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Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management · Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM) 1,-

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Page 1: Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management · Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM) 1,-

1 of 8

Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management:

There isn’t one.

Page 2: Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management · Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM) 1,-

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The Problem

Page 3: Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management · Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM) 1,-
Page 4: Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management · Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM) 1,-

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The Solution

Page 5: Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management · Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM) 1,-

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Contract / Commerce Lifecycle Management (CCLM) Systems

Page 6: Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management · Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM) 1,-

Contract documents management

Contract lifecycle management (CLM)

Contract and commercial management (CCM)

Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM)

Page 7: Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management · Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM) 1,-

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Page 8: Contract and Commerce Lifecycle Management · Contract and commerce lifecycle management (CCLM) 1,-

The Big Picture: Exploring the ROI of CCLM