Chapter President MSgt (Ret) Terry Turner, and his Executive Council, presents the following summary of accomplishments/activities during the month of January 2014 DATE/ACTIVITY 6. Trustee Don Sullivan received a response from US Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) regarding the budget conflict in Congress last October. 7. President Terry Turner and VP Michael Mooney were recognized/coined at the First Sergeants Council meeting by Council Vice President MSgt Shakeisha Perkins. She stated largely due to Chapter 985's support of the Tinker AFB Angel Tree Program, the First Sergeant Council was able to make the holiday season a little brighter for 113 families totaling 237 "Angels". 10. President Terry Turner presented $300.00 to President Petra Hayes (Dorm Council) to support Dorm Bingo. Receipts will be provided after event. 10. President Terry Turner emailed the annual CY2014 Budget and Directory of Officers to Division 3 President Dale Lutzen for AFSA, Debra Kirby, 72FSS/FSRO for our PO folder and Chapter Historian Tim Ossinger for file. 11. Chapter 985 had 20 volunteers, along with other members of the community, share some of their time to help support the Special Olympics. Volunteers are the backbone of this organization and our group’s efforts were clearly shown these Winter Games. Thank you to everyone who came out to support these athletes and give them hope! 11. Trustee Tim Ossinger received a response from US Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK4) in regards to his concerns on the COLA cuts. 12. Conducted Monthly General Membership Meeting. Thoroughly briefed the Chapter Monthly Legislative Report and approved prior general membership and executive council meeting minutes to 36 attendees. Door prize winners and Educational Grants were awarded. Continued on Next Page

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Chapter President MSgt (Ret) Terry Turner, and his Executive Council, presents the following summary of accomplishments/activities during the month of January 2014


6. Trustee Don Sullivan received a response from US Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) regarding the budget conflict in Congress last October.

7. President Terry Turner and VP Michael Mooney were recognized/coined at the First Sergeants Council meeting by Council Vice President MSgt Shakeisha Perkins. She stated largely due to Chapter 985's support of the Tinker AFB Angel Tree Program, the First Sergeant Council was able to make the holiday season a little brighter for 113 families totaling 237 "Angels".

10. President Terry Turner presented $300.00 to President Petra Hayes (Dorm Council) to support Dorm Bingo. Receipts will be provided after event.

10. President Terry Turner emailed the annual CY2014 Budget and Directory of Officers to Division 3 President Dale Lutzen for AFSA, Debra Kirby, 72FSS/FSRO for our PO folder and Chapter Historian Tim Ossinger for file.

11. Chapter 985 had 20 volunteers, along with other members of the community, share some of their time to help support the Special Olympics. Volunteers are the backbone of this organization and our group’s efforts were clearly shown these Winter Games. Thank you to everyone who came out to support these athletes and give them hope!

11. Trustee Tim Ossinger received a response from US Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK4) in regards to his concerns on the COLA cuts. 12. Conducted Monthly General Membership Meeting. Thoroughly briefed the Chapter Monthly Legislative Report and

approved prior general membership and executive council meeting minutes to 36 attendees. Door prize winners and Educational Grants were awarded.

Continued on Next Page

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Kay Pivrnec Derick Heflin Frederick Schlag Clayton Moore Tim Ossinger

Mary Rokitka Erika Flint Philip Acosta Chris Griffen Don Sullivan

Clayton Moore Eric Dale

13. President Terry Turner emailed the fourth quarter (Oct-Dec) 2013 Activities, Americanism and Financial (AAF) Report to Division 3 President Dale Lutzen for AFSA, Debra Kirby, 72FSS/FSRO for our PO folder and Chapter Historian Tim Ossinger for file.

13. President Terry Turner and Trustee (Appointed) Greg Reyes briefed 36 ALS attendees on benefits and legislative process. Recruited 9 new members.

14. President Terry Turner & Trustee Brian Brewer recognized 17 First Sergeants for their direct support of our annual fundraiser in Nov/Dec 2013, they were instrumental in recruiting 262 volunteers who worked 1,183 volunteer hours, 12 Hours, 7 days a week from Black Friday til Christmas Eve. Each person was presented a letter of commendation certificate and personally thanked for their support.

15. President Terry Turner, Trustee Derick Heflin & VP Elect Zachary Merkl briefed FTAC on legislative process and how AFSA saves benefits. 38 Attendees, Recruited 6, Change of Chapters and address update for 6.

15. One volunteer spent his evening doing some karaoke while packing boxes of food at the Regional Food Bank. What an awesome way to have some fun while showing your support to the community!

19. Trustee Tim Ossinger received a response from US Rep Tome Cole (R-OK4) in regards to his concerns about the federal employee pay.

20. Airman Activities Program assisted veterans with refreshments and playing Bingo for their monthly Bingo night at the VA Home.

21. Trustee/First Sergeant Brian Brewer briefed local AFSA activities to the Tinker First Sergeants Council. 24. President Terry Turner received a response from US Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) regarding his message about the budget

conflict in Congress in October. 25. AFSA had three volunteers help feed an estimated 200 homeless people this month. As always it is a great opportunity

to spend time with people that appreciate what you do for them. 28. Four volunteers went to Regional Food Bank to help pack 4,080 pounds of food, or even better 3,400 meals for the

“Food For Kids” program. 29. Chapter President Terry Turner organized and executed a base-wide “CCM Welcome Ceremony” for Tinker AFB’s newest

Command Chief, CMSgt Avery Woolridge, 552d Air Control Wing. Approximately 75+ people attended, including base senior enlisted leadership and many other supervisors. The chapter funded this successful event; hors d’oeuvres and cake were served at a cost of $642.50. An Array of photos below shows Incoming Chapter Vice President Zachary Merkl

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narrating, and Incoming Trustee Bianca Locust reading BIO, and Colonel Jay Bickley and Chief Avery Woolridge and spouse Michelle sharing remarks. President Terry Turner presented Chief Woolridge with an AFSA lapel pin.

