Contractors Quality ISO 9000

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  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000





    Constr!t"on Contr#!t"n$ #n% A%"n"str#t"on

    A%'"s(% )*+

    Dr, S#%" Ass#

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000



    INTRODUCTION 3Problem Statement 3Research Objectives 3Scope and Limitations 4

    LITERATURE REVIEW 5Introduction Of ISO 9000 5Objectives of ISO 5volution of ISO 9000 Standards 5Structure of ISO 9000 !amil" of Standard #$ertification to ISO 9000 Standard #ISO 9000 Standard in Saudi %rabia &ISO 9000 and '() *

    ISO 9000 and the $onstruction Industr" *

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000



    Problem Statement

    'he evolution of (ualit" in all aspects of life has become more and more

    tan.ible/ 'his interest in ualit" is no1 ver" obvious in all t"pes of business/

    $ustomers are no1 more demandin. of ualit"/ 'he" do not onl" reuire their

    supplier to provide ualit" products and2or services but also reuire them to

    operate ualit" s"stems that provide them 1ith confidence in .ettin.

    consistent ualit"/

    'he emphasis on ualit" is also demanded in the construction industr"/

    o1ever an"one 1ho has a little no1led.e of the construction industr"

    1ould associate it 1ith poor ualit" and hi.h ris/ 'his has been the

    construction industr"6s ima.e for a lon. time/ One of the possible solutions

    to overcome the poor ualit" associated 1ith the construction industr" is to

    introduced and implement ualit" s"stem standard/

    'his thesis is mainl" a case stud" intended to surve" selected

    construction contractors re.ardin. their ualit" s"stems $ontractors6 ualit"

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    S!o&e an' L$m$tat$on

    'he research covers a sample of fifteen lar.e construction companies inthe astern Province of the in.dom of Saudi %rabia/ 'he $hamber of

    $ommerce in the astern Province recommended the contractors selected for

    the stud" because the" are classified as major contractors 1hich have

    completed man" construction projects/ % list of contractors 1as

    contacted initiall" and their 1illin.ness to participate in the stud" assessed/'he selected fifteen contractors are bet1een the first t1o classes of the

    $hamber6s classification for construction contractors/

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000



    Intro'(!t$on o) ISO *+++

    ISO is the International Or.aniation for Standardiation a 1orld1ide

    federation of national standards bodies from ++& countries/ ISO 1hose

    $entral Secretariat located in :eneva of S1iterland is a non;.overnmental

    or.aniation established in +94&/ ISO is not part of the e/./ @isometricA 7 eual dimensions?/ ence ISO 1as chosen as a name of

    the International Or.aniation for Standardiation as a reflection of its

    f nctions and beca se it is eas to follo

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    internal auditin. it contains most of the current elements of ISO 9000

    standard/'he )IL;(;9*5*% standard 1as follo1ed b" man" ualit" assurance

    standards issued b" different countries until +9&9 1hen the Critish standard

    CS 5&50 1as issued 1hich became the basis for the birth of the international

    standard ISO 9000 in +9*&/

    Str(!t(re o) ISO *+++ Fam$l, o) Stan'ar'

    $urrentl" the ISO 9000 famil" of standards >previousl" called series of

    standards in the +9*& first edition? consist of +& standards/ 'hese are listed in

    attached table ISO 9000 is not a sin.le standard it6s a .roup or >famil"? of

    standards/ ISO 900+ ISO900- and ISO 9003 are used for contractual

    applications i/e/ supplier;customer business/ Other standards in the ISO 9000

    famil" are onl" .uidelines as their titles impl"/

    Cert$)$!at$on to ISO *+++ Stan'ar'

    %s mentioned earlier there are three standards amon. the ISO 9000 famil" of

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    $ertification bodies of ualit" s"stems provide confirmation that a

    supplier6s ualit" s"stem satisfiesISO9000 applicable standard or euivalent/'he purpose of such certification is to .ive assurance that the supplier is

    capable of suppl"in. products or services a.ainst appropriate standards/

    'he certification process involves a complete revie1 and evaluation of the

    supplier6s ualit" s"stem/ 'he process includes an initial visit >also called pre;assessment visit? made b" the certification bod" to learn about the supplier6s

    operations and to evaluate his readiness/ Supplier6s documentation is

    revie1ed for compliance 1ith the applicable reuirements of the ISO 9000

    standard/ ,eviations from the standard >$alled nonconformance? must be

    corrected b" the supplier before the formal assessment is scheduled/ 'he

    third part" auditors verif" b" objective evidence that the supplier implements

    his o1n procedures and that the procedures conform to the intent of the

    reuirements of ISO 9000 standards/ If the results of the assessment are

    satisfactor" the supplier 1ill be .ranted the certificate/ 'he certificate is

    usuall" valid for three "ears as the attached chart in the attachment section/

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    Re.ister :ermanischer LIo"d ,et norse Eeritus >,nE? and

