VJ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 2 , 1889. A SEASON OF FESTIVITIES , * An Auspicious Lookout For the Coming Six Dayu. MANY AND VARIED ATTRACTIONS Openlnir ] > nys of tlio Omnlia Knlr- Whcra to Go nml Whnt to Boo Hold ActiniiiiumlatlnnHStreet ttnllxviiy Service.- Tlio . COIIIIIIR Week.- Hovond . pernuvcnturo this week will bo- one of tlio most Important In Omnhn's his- tory ¬ , Tlio attractions , the fnlr exposition nnd the Merchants' week colobrutlon will attract thousands of visitor* to the city, nml- n Rcncrnl grand , good tlmo may bo antici- pated ¬ , providing always that It doesn't rain. The annual fair of the Douglas county as- sociation ¬ promises to bo the best over held hero In ovcry particular. The trials In thu- epccd fitly wilt ccllpso anything of tlio kind ever seen In the city. The track Is in per- fect ¬ condition und thu numerous trotters and runners which nro entered were novcr In- bottcr form than at present. The grounds ycstorday were In a state of busy activity , the merry-go-round man being hard at work In putting up his machine whcro one cnn get a riilo on almost any col- ored ¬ bnsswood equine tit the nominal figure of a short bit per rldo ; the nmn with hli single lemon ana barrel of water is- on the ground , and all the llttlo hand cider presses arc running at full blast. Floral hull Is already assuming shape and the ninny bright und rare plants ar- tistically ¬ arranged form n sight which on co neon will bo remem- bered. ¬ . Chrysanthemums and tea roses nod their heads at geraniums und rhododen- drons ¬ , while mingled in artlstio confusion nro cactuc , prickly pear nnd u host of oilier rare and beautiful specimens of floricul- ture. ¬ . The wct sldo of the hall , or the west buildings , rutlier , are devoted to the Doug- las ¬ county ngricultual exhibit , and a glance ot tbo display is Hiifllciont to the looker-on that Douglas "county Is one ot the great gar- den ¬ spots of natuic. There 1110 mammoth pumpkins and squushcu , rlpo , red tomatoes , iiugo beets , succulent egg plants , luscious gfiipco and ticurs , round , red and ripe tipples of all sires , watermelons nnd cantelnpos , in fact cver.v variety of fruit and vegetable common to this climate. The visitor is Infit- In a continued statu of wish-1-had-somonuss from tbo tlmo of entry until departure. One need not bo told that this Is a gi.il n country , cither , for here arc golden aheuves- of wheat , bundles of ottts nnd tyc , bunches of barley nnd piles of yellow corn that are equalled by few und excelled by none. Art hall , too , is an Interesting place to- visit. . Tlicronro oil paintings , panel portraits nnd pen drawings , all the work of skilled hands ; crazy quilts , the result of woman's fancy ; rugs , mats nnd baud work ; carvings In stone und ; in short , a collection of artistically fashioned handsome bricabrac.- Jn . this department is u uniiiuo collection of turned wood articles from Madison , O. , which will doubtless attract more limn ordi- nary ¬ attention. The exhibit of stock Is very large and com- pleto. - . The draft horses exhibit is especially llno.thcro being over one hundred Cl vdesdalc- .Uormnn . and Percheron nnd French horses on exhibition. The major portion are owned by Nebraska people. Prominent among the heavy stables are tnoso of Dr. Noble , of Blair , Co til , of Fremont , and Hefner , of Nebraska City. CouU has ono niaro in his stable weighing 2'JGO pounds , which lias taken llrst premium at every fair she has cqer been exhibited.- In . the cattle pen& are a largo number of blooded animals. There are Polled-Angus , Here fords , Jerseys , Short Horns and Dur- hamsrwithnut - number. Some of the flnost specimens of horned cdttlo uvor exhibited in Omaha are now hero. Four IOIJR rows of pens form a pleasing eight for the hog fancier. Poland Chinas , * Chester Whites , Ltorlisnlres nnd Dttroo Jer- seys - If- Ifr grunt and squall in uhorus. The hog ex- hibit ¬ is perfect. Poultry is very beautiful , the building de- voted ¬ to that department being well tilled. Plymouth Rocks , Cochin-Chluas , Leghorns , game fowls , Uraoman and others mingle their crows with the quacking of the fancy breeds of ducks which arc on exhibition. The machinery department is not very well represented us yet , but several cutloads- n 111 bo placed in position today.- Evcr.vLhing'nccessury . for the comfort ot the visitor is provided. All sorts of refresh- ments ¬ nro obtainable at reasonable rates. Another point which should not be over- looked ¬ is the fucility for transportation. Ono can pot to the grounds from any pait of the city. The Omalm Motor company's line runs direct to the cast gate ono Sixteenth street. During fair week this company will put on twenty trains , which will give a service of u car each three minutes or less. The service - will ho fast and very unllko the old method of horse car travel. The cable company xvill run twonty-fourtrninson Us Twentieth sticot line , which will connect with noise cars at Lake etrcot for the grounds. On thu short track from Lake street north twelve cars will be raji , xvtiich will ufford u soivko of ono car per minute. The street car arrange- incuts - are very perfect.- As . Twentieth and Sixteenth streets north of Lake ai o unimproved and In a very dusty condition , the management will keep them sprinkled and will run eight sprinklers con ¬ stantly. This will bo a great improvement over the old method of allowing the streets to take euro of-themselves. Tilt ) Exposition.- Whnn . the visitor at the exposition at the Collaoum to-day looks over the magnificent display before him ho will ccnso to wonder why Jack Prince appears in such good bumor. The Interior of tbo building is beau- tiful ¬ in the extreme , nnd the exhibitors seem to have vied with each other In scoing who could get up the best display. Everything thut IB sold , barternd or traded for In Omaha is at the Coliseum by sample , of course. There uro splendid exhibitions of dry goods , elegant display of groceries ; In short , everything. In ono booth is found the cradle of life , while the next Is tilled with the caskets of death , ami the luttor nro oven moro hundsomo than the lirst. This may need explanation , hence it U stilted the llrst booth Is a furniture I'lsplay , while the sec- ond ¬ Is an undertaking outilt.- fa'omu . of the booths uro extremely handB- OUIO - , that of 8. P. Morse bolng a very ar- tistically ¬ arranged ono. In the machinery exhibit Strang & Clark fairly outdid them- solves. - . The Hlchurdson Drug company's corner is u great point of Interest , us also Is that of Hrundois & Sons. The Consolidated Coffee company 1ms erected mi urch of pack- ages ¬ and palU which ut onoa commands attention. William Darst lias a display that would command attention at the Pur in exposition. There is aver.vthlnu to- see. . Pianos , organs , jewelry , draperies , wagons , diamonds , tea , uotleo , purple nnd fine linen , pickles and inusUul , stuffed buf- faloes ¬ and birds , shotguns and rillcs. The building is usymposium of bewilderment , nnd nnuhlng like a correct description Is an- impossibility. . It must bo soon to bo appre- ciated. ¬ . The "sUtuo of Liberty enlightening the world , which stands ut the north end , Is of great interoit. It is constructed of grain , nuts , corn , wheat , bailey , millet ; In fuct , ull the cereals thut Nebraska grows , . Thu arrangements for lighting ur.d venti- lating ¬ the building tire very complete. Twenty aru llchtt will bo used In connection With uboutfiUJ IncundcBconts , which will bo- Buppllaa from machinery In thu building.