30. President Terry Turner received a response from US Rep James Lankford (R-OK4) about his message regarding H.R. 813,

Putting Veterans Funding First Act of 2013. 31. President Terry Turner distributed 1 Division 3 Scholarship Application Announcement, 1 Chapter General Membership

Meeting Reminder, 1 Chapter Monthly Legislative Report, 1 General Membership Meeting Minutes, 1 Executive Council Meeting Minutes, 1 AFSA Team Tinker Newsletter, 2014 Chapter Standing Rules, and 1 Invitation to Chapter Hosted 552 Air Control Wing New Command Chief Welcome Ceremony, to over 4,570 subscribers via our Web Site list server. He additionally disseminated volumes of information to the chapter Executive council.

31. Airman Activities Program distributed 5 notices via our list server to over 4,570 subscribers offering volunteer opportunities for the Special Olympics (20), Regional Food Bank Karaoke (1), VA Bingo, City Rescue Mission (3), and Regional Food Bank Pack and Sort (4).

♦ 28 Volunteers for January, 121.5 Total Hours of Community Service 20 Volunteers for the Special Olympics Winter Games 1 Volunteer for the Regional Food Bank Karaoke Night 22 Volunteers for the VA Bingo 3 Volunteers for the City Rescue Mission 4 Volunteers for the Regional Food Bank Pack and Sort

New events for February Military Welcome Center – 1, 8, 15, and the 22nd City Rescue Mission – 09 February VA Bingo – 17 February Regional Food Bank – 22 February OK Save A Dog Society – (Undeterminded)February

31. At least 75 airman got together for an Airman’s party at the Tinker Club. Chapter 985 assisted with the

necessary funding for the event.

31. VP Michael Mooney reported a membership summary for January 2014 as follow: 1 new member recruited resulting in a total of 1 new member recruited year-to-date from 1 recruiter; and

a total strength of1,865 total members (1,782 active and 83 lapsed). ♦ 0 members retained this month, 0 YTD from 0 retainers.

♦ 83 members on the lapsed roster. ♦ 33 members are on the Bad Address Listing (BAL). Efforts to correct the list are ongoing.

Name Unit Vol Hrs YTD

1 Shelby Platt 72 AMDS 12.5

2 Latoya Irving 72 AMDS 10

3 Mallery Nielbanck 72 MDOS 7

4 Mike Reed N/A 7

5 Ana Colsten 5 MRS 5

6 Anthony Gomez 552 AMXS 5

7 Bethany Rosas N/A 5

8 Caitlin Riddle 72 AMDS 5

9 David Magana N/A 5

10 Greg Reyes 342 RCS 5

11 James Kinney 552 MXS 5

12 Jennifer Stiring N/A 5

13 Jose Magana 5 MRS 5

14 Joseph Libid 552 AMXS 5

15 Lisa Elijah 72 ABW/JAJ 5

16 Manolo Rosas 72 AMDS 5

17 Marvis Urbano 552 AMXS 5

18 Stephanie Curran 72 MDSS 5

19 Tania Robles 72 AMDS 5

Volunteer Leaderboard Year To Date 2014

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We are excited Chapter 985, we have some great events planned for this year. The first major event is our annual AFSA 985 Awards/Recognition Luncheon. The luncheon is scheduled for March 13, 2014, start time 1100. The event will be hosted at the Tinker Club, hope you are able to attend. Invites will go out soon.. This month, we had the privilege of welcoming the new 552 Air Control Wing, Command Chief, CMSgt Woolridge. Once again Team Tinker shinned, the event lasted for about 2 hours and everyone who attended had great words to say about the event. Next month, February 2014, we once again will have the opportunity to recognize some of Tinker's Finest Airmen and NCO of the Year nominees. Our Chapter has been fortunate in competing at International Conferences in the past few years and look forward to competing this year! We have been fortunate for the talent that our chapter has had over the years. Some upcoming events: Membership Appreciation Events: If you have a event in mind, please email [email protected]. Some ideas that have come up so far are as follows: Director Suite Party at Warren Theatre located in Moore Laser Tag at Heyday Entertainment in Norman Zoo Picnic in Oklahoma City Thunder Play Off, limited to Members only plus guest. Roller Derby located in Oklahoma City Hockey event at Cox Center Sooner Sports (Basketball, Softball, Hockey, etc.) Hope to see you at one or more of our scheduled events! Please visit the new division website for up-to-date information on activities in your division, it can be found at www.afsadiv3.org. We meet every 2

nd Thursday of the month at the Tinker Club at 11:30AM for about an hour. Please come

join us. Don’t forget to check out our activities and issues that affect enlisted members and their families on: http://www.facebook.com/afsa985 - AFSA 985 Facebook

http://www.themilitarycoalition.org/ - The Military Coalition website. http://www.hqafsa.org//AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home–HFSA website.

AFSAlutely – Terry Turner, President

♦ For 2014: The chapter has a goal of 3 Skyhigher and 1 Highflier. 31. December Legislative Letter Writing Summary via CAPWIZ: 5 Members (Turner, Ossinger, Long, Sullivan and Cannon) wrote 49 letters and received 2 responses: Written: President-8, VP-8, Senators-22 and Represenatives-11 Responses: Senator-1 and Representative 1 31. We had 1,461 unique visitors and a total of 4,570 list server subscribers to our web site in January. Total unique visitors for 2014 YTD are 1,461.