    Cureau Eeritus etc/Other national companies are also plannin. to enter the ualit" s"stems

    certification arena/

    ISO *+++ an' T-M

    'otal (ualit" )ana.ement >'()? is a compan";1ide effort that involves ever"person in an or.aniation to improve performance/ It penetrates to ever"

    aspect in the or.aniation and puts ualit" as a fundamental objective/

    '() philosoph" 1hich is based on mana.ement commitment as the name

    implies focuses on7

    $ontinuous process improvement and innovation $ustomer and suppliers >both internal and e8ternal? involvement

    'eam 1or

    ducation and trainin.

    In an effort to achieve7

    $ t ti f ti

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    obtain replacement/ e is left 1it the patched;up ori.inal 1hich 1ill probabl"

    be a continuin. source of irritation and unanticipated e8pense/'herefore the client reuires the contractor to have an in;house effective

    ualit" s"stem that can .ive him the confidence or assurance that he 1ill .et a

    ualit" constructed facilit" on his land/ 'his is 1hat is called @ualit"

    assurance s"stemA/

    (ualit" s"stems involve internal and e8ternal aspects/ Internal ualit" s"stemscover activities aimed to provide confidence to the mana.ement of an

    or.aniation that the intended ualit" is bein. achieved

    On the other hand e8ternal ualit" s"stem covers activities aimed to provide

    confidence to the client that the supplier6s ualit" s"stem 1ill provide a

    product or services that 1ill satisf" his ualit" reuirement/ 'his is called

    @ualit" assurance s"stemsA/ $ontractor6s ualit" assurance s"stem is ver"

    important to the client 1ho 1ill .ain confidence that D .ettin. it first time6

    1ill be the contractor6s norm/

    Inter&retat$on o) ISO *+++ tan'ar' $n t"e !ontr(!t$on $n'(tr,

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000



    Po&(lat$on an' Data Colle!t$on

    'he research methodolo." start 1ith thirt";four contractors 1as identified b"

    the $hamber of $ommerce and the contractors 1ere screened the

    number do1n to fifteen/ %ll contractors 1ere contacted either b" fa8 or b"

    phone to ensure their 1illin.ness for participation/ 'he screenin. process

    e8cluded the contractors 1ho either declined to participate in the stud"

    because the" 1ere bus" 1ith current projects and preparin. for bids

    'he fifteen construction contractors 1ere visited and their dele.ated

    personnel 1ere intervie1ed to obtain the needed information re.ardin. their

    ualit" s"stems/ %ll intervie1s included e" individuals from the contractors

    mana.ement. Each intervie1 too bet1een - to 4 hours and some intervie1s

    1ere done in t1o parts/ It 1as ver" difficult for the compan" representatives to

    allocate the needed time for the intervie1/

    'he surve" uestionnaire 1as used durin. these intervie1s as a checlist

    d l t d t d t th t t G 'hi

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    Data Anal,$

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000



    'he follo1in. tables summarie the major findin.s of the first section of the


    Fam$l$ar$t, o) ISO


    TotalA&&l$!ab$l$t, o) ISO



    !ull" !amiliar # %pplicable Ceneficial


    Partiall" !amiliar # ave Reservation -

    =ot !amiliar 3 =o $omments 3

    Reaon be"$n' A'o&t$n. ISO *+++ Total

    )ana.ement Initiatives #

    $ustomer Reuirement #

    8pect ,emand in !uture 3

    =o ,emand &

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    >$lause 4/-0? and then mana.ement responsibilit" >$lause 4/+? and

    corrective and preventive action >$lause 4/+4? are the clauses of ISO 900+standard 1hich the contractors have little applications/

    On the other hand inspection and test status >$lause 4/+- ? is the most

    element of ualit" s"stems 1hich the contractors have documented

    s"stem for/ 'his is follo1ed b" inspection and testin. >$lause 4/+0? and

    then control of non;conformin. product >$lause 4/+3?/Internal audit >$lause 4/+&? trainin. >clause 4/+*? and desi.n control >$lause