- 'J'ho . aporturcc in the roof will contain fans , Which will on revolved by machinery , thus insuring u comfortable state Of alTuira us ro- Kurd temperature. The Coliseum will bo an especial point of interest iioxt ueek , MerolmnlH'VocIc. . The Merchants' week celebration will bo- by no means an insignificant affair, for the number of visitors who will ba piebcnt bids fair to bo enormous , The various commit tcca In charge buvo labored hard to make the celebration n success , und they will bo In IK wise dlcupi iuied. ! Work on the urchos wll- bo comnteted at noon to-duv. us u ell us tbo other decorations. The arches nro ut Tunt ! nnd Jackson , Fifteenth und Doughs , Six- teenth uud Furiiuw nnd Thirteenth uni- Howard. . While OH yet nothing of uny consequence has been dona along the princi- pal ¬ sU'eots , tuo cotauUtcoon decorations , Hcimrod In particular , nro busily on- fngcd - In an nffort to have the proper action nkon , In this m utter Mr. Holmrod has been practically Indefatigable , and la deserving of a (jr6.it deal of credit. The parndo on Wednesday will bo ft grand affair , while the pyrotechnic display at TUB Jr.G nnd Now York Life buildings will bo- hc finest ever scon In Omaha. Already visitors are Arriving by the score , and by- anlght the city will bo full. The programme- 'or to-day will bo reception , nnd to-morrow all the points of Interest will bo shown. To- morrow ¬ night the flambeau club will parade. also on Wednesday night. Wednesday Is the lay of the grand parade nnd Merchants' boll n the oven I u ? at Exposition hall The festivities will continue until Saturday 111 ; lit. Ilotnl- In expectation of an immense crowd ot Visitors t > the city during the fair week , the lotcls have made every arrangement possible 'or increasing their facilities for the nccomo- datlon - of the guests. Convenient rooms ad- acont - to the hotels have boon secured nnd- Hied up with colt for ttio occasion , ' 1 ho number who can bo accommodated at , lie principal hotels during the week nro as follows : Mlllard 000 , I'axtou .VJO , Murray 850 , Windsor 350 , Merchants' 800 , does 200 , Arcade !&, Canilold 130 , Cozzcns !) ) )0 , Bar- ker ¬ 800 , Metropolitan 150. Esmond 250 I'lantcrs' 160. City hotel 100 and Qlobo hotel 100. In addition to thcso , the California liouso , Millar's hotel , the Elkhorn Valley house , the Atlantic , tlio Now York hotel , the Cruluhton , the 13. & M. , the Capitol , the Derby, the Occidental , the Omalm hotiso , St. Clalr , St. James , Southern and Tromont ire hotels of smaller pattern , but each uapa- jlo - of accommodating tlfty visitors. These , with the rooms run in connection with , lie numerous restaurants ot the city will af- ford ¬ accommodations for all who may visit the city. The committee on hotels will have a direc- tory ¬ of boarding nnd lodging nouses ut the board of trade rooms for the accommodation of visitors , Pnlnti of Interest. The strangers visiting Omaha can , If they wish , find many places to go and sights to sec that will be of interest , to them. Besides tlio fulr grounds , Coliseum , various theaters , hotels and stores , are the folio whig : Tim BFB building , corner of Fnrnain and Seventeenth streets. The New York Life building. The county court house. The government building , corner of Dodge and Fifteenth streets. The Union Pacific headquarters building , corner of Ninth and Fnrnatn streets.- 'Jho . Union Pacific shops. The Union P.icltle bridge. The smelting works , at the foot of Capitol avenue. The high school , Creighton college.- O. . . VV. Lininger's art gallery , corner of Eighteenth and Davenport streets. The Omaha-Council 13luffs bridge , foot of Douglas street. The First , Nebraska , United States , Omalm , Merchants and Commercial National bank buildings. Sacred Heart convent , on the 13urt street motor line- .Nebraska . Institute for the Deaf nnd Dumb , northwest of the city. Water works power house and reservoirs , at Florence. The cable railway power house, corner of- Hnrnoy and Twentieth streets. The Omalm Motorcemnnnv's power houue , Nicholas nnd Twenty-second streets.- Hanscom . Dark , southeast part of the city. Board of trade building , corner of Farnam and Sixteenth streets.- Brownell . Hall , on South Tenth street. Union stock yards and all the packing houses , at South Omaha. The city jail , located on court house square. The central police station is in the cast end of the old exposition building , on North Fourteenth street. The central fire station is located on Ilar- ney - , between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets.- By . taking n ride on the various motor and cable lines , ono can enjoy the delightful pleasure nf rapid transit, nnd also see many of the fluoft residences and private grounds- .Thn . Merchants' Hall. There will bo many events ot stirring in- terest ¬ during the week , but by far the most eleirnnt will bo the Merchants' ball on Wednesday evening. The Indications nro that the flower of Omalm socletv will be in attendance , and it will not only bo swell , but thoroughly enjoyable. Thu Invitations is- sued ¬ nro restricted to an even 100. ) None but poisons holding cards of Invitation can secure tickets. Lmbitr Dnv- .Today . Is Labor Day. Work will ba gen- erally ¬ suspended throughout the city. There will bo a grand paraao of labor organizations according to the programme published in TUB BUB of yesterday.- Notes. . . Tno Omaha Flambeau club will meet at the Omaha Guards armory this evening at 7:45 : for dress flarndo. Kach man's position will bo assigned him for the turn-out on Wednesday und Friday nights of Merchants'- week. . All who can not attend ure requc tf > d- to notify Captain Harry Weber , ut U13 South FiHeonth street , before Monday evening. The Central Labor union nnd the commit- tee ¬ of arrangements , composed of the presi- dents ¬ of the various unions , held u meeting at Gate City hall , nt Thirteenth nnd Douglas streets , yesterday morning about 11 o'clock.- Tbo . action of the committee in arranging for the parudo was endorsed. A handsome ting nnd white silk streamers with the words "Central Labor Union , " wore presented to the union by Typographical union. Salt Ltiko and the Mormons at Kdon- today. . RACKS THIS AVE15IC- .A . Splendid Caul For Each of tbo- Pivo Iiiy < . The races begin at the fair grounds this afternoon ai 1 o'clock sharp , the first event bolng a trotting race for foals of 1833 , half- mile beats , two in five , added money , 75. Following this comes the 2:48 : trot , purse $500 , for which there uro u largo number of entries and u good race is assured. The duy'8 programme will conclude with n runninsr race , all uges , half-mile heats , for a pursot f 9100- .On . Tuesday , the second day , the card em- braces ¬ a trot for fouU of 1B37 , mile heats , best two In three , added money , ? 125. Pac- ing ¬ , 2:25 : class , purao , $500 ; trotting , 2:20 : class , purse , gtO- O.Wednesday . , the third day , trotting 2:23 class , puree , $500 ; 2:30 : class , stullions , purse , 600 ; 2:2-1 : class , purse , 500. und u running ruco , threo-quarter-milu dash , $11 ages , 100. Thursday , the fourth day, trotting for foala of 1BS5 , added money. 150. Free-for- all pace , which will bo ono of the best events of the woo't , pill-so ?50J. Trotting , 2:3i : class , guaranteed purse 1009. Running , milu heats , ull ages , purse ? 15J. Friday , the fouith day , the free-for-all trot takes phtco , purse 500. Uunning , ono and ono-huU milu dash , novelty , ull ages , 1150. First horsu to half-milu post , f-o ! ; llrst- horsu to mill ) , $50 , und the winner of thu race , $75- .PAXTOK . HoTun , OMAHA Snoclui nt- tontion - to comineristul muu. Finest nnd largest liotol It ) thu west. Ktttrcdgo & Brnlnurd , proprietors.- No . disorderly or disreputable chnrao * tors allowed ut uny ttuiu in "Edun- Museo. . " A Twenty-Two I'nundnr. * Lewis Fun ton , who is camping nt- Bella View , near Jamestown , N. Y , , untight a twonty-Uvo-pound uuisktiUrm u- tlio other day. Itus forty-four iiichut- loiitf and four und ono-hulf inches ucrosd tlio buck- .Abstracts . of tltlo to Wyoming1 oil lauds furnibhiid. Asbossincnt work done und verified to by allldavit und cur till- cato of rceordor. C'lni us located. J.- J. . . Corbett , Cuspor , Wyoming , Eden Musoo curiosity hall , two thea- tres ¬ and wondurlund for 10 cts. , opens to-day. .v HATT.VHION- .OtntOia . mid Council IMufTrt Soldiers to Drill ToRPtlior.