines are small proteins secreted

by cells of the immune system, therebytransmitting signals between cells onother cells. After an acute insult such astrauma or acid aspiration and when theinciting event is not in the lung (for ex-ample, extrapulmonary sepsis, nonpul-monary trauma) there is systemic releaseof mediators including LPS; cytokinessuch as TNF, IL-1 and IL-6; and lipid me-diators such as PAF and eicosanoids thathave diverse effects on endothelium, ep-ithelium and on circulating as well asresident immune cells. Moreover, apop-totic epithelium, which appears early inALI, contributes to recruitment of neu-trophils. Perl et al. have demonstratedthat the apoptosis of epithelium and re-lease of cytokines and chemokines is me-diated by activation Fas receptor (alsoknown as CD95) driven pathway in indi-rect ALI (90). Tumor necrosis factor(TNF) and IL-1 stimulate other cells lo-cally, such as macrophages, fibroblasts,endothelial cells and epithelial cells todischarge other proinflammatorychemokines, such as IL-8, which isknown as a potent chemotactic factor forneutrophils. TNF and IL-1 are early re-sponse cytokines in acute lung injury(91). While proinflammatory cytokinesIL-1β and TNF have been identified inBAL fluids from patients with ARDS,their specific antagonists IL-1RA and sol-uble TNF receptors (sTNFR I and II) alsowere present (92). IL-1RA competitivelyinhibits binding of IL-1β to its primarycell-to-surface receptor. Whereas healthyvolunteers revealed a concentration ratioIL-1β:IL-1RA of 1:1 in the BAL fluid, pa-tients with persistent ARDS displayed anaverage ratio of 10:1 (93). Although thereare divergent results of absolute values

of IL-1β depending on different im-munoassays and measurements (92),concentrations of IL-1β and its antagonistcorrelate with severity of disease andoutcome of patients with ARDS (94).TNF is elevated in BAL fluid of patientwith ARDS, although levels of TNF donot predict clinical outcome. Interest-ingly, severity of illness is related to theratio of TNF and soluble TNF receptors(sTNFR) (94). Whereas inhibition ofTNF-converting enzyme reduced ALI inrats after intratracheal application of LPS(95) (Table 1), TNF-deficient mice(TNF–/–) or TNF receptor deficient mice(TNF R1/2–/–) are not protected from in-testinal ischemia/reperfusion-inducedlung inflammation (96). Mice with defi-ciency for Caspase-1, which is identifiedas IL-1β–converting enzyme, developless ALI in comparison to wild type mice(97) (Table 2). Cytokines display diverseeffects in acute lung injury resulting inactivation of endothelium and circulatingand resident leukocytes.


Neutrophils contain four granule sub-sets: azurophilic (also known as primary)granules, specific (also known as second-ary), gelatinase granules (also known astertiary) and secretory vesicles. Granuleproteins of neutrophils are synthesized atdifferent stages of myelopoiesis and tar-geted to granule subsets (98). Differentgranule subsets show distinct propensi-ties for release. Secretory vesicles are mo-bilized following initial neutrophil to en-dothelial cell contact and tertiarygranules are released during subsequentneutrophil transendothelial migration.Primary and secondary granules are dis-charged once the neutrophil has enteredthe tissue. Secretory vesicles are rich inmembrane-bound receptors, but granulesreleased at later stages mainly containproteases and antimicrobial polypeptides(99). Recent evidence suggests an impor-tant role for neutrophil-derived granuleproteins during the onset of acute lunginjury induced by Streptococcus pyogenes(100). While depletion of neutrophils

completely abolished the lung damage inthis model, injection of the supernatantfrom activated neutrophils into neu-tropenic mice restored the deleterious ef-fect of neutrophils, indicating an impor-tant role for neutrophil granule proteinsduring ALI.


Besides its important antimicrobialfunctions, the serine protease neutrophilelastase holds an evident role during thepathogenesis of lung injury. For example,elastase levels are increased in BAL fluid(101,102) and plasma (103) of patientswith ALI and ARDS. These elevated lev-els correlate with the severity of the lunginjury (103,104). Moreover, small clinicaltrials provided evidence for the protec-tive effect of elastase inhibition(105–108). Furthermore, administrationof elastase induces lung damage inmurine models of ALI (109–111) whereaselastase inhibition attenuated the devel-opment of ALI (112–116) (Table 1). Neu-trophil elastase deficient mice displayimpaired host defense against Gram-neg-ative but not Gram-positive bacteria(117). In addition, deficiency of elastaseis accompanied by increased susceptibil-ity to fungal infections, but decreasedsusceptibility to endotoxin-triggered ALI(Table 2).

