CONTRIBUTED TALKS THwa I Janosi CONTRIBUTED POSTERS A Ajdari H Bahr A Barabasi A Barabasi S Clar/B Drossel H Diehl E Flekkoy C Frontera J Goicoechoa B Gorman M Hassan M Henkel S Hogan M Hiiner S Itoh M Jost J Kertesz M Kotrla J Krug/H Dobbs M Lassig BLee H Leschhorn T Liverpool S Liibeck H Nakanishi K Nemoto From KS to KPZ: An effective field theory of spatiotemporal chaos Population dynamics of coupled map lattices Motion out of asymmetry and biological motors Morphological transitions in crack pattern growth Avalanches and power law behaviour in lung inflation Universality classes for interface growth with quenched disorder Scaling and universality in the SOC forest fire model Dynamic surface critical behaviour with and without conservation Scaling, roughening and short time tails in fluctuating fluid interfaces Monte Carlo study of domain growth by vacancies Hysteresis in the 2D-sandpile cellular automaton Finite-range-scaling analysis of nucleation in a model system with long-range interactions Fragmentation of particles with more than one degree of freedom Schrodinger invariance in strongly anisotropic critical systems A cellular automata model of tube bundle wear in the heat exchangers Levy-flight limited aggregation FST for spatio-temporal intermittency Molecular dynamics simulation of molten Lil Field driven interface dynamics in a soft spin model Hydrodynamic cellular automata for granular media Kinetic roughening in SOS models of MBE growth Current induced faceting of crystal surfaces Depinning in a random medium Renormalisation group for reaction-diffusion systems Interface depinning in a random medium Lattice model for river meander dynamics SOC in a class of sandpile models with stochastic dynamics Oscillatory instability of quasi-static crack propagation An expansion formula for the Langevin equation in quantum systems 329

CONTRIBUTED TALKS CONTRIBUTED POSTERS - …978-1-4899-1421-7/1.pdf · CONTRIBUTED POSTERS A Ajdari H Bahr A Barabasi ... Motion out of asymmetry and biological motors ... Waltham

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I Janosi


A Ajdari H Bahr A Barabasi A Barabasi

S Clar/B Drossel H Diehl

E Flekkoy

C Frontera J Goicoechoa B Gorman

M Hassan

M Henkel

S Hogan

M Hiiner

S Itoh M Jost J Kertesz M Kotrla J Krug/H Dobbs M Lassig BLee H Leschhorn T Liverpool S Liibeck H Nakanishi K Nemoto

From KS to KPZ: An effective field theory of spatiotemporal chaos Population dynamics of coupled map lattices

Motion out of asymmetry and biological motors Morphological transitions in crack pattern growth A valanches and power law behaviour in lung inflation Universality classes for interface growth with quenched disorder Scaling and universality in the SOC forest fire model Dynamic surface critical behaviour with and without conservation Scaling, roughening and short time tails in fluctuating fluid interfaces Monte Carlo study of domain growth by vacancies Hysteresis in the 2D-sandpile cellular automaton Finite-range-scaling analysis of nucleation in a model system with long-range interactions Fragmentation of particles with more than one degree of freedom Schrodinger invariance in strongly anisotropic critical systems A cellular automata model of tube bundle wear in the heat exchangers Levy-flight limited aggregation FST for spatio-temporal intermittency Molecular dynamics simulation of molten Lil Field driven interface dynamics in a soft spin model Hydrodynamic cellular automata for granular media Kinetic roughening in SOS models of MBE growth Current induced faceting of crystal surfaces Depinning in a random medium Renormalisation group for reaction-diffusion systems Interface depinning in a random medium Lattice model for river meander dynamics SOC in a class of sandpile models with stochastic dynamics Oscillatory instability of quasi-static crack propagation An expansion formula for the Langevin equation in quantum systems


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J Pastor Ruiz A Rutenberg

E Schroder G Schutz Y Shimoo M Thomaz

E Vives

J Wattis B Wehefritz I Yekutieli M Zapotocky

U Zurcher


Pattern formation in galvanostatic electrode position Energy scaling approach to growth laws in phase-ordering problems Passive particle in defect turbulence Non-equilibrium dynamics of hard-core particles Zero and low field relaxation under stochastic perturbations Equivalence of classical spins and Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation of the fermionic anharmonic oscillator Metastability and avalanches in the random bond and random field Ising models Micelles and metastability Finite-size scaling studies of reaction-diffusion systems A model of branched growth Kinetics of phase ordering in uniaxial and biaxial nematic films Scaling and universality in systems with continuous symmetry