- Tonight . the Omaha guards will partici- pate ¬ with the DOURO Light Guard *, of Coun- cil ¬ Bluffs , In n dress pnrndo In the latter' * nrmory , In the Mnsonlo Temple block. It Will ho a ulcaslnp ceremony. The dross pa- rndo ¬ will ho can led out In all the details. Captain this city , will bo the commandant ; Jesse Ho wo or Lieutenant Ar- rhnmlth - , or the regular army , will servo M- udjutant , Hull ns sergeant major. Company oniccrSnA.ltchlson nnd Dlxon , lieutenants ; Webster and Mulford.of the Omalm Guards. There will bo four companies In the battal- ion ¬ ; The music will bo furnished by the Omaha Guards band , There will also bo n competitive drill of the Omaha Guards for the elegant gold mndal offoied bv the odlcers of that com- pany ¬ to the boil drilled mumber , the Jtulpcs- to bo selected from the Dodge Llaht Guards. Next Monday the DoilRO Light Gunnls como to Omulm to participate in a like dress pa- rndo - hero with the Omaha Guards. They will probably bn accompanied by Dnlbv's- band. . The position of commandant nlll probably bo clvon to Captain Attention , of Council Uluffs. The Pintle The rlllo team of the Department ot the Platte loaves to-morrow for Camp Douglas , Wisconsin , to take part In the division com- petition ¬ of the army. The members are : James A. Goodln , second llcutcnantJSevontli , Infantry ; Albert Saladln , llrst sergeant I , Eighth Infantry ; John Corrlo , private , band , Seventeenth infantry ; Gustavo Ohrenbcrg , private, A , Second Infantry ; Edmund Gcr- uor - , sergeant. F. Twenty-first Infantry ; Leonard Deitz , first sorgeint , F , Seven- teenth ¬ infantry ; Jnmos W. Davis , corporal , B , Sixteenth Infantry ; William Evans , cor- poral ¬ , G , Sixteenth infantry ; James Brcu- nan , llrst snrgoant , I , e doond Infantry ; Charles El well , sergeant , C, Second In- fantry ¬ ; Uichant N. Davidson , private , F , Elghtn Infantrv. Lieutenant William L. Pitchor. Elehth in- fantry ¬ , und John F. Pnrko , Jr. , Twenty-first Infantry , have been detailed for duty as range ofllccra at the army competition. Lieutenant Beaumont D. Buck , of the Six- teenth ¬ infantry , who Is one of the depart- ment ¬ team , has been detailed to the Missouri state university as Instructor m military tac- tics ¬ , and is therefore relieved from taking part with the team , Sunn ol' Vcti'rnn * . Colonel Moses P. O'Brien will go to Pat- terson ¬ , N. J. , on the lith inst to attend the national encampment of that order. This organization Is rapidly becoming a powerful factor nmong the societies ot the country , Us membership now comprising about eighty thousand of the direct descendants of the defenders of our country. Mr. O'Brien might bo able to induce the order to hold their next encampment at Omaha if sufll- cicnt - Inducements hold out- .Loandcr . Stniloy at Eden Musee today.- To . the 'Jrnvollnc Public. The sale of the Cozzons hotel prop- erty ¬ to Dr. McMotmmy do 3 not nt nil interfere with the present louse and the undersigned will continue the manage- ment ¬ of this well known and popular hotel for a number of years. We solicit a continuance of the traveling public. M. J. FllANK. _ Cowboy life at Eden Musoo today.- I'orsoiuil . I' General Dandy , U. S. A. , left for the east last evening.- Mr. . . W. E. Annln returned yesterday from Fort Robinson. Billy Anderson , of the Murray , Is laid up with rheumatism.- S. . . H. Morrison , of Nebraska City. Sun- auycd - at the Murray , s - J. M. Graham } of Valley Stution , Neb. , is with Al Swcurmgcn ut the Pnxton. John F. Crocker , a prominent merchant of Kearney , was in the city yestetduy.- C. . . B. Finch , mayor of Kearney , will stay through Merchants' week at the Puxton.- Mr. . . Russell Harrison leaves Now York for Omalm this week , says the Now York World. Colonel J W. Fowler and Judge John R- .Brcman . , of Rapid City , S. D. , spent Sunday at the Muiray. The family ot Major D. W. Benham , In- spector ¬ of small arms practise , has arrived from thu cast and is nt the I'axtou. Count Le Punton do Arcc , of San Fran- cisco ¬ , accompanied by an accomplished daughter , spent Sunday nt the Murray.- Mrs. . . A. L. Powell , widow of Lieutenant Powell , who accompanied Greoly on his ex- pedition ¬ towards the north pole , was at the Murray yesterday. . Al Sweariugon , tlio Montota , 111. , pool seller , is stopping at the Paxton. W. W. Smith , of Kearney , und C. Anuress , of Men- dote , uro with him. Eden Musco enlarged , refitted nnd embellished ut a cost of 15000. reopens to-day. _ Tvphold Fov.-r In Ijnndnn. Typhoid fever continues to spread in London , and people are potliner very nervous. St. George's district is the one most atlectud ut present. Six great exhibition rooms open at- A Eden Musco to-dav. Ilnly diiir Hinokpr.- AnBonin . , Conn. , has a two-year-old boy who cries for nigars , and , smokcs them when they are given to him.- ThU . powder never varle >. A marvel ot pure- ly , htrutiRth and wholes Jineueas. More eco- .nointc.il . than ths ordinary kinds , and cannot ba bold In competition the multitudes of- lor or tliortn efcht ulnm or phoiphalo powders. Bold only In cans. Itoyal llaelii I'ovtdar Com- pany ¬ , 120 Wall fatiect , Nuvr York- .AMUSK.MKNT.S . y iind.Wcdnodiiy Kept , S nnd 4. W. S. CLEVELAND'S Musnlllcont Hnvurlv Jlaitoon Mlumrals- .Chilsttcdon's . ( h mfilun t'omiufio- J.tul by the Kliuof Mlnlhtrcl :) . WIUHS P. SWETNAWI , Supported by nlglu eminent blucK ' face VENIDAN NIGHTS.- TUe . original ( Mental 1'atrol Jlarcli , THE EGYPTIAN PHALANX.- uil . the celob-atuu buUnceM , THEJAPS.I- teiraular . Drlc-'S , Stats to on tale Monday morning , _ tune ; CANCER Uiokrrvo. UU. B < uiiUiliL , iu. , uiu. ; AUCTION ! At Frank Rawllh's ' Stable , Lincoln , Neb , Scptointecv 0, nt 1 p. m. , RY'S ' , DtIKE No , 654 The strongest ulooUotlllninblrtonlnn Stnlllon- HvlnK. . In Rood condition and nctivo as a four.- ycnrohl. . . At the itmno tlmo 40 inuroi. coltt , drlreri and arnitiioms. Mare * by lly'8 Unko- .Bnttirn . , StiindnrdHIlenror. Comncor nnd Cluy- Illnod. . Some ottm yoiinc Btnlllons by lly's Iinnit time orlibornl discount , J. K. IONril09l 1'roprlotor.- F. . . M. WOOD ?. Auctioneer. TlOATINdij- OHPVRAPPERS ( urn 3izi- JDRS. > . BETTS & BETTS 1103 FA UN AM STUEET. OMAHA , Null. ( Opposite 1'axtoa Hotel. ) Olllco hours ,0 n. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a.- m. . . to l p. in. Sport illsts In Chronic , Nervous Skin and lilond Diseases. . {. 'Consultation nt olllco or by mail free. Medicines Bnnt by mail or uxptesg , securely DHckvd. tree fiom Guarantees to euro milokly , sntely nnd pormnurntly. NERVOUS DEBILITY ISTiSJCTfB- lous. . 1'liyslcnl Uioay. nrlsltiR from mdlicrot- ion. . Kycess or Influlnencp. pi oilucliw Sleepless- ness , Despondency. 1'lmp o * on the fuco. nvor- plon to socletv. easily alstournitcfl , lacK of conn- clenco , dull , unlit tomtudy or business , luulllnds- llfo n burden , batsly, pcrmiu ently end pri- vately ¬ cured. Consult Drs. Uctts A, Belts , HIM Fnrnnin St , OnirhaNeu.- Bloofl . ana Skin DISPEL results , completely eradicated without the uld- of Mercury. Scroialii , rover t-ores , Illotches , Ulcer ?, 1'einsln tbo II cad unit nones- .byphllltlcSaro'lhroat. . . Mouth nnd 'Jongup. Ca- tarrli. -' . etc. . permanently cured where otlierul- lRM) flllU'tl.- FiHllOlT . TfriniT'TT ' nllrt niaildcr Complaints. ' J IMlnCul. Dllllcillt , too fre- quent - Burning or Illoody Urine , Urine high col- mud or with inlUy sediment on standing , Went Ilaik. (jonorrluua. Gleet , CjstllH. etc. , Promptly nnd Safely Cured , Charges IteiiEoni- ble. . STRICTURE ! . moval complete , without cuttini :. caustic or- dlllatlon. . Cults elU'Cted at homo by patient 11 moments pain or annoy aiuo.- To . Yonmr Men and MiMli-Aiefl Men , pnrJI ? The aw till cllocts of early AqfTrm uUntj Vice , which biincs organic weakness destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded UN. permanently cured , TIT)? T3PTTAilrossthojB ! who have impaired JJIlOi DDllU themselves by improper indul- gences ¬ and solitiiy habits , which ruin both Jiody mid mind , unfitting thorn tor business , study or marriage.- M . AituiKL ) MIIN. or those entering on that hap- py life , awaio of physical debility , quickly as- OUIl SUCCESS.- Is . based upon facts , 1'lrst Practical Expo riencc. Second 1oiy : casu Is especially studied- thus Ktartlng aright. 