Although neutrophil elastase plays animportant role in the development ofALI, it remains unclear whether it is dueto degrading the basement membrane ordue to damage to the epithelium or en-dothelium. Ginzberg et al. revealed invitro an elastase-induced increase in ep-ithelial permeability by alteration of theactin skeleton. As a consequence of theincreased permeability, accelerated trans-migration of neutrophils and circular de-fects in the epithelial monolayer were ob-served (118). Proteolytic cleavage ofE-cadherin (118) and endothelial VE- cadherin (119) is yet another mechanismby which elastase increases permeability.Recent studies have revealed that theneutrophil serine proteases proeinase-3,cathepsin G and elastase can degrade

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surfactant protein D and surfactant pro-tein A (120,121). Surfactant proteins Aand D belong to the collectin family andparticipate in the clearance of apoptoticneutrophils (122). Thus, neutrophil-de-rived serine proteases can prolong in-flammation by degradation of antiin-flammatory proteins. Moreover,Massberg et al. have shown that neu-trophil elastase and cathepsin G, alongwith externalized nucleosomes, promotecoagulation and intravascular thrombusformation in vivo, which also may relateto permeability increases (123).

Neutrophil elastase and other pro-teinases also may act through binding tocell surface receptors and activating sig-nal transduction pathways (124). In par-ticular, elastase stimulates lung epithe-lium to release growth factors andproinflammatory cytokines (125–127).Furthermore, neutrophil elastase inducedlung epithelial apoptosis via PAR-1 andthe subsequent activation of the NF-κBpathway (128). Cathepsin G, yet anotherserine protease stored in primary gran-ules, belongs to the group of lysosomalproteinases. They participate in a broadrange of functions in neutrophils includ-ing clearance of internalized pathogens,proteolytic modification of cytokines andchemokines, activation as well as shed-ding of cell surface receptors and apo-ptosis (129,130). Activation of neutrophilcathepsin G and other serine proteasesdepends on two separate amino-terminalprocessing steps. The second step of acti-vation occurs during or before transportto the granules and requires activity ofCathepsin C (also known as dipeptidylpeptidase I (DPPI)) (129). Mice deficientof serine proteases highlight the impor-tant role of these proteases for intracellu-lar clearance of certain bacteria or protec-tion against fungal infections (131).However, recent studies reveal that neu-trophil serine proteases also act as keyregulators of immune responses by pro-teolytic modification of cytokines,chemokines and growth factors as wellas by activating specific receptors (129).In addition, cathepsin G may induce tis-sue damage and permeability changes

directly in ALI. In vitro experiments dis-played increased permeability of cul-tured type II pneumocytes (132).Whereas administration of Cathepsin Gund neutrophil elastase induce lung em-physema (133), inhaled Cathepsin G in-duces airway hyperresponsiveness acharacteristic attribute of asthma (134).Furthermore, human urinary trypsin in-hibitor, which exhibits widespread in-hibitory effects on serine proteases, re-duces superantigen-induced lung injury(135).

In contrast to neutrophil elastase, pro-teinase 3 is presented at the plasmamembrane of nonactivated neutrophils(136). Proteinase 3 can kill bacteria andfungi via inhibition of protein synthesisand oxygen metabolism. Moreover, theserine proteases are also involved in non-infectious inflammatory disease(129,137). In humans, proteinase 3 is elu-cidated as the main target antigen ofneutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies (c-ANCA) in Wegener granulomatosis, avasculitis which affects lungs, kidneysand the skin (138). Proteinase 3 interactswith specific intracellular protein sub-strates during proliferation and apopto-sis (137). Recent studies showed that pro-teinase 3 can activate proinflammatorycytokines, such as TNF and IL-1β (139).

Taken together, neutrophil serine pro-teases are major constituents of neu-trophils and are released at the site of in-flammation. Besides their traditionalantimicrobial function, neutrophil serineproteases can activate proinflammatorycytokines and playing an important rolein regulating the innate immune re-sponse. Thus, serine protease may pres-ent an interesting target in inflammatorydiseases such as ALI and newly devel-oped protease inhibitors may deservecareful evaluation as antiinflammatoryagents (140).

MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES (MMPS)Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are

zinc-dependent endopeptidases that areproduced by a variety of cell types thatoccupy a central role in embryogenesisand in normal physiological conditions,

such as proliferation, cell motility, re-modeling, wound healing, angiogenesisand key reproductive events. MMP-2(gelatinase A) and MMP-9 (gelatinase B)stored in tertiary granules of neutrophilsand MMP-8 (collagenase 2) from second-ary granules of neutrophils are the mostextensively studied MMPs in the contextof ALI. Although MMPs can be releasedby resident cells, recent studies demon-strated the pathogenetic role of MMP- released from neutrophils in ALI (141,142).In particular, BAL fluid (143–145) andplasma (146,147) of patients withALI/ARDS displayed elevated levels ofMMPs which correlated with clinicalseverity (148). Moreover, inhibition ofMMP-9 attenuates ventilator-inducedlung injury in rats (149), although thereare conflicting results in the literature. Inozone-induced airway inflammation,MMP-9–/– mice display increased lungpermeability, neutrophils in the lung,and higher BAL levels of keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC) and macrophageinflammatory protein-1a (MIP-1a) whencompared with MMP-9+/+ mice (150).These findings are confirmed by similarresults in ventilator-induced lung injury(151,152). Increased levels of MMP-9 inBAL fluid in ALI may contribute to mod-ulation of inflammation by affecting cy-tokine and chemokine levels as well astheir activities (150). Furthermore,MMP-8–/– mice display a two-fold in-crease of neutrophils in the BAL fluidafter intratracheal lipopolysaccharide ap-plication (153,154). Interestingly, levels ofMIP-1a are elevated in wild type mice incomparison with MMP-8–/–, indicatingthat MMP-8 reduced ALI by inactivatingMIP-1a (154). In addition to these resultsin ALI, deficiency of MMP-8 is protectivein a model of acute liver injury (155) butcan delay the resolution of inflammationin skin (156).

In summary, these examples illustratethat MMPs mediate both beneficial anddeleterious effects in acute lung injury.Besides their functions on extracellularmatrix (that is, degradation, turnoverand remodeling), MMPs modulate in-flammation and neutrophil influx as well

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as epithelial and endothelial integrity.Because different MMPs may have oppo-site functions in inflammation and tissuerepair, unspecific inhibition of MMPsdoes not seem reasonable as a therapeu-tic approach.


Upon activation, neutrophils release awide array of cationic polypeptides,which are acknowledged primarily fortheir antimicrobial activity. However,some of these polypeptides potently acti-vate neighboring cells, thus giving themthe name alarmins (157, 158). Lactoferrin,which belongs to the family of iron-bind-ing proteins, is stored in secondary gran-ules of neutrophils and exhibits antibac-terial, antiviral and antifungal activity(159). Neutrophils are a major source oflactoferrin. Normal lactoferrin levels inthe blood are very low with 1 μg/mL,but under septic conditions these can riseup to 200 μg/mL and are likely to behigher at the inflammatory site itself(160). Besides its antimicrobial activity,lactoferrin exhibits immune-modulatingactivities. Lactoferrin set free from apop-totic cells inhibits migration of neu-trophils and eosinophils (161,162). Incontrast, lactoferrin acts as a chemoat-tractant for monocytes (162). Moreover,lactoferrin may induce production ofproinflammatory cytokines, such as MIP-1a and MIP-2 (163). While the chemotac-tic effect of lactoferrin is mediated by aso-far unknown G-protein–coupled re-ceptor, much of the immune cell activat-ing effect is mediated via ligation ofTLR4 (158). In contrast to its proinflam-matory effects, lactoferrin also can de-crease LPS-induced mitochondrial dys-function in cultured cells and in ananimal endotoxemia model (164). Insummary, besides its antimicrobial activ-ity, lactoferrin also modulates local in-flammatory processes. However, at thispoint, data from animal models are miss-ing that point at the importance of lacto-ferrin in ALI.