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Vincent HAKIM



Parallel Computing Group Departement d'Informatique Universite de Geneve CH-1211 Geneve 4 SWITZERLAND

Laboratoire de Physique Statistique Ecole Normale Superieure 24 rue Lhomond F-75231 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE

Niels Bohr Institute Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen DENMARK

IBM Research Division Thomas J Watson Research Center PO Box 218 Yorktown Heights NY 10598 USA

Laboratoire de Physique Statistique Ecole Normale Superieure 24 rue Lhomond F-75231 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE

Department of Atomic Physics Eotvos University Puskin u 5-7 H-1088 Budapest HUNGARY

Physics Department Room 12-109 MIT Cambridge MA 02139 USA


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Joachim KRUG





Dietrich WOLF

Royce ZIA


IFF, Theorie II Forschungszentrum Jiilich D-52425 Jiilich GERMANY

Laboratoire Acoustique et Optique de la Matiere Condensee Case 86 4 Place Jussieu F-7.'i252 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE

Department of Physics University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI 48109-1120 USA

Theoretische Physik, FB 10 Universitiit Duisburg D-47048 Duisburg GERMANY

Niels Bohr Institute Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen DENMARK

Theoretische Physik, FB 10 Universitiit Duisburg D-47048 Duisburg GERMANY

Department of Physics Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg VA 24061-043.5 USA

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Douglas ABRAHAM Department of Theoretical Physics University of Oxford 1 Keble Road Oxford OXI 3NP UNITED KINGDOM

Armand AJDARI Laboratoire de Physico Chimie Theorique ESPCI 10 rue Vauquelin F -75231 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE

Joan ARMERO Universitat de Barcelona Facultat de Fisica Departament d'ECM Diagonal, 647 E-08028 Barcelona SPAIN

Raymond ASTUMIAN Department of Surgery - MC6035 University of Chicago 5841 S Maryland Ave Chicago IL 60637 USA

Hans-Achim BAHR Max-Planck-Society Group Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials HallwachsstraBe 3 D-01069 Dresden GERMANY

Albert-Laszlo BARABASI Department of Physics Boston University 590 Commonwealth Avenue Boston MA 02215 USA

Thomas BLUM

Department of Theoretical Physics University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL UNITED KINGDOM

Alan BRAY Physics Department The University Manchester MI3 9PL UNITED KINGDOM

Miguel CARDENAS Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa Piazza del Cavalieri 7 1- Pisa ITALY

John CARDY Department of Theoretical Physics University of Oxford 1 Keble Road Oxford OX1 3NP UNITED KINGDOM

Bulbul CHAKRABORTY Department of Physics Brandeis University Waltham MA 02254 USA

Pierre CIZEA U Laboratoire de Physique Statistique Ecole Normale Superieure 24 rue Lhomond F-75231 Paris Cedex 05

Siegfried CLAR Institiit fiir Theoretische Physik T30 Technische Universitat Miinchen James-Franck-Stra6e D-85747 Garching GERMANY

David DEAN


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SPEC CEA/Saclay F-91911 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex FRANCE

Marcel DEN NIJS Department of Physics FM 15 University of Washington Seattle WA 98195 USA

Bernard DERRIDA Laboratoire de Physique Statistique Ecole Normale Superieure 24 rue Lhomond F-75231 Paris Cedex 05

Deepak DHAR Theoretical Physics Group Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Homi Bhabha Road Bombay 400005 INDIA

Ronald DICKMAN Department of Physics and Astronomy Herbert H Lehman College City University of New York Bronx, New York 10468 USA

Hans DIEHL Universitiit GH Essen Fachbereich 7/Physik D-45117 Essen GERMANY

Harvey DOBBS IFF der KFA KFA Jiilich D-52428 Jiilich GERMANY

James DOHERTY Department of Theoretical Physics University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL UNITED KINGDOM

Eytan DO MANY Department of Physics of Complex Systems Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot 76100 ISRAEL



Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Silver Street Cambridge CB3 9EW UNITED KINGDOM

Barbara DROSSEL Institut fUr Theoretische Physik T30 Tech Univ Miinchen J ames-Franck-Stra6e D-85747 Garching GERMANY

Sergei DUDAREV Department of Materials University of Oxford Parks Road Oxford OXI 3PH UNITED KINGDOM