1 hi1 d Me lie ties urd pre , paied In our labatnry exactly to suit euh case , thus nilectlng cures without Injury S3sJ Send 0 cents posttpo for cc-lolirato 1 works on Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases Tnousandh cured. SiA friendly letter or call iniiy savu yon future biiireilnir nnd gimme , and add golden years to life.ffKo letters an- ew ered unless accoiupanlod by 4 conta In Btauioa. Address or call on . HETTS & KUTTS , HOai'arnum Street , Omaha. Jleb. State Line.T- o . Glasgow , Itclfusl , DublinnudLhorpaol From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin patsnKO J35 to KO , ncconlliu tolooiUloa otitir- oom. . Kxcurslon K i to ( J- U.Stccrnge . to na.l from Kuropo at Lowest Hatei. ' AUbTI.V UAUiWl.N &, Co , Gcn'l AKonts , U Ilroailwar. Nov ? York.- J . UN Di.EnKN , Uon'l WcBiern Aucnt. 101 Himdolu'.i St. , Clilctigo.- UAIUtV . K. Moias , Aecnt. Umaln- t.ReducedCubmr.iteJ . toTUB - CHICAGO SHORT LIE OF TH1 ! Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , Tlio Itcst Iloulo from Omaha and Council i HI nils t- oZHTHE EAST = TWO TKAIN8. DAILY BETWHEN OMAHA ANDCOU.SCJL J1J.UWH Chicago , rAND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itaplds , Itock Island ) Frefpurt , Itotkford , Clinton , Dubuqiio , Davenport , Elfin , Hudlsou , . Jnnesvlllc , licit It, Winonn , La Crossc , And nil otber Impotunt nolnt L'ast , Norllieait nnil tinutlieait- .Fortbrouuh . ticket * call on tlio tl kot ascnt at 1W| Farnam ttrcct , lu il rVur llluolc , or ut Diilo 1'uciflc- Uun . .i- t.1'ulliann gleopen iul Ilia tlneit Dining Can In Ibt- ruiiuii lUu juau lluu ol itiu eliUunn , 1111 waukee & tit raul d. 4i ujr , and ovury attuntlon- to iiaisunKCUi uj cuurteuui craplojui of Ilia- KU Oenaral MnnRi ! r- .j . , K, TUCKKli. - null in ( ionunvl llunnKer.- A. . . V. It. UAltl'tt.vmt , Uvucral 1'uiienver and TkLot Acint.- Ul'O . K. IIKAKlOIitJ. Anl tn t General I'anenncr- an I 'llckt't Affunt.- T. . . J.OLA ItK , ti naral Snpirlut ndc- ut."BOSTON . PAVILLI N" THEATRE COMPANY Colllsmim t'jounda , communrlnK tlouaiyovon.- audnll . week , , sup. m- SA'riU I > AY IHATIVKR. _ VinUCVand all urinary troubles cuuily. qulcic MUntl I lyuudnufdly cured byUaOTUUA Uap.- Bulea. . . Hoverul cases cured in sjvuuttayrf. Bold uttl.G'J per box. nil drmwlsta , or by mall from UoctUJuM't'jjCo. It * Whltos N. V. Full dlrao- loiut - Neur Travel M'ltlu'iit n Unxof Continental Clothing House The largest and most complete Clothing and Furnisliiug House west of New York City. More space is devoted for the sale of ready- made - clothing than in any other retail house in the cquntry.- No . house can foe more thoroughly equipped in all its details for the sale and manufacture of Pine Heady-Made Clothing. Our aim is to furnish only first-class goods and nothing will be sold that is nofc thoroughly reliable in every respe- ct.aininthe . Wo will offer 150 Men's Pure Worsted , Wide Wale Diagonal Coats and Vests , one of the very latest fabrics and thoroughly reliable in every respect. This material will be very popular this season for coats and vests to wear with mixed trousers. These are new goods and the coats and vests were made to sell for 1800. We will offer them this week at $13 , and we feel confident that this is one of the best values we have ever offered. The sizes arc from 34 to 40. Another Special Lot-Sack and Frock Suits , We will offer 100 Suits in sack and frock of a pure wool cassimcrc in very neat mixtures , in all sizes , sack and frock suits at 1500. We do not quote this as a specially low price suit , but when the quality is considered , it is one of the best values a person can buy. We think it better to embrace superior quality and popular price. This is in every respect suitable for a genteel business suit , perfect fitting and made and trimmed equal to any of our better grades in all sizes from 34 to 44 , at $15 per suit. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Our selections for the coming season are coming in every day and our stock already shows a very choice assortment of the latest designs. We expecl everything in by Sept. loth. Prices in this department will be lower than the same quality of work produced by any other house.- We . have always been acknowledged to be the leaders in Boys' and Children's Clothing. Our variety is larger and styles superior to any other stock in the west. We call particular attention to our new design in a Boys' Vest Front Suit , age 4 to 9. Our stock of three piece suits and kilts arc larger than ev- er.RTTTTlsP8cia . BOY' argamlmesinBoys . . School Suits at $4 , 4.50 , 5. Don't buy your Fall Hat you have seen the Wilcox Hat , price 3.50 , five shapes in- stock. . Money cannot buy any better article. Then , why pay fancy prices for any other make ? OMAHA BOSTON Freelandv ILoomis Co* NEW YORK OES tilOINES Proprietors Cor. Doug-las and 15th Sts. , Omaha. MAX MEYEK. ADOLl'H JIEYEll ESTABLISHED IbWJ. Great reduction of price cm second hand Piano ? und Organs. A ijooil clmuco to get .1 good Plauo lor n small femount of moiiJV.- Thn . above prices are 10 per cent leas than over olTcred bufoi c and IIH M o must have room for our larce stock ot New I'hinoa we will Rive nn extra 10 per cent discount fiom above prices to any- one that buys an Instrument before Auirnst 1st- .IJverv . Instrument guaranteed to bo just a1 * re ¬ presented- .riiinos . for rent Tar 2.oO and upwards ] icr mouth. Organs fur rent for 1.50 antl upwards per month. , If you buy any ot the above Inmiments und you aio not mitixlled , we will allow you name as you paid for it toward any new Piano you may belett. Call early and iet a bargain- .Cor. . . 16th arid Farriam Sts ; AUTUMN IS CLOSIJ UPON US- Alid we m a ready for it. Our buyer has been InanectliiK ilie Kastarn MnrKutH fur the pa t xlx wtelcH , prunurluu lor the com- Inn season. Wo are already receiving early Toll Novelties , und the Hummer outllts will hoon bo removed to the bntk bhehea , Our ' 'imw Block has been Htlccted under moat ' 'nclvuntaRUOUs circumstances from the best approved iiuimfailiiiea , We are confident ' 'of tin ) excellence of our goodf ) and hope by- 'couiteiy ' and honorable dealing to com- mend ¬ ourtclvfu. FOR MEATS , FISH , SOUPS , GRAVIES , SHOE DEALERS Dualrlu- to t'XKi- nine the - Jimtly co- libiutedlli.aof - Hoots uud hlioea , miiiuifiutnr- .ciloyl' . . M. llcndursiii A: tU. of Chlcauoluot- orle ut C'hl'uco. KUon. Il | . . and I'oaiJ lu l.uc, Wl . - noiild write HAM. N. WATSON , resi- dence ¬ , I'JIKMONT. NKII. TruYKlluu' mjeut.- UetU . | Uurt ia (or Uulibcu. YEAR IN- It's 1409 Douglas. OVER 2,000- IMKU been a year of active trade ; warm friends and cheerful greetings by the scores every day of the 365- .We . S I'YLES.- SO . said , in our preliminary advertisement a year ago , " we're going1 to do the best of Tailoring in the best way" clothing such as MAX ! ' , you intended to have ever since you began to wear garments. SO CIIOICJC , How well we have succeeded is best So Kciisoiuiblc.- Ocmillcs . stated in the thousands of friends who have returned again and again within the year and brought their friends. . It was no experiment with us. The ex- perience ¬ of and training of twenty-five ) cars directed us- .We'll . rail Overcoats , serve you even better this Fall , we 10 .UP , will make new friends from city and state. Mude to Ortlor.- NO . OPEN EVENI- NGS.NICOLL . CfilAECGR For Tutting- Visitors' THE TAILO14- O9 DOUGLAS ST. IMuIn llullillnirl ir.Mviitsirvco- lliMlntu : yruritlllnijon'l uoi. . Ilia | aclu and clecunt LullUlnKt lime , Uurlnii- lliuim I ji'ar , uccniniTiDiliiteil luurutiiunlUliotUoiii- tuuenti Kvurr fad lljr U utTorded lur unulrlu | a- ttiorou li knovrieJguuf- 'lu < ilr > , Jliidiciuiilln , I.uii , Hvlvura , ituil- Jluilr. . A tlioroutihroirinurcl'il cojr olt al on fciituro of- tlinlinlllutlon. . biicclul ililviuitJtcs will bo (iluod- wlitilmliurcocUcrtlionoilo IrliiK Ui ttudy- I ,A IV. THE MIMU Driiartnieiit. for tiojri nil'ler ' thirteen . tnlMlciiuoglfliiK lull imrtlculari will l e uiit > ouajipIcail [ n to Ittn. T. J. WtiUli. - l , Nolrulluiuu I' , < >. , Jiitl.- KVVYOHK . MIUTAItV AOAKMY COHN wall on.JImUon. Col. 0. J.Vt ijLt. II. d , . A. M. . Ujpt.i U, r * . llyam Comd lot Oudeu. QT. JOHN'S MIMTAUY SCHOOL , 11ANIIU8. N. Y. Civil KnulncorliiK. HJBHICB. IluMncgi- .Hr . , ItKV. K. . IIUNTINO'JON , I'Jiuldont.- Iff.Cob. . . W, VISUIII'.CK' , eupurlntmident.- llrookollull.forUlrU . uadYuunv Ui4le- lld o McUlu Atmlouiy , for lloymwd Yottux Me- nSwitliin - C , Media , I'cnnsylvaiiU , near Pt > Uudoli lilo. _ Murtfiinl'urWdici. Bctio.il for nirlt and Voiiiiu I * ilet , Iort- aUloBUH ; odilri . 'J'HAVJSI1 , J-Ij. . .