The antimicrobial polypeptide LL-37 isreleased from neutrophil secondary gran-

ules in its inactive pro-form hCAP18. Ac-tivation occurs upon secretion by prote-olytic modification by proteinase-3. In ad-dition to its broad anti microbial activity,LL-37 can promote inflammatory re-sponses by activation of monocytes, neu-trophils and T-lymphocytes (165,166).LL-37 activates monocytes and macro -phages directly and promotes their mi-gration via ligation of formyl-peptide re-ceptors (167). In the context of ARDS,LL-37 is elevated significantly in the BALfluid of these patients in comparison withnormal controls (168). When instilled intomurine lungs, enhanced levels of MCP-1and TNF can be retrieved, likely based onthe activation of macrophages and ep-ithelial cells (169,170). In addition, LL-37forms complexes with self-DNA whichpotently activate the immune system(171). Necrotic cells, which are abundantin ALI, are a common source of suchDNA. Interestingly, LL-37 in itself exertscytotoxic and proapoptotic effects towardendothelial cells and epithelial cells (172).In contrast, LL-37 inhibits apoptosis inneutrophils themselves (173,174), con-tributing to enhanced accumulation ofneutrophils at the site of inflammation.At this point, no data from ALI models ofmice lacking CRAMP, the murine homo-logue of LL-37, are readily available.Nevertheless, as LL-37 is a potent proin-flammatory granule protein, it may holdsignificant roles in ALI.

Defensins are small, arginine-richcationic peptides that are divided in twosubgroups, α-defensins and β-defensins.Human α-defensins 1–4 (HNPs 1–4) areproduced principally by neutrophils andstored in primary (azurophilic) granules(175). High concentrations of α-defensinshave been found in BAL fluids from pa-tients with ARDS correlating with theseverity of disease (176). Since neu-trophils are the major source of HNPs, itappears likely that many HNPs are infact neutrophil-borne. Besides their mi-crobicidal function, α-defensins act as aneffector of cytokine production. In thiscontext it has been shown that HNPs ac-tivate macrophages to induce the releaseof TNF and interferon (IFN)-γ and to pro-

mote a phenotypic switch towards amore proinflammatory phenotype (177).In acute lung injury, α-defensins also induce IL-8, a chemokine that potently at-tracts neutrophils (178). Moreover, α-de-fensins increase the permeability of theepithelial monolayer in vitro (179–182).HNPs also exert chemotactic effects onimmature dendritic cells, T cells and mastcells (183–185). Since murine neutrophilslack α-defensins it is difficult to addresstheir role in murine models of ALI. Thus,only a transgenic mouse (α-defensins+/+)model is available, which displays in-creased ALI and disrupted capillary toepithelial barrier (186).

Azurocidin (also known as CAP37 orHBP) is stored in secretory vesicles andprimary granules of neutrophils and isreleased upon neutrophil adhesion andduring neutrophil extravasation(187,188). Its positive charge allows forimmobilization on the endothelial cellsurface where it induces adhesion of in-flammatory monocytes, but also pro-motes permeability changes (188,189). Infact, seminal studies suggest an almostexclusive role of azurocidin in neu-trophil-dependent permeability changes(189,190). In vivo experiments studyingthe lung damage induced by S. pyogenesrevealed an important role for neu-trophil granule proteins (100,191).Therein, M1 protein shed from the sur-face of S. pyogenes forms complexes withfibrinogen. These induce neutrophil acti-vation and degranulation via ligation ofβ2-integrins, and experimental data indi-cate a prominent role for azurocidin inthe M1 protein-induced lung edema for-mation and tissue destruction. At thispoint, no data from patient samples areavailable that would strengthen the per-ception of a role of azurocidin in ALI.However, antibodies which are found inTRALI have been shown to trigger dis-charge of azurocidin from neutrophils(192). In addition, in circumstances thatmay lead to ALI such as severe burns orsepsis, circulating azurocidin levels areincreased significantly, allowing specula-tion on their potential role in lung dam-age (193–195).