W Stuart EDWARDS Department of Physics Haverford College Haverford, PA 19041 USA

Martin EVANS Department of Physics 1 Keble Road Oxford OX1 3NP UNITED KINGDOM

Eirik FLEKKOY Department of Physics University of Oslo PB 1048 Blinden 0316 Oslo NORWAY

Carlos FRONTERA Dep. D'Estruc I Cons. de la Mater. Facultat de Fisica Universitat de Barcelona Avd Diagonal 647 E-08028 Barcelona SPAIN

Richard GAYLORD Depa.rtment of Materials Science University of Illinois 1304 W Green Street Urbana IL 61801 USA

Peyman GHAFFARI 137 Sterling Place

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South Ealing London W5 4RD UNITED KINGDOM

Guy GIELIS Celestijneitemaan 200D 3001 Heverlee BELGIUM

Claude GODRECHE SPEC I'Orme des Merisiers Centre d'Etudes de Saclay F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette FRANCE

Jiirgen GOICOECHEA Universitat de Barcelona Facultat de Fisica Diagonal, 647 E-08028 Barcelona SPAIN

Bryan GORMAN Supercomputer Computations Research Institute Dirac Science Center Florida State University Tallahassee FL 32306-4052 USA

Michael GRINFELD Department of Engineering Mathematics University of Bristol Queen's Building University Walk Bristol BS8 1 TR UNITED KINGDOM

Fatima GURBUZ Istanbul Technical University Department of Engineering Sciences PK 118 8lO60 Istanbul TURKEY

Tim HALPIN-HEALY Physics Department Barnard College 3009 Broadway New York, NY lO027-6598 USA

Mark HARRISON Department of Pure & Applied Physics Queen's University of Belfast


M Kamrul HASSAN Brunei University Department of Physics Uxbridge Middx UB8 3PH UNITED KINGDOM

Malte HENKEL Department of Theoretical Physics University of Oxford 1 Keble Road Oxford OX1 3NP UNITED KINGDOM

John HOGAN Department of Engineering Mathematics University of Bristol Queen's Building University Walk Bristol BS8 1 TR UNITED KINGDOM

Metin HUNER Istanbul Teknik Universitesi Ayazaga Kampiisii Fen Edebiyat Fak Fizik BOliimii 80626 Maslak Istanbul Turkey

Terence HWA School of Natural Sciences Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, NJ 08540 USA

Sumiko ITOR PCL University of Oxford South Parks Road Oxford OXl 3QZ UNITED KINGDOM

Sudhir JAIN School of Mathematics & Computing University of Derby Kedleston Road Derby DE22 1GB UNITED KINGDOM

Imre JANOSI Department of Atomic Physics Eiitvos University Puskin u .5-7


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H-1088 Budapest HUNGARY

Michael JOST Universitat -GH-Duisburg Theoretische Tieftemperaturphysik Lothastrafie 1 D-47048 Duisburg GERMANY

Janos KERTESZ Institu te of Physics Technical University Budafoki ut 8 H-1521 Budapest HUNGARY

Miroslav KOTRLA Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic N a Slovance 2 180 40 Prague 8 CZECH REPUBLIC

Michael LASSIG IFF, Forschungszentrum Jiilich Jiilich 52425 GERMANY

Benjamin LEE Department of Physics University of Oxford 1 Keble Road Oxford OXI 3NP UNITED KINGDOM

Heiko LESCHHORN Theoretische Physik III Rulu- U niversitat Bochum D-44780 Bochum GERMANY

Jichen LI Department of Pure and Applied Physics University of Salford Salford M6 4WT UNITED KINGDOM

Tanniemola LIVERPOOL Cavendish Laboratory Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 ORE UNITED KINGDOM

Roberto LIVI


Dipartimento di Fisica U niversita di Bologna Via Irnerio 46 Bologna ITALY

Chun-Yi LU Cavendish Laboratory Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 ORE UNITED KINGDOM

Sven L UEBECK Theoretische Physik Universitat Duisburg Lotharstra6e 1 D-47048 Duisburg GERMANY

Boris MALOMED School of Mathematical Sciences Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv 69978 ISRAEL

Philippe MARCQ Service de Physique de I'Etat Condense Centre d'Etudes de Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex France

Steffen MEYER U niversitat Kaiserslautern Fachbereich Physik Theoretische Physik

D-67653 Kaiserslautern Postfach 3049 GERMANY

Remi MONASSON Dipartimento de Fisica Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" Piazzale A Moro 2 00185 Roma ITALY