Continental Clothing HouseVJ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1889. A SEASON OF FESTIVITIES, An Auspicious Lookout For the Coming Six Dayu. MANY AND VARIED ATTRACTIONS Openlnir]

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Page 1: Continental Clothing HouseVJ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1889. A SEASON OF FESTIVITIES, An Auspicious Lookout For the Coming Six Dayu. MANY AND VARIED ATTRACTIONS Openlnir]




An Auspicious Lookout For theComing Six Dayu.


Openlnir ] > nys of tlio Omnlia Knlr-

Whcra to Go nml Whnt to Boo

Hold ActiniiiiumlatlnnHStreetttnllxviiy Service.-



COIIIIIIR Week.-Hovond

.pernuvcnturo this week will bo-

one of tlio most Important In Omnhn's his-


, Tlio attractions , the fnlr expositionnnd the Merchants' week colobrutlon willattract thousands of visitor* to the city , nml-

n Rcncrnl grand , good tlmo may bo antici-


, providing always that It doesn't rain.The annual fair of the Douglas county as-



promises to bo the best over heldhero In ovcry particular. The trials In thu-

epccd fitly wilt ccllpso anything of tlio kindever seen In the city. The track Is in per-


condition und thu numerous trotters andrunners which nro entered were novcr In-

bottcr form than at present.The grounds ycstorday were In a state of

busy activity , the merry-go-round man beinghard at work In putting up his machinewhcro one cnn get a riilo on almost any col-


bnsswood equine tit the nominal figureof a short bit per rldo ; the nmnwith hli single lemon ana barrel of water is-

on the ground , and all the llttlo hand ciderpresses arc running at full blast.

Floral hull Is already assuming shape andthe ninny bright und rare plants ar-tistically


arranged form n sightwhich on co neon will bo remem-bered.


. Chrysanthemums and tea rosesnod their heads at geraniums und rhododen-drons


, while mingled in artlstio confusionnro cactuc , prickly pear nnd u host of oilierrare and beautiful specimens of floricul-ture.


.The wct sldo of the hall , or the west

buildings , rutlier , are devoted to the Doug-las


county ngricultual exhibit, and a glanceot tbo display is Hiifllciont to the looker-onthat Douglas "county Is one ot the great gar-den


spots of natuic. There 1110 mammothpumpkins and squushcu , rlpo , red tomatoes ,iiugo beets , succulent egg plants , lusciousgfiipco and ticurs , round , red and ripe tipplesof all sires , watermelons nnd cantelnpos , infact cver.v variety of fruit and vegetablecommon to this climate. The visitor is Infit-In a continued statu of wish-1-had-somonussfrom tbo tlmo of entry until departure.One need not bo told that this Is a gi.il ncountry , cither , for here arc golden aheuves-of wheat , bundles of ottts nnd tyc , bunchesof barley nnd piles of yellow corn that areequalled by few und excelled by none.

Art hall , too , is an Interesting place to-

visit. . Tlicronro oil paintings , panel portraitsnnd pen drawings , all the work of skilledhands ; crazy quilts , the result of woman'sfancy ; rugs , mats nnd baud work ; carvingsIn stone und ; in short , a collection ofartistically fashioned handsome bricabrac.-


this department is u uniiiuo collection ofturned wood articles from Madison , O. ,which will doubtless attract more limn ordi-nary


The exhibit of stock Is very large and com-pleto.


. The draft horses exhibit is especiallyllno.thcro being over one hundred Cl vdesdalc-.Uormnn

.and Percheron nnd French horses

on exhibition. The major portion are ownedby Nebraska people. Prominent among theheavy stables are tnoso of Dr. Noble , ofBlair , Co til , of Fremont , and Hefner , ofNebraska City. CouU has ono niaro in hisstable weighing 2'JGO pounds , which liastaken llrst premium at every fair she hascqer been exhibited.-


the cattle pen& are a largo number ofblooded animals. There are Polled-Angus ,Here fords , Jerseys , Short Horns and Dur-hamsrwithnut

-number. Some of the flnost

specimens of horned cdttlo uvor exhibited inOmaha are now hero.

Four IOIJR rows of pens form a pleasingeight for the hog fancier. Poland Chinas ,

* Chester Whites , Ltorlisnlres nnd Dttroo Jer-seys



grunt and squall in uhorus. The hog ex-hibit

¬is perfect.

Poultry is very beautiful , the building de-voted


to that department being well tilled.Plymouth Rocks , Cochin-Chluas , Leghorns ,game fowls , Uraoman and others mingle theircrows with the quacking of the fancy breedsof ducks which arc on exhibition.

The machinery department is not verywell represented us yet , but several cutloads-n 111 bo placed in position today.-


for the comfort otthe visitor is provided. All sorts of refresh-ments


nro obtainable at reasonable rates.Another point which should not be over-


is the fucility for transportation. Onocan pot to the grounds from any pait of thecity. The Omalm Motor company's line runsdirect to the cast gate ono Sixteenth street.During fair week this company will put ontwenty trains , which will give a service of ucar each three minutes or less. The service- will ho fast and very unllko the old methodof horse car travel. The cable company xvillrun twonty-fourtrninson Us Twentieth sticotline , which will connect with noise cars atLake etrcot for the grounds. On thu shorttrack from Lake street north twelve carswill be raji , xvtiich will ufford u soivko ofono car per minute. The street car arrange-incuts


are very perfect.-As

.Twentieth and Sixteenth streets north

of Lake ai o unimproved and In a very dustycondition , the management will keep themsprinkled and will run eight sprinklers con ¬

stantly. This will bo a great improvementover the old method of allowing the streetsto take euro of-themselves.

Tilt ) Exposition.-Whnn


the visitor at the exposition at theCollaoum to-day looks over the magnificentdisplay before him ho will ccnso to wonderwhy Jack Prince appears in such goodbumor. The Interior of tbo building is beau-tiful


in the extreme , nnd the exhibitors seemto have vied with each other In scoing whocould get up the best display. Everythingthut IB sold , barternd or traded for In Omahais at the Coliseum by sample , of course.There uro splendid exhibitions of dry goods ,

elegant display of groceries ; In short ,everything. In ono booth is found thecradle of life , while the next Is tilled withthe caskets of death , ami the luttor nro ovenmoro hundsomo than the lirst. This mayneed explanation , hence it U stilted the llrstbooth Is a furniture I'lsplay , while the sec-ond


Is an undertaking outilt.-fa'omu

.of the booths uro extremely handB-


, that of 8. P. Morse bolng a very ar-tistically

¬arranged ono. In the machinery

exhibit Strang & Clark fairly outdid them-solves.


. The Hlchurdson Drug company'scorner is u great point of Interest , us also Isthat of Hrundois & Sons. The ConsolidatedCoffee company 1ms erected mi urch of pack-ages


and palU which ut onoa commandsattention. William Darst lias a displaythat would command attention at thePurin exposition. There is aver.vthlnu to-

see. . Pianos , organs , jewelry , draperies ,

wagons , diamonds , tea , uotleo , purple nndfine linen , pickles and inusUul , stuffed buf-faloes


and birds , shotguns and rillcs. Thebuilding is usymposium of bewilderment ,nnd nnuhlng like a correct description Is an-impossibility. . It must bo soon to bo appre-ciated.


.The "sUtuo of Liberty enlightening the

world , which stands ut the north end , Is ofgreat interoit. It is constructed of grain ,

nuts , corn , wheat , bailey , millet ; In fuct , ullthe cereals thut Nebraska grows , .

Thu arrangements for lighting ur.d venti-lating


the building tire very complete.Twenty aru llchtt will bo used In connectionWith uboutfiUJ IncundcBconts , which will bo-

Buppllaa from machinery In thu building.-'J'ho


aporturcc in the roof will contain fans ,

Which will on revolved by machinery , thusinsuring u comfortable state Of alTuira us ro-Kurd temperature.

The Coliseum will bo an especial point ofinterest iioxt ueek ,

MerolmnlH'VocIc. .

The Merchants' week celebration will bo-

by no means an insignificant affair, for thenumber of visitors who will ba piebcnt bidsfair to bo enormous , The various committcca In charge buvo labored hard to make thecelebration n success , und they will bo In IK

wise dlcupi iuied.! Work on the urchos wll-

bo comnteted at noon to-duv. us u ell us tboother decorations. The arches nro ut Tunt !

nnd Jackson , Fifteenth und Doughs , Six-

teenth uud Furiiuw nnd Thirteenth uni-Howard. . While OH yet nothing of unyconsequence has been dona along the princi-pal


sU'eots , tuo cotauUtcoon decorations ,

Hcimrod In particular , nro busily on-fngcd

-In an nffort to have the proper action

nkon , In this m utter Mr. Holmrod has beenpractically Indefatigable , and la deservingof a (jr6.it deal of credit.