    4/4? are the least elements of ualit" s"stems 1hich the contractors have

    documented s"stem for/

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000



    'he major factor of success to an" ualit" s"stem is the understandin. belief

    and commitment b" the people 1ho run it/ If the" understand it ver" 1ell the"

    1ill believe in it and 1hen the" believe in it the" 1ill implement it 1illin.l" arid


    'he follo1in. major points have been concluded from the case studies7

    +/ '1o contractors from the case studies have been alread" certified b"

    third part" to ISO 900- and four others are in the process to be

    certified/ !our contractors have lon. term plans to full" implement

    ualit" s"stems that meet ISO 9000 standard 1hile three contractors

    are not familiar 1ith the standard/

    -/ Out of seven contractors 1ho claimed implementation onl" t1o

    contractors have ualit" assurance s"stems that compl" 1ith all

    reuirements of the ISO 9000 standard/ 'en contractors have limited

    j t id lit t l t hil t t h f l

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    &/ HInternal %uditin.H H,esi.n $ontrolH HStatistical 'echniuesH

    H$orrective and Preventive %ctionH and H)ana.ement Responsibilit"Hare the least implemented clauses/

    */ 'he contractor6s documentation is lacin. on most elements of their

    ualit" s"stem/

    9/ 'here is a misconception b" some of the contractors about some of the

    reuirements/ of the ISO 9000 standard such as disposition of non;

    conformances and corrective action and internal ualit" audits/

    +0/:eneral 1eaness of the contractors ualit" s"stems includes control

    of sub;contractors and trainin. 1hich are t1o major aspects that

    contribute to the ualit" of construction projects/

    ++/Statistical techniues are applied b" contractorsJ si8 contractors

    are usin. them for measurin. productivit" 1hile one contractor is usin.

    them for samplin. inspection and the other contractor is usin. them for

    controllin. 1eldin. procedures/

    'he follo1in. points have been recommended from the case studies7

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  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    T"e ISO *+++ Fam$l, o) Stan'ar'

    Stan'ar' T$tle

    ISO *40- 7 +994 (ualit" mana.ement and ualit" assurance KEocabular"

    ISO 9000;+ 7 +994 (ualit" mana.ement and ualit" assurance standards K Part + 7:uidelines for selection and use

    ISO 9000;- 7 +993 (ualit" mana.ement and ualit" assurance standards K Part - 7:eneric .uidelines for the application of ISO 900+ ISO 9003

    ISO 9000;3 7 +99+ (ualit" mana.ement and ualit" assurance standards K part 3 7:uidelines for the application of ISO 900+ to the developmentsuppl" and maintenance of soft1are

    ISO 9000;4 7 +993 (ualit" mana.ement and ualit" assurance standards K part 4 7:uide to dependabilit" pro.ram mana.ement

    ISO 900+ 7 +994 (ualit" s"stems K )odel for ualit" assurance in desi.ndevelopment production installation and servicin.

    ISO 900- 7 +994 (ualit" s"stems K )odel for ualit" assurance in productioninstallation and servicin.

    ISO 9003 7 +994 (ualit" s"stems K )odel for ualit" assurance in final inspectionand test

    ISO 9004;+ 7 +994 (ualit" mana.ement K and ualit" s"stems elements K Part + 7:uidelines

    ISO 9004;- 7 +99+ (ualit" mana.ement K and ualit" s"stems elements K Part - 7

    : id li f i

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    Cla(e o) t"e ISO *++4 Stan'ar' an' t"e S(b5to&$! Un'er Ea!" Cla(e

    T$tle o) t"e !la(e S(b5To&$!$lause 4/+ )ana.ement responsibilit" (ualit" polic"

    Responsibilit" and authorit"


    )ana.ement Representative

    )ana.ement revie1

    $lause 4/- (ualit" S"stem (ualit" manual

    (ualit" s"stem procedures

    (ualit" plans$lause 4/3 $ontract revie1

    $lause 4/4 ,esi.n $ontrol ,esi.n plans

    ,esi.n input and output

    ,esi.n revie1 and verification

    ,esi.n validation

    $lause 4/5 ,ocument and ,ata $ontrol

    $lause 4/# Purchasin. valuation of sub;contractors

    P h i d t

  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


  • 8/13/2019 Contractors Quality ISO 9000


    Cert$)$!at$on Pro!e o) ISO *+++ Stan'ar'

    ISO Certification ProcessISO Certification Process




    AssessmentCertification is





    Supplier docum.



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