Michael MOORE Department of Theoretical Physics University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL UNITED KINGDOM

David MUKAMEL Department of Physics of Complex Systems The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot 76100

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Hiizu NAKANISHI Department of Physics Faculty of Science & Technology Keio University Hiyoshi, Kohoku-Ku Yokohama 223 JAPAN

Kae NEMOTO Shibata Laboratory Department of Physics Ochanomizu University 2-1-1 Ohtsuka, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 112 JAPAN

Yaghout NOURANI Oersted Lab. H.C. Oersted Inst. Universistsparken 5 DK-2100 Copenhagen OE DENMARK

Dominic O'KANE Department of Mathematics Imperial College 180 Queen's Gate London SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM

Juanma PASTOR RUIZ Dep Fisica Fundamental Facultad de Ciencias UN ED Senda del rey sin E-28040 Madrid SPAIN

Robert PHELAN Department of Physics Trinity College Dublin 2 IRELAND

Josep PORRA Department of Chemistry 0340 UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA 92093-0340 USA

Ramakrishna RAMASWAMY School of Physical Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Delhi 110 067 INDIA

Vladimir RITTENBERG Physikalisches Institut Nufiallee 12 D-53115 Bonn GERMANY

Martin ROST IFF KFA-Jiilich D-52425 J iilich GERMANY

Shahin ROUHANI Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics Tehran PO Box 11365-9161 IRAN

Andrew RUTENBERG Theoretical Physics Group Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL UNITED KINGDOM

Jose M SANCHO Facultad de Fisica Univ de Barcelona Diagonal 647 E-08028 Barcelona SPAIN

Maria SANTOS Departamento de Fisica Faculdade de Ciencias Praca Gomes Teixeira 4000 Porto PORTUGAL

Martin SCHIMSCHAK Forschungszentrum Jiilich GmbH IFF Theorie II D-52425 Jiilich GERMANY

Beate SCHMITTMANN Department of Physics Virginia Tech Blacksburg VA 24061-0435 USA



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Niels Bohr Institute Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 DENMARK

Michael SCHROEDER Theoretische Physik FB 10 Universitat Duisburg D-47048 Duisburg GERMANY

Gunter SCHUTZ Department of Physics University of Oxford 1 Keble Road Oxford OX1 3NP UNITED KINGDOM

Yonathan SHAPIR Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 USA

David SHERRINGTON Department of Physics 1 Keble Road Oxford OX1 3NP UNITED KINGDOM

Yumi SHIMOO Shibata Laboratory Department of Physics Faculty of Science Ochanomizu University 2-1-1 Ohtsuka, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 112 JAPAN

Eugene SPEER Department of Mathematics Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 USA

Lei-Han TANG Institut fUr Theoretische Physik Universitat zu KOln Ziilpicher StraBe 77 D-50939 Kaln GERMANY

Neville TEMPERLEY Thorney House Thorney Langport



Teresa THOMAZ Insituto de Ffsica UFF Outeiro de Sao Joao Batista Niteroi RJ 24020-005 BRAZIL

Andrei TOOM Incarnate Word College 4301 Broadway San Antonio TX 78209 USA

Wayne TVEDT University of Bremen FB3 BlibliothekstraBe 1 Bremen 28359 GERMANY

Eduard VIVES Dept ECM Univ de Barcelona Diagonal 647 E-08028 Barcelona SPAIN

Joe WATSON Lyman Laboratory Department of Physics Harvard University Cambridge MA 02138 USA

Jonathan WATTIS Department of Theoretical Physics University of Nottingham Nottingham UNITED KINGDOM

Birgit WEHEFRITZ Physikalisches Institut Bonn Zimmer 131 Theorie NuBallee 12 D-53115 Bonn GERMANY

Iddo YEKUTIELI Department of Mathematics Yale University 10 Hillhouse Avenue Box 2155 Yale Station New Haven CT 06520 USA

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Martin ZAPOTOCKY Department of Physics University of lllinois 1110 West Green Street Urbana IL 61801 USA

Ulrich ZURCHER Department of Chemistry MIT Room 6-226 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge MA 02139 USA


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Adatom mobility, 27 Aggregation, 63, 76, 80-82, 161 Allen-Cahn

theory, 165 equation, 168

Angle of repose, 271, 280 Anisotropic, 90, 99 Anisotropy, 68-72, 75, 86, 87, 96 Arching effect, 314, 322 Asymmetric simple exclusion (ASEP), 46 Avalanche, 90-92,271-275,280-283,286,