The parndo on Wednesday will bo ft grandaffair , while the pyrotechnic display at TUBJr.G nnd Now York Life buildings will bo-hc finest ever scon In Omaha. Alreadyvisitors are Arriving by the score , and by-anlght the city will bo full. The programme-'or to-day will bo reception , nnd to-morrowall the points of Interest will bo shown. To-morrow

¬night the flambeau club will parade.

also on Wednesday night. Wednesday Is thelay of the grand parade nnd Merchants' bolln the oven I u ? at Exposition hall The

festivities will continue until Saturday111 ; lit.

Ilotnl-In expectation of an immense crowd ot

Visitors t > the city during the fair week , thelotcls have made every arrangement possible'or increasing their facilities for the nccomo-datlon


of the guests. Convenient rooms ad-


to the hotels have boon secured nnd-Hied up with colt for ttio occasion ,

'1 ho number who can bo accommodated at, lie principal hotels during the week nro asfollows : Mlllard 000 , I'axtou .VJO , Murray850 , Windsor 350 , Merchants' 800 , does 200 ,

Arcade !& , Canilold 130 , Cozzcns !) ))0 , Bar-ker


800 , Metropolitan 150. Esmond 250I'lantcrs' 160. City hotel 100 and Qlobo hotel100. In addition to thcso , the Californialiouso , Millar's hotel , the Elkhorn Valleyhouse , the Atlantic , tlio Now York hotel , theCruluhton , the 13. & M. , the Capitol , theDerby , the Occidental , the Omalm hotiso ,

St. Clalr , St. James , Southern and Tromontire hotels of smaller pattern , but each uapa-jlo

-of accommodating tlfty visitors. These ,

with the rooms run in connection with, lie numerous restaurants ot the city will af-ford


accommodations for all who may visitthe city.

The committee on hotels will have a direc-tory


of boarding nnd lodging nouses ut theboard of trade rooms for the accommodationof visitors ,

Pnlnti of Interest.The strangers visiting Omaha can , If they

wish , find many places to go and sights tosec that will be of interest , to them. Besidestlio fulr grounds , Coliseum , various theaters ,

hotels and stores , are the folio whig :

Tim BFB building , corner of Fnrnain andSeventeenth streets.

The New York Life building.The county court house.The government building , corner of Dodge

and Fifteenth streets.The Union Pacific headquarters building ,

corner of Ninth and Fnrnatn streets.-'Jho


Union Pacific shops.The Union P.icltle bridge.The smelting works , at the foot of Capitol

avenue.The high school ,

Creighton college.-O.

.. VV. Lininger's art gallery , corner of

Eighteenth and Davenport streets.The Omaha-Council 13luffs bridge , foot of

Douglas street.The First , Nebraska , United States ,

Omalm , Merchants and Commercial Nationalbank buildings.

Sacred Heart convent , on the 13urt streetmotor line-


Institute for the Deaf nndDumb , northwest of the city.

Water works power house and reservoirs ,at Florence.

The cable railway power house, corner of-Hnrnoy and Twentieth streets.

The Omalm Motorcemnnnv's power houue ,Nicholas nnd Twenty-second streets.-


Dark , southeast part of the city.Board of trade building , corner of Farnam

and Sixteenth streets.-Brownell


Hall , on South Tenth street.Union stock yards and all the packing

houses , at South Omaha.The city jail , located on court house

square.The central police station is in the cast end

of the old exposition building , on NorthFourteenth street.

The central fire station is located on Ilar-ney

-, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth



taking n ride on the various motor andcable lines , ono can enjoy the delightfulpleasure nf rapid transit, nnd also see manyof the fluoft residences and private grounds-



Merchants' Hall.There will bo many events ot stirring in-


during the week , but by far the mosteleirnnt will bo the Merchants' ball onWednesday evening. The Indications nrothat the flower of Omalm socletv will be inattendance , and it will not only bo swell , butthoroughly enjoyable. Thu Invitations is-


nro restricted to an even 100.) Nonebut poisons holding cards of Invitation cansecure tickets.

Lmbitr Dnv-.Today

.Is Labor Day. Work will ba gen-


suspended throughout the city. Therewill bo a grand paraao of labor organizationsaccording to the programme published inTUB BUB of yesterday.-



.Tno Omaha Flambeau club will meet at

the Omaha Guards armory this evening at7:45: for dress flarndo. Kach man's positionwill bo assigned him for the turn-out onWednesday und Friday nights of Merchants'-week. . All who can not attend ure requc tf> d-

to notify Captain Harry Weber , ut U13 SouthFiHeonth street , before Monday evening.

The Central Labor union nnd the commit-tee


of arrangements , composed of the presi-dents


of the various unions , held u meetingat Gate City hall , nt Thirteenth nnd Douglasstreets , yesterday morning about 11 o'clock.-Tbo

.action of the committee in arranging for

the parudo was endorsed. A handsome tingnnd white silk streamers with the words"Central Labor Union , " wore presented tothe union by Typographical union.

Salt Ltiko and the Mormons at Kdon-today. .




Splendid Caul For Each of tbo-Pivo Iiiy < .

The races begin at the fair grounds thisafternoon ai 1 o'clock sharp , the first eventbolng a trotting race for foals of 1833 , half-mile beats , two in five , added money , 75.

Following this comes the 2:48: trot , purse$500 , for which there uro u largo number ofentries and u good race is assured.

The duy'8 programme will conclude withn runninsr race , all uges , half-mile heats , fora pursot f 9100-


Tuesday , the second day , the card em-


a trot for fouU of 1B37 , mile heats ,

best two In three , added money , ?125. Pac-ing


, 2:25: class , purao , $500 ; trotting , 2:20:

class , purse , gtO-O.Wednesday


, the third day , trotting 2:23class , puree , $500 ; 2:30: class , stullions , purse ,600 ; 2:2-1: class , purse , 500. und u runningruco , threo-quarter-milu dash , $11 ages , 100.

Thursday , the fourth day , trotting forfoala of 1BS5 , added money. 150. Free-for-all pace , which will bo ono of the best eventsof the woo't , pill-so ?50J. Trotting , 2:3i: class ,

guaranteed purse 1009. Running , miluheats , ull ages , purse ? 15J.

Friday , the fouith day , the free-for-alltrot takes phtco , purse 500. Uunning , onoand ono-huU milu dash , novelty , ull ages ,

1150. First horsu to half-milu post , f-o! ; llrst-horsu to mill ) , $50 , und the winner of thurace , $75-



HoTun , OMAHA Snoclui nt-


to comineristul muu. Finest nndlargest liotol It) thu west. Ktttrcdgo &Brnlnurd , proprietors.-



disorderly or disreputable chnrao *

tors allowed ut uny ttuiu in "Edun-Museo. . "

A Twenty-Two I'nundnr. *Lewis Fun ton , who is camping nt-

Bella View , near Jamestown , N. Y , ,

untight a twonty-Uvo-pound uuisktiUrm u-

tlio other day. Itus forty-four iiichut-loiitf and four und ono-hulf inchesucrosd tlio buck-



of tltlo to Wyoming1 oillauds furnibhiid. Asbossincnt work doneund verified to by allldavit und cur till-cato of rceordor. C'lni us located. J.-


. Corbett , Cuspor , Wyoming ,

Eden Musoo curiosity hall , two thea-tres


and wondurlund for 10 cts. , opensto-day.




mid Council IMufTrt Soldiers toDrill ToRPtlior.-


the Omaha guards will partici-



with the DOURO Light Guard *, of Coun-



Bluffs , In n dress pnrndo In the latter' *

nrmory , In the Mnsonlo Temple block. ItWill ho a ulcaslnp ceremony. The dross pa-



will ho can led out In all the details.Captain this city , will bo thecommandant ; Jesse Ho wo or Lieutenant Ar-



, or the regular army , will servo M-

udjutant , Hull ns sergeant major. Company

oniccrSnA.ltchlson nnd Dlxon , lieutenants ;

Webster and Mulford.of the Omalm Guards.There will bo four companies In the battal-



; The music will bo furnished by theOmaha Guards band ,

There will also bo n competitive drill ofthe Omaha Guards for the elegant goldmndal offoied bv the odlcers of that com-


to the boil drilled mumber , the Jtulpcs-to bo selected from the Dodge Llaht Guards.Next Monday the DoilRO Light Gunnls comoto Omulm to participate in a like dress pa-


hero with the Omaha Guards. Theywill probably bn accompanied by Dnlbv's-band. . The position of commandant nlllprobably bo clvon to Captain Attention , ofCouncil Uluffs.