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OXIDANTS AND ROS-FORMATIONNeutrophils produce vast quantities of

reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen(RNS) species like O2

•– and NO• throughtheir oxidant-generating systems such asthe phagocyte NADPH oxidase and ni-tric oxide synthase (NOS) respectively.The controlled enzymatic generation ofROS, which includes superoxide anion,hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical andothers by neutrophils, is an integral com-ponent of the innate immune system.During ingestion of invading pathogensinto phagosomes, ROS generated at thephagosome membrane are released di-rectly into the phagosome. Besides thewell-known antimicrobicidal function ofROS during phagocytosis, low-level for-mation of ROS acts as intracellular sig-naling, so called “redox signaling” (196).ROS is released into the cytosol wherethey alter the redox state of the cell andmodify other cell contents, such as pro-teins and lipids by oxidation (197).

The membrane-bound multicompo-nent enzyme complex NADPH oxidase,which is dormant in resting cells and canbe activated rapidly by chemoattractantpeptides or chemokines, generates muchROS after activation. The oxidase con-sists of the catalytic subunit gp91phox(otherwise known as NOX2), the regula-tory subunits p22phox, p47phox,p40phox, p67phox and the small GTPaseRAC. NOX2, which is found predomi-nately in phagocytes, belongs to the fam-ily of NOX and dual oxidases (DUOX)(198). Furthermore, the myeloperoxidase,which is found in the neutrophil gran-ules, catalyzes the production of addi-tional ROS species, that is, the hydroxylradical (•OH) and hypochlorous acid(HOCl). Activated neutrophils produceprostaglandine E and F using thearachinodic acid metabolism and thismetabolism produces ROS, which is ableto regulate other signaling pathways inneutrophils directly or indirectly. Defi-ciency of NADPH oxidase in humans,known as a chronic granulomatous dis-ease, causes recurrent infections becausephagocytic cells fail to produce ROS andto kill engulfed foreign organisms.

Exposure of the lung to inhaled or in-stilled oxidants induces lung injury (199).The pathogenetic role of oxidants ishighlighted by elevated levels of plasmaand lung oxidants in patients withALI/ARDS. In addition, these levels ofoxidants correlate with severity of thedisease. In animal models of ALI, neutrophil-derived ROS and RNS causedlung injury as shown by histological ex-amination and permeability measure-ments (200,201). A recent study revealedthat ROS can disrupt intercellular tightjunctions of the endothelium by phos-phorylation of focal adhesion kinase(202). In vitro, ROS induced cell apopto-sis and necrosis of alveolar type II cellsduring oxygen exposure (203). In vivo,NOX-1–/– mice, but not NOX-2–/– mice,are protected from hyperoxia inducedALI; these results reveal that NADPHoxidase 1 plays a crucial role in hyperoxia-induced ALI (204). A previousstudy with NADPH oxidase–/– mice re-vealed no protection from CVF-inducedALI, indicating that oxygen radical pro-duction and lung injury may occurthrough alternative pathways in micewith genetic deletion of NADPH oxidase(205). Furthermore inhibition of NADPHor nitric oxide synthase (NOS) has de-creased sepsis-induced ALI (206) and re-spectively LPS induced ALI (207).

ROS may prolong inflammation bymodulating neutrophil function. Afteroxidation of acid spingomyelinase, ROSdelays neutrophil apoptosis in a caspase-8-dependent way (208). Neutrophil apo-ptosis also can be accelerated by MPOthrough CD11b/CD18 integrins (209).Consequently, neutrophil-derived oxi-dants (203) are regarded to present amajor role in neutrophil-mediated tissueinjury, including ALI/ARDS.

CONCLUSIONSActivation and migration of neu-

trophils into the lung is one of the keyevents in ALI. We have highlighted thecontribution of neutrophils and their se-cretory products to ALI. Up to now, nopharmacological therapy has emergedfor the treatment of all patients with

ALI/ARDS, because the patients and thecauses underlying the disease are veryheterogeneous. Whereas inhibition of ad-hesion molecules has reduced ALI inseveral animal models, the translationinto clinical trial has proven difficultowing to the redundancy of the mole-cules involved (210). Hence, the inflam-matory response induced by neutrophilscan be controlled by inhibition of de-granulation to avoid host tissue damage.Furthermore, antioxidants may reducethe ROS-related tissue damage in acutelung injury. Although neutrophil recruit-ment into the lung is necessary for hostdefense in case of bacterial infection, reg-ulation of neutrophil activity might be apossible therapeutic approach.

DISCLOSURESThe authors declare that they have no

competing interests as defined by Molec-ular Medicine, or other interests thatmight be perceived to influence the re-sults and discussion reported in thispaper.

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