287, 296-300, 304-309, 312, 313, 325

Ballistic deposition, 3, 25, 100, Boiling phenomena, 206 Boltzmann

approximation, 139 equation, 140

Burgers equation, 42, 47, 100,

Calm-Hilliard equation, 170, 173 Capillarity, 64, 67-72, 75, 77-80 Causality bound, 24 Cell-dynamic method, 187 Cellular automata, 133, 204 Chaos, 268, Chaotic dynamics, 203 Chapman-Enskog, 140 Chemical reaction, 158 Coalescing random walk, 4 Coarse graining, 35, 217, 219 Coarsen, 249, 250, 255, 256 Cole-Hopf transformation, 327 Collective chaos, 212 Collision term, 138 Columnar defects, 53 Columnar growth, 3 Competitive growth, 2 Computer simulation, 215, 249, 253

Conformal mapping, 20 Conformal transformation, 73, 75, 77-79 Conservation, 264, 265, 268, 272-275, 277,

282 of energy, 146 of mass, 138 of momentum, 139

Conserved oroer parameter, 169, 205 Contact line, 89, 90, 94 Continuity equation, 139 Convection, 314, 315, 319, 321, 322 Correlation

three-point function, 12.5 t.emporal, 237, 241

Coupled map lattice, 203 Crack propagat.ion, 3 Crank-Nichelson method, 188 Crit.ical attractor, 297 CWD, 89, 91, 96

Decompaction, 314, 317, 319 Defects, 181

dynamics, 184 topologically st.able, 181

Delocalisation, .50 Dendrit.e, 63, 66, 70-72, 75 Dendritic sidehranches, 3 Depinning, 89, 90, 93-101, 294, 29.5 Desorption, 223 Destructive correlations, 207 Detailed balance, 262-264 Diffusion, 151

bias, 192 constant, 154 edge, 226 length, 64, 66, 67

Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA), 16, 65, 66, 76, 80, 81, 86-88, 288

Diffusion-limited deposition, 23


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Diffusion-limited erosion, 36 Diffusion-limited growth, 16 Dilatancy threshold, 323, 326 Directed percolation, 94, 99, 296-300 Directed polymers, 47 Discretization, 204 Domain

growth, 165 wall,89, wall profile, 176

Driven-diffusive system, 111 randomly, 128

Drumhead model, 26, 169 Dynamic scaling, 91, 96, 101, 102, 105,

108 Dynamical correlation length, 31" 34 Dynamical exponent, 34 Dynamical system, 205

Earthquakes, 261, 270, 277, 280, 29.'i, 300

Eden model, 25, 100, Edwards-Wilkinson equation, 30 Ehrlich-Schwoebel effect, 192 Elastic restitution, 314-316, 321,325 Energy dissipation, 184 Ensemble average, 138 Epitaxy, 192 17-model, 63, 77, 81, 82 Euler

equation, 146 method,187

Evolution, 298, 300 Exponentially small effects, 69 Extremal statistics, 7

Facet, 70-72, 257 Finite size effects, 226 Fluctuations, 161 Fluctuation-dissipation theorem, 40, 116,

167, 168 violation, 120

Fluid displacement in porous media, 26 Fluidization, 314-316, 321 Flux lines, 95, 97, 99 Forest fires, 275, 277 Fragmentation, 287 Free energy functional, 264, 267 Friction, 314-321, 325, 326 Frictional, 277

Galilean-invariance, 42, 147


Gaussian approximation, 180 Generic scale invariance, 121, 262, Gibbs-Thompson, 64, 70

effect, 27 Globally coupled arrays, 207 Granular flows, 323 Granular materials, 313-315 Granular temperature, 325 Growth,161

inhomogeneous, 50

Height model, 303, 304, 307 Heaping, 314, 320, 321

Inhibition model, 296, 297 Interface, 89-96, 100, 101, 29.'l-:J00

mobility, 26 Intermittency, 295 Intermittent, 300 Invariant

checkerboard, 156 collisional, 143 spurious, 156 staggered, 156

Invasion percolation, 29.5, 297, 300 Islands (in MBE)

average size, 230 critical size, 222, 226 diffusion of, 223 fractal, 218, 226 magic, 219, 226, 229 size distribution, 228

Ivantsov, 66-69, 72

Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ), 100-104 equation, 39, 249, 265, 268, 295-298 anisotropic equation, 41