The PintleThe rlllo team of the Department ot the

Platte loaves to-morrow for Camp Douglas ,

Wisconsin , to take part In the division com-


of the army. The members are :

James A. Goodln , second llcutcnantJSevontli,

Infantry ; Albert Saladln , llrst sergeant I,Eighth Infantry ; John Corrlo , private , band ,

Seventeenth infantry ; Gustavo Ohrenbcrg ,

private, A , Second Infantry ; Edmund Gcr-uor


, sergeant. F. Twenty-first Infantry ;

Leonard Deitz , first sorgeint , F , Seven-teenth


infantry ; Jnmos W. Davis , corporal ,

B , Sixteenth Infantry ; William Evans , cor-poral


, G , Sixteenth infantry ; James Brcu-nan , llrst snrgoant , I , e doond Infantry ;

Charles Elwell , sergeant , C, Second In-


; Uichant N. Davidson , private , F ,Elghtn Infantrv.

Lieutenant William L. Pitchor. Elehth in-


, und John F. Pnrko , Jr. , Twenty-firstInfantry , have been detailed for duty asrange ofllccra at the army competition.

Lieutenant Beaumont D. Buck , of the Six-teenth


infantry , who Is one of the depart-ment


team , has been detailed to the Missouristate university as Instructor m military tac-tics


, and is therefore relieved from takingpart with the team ,

Sunn ol' Vcti'rnn * .Colonel Moses P. O'Brien will go to Pat-


, N. J. , on the lith inst to attend thenational encampment of that order. Thisorganization Is rapidly becoming a powerfulfactor nmong the societies ot the country , Usmembership now comprising about eightythousand of the direct descendants of thedefenders of our country. Mr. O'Brienmight bo able to induce the order to holdtheir next encampment at Omaha if sufll-cicnt

-Inducements hold out-



Stniloy at Eden Musee today.-



the 'Jrnvollnc Public.The sale of the Cozzons hotel prop-


to Dr. McMotmmy do 3 not nt nilinterfere with the present louse and theundersigned will continue the manage-ment


of this well known and popularhotel for a number of years. We solicita continuance of the traveling public.

M. J. FllANK._Cowboy life at Eden Musoo today.-



I'General Dandy , U. S. A. , left for the east

last evening.-Mr.


. W. E. Annln returned yesterday fromFort Robinson.

Billy Anderson , of the Murray , Is laid upwith rheumatism.-


. H. Morrison , of Nebraska City. Sun-auycd

-at the Murray , s -

J. M. Graham } of Valley Stution , Neb. , iswith Al Swcurmgcn ut the Pnxton.

John F. Crocker , a prominent merchant ofKearney , was in the city yestetduy.-



. B. Finch , mayor of Kearney , will staythrough Merchants' week at the Puxton.-


. Russell Harrison leaves Now York forOmalm this week , says the Now YorkWorld.

Colonel J W. Fowler and Judge John R-


, of Rapid City , S. D. , spent Sundayat the Muiray.

The family ot Major D. W. Benham , In-


of small arms practise , has arrivedfrom thu cast and is nt the I'axtou.

Count Le Punton do Arcc , of San Fran-cisco


, accompanied by an accomplisheddaughter , spent Sunday nt the Murray.-


. A. L. Powell , widow of LieutenantPowell , who accompanied Greoly on his ex-pedition


towards the north pole , was at theMurray yesterday. .

Al Sweariugon , tlio Montota , 111. , poolseller , is stopping at the Paxton. W. W.Smith , of Kearney , und C. Anuress , of Men-dote , uro with him.

Eden Musco enlarged , refitted nndembellished ut a cost of 15000. reopensto-day. _

Tvphold Fov.-r In Ijnndnn.Typhoid fever continues to spread in

London , and people are potliner verynervous. St. George's district is theone most atlectud ut present.

Six great exhibition rooms open at-


Eden Musco to-dav.

Ilnly diiir Hinokpr.-AnBonin


, Conn. , has a two-year-oldboy who cries for nigars , and , smokcsthem when they are given to him.-



powder never varle > . A marvel ot pure-ly , htrutiRth and wholes Jineueas. More eco-.nointc.il

.than ths ordinary kinds , and cannot

ba bold In competition the multitudes of-lor or tliortn efcht ulnm or phoiphalo powders.Bold only In cans. Itoyal llaelii I'ovtdar Com-pany


, 120 Wall fatiect , Nuvr York-



y iind.Wcdnodiiy Kept , S nnd 4.

W. S. CLEVELAND'SMusnlllcont Hnvurlv Jlaitoon Mlumrals-


( h mfilun t'omiufio-J.tul by the Kliuof Mlnlhtrcl :).WIUHS P. SWETNAWI ,

Supported by nlglu eminent blucK'



.original (Mental 1'atrol Jlarcli ,


.the celob-atuu buUnceM ,



Drlc-'S , Stats to on tale Mondaymorning ,

_tune ;

CANCER Uiokrrvo. UU. B < uiiUiliL , iu.,uiu.;


At Frank Rawllh's' Stable , Lincoln , Neb ,

Scptointecv 0 , nt 1 p. m. ,

RY'S' , DtIKE No , 654The strongest ulooUotlllninblrtonlnn Stnlllon-

HvlnK. . In Rood condition and nctivo as a four.-ycnrohl.

.. At the itmno tlmo 40 inuroi. coltt ,

drlreri and arnitiioms. Mare * by lly'8 Unko-.Bnttirn

., StiindnrdHIlenror. Comncor nnd Cluy-

Illnod. . Some ottm yoiinc Btnlllons by lly'sIinnit time orlibornl discount ,

J. K. IONril09l 1'roprlotor.-F.

.. M. WOOD ?. Auctioneer.


( urn 3izi-




(Opposite 1'axtoa Hotel. )

Olllco hours , 0 n. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a.-


. to l p. in.Sport illsts In Chronic , Nervous Skin and

lilond Diseases. .{ . 'Consultation nt olllco or by mail free.

Medicines Bnnt by mail or uxptesg , securelyDHckvd. tree fiom Guarantees toeuro milokly , sntely nnd pormnurntly.NERVOUS DEBILITY ISTiSJCTfB-lous. . 1'liyslcnl Uioay. nrlsltiR from mdlicrot-ion. . Kycess or Influlnencp. pi oilucliw Sleepless-ness , Despondency. 1'lmp o * on the fuco. nvor-plon to socletv. easily alstournitcfl , lacK of conn-clenco , dull , unlit tomtudy or business , luulllnds-llfo n burden , batsly, pcrmiu ently end pri-vately


cured. Consult Drs. Uctts A , Belts , HIMFnrnnin St , OnirhaNeu.-



ana Skin DISPELresults, completely eradicated without the uld-of Mercury. Scroialii , rover t-ores ,Illotches , Ulcer?, 1'einsln tbo II cad unit nones-.byphllltlcSaro'lhroat.

.. Mouth nnd 'Jongup. Ca-


. etc. . permanently cured where otlierul-lRM) flllU'tl.-FiHllOlT

.TfriniT'TT' nllrt niaildcr Complaints.

' J IMlnCul. Dllllcillt , too fre-quent


Burning or Illoody Urine , Urine high col-mud or with inlUy sediment on standing , WentIlaik. (jonorrluua. Gleet , CjstllH. etc. ,Promptly nnd Safely Cured , Charges IteiiEoni-ble. .


moval complete , without cuttini :. caustic or-dlllatlon. . Cults elU'Cted at homo by patient

11 moments pain or annoy aiuo.-


Yonmr Men and MiMli-Aiefl Men ,

pnrJI ? The aw till cllocts of earlyAqfTrm uUntj Vice, which biincs organicweakness destroying both mind and body , withall Its dreaded UN. permanently cured ,TIT) ? T3PTTAilrossthojB! who have impairedJJIlOi DDllU themselves by improper indul-gences


and solitiiy habits , which ruin bothJiody mid mind , unfitting thorn tor business ,

study or marriage.-M

.AituiKL ) MIIN. or those entering on that hap-

py life , awaio of physical debility , quickly as-


.based upon facts , 1'lrst Practical Expo

riencc. Second 1oiy: casu Is especially studied-thus Ktartlng aright. 1 hi1 d Me lie ties urd pre ,paied In our labatnry exactly to suit euh case ,thus nilectlng cures without Injury

S3sJ Send 0 cents posttpo for cc-lolirato 1 workson Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate DiseasesTnousandh cured. SiA friendly letter or calliniiy savu yon future biiireilnir nnd gimme , andadd golden years to life.ffKo letters an-ew ered unless accoiupanlod by 4 conta In Btauioa.Address or call on

. HETTS & KUTTS ,HOai'arnum Street , Omaha. Jleb.

State Line.T-o

.Glasgow , Itclfusl , DublinnudLhorpaol

From New York Every Tuesday ,

Cabin patsnKO J35 to KO , ncconlliu tolooiUloa otitir-oom. . Kxcurslon K i to (J-



to na.l from Kuropo at Lowest Hatei. 'AUbTI.V UAUiWl.N &, Co , Gcn'l AKonts ,

U Ilroailwar. Nov ? York.-


.UN Di.EnKN , Uon'l WcBiern Aucnt.

101 Himdolu'.i St. , Clilctigo.-



K. Moias , Aecnt. Umaln-




Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y' ,

Tlio Itcst Iloulo from Omaha and Councili HInils t-


ANDCOU.SCJL J1J.UWHChicago , rAND Milwaukee ,

St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itaplds,Itock Island ) Frefpurt , Itotkford ,Clinton , Dubuqiio , Davenport ,Elfin , Hudlsou , . Jnnesvlllc ,licit It, Winonn , La Crossc ,And nil otber Impotunt nolnt L'ast , Norllieait nnil


.ticket* call on tlio tl kot ascnt at 1W |

Farnam ttrcct , lu il rVur llluolc , or ut Diilo 1'uciflc-Uun . .i-

t.1'ulliann gleopen iul Ilia tlneit Dining Can In Ibt-ruiiuii lUu juau lluu ol itiu eliUunn , 1111

waukee & tit raul d. 4i ujr , and ovury attuntlon-to iiaisunKCUi uj cuurteuui craplojui of Ilia-

KU Oenaral MnnRi ! r-


, K , TUCKKli. - null in ( ionunvl llunnKer.-A.

.. V. It. UAltl'tt.vmt, Uvucral 1'uiienver and

TkLot Acint.-Ul'O

.K. IIKAKlOIitJ. Anl tn t General I'anenncr-

an I 'llckt't Affunt.-T.

.. J.OLA ItK , ti naral Snpirlut ndc-




THEATRE COMPANYColllsmim t'jounda , communrlnK tlouaiyovon.-


week , ,sup. m-

SA'riU I > AY IHATIVKR. _VinUCVand all urinary troubles cuuily. qulcicMUntl I lyuudnufdly cured byUaOTUUA Uap.-


. Hoverul cases cured in sjvuuttayrf. Bolduttl.G'J per box. nil drmwlsta , or by mall fromUoctUJuM't'jjCo. It * Whltos N. V. Full dlrao-loiut


Neur Travel M'ltlu'iit n Unxof

Continental Clothing HouseThe largest and most complete Clothing and Furnisliiug House

west of New York City. More space is devoted for the sale of ready-made

-clothing than in any other retail house in the cquntry.-


house can foe more thoroughly equipped in all its details for thesale and manufacture of Pine Heady-Made Clothing. Our aim is tofurnish only first-class goods and nothing will be sold that is nofcthoroughly reliable in every respe-


Wo will offer 150 Men's Pure Worsted , Wide Wale Diagonal Coats and Vests , one of thevery latest fabrics and thoroughly reliable in every respect. This material will be very popularthis season for coats and vests to wear with mixed trousers. These are new goods and thecoats and vests were made to sell for 1800. We will offer them this week at $13 , and we feelconfident that this is one of the best values we have ever offered. The sizes arc from 34 to 40.

Another Special Lot-Sack and Frock Suits ,We will offer 100 Suits in sack and frock of a pure wool cassimcrc in very neat mixtures , in

all sizes , sack and frock suits at 1500. We do not quote this as a specially low price suit , butwhen the quality is considered , it is one of the best values a person can buy. We think it betterto embrace superior quality and popular price. This is in every respect suitable for a genteelbusiness suit, perfect fitting and made and trimmed equal to any of our better grades in allsizes from 34 to 44 , at $15 per suit.

MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT.Our selections for the coming season are coming in every day and our stock already shows

a very choice assortment of the latest designs. We expecl everything in by Sept. loth. Pricesin this department will be lower than the same quality of work produced by any other house.-



have always been acknowledged to be the leaders in Boys' and Children's Clothing.Our variety is larger and styles superior to any other stock in the west. We call particularattention to our new design in a Boys' Vest Front Suit , age 4 to 9.

Our stock of three piece suits and kilts arc larger than ev-er.RTTTTlsP8cia


BOY' argamlmesinBoys. . School Suits at $4 , 4.50 , 5.

Don't buy your Fall Hat you have seen the Wilcox Hat , price 3.50 , five shapes in-

stock. . Money cannot buy any better article. Then , why pay fancy prices for any other make ?

OMAHABOSTON Freelandv ILoomis Co*

NEW YORKOES tilOINES Proprietors

Cor. Doug-las and 15th Sts. , Omaha.MAX MEYEK. ADOLl'H JIEYEll


Great reduction of price cm second handPiano ? und Organs. A ijooil clmuco to get .1

good Plauo lor n small femount of moiiJV.-



above prices are 10 per cent leas than overolTcred bufoi c and IIH M o must have room for ourlarce stock ot New I'hinoa we will Rive nn extra10 per cent discount fiom above prices to any-one that buys an Instrument before Auirnst 1st-.IJverv


Instrument guaranteed to bo just a1 * re ¬



for rent Tar 2.oO and upwards] icr mouth.

Organs fur rent for 1.50 antl upwardsper month. ,

If you buy any ot the above Inmiments undyou aio not mitixlled , we will allow you name asyou paid for it toward any new Piano you maybelett. Call early and iet a bargain-


. 16th arid Farriam Sts;


Alid we ma ready for it. Our buyer hasbeen InanectliiK ilie Kastarn MnrKutH furthe pa t xlx wtelcH , prunurluu lor the com-Inn season. Wo are already receiving earlyToll Novelties , und the Hummer outllts willhoon bo removed to the bntk bhehea , Our

''imw Block has been Htlccted under moat''nclvuntaRUOUs circumstances from the bestapproved iiuimfailiiiea , We are confident

''of tin ) excellence of our goodf ) and hope by-'couiteiy' and honorable dealing to com-mend








SHOE DEALERSDualrlu-to t'XKi-nine the


Jimtly co-


Hoots uud hlioea , miiiuifiutnr-.ciloyl'

.. M. llcndursiii A : tU. of Chlcauoluot-

orle ut C'hl'uco. KUon. Il| . . and I'oaiJ lu l.uc,Wl .- noiild write HAM. N. WATSON , resi-dence


, I'JIKMONT. NKII. TruYKlluu' mjeut.-UetU


|Uurt ia (or Uulibcu.



1409 Douglas.

OVER 2,000-

IMKUbeen a year of active trade ; warm

friends and cheerful greetings by the scoresevery day of the 365-






said , in our preliminary advertisementa year ago , " we're going1 to do the best ofTailoring in the best way" clothing such as

MAX!', you intended to have ever since you beganto wear garments.


How well we have succeeded is bestSo Kciisoiuiblc.-


. stated in the thousands of friends who havereturned again and again within the yearand brought their friends. .

It was no experiment with us. The ex-


of and training of twenty-five ) carsdirected us-


.rail Overcoats ,

serve you even better this Fall , we10 .UP ,

will make new friends from city and state.

Mude to Ortlor.-







For Tutting-

Visitors' THE TAILO14-


IMuIn llullillnirlir.Mviitsirvco-


yruritlllnijon'l uoi. .Ilia | aclu and clecunt LullUlnKt lime , Uurlnii-lliuim I ji'ar , uccniniTiDiliiteil luurutiiunlUliotUoiii-tuuenti Kvurr fad lljr U utTorded lur unulrlu| a-

ttiorou li knovrieJguuf-'lu< ilr> , Jliidiciuiilln , I.uii , Hvlvura , ituil-

Jluilr. .A tlioroutihroirinurcl'il cojr olt al o n fciituro of-

tlinlinlllutlon. . biicclul ililviuitJtcs will bo (iluod-wlitilmliurcocUcrtlionoilo IrliiK Ui ttudy-

I , A IV.THE MIMU Driiartnieiit. for tiojri nil'ler' thirteen

. tnlMlciiuoglfliiK lull imrtlculari willl e uiit > ouajipIcail[ n to Ittn. T. J. WtiUli.- l , Nolrulluiuu I' , < > . , Jiitl.-



MIUTAItV AOAKMY COHNwall on.JImUon. Col. 0. J.Vt ijLt. II. d , .

A. M. . Ujpt.i U , r*. llyam Comd lot Oudeu.


Civil KnulncorliiK. HJBHICB. IluMncgi-.Hr


, ItKV. K. . IIUNTINO'JON , I'Jiuldont.-Iff.Cob.

.. W , VISUIII'.CK' , eupurlntmident.-



uadYuunv Ui4le-

lld o McUlu Atmlouiy , for lloymwd Yottux Me-



C ,

Media , I'cnnsylvaiiU , near Pt > Uudoli lilo. _

Murtfiinl'urWdici.Bctio.il for nirlt and Voiiiiu I* ilet , Iort-aUloBUH

;odilri . 'J'HAVJSI1 , J-Ij. . .