Kinetic roughening, 25, 31, 217, 241 KLS model, 112 Knock-out effects, 194 Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, 44

Langevin equation, 254, 263-268 Laplacian

field, 63, 70-73, 77, 78, 86 growth, 16, 72, 76, 77 problem, 67, 69 random walk, 63, 81, 82

Lattice Boltzmann-Equation, 1:J.'l, 150 viscosity, 149

Lattice-gas, 46, 112, 134

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automata, 134 FCHC model, 146 FHP, model, 135 HPP, model, 134

Layer-by-Iayer growth, 217 Liesegang structure, 161 Lifshitz-Sloyzov-Wagner theory, 165 Local-equilibrium, 140 Logistic map, 204

~ach-number, 147 ~artin-Siggia-Rose formalism, 92,94,98,

100 ~azenko's theory, 179 ~ean field theory, 21 Metapopulation, 208 ~icrodyna.mics, 138, 152, 158 Model

A, 166 B, 169, 173, 174

Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), 27, 165, 192, 215, 249

Momentum-tensor, 139 Mullins equation, 30 Mullins-Sekerka instability, 65, 76, 80,

192, Multifractal, 280, ~ultiscale expansion, 159 Multiscaling, 177, 183, 296, Multispeed models, 146

Navier-Stokes equation, 135 Noise, 13, 29, 162

diffusion, 233 nucleation, 234, 240 reduction, 218, 242 shot, 233, 242

Nonconserved order parameter, 168 Non-equilibrium, 89, 100, 263, 279, 282,

288,295 Nonlocal connections, 208 Non-Newtonian, 313, 314, 323, Nucleation

distance between sites, 216, 219, 223 rate, 220

Numerical simulations, 101, 104, 107

Opacity,'21 Ordering Dynamics, 165 Oscillatory chemical system, 205 Ostwald ripening, 166

Pattern formation, 165, 192 Peclet number, 64, 66, 67 Phase separation, 205 Polymer, 101-103 Population biology, 203 Porod's law, 181

modified, 182 Power counting, 34 Power law, 300 Precipitation, 161 Punctuated dynamics, 295 Punctuated equilibrium, 300 Punctuated processes, 299

Quenched disorder, 47, 48

Radius of nucleation, 172 Random field Ising model, 92, 94, Random neighbor model, 298, 299, 304-

307 Random-walk, 151 Rate equations, 221 Reaction-rate, 160 Relaxation oscillations, 281-285 Renormalisation group approach, 173 Reynolds-numbers, 149 RHEED-oscillations, 217, 242 Roughening, 95 Roughness exponent, 32, 34, 91-101, 241,

249, 255, 296-298 Rouse model, 106, 107,

Sandpile, 271-274,280-283,303-305,313, 314, 320

Scale invariance, 261, 264, 273, 280, 284-287

Scaling properties, 205 Scaling relations, 211 Schwoebel

effect, 192, 2.'>3 barriers, 250, 257

Screening, 17, 18 Sedimentation, 30, 37 Segregation, 313-315, 321, 322 Self-affine, 63, 72, 91, 101, 105, 298 Self-dilating, 73, 79 Self-organization, 300, 314 Self-organized critical, 296-298, 303-307 Self-organized criticality, 209, 210, 262,

269,295 Self-similar, 86, 95


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Self-thinning, 7 Separation of time scales, 270, 300 Shadowing, 4 Shadow instability, 8 Side branching, 87 Singularity dynamics, 63, 76, 77, 79 Slope selection, 195 SLUG, 249-251, 255-257 Solid-on-solid (SOS) model, 37, 46 Solidification, 86 Solubility-condition, 141 Spatial organization, 210 Spinodal decomposition, 11, 166 Sputter deposition, 8 Steady state, 263, 270, 274-277, 281, 284,

287 Stefan problem, 85, 86, Step edge barriers, 30, 36 Step-flow, 193, 228 Stick-slip, 275-277, 283-285, 288 Strong coupling, 35, 40


Submonolayer growth, 216 Superconductor, 95, 96, 99 Surface diffusion, 27 Synchronisation, 208

Telegraphist equation, 155 Temperature, 146 Threshold condition, 203, 208 Time-scale separation, 209

Unbinding, 50

Variable range hopping, 54 Velocity exponent, 90, 94, 95 Vibration, 314-317, 320-322 Viscous fingering, 64, 65, 76-78, 86, 87

Water droplets, 287, Wulff plot, 64, 71, 72 WV-model, 244

XY model, 188